Journal of Cleaner Production: Benedetto Rugani, Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Graziella Benedetto, Enrico Benetto
Journal of Cleaner Production: Benedetto Rugani, Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Graziella Benedetto, Enrico Benetto
Journal of Cleaner Production: Benedetto Rugani, Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Graziella Benedetto, Enrico Benetto
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Currently, carbon footprint (CF) analysis is gaining a role of primary interest within the extensive
Received 20 December 2012 literature regarding wine sustainability issues. It envisages the quantification of greenhouse gas emis-
Received in revised form sions that underpin the life-cycle of wine, from viticulture and vinification to wine bottling, distribution,
28 April 2013
consumption and waste end-of-life. This critical review pursues several methodological and conceptual
Accepted 28 April 2013
Available online 9 May 2013
issues behind wine carbon footprinting, such as calculation approaches, labeling and standardization
purposes, combinations with other methods and theories, and CF trends in the wine sector. Most studies
have only addressed specific methodological issues from an attributional life-cycle perspective, or have
Carbon footprint (CF)
directly reported the CF profile of a given wine product. Future studies, however, will have to deal with
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) increasingly complex market interactions linked to the entire life cycle of wine-making. A comprehensive
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) discussion is presented concerning the benefits the CF indicator may provide both to producers and
Viticulture consumers and on the needs for reducing uncertainties and misinterpretations within a growing glob-
Wine alized wine market.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
62 B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77
Wine LCA studies have proved to be useful methods to account fact, the geographic diversity increases variability in the wine
for the environmental burdens associated with the different life production process based on differing soil and climate character-
cycle stages of wine (Petti et al., 2010; Neto et al., 2013; Vázquez- istics, production scales and efficiencies, and intended wine mar-
Rowe et al., 2013), thanks to the multiple impact categories that kets (low or high-end consumer cost) (Garnett, 2007). To account
can be considered. However, the holism and comprehensiveness of for this variability, nine key issues intrinsically related to CF analysis
LCA also presents disadvantages when it comes to reporting and in the wine industry were identified from the selected literature
communicating results to stakeholders and the general public (Section 2.2.2).
(Weidema et al., 2008). Consequently, the development of single
issue indicators, such as water footprint or carbon footprint (CF), 2.2.2. Key investigation issues
has proliferated in life cycle thinking (Cu
cek et al., 2012; Laurent Several aspects were explored to evaluate the use of CF as a
et al., 2012; Scipioni et al., 2012). single indicator throughout the 35 studies reviewed. In order to
The appropriateness of using CF as a mechanism for commu- examine what improvements can be made to CF in terms of data
nicating life cycle environmental results through eco-labeling has sources and uncertainty reduction, methods (e.g. boundaries,
been heavily discussed in literature because the LCA community is analysis type e attributional or consequential), calculations, tools,
wary of the risks linked to relying on one single environmental standards, or specialization by viticulture and product type, we
impact for dissemination (Udo de Haes, 2006; Weidema et al., identified and analyzed the following 9 key issues:
2008). However, they do acknowledge an increase in visibility of
life cycle thinking thanks to the popularity that CF has gained in the 1. LCA Methodology and Inventory e CF is an environmental in-
market. In fact, two main factors can be highlighted as being dicator that originated from LCA. Therefore, the limitations,
responsible for the acceptance of CF as a valid dissemination indi- assumptions and strengths underlying the LCA method directly
cator by the LCA community. On the one hand, public interest in influence the use of CF. For instance, the reliability and repre-
global warming is overwhelming in comparison to other environ- sentativeness of results depend on the Functional Unit (FU) and
mental concerns. On the other hand, despite the misleading the background data sources to conduct the Life Cycle In-
depiction that a sole indicator may have on reporting results, CF is ventory (LCI) and the subsequent Life Cycle Impact Assessment
strongly linked to energy use and may therefore represent other (LCIA). The choice of life cycle perspective, usually oriented
underlying environmental impacts (Weidema et al., 2008). To toward an attributional LCA (A-LCA) (EU, 2010), also determines
better understand the role of this single indicator approach in the the scope and the variability of CF results.
dissemination of life cycle-oriented results, the main objective of 2. (Life Cycle) System Boundaries e The delimitation of the pro-
this critical review is to identify the key advantages and constraints duction system constitutes a key issue when analyzing the
of using CF as an extended indicator in the wine sector based on completeness and comparability of results in LCA studies. For
knowledge from existing publications and stakeholder actions. example, the use of a gate to gate perspective (e.g. from wine
making to wine bottling), may provide more accurate and
2. Materials and methods comparable CF scores, because data are usually collected within
the same appellation and for a limited number of production
2.1. Carbon footprint in the wine sector processes. In contrast, phases including upstream agricultural
practices (e.g., organic farming, conventional viticulture, etc.),
CF is a worldwide standardized indicator of GHG emissions transport, consumption and end-of-life processes usually need
throughout the life cycle phases of any goods, service or activity to be modeled on the basis of several case studies and sce-
according to the Kyoto Protocol and Life Cycle Thinking principles narios, which may depend on local scale conditions and on data
(BSI, 2011a). CF has become extremely relevant both in the public availability (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013). Therefore, the vari-
and private sectors because it is a useful and manageable tool for ability of wine CF results across the literature may be strongly
identifying areas of emissions reduction and for driving necessary influenced by the delineation of the system boundaries.
changes to improve the eco-profile of products and the socio- 3. CF results (absolute and relative) e The performance (in terms
environmental awareness and responsibility of people and orga- of GHG emissions) of each single process of the wine life-cycle
nizations. Further readings concerning the CF framework and the is useful to comprehensively interpret the discrepancies in the
strengths of product carbon footprinting can be found in BSI absolute values of CF. The reviewed literature offers abundant
(2011b), Finkbeiner (2009), Jensen (2012), Scipioni et al. (2012) or material for depicting an average estimation of CF per wine
EU (2007). In Section 3, a comprehensive review regarding CF ap- bottle and per phase of production as a first global proxy.
plications in the wine supply chain is provided by analyzing studies 4. Allocation criteria e Besides the bottled or bulk product, the life
from existing literature based on assessment parameters, results cycle of a wine production system generates several biological
and conclusions. wastes, such as pomace or marc (i.e., pulpy material remaining
after pressing), grape lees (i.e., residues from the fermentation
2.2. Requirements for the literature review process), or grape stalks. All these components can be consid-
ered co-products rather than just wastes because they may be
2.2.1. Selection of studies recovered and recycled/reused for other purposes (Barry, 2011;
A total of 35 LCA and CF-related studies have been selected and Bosco et al., 2011; Da Porto, 1998; Hwang et al., 2009; Miralles
discussed according to the following criteria: scientific recognition, et al., 2008; Valderrama et al., 2010; Vázquez-Rowe et al.,
international audience, method, system boundaries and data 2012a). Therefore, allocation criteria become a key issue in this
requirement, and deliverable characteristics (see further in the review, where studies should suggest if splitting the CF among
Supplementary information e SI e file, section S1). In general, the co-products (and not just wine) is a reasonable procedure.
variations of CO2 emissions from the wine making process are 5. Product type e Wine types, brands and appellations show a
attributable to technical differences linked to the methodological high degree of variability worldwide (e.g. red, white or rosé
frameworks and assumptions selected in each study, but may also wine; sweet or dry; etc.). This large variability is likely to have
reflect the fact that there are substantial geographical differences an important influence on the CF results and on its adaptability
between appellations and wineries (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013). In to the different production systems.
