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Errata Sheet

April 2002 DLC3000 Series

Errata Sheet
FIELDVUER DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Instruction Manual,
Form 5631, July 2000

On page 1–4, near the specification Electrical

Classification, add the following:

See errata dated April 2002.

The Type DLC3010 satisfies the requirements of the

European ATEX Directive. Relative nameplate
information is shown in Figure 1.

FIELDVUE and Fisher are marks owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc., a business of Emerson Process Management. The Emerson
logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,
they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use
or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.
Fisher does not assume responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use and
maintenance of any Fisher product remains solely with the purchaser.

Emerson Process Management

Marshalltown, Iowa 50158 USA
Cernay 68700 France
Sao Paulo 05424 Brazil
Singapore 128461

EFisher Controls International, Inc. 2002; All Rights Reserved

Errata Sheet
DLC3000 Series April 2002







Figure 1. Type DLC3010 Digital Level Controller Nameplates

Instruction Manual
Form 5631
DLC3000 Series July 2000


Digital Level Controllers
Introduction 1
Installation 2
275 HART Communicator Basics 3
Initial Setup and Calibration 4
Detailed Setup 5
Calibration 6
Viewing Device Information 7
Principle of Operation 8
Maintenance 9
Parts 10

Loop Schematics 11

Glossary 12

This manual applies to: Index 13


Model 275 HART

DLC3000 Series Communicator
Device Firmware Hardware Device Description
Revision Revision Revision Revison
1 1 1 1 D102748X012
DLC3000 Series

Unfold This Sheet to See the

Model 275 HART Communicator
Menu Structure

DLC3000 Series
Model 275 HART Communicator Menu Structure for FIELDVUE DLC3000
Device Description (DD) Revision 1 Model 275 Compatibility
DLC3000 Series Model 275
Device Rev Firmware Rev DD Rev
1-3 PV Range 1 1 1
Process Variables 2 LRV
Hot Key 1 1 PV 3
1 Range Values 2 Elect Temp
2 PV Setup 3 PV Range 2-1 Test Device
3 Write Lock 1 Status
2 Meter 2
Diag/ Service
2 1 Test Device
Displ Units
2 Loop Test Hardware Alarms
Displacer Info 1 Length Units
3 Hardware Alarms 1 Alarm Jumper
1 Displ Units
4 Calibration 2 NVM 2 Volume Units
2-3 Displacer 2 Length
5 Write Lock 3 Free Time 3 Weight Units
4-1-1 1 Displacer Info 3 Volume
4 Level Snsr Drive
2 Inst. Mounting 4 Weight
5 A/D TT Input
3 Sensor Calibrate 5 Disp Rod

Calibration 4-1-2 Torque Tube

2-4 1 Sensor Calibrate
2 Temp. Calibrate
1 Material
2 Change Material
3 Scaled D/A Trim
Basic Setup
3 1 Setup Wizard Sensor Calibrate
2 Sensor Calibrate 1 Mark Dry Coupling 4-1-3 Process Temp
3 PV Setup 3-2 1 Process Temp RTD
2 Two Liquid Lvl Cal
3 Wet/Dry Cal 2 Digital Proc Temp
Online 4 One Liquid Lvl Cal
1 Process Variables 5 Trim PV Zero
2 Diag/Service 6 Weight Based Cal
3 Basic Setup D
4 Detailed Setup PV & Temp Units
5 Review 3-3-1
1 PV Units 3
2 Temp Units

PV Setup PV Range
1 PV & Temp Units 1 URV
2 PV Range 2 LRV
3 PV Offset 3 USL
3-3 4 3-3-2
4 PV Damp 4 LSL Set Zero & Span
5 Specific Gravity 4 5 Set Zero & Span 1 Set Zero E
6 PV is 3-3-2-5 2 Set Span Analog Output
4-2-1 1 PV 3
Sensors 2 AO
1 Displacer 3 % Range
4-1 4 Alarm Jumper
2 Torque Tube
3 Process Temp LCD Meter Display Type
4 Measure Spec Gr 4-2-2
1 Meter Installed 1 PV Only
2 Display Type 2 PV/Proc Temp
3 Decimal Places 4-2-2-2 3 % Range Only
Output Condition
1 Analog Output
4 PV/% Range F
2 LCD Meter Process Var
Detailed Setup 4-2 3 Configure Alarms 1 PV Hi Alrm
1 Sensors 4 Display Alarms Configure Alarms 2 PV Hi-Hi Alrm
2 Output Condition 1 Process Var 3 PV Lo Alrm
4 3 Device Information 2 Alarm Enable 4-2-3-1 4 PV Lo-Lo Alrm
4 Trending 4-2-3 3 Temperature 5 PV Alrm Deadband
4 Temp Alarm Enable
Device Information 1 Proc. Temp Hi Alrm
2 Proc. Temp Lo Alrm
Review 2 Version Info 3 Elec. Temp Hi Alrm
1 Device Params 3 Serial Numbers 4-2-3-3 4 Elec. Temp Lo Alrm
4-3 1 HART Tag
2 Device Info Factory Settings 4 Device ID 4-3-1 5 Temp Alrm Deadband
3 Device Troubleshoo 1 TTube Rate 2 Polling Address
4 Factory Settings 2 TTube Rate Units 3 Message
3 TTube Temp Coeff. 4 Descriptor
HART Communicator 5-4
4 Input Filter Trending 5 Date
1 Offline 6 Burst Mode
2 Online 1 Trend Var
2 Trend Interval 7 Burst Option
3 Frequency Device
1 4-4 3 Read Trend
4 Utility H
Version Info
4-3-2 1 Device Rev
2 Firmware Rev
NOTES: 3 Hardware Rev
1 Instrument S/N

1 2 3 4 5 6
Model 275 HART Communicator Menu Structure for Device Description Revision 1
DLC3000 Series
Model 275 HART Communicator Fast-key Sequence
Fast Key Fast Key
Function Coordinates(1) Function Coordinates(1)
Sequence Sequence
Analog Output 4-2-1-2 5-E Polling Address 4-3-1-2 5-G
Alarms, Display 4-2-4 4-F Process Temperature 4-1-3 5-C
Alarm Jumper 4-2-1-4 5-F Process Variable Alarm Enable 4-2-3-2 5-G
Basic Setup 3 2-C Process Variable Alarm Limits 4-2-3-1 6-F
Burst Mode 4-3-1-6 5-H Process Variable (type) 1-1 2-B
Burst Option 4-3-1-7 5-H Process Variable Range 1-3 3-A
Calibration 2-4 3-C Process Variable Units 3-3-1-1 3-D
Damping, PV 3-3-4 2-E PV Setup Hot Key 2 1-B
Date 4-3-1-5 5-H Range Values Hot Key 1 1-B
Descriptor 4-3-1-4 5-H Review 5 2-G
Detailed Setup 4 2-F RTD, Process Temperature 4-1-3-1 5-D
Device Info 4-3 4-G Scaled D/A Trim 2-4-3 3-C
Diagnostics and Service 2 2-B Sensor Calibrate 3-2 2-C
Displacer Info 4-1-1-1 5-B Set Zero & Span 3-3-2-5 4-E
Displacer Serial Number 4-3-3-2 5-I Setup Wizard 3-1 2-C
Electronics Temperature 1-2 2-B Specific Gravity 3-3-5 2-E
Filter, Input 5-4-4 3-H Status 2-1-1 3-B
Firmware Rev 4-3-2-2 5-H Temperature Alarm Enable 4-2-3-4 5-G
Hardware Alarms 2-3 3-B Temperature Alarm Limits 4-2-3-3 6-G
HART Tag 4-3-1-1 5-G Temperature Units 3-3-1-2 3-D
Instrument Mounting 4-1-1-2 5-C Test Device 2-1 3-B
Instrument Serial Number 4-3-3-1 5-I Torque Tube Data 5-4 2-H
LCD Meter 4-2-2 5-F Torque Tube Material 4-1-2-1 5-C
LCD Meter Test 2-1-2 3-B Trending 4-4 4-H
Loop Test 2-2 2-B URV (Upper Range Value) 3-3-2-1 3-E
LRV (Lower Range Value) 3-3-2-2 3-E USL (Upper Sensor Limit) 3-3-2-3 3-E
LSL (Lower Sensor Limit) 3-3-2-4 3-E Weight Based Calibration 3-2-6 3-D
Message 4-3-1-3 5-G Write Lock Hot Key 3 1-B
Output Condition 4-2 4-F 1. Coordinates are to help locate the item on the menu structure on the previous
Percent Range 4-2-1-3 5-E

DLC3000 Series

Unfold This Sheet to See the

Model 275 HART Communicator
Menu Structure

DLC3000 Series
Model 275 HART Communicator Menu Structure for FIELDVUE DLC3000
Device Description (DD) Revision 1 Model 275 Compatibility
DLC3000 Series Model 275
Device Rev Firmware Rev DD Rev
1-3 PV Range 1 1 1
Process Variables 2 LRV
Hot Key 1 1 PV 3
1 Range Values 2 Elect Temp
2 PV Setup 3 PV Range 2-1 Test Device
3 Write Lock 1 Status
2 Meter 2
Diag/ Service
2 1 Test Device
Displ Units
2 Loop Test Hardware Alarms
Displacer Info 1 Length Units
3 Hardware Alarms 1 Alarm Jumper
1 Displ Units
4 Calibration 2 NVM 2 Volume Units
2-3 Displacer 2 Length
5 Write Lock 3 Free Time 3 Weight Units
4-1-1 1 Displacer Info 3 Volume
4 Level Snsr Drive
2 Inst. Mounting 4 Weight
5 A/D TT Input
3 Sensor Calibrate 5 Disp Rod

Calibration 4-1-2 Torque Tube

2-4 1 Sensor Calibrate
2 Temp. Calibrate
1 Material
2 Change Material
3 Scaled D/A Trim
Basic Setup
3 1 Setup Wizard Sensor Calibrate
2 Sensor Calibrate 1 Mark Dry Coupling 4-1-3 Process Temp
3 PV Setup 3-2 1 Process Temp RTD
2 Two Liquid Lvl Cal
3 Wet/Dry Cal 2 Digital Proc Temp
Online 4 One Liquid Lvl Cal
1 Process Variables 5 Trim PV Zero
2 Diag/Service 6 Weight Based Cal
3 Basic Setup D
4 Detailed Setup PV & Temp Units
5 Review 3-3-1
1 PV Units 3
2 Temp Units

PV Setup PV Range
1 PV & Temp Units 1 URV
2 PV Range 2 LRV
3 PV Offset 3 USL
3-3 4 3-3-2
4 PV Damp 4 LSL Set Zero & Span
5 Specific Gravity 4 5 Set Zero & Span 1 Set Zero E
6 PV is 3-3-2-5 2 Set Span Analog Output
4-2-1 1 PV 3
Sensors 2 AO
1 Displacer 3 % Range
4-1 4 Alarm Jumper
2 Torque Tube
3 Process Temp LCD Meter Display Type
4 Measure Spec Gr 4-2-2
1 Meter Installed 1 PV Only
2 Display Type 2 PV/Proc Temp
3 Decimal Places 4-2-2-2 3 % Range Only
Output Condition
1 Analog Output
4 PV/% Range F
2 LCD Meter Process Var
Detailed Setup 4-2 3 Configure Alarms 1 PV Hi Alrm
1 Sensors 4 Display Alarms Configure Alarms 2 PV Hi-Hi Alrm
2 Output Condition 1 Process Var 3 PV Lo Alrm
4 3 Device Information 2 Alarm Enable 4-2-3-1 4 PV Lo-Lo Alrm
4 Trending 4-2-3 3 Temperature 5 PV Alrm Deadband
4 Temp Alarm Enable
Device Information 1 Proc. Temp Hi Alrm
2 Proc. Temp Lo Alrm
Review 2 Version Info 3 Elec. Temp Hi Alrm
1 Device Params 3 Serial Numbers 4-2-3-3 4 Elec. Temp Lo Alrm
4-3 1 HART Tag
2 Device Info Factory Settings 4 Device ID 4-3-1 5 Temp Alrm Deadband
3 Device Troubleshoo 1 TTube Rate 2 Polling Address
4 Factory Settings 2 TTube Rate Units 3 Message
3 TTube Temp Coeff. 4 Descriptor
HART Communicator 5-4
4 Input Filter Trending 5 Date
1 Offline 6 Burst Mode
2 Online 1 Trend Var
2 Trend Interval 7 Burst Option
3 Frequency Device
1 4-4 3 Read Trend
4 Utility H
Version Info
4-3-2 1 Device Rev
2 Firmware Rev
NOTES: 3 Hardware Rev
1 Instrument S/N

1 2 3 4 5 6
Model 275 HART Communicator Menu Structure for Device Description Revision 1
DLC3000 Series
Model 275 HART Communicator Fast-key Sequence
Fast Key Fast Key
Function Coordinates(1) Function Coordinates(1)
Sequence Sequence
Analog Output 4-2-1-2 5-E Polling Address 4-3-1-2 5-G
Alarms, Display 4-2-4 4-F Process Temperature 4-1-3 5-C
Alarm Jumper 4-2-1-4 5-F Process Variable Alarm Enable 4-2-3-2 5-G
Basic Setup 3 2-C Process Variable Alarm Limits 4-2-3-1 6-F
Burst Mode 4-3-1-6 5-H Process Variable (type) 1-1 2-B
Burst Option 4-3-1-7 5-H Process Variable Range 1-3 3-A
Calibration 2-4 3-C Process Variable Units 3-3-1-1 3-D
Damping, PV 3-3-4 2-E PV Setup Hot Key 2 1-B
Date 4-3-1-5 5-H Range Values Hot Key 1 1-B
Descriptor 4-3-1-4 5-H Review 5 2-G
Detailed Setup 4 2-F RTD, Process Temperature 4-1-3-1 5-D
Device Info 4-3 4-G Scaled D/A Trim 2-4-3 3-C
Diagnostics and Service 2 2-B Sensor Calibrate 3-2 2-C
Displacer Info 4-1-1-1 5-B Set Zero & Span 3-3-2-5 4-E
Displacer Serial Number 4-3-3-2 5-I Setup Wizard 3-1 2-C
Electronics Temperature 1-2 2-B Specific Gravity 3-3-5 2-E
Filter, Input 5-4-4 3-H Status 2-1-1 3-B
Firmware Rev 4-3-2-2 5-H Temperature Alarm Enable 4-2-3-4 5-G
Hardware Alarms 2-3 3-B Temperature Alarm Limits 4-2-3-3 6-G
HART Tag 4-3-1-1 5-G Temperature Units 3-3-1-2 3-D
Instrument Mounting 4-1-1-2 5-C Test Device 2-1 3-B
Instrument Serial Number 4-3-3-1 5-I Torque Tube Data 5-4 2-H
LCD Meter 4-2-2 5-F Torque Tube Material 4-1-2-1 5-C
LCD Meter Test 2-1-2 3-B Trending 4-4 4-H
Loop Test 2-2 2-B URV (Upper Range Value) 3-3-2-1 3-E
LRV (Lower Range Value) 3-3-2-2 3-E USL (Upper Sensor Limit) 3-3-2-3 3-E
LSL (Lower Sensor Limit) 3-3-2-4 3-E Weight Based Calibration 3-2-6 3-D
Message 4-3-1-3 5-G Write Lock Hot Key 3 1-B
Output Condition 4-2 4-F 1. Coordinates are to help locate the item on the menu structure on the previous
Percent Range 4-2-1-3 5-E


Section 1 Introduction 1
Scope of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Conventions Used in this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

July 2000 1-1

DLC3000 Series
Scope of Manual
This instruction manual includes specifications,
installation, operating, and maintenance information
for the FIELDVUER DLC3000 Series digital level
The manual describes the functionality of instruments
1 with Firmware Revision 1.
This instruction manual supports the Model 275
HARTR Communicator with device description revision
1, used with DLC3000 Series instruments with
firmware revision 1. The Model 275 HART W7977 / IL

Communicator is the necessary interface for complete

functionality. Contact your Fisher Controls Figure 1-1. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller
representative or sales office to obtain the appropriate
HART Communicator software.
level of interface between two liquids, or liquid specific
Only qualified personnel should install, operate, and gravity (density). Changes in level or specific gravity
maintain this instrument. If you have any questions exert a buoyant force on a displacer, which rotates the
concerning these instructions or for information not torque tube shaft. This rotary motion is applied to the
contained in this instruction manual, contact your digital level controller, and the resulting current output
Fisher Controls sales office or sales representative for signal is sent to an indicating or final control element.
more information.
DLC3000 Series digital level controllers are
communicating, microprocessor-based level, interface,
or density sensing instruments. In addition to the
normal function of providing a 4 to 20 milliampere
Conventions Used in this Manual current signal, DLC3000 Series digital level controllers,
using the HART communications protocol, give easy
Procedures that require the use of the Model 275 access to information critical to process operation.
HART Communicator have the HART Communicator You can gain information from the process, the
symbol in the heading. instrument, or sensor using a Model 275 HART
Communicator with device descriptors (DDs)
Some of the procedures also contain the sequence of compatible with DLC3000 Series digital level
numeric keys required to display the desired HART controllers. The HART Communicator may be
Communicator menu. For example, to access the connected at the digital level controller or at a field
Status menu, from the Online menu, press 2 (selects junction box.
Diag/Service) followed by 1 (selects Test Device) Using the HART Communicator, you can perform
followed by a second 1 (selects Status). The key several operations with the DLC3000 Series digital
sequence in the procedure heading is shown as level controller. You can interrogate, configure,
(2-1-1). The path required to accomplish various calibrate, or test the digital level controller. Using the
tasks, the sequence of steps through the HART HART protocol, information from the field can be
Communicator menus, is also presented in textual integrated into control systems or be received on a
format. Menu selections are shown in italics, e.g., single loop basis.
Calibrate. An overview of the Model 275 HART
DLC3000 Series digital level controllers are designed
Communicator menu structure is shown on the inside
to directly replace standard pneumatic and
front cover of this manual.
electro-pneumatic level transmitters. Type DLC3010
digital level controllers mount on Fisher Controls 249
Series level sensors. A wide variety of 249 Series
cageless and caged level sensors are used with the
Type DLC3010 Series digital level controller. Type
DLC3030 digital level controllers mount on other
Description manufacturers displacer type level sensors.

DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controllers 249 Series Sensors

DLC3000 Series digital level controllers (figure 1-1) D The Type 249, 249B, 249BF, 249C, 249K, and
are used with level sensors to measure liquid level, the 249L sensors side-mount on the vessel with the

1-2 July 2000

displacer mounted inside a cage outside the vessel. Specifications for the HART Communicator can be
(The Type 249BF is available only in Europe, Middle found in the Product Manual for The HART
East, and Africa.) These sensors are called caged Communicator.

