Diax04 Anterior
Diax04 Anterior
Diax04 Anterior
HDS High V
Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical
Drive With Electric Gear
Functional description: ELS 05VRS
276260 Indramat
About this documentation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
What is the purpose of this The following documentation describes the functions of the firmware
documentation? FWA-DIAX04-ELS-05VRS.
This documentation serves trained maintenance personnel:
• as a working guide for installation of the digital AC servo drive via a
SERCOS-compatible control system
• for parameterization of the drive controller
• for data security of the drive parameter
• for error diagnosis and error removal
Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availabillity of the product.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents I
1 System Overview 1-1
1.1 Range of Applications .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Drive Controllers .................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Motors .................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.4 Firmware Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.5 Basic Operating Modes and General Features.................................................................................... 1-3
Basic Operating Modes................................................................................................................. 1-3
General Features .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.6 Additional Firmware Features: Drive with Electric Gear Functions...................................................... 1-4
Operating modes........................................................................................................................... 1-4
Features ........................................................................................................................................ 1-4
II Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents III
IV Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents V
9 Glossary 9-1
10 Index 10-1
VI Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function System Overview 1-1
1 System Overview
1-2 System Overview DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
1.3 Motors
Rotary and linear motors can be driven with the DIAX04 drive family.
Rotary motors: Linear motors:
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function System Overview 1-3
• Torque mode
• Velocity mode
• Position mode
• Drive-interpolated position mode
• Relative drive-internal interpolation
General Features
• Diagnostic possibilities
• Setting of torque/force limits
• Current limit
• Limiting the velocity
• Travel range limit
• Drive error reaction:
P-0-0119, Best Possible Deceleration
Velocity command switched to zero
Best possible deceleration (torque disable)
P-0-0119, Best Possible Deceleration
Velocity command switched to zero with ramp (slope) and filter
NC Response on Error
Emergency stop feature
• Control loop settings
Load default feature
Acceleration feed forward
Velocity mix factor
Velocity preset control
1-4 System Overview DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
• Language selection
• Drive interlock
• Drive halt
• Drive-controlled homing procedure
• Evaluating absolute measurement systems by setting the absolute
• Analog output
• Oscilloscope feature
• Measuring feature with:
Measuring signal actual feedback value 1/2
Measuring signal time
• Modulo feature
• Error storage and operating hour counter
• Configurable signal status word
• Customer password
• Command parking axis
• Settable drive-internal position resolution
Operating modes
• Velocity synchronization
• Phase synchronization
• Electronic cam shaft
• Electronic pattern control
• Test probe function
• Dynamic cam switch group
• Measuring wheel operating mode command
• Incremental encoder emulation for master axis and actual position
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-1
2.1 General
These instructions must be read and understood before the equipment is
used to minimize the risk of personal injury and /or property damage.
Follow these safety instructions at all times.
Do not attempt to install, use or service this equipment without first
reading all documentation provided with the product. Please read and
understand these safety instructions, and all user documentation for the
equipment, prior to working with the equipment at any time. You must
contact your local Indramat representative if you cannot locate the user
documentation for your equipment. A listing of Indramat offices is
supplied in the back of this manual. Request that your representative
send this documentation immediately to the person(s) responsible for the
safe operation of this equipment.
If the product is resold, rented and/or otherwise transferred or passed on
to others, these safety instructions must accompany it.
2-2 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-3
Touching live parts with potentials of 50 Volts and higher applied to them
can be dangerous and cause severe electrical shock. In order for
electrical equipment to be operated, certain parts must have dangerous
voltages applied to them.
High Voltage!
Danger to life, severe electrical shock and risk of injury!
⇒ Only those trained and qualified to work with or on
electrical equipment are permitted to operate,
DANGER maintain and/or repair this equipment.
⇒ Follow general construction and safety regulations
when working on electrical installations.
⇒ Before switching on power, the ground wire must be
permanently connected to all electrical units
according to the connection diagram in the Project
Planning Manual.
⇒ At no time may electrical equipment be operated if
the ground wire is not permanently connected, even
for brief measurements or tests.
⇒ Before beginning any work, disconnect mains or the
voltage source from the equipment. Lock the
equipment against being switched on while work is
being performed.
⇒ Wait 5 minutes after switching off power to allow
capacitors to discharge before beginning work.
Measure the voltage on the capacitors before
beginning work to make sure that the equipment is
safe to touch.
⇒ Never touch the electrical connection points of a
component while power is turned on.
⇒ Before switching the equipment on covers and
guards provided with the equipment must be installed
to prevent contact with live parts. Before operating
cover and guard live parts properly so they cannot be
⇒ A leakage current protective device must not be used
for an AC drive! Indirect contact must be prevented
by other means, for example, by an overcurrent
protective device.
European countries: according to EN 50178/ 1994;
⇒ Electrical components with exposed live parts must
be installed in a control cabinet to prevent direct
European countries: according to EN 50178/ 1994;
⇒ U.S.A: See National Electrical Codes (NEC), National
Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and
local building codes. The user of this equipment must
consult the above noted items at all times.
2-4 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-5
Dangerous movements!
Danger to life, electrical shock and risk of injury or
equipment damage!
⇒ In the drive component monitoring units, every effort
DANGER is made to avoid the possibility of faulty operation in
connected drives. Unintended machine motion or
other malfunction is possible if monitoring units are
disabled, by-passed or not activated.
⇒ Safe requirements of each individual drive application
must be considered on a case-by-case basis by
users and machine builders.
2-6 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives 2-7
2-8 Safety Instructions for Electrical Drives DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-1
Communication with the drive occurs (with a few exceptions) with the
help of parameters. They can be used for
3-2 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Only the operating data can be changed; all other elements can only be
Changing the operating data
read. The operating data can be write-protected either continuously or
depends on the
communication phase
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-3
Data Saving
To save the data of the axis, all important and changeable parameters of
the axis are filed in the list S-0-0192, IDN-List of backup operation
data. By saving the parameters listed there with the
control/parametrization surface, you can obtain a complete data backup
of this axis after the first setup.
All important axis-specific parameters are stored in the programming
module. If, e.g., a controller is replaced because of a defect then the
features can be transferred to the new controller by simply using the old
module. The affected parameters are stored in S-0-0192, IDN-List of
backup operation data. To secure these parameters against unwanted
or non-authorized changes, the customer password can be activated.