B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77 63
6. Viticulture Practices e This aspect is related to the cutting-edge increased with the use of GWPs (Wright et al., 2011; Guinée
debate regarding organic vs. conventional agricultural practices. et al., 2009; IPCC, 2006). Moreover, a debate is currently on-
In the wine sector, a certificate for organic viticulture can be going in terms of the meaning and representativeness of the
obtained if the farmer avoids using synthetic fertilizers and word ‘footprint’, where uncertainties and errors would arise if
pesticides according to specific standards and regulations (NOP, converting the total emissions from carbon-equivalent mass to
2012; BFA, 2010; CGSB, 2006). In addition, organic production a land-based metric (Cu
cek et al., 2012; Wright et al., 2011;
may also differ from conventional activities in the tillage prac- Wiedmann and Minx, 2008). In LCA, the data quality re-
tice and the level of organic carbon added to the soil (Venkat, quirements should address information uncertainty (e.g., data,
2012). The most recent European standards focus mainly on models and assumptions) for studies used in comparative as-
the problem of SO2 levels and the application of certain addi- sertions intended for public divulgation (ISO, 2006b). Similarly,
tives, substances and wine-making processes (EU, 2012). In ISO 14067 and the GHG Protocol Product Standard recommend
contrast, criteria for reducing GHG emissions are not monitored providing at least a qualitative statement related to the source
through these regulations, and thus distinctions between of inventory uncertainty and methodological choices, giving
organic and conventional varieties are not based on CF moni- opportunities for harmonization with PAS 2050, which
toring. Consequently, organic practices may not necessarily lead currently claims that uncertainty should be minimized through
to lower CF values than conventional, more agricultural inten- the application of data-quality requirements and hence the
sive viticulture (Schlich, 2010; Van Hauwermeiren et al., 2007; identification of poor-quality data (BSI, 2011b). All these issues
Venkat, 2012). are relevant to assess how uncertainty, if any, influences the CF
7. CF calculations, methods, standards and tools e Several GHG of wine throughout the literature reviewed.
accounting standards, protocols and requirements have been
publicly disclosed to support companies in the monitoring and 3. Results
reporting of their products’ CF. A commonly used and repre-
sentative standard is ISO 14040, which provides robust and Wine CF has been calculated on the basis of different data
practice-proven requirements for performing transparent and sources and methodological assumptions, such as LCA and related
accepted CF calculations (EU, 2007). ISO 14040 is also the basis inventory datasets, GHGs analysis guidelines and CF calculators.
to elaborate other specifications established for the assessment Most studies have been based on LCA applications, according to the
of GHG emissions of products and systems, such as the PAS impact characterization phase, where Global Warming Potential
2050 (BSI, 2011a), the GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Ac- (GWP) scores are assessed. Nevertheless, great variability in the
counting and Reporting Standard (WRI and WBCSD, 2011), and definition of the FU and in the choice of the environmental impact
the ISO 14067 (still under development; ISO, 2014). Deeper categories that accompany GWP in the assessment (i.e. GWP is the
analysis related to the similarities and discrepancies between only impact category present in all the analyzed studies) can be
these guidelines, as well as their advantages and limitations, is observed, together with differences in the assessment of the
outside the scope of this critical review, but there is ample environmental impacts of co-products, the management of allo-
literature that may be consulted (Jensen, 2012; Pattara et al., cation, or the choice of analyzing processes such as packaging and
2012; Scipioni et al., 2012; Barry, 2011; Bosco et al., 2011; end-of-life (Petti et al., 2010).
Brandão and Levasseur, 2011; Pandey et al., 2011; Iribarren
et al., 2010; Del Borghi et al., 2009; Finkbeiner, 2009; Sinden, 3.1. LCA literature results
2009). In the current review, analysis linked to the underly-
ing CF computational procedures, calculators and reporting 3.1.1. LCA methodology and inventory
guidelines represents a meaningful issue to define the needs Table 1 compares the LCA characteristics (i.e., FU, system
and challenges for CF standardization in the wine sector. boundary, LCI, LCIA methods, database and tools, and allocation
8. Biogenic carbon e The handling of biogenic carbon balances in criteria) for 35 inventoried studies, 24 of which are merely based on
LCA is noteworthy and constitutes an issue of great interest in an LCA application.
the sustainability and climate science community. Accounting A total of 16/24 studies are explicitly based on a conventional A-
for CO2 at each stage of the life cycle offers the advantage of LCA perspective. In parallel, 63% of the reviewed studies used
allowing the dynamic modeling of emission and removal, common LCA tools and databases. These resources include dedi-
making the analysis consistent with the ‘polluter pays’ princi- cated softwares like GaBi4 (PE International, 2012) and SimaPro
ple and the Kyoto rules, implying that each GHG contribution (PRé Consultants, 2012), LCIA methodologies like CML 2001 (Guinée
(positive or negative) should be allocated to the causing agent et al., 2002) and Eco-Indicator ‘99 (Goedkoop and Spriensma,
(Rabl et al., 2007). In fact, viticulture and vinification are 2000), and LCI datasets such as ecoinventÒ (The Ecoinvent
intrinsically related to a biogenic carbon balance because car- Centre, 2012). Other types of methodological criteria have also
bon is sequestered during vine growth (Martin, 1997; Poni been tested recently. These include specific selections of LCI data to
et al., 2006; Soja et al., 2010) and released during the alco- enhance the process operational efficiency analysis (Vázquez-Rowe
holic fermentation of wine. The anaerobic reaction of yeasts et al., 2012b) or the use of lab-experiments to add specific agro-
with the sugar contained in pressed grapes (wine fermenta- nomic information to the LCI models (Ruggieri et al., 2009).
tion) is of particular importance because it generates the Moreover, 22 studies explicitly refer to one single FU: a 0.75 L bottle
alcoholic content of wine and CO2 emissions. Hence, the rela- of wine, which is a highly consistent way of meeting the purpose of
tionship between biogenic carbon and its influence on the LCA to name and quantify efficiently the qualitative and quantita-
CF balance and use remains unclear and deserves further tive aspects of the function(s) (see in EU, 2010) in the wine pro-
examination. duction process (Table 1). All these life-cycle modeling features
9. Uncertainty e Uncertainty is a relevant issue in LCA and CF increase the comparability of the CF results between the various
analysis (Pandey et al., 2011; Laurent et al., 2012; Lenzen, LCA-based analyses. However, disparate assumptions for data
2006). For example, while data for CO2 and CH4 are usually collection and elaboration have been adopted that largely charac-
readily available or easily gathered, difficulties arise in data terize the different studies. For instance, the highest total CF scores
acquisition for the remaining GHGs and uncertainties are (>3 kg CO2-eq./FU) are usually recorded when various sources for
Table 1
Comparison of the life-cycle modeling and carbon footprint characteristics across #35 studies in the wine production sector. Further details are available in the supporting information material, Tables S1eS3.
Aranda et al., Bottle 0.75 L A-LCA Various dataset sources SimaPro 5 Eco-Indicator’99 H/A n.e.c. U U U U U U
2005 implemented
in SimaPro, e.g. IDEMAT,
ETH-ESU, etc.
