Energy For Sustainable Development: Ann C. Wilkie, Scott J. Edmundson, James G. Duncan
Energy For Sustainable Development: Ann C. Wilkie, Scott J. Edmundson, James G. Duncan
Energy For Sustainable Development: Ann C. Wilkie, Scott J. Edmundson, James G. Duncan
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Photosynthetic algae represent a large and diverse group of organisms that have only a limited history of
Received 7 June 2011 characterization and exploitation. The application of resource production from algae is relatively untapped,
Accepted 26 July 2011 with the potential to produce fuels, food, fibers and nutraceuticals on a large scale. Methods to screen for
Available online 5 October 2011
indigenous species of algae have improved and can allow communities to prospect for algae suited to regional
needs. When cultured locally, indigenous algae are adapted to the prevailing regional abiotic and biotic
Algal biodiversity
factors. Native algae commonly inhabit local waste resources and pose no risk of becoming noxious invasives.
Biofuel Methods for culturing algae can utilize anthropogenic waste resources including wastewater nutrients and
Algal lipid CO2 from fossil fuel combustion. While genetic engineering may have a role in helping future algae production
Sustainability succeed, the majority of algae species have yet to be identified or characterized and the genetic diversity of
Microalgae these unknown species may offer significant but currently unknown benefits for bioresource production.
Macroalgae Recalcitrant problems of culture stability, biomass density, harvesting, and product refining may be overcome
by exploring native biological material. Selecting indigenous algae with intrinsic characteristics amenable to
bioresource production and waste mitigation – phycoprospecting – is the most sustainable path forward for
widespread algae-based bioresource development. Our recent efforts in phycoprospecting of local habitats
revealed a diversity of algae with significant lipid content.
© 2011 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Nature's culture collection traditional agricultural crops upon which world populations are reliant.
Algae are a diverse polyphyletic group of organisms lumped together
Algae are ubiquitous and have been evolving on Earth for billions largely for the sake of convenience. The richness of algal species is spread
of years. They are the primary producers for the majority of life on the across evolutionary lineages, with organisms more distantly related than
planet. Exploring this existing, self-maintaining, and vast collection the fungi are to man (Fig. 1). Many of the algae remain unknown to
offers a rich base for global biotechnological innovation and science, giving logical heed to explore this realm for potential application.
application. Native organisms have long been naturally selected to To further illustrate this point, only 15 of the currently known microalgal
their local regions. Local species are a priori adapted to the prevailing species are cultivated in some applied form for use in nutraceuticals,
regional abiotic and biotic factors, and thus are evolutionarily primed cosmetics, aquaculture feeds, or for wastewater treatment (Raja et al.,
for local bioresource production. They commonly inhabit local waste 2008). Of these ‘domesticated’ algae, only a few species are cultivated at
resources and pose no risk of becoming noxious invasives. Further- substantial levels, which are themselves trivial when compared to the
more, local algae provide an ideal platform for additional strain annual global production of maize and soya (World Agricultural Supply
development and optimization. Exploring this biota offers a diverse and Demand Estimates 2010) (Table 1). Furthermore, the estimated
base of organisms naturally engineered to regions that have needs for number of unknown species for all clades of algae is projected to be two
waste treatment and bioresource production, facilitating develop- orders of magnitude greater than those currently known (Andersen,
ment of regionally-based algal agriculture. 1992; Norton et al., 1996). In order to propel algal biotechnological
As the conceptual framework of this agricultural industry matures, it is applications to an agronomically significant, sustainable and robust level
increasingly apparent that the critical factor in its profusion lies in of bioresource generation, regional phycological flora should be
understanding how to adapt the technology to suit the biology. investigated for potential adaptation to industrial-scale cultivation.