3-4 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Operating Modes
Operating modes define which command values will be processed in
which format, leading to the desired drive motion. They do not define how
these command values will be transmitted from a control system to the
One of the four selectable operating modes is active when the control
and power supply is ready for operation and the controller enable signal
is positive.
The drive displays "AF" in the H1 display.
All implemented operating modes are stored in parameter S-0-0292, List
of all operation modes.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-5
Many areas are monitored in connection with operating modes and
parameter settings. An error message is generated if a condition is
encountered which no longer allows proper operation
Error Classes
Errors are separated into four different error classes. They determine the
The error class is evident from
drive's error response.
the diagnostic message.
Error Class: Message: Drive Response:
Fatal F8xx Torque free switching
Travel range F6xx Velocity command value switched to
SERCOS Interface F4xx In accordance with best possible
Non-fatal F2xx In accordance with best possible
Fig. 3-3: Error class divisions
Clearing Errors
Errors are not automatically cleared; they are cleared externally by:
Errors must be externally
cleared. Initiating the command S-0-0099, C500 Reset class 1 diagnostic
or Pressing the "S1" key.
If the error state is still present, then the error will be immediately
detected again. A positive edge bit on the controller enable signal is
necessary in order to turn the drive on.
Note: To reactivate the drive after an error has been detected, not only
must the error be cleared, but a 0-1 edge bit of the controller
enable signal must also follow.
This function differs from the DIAX-02 series drives.
3-6 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Many areas are monitored in connection with operating modes and
Warnings do not cause
parameter settings. A warning will be generated if a state is detected that
automatic shutdowns
allows proper operation for the time being, but will eventually generate an
error and thereby lead to a shutdown of the drive if this state continues.
Warning Classes
Warnings can be separated into 2 classes. They are differentiated by
The warning class is evident
whether the drive executes an automatic reaction when the warning
from the diagnostic message
Warning Class: Message: Drive Response:
With drive response E8xx Drive stop
Without drive response E2xx --
Fig. 3-4: Division of the Warning Classes
Commands are used to control complex functions in the drive. For
example, the functions "Drive-Controlled Homing Procedure" or
"Transistion Check for Communication Phase 4" are defined as
A primary control can start, interrupt or erase a command.
Each command that is started
must also be cleared. Each command has a parameter with which the command can be
While a command is being executed, the diagnostic message "Cx" or
"dx" appears in the H1 display, where x is the number of the command.
All commands used are stored in parameter S-0-0025, IDN-list of all
procedure commands.
Command Types
There are 3 command types.
• Drive-Controlled Command
- Eventually leads to an automatic drive operation or motion
- Can be started only when controller enable is set
- Deactivates the active operating mode during its operation
• Monitor Command
- Activates or deactivates monitors or features in the control drive
• Management Command
- executes management tasks; is not interruptable
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-7
The drive gives the current condition of the command execution in the
acknowledgment. It is contained in the data status of the command
The condition can be
The Change Bit Command in the Drive Status Word helps the control
recognize a change in the command acknowledgment by the drive. The
bit is set by the drive if the command acknowledgment changes from the
condition in process ( 7 ) to the condition error, command execution not
possible ( 0xF ) or command properly executed ( 3 ). The bit is cleared if
the master clears the input ( 0 ).
The control system will recognize if the drive sets the change bit. It can
read the corresponding data status of the command or the command
itself, which was set sometime but has not been cleared. The control
system will recognize from this if the command ended with or without an
error in the drive. Afterwards this command should be cleared by the
Date of
parameter Beginning of Command finished
= handcap the command Handicap
Data status of t
t <=8msec
the command
parameter Command at work
=acknow- 7 Command finished without error
ledgment 3 Command cleared
Sbit command t
t <=8msec
change in drive
status message
Fig. 3-5: Input, acknowledgment and Command Change Bit during proper
3-8 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Date of
parameter Beginning of the
= handcap command
3 Command cleared
Data status of OxF Command finished
the command Command at work Handicap
=acknow- 7
ledgment 3
Sbit command t <=8msec t <=8msec
change in drive
status message
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-9
Initial start-up, Establishing the initial state using command P-0-4094, C800 Load
base parameters command
Velocity and acceleration values limited to small values / Position and torque limits not
active / Operating mode - velocity control / All optional functions are deactivated
3-10 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-11
as well as the limit values for the axis velocity and maximum drive
torque/force are parametrized also.
(See also: -"Torque/force limiting",
-"Travel range limits" and
-"Limiting velocity".)
3-12 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
With vertical axis, the weight compensation must be set so that the
current consumption with upwards and downwards motions of the axes
have the same minimum value.
Check the regenerated peak power and regenerated continuous power.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-13
Drive-Internal Diagnostics
The current operating condition of the drive is evident by which errors,
warnings, commands, drive stop signals and drive interlock signals are
available and which operating mode is active. Whether the drive is in
preparation for operation or in parameter mode also is displayed.
The current operating condition can be determined from
• the 2-part seven-segment display (H1 display)
• the diagnostic parameter S-0-0095, Diagnostic message
• the parameter S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number
• the parameter P-0-0009, Error Message Number
The current diagnostic message with the highest priority is always shown
in the H1 display, in the diagnostic parameter S-0-0095, Diagnostic
message and in the parameter S-0-0390, Diagnostic message
number. The parameter P-0-0009, Error Message Number will contain
a value unequal to 0 if an error is present. An overview of all diagnostic
messages can be found in the diagnostic description in Supplement B.
R Command error
T Command active
Ready to operate ?
yes no
Operation lock
Ready to Communicationphase
Drive ready
Drive stop
Drive is
operating mode Da0001f1.fh5
3-14 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Diagnostic message
Diagnostic message number
The diagnostic number appears on the two-part seven-segment display.
The form of the display emerges from the graphic "Priority-Dependent
Display of the Diagnostic Message".
With the help of this display, it is possible to quickly determine the current
operating status without using a communication interface.
The operating mode cannot be seen on the H1-Display. If the drive
follows the operating mode and no command was activated, then the
symbol "AF" appears on the display.
Diagnostic Message
The diagnostic message contains the diagnostic number followed by the
diagnostic text, as shown in the example, "Excessive Control Deviation."
It can be read with the parameter S-0-0095, Diagnostic message and
directly displays the operation status on an operator interface.
The diagnostic message language can be changed.