Ardente Bottle 0.75 L POEMS; Various dataset sources, n.s. n.a. n.s.: mass U U U U
et al., 2006 (Simplified) e.g. Boustead, allocation
LCA GEMIS, DMU, etc. apparently
(bottled vs.
loose wine)
Barry, 2011 Bottle 0.75 L A-LCA GaBi professional, GaBi4 CML 2001 Allocation U U U U U
PlasticsEurope, etc. avoided
Table 1 (continued )
Study Functional LCA-related Databaseb Softwareb Methodb Allocation System boundaries
unit approachb criteria
Vineyard Viticulture Wine Packaging Transport Storage End-of-
planting & grape making processes & distribution and life
growing consumption processes
Ruggieri 1 kg N LCA þ lab Various dataset sources, SimaPro CML 2 baseline n.e.c. U
et al., 2009 exp. and e.g. Ecoinvent, 7.0 2000 v2.02
economic LCA literature, etc.
SAWIA, 2004 1 t grape n.a. n.a.; GHGs are calculated n.a. AGO factors n.s. U U U
from energy and Methods
use, i.e. electricity, Workbook v.3
transport fuels
and stationary fuels
Schlich, 2010 Bottle 0.75 L A-LCA i.n.a. i.n.a. i.n.a. i.n.a. U U U U
Soja et al., 1 L wine n.a. n.a.; GHGs calculated n.a. GHGs inventory n.s. U U U U U
2010 from the (factors from
application of different different
models (e.g. RothC- literature
n.a. ¼ not applicable; n.s. ¼ not specified; n.e.c. ¼ not explicitly considered; i.n.a. ¼ information not available.
Studies that do not (or only partially) disclose absolute values of CF (i.e. they are excluded from the calculations provided in Fig. 1; see also Tables S1 and S2).
Full references for LCI databases, LCIA methods and other acronyms of data sources can be found in the information material.
B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77 67
GHG emissions and/or emission factors are mixed with LCI data- evaluation). On the other hand, a gate to gate perspective is usually
bases (Carballo Penela et al., 2009; Colman and Päster, 2009; developed when there is a precise aim of decisional support, ob-
Gonzales et al., 2006; Point et al., 2012; Ruggieri et al., 2009; tained by comparing different scenarios, or the LCA is not expressly
Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a). In fact, the adoption of datasets within the scope priorities. Accordingly, 6 analyses have only dealt
other than conventional LCI sources such as ecoinventÒ is usually with a single process or stage within the life cycle to increase the
made to increase the accuracy and specificity of certain emission completeness of the CF study by addressing specific questions on
factors (e.g. for transportation or end-of-life) or the representa- the viticulture phase (Kavargiris et al., 2009; Venkat, 2012), trans-
tiveness and completeness of emission models which are possibly portation (Cholette and Venkat, 2009; Reich-Weiser et al., 2010),
missing (e.g. for in situ modeling of fertilizer emissions). Most of the and end-of-life (Ruggieri et al., 2009).
studies are intended to provide information on the critical steps of For boundary consistency, companies should reference the
LCA, to improve or update the eco-profile of different types of wine, currently available guidelines (see below) to calculate and report
or to combine and compare impact scores (see also Table S1 in the product CFs. Ultimately, boundary selection will depend on the
SI for additional information). It is worth highlighting that most objectives of the CF study. For example, the New Zealand guidelines
studies calculate a broad range of LCIA impact categories (e.g., po- for GHG reduction at the sector level (Greenhaigh et al., 2011) as-
tentials of acidification, eutrophication or resource depletion), sume that all processes from vineyard planting to consumption
including GWP, or are oriented to designing new or complementary should be included. However, a contract grape grower will only
indicators for the wine sector (Comandaru et al., 2012; Pizzigallo consider the annual growing and harvesting of grapes if the vini-
et al., 2008; Rugani et al., 2009). In contrast, some authors specif- fication activities are performed by another company. In addition,
ically address the problem of CF assessment (Bosco et al., 2011; GHG emissions related to vineyard construction, capital equipment,
Pattara et al., 2012; Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a). The use of winery infrastructures, and retail and consumption processes are
different LCIA methods and software tools, however, does not ul- considered optional because they are either a one-time occurrence
timately influence the variability of CF values observed in the or are beyond the direct control of the wine company (Greenhaigh
literature. et al., 2011).
3.6 2.4
kg CO2- eq./wine bottled, 0.75 L
2.17 ± 1.34
1.36 ± 0.66
1.09 ± 0.83
kg CO2- eq./wine bottled, 0.75 L
1.06 ± 0.73
2.0 1.6
0.48 ± 1.02
0.47 ± 0.24
1.2 0.79 ± 0.30
0.38 ± 0.31 0.26 ± 0.29
0.8 0.26 ± 0.33 0.25 ± 0.29
0.07 ± 0.12
Red White Organic Conventional
A) B)
Fig. 1. A) average values and standard deviation range of the carbon footprint (CF) of wine per life cycle phase from a cradle to grave approach; 29 studies of wine life cycle are
considered starting from a selection of 35 studies (see Table 1 and Table S2 in the Supporting Information - SI - for further details); B) average values and standard deviation range of
the CF of different wine typologies (red vs. white) and agricultural practices of wine production (organic vs. conventional); the average CF scores are quantified from cradle to gate
(i.e. wine bottled at winery gate) starting from a selection of 22 studies (see Table S3 in the SI).
68 B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77
total CF score (Fig. 1A). However, the CF values reported by Ruggieri avoided emissions from the landfill, because this would imply
et al. (2009) for two landfill scenarios greatly influence the vari- going back to waste disposal measures that are not recommended
ability and increase the average end-of-life score (see Fig. 1A and by current waste policy legislation in Spain. As a result, the compost
Table S2 in the SI). In fact, if these values are excluded from the process they included in the LCI model substantially increased the
analysis, results change considerably in terms of absolute value and CF value of the wine under analysis (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a). If
variability, i.e., the contribution from end-of-life management de- compost production were excluded assuming these impacts are
creases to 12% (see Fig. S2 in the SI). The large uncertainty in CF attributable to waste treatment phase of prior processes, then the
scores for the life cycle processes is dependent on the same issues CF could be reduced by 38%.
