From simple indel KOs to more complex conditional KOs and reporter insertions,
we’ve created a wide range of models using CRISPR/ Cas9 technology.
If we aren’t able to generate your CRISPR model, you don’t pay.
n ce ies
e g
i o sci nolo
r s e B Tech
o t
e ah gilen
Agilent Seahorse XFp Cell Energy Phenotype Test Kit Aerobic Energetic
Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR)
Using as few as 15,000 live cells and an Agilent Seahorse XFp Analyzer,
Mitochondrial Respiration
the Seahorse XFp Cell Energy Phenotype Test Kit identifies your cells’
metabolic phenotype as well as their metabolic et
potential — the utilization of mitochondrial
respiration and glycolysis. Baseline
FSC height
and CD90+ CD73+ stem cell subsets,
SSC area
FSC area
to purify MSCs from heterogeneous population is summarized in Table 1, 128 128 128 CD73+
15 95 91 97
sorting feature of the S3e Cell Sorter
BM culture, P1 rat BM cells were CD90–
suggesting that prolonged culture
which represents results from three CD73–
40 97 94 97.8 allows sorting of abundant populations may help remove contaminating cells
stained for CD90, CD73 or CD106, independent experiments. Theoretical
64 64 64
CD90+ in Purity mode and rare populations in
and CD45, and then with the viability CD106+
3 92 96.2 96.6 but also could compromise stem cell
efficiencies are calculated for a 0 0 0 Enrich mode. Hence, presorting rare phenotype and possibly affect their
dye VivaFix™ 498/521. Stained cells 100 μm nozzle tip at 30 psi sheath
0 64 128 192 256 0 64 128 192 256 10 0 101 102 103 104
50 99 92 98.4
populations in the Enrich followed by
were analyzed on the S3e Cell Sorter
FSC area FSC area CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521
* The size of rat MSCs range from 20 to 35 µm. P1 MSCs were sorted in Purity mode at 1,000–1,500 eps with a 100 µm nozzle tip,
pluripotency. An improved long-
pressure and various input rates and 30 psi sheath pressure, and 41 kHz drop drive frequency. Data represent three independent experiments.
Purity modes will likely help improve term cell culture strategy should be
equipped with a 100 μm nozzle tip and target cell frequencies with CytoCalc
Fig. 1. Rat MSC gating strategy. Rat bone marrow MSCs (P1) were stained with CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5, CD106 PE
** Theoretical efficiencies are calculated with CytoCalc Software v3.2 for a 100 µm nozzle tip at 30 psi sheath pressure at various MSC purity and yield.
30 psi sheath pressure. Viable MSCs
or CD73 ReadiLink 555/570, and CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521, then acquired on the S3e Cell Sorter. After input rates and target cell frequencies. investigated to minimize stem cell
Software v3.2. excluding debris and doublets (A–B), the fluorescence channel 1 (FL1) dim population was selected for further
differentiation before therapeutic
and non-MSCs were then sorted on analysis (C). FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; FSC, forward scatter; PE, phycoerythrin; PerCP, peridinin A B C Better Cell Culture and Isolation
the S3e Cell Sorter and assessed P3 Cells Reveal Less chlorophyll protein; SSC, side scatter. Rat MSCs: P1 Rat MSCs: P3
Methods Needed to Minimize applications of MSCs can be realized.
for postsort purity. Representative Phenotypic Heterogeneity A B C 80 CD90+
56.2 150
120 CD73+
23.3 Loss of Stem Cell Phenotypes Acknowledgements
FL2 FMO Control CD90/CD73 Sorting CD90/CD106 Sorting
graphs in Figure 1 illustrate the To test whether rat bone marrow 104
FL2+ CD90+
CD90+ CD73+
CD90+ CD106+ 60 90 The P1 cells used in this study The author would like to acknowledge Drs. Haixiang
Liang and Daniel A Grande (The Feinstein Institute for
MSCs are able to maintain their 100
were the first passage of Sprague-
CD73 ReadiLink 555/570
103 103 103 60
Medical Research) for kindly providing P1 and P3 rat
bone marrow displays a relatively high phenotypic characteristics after Dawley (SD) rat BM, in which a MSCs, Drs. Qing Xiang and Ralph J Garippa (Memorial
CD106 PE
102 102 102 support with equipment, Michael Kissner (Propel Labs)
was applied to include both SSClow marrow MSCs were stained and FL2– CD90– CD90– CD73–
CD90– CD106– 0 0
hematopoietic cells remained in the for his helpful technical discussions, and Brandon
0 Williams and Melissa Ma (Bio-Rad Laboratories) for
and SSChigh populations (Figure 1A). analyzed side by side on the S3e Cell 101 101 101 103 104 105 10 6 103 104 105 10 6 102 103 104 105 10 6
culture, contributing mainly to the their help with manuscript preparation.
CD90 (gated on live cells) CD90 (gated on live cells) CD73 (gated on live CD90+ cells)
Following doublet exclusion (Figure 1B) Sorter to compare their expression CD90– population. After two more
10 0 10 0 10 0 D E F References
viable (VivaFixdim) and CD45neg of MSC-related surface markers 10 0 101 102 103 104 10 0 101 10 2 103 104 10 0 101 102 103 104 passages in 5 weeks, most of the Arnold LW and Lannigan J (2010). Curr Protoc Cytom
CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 120
(Figure 3 and Table 2). Compared 300 Chapter 1:Unit 1.24.1–1.24.30.
populations were gated for stem cell CD73+ CD106+
CD106+ hematopoietic cells were removed
0.92 6.41 0.018
D E Bernardo ME et al. (2009). Ann N Y Acad Sci 1176,
surface marker expression (Figure 1C). with P1 MSCs, P3 cells revealed 90 200
from the culture, which greatly 101–117.
104 104
CD90+ CD73+ CD90+ CD106+
As shown in Figure 2, about 15% less heterogeneity in morphology as 200
increased the frequency of the CD90+ Bianco P et al. (2001). Stem Cells 19, 180–192.
CD73 ReadiLink 555/570
of gated cells stain positive for both determined by microscopy, and the 103 103 population in P3. But the expression Boxall SA and Jones E (2012). Stem Cells Int 2012,
100 100 975871.
SSChigh population increased from
CD106 PE
CD90 and CD73 (Figure 2B) and 30 of two other stem cell markers, CD73
102 102 50 Dominici M et al. (2006). Cytotherapy 8, 315–317.
3% coexpress CD90 and CD106 50% in P1 to 90% in P3 (data not CD90– CD73– CD90– CD106–
and CD106, drastically decreased
0 0 0
Halfon S et al. (2011). Stem Cells Dev 20, 53–66.
(Figure 2C), as determined by the shown). These more homogeneous 101 101 102 103 104 105 10 6 102 103 104 105 10 6 102 103 104 105 10 6 in P3 cells. This finding is consistent Kuka M and Ashwell JD (2013). J Immunol Methods
phycoerythrin (PE) fluorescence P3 cells expressed a greater level Fig. 2. Rat MSC sorting. Rat bone
CD73 (gated on live CD90+ cells) CD106 (gated on live CD90+ cells) CD106 (gated on live CD90+ cells)
with other reports that showed that 400–401, 111–116.
10 0 10 0
minus one (FMO) control (Figure 2A). of CD90 compared to P1 cells marrow MSCs (P1) were stained
10 0 101 102 103 104 10 0 101 102 103 104 Fig. 3. Characterization of P1 vs. P3 rat bone marrow MSCs. Rat bone marrow MSCs were stained with CD106 expression in MSCs was Liu F et al. (2008). J Bone Miner Metab 26, 312–320.
with CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5, CD106 PE Petersen TW et al. (2003). Cytometry A 56, 63–70.
The dual-positive cells are prospective (86 vs. 56%), but the CD73 and CD106 or CD73 ReadiLink 555/570, and
CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 anti-CD90 PE-Cy7, CD106 PE or CD73 ReadiLink 555/570, and CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521, then downregulated by tenfold after
acquired on the S3e Cell Sorter. Live CD90+ (A–B), CD90+ CD73+ (C–D), and CD90+ CD106+ (E–F)
MSCs and the dual-negative ones are expression within the CD90+ subset CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521, F G
subsets were compared between P1 and P3 MSCs. Gray traces indicate FMO control for the PE channel. 2 weeks of osteogenic differentiation Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. CytoCalc is a
then sorted on the S3e Cell Sorter trademark of Applera Corporation. ReadiLink is a
likely contaminating hematopoietic was drastically reduced (from 23 to for CD90+ CD73+, CD90– CD73–
CD90+ CD73+
G CD90+ CD106+
The frequency of each cell marker subset is shown in Table 2. (Liu et al. 2008). Even without trademark of AAT Bioquest, Inc.
0.9% for CD73+; 6.4 to 0.02% for induction, the expression of CD106
CD73 ReadiLink 555/570
and stromal cells. Both prospective (B) and CD90+ CD106+, CD90–
103 103 Table 2. Frequency of P1 vs. P3 rat bone marrow MSCs.
CD106– (C) cell marker subsets
MSCs and non-MSCs were then CD106+). These data suggest that Cell Marker Subset P1 Frequency, % P3 Frequency, % could also decrease at a later passage
CD106 PE
Job # 16-8119 Publication Elsevier Cell, ASCB 2016 Trim Size 210 mm x 280 mm Run Date 12/01/16
Identifying and Isolating Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Reliable Purification of Using a 100 μm nozzle tip, the Dual Sorting Modes on the a reduction in CD106 expression
BM-Derived MSCs S3e Cell Sorter was able to analyze S3e Cell Sorter May Further may indicate compromised stem
MSCs are rare in their resident tissues; and identify BM-derived MSCs from Improve Purity and Yield cell multipotency during in vitro
FSC height
and CD90+ CD73+ stem cell subsets,
SSC area
FSC area
to purify MSCs from heterogeneous population is summarized in Table 1, 128 128 128 CD73+
15 95 91 97
sorting feature of the S3e Cell Sorter
BM culture, P1 rat BM cells were CD90–
suggesting that prolonged culture
which represents results from three CD73–
40 97 94 97.8 allows sorting of abundant populations may help remove contaminating cells
stained for CD90, CD73 or CD106, independent experiments. Theoretical
64 64 64
CD90+ in Purity mode and rare populations in
and CD45, and then with the viability CD106+
3 92 96.2 96.6 but also could compromise stem cell
efficiencies are calculated for a 0 0 0 Enrich mode. Hence, presorting rare phenotype and possibly affect their
dye VivaFix™ 498/521. Stained cells 100 μm nozzle tip at 30 psi sheath
0 64 128 192 256 0 64 128 192 256 10 0 101 102 103 104
50 99 92 98.4
populations in the Enrich followed by
were analyzed on the S3e Cell Sorter
FSC area FSC area CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521
* The size of rat MSCs range from 20 to 35 µm. P1 MSCs were sorted in Purity mode at 1,000–1,500 eps with a 100 µm nozzle tip,
pluripotency. An improved long-
pressure and various input rates and 30 psi sheath pressure, and 41 kHz drop drive frequency. Data represent three independent experiments.
Purity modes will likely help improve term cell culture strategy should be
equipped with a 100 μm nozzle tip and target cell frequencies with CytoCalc
Fig. 1. Rat MSC gating strategy. Rat bone marrow MSCs (P1) were stained with CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5, CD106 PE
** Theoretical efficiencies are calculated with CytoCalc Software v3.2 for a 100 µm nozzle tip at 30 psi sheath pressure at various MSC purity and yield.
30 psi sheath pressure. Viable MSCs
or CD73 ReadiLink 555/570, and CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521, then acquired on the S3e Cell Sorter. After input rates and target cell frequencies. investigated to minimize stem cell
Software v3.2. excluding debris and doublets (A–B), the fluorescence channel 1 (FL1) dim population was selected for further
differentiation before therapeutic
and non-MSCs were then sorted on analysis (C). FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; FSC, forward scatter; PE, phycoerythrin; PerCP, peridinin A B C Better Cell Culture and Isolation
the S3e Cell Sorter and assessed P3 Cells Reveal Less chlorophyll protein; SSC, side scatter. Rat MSCs: P1 Rat MSCs: P3
Methods Needed to Minimize applications of MSCs can be realized.
for postsort purity. Representative Phenotypic Heterogeneity A B C 80 CD90+
56.2 150
120 CD73+
23.3 Loss of Stem Cell Phenotypes Acknowledgements
FL2 FMO Control CD90/CD73 Sorting CD90/CD106 Sorting
graphs in Figure 1 illustrate the To test whether rat bone marrow 104
FL2+ CD90+
CD90+ CD73+
CD90+ CD106+ 60 90 The P1 cells used in this study The author would like to acknowledge Drs. Haixiang
Liang and Daniel A Grande (The Feinstein Institute for
MSCs are able to maintain their 100
were the first passage of Sprague-
CD73 ReadiLink 555/570
103 103 103 60
Medical Research) for kindly providing P1 and P3 rat
bone marrow displays a relatively high phenotypic characteristics after Dawley (SD) rat BM, in which a MSCs, Drs. Qing Xiang and Ralph J Garippa (Memorial
CD106 PE
102 102 102 support with equipment, Michael Kissner (Propel Labs)
was applied to include both SSClow marrow MSCs were stained and FL2– CD90– CD90– CD73–
CD90– CD106– 0 0
hematopoietic cells remained in the for his helpful technical discussions, and Brandon
0 Williams and Melissa Ma (Bio-Rad Laboratories) for
and SSChigh populations (Figure 1A). analyzed side by side on the S3e Cell 101 101 101 103 104 105 10 6 103 104 105 10 6 102 103 104 105 10 6
culture, contributing mainly to the their help with manuscript preparation.
CD90 (gated on live cells) CD90 (gated on live cells) CD73 (gated on live CD90+ cells)
Following doublet exclusion (Figure 1B) Sorter to compare their expression CD90– population. After two more
10 0 10 0 10 0 D E F References
viable (VivaFixdim) and CD45neg of MSC-related surface markers 10 0 101 102 103 104 10 0 101 10 2 103 104 10 0 101 102 103 104 passages in 5 weeks, most of the Arnold LW and Lannigan J (2010). Curr Protoc Cytom
CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 120
(Figure 3 and Table 2). Compared 300 Chapter 1:Unit 1.24.1–1.24.30.
populations were gated for stem cell CD73+ CD106+
CD106+ hematopoietic cells were removed
0.92 6.41 0.018
D E Bernardo ME et al. (2009). Ann N Y Acad Sci 1176,
surface marker expression (Figure 1C). with P1 MSCs, P3 cells revealed 90 200
from the culture, which greatly 101–117.
104 104
CD90+ CD73+ CD90+ CD106+
As shown in Figure 2, about 15% less heterogeneity in morphology as 200
increased the frequency of the CD90+ Bianco P et al. (2001). Stem Cells 19, 180–192.
CD73 ReadiLink 555/570
of gated cells stain positive for both determined by microscopy, and the 103 103 population in P3. But the expression Boxall SA and Jones E (2012). Stem Cells Int 2012,
100 100 975871.
SSChigh population increased from
CD106 PE
CD90 and CD73 (Figure 2B) and 30 of two other stem cell markers, CD73
102 102 50 Dominici M et al. (2006). Cytotherapy 8, 315–317.
3% coexpress CD90 and CD106 50% in P1 to 90% in P3 (data not CD90– CD73– CD90– CD106–
and CD106, drastically decreased
0 0 0
Halfon S et al. (2011). Stem Cells Dev 20, 53–66.
(Figure 2C), as determined by the shown). These more homogeneous 101 101 102 103 104 105 10 6 102 103 104 105 10 6 102 103 104 105 10 6 in P3 cells. This finding is consistent Kuka M and Ashwell JD (2013). J Immunol Methods
phycoerythrin (PE) fluorescence P3 cells expressed a greater level Fig. 2. Rat MSC sorting. Rat bone
CD73 (gated on live CD90+ cells) CD106 (gated on live CD90+ cells) CD106 (gated on live CD90+ cells)
with other reports that showed that 400–401, 111–116.
10 0 10 0
minus one (FMO) control (Figure 2A). of CD90 compared to P1 cells marrow MSCs (P1) were stained
10 0 101 102 103 104 10 0 101 102 103 104 Fig. 3. Characterization of P1 vs. P3 rat bone marrow MSCs. Rat bone marrow MSCs were stained with CD106 expression in MSCs was Liu F et al. (2008). J Bone Miner Metab 26, 312–320.
with CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5, CD106 PE Petersen TW et al. (2003). Cytometry A 56, 63–70.
The dual-positive cells are prospective (86 vs. 56%), but the CD73 and CD106 or CD73 ReadiLink 555/570, and
CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 CD90 PerCP-Cy5.5 anti-CD90 PE-Cy7, CD106 PE or CD73 ReadiLink 555/570, and CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521, then downregulated by tenfold after
acquired on the S3e Cell Sorter. Live CD90+ (A–B), CD90+ CD73+ (C–D), and CD90+ CD106+ (E–F)
MSCs and the dual-negative ones are expression within the CD90+ subset CD45 FITC and VivaFix 498/521, F G
subsets were compared between P1 and P3 MSCs. Gray traces indicate FMO control for the PE channel. 2 weeks of osteogenic differentiation Cy is a trademark of GE Healthcare. CytoCalc is a
then sorted on the S3e Cell Sorter trademark of Applera Corporation. ReadiLink is a
likely contaminating hematopoietic was drastically reduced (from 23 to for CD90+ CD73+, CD90– CD73–
CD90+ CD73+
G CD90+ CD106+
The frequency of each cell marker subset is shown in Table 2. (Liu et al. 2008). Even without trademark of AAT Bioquest, Inc.
0.9% for CD73+; 6.4 to 0.02% for induction, the expression of CD106
CD73 ReadiLink 555/570
and stromal cells. Both prospective (B) and CD90+ CD106+, CD90–
103 103 Table 2. Frequency of P1 vs. P3 rat bone marrow MSCs.
CD106– (C) cell marker subsets
MSCs and non-MSCs were then CD106+). These data suggest that Cell Marker Subset P1 Frequency, % P3 Frequency, % could also decrease at a later passage
CD106 PE
Job # 16-8119 Publication Elsevier Cell, ASCB 2016 Trim Size 210 mm x 280 mm Run Date 12/01/16
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Four years ago, Cell Press launched the “ Best of” reprint collections across a number of our journals, including Cell. We are
pleased to now bring you a new Best of Cell that focuses on articles published over the course of 2016. For this edition, we made
our selection by looking at review and research articles with the most full-text HTML and PDF downloads since publication, then
choosing a representative group from each of the four published volumes. We’ ve also included a selection of frontmatter articles
and a collection of SnapShots that highlight some of the most impactful biology that we’ ve had the privilege to publish this year.
This collection covers a broad range of topics and includes papers that feature some of the exciting experimental approaches,
such as genome engineering with CRISPR, disease modeling with organoids, an examination of the cellular phase of Alzheimer’ s,
and breaking cryo-EM resolution boundaries to facilitate drug discovery, that have helped drive science forward in recent years.
We recognize that no one measurement can be indicative of the “ best” papers over a given period of time, especially when the
articles are relatively new and their true significance may still need time to be established. We’ ve selected several papers that were
published later in the year and that may not have had the time to develop quite as significant usage statistics but show promise as
groundbreaking in their own right. We hope that this combination of approaches to highlighting articles will give you an overview
of different perspectives on the science that we published during 2016.
We hope that you will enjoy reading this special collection and that you will visit to see the latest findings that we
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Last but definitely not least, we are grateful for the generosity of our many sponsors, who helped to make this reprint collection
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Lilian Kabeche, PhD.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Transcription Elongation Christine E. Cucinotta and Karen M. Arndt
The Bacterial Cytoskeleton Gero Fink, Andrzej Szewczak-Harris, and Jan Löwe
Biology and Applications of CRISPR Systems: Addison V. Wright, James K. Nuñez, and Jennifer A. Doudna
Harnessing Nature’s Toolbox for Genome Engineering
The Cellular Phase of Alzheimer’s Disease Bart De Strooper and Eric Karran
Genomic and Transcriptomic Features of Response to Willy Hugo, Jesse M. Zaretsky, Lu Sun, Chunying Song,
Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Metastatic Melanoma Blanca Homet Moreno, Siwen Hu-Lieskovan, Beata Berent-
Maoz, Jia Pang, Bartosz Chmielowski, Grace Cherry,
Elizabeth Seja, Shirley Lomeli, Xiangju Kong, Mark C. Kelley,
Jeffrey A. Sosman, Douglas B. Johnson, Antoni Ribas, and
Roger S. Lo
Progressive Loss of Function in a Limb Enhancer Evgeny Z. Kvon, Olga K. Kamneva, Uirá S. Melo, Iros Barozzi,
during Snake Evolution Marco Osterwalder, Brandon J. Mannion, Virginie Tissières,
Catherine S. Pickle, Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, Elizabeth A. Lee,
Momoe Kato, Tyler H. Garvin, Jennifer A. Akiyama, Veena
Afzal, Javier Lopez-Rios, Edward M. Rubin, Diane E. Dickel,
Len A. Pennacchio, and Axel Visel
Domestication and Divergence of Saccharomyces Brigida Gallone, Jan Steensels, Troels Prahl, Leah Soriaga,
cerevisiae Beer Yeasts Veerle Saels, Beatriz Herrera-Malaver, Adriaan Merlevede,
Miguel Roncoroni, Karin Voordeckers, Loren Miraglia, Clotilde
Teiling, Brian Steffy, Maryann Taylor, Ariel Schwartz, Toby
Richardson, Christopher White, Guy Baele, Steven Maere,
and Kevin J. Verstrepen
Zika Virus Infection during Pregnancy in Mice Causes Jonathan J. Miner, Bin Cao, Jennifer Govero, Amber M. Smith,
Placental Damage and Fetal Demise Estefania Fernandez, Omar H. Cabrera, Charise Garber,
Michelle Noll, Robyn S. Klein, Kevin K. Noguchi, Indira U.
Mysorekar, and Michael S. Diamond
Microbial Reconstitution Reverses Maternal Shelly A. Buffington, Gonzalo Viana Di Prisco, Thomas A.
Diet-Induced Social and Synaptic Deficits in Offspring Auchtung, Nadim J. Ajami, Joseph F. Petrosino, and Mauro
Breaking Cryo-EM Resolution Barriers to Alan Merk, Alberto Bartesaghi, Soojay Banerjee, Veronica
Facilitate Drug Discovery Falconieri, Prashant Rao, Mindy I. Davis, Rajan Pragani,
Matthew B. Boxer, Lesley A. Earl, Jacqueline L.S. Milne, and
Sriram Subramaniam
Programmable RNA Tracking in Live Cells David A. Nelles, Mark Y. Fang, Mitchell R. O’Connell, Jia L.
with CRISPR/Cas9 Xu, Sebastian J. Markmiller, Jennifer A. Doudna, and Gene W.