Error Number
The error number contains only the error number without the diagnostic
text. It can be read with the parameter P-0-0009, Error Message
Number and can indicate an error condition without a language barrier.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-15
Collection of Status
The class diagnostics parameters provide a collection of status and
diagnostic information for displaying operating conditions. These
parameters are:
• S-0-0011, Class 1 diagnostics
• S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics
• S-0-0013, Class 3 diagnostics
• S-0-0182, Manufacturer class 3 diagnostics
3-16 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-17
set in the drive status word. This change bit is cleared by reading both
parameters. Setting the change bit with bit-toggling in S-0-0012 or
S-0-0013 can be masked with the help of the parameter S-0-0097, Mask
class 2 diagnostic or S-0-0098, Mask class 3 diagnostic .
unequal to 0 ?
Main operating mode with subordinated position control
|synch. position command value + Xadditive (S-0-0048)
- Xactual (S-0-0051 or S-0-053)|
<S-0-0228, Synchronized position
Main operating mode velocity synchronization
|Synchronized velocity command value+velocity command value add. -
velocity command value <S-0-0183, Synchronized velocity
3-18 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-19
S-0-0328 S-0-0026
1 S-0-0013
6 S-0-0182
0 S-0-0403
19 P-0-0053
0 S-0-0410
4 P-0-0016
Note: In all these cases only those entries up to the faulty element
are accepted!
3-20 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Communication phase 4 mode
Communication phase
4 transition check
Communication phase 3
Communication phase
3 transition check Parameter
Communication phase 2
Communication phase 1
Communication phase 0
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-21
Parameters are checked for proper values before the drive can switch
into phase 3. If a parameter has an improper value, the following
command error will occur:
C101 Invalid communication parameter (S-0-0021)
The SERCOS ID numbers of invalid parameters are listed in S-0-0021,
IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. Ph.2 and must be corrected
before allowing a transition to phase 3.
3-22 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function General Instructions for Installation 3-23
3-24 General Instructions for Installation DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Communication Through the SERCOS-interface 4-1
• Data exchange cycle of set and actual values with exact time
• Synchronization of measurement point and command
value input
• Overall synchronization of all drives connected to the control
• Minimum cycle time 0.5 ms / maximum cycle time 65 ms
• Baud rate selectable, either 2 or 4 MBaud
• Service channel for settings and diagnostics
• Data transfer through fiber optic ring
• Configuration of the telegram contents
• SERCOS compatibility class B, granularity 2, i.e., a multiple of
500 µs as cycle time can be set.
The features of the interface are mentioned here briefly. More detailed
information is included in the SERCOS interface specification.
Once during every Sercos cycle, a Master Data Telegram (MDT) is sent
You can configure the master
from the control to every drive. The master control word, the service
data and drive telegram.
channel and a configurable data block are included here. In this data
block, the command and limit values are contained, which are sent by the
control according to the operation mode of the drive. The contents of this
data block can be configured through the telegram settings.
The master data telegram is received by all drives in the ring at the same
In addition, a Drive Telegram (AT) is sent during each Sercos cycle
time from every drive to the control. The drive status word, the service
channel and a configurable data block are contained here. This data
block contains mainly actual and status values, which are needed to
operate the corresponding drives by the control.
4-2 Communication Through the SERCOS-interface DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The master control word is transferred through the service channel to the
control by using the parameter S-0-0134, Master control word.
Drive enable
The activation of the drive is done through a 0-1 edge of the drive enable
signal. For drive controllers with a SERCOS Interface, the drive enable
signal corresponds to bit 15 in the master control word of the master data
To have the drive enable signal accepted (meaning that the drive is ready
to accept commands from the control), the following requirements must
be fulfilled:
• SERCOS Interface in operating mode (Communication phase 4)
• No drive error
• Power section enabled
In this condition, the drive displays "Ab" on the seven-segment display,
and the drive diagnostic from the parameter S-0-0095, Diagnostic
Message is A012 Control and power sections ready for operation.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Communication Through the SERCOS-interface 4-3
The drive status word is transferred through the service channel to the
control with the parameter S-0-0135, Drive status word.
4-4 Communication Through the SERCOS-interface DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Control release
1 AT
Control release
t / ms
Ventilating the
motor brake
Typical values for tRFEIN are about 8 ms for synchronous motors or 300ms
for asynchronous motors.
Note: During the time tRFEIN, the control should set its command
values to reach a set velocity of 0. The activation of the
optional motor brake takes place after the drive enable
confirmation time (0-1 edge from confirmation of drive
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Communication Through the SERCOS-interface 4-5
H3 ERR- Distortion
X10- transmitter S5
2 3
S2 und S3-setting
8 7
8 7
View to faceplate
4-6 Communication Through the SERCOS-interface DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
NC control unit
2 3 2 3 2 3
8 7 8 7 8 7
2 3 2 3 2 3
8 7 8 7 8 7
Drive controllers
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Communication Through the SERCOS-interface 4-7
4-8 Communication Through the SERCOS-interface DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
LWL-Length 0 .. 500 m
S5A = ON / S5B = ON
Fig. 4-8: Setting the transmission power for Glass fiber LWL
The SERCOS Master calculates from the information received from all
drives the time slot parameters for the operation of the communication
phase 3. Those values are transferred to the drive in communication
phase 2 through the parameters
• S-0-0002, SERCOS Cycle Time (Tscyc)
• S-0-0006, AT Transmission Starting Time (T1)
• S-0-0007, Feedback Acquisition Starting Time (T4)
• S-0-0008, Command Valid Time (T3)
• S-0-0009, Beginning Address in Master Data Telegram
• S-0-0010, Length of Master Data Telegram
• S-0-0089, MDT Transmit Starting Time (T2)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Communication Through the SERCOS-interface 4-9
4-10 Communication Through the SERCOS-interface DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-1
5 Motor Configuration
• synchron kit motor
5-2 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Depending on whether a linear or rotary motor is being used, changes in
Depending on the setting of
the units and the number of decimal places will be made by the
either rotary or linear motor,
parameters. The following table displays the differences in scaling of
the units of measurement and these parameters:
the decimal places are
changed by the parameters.
ID number: Rotational: Linear:
S-0-0100 0,1 As/rad 0,1As/m
S-0-0113 0,0001 RPM 0,0001 mm/min
S-0-0116 Cycles/Rev. 0.00001 mm
P-0-0018 Pole pairs 0,1mm
P-0-0051 Nm/A N/A
S-0-0348 mAs²/rad mAs²/mm
Fig. 5-2: Scaling in Linear or Rotary Motors
The selected motor type also affects the scaling of the position data.