identified for LCA studies. For example, large variability was
observed in results for wine-making, transportation and end-of- 3.4. Product type
life. These processes are influenced by assumptions made when
modeling the technology, industry, and market rather than by the The literature analyzed includes the evaluation of several types
local ecosystems and physico-chemical parameters that control and brands of wine, which derive from different viticulture prac-
agricultural processes. In the latter case, local climate conditions, tices and from a variety of grapevines (Jackson, 2009). A compari-
land texture and different agricultural practices and grape types son of average CF values for both wine type (red vs. white) and
will determine yields, which can substantially differ between har- viticulture practice (organic vs. conventional) is shown in Fig. 1B
vest years (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a), products (Bosco et al., based on data from 19 studies (see Table S3 in the SI). For the
2011; Pizzigallo et al., 2008) and locations (Montedonico, 2005; purpose of comparison, CF values were calculated from cradle to
Colman and Päster, 2009; Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013). gate. It can be observed that white wines typically have higher CF
values than red ones, despite the higher variability of the latter
3.3. Allocation strategy (SD ¼ 76%, Fig. 1B). Several factors may help explain this variance,
though finding a general rule is not easy due to the multiple
The problem of allocating the CF-impact among wine products abovementioned factors. For example, harvest yield could play an
(high vs. low quality wines, the latter derived from second grape- important role because yields for white varieties are usually higher
juice pressing) and co-products is limited by the scope of the than those for red ones, but may require more inputs per unit of
analysis and the definition of the FU (Notarnicola et al., 2003). Only crop area (Venkat, 2012). However, while some authors have
some authors explicitly address the allocation problem by applying analyzed both white and red wines (Bosco et al., 2011; Point et al.,
specific cut-off rules and criteria to avoid assigning the full impact 2012; Carta, 2009; Colman and Päster, 2009), or vine systems of
burden exclusively to the bottled wine. Gazulla et al. (2010) allo- white and red grapes (Venkat, 2012), none specifically focused on
cated the calculated environmental indicators to the co-products of identifying the sources of variability between the two types, a po-
wine on the basis of the associated economic revenues. As a result tential topic for future research in this area.
of an allocation larger than 98%, the total CF was essentially due to
only wine production rather than pomace, lees and press syrup. 3.5. Viticulture practices
This allocation criterion is justified by the authors stating that
economic allocation can reflect the actual thrust behind the whole Numerous studies have explicitly compared organic and con-
wine industry much better than either mass- or energy-based allo- ventional wine productions (Gonzales et al., 2006; Kavargiris et al.,
cation, because the main product by far is obviously wine itself and not 2009; Pizzigallo et al., 2008; Rugani et al., 2009; Aranda et al.,
any of the other by-products (Gazulla et al., 2010). In contrast, Bosco 2012; Venkat, 2012; Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013). The average CF
et al. (2011) applied a mass allocation approach to assign a CF value for organic wine from cradle to gate was found to be around
impact to stalk, skin and pip products. In this case, we can observe 25% lower than conventional wine (Fig. 1B). However, this result
an increase of CF from 24% to 34% if the allocation is applied 100% to should not be considered unconditionally. It is worth noting that
bottled wine only (see Footnotes to Table S2 in the SI), which may LCIs for specialized organic inputs to agriculture and associated
approximately demonstrate the extent to which we can estimate emission factors after application are generally not available (see
the variability of CF results on the basis of different allocation also in Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013). Therefore, the absence of these
criteria. Finally, a third group of studies explicitly excluded treat- datasets should not be interpreted as providing “no impact”, but as
ment of rasp, lees and marc as solid waste by considering them a lack of ability to quantify those impacts or benefits. Current
feedstock for other production processes (e.g., compost from rasps literature suggests that increased CF values for conventional wines
and tartaric acid from marc) (Notarnicola et al., 2003). This is a are linked to a higher use of synthetic substances and other inputs
general case in which the mass allocation choice can determine a (e.g., diesel, wood) during the agricultural phase (Niccolucci et al.,
decrease in the CF of the bottled wine, because the model assumes 2008; Point et al., 2012; Pizzigallo et al., 2008), as well as other
co-products are recovered and not disposed. factors including wine age (Bosco et al., 2011; Gazulla et al., 2010;
Literature findings suggest co-product allocation has not been Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013), bunch selection (Niccolucci et al.,
analyzed any further due to the lack of useful data and information 2008), and harvest year (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a). In
to expand the evaluation of the system boundaries. Although ISO contrast, other authors find that GHG emissions show relatively
standard 14044 (ISO, 2006b) recommends avoiding allocation minimal differences between the two due to the higher yield of
whenever possible, through either system subdivision or expan- conventional viticulture (Colman and Päster, 2009). This is even
sion, Gazulla et al. (2010) found that neither of these strategies was more noticeable on a large scale, where conventional grape
viable in their case study. The grape residues and fermentation growing and wine-making practices may result in marginally less
sediments cannot be produced separately, so it makes no sense to GHG emissions per hectare than in the case of organic production
divide the wine-making process into two or more independent (Venkat, 2012; Pizzigallo et al., 2008; Waye, 2008; Aranda et al.,
sub-processes. Moreover, detailed information was unavailable 2012). Consequently, the interpretation of CF values remains too
regarding the alternative products that could be replaced by uncertain and inexplicit when comparing viticulture practices,
pomace, lees, and press syrup, making an appropriate system while at the same time it is associated with many other envi-
expansion unfeasible (Gazulla et al., 2010). Similarly, Vázquez- ronmental factors involved in the organic vs. conventional debate
Rowe et al. (2012a) failed to expand the system to include the (e.g. impact on local riparian habitats, biodiversity loss, soil type,
B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77 69
etc.) (Colman and Päster, 2009). These could directly or indirectly Table 2 also lists other A-LCA oriented guidelines and standards
influence the dynamics of carbon emissions in the life cycle and that can be potentially applied in the carbon footprint of wine, such
thus be worthy of inclusion in future CF assertions of organic and as the PAS 2050, the GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting
conventional wines. and Reporting Standard, or the forthcoming ISO 14067. However,
methods that do not necessarily follow an A-LCA perspective also
3.6. CF calculations, methods, standards, and tools exist (Carballo Penela et al., 2009; Pattara et al., 2012; Reich-Weiser
et al., 2010; WRAP, 2007), but may range from carbon calculators to
As depicted in Table 2, wine CFs reporting is centered around the classical IPCC GHG-based analyses (see Table 1). In the former case,
ISO 14040 and 14044 standards, although only some authors have software is developed to allow stakeholders to calculate and
explicitly followed those standards (Barry, 2011; Bosco et al., 2011; monitor their CF trends in an automatic and simplified way, while
Cholette and Venkat, 2009; Soja et al., 2010; Venkat, 2012). in the latter case different emission factors enable the profiling of
Table 2
Summary of potential international standardization tools and guidelines to report carbon footprint in the wine sector.