D The Type 249BP, 249CP, and 249P sensors

top-mount on the vessel with the displacer hanging
down into the vessel. These sensors are called Related Documents 1
cageless sensors. Other documents containing information related to the
DLC3000 Series digital level controllers and 249
D The Type 249V sensor side-mounts on the Series sensors include:
vessel with the displacer hanging out into the vessel D FIELDVUE DLC3000 Series Digital Level
(cageless sensor). Controllers (Bulletin 11.2:DLC3000)

D Audio Monitor for HART R Communications (PS

Sheet 62.1:FIELDVUE (G))

D Caged 249 Series Displacer Sensors Instruction

Specifications Manual - Form 1802
Specifications for the DLC3000 Series digital level
controllers are shown in table 1-1. Specifications for D Cageless 249 Series Displacer Sensors
the 249 Series sensor are shown in table 1-2. Instruction Manual - Form 1803

July 2000 1-3

DLC3000 Series
Table 1-1. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Specifications

Available Configurations accordance with Annex A for equipment intended

for use in industrial locations.
Type DLC3010 Digital Level Controller:
Mounts on Fisher Controls 249 Series caged and
cageless sensors Supply Requirements (see figure 2-10)
1 Type DLC3030 Digital Level Controller:
Mounts on other manufacturers displacer type
12 to 30 volts dc; instrument has reverse polarity
Alarm Jumper
Input Signals(1)
DLC3000 Series digital level controllers include
Level, Interface, or Density: Rotary motion of self-diagnostics that detect an error (e.g.,
torque tube shaft proportional to changes in liquid electronics failure) that would render the process
level, interface level, or density that move the variable measurement inaccurate. The instrument
displacer up or down can also be configured to indicate a process
Temperature: 2- or 3-wire 100 ohm platinum RTD variable high or low alarm. When a process variable
for sensing process temperature to permit alarm or an error is detected the analog output
compensating for changes in specific gravity signal is driven either above or below the normal 4
to 20 mA range, depending on the user-selectable
Output Signal(1) position of the alarm jumper. The unit ships from
the factory with the jumper in the high position.
Analog: 4 to 20 milliamperes dc (J direct
action—increasing level, interface, or density LCD Meter Indications
increases output; or J reverse action—increasing
level, interface, or density decreases output) LCD meter indicates analog output on a percent
Digital: HART 1200 Baud FSK (frequency shift scale bar graph. The meter also can be configured
keyed) to display process variable, process temperature,
percent range, and degrees of torque tube rotation.

Performance Electrical Classification

Reference Accuracy(2): Error less than 0.25% of Hazardous Area: CSA, FM, CENELEC, SAA, and
full scale output JIS approvals are pending.
Independent Linearity(1)(3): Better than 0.5% of Electrical Housing: Designed to meet NEMA 4X,
span at full design span condition (4.4_) IEC 60529 IP66
Hysteresis(1)(2): <0.2% of full scale output
Repeatability (1)(2): ±0.1% of full scale output Minimum Differential Specific Gravity
Dead band(2): <0.2% of full input span With a nominal 4.4 degrees torque tube shaft
rotation for a 0 to 100 percent change in liquid level
Operating Influences(1) (specific gravity=1), the digital level controller can
Power Supply Effect: Output changes <±0.2% of be adjusted to provide full output for an input range
full scale when supply varies between min and max of 5% of nominal input span. This equates to a
minimum differential specific gravity of 0.05 with
voltage specifications
Temperature: The combined temperature effect on standard volume displacers. See 249 Series sensor
zero and span without the 249 sensor is less than specifications for standard displacer volumes.
0.03% of full scale per degree Kelvin over the
operating range –40 to 80_C (–40 to 175_F) Mounting Positions
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): These Digital level controllers can be mounted right- or
instruments have the CE mark in accordance with left-of-displacer, as shown in figure 2-6.
the European Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Directive. They meet the emissions requirements of
Electrical Connections
IEC 61326-1 (Edition 1.1) for Class A equipment for
use in industrial locations and Class B equipment Two 1/2-14 NPT female conduit connections; one
for use in domestic locations. They also meet the on bottom and one on back of terminal box. M20
immunity requirements listed in table 1-3 in adapters available.

1-4 July 2000

Table 1-1. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Specifications (continued)

Operative Limits(1) Options

Process Temperature: See table 1-4 and figure Heat insulator
Ambient Temperature and Humidity: See below Weight
Transport and
Storage Limits(1)
Less than 2.7 Kg (6 lbs) 1
Ambient –40 to 80_C –55 to 80_C 25_C
Temperature (–40 to 176_F) (–67 to 176_F) (77_F)
0 to 95%, 0 to 95%,
Relative 40%
(non-condensing) (non-condensing)

1. Defined in ISA Standard S51.1

2. These specifications are for the digital valve controller alone.
3. This specification is for the Type DLC3010 digital level controller with 249 Series sensor.
4. LCD meter may not be readable below –20_C (–4_F)

Table 1-2. 249 Series Sensor Specifications

Input Signal Mounting Positions

Liquid Level or Liquid-to-Liquid Interface Level: Most level sensors with cage displacers have a
From 0 to 100 percent of displacer length rotatable head. The head may be rotated through
Liquid Density: From 0 to 100 percent of 360 degrees to any of eight different positions, as
displacement force change obtained with given shown in figure 2-6.
displacer volume—standard volumes are J 980
cm3 (60 inches3) for Types 249C and 249CP Operative Ambient Temperature
sensors or J 1640 cm3 (100 inches3) for most See table 1-4
other sensors; other volumes available depending For ambient temperature ranges, guidelines, and
upon sensor construction use of optional heat insulator, see figure 2-8

Caged Sensor Connection Styles Options

Cages can be furnished in a variety of end J Heat insulator J Gauge glass for pressures to 29
connection styles to facilitate mounting on vessels; bar at 232_C (420 psig at 450_F), and J Reflex
the equalizing connection styles are numbered and gauges for high temperature and pressure
are shown in figure 2-2. applications

Table 1-3. EMC Immunity Performance Criteria Table 1-4. Allowable Process Temperatures for Common 249
Basic Performance Sensor Component Materials
Port Phenomenon
Standard Criteria Process Temperature
Electrostatic Min. Max.
IEC 61000-4-2 A
discharge (ESD) Cast Iron –29_C (–20_F) 232_C (450_F)
EM field IEC 61000-4-3 A
Enclosure Steel –29_C (–20_F) 427_C (800_F)
Rated power
Stainless Steel –198_C (–325_F) 427_C (800_F)
frequency magnetic IEC 61000-4-8 A
field N05500 (K-Monel) –198_C (–325_F) 371_C (500_F)(1)
Burst IEC 61000-4-4 A Graphite Laminate/SST
–198_C (–325_F) 427_C (800_F)
I/O signal/control Surge IEC 61000-4-5 A
Conducted RF IEC 61000-4-6 A Monel/PTFE Gaskets –73_C (–100_F) 204_C (400_F)
1. Temperature for a N05500 (K-Monel) torque tube should not exceed 260 _C (500 _F).

July 2000 1-5

DLC3000 Series

1-6 July 2000


Section 2 Installation
Commissioning: On the Bench or in the Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Mounting the 249 Series Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Digital Level Controller Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Mounting the Digital Level Controller on a 249 Series Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Mounting the Digital Level Controller for High Temperature Applications . . . 2-4

Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5

Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Field Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Shielded Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Power/Current Loop Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
RTD Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Two-Wire RTD Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Three-Wire RTD Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Communication Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Test Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Multichannel Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9

Alarm Jumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9

Changing Jumper Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

Loop Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

Installation in Conjunction with a Rosemount

Model 333 HART Tri-Loopt HART-to-Analog
Signal Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10

July 2000 2-1

DLC3000 Series
This section contains digital level controller installation Note
information including an installation flowchart (figure
2-1), mounting and electrical installation information, Caged sensors have a rod and block
and a discussion of failure mode jumpers. installed on each end of the displacer to
protect the displacer in shipping.
Remove these parts before installing the
sensor to allow the displacer to function
Commissioning: On the Bench or in properly.
the Loop
Commission the digital level controller before or after Digital Level Controller Orientation
2 installation. It may be useful to commission the
instrument on the bench before installation to ensure Mount the digital level controller with the torque tube
proper operation, and to familiarize yourself with its shaft clamp access hole (see figure 2-5) pointing
functionality. downward to allow accumulated moisture drainage.
The digital level controller and torque tube arm are
attached to the sensor either to the left or right of the
Mounting displacer, as shown in figure 2-6. This can be changed
in the field on the 249 Series sensors (refer to the
appropriate sensor instruction manual). Changing the
mounting also changes the effective action, because
WARNING the torque tube rotation for increasing level, (looking at
the protruding shaft), is clockwise when the unit is
mounted to the right of the displacer and counter-
clockwise when the unit is mounted to the left of the
Personal injury or property damage due displacer.
to sudden release of pressure, contact
with hazardous fluid, fire, or explosion All caged 249 Series sensors have a rotatable head.
can be caused by puncturing, heating, That is, the digital level controller can be positioned at
or repairing a displacer that is retaining any of eight alternate positions around the cage as
process pressure or fluid. This danger indicated by the position numbers 1 through 8 in figure
may not be readily apparent when 2-6. To rotate the head, remove the head flange bolts
disassembling the sensor or removing and nuts and position the head as desired.
the displacer. Before disassembling the
sensor or removing the displacer,
Mounting the Digital Level Controller on
observe the appropriate warnings a 249 Series Sensor
provided in the sensor instruction
manual. Refer to figure 2-5 unless otherwise indicated.

1. Slide the access handle to the locked position to

expose the access hole. Press on the back of the
Mounting the 249 Series Sensor handle as shown in figure 2-5 then slide the handle
toward the front of the unit. Be sure the locking handle
The 249 Series sensor is mounted using one of two drops into the detent.
methods, depending on the specific type of sensor. If
the sensor has a caged displacer, it typically mounts 2. Using a 10 mm deep well socket inserted through
on the side of the vessel as shown in figure 2-3. If the the access hole, loosen the shaft clamp (figure 2-5).
sensor has a cageless displacer, the sensor mounts
3. Remove the hex nuts from the mounting studs. Do
on the side or top of the vessel as shown in figure 2-4.
not remove the adapter ring.

The DLC3000 Series digital level controller is typically

shipped attached to the sensor. If ordered separately, CAUTION
it may be convenient to mount the digital level
controller to the sensor and perform the initial setup Measurement errors can occur if the
and calibration before installing the sensor on the torque tube assembly is bent or
vessel. misaligned during installation.

2-2 July 2000


Check Alarm
Jumper Position

Factory Yes Wire

mounted on Digital level 1
249 sensor? Controller
No Power
Digital level
High Controller
Yes Install heat
temperature insulator
application? assembly
Enable Writes

Mount and Wire 1 Enter Tag,

Digital level Messages, Date,
Controller and other data

Digital level
Controller Yes Density

Enable Writes

Use Setup Wizard Using

Yes Set
to enter sensor Temperature Temperature
and application Correction? Units

No Setup specific
Mark dry
Set gravity tables
coupling point
Specific Gravity

sensor Yes
Yes Using Using RTD? Setup and
Set Calibrate RTD
Range Values Engineering

No No

Set Enter Process

Zero and Span Temperature

Disable Writes

Figure 2-1. Installation Flowchart

July 2000 2-3

DLC3000 Series


B1820-2 / IL

Figure 2-2. Style Number of Equalizing Connections

A3788-1 / IL

Figure 2-4. Typical Cageless Sensor Mounting

6. Reinstall the hex nuts on the mounting studs and

A3789-1 / IL tighten the hex nuts to 10 NSm(88.5 lbfSin).

Figure 2-3. Typical Caged Sensor Mounting

Mounting the Digital Level Controller for
High Temperature Applications
4. Position the digital level controller so the access
hole is on the bottom of the instrument. Refer to figure 2-7 for parts identification except where
otherwise indicated.

5. Carefully slide the mounting studs into the sensor The digital level controller requires an insulator
mounting holes until the digital level controller is snug assembly when temperatures exceed the limits shown
against the sensor. in figure 2-8.

2-4 July 2000




Figure 2-5. Sensor Connection Compartment
(Adapter Ring Removed for Clarity) 615

A torque tube shaft extension is required for a 249

Series sensor when using an insulator assembly.




Measurement errors can occur if the E0283 / IL

sensor torque tube assembly is bent or

misaligned during installation. Figure 2-6. Typical Mounting Positions for type DLC3010 digital
Level Controller on 249 Series Caged Sensor (Top View)
1. For mounting a digital level controller on a 249
Series sensor, secure the shaft extension to the
sensor torque tube shaft via the shaft coupling and set
screws, with the coupling centered as shown in figure
access hole is on the bottom of the digital level
2. Slide the access handle to the locked position to
expose the access hole. Press on the back of the 7. Secure the digital level controller and insulator to
handle as shown in figure 2-5 then slide the handle the torque tube arm with four cap screws.
toward the front of the unit. Be sure the locking handle
drops into the detent.
8. Tighten the cap screws to 10 NSm(88.5 lbfSin).
3. Remove the hex nuts from the mounting studs.

4. Position the insulator on the digital level controller, Electrical Connections

sliding the insulator straight over the mounting studs.
Proper electrical installation is necessary to prevent
errors due to electrical noise. Shielded cable should be
5. Re-install the four hex nuts on the mounting studs used for best results in electrically noisy environments.
and tighten the nuts. A resistance between 250 and 1100 ohms must be
present in the loop for communication with a
6. Carefully slide the digital level controller with the HART-based communicator. Refer to figure 2-9 for
attached insulator over the shaft coupling so that the current loop connections.

July 2000 2-5

DLC3000 Series

(KEY 57)

(KEY 60) (KEY 58)

(KEY 59)
(KEY 34)


B2707 / IL (KEY 33)

Figure 2-7. Digital Level Controller Mounting on Sensor in High Temperature Applications

Field Wiring

_ –40
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
425 _ Note
HEAT INSULATOR HOT 300 For intrinsically safe applications, refer
400 200 to the instructions supplied by the
barrier manufacturer.
1 –100
All power to the digital level controller is supplied over
–325 COLD REQUIRED the signal wiring. Signal wiring need not be shielded,
–40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 176
but use twisted pairs for best results. Do not run
unshielded signal wiring in conduit or open trays with
power wiring, or near heavy electrical equipment. If the
1 FOR PROCESS TEMPERATURES BELOW –20_F (–29_C) AND digital controller is in an explosive atmosphere, do not
APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROCESS — SEE TABLE 1-4. remove the digital level controller covers when the
FORMATION MIGHT CAUSE INSTRUMENT MALFUNCTION AND REDUCE circuit is alive, unless in an intrinsically safe
A5494-1/IL INSULATOR EFFECTIVENESS. installation. Avoid contact with leads and terminals. To
Figure 2-8. Guidelines for Use of Optional
power the digital level controller, connect the positive
Heat Insulator Assembly power lead to the + terminal and the negative power
lead to the – terminal as shown in figure 2-11. When
wiring to screw terminals, the use of crimped lugs is
recommended. Tighten the terminal screws to ensure
that good contact is made. No additional power wiring
Power Supply is required. All digital level controller covers must be
fully engaged to meet explosion proof requirements.
To communicate with the digital level controller, you For CENELEC and JIS approved units, the terminal
need a 17.75 volt dc minimum power supply. The box cover set screw must engage one of the recesses
power supplied to the digital level controller should not in the terminal box beneath the terminal box cover.
drop below the lift-off voltage (see figure 2-10). If the
power drops below the lift-off voltage while the digital
level controller is being configured, the configuration Grounding
information could be interpreted incorrectly.
The dc power supply should provide power with less WARNING
than 2% ripple. The total resistance load is the sum of
the resistance of the signal leads and the load
resistance of any controller, indicator, or related pieces Personal injury or property damage can
of equipment in the loop. Note that the resistance of result from the discharge of static
intrinsic safety barriers, if used, must be included. electricity. Connect a 14 AWG (2.1 mm2)

2-6 July 2000

250   RL  1100 

 Reference meter POWER

for calibration or
monitoring op- SUPPLY
eration. May be
a voltmeter 
across 250 ohm
 resistor or a cur-
rent meter.

Signal loop may be grounded at

any point or left ungrounded.

A HART-based communicator
may be connected at any
termination point in the signal
loop. Signal loop must have
between 250 and 1100 ohms
load for communication.

E0363 / IL

Figure 2-9. Connecting a Communicator to the Digital Level Controller Loop

Maximum Load = 43.5 X (Supply Voltage – 12.0) 4 TO 20 MA LOOP

Load (Ohms)


10 12 15 20 25 30


Figure 2-10. Power Supply Requirements and Load Resistance CONDUIT

ground strap between the digital level

controller and earth ground when
flammable or hazardous gases are
present. Refer to national and local
codes and standards for grounding

The digital level controller will operate with the current

signal loop either floating or grounded. However, the GROUND
extra noise in floating systems affects many types of CONNECTION

readout devices. If the signal appears noisy or erratic, W8041 / IL REAR VIEW
grounding the current signal loop at a single point may
solve the problem. The best place to ground the loop
is at the negative terminal of the power supply. As an Figure 2-11. Digital Level Controller Terminal Box

July 2000 2-7

DLC3000 Series
alternative, ground either side of the readout device. this wire is a different color from the wires connected
Do not ground the current signal loop at more than to the RS and R1 terminals.
one point.

Shielded Wire Communication Connections

Recommended grounding techniques for shielded wire
usually call for a single grounding point for the shield.
You can either connect the shield at the power supply WARNING
or to the grounding terminals, either internal or
2 external, at the instrument terminal box shown in Personal injury or property damage
figure 2-11. caused by fire or explosion may occur
if this connection is attempted in an
area which contains a potentially ex-
Power/Current Loop Connections plosive atmosphere or has been clas-
sified as hazardous. Confirm that area
Use ordinary copper wire of sufficient size to ensure classification and atmosphere condi-
that the voltage across the digital level controller tions permit the safe removal of the
terminals does not go below 12.0 volts dc. Connect terminal box cap before proceeding.
the current signal leads as shown in figure 2-9. After
making connections, recheck the polarity and
correctness of connections, then turn the power on. The Model 275 HART Communicator interfaces with
the DLC3000 Series digital level controller from any
wiring termination point in the 4–20 mA loop. If you
choose to connect the HART communicating device
RTD Connections directly to the instrument, attach the device to the loop
+ and – terminals inside the terminal box to provide
An RTD that senses process temperatures may be
local communications with the instrument.
connected to the digital level controller. This permits
the instrument to automatically make specific gravity
corrections for temperature changes. For best results,
locate the RTD as close to the displacer as practical. Test Connections
For optimum EMC performance, use shielded wire no
longer than 3 meters (9.8 feet) to connect the RTD.
Connect only one end of the shield. Connect the shield
to either the internal ground connection in the WARNING
instrument terminal box or to the RTD thermowell.
Wire the RTD to the digital level controller as follows Personal injury or property damage
(refer to figure 2-11): caused by fire or explosion may occur
if the following procedure is at-
Two-Wire RTD Connections tempted in an area which contains a
potentially explosive atmosphere or
1. Connect a jumper wire between the RS and R1 has been classified as hazardous.
terminals in the terminal box. Confirm that area classification and
atmosphere conditions permit the
2. Connect the RTD to the R1 and R2 terminals. safe removal of the terminal box cap
before proceeding.
Three-Wire RTD Connections
1. Connect the 2 wires which are connected to the
same end of the RTD to the RS and R1 terminals in Test connections inside the terminal box can be used
the terminal box. Usually these wires are the same to measure loop current across a 1 ohm resistor.
color. 1. Remove the terminal box cap.
2. Connect the third wire to terminal R2. (The 2. Adjust the test meter to measure a range of 0.001
resistance measured between this wire and either wire to 0.1 volts.
connected to terminal RS or R1 should read an
equivalent resistance for the existing ambient 3. Connect the positive lead of the test meter to the +
temperature. Refer to the RTD manufacturer’s connection and the negative lead to the T connection
temperature to resistance conversion table.) Usually inside the terminal box.