For example, it is impossible to set rotary motor settings for linear motors
and linear motor settings for rotary motors. This would generate the
command error C213 Position data scaling error during a phase
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-3
Specific parameters are used only for synchronous motors, others only
for asynchronous motors.
There are differences in the use and review of the parameters in the
command S-0-0128, C200 Communication phase 4 transition check.
They are:
• P-0-4004, Magnetizing current is set to 0
• P-0-0508, Commutation offset is checked for validity
• P-0-4004, Magnetizing current is initialized
• P-0-0508, Commutation offset is not checked
Temperature Monitoring
The following parameters are used to monitor the motor temperature : :
The switch-off limit for the
motor temperature check is S-0-0201, Motor warning temperature
fixed at one point for MHD-, S-0-0204, Motor shutdown temperature
MKD, MKE motors.
For MHD, MKD and MKE motors, the parameter default values are:
S-0-0201, Motor warning temperature = 145,0°C
S-0-0204, Motor shutdown temperature = 155,0°C
Those default values can be used to help set the parameters for all other
motor types. However, you must ensure that the switch-off limit is not set
higher than the maximum permissible temperature of the motor.
The maximum input value for S-0-0201, Motor warning temperature is
S-0-0204, Motor shutdown temperature.
If the temperature of the motor exceeds the value in S-0-0201, Motor
warning temperature, the warning message E251 Motor overtemp.
prewarning is generated.
If the temperature rises to the motor switch-off temperature, the error
message F219 Motor overtemp. shutdown is displayed.
The minimum input value for S-0-0204, Motor shutdown temperature
is S-0-0201, Motor warning temperature.
To display the motor temperature, the parameter S-0-0383, Motor
Temperature is used.
The drive controller checks for proper functioning of the motor
temperature monitoring system. If discrepancies occur (temperature
drops below -10 degrees), the warning E221 Warning Motor temp.
surveillance defective will be displayed for 10 seconds. After that, the
error message F221 Error Motor temp. surveillance defective is
5-4 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Automatic Setting of the Motor Type for Motors with Feedback Memory
MHD, MKD and MKE motors have a motor feedback data memory, in
which the motor type is stored (along with other information). The drive
controller recognizes these motor types automatically and the following is
• the value of the parameter P-0-4014, Motor Type is set to its proper
value and will be write-protected.
• the value of the parameter P-0-0074, Interface Feedback 1 is set to
the defined value for the corresponding motor type.
• all bits except bit 6 are set for absolute/not-absolute to "0" in the
parameter S-0-0277, Position feedback 1 type parameter.
• all motor-dependent parameters are read out of the motor feedback
data storage (see Motor Feedback-Data Memory). The parameter in
the motor feedback memory are set with parameter block number 7.
These are fetched and copied into the relevant parameters with
parameter block number 0.
• the value of S-0-0201, Motor warning temperature will be set to
145,0°C, and the S-0-0204, Motor shutdown temperature will be set
to 155,0°C.
• The value of P-0-0525, Type of motor brake is set to "0". The value
of P-0-0526, Brake control delay is set to 150 ms.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-5
are stored. This motors are recognized by the firmware and all settings
automatically instituted. With these motors the alignment between the
physical rotor positon and the position as supplied by the feedback has
been performed at the factory prior to delivery. The resulting offset is
stored in parameter P-0-0508, Commutation offset in the motor
feedback memory (synchronous motor specific parameters).
INDRAMAT motors with This motors can, therefore, immediately be operated without the need for
housing configured at the motor-specific settings.
5-6 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-7
S-0-0109 / 2
S-0-0109 / 4
Measure. 1 2 3 10
1 mech.
Fig. 5-5: Current and position when determining commutation offset in MSB
At the start of the command, the drive must be in torque mode. If not,
then the command error
D301 Drive not ready for commutation command
is generated. The value of P-0-0508, Commutation offset is stored in
the motor feedback memory, if one is available. Allowable motor
encoders for rotary synchronous motors must supply an absolute position
of at least one pole pair after powering up.
5-8 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
For this reason, the following values for P-0-0074, Interface Feedback 1
are permitted:
Note: With this type of motor encoder, there is no feedback
memory. The parameter P-0-0508, Commutation offset is
stored in the programming module. When exchanging the
programming module, the value of parameter P-0-0508,
Commutation offset must be re-entered or assumed by
storing the parameter and loading from the previous module.
If these conditions have been met, then the distance between front end 2
of the primary part of the setting device (d) can be measured and this
value plus the primary part characteristic value Kentire can be entered in P-
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-9
0-0523. Front end 2 means the front end opposite the end where the
power cables of the motor emerge.
P-0-0523 = d + Kentire
P-0-0523: value determined for parameter P-0-0523
d: measured distance between front end of primary part and setting
Kentire: primary part characteristic value
Fig. 5-7: Determining the measured value of the commutation offset setting in
LSF motors
north pole
secondary part
5-10 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The user has two additional parameters to adjust the drive to his
• P-0-0532, Premagnetization factor
• P-0-0538, Motor Function Parameter 1
1 2 3
n3 n2 n
Sv5025f 1.fh5
Section 1:
The Basic RPM Range is defined by a constant torque and a fixed
torque/force constant (parameter P-0-0051). In idle, the programmed
magnetization current flows. The motor voltage is less than the maximum
control output voltage. The corner RPM n1 is directly proportional to the
DC bus voltage.
Section 2:
Range of Constant Power. The motor voltage is constant; the idle
voltage and the corresponding magnetization and torque constants fall
with increasing velocity. The slip is increased correspondingly.
The adjustment of magnetization current and slip is executed
automatically by the vector control. The voltage is decreased during idle
to the motor idle voltage (P-0-0535), and when fully in use it is increased
to the maximum motor voltage (P-0-0536).
Section 3:
Range of decreasing Peak Power. The motor works at the sweep limit;
an actual sweep is eliminated with the vector control. According to the
parameter "sweep current limit," the peak current will be decreased
enough so that the maximum power cannot be exceeded. An increase in
current would lead only to wasted power and reduced shaft power. The
peak power in range 3 is proportional to the square of the DC bus
voltage. It is ensured that the maximum power always is reached for
each DC bus voltage without parameter adjustment.