Standard/Reporting guideline Scope and objectives Alignment with carbon Adoption in the wine sector
footprint concept
British standard PAS 2050:2011 Publicly available specification Full Yes/No Venkat, 2012 (via
(BSI, 2011a) for the assessment of the life FoodCarbonScopeÔ)
cycle GHG emissions of goods
and services based on key life
cycle techniques and principles
(explicitly built on ISO 14040)
GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Step-by-step guide for Full Yes/No Cholette and Venkat,
Accounting and Reporting companies to use in quantifying 2009 (via Cargo
Standard (WRI and WBCSD, 2011) and reporting their GHG ScopeÔ);Colman
emissions and Päster, 2009
(data source of GHG
emission factors)
ISO 14001:2004 e Environmental Certification process for Indirect (organizations Yes/No Ardente et al., 2006
Management System (EMS) environmental management, can monitor GHGs (via POEMS);Hughey
established as a voluntary performance and et al., 2005
standard to support environmental adopt solutions for
protection and prevent emission reduction)
pollution through monitoring
according to organization’s
environmental policies
ISO 14040:2006 e Environmental Guidelines on the principles Partial/Full (CF as Yes Barry, 2011;Bosco
Management e Life Cycle and conduct of LCA studies GWP indicator can be et al., 2011; Cholette
Assessment e Principles and that provide an organization included within the and Venkat, 2009;
Framework (ISO, 2006a) with information on how to set of analyzed LCIA Soja et al., 2010;
ISO 14044:2006 e Environmental reduce the overall environmental indicators or accounted Venkat, 2012
Management e Life Cycle impact of its products and services for separately)
Assessment e Requirements
and Guidelines (ISO, 2006b)
ISO 14025:2006 e Environmental Specifically established to use ISO Yes CIV, 2008
labels and declarations e Type 14040 in the development of
III environmental declarations Environmental Product
e Principles and procedures Declarations (EPD), eco-labels
(ISO, 2006c) intended for use in business-to-
business communication
Greenhouse gases-Parts 1e3: International GHG accounting Partial/Full (the scope Yes NZWC, 2010
Family of ISO 14064 (see ISO, and verification standards is to address carbon
2006d) providing a set of clear and emissions only but with
verifiable requirements to criteria different from
support organizations and other full CF alignments)
proponents of GHG emission
reduction projects
Carbon footprint of products e Will provide specific requirements Full (developed to No e
Requirements and guidelines for the quantification and increase transparency
for quantification and communication of GHGs in quantifying and
communication (ISO/DIS associated with products reporting carbon
14067.2 e Under development; emissions over the
ISO, 2013) entire lifecycle of
products and services)
International Wine Carbon Calculator Designed primarily as an enterprise Full Yes Pattara et al., 2012;
Protocol (FIVS, 2010) and/or facility level calculating Soja et al., 2010
tool for the International Wine
Industry in compliance with
current international standards
and practices for GHG accounting
Method composed of financial Method to assess and Full Yes Carballo Penela
statements (MC3) (Carballo-Penela communicate CF of products et al., 2009
and Doménech, 2010) with an organization-based LCA
70 B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77
the CF of wine according to various guidelines and protocols listed 3.7. Biogenic carbon issues
in Table 2 (IPCC, 2006; Russell, 2011). Among the several existing
carbon calculators for products (e.g. FoodCarbonScopeÔ; in: Despite the potential relevance of biogenic carbon emissions for
Cholette and Venkat, 2009; CargoScopeÔ; Venkat, 2012; Tables 1 the wine CF calculation (see Section 2.2.2), only 5 out of the 35
and 2), some are specifically implemented to assess the CF of studies reviewed quantitatively accounted for biogenic emissions.
wine. For example, the International Wine Carbon Calculator-IWCC For example, CO2 emissions from fermentation contributed from
is a wine industry specific GHG protocol and calculator in compli- 15% to 24% of the CF of the vinification process and, thus, circa 2e3%
ance with international GHG accounting guidelines such as PAS to the total CF of white wine. This observation is compliant with the
2050 (Pattara et al., 2012; Soja et al., 2010). Because of the highly findings of Colman and Päster (2009) and Neto et al. (2013), while it
enterprise-oriented scope of IWCC, results from the application of is only comparable to the calculations performed by Zabalza et al.
this calculator seem to be consistent only for communication pur- (2003). Indeed, they found that fermentation produces 0.13 kg of
poses and improvement at the specific wine industry level. As CO2 emissions per liter of wine, which represents 9% of the total life
comprehensively observed by Pattara et al. (2012), CF values cycle CO2 emissions. However, they did not account for GHGs other
calculated with IWCC are scarcely comparable to classical LCA- than CO2. On the other hand, Soosay et al. (2012) observed that
based results because of several departures underlying IWCC and viticulture in the vineyards may provide up to 28% of the emissions
LCA with regard to modeling assumptions (e.g. use of different GHG due to decomposing biomass, timber decay and sequestration
emission factors, system boundary, etc.) and the aggregation of linked to vine growth and sugar production in the grapes. However,
items per life cycle phase. In fact, results can differ substantially in the authors did not disclose any additional information to support a
absolute terms, i.e. CF/FU calculated with IWCC >40% of CF/FU comprehensive understanding of the impact due to these biogenic
calculated with LCA (see Table 1 in Pattara et al., 2012). Moreover, emissions.
the process contributions are extremely variable, whereby they are As a result, the contribution from biogenic carbon emissions to
compliant across IWCC and LCA only in that the greatest contri- the overall CF of wine is only marginal. Moreover, neither the bal-
bution in terms of emissions (more than 70%) arrives from pack- ance with carbon removals during for example photosynthesis nor
aging, followed by product distribution and agricultural operations the notion of time is usually taken into account. Indeed, the reason
(Pattara et al., 2012). for the widespread lack of biogenic carbon assessment can be
Besides these calculator and reporting systems, other authors attributed to the common LCA practice of assigning an impartial
(Colman and Päster, 2009; Greenhaigh et al., 2011; Kavargiris et al., weighing between emission and removal activities. The general
2009; Reich-Weiser et al., 2010; SAWIA, 2004; Soja et al., 2010; belief is that fermentation is considered negative due to the CO2
WRAP, 2007) computed the CF of wine with GHG emission factors sequestered by the vines and grape growth (Ardente et al., 2006;
for fuel production and combustion, fertilizer use and energy Barry, 2011; Benedetto, 2010; Greenhaigh et al., 2011; Neto et al.,
generation (WRI and WBCSD, 2011; DEFRA, 2008; CE Delft et al., 2013; Notarnicola et al., 2003; Point et al., 2012; SAWIA, 2004;
2006; IPCC, 2006; Smith et al., 2005; AGO, 2004; Table 1). Most Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a) and that CO2 derived from the pro-
of the latter sources are usually applied in programs of GHG ac- cesses of photosynthesis and must fermentation may be calculated
counting and policy support on different scales of product and but excluded from the balance. This is either because it is part of the
economic system. Therefore, they include a set of GHG emission short-term carbon cycle (e.g., CO2 from wine fermentation, emis-
factors that can be used to assess wine CF in combination and/or sions from combustion or breakdown of vine pruning, etc.) (Pattara
as alternative databases to traditional LCI frameworks, although et al., 2012) or because it is assumed to be equal to the amount of
this could imply reduction in the accuracy and representativeness CO2 released back into the atmosphere on account of the oxidation
of the inventoried inputs, as well as substantial discrepancies in of carbon contained in the pruning wastes and in the grapes (Neto
the final CF results. Whilst it is obviously difficult to evaluate the et al., 2013). Moreover, Bosco et al. (2011) explicitly excluded car-
extent to which CF is varying depending on the use of different bon emissions due to stalk degradation in soil on account of the
GHG inventory tools, some observations can be made. For difficulties in obtaining a specific spatial estimate without a sam-
example, it is worth noting that emissions from specific life cycle pling campaign or validated models. As a consequence, wine CF
processes such as lime and nitrogen application in viticulture soils, usually includes only fossil-based GHG sources, although the
when emission factors from the IPCC method are used, can greatly biogenic carbon issues (in particular with regard to carbon re-
influence the record of total wine CF (around 25% in Point et al., movals) have been recently taken up by CF guidelines such as the
2012, or around 50% in Neto et al., 2013). However, when only GHG Protocol Product Standard and PAS 2050 (see further in Sec-
ecoinventÒ is used, GHG emissions from these phases can show tion S3.6 of the SI).