High-Throughput, High-Resolution Mapping of Takayasu Mikuni, Jun Nishiyama, Ye Sun, Naomi Kamasawa,
Protein Localization in Mammalian Brain by and Ryohei Yasuda
In Vivo Genome Editing
Ultra-High Resolution 3D Imaging of Whole Cells Fang Huang, George Sirinakis, Edward S. Allgeyer, Lena
K. Schroeder, Whitney C. Duim, Emil B. Kromann, Thomy
Phan, Felix E. Rivera-Molina, Jordan R. Myers, Irnov Irnov,
Mark Lessard, Yongdeng Zhang, Mary Ann Handel, Christine
Jacobs-Wagner, C. Patrick Lusk, James E. Rothman, Derek
Toomre, Martin J. Booth, and Joerg Bewersdorf
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Presenting the most significant research on cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
factor 1 complex Little elongation complex Required for snRNA expression in metazoans
ADP-R P Paf1C Associated with Pol II and Spt4-Spt5, recruits
DSIF Cdc73 Ski8 chromatin remodelers, histone chaperones,
Y P P and modifiers
1 S T P Elongation
2 S5 S7 Pol II Rtf1 Ctr9
4 GDOWN1 Tightly associated with Pol II, stabilizes pausing
RNA processing factors CCR4-NOT, THO/TREX, Xrn2: mRNA processing
Paf1 Leo1
and export factors that also regulate elongation
Rad6 H2
A H4
14-3-3 MOF
Histone chaperones and chromatin remodelers H2
Bre1 Ub Ac P Ac
Nucleosome disassembly Nucleosome spacing K9 S10 K16
and reassembly
Ubp8 H2
A H4
Pol II H 2 B
K Me Me
Pol II 4 K BRD4
H3 H3
Protein Function Role in elongation A H4 A 4
H2 H2 B H
2 H2
FACT Histone chaperone complex Displaces H2A-H2B dimer in the wake of transcribing Pol II, UbH Ub
of H.s.: hSPT16, Ssrp1, S.c.: evicts nucleosome; reassembles nucleosomes, regulates
Spt16, Nhp6, Pob3 H2BK123ub, prevents cryptic transcription P-TEFb
Spt6 Histone chaperone Prevents cryptic transcription, required for proper histone
occupancy during elongation
Asf1 Histone chaperone Controls H3 exchange during transcription H3 K36 methylation
Nap1 Histone chaperone Binds H2A-H2B and forms hexasome structures through RSC, Me HAT
promotes nucleosome assembly SET2
Cell 164, February 25, 2016 ©2016 Elsevier Inc. DOI See online version for legends and references
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SnapShot: Epigenomic Assays
Martin Krzywinski1 and Martin Hirst1,2
Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency Research Centre,
BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1L3, Canada; 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Michael Smith Laboratories Centre for High-Throughput Biology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
3 4
10 bp
0.1–1 kb 10–100 kb
150 bp
Modified histone
5-methyl-cytosine (5mC) and its
oxidative derivatives (e.g., 5hmC) Add linkers DNA wound
are measured genome-wide around histone
using enrichment- and Enrich
conversion-based methodologies
Genomic positions of modified histones are Antibody
followed by massively parallel
sequencing. Bisulfite conversion measured genome-wide by chromatin
provides quantitative measure- Bilsulfite Enrich immunoprecipitation followed by massively
ments of 5mC but is unable to treatment parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq). Histones can
distinguish 5hmC. Antibody Antibody be liberated from the genome by sonication,
enrichment provides qualitative enzymatic digestion, or by transposon Remove
measurement of 5mC and 5hmC. insertion (not shown). If sonication is used, histone and
Bisulfite-converted or -enriched UCU CU CU chromatin must first be chemically cross-linked add linkers
DNA is purified, subjected to (see Step 4). Following histone liberation,
library construction and clonally Sequence specific chemical modifications are enriched by
sequenced. Specialized and analyze immuno-absorption. DNA associated with Sequence
algorithms are required to align enriched histones is purified, subjected to and analyze
bisulfite-converted reads to a library construction, clonally sequenced, and
reference genome. aligned to a reference genome.
KEYENCE optimizes the imaging process with a fully automated, easy-to-use system that
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Root hair
EPS gene Motility
O O O Transcription of
N H H O N H NifA N-related genes
CO CH 3 CH 3
CH 3
(CH 2 5
N od F actor CH N od F actor E P S
(CH 2 5
) RpoN N2ase genes
CH 3
Flotillins and remorins promote PLANT CELL WALL
interaction between N F receptors
N F receptors required and cytoskeleton
for early signaling Plant membrane surrounds bacterium;
together, these are the “ symbiosome”
E S R3 Membrane
Unknown differentiation
signals Flotillins
NFR1 Pump Nuclear
SymRK pore Golgi
Calcium NFR1 I nfection CYTOSKELETON NCRs
Transcription CaM specific vesicle
factors trafficking
CCaMK Remorin
Symbiosis-associated N CRs, other
gene ex pression O2 O2 O2 nodule-specific
Lb leghemoglobin transcrpts
microelectrode array (MEA)
in vitro neural activity analysis
Record network-level neural activity directly on the
benchtop with Maestro. Over minutes or months,
gain unprecedented access to electrical network
function from cultured neural populations.
C. elegans
N eu ronal m ech anism s D ow nstream m ech anism s ( p erip h eral tissu es)
O ctop am ine
ILP s Long ev ity
D A F -1 6
M etabol ic h om eostasis activ ity
N eu roendocrine
Nucleus U P R Mitochondrial metabolism
Reduced I I S (rI I S):
D A F -1 6 , H S F -1 Mitochondrial dynamics
Age-1/daf-2 mutations
Cytoplasm Serotonin synthesis Reduced insulin-like signaling
CRTC-1 Stress resistance
Drosophila M ou se
S ensory p ercep tion S ensory p ercep tion Glucose homeostasis
Fat deposition Pain Respiration
Olfactory receptors: Nucleus
Stress resistance
Or 83b Gr 63a CRTC1 Cytoplasm
D ILP s Autophagy Pancreas
Gustatory inputs TR PV1
I nsulin signaling
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SnapShot: Microglia in Disease
Simon Beggs1,2 and Michael W . Salter1
Program in N eurosciences & Mental H ealth, H ospital for Sick Children, Toronto ON M5 G 1X 8 , Canada
Developmental N eurosciences Programme, U CL I nstitute of Child H ealth, London W C1N 1EH , U K
S y nap tic p ru ning
M icrog l ia
Synaptic density
Birth Adolescence Adult Aged
C S F 1 R S p inal
P 2 X 4
inh ibition
P 2 X 4
D ecreased C 3 ex p ression
Retention of im m atu re sy nap ses
Increased C 3 w ith ag e
A bnorm al connectiv ity Increased m icrog l ial activ ity and p ru ning M icrog l ia draw n to p l aq u e dep osits P 2 X 4 R+ m icrog l ia in sp inal dorsal h orn
5′-AMP (nmol)
Life Sciences
scientists enabling scientists.TM © 2016 Enzo Life Sciences
SH Ubiquitin ligase
O (E3) U b
O O O U b
HO U b E2 Protein degradation by the
SH S U b S U b E3 U b S u bstrate
proteasome, cell-cycle
E1 E1 E2 S u bstrate O progression, transcriptional
U b
ATP U b regulation, DNA repair,
Ubiquitin activating AMP SH SH U b
Ubiquitin conjugating signal transduction
enzyme (E1) enzyme (E2)
E1 E2 S u bstrate
RIN G E 3 s ~ 6 0 0 in h u m ans
T y pe s of RING E 3s
S U b U b RING G -box
RIN -box p prrotein
otein E 3 A dap tor
H om odim eric RIN G Cu lin
E2 S u bstrate E 2 S u bstrate
Ch aracteristic dom ains E 2 S u bstrate
Apc3A Apc3B S u bstrate
Example: E4B
U -box E 3 Apc10
RING (Really Interesting New Gene): E 2
Zn binding domain, recruits the Apc6A Cdh1
Apc1 Apc11 RIN G
Ub-charged E2 H om odim eric U -box A
Zn2+ Zn2+
S u bstrate c12
E 2 Ap Apc8B
U-box : same fold as RING without Examples: CHIP, Prp19 U -box E 3 Apc15
Zn coordination Apc5
C U -box E 3 Apc8A Apc4
H E C T E 3 s ~ 3 0 in h u m ans
HE C T F am ilie s
Ubiqu itin transfe r Ch aracteristic dom ain
NED4 fa m ily
O 1 O C2 W W W W W W W W HE C T
RBR E 3 s ~ 1 2 in h u m ans
E x am ple s of RBR E 3 s
Ubiqu itin transfe r Ch aracteristic dom ain
O 1 O P ark in U bl RIN G0 RBR
2 IBR (InBetweenRING)
S U b U b
O or BRcat
P arc DOC Cullin RBR
E2 S U b S u bstrate SH 1000AA
R B R E3 R B R RNF 14
( A/ B) RBR
RING1, recruits RING2 or Rcat,
Ex am ple s of k nown regu la tion m ech anism s HOIP PU B B-box U BA RBR LDD
the Ub-charged E2 contains a
catalytic cysteine
Autoinhibition through intramolecular interactions released by:
phosphorylation/phosphoubiquitin interaction (Parkin), binding HAR I U BA RBR Ariadne
to neddylated CRLs (e.g., HHARI), protein interactions (e.g., HOIP)
Leading Edge
Bacteria and archaea possess a range of defense mechanisms to combat plasmids and viral infec-
tions. Unique among these are the CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic
repeats-CRISPR associated) systems, which provide adaptive immunity against foreign nucleic
acids. CRISPR systems function by acquiring genetic records of invaders to facilitate robust inter-
ference upon reinfection. In this Review, we discuss recent advances in understanding the diverse
mechanisms by which Cas proteins respond to foreign nucleic acids and how these systems have
been harnessed for precision genome manipulation in a wide array of organisms.
CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic stage involves CRISPR locus transcription, often as a single
repeats-CRISPR associated) adaptive immune systems are pre-crRNA, and its subsequent processing into mature crRNAs
found in roughly 50% of bacteria and 90% of archaea (Makarova that each contain a single spacer. In the interference stage, an
et al., 2015). These systems function alongside restriction-modi- effector complex uses the crRNA to identify and destroy any
fication systems, abortive infections, and adsorption blocks to phage or plasmid bearing sequence complementarity to the
defend prokaryotic populations against phage infection (Labrie spacer sequence of the crRNA.
et al., 2010). Unlike other mechanisms of cellular defense, which These steps are carried out primarily by Cas proteins, which
provide generalized protection against any invaders not pos- are encoded by cas genes flanking the CRISPR arrays. The spe-
sessing countermeasures, CRISPR immunity functions analo- cific complement of cas genes varies widely. CRISPR-Cas sys-
gously to vertebrate adaptive immunity by generating records tems can be classified based on the presence of ‘‘signature
of previous infections to elicit a rapid and robust response genes’’ into six types, which are additionally grouped into two
upon reinfection. classes (Figure 1B) (Makarova et al., 2011b; Makarova et al.,
CRISPR-Cas systems are generally defined by a genomic lo- 2015; Shmakov et al., 2015). Types I–III are the best studied,
cus called the CRISPR array, a series of 20–50 base-pair (bp) while Types IV–VI have only recently been identified (Makarova
direct repeats separated by unique ‘‘spacers’’ of similar length and Koonin, 2015; Makarova et al., 2015; Shmakov et al.,
and preceded by an AT-rich ‘‘leader’’ sequence (Jansen et al., 2015). The signature protein of Type I systems is Cas3, a protein
2002; Kunin et al., 2007). Nearly two decades after CRISPR with nuclease and helicase domains that functions in foreign
loci were first identified in Escherichia coli, spacers were found DNA degradation to cleave DNA that is recognized by the
to derive from viral genomes and conjugative plasmids, serving multi-protein-crRNA complex Cascade (CRISPR-associated
as records of previous infection (Bolotin et al., 2005; Ishino complex for antiviral defense). In Type II systems, the signature
et al., 1987; Mojica et al., 2005; Pourcel et al., 2005). Sequences cas9 gene encodes the sole protein necessary for interference.
in foreign DNA matching spacers are referred to as ‘‘proto- Type III systems are signified by Cas10, which assembles into
spacers.’’ In 2007, it was shown that a spacer matching a phage a Cascade-like interference complex for target search and
genome immunizes the host microbe against the corresponding destruction. Type IV systems have Csf1, an uncharacterized
phage and that infection by a novel phage leads to the expansion protein proposed to form part of a Cascade-like complex,
of the CRISPR array by addition of new spacers originating from though these systems are often found as isolated cas genes
the phage genome (Barrangou et al., 2007). without an associated CRISPR array (Makarova and Koonin,
CRISPR immunity is divided into three stages: spacer ac- 2015). Type V systems also contain a Cas9-like single nuclease,
quisition, CRISPR RNA (crRNA) biogenesis, and interference either Cpf1, C2c1, or C2c3, depending on the subtype (Shmakov
(Figure 1A) (Makarova et al., 2011b; van der Oost et al., 2009). et al., 2015; Zetsche et al., 2015a). Type VI systems have
During spacer acquisition, also known as adaptation, foreign C2c2, a large protein with two predicted HEPN (higher eu-
DNA is identified, processed, and integrated into the CRISPR karyotes and prokaryotes nucleotide-binding) RNase domains
locus as a new spacer. The crRNA biogenesis or expression (Shmakov et al., 2015). Type I, III, and IV systems are considered
for post-transcriptional regulation of protein expression (Borch- a distinct complement of Cascade components and, in some
ardt et al., 2015; Du et al., 2015; Nissim et al., 2014). Cas6f has cases, significant variation of the cas3 gene (Makarova et al.,
also been used alongside Cas9 to process multiple guide 2011b).
RNAs from a single transcript, greatly facilitating multiplexed ed- The E. coli Cascade complex has served as the model system
iting (Tsai et al., 2014). for understanding the mechanism of Type I interference. In addi-
tion to the central 61 nt crRNA bearing the 32 nt spacer, the com-
Interference: Precise, Programmable DNA Binding and plex comprises five proteins in different stoichiometries: (Cse1)1,
Cleavage (Cse2)2, (Cas5)1, (Cas7)6, and (Cas6)1. The Cas7 subunits form
Implementation of CRISPR systems to provide immunity in- the ‘‘backbone’’ that polymerizes along the crRNA and deter-
volves RNA-guided recognition and precision cutting of DNA mines the crescent-shaped, semi-helical architecture seen in
molecules, a property that makes them useful for genome engi- all structurally characterized Cascade complexes (Hochstrasser
neering and control of gene expression. The extreme diversity of et al., 2014; Jackson et al., 2014; Jore et al., 2011; Mulepati et al.,
the crRNP targeting complexes is largely responsible for the vari- 2014; Wiedenheft et al., 2011a; Zhao et al., 2014). Cas6 (Cas6e in
ability observed in different CRISPR types. Whereas Types I and Type I-E systems) remains bound to the 30 hairpin following
III use multi-protein complexes, Types II and V rely on a single CRISPR maturation, while Cas5 binds the 50 handle (Brouns
protein for interference. Extensive studies have elucidated the et al., 2008; Jore et al., 2011). A ‘‘small subunit’’ (Cse2 in Type
mechanisms and structures of several complexes from each of I-E) is often found in two copies forming the ‘‘belly’’ of the struc-
the three major types, revealing the commonality of target bind- ture and helps stabilize the crRNA and target DNA (Jackson
ing through crRNA base-pairing and high divergence in the ma- et al., 2014; Mulepati et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2014). A ‘‘large sub-
chineries and modes of target cleavage. For more in-depth unit’’ (Cse1 in Type I-E, Cas8 in most other subtypes) binds at the
recent reviews focused exclusively on CRISPR interference, 50 end of the crRNA and recognizes the PAM sequences and re-
refer to Tsui and Li (2015) and Plagens et al. (2015). cruits Cas3 to an authenticated target (Figure 3A) (Hochstrasser
Type I Interference et al., 2014; Sashital et al., 2012). While Cas6 does not always
In Type I systems, the roles of target DNA recognition and degra- remain with the complex and the small subunit is often found
dation are segregated into two distinct components. The crRNA- as a fusion with the large subunit, the overall architecture of
guided Cascade complex binds and unwinds the DNA target Cascade complexes is generally conserved (Makarova et al.,
sequence (Brouns et al., 2008) and then recruits Cas3 to degrade 2011b; Plagens et al., 2012; Sokolowski et al., 2014).
the target in a processive manner through the combined action Cascade pre-arranges the spacer segment of the crRNA in six
of its HD nuclease and helicase domains (Figure 3A) (Makarova five-base segments of pseudo A-form conformation, with the
et al., 2011b; Mulepati and Bailey, 2013; Sinkunas et al., 2013; sixth base flipped out and bound by a Cas7 subunit (Jackson
Westra et al., 2012). Each Type I subtype (I-A through I-F) has et al., 2014; Mulepati et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2014). To initiate
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Park Road, Mail Code L215, Room 5508, Richard Jones Hall, Portland, OR 97239-3098, USA
*Correspondence: (A.K.P.), (L.M.C.)
Cancer heterogeneity, a hallmark enabling clonal survival and therapy resistance, is shaped by
active immune responses. Antigen-specific T cells can control cancer, as revealed clinically by
immunotherapeutics such as adoptive T-cell transfer and checkpoint blockade. The host immune
system is thus a powerful tool that, if better harnessed, could significantly enhance the efficacy of
cytotoxic therapy and improve outcomes for cancer sufferers. To realize this vision, however, a
number of research frontiers must be tackled. These include developing strategies for neutralizing
tumor-promoting inflammation, broadening T-cell repertoires (via vaccination), and elucidating the
mechanisms by which immune cells organize tumor microenvironments to regulate T-cell activity.
Such efforts will pave the way for identifying new targets for combination therapies that overcome
resistance to current treatments and promote long-term cancer control.
risk for developing cancer (Thun et al., 2004). Incidence of viral more amenable to control than ‘‘cold’’ tumors, i.e., tumors
(DNA tumor virus) and carcinogen-associated cancers is with diminished T-cell infiltrates, thus driving modern cancer
increased in immune-compromised individuals, even as the rela- medicine to investigate how to reprogram the tumor microenvi-
tive risk of cancer types lacking viral or carcinogen etiology is ronment (TME) to attract the right type of immune infiltrate. This
diminished (reviewed in de Visser et al., 2006). Age-related im- topic, along with other open questions in the field of oncoimmu-
munosenescence likely plays a role in increased incidence of nology, are discussed here.
malignancy in aged individuals (Campisi et al., 2011). The advent
of some biologic therapies impacting how tissues activate and The Makings of the Immune Response to Cancer
resolve inflammation, e.g., tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockade Tumors are organized tissues with numerous reciprocal local
(Bongartz et al., 2006), also skews cancer incidence metrics. and systemic connections with immune cell populations of
However, the role(s) that immune pathways play in driving malig- both the myeloid and lymphoid lineages. Here, we summarize
nancy remains to be clarified. How does the immune system the key myeloid and lymphoid populations regulating the im-
recognize tissue-specific mediators triggering and maintaining mune response to cancer and how the fundamental physiolog-
chronic inflammatory responses? What oncogenic events and ical processes that they govern are harnessed for neoplastic
altered metabolic states lead to the generation of neo-antigens progression and tumor formation.
that in turn induce T-cell responses? What physiological mech- The Myeloid Compartment
anisms regulate immune homeostasis such that (acute) inflam- Myeloid cells have multiple homeostatic functions that are co-
mation can be resolved as rapidly as it is activated (a critical opted by evolving neoplasms; these can be roughly summarized
control program to thwart autoimmunity)? What is the role of as: (1) antigen capture for degradation (macrophages) or presen-
the host microbiota in regulating systemic immune responses tation (dendritic cells [DCs]); (2) tissue repair (macrophages), and
to neoplasia? How do neoplastic cells survive immune attack (3) effector functions (mast cells, monocytes, and granulocytes).
by T cells? These questions are in need of answering to effec- Neoplastic cells can alter the steady-state activity of all myeloid
tively move cancer research and cancer medicine forward. cells present in the TME, including tissue-resident and blood-
A common feature of all cancers, regardless of origin, is derived cells, by secreting factors such as interleukin (IL)-6 or
prominent presence of diverse assemblages of immune cells granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF),
(Coussens et al., 2013). The consequences of such infiltrates that increase recruitment and proliferation of immature myeloid
on the fate of cancerous cells are diverse (Figure 2). For cells atypical under physiological conditions (Gabrilovich et al.,
example, under continual immune pressure, i.e., antigen pre- 2012).
sentation to T cells, neoplastic cells become ‘‘immune-edited’’ An important feature of myeloid cells is their functional plas-
to escape immune surveillance (Dunn et al., 2004) and instead ticity in response to environmental signals. This property can
co-opt immune cells to favor their sustained proliferation (Balk- dictate such opposite outcomes as antigen degradation or anti-
will et al., 2005). Nonetheless, recent studies demonstrate that gen presentation when macrophages acquire DC capabilities
the presence of lymphoid aggregates is linked with improved re- (Banchereau et al., 2000), tissue repair rather than inflammation
sponses to cancer therapies—for example, standard cytotoxic when macrophages are polarized toward type 2 states, and pro-
therapies, vaccine-based treatments, or immune checkpoint tective or non-protective T-cell immunity when programmed by
blockade (Topalian et al., 2015). Such ‘‘hot’’ tumors are thus cancer-derived factors (Balkwill et al., 2005). Thus, plasticity
The Lymphoid Compartment for T cells), the MHC class I molecule (for NK cells), or surface
The lymphoid compartment in tumors includes natural killer (NK) proteins (for B-cell products, i.e., antibodies) that can be recog-
cells, gd T cells, NK T cells, CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and B nized in a specific manner. In addition, lymphoid cells can
cells. Their functional activity depends upon expression of re- be induced to secrete different types of cytokines based on
striction elements, including peptide-MHC complexes (pMHC; effector functions. For example, following an activating stimulus,
Massó-Vallés, D., Jauset, T., Serrano, E., Sodir, N.M., Pedersen, K., Affara, Russell, S.J., Peng, K.W., and Bell, J.C. (2012). Oncolytic virotherapy. Nat. Bio-
N.I., Whitfield, J.R., Beaulieu, M.E., Evan, G.I., Elias, L., et al. (2015). Ibrutinib technol. 30, 658–670.
exerts potent antifibrotic and antitumor activities in mouse models of pancre- Sagiv-Barfi, I., Kohrt, H.E., Czerwinski, D.K., Ng, P.P., Chang, B.Y., and Levy,
atic adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res. 75, 1675–1681. R. (2015). Therapeutic antitumor immunity by checkpoint blockade is
Merad, M., Sathe, P., Helft, J., Miller, J., and Mortha, A. (2013). The dendritic enhanced by ibrutinib, an inhibitor of both BTK and ITK. Proc. Natl. Acad.
cell lineage: ontogeny and function of dendritic cells and their subsets in the Sci. USA 112, E966–E972.
steady state and the inflamed setting. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 31, 563–604. Sandoval, F., Terme, M., Nizard, M., Badoual, C., Bureau, M.F., Freyburger, L.,
Metz, M., Grimbaldeston, M.A., Nakae, S., Piliponsky, A.M., Tsai, M., and Galli, Clement, O., Marcheteau, E., Gey, A., Fraisse, G., et al. (2013). Mucosal
S.J. (2007). Mast cells in the promotion and limitation of chronic inflammation. imprinting of vaccine-induced CD8+ T cells is crucial to inhibit the growth of
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Recent advances in 3D culture technology allow embryonic and adult mammalian stem cells to
exhibit their remarkable self-organizing properties, and the resulting organoids reflect key struc-
tural and functional properties of organs such as kidney, lung, gut, brain and retina. Organoid tech-
nology can therefore be used to model human organ development and various human pathologies
‘in a dish.’’ Additionally, patient-derived organoids hold promise to predict drug response in a
personalized fashion. Organoids open up new avenues for regenerative medicine and, in combina-
tion with editing technology, for gene therapy. The many potential applications of this technology
are only beginning to be explored.