The power in range 3 cannot be extended through the use of more
powerful controllers.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-11
Torque Evaluation
In contrast to the RAC, 100% torque is not the peak value, but the motor
set value according to the ID plate. Since the peak torque of
asynchronous motors is limited to 2.5 times of the set value, you can
reach torques up to 250%.
The significance of the torque values changes in the field-weakening
range since the torque in the controller is set equal to the torque-
producing current Iq. The torque, however, is the product of Iq and air
gap induction, which decreases in the field-weakening range.
The assignment of the torque values in the different velocity ranges is
displayed in the following picture:
P In this case160 per cent
corresponds to the
effective peak current
1 2 3
n3 n2 n
Sv5026f 1.fh5
In range 1, the torque value is the actual torque. 100% = rated torque.
In range 2, the torque value is equal to the power.
100% = rated power according to selection list. (The rated power of the
motor rating plate is not relevant here since it could relate to another DC
bus voltage.)
Range 3 is similar to the evaluation of range 2, except that the preset
torque decreases in correspondence to the increasing velocity of the
peak power. For high velocity, the maximum torque value can drop below
In braking mode, you can reach 50% higher torque values in this range
than in driving mode.
5-12 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
50 50
smf smf
lq t
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-13
"S1-Operation" Function
By setting Bit 0 in the parameter "Motor function parameter," the function
"S1-Operation" is activated.
Motor voltage,
peak power
S1- operation
S1- corner velocity n1
Note: The holding brake is not designed for regular operation. The
brake will be worn out after 20.000 rotations in engaged state.
5-14 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
For motors with motor The parameters will be set automatically for the MHD, MKD or MKE
feedback data memory, the motors. For all other motor types, you have to retrieve the values from
parameters for the motor the data sheet for the motor or the motor brake.
holding brake are set
TM+ 1
BR- 5
BR+ 4
plug in X6
To provide the required brake control voltage, you have to connect +24V
external voltage. The brake is controlled with the contacts Br+ and Br-.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Motor Configuration 5-15
1 Activating the
0 motor brake
Motor brake
1 becomes
1 End stage
Note: The maximum output voltage for the control of the motor
brake is 2,0 A.
5-16 Motor Configuration DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-1
6 Operating Modes
Torque/Force Control
A torque/force value is commanded to the drive in the Torque/Force
Control operating mode. When the operating mode is activated, the
diagnostic message reads A100 Drive in TORQUE control.
The command value is specified in the parameter S-0-0080,
Torque/Force Command.
Monitors specific to this operating mode are:
• Monitoring of the actual speed at 1.125 times the value of the
parameter S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value.
(See also"Limiting to Bipolar Velocity Limit Value ")
If this value is exceeded, the error F879 Velocity limit S-0-0091
exceeded is generated.
control M
command value
Torque/Force Controller
The command value in S-0-0080, Torque/Force Command is limited
with the effective peak current P-0-4046, Active peak current. The
effective peak current is derived from the current and torque/force limit.
(See also"Current Limit and "Torque/Force Limiting")
The torque/force generating command current "Iqcom" is derived
according to these limits. This is the command value for the (effective)
current regulator.
6-2 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0080, Torque/force
command M
Torque/force creating
Command current IqCOMM
Velocity Control
A velocity value is commanded to the drive in the Velocity Control
operating mode. The diagnostic message reads A101 Drive in
VELOCITY control when the operating mode is active.
The command values are specified in the parameters S-0-0036, Velocity
Command Value and S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value.
Monitors specific to this operating mode are:
• The parameter S-0-0036, Velocity Command Value is limited to the
value of the parameter S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value. This
generates the warning E263 Velocity command value > limit S-0-
0091 .
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-3
Velocity command
Velocity Command Value
Velocity Controller
The effective velocity command value is added with S-0-0037, Additive
Velocity Command Value.
Further he is limited to S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value.
(See also "Limiting to Bipolar Velocity Limit Value")
If the resulting command value is at the limit, the warning E259
Command velocity limit active is displayed.
The velocity control difference is produced by including the actual velocity
in the control loop. The raw feedback velocities of the motor and, if
available, the external encoder can be combined into an effective actual
velocity value. (See also" Setting the Velocity Mix Factor".)
Via P-0-0004, Smoothing Time Constant you can limit the band of the
control difference for the current controller.
The output from the velocity controller is added with a feed forward
component when a lagless position control mode is activated and S-0-
0348, Acceleration Feedforward prop. Gain is set to a non-zero value.
This value is commanded according to the current and torque/force limit.
(See also" Current Limit" and "Torque/Force Limitation".)
6-4 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Current Controller
The current controller is parameterized with S-0-0106, Current loop
proportional gain 1. and S-0-0107, Current loop integral action time
(See also "Setting the Current Controller".)
S-0-0080, Torque/force
com m and M
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-5
Position Control
A position value is commanded to the drive every NC-cycle time in the
Position Control operating mode. When this mode is activated, the
diagnostic message is one of the following:
• A102 Position mode with encoder 1
• A103 Position Control Encoder 2
• A104 Position mode lagless, encoder 1
• A105 Position control lagless, feedback 2
Position Velocity Current
command M
controller controller controller
6-6 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Position Controller
The position controller error is computed from the effective position
command value from the generator function of the active operating mode
and the actual position value (motor encoder or external encoder) used
for the controller.
This is given to the position controller, whose control gain is set with S-0-
0104, Position Loop Kv-Factor .
Bit 3 in the operating mode parameters (S-0-0032..35) indicates if
positioning should be subject to the following errors.
With lagless position control, an acceleration feed forward component
can be included with parameter S-0-0348, Acceleration Feedforward
prop. Gain.
S-0-0032 (0033,0034,0035)
Operation mode bit 3 I Acceleration/feedforward
(see Velocity control)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-7
S-0-0001, NC Cycle Time (TNcyc) acts as the time base for converting
the position command value differences into a velocity. It is assumed that
position command values are given cyclically in the NC cycle time. This is
normally the case in the position control operating mode.
will be saved. The velocity produced by the difference of the two values
generated the error.
command value
resulting velocity-
position command
Fig. 6-10: Monitoring the position command value differences and generating the
error F237 Excessive position command difference
6-8 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-9
6-10 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Fig. 6-13: Profile to explain how the interpolation status messsages work
In this example, the drive is on the start position, when the new target
position is given.