lower relative contributions in comparison with the GHG emis-
sions generated by fossil fuel-based processes, although these are 3.8. CF uncertainty
clearly dependent on the inventoried input (Vázquez-Rowe et al.,
2013). Only a small group of studies analyzed here dealt with uncer-
The use of generic emission factors seems a reasonable way of tainty issues related to the accuracy of model parameters, by per-
estimating process CF at least to cover possible gaps in the LCI. forming sensitivity analyses and evaluating the significance of key
However, trusted emission factors, in particular estimating trans- inventory inputs, processes and emission factors used in wine LCA
portation emissions relative to total CF, can vary depending on (Bosco et al., 2011; Barry, 2011; Kavargiris et al., 2009;
sources and assumptions of the study, regional variability in fuels, Montedonico, 2005; Neto et al., 2013; Point et al., 2012; Venkat,
and regional variability in vehicles. Therefore, the use of these es- 2012; Soja et al., 2010; Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b). For instance,
timates for conclusive results is risky (Reich-Weiser et al., 2010). Bosco et al. (2011) performed a sensitivity analysis in order to
Similar conclusions can be drawn for the estimates of emissions for validate the robustness of the LCA model, by applying a 20% SD
fertilizers, where considerations are usually omitted about fertilizer factor to the main parameters affecting the CF (e.g. electricity for
application timing, soil characteristics, and climatic conditions at vinification, bottle weight, fuel consumption for field operation,
the time of application, all of which could be important factors for a fertilizer in production, etc.), and a 70% SD factor to the N2O
more detailed analysis of a vineyard’s nutrient flow dynamics emissions according to the uncertainty values reported in the IPCC
(Point et al., 2012; Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2013). methodology (IPCC, 2006). They found that the most sensitive
B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77 71
parameters affecting CF were the harvest yield (potential change in (Barry, 2011). Nevertheless, future research addressing CF evalua-
CF between 3 and 8%) and the glass bottle weight (potential change tion should definitely consider a larger scope including substitution
in CF between 6 and 10%) for the four wine brands analyzed, which scenarios, thus enhancing the value of results interpretation in the
ultimately allow to claim that the impact of the inputs per hectare is larger context of the agri-food and energy sectors (Vázquez-Rowe
affected by the yield obtained (Bosco et al., 2011). Similarly, et al., 2013). Broadening the scope of CF analysis by considering
Montedonico (2005) and Point et al. (2012) applied different sce- the causal relationships of the wine life cycle processes to other
narios of container substitution and observed that the use of lighter commodity supply-chains would provide winemakers with more
bottles could yield important environmental benefits, even greater robust information to take decisions about their materials supply
than those associated with the adoption of organic grape growing and savings. In addition, the reuse or recycling of wine co-products
practices. Moreover, Barry (2011) extended the sensitivity analysis should be thoroughly assessed to enhance the characterization of CF
to a wider number of life cycle issues, varying parameters, such as and consider positive and negative feedbacks to the wine product
frost events, field-based spray emissions, harvest yield or energy itself. By including those effects that may occur outside the system
efficiency in the winery. However, authors could also provide boundaries and affect other production systems, the C-LCA
variability and error estimations with greater margin of accuracy perspective could provide a source of results enrichment through
when the sample of available farms for data collection was the analysis of the consequences of changes in the levels of pro-
numerous (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b; Soja et al., 2010; Kavargiris duction (Ekvall and Weidema, 2004; Thomassen et al., 2008).
et al., 2009). A consequential approach applied to the wine sector would
Even though uncertainty analysis may add valuable information certainly allows enhancing the utility of LCA (including CF assess-
regarding the uncertainties in food product CFs (Röös et al., 2011), ments) by providing policy making activities with concrete profiles
to date uncertainty in wine CF has not been treated in depth. regarding the environmental consequences linked to future policy
Therefore, the need to strengthen research toward a standardiza- amendments.
tion action for an acceptable level of uncertainty analysis and
reporting in the carbon footprinting of wine should be tackled in 4.1.2. Labor inclusion in wine LCA
future studies. The contribution of human activities and in particular of Human
Labor (HL) to climate change is not usually included in LCA and CF
4. Discussion analyses (Rugani et al., 2012; Zhang and Dornfeld, 2007), despite
the fact that this phenomenon is directly and indirectly linked to
4.1. Open research issues in the environmental assessment of wine anthropogenic activities. In contrast, other environmental assess-
ment and embodied energy or exergy analysis methods (Fluck,
The study of wine CF is inherently linked to many other envi- 1992; Giampietro and Pimentel, 1990; Pimentel, 1993;
ronmental issues and management procedures as LCA has been Krausmann, 2004; Sciubba et al., 2008) do explicitly evaluate the
shown to provide contrasting information concerning a wide set of role of HL as a resource input and its intrinsic influence on the final
impact categories. In Section 4.1, we identify a number of useful production of specific goods or services. This is particularly true for
insights with a view to improving the evaluation of wine CF. agricultural systems (Loake, 2001; Guzmán and Alonso, 2008) and
viticulture in particular (Gabzdylova et al., 2009; Trioli and
4.1.1. The use of consequential LCA in the wine sector Hofmann, 2009; Delmas and Grant, 2008). In fact, the emergy
A-LCA applied to the wine sector is primarily aimed at attributing evaluation method (Odum, 1988) considers accounting for HL as an
part of the total environmental burden of the economy to the wine integral part of the human-dominated systems analysis. Within the
production processes, to allow companies to identify the ‘hot-spots’ emergy-oriented wine production analyses explored in this study,
or critical phases of the life cycle of wine and for communication the HL contribution to the total emergy of both organic and con-
purposes (Aranda et al., 2005; Benedetto, 2010; Vázquez-Rowe ventional systems is highly relevant (Pizzigallo et al., 2008; Rugani
et al., 2013). Therefore, A-LCA is of particular relevance when the et al., 2009). HL can fully support the wine production during the
aim of the wine firm is to reduce the CF of their product using entire life cycle, and in turn consume resources and release emis-
specific environmental strategies such as eco-labeling (Ardente sions. Based on this assumption, Rugani et al. (2012) determined
et al., 2006; CIV, 2008; Barry, 2011; Gonzales et al., 2006), mitiga- that 1 h of work can generate up to 0.4e0.5 kg CO2-eq through
tion of GHG emissions (Bosco et al., 2011), and, to a limited extent, hybridization between inputeoutput tables and LCI. The HL-based
eco-design for the delivery of more environmentally sound products CF component can provide information linked to the ‘indirect’ GHG
(Petti et al., 2006). However, a CF indicator based on an A-LCA emissions associated with the goods and services used by the
approach disregards possible consequences on the market and person to live (Rugani et al., 2012). As a first approximation, this
economic system engendered by large modifications in the wine contribution may line up to an additional 6% in the production of 1
production system, e.g. following an eco-design approach. The bottle of wine (see Table S5 in the SI), a score which is eventually
C-LCA approach was therefore proposed to evaluate the (direct and noteworthy to bear in mind for future CF assertions (see Section
indirect) environmental consequences generated by (large scale) S3.3 in the SI for further analysis on HL).