2-8 July 2000

++ +
No. 1 +
– Readout dc Power
Device No. 1 Supply
RLead –

+ 2
No. 2

RLead Readout
Device No. 2

To Additional
250 and 1100 
E0364 / IL if no Load Resistor

Figure 2-12. Multichannel Installations

4. Measure Loop current as: Alarm Jumper

Voltage (on test meter)  1000 = milliamps Each digital level controller continuously monitors its
example: own performance during normal operation. This
automatic diagnostic routine is a timed series of
Test meter Voltage X 1000 = Loop Milliamps checks repeated continuously. If diagnostics detect a
0.004 X1000 = 4.0 milliamperes failure in the electronics, the instrument drives its
output to either below 3.75 mA or above 21.0 mA,
0.020 X 1000 = 20.0 milliamperes depending on the position (HI/LO) of the alarm jumper.
5. Remove test leads and replace the terminal box An alarm condition occurs when the digital level
cover. controller self-diagnostics detect an error that would
render the process variable measurement inaccurate,
incorrect, or undefined. At this point the analog output
Multichannel Installations of the unit is driven to a defined level either above or
below the nominal 4–20 mA range, based on the
You can connect several instruments to a single
position of the alarm jumper.
master power supply as shown in figure 2-12. In this
case, the system may be grounded only at the Alarm Jumper Locations
negative power supply terminal. In multichannel
Without a meter installed:
installations where several instruments depend on one
power supply, and the loss of all instruments would The alarm jumper is located on the front side of the
cause operational problems, consider an electronics module on the electronics side of the digital
uninterruptible power supply or a back-up battery. The level controller housing, and is labeled FAIL MODE.
diodes shown in figure 2-12 prevent unwanted
With a meter installed:
charging or discharging of the back-up battery. If
several loops are connected in parallel, make sure the The alarm jumper is located on the LCD faceplate on
net loop impedance does not reach levels that would the electronics module side of the digital level
prevent communication. controller housing, and is labeled FAIL MODE.

July 2000 2-9

DLC3000 Series
Changing Jumper Position 4. Select a discreet milliamp level for the controller to
output. At the “Choose analog output” prompt, select 4
mA, 20 mA, or Other to manually input a value
between 4 and 20 milliamps.
WARNING 5. Check the reference meter to verify that it reads
the value you commanded the controller to output. If
Personal injury or property damage the readings do not match, either the controller
caused by fire or explosion may occur requires an output trim, or the meter is malfunctioning.
if the following procedure is at-
2 tempted in an area which contains a
potentially explosive atmosphere or
After completing the test procedure, the display
returns to the loop test screen and allows you to
has been classified as hazardous. choose another output value or end the test.
Confirm that area classification and
atmosphere conditions permit the
safe removal of the instrument cover
before proceeding.

Use the following procedure to change the position of Installation in Conjunction with a
the alarm jumper: Rosemount Model 333 HART
1. If the digital level controller is installed, set the loop Tri-Loopt HART-to-Analog Signal
to manual. Converter
2. Remove the housing cover on the electronics side. Use the DLC3000 Series digital level controller in
Do not remove the cover in explosive atmospheres operation with a Rosemount Model 333 HART
when the circuit is alive. Tri-Loopt HART-to-Analog Signal Converter to
acquire an independent 4–20 mA analog output signal
3. Set the jumper to the desired position. for the process variable, % range, electronics
temperature, and process temperature. The HART
4. Replace the cover. All covers must be fully Tri-Loop divides the digital signal and outputs any or
engaged to meet explosion proof requirements. For all of these variables into as many as three separate
CENELEC and JIS approved units, the set screw on 4–20 mA analog channels.
the transducer housing must engage one of the
recesses in the cover. Refer to figure 2-13 for basic installation information.
Refer to the Model 333 HART Tri-Loop
HART-to-Analog Signal Converter Product Manual for
complete installation information.

Commissioning the Digital Level

Loop Test (2–1) Controller for use with the HART
Loop test can be used to verify the controller output,
the integrity of the loop, and the operations of any
recorders or similar devices installed in the loop. To
initiate a loop test, perform the following procedure: To prepare the digital level controller for use with a
Model 333 HART Tri-Loop, you must configure the
1. Connect a reference meter to the controller. To do digital level controller to burst mode, and select the
so, either connect the meter to the test connections dynamic variables to burst. In burst mode, the digital
inside the terminal box (see the Test Connections level controller provides digital information to the
procedure) or connect the meter in the loop as shown HART Tri-Loop HART-to-Analog Signal Converter.
in figure 2-9. The HART Tri-Loop converts the digital information to
a 4 to 20 mA analog signal. The HART Tri-Loop
2. From the Online menu, select Diag/Services, and divides the signal into separate 4 to 20 mA loops for
Loop Test, to prepare to perform a loop test. the primary (PV), secondary (SV), tertiary (TV), and
3. Select OK after you set the control loop to manual. quaternary (QV) variables. Depending upon the burst
option selected, the digital level controller will burst the
The HART Communicator displays the loop test menu. variables as shown in table 2-1.

2-10 July 2000



Unpack the
Install the HART
HART Tri-Loop
Tri-Loop. See
HART Tri-Loop Configure the
product manual HART Tri-Loop
Review the HART to receive digital
Tri-Loop Product level controller
Manual burst commands
Mount the
HART Tri-Loop
to the DIN rail. 2
No Pass system No troubleshooting
Digital level Install the digital Wire the digital level
controller controller to the test? procedures in
level controller. HART Tri-Loop
Installed? HART Tri-Loop.
product manual.

Yes Yes
Install Channel 1
wires from HART
Set the digital Tri-Loop to the
level controller control room.
Burst Option DONE

(Optional) Install
Set the digital Channel 2 and 3 wires
level controller from HART Tri-Loop
Burst Mode to the control room.


E0365 / IL
Figure 2-13. HART Tri-Loop Installation Flowchart

Table 2-1. Burst Variables Sent by DLC3000 Series To commission a DLC3000 Series digital level
Burst controller for use with a HART Tri-Loop, perform the
Burst Option Variable Variable Burst(1)
Command following procedures.
Read PV Primary Process variable (EU) 1
Read PV mA Primary Process variable (mA)
and % Range Secondary Percent range (%)
2 Set the Burst Operation (4-3-1)
Primary Process variable (EU) 1. From the Online menu, select, Detailed Setup,
Electronics Device Information, HART, and Burst Option.
Read Dynamic temperature (EU) 2. Select the desired burst option and press ENTER
Vars Process temperature (F4).
Quaternary Not used
3. From the Hart menu, select Burst Mode.
1. EU—engineering units; mA—current in milliamperes; %—percent 4. Select On to enable burst mode and press ENTER
5. Select SEND to download the new configuration
information to the digital level controller.

July 2000 2-11

DLC3000 Series

2-12 July 2000

275 HART Communicator Basics

Section 3 Model 275 HART Communicator

Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Action Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
On-Off Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Up Arrow Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Down Arrow Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Left Arrow and Previous Menu Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Right Arrow and Select Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Hot Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Software-Defined Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Alphanumeric and Shift Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Menu Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

Offline Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Polling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
System Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Reviewing Instrument Device Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Online Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

Displaying the HART Communicator

Device Description Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

July 2000 3-1

DLC3000 Series
BLINKING HEART liquid crystal display (LCD). When connected to an
COMMUNICATION instrument, the top two lines of the display indicate the
instrument tag and type. The bottom line of the display
is reserved for dynamic labels. These dynamic labels
DLC3000: TAG
BATTERY identify the software-defined functions assigned to the
1 Process Variables INDICATES THAT four function keys (F1 through F4) below the display.
2 Diag/Service USE OF THE LEFT
3 Basic Setup ARROW KEY WILL
4 Detailed Setup




7 8 9 On/Off Key
4 5 6 Use this key to turn the HART Communicator on and
KEYS off. When the HART Communicator is turned on, it
1 2 3
#%& : goes through a self test routine and then automatically
0 searches for a HART-compatible device. If no device
is found, it displays the message “No Device Found.”
then displays the main menu. Four choices are
A7021 / IL
available from this screen: Offline, Online, Frequency
Figure 3-1. Model 275 HART Communicator Device, and Utility.
If a HART-compatible device is found, the HART
Communicator displays the Online menu. For more
information on the Online and Offline menus, see
Menu Structure in this section, page 3-4.
Note When performing certain operations, the message
The Model 275 HART Communicator “OFF KEY DISABLED” is displayed indicating the
device description revision (DD) deter- HART Communicator cannot be turned off. This
mines how the HART Communicator feature helps to avoid situations where the HART
interfaces with the instrument. For in- Communicator could be unintentionally turned off while
formation on displaying the device de- a device’s output is fixed or when configuration data
scription revision, see page 3-5. has not been sent to a device.

This section discusses the display, keypad, and menu

Up Arrow Key
structure for the HART Communicator, shown in figure Use this key to move the cursor up through a menu
3-1. This section also includes information for and to scroll through lists of available characters and
displaying the HART Communicator device description options when editing a field.
revision number. For information on connecting the
HART Communicator to the instrument, see the
“Installation” section, Section 2. For more information Down Arrow Key
on the HART Communicator, such as specifications Use this key to move the cursor down through a menu
and servicing, see the Product Manual for the HART and to scroll through lists of available characters and
Communicator– MAN4275A00, included with the options when editing a field.
HART Communicator. This manual also is available
from Rosemount Inc., Measurement Division.
Left Arrow and Previous Menu Key
Use this dual-function key to move the cursor to the
left or to return to the previous menu.

Display Right Arrow and Select Key

The HART Communicator communicates information Use this dual-function key to move the cursor to the
to you through an eight-line by twenty-one character right or to select the highlighted menu option.

3-2 July 2000

275 HART Communicator Basics
D EXIT—takes you back to the menu from which
you had requested the value of a variable that can
Hot Key only be read.
Use this key to quickly access important, user-defined
options when connected to a HART-compatible D ABORT—cancels your entry and takes you back
device. When the HART Communicator is turned off, to the menu from which you had selected the current
press the Hot Key to automatically power up and variable or routine. Values are not changed.
display your predefined Hot Key menu. When powered
up online, press the Hot Key to immediately display D OK—takes you to the next menu or instruction
the Hot Key menu. See Using the Hot Key in the screen.
Product Manual for the Hart Communicator for more D ENTER—sends the information you have
information. selected to the instrument or flags the value that is to
If connected to a DLC3000 Series digital level be sent to the instrument. If it is flagged to be sent, the 3
controller, pressing the Hot Key turns on the HART SEND dynamic label appears as a function key
Communicator and displays the Hot Key menu. This selection.
menu allows you to quickly:
D DEL—deletes the character at the current cursor
D Set instrument range values position when entering a variable.

D Perform PV setup D ESC—cancels your entry and takes you back to

the menu from which you had selected the current
D Change the instrument protection variable. Values are not changed.

For details on ranging, PV setup, and protection, and

other configuration parameters, see the “Detailed
Setup” section of this manual.
From time to time the SAVE dynamic label
will appear. Do not press the function key
associated with SAVE. This key has no
Software-Defined Function Keys application to FIELDVUE instruments.
Use the four function keys, marked F1 through F4,
located below the LCD to select the software functions
indicated by the dynamic labels. On any given menu,
the label appearing above a function key indicates the
function of that key for the current menu.
As you move between menus, different dynamic labels
appear over the four function keys. For example, in Alphanumeric and Shift Keys
menus providing access to on-line help, the HELP Figure 3-2 shows the alphanumeric and shift keys.
label may appear above the F1 key. In menus The alphanumeric keys perform two functions: the fast
providing access to the Home menu, the HOME label selection of menu options and data entry.
may appear above the F3 key. In many cases the From within any menu, you can select available
SEND label appears indicating that you must press the options in two ways. You can use the up and down
corresponding function key to send the information arrow keys and the select key to access available
you have entered on the keypad to the FIELDVUE options, or just press the corresponding number on the
instrument’s memory. Functions available include: alphanumeric keypad to select the desired option.
D HELP—gives you information regarding the Some menus require data entry. When you press an
display selection. alphanumeric key alone from within an edit menu, the
bold character in the center of the key appears. These
D SEND—sends the information you have entered large characters include the numbers zero through
to the instrument. nine, the decimal point (.), and the dash symbol (–).
To enter the other characters on the keys, first press
D BACK—takes you to the previously displayed and release the appropriate shift key. Do not press the
menu. keys simultaneously.
Example: to enter the letter “R”, press the following
D HOME—takes you back to the Online menu. key sequence:

July 2000 3-3

DLC3000 Series
Polling. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight
ABC DEF GHI one of the listed polling options, and press ENTER
(F4) to select the highlighted option.
7 8 9 The Polling options are:
1. Never Poll—connects to a device at address 0,
4 5 6 and if not found will not poll for devices at address
STU 1–15.

11 2 3 2. Ask Before Polling—connects to a device at

address 0, and if not found asks if you want to poll for
#%& devices at address 1–15.
3 3. Always Poll—connects to a device at address 0,
and if not found will automatically poll for devices at
address 1–15.
4. Digital Poll—automatically polls for devices at
A7022 / IL address 0–15 and lists devices found by tag.
Figure 3-2. Model 275 HART Communicator Alphanumeric and
To find individual device addresses, use the Digital
Shift Keys
Poll option to find each connected device in the loop
Pressing the right shift key activates shift and causes and list them by tag.
the right shift arrow icon to appear in the upper right
For more information on setting the polling address,
corner of the display. Pressing the ’6’ key causes an
see the “Detailed Setup” section, Section 5.
“R” to appear in the editable field.

System Information
To access the HART Communicator system
information, select System Information from the Utility
Menu Structure menu.
The HART Communicator is generally used in two The motherboard system information consists of the
environments: offline (when not connected to an Serial Peripheral Interface Time (SPI Time) and the
instrument) and online (connected to an instrument). HART Communicator firmware revision number.
The module system information consists of hardware
and software data. For example, you can find the
Offline Menu hardware revision, RAM size, and Flash size; or, the
Pressing the On/Off key when not connected to a different software revisions and binary sizes.
FIELDVUE instrument causes the unit to perform a The Data Pack system information consists of the
self test and inform you of the firmware and module EEPROM size and revision number.
revision numbers. After displaying the message “No
Device Found.” the unit displays the main menu. Four
choices are available from this screen: Offline, Online, Reviewing Instrument Device
Frequency Device, and Utility. The Offline menu Descriptions
allows you to configure the HART Communicator, view The HART Communicator memory module contains
HART Communicator system information, and device descriptions for specific HART-compatible
simulate an on-line connection. Offline configuration is devices. These descriptions make up the application
not available for the DLC3000 Series digital level software that the communicator needs to recognize
controllers. particular devices.
If you cannot find a specific HART-compatible device
Polling on your communicator, then the device revision you
When several devices are connected in the same are looking for is not programmed into the memory
loop, each device must be assigned a unique polling module. In this instance you are limited to what is
address. Use the Polling options to configure the available within a generic device description.
HART Communicator to automatically search for all or
To review the device descriptions programmed into
specific connected devices.
your HART Communicator, select Simulation from the
To enter a polling option, select Utility from the Offline Utility menu. The Manufacturer Menu appears. The
menu. Select Configure Communicator then select Manufacturer Menu contains a list of each

3-4 July 2000

275 HART Communicator Basics
manufacturer with device descriptions currently Online Menu
installed in your communicator’s memory module.
Pressing the On/Off key when connected to a
Once you select a manufacturer, the Model Menu FIELDVUE instrument causes the unit to perform a
appears. The Model Menu lists the currently installed self test and inform you of the firmware and module
device models, or types, provided by the selected revision numbers. The unit then displays the device
manufacturer. Online menu. The figure on the front cover foldout
Select one of the instrument models or types to see shows an overview of the DLC3000 Series digital level
the instrument device description and the Model 275 controller menu structure.
HART Communicator device description revision that
supports that instrument.

Simulation 3
The HART Communicator provides a simulation mode Displaying the HART Communicator
that allows you to simulate an online connection to a
HART-compatible device. The simulation mode is a
Device Description Revision
training tool that enables you to become familiar with Device Description (DD) Revision is the revision
the various menus associated with a device without number of the Fisher Controls Device Description that
having the HART Communicator connected to the resides in the HART Communicator. It defines how the
device. HART Communicator is to interact with the user and
To simulate an online connection, select Utility from
the Offline menu. Select Simulation then select Fisher HART Communicators with device description revision
Controls. Select DLC3000 to see the menu structure 1 are used with DLC3000 Series instruments. To see
for the DLC3000 Series digital level controller. Refer to the HART Communicator device description revision
the appropriate sections of this manual for information number from the Offline menu, select Utility,
on the various menus. Simulation, Fisher Controls, and DLC3000.

July 2000 3-5

DLC3000 Series

3-6 July 2000

Initial Setup and Calibration

Section 4 Initial Setup and Calibration

Write Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Initial Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4
Calibration and Ranging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Mark Dry Coupling Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Two Liquid Level Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Wet/Dry Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
One Liquid Level Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Setting PV Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Entering the Upper and Lower Range Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Setting Zero and Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6

July 2000 4-1

DLC3000 Series

Write Lock
To setup and calibrate the instrument, write lock must Note
be set to Writes Enabled with the HART
Communicator. To change the write lock, press the If you received the digital level control-
ler mounted on the sensor with the
Hot Key on the HART Communicator. Select Write displacer blocked, or if the displacer is
Lock then select Writes Enabled. not connected, the instrument will be
coupled to the sensor and the lever as-
sembly unlocked. To place the unit in
service, if the displacer is blocked, re-
move the rod and block at each end of
Initial Setup the displacer and re-range the instru-
ment (if necessary) by performing the
Setting PV Range procedures.
4 If the displacer is not connected, hang
the displacer on the torque tube, and
Note re-range the instrument (if necessary)
by performing the Setting PV Range
To setup and calibrate the instrument, you procedures.
must be able to write to the instrument .
If you received the digital level control-
See Write Lock at the beginning of this ler mounted on the sensor and the dis-
section for information on enabling placer is not blocked (such as in skid
writing to the instrument. mounted systems) the instrument and
sensor should be uncoupled and the
lever assembly locked. To place the
unit in service perform the initial setup
and calibration procedures.
If a Type DLC3010 digital level controller ships from
the factory mounted on a 249 Series sensor, initial
setup and calibration is not necessary. The factory You may wish to review the factory entered data. To
enters the sensor data, couples the instrument to the review the factory data in the instrument, connect the
sensor, and calibrates the instrument and sensor instrument to a 24 volt dc power supply as shown in
combination. However, you may wish to re-range the figure 2-9. Connect the Model 275 HART
instrument to fit your application. For information on Communicator to the instrument and turn it on. From
reranging the instrument, see Setting the Range the Online menu select Review then select Device
Values in this section. Params (Device Parameters).

