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User's Guide
278597 Rev. A3
Refer to this publication for complete and accurate information that helps you better operate and service Metso
Automation equipment. Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Metso Automation
1180 Church Road
Lansdale, PA 19446
Attention: Manager, Technical Publications

Copyright 2006 by Metso Automation MAX Controls Inc.

Printed in the United States of America
All Rights Reserved

Metso Automation •278597 •

CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................... 1-1

Constructing a Configuration-- an Introduction......................................................................................................1-1

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................1-1
Creating Configurations Using maxDPUTools .................................................................................................1-1
Understanding Function Blocks ........................................................................................................................1-2
Defining Hardware Resources...............................................................................................................................1-2
Distributed Processing Unit...............................................................................................................................1-2
Backing Up the DPU .........................................................................................................................................1-2
Automatic Failover/Manual Takeover...............................................................................................................1-2
Defining I/O Modules........................................................................................................................................1-3
I/O Addressing...................................................................................................................................................1-4
Creating or Editing the I/O Inventory................................................................................................................1-4
I/O Configuration Rules ....................................................................................................................................1-4
I/O Module Types and Associated Signals........................................................................................................1-4
Digital Input Modules........................................................................................................................................1-4
Digital Output Modules .....................................................................................................................................1-5
Thermocouple/Millivolt Analog Input Module .................................................................................................1-5
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Input Module....................................................................................1-6
Analog Output Modules ....................................................................................................................................1-6
Four-channel Position Adjusting Type (PAT)...................................................................................................1-6
Counter/Timer (Pulse) Module..........................................................................................................................1-6
Function block Categories .....................................................................................................................................1-6
Understanding Attributes.......................................................................................................................................1-8
Understanding Data Types ....................................................................................................................................1-8
String .................................................................................................................................................................1-9
Absolute Time .................................................................................................................................................1-10
Relative Time...................................................................................................................................................1-10
Complex Data Type.............................................................................................................................................1-10
Standard Complex Data...................................................................................................................................1-10
Forceback ........................................................................................................................................................1-10
Incremental Control Data ................................................................................................................................1-10
Family Ties ......................................................................................................................................................1-11
Using Hierarchical Groups ..................................................................................................................................1-11
Copying and Pasting Groups ...........................................................................................................................1-11
Adding a Group ...............................................................................................................................................1-11
Group Attributes ..............................................................................................................................................1-12
Setting Group Execution Rates and Priorities .................................................................................................1-12
Using Custom Blocks to Create Reusable Functionality.....................................................................................1-12
Using Templates to Create Reusable Models ......................................................................................................1-13

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................... 2-1

Using maxDPUTools to Create a Configuration...................................................................................................... 2-1

Getting Started .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Using the maxDPUTools Main Window.............................................................................................................. 2-1
Understanding the Tree View ............................................................................................................................... 2-2
DPU Tab Tree Directory................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Hardware Tab View.......................................................................................................................................... 2-4
Custom Tab View ............................................................................................................................................. 2-5
Template Tab View .......................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Understanding the Tabular Detail View ........................................................................................................... 2-7
Buffer Type Tabular Detail............................................................................................................................... 2-7
Accessing Pop-up Menus ..................................................................................................................................... 2-9
maxDPUTools Grid Editing Features................................................................................................................. 2-10
Editing Records .............................................................................................................................................. 2-10
Using Tab Key................................................................................................................................................ 2-10
Using Auto Editing Features........................................................................................................................... 2-10
Using Column Editing Features.......................................................................................................................... 2-11
Changing Grid Column Width........................................................................................................................ 2-11
Reordering Columns ....................................................................................................................................... 2-11
Changing Sorted Order of Records................................................................................................................. 2-11
Copying a Column Entry ................................................................................................................................ 2-12
Using Grid Toolbar............................................................................................................................................. 2-12
Using Grid Toolbar Navigation Buttons......................................................................................................... 2-12
Canceling an Edit............................................................................................................................................ 2-12
Saving an Edit................................................................................................................................................. 2-13
Tree View Editing Features ................................................................................................................................ 2-13
Moving a Single Function block or Group ..................................................................................................... 2-13
Copying a Single Function block or Group .................................................................................................... 2-13
Selecting and Moving Multiple Function blocks or Groups........................................................................... 2-14
Selecting and Copying Multiple Function blocks or Groups.......................................................................... 2-14
Randomly Selecting and Moving Function blocks ......................................................................................... 2-14
Moving and Copying Function blocks between Two Configurations ............................................................ 2-14

CHAPTER 3 ...................................................................................................................... 3-1

Creating and Editing a Configuration...................................................................................................................... 3-1

Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
Getting Started ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Updating Configurations .................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Updating Configurations within the Same Version .......................................................................................... 3-2
Uploading maxDPUTools Changes.................................................................................................................. 3-3
Starting maxDPUTools and Opening a Configuration ......................................................................................... 3-4
Opening an Existing Configuration .................................................................................................................. 3-5
Creating a Backup Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 3-5
Creating a New Copy........................................................................................................................................ 3-5
Perform a version upgrade................................................................................................................................ 3-6
Uploading Online Changes................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Downloading New Security Definitions............................................................................................................... 3-9
Creating a New Configuration............................................................................................................................ 3-11
Renaming a DPU ............................................................................................................................................ 3-11
Adding a Group .............................................................................................................................................. 3-11
Renaming a Group .......................................................................................................................................... 3-12
Changing the Group Node Relative Index Number........................................................................................ 3-13

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Adding Function blocks to a Group ................................................................................................................3-13

Changing Relative Index Number of Controls ................................................................................................3-15
Configuring Only Hardware................................................................................................................................3-15
Configuring from the By Type Tabular Detail ................................................................................................3-16
Adding Buffer Function blocks from the Hardware Tree Directory ...............................................................3-17
Using Referencing to Interconnect Controls .......................................................................................................3-18
Understanding Referencing .............................................................................................................................3-18
Relative Reference Syntax...............................................................................................................................3-19
Box Syntax Options.........................................................................................................................................3-19
Base HID Syntax Options................................................................................................................................3-20
HID Modifier Syntax Options .........................................................................................................................3-20
Point Modifier..................................................................................................................................................3-20
Entering References.........................................................................................................................................3-21
Exposing Additional Group Attributes/Parameters .............................................................................................3-23
Using Cross Referencing to Locate References ..................................................................................................3-24
Creating Custom Function Blocks.......................................................................................................................3-25
Custom Category Designer..............................................................................................................................3-27
Data Types.......................................................................................................................................................3-29
Custom Enumeration Data Types ....................................................................................................................3-29
Custom Enumerations Edit Dialog ..................................................................................................................3-30
Custom Enumerations Detail Edit Dialog........................................................................................................3-31
Custom Data Types..........................................................................................................................................3-32
Custom Data Types Edit Dialog ......................................................................................................................3-33
Custom Data Types Detail Edit Dialog ...........................................................................................................3-34
Transferring Custom Functions to Other Configurations ....................................................................................3-35
Copying Custom Functions .............................................................................................................................3-36
Creating Templates..............................................................................................................................................3-37
Validating References..........................................................................................................................................3-39
Performing Global Edits Using Find And Replace Utility ..................................................................................3-40
Performing Database Searches ............................................................................................................................3-42
Searching for Points by Tagname........................................................................................................................3-43
Searching for Duplicate Group and Tag Names..................................................................................................3-44
Repairing the Database ........................................................................................................................................3-45
Using Data Compression .....................................................................................................................................3-45

CHAPTER 4 ...................................................................................................................... 4-1

Downloading a Configuration ....................................................................................................................................4-1

Overview ...............................................................................................................................................................4-1
DPU Version Mismatch.....................................................................................................................................4-1
Starting the Download .......................................................................................................................................4-2
Using Takeover and Enable/Disable Buttons ....................................................................................................4-3
Standalone Mode ...............................................................................................................................................4-3
Hot Standby Mode.............................................................................................................................................4-4
Viewing a Trace Log .........................................................................................................................................4-4
Starting a Download when the DPU Is Not Defined .........................................................................................4-5
Performing an Incremental Installation .................................................................................................................4-6
Installing a Group hierarchy: .............................................................................................................................4-6
Installing a Single Point.....................................................................................................................................4-6
Incremental Download Detail............................................................................................................................4-7
Incremental Adding ...........................................................................................................................................4-7
Incremental Modifying ......................................................................................................................................4-7
Special Handling of Incremental Download for Custom Functions......................................................................4-8

maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

New Custom Functions..................................................................................................................................... 4-8

Existing Custom Functions............................................................................................................................... 4-8
Downloading the Modified Custom Function Templates................................................................................. 4-9

CHAPTER 5 ...................................................................................................................... 5-1

Using Import/Export Utilities .................................................................................................................................... 5-1

Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Importing from Microsoft Access or a File ...................................................................................................... 5-1
Figure 5-1. Sample .dat File .................................................................................................................................. 5-2
Understanding .dat File Formats....................................................................................................................... 5-2
Other Formatting Considerations and Restrictions........................................................................................... 5-3
Error Handling .................................................................................................................................................. 5-3
Constructing a Text File ................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Exporting from maxDPUTools......................................................................................................................... 5-4
Importing Point Data to maxDPUTools ............................................................................................................... 5-5
Importing from an Access Database ................................................................................................................. 5-6
Importing from a File........................................................................................................................................ 5-7
Exporting Point Data from maxDPUTools........................................................................................................... 5-8
Exporting to an Access Database...................................................................................................................... 5-9
Exporting to a File .......................................................................................................................................... 5-10

CHAPTER 6 ...................................................................................................................... 6-1

Using Differences Utility ............................................................................................................................................ 6-1

Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 6-1
Running the Differences Utility—Getting Started............................................................................................ 6-1
Differences Types ............................................................................................................................................. 6-2
Performing a Full versus Selective Comparison............................................................................................... 6-2
Merging, Hiding, and Printing Differences ...................................................................................................... 6-3
Audit Trail ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-3
Differences Performance ...................................................................................................................................... 6-3
Differences Compatibility..................................................................................................................................... 6-4
Starting the Differences Utility............................................................................................................................. 6-4
Comparing a Configuration to a Running MaxDPU ........................................................................................ 6-5
Configuration Difference Selection .................................................................................................................. 6-6
Choosing Full versus Selective Comparison ........................................................................................................ 6-7
Choosing Selective Comparison Option........................................................................................................... 6-9
Displaying Difference Results ............................................................................................................................ 6-11
Merging Differences........................................................................................................................................... 6-12
Using the Merge Function .............................................................................................................................. 6-13
Adding Differences......................................................................................................................................... 6-14
Deleting Differences ....................................................................................................................................... 6-14
Hiding Differences.......................................................................................................................................... 6-15
Viewing the Change Log .................................................................................................................................... 6-16
Viewing the Difference Log ............................................................................................................................... 6-17
Special Considerations for Custom Function Differences.................................................................................. 6-18

Metso Automation •278597 •

Chapter 1

Constructing a Configuration--
an Introduction

Use maxDPUTools to create a configuration for maxDPU based maxDNA

Define the configuration for an individual maxDPU model 4E or 4F.

Download the configuration to an individual maxDPU.
Create sets of configurations representing the maxDPUs in a system.
Upload and save the complete contents of an individual maxDPU.
Perform differences with a running maxDPU and selectively save any
changes resulting from online edits.
Perform differences with a previous copy of the configuration to review
any changes resulting from editing.
Export from maxDPUTools to Access or a formatted file.
Import configuration data from Access or a formatted file.
Convert an earlier release version configuration.

This application is usually installed only in the Engineer's WorkStation.

maxDPUTools is a software utility that allows you to create a configuration

database in offline mode. To configure points in an online environment, use
the maxVUE Graphical Configurator, a separate software product available
with the maxVUE Editor software.

Note: This utility was formerly named maxTOOLS4E in previous

releases but has been renamed in support of configuring both maxDPU
models of 4E and 4F. Some of the pictures present in this document still
use the old terminology in the window captions, but are otherwise

Creating Configurations Using maxDPUTools

Using maxDPUTools, you create one configuration database file for each
DPU, and define function blocks within the configuration representing an
individual DPU’s associated I/O hardware, along with control and data
acquisition processing. Typically, such a single configuration represents only
a portion of a larger application. Large complex applications would typically
consist of multiple configurations spanning multiple DPUs.

Metso Automation •278597 •

maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Understanding Function Blocks

A configuration database is composed of function blocks. A specialized
subset of function blocks exists to interface with the I/O and these are known
as buffers. Buffers are used to define the I/O inventory and specify signal
conditioning and linearizations. Other function blocks exist which
encapsulate specific engineering functionality, such as a PID, an
Auto/Manual toggle switch, or an AND gate. Blocks have inputs and outputs
which can be softwired together via references to provide a flow of
sequential processing from reading input hardware, performing conversions
and logic, and outputting the results to hardware. Blocks can be grouped into
larger objects to encapsulate increased functionality into an organizational

Use maxDPUTools to:

Create one or more configurations.

Install the configuration(s) and load them into their respective DPUs.

Use maxDPUTools to install an entire configuration at one time (full

installation) or to install any part of the configuration down to a single
function block (an incremental installation).

Defining Hardware Resources

As you create a configuration, you must define hardware resources using
buffer functions. Hardware resources consist of Distributed Processing Unit,
(DPU), I/O Modules, and associated signals.

Distributed Processing Unit

The maxDPU, the process controller, providing control and data acquisition
functions, executes the configuration you create to carry out automation
functions. The DPU may be configured as a standalone module or as part of a
backup pair. When you create a configuration, a DPU is automatically
defined at the root of a configuration hierarchy.

Backing Up the DPU

In a redundant configuration, two DPUs are connected to form a backup pair.
One DPU is designated as the primary unit and the other DPU the secondary
unit. The DPU IP address of the secondary station is one number greater than
the address of the primary station. DPU IP addresses are listed in a text file
called DPUlist.ini.

Automatic Failover/Manual Takeover

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Constructing a Point Database--an Introduction

Process control can be transferred automatically (Failover), or you can

manually command takeover. Press the Takeover button on the DPU front
panel or access the soft Takeover button appearing on the maxDPUTools
download dialog. See Chapter 4, "Downloading a Configuration."

The backup serial link cable (Part number 081387) carries data signals
between the primary and secondary DPUs, as well as a status signal which
determines which DPU is active. If one end of this cable is removed from
either DPU, that unit is rendered inactive.

Click the Enable/Disable Backup button on the configuration download

dialog to enable and disable DPU backup. See Chapter 4, "Downloading a

Defining I/O Modules

The DPU processes analog and digital input/output signals via the family of
parallel input/output modules. These modules provide the physical
connection point for the input/output wiring of signals to and from a process.
All plant data signals and control signals pass through these units. Use
maxDPUTools to assign I/O modules to the Distributed Processing Units

I/O modules plug into a Remote Processing Unit (RPU) cabinet card rack
along with DPUs and other equipment. I/O modules communicate with
DPUs via an I/O bus.

Each module has from 1 to 16 channels, each corresponding to a signal. Use

maxDPUTools to define the desired input or output modules using buffers.
Use Atag and Dtag function blocks to assign tagnames to each signal.

Analog inputs to I/O modules may represent thermocouple and resistance

temperature detector (RTD) readings, among others. Digital signals may
represent AC or DC signals derived from contact closures or voltage level
outputs from devices such as pressure switches and pushbuttons.

I/O modules provide varying levels of signal conditioning, data conversion,

and alarming (with validity, limit, and error checking) before passing
information onto the high-speed parallel I/O bus for further processing by a

Use digital and analog buffers to configure digital and high level analog
signals coming from I/O modules. Use thermocouple and RTD buffers to
specify linearizations.

Other function blocks may then be configured to point to analog and digital
input buffers to obtain conditioned signals as input data. Output buffers, in
turn, may then output processed data from other function blocks to an output
module connected to a field device.

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I/O Addressing
Up to 255 I/O addresses may be assigned to each DPU. I/O addresses are
used to access I/O modules or channels of I/O modules. Each digital I/O
module supports 16 bits with one address. Analog input modules generally
use two addresses per module. Older legacy modules and analog output
modules use one address per channel. I/O Analog and Digital Modules and
associated signals are defined and configured as buffers and become part of a
DPU I/O inventory list. Refer to the next section for information about the
I/O Inventory.