In 1975, James Rheinwald and Howard Green described the first witnessed a revival of the organoid, yet in a somewhat different
long-term culture of normal human cells (Rheinwald and Green, guise: an organoid is now defined as a 3D structure grown
1975). For this, they combined freshly isolated keratinocytes from stem cells and consisting of organ-specific cell types that
with irradiated mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, established in the same self-organizes through cell sorting and spatially restricted line-
lab years earlier. As in stratified skin, cell division was confined age commitment (after Eiraku and Sasai, 2012; Lancaster and
to the basal layer of the growing clones, while superficial Knoblich, 2014).
layers consisted of terminally differentiating keratinocytes that Organoids can be initiated from the two main types of stem
gradually developed a cornified cell envelope. Successive cells: (1) pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells and their synthetic
improvements in the methodology allowed the cultivation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell counterparts and (2) organ-
large confluent sheets of epidermis grown from relatively small restricted adult stem cells (aSCs). Both approaches exploit the
numbers of primary proliferative keratinocytes (for which the seemingly infinite expansion potential of normal stem cells in
term ‘‘stem cell’’ was not applied). Green and co-workers per- culture. For ES and iPS cells, here collectively termed pluripotent
formed the first successful treatment of two third-degree burn stem cells or PSCs, this potential has been an essential prereq-
patients with cultured autologous keratinocyte sheets at the uisite for their discovery. By contrast, aSCs—with the exception
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in 1980 (O’connor et al., 1981). In of Green’s skin cells—were long believed to be incapable of sig-
a particularly dramatic demonstration of the potential of the nificant proliferation outside of the body. Yet, recent years have
method, they showed, in the summer of 1983, that this approach witnessed the rapid development of growth factor cocktails that
was life-saving for the 5-year-old Jamie Selby and his 6-year-old mimic the various organ stem cell niches. When PSCs and aSCs
brother Glen, who had both sustained burns over >95% of their are allowed to differentiate in culture, they display an uncanny
body surface (Gallico et al., 1984). capacity to self-organize into structures that reflect crucial as-
In his own lab, Rheinwald built on this work to establish a pects of the tissues to which they are fated.
comparable method for culturing another stratified squamous
epithelium, the cornea (Lindberg et al., 1993). De Luca and Pel- Organoids Derived from Pluripotent Stem Cells
legrini applied this technology for the treatment of corneal blind- Ever since pluripotent ES and iPS cell lines were established,
ness with a high rate of success, as reported upon long-term scientists have applied insights from developmental biology to
follow-up of 112 patients. Their procedure was straightforward: derive differentiated cell types from these stem cells (Chen
a 1–2 mm biopsy from the limbal region of the healthy eye was et al., 2014; Cherry and Daley, 2012) (Figure 2). Yoshiki Sasai
grown in culture on 3T3 feeder cells, and the resulting sheet and his colleagues were the first to take this one step further
was grafted onto the injured eye (Pellegrini et al., 1997; Rama by asking whether such an in vitro system could recapitulate
et al., 2010). While the term ‘‘organoid’’ was not used in these some of the robust regulatory systems of organogenesis—in
pioneering studies, Rheinwald and Green were the first to recon- terms of not only cell differentiation, but also spatial patterning
stitute 3D tissue structure from cultured human stem cells. and morphogenesis. In a remarkable tour de force, they devel-
Organoids revealed their first popularity in the years 1965– oped methods to generate brain structures, retina, and pituitary
1985, shown by an increase in the PubMed search term ‘‘orga- ‘in a dish’ (Eiraku and Sasai, 2012).
noids’’ (Figure 1), mostly in classic developmental biology Brain Organoids
experiments that sought to describe organogenesis by cell The central nervous system derives from the neural ectoderm.
dissociation and reaggregation experiments (for an overview, Set up first as the neural plate, it is then shaped into the neural
see Lancaster and Knoblich, 2014). The past 7–8 years have tube through folding and fusion. Morphogen gradients in this
retina grows into a thick multi-layered tissue containing both caudal brain structures, Fgf2 was added soon after initiation
rods and cones, whereas cones were rarely observed in mouse of the culture. To dorsalize the caudalized brain organoids, a
organoid cultures. Hedgehog inhibitor was added during the second week. These
Adenohypophysis Organoids conditions recapitulated early cerebellar plate development,
The adenohypophysis secretes multiple systemic hormones. eventually leading to the formation of mature Purkinje cells (Mu-
During early mammalian development, its anlage originates as guruma et al., 2010). In a subsequent study, the investigators
a placode in the non-neural head ectoderm near the anterior reported that the addition of Fgf19 and SDF1 to this protocol
neural plate. The thickened placode invaginates and detaches allows human ES cells to generate a polarized structure reminis-
from the oral ectoderm, forming a hollowed epithelial vesicle, cent of the first trimester cerebellum (Muguruma et al., 2015).
Rathke’s pouch. This process depends on poorly defined Hippocampus
cross-signaling between ectoderm and developing neural tube. The hippocampus develops from the dorsomedial telencephalon
Sasai’s group sought to recapitulate the inductive microenviron- through a precursor structure termed the medial pallium. A
ment of this morphogenetic field in order to promote the simulta- final protocol developed by Sasai and coworkers involved the
neous generation of both tissues within the same aggregate in vitro generation of a reliable source of hippocampal tissue
of SFEBq-cultured ES cells. Three-fold larger cell aggregates from human ES cells (Sakaguchi et al., 2015). SFEBq served
were required, compared to the above protocols. Hedhehog once again as the starting material. Stimulation by BMP and
and Notch antagonists were added to block neural fate in the Wnt induced choroid plexus, the dorsomedial-most part of
outer layers and to allow the subsequent development of all the telencephalon. Careful titration of BMP and Wnt exposure
major hormone-producing linages, respectively. Under these allowed the self-organization of tissue resembling the medial
conditions, ES cells differentiated into head ectoderm and hypo- pallium, located adjacent to choroid plexus in the developing
thalamic neuroectoderm in adjacent layers within the aggregate. brain. Following long-term dissociation culture, granule neurons
Rathke’s-pouch-like structures arose at the interface of these and pyramidal neurons were formed, both of which were electri-
two epithelia, and the various endocrine cell types were subse- cally functional within connected networks.
quently formed. Upon transplantation under the kidney capsule In addition to these CNS organoids, protocols have also been
of hypophysectomized mice, the aggregates partially rescued developed to grow various endodermal organoids from PSCs.
systemic glucocorticoid level and prolonged survival of the mice. Formation of the endoderm germ layer during gastrulation re-
Cerebellar Organoids quires Nodal signaling. Definitive endoderm presents as a 2D
The initial phase of cerebellar development depends on the sheet of cells, which is subsequently patterned along the ante-
function of the isthmic organizer located at the midbrain-hind- rior-posterior axis and folded into a primitive gut tube, from
brain boundary. Sasai and colleagues focused on the induction which all endodermal organs arise. The foregut forms the ante-
of isthmic development in an attempt to create functional Pur- rior section of this tube and generates, e.g., the thyroid, lungs,
kinje cells, the beautiful key output cells of the cerebellum. Again, stomach, liver, and pancreas. The mid- and hindgut develop
they started from a mouse SFEBq culture. In order to produce into small intestine, colon, and rectum. Insights into the signals
posterior end of the embryonic intermediate mesoderm, which in this, the cells are pelleted and cultured as 3D organoids for up
turn derives from the primitive streak (presomitic mesoderm). to an additional 3 weeks. Numbers of nephrons are strongly
The intermediate mesoderm generates the two key kidney increased upon a brief (1 hr) exposure to a Wnt agonist at the
progenitor populations: the ureteric epithelium and the meta- start of organoid culture. A complex multicellular kidney orga-
nephric mesenchyme. Through reciprocal interactions, these noid results that contains fully segmented nephrons and is sur-
form the collecting ducts and nephrons (i.e., the epithelia of rounded by endothelia and renal interstitium (Figure 4B). Kidney
glomeruli and proximal and distal renal tubules), respectively. organoids may contain >500 nephrons with defined glomeruli
Until recently, the complex spatial and temporal control of organ- comprising a Bowman’s capsule with podocytes and connected
ogenesis has stood in the way of a detailed molecular under- to proximal tubules. Occasionally, glomeruli show evidence of
standing of specification of individual cell types. Despite this, endothelial invasion.
rapid progress has been made in establishing protocols for While remarkably complete, further improvements of the pro-
differentiation of human PSCs into virtually complete ‘‘mini-kid- tocol will focus on tubular functional maturation, more extensive
neys.’’ glomerular vascularization, and the formation of a contiguous
First, in 2013, it was shown how to induce intermediate meso- collecting ductal tree ‘‘with a single exit path for urine’’ (Takasato
derm from PSCs under defined media conditions (Mae et al., et al., 2015).
2013). One of the renal precursor tissues that derives from the in-
termediate mesoderm, the ureteric epithelium, can be generated Organoids Derived from Adult Stem Cells
from human PSCs in 2D via a similar mesodermal specification While PSC-based organoids exploit developmental processes
step (Xia et al., 2013). Upon aggregation with dissociated mouse for their establishment, aSCs can be coerced to form organoids
embryonic kidney, these progenitors self-organize into 3D by creating conditions that mimic the stem cell niche environ-
ureteric bud structures. The second renal precursor tissue, the ment during physiological tissue self-renewal or during damage
metanephric mesenchyme, can be created from human and repair (Figure 3). As first described for gut stem cells (Korinek
mouse embryoid bodies through sequential exposure to defined et al., 1998), the Wnt pathway has emerged as the major driver
soluble factors. Coculturing of the resulting metanephric mesen- of epithelial aSCs (Clevers et al., 2014). Lgr5 (a receptor for the
chyme with spinal cord tissue, a nephric inducer, produces well- secreted Wnt-amplifying R-spondins and itself encoded by a
organized nephric tubules and nascent glomeruli (Taguchi et al., Wnt target gene) marks active aSCs in many, if not all, epithelia.
2014). It is not surprising that Wnt activators (Wnt3A, R-spondins, or the
Little and colleagues managed to balance the two divergent small molecule GSK3 inhibitor CHIR) are key components of
commitment paths to produce both principal lineages of the kid- most aSC culture protocols and that Lgr5+ stem cells invariably
ney simultaneously (Takasato et al., 2014). Their original protocol appear in such cultures. Below, I discuss the establishment of
involves the application of Activin A and Bmp4 to human PSCs feeder layer/serum-free, fully defined 3D culture conditions for
cultured in 2D to generate primitive streak identity. Fgf9 drives a rapidly growing list of epithelial tissues.
these cells toward an intermediate mesoderm identity, after Small Intestine and Colon
which they spontaneously develop further into ureteric bud and The small intestinal epithelium displays an extremely short turn-
metanephric mesenchyme. The cells display 3D morphologies over time of 5 days. Actively proliferating Lgr5+ intestinal stem
when grown at low density in 2D or when cocultured with mouse cells reside at the crypt base (Barker et al., 2007). Their rapidly
kidney reaggregates. In both cases, structures resembling dividing, transit-amplifying (TA) daughter cells occupy the
ureteric epithelium and proximal tubules appear. In a spectac- remainder of the crypts and, upon differentiation, move onto
ular follow-up study, the protocol was further refined and simpli- the flanks of the villi to eventually die at the villus tips. Differ-
fied: human PSCs are cultured in 2D in the presence of Wnt entiated cell types include absorptive enterocytes, multiple
signals for 4 days followed by 3-day exposure to Fgf9. After secretory cell types (Paneth cells, goblet cells, enteroendocrine
xerostomia, this condition may present an early opportunity for regulatory factor 7 gene. These organoids produced less type I
the development of organoid technology-based cell therapy. interferon and displayed increased influenza virus replication
Esophagus (Ciancanelli et al., 2015). In another example, human stomach
All examples above represent simple or two-layered epithelia. organoids, grown from PSCs or aSCs, can be productively in-
Lagasse and colleagues showed that the keratinizing stratified fected by Helicobacter pylori (Bartfeld et al., 2015; McCracken
epithelium of the esophagus can also be cultured as organoids et al., 2014).
in ‘‘mini-gut’’ medium (DeWard et al., 2014). Basal cells in the As a striking example, Qian et al. developed a miniaturized
mouse esophagus represent a heterogeneous population of spinning bioreactor to generate forebrain-specific organoids
proliferative cells. When plated as single cells, these give rise from human iPSCs, following the Lancaster/Knoblich protocol.
to organoids that were morphologically similar to normal esoph- These organoids recapitulate many features of cortical develop-
ageal tissue, with small basal-like cells in contact with the extra- ment, including the formation of a distinct human-specific outer
cellular matrix, large flat suprabasal-like cells in the interior, and radial glia cell layer. Infection of these developing forebrain orga-
hardened keratinized material in the center. Expression of spe- noids with Zika virus (ZIKV) resulted in the preferential infection of
cific markers for each of these cell types confirmed the correct neural progenitors, resulting in cell death, decreased prolifera-
layering of the organoid walls. It will be of interest to determine tion, and a reduced neuronal cell-layer volume, thus modeling
whether basal cells from other squamous epithelia (epidermis, ZIKV-associated microcephaly. The authors propose this as a
vagina) will also be amenable to organoid culture. versatile experimental for mechanistic studies as well as for
testing of potential ZIKV antiviral drugs (Qian et al., 2016).
Applications of Organoid Technology
Both PCS- and aSC-based organoids can be initiated from sin- Hereditary Disease
gle cells and cultured long-term and are amenable to essentially Organoids can be used to study and model organ-specific
all cell-biological and molecular analyses that have been devel- monogenic hereditary diseases. Knoblich and colleagues identi-
oped for ‘‘traditional’’ cell lines. As such, they provide a new fied a patient with a mutation in the CDK5RAP2 and severe
window—between cell lines and in vivo studies—to studying microcephaly. The corresponding iPS cells made significant
basic gene functions and cellular processes. In addition to this, smaller ‘‘mini-brains,’’ containing only occasional neuroepithelial
organoid technology also holds great promise for translational regions with signs of remature neural differentiation, a phenotype
research. Below, I give some examples of its translational appli- that could be rescued by reintroducing the CDK5RAP2 protein
cations. (Lancaster et al., 2013).
Infectious Disease Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by a spectrum of mutations in the
Since organoids—unlike cell lines—ideally represent all cellular cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
components of a given organ, they are theoretically well suited chloride channel that is normally expressed in epithelial cells of
for infectious disease studies, particularly of pathogens that many organs. Mirroring the in vivo situation, surface expression
are restricted to man and are dependent on specialized cell of CFTR was absent in iPS-derived lung organoids from CF
types. In an illustrative application, iPS-derived lung organoids patients but could be restored by treatment with a (then still
were generated from an otherwise healthy child who suffered experimental) small molecule that corrects some of the common
life-threatening influenza and carried null alleles in the interferon CF-processing mutations (Wong et al., 2012). Dekkers and
in understanding the developmental biology of organs and will Clevers, H. (2015). STEM CELLS. What is an adult stem cell? Science 350,
thus complement the long tradition of in vivo studies in this field.
Clevers, H., Loh, K.M., and Nusse, R. (2014). Stem cell signaling. An integral
From the same perspective, aSC-based organoids provide basic
program for tissue renewal and regeneration: Wnt signaling and stem cell
insights into the processes that allow aSCs to maintain and control. Science 346, 1248012.
repair established tissues. Yet, because of the ease of produc-
Dekkers, F.e.a. (2016). Identifying potential clinical responders to CFTR-
tion and the close resemblance to human organs in health and modulating drugs using rectal cystic fibrosis organoids. Sci. Transl. Med.,
disease, organoids hold great appeal for translational research in press.
and invite an almost immediate application into the clinic. Dekkers, J.F., Wiegerinck, C.L., de Jonge, H.R., Bronsveld, I., Janssens, H.M.,
de Winter-de Groot, K.M., Brandsma, A.M., de Jong, N.W., Bijvelds, M.J.,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Scholte, B.J., et al. (2013). A functional CFTR assay using primary cystic
fibrosis intestinal organoids. Nat. Med. 19, 939–945.
Thanks for comments to the text to Melissa Little, Hans Snoeck, Juergen Desai, T.J., Brownfield, D.G., and Krasnow, M.A. (2014). Alveolar progenitor
Knoblich, and Esther Verheyen and to Janny van Eldik for secretarial help. and stem cells in lung development, renewal and cancer. Nature 507, 190–194.
Apologies to those scientists whose work could not be cited due to space re- DeWard, A.D., Cramer, J., and Lagasse, E. (2014). Cellular heterogeneity in the
strictions. Written as visiting professor at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer mouse esophagus implicates the presence of a nonquiescent epithelial stem
Center, New York, NY. H.C. is named as inventor on several patents related cell population. Cell Rep. 9, 701–711.
to Lgr5 stem-cell-based organoid technology. Dorrell, C., Tarlow, B., Wang, Y., Canaday, P.S., Haft, A., Schug, J., Streeter,
P.R., Finegold, M.J., Shenje, L.T., Kaestner, K.H., and Grompe, M. (2014). The
organoid-initiating cells in mouse pancreas and liver are phenotypically and
functionally similar. Stem Cell Res. (Amst.) 13, 275–283.
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The amyloid hypothesis for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) posits a neuron-centric, linear cascade initi-
ated by Ab and leading to dementia. This direct causality is incompatible with clinical observations.
We review evidence supporting a long, complex cellular phase consisting of feedback and feedfor-
ward responses of astrocytes, microglia, and vasculature. The field must incorporate this holistic
view and take advantage of advances in single-cell approaches to resolve the critical junctures
at which perturbations initially amenable to compensatory feedback transform into irreversible,
progressive neurodegeneration.
The quantitative aspects of the hypothesis (the concept that these proteases whereby the C-terminal region of long Ab is
more amyloid plaques, or, in more recent versions, more Ab42, progressively cleaved. The mutations might destabilize the
is causing disease) imply that quantitative lowering of Ab-pla- three-dimensional structure of the g-secretases, which might
ques or Ab-oligomers should be sufficient to halt progression explain the premature release of longer (insufficiently ‘‘trimmed’’)
of AD (critically discussed in Karran et al., 2011). The discrep- hydrophobic Ab42, Ab43, and, hypothetically, Ab>43, peptides
ancy between amyloid load and disease symptoms in sporadic (Chávez-Gutiérrez et al., 2012; Szaruga et al., 2015; Saito
AD (SAD) has, however, been pointed out in the past: ‘‘it seems et al., 2011). In this view, even lowering of total Ab could still
as if the Ab plaques appear at the wrong time and in the wrong be pathogenic if the Ab produced is longer than Ab40. Such
places with respect to the clinical dementia’’ (Mesulam, 1999). long Ab, even in low amounts, could provide seeds for further
Less appreciated is the fact that the quantitative concept is nucleation and amyloidosis. Thus, in contrast to what is
equally not tenable for FAD. Most Presenilin (PSEN1) mutations assumed in the amyloid hypothesis, the pathological effects of
do not increase Ab generation. PSEN1 is part of the g-secretase the PSEN1 mutations on Ab production are qualitative and not
complex, and mutations affect mainly the ‘‘trimming’’ function of quantitative (Kuperstein et al., 2010; Szaruga et al., 2015).
mice show decreased LRP1-mediated clearance of Ab via the in AD are a recurrent theme in this Review and illustrate the
BBB. Although neurons with downregulated Picalm produce importance of placing the biochemical process into the context
less Ab, accelerated amyloidosis and worsening in behavioral of the cellular phase.
parameters is seen in these mice: this could be rescued via In contrast to Ab, much less is known regarding Tau clearance.
adenoviral expression of PICALM in the endothelium (Zhao Previously, Tau pathology was seen as a cell-autonomous phe-
et al., 2015). PICALM proteolysis has also been associated nomenon, and studies of Tau clearance were predominantly
with Tau-tangle formation and disturbed endocytosis in SAD focused on intracellular processes such as autophagy. However,
(Ando et al., 2013). The multifactorial effects of genes involved Tau pathology can progress through the brain in a prion-like
An important caveat is that functional disturbances in mice dal neurons that become reduced only in the very advanced
are typically occurring in the absence of severe tangle forma- state of AD (Mufson et al., 2015).
tion and neuronal loss that characterizes AD dementia. Some
investigators therefore severely doubt the validity of mouse Astrocytes Are Central Players in the Cellular Phase
experiments: a more moderate and constructive view is that of AD
the alterations in these mice recapitulate early alterations In contrast to neurons, the astroglia population is strikingly
occurring in incipient AD brain (Zahs and Ashe, 2010). In that under-investigated in AD-related studies. Each astrocyte de-
sense, they are very relevant to the study of the early cellular ploys many fine processes to contact up to 140,000 synapses
phase of AD. in the CA1 region of rat hippocampus (Bushong et al., 2002).