changes implemented on the production system, most often by
modeling the physical and market cause and effect chains origi- 4.1.3. Delving into the single-issue perspective of CF
nating from the decision to change the production system (Mason Narrowing the focus on CF, rather than performing an integrated
Earles and Anthony Halog, 2011; Weidema, 2003; Marvuglia et al., environmental assessment of a cluster of different indicators, may
2013). allow wine stakeholders to obtain straightforward solutions to
None of the studies analyzed explicitly identifies the materials or solve broad decisional questions in compliance with environmental
energy inputs in wine LCI which may indirectly affect the provision value improvement purposes. This is mainly due to the fact that
of commodities for other production systems, nor do they take into GHG emissions arise diffusely and massively throughout the most
account the possible marginal effects on the market of increasing relevant inputs of the wine life cycle system (e.g. energy and fuel
or decreasing wine production. Wineries can have a limited share consumptions, fertilizers production and application, land use and
of the total national wine production, so changes in their operations land use change, packaging products’ use and end-of-life, etc.). As a
would have limited to negligible consequences on the market matter of fact, CF may be perceived as the most significant indicator
72 B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77
to assess the environmental sustainability of wine, at least when information behind an environmental certificate. Comparing and
considering impacts that have a global scale perspective. reporting CF with indicators or techniques other than LCA can ul-
However, wine producers have to face economic, institutional timately i) support the identification of hidden critical aspects
and social risks, which can occur simultaneously and are not related to wine supply-chain, and ii) provide an added value to
commonly considered in climate change and viticulture assess- broaden the coverage of environmental as well as economic and
ments (Hadarits et al., 2010). Therefore, the possibility of relying on social issues related to the wine’s sustainability. However, in the
integrated sustainability analysis systems, such as the recently context of an environmental certification, the use of a single-issue
proposed Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA) framework indicator (i.e. CF) may aid in terms of interpretation. Accordingly,
(Guinée et al., 2011), can become a necessity (see Section S3.4 in recent surveys have revealed either the policy-decisional or
the SI). methodological strategy needs to assess the potential threat to
The natural step subsequent to the use of specific CF tools and regional and local water reservoirs (in terms of freshwater deple-
calculators is voluntary adaptation to ecolabeling standards. In this tion and pollution) due to the increase of wine production practices
respect, Mobius wine, from The New Zealand Wine Company in certain areas of the globe, such as New Zealand (Herath et al.,
(NZWC) e Mobius Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc e is highly repre- 2013) or Romania (Ene et al., 2013). Moreover, another issue that
sentative because it constitutes the first certified wine for the remains partially out of the wine CF scope, but of great environ-
Australian and New Zealand markets with a Carbon Reduction La- mental concern (Neto et al., 2013; Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012a,b;
bel, which is an easily recognizable on-pack tag for consumers to Ruggieri et al., 2009), is represented by the use of chemicals for
check whether the purchased wine is committed to reducing car- wine growing and making processes. However, not much attention
bon emissions according to PAS 2050 and the Carbon Trust Code of has been paid to this issue within the reviewed LCA studies, while
Good Practice (NZWC, 2010). Other environmental standards also the (eco)toxicological impacts related to the consumption of syn-
exist to enable wine companies to undertake voluntary processes of thetic chemicals in conventional wine productions may be signifi-
certification, such as the adoption of certified Environmental cant. For example, the spreading of fertilizers and the application of
Management System (EMS) or Environmental Product Declaration pesticides and fungicides containing different metal compounds
(EPD) (see Table 2), which include analysis of CO2 emissions while can lead to an increase in the amounts of these elements in soil,
broadening the scope of the impact assessment. For instance, the grapes and wine (Diaz et al., 2003; Fiket et al., 2011).
Italian company CIV&CIV pioneered on a worldwide scale when it The combined use of CF with other single-issue indicators that
obtained the first EPD and related Climate Declaration for its wine have largely different scope and claims seems to offer a better
Lambrusco Grasparossa doc Righi (CIV, 2008). In fact, wine com- platform for impacts’ depiction than the use of single-score
panies aligned with such or similar GHG reporting standards can methods (common practice in wine-LCAs, see Table 1), which
benefit notably from continuous CF monitoring and emission aggregate and weight multi-objective and multi-scale indicators in
reduction programs, improvements in the wine eco-profile and a way that typically does not rely on the system boundary re-
industrial efficiency and increases in the attractiveness for con- quirements of the wine product investigated, and, thus, may
sumers (Delmas and Grant, 2008; Hughey et al., 2005; Röös and hamper a meaningful and transparent interpretation of results. The
Tjärnemo, 2011). following section further explores the potentials to address multi-
Nevertheless, an in-depth survey reveals that CF may benefit criteria approaches related to CF in the sustainability analysis of
significantly from being placed alongside other indicators to un- wine.
cover issues that would be missed by focusing on GHGs alone. In
fact, some studies (Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b) have not only 4.2. Consequences of using CF as an extended indicator
demonstrated the benefits of expanding on the environmental di-
mensions that are included from a life-cycle perspective, but have The information gathered in the previous sections broadened
also shown that the interpretation of results and discussion of the discussion on the market and consumption effects of applying
environmental assessment studies in the wine sector may benefit the CF indicator in the wine sector. The choice of a wine-making
from applying integrated methodologies, in which CF or LCA are organization of introducing a CF reporting system does not lack
combined with external tools (e.g. Geographic Information Systems certain consequences. While the ‘internal’ benefits and limitations
e GIS) with the objective of enhancing a specific research question. of this introduction have been researched before, analyzing the
A common practice to allow mutual assertions and scope benefits ‘external’ impacts associated with the adoption of CF reduction
for CF reporting is to combine LCA with other methodological ap- actions at the level of single wineries or extended consortiums
proaches (Table 1), such as Emergy (to enhance ecosystem services’ remains an open issue. This brings up the question of the effects
biophysical evaluation; Pizzigallo et al., 2008; Rugani et al., 2009; emerging upstream and downstream the supply chain due to
Neri et al., 2012), Data Envelopment Analysis-DEA (to identify wine innovative actions achieved to improve the wine sustainability
production operational efficiencies, see Section S3.5 in the SI; profile, with the aim of reflecting the criticality and necessary ad-
Vázquez-Rowe et al., 2012b), lab experiments and benefit-cost es- justments the winery system will have to face for reorganizing the
timations (Ruggieri et al., 2009), the use of key performance in- process under a life cycle thinking perspective (on both a global and
dicators such as management systems, environmental investment local scale). The focus here is on the following areas of observation:
costs, amount of wastes or water consumption, or biodiversity market supply, demand and instruments.