Creating or Editing the I/O Inventory

To create or edit the I/O inventory, you must select the DPU whose I/O is to
be edited in the tree directory to bring up a list of assigned I/O.

The number of channels associated with a module varies from one, for an
Output Driver, to 16, for DI and DO modules. The number of channels
created need not be a multiple of a module count; when the channels are
allocated to modules, the spares may be left unnamed.

For DPUs configured as a backup pair, I/O may be shared or redundant to

each DPU. The default is for the I/O modules to be entered as shared. If you
require redundant I/O, select the redundant option appearing in buffers. Some
modules can be specified to be redundant while other modules connected to a
DPU backup pair can be specified as shared. A hardware device called a
Parallel I/O Backup Adapter provides this functionality; it is not configured
as part of the I/O Inventory.

I/O Configuration Rules

The amount of I/O that can be connected to a DPU can be limited by a
number of different factors, depending on the type and mix of I/O. These
limitations include the number of hardware modules that can be connected to
one DPU, the number of I/O addresses available for transfer of I/O values,
the mix of analog versus digital I/O, the mix of inputs versus outputs,
requirements of other features within the DPU, and the update rate of the I/O.
The I/O Bus Configuration Tool, IOBusConfig.exe, is used to determine the
allowed mix of I/O modules on a DPU’s I/O bus.

I/O Module Types and Associated Signals

Refer to the following for a list of I/O module types that you may define
along with their associated signal types.

Digital Input Modules

16 discrete inputs per module

Four voltage input types:

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Constructing a Point Database--an Introduction


Solid-state inputs can be scanned 1000 times per second for 1 ms SOE

Digital Output Modules

16 discrete outputs per module unless otherwise noted

Four voltage output types:

24/48 VDC
120 VAC
125 VDC
240 VAC

Two relay output types:

240 VAC, 130 VDC Form A relay

10 channel 240 VAC, 130 VDC Form C relay

High Level Analog Input Modules:

15 inputs per module

Three input ranges:

4 to 20 mA
0 to 6 VDC
0 to 10 VDC

Thermocouple/Millivolt Analog Input Module

15/16 inputs per module

Inputs isolated from each other, from ground, and from module logic.

Each input individually configurable as thermocouple or millivolt.

Type B, C, D, E, G, J ,K, N, R, S, T, Platinel II thermocouples

10, 25, 60, 100, 250, +600/-250 mV spans

Automatic RJ compensation on field wiring terminal board

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Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) Input Module

7/8 inputs per module

Inputs isolated from each other, from ground, and from module logic

Three-wire or four-wire RTDs

Each input individually configurable

10, 50, 100 Ω CU

25 Ω NI
10, 25, 100, 1000 Ω PT

Analog Output Modules

Eight-channel Current Adjusting Type (CAT)
4 to 20 mA or 0 to 16 mA outputs
Two-wire or three-wire outputs

Four-channel Position Adjusting Type (PAT)

Solid-state switched single phase outputs for 120 VAC reversing motors
Slidewire (1 to 5 volt) or two-wire (4 to 20 mA) position feedback

Counter/Timer (Pulse) Module

Can be used as an input or output module

Eight-channels with two inputs/outputs per channel

Uses adjacent DI or DO modules for signal conditioning

16 configurable counting and timing functions

Simple and up/down pulse counting

Simple and up/down pulse timing
Pulse width and pulse interval measurements
Frequency and frequency ratio measurements (both single and two-phase
Pulse train and timed outputs
Duration outputs
Frequency outputs (both single and two-phase outputs)

Function block Categories

As you use maxDPUTools to select function blocks, you are presented with a
tabular detail for each selected function block, which appears in the right
pane grid view. The tabular detail shows three informational columns, listing
the attributes associated with the selected function block, attribute categories,
and data types associated with each attribute. Use the two remaining columns

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Constructing a Point Database--an Introduction

(value and reference columns) to configure the function block. Under the
Value column, assign a specific value to each associated attribute you intend
to use. Not all attributes need to the configured. The Reference column is
used to reference another attribute. See "Chapter 2,"Using maxDPUTools
Main Window."

Use maxDPUTools to select from more than 60 individual function block

types. For descriptive purposes, the following table lists function blocks by
eight somewhat arbitrary categories. Several listed categories also contain

Table 1-1. Function blocks Table

Analog Math Buffers (Bufs) Modulating Discrete Logic
Functions AIB Control Logic (DesLog)
(AnlFunc) AOB (ModLog) Subcategory
ABS DIB Subcategory: Basic Gates
MOD (Counter/Timer) PID XOR
POW RTD Subcategory Comparisons
SQRT TC Participation GT
Subcategory PARTMEM LT
Special functions PARTMSTR EQ
CALC Subcategory Subcategory
Forceback SETDOM
Subcategory NODOM
Special: Subcategory
CTLDIV2 Subcategory
FUNCGEN Triggers
Subcategory EDGEANY
QUALFRCE Subcategory

Group Device Logic Steam AlarmTag related


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Understanding Attributes
The data stored in a function block are organized as a set of attributes. All
function blocks have some attributes in common. All attributes have sub
attributes. Sub attributes include category, description, reference, and several

Attributes may be divided into the following categories:

General All function blocks have required foundation attributes.

Inputs Inputs are values that are usually obtained by referencing

another attribute.

Parameters Parameters are similar to inputs except it is expected that

referencing other attributes is unlikely and that the local
value is used.

Outputs Outputs are values that are the result of the function or
operation with which they are associated.

Status These are similar to outputs except it is not expected that

these are connected to inputs.

Custom When defining a user block you are free to define your own
attributes. They can be categorized as any of the above or
you may define your own categories for your own

Quality All attributes have the sub-attribute Quality. The behavior

of function blocks may be based on the Quality of its
inputs. Use the QualityForce function block to force a
quality change on a value as it is passed through.
0 = good data quality
1 = doubtful data quality
2 = substitute data quality (or point in manual)
3 = bad data quality

Methods Methods direct a function block to perform a special

function. Methods include commands to change mode or
target value, etc. Because pure method values do not exist
after the method is executed, they cannot be read back.

Understanding Data Types

To configure a function block, you must assign a value to each function
block attribute you intend to use. While it is more efficient for the DPU to
process all values in real or floating point data, by necessity, function blocks
and their attributes use a variety of data types. For example, logic gate-

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Constructing a Point Database--an Introduction

related function blocks, by their nature, tend to use many Boolean values.
Additionally, virtually all function blocks use attributes that require text
string entries.

The Type column appearing for each function block's tabular detail display
indicates which data type, configured in the value column, must be used for a
specific attribute. Single value data is often passed down the line without
regard to source, use, or range. An associated attribute to such data is quality,
which is, in fact, associated with all data. Value data functions in several

Relative time

Boolean data can only have the values True and False. It represents two state
conditions such as: active/not active; on/off; alarm/no alarm.

Integers are whole numbers with no fractional component. They may be
range restricted according to use.

Enumerated data is another variation of Integer or Boolean where there is a
meaning assigned to a list of values, which is severely restricted to those
having special meaning to the function.

Example: mode in the auto/manual function block may be set to 0=manual

1= auto

Real or floating point data is used to represent a value in a continuum of a
range of possible values. They are not restricted to whole values and may
differ from other floats by very small increments. (Behind the scenes, most
data is actually stored in this format. Consequently, you may occasionally
see fields where integer and even Boolean values are sometimes
misrepresented as floats)


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Generally used for text.

Absolute Time
Absolute time is a special type of data, which is displayed in a standard time
format. It is derived from the local clock, synchronized to the system master
clock. It is UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), not local time.

Relative Time
Relative time is another variation of float that enables it to be read by a
standard input reference.

Complex Data Type

It is often necessary to provide supplementary data along with a principle
value. Such supplements are in themselves values (with quality). This need is
met by special hybrid data types referred to as complex data. Three types of
complex data share a common structure of six basic values: Aref, Rhi, Rlo,
Rst, Stat, and Val. No one type uses all of them.

Standard Complex Data

Standard requirement of data associated with a range. The primary
components are Range Hi, Range Lo, and the Value. These attributes are
used in all complex variables.


To avoid having upstream components run away (wind up) when the
downstream components are unable to respond, a concept called forceback is
used to impose limits on the master source. The special value Status is used
to describe the limit being imposed.


Incremental Control Data

This is a special case of data coming from a PID representing the requested
output change for the drive unit. The data is actually the increment or delta
by which the output is to be changed. Two special values of Reset
component and auctioneering reference are useful in special situations.

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Constructing a Point Database--an Introduction


Family Ties
Two special connections of function blocks require a special means of
complex and even bi-directional communication.

Participation master and members must be able to keep tabs on one another,
which they do through the master demand connection.

Sequence master and steps have to pass status and active state information to
one another, which they do through the chain--complex connection.

Using Hierarchical Groups

DPMS composed of large point databases are normally organized in a multi-
level hierarchical structure. Use the Group function block to define a node in
the hierarchical structure. See Chapter 3, "Adding a Group."

A hierarchical organization may contain up to eight levels. The highest level

of organization, which may represent an overall area of a control environment,
may be labeled Unit1. Unit1 may have a subgroup called Control. Control
may have subgroups, such as Boiler Control, Generation Control, etc.

It is best to define group hierarchies before defining individual function

blocks. When you open maxDPUTools and define a configuration name, you
may begin to establish desired group hierarchies under the DPU tab.

The left pane of maxDPUTools shows a configuration tree structure similar

to Windows Explorer. Each time you add a group, the new group appears in
the tree structure. A group is placed at the level of the hierarchy that is
currently selected. The selected level is the “parent." When you add a group
to the parent level, a new child group is placed under the parent. Controls
placed in the same group are called siblings.

Copying and Pasting Groups

All or part of a hierarchical structure may be copied and pasted elsewhere.
For example, a power plant containing three coal pulverizers could be
configured by building the first pulverizer as, say, Unit1/Pulverizer#1 then
copying it as a starting point for the other two. The Pulverizer group would be
renamed Pulverizer#2, etc. See Chapter 2,"Tree View Editing Features."

Adding a Group

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

When you add a group, a pop-up appears prompting you for a group name and
relative index. The relative index is selected incrementally by default. You
may manually change the relative index by also typing in the desired index.
The Relative index for each group or control must be unique within a group.

Group Attributes
The Group function block uses only parameter and general attributes. The
Gname parameter is already configured when you open the newly created
function block, showing the name you entered when you created the group.
You may also give the group a tagname and description.

Setting Group Execution Rates and Priorities

Similar to any other function block, the Group function block includes
ServicePriority and ServiceTimeBase attributes. The ServiceTimeBase
attribute refers to execution rates for groups and the function blocks within
groups. The ServicePriority attribute refers to the execution order of groups
and function blocks within groups. Generally, execution rates and priorities
occur at two levels. Groups are executed first in priority order followed by
function blocks within groups.

The ServiceTimeBase attribute lets you configure a three-tier execution rate

for each group and each function block within a group, consisting of Normal,
High, and Critical. The default schedule rates are 500ms, 100ms, and 40ms,
respectively. Use three DPMS attributes to set the rates for each of the three
types. The following table shows the attributes that control the schedule

Schedule Queue ServiceTimeBase Default Period Settable DPMS Attribute

Normal 3 500 msec NormalTimer
High 2 100 msec HighTimer
Critical 1 40 msec CriticalTimer

Use the ServicePriority attribute to establish an execution order for groups

and individual function blocks within groups. Enter a number for this
attribute from 1 to 100. Within function blocks, you may want to use the
ServicePriority attribute to establish the execution order for, say, inputs that
should be executed before a calculation using the inputs is executed. At the
group level, use this attribute to determine the execution order of multiple

Using Custom Blocks to Create Reusable Functionality

Use the Custom function block feature to encapsulate a group of function
blocks into a reusable function with a user-defined set of interface attributes.
These custom functions may then be used multiple times in a single

1-12 Metso Automation •278597 •

Constructing a Point Database--an Introduction

configuration or copied across multiple configurations for reuse. Once

created, Custom blocks, each of which is uniquely named, are added to the
list of selectable function blocks. See Chapter 3, "Creating Custom Function

At its simplest, a Custom block may implement a frequently used subroutine.

At its most complex, a Custom block may consist of numerous combinations
of intrinsic function blocks (standard function block types that come with the
maxDPU) or custom controls that implement a fully developed PID control, a
multi-step sequencer, and so forth.

Custom blocks may consist of combinations of intrinsic function blocks and

other custom controls. Note: When placing custom blocks within a custom
block, the level of nesting is restricted to four levels deep.

Using Templates to Create Reusable Models

Use the template feature to create reusable models in terms of preset attribute
values for any existing intrinsic or custom function. Different variations of
the same function can be created each with a unique description to describe
the functionality represented by the preset values of its attribute set. Once
created, these templates are available as an alternate list for selecting a
function block.

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Chapter 2

Using maxDPUTools to
Create a Configuration

Getting Started
Use maxDPUTools to create a configuration specifically for the maxDPU
processor. Configuration always begins with creating a copy of a master
configuration assigning it a unique name typically matching the desired
maxDPU name. This base copy provides a self-contained framework
definition of all of the available intrinsic function blocks and related
attributes associated with the maxDPU.

Use the context pop-up menus and displays included in maxDPUTools to

instance functions and configure their attributes.

In addition to basic configuration creation, maxDPUTools includes utilities


Importing libraries of preconfigured custom functions and templates.

Downloading configurations to a target DPU.
Validating the soft-wire referencing.
Finding duplicate group and tag names.
Performing database searches.
Performing global search and replace.
Finding points by tagname.
Copying and pasting all or part of a configuration within and across
Transferring locally-defined custom functions to other configurations.

Refer to the next chapter to learn how to use most of these utilities. Consult
this chapter to become familiar with the main maxDPUTools two-pane
window, from which a configuration is built.

Using the maxDPUTools Main Window

maxDPUTools uses a hierarchical Explorer-style user interface. See Figure
2-1. Its main window consists of two panes, a tab selected tree view, and a
coordinated detail view, along with a title bar at the top of the window and a

Metso Automation •278597 •

maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

menu bar just beneath the title bar. The full path name of the selected
configuration appears inside the title bar.

Multiple configurations may be opened at one time on your display for

concurrent editing. Select Tile Vertical, Tile Horizontal, or Cascade from the
Window menu to support side-by side viewing. Or use the Window menu
dropdown to switch between them.

Figure 2-1. maxDPUTools Main Window opened to the DPU tab view.

Understanding the Tree View

The left pane contains four tabs at the top labeled DPU-x.x (where x.x is a
DPU software version), Hardware, Custom, and Templates.

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Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

DPU Tab Tree Directory

Figure 2-1 shows the tree directory pane opened to the DPU tab. The DPU
tab displays a hierarchical tree view organized by groups, which when the
group functions are expanded shows all the elements of a configuration
associated with a single DPU. Eight levels of groups are allowed. A DPU
tree consists of three elements: a single DPU icon, group nodes, and
individual function icons representing function blocks, buffers, and custom
controls. Expand the DPU icon at the root of the directory to reveal group
folder nodes, representing group function blocks, which can contain other
function blocks. Expand a group folder node to reveal function blocks,
custom controls, and buffers associated with the group. For example the tree
in Figure 2-1 shows a partially expanded tree for a configuration. The top-
level icon represents the individual DPU and shows its name. A multi-level
group hierarchy is associated with this DPU. Each group has a Gname, which
is shown beside its folder icon. Selecting a node in the tree allows viewing its
attribute tabular detail in the right-hand pane.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Hardware Tab View

Figure 2-2. maxDPUTools window opened to the hardware tab view.

Figure 2-2 shows the left hand pane opened to the Hardware tab. The
hardware tab consists of only the I/O related buffers organized in a three-way
hierarchical tree view:

Sorted by location consisting of cabinet, rack, and card hierarchy.

Sorted by function type and address within type.
Sorted by address only.