Harnessing algae for societal energy and bioresource production is still Phycoprospecting is advocated as a means to explore the regional biota
in its nascent stages and suffers most from a general lack of application, as for their inherent phycological resource potential.
opposed to centuries of cultivation and selection experience for the
Phycological potential
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 352 392 8699; fax: + 1 352 392 7008. Photosynthetic algae have exceptional potential for remediating
E-mail address: (A.C. Wilkie). waste resources and transforming solar energy into vital carbon-based
0973-0826/$ – see front matter © 2011 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
366 A.C. Wilkie et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 15 (2011) 365–371
Other Divisions of
2,800 spp.
Land Plants Animalia
Chlorophyta Fungi
34 000-124 000 spp.
34,000-124,000 spp
Plantae Chromalveolata ~20 spp.
Rhodophyta Haptophyta
p p y 2,000
, spp.
5,500-20,000 spp. Cryptophyta 1,200 spp.
Glaucophyta Stramenopiles 110,000-10,000,000 spp.
50 spp. Pyrrophyta 3,500-11,000 spp.
Amoebozoa Euglenophyta
~ 2,000 spp.
Fig. 1. The diversity of algae. Algae are a polyphyletic group of organisms only grouped together for convenience. Within each algal division, an estimate of the total number of species is given.
Other organisms are placed on the diagram to give a sense of the broad diversity of the algae within the tree of life. Adapted from Delsuc et al. (2005), with estimates from Norton et al. (1996).
resources. The possibilities for producing bioresources such as foods, aquifers, wastewaters, and oceans for bioresource production. Frequent
fibers, feeds, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and fuels via algae are vast, and harvesting of exponentially dividing cells sets algae apart from other
depend primarily on: 1) the species of algae cultivated, 2) the method of crops by allowing a smaller physical and ecological footprint to provide
cultivation, and 3) product demand. Algae with high photosynthetic for large-scale bioresource needs. Algae have a potent, underutilized
productivities would make ideal biofuel producers and offer compelling application in remediating anthropogenic wastes. Utilizing waste
advantages over fossil resources, food-based energy crops, and even resources simultaneously abates environmental burdens and sub-
physical renewable energy sources. Algal cultivation, when compared stitutes for synthetic nutrients in the algal culturing medium (Lincoln
with food or dedicated bioenergy crops, is not restricted to arable land or et al., 1996; Wilkie and Mulbry, 2002). Identifying optimal organisms
potable water, allowing the creative use of marginal lands, saline that will serve as future algal crops is a ‘work in progress’ in the
Table 1
Annual microalgal production in comparison to major terrestrial crops.
Spirulina Cyanophyta (cyanobacteria) 3000 tonnes dry weight China, India, USA, Myanmar, Japan Human nutrition
Animal nutrition
Chlorella Chlorophyta (green algae) 2000 tonnes dry weight Taiwan, Germany, Japan Human nutrition
Dunaliella salina Chlorophyta (green algae) 1200 tonnes dry weight Australia, Israel, USA, China Human nutrition
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Cyanophyta (cyanobacteria) 500 tonnes dry weight USA Human nutrition
Haematococcus pluvialis Chlorophyta (green algae) 300 tonnes dry weight USA, India, Israel Aquaculture
Crypthecodinium cohnii Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates) 240 tonnes DHA oil USA Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) oil
Schizochytrium spp. Labyrinthista 10 tonnes DHA oil USA Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) oil
Zea mays (Maize) Magnoliophyta (flowering plants) 798 × 106 tonnes dry weight Global Production Human nutrition
Animal nutrition
Glycine max (Soya) Magnoliophyta (flowering plants) 212 × 106 tonnes dry weight Global Production Human nutrition
Animal nutrition
Adapted from Spolaore et al. (2006).
World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (2010).