areas (SAWIA, 2004), and the analysis of trade-offs between envi-
ronmental benefits in the wine supply chain and the consumer 4.2.1. The market supply
perceptions of wine product value (Soosay et al., 2012). Other This market supply component specifically refers to the modi-
strategies, such as Product-Oriented Environmental Management fication of the intra- and extra-supply chain interrelation mecha-
Systems (POEMS), aim at individualizing the ‘hot spots’ of the nisms that appear with the winery and which underpinned a CF
production chain across the entire wine life cycle, to foster dialog improvement oriented strategy. To present the idea, it is useful to
among stakeholders, while implementing efficient improvement start from the classical Supply Chain-LCA scheme, which is directly
strategies (Ardente et al., 2006). In these cases, the strength of using superimposable to the representation of winery chain à la Malassis
not only one single indicator, but a larger range of metrics is un- defined in agri-food economics (Malassis and Ghersi, 1995). The
challenged and adds several advantages to the consistency of chain is a series of technological productions, inter-dependent but
B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77 73
vertically distinct and separate, exchanging raw materials and remains an open question whether the system boundaries behind
finished products to satisfy the food needs of the population in a the CF number on the label must include the total GHG emissions of
given place and given time (Christopher, 1998). In wine economics, the wine life cycle, only the direct gate-to-gate emissions, or a
the different steps in the supply chain are not always managed by combination of the two. Even informed consumers will find it hard
different actors. Accordingly, two situations may be described: i) to interpret the meaning of that number. The reason for this
the wine integrated enterprise, which manages all the production misunderstanding should probably be examined given that there
phases from the grape-growing to the distribution of wine and are several different tools which are used for defining the CF of
disposal of industrial waste, and ii) the single wine-producing wine. In fact, the problem of information overload may also add
company, which is the integral part of a larger system of com- dysfunctional consequences in consumer behavior, due to the dif-
panies that, together, manage one or more production phases (e.g. ficulty a person may have in interpreting issues and thus making
viticulture, winemaking, wine sales, etc.). choices when faced with ‘too much’ information (Jacoby, 1984). A
In the former case, the implementation of LCA may lead to an desirable scenario would be to standardize a unique wine CF
extensive involvement of all the company’s functions and, in the calculation method and labeling form, which should be
best scenario, to a change in the company’s philosophy toward internationally-scaled to meet the purposes of a globalized wine-
sustainability (e.g., reduction of synthetic fertilizer use, efficiency market demand, allowing consumers worldwide to perform
enhancement in irrigation and pesticide spreading, etc.). This conscious purchases.
virtuous process may have positive external feedback in terms of In connection with this discussion, the recent resolution of OIV
better selection of suppliers and customers (e.g., air companies that (Organisation Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin) concerning GHG
ship only ‘eco-friendly’ wines). Therefore, the enterprise can pro- accounting for the vine and wine sector (OIV, 2011) is clearly
vide backward and forward modifications in market relationships, addressed to unifying the CF calculation procedures defined by
soliciting a shakedown of the system and a demand for alternative several international standardization methods (e.g. ISO 14040, ISO
solutions. This case matches the on-going situation with the pro- 14064, IWCC; see Table 2) in one common and consensual protocol.
duction of lighter glass bottles, or the retail of bulk wine that is This international effort is claimed to encompass the most critical
bottled only at the destination market, allowing a reduction in aspects behind the CF accounting and reporting, distinguishing
transport costs and environmental burdens (see e.g. WRAP, 2007). between enterprise- and product-oriented protocols and
In the latter case, the production of inputs such as manure, embracing issues which have been only rarely included in tradi-
pesticides or glass, and the associated emissions remain out of the tional CF analyses (e.g. short and long-term biogenic carbon
enterprise’s control. The introduction of a system of emissions’ assessment, emissions arising from land use change, use of biomass
allocation (i.e. system of GHGs responsibility assignment) may and biofuels, oak barrels etc.; see Section 3).
contribute to a better distribution of responsibilities among the
supply chain’s actors which may also improve transparency 4.2.3. Market instruments for wine carbon footprinting
(Bastianoni et al., 2004; Röös and Tjärnemo, 2011). Regardless of the As pointed out in Section 4.2.1, the most challenging issue is to
position along the supply chain covered by the wine production find solutions to assign responsibilities throughout the phases
system, the assignation of individual responsibilities for GHG coming after the company’s gate, e.g. a company that produces
emissions may also contribute to the distrust of many wine firms, grapes but does not manage their distribution and further wine-
and even category associations, of adhering to GHG emission making process. In that case, the meaning of a possible CF value
reduction protocols or carbon footprinting (Gadema and reported on the final wine bottle’s label, albeit highly accurate, can
Oglethorpe, 2011) (refer to Section 4.2.3 for further discussion on be misleading and not transparent because it misses identification
this concept). of upstream responsibilities and includes confusing information.
Such a problem could be overcome by introducing a voluntary
4.2.2. Market demand procedure of supply chain and product traceability (Banterle and
Regarding consumption demand, there are numerous economic Stranieri, 2008; Dani and Deep, 2010; Sanfiel-Fumero et al., 2012)
implications deriving from the introduction of a CF label, including for the wine product carbon footprinting, which may foresee the
the consumer interpretation capacity and the related purchase management of GHG emissions’ information throughout the life
decision model when a variation in the qualitative characteristics of cycle steps of wine production and consumption. A traceability
the product occurs. Indeed, reporting GHG emission levels may procedure of product quality is already internationally envisaged,
entail an element of quality differentiation among the wines sold, for example by the standard ISO 22005:2007 (ISO, 2007). Moreover,
transforming quality attributes from a credence (i.e., food qualities several chemometric methods already exist and are internationally
which are invisible to the consumer both before and after the adopted for the authentication of wine quality and samples control
purchase; Grunert, 2002) to a search (i.e., dimensions whose quality (Arvanitoyannis et al., 1999; Reid et al., 2006). Therefore, the
can be ascertained by the buyer at the time of purchase; Grunert, introduction of a CF traceability system would definitely enable
2002) (Darby and Karni, 1973). This would offer a beneficial judg- transferring consistent and comprehensive information to the final
ment factor to reduce the time of wine selection by consumers consumer, and also facilitate the development of systems that
careful to maximize their own utility function but also the com- wine-management organizations and public institutions can use to
munity’s welfare. Hence, it would be of interest to evaluate the monitor carbon trades in the wine market.
willingness to pay for wines that, through ‘eco-sustainable’ label- An effective instrument to allow such a traceability system could
ing, communicate the commitment of the appellation or winery to be a Product Category Rule (PCR) for wine, created with support
safeguarding their environmental impact and show sensibility to from industry representatives, LCA experts, and third parties.1 PCRs
environmental sustainability issues. are defined in ISO 14025 as the necessary framework to outline
One of the conditions for effective eco-labels is that customers
should be willing to pay a price premium that may help defray the
higher cost of improved environmental management practices 1
The reference refers particularly to the recent PCR guidance development
(Delmas and Grant, 2008). Thereafter, criticality may arise from initiative ( and to the available documentation pro-
communication aspects between the enterprise and the consumer vided by the PCR committee of the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment
when dealing with responsibility as issued before. In other words, it (ACLCA) (
74 B. Rugani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 61e77
specific rules for products serving the same function, providing a enterprise communications (internal and external), it seems less
harmonized methodology and greater transparency (ISO, 2006c). useful to evaluate strategies and take decisions at macro scale.
However, PCRs may also be used for multiple purposes beyond the Finally, from a market supply and demand perspective, future
strict form of EPD proposed in the standard, e.g., consumer labeling, standardization developments in wine CF will start to provide
general guidance to business to aid uptake, etc. (Subramanian et al., feedback on the success or failure of eco-labeling dissemination
2012). They refer to product category-specific rules that govern strategies and how their implementation will influence consumer
quantitative assessment of products for all other environmental behavior and patterns.
claims that are life-cycle based and primarily quantitative,
including product CF claims or other quantitative product sus- Appendix A. Supplementary data
tainability claims or indices (Ingwersen and Stevenson, 2012). PCRs
are linked to labeling programs; therefore, auditing and verification Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
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