Rolling Mill AGMA STD Development

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AGma V O I C E S

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Writing the Standards

Gary A. Bish, Director-Product Design Technology
The Horsburgh and Scott Company

The AGMA committee experi- engineering companies are traditionally on how pitch varies as the gear split
ence is second to none in developing slow to change the standards by which rolls past the pinion, as well as dif-
technical awareness among its mem- they qualify and quantify the capacities ferences in gear deflections between
bers and technical influence among and design life of their products. The “T”-style and “Y”-style blanks, and
the standards user community. Having ring gear manufacturers still see more mesh stiffness changes with mesh point
personally worked through the local gear inquiries which refer to AGMA varying relative to the position of cross
chair positions of a national manufac- 321, (replaced by 6004-F88 22 years stiffeners (ribs) on the gear blank. A
turing engineering organization, and ago), than any other standard. By all standard of this magnitude takes a long
having belonged briefly to a national accounts 6004-F88 was a failure, as time to digest and produce.
engineering organization serving the most of those directly involved with AGMA has always carefully kept
steel industry, I can say without hesita- the ball mill gearing industry couldn’t commercial influence out of commit-
tion that my years on the AGMA Mill accept the more liberal ratings and tee produced product, which is not
Gearing Committee have been without range of solutions it provided versus easy to do when committee members
equal in terms of my learning experi- 321. In fact, a real surprise to me was are convinced that there ought to be
ence. the “goal” expressed at the onset of factors that acknowledge what they
When the Mill Gearing Committee the committee work for the 6014 stan- believe is overwhelming technical evi-
convened about eleven years ago under dard, which was to develop a standard dence to support their product design
the leadership of Craig Danecki, it was that produced ratings more in line with culture. The perfect example is what
blessed with gear engineers represent- those of 321. went on for years in this committee
ing original equipment manufacturers This, of course, was no easy task, between parties that believed cast steel
in the grinding mill industry, as well as as this standard would have 2001 as structure was superior to forged, as in
representatives of gear manufacturing the parent standard, which includes a rolled rings or rectangular forgings,
companies for both grinding mill and different geometry factor standard than and vice-versa. At the end of the day,
rolling mill products, and consulting 321, as well having all the complexi- untold hours of technical research done
engineers for both sets of products; ties of multiple material “grades” and by companies in the United States,
and the membership represented three the related metallurgical factors which Canada and France were presented,
countries on two continents. The group dictate the choice of allowable design argued and massaged to yield allow-
attempted for the first few meetings to stress numbers. Also, time marches on. able stress numbers for all three mate-
divide time between grinding mill and Since 321 had been replaced, materi- rials involved, and a series of metal-
rolling mill applications. It became evi- als like ductile iron, or sheroidal gra- lurgical factor constraints that equate
dent early on, however, that the major- phitic iron (SGI) and austempered duc- a well made steel weldment with a
ity of the membership was involved tile iron (ADI) had made significant good forged rim to a well made, sound
solely in the grinding mill and related inroads to this application. The com- cast steel gear. Manufacturing guide-
product application. The committee mittee would need to deal technically lines were provided that encourage the
elected to address the development of with these and other issues for the 21st standard user to assure that the “T” or
that standard first. After withdrawing century. “Y” section gear blank was mechani-
6004-F88, the work began in great ear- The committee developed its own cally sufficient, as were maintenance
nest on creating what would become specific approach to the dynamic fac- guidelines to assure proper alignment
6014-A06. tor for the grinding mill application, and lubrication. In this way the “appli-
The standard 6014-A06 is now because the large diameter, flange cation” standard has gone further than
being reconsidered for revision or reaf- mounted and spring mounted, split gear any of its predecessors.
firmation, which will be required in blanks experience considerably differ- The committe members who con-
2011. I have seen a considerable num- ent transmission accuracy levels than tributed to ANSI/AGMA 6014-AO6,
ber of mill builders already calling for do smaller shaft mounted non-split Gear Power Rating for Cylindrical
gearing to be rated to this standard. gears. Member companies shared with Shell and Trunion Supported
That is actually an accomplishment, as the committee results of their research Equipment, were chairman Craig
10 GEARTECHNOLOGY January/February 2011
Danecki and myself, vice-chairman, considerably different goal than it did or undefined in the 2001 base standard.
along with: J.C. Berney-Ficklin of the grinding mill standard. The goal Linking the enhancement to the ben-
Bechtel Corp., J. Carr of FLSmidth was to make the standard reflect the efit of such enhancements requires the
& Co., J.L. Daubert of FLSmidth & product requirements in the indus- benefit of the theoretical research done