A.C. Wilkie et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 15 (2011) 365–371 367
application of this promising biotechnology. Selecting indigenous algae microalgal-derived aquaculture feeds (Muller-Fuega, 2000). The
with intrinsic characteristics suitable for both bioresource production aquaculture industry now cultivates several major genera for the
and waste mitigation is the most sustainable path forward for production of primary and supplemental aquacultural feeds (e.g.
widespread algae-based bioresource development. Isochrysis, Tetraselmis, Thalassiosira, Pavlova, and Skeletonema). The
combined global production of algal biomass cultivated for aquacul-
Cultivation for resource production ture feed has been estimated at 1000 t dry weight annually
(Borowitzka, 1997; Muller-Fuega, 2004). However, this annual
With appropriate biological and technological innovations, renewable production amount falls short of the total need of aquaculture itself,
resources can be produced from algae without compromising agricultural as evidenced by the continued and increasing reliance on terrestrial
land and freshwater resources, or promoting land degradation. A crops for the production of aquaculture feeds (Naylor et al., 2009).
technology of this robust nature is equally applicable in developing and Modern mass cultivation techniques are currently in a period of
developed nations. Modern algal culture can be tailored to meet regional rapid development with a plethora of novel ideas almost as diverse as
needs or deficiencies, providing the raw feedstocks for bioresource the algae themselves. Large-scale commercial cultivation is, however,
processing. Many species produce high-quality proteins, essential fatty limited to only a few species (Table 1). Each of these commercially
acids, or vitamins that can supplement local dietary needs. Indeed, the produced algae is typically cultivated using techniques adapted to the
original phycoprospectors were the Aztecs of Lake Texcoco and the specific organism of interest. Thus, only a few cultivation systems are
Chinese, who harvested naturally prolific cultures of Spirulina and Nostoc, commonly used on a commercial scale: the classic raceway and
respectively. These local algae were presumably cultivated and eaten to paddlewheel (Spirulina), center-pivot ponds (Chlorella), shallow brine
provide a supplemental protein source. ponds (Dunaliella salina), enclosed tubular reactors (Haematococcus
Algae make up the majority of the trophic base for aquatic pluvialis), and enclosed heterotrophic fermentation (Crypthecodinium
ecosystems. As such, techniques developed within the aquaculture cohnii and Schizochytrium spp.). Regional algae farming may need to
industry have become the foundation of many algal isolation and adapt existing techniques or employ new approaches for the
cultivation techniques. Cultivated phytoplankton supply primary cultivation of local phycoprospects.
nutrition to nursery-reared larval fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and The cultivation of marine macroalgae is also a significant industry
zooplankton. Nutritional qualities of many algae have been investi- (Lüning and Pang, 2003). Marine macroalgae are cultivated for the
gated for application to aquaculture. Early work in algal isolation and production of high-value foods and functional polysaccharides (e.g.
cultivation methods established the cultivation of unialgal and axenic carrageenan and alginate). Macro and microalgae are botanically
cultures (Allen and Nelson, 1910). Unialgal cultures are often distinguished by: 1) the size of the organism, and 2) the presence of
combined to provide the optimal levels of proteins, essential fatty differentiated tissues. To illustrate, kelps are macroalgae that have
acids, vitamins, and mineral content in aquaculture feeds. The fronds and rhizoids, analogous to the leaves and roots of terrestrial
difficulty and cost associated with cultivating large volumes of vascular plants. In terms of bioresource production, macro and
unialgal and axenic microalgal cultures presages the high value of microalgae are distinguished by the radically different methods
Fig. 2. The algae-based bioresource cycle. Algae with favorable characteristics are sourced and cultivated from the regional flora, resulting in algal biomass which can then be
processed in an algae-based biorefinery into consumable products. Sunlight drives the synthesis of algal cells using carbon dioxide and nutrients from local sources. Carbonaceous
residuals from processing and consumption can be recycled through anaerobic digestion, producing energy and remineralizing elements required for algal culture operations.