4-2 July 2000

Initial Setup and Calibration
For instruments not mounted on a level sensor or ASSEMBLY TEMPERATURE RATING
when replacing an instrument, initial setup consists of DISPLACER PRESSURE RATING
entering sensor information so that the digital level DISPLACER VOLUME
controller matches the sensor. Once the sensor
information is entered, the next step is coupling the SENSOR TYPE
sensor to the digital level controller. When the digital
level controller and sensor are coupled, the
combination may be calibrated. 76543210

249B PSI 285/100 F

Sensor information includes displacer and torque tube 1500 PSI 2 x 32 INCHES WCB STL

information, such as: 103 CU-IN 4 3/4 LBS MONEL


D Length units (meters, inches, or centimeters) TRIM MATERIAL

D Volume units (cubic inches, cubic millimeters, or (DIAMETER X LENGTH)


23A1725-E sht 1
E0366 / IL
D Weight units (kilograms, pounds, or ounce) Figure 4-1. Example Sensor Nameplate

D Displacer Length A Setup Wizard is available to aid initial setup. To use

the Setup Wizard, from the Online Menu select Basic
D Displacer Volume Setup then Setup Wizard. Follow the prompts on the
HART Communicator display to enter information for
D Displacer Weight the displacer, torque tube, and digital measurement
units. Most of the information is available from the
D Displacer Rod Length sensor nameplate, shown in figure 4-1. The displacer
rod length depends upon the sensor type. For a 249
D Torque Tube Material Series sensor, refer to table 4-1 to determine displacer
rod length.
D Instrument mounting (right or left of displacer) Two specific gravity tables are available in the
instrument to provide specific gravity correction for
D Measurement Application (level, interface, or temperature. For interface level applications, both
density) tables are used. For level measurement applications,
only the lower specific gravity table is used. Neither
table is used for density applications. Both tables may
be edited during detailed setup. See the “Detailed
Setup” section, Section 5. The Setup Wizard asks if
Note the tables should be used. If not, then you must supply
a specific gravity value (or values for interface
A sensor with a K-Monel torque tube applications).
may have NiCu on the nameplate as
the torque tube material.
After entering the sensor information, the Setup
Wizard prompts you to couple the digital level
controller to the sensor. If not already coupled,
perform the following procedure to couple the digital
Setup (3-1) level controller to the sensor.
1. Slide the access handle to the locked position to
expose the access hole. Press on the back of the
handle as shown in figure 2-5 then slide the handle
toward the front of the unit. Be sure the locking handle
Note drops into the detent.
Place the loop into manual operation 2. Set the displacer to the lowest possible process
before making any changes in setup or condition, (i.e. lowest water level or minimum specific
calibration. gravity) or replace the displacer by the heaviest
calibration weight.

July 2000 4-3

DLC3000 Series
Table 4-1. Displacer Rod Length Calibration
Displacer Rod Length
Sensor Type(1)
cm Inch
Calibration consists of marking the coupling point while
249, 249B, 249BP 20.32 8
the displacer is dry then calibrating the instrument by
249C, 249CP 16.83 6.63 actually raising and lowering the liquid level. Three
249N, 249K 26.67 10.5 methods of calibration are available. If you can
249P, 249L 22.86 9 externally measure the level or interface at two points,
249V 34.29 13.5 perform the Two Liquid Level Calibration procedure.
1. This table applies to sensors with vertical displacers only. For sensor types not This is the most accurate calibration procedure. If you
listed, or sensors with horizontal displacers, contact your Fisher Controls sales office
or sales representative for the displacer rod length. cannot externally measure the level or interface but
you can change the liquid level so that the displacer is
completely dry and completely submerged, perform
the Wet/Dry Calibration.

If you cannot lower the liquid so the displacer is

4 Note completely dry or raise the level so the displacer is
completely submerged, perform the One Liquid Level
Interface or density applications with Calibration procedure. This procedure requires that
displacer/torque tube sized for a small you must be able to externally measure the level or
total change in specific gravity are de- interface at a point where the displacer is partially
signed to be operated with the displa- submerged and that the dry coupling point was
cer always submerged. In these ap- marked previously.
plications, the torque rod is sometimes
resting on a stop while the displacer is
dry. The torque tube does not begin to Mark Dry Coupling Point
move until a considerable amount of
liquid has covered the displacer. In (3-2-1)
this case, couple with the displacer
submerged in the fluid with the lowest
density and the highest process tem- This procedure marks the dry coupling point. It
perature condition, or with an equiva- prompts you to hang the displacer, unlock the lever
lent condition simulated with the cal- arm, and ensure the displacer is completely dry or
culated weights. submerged in the lightest density liquid for density or
interface applications. The dry coupling point value is
used for internal calculations and can be read back as
the reference coupling point.
3. Insert a 10 mm deep well socket through the
access hole and onto the torque tube shaft clamp nut. If not already coupled, couple the instrument to the
Tighten the clamp nut to a maximum torque of sensor as described under Coupling.
2.1 NSm(18 lbfSin).
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor
Calibrate, and Mark Dry Coupling. Follow the prompts
4. Slide the access handle to the unlocked position.
on the HART Communicator to mark the dry coupling
Press on the back of the handle as shown in figure 2-5
then slide the handle toward the rear of the unit. Be
sure the locking handle drops into the detent.

Calibration and Ranging

When coupling is complete, you must calibrate the
digital level controller to match the sensor if you want
the engineering units to be properly scaled. If you Calibration requires raising and lower-
simply want the 4 to 20 mA output to indicate 0 and ing the liquid level. Perform only one
100% of span, calibration is not necessary. You only of the following calibration procedures
need to set the upper and lower range values as depending upon your ability to exter-
described in Setting Range Values. However, if you do nally measure the liquid level.
not calibrate the instrument and sensor, the
engineering units may not be precisely scaled.

4-4 July 2000

Initial Setup and Calibration
Two Liquid Level Calibration One Liquid Level Calibration

(3-2-2) (3-2-4)
This procedure is the most accurate method for This procedure uses a single reference point to
calibrating the instrument and sensor. It uses two calibrate the instrument and sensor. An external
liquid levels that can be externally measured. Perform method of measuring the liquid level is required. This
the Mark Dry Coupling Point procedure before procedure is less accurate than the two liquid level
performing two liquid level calibration calibration and wet/dry calibration procedures.
However, the one liquid level calibration procedure can
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor be used if it is not possible to lower the liquid level so
Calibrate, and Two Liquid Lvl Cal. Follow the prompts the displacer is completely dry or to raise the level so
on the HART Communicator to calibrate the the displacer is completely submerged. A means of
instrument and sensor. externally measuring the liquid level is required. The
1. Set the control loop for manual control. dry coupling point must already be marked.
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor
2. Adjust the liquid level to a position near the top or
bottom of the displacer. Calibrate, and One Liquid Lvl Cal. Follow the prompts
on the HART Communicator to calibrate the displacer
3. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the and torque tube.
current PV units.
1. Adjust the liquid level to a known position,
4. Adjust the liquid level to a position near the bottom preferably with the displacer partially submerged.
or top of the displacer, but at a position that is at the
opposite end of the displacer from step 2. 2. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the
current PV units.
5. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the
current PV units. The instrument and sensor are calibrated. Proceed to
Setting the Range Values.
The instrument and sensor are calibrated. Proceed to
Setting the Range Values.
Setting PV Range
Wet/Dry Calibration (3-2-3) Two methods are available for setting the range
values. You can enter the upper and lower range
The following procedure can be used to calibrate the values, in engineering units, as described below or, if
instrument and sensor if the liquid level can be you are able to raise and lower the level, perform the
changed so that the displacer is completely dry and Setting Zero and Span procedure. To obtain reverse
completely submerged, but the actual liquid level is not action, set the lower range value higher than the upper
known. This procedure is not quite as accurate as the range value or set the zero at a higher level than the
two liquid level calibration procedure but is more span.
accurate than the one liquid level calibration
procedure. Displacer information must be entered Entering the Upper and Lower Range
before performing this procedure.
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor Values
Calibrate, and Wet/Dry Cal. Follow the prompts on the
HART Communicator to calibrate the instrument and Press the Hot Key and select Range Values, or
sensor. from the Online menu, select Basic Setup, PV Setup
and PV Range. Follow the prompts on the HART
1. Set the control loop for manual control. Communicator display to enter URV (Upper Range
2. Enter the specific gravity for the liquid in the Value), LRV (Lower Range Value) and to display USL
system. (Upper Sensor Limit) and LSL (Lower Sensor Limit)
3. Adjust the liquid level until the displacer is dry, D URV—Defines the operational end point from
displacer is completely out of the liquid. which the Analog Value, and the 100% point of the
percent range are derived.
4. Adjust the liquid level until the displacer is
completely submerged in the liquid.
D LRV—Defines the operational end point from
The instrument and sensor are calibrated. Proceed to which the Analog Value, and the 0% point of the
Setting the Range Values. percent range are derived.

July 2000 4-5

DLC3000 Series
7 FEET set the span at 6 feet then the lower range value is 2
feet and the upper range value is 6 feet. The span is 4
URV feet (6 – 2 = 4). If you now set the zero at, say 3 feet,
the span is still 4 feet so the upper range value will
SPAN, 4 FEET shift to 7 feet (3 + 4 = 7). However, if you set the zero
first then the span, the lower range value (zero) will
stay fixed while you set the upper range value (span).
To set zero and span, from the Online menu, select
ZERO, 3 FEET Basic Setup, PV Setup, PV Range, and Set Zero and
(2 FEET)
Span. Follow the prompts on the HART Communicator
LRV to set zero and span.
LRV—LOWER RANGE VALUE 1. Select Set Zero from the Set Zero and Span menu.
E0367 / IL

4 Figure 4-2. Relationship of Zero and Span to Upper and Lower

Range Value
2. Set the control loop for manual control.
3. Set the process variable (level, interface, or
D USL—Defines the maximum usable value for the density) to the lower range value.
Upper Range Value. 4. Press the F4 key (OK) on the HART
D LSL—Defines the minimum usable value for the
Lower Range Value. 5. Go to Setting Span to set the span.
Setting Span
1. Select Set Span from the Set Zero and Span
Setting Zero and Span (3-3-2-5) menu.
If you are able to raise and and lower the liquid level or 2. Set the control loop for manual control.
change the density over the operational range, use
3. Set the process variable (level, interface, or
Set Zero and Span to set the range values.
density) to the upper range value.
Always set the zero first, then the span. If you set the
4. Press the F4 key (OK) on the HART
span first, the upper range value will shift when you
set the zero. For example, refer to figure 4-2, suppose
the zero is set to 2 feet from a previous ranging. If you 5. Return the control loop to automatic control.

4-6 July 2000

Detailed Setup

Section 5 Detailed Setup

Menu and Quick Key Sequence Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover

Setting Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Setting Up the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Entering Displacer Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Entering Torque Tube Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Specifying Instrument Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Process Temperature Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Entering the Process Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Entering RTD Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Setting Temperature Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

Setting Up the Instrument for the Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4

Selecting the Process Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Setting PV Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Setting PV Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Entering the Upper and Lower Range Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Setting Zero and Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Setting PV Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Setting PV Damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
Setting the Specific Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

Setting Up the LCD Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

Testing the Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Setting Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

Setting Process Variable Alarm Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Process Variable High Alarm
Process Variable High High Alarm
Process Variable Low Alarm
Process Variable Low Low Alarm
Process Variable Alarm Deadband
Setting Temperature Alarm Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Temperature High Alarm
Temperature Low Alarm
Electronics Temperature High Alarm

July 2000 5-1

DLC3000 Series
Electronics Temperature Low Alarm
Temperature Alarm Deadband
Enabling Process Variable Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
PV High Alarm
PV High High Alarm
PV Low Alarm
PV Low Low Alarm
Enabling Temperature Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
PV Temperature High Alarm
PV Temperature Low Alarm
Electronics Temperature High Alarm
Electronics Temperature Low Alarm

Entering HART Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

5 HART Tag
Polling Address

Setting Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11

Input Filter

5-2 July 2000

Detailed Setup
The Basic Setup and Detailed Setup selections from Table 5-1. Displacer Rod Length
the Online Menu allow you to configure the digital level Displacer Rod Length
controller to your application. Sensor Type(1)
cm Inch
249, 249B, 249BP 20.32 8
249C, 249CP 16.83 6.63
249N, 249K 26.67 10.5
249P, 249L 22.86 9
249V 34.29 13.5

Setting Protection 1. This table applies to sensors with vertical displacers only. For sensor types not
listed, or sensors with horizontal displacers, contact your Fisher Controls sales office
or sales representative for the displacer rod length.
To change setup parameters may require enabling
writing to the instrument with the HART
Communicator. To change the write protection, press ASSEMBLY TEMPERATURE RATING
the Hot Key and select Write Lock, or, from the DISPLACER PRESSURE RATING
Online menu, select Diag/Service then select Write DISPLACER VOLUME
Lock. Select Writes Enabled to enable writing setup
and calibration data, or select Writes Disabled to SENSOR TYPE
disable writing data.

249B PSI 285/100 F

1500 PSI 2 x 32 INCHES WCB STL

103 CU-IN 4 3/4 LBS MONEL


Setting Up the Sensor TRIM MATERIAL

Entering Displacer Data (4-1-1-1) 23A1725-E sht 1
E0366 / IL

To enter displacer data, from the Online menu select Figure 5-1. Example Sensor Nameplate
Detailed Setup, Sensors, Displacer, and Displacer
Info. Follow the prompts on the HART Communicator
display to enter Displ Units (Displacer Units), Length
(Displacer Length), Volume (Displacer Volume), Entering Torque Tube Data (4-1-2)
Weight (Displacer Weight), and Disp Rod (Displacer
Rod Length). To enter torque tube data, from the Online menu
select Detailed Setup, Sensors, and Torque Tube.
D Displ Units—Permits setting the units of measure Select Material (Torque Tube Material) to display the
for the displacer length (feet, meters, inches, or torque tube material or Change Material to Change the
centimeters), volume (liters, cubic inches, cubic torque tube material.
millimeters, or milliliters) and weight (grams,
kilograms, pounds, or ounces). D Material—Displays the torque tube material
currently stored in the instrument.
D Length—Enter the displacer length from the
sensor nameplate. See figure 5-1.

D Volume—Enter the displacer volume from the

sensor nameplate. See figure 5-1.
A sensor with a K-Monel torque tube
D Weight—Enter the displacer weight from the may have NiCu on the nameplate as
sensor nameplate. See figure 5-1. the torque tube material.

D Disp Rod—Enter the displacer rod length. The

displacer rod length depends upon the sensor type. D Change Material—Enter the sensor torque tube
For a 249 Series sensor, obtain the displacer rod material. You can also load a table with the material
length from table 5-1 or from the HART Communicator temperature coefficients. You can select to load the
Help. table with the defaults, or, if you select No, you can

July 2000 5-3

DLC3000 Series
enter the torque tube temperature coefficient values.
To enter the torque tube material temperature Setting Temperature Units (3-3-1-2)
coefficients, from the Online menu select Review, then
select Factory Settings and TTube Temp. Coeff To enter the temperature units, select Basic Setup, PV
(Torque Tube Temperature Coefficient). Setup, PV & Temp Units, and Temp Units. Select
either degC (degrees centigrade) or degF (degrees
Specifying Instrument

Mounting (4-1-1-2) Setting Up the Instrument for the

To indicate on which side of the displacer the Application
instrument is mounted, from the Online menu select
Detailed Setup, Sensors, Displacer, and Instr
Mounting. Specify if the instrument is to the right or left
of the displacer. See figure 2-6. Selecting the Process Variable (3-3-6)

5 The DLC3000 Series digital level controller can be

Process Temperature Indications used for level, interface level, or density
measurements. To select the process variable to fit
The digital level controller can receive the process the application, from the Online menu select Basic
temperature from a resistance temperature detector Setup, PV Setup, and PV is. Follow the prompts on
(RTD) connected to the unit or, if no RTD is connected the HART Communicator display to select Level,
to the unit, you can enter the process temperature Interface, or Density.
directly. The digital level controller uses the process
temperature to make specific gravity corrections and
to trim the torque tube response.
Setting PV Units
Entering the Process
To set process variable units, press the Hot Key
Temperature (4-1-3) and select PV Setup, or, from the Online menu, select
Basic Setup, and PV Setup. Select PV & Temp Units.
To enter or view the process temperature, select The menu selection appears as one of the following:
Detailed Setup, Sensors, Process Temp, and Digital D Level Units—if the PV is level,
Proc Temp. If no RTD is connected to the unit, the
HART Communicator prompts you for the process D Interface Units—if the PV is Interface, or
temperature. If an RTD is connected to the digital level
controller, the HART Communicator displays the D Density Units—if the PV is Density.
process temperature indicated by the RTD.
You can select from the following units:
For density measurement:
Entering RTD Data (3-3-1-3) g/Cucm—grams per cubic centimeter
kg/Cum—kilograms per cubic meter
If an RTD is connected to the digital level controller, lb/gal—pounds per gallon
select Detailed Setup, Sensors, Process Temp, and lb/Cuft—pounds per cubic foot
Process Temp RTD. Follow the prompts on the HART g/mL—grams per milliliter
Communicator display to indicate an RTD is installed. kg/L—kilograms per liter
Enter the type of RTD either 2-wire or 3-wire. g/L—grams per liter
For a 2-wire RTD, you must specify the connecting lb/Cuin—pounds per cubic inch
wire resistance. If you know the resistance, select SGU—specific gravity units
Resistance and enter the resistance of the wire. 250 For level and interface measurement:
feet of 16 AWG wire has a resistance of 1 ohm. If you ft—feet
do not know the resistance, select Wire Gauge/Lngth m—meters
and the HART Communicator will prompt you for the in—inches
length and gauge of the wire and calculate the cm—centimeters
resistance. mm—millimeters

5-4 July 2000

Detailed Setup
Setting PV Range (3-3-2) 6 FEET

Two methods are available for setting the range. You SPAN, 4 FEET
can enter the upper and lower range values, in
engineering units, as described below or, if you are
able to raise and lower the level, perform the Setting
Zero and Span procedure. To obtain reverse action,
set the lower range value higher than the upper range
value or set the zero at a higher level than the span. (2 FEET)


Entering the Upper and Lower Range URV—UPPER RANGE VALUE

E0367 / IL

Values Figure 5-2. Relationship of Zero and Span to Upper and

Lower Range Value

Press the Hot Key and select Range Values, or,

from the Online menu, select Basic Setup, PV Setup, set the zero. For example, refer to figure 5-2, suppose
and PV Range. Follow the prompts on the HART the zero is set to 2 feet from a previous ranging. If you
Communicator display to enter URV (Upper Range set the span at 6 feet then the lower range value is 2
Value), LRV (Lower Range Value), and to display the feet and the upper range value is 6 feet. The span is 4
LSL (Lower Sensor Limit), and USL (Upper Sensor feet (6 – 2 = 4). If you now set the zero at, say 3 feet,
Limit). the span is still 4 feet so the upper range value will
shift to 7 feet (3 + 4 = 7). However, if you set the zero
first then the span, the lower range value (zero) will
D URV—Defines the operational end point from stay fixed while you set the upper range value (span).
which the Analog Value, and the 100% point of the
percent range are derived. To set zero and span, from the Online menu, select
Basic Setup, PV Setup, PV Range, and Set Zero and
Span. Follow the procedure to set zero and span.

D LRV—Defines the operational end point from Setting Zero

which the Analog Value, and the 0% point of the
percent range are derived. 1. Select Set Zero from the Set Zero and Span menu.
2. Set the control loop for manual control.
3. Set the process variable (level, interface, or
D LSL—Indicates the minimum usable value for the
density) to the lower range value.
Lower Range Value.
4. Press the F4 key (OK) on the HART
D USL—Indicates the maximum usable value for 5. Perform the Setting Span procedure.
the Upper Range Value.
Setting Span

1. Select Set Span from the Set Zero and Span

Setting Zero and Span (3-3-2-5)
2. Set the control loop for manual control.