Morphological and biochemical studies of human brain mate- With their end feet, they also contact blood vessels, forming
rial are limited to evolved stages of the disease. However, they the glia limitans of the BBB (Figure 2). The astrocytes occupy
too demonstrate the complex cellular phase in AD. Loss of inner- anatomically and functionally discrete micro-domains (Bushong
vation by the entorhinal cortex (EC) of the outer molecular layer of et al., 2002), and arrays of astrocyte and neurons are organized
the dentate gyrus is associated with extensive sprouting of around capillaries, providing the basis for higher-order neuro-
cholinergic innervation (Mufson et al., 2015). Loss of input via vascular units (Allen, 2014).
the Schaffer collaterals is associated initially with increases in The metabolic roles of astroglia are well recognized (Figure 3).
length and complexity of the basal dendritic trees of CA1 pyrami- Importantly, astroglia and oligodendrocytes synthesize all brain
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SUMMARY elevated OXPHOS (Chang et al., 2013; Sena et al., 2013), the
former of which is characteristic of the Warburg effect shared
Activated effector T (TE) cells augment anabolic path- by tumor cells and unicellular organisms (Vander Heiden et al.,
ways of metabolism, such as aerobic glycolysis, 2009). Once antigen is cleared, most TE cells die, but a subset
while memory T (TM) cells engage catabolic path- of long-lived memory T (TM) cells persists with enhanced
ways, like fatty acid oxidation (FAO). However, sig- mitochondrial capacity marked by a reliance on FAO to fuel
nals that drive these differences remain unclear. OXPHOS, which equips them to rapidly respond should infection
or cancer recur (Pearce et al., 2013). These extensive changes in
Mitochondria are metabolic organelles that actively
phenotype and function of T cells go along with a dynamic meta-
transform their ultrastructure. Therefore, we ques-
bolic range (MacIver et al., 2013; Buck et al., 2015). Failure to
tioned whether mitochondrial dynamics controls engage specific metabolic programs impairs the function and
T cell metabolism. We show that TE cells have punc- differentiation of T cells. As such, T cells represent an amenable
tate mitochondria, while TM cells maintain fused net- system to study changes in cell metabolism that occur as part
works. The fusion protein Opa1 is required for TM, but of normal development and not as a result of transformation.
not TE cells after infection, and enforcing fusion in TE Establishing the precise reasons why and how these and other
cells imposes TM cell characteristics and enhances cells emphasize one particular metabolic pathway over another
antitumor function. Our data suggest that, by altering remains a challenge.
cristae morphology, fusion in TM cells configures Mitochondria are essential hubs of metabolic activity, antiviral
electron transport chain (ETC) complex associations responses, and cell death that constantly remodel their structure
via nuclear-encoded GTPases (Nunnari and Suomalainen,
favoring oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and
2012). Mitochondrial fission generates discrete and fragmented
FAO, while fission in TE cells leads to cristae expan-
mitochondria that can increase reactive oxygen species (ROS)
sion, reducing ETC efficiency and promoting aerobic production (Yu et al., 2006), facilitate mitophagy (Frank et al.,
glycolysis. Thus, mitochondrial remodeling is a 2012; Toyama et al., 2016), accelerate cell proliferation (Taguchi
signaling mechanism that instructs T cell metabolic et al., 2007), and mediate apoptosis (Youle and Karbowski,
programming. 2005). Dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) is a cytosolic protein
that translocates to the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM)
INTRODUCTION upon phosphorylation to scission mitochondria. Fusion of mito-
chondria into linear or tubular networks limits deleterious muta-
T cells mediate protective immunity against pathogens and can- tions in mtDNA (Santel et al., 2003), induces supercomplexes
cer and possess the unique ability to proliferate at an unparal- of the ETC maximizing OXPHOS activity (Cogliati et al., 2013;
leled rate in an adult organism. In this regard, one naive T (TN) Mishra et al., 2014), and enhances ER interactions important
cell can clonally expand into millions of ‘‘armed’’ effector T (TE) for Ca2+ flux (de Brito and Scorrano, 2008). In addition, mito-
cells in just a few days (Williams and Bevan, 2007). Concomitant chondria elongate as a survival mechanism in response to
with T cell activation is the engagement of aerobic glycolysis and nutrient starvation and stress, linking fusion to cell longevity
(B and C) Mitochondrial morphology of OT-I Opa1 wild-type and Opa1 / IL-2 TE and IL-15 TM cells analyzed by (B) EM (scale bar, 0.5 mm, represents one
experiment) and (C) Seahorse EFA. Bar graphs represent (left) ratios of O2 consumption rates (OCR, indicator of OXPHOS) to extracellular acidification rates
(ECAR, indicator of aerobic glycolysis) at baseline and (right) spare respiratory capacity (SRC) (% max OCR after FCCP injection of baseline OCR) of indicated
cells (*p < 0.03, **p = 0.0079). Data from three experiments are shown as mean ± SEM.
(D–F) 104 OT-I Opa1+/+ or Opa1 / T cells were transferred i.v. into C57BL/6 CD90.1 mice infected i.v. with 107 CFU LmOVA. Blood analyzed by flow cytometry at
indicated times post infection. After 21 days, mice were challenged i.v. with 5 3 107 CFU LmOVA and blood analyzed post challenge (p.c.). (D) % Donor Kb/OVA+
CD90.2+ cells shown in representative flow plots and (E) line graph with mean ± SEM (*p = 0.0238, **p < 0.005). (F) Number of donor Kb/OVA+ cells from spleens of
infected mice shown with mean ± SEM (*p = 0.0126). Representative of two experiments (n = 9–11/group).
See also Figure S2.
of 1–2 3 106 IL-2 TE cells cultured with DMSO (gray diamonds) or M1 + Mdivi-1 (blue squares) were transferred into congenic C57BL/6 recipient mice. Cell counts
of donor cells recovered 2 days later from the (I) spleen (***p = 0.005) and (J) peripheral lymph nodes (pLNs, ***p = 0.0006). Dots are individual mice. (K) Blood from
recipient mice analyzed for % donor Kb/OVA+ cells post transfer and challenged with 107 CFU LmOVA by flow cytometry (*p = 0.0150, n = 5/group). (L) Donor Kb/
OVA+ cells recovered from recipient spleens 6 days p.c. (*p = 0.0383). Dots are individual mice. (I–L) Represents two experiments shown with mean ± SEM.
(G and H) OT-I cells were transduced with either empty (Control), Mfn1, Mfn2, or Opa1 expression vectors, sorted, and cultured to generate IL-2 TE cells. (G)
Representative histograms of MitoTracker Deep Red staining from four experiments and (H) basal OCR from two experiments of transduced cells.
See also Figure S3.
We reasoned that fusion renders tightly configured cristae, that this predominantly occurs in TM cells. However, if electron
which results in closely associated ETC complexes and efficient transport across the ETC became less efficient, caused by phys-
OXPHOS (Patten et al., 2014), producing conditions that favor ical separation of the individual complexes due to cristae remod-
the entrance of pyruvate into the TCA cycle. NADH generated eling via mitochondrial fission, then electrons could linger in the
from the TCA cycle is able to easily donate electrons to complex complexes and imbalance redox reactions. NADH levels would
I, which are passed efficiently along the ETC. Our data suggest build, slowing forward momentum of the TCA cycle. To restore
redox balance, cells could augment glycolysis and shunt pyru- aCD3/CD28 beads (Figure 6I), or with PMA + ionomycin (Fig-
vate as excreted lactate (i.e., aerobic glycolysis), regenerating ure S6C), in the presence or absence of Mdivi-1 to modulate ac-
NAD+ from cytosolic NADH. We speculate that this occurs in tivity of mitochondrial fission protein Drp1 (Cassidy-Stone et al.,
TE cells. Correlating with this idea, we previously reported that 2008). We observed dramatic changes to cristae morphology by
TE and TM cells have different ratios of NAD+/NADH (i.e., redox EM, with the intermembrane space widening over time in con-
balance) with TM cells maintaining higher NAD+/NADH than TE trols compared to drug-treated cells. These data are consistent
cells. We also showed that NADH levels dramatically rise in TM with the hypothesis that fission-induced mitochondrial cristae
cells compared to TE cells when exposed to rotenone and anti- remodeling supports metabolic reprogramming in T cells.
mycin A, indicating that TM cells consume more NADH for the
purpose of donating electrons to the ETC (van der Windt et al., TM Cells Maintain Tight Cristae with Closely Associated
2012). Together, our data suggest that fission and fusion regulate ETC Complexes
cristae remodeling, which alter ETC efficiency and redox bal- Our data suggested that unlike TE cells, TM cells have tight
ance, ultimately controlling metabolic adaptations in T cells. cristae with closely associated ETC complexes. To investigate
To examine this idea further, we assessed cristae morphology this biochemically, we treated native lysates of IL-2 TE and IL-
in TE and TM cells by EM after TCR stimulation. We hypothesized 15 TM cells with increasing concentrations of digitonin to disrupt
that if cristae remodeling induces aerobic glycolysis, changes in cell membranes (including mitochondrial). The crude mem-
cristae structure could be visualized after T cell activation. TM brane-bound fraction was separated from solubilized proteins
cells rapidly augment aerobic glycolysis when restimulated by centrifugation. Both pellet and soluble supernatants were
(van der Windt et al., 2013). We activated IL-15 TM cells with loaded on a denaturing reducing gel and then probed for various
Supplemental Information includes Supplemental Experimental Procedures Chang, C.H., Qiu, J., O’Sullivan, D., Buck, M.D., Noguchi, T., Curtis, J.D.,
and six figures and can be found with this article online at Chen, Q., Gindin, M., Gubin, M.M., van der Windt, G.J., et al. (2015). Metabolic
10.1016/j.cell.2016.05.035. competition in the tumor microenvironment is a driver of cancer progression.
Cell 162, 1229–1241.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Chen, H., Detmer, S.A., Ewald, A.J., Griffin, E.E., Fraser, S.E., and Chan, D.C.
(2003). Mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2 coordinately regulate mitochondrial fusion
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E.L.P. designed the research and analyzed data. M.D.B., D.O., R.I.K.G., Civiletto, G., Varanita, T., Cerutti, R., Gorletta, T., Barbaro, S., Marchet, S.,
J.D.C., C.-H.C., D.E.S., J.Q., O.K., D.B., G.v.d.W., S.C.-C.H., and C.M.O. per- Lamperti, C., Viscomi, C., Scorrano, L., and Zeviani, M. (2015). Opa1 overex-
formed experiments. M.D.B. and E.L.P wrote the manuscript. pression ameliorates the phenotype of two mitochondrial disease mouse
models. Cell Metab. 21, 845–854.
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Kaech, S.M. (2015). IL-7-induced glycerol transport and TAG synthesis pro-
Tonc, Tara Bradstreet, and Elizabeth Schwarzkopf for technical assistance.
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NSF Graduate Research Fellowship DGE-1143954 (to M.D.B.). ulum to mitochondria. Nature 456, 605–610.
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SUMMARY benefits (Hamid et al., 2013; Topalian et al., 2012). This therapeu-
tic approach has also been shown to be active against a growing
PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade provides signifi- list of human malignancies, and clinical testing of combinations
cant clinical benefits for melanoma patients. We of PD-1 (or PD-L1) with other treatment targets has already
analyzed the somatic mutanomes and transcrip- begun (Sharma and Allison, 2015). However, effective clinical
tomes of pretreatment melanoma biopsies to identify use of anti-PD-1 agents is encumbered by a high rate of
factors that may influence innate sensitivity or resis- innate resistance (60%–70%) in advanced metastatic mela-
noma. The mechanistic basis for the variation in response pat-
tance to anti-PD-1 therapy. We find that overall high
terns or in long-term clinical benefits (i.e., survival) remains
mutational loads associate with improved survival, poorly explained.
and tumors from responding patients are enriched In melanoma, the extent of pretreatment and especially treat-
for mutations in the DNA repair gene BRCA2. Innately ment-induced intra-tumoral T cell infiltration correlates with
resistant tumors display a transcriptional signature clinical responses (Tumeh et al., 2014), supporting unleashing
(referred to as the IPRES, or innate anti-PD-1 resis- of tumor-specific T cells as the primary mechanistic basis of
tance), indicating concurrent up-expression of genes anti-PD-1 therapy. Preliminary retrospective analyses of clinical
involved in the regulation of mesenchymal transition, data hinted at prior failure of mitogen-activated protein kinase
cell adhesion, extracellular matrix remodeling, angio- (MAPK)-targeted therapy being a negative factor for subsequent
genesis, and wound healing. Notably, mitogen-acti- response to immune checkpoint blockade in melanoma (Puza-
vated protein kinase (MAPK)-targeted therapy nov et al., 2015, Pigment Cell Melanoma Res., abstract;
Ramanujam et al., 2015, Pigment Cell Melanoma Res., abstract;
(MAPK inhibitor) induces similar signatures in mela-
Simeone et al., 2015, Pigment Cell Melanoma Res., abstract). In
noma, suggesting that a non-genomic form of this context, acquired resistance to MAPK-targeted therapy has
MAPK inhibitor resistance mediates cross-resistance been correlated with depletion of intra-tumoral T cells, exhaus-
to anti-PD-1 therapy. Validation of the IPRES in other tion of CD8 T cells, and loss of antigen presentation (Hugo
independent tumor cohorts defines a transcriptomic et al., 2015).
subset across distinct types of advanced cancer. At the genomic level, the overall mutation load has been corre-
These findings suggest that attenuating the biological lated with clinical responses to anti-PD-1 therapy and linked to
processes that underlie IPRES may improve anti- smoking in non-small-cell lung cancer or mismatch repair defi-
PD-1 response in melanoma and other cancer types. ciency in colon cancer. (Le et al., 2015; Rizvi et al., 2015).
Whether it was non-small-cell lung tumors on anti-PD-1 therapy
or melanoma tumors on anti-CTLA-4 therapy (Snyder et al.,
INTRODUCTION 2014; Van Allen et al., 2015), the range of somatic mutation
and neoepitope loads of the responding pretreatment tumors
PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade therapy induces a high rate overlapped significantly with that of the non-responding tumors,
of anti-melanoma response and provides unprecedented clinical despite statistically significant differences in their medians. As
Cell 167, 633–642, October 20, 2016 ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. 633
A B * **** ** * ****** ***** ** ****** **** ** * * * *** ** ** *** *
hi k
s lizard
corn snake
ZRS evolutionary rate
including the Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) (Cas- snakes displays a substantially increased number of substitu-
toe et al., 2013), boa constrictor (Boa constrictor constrictor), tions compared to other enhancers (p = 0.012, permutation
king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) (Vonk et al., 2013), speckled test; Figures 1B, 1C, and S2; Table S4). This fast evolutionary
rattlesnake (Crotalus mitchellii pyrrhus), viper (Vipera berus rate clearly distinguishes the ZRS from other limb enhancers,
berus), and corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) (Ullate-Agote which do not show such an increase in substitutions (Figure S2)
et al., 2014). These species represent different morphological (Infante et al., 2015). Thus, while nearly all snake species exam-
stages within the evolutionary history of snakes (Apesteguı́a ined have a ZRS enhancer, a loss of evolutionary constraint on
and Zaher, 2006; Martill et al., 2015), from basal snakes (boa this enhancer coincides with the complete loss of limb structures
and python) that retained a vestigial pelvic girdle and rudimen- at the transition from basal to advanced snakes.
tary hindlimbs, to advanced snakes (viper, rattlesnake, king
cobra, and corn snake) that completely lost all skeletal limb Loss of Region-Specific Limb Enhancer Activity in
structures and represent the majority (>85%) of all extant snake Snakes
species (Lawson et al., 2005; Pyron et al., 2013). Nearly all of the To systematically examine whether the sequence changes
snake species studied have a ZRS-orthologous sequence (Fig- observed in different snake ZRS orthologs alter the in vivo func-
ures 1B and S1). However, while the ZRS enhancer of basal tion of the enhancer, we used a transgenic mouse enhancer re-
snakes shares 80% nucleotide identity with the orthologous porter assay ( (Kothary et al., 1989; Visel
region from limbed lizards and shows a substitution rate similar et al., 2007). We determined ZRS enhancer activity patterns for
to other vertebrate ZRS orthologs, the ZRS of advanced 16 different species covering a wide range of jawed vertebrates,
Figure 3. Limb Phenotypes of Knockin Mice with ZRS Orthologs from Other Vertebrate Species
(A) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated replacement of the mouse ZRS sequence with an orthologous sequence from cobra. Schematic of the mouse Shh locus is shown at
the top. The ZRS is located in the intron of the Lmbr1 gene (intron-exon structure not shown), 850 kb away from the promoter of Shh. A homologous locus from
king cobra with the cobra ZRS enhancer (cZRS) is indicated in purple. A CRISPR/Cas9-modified ‘‘serpentized’’ mouse Shh locus is shown below. See also
Figures S4A–S4F and Method Details. Gene diagram not to scale.
(B) Gross phenotypes of ZRSWT/D (top) and serpentized ZRScZRS/D (bottom) mice. Scale bars, 10 mm.
(C and D) Limb phenotypes of knockin mice with ZRS orthologs from other vertebrate species.
(C) Phylogeny and approximate divergence estimates (Amemiya et al., 2013; Hsiang et al., 2015; Wright et al., 2015) are shown on the left. Schematic mouse Shh
loci with the ZRS replaced by orthologs from human (hZRS), python (pZRS), cobra (cZRS), and coelacanth fish (fZRS) are shown.
(D) Comparative Shh mRNA in situ hybridization analysis in knockin mouse embryos during forelimb bud development (first column). Per knockin line, the
Shh transcript distribution was assessed in at least three independent mouse embryos. See Figure S4G for hindlimb bud analysis of Shh expression.
Corresponding whole-mount E14.5 knockin mouse embryos (second column) and skeletal preparations at E18.5 (third and fourth columns) are shown; s,
scapula; h, humerus; r, radius; u, ulna; fe, femur; fi, fibula; t, tibia; a, autopod. The genotypes of the embryos are ZRSWT/D (mouse), ZRShZRS/D (human), ZRSpZRS/D
(python), ZRScZRS/D (cobra), and ZRSfZRS/D (coelacanth fish). Arrow points to rudimentary digits in ZRSpZRS/D embryos. Bottom embryo shows E14.5
(legend continued on next page)
gross and limb skeletal phenotypes of the ZRSD/D KO mice (see Figure S3 for details). Numbers of embryos that exhibited representative limb phenotype over
the total number of embryos with the genotype are indicated. *Three of five mouse embryos displayed mild digit number variation (see Figures S4H–S4J). Scale
bars, 0.1 mm (left column), 2 mm (columns 3 and 4).
See also Figures S3 and S4.
2Laboratory for Systems Biology, VIB, Bio-Incubator, Gaston Geenslaan 1, 3001 Leuven, Belgium
3Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB, 9052 Gent, Belgium
4Department of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ghent University, 9052 Gent, Belgium
5White Labs, 9495 Candida Street, San Diego, CA 92126, USA
6Synthetic Genomics, 11149 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
7Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Rega Institute, KU Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
8Encinitas Brewing Science, 141 Rodney Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024, USA
9Illumina, 5200 Illumina Way, San Diego, CA 92122, USA
10Biological & Popular Culture (BioPop), 2205 Faraday Avenue, Suite E, Carlsbad, CA 92008, USA
11Co-first author
12Lead Contact
SUMMARY due to the presence of ethanol (Michel et al., 1992; Steensels and
Verstrepen, 2014). Whereas the use of pure cultures started well
Whereas domestication of livestock, pets, and crops after the pioneering work of Pasteur and Hansen in the 19th cen-
is well documented, it is still unclear to what extent tury, early brewers, winemakers, and bakers had already learned
microbes associated with the production of food that inoculating unfermented foods with a small portion of fer-
have also undergone human selection and where mented product resulted in fast and more predictable fermenta-
the plethora of industrial strains originates from. tions. This so-called ‘‘backslopping’’ might have resulted in
yeast lineages that grew continuously in these man-made envi-
Here, we present the genomes and phenomes of
ronments and lost contact with their natural niches, providing a
157 industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts. perfect setting for domestication. However, strong evidence
Our analyses reveal that today’s industrial yeasts for this hypothesis is still missing and it remains unclear whether
can be divided into five sublineages that are geneti- industrial yeast diversity is shaped by selection and niche
cally and phenotypically separated from wild strains adaptation (domestication) or neutral divergence caused by
and originate from only a few ancestors through geographic isolation and limited dispersal (Goddard and Greig,
complex patterns of domestication and local diver- 2015; Warringer et al., 2011).
gence. Large-scale phenotyping and genome anal- Domestication is defined as human selection and breeding of
ysis further show strong industry-specific selection wild species to obtain cultivated variants that thrive in man-made
for stress tolerance, sugar utilization, and flavor pro- environments, but behave suboptimally in nature. Typical signs
duction, while the sexual cycle and other phenotypes of domestication, including genome decay, polyploidy, chromo-
somal rearrangements, gene duplications, and phenotypes re-
related to survival in nature show decay, particularly
sulting from human-driven selection, have been reported in
in beer yeasts. Together, these results shed light on crops, livestock, and pets (Driscoll et al., 2009; Purugganan
the origins, evolutionary history, and phenotypic di- and Fuller, 2009). Several studies have recently investigated
versity of industrial yeasts and provide a resource the S. cerevisiae population by sequencing the genomes of hun-
for further selection of superior strains. dreds of different strains, providing a first glimpse of the complex
evolution of this species (Almeida et al., 2015; Borneman et al.,
INTRODUCTION 2011, 2016; Liti et al., 2009; Magwene et al., 2011; Schacherer
et al., 2009; Strope et al., 2015). However, most of these studies
Since prehistoric times, humans have exploited the capacity of focused primarily on yeasts from wild and clinical habitats and
the common baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to convert often include only a limited set of industrial strains, mainly origi-
sugars into ethanol and desirable flavor compounds to obtain nating from wine. Moreover, most studies use haploid deriva-
foods and beverages with a prolonged shelf-life, enriched tives instead of natural strains and can therefore not explore
sensorial palate, improved digestibility, and an euphoriant effect typical patterns of domestication like polyploidy, aneuploidy,
Cell 166, 1397–1410, September 8, 2016 ª 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. 1397
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
and heterozygosity. The use of haploids also excludes a large exclusively produced by strains of the genetically related
fraction of industrial S. cerevisiae strains that have lost the ability Saccharomyces pastorianus. After de novo assembly of each
to sporulate, such as the vast majority of beer yeasts. Neverthe- of the genomes, we inferred a maximum-likelihood phylogenetic
less, some studies already revealed signs of domestication in tree based on codon alignments for 2,020 concatenated single-
wine strains, such as an increased resistance to copper copy nuclear genes shared by each of the 157 isolates and
(present in grapevine pesticides) and sulfite (used as a preserva- the outgroup species Saccharomyces paradoxus (Figure S1A).
tive in wine) (Pérez-Ortı́n et al., 2002; Warringer et al., 2011). An Additionally, we included a representative set of 24 previously
in-depth investigation of strains originating from other industrial sequenced strains belonging to the main established lineages
niches is still lacking. of the S. cerevisiae phylogeny (Liti et al., 2009; Strope et al.,
Here, we describe the high-quality sequencing, de novo 2015), extending the number of strains to 181 (Figure 1A). Trees
assembly, annotation, and extensive phenotyping of 157 constructed from the original and extended datasets are
S. cerevisiae strains used for the industrial production of beer, congruent and show five main lineages that contain the majority
wine, bread, spirits, saké, and bioethanol, in their natural ploidy. of industrial yeasts: Wine (bootstrap support 100%), Beer 1
Our data reveal that industrial yeasts are genetically and pheno- (86%), Beer 2 (56%), Asia (100%), and a Mixed lineage (99%)
typically distinct from wild strains and stem from only a limited containing yeasts used in different industries. Three of these lin-
set of ancestral strains that have been adapting to man-made eages (Beer 1, Beer 2, and Mixed) were not previously described.
environments. They further diversified into five clades: one Next, we studied the population structure in a filtered set of
including Asian strains such as saké yeasts, one mostly contain- 53,929 polymorphic sites accounting for 2,454,052 SNPs across
ing wine yeasts, a mixed clade that contains bread and other all strains, using the Bayesian model-based clustering approach
yeasts, and two separate families of beer yeasts. While most implemented in fastStructure (Raj et al., 2014) (Figures 1B and
clades lack strong geographical substructure, one of the beer S1B). This analysis yields a population structure that is highly
clades contains geographically isolated subgroups of strains consistent with the major lineages defined in the phylogeny
used in continental Europe (Belgium/Germany), the United and identifies mosaicism in 17% of the strains (in which the esti-
Kingdom, and a recent sublineage of United States beer yeasts mated ancestry Q < 0.8 for K = 8 ancestral populations). The
that diverged from the British subclade during colonization. population structure is further supported by a principal compo-
Interestingly, these beer yeast lineages exhibit clear and pro- nent analysis (PCA) on the same SNP data (Figure 1C).
found hallmarks of domestication, more so than the other line- Further analysis of the phylogeny and population structure
ages. The shift from variable, complex, and often harsh environ- reveals that the evolutionary divergence of industrial yeasts is
ments encountered in nature to more stable and nutrient-rich shaped by both their industrial application and geographical
beer medium favored specialized adaptations in beer yeasts, origin. First, most yeasts cluster together according to the indus-
but also led to genome decay, aneuploidy, and loss of a func- try in which they are used and are clearly separated from the wild
tional sexual cycle. Specifically, we find evidence for active or clinical yeasts that have previously been sequenced. This was
human selection, demonstrated by convergent evolution for effi- further confirmed by constructing a larger phylogeny, based
cient fermentation of beer-specific carbon sources, mainly on nine genomic regions, that includes the vast majority of all
through mutations and duplications of the MAL (maltose) genes, sequenced S. cerevisiae strains, 450 isolates in total (Figure S1C;
as well as nonsense mutations in PAD1 and FDC1, which are Table S2). Wine and saké yeasts cluster in the previously identi-
involved in the production of 4-vinyl guaiacol (4-VG), an unde- fied Wine and Asia lineages (Liti et al., 2009). The majority of beer
sirable off-flavor in beer. Our results further suggest that beer yeasts (85.3%) are found in two main lineages (Beer 1 and Beer
yeast domestication was initiated hundreds of years ago, well 2) that are only distantly related. The Mixed clade harbors 7.8%
after the first reported beer production, but before the discovery of all beer strains (most of which are atypical beer yeasts that
of microbes. Together, our results reveal how today’s industrial are used for bottle refermentation of strong Belgian ales) and
yeasts are the outcome of centuries of human domestication contains all bread strains. Interestingly, spirit strains lack this
and provide a new resource for further selection and breeding clear phylogenetic relationship, as they are highly mosaic and
of superior variants. scattered throughout the tree, suggesting that these strains
might be the result of breeding by modern-day yeast companies
RESULTS that sell yeasts for spirits production. Moreover, because spirit
yeasts are typically not re-used after fermentation, they likely
Niche and Geography Drive Diversification had less opportunity to diverge into a separate clade.