The following time diagrams result:
0 standstill
target Positioning
position window
position comm. t
start state Positioning
or lag
position 1
target 1
t0- new start state is given
Fig. 6-14: Generating the status bit of the operating modes with drive-internal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-11
Relative drive-
internal Position Current
Velocity controller M
interpolation controller controller
6-12 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Velocity synchronization
Associated parameters:
• S-0-0236, Master drive 1 revs.
• S-0-0237, Slave drive 1 revs.
• P-0-0083, Gear ratio fine adjust
• P-0-0053, Master drive position
• P-0-0108, Master drive polarity
• P-0-0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
• P-0-0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
The drive reads the Lead Drive Position from the cyclic data every NC
cycle. The polarity selected in the Lead Drive Polarity parameter is
applied to this position value.
To include the master axis gear in the calculation, multiply the results by
the quotient derived from P-0-0157 and P-0-0156.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-13
The so generated master axis speed after the master axis gear is
multiplied by the factor
dXSynch = (1 + P-0-0083) * S-0-0237 / S-0-0236.
Where dXSynch is the synchronous velocity command value.
This value is passed to the velocity loop after dynamic synchronization is
The Gain Adjust, which may be included in the cyclic data, allows for
velocity changes on the slave drive given a constant master velocity.
Velocity changes are possible by changing the parameter of the master
axis gear. These can also be cyclically changed.
P-0-0053, Master drive
6-14 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Associated parameters:
• S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value
• S-0-0040, Velocity feedback value
• S-0-0182, Manufacturer class 3 diagnostics
• S-0-0183, Velocity synchronization window
Phase synchronization
Associated parameters:
• S-0-0048, Position command value additional
• S-0-0236, Master drive 1 revs.
• S-0-0237, Slave drive 1 revs.
• P-0-0053, Master drive position
• P-0-0108, Master drive polarity
• P-0-0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
• P-0-0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
The master axis position scaled to values ranging between 0 and 2^20
corresponding to 0 to 360 degrees is negated with negative master axis
polarity (P-0-0108 = 1) and then scaled again.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-15
Taking the master axis gear into account then follows. The master axis
position is differentiated. The difference is multiplied by P-0-0157, Master
drive gear output revolutions and divided by P-0-0156, Master drive
gear input revolutions. The remainder is processed in the next cycle.
The resulting difference is added to the master axis gear output value
and again limited to 2^20 increments.
The differential processing of the master axis gear has the advantage
that the master axis gear output value does not jump if the master axis
gear is changed. This only results in a velocity change at the master axis
gear output. The master axis gear output value is set once upon
activation of the operating mode. The master axis gear input value is
multipled by P-0-0157, Master drive gear output revolutions and then
divided by P-0-0156, Master drive gear input revolutions and limited to
2^20 increments.
There is fine linear interpolation between two master axis positions at the
master axis gear output generated in the NC cycle. The results are the
effective master axis position.
Multiplication by a factor supplies the synchronous position command
value Xsynch.
The bit for mudulo processing must be set in S-0-0076, Position data
scaling type.
The S-0-0048, Position command value additional must be situated
within the modulo range.
After the initial steps of incremental synchronization (velocity
adjustments), the difference of the synchronous position command value
is added to the active position command value (S-0-0047).
After the second synchronization step it applies (position adjustment):
S-0-0047, position command value = XSynch + S-0-0048, additional
position command value
6-16 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-17
6-18 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-19
The following graphics show the time flow of the velocity for the standard
and filter synchronization modes.
Velocity Position t
"Synchronisation adjustment adjustment
mode" (step 1) (step2)
"Synchronization completed"
(Manuf. class 3 diagnostics S-0-0182, Bit9)
Position command
dx dxsoll, synch value addition (S-0-0048)
dt dt
dxsoll, synch
dt P-0-0142 P-0-0143 P-0-0060
Velocity Position t
mode" adjustment adjustment
(step 1) (step2)
"Synchronization completed"
(Manuf. class 3 diagnostics S-0-0182, Bit9)
6-20 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-21
The structure of the electronic cam shaft operating mode is shown in the
following figure:
Disc Position control Current control
control M
6-22 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Synchronization Lagesollwert
P-0-0061, Angle offset begin
of profile
P-0-0158, Phase offset velocity
P-0-0093, Cam shaft distance
P-0-0157, Master drive gear
input revolutions
Cam shaft
P-0-0156, Master drive profile 1
gear output revolutions
ϕGrip S-0-0047, Position
P-0-0053, Master drive Lookup
position command value
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-23
Associated parameters:
• S-0-0048, Position command value additional
• P-0-0049, Target position pattern ctrl profile
• P-0-0053, Master drive position
• P-0-0061, Angle offset begin of profile
• P-0-0062, Pattern ctrl profile 2A
• P-0-0063, Pattern ctrl profile 2A, switch angle 1
• P-0-0064, Pattern ctrl profile 2B
• P-0-0065, Pattern ctrl profile 2B, switch angle 1
• P-0-0066, Pattern ctrl profile 3A
• P-0-0067, Pattern ctrl profile 3A, switch angle 1
• P-0-0068, Pattern ctrl profile 3A, switch angle 2
• P-0-0069, Pattern ctrl profile 3B
• P-0-0070, Pattern ctrl profile 3B, switch angle 1
• P-0-0071, Pattern ctrl profile 3B, switch angle 2
• P-0-0079, Info destination position
• P-0-0085, Dynamical phase offset
• P-0-0108, Master drive polarity
• P-0-0156, Master drive gear input revolutions
• P-0-0157, Master drive gear output revolutions
• P-0-0158, Phase offset velocity
6-24 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Target positions for one range should be saved only if the lead drive
position is in the other range.
The drive uses the profiles to locate the switch angles belonging to
individual pattern ctrl profiles
The switch angles indicate jumps in the profiles that are larger than 2^15.
The profile ranges between start, switch angle(s) and end determine the
profile with which the drive travels from one target position to another.
To generate a synchronous position command value, the current profile
access angle is examined to determine in which range it points (A or B).