368 A.C. Wilkie et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 15 (2011) 365–371
applied in their cultivation and harvesting. Macroalgae typically need Darzins, 2009; Posten and Schaub, 2009) and popular consciousness.
a substratum on which to attach and grow, whereas microalgae are The recognized need for fossil fuel replacements is undoubtedly the
typically cultivated in suspension. The large thalli (fronds) of the driving force behind this surge of interest in algae-based fuels, such as
macroalgae make harvesting relatively simple and less energy biodiesel, biogas, and hydrogen. The U.S. government has recently
intensive when compared to the centrifugation methods commonly endorsed (EPA, 2010) and invested (DOE, 2010) in algal fuel
used in harvesting microalgae. However, marine macroalgae are technologies. Local algal culturing operations could provide the
commonly devoid of large lipid deposits, instead storing energy in opportunity to displace fossil fuel consumption, reducing dependence
various starches. The application of these organisms for biofuel on nonrenewable resources and oil imported from politically volatile
production relies on the fermentation of starches to alcohol, sources. Regional algal bioresource generation supports community
hydrogen, or methane, which are less valuable than the starches stability and provides secondary benefits (protein and fiber) not
themselves. Discovering macroalgae with the potential to store large available when petroleum products are used. The U.N. has recently
amounts of photosynthetic energy as lipids would significantly reduce released a document exploring the potential of algae-based biofuels
the cost of harvesting and drying algal biomass. Phycoprospecting and possible co-products to provide resources for developing nations
promotes the discovery of such novel organisms, which may define (van Iersel et al., 2009). Bioresource production via algae is already
the preferred regional methods of algal cultivation. technically feasible in the laboratory and at a larger scale in the
nutraceutical market, for example Spirulina production as a health
Algae-based bioresource cycle food product. However, recent critical analysis (van Beilen, 2010)
shows that the current state of large-scale algal production has a poor
Algal bioresource generation can be integrated with human energy balance and needs both technical and biological break-
communities to form a sustainable permaculture ecosystem, or an throughs to achieve successful application on a globally significant
algae-based bioresource cycle. As shown in Fig. 2, local species of algae scale.
are sourced and investigated from ‘Nature's culture collection’ for
bioresource production. Algal farmers can utilize locally available Selecting optimal algae
waste resources (wastewaters, CO2, and heat) to cultivate desired
native algae for biomass feedstock production, which can then be Phycoprospecting of indigenous species has advantages over other
harvested and regionally processed at an algae-based biorefinery into methods of sourcing algae from type culture collections and from
consumable products. Algal cultivation systems integrated with algae- genetically engineered organisms (Table 2). Screening native algae for
based biorefineries can yield a diversity of bioresources (biodiesel, species with desirable traits gives a robust biological platform for
green gasoline, biojet fuel, isolated proteins, food starches, textiles, bioresource production. This biological platform comes equipped with
organic fertilizers, etc.), which mitigate the cost of biofuel production. millions of years of adaptation to the local climate and biota, meaning
For example, the alga could be an indigenous variety of Chlorella that less energy expended on methods of environmental control and sterile
is grown on local nutrients from municipal wastewater treatment techniques. Through optimization efforts of breeding, selected native
plant effluent and captures CO2 from nearby sources such as the strains may yield superior organisms for bioresource production.