Use this view to quickly configure only hardware or to access only the
hardware content of a configuration. Use a context menu, accessible after a
right-click over a tree element, to add and delete buffer types. Selecting a
buffer node in the tree allows viewing its attribute tabular detail in the right
hand pane. See the next section.

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Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

Note: Buffer types are also listed in the DPU tree directory view with all the
other configured function block types.

Custom Tab View

Figure 2-3. maxDPUTools Opened to Custom view

The Custom tab shows a tree view displaying custom block definitions
hierarchically by source, category, name combined with description, and
function block contents. The source can be local or imported from a library.
Note that library custom blocks cannot be modified and are displayed as
locked. See Figure 2-3.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Template Tab View

The Template tab shows a tree view displaying template definitions by

source, category, and name combined with description. The source can be
local or imported from a library. Library templates cannot be modified and
are displayed as locked. NOTE that templates are only a feature of DPU
version 3.0 and later.

Use the template feature to create reusable functionality in terms of preset

attribute values for any existing intrinsic or custom function. In the example
above a template for the DEVLOG has been created and a description
entered to define it as having preset attributes matching a Device A. Also
note the presence of the Standard library templates along with a variety of
categories and templates.

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Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

Understanding the Tabular Detail View

Access the tabular view, which opens in the right view pane, to display the
tabular details of each function block. This view works in combination with
the tree view in the left pane. Click on a group or a function block within a
group appearing in the tree directory to open an associated grid view
appearing in the right pane. All function blocks are configured from this
tabular grid.

Figure 2-1 shows a tree directory with the DPU tab selected. Notice that
when you select a group or specific function block in the tree directory pane,
its full path name appears in the title bar of the tabular grid view.

The tabular detail pane lists the attributes for a function block selected in the
tree directory. The first column of the grid view shows most of the associated
attributes for the selected function block or buffer typically needed for
configuration. To view more of the available attributes for a selected function
block, select either the Expert or the All view in the combo box in the
tabular detail title bar at the far right. Expert view adds attributes that are
normally hidden as their values are infrequently edited. All view adds Status
and Output category attributes, which likewise cannot be edited except for
the special case of creating an exposure via the reference field. Refer to the
section on reference editing for details.

The remaining columns display the associated category for each attribute, the
value assigned to the associated attribute, reference pointers, and the type of
data that may be entered into the Value column for each attribute. Only the
Value and Reference columns, highlighted in a white background, are
configurable. The remaining columns, highlighted in gray, are informational.

Buffer Type Tabular Detail

In addition to the standard tabular detail available when you click on an
object listed in the DPU or Hardware tab tree directories, the Hardware tree
directory also features a special tabular detail which lists only several key
attributes per buffer type. This view makes it easier to quickly configure only
hardware. Simply add new buffers from the tree directory and configure the
attributes that appear in the associated tabular grid or replace these attributes
with other attributes of your choosing.

To access this tabular grid:

Open the Hardware tree directory and expand the By Type folder to view an
alphabetized list of buffers.

Click on a buffer type folder icon to open a tabular detail for all buffers of
that type. See Figure 2-4.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Figure 2-4. By Type tabular detail accessible from the hardware tree directory.

For instance, click on the AIB folder to display the tabular detail in the right
pane for only AIB types. See Figure 2-4. Click on the AOB folder to display
a tabular detail for only AOB types, and so forth.

Buffer types appear in the tabular detail organized as rows. The first column
of the tabular detail describes the HID location of each listed buffer. The next
seven columns list hardware related attributes which you may edit. By
default, the following attribute types appear:

maxPAC option,
Failover type,

Click the Reconfigure button on the tabular grid toolbar to customize the
column configuration and select other attribute types.

Right-click in a row to filter grid records three ways:

Filter by selection
Filter excluding selection
Filter by entry

Click the Remove Filter button, also on the tabular grid toolbar, to remove
any applied filtering.

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Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

Accessing Pop-up Menus

maxDPUTools features the familiar pull-down menus accessible from the
main Menu Bar. However, many key maxDPUTools functions, such as
adding new groups and controls, and performing full and incremental
database installations, can only be done through menus accessible after a
right click which are known as context or pop-up menus.

Refer to this section to acquaint yourself with some of the right-click context
menus you will need to access to create a configuration. Main Menu Bar
functions are explained individually in the next chapter.

While both the tree directory and tabular grid panes support right-click
accessible context menus, tree directory context menus assume the most
importance when you are creating a new configuration and installing
(downloading) to a DPU.

As noted, a DPU tab tree directory consists of a single DPU icon, group
nodes, and individual functions. Each of these types of tree element support
their own right-click accessible context menu. When you begin a new
configuration, only the DPU icon and the preconfigured System folder
(Containing implicit DPMS, Backup, and Timesync controls) are available.
Right- click on the DPU icon in the tree directory to open a pop-up menu. As
you add groups and then other functions, the other right-click context menus
become available. Refer to the following figures:

In the DPU tab tree directory, right click on a DPU icon, group node, or leaf function
node to open a context menu. The figures below show menus for DPU, group nodes,
and individual points, respectively.

DPU: Group: Function:

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

maxDPUTools Grid Editing Features

To make it easier to move through the tabular grids, manipulate columns and
records and enter data, maxDPUTools uses several common navigation and
editing features you should be aware of as you create and edit a point

Editing Records
Notice that the first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record
Select Box for each record in the grid. When a record is selected in the grid,
an arrow appears in the Record Select box. When you edit a record, the
arrow in the Record Select box changes to a pencil.

Using Tab Key

When the cursor is in a cell, use the <Tab> key to move the cursor from one
cell to the next. When the last cell is reached, the <Tab> key moves the
cursor to the first cell in the record.

When you leave the mouse pointer over the cell for several seconds each cell
will display a fly-over indication to show the complete contents of the cell
even if the column width is too narrow to make the entire cell visible.

Using Auto Editing Features

Point detail displays and grid views feature automated editing features that
help you quickly look up the appropriate entries for many data entry fields
and reduce keystrokes. You may enter or modify data in any field at any
time. Use the <Tab> key or click the field with the mouse to select it.

maxDPUTools provides several auto entry features for fields that require a
specific entry from a known list of choices. These are:

Drop-down arrow button , appearing in Value and Reference columns

F4 function key
Auto entry based on closest match
Clicking field to scroll through a list
Ellipsis button appearing in Value and Reference columns

When you click on certain entry fields in the Value column, a Drop-down
Arrow button appears at the right of the field. When you click on certain
entry fields in the Reference column, an Ellipsis button appears.

Click on the down-arrow button to display a list of appropriate entries for the
field you're editing. Click an item on the list to select it. You may also press
the <F4> key to access the list.

If you know the correct entry, type the first few characters. maxDPUTools
looks for the closest match from its list of known choices and fills in the rest.

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Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

Alternatively, you may click the field repeatedly to scroll through a known
list of choices.

Click on an Ellipsis button, for example in a Reference field, to access a

selection pop-up.

Using Column Editing Features

Several editing features are available that specifically relate to columns in
tabular views. You may change column widths and the order of columns.
Additionally, records may be resorted in ascending and descending order and
a record from a previous row may be easily copied to the next row using a
keyboard shortcut. Refer to the following for discussions of each feature.

Changing Grid Column Width

In tabular grid views, you may change grid column widths and the order of
columns in the grid.

To change a column width:

1. Rest the mouse cursor over the vertical border between two columns
until the pointer changes to a vertical bar with a horizontal arrow in each

2. Click and drag the mouse to move a column border left or right. This
feature always adjusts the width of the column to the left of the pointer.

Reordering Columns
To change the order of any column in the window:

1. Click and drag the column heading to the left or right.

2. Release the mouse button after you move the column to its new, desired

Note: the double bar to the right of the left-most column indicates that the
column is fixed if the view is moved with the horizontal scroll bar.

For example, the Attribute column in the point grid view would still be
visible if the window was resized and the view was scrolled to the right. It
would also be visible if the width of the other columns was increased and the
view was scrolled to the right.

Changing Sorted Order of Records

To change the sort order of records in a column:

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Click on the desired column header. This causes the tabular view to be sorted
by that column in ascending order.

Click on the column header a second time to sort records in descending


Copying a Column Entry

To copy the data entered in a column cell to the cell immediately beneath it,
such as Reference column data:

Press<Ctrl> plus the single-quote character <'>.

Using Grid Toolbar

Tabular views for function blocks and buffers contain a four-button toolbar,
allowing you to easily navigate between records in the grid, save records,
cancel and edits. Tabular views for custom controls also contain a button bar
with two additional buttons for adding and deleting records.

The Grid Navigation Toolbar, shown in the following figure, appears at the
bottom of a grid view. When a record is selected in the tabular grid, the
toolbar buttons become available. Additionally, the name of the selected
attribute appears at the center of the toolbar as shown in the following figure.

Using Grid Toolbar Navigation Buttons

Function block and buffer grid views contain buttons on the Grid Toolbar
that allow you to move to the next and previous records.

Previous Record

Click this button to move the active record up to the previous record. Note:
hold the button down to continue to move backwards.

Next Record

Click this button to move the active record down to the next record. Note:
hold the button down to continue to move forward.

Canceling an Edit
To cancel an edit for the active record:

2-12 Metso Automation •278597•

Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

Click the Cancel button on the Grid Navigation Toolbar, or press the
<Esc> key on the maxSTATION keyboard.

Note: The first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record Select
Box for each record in the grid. For the record you wish to cancel, an arrow
should appear in its Record Select box, indicating it is the active record.

Saving an Edit
The first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record Select Box for
each record in the grid. When a record is selected in the grid for edit, an
arrow appears in the Record Select box, indicating it is the active record.

To save an edit for the active record:

Click the Update button on the Grid Navigation Toolbar, or press <Ctrl>
+ <S>.

Note: The first column on the left of a grid view contains a Record Select
Box for each record in the grid. For the record you wish to save, an arrow
should appear in its Record Select box, indicating it is the active record.

Tree View Editing Features

A single function block or groups of function blocks may be easily moved or
copied to be used in other parts of a configuration.

Moving a Single Function block or Group

To more a single function block or group to a new location in the tree

Click on the function block or group as it appears in the tree directory and
while holding down the left mouse button drag the selected function block or
group to a new location in the directory tree and release the button.

Copying a Single Function block or Group

To copy a single function block to a new location in the tree directory:

While holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the function block as it
appears in the tree directory and while holding down the left mouse button
drag the selected function block to a new location in the directory tree and
release the button.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Notice that as you drag the selected object to a new location, the mouse
cursor includes a plus sign (+) to indicate a copy operation is in progress.

Selecting and Moving Multiple Function blocks or Groups

To select multiple function blocks or nodes in succession and move them to a
new location in the directory tree:

1. While holding down the <Shift> key, click on the first function block or
node in the tree you wish to select. Then click on the last item in the list
you wish to include to highlight the entire selection.

2. Continue to hold down the <Shift> key and while holding down the left
mouse button, drag the selected function blocks or nodes to a new
location in the directory tree and release the button.

Selecting and Copying Multiple Function blocks or Groups

To select multiple function blocks or nodes in succession and copy them to a
new location in the directory tree:

1. While holding down the <Shift> key, click on first function block or
node in the tree you wish to select. Then click on the last item in the list
you wish to include to highlight the entire selection.

2. With the selection highlighted, hold down the <Ctrl> key, and while
holding down the left mouse button, drag the selected function blocks or
nodes to a new location in the directory tree and release the button.

Randomly Selecting and Moving Function blocks

In addition to selecting function blocks in succession as they appear in the
directory tree, you may also select function blocks randomly within the same

To make random selections and move them to a new location in the


1. While holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on each function block you
wish to include in the move to highlight then.

2. With the random selections highlighted, continue to hold down the

<Ctrl> key, and while holding down the left mouse button, drag the
selected function blocks or nodes to a new location in the directory tree
and release the button.

Moving and Copying Function blocks between Two


2-14 Metso Automation •278597•

Using maxDPUTOOLS to Create a Configuration

In addition to moving and copying function blocks within a single

configuration, you may also move and copy function blocks between tiled
views of two open configurations, provided the two configurations were
created for the same DPU software version.

If you attempt to copy function blocks or groups from one configuration

version and paste them into a configuration of a different version, the copy
operation is disallowed and the following warning message appears:

To move or copy function blocks or function block groups between two

configurations of the same version:

1. From the File menu, select Open to open a configuration, if one is not
opened already.

2. Select Open again to select a second configuration.

3. From the Window menu, select Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical. When
you make your selection, both configuration windows appear, one
beneath the other or side by side, depending on your tiling choice.

4. With both configurations open on your display, you may now perform
drag and dropped operations between the two windows. Use the same
move and copy techniques you would perform within a single
configuration. Review the previous sections.

Metso Automation •278597 • 2-15

Chapter 3

Creating and Editing a


Creating a configuration database meeting an overall process control strategy
requires some advanced planning. To begin, decide what control and data
acquisition applications are required and their scope. Once the size of such
applications is understood, measured in hardware resources and total number
of points, you may begin constructing configurations using maxDPUTools.

Remember that you may create one configuration per DPU. Note that large
and complex applications will likely be composed of multiple configurations
spanning multiple DPUs. Because of this, planning is important. As you map
out a control strategy, decide how many separate configurations are needed,
and what they should contain.

The following guidelines cover several configuration fundamentals:

1. Decide what hardware resources are needed, namely DPUs and I/O
modules. The IP addresses of all the available DPU pairs are normally
entered into the DPUlist.ini file before configuration begins.

2. Use buffers to define I/O modules and signals and to specify further
single conditioning. Use Atag and Dtag function blocks to assign names
to each signal.

3. Complex configurations are normally organized around a hierarchical

structure using Group function blocks. Before configuring function
blocks and buffers, develop the outlines of a hierarchical organization. A
hierarchical structure, which may be up to eight levels deep, can be cut
and pasted for use in other parts of the configuration or may be copied to
different configurations as appropriate.

4. Consider using Custom blocks. Use Custom blocks to create a new

control with its own unique attributes. Once created, Custom blocks can
be used just like intrinsic functions.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Getting Started
Use maxDPUTools to create a configuration consisting of groups, function
blocks and custom blocks assigned to specific DPUs:

Define a configuration with the same name as the DPU.

Import any standard or custom libraries of custom blocks and templates.
Edit the standard DPMS, Backup and Timesync function details present
in every configuration.
Create group nodes.
Define the hardware.
Create local custom blocks, if required.
Create local templates for reusability.
Define the function blocks for control and data acquisition and configure
their details.
Configure reference pointers to interconnect the function blocks.
Run the Validate utility to insure correctness of the references.
Install (download) the configuration to the DPU for testing.
Perform updates as needed.

Updating Configurations
Use maxDPUTools to create a new database or edit an existing database.
Remember that, if you are editing an existing database, it may need to be
converted from earlier versions of maxDPUTools or the DPU.
maxDPUTools supports mixed versions of the maxDPU from a single
workstation. This allows a site to have multiple maxDPU versions present in
a system. Multiple versions may exist for several reasons. For instance, new
equipment is added or a complete update to existing equipment is not desired
or must be deferred until a later date.

maxDPUTools supports multiple maxDPU versions: 4E - 2.1 through the

latest version 4F - 4.0. Each version supports a maxDPUTools database
master containing different features. If existing configuration databases need
to be converted, see "Invoking the Conversion Utility" before attempting to
open and edit them.

Updating Configurations within the Same Version

MaxDPUTools will automatically update a configuration created within the
same DPU version when you first open it. The auto update applies the most
current database master containing the latest definitions.

For instance, a version 2.1 configuration created for a 2.1 DPU4E may need
to be updated at some point. An automatic conversion may be triggered due
to minor revisions or corrections within a DPU version that occur as part of a
new or maintenance release. Such automatic updates do not change the DPU
version of the individual configuration.

3-2 Metso Automation •278597 •

Creating and Editing a Point Database

When you open a configuration and maxDPUTools detects that the

configuration does not contain the most current database definitions or
features, the following confirmation dialog appears:

If this dialog appears, click OK to update the selected configuration to match

the current master. Or if upgrading is desired, a later revision DPU master.
Note: going backwards in DPU version is not recommended! When you click
OK, maxDPUTools asks you if you want to create a backup copy of the
configuration, allowing entry of the backup name and location. When you
respond to this prompt, (backup is recommended) the utility begins to update
the configuration. When the update is complete, a confirmation dialog
appears. Click Exit to close the completion dialog and open the updated
configuration for editing.

