Choosing and Using The Right Mold Cleaners: Time To Accomplish The Job

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Choosing and Using the Right Mold Cleaners

Cleaning molds is a key part of running a successful injection molding operation. There are two
situations when mold cleaning is required: on-line when the mold is warm and is still in the press and
off-line when the mold is on the bench and is cold [room temperature].

Because of temperature differences, the solvents may have different degrees of effectiveness. Solvents
that work well on the bench and evaporate at a convenient rate are usually flashed off very rapidly on a
hot mold and aren't in contact long enough to do much cleaning. Solvents that work well at higher
temperatures are much less aggressive [effective] at room temperature. They take longer to evaporate or
may even have to be wiped off. Using the wrong cleaner may result in poor cleaning or excessive
time to accomplish the job.

The requirements of off-line cleaners are primarily to dissolve resins, grease, oil, mold release and
sometimes rust, as well as drying quickly. The best cleaners for this are chlorinated hydrocarbons, but
some non-chlorinated hydrocarbons and naphthas are also good. They can readily dissolve greases and
oils by merely flushing the mold with a heavy spray from top to bottom. Mold releases and resin build up
may require scrubbing the mold with a cloth saturated with the cleaner.

On-line cleaners are generally used to remove mold release build up, "plate out" of resins and light
rusting of the mold.

Sometimes molds get "plate out" which is due to adherence of resins [acetals such as Delrin or
Celcon have been common offenders in the past] or fire retardant materials. See our information sheet,
"Resin Remover to the Rescue" for the procedure to deal with this problem.

Knowing the needs of molders, Slide Products offers an array of cleaners that work at different
temperatures as well as for different materials. This includes bulk formulations which are usually the
most cost effective, but require spraying equipment.

Selector Chart for Slide Mold Cleaners

Cold molds Warm molds Hot molds

[Room temp.] [100-150 oF.] [150 oF.+]

Quick Mold Cleaner X

Mold Cleaner Plus Degreaser 4 X
Econo-Spray Mold Cleaner. X X
On/Cycle Mold Cleaner X
NexGen Mold Cleaner [46410] X X
Resin Remover X
When evaluating mold cleaners, remember that cost per can is not the whole story; speed of cleaning and
press down time are usually of greater significance.
"SLIDE" Resin Remover to the Rescue
Resin Remover [41914], known to many molders as "Stripper", is a unique product. It is a real boon
when there are problems with resin build up [plate out] on mold surfaces or when internal vents are
plugged [very common when molding nylon]. DuPont and Celanese recommend it for removing "plate
out" acquired when molding their Acetal resins. Multiple resin supplier have recommended it for
removing "plate out" resulting when working with fire retardant resins. It works with many other
materials, also.

The big advantage is that cleaning can be accomplished while the mold is on-line. The solvents in Resin
Remover create a solvent weld with the surface residue. When the part is ejected, the residue is torn
away. The procedure is as follows:

1] Spray the "plate out" area fairly heavily with Resin Remover. Lightly spray a mold
release on the entire mold. This prevents parts from sticking to the mold except where
there is residue [very important on core side of mold where there are no ejector pins].

2] Close mold, [mold should be warm for best effect] and allow to sit for a few seconds.
Start regular molding operation and discard parts until residue is no longer being
removed. This is usually accomplished in four or five shots. Repeat the procedure if
build up is particularly heavy.

With a little experimentation, a regular schedule for use of the "Stripper" will maintain quality
production with a minimum of rejects. Applying "Stripper" on a cold mold is useless. Do not leave Resin
Remover on a cold mold over night. It is a slow evaporating, hydroscopic material and will absorb
moisture from the air. This can result in rusting of the mold. To remove Resin Remover from a cold
mold, wash it off with Slide Mold Cleaner Plus Degreaser 4 [46910], alcohol, or Acetone. A clean mold
is subject to immediate rusting; be sure to protect it promptly with an anti-rust material such as SLIDE
Mold Shield [42914] or No-Rust [40212].

In the case of plugged internal vents, the procedure is to force "Stripper" through the vents, dissolving
the plugging material as it goes. This is also an on-line procedure as follows:

1] In the internal vent areas, spray the mold fairly heavily with Resin Remover.

2] Close the mold, then inject a short shot of resin into the mold. This will vaporize the
"stripper" and insure vent cleaning.

Slide Products, Inc. specializes in chemical products for molders. Let us know if you have molding
problems that you think might be solved with chemistry.

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