To examine the evolutionary history of industrial yeasts, we Within and between the lineages, we also observed geograph-
sequenced the genomes of 157 S. cerevisiae isolates originating ical patterns. For example, most saké yeasts form a monophy-
from various sources in their natural ploidy to a median coverage letic group and cluster together with wild isolates and bioethanol
of 1353 (min = 263, max = 4033) (for details on data analysis, strains from China, while South American bioethanol strains are
see STAR Methods). This collection includes 102 industrial closely related to strains used to produce cachaça, a Brazilian
beer strains, 19 wine strains, 11 spirit strains, 7 saké strains, 7 sugarcane spirit. Moreover, the Beer 1 clade consists of three
strains isolated from spontaneous fermentations, 5 bioethanol separate subpopulations, each reflecting geographically distinct
strains, 4 bread strains, and 2 laboratory strains (Table S1). Inter- groups: Belgium/Germany, Britain, and the United States. The
estingly, ten of these S. cerevisiae beer strains are used for com- absence of genetic admixture among these subpopulations indi-
mercial production of lager beers, which were believed to be cates that these strains diverged allopatrically after the initial split
LA YC3467
WI01 4
BE09 2
BE00 9
NC 2
BE0 86
01 0
BE 034
W 18
BE 083
SP 145
BE 084
Beer A
BE 004
yj 3 0
W m6 20
SP 06
W L00 82
SP I002 5
W L0 1
B I00 0
L L0 03
B 03 4
32 574 6
N A0 02
BE 01 4
YC 3 6
BE I01 07
C C 2
N C 01
W I0 18
W I0
Saké NC W
YC WI I01 00 03
Wild 3 0 0 SA A0 04
NC W 44 06 S A0 07
I 0 7
YC WI0 17
Bio-ethanol 3 0
S A0 01
S A0 06
B 56 3 S A0 3
Bread NC SAE0208 S I00
B I001
YC 00
Laboratory yj 331 2
B I004 89
y m2 9 B m13 445
Clinical NC jm12 44 yj YC3 0
YC 42 NC 140 81
S.paradoxus W 570 yjm C35
yjm I015
12 NCY1273
WI0144 yjm C3448
SP01 1 NCY1342
Lineage WI0041 yjm 3449
BE088 WL004
Beer 1 BE024 yjm1418
WI009 yjm1447
Britain SP002 spar
WI013 BE054
US BE033 BE049
WI001 BE101
SP007 BE037
Belgium/Germany SP008 BE048
WI008 BE03
Mixed 6 BE01 6
BE00 1 BE0 0
SP0029 BE0 79
Wine BE0 28 BE0 89
B 05 0 BE 64
Beer 2 BE0009 BE 100
SP 038 BE 047
BE 003 WI 009
West Africa (WA) SP 061 B 012
B E07
BE 0234 B E05 0
Asia BE 00 2 BEE05 3
BRR00 5 B 0 6
B E0 55
B E02 01
North America (NA) B R0 05 B E0 69
B L0 07 B E0 01
BE E0 99
Malaysia (M) W L0 06 04 50
W L0
B E0 03
B E0 066
E0 94
B E0 72
B E 60
B R0
BE E09 74
B E0 35
B 01 3
B 0 7
B E04 7
BEE05 9
BEE00 6
B E01 2
BE 0418
B E10 8
B 09
BE 012
BE 073
B 071
BE 087
BE 067
BE 015
BE 044
BE 068
BE0 81
BE 82
BE0 5
BE02 5
BE0 6
BE031 BE058
m/G US
0.50 US
K=2 Belgium/Germany
Estimated ancestry (Q)
0.00 Beer 2
1.00 0.2 Mixed
PC2 (9.9%)
K=4 Mosaic
0.00 0.0
(Figure 1B). Moreover, the high nucleotide diversity within each incidence of polyploidy and aneuploidy (R2 0.14, p < 0.001;
of the Beer 1 sublineages exceeds that within the Wine popula- average genome content of 3.52, SD = 0.67, Figures 2A, 2F,
tion, suggesting that the split did not happen recently (Table 1). and 2G), which is linked to extensive chromosomal loss and
Compared to Beer 1, Beer 2 is more closely related to the general genome instability (Sheltzer et al., 2011).
Wine lineage and includes 20.6% of all brewing strains. Howev- CNVs are not uniformly spread across the genome. Consid-
er, in contrast to the Beer 1 group, the Beer 2 lineage lacks ering subtelomere lengths of 33 kb (Brown et al., 2010), on
geographic structure and contains yeasts originating from average 39.7% of subtelomeric nucleotide positions are affected
Belgium, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, by CNV events compared to 9.54% of non-subtelomeric nucle-
and Eastern Europe. The presence of two major genetically otide positions (4.1-fold difference, Wilcoxon signed-rank test,
distinct sources of beer yeasts hints toward two independent p < 0.001). However, not all subtelomeres are equally prone to
European domestication events, one of which is at the origin of CNV: most variability is detected in ChrI, ChrVII, ChrVIII, ChrIX,
both the Wine and Beer 2 clade. ChrX, ChrXII, ChrXV, and ChrXVI (Figure 2A). Gene ontology
(GO) enrichment analysis reveals that genes involved in nitrogen
Remarkable Structural Variation in Beer Yeasts and carbon metabolism, ion transport, and flocculation are
Variation in genome structure, such as polyploidy, aneuploidy, most heavily influenced by CNVs (Table S3), which is in line
large segmental duplications, and copy-number variations with previous results (Bergström et al., 2014; Dunn et al.,
(CNVs), have repeatedly been found in association with domes- 2012). Interestingly, some CNVs seem linked to specific environ-
tication and adaptation to specific niches in experimentally ments (Table S4), suggesting that CNVs may underlie niche
evolved microbes (Bergström et al., 2014; Borneman et al., adaptation. For example, many genes involved in uptake and
2011; Dunham et al., 2002; Dunn et al., 2012; Pavelka et al., breakdown of maltose (present in saké medium, main carbon
2010; Rancati et al., 2008; Selmecki et al., 2009; Voordeckers source in beer, but absent from grape must) are amplified in
et al., 2015) and in association with domestication of higher beer and saké-related subpopulations, while they are often lost
organisms (Purugganan and Fuller, 2009). in strains from the Wine subpopulation (false discovery rate
Sequencing the yeast strains in their natural ploidy allowed [FDR] q value < 0.001).
analysis of gross chromosomal rearrangements and aneu-
ploidies (Figure 2A). We detected a staggering 15,288 deletion Relaxed Selection on Sex and Survival in Nature
and amplification events across all strains, covering on average Apart from selection for industrial traits, domestication is also
1.57 Mb per strain. The size of the regions ranges from complete characterized by relaxed selection and potential loss of costly
chromosomes (resulting in aneuploidies) to small local variations traits that are not beneficial in the man-made environment (Dris-
of a few kilobases (kb), all of which we will refer to as ‘‘CNVs.’’ coll et al., 2009). In order to chart the phenome of our collection
The extent of deletions significantly exceeds that of amplifica- and investigate signs of selection for some traits and loss of
tions, respectively 1.07 Mb and 0.50 Mb on average per strain others, 82 phenotypes, such as aroma production, sporulation
(2.15-fold difference, Wilcoxon signed rank test, p < 0.001). We characteristics, and tolerance to osmolytes, acids, ethanol,
observed significant variation among strains originating from and low and high temperatures, were measured in all strains (Fig-
different industries in the total frequency of CNV events (ANOVA ures 3A and S3; Table S5). Hierarchical clustering of the pheno-
F test, p < 0.001) and the fraction of the genome affected types resolves the main phylogenetic lineages and reveals a
(ANOVA F-test, p < 0.001) (Figure S2). Pairwise comparisons of moderate correlation between genotype and phenotype dis-
subpopulations and industries show no significant differences tances between strains (Spearman correlation 0.33), which is
in the load of amplifications between strains from different indus- further increased (Spearman correlation 0.36) when mosaic
tries or subpopulations, but we detected significant differences strains, for which genetic distance has no straightforward evolu-
in the load of deletions between strains from the wine (median = tionary interpretation, are omitted (Figure 3A). Moreover, the
0.51 Mb) and beer (median = 0.94 Mb) industry (Tukey honest clustering splits the collection into two main phenotypic sub-
significant difference [HSD], p < 0.05) (Figures 2B–2E). This groups: one largely overlapping with the Beer 1 clade that con-
high incidence of CNV in beer strains goes together with a high tains the majority of the Belgium/Germany, United States, and
SA006 Saké
WI019 S.paradoxus
BE040 >= 2-fold amplification
Beer 2
BE039 Amplification
BE003 < 2-fold amplification
BE021 1 =< deletion < n
BE032 Deletion
SP006 complete deletion
1 2 3 4 5
ploidy (n)
Beer Bioethanol Bread Saké Spirits Wild Wine Britain US Bel/Ger Beer 2 Mixed Wine Asia Mosaic
2.5 2.5
Amplifications (Mb)
Amplifications (Mb)
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
Beer Bioethanol Bread Saké Spirits Wild Wine Britain US Bel/Ger Beer 2 Mixed Wine Asia Mosaic
Deletions (Mb)
Deletions (Mb)
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
F G Britain
Estimated ploidy (n)
Bioethanol US
4 4
Bread Bel/Ger
Lab Beer 2
3 Saké 3 Mixed
Spirits Wine
Wild Asia
2 Wine 2
R2 = 0.14, p < 0.001 R2 = 0.14, p < 0.001 Mosaic
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Glycerol (20°C)
Melibiose (20°C)
Sorbitol (20°C)
Ethanol (20°C)
Galactose (20°C)
Nutrient stress
Fructose (20°C)
Sucrose (20°C)
Maltose (20°C)
Maltose (liquid)
Maltotriose (liquid)
Glucose (10°C)
Ethanol (10°C)
Fructose (10°C)
Sucrose (10°C)
Maltose (10°C)
Glucose (39°C)
Ethanol (39°C)
Fructose (39°C)
Sucrose (39°C)
Maltose (39°C)
Ethyl propionate
Ehtyl butyrate
Ethyl hexanoate
Ethyl octanoate
Ethyl decanoate
Propyl acetate
Isobutyl acetate
Ethyl acetate
Isoamyl acetate
Phenyl ethyl acetate
Phenyl ethanol
Isoamyl alcohol
Ethanol production
Sporulation efficiency
Spore viability
Britain US Bel/Ger Beer 2 Mixed Wine Asia Mosaic Britain US Bel/Ger Beer 2 Mixed Wine Asia Mosaic
Ethanol production (% v/v)
15.0 100
Copper tolerance (au)
12.5 75
10.0 50
7.5 25
5.0 0
Maltotriose fermentation (au)
Britain US Bel/Ger Beer 2 Mixed Wine Asia Mosaic Britain US Bel/Ger Beer 2 Mixed Wine Asia Mosaic
100 100
Sulfite tolerance (au)
75 75
50 50
25 25
0 0
(C) Growth of all strains from different subpopulations on medium supplemented with 0.075 mM copper, relative to growth on medium without copper.
(D) Growth of all strains from different subpopulations on medium supplemented with 2.25 mM sulfite, relative to growth on medium without sulfite.
(E) Growth of all strains from different subpopulations in medium containing 1% w v1 maltotriose as the sole carbon source, relative to growth on medium with
1% w/v1 glucose. au, arbitrary units; Bel/Ger, Belgium/Germany.
See also Figure S3 and Tables S5, S6, and S7.
50 50
25 25
0 0
Level of heterozygosity
Beer 2
80 R2 = 0.17, p < 0.001 80 R2 = 0.03, p = 0.022
Nr. of heterozygous SNPs (x103)
Nr of heterozygous SNPs (x103)
Britain Britain
60 US 60 US
Bel/Ger Bel/Ger
Beer 2 Beer 2
40 40
Mixed Mixed
Wine Wine
20 Asia 20 Asia
Mosaic Mosaic
0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Spore viability (%) Sporulation efficiency (%)
Amplified/Deleted genome fraction (%)
confirmed by the average per-site nucleotide divergence (dxy), signed-rank test, p < 0.001) (Table S8). This suggests that the
which is significantly lower between Britain and the United States origin of the United States brewing strains can be traced back
(average dxy = 1.97 3 103) than between Belgium/Germany and to the introduction of beer culture in the United States by early
the United States strains (average dxy = 2.26 3 103) (Wilcoxon 17th century British settlers (Van Wieren, 1995). Third, in contrast
75% 75%
50% 50%
25% 25%
0% 0%
Beer 2
B E076
SP00 8
SP00 3
BI0 4
WL 02
SP00 9
WI0 3
BE 02
BR 09
WI0 17
BR 01
SP 88
BE 03
BE 02
BE 001
WL 003
WI0 2
BE 06
SA 021
W 005
BE 014
W 028
BE 007
BE 080
BE 011
BR 007
BE 084
BE 07 2
SP 004
B 001
BE 07
BE 010 3
BR 00 3
SP 06 6
B E09 3
BE E02
BR E06 8
B E07 9
BE 00
B 02
E0 2
B I00
00 7
BE051 B
B E03
2 BE E03
BE095 W E08 2 02 5 00 9
L 3 BE E07 1 BE 026 0 BE I01 6
BE096 BE 003 W I00
B 08 BE 077
BE 062 BE I002 BE 022 W 007
BE097 BE 030 SA 059
W 003 BE 075
BE052 BE 017 SA 059 0 BE 003
BE 7
BE042 BE 027 BE 001 0
8 SA 001
00 BE 58 SA 004
BE058 BE 4 SA 001 0
0 LA 05 BE 76 SA 05
BE 20 03
BE031 0 0
SA 6 BE 1
BE 11 00 01
BE078 03 SA SP00 6
BE04 9 4
SA00 7 5 BI0
BE075 BE0
WI0 0 SA00 BE03
04 BI004
BE076 11 1
BE07 BI00
1 9 BI00
BE077 BE08
01 0 WL002
6 BE011
BE026 BE043 BI003 WL001
WI014 BE023
BE022 WI010 WL002
WI007 LA001
SP005 BR002 BI004
spar BE020 spar
BE016 SP011
BI002 WI018 BI002
BE081 WI006
BE096 WI010 BE094
BE043 BE034 BE036
BE036 WI013
BE015 BE003 BE037 WI012
BE091 WI009 BE099
BE012 BE057
SP007 BE049 WI001 BE079
BE002 BE045 BE033
BE087 BE01
4 BE08 4 BE06
BE041 3 2 BE02 6
BE09 BE05 2 BE04
SP00 7
BE008 WI0
04 BE0 0 83 BE0
4 55 BE0 9 64
BE01 BE01
BE046 BR00 5 BE02
08 BE 0 BE 0
BE017 BE 097 17
WI0 13
005 BE BE
BE093 WL 15 BE 0 6 0
BE 27 BE
WI0 72 1
BE 00 0
BE 06 BE 054
BE074 0
BE 13 BE 035 0
WL 025 BE 089
BE072 0
BE 03 BE 067 BE 009
I0 6 BE 062
WL006 W BE 056
BE 021 BE 053
00 B 04 B 04
WL005 SP I019 BE E01 1 BE 091 4
W 092 3 BE E05 8
WL007 W 08 5 BE 08 2 BE 04 0
BE E02 5 I0 9
12 BE 03 00 5
BR002 B 02 BE
BE 00 8
B E06 4
B E06 0
SA 02
E0 9
E0 8
BE 080 2
B 06
B 10 5
LA 01
W I01 2
BE 09
BE 05
W 00
BE 006
BE 095
BE 015
SP 004
BE 102
BE 034
BE 067
BE 085
BE 069
BE 102
SP 005
BE 42
BE 05
BE 097
BE 08
BE 048
BE 19
BE 95
BE 01
BE 60
BE 82
BE 47
BE09 4
BE0 5
BE0 6
B E079
BE029 6.0E-4 5.0E-4
WI015 (1)
WI017 Mating type a Mating type α
BE014 (1)
BE013 SA005
BE063 120
BE039 BE027-a SA005-α Hybrid 1
4-VG production (au)
BE040 100
WI019 80
BE002 SA005-a BE027-α Hybrid 2 Parental
WI016 x
60 Haploid
SP010 (3) Hybrid
WL001 40
WL003 BE027-a BE027-α Hybrid 3
SA004 20
SA007 x
SA001 SA005-a SA005-α Hybrid 4
Hybrid 1
Hybrid 2
Hybrid 3
Hybrid 4
BI004 x
(B) Percentage of strains within each origin (left) and population (right) capable of producing 4-vinyl guaiacol (4-VG). Red, 4-VG; turquoise, 4-VG+.
(C) Phylogenetic trees and ancestral trait reconstruction of PAD1 and FDC1 genes. Branches are colored according to the most probable state of their ancestral
nodes, turquoise (4-VG+) or red (4-VG). Pie charts indicate probabilities of each state at specific nodes, turquoise (4-VG+) or red (4-VG); posterior probability for
the same nodes is indicated by a dot: black dot, 90%–100%; gray, 70%; white, 42%. Branch lengths reflect the average numbers of substitutions per site
(compare scale bars).
(D) Development of new yeast variants with specific phenotypic features by marker-assisted breeding. Two parent strains (BE027 and SA005) were sporulated
and, using genetic markers, segregants with the desired genotype were selected (1). Next, breeding between segregants from different parents (outbreeding) or
the same parent (inbreeding) were performed (2). This breeding scheme yields hybrids with altered aromatic properties that can directly be applied in industrial
fermentations (3). 4-VG production is shown relative to the production of BE027. Yeast genomes are represented by gray bars, loss-of-function mutations in
FDC1 as red (W497*) and blue (K54*) boxes within the gray bars. Error bars represent one SD from the mean.
See also Table S5.
Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper REFERENCES
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Cell 165, 1081–1091, May 19, 2016 ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. 1081
2016). Whereas 4- to 6-week-old wild-type (WT) mice did not uated morphologically for size and appearance by measuring the
develop overt clinical illness after infection with a contemporary crown-rump length and the occipito-frontal diameter of the fetal
clinical strain of ZIKV, mice lacking the ability to produce or head, the latter of which establishes microcephaly in human
respond to type I interferon (IFN) (e.g., Ifnar1/ mice) developed fetuses (Chervenak et al., 1987; Staples et al., 2016). By E13.5,
severe neurological disease that was associated with high viral the majority of ZIKV-infected Ifnar1+/ heterozygous fetuses
loads in the brain and spinal cord and substantial lethality. In a had undergone fetal demise and been resorbed, leaving only a
complementary approach using WT mice treated with a blocking placental remnant (Figures 1B, upper, and 1C). The remaining
anti-ifnar antibody (MAR1-5A3), we reported a less severe model intact Ifnar1+/ fetuses exhibited significant IUGR (60.2 mm2
of ZIKV pathogenesis that also resulted in replication of ZIKV in versus 48.7 mm2, p < 0.0001, Figure 1D). In ZIKV-infected preg-
several organs (Lazear et al., 2016). These animals, however, nant women, multiple phenotypes have been described
survived infection and did not develop neurological signs or neu- including fetal demise, IUGR, and microcephaly (Brasil et al.,
roinvasive disease. 2016; Sarno et al., 2016). Although we did not observe isolated
Given the urgent need to understand the basis for in utero microcephaly in this in utero model of ZIKV infection, several
transmission of ZIKV and its pathological consequences, we other abnormalities were visible in ZIKV-infected Ifnar1+/ fe-
developed two models of ZIKV infection during pregnancy using tuses, including pallor and foci of necrotic tissue in the placenta
Ifnar1/ females crossed to WT males as well as pregnant WT (Figure 1B).
females treated with an anti-ifnar-blocking antibody. We found To determine whether direct infection of the placenta and fetus
that ZIKV infects pregnant dams and the placenta, and this re- occurred, we measured ZIKV RNA levels by quantitative real-
sulted in damage to the placental barrier and infection of the time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) as well as infectious virus by plaque
developing fetus, as well as placental insufficiency and IUGR. assay. High levels of viral RNA and infectious virus were detected
In severe cases, ZIKV infection of Ifnar1/ females led to fetal within the placenta and also within the fetus head by E13.5 (Fig-
demise. When dams were treated with an anti-ifnar antibody, ures 1E and 1F and Figures S1A and S1B). As seen with the fe-
infection of the developing fetus occurred but was less severe tuses from dams infected on E6.5, ZIKV inoculation on E7.5 also
and did not cause fetal death. These findings establish models resulted in fetal demise and resorption by E15.5 as well as
for studying mechanisms of in utero transmission and testing growth restriction (141.8 mm2 versus 79.5 mm2, p < 0.0001, Fig-
of candidate therapies for preventing congenital malformations. ure 1H) and pallor (Figure 1B) of intact fetuses. As expected from
They also highlight the concern that ZIKV infection can occur in prior studies with Ifnar1/ males (Lazear et al., 2016; Rossi
fetuses of otherwise healthy-appearing dams with uncertain et al., 2016), high levels of ZIKV were present in the blood,
neurodevelopmental consequences. spleen, and brain of Ifnar1/ dams at day 7 after infection (Fig-
ures 1I–1K). Of note, the amount of ZIKV RNA within the placenta
RESULTS was 1,000-fold greater than in maternal serum (Figures 1F and
1I), suggesting that ZIKV replicates preferentially within this
Since the type I interferon (IFN) response prevents efficient repli- tissue.