combustion of coal/oil/natural gas, fermentation and industrial Additionally, in the mass production of bioresources, unialgal cultures
facilities, cement plants, landfill gas, or biogas from anaerobic may not be advantageous. The cost of maintaining unialgal or axenic
digestion. This alga might produce lipids, proteins or starches that status may easily outstrip the value of the product, especially for low-
could be processed into biodiesel, nutritional supplements, and food value commodities. In addition to screening individual algae, algal
products. The organic residuals produced during processing and after polycultures and their symbiotic interactions may lead to stable and
consumption can be anaerobically digested to produce biogas productive “algal agro-ecologies”. A sustainable ecological production
(methane and CO2) and solubilized mineral nutrients. The CO2 and system would imitate a mature forest ecosystem with steady-state
the nutrients can be reused directly by the algal culture, avoiding the productivity and several dominant species. A polyculture with one or
costs associated with supplying these external inputs. In addition to more dominant species may also have an advantage if the species
community use as a renewable fuel, the methane can provide energy produce different compounds of interest. A hypothetical polyculture
for on-site processing, including harvesting, drying, heating, or mixing might contain a native species of Chlorella, high in lipids, and a species of
the algal culture. Euglena, high in astaxanthin esters. The simultaneous processing of the
Utilizing the energy, nutrients and CO2 held within residual waste algal biomass containing the two organisms would give lipids for biofuel
materials to provide all necessary inputs except for sunlight, the production as well as a high-value compound (astaxanthin) to mitigate
cultivation of algae becomes a closed-loop engineered ecosystem. the cost of the operation. The use of polycultures is being widely
Developing this biotechnology is a tangible step towards a waste-free encouraged in sustainable agricultural practices, where it is commonly
sustainable society. For example, the Israeli company Seambiotic referred to as intercropping. Such a technique encourages natural pest
( is currently cultivating marine algae by management, pollination, and crop stability. Similar benefits may be
utilizing waste CO2 contained in the flue gas from a coal-burning realized in the cultivation of algae, yet the current understanding of
power station located on the coast in Ashkelon, Israel. Seawater used organism-level interactions is limited and the optimization of poly-
in cooling the power plant is recycled as the culture medium for the culture dynamics is certainly in need of further research.
algae. Another example of co-location synergy is provided by the New Specific criteria of selection for the production of biofuels from
Zealand company AquaFlow ( which is indigenous algae should include biomass productivity, lipid productiv-
cultivating wild algae on municipal wastewaters. In the latter case, ity, harvestability of the organism, and oil extractability. Phycoprospect-
naturally occurring algae are harvested and converted to “Green ing may improve the efficiency of lipid extraction by yielding organisms
Crude™”, which is then refined to produce various bioresources. with traits amenable to oil recovery. Many algal species lack cell walls,
These are examples of sustainable algae-based bioresource cycles in greatly simplifying efficient solvent extraction or cell fractionation.
development. Some algae excrete extracellular lipids (e.g. Botyrococcus and some
zooxanthellae), which are much easier to recover. Some algae may also
Fuels from flora be tolerant of certain solvents and allow the extraction of oil from live
cells without cell destruction. Huerlimann et al. (2010) investigated
Biofuels from algae have attracted a revitalized attention world- several marine microalgae in terms of biomass and lipid productivity on
wide in both the scientific (Chisti, 2007; Hu et al. 2008; Pienkos and a volumetric basis in different growth media. Such evaluation is needed
A.C. Wilkie et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 15 (2011) 365–371 369
Table 2
Advantages and disadvantages of methods for sourcing algae.
Genetic engineering Possibility of increased lipid productivity Limited genomic data for algal species
Production of high-value compounds Unadapted to local climates and outdoor cultivation
May simplify harvesting by excretion of lipids or high-value compounds High cost of development and containment
Modification of traits to increase productivity Negative public perception
Risk of genetic transfer
May invade local ecosystems
for utilization of native organisms and local anthropogenic wastes. other characteristics such as valuable constituents (i.e. carotenoids, poly-
Additional considerations include the evaluation of waste toxicity on unsaturated fatty acids, functional proteins or starches, etc.), rapid
indigenous algae as well as the effectiveness of waste remediation by the biomass production, and specific wastewater or combustion-gas
algae. Thorough investigations of local species for the dual purpose of tolerances will be determined primarily by the local anthropogenic
waste remediation and bioresource production are limited. Phycopros- industries and the indigenous algae. Natural selective pressures from
pecting encourages investigators and future algal farmers to explore, human industry on native algae yield organisms primed for waste
examine, and evaluate their own local culture collections. remediation within the local context.