If you are able to raise and lower the liquid level or 3. Set the process variable (level, interface, or
change the density between 0 and 100%, you can use density) to the upper range value.
Set Zero and Span to set the operational range.
4. Press the F4 key (OK) on the HART
Always set the zero first, then the span. If you set the
span first, the upper range value will shift when you 5. Return the control loop to automatic control.

July 2000 5-5

DLC3000 Series
–18 30 100 200 300 380

(10 FEET) 0.9


(6 FEET) 0.6
(6 FEET) 0.5

E0368 / IL 0.4

Figure 5-3. Example of the Use of PV Offset 0.3

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
5 E0369 / IL

Figure 5-4. Example Saturated Water Curve Plotted with

Values from Table 5-2

Setting PV Offset
Table 5-2. Example Specific Gravity vs Temperature Table for
Adding a PV offset permits the process variable Saturated Water
engineering units to correspond to the externally Temperature Specific
measured level or interface (see figure 5-3). To add a Data Point
_C _F Gravity
PV offset, press the Hot Key and select PV Setup, 1 26.7 80.0 0.9985
or, from the Online menu, select Basic Setup, PV 2 93.3 200.0 0.9655
Setup. Select PV Offset and follow the prompts on the 3 176.7 350.0 0.8935
HART Communicator to enter the offset value. If you 4 248.9 480.0 0.8040
5 304.4 580.0 0.7057
set the PV offset after you have set the range values,
6 337.8 640.0 0.6197
be sure to verify that the range values are still correct. 7 354.4 670.0 0.5570
8 365.6 690.0 0.4940
9 371.1 700.0 0.4390
10 374.7 706.5 0.3157

value between 0 and 16 seconds in 0.1 second

Note increments. When set to 0, the damping function is off.
If you can manipulate the level, you To set PV damping, from the Online menu, select
can also add a PV offset by performing Basic Setup, PV Setup, and PV Damping.
the Trim PV Zero procedure in the
“Calibration” section.

Setting the Specific Gravity (3-3-5)

Two specific gravity tables are available in the
instrument to provide specific gravity correction for
Setting PV Damping (3-3-4) temperature. For level measurement applications, only
the lower specific gravity table is used. For interface
PV Damping changes the response time of the applications, both the upper and lower table can be
controller to smooth variations in output readings displayed and edited. For density applications, no
caused by rapid changes in input. Determine the specific gravity correction table is presented. Example
appropriate damping setting based on the necessary entries for saturated water are given in table 5-2.
response time, signal stability, and other requirements Figure 5-4 shows the curve that results when these
of the loop dynamics of your system. The default values are plotted. Table 5-3 lists example entries for
damping value is 0.2 seconds. and can be reset to any saturated steam. Figure 5-5 is the curve that

5-6 July 2000

Detailed Setup
Table 5-3. Example Specific Gravity vs Temperature Table for TEMPERATURE _C
Saturated Steam
–18 100 200 300 375
Temperature Specific
Data Point 0.35
_C _F Gravity
1 126.7 260 0.00095 0.30
2 210.0 410 0.00850
3 271.1 520 0.02760 0.25

4 304.4 580 0.04900
5 326.7 620 0.07200 0.20
6 343.3 650 0.09800
7 357.8 676 0.13500 0.15
8 365.6 690 0.16800
9 371.1 700 0.21000 0.10
10 374.4 706 0.31570
results when these entries plotted.
You can enter up to 10 temperature and specific 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
gravity pairs in the table. The table entry function is E0370 / IL TEMPERATURE _F
terminated by entering zero for the specific gravity.
Keep this in mind when setting up a table for a upper
Figure 5-5. Example Saturated Steam Curve Plotted from
Values in Table 5-3 5
fluid, such as steam, whose specific gravity
approaches 0 at lower temperatures.
entering the temperature for the first pair, press
The resolution of the table entry for specific gravity is 5 ENTER. Enter the specific gravity for the first pair and
decimal places. This means the smallest specific press ENTER. The HART Communicator then
gravity value you can enter is 0.00001, which should prompts for the temperature for the second pair. Enter
be sufficient to allow a starting temperature around this temperature and press ENTER. The HART
15.6 _C (60 _F) for the steam specific gravity table. Communicator then prompts for the specific gravity for
the second pair. Continue entering each temperature
The example set of tables given are generated by
and specific gravity pair. When finished, enter zero at
visually laying linear segments over a reference curve,
the HART Communicator prompt for the next specific
and are not guaranteed to provide any particular
gravity value to exit the table. For level applications,
accuracy. They are provided to illustrate the guidelines
the HART Communicator exits to the Basic Setup
for developing your own table:
menu. For interface applications, the HART
1. Establish a table for the fluid(s) you are using over Communicator then prompts for the first temperature
the expected operating range of process temperature. and specific gravity pair for the upper table.
This allows you to make best use of the maximum of
ten points to obtain the accuracy you require. If your
fluid specific gravity is very linear over the operating
temperature range, two data points may be sufficient.
(The correction algorighm provides linear interpolation
between data points, and bounds the result at the Setting Up the LCD Meter (4-2-2)
table end points.) To setup the LCD meter, from the Online menu select
Detailed Setup, Output Condition, and LCD meter.
2. Pick points closer together in regions of higher Follow the prompts on the HART Communicator to
slope. indicate if the meter is installed, setup the information
3. Pick linear segments that distribute the error the meter will display, and assign the number of
equally on each side of the true curve. decimal places.
To enter or display the specific gravity, or to enter D Meter Installed—Select this parameter to
values in the specific gravity tables, from the Online indicate if the meter is installed. If the meter is
menu select Basic Setup, PVSetup, and Specific physically installed, select Installed. The meter must
Gravity. The HART Communicator prompts for either be installed before you can set the display type or the
a single value for specific gravity or a table of specific decimal places.
gravity versus temperature. To enter a single specific
gravity value, select Single Point and enter the specific D Display Type—Select the type of information the
gravity value. To display or enter values in the tables, meter should display and how it should be displayed.
select Table of SG vs T. You can select for display:
The HART Communicator begins by prompting for the PV Only—Displays the process variable (level,
temperature of the first pair in the lower table. After interface, or density) in engineering units.

July 2000 5-7

DLC3000 Series
ANALOG OUTPUT Setting Alarms
VALUE The following menus are available for configuring
Setting Process Variable Alarm Limits

Select Detailed Setup, Output Condition, Configure
Alarms, and Process Var. Follow the prompts on the
PROCESS HART Communicator display to set: PV Hi Alrm
VARIABLE (Process Variable High Alarm), PV Hi-Hi Alrm
(Process Variable High-High Alarm), PV Lo Alrm
E0371 / IL MODE (Process Variable Low Alarm), PV Lo-Lo Alrm
Figure 5-6. LCD Meter Display
(Process Variable Low-Low Alarm), and PV Alrm
DeadBand (Process Variable Alarm Dead Band).
5 D PV Hi Alrm—Process Variable High Alarm is the
value of the process variable, in engineering units,
PV/Proc Temp—Alternately displays the process which, when exceeded, sets the process variable High
variable in engineering units, the process temperature Alarm.
in the units selected under Temp Units (PV Setup),
and the degrees of torque tube rotation. D PV Hi-Hi Alrm—Process Variable High-High
% Range Only—Displays the process variable as Alarm is the value of the process variable, in
a percent of span (determined by the LRV and URV). engineering units, which, when exceeded, sets the
process variable High-High Alarm.
PV/% Range—Alternately displays the process
variable in engineering units and the process variable D PV Lo Alrm—Process Variable Low Alarm is the
in percent of span. value of the process variable, in engineering units,
which, when exceeded, sets the Process Variable Low
D Decimal Places—Selects the number of decimal Alarm.
places to display, up to four.
D PV Lo-Lo Alrm—Process Variable Low-Low
If PV/Proc Temp or PV/% Range is selected, the Alarm is the value of the process variable, in
display alternates every two seconds between the engineering units, which, when exceeded, sets the
selected readings. The meter also simultaneously Process Variable Low Low Alarm.
displays the analog output signal using a percent of
scale bar graph around the perimeter of the display D PV Alrm Deadband—The Process Variable
face as shown in figure 5-6, no matter what display Alarm Deadband is the amount the process variable,
type is selected. in engineering units, must change to clear a process
After you have selected the desired meter settings, variable alarm, once it has been set. The deadband
press SEND (F2) on the HART Communicator to applies to all the process variable alarms. See figure
download the meter settings to the instrument. 5-7.

Setting Temperature Alarm Limits

Testing the Meter
The meter activates all segments immediately after
power-up, during a digital level controller self-test, or Select Detailed Setup, Output Condition, Configure
during a master reset sent by a host supporting HART Alarms, and Temperature. Follow the prompts on the
communications. You can also test the meter by HART Communicator display to configure the
selecting Diag/Service from the Online menu. Select following: Proc. Temp Hi Alrm (Process Temperature
Test Device and Meter. Select Turn Cells On to turn High Alarm), Proc. Temp Lo Alrm (Process
on all display segments, including the analog output Temperature Low Alarm), Elec. Temp Hi Alrm
bar graph, or select Turn Cells Off to turn off all (Electronics Temperature High Alarm), Elec. Temp Lo
display segments. When finished with the test, press Alrm (Electronics Temperature Low Alarm) and Temp
OK to return the meter to normal display mode. Alrm Deadband (Temperature Alarm Deadband).

5-8 July 2000

Detailed Setup
Enabling Process Variable Alarms
Select Detailed Setup, Output Condition, Configure
Alarms and Alarm Enable. Follow the prompts on the
HART Communicator display to configure the
following: Hi Alrm Enabl (High Alarm Enable), Hi Hi
Alrm Enabl (High High Alarm Enable), Lo Alrm Enabl
(Low Alarm Enable), Lo Lo Alrm Enabl (Low Low

E0372 / IL D Hi Alrm Enabl—On or Off. High Alarm Enable

Figure 5-7. Process Variable Alarm Deadband (Process activates checking the process variable against the PV
Variable High Alarm Example) High Alarm limit. High Alarm is set if the process
ALARM IS SET variable rises above the PV High Alarm limit. Once the
alarm is set, the process variable must fall below the
PV High Alarm limit by the PV Alarm Deadband before
the alarm is cleared. See figure 5-7. 5

TEMPERATURE If the Hi Hi Alarm or Lo Lo Alarm are
enabled and either is set, the digital
E0373 / IL
level controller output will go to below
Figure 5-8. Temperature Alarm Deadband (Temperature 3.75 mA or above 21.0 mA, depending
on the position of the alarm jumper.

D Proc. Temp Hi Alrm—Process Temperature High

Alarm is the process variable temperature, in D Hi Hi Alrm Enabl—On or Off. High High Alarm
temperature units, which, when exceeded, will set the Enable activates checking the process variable
Process Temperature High Alarm. against the PV High-High Alarm limit. The High High
Alarm is set if the process variable rises above the PV
D Proc. Temp Lo Alrm—Process Temperature Low High High Alarm limit. Once the alarm is set, the
Alarm is the process variable temperature, in process variable must fall below the PV High High
temperature units, which, when exceeded, will set the Alarm limit by the PV Alarm Deadband before the
Temperature Low Alarm. alarm is cleared. See figure 5-7.

D Elec. Temp Hi Alrm—Electronics Temperature D Lo Alrm Enabl—On or Off. Low Alarm Enable
High Alarm is the instrument electronics temperature, activates checking the process variable against the PV
in temperature units, which, when exceeded, will set Low Alarm limit. Low Alarm is set if the process
the Electronics High Alarm. variable falls below the PV Low Alarm limit. Once the
alarm is set, the process variable must rise above the
PV Low Alarm limit by the PV Alarm Deadband before
D Elec. Temp Lo Alrm—Electronics Temperature the alarm is cleared. See figure 5-7.
Low Alarm is the instrument electronics temperature,
in temperature units, which, when exceeded, will set D Lo Lo Alrm Enabl—On or Off. Low Low Alarm
the Electronics Low Alarm. Enable activates checking the process variable
against the PV Low-Low Alarm limit. The Low Low
D Temp Alrm Deadband—The Temperature Alarm Alarm is set if the process variable falls below the PV
Deadband is the amount the temperature, in Low Low Alarm limit. Once the alarm is set, the
temperature units, must change to clear a temperature process variable must rise above the PV Low Low
alarm, once it has been set. The deadband applies to Alarm limit by the PV Alarm Deadband before the
all the temperature alarms. See figure 5-8. alarm is cleared. See figure 5-7.

July 2000 5-9

DLC3000 Series
Enabling Temperature Alarms Temperature Low Alarm limit. Once the alarm is set,
the instrument electronics temperature must rise
above the Electronics Temperature Low Alarm limit by
(4-2-3-4) the Temperature Alarm Deadband before the alarm is
cleared. See figure 5-8.
Select Detailed Setup, Output Condition, Configure
Alarms and Temp Alarm Enable. Follow the prompts
on the HART Communicator display to configure the
following: Proc Temp Hi Alr (Process Temperature
High Alarm), Proc Temp Lo Alr (Process Temperature
Low Alarm), Elect Temp Hi Al (Electronics Entering HART Information
Temperature High Alarm), Elect Temp Lo Alr
(Electronics Temperature Low Alarm Enable). (4-3-1)
From the Online menu select Detailed Setup, Device
D Proc Temp Hi Alr—On or Off. Process Information, and HART. Follow the prompts on the
Temperature High Alarm Enable activates checking of HART Communicator display to enter or view
the process variable temperature against the Process information in the following fields: HART Tag, Polling
Temperature High Alarm limit. The Process Address, Message, Descriptor, and Date.
5 Temperature High Alarm is set if the process variable
D HART Tag—The HART tag is the easiest way to
temperature rises above the Process Temperature
High Alarm limit. Once the alarm is set, the process identify and distinguish between controllers in
variable temperature must fall below the Process multi-controller environments. Use the HART tag to
Temperature High Alarm limit by the Temperature label controllers electronically according to the
Alarm Deadband before the alarm is cleared. See requirements of your application. The tag you define is
figure 5-8. automatically displayed when a HART-based
communicator establishes contact with the controller
at power-up. The tag may be up to eight characters
D Proc Temp Lo Alr—On or Off. Process long and has no impact on the primary variable
Temperature Low Alarm Enable activates checking of readings of the controller.
the process variable temperature against the Process
Temperature Low Alarm limit. Process Temperature D Polling Address—If the digital level controller is
Low Alarm is set if the process variable temperature used in a point-to-point configuration, the Polling
falls below the Process Temperature Low Alarm limit. Address is 0. When several devices are connected in
Once the alarm is set, the process variable the same loop, each device must be assigned a
temperature must rise above the Process unique polling address. The Polling Address may be
Temperature Low Alarm limit by the Temperature set to a value between 0 and 15.
Alarm Deadband before the alarm is cleared. See
figure 5-8. For the HART Communicator to be able to
communicate with a device whose polling address is
not 0, it must be configured to automatically search for
D Elect Temp Hi Al—On or Off. Electronics all or specific connected devices. For information on
Temperature High Alarm Enable activates checking of configuring the HART Communicator for automatic
the instrument electronics temperature against the polling, see the “Model 275 HART Communicator
Electronics Temperature High Alarm limit. Electronics Basics” section, Section 3.
Temperature High Alarm is set if the instrument
electronics temperature rises above the Electronics D Message—Message provides the most specific
Temperature High Alarm limit. Once the alarm is set, user-defined means for identifying individual
the instrument electronics temperature must fall below controllers in multi-controller environments. it allows
the Electronics Temperature High Alarm limit by the for 32 characters of information and is stored with the
Temperature Alarm Deadband before the alarm is other configuration data. Message has no impact on
cleared. See figure 5-8. the operation of the controller or the HART-based

D Elect Temp Lo Al—On or Off. Electronics D Descriptor—The Descriptor provides a longer

Temperature Low Alarm Enable activates checking of user-defined electronic label to assist with more
the instrument electronics temperature against the specific controller identification that is available with
Electronics Temperature Low Alarm limit. Electronics the HART tag. The descriptor may be up to 16
Temperature Low Alarm is set if the instrument characters long and has no impact on the operation of
electronics temperature falls below the Electronics the controller or HART-based communicator.

5-10 July 2000

Detailed Setup

BELL 202



E0375 / IL

Figure 5-9. Typical Multidropped Network

D Date—Date is a user-defined variable that Multidrop Communication

provides a place to save the date of the last revision of
“Multidropping” refers to the connection of several
configuration or calibration information. It has no digital level controllers or transmitters to a single
impact on the operation of the controller or HART communications transmission line. Communication
Communicator. Enter a date with the format
between the host and the field instruments takes place
MM/DD/YY. digitally with the analog output of the instruments
deactivated. With the HART communications protocol,
up to 15 field instruments can be connected on a
single twisted pair of wires or over leased phone lines.
Multidrop installations are not recommended where
Setting Response intrinsic safety is a requirement.
The application of a multidrop installation requires
(3-3-2-4) consideration of the update rate necessary from each
instrument, the combination of instrument models, and
From the Online menu, select Review, Factory
the length of the transmission line. Communication
Settings, and Input Filter. Follow the prompts on the
with the field instruments can be accomplished with
HART Communicator display to configure the input
commercially available Bell 202 modems and a host
implementing the HART protocol. Each instrument is
identified by a unique address (1–15) and responds to
the commands defined in the HART protocol.
D Input Filter—Time constant for the input filter, in
seconds, for the A/D measurement. The filter is Figure 5-9 shows a typical multidrop network. Do not
applied before PV processing, after the A/D use this figure as an installation diagram. Contact your
conversion. Range is 0 to 16 seconds in 0.1 second Fisher Controls sales office or representative with
increments. The default value is 0.0 seconds. To specific requirements for multidrop applications.
disable the filter, set the time constant to 0 seconds. The HART Communicator can test, configure, and
This filter is provided for extreme input noise format a multidropped DLC3000 Series digital level
situations. Use of this filter normally should not be controller in the same way as in a standard
necessary. point-to-point installation.

July 2000 5-11

DLC3000 Series

DLC3000 Series digital level control-
lers are set to address 0 at the factory,
allowing them to operate in the stan-
dard point-to-point manner with a 4–20
mA output signal. To activate multi-
drop communication, the address
must be changed to a number between
1 and 15. This change deactivates the
4–20 mA analog output, sending it to 4
mA. The failure mode current also is

5-12 July 2000


Section 6 Calibration
Sensor Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Mark Dry Coupling Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Two Liquid Level Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Wet/Dry Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
One Liquid Level Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Trim PV Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

Weight Based Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Scaled D/A Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Temperature Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4

July 2000 6-1

DLC3000 Series
Sensor Calibration completely submerged, but the actual liquid level is not
known. This procedure is not quite as accurate as the
The following procedures calibrate the instrument and
two liquid level calibration procedure but is more
sensor by raising and lowering the liquid in the system.
accurate than the one liquid level calibration
Displacer information and torque tube material should
procedure. Displacer information must be entered
be entered before beginning calibration.
before performing this procedure.
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor
Calibrate, and Wet/Dry Cal. Follow the prompts on the
Mark Dry Coupling Point (3-2-1) HART Communicator to calibrate the instrument and
This procedure marks the dry coupling point. It sensor.
prompts you to hang the displacer, unlock the lever 1. Set the control loop for manual control.
arm, and ensure the displacer is completely dry or
submerged in the lightest density liquid for density or 2. Enter the specific gravity for the liquid in the
interface applications. This number is used for internal system.
calculations and can be read back as the reference 3. Adjust the liquid level until the displacer is dry
coupling point. (displacer is completely out of the liquid).
If not already coupled, perform the procedure under 4. Adjust the liquid level until the displacer is
Coupling in the “Initial Setup and Calibration” section. completely submerged in the liquid.
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor The instrument and sensor are calibrated. Return the
Calibrate, and Mark Dry Coupling. Follow the prompts
6 on the HART Communicator to mark the dry coupling
loop to automatic control.