The first target position info word (for target position 1) in this range
determines the step mode and the active profile with the switch angle. A
fine-interpolated value between 0 and 2^16 is taken from the profile
(table). The two target positions that are operable for the profile range
are selected from the target position memory based on range, step
mode, profile access angle and switch angle. The synchronous position
command value XSynch results from the following equation:
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-25
6-26 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Operating Modes 6-27
1 1 1 1
ϕGripf TabK
0 0 0 0
6-28 Operating Modes DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-1
Operating S-0-0109
data = 100
Unit = A
digits after
decimal = 3
Drive control
The operating data of the parameter S-0-0109 is given the value 100 in
The combination of unit and
the picture shown above. When combined, the unit A(mps) that belongs
number of decimal places is
to this parameter and the number of decimal places produce the physical
expressed with the term
value 0.100 A.
Each parameter can therefore be called up with a unit and the number of
decimal places. The combination of these two criteria is united under the
term scaling. When interpreting operating data, these must always be
included in the analysis. Units and number of decimal places are listed
along with all other parameter attributes in Supplement A, Parameter
Description, for each parameter.
7-2 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-3
7-4 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The scaling type is set in S-0-0044, Velocity data scaling type. The
parameter is defined as follows:
S-0-0044, Scaling mode for velocity data
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-5
7-6 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0055, feedback
S-0-0051 Velocity Torque/force
Bit 2 value - 1
feedback feedback
S-0-0053 S-0-0055, Position value value
Bit 3 feedback S-0-0043, S-0-0085,
value -2 Bit 2 Bit 2
S-0-0040 S-0-0084
The polarity parameters affect only the display values, not the control
feedback values.
The drive software only allows all bits within a polarity parameter to be
inverted. If bit 0 is inverted, all other bits of the parameter are also
inverted. This prevents setting positive feedback in the regulator loops
because of faulty command and feedback value polarities.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-7
Transmission Ratio
The transmission ratio can be determined with the parameters
Transmission input=
motor shaft
Transmission output
Feed Constant
The feed constant defines which linear path the load should follow per
transmission output revolution. It is specified in the parameter S-0-0123,
Feed constant.
The value programmed here is used along with the transmission ratio for
converting the position, velocity, and acceleration data from motor
reference to load reference.
7-8 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Transmission output
Feed module
Modulo Feature
When the modulo function is activated, all position data are displayed in
When the modulo function is
the range 0..(modulo value-1). This makes it possible to have shafts
activated, all position data
continuously moving in one direction without an overflow in the position
within the modulo range are data.
The modulo value is set with the parameter S-0-0103, Modulo Value.
The modulo function is activated by the parameter S-0-0076, Position
Data Scaling Type.
(See also "Display Format of Position Data".)
S-0-0076, Position data scaling mode
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-9
value Position data with
modulo function
Absolute position of
the measurement
Position data with
absolute format
Fig. 7-11: Display value of positions in absolute format and modulo format
7-10 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-11
7-12 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Motor Encoder
The measurement system which is directly coupled with the motor shaft
without a gearbox between is called the motor encoder. As the motor is
usually coupled to the load with a mechanical gearbox and probably a
feed unit, we call this also an indirect distance measurement. If a further
measurement system is attached directly to the load, we call this a direct
distance measuring (see "External Encoder"). Hereafter, we show typical
applications of indirect distance measurements.
2 3
8 7
2 3
8 7
High V oltage.
Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical connec tions
5 minutes after switching power
Read and follow "Safety
Instructions for Electrical Drives"
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-13
8 7
2 3
8 7
Rotary table
High V oltage.
Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical connec tions
5 minutes after switching power
Read and follow "Safety
Instructions for Electrical Drives"
The absolute Measurement relative to the machine zero point is set with
• S-0-0148, C600 Drive controlled homing procedure command
or, for absolute encoders,
• P-0-0012, C300 Command 'Set absolute Measurement'
7-14 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Note: The motor encoder is only then unnecessary if you work with
a loadside motor encoder. This is only possible with rotary
asynchronous motors (P-0-4014, Motor Type = 2 or 6). In
this case, the external encoder is the only control encoder
(see also "External Encoder").
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-15
The bits in the position encoder type parameter are partially set or
deleted by the drive itself.
There are following dependencies:
• If the connected motor has a motor feedback memory (MHD, MKD or
MKE), then bits 0, 1 and 3 are cleared.
• If the connected motor is a linear motor, then bit 0 is set to 1.
• Depending on the absolute encoder range and the maximum travel
range or modulo value, bit 6 is either set or cleared.
(See also "Other Settings for Absolute Measurement Systems".)
External encoder
The control with external encoder facilitates a higher contour precision of
the machined workpieces resp. a higher positioning accuracy. With
setting the operation mode, you can determine that the position control in
the drive is done with the position feedback of the external encoder.
Additionally, the velocity control can be completely or partially done with
the velocity feedback signal of this measurement system.
(See also "Operating Modes" and "Setting the Velocity Mix Factor".)
7-16 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
8 7
2 3
8 7
Linear scale
High V oltage.
Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical connec tions
5 minutes after switching power
Read and follow "Safety
Instructions for Electrical Drives"
2 3
8 7
2 3
8 7
Rotary table
High V oltage.
Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical connec tions
5 minutes after switching power
Read and follow "Safety
Instructions for Electrical Drives"
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-17
7-18 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-19
S-0-0391, Monitoring
window ext. feedback
When determining the monitoring window, make sure that the position
feedback monitor works dynamically. This means that even dynamic
deviations of both position feedback values in acceleration and braking
phases are registered. This is why it is not enough to use statical axis
errors as the basis for the setting.
7-20 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The bits in the position encoder type parameter are partly set or cleared
by the drive itself. There is following dependency:
• Depending on the absolute encoder range and the maximum travel
range or modulo value, bit 6 is either set or cleared.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-21
The display format defines the unit, i.e., the LSB value with which the
position data are exchanged between drive and control/surface. When a
position data parameter such as, S-0-0051, Position Feedback Value 1
(Motor Feedback) is read, it is sent in this format to the control. The
display format is set with parameter S-0-0076, Position Data Scaling
Type, S-0-0077, Linear Position Data Scaling Factor, S-0-0078,
Linear Position Data Scaling Exponent and S-0-0079, Rotational
position resolution. The control generally sets the format.
(See also "Physical Values Display Format“.)
The drive-internal positon The drive-internal format determines the LSB value, the position
resolution depends on the command and feedback value editing as well as how the position control
travel range to be described loop in the drive is performed. The drive uses the value of parameter
S-0-0278, Maximum travel range to calculate the drive-internal format.