Note: Selecting Cancel will disallow the opening of the configuration until
an update is successfully completed.

Uploading maxDPUTools Changes

Any online changes introduced using other maxDNA programs, such as the
maxVUE Graphical Configurator or Point Browser, should also be uploaded
before editing the configuration. Conversion and upload utilities can take
care of these housekeeping chores; however, such utilities will write over the
original database. Be sure to make a backup copy of the original database as
a precaution.

The DPU Upload operation selects a matching database version master to

copy as its initial configuration database. If the upload utility detects a
missing version, a warning dialog appears prompting you to select an
alternate version. See "Uploading Online Changes."

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Starting maxDPUTools and Opening a Configuration

To invoke maxDPUTools, from the Windows Desktop, click on its icon to
access the maxDPUTools welcome dialog. Alternately, click the Start button
on the Task Bar, point to Programs, maxDNA, Utilities and click

The dialog consists of a scrollable list of existing database configuration files

and four radio button choices. Configuration files appearing on the list
should include .4E and .4F extensions.

Click Create a New Configuration to create a new point database.

To open an existing configuration, select from the following options:

3-4 Metso Automation •278597 •

Creating and Editing a Point Database

Open an existing configuration appearing on the list

Open an existing configuration and also create an initial backup copy
Open an existing configuration and create a new copy.
Perform a version upgrade for the selected configuration.

Opening an Existing Configuration

The first option, to open an existing configuration appearing on a choice list,
permits you to open a point database without making a backup version or

Note: if the configuration is out of date or reflects an older version,

maxDPUTools prompts you with a warning message. The configuration may
need to be updated to a more current version of the database master or
converted. See "Invoking the Conversion Utility" or "Updating
Configurations within the Same Version."

Creating a Backup Configuration

Select the second option to open an existing configuration from the choice
list and also make a backup copy placed in a backup directory of your
choice. Because maxDPUTools implicitly saves all changes as you edit a
database, it is recommended that you create a backup version before editing a
configuration to preserve an original version in the event you need to discard
your edits.

The backup option is also available from the File menu, making it possible to
create a backup copy anytime.

To create a backup configuration:

1. Select a configuration from the choice list and click the radio button for
creating a backup copy.

2. From the SaveAs dialog, specify the path and name of the backup file.

Once you select a backup directory, by default maxDPUTools opens to this

directory again the next time the backup choice is selected. The directory will
include the backup file name to match the original, providing a quick entry

Creating a New Copy

Select the third open option to copy an existing configuration. Choose this
option possibly for testing purposes or to duplicate control strategy
functionality to be used elsewhere.

To copy an existing configuration:

1. Select a configuration from the choice list and click the radio button for
creating a new copy.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

2. From the SaveAs dialog, which opens by default to the directory of the
original file, specify the path and name of the copy.

Note: a Save As option also appears on the File menu. This entry is enabled
when a configuration is open and has active focus. Select this feature to
create a copy of an active configuration with a new name.

This option opens a Save As file dialog with its directory location set to
match that of the original file. When you select this option, maxDPUTools
closes the original configuration, creates a copy and opens the new
configuration to take its place.

Perform a version upgrade

Select this option when a major version upgrade is required such as a DPU
2.1 - 4E to a DPU 4.0 - 4F. The upgrade dialog will appear alLowing the
selection of the target version from those available:

Similarly once maxDPUTOOLS is open an upgrade to a configuration can be

initiated as follows:

Select Configuration Version Update from the File menu to access a file
selection dialog.

From the file directory, select a target configuration file with an extension to
access the DPU Version Selection dialog.

The dialog contains a list of available maxDPU models and versions. Select
one and click OK.

DPU models and versions listed in the dialog are sorted in descending order
to place the most recent release at the top for quick default selection via an
enter keystroke. Each master contains the definition of functions and
attributes uniquely supported by their particular release, and serves as a
starting copy for the creation of new configurations as well as a master
reference for the performance of version updating.

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After you select a DPU version, the following confirmation dialog appears:

Click OK to proceed with the update or Cancel to abort the update.

Before proceeding with the update, maxDPUTools opens the following

dialog prompting you to create a backup copy of the updated configuration:

Because maxDPUTools replaces the original file with the updated file, a
backup file is recommended should there be an unforeseen need for error

If you select Yes, the utility opens a file directory dialog from which you
may identify the location and name for the backup file.

After you acknowledge the backup prompt, maxDPUTools begins to process

of conversion and also automatically invokes repair and database compacting
utilities to reduce the size of the database and resulting memory

When maxDPUTools successfully completes a conversion, the following

dialog appears:

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The dialog includes the DPU version identification and confirms any file
type change.

Uploading Online Changes

If you are editing an existing database, use the Configuration Upload Utility
to incorporate any changes introduced online from other programs, such as
the maxVUE Graphical Configurator or Points Browser.

To upload online changes:

1. Select Configuration Upload from the File menu to access the following
dialog box.


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3. In the DPU Selections window, enter the name and DPU IP address of a
configuration, or click the down arrow to select a configuration from a
drop-down list.

4. Click the Upload button to access a Windows file directory dialog, which
permits you to copy the configuration to a new name. If you don't make a
copy, the uploaded configuration will overwrite the original
configuration having the same name.

When you click Upload and create a copy of the target configuration, the
upload utility begins to load the configuration. A progress bar appears at the
bottom of the dialog. A trace log appears in the center of the dialog to report
any errors or problems during the upload.

When the upload is finished, click the Print button to print the trace log or
click the Save button to save the log to a file.

Note: the upload utility attempts to match the DPU version being uploaded.
If the utility cannot find a DPU matching version after you click the Upload
button, the following warning dialog box appears:

Should this dialog appear, click OK to access the DPU Version Selection
dialog. From this dialog, select an alternative version master.

Downloading New Security Definitions

Version 2.0 configurations include security subattributes assigned to each
attribute of a function block. New security definitions are implicitly
downloaded when a configuration is upgraded or installed on a target version
2.0 DPU. A security download may also be invoked separately using a
security utility included with maxDPUTools versions distributed with
software release version 2.0 or later. Use this utility to perform a system wide
update or to update an individual DPU.

To perform a system wide security download:

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Select System Wide Security Download from the File menu to access the
following dialog:

The dialog displays a list of DPUs dynamically read from the DPUList.ini
file. Click the Download button to start the sequential download of security
to each DPU one by one. The Status column, next to the DPU column,
presents status information as the download progresses through each DPU.
The following status messages may appear:

In progress

Click the Cancel button to halt the operation if necessary

To invoke a security download for an individual DPU:

From the left-pane tree directory, right-click on the root node of a DPU to
access a menu and select Security Update to access a DPU download dialog.
When the dialog opens the phrase "Security Download Only" appears in the
Action field.

Review the steps as outlined in Chapter 4, "Downloading a Configuration,"

to complete the security download for a singular DPU.

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Creating a New Configuration

When you create a new configuration, maxDPUTools creates a new database
file with either a .4E or .4F extension depending on the maxDPU model that
is automatically stored in the directory c:\Custom\Configs. From Windows
Explorer, double click on a configuration file with such an extension to
automatically launch maxDPUTools.

To create a new configuration:

Invoke maxDPUTools and select New and then DPU from the File menu to
access the version selection dialog:

The dialog contains a list of available maxDPU versions. Select a version and
click OK. Next the file dialog appears, select or create a file folder, then
enter a configuration name and click Save to complete the creation of the
configuration. Next the configuration is opened for editing and the main
maxDPUTools window appears and a DPU icon and the configuration name
appear in the directory tree pane.

Renaming a DPU
To rename a DPU:

1. In the tree directory pane, click the DPU tab, click on the DPU node to
open the Rename a DPU dialog box.

2. The From window contains the current name of the DPU. In the To
window, type a new name and click OK. Click Cancel to close the
dialog without making any changes.

Adding a Group
To add one or more groups to the configuration:

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1. In the tree directory pane, click the DPU tab, right-click on the DPU icon
in the directory tree pane to access a pop-up menu.

2. Select Add Group from the pop-up menu.

3. When you add a group, a pop-up appears prompting you for a group
name and relative index.

4. Enter a group name, and optionally a relative index, and click Add.
Continue to add groups and click the Add button each time.

5. Click Exit when you are finished to close the pop-up.

Notice that each time you add a group the path name is updated in the title
bar of the pop-up. New group icons also appear in the directory tree pane.

Index numbers assume a particular importance when the group cannot be

identified by tagname or gname. If you need to change the index number, be
sure the number is unique within the group. See "Changing the Group Node
Relative Index Number."

The relative index is selected incrementally by default. You may manually

change the relative index by also typing in the desired index. The Relative
Index for each group or control must be unique within a group.

Renaming a Group
To rename a group:

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1. In the tree directory pane, click the DPU tab, click on the group node
whose name you wish to change to open the Rename a Group dialog

2. The From window contains the current name of the group. In the To
window, type a new name and click OK. Click Cancel to close the
dialog without making any changes.

Changing the Group Node Relative Index Number

As you create group nodes, maxDPUTools automatically assigns each node a
unique relative index number. Relative index numbers are used to identify a
target group node in a reference field.

To change the relative index number at the group level:

1. In the tree directory pane, click the DPU tab, click on the group node
whose relative index number you wish to change to open the Renumber
the Relative Index dialog box.

2. The From window contains the current index number. In the To

window, type a new index number and click OK. Click Cancel to close
the dialog without making any changes.

Adding Function blocks to a Group

To add function blocks to a Group:

1. In the tree directory pane, click on a group node to select a group in the
configuration where you want to place one or more function blocks.

2. Once you select a location, right-click to open the following group pop-
up menu.

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3. Select Add Block from the menu to access the following pop-up list of
available function blocks.

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4. Click on a listed function block to highlight it and click Add to add that
function block to the configuration. Use the scroll bar to view the entire
list. Note the button options for viewing either a list of templates or a list
of all function blocks. Also note the tab options for viewing an
alphabetic list or a two level hierarchy list by category. Note the option
for viewing help on the selected function.

5. Continue to click Add to add additional function blocks to the selected


6. Click Exit when you are finished to close the pop-up.

Changing Relative Index Number of Controls

As you add controls, maxDPUTools automatically assigns each control a
unique relative index number. Relative index numbers are used to identify a
target control in a reference field. See "Using References to Interconnect

Index numbers assume a particular importance when the control cannot be

identified by tagname or gname. If you need to change the index number, be
sure the number is unique within a group.

To change a control's relative index number:

3. In the tree directory pane, click on the control whose relative index
number you wish to change to open the Renumber the Relative Index
dialog box.

4. The From window contains the current index number. In the To

window, type a new index number and click OK. Click Cancel to close
the dialog without making any changes.

Configuring Only Hardware

maxDPUTools permits you to configure only hardware from the hardware
tree directory pane. Click the Hardware tab in the left tree directory pane to
access this directory. As described in Chapter 2, in this view, only buffers are
shown organized three ways:

By location consisting of cabinet, rack, and card,

By function type and address,
all function types by address.

Use this view to quickly configure only hardware or to access only the
hardware content of a configuration. Right-click within any folder at any
level of the folder hierarchy to access a pop-up menu containing items to add

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or delete buffer function blocks. As you add buffers, they are added to each
of the three folder types.

Click on a function block appearing in the tree directory to open its tabular
detail in the right pane. The detail lists all the attributes associated with the
selected buffer. Use the Value and Reference columns to configure attributes.

Configuring from the By Type Tabular Detail

Notice that when you expand the By Type folder and click on a buffer type
icon, a special tabular detail appears which lists several key attributes per
buffer type. This view makes it easier to quickly configure hardware. Simply
add new buffers from the tree directory and configure the attributes that
appear in the associated tabular grid.

By default, the following attribute types may be configured from this tabular

maxPAC option,
Failover type,

Click the Reconfigure button on the tabular grid toolbar to customize the
column configuration and select other attribute types. When you click
Reconfigure the following dialog appears:

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The Available Attributes window lists attributes from which you may select.
The Selected Attributes window lists attributes already selected to appear in
the tabular grid as columns. Use the left and right arrows at the center of the
dialog to move attributes between the two windows.

Click OK after making your selections. The new selections should now
appear in the tabular detail.

Adding Buffer Function blocks from the Hardware Tree

To add new buffers from the hardware tree directory pane:

1. Click the Hardware tab in the left pane to open the hardware tree

2. Select and expand any one of the three standard hardware tree directory

3. Select a level within a folder and right-click to access a pop-up menu and
click Add to open the following dialog:

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4. Click the drop-down arrow in the Function window to select a buffer


5. Using the keyboard <Tab> key, tab to each of the other fields in the
dialog to specify a buffer module address, cabinet location, rack location,
and card number.

6. In the Group field, assign the buffer to a HID (Hierarchical Identifier)

location. Click the Browse button to the right of the Group window to
select a HID from a pop-up dialog and click OK. Note that the pop-up
dialog of HIDs allows the in place addition of groups to create a new
HID as needed.

7. Continue to click Add to add additional function blocks to the selected


8. Click Exit when you are finished to close the pop-up.

Using Referencing to Interconnect Controls

Use references to connect (or "soft wire") a control with other controls within
a single configuration or across multiple configurations. Enter a reference in
a control to read attribute data. The referenced attribute may be an input,
output, parameter, or status of a DPMS object

Use referencing:

to read an attribute within the same control containing the reference

to read attributes within other controls
to read attributes within controls located in other configurations

Understanding Referencing
References consist of text strings used to identify the location of a specific
attribute. To locate an attribute within a configuration or within another
configuration, a reference text string may consist of:

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the name of the attribute to be referenced,

a tag name, generic name or relative index number of the control
containing the attribute,
identifying HID information (because referenced attributes are normally
located in HIDs)
name of the DPU pair, maxSTATION address, or IP address, used only if
the attribute is in another configuration.

Controls are referenced by tagname, gname or relative index number.

Because not all controls include a tagname or gname, all controls are
automatically assigned a relative index number when you create them.

A reference string uses syntax containing the following elements:

[<Box>] <Base HID> <HIDModifier> <Point modifier> <Attribute>


Box Is optionally used to identify the device containing the

DPMS object to be referenced; enter the name of a DPU pair
or maxSTATION, or IP address.

Base HID Is required to identify the starting hierarchical position of

this reference.

HID Modifier Is used to descend from the Base HID to subgroups.

Point Modifier Is used to select a DPMS object from a group; enter the
generic name assigned to a DPMS object, or the relative
identification of an object within a group.

Relative Reference Syntax

The following is a summary of the options for each element in a reference

Note: use a dot with a slash (./) or a slash by itself (/) as level separators.

Box Syntax Options

[<boxname>] An ASCII string representing the registered name of a DPMS
[<pairname>] An ASCII string representing the registered name of a pair of
backup DPMS
[<ip>] An explicit dot separated IP address
[^] The ^ denotes that the desired point may not reside locally and a
level 2 router must be used to resolve the address. A maxDPU will
send this message to a workstation in its domain that is a proxy
[] Point is in this station.

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Base HID Syntax Options

Look up reference in same function block containing the reference
. pointer. For example:
Where .Out is my out attribute.
From the control containing the reference pointer, move up in a
.. hierarchy to the parent level. For example:
Make this the leading character in the reference field to cause the
^ routing to search upward in the HID structure until a match is found
between the string that follows and the group name. For example:
Out is the attribute of the function block genetically named TEMP
in the child COMMON of the first group.
<wild string> A string possibly containing a question mark (?) character or an
asterisk (*) character; use the question mark to match any one
character. Use the asterisk to match remaining characters. For
example, from the previous example:
^PULV*./contains an asterisk as a wild card character; this causes
the routing to search upward in the HID structure looking for group
name matches beginning with PULV.

<utag>. a unique tag (Tagname) assigned to a DPMS object

/<l1>[/<l2>[/<ln>]] A HID location.