One Liquid Level Calibration (3-2-4)
This procedure uses a single reference point to
Two Liquid Level Calibration (3-2-2) calibrate the instrument and sensor. An external
This procedure is the most accurate method for method of measuring the liquid level is required. The
calibrating the instrument and sensor. It uses two two liquid level calibration and wet/dry calibration
externally measured liquid levels. An external method procedures provide more accurate calibration.
of measuring the liquid levels is required. However, the one liquid level calibration procedure can
be used if it is not possible to lower the liquid so the
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor
displacer is completely dry or to raise the level so the
Calibrate, and Two Liquid Lvl Cal. Follow the prompts
displacer is completely submerged. A means of
on the HART Communicator to calibrate the externally measuring the liquid level is required. The
instrument and sensor.
dry coupling point must already be marked.
1. Set the control loop for manual control. From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor
2. Adjust the liquid level to a position near the top or Calibrate, and One Liquid Lvl Cal. Follow the prompts
bottom of the displacer. on the HART Communicator to calibrate the
instrument and sensor.
3. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the
current PV units. 1. Adjust the fluid level to a known position, preferably
with the displacer partially submerged.
4. Adjust the liquid level to a position near the bottom
or top of the displacer, but at a position that is at the 2. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the
opposite end of the displacer from step 2. current PV units.
5. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the The instrument and sensor are calibrated. Return the
current PV units. loop to automatic control.
The instrument and sensor are calibrated. Be sure to
verify that the upper and lower range values are
correct before returning the loop to automatic control. Trim PV Zero (3-2-5)
This procedure adds an offset to the level so that the
measured level reflects the absolute level. For
example (see figure 6-1), if the bottom of the displacer
Wet/Dry Calibration (3-2-3) is 4 feet above the bottom of the vessel, an offset
The following procedure can be used to calibrate the value of 4 would be entered so that the liquid level
instrument and sensor if the liquid level can be indicated by the PV would be the level from the bottom
changed so that the displacer is completely dry and of the vessel.

6-2 July 2000

toward the front of the unit. Be sure the locking handle
drops into the detent.
For level applications, skip steps 2 and 3.
(10 FEET)
DISPLACER 2. For interface level or density measurements, enter
the specific gravity of the lighter fluid.
3. For interface level or density measurements, enter
the specific gravity of the heavier fluid.
4. Place a weight on the displacer rod that is
(4 FEET)
approximately equal to that indicated on the prompt.
This is equivalent to the displacer weight when the
OFFSET liquid is at its lowest level or the displacer is
(4 FEET)
suspended in the liquid with the lower specific gravity.
E0376 / IL
5. Enter the actual value of the weight suspended on
the displacer rod.
Figure 6-1. Trim Pv Zero Example
6. If the controller is already coupled to the sensor,
skip step 7.
7. Insert a 10 mm deep well socket through the
From the Online menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor
Calibrate, and Trim PV Zero. Follow the prompts on
access hole and onto the torque tube shaft clamp nut. 6
Tighten the clamp nut to a maximum torque of
the HART Communicator to add a level offset.
2.1 NSm (18 lbfSin.).
1. Adjust the liquid level to a known position,
preferably with the displacer partially submerged. 8. Slide the access handle to the unlocked position.
Press on the back of the handle as shown in figure 2-5
2. Enter the externally measured liquid level in the then slide the handle toward the rear of the unit. Be
current PV units. sure the locking handle drops into the detent.
The level offset is marked. Recheck the upper and 9. Place a weight on the displacer rod that is
lower range values. approximately equal to that indicated on the prompt.
This is equivalent to the displacer weight when the
liquid is at its highest level or the displacer is
suspended in the liquid with the higher specific gravity.
Weight Based Calibration (3-2-6) 10. Enter the actual value of the weight suspended on
the displacer rod.
This procedure may be used on the bench. It allows
the instrument and sensor to be calibrated using The sensor is calibrated.
weights instead of using the actual displacer
movement due to fluid changes. It requires the
displacer information to be entered prior to beginning
the procedure. Weights equivalent to that applied to Scaled D/A Trim (2-4-3)
the displacer by liquid level changes must be This procedure allows trimming the Digital-to-Analog
available. (D/A) output to be exactly 4 to 20 mA or adjusting the
output to a specified range.
If not already entered, enter the displacer information.
From the Online menu, select Detailed Setup,Sensors, From the Online menu, select Diag/Service,
and Displacer, and Displacer Info. Follow the prompts Calibration, and Scaled D/A Trim. Follow the prompts
on the HART Communicator to enter the displacer on the HART Communicator to trim the D/A output.
information. 1. Scale the output from 4 to 20 mA? If yes, select
To begin weight based calibration, from the Online Proceed and go to step 5. If No, select Change and
menu, select Basic Setup, Sensor Calibrate, and continue with step 2.
Weight Based Cal. Follow the prompts on the HART 2. Enter the scale low output value.
Communicator to calibrate the sensor.
3. Enter the scale high output value.
1. Slide the access handle to the locked position to 4. If the high and low output values are correct, select
expose the access hole. Press on the back of the Proceed and continue to step 5. If not correct, select
handle as shown in figure 2-5 then slide the handle Change and return to step 2.

July 2000 6-3

DLC3000 Series
5. Connect a reference meter across the test temperature reading so that it matches the actual
connections in the terminal box. See the Test temperature.
Connections procedure in the “Installation” section.
You can also connect a reference meter in the loop as From the Online menu, select Diag/Service,
shown in figure 2-9. Calibration, and Temp. Calibrate. Follow the prompts
on the HART Communicator to trim the temperature
6. The HART Communicator commands the readings.
instrument to set its output to 4 mA or the low output
value. 1. Display the temperature reading:
7. Enter the reading on the reference meter.
D To display the process temperature reading,
8. If the reference meter reading equals 4 mA or the select Process Temp.
low output value, select yes and continue to step 9. If
not, select No and return to step 7.
9. The HART Communicator commands the D To display the electronics temperature reading,
instrument to set its output to 20 mA or the high output select Elect Temp.
2. When you have noted the temperature reading,
10. Enter the reading on the reference meter. press Exit.
11. If the reference meter reading equals 20 mA or
the high output value, select yes and continue to step 3. If necessary, trim the temperature reading:
6 12. If not, select No and return to step 10.
D To trim the process temperature reading, select
12. The HART Communicator commands the
Proc Temp Offset.
instrument to set its output back to the original value.

D To trim the electronics temperature reading,

select Elect Temp Offset
Temperature Calibration (2-4-2)
This procedure allows you to display the temperature 4. Enter the difference between the reading noted in
as measured by the instrument. You can then trim the step 2 and the actual temperature.

6-4 July 2000

Viewing Device Information

Section 7 Viewing Device Information

Viewing Process Variable Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Process Variable
Electronics Temperature
Process Variable Range

Viewing Output Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

Process Variable
Analog Output
% Range
Alarm Jumper 7
Measuring Specific Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Trending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Viewing the Device ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Viewing Version Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

Field Device Revision
Software Revision
Hardware Revision
Universal Revision

Viewing Serial Number Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4

Displacer Serial Number
Final Assembly Number
Instrument Serial Number

Viewing Process and Temperature Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4

Viewing Hardware Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4

Viewing Instrument Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4

July 2000 7-1

DLC3000 Series
The following menus are available to define and/or 150
view information about the instrument. 130




Viewing Process Variable 30

Information (1) –10

To view the process variable and the corresponding –30

ranges, from the Online Menu select Process –50
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Variables. Follow the prompts on the HART LRV URV
Communicator display to view the process variable LEVEL (INCHES)
(level, interface, or density), electronics temperature,

D PV—Indicates the type of measurement either

level, interface (the interface of two liquids of different
specific gravities), or density (measures the liquid
specific gravity). The process variable displayed and
measured depends on the entry for “PV is” under PV
PV (% RANGE) 70

7 D Elect Temp—Indicates the electronics 50

temperature in the units specified under PV Setup, 30

Temp Units. 10


D PV Range—Displays the Upper Range Value –30

and Lower Range Value for the process variable. –50
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
E0383 / IL


Viewing Output
Figure 7-1. PV % Range Indication for Direct and Reverse
Action with a 32-Inch Displacer Ranged for 8 to 24 Inches
Information (4-2-1)
To view the analog output variables, from the Online
Menu select Detailed Setup, Output Condition, and
Analog Output. Follow the prompts on the HART Refer to figure 7-1. If the digital level controller is setup
Communicator display to view the process variable for direct action (i.e., the lower range value is less than
(level, interface, or density), analog output, percent the upper range value), 0% range corresponds to the
range, or Alarm jumper. lower range value (LRV) and 100% range corresponds
to the upper range value (URV). If the digital level
D PV—Indicates the type of measurement either controller is setup for reverse action (i.e., the lower
level, interface (the interface of two liquids of different range value is greater than the upper range value), 0%
specific gravities), or density (measures the liquid range corresponds to the upper range value (URV)
specific gravity). The process variable displayed and and 100% range corresponds to the lower range value
measured depends on the entry for “PV is” under PV (LRV). Use the following equation to calculate the %
Setup. range values:

D AO—Indicates the current analog output value of ǒPVEU * LRVǓ

the instrument, in milliamperes. PV(%range) + 100

D % Range—Indicates the current process variable

in percent of the span determined by the lower range where:
value and the upper range value. PVEU = process variable in engineering units

7-2 July 2000

Viewing Device Information
The analog output low output value always represents D Trend Interval—Permits selecting how often the
the 0% range value and the analog output high output instrument should sample and store the selected trend
value always represents the 100% range value. variable. Enter a sample interval between 0.2 and 10.0
D Alarm Jumper—Displays the position of the
hardware alarm jumper, either high current or low D Read Trend—Permits viewing the five most
current. recent samples on the HART Communicator display.
The five sample values are displayed along with a
sample number. The smaller sample number contains
the oldest sample value. When finished viewing the
displayed sample values, press OK (F4) on the HART
Measuring Specific Gravity (4-1-4) Communicator to view the next five samples. Press
ABORT (F3) to exit the display.
If the instrument and sensor are calibrated, you can
have the digital level controller measure the liquid
specific gravity, if it is not known. You must be able to
manipulate the level and externally measure it to have
the instrument measure the specific gravity. To
measure specific gravity, from the Online menu select Viewing the Device ID (4-3-4)
Detailed Setup, Sensors, and Measure Spec Gr. Each instrument has a unique Device Identifier. The
Follow the prompts on the HART Communicator and device ID provides additional security to prevent this
the following procedure to measure specific gravity. instrument from accepting commands meant for other
1. Set the control loop for manual control. instruments. To view the device ID, from the Online

2. Adjust the liquid level so that the displacer is

Menu select Detailed Setup, Device Information, and
Device ID.
partially submerged.
3. Enter the externally measured level, in engineering
After you press OK (F4) on the HART Communicator, Viewing Version Information
the instrument begins calculating the specific gravity.
You can then elect to use this value as the specific (4-3-2)
gravity for all level measurements. If you select No,
the instrument uses the specific gravity entered under The Version Information menu is available to view
PV Setup, or the values from the specific gravity information about the instrument. From the Online
tables. menu, select Detailed Setup, Device Information, and
Version Info. Follow the prompts on the HART
4. When finished measuring specific gravity, return Communicator display to view information in the
the control loop to automatic control. following fields: Device Rev (Device Revision),
Firmware Rev (Firmware Revision), Hardware Rev
(Hardware Revision), HART Univ Rev (HART
Universal Revision).
D Device Rev—Device Revision is the revision of
the protocol for interfacing to the functionality of the
Trending (4-4) instrument.
The DLC3000 Series digital level controller can store
up to five samples of a selected variable. This trend D Firmware Rev—Firmware Revision is the revision
information can be communicated via the HART number of the Fisher Controls software in the
protocol to a HART-based control system. To set up instrument.
the instrument for trending, from the Online menu,
select Detailed Setup and Trending. Follow the D Hardware Rev—Hardware Revision is the
prompts on the HART Communicator to specify the revision number of the Fisher Controls instrument
variable to be trended, the sampling rate, and to have hardware.
the Communicator display the trend values.
D HART Univ Rev—HART Universal Revision is
D Trend Var—Permits selecting the variable for the revision number of the HART Universal
trending: PV, Process Temperature, or Electronics Commands which are used as the communications
Temperature. Off turns the trending function off. protocol for the instrument.

July 2000 7-3

DLC3000 Series
Viewing Serial Number Information
Viewing Hardware Alarms (2-3)
(4-3-3) To view hardware alarm information, from the Online
menu select Diag/Service and Hardware Alarms.
To view or enter serial number information, from the
Follow the prompts on the HART Communicator
Online menu select Detailed Setup, Device
display to view information in the following fields:
Information, and Serial Numbers. Follow the prompts
Alarm Jumper, NVM (Non-Volatile Memory), Free
on the HART Communicator display to enter or view
Time, Level Snsr Drive (Level Sensor Drive), and A/D
the following serial numbers: Instrument S/N
TT Input (Analog to Digital Torque Tube Input).
(Instrument Serial Number), Displacer S/N (Displacer
Serial Number), and Final Assembly Num (Final D Alarm Jumper—Displays the position of the
Assembly Number). hardware alarm jumper, either high current or low
D Instrument S/N—Enter the serial number on the
instrument nameplate, up to 12 characters. D NVM—Displays the current value of the
remaining number of NVM writes. Setup data is stored
in NVM. If the remaining number of NVM writes seems
D Displacer S/N—Use this field to enter or view the to be decreasing rapidly, check to make sure the
displacer serial number. The displacer serial number is control system is not unnecessarily writing to the
the same as the sensor serial number found on the NVM. Reaching 0 will cause the NVM Write Limit
sensor nameplate. Exceeded status to be activated.
D Free Time—Displays the current microprocessor
D Final Assembly Num—The Final Assembly free time. If the free time limit check fails, the Free
7 Number is a number that can be used to identify the Time Limit Exceeded status is activated.
instrument and sensor combination.
D Level Snsr Drive—Displays the current limit and
value of the Level Sensor Drive Signal. If the drive
value exceeds the hardcoded limits, either above or
below, the instrument forces the output current to the
alarm value determined by the alarm jumper and
activates the Field Device Malfunction status
message. (The Level Snsr Drive Limit field is for
Viewing Process and Temperature factory use only.)
D A/D TT Input—Displays the current limit and
Alarms (4-2-4) value of the A/D Torque Tube Input. If the input
To view active process or temperature alarms, from exceeds the hardcoded limits, either above or below,
the Online menu, select Detailed Setup, Output the Torque Tube A/D Input Failed status is activated.
Condition, and Display Alarms. (The A/D TT Input Limit field is for factory use only.)

If a process or temperature alarm is active, it will

appear when the Display Alarms menu is selected. If
more than one alarm is active, they will appear on the Viewing Instrument Status (2-1-1)
display one at a time in the order listed below.
1. PV Exceeds Hi Alarm Limit To view the instrument status, from the Online menu
select Diag/Service, Test Device, Status. The
2. PV Exceeds Hi Hi Alarm Limit following describes the various displays for the
instrument Status menu.
3. PV Exceeds Lo Alarm Limit
D Torque Tube A/D Input Failed—When active,
4. PV Esceeds Lo Lo Alarm Limit indicates the torque tube position reading has
exceeded the hardcoded limits, either above or below.
5. Process Temperature Exceeds Hi Alarm Limit When active the instrument forces the output current
6. Process Temperature Exceeds Lo Alarm Limit to the alarm value determined by the alarm jumper. If
this status message appears, try recoupling the
7. Electronics Temperature Exceeds Hi Alarm Limit instrument to clear it. If it does not clear, contact your
Fisher Controls representative or sales office for
8. Electronics Temperature Exceeds Lo Alarm Limit repair.

7-4 July 2000

Viewing Device Information
D Hall Current Readback Limit Failed—When D Process Temperature Sensor Failed—When
active, indicates the hall current readback has active, indicates the process temperature sensor
exceeded the hardcoded limits, either above or below. (RTD) reading has exceeded the hardcoded limits
When active the instrument forces the output current (<10 ohms or >320 ohms). If this status message
to the alarm value determined by the alarm jumper. appears, reinstall the process temperature sensor
This status typically indicates an electronics failure. If (RTD).
this status message appears, try cycling power to the
instrument and see if it clears. If it does not clear, try The following status messages appear whenever they
replacing the electronics assembly. If the message still are active. You do not need to access any specific
doesn’t clear, the problem is on the transducer board. Online menu item to see them.
Contact your Fisher Controls representative or sales
office for repair. D Field Device Malfunction—When active,
indicates an error occurred during self test or an
D Reference Voltage Limit Failed—When active, attempt to write to NVM failed.
indicates the reference voltage reading of the A/D
converter has exceeded the hardcoded limits, either D Primary Variable Analog Output Fixed—When
above or below. When active the instrument forces the active, indicates the analog and digital outputs for the
output current to the alarm value determined by the Primary Variable are held at the requested value. They
alarm jumper. If this status message appears, try will not respond to the applied process.
cycling power to the instrument and see if it clears. If it
does not clear, replace the electronics assembly. D Primary Variable Analog Output Saturated—
When active, indicates the analog and digital outputs
D NVM Write Limit Exceeded—When active, for the Primary Variable are beyond their limits and no
indicates the total number of writes to NVM has longer represent the true applied process.
exceeded the hardcoded limit. If this status message 7
appears, try cycling power to the instrument and see if D Non-Primary Variable Out of Limits—When
it clears. If it does not clear, replace the electronics active, indicates the process applied to a sensor, other
assembly. than that of the Primary Variable, is beyond the
operating limits of the device. This indicates a
D Free Time Limit Exceeded—When active, temperature alarm is active.
indicates the instrument has failed the free time check
and the execution period cannot be maintained. If this D Primary Variable Out of Limits—When active,
status message appears, try cycling power to the indicates the process applied to the sensor for the
instrument and see if it clears. If it does not clear, Primary Variable is beyond the operating limits of the
replace the electronics assembly. device.