cation of ZIKV in peripheral organs of WT mice (Lazear et al., In our second model of ZIKV infection during pregnancy, WT
2016), we initially used Ifnar1/ mice to facilitate high levels of mice were treated with MAR1-5A3, a blocking anti-ifnar mono-
ZIKV replication during pregnancy. Ifnar1/ female mice were clonal antibody (Sheehan et al., 2006), on E5.5, inoculated
bred with WT males so that resulting fetuses would be heterozy- with ZIKV on E6.5 or E7.5, and fetuses were analyzed on
gous (Ifnar1+/) and thus exhibit a largely intact type I IFN E13.5 or E15.5, respectively (Figure 1A). Although demise was
signaling response. In parallel, we developed a second model not observed, fetuses exhibited evidence of IUGR compared
of ZIKV infection during pregnancy by treating WT pregnant to control mAb-treated and mock-infected animals (62.3 mm2
dams with an anti-ifnar-blocking antibody 1 day prior to infection versus 50.2 mm2, p < 0.005), albeit to a lesser extent than
(Figure 1A). Both sets of pregnant mice were inoculated via a seen in Ifnar1+/ animals (Figure 1D). In contrast, anti-ifnar
subcutaneous route in the footpad with 103 focus forming units mAb-treated mice inoculated subcutaneously with 103 FFU of
(FFU) of a clinical isolate from French Polynesia (H/PF/2013) a clinical DENV serotype 3 (DENV-3) isolate that replicates in
that was passaged in Vero cells. This ZIKV strain is at least mice (Pinto et al., 2015; Sarathy et al., 2015) did not exhibit ev-
97% identical at the nucleotide level to the sequence of an idence of placental or fetal infection by qRT-PCR or signs of
epidemic strain of ZIKV in Brazil (Calvet et al., 2016; Faria IUGR (Figure 1D and data not shown). These results suggest
et al., 2016). We confirmed the sequence of our ZIKV H/PF/ that ZIKV may have greater tropism for placental cells than other
2013 stock by next-generation sequencing (data not shown), flaviviruses.
which also allowed us to exclude the presence of adventitious The levels of ZIKV RNA detected in WT fetuses were affected
pathogens. by the dose of anti-ifnar mAb administered, with the greatest
In the Ifnar1/ model, pregnant dams mated with WT mice amounts of ZIKV RNA present in fetuses receiving 2 or 3 mgs
were inoculated on embryonic days 6.5 (E6.5) and E7.5 and of anti-ifnar mAb (Figure 1E). ZIKV RNA persisted in the anti-ifnar
sacrificed on E13.5 and E15.5, respectively (Figure 1A). To mini- mAb-treated fetal heads and bodies at least through E16.5 (Fig-
mize confounding effects of maternal illness on fetal viability, we ures S1C and S1D), a critical time in early development of the
evaluated pregnant Ifnar1/ mice prior to the onset of disease, mouse brain. The placentas in both the Ifnar1/ and anti-ifnar
which is characterized by hunched posture, fur ruffling, or hind- antibody models exhibited higher levels of infection than the fetal
limb paralysis (Lazear et al., 2016). Individual fetuses were eval- tissues, and ZIKV RNA accumulation in the placenta was
trophoblast apoptosis, abnormal fetal capillary features, and We observed variability in susceptibility to ZIKV infection of
increased fetal nucleated erythrocytes, indicating malfunction different human trophoblast cell lines. Trophoblast cell lines
of mouse placentas caused by ZIKV infection. (JEG-3 and HTR-8) originally cultured from choriocarcinoma
explants and first trimester human villous explants, respec- ekar, 2014; Robbins and Bakardjiev, 2012; Zeldovich and Ba-
tively, which exhibit features of extravillous trophoblasts kardjiev, 2012). Thus, it is possible that in early pregnancy,
(EVTs) including high invasive capacity and expression of ZIKV infects EVTs and enters the fetal circulation. Placentas
HLA-G, a MHC class II molecule, were susceptible to ZIKV nearer to term, which have reduced EVTs on the tips of
infection. In contrast, a relatively undifferentiated cytotropho- anchoring villi and a more fully developed placental barrier,
blast cell line (BeWo) was not. Previous studies have shown in general exhibit greater resistance to infection. Indeed, hu-
that EVTs are most susceptible to bacterial infections, partic- man primary trophoblasts of the villous syncytiotrophoblast
ularly during the first and second trimesters (Cao and Mysor- phenotype from term placentas were resistant to ZIKV
SUMMARY the lower gut and lives in a symbiotic relationship with the
host. Maternal obesity has been associated with alterations in
Maternal obesity during pregnancy has been associ- the gut microbiome in offspring in both human and non-human
ated with increased risk of neurodevelopmental dis- primates (Galley et al., 2014; Ma et al., 2014). In addition, some
orders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASD,
in offspring. Here, we report that maternal high-fat co-present with gastrointestinal problems and dysbiosis of the
diet (MHFD) induces a shift in microbial ecology gut microbiota (Bresnahan et al., 2015; Mayer et al., 2014; Parra-
cho et al., 2005). Given the large body of preclinical literature
that negatively impacts offspring social behavior. So-
supporting the notion that a bidirectional communication system
cial deficits and gut microbiota dysbiosis in MHFD between the gut and the brain—known as the gut-brain axis—
offspring are prevented by co-housing with offspring links gut and brain activities (Cryan and Dinan, 2012; Mayer
of mothers on a regular diet (MRD) and transferable et al., 2015), it has been speculated that changes in the gut mi-
to germ-free mice. In addition, social interaction crobiome may be relevant to the development of behavioral
induces synaptic potentiation (LTP) in the ventral symptoms associated with ASD (Hsiao et al., 2013; Mayer
tegmental area (VTA) of MRD, but not MHFD et al., 2014). However, how changes in bacteria that inhabit
offspring. Moreover, MHFD offspring had fewer the intestine could influence brain development and function
oxytocin immunoreactive neurons in the hypothala- remains unknown.
mus. Using metagenomics and precision microbiota Here we report that maternal high-fat diet (MHFD)-induced
reconstitution, we identified a single commensal obesity in mice is associated with social behavioral deficits,
which are mediated by alterations in the offspring gut micro-
strain that corrects oxytocin levels, LTP, and social
biome. Notably, we also found that MHFD-induced changes
deficits in MHFD offspring. Our findings causally in the offspring gut microbiota block long-lasting neural adap-
link maternal diet, gut microbial imbalance, VTA plas- tation in the mesolimbic dopamine reward system (ventral
ticity, and behavior and suggest that probiotic treat- tegmental area [VTA]). Moreover, oral treatment with a single
ment may relieve specific behavioral abnormalities commensal bacterial species corrects oxytocin levels and
associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. synaptic dysfunction in the VTA and selectively reverses social
deficits in MHFD offspring.
Recent epidemiological evidence suggests that exposure to
maternal obesity in utero increases the risk of neurodevelopmen- Social Behaviors are Impaired in MHFD Offspring
tal disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children To investigate how maternal diet-induced obesity affects
(Connolly et al., 2016; Krakowiak et al., 2012; Sullivan et al., offspring neurodevelopment, female mice were fed either regular
2014). Given the increase in the prevalence of obesity (Skinner diet (RD) or high-fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks, a standard period
and Skelton, 2014), it is important to understand the neurobio- required to reach a state of diet-induced obesity in mice (Aye
logical mechanism by which maternal obesity affects offspring et al., 2015). Females were then paired with males to produce
behavior and brain function. offspring that were given regular diet after weaning (Figure 1A).
The amount and type of dietary macronutrients strongly influ- As expected, MHFD significantly increased maternal weight (Fig-
ence the intestinal microbiota (Tremaroli and Bäckhed, 2012), ures S1A–S1C). Consistent with reports of more frequent spon-
which consists of a vast bacterial community that resides in taneous abortion in obese mothers (King, 2006), the litter size
1762 Cell 165, 1762–1775, June 16, 2016 ª 2016 Elsevier Inc.
Figure 1. Social Deficits and Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiota in MHFD Offspring
(A) Schematic of the maternal diet regimen and breeding.
(B) Schematic of the reciprocal social interaction task.
(C and D) MHFD offspring showed reduced reciprocal interaction (C, p < 0.0001, t = 7.90; D, p < 0.001, t = 5.89).
(E) Schematic of the three-chamber social interaction task.
(F–G) In the sociability test, MRD offspring spent more time interacting with a mouse than with an empty wire cage (F, p < 0.0001, t = 8.817), whereas MHFD
offspring showed no preference for the mouse (F, p = 0.48, t = 1.19; maternal diet effect F1,52 = 6.08, p < 0.05). In the social novelty test, unlike MRD (G, p < 0.0001,
t = 6.68), MHFD offspring had no preference for interacting with a novel versus a familiar mouse (G, p = 0.086, t = 2.08; maternal diet effect F1,52 = 34.96,
p < 0.0001).
(H and I) Representative exploratory activity of MRD (H) and MHFD (I) offspring in the three-chamber test.
(J) Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of unweighted UniFrac distances from the averaged rarefied 16S rRNA gene dataset (n = 1,000 rarefactions; 7,617
reads/sample) showed that MRD samples clustered separately from MHFD samples (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.37). Plots show mean ± SEM. See also Figures S1 and S2.
was reduced (Figure S1D) and latency to first litter increased in S1G), the time at which behavioral and electrophysiological ex-
female mice fed HFD (Figure S1E). It is noteworthy that there periments were performed.
was no significant difference in offspring weight between Given that maternal obesity has been associated with increased
maternal diet cohorts at 7–12 weeks of age (Figures S1F and risk for neurodevelopmental disorders including ASD in offspring
Fe for
c a 16
ls S
am rR
p l NA
es s
co eq
250 200
Interaction time (s)
M se 1
M us 2
M se 1
ou 2
M se 1
M us 2
se 1
M mp 1
M mp 1
M mp 1
o u ty
o u ty
o u ty
o u ty
ou e
ou e
ou e
ou e
E e
E e
E e
M mp
M us
M s
MRD (n=10)
PC2 (11.7% variation explained)
Figure 2. Co-housing MHFD with MRD Offspring Rescues Both Social Dysfunction and the Microbiota Phylogenetic Profile of MHFD Mice
(A) Schematic of the co-housing experiment.
(B) MRD and MHFD offspring were weaned into one of three cage compositions.
(C–G) Social interaction time (C, MRD versus MHFD p < 0.001, t = 9.30; MRD versus co-housed MHFD p > 0.99, t = 0.31; MHFD versus co-housed MHFD
p < 0.001, t = 7.99; p < 0.0001, F3,8 = 30.51) and contact duration (D, MRD versus MHFD p < 0.05, t = 4.13; MRD versus co-housed MHFD p > 0.99, t = 0.46; MHFD
versus co-housed MHFD p < 0.05, t = 4.59; p < 0.001, F3,8 = 9.01) in the reciprocal interaction test; social interaction times in the sociability (E, MRD p < 0.001, t =
4.36; MHFD p > 0.99, t = 0.078; Co-housed MRD p < 0.0001, t = 6.33; Co-housed MHFD p < 0.001, t = 4.78; Maternal diet/ Housing/Interaction effect F3,32 = 6.13,
p < 0.01) and social novelty tests (F, MRD p < 0.0001, t = 5.12; MHFD p > 0.99, t = 0.60; Co-housed MRD p < 0.001, t = 4.20; Co-housed MHFD p < 0.001, t = 4.76;
maternal diet/housing/interaction effect F3,32 = 4.37, p < 0.01), as well as UniFrac-based phylogenetic clustering (G, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.552; n = 1,000 rarefactions;
3,390 reads/sample), are all restored in MHFD offspring co-housed with MRD mice. Plots show mean ± SEM. See also Figure S3.
shotgun sequencing of fecal samples from both MHFD and MRD was tested (Figure 4A). Remarkably, treatment with L. reuteri
offspring. Our analysis identified several species whose relative significantly improved sociability and preference for social nov-
abundance was dramatically reduced in the MHFD offspring elty in MHFD offspring (Figures 4B, 4C, 4E, S5A, and S5B). Re-
microbiota (Table 1). Among these, L. reuteri was the most dras- sults from several control experiments underscore the specificity
tically reduced (>9-fold) in the MHFD microbiota population, of L. reuteri-mediated rescue of social behaviors in MHFD
compared to the MRD microbiota (Table 1). offspring. First, drinking water treated with either resuspension
L. reuteri has been shown to promote oxytocin levels (Pouta- media or heat-killed L. reuteri (80 C for 20 min) failed to restore
hidis et al., 2013), a hormone that plays a crucial role in social social behavior in MHFD offspring (Figures 4B–4D, S5A, and
behaviors (Donaldson and Young, 2008). We hypothesized that S5B). Second, drinking water with live L. reuteri did not change
the selective decrease in L. reuteri in the microbiota of MHFD the social behavior of MRD offspring (Figures 4B, 4C, S5A, and
offspring was causally related to their social deficits. To test S5B), presumably because their gut microbiota already contains
this hypothesis, we introduced L. reuteri into the drinking water ample L. reuteri. Finally, addition of L. reuteri to the drinking wa-
of MHFD offspring at weaning for 4 weeks, after which behavior ter had no major effect on bacterial viability and the heat-killing
s y
M m 1
se y
M use 1
M us 2
se 1
o u pt
o u pt
E e
o e
ou e
M m
M us
Control (n=3 pairs) Control (n=7)
Germ free (n=3 pairs) Germ free (n=7)
4wks 3wks 4wks 4wks 3wks
200 200
50 50 50 50
0 0 0 0
M mp 1
M se 1
M us 2
se 1
o u ty
o u ty
M mp 1
M se 1
M us 2
se 1
o u ty
o u ty
E e
M mp
ou e
ou e
E e
ou e
ou e
M mp
M us
M us
0.0 0.0
GF MRD Col, 4 wks (n=4)
GF MHFD Col, 4 wks (n=4)
–0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 –0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
PC1 (42.7% variation explained) PC1 (55.4% variation explained)
24h post-colonization 14d post-colonization 56d post-colonization
7d post-colonization 28d post-colonization
oxytocin-mediated synaptic adaptations in the VTA that underlie phylogenetic profile (Figures 2 and S3). Fifth, GF mice are
social behaviors. socially impaired and fecal microbiota transplanted from MRD
(but not MHFD) offspring rescues GF social behavior (Figures 3
DISCUSSION and S4). Finally, treatment with a single bacterial species,
L. reuteri, which is dramatically reduced in MHFD offspring
Both genetic and environmental factors, and their interactions, (Table 1), selectively restores social behavior in MHFD mice
play a crucial role in the etiology of neurodevelopmental disor- (Figures 4 and S5A–S5C).
ders including ASD (Hallmayer et al., 2011). There is growing We propose a model in which L. reuteri improves social
epidemiological evidence that maternal obesity heightens the behavior by promoting oxytocin-mediated functions. Consistent
risk of neuropsychiatric disorders in offspring (Krakowiak et al., with this model, L. reuteri-treatment enhances oxytocin levels in
2012; Sullivan et al., 2014). Indeed, a recent study reported the PVN of MHFD mice (Figures 4I and 4J) and direct oxytocin-
that mothers with obesity were 1.5 times more likely to have a treatment normalizes the social behavior of MHFD offspring
child with ASD, and the increased risk of children with ASD (Figure 6). Although the precise mechanism by which L. reuteri
was two-fold greater for pregnant mothers with both obesity promotes oxytocin in the brain remains to be determined, we
and gestational diabetes (Connolly et al., 2016). favor the idea that the vagus nerve (Davari et al., 2013) could
While most of the focus in the field has been on inflammation be the main pathway of communication between the gut/
(Bolton and Bilbo, 2014) or epigenetic changes (Mathers and L. reuteri and changes in oxytocin in the PVN. It is known that
McKay, 2009), the biological mechanism by which maternal vagal nerve fibers project to the PVN (Sabatier et al., 2013;
obesity affects offspring neurodevelopment remains to be deter- Uvnäs-Moberg et al., 2014). In addition, neuronal activity in the
mined. Here, we show that that the behavioral dysfunction asso- PVN induced by bacterial colonization is blocked by subdiaph-
ciated with MHFD-induced obesity is induced by alterations in ragmatic vagotomy (Wang et al., 2002). Especially relevant are
the offspring gut microbiota. Several lines of evidence support the reports that the L. reuteri-mediated increase in oxytocin de-
this idea. First, some individuals diagnosed with ASD present pends on the vagus nerve (Poutahidis et al., 2013) and that
dysbiosis of the gut microbiota and gastrointestinal issues (Bres- another Lactobacillus species, L. rhamnosus, reduced stress-
nahan et al., 2015; Mayer et al., 2014; Parracho et al., 2005). Sec- induced anxiety in mice in a vagus-dependent manner (Bravo
ond, maternal obesity leads to alterations in the offspring’s gut et al., 2011).
microbiome in humans and non-human primates (Galley et al., Our results provide new insight into the mechanism by which a
2014; Ma et al., 2014). Third, in mice, the gut microbiota of marked shift in microbial ecology, caused by MHFD, can nega-
MHFD offspring is altered (Figure 1J) by the reduction in specific tively impact social behaviors and related neuronal changes in
bacterial species (Table 1). Fourth, manipulation of the micro- offspring. These neuronal adaptations, which underlie social
biome community by co-housing MHFD with MRD offspring res- behavior by enhancing the salience and rewarding value of social
cues MHFD-induced social deficits and corrects their microbial stimuli, are surprisingly impaired by maternal diet-induced
Figure 3. Fecal Microbiota from MRD, but not MHFD, Offspring Improves Germ-Free (GF) Recipient Social Behavior
(A–D) GF mice show reduced reciprocal social interaction (A, p < 0.0001, t = 22.73; B, p < 0.001, t = 11.31) and deficits in sociability (C, Control p < 0.0001, t = 5.30,
GF p > 0.99, t = 0.39; main group effect F1,24 = 21.98, p < 0.0001) and preference for social novelty (D, control p < 0.01, t = 3.64, GF p = 0.39, t = 1.33; main group
effect F1,24 = 5.29, p < 0.05).
(E and F) Schematic of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) at 4 (E) and 8 weeks of age (F).
(G and H) FMT from MRD, but not MHFD, offspring at weaning restored both GF sociability (G, GFMRDCol p < 0.0001, t = 6.66; GFMHFDCol p = 0.35, t = 1.40; Donor
effect F1,28 = 32.44, p < 0.0001) and preference for social novelty (H, GFMRDCol p < 0.01, t = 3.60; GFMHFDCol p = 0.81, t = 0.84; Donor effect F1,28 = 9.86, p < 0.01).
(I and J) At 8 weeks, FMT from either MRD or MHFD donors failed to improve sociability (I, GFMRDCol p = 0.51, t = 1.20; GFMHFDCol p = 0.28, t = 1.58; Donor effect
F1,12 = 0.07, p = 0.79) or preference for social novelty in GF mice (J, GFMRDCol p = 0.48, t = 1.23; GFMHFDCol p > 0.99, t = 0.043; Donor effect F1,12 = 0.71, p = 0.42).
(K and L) PCoA of unweighted UniFrac distances based on the 16S rRNA gene sequencing dataset from GF recipients of stools from either MRD or MHFD donors
at four (K, p = 0.001, R2 = 0.83; n = 1,000 rarefactions; 4,628 reads/sample) or eight (L, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.77; n = 1,000 rarefactions; 4,805 reads/sample) weeks of
age. Plots show mean ± SEM.
See also Figure S4.
D by
250 250
d te
fe la
at t s m o
,a ,i **** ****
m j e c da g b
et d
di n e
b d rin
er w s
al e a
Su -fe ffsp
100 100
FD o
H ect
50 50
0 0
3wks 4wks
o u ty
o u ty
o u ty
o u ty
o u ty
o u ty
M mp 1
M mp 1
M mp 1
M mp 1
M mp 1
M se 1
M us 2
M se 1
M us 2
M se 1
M us 2
M se 1
M us 2
M se 1
M us 2
se 1
M mp
E e
E e
E e
E e
E e
ou e
ou e
ou e
ou e
ou e
ou e
L. reuteri treatment
M us
MRD + media (n=10) MHFD + media (n=3)
MRD + Heat-killed L. reuteri (n=10) MHFD + Heat-killed L. reuteri (n=8)
MRD + L. reuteri (n=10) MHFD + L. reuteri (n=8)
MHFD + L. reuteri
L. reuteri
M1 E M1 M2 M1 E M1 M2
L. reuteri
K ** M O
100 800 100 *
PVN oxytocin+
PVN oxytocin+
cell count
cell count
cell count
L 60 N 80 P 60
PVN oxytocin
PVN oxytocin
0 0 0
Figure 4. Selective Treatment with Lactobacillus reuteri Restores Social Deficits and Oxytocin Levels in MHFD Offspring
(A) Schematic of L. reuteri–treatment.
(B and C) Unlike resuspension media (B, p > 0.99, t = 1.03; c, p > 0.99, t = 0.40) or heat-killed L. reuteri (B, p > 0.99, t = 1.35; c, p > 0.99, t = 0.21), administration
of live L. reuteri in the drinking water rescued sociability (B, p < 0.0001, t = 5.98) and preference for social novelty (C, p < 0.001, t = 5.01) in MHFD offspring
(B, treatment effect F1,86 = 87.53, p < 0.0001; C, treatment effect F1,86 = 30.24, p < 0.0001).
(D and E) Representative track plots showing exploratory activity.
(F) Representative images of control oxytocin immunoreactivity at different anteroposterior levels of the PVN.
(G–J) Oxytocin immunoreactivity in the PVN of MRD (G), MHFD (H), heat-killed L. reuteri-treated MHFD (I), and live L. reuteri-treated MHFD offspring (J).
(K–N) Oxytocin immunoreactive cell number (K, p < 0.01, t = 4.76) and oxytocin immunofluorescence intensity (L, p < 0.01, t = 3.80) were reduced in the PVN of
MHFD versus MHFD mice. In the PVN of MRD and MHFD offspring, NeuN cell number immunoreactivity (M, p = 0.34, t = 1.09) and immunofluorescence intensity
(N, p = 0.79, t = 0.28) were similar.
(O and P) Relative to treatment with heat-killed L. reuteri, treatment with live L. reuteri significantly increased oxytocin-positive cell number (O, p < 0.05, t = 2.93)
and oxytocin immunofluorescence intensity (P, p < 0.05, t = 3.09) in the PVN of MHFD offspring. AU: arbitrary units. Plots show mean ± SEM. See also Figures S5
and S6.
Figure 5. Reciprocal Social Interaction and Social Interaction-Induced LTP in MHFD Offspring VTA DA Neurons Are Restored by L. reuteri
(A) Schematic of the experimental design.
(B–E) LTP was measure 24 hr following reciprocal interaction with either a stranger or a familiar mouse. Only interaction with a stranger mouse induced LTP in
MRD VTA DA neurons, as determined by increased AMPAR/NMDAR ratios (B and D, Baseline versus Familiar p > 0.99, t = 0.12, baseline versus stranger p < 0.01,
t = 3.79; familiar versus stranger p < 0.05, t = 3.03; F = 8.03, p < 0.01). In MHFD offspring, neither stranger nor familiar reciprocal interaction evoked LTP in VTA DA
neurons (C and E, baseline versus familiar p > 0.99, t = 0.035, baseline versus stranger p = 0.64, t = 1.30; familiar versus stranger p = 0.50, t = 1.45; F2,15 = 1.47,
p = 0.26).