HID Modifier Syntax Options

/<l1>[/<l2>[/<ln>]] . A HID location.

<ln> a hid level representing group names


Point Modifier
/#<rel> This contains the relative index identification of an object within a
group. For example:
Attribute In1 is associated with a function block having a
relative index of 1 in Group123's child, AREA1
<generic> The generic name assigned to a DPMS object. For example:
The attribute out is associated with a control having the generic
name temp.


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<attribute> an input, output, parameter or status of a DPMS object

Entering References
To enter references, click on a control listed in the tree directory pane to open
its tabular detail display. Enter reference strings for the control in the
Reference column of the tabular grid view.

Notice that the Reference column contains both white fields and grayed out
fields associated with attribute categories. Fields associated with input and
parameter attribute categories are white, indicating that they may be edited.
Gray fields, associated with other attribute categories, will not accept inputs.
Input and parameter attribute categories are used to reference other attributes,
however, input type attributes are most typically used.

You may enter reference strings manually or you may take advantage of
maxDPUTools auto editing features as described in Chapter 2, "Using Auto
Editing Features."

Use auto editing to quickly access pop-up displays listing information to

include in a reference. You may look up the names of other DPUs to
reference attributes in other configurations. You may also look up the names
of controls by tag names, and by relative index numbers. Controls organized
in the same group are referred to as siblings that may be referenced by their
respective index numbers. Once you select a control from a pop-up list by tag
name or index number, a second pop-up appears listing eligible attributes
associated with the selected control.

When you select reference information from a pop-up list, maxDPUTools

automatically enters your choice in the reference field using the appropriate
reference syntax as described in the previous section.

To enter a reference using auto editing:

In the tabular detail grid, click on a reference field to access an Ellipsis

button. Click on the Ellipsis button (or use the F4 key) to access the
following pop-up:

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Note: you may also right-click in a reference field to access the same pop-up
or use function keys to access a pop-up. The pop-up menu available in
reference fields lists function key equivalents for each menu item.

From the pop-up, select Tag name to select any control within the
configuration that has a tag name. The pop-up lists all the available tagnames
found in a configuration.

Select Sibling to select a control within the same group by its relative index
number. The Sibling pop-up lists all index numbers associated with the target

Select Hierarchy to view a tree view of groups and functions for selection.

Select External to reference a control in another configuration.

Once a control is selected, select Attribute to select from a list of eligible

attributes for that control.

Note: once you enter a reference, select Follow from the pop-up to go
directly to the referenced control. When you click Follow, maxDPUTools
looks up the control being referenced and opens its tabular detail.

Select Toggle Quality to add or remove a leading “!” prefix which is used to
ignore quality when present in order to prevent a closed loop feedback
lockup of bad quality.

Select Print Detail to get a printed report matching the current grid contents.

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Exposing Additional Group Attributes/Parameters

While standard groups can have up to 40 attributes “wired” to connection
points at the boundary of the group, there are times when it is desirable to
have additional parameters available that are attributes of function blocks
contained within a group.

To implement this, use a greater than (>) symbol as the leading character in a
reference field associated with an attribute you wish to expose. This permits
that function block attribute to be accessed by GroupName.Attribute.

If nothing follows the greater than symbol (>), then the exposed attribute
takes on the name of the function block attribute. This can only be allowed if
there is only one attribute exposed with that name. Normally, a name follows
the greater than symbol (>), which becomes the new name of the exposed

For example:

Group Name = “MyGroup”

Reference for attribute of a function block within the group =
Access to attribute = “MyGroup.MyAttribute”

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Using Cross Referencing to Locate References

Use the Cross Referencing utility to open a log listing what other controls are
referencing a control you select in the tree directory pane.

To use the Cross Referencing Utility:

1. Click on a control from the tree directory to select it. This feature is
available in the DPU, Hardware, and Custom tab views.

2. Select Cross Referencing from the drop down context menu to access the
Cross Referencing view pane.

When you select a control and open the utility, a log appears listing all the
controls that reference the selected control.

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When the cross-referencing search is complete, the Print and File buttons
become available. Click Print to print the search log. Click Save to save the
log to a file. To close the cross-reference view pane, select the close (X icon)
button in the upper right-hand corner.

Note also the presence of a shortcut icon in select lines of the cross-reference.
These lines can act as a double click shortcut to go to the detail for the
identifier shown, along with selecting the associated attribute in the detail
grid being referenced.

In addition when a custom function is selected under the custom tab, the
cross-reference has the special meaning of where the particular custom
function is instanced rather than referenced. The list again contains double-
click-shortcut go to capability to the identifier shown.

Creating Custom Function Blocks

Select the Custom tab in the tree pane to create Custom function blocks. Use
the Custom function block feature to encapsulate a group of function blocks
into a reusable function with a user-defined set of interface attributes. These
custom functions may then be used multiple times in a single configuration
or copied across multiple configurations for reuse. Once created, Custom
blocks, each of which is uniquely named, are added to the list of selectable
function blocks.

At its simplest, a Custom block may implement a frequently used subroutine.

At its most complex, a Custom block may consist of numerous combinations
of intrinsic function blocks (standard function block types that come with the
maxDPU) or custom functions that implement a fully developed PID control,
a multi-step sequencer, and so forth.

Custom blocks may consist of combinations of intrinsic function blocks and

other custom functions. Note: When placing custom blocks within a custom
block, the level of nesting is restricted to four levels deep.

Use the custom tabular detail to create and edit attribute definitions for a new
custom function. When you first open the tabular detail, a single row appears
featuring the same five column headings used with intrinsic function blocks:

Data Type
Default Value
Alternate Description
Security Class

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Add additional rows to define up to 48 attributes per custom control. Similar

to the tabular detail for native function blocks, the custom tabular grid
features automated editing that help you quickly look up the appropriate
entries for many data entry fields and reduce keystrokes.

For instance, when a Drop-down arrow button appears in a tabular grid

cell, you may select an entry for a known list of choices from a drop-down
list. You may enter or modify data in any field at any time. Use the <Tab>
key or click the field with the mouse to select it.

Use the tabular grid toolbar to delete rows or add new rows as needed.

To create a custom function:

1. Open maxDPUTools, create a configuration, and click the Custom Tab

in the left view pane.

2. Right-click on the Local Custom top level icon in the view pane and
select Add from the pop-up menu to open the following dialog:

3. Enter the unique name of the control, add a Category and an optional
Description and click OK.

After you click OK, a new icon appears inside a category node, in the Local
Custom directory folder, bearing the names you entered when you created
the object. A blank record field appears in the right view pane. Use these
record fields to create your own attributes for the control.

Create a name for the attribute under the Attribute column.

Select a category for the attribute in the Category column (Input, Output,
Parameter) via the dropdown selection, or right click in the Category column
to invoke an entry dialog for designing a new category. In designing a
category, it can have a number optional prefix characters assigned. One
character can control the viewing level in the Point Browser where the
attribute is shown. Another character can also specify Input vs. Output
positioning for the attribute in graphical configuration views, and another
optional default trend attribute assignment. Lastly there are characters
reserved for custom use. Note that for releases prior to 4.3, the prefixing
letter option is restricted the X- expert option.

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Custom Category Designer

Adding or modifying a category requires a right click operation within the
category column of the design grid, aided by a tooltip hint. This invokes a
context menu with a single entry for viewing the new dialog labeled as “Add
Category…”. Selecting this menu entry opens the Category dialog pictured
as follows:

A text box is provided for the category text.

The View option frame determines a browser view/hiding selection.
The I/O Wiring option frame determines a graphical configuration placement
The checkbox options are for other possible selections that may be enabled
as shown.

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Note that the previous dialog is for release 4.3 and later configuration
versions. For Earlier versions, only the Expert option is allowed, presented as
a check box, and the dialog has the following presention:

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Data Types
Select a Data Type under the Data Type column. Choose from the following:

Relative time

Once the custom name is created in the custom field, the name should now
appear in the list of available controls when a control is to be added in the
control hierarchy under the DPU tab.

Custom Enumeration Data Types

For custom function attributes assigned the ENUM data type, value /text
pairs must be defined. These enumerations are then visible as values and
dropdown selections for the associated attributes when configuring an
instance the custom function. They will also be downloaded to the maxDPU,
making them accessible to the browser for similar display and selection, and
can likewise be uploaded from the maxDPU. The creation / editing of custom
enumerations is initiated via a right click within the Data Type field of the
attribute definition grid. This will Note that the record must have been
previously saved and not have any edits outstanding. A single entry context
menu will appear as follows, which when selected will launch the new
enumerations editor dialog.

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Custom Enumerations Edit Dialog

The following modal dialog is used to create and edit custom enumerations:

The buttons on the right provide intuitive edit capabilities. The up / down
arrow buttons on the right provide position reordering within the list for the
highlighted selection. Selecting Add invokes another modal dialog for
defining a new value and text pair, which is then added at the end of the list.
Selecting Edit for a highlighted entry in the list invokes a modal edit dialog
for modifying the value and text. Delete removes the hightlighted entry in the
list. Restore discards all changes and restores the initial enumerations. Save
makes the changes permanent and closes the dialog. Cancel discards all
changes and closes the dialog.

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Custom Enumerations Detail Edit Dialog

The following modal dialog is invoked via the Add or Edit button for editing
a single enumeration entry:

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Custom Data Types

The ability to define custom complex data types exists to complement
custom algorithm coding in the atom compiler. This includes the
specification of a unique 16-character name, along with a unique subtype and
the number of elements making up the complex data. Once defined, the
unique name will then appear in the dropdown selection for data types on the
attribute function definition grid for custom function. The intended use of
such custom types is in combination with the atom compiler, where bi-
directional data transfer can be performed in code for a single local
connection. Thus enabling implicit feedback without the need for separate
wire connections. The creation / editing of custom data types is initiated from
either the file main menu or via a right click within the Data Type field of the
attribute definition grid. In either case, when selected the new custom data
types editor dialog will be launched.

Via the file menu:

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Or via right click context menu:

Custom Data Types Edit Dialog

The following modal dialog is used to create and edit custom complex data

The buttons on the right provide intuitive edit capabilities. Selecting Add
invokes another modal dialog for defining a new type, which is then added to
the list in name sorted order. Selecting Edit for a highlighted entry in the list
invokes a modal edit dialog for modifying the existing type information.
Delete removes the hightlighted entry in the list, subject to a usage count of
zero. Usage invokes a modal dialog listing where the data type is in use.

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Custom Data Types Detail Edit Dialog

The following modal dialog is invoked via the Add or Edit button for editing
a single custom data type entry:

The name entry specifies the unique name to be given to the data type (16
char max.)

The SubType specifies the unique complex subtype ( range 100 – 999).

The # elements has a range of 2 – 16.

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Transferring Custom Functions to Other Configurations

Custom Functions may be transferred to other configurations using
conventional copy and paste approaches or by using the Custom Function
Update/Copy Utility. To copy Functions from one or more configurations to
other configurations using the copy/paste approach, refer to Chapter 2.

Of the two approaches, using the Custom Function Utility is clearly

preferable particularly when configuration databases include numerous
custom functions you wish to transfer. The utility allows you to view a
complete list of Functions from one or more source configurations. From this
comprehensive list, you may copy some or all the Functions at one time to
one or more target configurations.

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Copying Custom Functions

To copy one or more custom Functions from a source configuration to other
target configurations:

1. From the File menu, select Custom Function Update/Copy to access

the custom Function copy dialog box.

2. Click the Source button to access a file directory. From the directory
select a configuration containing custom Functions you wish to transfer
to other configurations.

3. Click the Destinations button to select target configurations.

Selected destinations will appear in the choice list. Notice that, by

default, the configuration you already have open appears in the
destination choice list on the right. Click the Reset button to clear the

4. When you select a source configuration, a list of named custom

Functions associated with that configuration appears in a list box on the
left under Select a Source Configuration and Functions. Each
Function is listed next to a checkbox. By default, all the Functions are
selected. To clear the checkboxes, click Clear and select specific

5. Click the Transfer button to transfer all the selected Functions to the
target configurations.

6. Click Exit to close the utility when you are finished.

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Creating and Editing a Point Database

The added or updated block becomes part of the maxDPU configuration,

which is independent of the library source copy.

Individual configurations are not updated when the library is updated. To

apply updates, use the above procedure followed by a download.

Creating Templates
Select the Template tab in the tree pane to create Template function blocks.
Use the template feature to create reusable models in terms of preset attribute
values for any existing intrinsic or custom function. Templates may also be
imported from libraries, or copied between configurations via cut and paste.
Different variations of the same function can be created each with a unique
description to describe the functionality represented by the preset values of
its attribute set. Once created, these templates are available as an alternate
list for selecting a function block in the Add Function Dialog used with
adding functions to a group in the DPU tree hierarchy or to a custom function
in the Custom function tree hierarchy.

Various context menu operations are initiated via right-click selection of a

node in the tree hierarchy for creating and maintaining templates. These
include adding a template, renaming the category or description for a
template, deleting a template, renaming a category, deleting a category,
importing from libraries, importing from another configuration, copying a
template, and pasting a template.

To create a template function:

1. Open maxDPUTools, create a configuration, and click the Template

Tab in the left view pane.

2. Right-click on the Local Templates top level icon in the view pane and
select Add from the pop-up menu to open the following dialog:

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3. Select a function from either the Alphabetical or Categorized listings.

The Category and Description fields will then default to match the
selection. Now, optionally modify the category, and be sure to modify
the description to uniquely identify the purpose of this template, and
click Add. Another template may then be added, or when done click

After you click Add, a new node appears for any categories added, in the
Local Template directory folder. Under the category nodes, the template
nodes added appear with the names of the function selected and the alternate
description entered. Now selecting the template node will result in the
matching attribute detail to appear in the right hand pane, allowing the
customized presetting of values and references to create the desired model.

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Creating and Editing a Point Database

Validating References
To check the validity of references in a configuration, maxDPUTools
includes a Validate References utility. Use the utility to check references
within the same configuration and also to check external references,
references pointing to function blocks in configurations in other DPUs.

When the utility finds a bad reference, the path name of the reference is listed
on a status log display. Double-click on the reference to locate where the
reference occurs in a configuration. You may print the status log or save the
log to a file.

To check input references:

1. Select Validate References from the File menu to start the utility. When
the utility is started a status log display appears at the bottom of your
screen opened in a third viewing pane. When the utility finishes its
search, it lists the path names of all the found bad references and reports
an error and warning count total.

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In the above example the two categories of errors are demonstrated: An ID

error in which the reference identifier could not be found, vs. an Attribute
error in which the identifier exists but the attribute is not valid. In addition a
warning exists. Warnings are the result of any non-optimized references, in
which the attribute referenced may require data type conversion or a
computation step to be referenced and is less efficient, (and thus discouraged
if done to excess) but nonetheless legal. Also note that all external
referencing from an external source (another DPU for example) are non-
optimized. Note the presence of shortcut go to icons in the list. Those lines
containing such an indication may be double clicked to navigate to the detail
pane where the error exists, along with selection of the particular attribute
and reference field in error for correction.

Note: by default the External checkbox is checked when you first open the
utility. This means the utility will also check references pointing to function
blocks in other DPUs. To limit the search to references only in the currently
opened configuration, uncheck the checkbox. The optimized checkbox
option can also be unchecked to eliminate the warnings for non-optimized
references, and thus declutter the view to errors only.

2. To print a listing of bad references, click the Print button.

3. To save the status log file to disk, click the File button.

4. To close the validation view pane, select the close (X icon) button in the
upper right-hand corner.

Performing Global Edits Using Find And Replace Utility

Use the Find and Replace utility to make global changes to entered values
and references.

To make global changes to values and references:

1. Select Find and Replace from the File menu to access the Find and
Replace dialog box.

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Creating and Editing a Point Database

2. In the Service field click the down arrow to select a control from a drop
down list or accept the default, <ALL>, to search on all available

3. In the Attribute field, click the down arrow to select an attribute type
from a drop down list, or accept the default, <ALL>. If you accept the
default, the utility searches for values and references associated with all
attributes in a configuration.

4. In the field labeled In, select value or reference to direct the search tool
to search in reference fields or value fields. The tool cannot search both
values and references in one pass.