July 2000 7-5

DLC3000 Series

7-6 July 2000

Principle of Operation

Section 8 Principle of Operation

HART Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

Digital Level Controller Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2

July 2000 8-1

DLC3000 Series
deflection of the torque tube is measured by the
instrument transducer, which consists of a magnet
system moving over a Hall Effect device. A liquid
+0.5 mA
crystal display (LCD) meter can display the analog
output; process variable (level, interface level, or
ANALOG density); the process temperature, if an RTD is
installed; the degrees of torque tube rotation; and
–0.5 mA percent range.
1200 Hz 2200 Hz
“1” “0” The instrument uses a microcontroller and associated
electronic circuitry to measure the process variable,
provide a current output, drive the LCD meter, and
provide HART communications capability. Figure 8-2
Figure 8-1. HARTr Frequency Shift Keying Technique shows the digital level controller assembly. Figure 8-3
is a block diagram of the main components in the
instrument electronics. There are four main
HART Communication components, the LCD meter, the processor module,
the transducer board, and the terminal board. The
The HART (Highway Addressable Remote processor module contains the microprocessor, the
Transducer) protocol gives field devices the capability analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, loop interface,
of communicating instrument and process data signal conditioning, the digital-to-analog (D/A) output,
digitally. This digital communication occurs over the power supply and interfaces to other boards.
same two-wire loop that provides the 4–20 mA
process control signal, without disrupting the process
signal. In this way, the analog process signal, with its The transducer board contains the Hall sensor, a
faster update rate, can be used for control. At the temperature sensor to monitor the Hall sensor
same time, the HART protocol allows access to digital temperature, and a EEPROM to store the coefficients
8 diagnostic, maintenance, and additional process data. associated with the Hall sensor. The terminal board
The protocol provides total system integration via a contains the EMI filters, the loop connection terminals,
host device. and the connections for the optional RTD used to
measure process temperature.
The HART protocol uses the frequency shift keying
(FSK) technique based on the Bell 202 communication
standard. By superimposing a frequency signal over A level, density, or interface level change in the
the 4–20 mA current, digital communication is measured fluid causes a change in the displacer
attained. Two individual frequencies of 1200 and 2200 position (figure 8-4). This change is transferred to the
Hz are superimposed as a sinewave over the 4–20 torque tube assembly. As the measured fluid changes,
mA current loop. These frequencies represent the the torque tube assembly rotates up to 4.4 degrees for
digits 1 and 0 (see figure 8-1). The average value of a 249 Series sensor, varying the digital level controller
this sinewave is zero, therefore no dc value is added output between 4 and 20 mA.
to the 4–20 mA signal. Thus, true simultaneous
communication is achieved without interrupting the The rotary motion of the torque tube is transferred to
process signal. the digital level controller lever assembly. The rotary
The HART protocol allows the capability of motion moves a magnet attached to the lever
multidropping, networking several devices to a single assembly, changing the magnetic field that is sensed
communications line. This process is well suited for by the Hall-effect sensor. The sensor converts the
monitoring remote applications such as pipelines, magnetic field signal to an electronic signal.
custody transfer sites, and tank farms.
The microcontroller accepts the electronic signal,
Digital Level Controller Operation which is ambient-temperature-compensated and
The DLC3000 Series digital level controllers are linearized. The microcontroller can also actively
loop-powered instruments that measure changes in compensate for changes in liquid specific gravity due
liquid level, level of an interface between two liquids, to changes in process temperature based on an input
or density of a liquid. Changes in the buoyancy of a via HART protocol or via an optional RTD, if it is
displacer suspended in a vessel vary the load on a connected. The D/A output circuit accepts the
torque tube. The displacer and torque tube assembly microcontroller output and provides a 4 to 20 mA
constitute the primary mechanical sensor. The angular current output signal.

8-2 July 2000

Principle of Operation








E0377 / IL

Figure 8-2. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Assembly


Transducer Module

Temperature Sensor

Torque Tube Shaft Position Processor Terminal Loop / HART

Rotation Transducer Module Box Interface

Linearization Data
resident in NVM

LCD Meter Interface

E0378 / IL

Figure 8-3. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Principle of Operation

July 2000 8-3

DLC3000 Series
During normal operation, when the input is between
the lower and upper range values, the digital level
controller output signal ranges between 4 and 20 mA
and is proportional to the input. See figure 8-5. If the
input should exceed the lower and upper range values,
the output will continue to be proportional to the input
TUBE until the output reaches either 3.8 or 20.5 mA. At this
time the output is considered saturated and will remain
DISPLACER at this value until the input returns to the normal
operating range. However, should an alarm occur, the
output is driven to either 3.7 or 22.5 mA, depending
upon the position of the alarm jumper.
Other circuits in the digital level controller provide
reverse polarity protection, transient power surge
protection, and electromagnetic interference (EMI)


Figure 8-4. Typical Sensor Operation


8 22 Output Saturated
(20.5 mA)
Ouput during Alarm with Alarm
Jumper in Hi Position
18 (22.5 mA)

Output (mA)

Normal Operation



Output Saturated
6 (3.8 mA) Ouput during Alarm with Alarm
Jumper in Lo Position
(3.7 mA)

–20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

PV Range

E0379 / IL

Figure 8-5. Digital Level Controller Analog Output Signal

8-4 July 2000


Section 9 Maintenance
Diagnostic Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2

Hardware Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2

Test Terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2

Removing the Digital Level

Controller from the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Removing the Type DLC3010
Digital Level Controller from a 249 Series Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
249 Series Sensor in Standard Temperature Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
249 Series Sensor in High Temperature Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4

LCD Meter Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4

Removing the LCD Meter Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Replacing the LCD Meter Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Electronics Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Removing the Electronics Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Replacing the Electronics Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

Terminal Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

Removing the Terminal Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
Replacing the Terminal Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

Removing and Replacing the Inner Guide

and Access Handle Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6

July 2000 9-1

DLC3000 Series
D HDWR FAIL—This message indicates one of
two conditions:
VALUE —The digital level controller has experienced
an electronics module failure while attempting to
store information.
—The digital level controller self-test has
If diagnostics indicate a failure of the electronics
DIAGNOSTIC module, replace the electronics module with a new
D OFLOW—The location of the decimal point, as
configured in the meter setup, is not compatible with
the value to be displayed by the meter. For example, if
E0380 / IL MODE the meter is measuring a level greater that 9.9999
feet, and the meter decimal point is set to 4 digit
precision, the meter will display an “OFLOW” message
Figure 9-1. LCD Meter Diagnostic Display
because it is only capable of displaying a maximum
value of 9.9999 when set to 4 digit precision.

DLC3000 Series digital level controllers feature

modular design for easy maintenance. If you suspect
a malfunction, check for an external cause before
performing the diagnostics described in this section. Hardware Diagnostics
If you suspect a malfunction despite the absence of
Sensor parts are subject to normal wear and must be diagnostic messages on the HART Communicator
inspected and replaced as necessary. For sensor display, follow the procedures described in table 9-1 to
maintenance information, refer to the appropriate verify that the digital level controller hardware and
9 sensor instruction manual. process connections are in good working order. Under
each of the four major symptoms, specific suggestions
are offered for solving problems. Always deal with the
most likely and easiest-to-check conditions first.

Diagnostic Messages
In addition to the output, the LCD meter displays Test Terminals
abbreviated diagnostic messages for troubleshooting Test connections inside the terminal box can be used
the digital level controller. To accommodate two-word to measure loop current across a 1 ohm resistor.
messages, the display alternates between the first and
second word. The meter displays messages 1. Remove the terminal box cap.
simultaneously on the Process Variable and Process 2. Adjust the test meter to measure a range of 0.001
Variable Unit lines as shown in figure 9-1. Messages to 0.1 volts.
on the Process Variable line refer to general device 3. Connect the positive lead of the test meter to the +
conditions, while messages on the Process Variable connection and the negative lead to the T connection
Unit line refer to specific causes for these conditions. inside the terminal box.
A description of each diagnostic message follows.
4. Measure Loop current as:
D [BLANK]—If the meter does not appear to Voltage (on test meter)  1000 = milliamps
function, make sure the digital level controller is example:
configured for the LCD meter. The meter will not
function if the Meter Installed selection is “Not Test meter Voltage X 1000 = Loop Milliamps
Installed.” To check this function, connect the HART 0.004 X1000 = 4.0 milliamperes
Communicator to the digital level controller and turn it
on. From the Online menu, select Detailed Setup, 0.020 X 1000 = 20.0 milliamperes
Output Condition, LCD Meter, and Meter Installed. For 5. Remove test leads and replace the terminal box
information on setting up the LCD meter see section 5. cover.

9-2 July 2000

Table 9-1. Troubleshooting
1. Check the revision level of the instrument device descriptions stored in your HART
Communicator. The communicator should contain device description revision 1. Contact
your Fisher Controls sales office or representative for assistance.
2. Check for a minimum of 250 ohms resistance between the power supply and the
Instrument does not
HART Communicator connection.
communicate with Loop Wiring
3. Check for adequate voltage to the digital level controller. If the HART Communicator is
HART Communicator
connected and 250 ohms resistance is properly in the loop, then the digital level controller
requires a minimum of 12.0 volts at the terminals for digital communication and to operate
(over the entire 3.70 to 22.5 mA operating range).
4. Check for intermittent shorts, open circuits, and multiple grounds.
Process Variable Alarm 1. Check the process variable to see if it is out of range.
Loop Wiring 1. Check for dirty or defective terminals, interconnecting pins, or receptacles.
1. Check the output voltage of the power supply at the digital level controller terminals. It
Power Supply
High Output
Out ut should be 12.0 to 30 volts dc (over the entire 3.70 to 22.5 mA operating range).
1. Connect the HART Communicator and select Test Device (2-1-1) to isolate a module
Electronics Assembly
2. Connect the HART Communicator and check the upper and lower sensor limits to
ensure calibration adjustments are within the sensor range.
1. Check for adequate voltage to the digital level controller. It should be 12.0 to 30 volts dc
at the digital level controller terminals (over the entire 3.70 to 22.5 mA operating range).
Loop Wiring 2. Check for intermittent shorts, open circuits, and multiple grounds.
Erratic Output 3. Connect the HART Communicator and select Loop Test (2-2) to generate signals of
4 mA, 20 mA, and user-selected values.
1. Connect the HART Communicator and select Test Device (2-1-1) to isolate a module
Electronics Assembly
1. Check for adequate voltage to the digital level controller. It should be 12.0 to 30 volts dc
at the digital level controller terminals (over the entire 3.70 to 22.5 mA operating range).
2. Check for shorts and multiple grounds.
Loop Wiring 3. Check for proper polarity at the signal terminals.
4. Check the loop impedance.
Low Output or No 5. Connect the HART Communicator and perform the Loop Test (2-2)
Output 6. Check wire insulation to detect possible shorts to ground.
1. Connect the HART Communicator and check the upper and lower sensor limits to
ensure calibration adjustments are within the sensor range.
Electronics Assembly
2. Connect the HART Communicator and select Test Device (2-1-1) to isolate a module

Removing the Digital Level Removing the Type DLC3010 Digital

Controller from the Sensor Level Controller from a 249 Series
Because of its modular design, most of the service Sensor
and maintenance to the digital level controller can be
done without removing it from the sensor. However, if 249 Series Sensor in Standard
necessary to replace sensor to instrument mating Temperature Applications
parts or parts in the transducer housing, or to perform
bench maintenance, perform the following procedures 1. Loosen the set screw (key 31) in the terminal box
to remove the digital level controller from the sensor. cover assembly (key 6) so that the cover can be
unscrewed from the terminal box.
2. After removing the cover (key 6), note the location
of field wiring connections and disconnect the field
WARNING wiring from the wiring terminals.
On an explosion-proof instrument, re- 3. As shown in figure 2-5, slide the access handle on
move the electrical power before re- the bottom of the transducer housing to the locked
moving the instrument covers in a position to expose the access hole. Press on the back
hazardous area. Personal injury or of the handle, as shown in the figure, then slide the
property damage may result from fire handle toward the front of the unit. Be sure the locking
and explosion if power is applied to handle drops into the detent.
the instrument with the covers re-
moved. 4. Using a 10 mm deep well socket inserted through
the access hole, loosen the shaft clamp (figure 2-5).

July 2000 9-3

DLC3000 Series
5. Loosen and remove the hex nuts (key 34) from the LCD Meter Assembly
mounting studs (key 33).

6. Carefully pull the digital level controller straight off WARNING

the sensor torque tube.
In an explosion-proof or flame-proof
installation, remove the electrical
7. When re-installing the digital level controller, follow power before removing the instru-
the appropriate procedure outlined in the “Installation” ment covers in a hazardous area. Per-
section. Also setup the digital level controller as sonal injury or property damage may
described in the “Initial Setup and Calibration” section. result from fire and explosion if power
is applied to the instrument with the
covers removed.
249 Series Sensor in High Temperature
The digital level controller is designed with a
dual-compartment housing; one compartment contains
1. Loosen the set screw (key 31) in the terminal box the LCD meter and electronics assembly; the other
cover assembly (key 6) so that the cover can be contains all wiring terminals and the communication
unscrewed from the terminal box. receptacles. The LCD meter is located in the
compartment opposite the wiring terminals, as shown
2. After removing the cover (key 6), note the location in figure 9-2.
of field wiring connections and disconnect the field
wiring from the wiring terminals.
Removing the LCD Meter
Perform the following procedure to remove the LCD
1. As shown in figure 2-5, slide the access handle to meter.
the locked position to expose the access hole. Press
on the back of the handle, as shown in the figure, then 1. Disconnect power to the digital level controller.
slide the handle toward the front of the unit. Be sure 2. Remove the cover from the transducer housing. In
9 the locking handle drops into the detent. explosive atmospheres, do not remove the instrument
cover when the circuit is alive, unless in an intrinsically
safe installation.
2. Using a 10 mm deep well socket inserted through 3. Loosen the two screws that anchor the LCD meter
the access hole, loosen the shaft clamp (figure 2-5). to the electronics assembly. These screws are captive
and should not be removed.
4. Firmly grasp the LCD meter and pull it straight
away from the electronics assembly, taking care not to
3. While supporting the instrument, loosen and damage the interconnecting pins. Be sure the
remove the cap screws (key 63). interconnection header in the six-pin socket remains
with the electronics assembly.

4. Carefully pull the digital level controller straight off Replacing the LCD Meter
the torque tube shaft extension (key 58).
Perform the following procedure to replace the LCD
5. Loosen and remove the hex nuts (key 34) from the
1. Verify that the interconnection header is in the
mounting studs (key 33).
six-pin socket on the face of the electronics assembly.
The longer set of pins should be inserted in the
6. Pull the heat insulator (key 57) off the mounting electronics assembly socket.
studs. 2. Decide which direction to orient the meter. The
meter can be rotated in 90-degree increments for easy
viewing. Position one of the four six-pin sockets on the
7. When re-installing the digital level controller, follow back of the meter to accept the interconnection
the appropriate procedure outlined in the “Installation” header, and insert the long meter screws into the two
section. Also setup the digital level controller as holes on the meter to coincide with the appropriate
described in the “Initial Setup and Calibration” section. holes on the electronics assembly.

9-4 July 2000

(KEY 5)
(KEY 33) COVER (KEY 6)
(KEY 32)

(KEY 34)



W7927 / IL (KEY 4)
(KEY 3)
Figure 9-2. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Assembly

3. Attach the meter to the interconnection pins.

Thread the long meter screws into the holes on the
electronics assembly and tighten to secure the meter. Note
4. Note the position of the alarm jumper on the LCD The electronics are sealed in a mois-
meter removed from the digital level controller. ture-proof plastic enclosure referred to
Remove the alarm jumper and install it on the as the electronics assembly. The as-
replacement meter in the same position. sembly is a non-repairable unit; if a
malfunction occurs the entire unit
5. Carefully insert the LCD meter to mate the must be replaced.
interconnecting pins on the electronics assembly with
the receptacles on the meter.

6. Replace the cover. Tighten 1/3 of a revolution after

the cover begins to compress the O-ring. Both
instrument covers must be fully engaged to meet WARNING
explosion-proof or flame-proof requirements.
On an explosion-proof instrument, re-
move the electrical power before re-
moving the instrument covers in a
hazardous area. Personal injury or
property damage may result from fire
and explosion if power is applied to
the instrument with the covers re-
Electronics Assembly moved.

1. Disconnect power to the digital level controller.

Removing the Electronics Assembly 2. Remove the cover from the transducer housing. In
explosive atmospheres, do not remove the instrument
Perform the following procedure to remove the cover when the circuit is alive, unless in an intrinsically
electronics assembly. safe installation. Remove the LCD meter assembly.

July 2000 9-5

DLC3000 Series
3. Loosen the two screws that anchor the electronics 3. Remove the screw (key 7). Pull the terminal box
assembly to the transducer housing. These screws assembly straight out of the housing to avoid
are captive and should not be removed. damaging the terminal box assembly connector.
4. Firmly grasp the electronics assembly and pull it
straight out of the housing, taking care not to damage Replacing the Terminal Box
the interconnecting pins.

Replacing the Electronics Assembly

Perform the following procedure to replace the
electronics assembly. Inspect all O-rings for wear and replace as
1. Carefully insert the electronics assembly to mate
the interconnecting pins with the receptacles on the
electronics assembly.
2. Tighten the two mounting screws. Replace the LCD 1. Apply sealant to the O-ring (key 27) and install the
meter assembly. O-ring over the stem of the terminal box as shown in
figure 10-3.
3. Replace the cover. Tighten 1/3 of a revolution after 2. Carefully insert the terminal box into the transducer
the cover begins to compress the O-ring. Both housing. Orient the terminal box so that the
instrument covers must be fully engaged to meet connectors engage properly.
explosion-proof requirements.
3. Fasten the terminal box to the transducer housing
with the screw (key 7). Tighten the screw to 6 NSm (53
4. Apply sealant to the O-ring (key 26) and install the
O-ring over the cover threads on the terminal box. Use
Terminal Box a tool to prevent cutting the O-ring while installing it
9 The terminal box is located on the transducer housing over the threads.
and contains the terminal strip assembly for field 5. Reconnect the field wiring as noted in step 2 in the
wiring connections. Unless indicated otherwise, refer Removing the Terminal Box procedure.
to figure 10-3.
6. Apply lubricant to the threads on the terminal box
to prevent seizing or galling while installing the
terminal box cover.
7. Screw the terminal box cover assembly (key 6)
On an explosion-proof instrument, re- completely onto the terminal box to seat the O-ring
move the electrical power before re- (key 26). Loosen the cover (not more than 1 turn) until
moving the instrument covers in a the set screw (key 31) aligns with one of the recesses
hazardous area. Personal injury or in the terminal box beneath the cover. Tighten the set
property damage may result from fire screw to engage the recesses but no more than 0.88
and explosion if power is applied to NSm (7.8 lbf-in).
the instrument with the covers re- 8. Apply lubricant to the conduit entrance plug
moved. (key 28) and install it in the unused conduit entrance.

Removing the Terminal Box Removing and Replacing the Inner

Guide and Access Handle Assembly
1. Loosen the set screw (key 31) in the terminal box The access handle and inner guide are located on the
cover assembly (key 6) so that the cover can be transducer housing. Unless indicated otherwise, refer
unscrewed from the terminal box. to figure 10-2.
2. After removing the cover (key 6), note the location 1. Remove the digital level controller from the sensor
of field wiring connections and disconnect the field as described in Removing the Digital Level Controller
wiring from the wiring terminals. from the Sensor.

9-6 July 2000

SCREWS (KEY 13) 4. Loosen and remove the two screws (key 13) in the
handle assembly (key 12). Remove the handle
assembly and the inner guide (key 11).
ASSEMBLY 5. Apply thread lock to the internal threads of the
(KEY 12) replacement inner guide. Also apply a thin coat of
lubriplate to the zero locking pin on the inner guide and
VENT HOLES on the surface that is opposite the zero locking pin, as
LUBRICATE shown in figure 9-3 (this surface contacts the
transducer housing when installed).
6. Place the inner guide in the slot inside the
transducer housing so that the vent holes in the inner
VENT HOLE guide (the milled slots in the inner guide, see figure
9-3) face the exterior of the housing and are over the
access hole.