(F and G) Whereas MRD mice spent more time interacting with a stranger than a familiar mouse (familiar versus stranger; F, p < 0.001, t = 4.88; G, p < 0.0001, t =
5.87), MHFD mice did not (familiar versus stranger; F, p = 0.47, t = 1.87; G, p = 0.40, t = 1.96) (F, F3,19 = 13.8, p < 0.0001; G, F3,19 = 18.54, p < 0.0001).
(H–K) Live (H and J, p < 0.01, t = 4.95), but not heat-killed L. reuteri (I and K, p = 0.84, t = 0.20), restored stranger interaction-evoked LTP in the VTA of MHFD
(L) Unlike heat-killed L. reuteri (MHFD versus MHFD+Hk-Lr p > 0.99, t = 0.099), live L. reuteri restored reciprocal social interaction (MHFD versus MHFD+Lr
p < 0.05, t = 3.24; F2,9 = 6.45, p < 0.05). Plots show mean ± SEM. See also Figure S7.
quality trimming, and PRINSEQ (Schmieder and Edwards, 2011) for low- Culture and Treatment with L. reuteri and L. johnsonii
complexity filtering and sequence deduplication. In addition, Bowtie2 v2.2.1 Lactobacillus reuteri MM4-1A (ATCC-PTA-6475) and Lactobacillus johnsonii
was used to map reads to MetaPhlAn markers for the classification of bacterial (ATCC 33200) were cultured anaerobically in MRS broth in a 90% N2, 5%
species (Segata et al., 2012). CO2, 5% H2 environment. L. reuteri was heat-killed by keeping the bacteria
at 80 C for 20 min. Bacterial viability was assessed by plating and the efficacy
Colonization of Germ-Free Mice by Fecal Microbiota Transplant of the heat-kill procedure was confirmed by the absence of colony growth
Fresh fecal samples were collected from donor mice/microbiome cohort and following plating. Cultures were centrifuged, washed, and resuspended in
homogenized on ice in sterile PBS under sterile conditions. The resulting slurry anaerobic solution (PBS) and frozen at 80 C until use. PBS, live or heat-killed
was spun at 1,000g for 3 min at 4 C. The supernatants were isolated and diluted L. reuteri were added to the drinking water, which was changed daily to mini-
to 5 3 109 CFU/ml with sterile PBS. Four- or eight-week-old C57Bl6/J germ- mize dosage variability. Whereas the experimental group received live bacte-
free (GF) recipient mice were then immediately colonized by a single gavage ria, one control group received identically prepared cultures of heat-killed
with 0.2 mL solution. Fecal samples were collected from the colonized GF bacteria. A second group of control mice received water treated with PBS
mice at 24 hr, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, and 56 days following colonization. alone. Live and heat-killed L. reuteri were supplied at a dosage of 1 3 108
Fecal samples were snap frozen and stored at 80 C until prepared for organisms/mouse/day continuously in drinking water. Mice consumed the
sequencing. Behavioral experiments were initiated at 3 weeks post-transplant. treated water ad libitum over the treatment period. The treated drinking water
Oxytocin + – +
Social interaction – + +
Sociability Social Novelty
125 Number of contacts 100 * 150 150
0 0 0 0
Oxytocin – – + – – +
M use 1
M us 2
se 1
s y
M m 1
se y
ou pt
ou pt
o e
ou e
E e
M m
M us
Sociability Social Novelty
Interaction frequency (s -1)
E F * I J
0.0 0.00 0 0
– – + – – +
s y
M m 1
se y
M use 1
M us 2
se 1
ou pt
ou pt
E e
o e
ou e
M m
M us
MHFD Stranger (n=4 pairs) MHFD + Vehicle (n=4)
MHFD + Vehicle Stranger (n=3 pairs) MHFD + Oxytocin (n=4)
MHFD + OXT Stranger (n=4 pairs)
Figure 6. Oxytocin Restores Social Interaction-Induced VTA Plasticity and Social Behavioral Deficits in MHFD Offspring
(A and B) LTP was measure 1–3 hr following a reciprocal interaction. Intranasal oxytocin administration rescued LTP in the VTA of MHFD offspring (B, MHFD+OXT
alone versus MHFD+OXT stranger p < 0.01, t = 3.66; MHFD+Vehicle stranger versus MHFD+OXT stranger p < 0.05, t = 2.86; F2,15 = 7.97, p < 0.01).
(C–F) Oxytocin restored reciprocal social interaction (C, MHFD versus MHFD+Vehicle p = 0.55, t = 1.46; MHFD versus MHFD+OXT p < 0.05, t = 3.62;
MHFD+Vehicle versus MHFD+OXT p < 0.01, t = 4.81; F2,8 = 12.82, p < 0.01; D, MHFD versus MHFD+Vehicle p > 0.99, t = 0.16; MHFD versus MHFD+OXT p < 0.05,
t = 4.075; MHFD+Vehicle versus MHFD+OXT p < 0.05, t = 3.94; F2,8 = 10.97, p < 0.01; E, MHFD versus MHFD+Vehicle, p > 0.99, t = 0.11; MHFD versus
MHFD+OXT p = 0.052, t = 2.99; treatment effect F2,8 = 5.87, p < 0.05; F, MHFD versus MHFD+Vehicle p = 0.2, t = 2.11; MHFD versus MHFD+OXT p < 0.05, t =
3.43; treatment effect F2,8 = 14.58, p < 0.01), sociability (G, MHFD+Vehicle p > 0.99, t = 0.44; MHFD+Oxytocin p = 0.24, t = 1.74; treatment effect F1,8 = 2.37, p =
0.16; H, MHFD+Vehicle p > 0.99, t = 0.29; MHFD+Oxytocin p < 0.01, t = 3.50; treatment effect F1,12 = 5.16, p < 0.05) and preference for social novelty in MHFD
offspring (I, MHFD+Vehicle p = 0.65, t = 1.05; MHFD+Oxytocin p < 0.05, t = 3.54; treatment effect F1,8 = 10.54, p < 0.05; J, MHFD+Vehicle p = 0.50, t = 1.25;
MHFD+Oxytocin p = 0.096, t = 2.34; treatment effect F(1,8) = 6.41, p < 0.05). Plots show mean ± SEM.
for each group was replaced daily 2 hr prior to the onset of the dark cycle to ized using secondary goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 (ThermoFisher Scienti-
minimize variation in microbial exposure. Behavioral assays were initiated after fic, #A-11034) and goat anti-mouse Alexa Fluor 594 (ThermoFisher Scientific,
4 weeks of L. reuteri or control treatment. The protocol of the L. johnsonii #A-11032) antibodies (1:1,000 dilution). Slices were incubated in secondary
preparation and administration matched the L. reuteri protocol. Fecal samples antibodies rocking in the dark for 1h at RT. Five minute final washes with
for sequencing and tissue used in the immunofluorescence studies were each of PBTgs, 0.1M PB, and 0.05M PB preceded mounting onto 2% gelatin
collected at the end of the treatment. (Sigma-Aldrich, #G9391)-coated coverslips. Nuclei were visualized using
Vectashield H-1200 with DAPI (Vector Labs, #H-1200).
Immunofluorescence Fluorescent imaging and data acquisition was performed on a Zeiss AxioI-
Mice were deeply anesthetized by inhalation of isoflurane and perfused trans- mager.Z2 microscope (Car Zeiss MicroImaging) mounted with an AxioCam
cardially with 10 mL 0.9% phosphate-buffered saline followed by 30 mL 4% digital camera (Carl Zeiss MicroImaging). Images were captured using
paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer (PFA). Brains were post-fixed in AxioVision acquisition software (Carl Zeiss Microimaging). All images within
4% PFA at 4 C overnight, then cryoprotected in 30% sucrose 0.1M PB over a given dataset were acquired at identical exposure times, within a given chan-
3 days. Coronal slices (30 mm) thick were obtained from frozen tissue using nel, to allow comparison of signal intensity. In some images, contrast and
a sliding blade microtome then transferred to ice cold PBS. Slices were brightness were linearly adjusted using Photoshop (Adobe). Image processing
blocked with 5% normal goat serum, 0.3% Triton X-100 0.1M PB (PBTgs) was applied uniformly across all images within a given dataset. Fluorescence
for 1 hr rocking at RT and then incubated in primary antibodies (rabbit anti-ox- intensity was measured in ImageJ (NIH) by selecting regions of interest
ytocin, ImmunoStar #20068, 1:2,000; mouse anti-NeuN, Millipore, #MAB377, (Oxytocin- and NeuN-positive hypothalamic cell bodies). Hypothalamic
1:2,000) diluted in PBTgs rocking at 4 C for 24 hr. Slices were then washed oxytocin-expressing neuronal population and NeuN+ cell number was as-
three times with 0.3% Triton X-100 0.1M PB. Primary antibodies were visual- sessed in ImageJ using the following operational sequence: (1) open image
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Table 1. Summary of Data Collection and Image-Processing Parameters for the Density Maps of LDH, IDH1, and GDH Reported in this
Total number Defocus range Starting number Particles used Frames used B-factor for
of micrographs (microns) of particles in final map in final map sharpening (Å2) Final resolution (Å)
LDH-inh 1,707 0.8–2.2 508,402 50,865 (10%) 1–30 150 2.8
IDH-apo 1,506 0.7–3.0 499,184 49,936 (10%) 1–30 180 3.8
IDH-inh 820 0.7–2.6 232,343 46,483 (20%) 1–30 180 3.8
GDH 232 0.8–2.1 45,388 21,818 (48%) 3–9 90 1.8
improve image contrast: it can be easier to minimize the back- (Dragovich et al., 2014), as well as sulfamoylquinoline benzoic
ground scattering from the ice layer for smaller proteins because acid derivatives, which compete with NAD binding to LDH (Bil-
the lower the molecular weight, the thinner the ice layer that is liard et al., 2013). To evaluate the potential of cryo-EM to deter-
required to surround the protein with an aqueous layer. mine structures of a small protein complex such as LDH and
To further test the limits of what is possible with present-day localize the binding sites of potential small-molecule inhibitors,
cryo-EM technology, we have analyzed structures of two small, we carried out cryo-EM analysis of LDH B in complex with
soluble enzymes implicated in cancer metabolism: the 145 kDa GSK2837808A, a 650 Dalton compound in the quinoline 3-sul-
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH B, a tetramer composed of four fonamide series (Billiard et al., 2013). These compounds potently
identical 36 kDa subunits) and the 93 kDa isocitrate dehy- inhibit activity of LDH A and B, as well as isoforms with mixtures
drogenase (IDH1, a dimer composed of two identical 47 kDa of LDH A and B, making them attractive candidates for use in
subunits). In both cases, we tested whether structures can be treatment of solid tumors that rely principally on aerobic glycol-
obtained at high enough resolution to localize bound small-mole- ysis for survival.
cule ligands and to determine the structures of ligand-bound The cryo-EM structure of the LDH B-GSK2837808A complex
complexes. We also carried out structural analysis of the confor- at an overall resolution of 2.8 Å (Figure S1A; Table 1) enables
mationally dynamic enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). delineation of the binding site of the inhibitor (Figures 1A–1C).
Earlier crystallographic analyses of apo-GDH, a 334 kDa hex- The location of the compound at the periphery of the protein is
americ protein composed of six identical 56 kDa subunits, in excellent agreement with the placement of inhibitors in the
have been limited to a resolution of 2.7 Å, possibly because two X-ray structures (4QSM and 4QT0 at resolutions of 3.0 Å
some regions of the protein may display a continuum of confor- and 3.2 Å, respectively) that are available for LDH A in complex
mational states even in the context of a crystal lattice. This is a with quinoline 3-sulfonamides (Figures S1B and S1C). The
feature that may well be shared by a large majority of protein density for the inhibitor is not adequate to model in a specific
complexes involved in signaling and metabolism. While it is ex- conformation, which could be a consequence of high conforma-
pected that image averaging will limit resolutions that can be tional flexibility coupled with its location at the outer edge of the
achieved for the conformationally flexible components, it is inter- protein with a high degree of solvent exposure. Nevertheless,
esting to ascertain whether cryo-EM analyses can be used to most regions of the polypeptide display density that enables
obtain atomic resolution for the ordered regions of these types unambiguous construction of an atomic model for the protein
of protein complexes. (Figures 1D and 1E), including localization of numerous water
molecules in the density map (Figures S1D and 1E). The fact
RESULTS that the overall quality and resolution of the structure is compa-
rable to that obtained from X-ray crystallography validates the
Structural Studies of Lactate Dehydrogenase potential of cryo-EM to obtain near-atomic resolution structures
Cancer cells catalyze the production of lactate from pyruvate, of <150 kDa complexes of this kind, without the need for
the final metabolite generated from glucose during glycolysis. crystallization.
In non-malignant cells, pyruvate enters mitochondria to partici-
pate in the Krebs cycle and in oxidative phosphorylation. Under Structural Studies of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase
anaerobic conditions, such as that found in muscle cells, tetra- The conversion of isocitrate to a-ketoglutarate (aKG) is catalyzed
meric LDH mediates the formation of lactate from pyruvate using by NADP+-bound IDH1. IDH1 proteins with mutations at residue
NADH as a cofactor. However, in cancer cells, irrespective of Arg132 are found in cancer cells such as those in glioblastoma.
oxygen availability, glycolysis followed by production of lactate This residue, most often found mutated to a histidine or a
through LDH is the preferred pathway, enhancing the production cysteine, is critical for the maintenance of the active site (Dang
of metabolic precursors required for biosynthesis of cellular et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2010). The R132H and R132C variants
macromolecules. The recognition in a growing number of can- of IDH1 lose affinity for isocitrate; instead, with the cofactor
cers of the central role of both LDH A and B isoforms (Fiume NADPH, these mutants bind aKG and convert it to R( )-2-hy-
et al., 2014; McCleland et al., 2013; Rodriguez et al., 2003) has droxyglutyrate (2HG), an oncometabolite. ML309 is a potent
driven the identification of small-molecule inhibitors, including and selective inhibitor of IDH1 R132H/C, decreasing production
mercaptocyclohex-2-enone derivatives that bind away from of 2HG in glioblastoma cells (Davis et al., 2014). Although a
the NAD-binding pocket and are not competitive inhibitors number of structures of the R132H mutant exist, structures of
of a stretch of polypeptides spanning residues 270–281. The crystal contacts can freeze specific protein conformations,
density for bound NADPH and the surrounding residues in the enabling structure determination at resolutions of 2 Å or better,
pocket is adequate for placement of the cofactor in the pocket but in other instances, local flexibility can be high enough to limit
(Figure S3B), but the low 3.8 Å resolution of the maps precludes overall resolution. The cancer target and hexameric enzyme
identification of the detailed interactions within the binding GDH is a good example of this problem. GDH displays closed
pocket. Inspection of the asymmetrically reconstructed density and open conformations involving large movements of the nucle-
map also enables the unambiguous identification of additional otide binding domain (NBD), but even when trapped in closed or
density consistent with the binding of a single molecule of open conformations, the highest resolutions reported so far from
ML309 at the dimer interface (Figure S3C), although its precise crystallographic studies and cryo-EM analyses of the open
orientation cannot be determined. Nevertheless, the location of conformation are 2.7 Å (Smith et al., 2002) and 3.3 Å (Borgnia
the catalytic site between the NADPH binding site and the site et al., 2016), respectively. We therefore used GDH to evaluate
of bound ML309 potentially explains how ML309 binding can whether we could further optimize cryo-EM methods to achieve
cause a profound change in the catalytic activity of the enzyme. resolutions of 2 Å or better for the more ordered regions,
These results show that cryo-EM density maps from small, despite the presence of significant conformational flexibility in
<100 kDa dynamic proteins can not only help localize binding other areas of the protein.
sites for small molecule inhibitors, but also potentially predict Using cryo-EM projection images that were selected for
changes in activity that can complement information obtained reduced beam-induced drift, we determined a cryo-EM structure
from crystallographic studies. for GDH in the open state using <22,000 molecular images (Fig-
ures 3, S4, S5; Table 1; Movie S3). Irrespective of whether the
Cryo-EM Analysis of Glutamate Dehydrogenase maps were divided into one, two, or more classes, the density
Smaller size, lower symmetry, and conformational flexibility maps displayed a clear difference between well-ordered central
may all be contributing factors that limit resolution of the IDH1 regions covering the central half of the complex and ‘‘fuzzy’’
structures obtained using cryo-EM methods. Intrinsic flexibility outer regions for the rest, as illustrated by slices through projec-
of proteins also poses a challenge for determining high-resolu- tion images of the density map (Figures 3A and 3B). Based on
tion structures even with X-ray crystallography. In many cases, comparison of the extent of movement determined by classifying
the data to produce two discrete 3D structures, the range of twisting motions of the pivot helix in the absence of either ADP
motion in the peripheral NBD (Figures 3A and 3B; Movie S2) is or GTP in solution. Despite the presence of the flexible outer
seen to be small in comparison to the large domain movements domains (Figures 3A and 3B), most of the interior of GDH can
observed for transition from open to closed conformations (Fig- nevertheless be visualized at resolutions better than 2 Å, well
ure 3C) (Borgnia et al., 2016). beyond the 2.7 Å resolution obtained with X-ray crystallographic
The binding of GTP (an inhibitor) and ADP (an activator) to two analysis, in which the flexible regions presumably limit the
allosteric sites in each protomer modulates the transition be- order of the crystals obtained. In comparison to our earlier
tween ‘‘closed’’ and ‘‘open’’ states of GDH. These allosteric work with b-galactosidase (Bartesaghi et al., 2015), in which
modulators tightly control GDH function in vivo. The two states we reported an average resolution of 2.2 Å, the density map
we present in Figures 3A and 3B are both in the ‘‘open’’ confor- for GDH at 1.8 Å shows better-defined and more uniform density
mation with differences likely due to small perturbations arising over most of the ordered central core, spanning the subunit
from the unhindered sampling of conformations due to the interface (Figure 3D), as well as clear density for carbonyl bonds,
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CA 92037, USA
2Materials Science and Engineering Graduate Program, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
3Department of Physiology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore 1190777, Singapore
4Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Center for RNA Systems Biology, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
5Department of Chemistry, Innovative Genomics Initiative and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley,
CA 94720, USA
6Physical Biosciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
RNA-targeting Cas9
scrambled PAMmer or to EGFP protein alone (Figure 1E). We cence-activated cell sorting (FACS) gated on cells positive for
next measured the effect of RCas9 targeting on luciferase both Cas9 and sgRNA transfection. We observed no significant
mRNA abundance by qRT-PCR. We observed no significant dif- differences in GAPDH and ACTB mRNA or protein levels as
ference in the abundance of MS2-tagged luciferase mRNA in the measured by western blot and qRT-PCR among samples with
presence of the targeting or non-targeting RCas9 system or RCas9-targeting ACTB mRNA, GAPDH mRNA, cells transfected
EGFP alone. In contrast, co-expression of EGFP fused to the with GFP instead of dCas9-GFP, and RCas9-targeting sequence
MS2 coat protein (MCP) recognizing the MS2 aptamer had a sig- from l bacteriophage (Figure S1; Tables S1 and S2). Our results
nificant stabilizing effect (Figure 1F). We also considered poten- demonstrate that RCas9 recognition of RNA with a sgRNA and
tial effects of RCas9 targeting on translation of luciferase (Fig- PAMmer does not perturb RNA and encoded protein levels.
ure 1G) and observed that the presence of the targeting
sgRNA and PAMmer caused no significant changes in protein Correlation of RNA-Targeting Cas9 Signal Distributions
levels compared to non-targeting RCas9. To confirm that the with an Established Untagged RNA Localization
RCas9/sgRNA/PAMmer complex does not perturb its endoge- Measurement
nous RNA substrates, we evaluated the influence of RCas9 tar- To assess whether RCas9 signal distributions correlate with an
geting on ACTB and GAPDH mRNAs. We transiently transfected orthogonal method to measure RNA localization, we targeted
the RCas9 system and isolated transfected cells using fluores- the 30 UTR of ACTB (‘‘+’’ sgRNA and ‘‘+’’ PAMmer) and compared
dCas9-GFP signal to RNA FISH for ACTB mRNA (Figure 2A) and (Figure 2A). This result is consistent with weaker binding of
non-targeting sgRNA and PAMmer (‘‘–’’ sgRNA and ‘‘–’’ PAMmer RCas9 with a non-targeting PAMmer observed in cell-free sys-
with sequences corresponding to l bacteriophage). By tems (O’Connell et al., 2014). A non-targeting sgRNA results in
comparing the Manders’ overlap coefficients that describe largely nuclear retention of RCas9 signal with low correlation be-
pixel-by-pixel overlap among FISH and RCas9 (Manders et al., tween cytoplasmic RCas9 signal and FISH (Figures 2A and 2B).
1992; Figures 2B and S2), we determined that the sgRNA pri- We conclude that the localization patterns of single EGFP-fused
marily accounts for colocalization among FISH and RCas9 with RCas9 in live cells correlates surprisingly well with localization
maximal overlap in the presence of both sgRNA- and PAMmer- obtained by FISH using tens of probes per mRNA in fixed cells.
targeting ACTB mRNA. A non-targeting PAMmer results in signif-
icantly less overlap (Figure 2B; p = 0.035; Mann-Whitney U test) Tracking RNA Trafficking to Stress Granules over Time
and produces a diffuse pattern of RCas9 signal in the cytoplasm Many polyadenylated RNAs including ACTB mRNA are known
that contrasts with the highly localized pattern revealed by FISH to localize to stress granules (Unsworth et al., 2010) during
methods, which suffer from delivery issues and/or require alter- cent proteins or splicing factors adjacent to alternatively
ation of the target RNA sequence via incorporation of RNA tags. spliced exons. Further, the nucleic-acid-programmable nature
Future applications of RCas9 could allow the measurement of RCas9 lends itself to multiplexed targeting (Cong et al.,
or alteration of RNA splicing via recruitment of split fluores- 2013) and the use of Cas9 proteins that bind orthogonal sgRNAs
Analysis of ACTB mRNA Trafficking to Stress Granules Cong, L., Ran, F.A., Cox, D., Lin, S., Barretto, R., Habib, N., Hsu, P.D., Wu, X.,
Stress granules with average RCas9 signal at least 2-fold greater than sur- Jiang, W., Marraffini, L.A., and Zhang, F. (2013). Multiplex genome engineering
rounding cytoplasm were determined to be positive for RCas9. The average using CRISPR/Cas systems. Science 339, 819–823.
RCas9 signal in stress granules was calculated using the ‘‘measure’’ function Delebecque, C.J., Lindner, A.B., Silver, P.A., and Aldaye, F.A. (2011). Organi-
in Fiji and compared to the average cytoplasmic RCas9 signal in the sur- zation of intracellular reactions with rationally designed RNA assemblies.
rounding cytoplasm. RCas9-positive foci were visualized by dividing the value Science 333, 470–474.