5. In the field labeled Position, specify which substring position to search.

Click the down arrow to select prefix, suffix, exact, or use the default
position, any.

6. In the field labeled Find, enter a substring you want the search tool to

7. In the field labeled Replace, enter the replacement substring.

8. Click the Find button to begin the search and replace. When you click
Find, the first point name containing the substring matching the search
criteria appears under Results in the ID field. The From field contains the
target substring match. The To field contains the replacement substring
you entered in the Replace field. You may edit the replacement substring
appearing in this field if you desire.

9. Click the Replace button to replace the value or reference for the selected

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10. Click Replace All to replace all values or reference matching the search
criterion at one time.

Click Print to print a log of points matching the search criteria.

Performing Database Searches

Use the Search utility to locate information in a configuration database
meeting specific search criteria.

To perform a search:

1. Select Search from the File menu to access the following dialog.

2. The dialog contains search filters allowing you to request progressively

more specific information. In the Service window, use the drop-down
arrow to select the name of a specific control. By default, <All> appears
in the window, directing the search utility to search all available controls.

3. In the Attribute Match window, enter the name of an attribute, such as

in1 (input 1) or enter a wildcard pattern, such as in*. In this example, the
search utility will search all controls having any attribute names
beginning with in.

4. To make the search more specific, in the Value window, enter a value
string or wildcard pattern. By default, the search utility looks for "like"
values matching the entered string. To enter a different search criterion,
click the drop-down arrow button next to the default (like) to select
greater than (>), less than (<), and not equal to (<>). String comparisons
are performed using ASCII values (example: abc is less than bcd).

5. In the Ref Match window, enter a reference string or a wildcard pattern.

6. Click Start to accept the inputs and begin the search.

When the search begins, the search utility opens a new dialog featuring a
search log and a new set of buttons. The search log reports when the search

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Creating and Editing a Point Database

was begun, describes the search criteria, and lists specific matches. The bar at
the bottom of the dialog reports total number of matches found.

Click the Print button to print the search results, or click the File button to
save the search results to a file.

Searching for Points by Tagname

To search for a point by associated tag name:

1. Select Find by Tag Name from the View menu to open the Select a Tag
Name dialog box.

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2. The dialog presents you with a list of all tag names in the configuration
database. Click on a tag name from the list to select it and click OK to
begin the search. Alternatively, a tagname may be typed or pasted into
the text box at the top. The text box supports auto-completion and will
position the list box to match for reviewing the description and function
type before selecting OK.

3. When the search is complete, maxDPUTools locates the point containing

the searched tag name in the tree directory and opens its tabular detail in
the grid view pane.

Searching for Duplicate Group and Tag Names

maxDPUTools does not permit you to create duplicate group and tag names
in the same configuration database; however, duplicate names may appear
among separate, multiple configuration databases. To detect duplicate names
among databases, use the duplicate name search tool.

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Creating and Editing a Point Database

To begin a search:

1. Select Duplicate Names from the File Menu to open the search tool
dialog display.

2. Click the Select button to select a configuration to compare from a

Windows file directory dialog box.

3. Click the Start button to begin the search. The search results appear in
the bottom window of the dialog display.

The search results window reports the date and time the search was
requested, when the search ended, and how many total duplicates were found
for all configurations searched. Each configuration in the search is compared
to one or more other configurations in the search.

Two configurations are compared at one time until all combinations have
been analyzed. The main body of the search report details which two
configurations were compared, how many duplicates were found for this
specific comparison, followed by a listing of each duplicate tag name found.

Click the Print button to print the search results, or click the File button to
save the search results to a file.

Repairing the Database

Use the Repair command to recover a configuration that shows an error on
an attempt to be initially opened. Such an occurrence can result from a power
outage or network failure (if a non-local share drive is where the
configuration resides) when editing. Should you experience an outage or
network failure as you are building a configuration, when you recover your
system, restart maxDPUTools, and select Repair from the File menu.

When you select Repair, maxDPUTools goes back to the last successful
transaction before the interruption occurred. Your most recent edits may be

Using Data Compression

Use data compression to reduce the size of a database and improve retrieval

To implement data compression:

Select Compact Database from the File menu for an open configuration.

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When you select Compact Database, the utility begins to compact the
selected configuration. When the utility finishes, a prompt informs you that
compacting is completed. Click OK. Note that automatic compacting always
occurs when initially opening a configuration. This feature is most useful
after a significant number of edits have been performed, and a separate
backup copy is desired before continuing, or the configuration is just being
closed prior to an archive copying operation. When performing a backup
copy, compact first then select Backup from the file menu.

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Chapter 4

Downloading a Configuration

maxDPUTools allows you to install all or part of a configuration. Use
maxDPUTools to install an entire configuration (full installation) or to install
any part of the configuration down to a single function block (an incremental

In the tree directory, select the DPU icon at the top to perform a full
installation of the configuration. To perform a partial installation, select any
level of a group hierarchy or a single point within a group. When you select a
group, the Download option installs all groups nested under the selected
parent group.

DPU Version Mismatch

When you begin a download, maxDPUTools checks the configuration
version you are about to load against the version of the selected target DPU.
If the configuration version and DPU version don't match, maxDPUTools
displays the following warning message:

Click OK to ignore the mismatch and proceed anyway.

A mismatch may occur when a maxDPU has been upgraded with the latest
firmware update but the maxSTATION contains an older version of
maxDPUTools or vise versa. Use this override with caution; this should not
be considered normal! There may exist significant compatibility differences,
particularly between major releases, that will result in unexpected behavior.

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Starting the Download

To begin a configuration download, in the tree directory pane right-click on
the DPU icon, a group node, or an individual point and select Download
from the pop-up menu. The Download command opens the following dialog.

Figure 4-1. Configuration Download Dialog.

In the Selection area, the DPU name and the type of install (in this case a full
download) are already entered in the appropriate fields. The IP address of the
target DPU appears in the Primary Address window.

Because the download is directed to a running DPU, the areas labeled

Primary and Secondary contain information about the primary and secondary
DPUs. If the target DPU is not part of a backup pair, the dialog shows only
information for a single DPU. The dialog automatically obtains the
information through Software Backplane subscription. Note also that the
Freeze and Download buttons for each DPU are available.

Note: If you are creating a configuration and defining a new DPU for the
first time, only the fields in the Selection area are filled in. Other information
fields are blank and associated buttons are not available. See Figure 4-2. See
"Starting a Download when the DPU Is Not Defined."

4-2 Metso Automation •278597 •

Downloading a Configuration

Using Takeover and Enable/Disable Buttons

The primary and secondary DPUs both feature Takeover buttons, which have
the same functionality as the Takeover button on the front panel of a
maxDPU. Since the primary DPU shown in Figure 4-1 is inactive, the
Takeover button is available; however, the Disable Backup button is not
available. Notice that for the secondary DPU this state is reversed. As shown
in Figure 4-1, the Takeover button is not available, because the secondary
DPU is active. Click the Takeover buttons to force the inactive DPU to take
control of the I/O and begin function block execution.

Upon starting a download, the backup link between the DPU pairs will be
automatically disabled to prevent the active DPU from updating the inactive
DPU during a download.

Standalone Mode
Standalone mode of a DPU pair is used for downloading of a new database to
a DPU. The DPU pair can be left in Standalone mode to allow testing of
database variations or updates.

To accomplish this testing, each DPU will need to be downloaded with the
desired database. In Standalone mode it is assumed that the active will
remain in control and no automatic failover will take place. In this mode no
database update information is passed over the backup link. The only
information sent across the link is the current state of the outputs.

This information is used by the inactive DPU to maintain the current state of
the outputs in the event of a failover. However, since the control algorithms
may be different, a DPU taking over will freeze all outputs. You must
unfreeze the outputs to re-establish automatic control.

In Standalone mode, there is no automatic failover. To force a failover, click

the Takeover button on the inactive DPU or issue on OpTakeOver command.
The OpTakeOver command can be issued from maxDPUTools (take button),
Point Browser, or a button added to a maxVUE display. Once the takeover is
initiated, all outputs will be in the frozen state. The database in the
previously active DPU will remain unchanged, including any new operator
actions. If the original DPU is then forced to be active, it will contain the
database it had at the time it became inactive except the outputs will now be

The State LED is green on the active DPU and yellow on the inactive DPU.

To begin the download to the inactive DPU, first click its associated Freeze
button to freeze all values. Then click the Download button to begin the
configuration transfer to the target DPU.

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Hot Standby Mode

Once a database has been downloaded in Standalone mode, click the Enable
Backup button. Once you click this button, the active DPU will command the
inactive DPU to clear its database and then send a copy of the active database
to the inactive.

The DPUs will enter a warming state. In the warming state, there can be no
automatic failover since the database in the inactive is not complete. Once
the warming is complete, the inactive will enter a “Inactive Hot Standby”
state. In this mode the following conditions will cause failover:

Failure of the active DPU

Failure of both A and B network communications to the active DPU (and
no failure to the inactive)
Reset or power failure of the active DPU
Pressing the takeover button on the inactive DPU
Issuing an OpTakeOver command to the inactive DPU.
Failure of the active DPU to communicate with a number of I/O that
exceeds defined thresholds. (see Publication 278589, Function Block
Programmer’s Reference and User’s Guide, Chapter 1, “Buffer

Enabling Backup will cause the active DPU to “restart” the inactive DPU and
then send a current copy of the database to it. The bottom LED of the active
DPU will flash from green to red while warming the inactive DPU. The
inactive DPU will flash from red to yellow while warming.

When the backup is fully functional, the active DPU will flash yellow to
green and the inactive from yellow to off. At that point, a failure of the active
DPU will result in the inactive taking control. Manual intervention is
required to enable the previous active to become an available backup. To
accomplish this, reset the failed DPU.

Viewing a Trace Log

During the download, a progress bar appears at the bottom of the
Configuration Download dialog. If any errors are found during the download,
they are listed in the Info window as part of a trace log.

When the download is finished, Print and File buttons next to the Info
window become available. Click the Print button to print the search results,
or click the File button to save the search results to a file.

4-4 Metso Automation •278597 •

Downloading a Configuration

Figure 4-2. Starting a Download when the DPU Is Not Defined.

Starting a Download when the DPU Is Not Defined

When you perform a download and the target DPU is not defined in the
DPUlist.ini file, the download dialog appears with no DPU information.
Before the download may proceed, you must define a DPU.

To define a single DPU or DPU pair, you must first enter a DPU IP address.
The download dialog, in turn, updates the DPUlist.ini file.

To define a new DPU before a download:

1. In the tree directory, click on the DPU icon and right-click to access the
DPU pop-up menu.

2. Select Download from the menu to access the download dialog. Notice
that in the Selection area the DPU name is already entered. In the Action
field, the type of download is full.

3. In the Primary Address field, enter the IP address of the target DPU in
the form n.n.n.n and click Save.

4. When you click Save, maxDPUTools updates the DPUlist.ini file. You
are prompted to confirm the update. Click Yes or No.

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5. If you select Yes from the last step, a second prompt asks you if the
target DPU is part of a backup pair. Click Yes or No. If you click Yes,
the dialog displays a description of the backup DPU. If the download
proceeds without errors, maxDPUTools informs you that the update
succeeded. Click OK.

Performing an Incremental Installation

Installing a Group hierarchy:
1. In the tree directory, click on any group icon at any level of the
configuration and right-click to access the group pop-up menu.

2. Select Download from the menu to access the download dialog. Notice
that in the Selection area the DPU name is already entered. In the Action
field, the path name of the group about to be installed appears.

3. In the Primary Address field, enter the IP address of the target DPU in
the form n.n.n.n and click Save.

4. When you click Save, maxDPUTools updates the DPUlist.ini file. You
are prompted to confirm the update. Click Yes or No.

5. If you select Yes from the last step, a second prompt asks you if the
target DPU is part of a backup pair. Click Yes or No. If you click Yes,
the dialog displays a description of the backup DPU. If the download
proceeds without errors, maxDPUTools informs you that the update
succeeded. Click OK.

Installing a Single Point

To install a single point:

1. In the tree directory, click on a point you wish to install and right-click to
access the control pop-up menu.

2. Select Download from the menu to access the download dialog. Notice
that in the Selection area the DPU name is already entered. In the Action
field, the path name of the point about to be installed appears.

3. In the Primary Address field, enter the IP address of the target DPU in
the form n.n.n.n and click Save.

4. When you click Save, maxDPUTools updates the DPUlist.ini file. You
are prompted to confirm the update. Click Yes or No.

5. If you select Yes from the last step, a second prompt asks you if the
target DPU is part of a backup pair. Click Yes or No. If you click Yes,

4-6 Metso Automation •278597 •

Downloading a Configuration

the dialog displays a description of the backup DPU. If the download

proceeds without errors, maxDPUTools informs you that the update
succeeded. Click OK.

Incremental Download Detail

Incremental download proceeds in one of two ways base on the situation:

Add a new Group hierarchy or a new single instance.

Update an existing Group hierarchy or existing single instance

When a Group hierarchy is selected, the action taken is based on a

comparison of the group’s assigned GName and SvcRelIdx within its parent
hierarchy by SvcHandle vs. that in the running DPU.

If neither the GName nor the SvcRelIdx is present in the running DPU under
the parent Group in the DPU, then an addition will occur.

If both the GName and SvcRelIdx are present and assigned to a single group
instance in the DPU under a matching parent group, then an update will

If otherwise, i.e. a group with a matching SvcRelIdx but mismatched GName

is present, the download will abort because the possibility of corruption
exists. An error message in the log will suggest that changing the GName
requires the download to start at the parent level, if appropriate.

Special handling is provided, so, that when the parent group hierarchy is
missing in the maxDPU, it is also included in the downloaded hierarchy.

When an instance selection is the starting point for incremental downloading,

the key for determining addition vs. updating is a comparison of function
type and SvcRelIdx combined with parent SvcHandle, vs. that in the running
DPU. If both match it is an update, otherwise an addition.

Incremental Adding
Adding is straightforward, with all details handled.

Incremental Modifying
Modifying an existing hierarchy is performed as a merge operation. A merge
operation proceeds by determining what instances have been added, deleted,
or are still present in the configuration as compared to that in the running
DPU. This is based on parent, function type and SvcRelIdx (similar to the
starting instance scenario above).

In a simplified overview of a merge,

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all existing instances running in the DPU as part of the selection are marked
for deletion.

The addition of missing instances then proceeds by creating new instances as

needed and determined above in the DPU along with creating any custom
function definitions as needed.

Any instances that were present in both the configuration and DPU at the
start are unmarked for deletion.

The remaining instances marked for deletion are then deleted.

All attribute values and references for all instances are then written to
complete the download.

Special Handling of Incremental Download for Custom Functions

Incremental download can handle the downloading of custom functions that
have been redesigned since the previous download.

The first step is to examine the intended download content for the presence
of instances of custom functions:

New Custom Functions

Downloading instances of newly added custom functions includes the
creation and download of the master template and any other defined
templates. An information line has been added to the download log
indicating when a custom function addition is made during incremental
download. Next the actual instances in the selected hierarchy are

Existing Custom Functions

When an incremental download includes a custom function that already
exists in the DPU from a previous download, the existing template is first
compared against the design present in the configuration.

First, the installed function definition is uploaded and compared to the

download source. This involves a full comparison of attributes by name,
type, description, default value, reference, security, I/O wiring (download)
order, and optional enumeration text, along with the date of any compiled
atom object.

Second, the comparison then repeats, as needed, with the full comparison of
all of the child functions as well as any nested custom function children, and
their attribute values and reference settings. For example, if custom function

4-8 Metso Automation •278597 •

Downloading a Configuration

‘A’ contains a ‘B’ and ‘B’ is found to be different, then ‘A’ is also
considered modified, requiring re-downloading.

If no change in an installed custom function design is found, then its

definition and all included templates are omitted from the incremental
download as superfluous. Only the actual instances in the selected hierarchy
are included.