Modern methods for screening algae are being adapted from the Microalgae are currently cultivated for such high-value compounds as
high-throughput methods developed in the medical and materials astaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein, etc. Selection of algae for high-value
sciences. These include fluorescent and infrared analyses using data secondary metabolites has the potential to defray the economic burden of
acquisition instruments such as 96-well plate readers and flow algal mass cultivation, specifically for biofuels. As an example, we have
cytometers (Chen et al., 2009; Dean et al., 2010; Mendoza et al., 2008). phycoprospected a native species of Euglena cf. sanguinea (Fig. 3), which
Fluorescent lipid stains, such as Nile Red (9-diethylamino-5H-benzo has abundant levels of carotenoids (presumably astaxanthin esters) and
[α]phenoxazine-5-one) and BODIPY 505/515 (4,4-difluoro-1,3,5,7- large paramylon carbohydrate deposits. This organism was found
tetramethyl-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene), as well as the starch growing in a pond highly enriched from agricultural run-off.
stain Safranin O, highlight desirable metabolites and can give a rapid
characterization of the subject alga (Cooper et al., 2010; Dean et al.,
2010; Huang et al., 2009). With these techniques, portable micro-
scopes and fluorometers can be taken to the field for in-situ analyses
of standing algal biomass. Alternatively, infrared analysis, which does
not depend on stain application but rather detects specific molecular
absorption bands to give approximate concentrations, can be used for
the detection of many metabolites (e.g. lipids, starches, and proteins).
This method has recently been applied to detecting changes in algal
cell composition during nitrogen starvation (Dean et al., 2010).
A recent review by Mutanda et al. (2011) discusses some of the
many different screening methods in detail. These rapid techniques
are substantial improvements over traditional analytical methods,
which are time consuming and require pure biomass that may not be
readily available in the exploration stage of indigenous flora sampling.
Applying these modern techniques for rapid algal analysis gives the
phycoprospector advanced tools for screening the indigenous algal
diversity of any particular region. Local algae are naturally adapted to
local conditions and given their diversity may provide the biological
breakthroughs needed to advance the successful development of
algae-based bioresources. Further, CO2 and waste nutrient resources
are available from electric power and wastewater treatment plants –
locations with impacted ecosystems containing indigenous species that
may be suitable for mass culture utilizing these resources.
Depending on the criteria of selection, a range of useful materials can Fig. 3. Indigenous alga with high-value compounds. Euglena cf. sanguinea collected from
a pond enriched by agricultural run-off. The photo, taken under brightfield
be produced from indigenous algal biomass. If the selected organisms are
transmission illumination, shows distinct regions of red carotenoids (presumably
oleaginous, algal lipids can be used to produce non-toxic, biodegradable, astaxanthin esters), green photosynthetic chlorophyll, and clear paramylon carbohy-
and potentially carbon-neutral petrochemical alternatives. Selection for drate granules (storage material).
370 A.C. Wilkie et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 15 (2011) 365–371
In contrast, recent publications on selecting algae for biofuel variations in aquatic and soil ecosystems, and can easily spread through
production propose the use of ‘type’ strains obtained from culture abiotic (wind and rain) and biotic means. The escape and spread of GE
collections (Rodolfi et al., 2009; Song et al., 2008). While such cultures algae represents an unknown risk and may pose ecological as well as
may have uniform laboratory appeal, they present major challenges to public concerns for natural and commercial waterways, depending on
agricultural-scale application. Organisms transferred to new locales often the nature of the genetic modification chosen. Like bacteria and yeast,
fail to prosper as they are unadapted to climatic or aquatic conditions, or both eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria have high generation rates and
are overwhelmed by competition, predation, and parasitic/pathogenic consequently have the potential to increase the extent of the genetic
interactions with the native biota. Often indigenous algae, which have not pool with an engineered trait through both genetic transfer and genetic
been selected for advantageous traits, will out-compete the desired algae adaptation. This means that the genetic manipulation of algae to
in open systems (Sheehan et al., 1998). On the other hand, transferred increase herbicide resistance, for example, is unlikely to have long-term
organisms that do thrive in open conditions may pose an unknown sustainable benefits, as indigenous species have a high probability of
exotic-invasive risk to public waterways and aquatic ecosystems. Type rapidly acquiring this resistance. The containment of GE algae, like
strains in closed systems (i.e. photobioreactors) need prohibitive inputs of containment requirements for other GE microorganisms, would
energy ad infinitum to maintain their foreign growing conditions and demand using an enclosed bioreactor system. However, cultivating GE
exclude native organisms. Further, type strains would require sterilized algae for biofuel production would require significant production areas
wastewater to eliminate indigenous species. Such intensive pretreatment and an escape of GE cells and cellular materials would be inevitable.