7. Apply a thin coat of lubriplate to the surface of the
HOUSING replacement handle assembly (see figure 9-3) where it
will contact the transducer housing.
(KEY 11) 8. Install the handle assembly (key 12) in the slot of
E0381 / IL
the transducer housing over the inner guide (key 11)
so that the vent holes in the handle assembly are over
Figure 9-3. Installing Inner Guide and Access Handle Assembly the access hole.
9. Install two screws (key 13) to secure the handle
assembly (key 12) to the inner guide (key 11). Tighten
the screws to 0.48 NSm (4.2 lbf-in).
2. Loosen and remove the hex nuts (key 34) from the
studs (key 33) and remove the adapter ring (key 32). 10. Press down on the handle as shown in figure 2-5
and slide it forward to make sure it works smoothly
and that the zero locking pin engages the lever 9
assembly. Also check for free travel of the lever
assembly when the handle is in the unlocked position.
Note 11. Install the coupling shield (key 16) and secure
In the next step the screws (key 13) with the two screws (key 13). Tighten the screws to
will be attracted by the magnets on the 0.48 NSm (4.2 lbf-in)
lever assembly. Use care to keep the 12. Refer to figure 10-1. Install the adapter ring (key
screws from falling beneath the cou- 32) on the studs (key 33) and secure with hex nuts
pling shield.
(key 34).
13. When re-installing the digital level controller,
3. Remove the coupling shield (key 16) by removing follow the appropriate procedure outlined in the
the two screws (key 13). Take care not to drop the “Installation” section. Also setup the digital level
screws into the lever assembly compartment where controller as described in the “Initial Setup and
they will be attracted by the magnets. Calibration” section.

July 2000 9-7

DLC3000 Series

9-8 July 2000


Section 10 Parts
Parts Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

Mounting Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

Repair Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2

Type DLC3010 and DLC3030 Digital Level Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Mounting Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
Heat Insulator Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
249 Series Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
Masoneilan 12000 Series Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5


July 2000 10-1

DLC3000 Series

E0382 / IL
Figure 10-1. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Assembly

Parts Ordering Parts Kits

1* Small Hardware Spare Parts Kit 19B1643X012
Whenever corresponding with your Fisher Controls Description Qty/kit
sales office or representative about this equipment, Includes
always mention the controller serial number. When Screw (key 7) 1
ordering replacement parts, refer to the 11-character Set Screw (key 20) 2
part number of each required part as found in the Set Screw (key 31) 2
Test Terminal (key 24 4
following parts list. Parts which do not show part
10 numbers are not orderable.
Wire Retainer (key 25)
Alarm Jumper (key 35)
Header Assembly (key 38) 2
2* Spare O-Rings Kit 19B1643X022
Includes three each of key 21, 26, and 27

Mounting Kits
Parts List
Conversion Kit w/o heat insulator, for converting
Type DLC3010 to Type DLC3030 for mounting
on Masoneilan 12000 Series Sensors. Includes Type DLC3010 and DLC3030 Digital
mounting adapter (key 62), cap screws (key 63),
shaft extension (key 58), shaft coupling (key 59), Level Controllers (figure 10-1)
and set screws (key 60) 28B5742X012
Key Description Part Number
Conversion Kit w/heat insulator, for converting 2 Electronics Ass’y, includes alarm jumper
Type DLC3010 to Type DLC3030 for mounting (key 35) and captive screws (key 36) 18B5529X012
on Masoneilan 12000 Series Sensors. Includes 3 Cover, includes O-ring (key 21) 38B5734X012
heat insulator (key 57), mounting adapter (key 62), 4 LCD Meter Ass’y, includes header ass’y
cap screws (keys 61 and 63), shaft extension (key 38) and captive screws (key 40) 38B5738X012
(key 58), shaft coupling (key 59), and set screws 5 Terminal Box Ass’y 28B5740X012
(key 60) 28B5743X012 6 Terminal Box Cover Ass’y, includes labels
(key 30 and 64) and set screw (key 31) 28B5531X012
Heat Insulator Kit, for mounting Type DLC3010 on 7* Screw, hex socket(1) 11B9076X042
249 Series sensor. Includes heat insulator 8 Nameplate
(key 57), cap screws (key 61), shaft extension 9 Drive Screw, 18-8 sst 1A368228982
(key 58), shaft coupling (key 59), and 21* O-ring, nitrile (not shown)(2) 1K1810X0012
set screws (key 60). 28B5741X012 32 Adaptor Ring, A03600 1N10160G012

* Recommended spare part

1. Included in small hardware spare parts kit.
2. Included in spare O-rings kit.

10-2 July 2000


38B1363-1 / DOC

Figure 10-2. DLC3000 Series Digital Level Controller Transducer Assembly

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

33 Stud, sst (4 req’d) 1N10162G012
34 Hex Nut, 304 sst (4 req’d) 1N10252G012
35* Alarm Jumper(1) 18B5733X012
36 Screw, captive, 18-8 sst Transducer Assembly (figure 10-2)
For electronics ass’y (2 req’d) 18B5732X022
38* Header Assembly, dual row (not shown)(1) 18B5736X012 11 Inner Guide, aluminum 28B5482X012
40 Screw, captive, 18-8 sst
For LCD meter (2 req’d) 18B5732X012
Handle Ass’y aluminum/sst
Screw, hex socket, 18-8 sst (4 req’d)
66 Zink-Plate No. 770 Anti-Seize Compound 16 Coupling Shield, 18-8 sst 38B5485X012
(not furnished with instrument) 20* Set Screw, 18-8 sst(1) 18B5516X012
67 Thread Lock, Loctite 242 67 Thread Lock, Loctite 242
(not furnished with instrument) (not furnished with instrument)

* Recommended spare part

1. Included in small hardware spare parts kit.

July 2000 10-3

DLC3000 Series


28B5740-B / DOC
Figure 10-3. Terminal Box Assembly

28B5531-B / DOC

Figure 10-4. Terminal Box Cover Assembly

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

Terminal Box Assembly (figure 10-3) Terminal Box Cover Assembly

24* Test Terminal, 18-8 sst (2 req’d)(1) 28B5716X012 (figure 10-4)
25* Wire Retainer, 18-8 sst (8 req’d)(1) 18B5532X012
26* O-Ring, nitrile(2) 1H8762X0012
27* O-Ring, nitrile(2) 10A8218X032 30 Label, internal, plastic 28B5721X012
28 Pipe Plug, 18-8 sst 1H5137X0012 31* Set Screw, hex socket, 18-8 sst(1) 18B5517X012
65 Dow Corning 111 Lubricant 64 Label, external 18B5537X012
(not furnished with the instrument)
66 Zink-Plate No. 770 Anti-Seize Compound
(not furnished with instrument)

* Recommended spare part

1. Included in small hardware spare parts kit.
2. Included in spare O-rings kit.

10-4 July 2000

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

Mounting Parts Heat Insulator Assemblies

The following parts are for converting a Type 249 Series Sensor (figure 2-7)
DLC3010 to a Type DLC3030 for mounting on
a Masoneilan 12000 Series sensor without a When mounting a Type DLC3010, the following
heat insulator. These parts are also available parts add a heat insulator to the 249 Series Sensor,
as a kit; see listing for Mounting Kits. Parts for if required. These parts are also available as a kit;
mounting with a heat insulator are listed see listing for Mounting Kits.
under Heat Insulator Assembly below.
57 Heat Insulator, 304 SST 22A0033X012
58 Shaft Extension, 316 SST 10B2396X012 58 Shaft Extension, N05500 1B681540022
59 Shaft Coupling, S30300 1A577935032 59 Shaft Coupling, S30300 1A577935032
60 Set Screw, hex socket, SST (2 req’d) 1E6234X0022 60 Set Screw, hex socket, SST (2 req’d) 1E6234X0022
61 Screw, hex hd, 18-8 SST (4 req’d) 1A3816K0012 61 Screw, hex hd, 18-8 SST (4 req’d) 1A3816K0012
62 Mounting Adapter, A03560 30B1972X012
63 Screw, hex socket, (4 req’d) 10B7283X012
Masoneilan 12000 Series Sensor
The following parts are for converting a Type
DLC3010 to a Type DLC3030 and add a heat
insulator to a Masoneilan 12000 Series sensor.

57 Heat Insulator, 304 SST 22A0033X012

58 Shaft Extension, N05500 11B1454X012
59 Shaft Coupling, S30300 1A577935032
60 Set Screw, hex socket, SST (2 req’d) 1E6234X0022

61 Screw, hex hd, 18-8 SST (4 req’d) 1A3816K0012

62 Mounting Adapter, A03560 31B1453X012
63 Screw, hex socket, (4 req’d) 10B7283X012


July 2000 10-5

DLC3000 Series


10-6 July 2000

Loop Schematics

Section 11 Loop Schematics

This section includes loop schematics required for wiring of intrinsically safe installations. If you have any
questions, contact your Fisher Controls sales representative or sales office.

28B5744 / DOC



28B5745 / DOC


July 2000 11-1

DLC3000 Series


11-2 July 2000


Alarm Deadband Control Loop
The amount by which the process variable must An arrangement of physical and electronic
return within normal limits for the alarm to clear. components for process control. The electronic
components of the loop continuously measure
one or more aspects of the process, then alter
Alarm Limit those aspects as necessary to achieve a desired
An adjustable value that, when exceeded, process condition. A simple control loop
activates an alert. measures only one variable. More sophisticated
control loops measure many variables and
maintain specified relationships among those
Algorithm variables.
A set of logical steps to solve a problem or
accomplish a task. A computer program contains Damping
one or more algorithms. Output function that increases the time constant
of the digital level controller output to smooth the
output when there are rapid input variations.
Consisting of letters and numbers. Descriptor
Sixteen-character field for additional identification
of the digital level controller, its use, or location.
ANSI (acronym) The descriptor is stored in the instrument and can
The acronym ANSI stands for the American be changed using a HART Communicator and
National Standards Institute the device information function.

Device ID
Burst Unique identifier embedded in the instrument at
Burst mode is an extension to HART protocol that
provides the continuous transmission of standard
the factory. 12

HART command response by a field device.

Device Revision
Revision number of the interface software that
Byte permits communication between the HART
A unit of binary digits (bits). Usually a byte Communicator and the instrument.
consists of eight bits.
Firmware Revision
The revision number of the instrument firmware.
Commissioning Firmware is a program that is entered into the
Functions performed with a HART Communicator instrument at time of manufacture and cannot be
and the digital level controller to test the changed by the user.
instrument and loop and verify digital level
controller configuration data. Free Time
Percent of time that the microprocessor is idle. A
typical value is 25%. The actual value depends
Configuration on the number of functions in the instrument that
Stored instructions and operating parameters for are enabled and on the amount of communication
a FIELDVUE Instrument. currently in progress.

July 2000 Glossary-1

DLC3000 Series
Gain Menu
The ratio of output change to input change. A list of programs, commands, or other activities
that you select by using the arrow keys to
highlight the item then pressing ENTER, or by
Hardware Revision entering the numeric value of the menu item.
Revision number of the Fisher Controls
instrument hardware. The physical components
of the instrument are defined as the hardware. Message
Twenty-four character field for any additional
information the user may want to include.
HART (acronym)
The acronym HART stands for Highway Multidropping
Addressable Remote Transducer. The
The connection of several field devices to a single
communications standard that provides
communications transmission line.
simultaneous analog and digital signal
transmission between control rooms and field
devices. Non-Volatile Memory (NVM)
A type of semiconductor memory that retains its
contents even though power is disconnected.
HART Tag NVM contents can be changed during
An eight-character field for identifying the digital configuration unlike ROM which can be changed
level controller. The HART tag is stored in the only at time of instrument manufacture. NVM
instrument and can be changed using a HART stores configuration data.
Communicator and the device information
On-Line Configuration
Configuration of the digital level controller
HART Universal Revision operational parameters using a HART
Revision number of the HART Universal Communicator connected to the instrument.
Commands which are the communications
protocol for the instrument.
Simultaneous: said of data transmission on two or
Instrument Serial Number more channels at the same time.
The serial number assigned to the instrument.
Polling Address

Lower Range Value (LRV) Address of the instrument. If the digital valve
controller is used in a point-to-point configuration,
Lowest value of the process variable that the
set the polling address to 0. If it is used in a
digital level controller is currently configured to
multidrop configuration, or split range application,
measure in the 4 to 20 mA loop.
set the polling address to a value from 0 to 15.

Lower Sensor Limit (LSL) Process Variable (PV)

Lowest value of the process variable that the A physical quality or quantity which is monitored
digital level controller can be configured to as part of a control strategy. The digital level
measure. controller can measure level, interface level
between two liquids of different specific gravity,
and liquid density.
A type of semiconductor used for storing
programs or data. FIELDVUE instruments use Protocol
three types of memory: Random Access Memory A set of data formats and transmission rules for
(RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM), and communication between electronic devices.
Non-Volatile Memory (NVM). See also these Devices that conform to the same protocol can
listings in this glossary. communicate accurately.

Glossary-2 July 2000

Random Access Memory (RAM) Span
A type of semiconductor memory that is normally Algebraic difference between the upper and lower
used by the microprocessor during normal range values.
operation that permits rapid retrieval and storage
of programs and data. See also Read Only
Memory (ROM) and Non-Volatile Memory (NVM).

Temperature Sensor
Read-Only Memory (ROM) A device within the instrument that measures the
A memory in which information is stored at the instrument’s internal temperature.
time of instrument manufacture. You can
examine but not change ROM contents.

Reranging Upper Range Value (URV)

Configuration function that changes the digital
Highest value of the process variable that the
level controller 4 to 20 mA settings.
digital level controller is currently configured to
measure in the 4 to 20 mA loop.
Send Data
A HART Communicator command that transfers
configuration data from the HART
Communicator’s working register to the digital
level controller memory. Upper Sensor Limit (USL)
Highest value of the process variable that the
digital level controller can be configured to
Software measure.
Microprocessor or computer programs and
routines that reside in alterable memory (usually
RAM), as opposed to firmware, which consists of
programs and routines that are programmed into
memory (usually ROM) when the instrument is Working Register
manufactured. Software can be manipulated Memory location in a HART Communicator that
during normal operation, firmware cannot. temporarily stores data as it is being entered.


July 2000 Glossary-3

DLC3000 Series



Glossary-4 July 2000


Device Id, 7-3
Displacer Data, 5-3
Alarm Jumper, 2-9 Length, 5-3
Changing Position, 2-10 Rod Length, 5-3
Displaying Output Action, 7-3, 7-4 Serial Number, 7-4
Units, 5-3
Volume, 5-3
Displaying, 7-4
Weight, 5-3
Process Variable, 5-9 DLC3000 Series
Temperature, 5-10 Description, 1-2
Hardware, Displaying, 7-4 Installation. See Installation
Setting Limits Principle of Operation, 8-2
Process Variable, 5-8 Removing from the Sensor, 9-3
Temperature, 5-8 Specifications, 1-3
Testing, 7-4

Burst Operation, 2-11 Electrical Connections, 2-5
Electronics Assembly
Part Number, 10-2
C Removing, 9-5
Replacing, 9-6
Mark Dry Coupling Point, 6-2
One Liquid Level, 6-2
Scaled D/A Trim, 6-3
Temperature, 6-4 Final Assembly Number, 7-4
Trim PV Zero, 6-2
Function Keys

Two Liquid Level, 6-2

Weight Based, 6-3 Help Key, 3-3
Wet/Dry, 6-2 Home Key, 3-3

Calibration and Ranging, 4-4

Coupling, 4-3 G
Grounding, 2-6
Shielded Wire, 2-8
D/A Trim, Scaled. See Calibration H
Damping. See Process Variable Damping
Hardware Diagnostics, 9-2
Date, 5-11
HART Communication, Principle of Operation,
Descriptor, 5-10 8-2

July 2000 Index-1

DLC3000 Series
HART Communicator
Action Keys
Down Arrow Key, 3-2 Keypad
Hot Key, 3-3 Action Keys, 3-2
Left Arrow, Previous Menu Key, 3-2 Hot Key, 3-3
On/Off Key, 3-2
Right Arrow, Select Key, 3-2
Up Arrow Key, 3-2 L
Alphanumeric & Shift Keys, 3-3
Device Description Revision, 3-5 LCD Meter
Display, 3-2 Diagnostic Messages, 9-2
Dynamic Labels, 3-2 Part Number, 10-2
Offline Menu, 3-4 Removing, 9-4
Online Menu, 3-5 Replacing, 9-4
Online Simulation, 3-5 Setup, 5-7
Polling, 3-4 Testing, 5-8
Software Defined Keys, 3-3 Level Sensor Drive Signal, 7-4
Specifications, 3-2
Loop Test, 2-10
System Information, 3-4

HART Tag, 5-10

HART Tri–Loop, Configuring DLC3000 for use
with, 2-10 Mark Dry Coupling Point. See Calibration

Heat Insulator Message, 5-10

Installation, 2-4 Model 275 HART Communicator, 1-2, 3-2
Mounting Kit, 10-2 Mounting, 2-2
Parts, 10-5 249 Series Sensor, 2-2
Digital Level Controller Orientation, 2-2
Hot Key, HART Communicator, 3-3
DLC3010, On 249 Series Sensor, 2-2
Multichannel Installations, 2-9
Multidropped Communication, Typical
I Multidropped Network, 5-11

Initial Setup, 4-2

Index O
Input Filter, 5-11
On/Off Key, 3-2
DLC3010 on 249 Series Sensor, 2-2
Electrical, 2-5 P
Field Wiring, 2-6
Heat Insulator, 2-4 Parts, Ordering, 10-2
Multichannel, 2-9 Polling Address, 5-10
Of 249 Series Sensor, 2-2
Power Supply, Load Limits, 2-6
Power/Current Loop Connections, 2-8
RTD Connections, 2-8 Power/Current Loop Connections, 2-8
Process Variable
Instrument Mounting, Specifying, 5-4
Damping, 5-6
Instrument Serial Number, 7-4 Offset, 5-6
Range, 5-5
Instrument Status, 7-4 Selecting, 5-4

Index-2 July 2000

Units, 5-4 Measuring, 7-3
Protection, 4-2, 5-3 Status. See Instrument Status

Range Values, 4-5, 5-5 Temperature
Related Documents, 1-3 Electronics, 7-2
Process, 5-4
RTD Units, 5-4
Connections, 2-8
Setup, 5-4 Test Terminals, 2-8, 9-2
Torque Tube Data
Material, 5-3
S Temperature Coefficient, 5-4

Sensor Calibration, 6-2

Serial Number W
Displacer, 7-4
Instrument, 7-4 Write Lock. See Protection
Setting Zero and Span, 4-6, 5-5
Setup Wizard, 4-3
Specific Gravity
Entering, 5-6 Zero and Span. See Setting Zero and Span


July 2000 Index-3

DLC3000 Series


Index-4 July 2000

Fisher-Rosemount satisfies all obligations coming from legislation
to harmonise product requirements in the European Union.

FIELDVUE, Fisher, Fisher-Rosemount, and Managing The Process Better are marks owned by Fisher Controls
International, Inc., Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc., or Rosemount Inc. HART is a mark owned by the HART Communications Foundation
All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
EFisher Controls International, Inc. 2000; All Rights Reserved
The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied,
regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.

For information, contact Fisher Controls:

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