Downloading the Modified Custom Function Templates

When a custom function currently present in the DPU is determined to be

different from that in the configuration requiring download, the function
present in the maxDPU is renamed to make it distinct from that in the
configuration. Renaming involves adding a suffix comprised of a ‘~’
character (tilde) and a unique number index, with the resulting name trimmed
to the 16 character maximum. When such a renaming occurs, a log entry is
made stating the action taken. This renaming strategy allows the download to
proceed since the custom function in the configuration has now effectively
become newly added. For example if ‘A’ exists in the DPU, but is
determined to be different from the ‘A’ in the configuration, the existing ‘A’
in the DPU will be renamed to ‘A~1’. The download will then proceed and
newly create ‘A’ to match the configuration.

When the incremental download is complete, a sweep is made to remove any

renamed custom functions that no longer have any instances remaining,
except for those in the Templates hierarchy which are considered to be part
of the design definition. Again, a log entry is made stating the action taken.


The key to this scrubbing is the presence of the ‘~’ tilde character in the
name. Hence, although tilde has been enabled as a legal character in the
creation of a custom function name (for the sake of possible uploading and
difference merging), its use should be restricted to the rename feature

The side effect of all of this is the introduction of closely related custom
function variants in a running DPU. The user must manage the effects of this
when considering and performing online differences and/or full upload
operations. If these variants are introduced into a configuration because of
difference merging or full uploading, they should be considered for
collapsing into a single custom function matching the latest design.
Alternatively, they could be distinctly renamed and described if it is to be

To facilitate collapsing variants, the “Change Function Type” feature has

been extended. In addition to its original use in changing the function type of
an atomic function instance, it can also be used with a custom function
definition as well. This feature allows changing instances of one type into

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

another preserving the value and reference assignments of all the attributes
common to both types. In the case of the custom function definition, right
clicking on the custom function folder node within the Custom Tree view
will call up a context menu containing the “Change Function Type” as one of
its option. The meaning of selecting this option for a custom function
definition is to rename ALL existing instances of this custom function
throughout the whole configuration into the function selected from the list in
the popup dialog display. After the selection, another message box will
appear prompting if the actual function definition should also be deleted as

If it is NOT the intent to rename ALL instances of the selected custom

function, the same context menu contains a cross-reference option. Choosing
this will open a view pane listing all instances found. From this list, single
clicking on an entry will swap the tree and detail pane view to that instance,
where a single instance “Change Function Type” action can be initiated
instead. After making such a function type change a thorough review of the
resulting attribute settings is recommended. Any new attributes present in the
new function that were not in the original will have the default setting
applied. This also applies to attributes that might have been like named but
were different in data type.

Use this feature with caution and be sure to review the results!

4-10 Metso Automation •278597 •

Chapter 5

Using Import/Export Utilities

Point data created and edited in Microsoft Access or from some other source
file, such as in a text editor, may be imported into maxDPUTools using the
import utility. Conversely, all or portions of a database created using
maxDPUTools may be exported to Access as an .mdb file or to a text editor
as a formatted .dat file.

Use the import utility to capture point data created outside maxDPUTools.
Use the Export utility to transfer point data from maxDPUTools to an Access
database or to a text editor. The Export utility may be useful for merging
together portions of various configurations developed independently in
maxDPUTools, or to perform quick edits to values and references. The point
database may then be imported back into maxDPUTools.

Remember, many of these basic editing functions, such as moving and

copying points within and between configurations, and making global
changes to values and references can also done using other features built into

As noted in Chapter 2, groups and individual points may be moved, copied,

and pasted from the tree directory pane. Global changes to values and
references can be done using the Find and Replace utility. See "Performing
Global Edits Using the Find and Replace Utility," in Chapter 3.

Importing from Microsoft Access or a File

The import utility permits you to import points directly from an Access
database, which uses fixed table formatting, or from a formatted file. If you
are importing from an Access database, the utility allows you to import tables
or stored Access queries. Access tables could consist of:

Data types
Instance attributes
Scheme version
Services (function blocks, custom controls)

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maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide

Steam property out types

Thermocouple and RTD signal types

If you are importing a text file, point data should be formatted as shown into
following example:

Figure 5-1. Sample .dat File

Understanding .dat File Formats

The sample describes the attributes associated with the ABS (absolute value)
function block. As shown in this example, a .dat file follows a simple syntax.
Individual function block listings are separated in a file list using <Begin>
and <End> tags. Values for specific attributes are entered after an equal sign
(=). Attributes that can have references include a _ref extension. Use tabs for

An Access database or file may be imported into maxDPUTools as a new file

or may be inserted into an existing maxDPUTools database. If you are
importing into an existing database, the imported file may be inserted into a
configuration hierarchy at the DPU level or at any hierarchical group level.

The text file is composed of one or more lines of text per point. Use the
following formats:

One line per attribute:


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Using Import/Export Utilities

Or multiple attributes per line:

Service=string <tab>Attribute=valuestring

Note that the keyword Service denotes the start of an addition followed by
one or more attributes.

Continuation lines are denoted by the absence of the leading Service

keyword, i.e., continues until a new addition is encountered or the end of file
is reached.

Attributes can be in any order. Leading and trailing white space (tabs,
blanks) are ignored.

To insert comments, use the apostrophe character as the leading character.

The import function supports both formats, while the export function
supports the one line per attribute format.

Other Formatting Considerations and Restrictions

Attributes must not use the equal sign (=) character in their name.
Since tab is used as a delimiter, a tab is not allowed in any value string.
Using tab eliminates problems with using commas or any other special
characters in strings where allowed.
Any omitted attributes will assume their default value.
The attributes match the attribute names of services with one required
A Parent attribute is used to specify the hierarchical HID text of the
parent group assignment. If the group hierarchy doesn't exist, it is
created. The parent can specify from 1 to 8 levels.

The RelIdx attribute specifies the relative index assignment within

parent. The relative index is optional and if omitted, it is auto
assigned as the next highest number within parent group starting
from 1.

Error Handling
Import will enforce the validation of parameters to include:

Service type must exist (must be a legal function block type). (error)
Parent must be specified. (error)
Attribute must exist. (warning)
Value vs. data type is validated. (warning)
Implicit data type conversion will apply for numeric if needed.
String lengths are truncated to their maximum length. (warning)
Value ranges are checked. (warning)

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Enumerations are validated. (warning)

Duplicate Gnames are validated. (replace existing service in same
hierarchy or update if same service)
Duplicate Relidxs (replace existing service in same hierarchy or update if
same service)
Duplicate Tagnames (warning unless replacing same existing service)

If any error is found, the point is not added. If any warning is found, the
attribute is not set.

Constructing a Text File

Add an ATAG function block to group ‘/u2/bms/l3’ with a Gname of ‘G1’
and a Limhi value of 100.1. All other attributes default.

All on one line:


Or one line per attribute:


Or multiple lines and attributes per line:


Or include comments using a leading (beginning of line or immediately

following a <tab>) apostrophe character:

‘This is a comment line

‘More comments
Service=ATAG<tab>’More comments
Limhi=100.1 <tab>’More comments

Exporting from maxDPUTools

To export point data from the Configuration, select a level in a database
hierarchy to include the services (function blocks and custom controls) to be

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Using Import/Export Utilities

exported. You may export data at any level of a configuration hierarchy

down to a single point.

If you are exporting to a database, such as Access, that uses fixed table
formatting, select the attributes you intend to export and place them into a
named table. The table can then be exported as a database file with an .mdb
extension to Access.

If you export point data as a simple .dat file, the export utility automatically
formats the point data as shown in Figure 5-1.

Importing Point Data to maxDPUTools

To import point data to maxDPUTools:

1. Open a configuration in maxDPUTools and in the tree directory view,

select a level in the hierarchy where you wish to place the imported point
data. You may select any level of the hierarchy ranging from the DPU at
the root to a group node.

2. After you select a level in the hierarchy, right-click to open a pop-up

menu, select Import, and click Database or File. Click Database if you
are importing a Microsoft Access .mdb file. Click File if you are
importing a formatted .dat file.

3. When you select Import and Database or File, a standard Windows

directory dialog appears. Select a database file and click Open.

If you click Database, the following Import from an External Database dialog
box appears:

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If you click File, the following Import from a File dialog box appears:

In most respects, the two dialogs are similar, except the Import from an
External Database dialog features two tabs for selecting Microsoft Access
tables and queries.

In both sample dialog boxes, notice that the first two fields are already filled
in. The Hierarchy field contains the name of the hierarchy level you selected
in the tree directory where you wish to place the imported point data. The
Database field in the Import from an External Database dialog contains the
path name of the .mdb to be imported. Likewise, the Source File field of the
Import from a File dialog contains the path name of the .dat file to be
imported. To edit the Database or Source File fields in their respective
dialogs and select a different path or file, click the Ellipsis button.

Importing from an Access Database

The Import from an External Database dialog contains elements that apply
only to Access .mdb files.

In this dialog to edit the target .mdb file before the import, click the Edit
button to open the file in a Microsoft Access session.

Additionally, this dialog allows you to select which tables or stored queries
you wish to import.

To import from an Access database:

1. Select the Tables tab or Queries tab in the center of the dialog and then
click on the table or query names you wish to import from the scrolling

2. Click the Prefix or Replace radio buttons under Parenting to determine

how the imported point data should be placed in the target configuration.

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Using Import/Export Utilities

Select Prefix to append imported group hierarchies to an existing parent

group in the target configuration.

3. Select Replace to replace the root group of any parent field with the
selected imported hierarchy.

4. Under Mode, click the Insert New radio button if you wish to add a new
set of points to the configuration. They are added to a selected location in
the tree. If you are updating existing points identified by tagname, gname
or relative index number, click the appropriate radio buttons. The import
utility will then use tagnames, Gnames, or index numbers as the update
correlation key.

5. Click the Start button to begin the import.

If the import utility detects problems with the import file, the Warnings and
Errors buttons become available. A warning is generated if data is missing.
An error is generated if the import utility detects bad service names. Click the
Warnings or Errors buttons to open log files in a text editor, such as
WordPad. See Figures 5-2 and 5-3.

Record 1-Attribute 'Category' not found or not configurable.

Record 1-Attribute 'SvcType' not found or not configurable.
Record 2-Attribute 'Category' not found or not configurable.
Record 2-Attribute 'SvcType' not found or not configurable.
Figure 5-2. Sample warning log

Record 14-A valid Service is required

Record 17-A valid Service is required
Record 18-A valid Service is required
Record 30-A valid Service is required
Record 31-A valid Service is required
Figure 5-3. Sample error log

Importing from a File

To import from a file:

1. From the Import from a File dialog, click the Prefix or Replace radio
buttons under Parenting to determine how the imported point data should
be placed in the target configuration. Select Prefix to append imported
group hierarchies to an existing parent group in the target configuration.

2. Select Replace to replace the root group of any parent field with the
selected imported hierarchy.

3. Under Mode, click the Insert New radio button if you wish to add a new
set of points to the configuration. They are added to a selected location in
the tree. If you are updating existing points identified by tagname, gname
or relative index number, click the appropriate radio buttons. The import

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utility will then use tagnames, Gnames, or index numbers as the update
correlation key.

4. Click the Start button to begin the import.

Exporting Point Data from maxDPUTools

To export maxDPUTools point data to an external database (Access) or to a
formatted .dat file:

1. Open a maxDPUTools file and select the points you wish to export in the
tree directory pane. You may select points from any level of the
hierarchy ranging from the DPU root, group nodes, or a single point
within a group.

2. Select a level of the hierarchy, right-click and select Export from the
pop-up menu. Click Database to export to an Access fixed-table format
.mdb file or click File to export to a formatted .dat file.

3. If you click Database, the following Export to an External Database

dialog box appears:

If you click File, the following Export to File dialog box appears:

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Using Import/Export Utilities

Both dialogs feature Selection and Destination fields that are already filled in
when the dialogs open.

The Selection field contains the name of the hierarchy level you selected in
the tree directory, indicating which portion of the database you wish to
export. The destination field contains the path name of the .mdb or .dat file to
be exported. To edit the Destination field to select a different destination,
click the Ellipsis button.

Exporting to an Access Database

To export to an Access database:

1. From the Export to an External Database dialog, enter the name of a

table in the Table field or click the down arrow to select the name of an
existing table from a drop-down list.

2. Under Mode, click Create a New Table, if this is a new table or click
Reuse Table, Clearing, if this is an existing table.

Note: The table you create here becomes a .mdb file containing the point
data to export. After a successful export, you may open this table in Access.

3. In the Selected Services window, check the services you wish to export.
Click Select All to check all the services listed in the window, or click
Clear All to clear all the selections and select individual services.

4. When you make your selections, associated service attributes appear in

the Available Service Attributes window. Click on an attribute to select it
and then click the single right arrow button to move the selection to the
Selected Service Attributes window. Click the right double arrows to
move all the attributes to the Selected Service Attributes window.

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5. Alternately, you may select attributes to include in the export using a

search tool. To search services containing specify attributes, click the
question mark (?) button to access the Select Services by Attribute

6. Enter the name of an attribute or use pattern matching, such as in*or tag?
and click OK. When you click OK, the search utility automatically
checks services in the Select Services window containing the target
attributes and places found matches in the Selected Services Attributes

7. After making your selections, click Start to begin the export. When the
export begins, a progress bar appears at the bottom of the dialog. When
the export utility finishes, an Access session opens containing the table
you created using the Export utility.

Exporting to a File
To export to a .dat file:

1. Open the Export to a File dialog and check the services you wish to
export in the Services window. Click Select All to check all the services
listed in the window, or click Clear All to clear all the selections and
select individual services.

2. After making your selections, click Start to begin the export. When the
export begins, a progress bar appears at the bottom of the dialog. When
the export utility finishes, the utility creates a formatted .dat that you
may open in any text editor, such as WordPad.

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Chapter 6

Using Differences Utility

The maxDPUTools Configuration Editor includes a utility that detects
changes between two configurations or changes between a configuration
created in maxDPUTools and a downloaded configuration running on a
maxDPU. Changes to a running configuration may be introduced online
using such applications as the MAXVUE Graphical Configurator or Point

Use the maxDPUTools Differences Utility to compare the content of a

selected configuration against either another configuration or a snapshot
sampling of values from a running maxDPU to discover additions, deletions,
and attribute changes between them. The configuration selected in the
maxDPUTools editor is known as the master, while the configuration or
maxDPU selected for comparison is known as the replica. For a meaningful
and accurate comparison, a master and replica should be variants of each
another and share a common configuration ancestry.

Running the Differences Utility—Getting Started

To perform a differences analysis:

1. Decide whether to compare two configurations or a configuration created

in maxDPUTools and a downloaded configuration running on a
maxDPU. See “Starting the Differences Utility.”

2. Perform a selective or full comparison. See “Choosing Full Versus

Selective Comparison.”

3. When the Differences utility completes a differences evaluation, perform

the following editing actions:

Merge, delete or add differences; See “Merging Differences.”

Hide differences; See “Hiding Differences.”
Print differences; See “Viewing Differences Log.”

To execute the Differences feature, open a configuration in maxDPUTools,

and in the tree directory of the editor (left view pane) select a level within the
hierarchy at which to start. Start at the top level for a full hierarchical

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comparison, or select any level below the top level down to an individual
function where any changes are of interest.

When you select a level of the hierarchy to include, right-click to access a

pop-up menu and point to Differences and select Configuration or
maxDPU from the Differences submenu.

When the Differences utility finishes its analysis, you are presented with a
two-pane dialog showing the comparison results. The dialog consists of a
tree directory pane on the left, and a tabular detail on the right. As with the
standard maxDPUTools main editing window, select an object in the tree
directory to view an associated tabular detail.

Where differences exist, the hierarchical tree contains group folder and
function instance nodes along with the possible addition of individual
attribute leaf nodes. Each contains a text description describing the difference
as existing only in the master or replica, or as an attribute modification.

Differences Types
Reported differences may consist of:

Attribute modifications
Graphical Configurator drawing modifications and attribute changes

Attribute modifications can represent either a value or reference difference.

Text appearing in the tree hierarchy reports the new value vs. the old.