Cell 165, 1803–1817, June 16, 2016 ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. 1803
A C-terminal labeling C N-terminal labeling
(HA tag) CRISPR-Cas9 (HA tag) CRISPR-Cas9
Target PAM
taa 5’...acgccgagcccgatcgccaccgccatggccacc...3’
3’...aggacggcgtcattcctaagaaagaaggactta...5’ 3’...tgcggctcgggctagcggtggcggtaccggtgg...5’
PAM Target
cortex cortex
10 CaMKIIα HA tag
- - 5’-
HA(+) / mEGFP(+) (%)
sgRNA_CaMKIIβ + -3’
ssODN_CaMKIIα - + +
8 Primer set,
6 Primer set,
4 G
sgRNA_CaMKIIβ - - + CaMKIIβ HA tag
2 ** **
sgRNA_CaMKIIα - + - 5’- -3’
** ** ssODN_CaMKIIβ - + + (complementary strand)
0 Primer set,
E12 E12 E15 E12 E12 E15 recombination
Primer set,
L2/3 L4-6 L2/3 L2/3 L4-6 L2/3 control
P7 P28 P28 E14 E14
DAPI P7 P29 P9
(L) Images of the cerebral cortex at P0 and P28 showing immunoreactivities for NeuN (blue, a neuron marker) and the HA tag (green) fused to the N terminus of
Scale bars, 5 mm (B, D, F, right, H, J, N, P, and R); 50 mm (F, left; L).
See also Figures S2, S3, S4, and S5 and Tables S1 and S3.
400 ***
Gold particles / m3
ve g
siti din
Po r o un ntrol
S ur co
F 25
Gold particles (%)
Surrounding control
100 200
Distance from cleft surface
D Olfactory bulb E Striatum
F Amygdala G Cerebellum
Ctx ML
Calbindin GCL
HA- -Actin mEGFP
Dentate granule cell in the hippocampus Spiny stellate cell in the subiculum Cerebellar Purkinj
e cell
Number of spines / μm
HA Gene HA 3
knock-in knockout knock-in *
MeCP2 negative 1
β-Actin MeCP2
C β-Actin MeCP2
(+) (-)
labeling of two different species of proteins with different tags in gene function and to compare normal and knockout cells in
single cells, providing a valuable tool for co-localization assays the same tissue (Zong et al., 2005). Taking advantage of the
of a pair of endogenous proteins. multiplexity of CRISPR-Cas9, we simultaneously introduced
SLENDR constructs to insert the HA tag to b-Actin and CRISPR
SLENDR in Combination with Single-Cell Knockout constructs to induce NHEJ-mediated gene knockout of MeCP2
The ability to examine endogenous subcellular protein localiza- in progenitors of hippocampal neurons at E13 (Figure 5C) (In-
tion in the context of a knockout of a different protein would contro et al., 2014; Straub et al., 2014; Swiech et al., 2015).
provide functional insight into the interaction between the visu- Visualization of HA-tagged b-Actin by SLENDR enables visual-
alized and deleted proteins. In this regard, combining SLENDR ization of dendritic spine morphology, providing a useful tool to
with NHEJ-based single-cell knockout would be of particular study effects of MeCP2 gene deletion on dendritic spines in
interest, since it would allow for the study of cell-autonomous single cells.
(C–F) Images of the subiculum (C), olfactory bulb (D), striatum (E), and amygdala (F) showing the DAPI signal (C–E, blue) and immunoreactivities for NeuN (E and F,
blue) and the HA tag (green) fused to b-Actin (C), CaMKIIa (D to F), and MeCP2 (E). GL, glomerular layer; EPL, external plexiform layer; MCL, mitral cell layer; GCL,
granule cell layer; BLA, basolateral amygdala; Ctx, cerebral cortex.
(G) Images of the cerebellum showing the DAPI signal (blue) and immunoreactivities for calbindin D-28k (magenta, a Purkinje cell marker) and the HA tag (green)
fused to CaMKIIb. ML, molecular layer; PCL, Purkinje cell layer; GCL, granule cell layer.
(H) Images of the dendrites of a dentate granule cell in the hippocampus, a spiny stellate cell in the subiculum and a Purkinje cell in the cerebellum showing
immunoreactivities for mEGFP (magenta) and the HA tag (green) fused to b-Actin.
Scale bars, 50 mm (B–G); 5 mm (B, right; E, inset; G, inset and right); 1 mm (H).
See also Tables S2 and S3.
Plasmid-based 818 723 941 (bases) Plasmid-based 930 714 696 (bases)
donor (2.5 kb) mEGFP donor (2.3 kb) mEGFP
Homologous recombination Homologous recombination
Spine/dendrite ratio
CaMKIIβ (knock-in) CaMKIIβ (overexpression)
knock-in OE knock-in OE
CaMKIIα intensity change (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (min)
200 Uncaging
CaMKIIβ intensity change (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Figure 6. Localization and Dynamics of Endogenous Proteins Labeled with mEGFP by SLENDR
(A and C) Graphical representation of the mouse genomic loci of CaMKIIa (A) and CaMKIIb (C) showing the targeting sites for Cas9, sgRNA, and HDR donor
plasmid. The sgRNA targeting sequences are labeled in magenta. The PAM sequences are labeled in green. The stop and start codons of CaMKIIa (A) and
CaMKIIb (C) are marked in orange.
(B and D) Confocal microscopic images of the somatosensory cortex showing the fluorescence of DsRed2 (magenta) and mEGFP (green) fused to CaMKIIa/b.
(E) Images of apical secondary dendrites in layer 2/3 fixed at P14 showing mEGFP-tagged endogenous (knockin) or overexpressed (OE) CaMKIIa/b.
(F) The spine/dendrite ratio of the peak intensities of mEGFP-tagged CaMKIIa/b. CaMKIIa, knockin, n = 51/6 (spines/neurons); OE, n = 40/5. CaMKIIb, knockin,
n = 58/4; OE, n = 83/5.
(G–L) Two-photon microscopic images before and 30 min after glutamate uncaging showing mEGFP-tagged endogenous CaMKIIa/b in layer 2/3 neurons (G and
J). Red circles, uncaging spots; red arrowheads, stimulated spines. Averaged time courses (H and K) and sustained values (I and L; averaged over 20–30 min) of
CaMKIIa/b intensity change in the stimulated (red; H and I, n = 11/8; K and L, n = 9/7), nearby (2–5 mm from the stimulated spines; blue; H and I, n = 31/8; K and L,
n = 31/7) and control spines with no stimulation (gray; H and I, n = 23/5; K and L, n = 13/2). ***p < 0.001, Student’s t test (F) and Dunnett’s test (I and L).
Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Scale bars, 50 mm (B and D); 5 mm (E); 2 mm (G and J).
See also Figure S6 and Table S3.
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SUMMARY ing nanoscopy (SMSN) (Betzig et al., 2006; Hess et al., 2006;
Rust et al., 2006) has extended the application range of fluores-
Fluorescence nanoscopy, or super-resolution micro- cence microscopy beyond the diffraction limit, achieving up to
scopy, has become an important tool in cell biolog- 10-fold improvement in resolution (Gould et al., 2012a). These
ical research. However, because of its usually inferior methods are now maturing and offering the opportunity to
resolution in the depth direction (50–80 nm) and observe biological phenomena never before seen (Chojnacki
rapidly deteriorating resolution in thick samples, its et al., 2012; Kanchanawong et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2011; Xu
et al., 2013). Nanoscopy techniques share a common principle:
practical biological application has been effectively
they spatially separate unresolvable fluorescent molecules by
limited to two dimensions and thin samples. Here, independently switching their emission ‘‘on’’ and ‘‘off’’ (Hell,
we present the development of whole-cell 4Pi sin- 2007). In particular, SMSN methods such as photoactivated
gle-molecule switching nanoscopy (W-4PiSMSN), localization microscopy (PALM), fluorescence photoactivation
an optical nanoscope that allows imaging of three- localization microscopy (FPALM), and stochastic optical recon-
dimensional (3D) structures at 10- to 20-nm resolu- struction microscopy (STORM) use a stochastic approach where
tion throughout entire mammalian cells. We demon- only a small subset of fluorescent molecules is switched on at
strate the wide applicability of W-4PiSMSN across any particular moment in time while the majority remains in a
diverse research fields by imaging complex molecu- non-fluorescent ‘‘dark’’ or ‘‘off’’ state (Gould et al., 2012a). Su-
lar architectures ranging from bacteriophages to nu- per-resolved images are reconstructed from the positions of
clear pores, cilia, and synaptonemal complexes in thousands to millions of single molecules that have been re-
corded in thousands of camera frames.
large 3D cellular volumes.
This imaging strategy was initially applied to single-objective
microscopes in two dimensions (2D) (Betzig et al., 2006; Hess
INTRODUCTION et al., 2006; Rust et al., 2006) and later extended to three dimen-
sions (3D) (Huang et al., 2008; Juette et al., 2008; Pavani et al.,
Major advances in cell biology are tightly linked to innovations in 2009). While these instruments achieve 20- to 40-nm resolution
microscopy. The development of fluorescence microscopy, for in the focal plane (lateral, x-y), the resolution in the depth direc-
example, enabled sub-cellular localization of specifically labeled tion (axial, z) is typically limited to only 50–80 nm. The resolution
proteins of interest (Lichtman and Conchello, 2005). However, can, however, be further improved by using a dual-objective
the wave nature of light restricts the resolution of conventional ‘‘4Pi’’ detection geometry (Bewersdorf et al., 2006).
light microscopy to 200 nm, making details of subcellular struc- Using two objectives doubles the detection efficiency (Xu
tures and protein assemblies unresolvable (Hell, 2007). The et al., 2012) and thus improves the localization precision
advent of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, or nano- 1.4-fold in all three dimensions. Additionally, employing two
scopy, techniques such as stimulated emission depletion objectives in a 4Pi geometry allows the creation of a single-mole-
(STED) (Hell and Wichmann, 1994) and single-molecule switch- cule emission interference pattern at the detector leading to an
1028 Cell 166, 1028–1040, August 11, 2016 ª 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
7-fold improvement in axial localization precision over single- poor localization density because of the highly selective compu-
objective approaches as demonstrated using interferometric tational processes focusing on subtle features of PSFs. The
PALM (iPALM) (Shtengel et al., 2009) and 4Pi single marker methods are also susceptible to sample-induced optical aberra-
switching nanoscopy (4Pi-SMSN) (Aquino et al., 2011). This tions, which change the PSF shape when imaging biological
improved resolution enabled, for example, the generation of structures deeper in the sample (Burke et al., 2015; von Die-
anatomical maps of focal adhesions at 10-nm axial resolution zmann et al., 2015). As a result, applications have been restricted
(Case et al., 2015; Kanchanawong et al., 2010). However, this to thin structures close to the coverslip (Case et al., 2015; Van
method was initially restricted to samples of 250 nm in thick- Engelenburg et al., 2014; Kanchanawong et al., 2010).
ness (Shtengel et al., 2009) and more recently to 700–1,000 nm To enable 4Pi-SMSN to probe deeper into the cell and extend
(Aquino et al., 2011; Brown et al., 2011). As the typical thickness the application of this technology to larger cellular features, we
of a mammalian cell is 5–10 mm, this has limited optical micro- have developed W-4PiSMSN. First, expanding on the optical
scopy at the 10-nm isotropic resolution scale to thin sub-vol- design by Aquino et al. (2011), we included deformable mirrors
umes of cells, thus precluding the ability to image organelles in both arms of the 4Pi-interferometric cavity (Figure 1A; Fig-
that can extend over several microns throughout the whole cell. ure S1). We use these mirrors to correct for imperfections in
Here, we present a new implementation of iPALM/4Pi-SMSN, the instrument beam path and optimize the PSF quality for sam-
termed whole-cell 4Pi single-molecule switching nanoscopy ples with various thicknesses (Supplemental Information; Fig-
(W-4PiSMSN), which extends the imaging capabilities of this ure S2). Deformable mirrors also allow us to compensate for
technology to whole cells without compromising resolution. sample-induced aberration modes, such as spherical aberra-
W-4PiSMSN allows volumetric reconstruction with 10- to tions (Burke et al., 2015; Gould et al., 2012b), which vary from
20-nm isotropic resolution of 10-mm-thick samples, a 10- to sample to sample and with depth. Additionally, we can use these
40-fold improvement in sample thickness over previous mirrors to introduce astigmatism in both interference arms
iPALM/4Pi-SMSN implementations (Aquino et al., 2011; Brown without adding further complexity to the system (Supplemental
et al., 2011; Van Engelenburg et al., 2014; Shtengel et al., Information). Thus, the deformable mirrors enable compro-
2009). Our approach permits ultra-high resolution 3D imaging mise-free, reproducible PSFs in a depth- and sample-indepen-
of virtually any subcellular structure. To demonstrate this, we dent manner.
image the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), bacteriophages, mito- Second, building on an earlier approach by Brown et al. (2011),
chondria, nuclear pore complexes, primary cilia, Golgi-appa- we developed an analysis method that combines information
ratus-associated COPI vesicles, and mouse spermatocyte from (1) the 4Pi-PSF’s interference phase, which allows for pre-
synaptonemal complexes. By these examples, we show that cise axial localization but does not distinguish between different
W-4PiSMSN opens the door to address cell biological questions interference peaks, and (2) the eccentricity of the astigmatic 4Pi-
that were previously unanswerable. PSF, which narrows axial localizations down to individual inter-
ference peaks but in itself does not offer the precision of 4Pi
RESULTS interference. Our new analysis algorithm interprets the large
number of molecules imaged in each time and z-depth window
Development of W-4PiSMSN as an ensemble measurement of the concurrent state of the
To realize a system that achieves 10- to 20-nm 3D resolution W-4PiSMSN system (Supplemental Information; Figure S3A)
across the thickness of entire mammalian cells, we expanded and determines the relationship between the eccentricity of the
on previous iPALM and 4Pi-SMSN developments (Aquino astigmatic PSF and the interference phase of the 4Pi-PSF.
et al., 2011; Shtengel et al., 2009). In these systems, fluores- Then the axial positions of all corresponding molecules can be
cence emission is collected by two opposing objective lenses assigned with high precision and unambiguously using a mono-
and combined to interfere (Aquino et al., 2011; von Middendorff tonic metric designed to describe the overall shape of the PSF
et al., 2008; Shtengel et al., 2009). Depending on the axial posi- and maintain its monotonicity in the presence of moderate
tion of a molecule, the light will interfere constructively or amounts of aberrations (Supplemental Information; Figure S3B).
destructively, as indicated by the brightness of the molecule’s Since this analysis is performed for well-defined temporal and
image on the detector. However, molecules at axial positions axial data subsets, we have generalized it to identify and correct
that differ by multiples of half the wavelength of light lead to for drift (from both the system and the sample) over the course of
the same interference pattern and cause ambiguity in deter- imaging. Our method is robust against aberrations and improves
mining their axial positions. This localization ambiguity leads to the reliability and efficiency of axial position assignment as it
scrambled images that contain axially shifted image artifacts, automatically adapts to changes in the shape and interference
known as ghost images, in samples thicker than 250 nm. pattern of the 4Pi-PSF.
This can be avoided by using not only the brightness but also
the z-position-dependent shape of the single-molecule images Ultra-High Resolution Imaging with W-4PiSMSN
to determine a molecule’s axial position. To address this, a To demonstrate the resolution capabilities of our new system,
higher-moment based analysis (Aquino et al., 2011) and analysis we first imaged the ER. ER membranes were stained using
of the point-spread function (PSF) eccentricity in a hyperbolic anti-GFP antibodies to the overexpressed transmembrane pro-
mirrors-modified system (Brown et al., 2011) were developed, tein, mEmerald-Sec61b, in COS-7 cells. We visualized the ER
which extended the image volume thickness to 700–1,000 nm. as a connected network of hollow tubes with 60–100 nm diame-
However, these methods pose significant drawbacks such as ters (Figures 1B and 1C; Movie S1). Both horizontal and vertical
23-nm tail and fiber structures of the T7 phage (Hu et al., 2013). ple-induced aberrations or drift can lead to significant deteriora-
This is likely due to either incomplete labeling of the surface tion of the resolution and distortions of the super-resolved vol-
proteins or the flexibility of these structures. Nonetheless, our ume (Huang et al., 2008; Mlodzianoski et al., 2011).
W-4PiSMSN system has enabled the visualization of the ultra- We designed our system to minimize drift: our instrument
structure of bacteriophages using light microscopy. design takes advantage of a horizontal symmetry plane coin-
We tested the two-color imaging capability of W-4PiSMSN ciding with the common focal planes of the objectives and the
by imaging microtubules and mitochondria in a COS-7 cell im- beam splitter cube of the interference cavity. This symmetric
munolabeled with Alexa Fluor 647 and Cy3B, respectively. Our design desensitizes the interferometric cavity of the microscope
reconstructions show microtubules running in close proximity to temperature changes leading to approximately equal thermal
10–20 nm from the mitochondria top and bottom surfaces (Fig- expansion in both arms of the interference cavity. To compen-
ures 2A–2C; Movie S2; Figure S5). Our system decouples axial sate for any remaining instrument and sample drift caused by
localization from the PSF shape, the latter being susceptible to mechanical and thermal fluctuations, we developed a set of
depth-dependent distortions caused by sample-induced optical hardware and software tools (Figure S6). The objectives are sta-
aberrations (Liu et al., 2013; McGorty et al., 2014). While single- bilized in 3D relative to each other by focusing a near-infrared
objective systems rely on the PSF shape, the W-4PiSMSN laser beam by one objective and detecting the focus with the
approach uses the relative interference amplitudes to determine other objective in a ‘‘biplane’’ configuration (Figure S6) (Juette
the axial location of individual molecules. However, multicolor et al., 2008; Ram et al., 2008). This allows the detection of relative
imaging is challenging because the spatial interference modula- objective movement in 3D, which can then be compensated for
tion frequency is wavelength dependent and differs between via a feedback loop. Furthermore, we cross-correlate 3D volume
color channels. To address this, we derived the modulation fre- data segments of 1- to 2-min windows using a redundancy-
quency using a pupil-function based approach (Supplemental based drift correction method (Li et al., 2013; Wang et al.,
Information). Our simulation results were verified experimentally 2014) in an extended correlation volume. Within each of these
by registering two color channels from an affine transformation short data segments, an independent relationship between
matrix, which was calibrated using two-color-labeled mitochon- astigmatism and interference phase is established. Any discrep-
dria in fixed cells (Supplemental Information). ancies between these relationships for different segments
are treated as drift (Supplemental Information). The above-
Whole-Cell 3D Imaging with W-4PiSMSN described methods enable us to fully compensate for sample
Imaging volumes thicker than 1.2 mm requires axial sample and instrument drift and changes in the optical path between
scanning, because molecules more than 600 nm out of focus the two arms of the interferometric 4Pi cavity due to the axial
cannot be identified and localized efficiently (Huang et al., scanning nature of the measurements.
2008; Juette et al., 2008). Thus, optical sections must be re- To demonstrate the whole-cell imaging capabilities of the
corded at different axial sample positions and subsequently W-4PiSMSN system, we imaged mitochondria using antibodies
merged to obtain the complete cellular volume. Compared to against the outer membrane protein TOM20 over the whole
conventional 3D nanoscopes, the superior localization precision thickness of a COS-7 cell. Figure 3 reveals the outer membrane
of W-4PiSMSN puts high demands on the localization accuracy contour and the remarkably interconnected mitochondrial
in each volume section (i.e., avoiding volume distortions) and network over a depth of 4.3 mm (Figures 3B–3D; Movie S3). We
the merging process. In the section-merging process, small were not able to detect any significant ghost images within the
misalignments of neighboring optical sections caused by sam- volume (Figures 3A–3D).
Resolving Synaptonemal
Complexes in Whole-Mouse
As a final demonstration of the capacity of
our instrument to image deep into cells as
thick as 10 mm, we stained synaptonemal
complexes in mouse spermatocyte nuclei
in the pachytene phase of meiotic pro-
phase (Figure 7; Movies S6). While synap-
tonemal complexes have been imaged
using structured illumination (Carlton,
2008; Qiao et al., 2012) and 4Pi micro-
diameter from 160 to 280 nm (Figures 6A–6E). Our W-4PiSMSN scopy at 100- to 200-nm resolution (Fritsche et al., 2012), higher
images of the ciliary membrane allow us to precisely measure the resolution optical images have been limited to chromosome
cilium’s diameter along its entire length. Interestingly, we find spreads of <1-mm thickness (Schücker et al., 2015). Here,
that cilia diameters are not always constant. Rather, one we examined spermatocytes harvested from testes of 17- to
example cilium shows an abrupt contraction of 50 nm midway 18-day-old mice with W-4PiSMSN and imaged the twisting
along its length (Figures 6C–6E; Movie S5). We speculate this band of the paired lateral elements of autosomal synaptonemal
change in diameter may correspond to the thinning of the 9+0 complexes, highlighted by immunolabeling synaptonemal
microtubule axoneme, which is known to transition from triplet complex protein 3 (SYCP3), a constituent component of the
microtubules, to doublets, and eventually singlets. The ciliary lateral elements (Page and Hawley, 2004). Reconstructed from
tip is not narrow but has a bulbous shape, consistent with struc- a total of 126 optical sections (21 depth positions imaged in six
tures observed in EM (He et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2013). The repetition cycles), the entire 3D image spanned nearly 9 mm in
high-resolution reconstruction of the ciliary membrane also al- depth and resolved SYCP3 substructure of the individual auto-
lowed us to ‘‘unwrap’’ the membrane tube into a flat surface (Fig- somal synaptonemal complexes with unprecedented clarity in-
ure 6H; Supplemental Information) permitting data quantification dependent of their orientation or depth (Figures 7A–7E; Movie
such as cluster analysis and co-localization measurement in a S6). Furthermore, 19 synaptonemal complexes representing
complex geometry. Next, we examined the local density of mol- pairs of individual autosomal homologs could be isolated using
ecules along the ciliary membrane to identify regions with higher a Euclidian metric-based clustering algorithm on the individual
concentrations of pH-SMO. Higher local density is present single-molecule localizations (Supplemental Information). Thus,
around the base, on small bulbous protrusions, and on stripes our approach promises the capacity to visualize the nanoscale
along the cilium length (Figures 6F–6H; Figure S7). These protru- spatial organization of chromosomal scaffolds in the context of
Second, image quality, or spatial resolution, of SMSN images a tubule by mentally extrapolating from the expected tubular
depends on the density of localized molecules (Patterson et al., structure. We utilized several computational image processing
2010; Shroff et al., 2008). The application examples we pre- techniques, including particle averaging of the bacteriophage
sented demonstrate that small features such as cylinder-shaped data (Figure 1), clustering of the synaptonemal complexes
immunolabeled microtubules (40-nm diameter) or ER tubules (Figure 7; Movie S6), and ‘‘unwrapping’’ of cilia (Figure 6), to
(60-nm diameter) can now be easily resolved in 3D using light reconstruct complex structures. These approaches, which add
microscopy. This image interpretation is aided by the fact that constraints to data interpretation (e.g., the fact that cilia are
the observer fills the gaps in the distribution of molecules along tubular) and can be tailored to the cell biological question at
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