Co., M. Dreher of Ferry-Capitain, T.C. try today. Unlike 6004-F88, the roll- by many scholars, and the significant
Glasener of Xtek Inc., R.W. Hankes ing mill gearing standard 6005.B89 applied experience of the committee
of A-C Equipment Services Corp., was readily accepted and applied in members. Nevertheless, the introduc-
E.O. Hurtado of FFE Minerals, M.J. the metals rolling industry. However, tion of new values to rating factors
Raab of Anderol Inc., V. Svalbonas of over the last 20 years the rolling mill requires the committee be not only
Metso Minerals Ltd., Y. Theberge of gear industry has been dominated by an directionally correct, but also signifi-
Metso Minerals Ltd. and F.C. Uherek evolving specification for high quality cantly conservative.
of Rexnord Industries LLC. gearing products, with fatigue capac- One of the most enjoyable and edu-
The rolling mill standard 6005.B89 ity calculations requiring AGMA 2001 cational facets of committee member-
was intended to be reaffirmed with a ratings. Only a few customers today ship is the review of an application
cautionary note, but it was also with- require AGMA 6005.B89 ratings, and standard with engineers from the target
drawn at the same time as 6004-F88. that is basically because of the lower industry, who are not gear engineers by
When 6014-A06 work was concluded, allowable root bending stress levels in background. The rolling mill gearing
many committee members were com- 6005.B89 in comparison to the basic committee met with two senior main-
pelled to withdraw from active duty 2001 rating. However, in the rolling tenance engineers from an Alabama
as rolling mill gear products were not mill gear product industry today, the plant of a major international steel
associated with the product offerings use of the 2001 gear rating standard firm to discuss the spectrum of loads
of their company. Chairman Danecki also requires the application of stress in the rolling process. We learned how
also passed the gavel to me at this time. cycle factors equal to 20 years of con- the steel makers interpret the telem-
The remaining members were quite tinuous cycles, longitudinal flank mod- etry charts for their mill stands, and
few. Fortunately, additional techni- ifications and exhaustive manufactur- from that the committee determined an
cal experts whose companies were not ing control to meet strict metallurgical approach to dealing with the mean roll-
involved with grinding mills and ring factors. ing loads, the cyclical peak loads, and
gear manufacturing joined the activi- Writing a new standard to replace the non-cyclical peak loads. While this
ties. The committee continues to grow, 6005.B89 would guarantee AGMA standard is still under construction, we
and in non-conventional ways. We 2001.D04 as the parent standard. The promise a product worthy of the time
have had involvement by members rep- operational characteristics of rolling taken to produce it.
resenting the lubrication industry, and mill gearing required that the com- The current committee members
most recently a member involved in the mittee establish metallurgical controls and the hard-working AGMA Staff
vibration analysis of rolling mill gear linked to the allowable Grade 1 and member who are contributing to
drives. The Mill Gearing Committee Grade 2 stress numbersthat are suf- AGMA 6015-AXX, Power Rating of
has survived a few institutional chang- ficiently conservative for coarse pitch, Single and Double Helical Gearing for
es at AGMA as well. We were suc- shock loaded gearing. While shock Rolling Mill Service, are myself, chair-
cessful in attaining a grandfathered loads are a given, much of the gearing man, and Chris Dale of Xtek Inc., vice-
status when AGMA membership today must be highly accurate so as not chairman, along with: Dick Calvert
became a requirement for committee to negatively affect the surface of the of Chalmers & Kubeck, Bob Fern of
membership, and a challenge by the strip being rolled. In the superseded CHL Systems, Hal Johnson of Lufkin
AGMA Technical Division Executive AGMA accuracy standard 390.03, mill Industries, Tom Shumka of Global
Committee over the need for a rolling gear set accuracy requirements were Inspections, Frank Uherek of Rexnord
mill rating standard separate from the listed as Q5. Today, requirements run Gear Group and Amir Aboutaleb of
enclosed drive rating standard, 6013- from Q8 to Q12 in the AGMA 2000- AGMA.
A06 in its present version. The reasons A88 system. It is precisely that range
why a rolling mill standard is required of accuracy requirements, in conjunc-
are exhaustive and beyond the scope tion with requirements for flank and Sincerely,
of this column. However, the exercise profile modifications, fine surface fin- Gary A. Bish
of fighting for the life of a standard ish, shot peening enhancements, etc., Director-Product Design Technology
document that essentially defines the that requires the new standard allow The Horsburgh and Scott Company
nuts and bolts of a good portion of your for quantitative differences in the cal-
professional life is a real motivation culated capacities to agree with the sig-
to do the job correctly. This opinion nificant manufacturing differences.
was shared by the committee and was Quantifying enhancements are cur-
evident in the passion displayed when rently provided for by the presence of
responding to the committee’s request. certain rating factors in the AGMA
The committee membership under- 2001.D04 power formulas. Many of
took the rolling mill standard with a these factors are, however, undefined January/February 2011 GEARTECHNOLOGY 11

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