The Differences utility also detects changes in a Graphical Configurator

drawing resulting from an online editing session. Text appearing in the tree
hierarchy reports whether drawing objects were moved, or whether
connecting lines between drawing objects (wire connections) were edited. If
drawing objects were moved, changes in X and Y coordinates are reported. If
connecting lines are edited for clarity to include additional 90 degree turns
(reference turns) or if a turn is moved some distance, text appears in the tree
hierarchy reporting changes to reference turns

Click on a selected node or optional attribute to view an associated tabular

detail in the right view pane. This detail allows you to review its
configuration information as a whole in addition to the item that changed.

Performing a Full versus Selective Comparison

When you execute the Differences utility, you are prompted to select a full
comparison of potential differences or a selective comparison. Selecting the
Full Comparison begins the comparison including all function types and their
attributes as qualifying. Choosing the Selective Comparison option invokes a
dialog for the selection of functions and attributes to include in the

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Using Differences Utility

Merging, Hiding, and Printing Differences

When the Differences utility completes a differences evaluation, you may
perform the following editing actions:

Merge, delete or add differences

Hide differences
Print differences

Merging includes the adding or deleting of function instances, or the

updating of attribute values as appropriate to the type of difference.

Hiding provides a way of selectively discarding differences either for

exclusion in a hierarchical merging or for the de-cluttering of the display for
differences to be ignored.

After you execute the Differences utility, you may generate and print a list of
found differences.

Audit Trail
Lastly, an audit trail is accumulated for all applied updates and the results
may then be printed or saved to a file. See “Viewing the Change Log.”

Differences Performance
Large configuration comparisons could potentially tax the resources of DPUs
and maxSTATIONs. For a full comparison of a large configuration, the
execution of differences against a maxDPU requires significant SBP
throughput of attribute read operations, potentially on the order of 100,000.
Because this represents the most significant bottleneck to performance a
balance must be achieved which leverages pipelining the reads via
asynchronous responses. Performance, however, at the same time must be
throttled to not overload the system and in particular the maxDPU.

Large comparisons will also tax the workstation’s resources, specifically

CPU and memory usage and disk access. A high performance workstation is
recommended as the minimum platform to achieve reasonable performance.

The selection of hierarchical filtering is recommended when applicable to

facilitate improved performance by simply reducing the scope of the overall
comparison operation.

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Differences Compatibility
When comparing two configurations, both are required to be at the same
internal schema and release version levels. Otherwise the comparison will
not proceed. Refer to the section on multiple version support for more details
regarding release versioning support.

When comparing a configuration vs. a maxDPU, both are required to be at

the same release version levels. Otherwise the comparison will not proceed.

Starting the Differences Utility

Use the Differences utility to compare differences between two
configurations or a configuration created in the maxDPUTools editor and a
downloaded configuration running in an active DPU.

To start the utility:

1. Open a configuration in maxDPUTools and select the DPU tab to view

the target configuration in the left tree pane.

2. Expand the configuration in the tree directory and select a level you
which to include in the comparison. For a full hierarchical comparison,
start at the top level. You may also limit the comparison to a specific
level within a hierarchy or even a specific individual function.

3. When you select a level, right-click to access a pop-up menu, point to

Differences and select maxDPU or Configuration. See the following

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Using Differences Utility

Selecting maxDPU or Configuration takes you down two divergent setup

paths. See the following two sections for each choice.

Comparing a Configuration to a Running MaxDPU

When you select the maxDPU submenu entry (as described in the previous
section), the following dialog appears for selecting a target DPU:

The dialog consists of a single scrolling list of all possible maxDPUs

available for comparison. The list content is dynamically determined from
the entries in the standard DPUlist.ini file. The list contains the DPU names
in sorted order.

Note: DPU pairs are combined since by default the Differences utility always
compares a configuration against the active DPU.

Use the up/down arrow keys to select an entry from the list and click OK or
double-click on an entry.

Click the Cancel button to cancel the selection operation or press the <Esc>
key to close the dialog and return to the main editor display.

Alternatively, if an entry is not listed or you need to compare an inactive

DPU, click the Enter button to invoke the following entry dialog:

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Note that brackets are required to distinguish an address entry. The ‘!’ prefix
can also be included for explicit addressing when DPU pairs are present and
either the Primary or Secondary DPU, regardless of which is active, is

Note: if the maxDPU is inaccessible or the release versions are mismatched,

one of the following error dialogs may appear:

In both error cases, the differences cannot proceed. Click OK to close the
dialog and return to the main editor display view.

Configuration Difference Selection

If you select Configuration from the Differences submenu, (see “Starting
the Differences Utility”), the following selection dialog appears for
specifying a configuration file. Notice that choices in the selection list are
limited to configuration files only.

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Using Differences Utility

Click the Cancel button to cancel the selection operation or press the <Esc>
key to close the dialog and return to the main editor display.

Note: if you should select the same configuration as the master,

maxDPUTools silently cancels the Differences utility. Additionally, if a
version mismatch exists between the master and selected replica, the
following error dialog appears:

Click OK to close the error dialog and return to the main editor display view.

Choosing Full versus Selective Comparison

After you select either a maxDPU or replica configuration for comparison, a
full-screen differences dialog appears. Notice that a second dialog appears on
top of the first dialog prompting you to select a full comparison or a selective
comparison. See the following figure:

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The full screen difference dialog contains a header section that displays the
master and replica selections, along with any starting hierarchical level
selection made in the tree. Note that the replica text is color coded blue. Any
items in the tree that exist only in the replica also contain text description
color-coded blue as a visual correlation.

The dialog footer section contains command buttons for the repeated re-
execution of comparison, optionally varying the mode between Full and

Click the Cancel Comparison button to halt the utility while a comparison is
in progress.

Click the View Change Log button (on the full-screen dialog) to view a
changes log (audit trail) in a separate dialog.

Select Full Comparison on the smaller dialog (the <Enter> key default) to
begin the comparison including all function types and their attributes as

Click the Selective Comparison button on the smaller dialog to choose

specific functions and attributes to include in the comparison and exclude

Select Cancel (or <Esc>) to close the differences dialog and return to the
main editor display view.

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Using Differences Utility

Choosing Selective Comparison Option

Click Selective Comparison button to access the following dialog to select
functions and attributes to include in the comparison.

The dialog consists of six Quick Options buttons and an attribute selections
checkbox-style, tree directory consisting of function names and associated

A check indicates inclusion for comparison. Use the space bar to toggle the
checked status of a selected node in tree. A gray background check mark is
used as a special case for a function that has some but not all attributes
included. A Selected Only option box exists to limit the tree to selected items
only for review.

Use the Quick Options buttons to filter the differences to selected categories
of attributes as shown. Click the Include All button to select all functions

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and attributes or click the Exclude All button to uncheck all checkboxes to
make individual selections.

Click the Names button to mark all Tagnames and Gnames as included.

Click the Parameters option to mark all value attributes as included (vs.

Click the References option to include all .Ref of attributes intended for the
discovery of any changes in wiring. Note that .Ref also implicitly includes
.RefTurns from sheet drawings.

Click Sheet info to include References and Graphical Configurator X (SvcX)

and Y (SvcY) coordinate changes.

After you select initial mode options or iterative difference execution, the
utility begins to prepare differences. As this is occurring, the following
dialog appears:

Notice that the Cancel Comparison command button is enabled for the
duration of the difference processing to allow aborting. The editor
synchronously waits for completion, disallowing any other entry until
completed or canceled.

Should you click this button, the following dialog appears:

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Using Differences Utility

When Differences processing is completed and no differences are discovered,

the following dialog appears:

Displaying Difference Results

When the utility finds differences, a two-pane dialog similar to the following
appears. Enumerated differences are listed and described in the tree directory.
When you click on a differences text, a tabular detail containing the
referenced attribute appears in the right pane.

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Four types of differences are shown by this example:

1. Groups g1 and g2 are shown in the directory tree to have differences,

even though they are identical in attributes, because they contain
differences somewhere in their child hierarchy.

It is also possible to have a group exist only in one or the other

configuration and appear as such. A group might also show attribute
differences in combination with child function differences, in which case
the attribute differences appear first, directly under the group node, prior
to the inclusion of any child function instances with differences.

2. Four attributes were changed for the ABS instance. Note the value
comparisons in the tree node text, and the synchronized grid showing the
master’s detail for the ABS function with the attribute highlighted.

Note the distinct edit pencil icon unique to attribute differences. All other
icons used are the same as in the main edit tree view.

3. An instance (#3 ADD) exists only in the master.

4. An instance (#4 ADD) exists only in the replica (maxDPU).

Important Note: In aligning the hierarchy of the two configurations, it is the

relative index combined with the function type that is used as the unique
identification key and not the Gname. In particular, the hierarchy is
dependent on the Relative index of each group in the hierarchy being the
same. That is, the Gname of a group is considered a parameter, and NOT part
of the hierarchical ID.

Gnames of groups can be changed and will appear as attribute differences.

Edit the relative index of a group and the results will be two distinct
difference tree branches, one existing only in the master, with the other
existing only in the replica. This emphasizes the fact that differences
presumes a common configuration ancestry where the two configurations
will align their hierarchies on like relative indices and not on Gname.

Merging Differences
As described in the previous section, when the utility finds differences
between a master and replica, these are enumerated in an expandable tree
directory appearing in the left view pane. When you right-click on a
differences entry in the directory, a pop-up menu appears showing the
following available edit actions. Review the following sections for an
explanation of each.

Merge, delete or add differences

Hide differences
Print differences

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Using Differences Utility

Using the Merge Function

The primary objective of the merge function is to synchronize the master to
match the replica. The replica is never altered.

Select the Merge Differences option to change any attribute difference

values selected to match those shown in the replica representing a snapshot
sample value created at the time differences were prepared. When differences
are merged, the affected tree node entries are removed from the display.

To merge differences:

Click on any level of a hierarchy in the tree directory, right-click and select
Merge Differences from the pop-up menu.

After you select Merge Differences, the utility compares and analyzes the
selected configuration at each level of the hierarchy, and automatically
performs the appropriate additions and deletions to the master to make it
match the replica.

In the following figure, for example, the ABS instance node was selected.
Because the function node was selected the action will affect all four of the
attribute differences included hierarchically.

Alternatively, as shown in the figure, you may select the G2, or G1, or top
level DPU for merging or hiding of a hierarchy.

Additionally, a singular attribute may be selected for deleting or adding a

difference. See the following sections.

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When the utility hierarchically merges instances or finds hierarchies that

exists only in the master or only in the replica, instances present only in the
master are deleted and instances only in the replica are added to the master.

Based on the amount of differences being applied, hierarchical merging may

take some time to complete. During a merge operation, the tree directory and
command buttons are disabled and the “busy” cursor appears.

Adding Differences
When you click on a singular difference instance in the tree directory
containing the text, Exist Only in the Replica, the context menu available
after a right click contains the Add Differences command. Use this
command to add the instance or hierarchy that exists only in the replica to
make it match the master.

Note: a hierarchical merge that contains such instances automatically

performs the additions as described in the previous section. However, when
you select a singular instance as described here, the menu entry explicitly
describes the action that will be taken.

To add a difference in a singular node:

Click on a node instance as shown in the following example, which contains

the text, Exist Only in the replica.

1. Right-click and select Add Differences from the pop-up menu to add the
instance to the master.

2. When the instance is added to the master, the affected tree note entry is
removed from the display.

Deleting Differences

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Using Differences Utility

When you click on a singular difference instance in the tree directory

containing the text, Exist Only in the Master, the context menu available after
a right click contains the Delete Differences command. Use this command to
delete the instance or hierarchy that exists only in the master to make it
match the replica.

Note: a hierarchical merge that contains such instances automatically

performs the deletions as described in “Using the Merge Function.”
However, when you select a singular instance as described here, the menu
entry explicitly describes the action that will be taken.

To delete a difference in a singular node:

1. Click on a node instance as shown in the following example, which

contains the text, Exist Only in the Master.

2. Right-click and select Delete Differences from the pop-up menu.

When the instance is deleted from the master, the affected tree note entry is
removed from the display.

Hiding Differences
Select the Hide Differences option to remove a singular node or hierarchical
branch in the tree without applying any changes. Use this option to
selectively eliminate differences that are not to be included in a subsequent

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hierarchical edit action, or to remove differences no longer of interest to

declutter the display.

When all differences have been removed either through merging or hiding
the following dialog appears:

Viewing the Change Log

Any changes applied to the master (additions, deletions, etc.) are added to the
change log (audit trail), which you may view, print, or save to a file. Click
the View Change Log button at the bottom of the maxDPUTools
Differences main display to view the following dialog:

The dialog contains a scrolling list, each line of which represents an applied
change. The list is sorted alphabetically to be close to a hierarchical identifier
order, regardless of the chronological order of the applied changes. Each line
contains a full path identification.

Click the Print button to invoke the Windows standard printer dialog,
allowing you to select a printer destination and of copies.

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Using Differences Utility

Click the File button to invoke the standard Windows save-as dialog to save
the log as a file. The file is saved to the following default location:


Viewing the Difference Log

After you execute the Differences utility, you may generate a list of found

To print a list of differences:

Execute the Differences utility and open the tree directory containing a list of
enumerated differences.

Click to select some level of the hierarchy in the tree directory. The printed
list will include any differences found within the selected hierarchy inclusive.

Right-click and select Print Differences from the pop-up menu to access the
following dialog:

The dialog contains a list of differences found in the selected hierarchy.

Click the Print button to invoke the Windows standard printer dialog,
allowing you to select a printer destination and number of copies.

Click the File button to invoke the standard Windows save-as dialog to save
the log as a file. The file is saved to the following default location:

Metso Automation •278597 • 6-17

maxDPUTOOLS User's Guide


Special Considerations for Custom Function Differences

Differences will detect when the definition of a custom function is different
and allow the addition of a new definition or the merger of a modified
definition from the replica into the master. A variant difference presentation
is provided for such use as shown in the following figure::

Note that in the tree a top level “<Custom Functions>” node appears when
such differences are present in addition to the DPU top level node. This is
distinct from the normal edit display where a separate tabular selection is
required to view the custom function definitions.

Important: It should be noted that the custom function differences appear at

the top to provide an inferred preference to having them reviewed first,
before any differences within the DPU instances. In fact attempting to add or
hierarchically merge an instance of a new custom function prior to adding its
definition is explicitly prevented, and results in the following example error

6-18 Metso Automation •278597 •

Using Differences Utility

Custom functions can thus be added, and the instances also added all within
one difference run as long as the definition is added first.

Caution: When a single custom function instance is online modified in a

maxDPU and its differences merged, it is likely that other instances of the
same custom function existing in the DPU do not match the new definition.
In this situation action should be taken to synchronize the replica back to the
master via download operations.

It is presumed that such edit actions are typically part of the incremental
creation and testing of a custom function definition presumably running in a
simulation environment. Otherwise the re-execution of differences will now
correctly indicate that all the other instances are different vs. the newly
updated master, and could lead to confusion. The editing of custom functions
in a maxDPU operating in a critical situation where download might lead to
process upsets is not recommended. Exercise caution.

There are also two distinct presentations for custom function differences
based on whether a comparison to a maxDPU or a configuration is being

In the case of a configuration comparison (not shown), a one-to-one

definition comparison is performed. If a difference exists, a function folder
node is present with the option for Add/Merge/Print/Hide edit actions. These
edit actions execute similarly to that previously described. Details of the
differences within the function will be present for viewing, but edit actions
can only be performed at the individual custom function level and not
selectively within its hierarchy.

In the case of a maxDPU comparison (as shown), a one to many comparison

is performed, in that online editing can occur within any instance of a custom
function, and more than one instance if present might show differences. In
this case a folder exists for the Custom function, along with specific instance
nodes as children, identified by their full hierarchical ID to distinguish their
identity as shown above.

You may perform add/merge/print/hide edit actions for an instance node.

Right-click in a tree directory hierarchy to access a pop-up menu containing
these actions.

The Function folder itself only has the option for Hide. Details of the
differences within the instance will be present for viewing, but edit actions
can only be performed at the individual instance level and not selectively
within its hierarchy. In such a case, if an individual instance is merged or
added, then the whole of the function folder is subsequently removed from
the tree upon completion of the action.

Metso Automation •278597 • 6-19

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