would nullify the economic and environmental advantages afforded by While advances in this field will undoubtedly provide key
utilizing wastewater in the first place. Type strains may be useful for scientific insights, GE algae are not a proven necessity for the
understanding the dynamic interactions of algae and their environments production of algae-based bioresources and the threat of escaped
in repeatable laboratory studies but, due to abiotic and biotic pressures, GE algae is an unexamined and potentially significant risk. If the GE
will likely be impractical for waste treatment or bioresource generation algae path is chosen and applied on a mass scale for biofuel
on a globally significant scale. production, the economic burden of containment and the threat of
The use of genetically engineered (GE) organisms is repeatedly environmental impacts may severely limit widespread adoption of
proffered as a panacea for the growing pains of algae-based fuels (Beer et the technology. Public concern over GE organisms, especially
al., 2009; Rodolfi et al., 2009; Rosenberg et al., 2008). Genetically tailoring organisms associated with environmental and health calamities (e.g.
algae as a means to increase desired end-product partitioning, herbicide harmful algal blooms), may further suppress the full potential of the
resistance, light tolerance, oxidation tolerance, or end-product secretion technology. Finally, the genetic diversity of algae that have yet to be
is extolled as the end-all solution for industrial-scale fuel production. explored suggests that genetic manipulation of algae may be
While of great intellectual and scientific value, research into GE algae may premature since a wealth of genetic information has yet to be
be severely limited in terms of practical large-scale bioresource revealed in the many unknown species that await characterization.
production except for the production of high-value pharmaceuticals in Genetic engineering tools may, however, be useful in phycoprospect-
closed photobioreactors. Commercial success has been limited despite ing to test wild strains for known genetic traits that are likely to
decades of effort and significant research and development invested. enhance bioresource production. As an example, molecular probes for
High-lipid algae, modified and grown in laboratory conditions, are ATP:citrate lyase (ACL) genes in a well-characterized species such as
notoriously difficult to successfully transfer into mass-culture systems. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii could be used to test prospected cultures
This is accompanied by the persistent challenge of simultaneously for this trait. No oil-accumulating microorganism has yet been
growing a sufficient quantity of biomass and maintaining high lipid reported that does not have ACL activity (Ratledge, 2004).
productivity, goals which the literature suggests are mutually exclusive
(Roessler, 1990; Sheehan et al., 1998; Shifrin and Chisholm, 1981) and Phycoprospecting results
which may prove improbable to simply engineer in practice.
Even if successful, several challenges to implementing the practical To demonstrate that phycoprospecting of indigenous algae has a
cultivation of GE algae arise. Algae are naturally adaptable to wide reasonable chance of success, we phycoprospected various local
Fig. 4. Diversity of lipid-rich indigenous algae. Algae stained with Nile Red and photographed under epi-fluorescent illumination. Yellow coloration indicates stained lipid bodies and red
coloration shows chlorophyll auto-fluorescence. (A) Fragilaria sp. from a riverine system adjacent to a major highway. (B) Unidentified chlorophyte collected from agricultural soils. (C) Chlorella
cf. ellipsoidea from municipal solid waste landfill leachate. (D) Ankistrodesmus sp. from municipal solid waste landfill leachate. (E) Navicula sp. from a manure lagoon. (F) Rhizoclonium sp. from a
wastewater treatment facility. (Scale bar=10 μm).
A.C. Wilkie et al. / Energy for Sustainable Development 15 (2011) 365–371 371
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