7-22 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
It applies:
Resolution = encoder resolution × multiplication
Resolution: drive-internal resolution of position data
multiplication: value in S-0-0256 or S-0-0257
encoder resolution: value in S-0-0116 or S-0-0117
Fig. 7-26: Drive-internal resolution of rotary motors
multiplication Incr
Resolution =
encoder resolution mm
Resolution: drive-internal resolution of positon data
multiplication: value in S-0-0256 or S-0-0257
encoder resolution: value in S-0-0116 or S-0-0117
Fig. 7-27: Drive-internal resolution of linear motors
1. MKD motor, S-0-0116 = 4, S-0-0256 = 32768, therefore: drive-
internal resolution = 131072 increments/motor revolution, therefore,
an LSB value of 0.00275 degrees.
2. Linear scale as external measuring system, S-0-0117 = 0.02 mm
(grid division = 20µm), S-0-0257 = 32768, therefore: drive-
internal resolution of approximately 1638400 increments/mm,
therefore, an LSB value of 0.00061 µm (How to compute the drive-
internal resolution if an external encoder is used, is described in
greater detail below).
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-23
Setting the maximum travel This parameter must be set at the time where an axis is commissioned to
range at start-up a value that equals at least the distance that the axis must travel. While
executing the command S-0-0128, C200 Communication phase 4
transition check, the drive computes the values for S-0-0256,
Multiplication 1 and, if an external measuring system is mounted, for
S-0-0257, Multiplication 2 as well. These parameters thus help to
display the resolution.
Multiplication is only reduced if The maximum possible resolution of the position feedback value of a
the travel range can no longer position encoder for technical reasons equals 32768 increments per
be described division period of the measuring system. This maximum resolution is only
reduced if the travel range is set so large that it can no longer be
described with the maximum resolution.
2 31
multiplication =
travel range × encoder resolution
travel range: travel range shown in encoder revolutions
multiplication: value in S-0-0256 or S-0-0257
encoder resolution: value in S-0-0116 or S-0-0117
Fig. 7-28: Relationship between maximum travel range and multiplication with
rotary measuring systems
1. MHD motor with S-0-0116 = 512, maximum travel range 2048 motor
revolutions, therefore, a multiplication of 2^31 / (2048 • 512) = 2048.
2. MHD motor with S-0-0116 = 512, maximum travel range 20 motor
revolutions, therefore, a multiplication of 2^31 / (20 • 512) = 209715.
The next higher value equals 32768, thus a multiplication = 32768.
2 31 × encoder resolution
multiplication =
travel range
travel range: travel range shown in mm
multiplication: value in S-0-0256 or S-0-0257
encoder resolution: value in S-0-0116 or S-0-0117
Fig. 7-29: Relationship between maximum travel range and multiplication in
linear scales
Linear scale with 0.02mm grid division, maximum travel range 5m,
therefore a multiplication of 2^31 × 0.02 / 5000 = 8589 (→ 8192).
This results in a resolution of 0.02mm / 8192 = 0.002441 µm.
7-24 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-25
The limits are not valid for The following relationships apply:
cyclic command values, e.g. in
for rotary motors:
operation mode Position
control. 51.471.854.040 rad
amax =
encoder resolution × multiplication s²
amax: maximum acceleration of position command of the interpolator
encoder resolution: value in S-0-0116
multiplication: value in S-0-0256
Fig. 7-30: Maximum acceleration of the position command interpolator as
dependent on the drive-internal position data format
MHD motor with S-0-0116 = 512, multiplication = 32768, equalling a
maximum acceleration of the position command interpolation of 3067
7-26 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Activating the absolute encoder If the absolute evaluation of a measuring system is possible but not
evaluation wanted, this can be deselected in bit 7. The measuring system is then
treated as if it were a non-absolute (single turn) encoder.
The position encoder type parameter is structured as follows:
The following table shows which absolute measuring system can be used
as a motor encoder or external encoder and which plug-in module is
needed for it:
as motor as external
Measuring system: Module (no.) encoder: encoder:
Single/Multiturn DSF Standard(1) yes yes
Single/Multiturn DSF DFF01.1U(4) no yes
Single/Multiturn resolver Standard(1) yes no
SSI encoder with 4096 incr/rev DAG01.2U(7) no yes
Linear scale from Heidenhain with EnDat interface DAG01.2U(8) yes yes
Single/multiturn rotary encoder from Heidenhain with DAG01.2U(8) yes yes
EnDat interface
Fig. 7-34: Modules needed for absolute measuring systems
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-27
7-28 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-29
7-30 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-31
7-32 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-33
Current Limit
The current limit limits the command current to the parameters
• P-0-4046, Active peak current or
• P-0-4045, Active permanent current
If the peak current is demanded from the drive for longer periods of time,
the drive controller's internal thermal load monitor will make sure that the
allowable output current is reduced from the active peak current to the
active continuous current. Both parameters are produced from the
applicable drive controller data, such as the peak amplifier current
(S-0-0110, Amplifier Peak Current) etc., as well as the contents of the
following parameters:
7-34 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Thermal Thermal
load of the load of the
controller motor
S-0-0110 Amplifier Peak Current P-0-0109, Peak
Torque/Force Limit
S-0-0109 Motor Peak Current
P-0-4004, S-0-0092, Bipolar
Magnetizing Torque/Force Limit
Active Peak
MIN Current
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-35
To obtain this:
• The corresponding continuous current is determined from the
selected switching frequency via the applicable drive controller data.
• As the process continues, the value determined under 1. is reduced in
connection with P-0-4004, Magnetizing current. The magnetizing
current is 0 if there is a synchronous motor.
• The determined value is limited to the P-0-4046 Active peak current.
7-36 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
dTpre- warn
Duration current
limiting and Duration current
pre- warning active limiting active (E257)
Peak current
Fig. 7-40: Monitoring the thermal load and continous current limit
may be used. The following illustration shows the typical process of the
thermal load, as it can be observed by means of the analog output.
During the execution of an operating cycle, the load is preset with 80% by
writing to P-0-0141.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-37
Treshold for overload
pre- warning (P-0-0127)
Writing an arbitrary value to P-0-0141,
thereby setting the thermal overload at 80 per cent
Torque/Force Limiting
The maximum allowable torque can be limited by the user with the
7-38 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The following illustration shows the connection between the current limit
and the torque/force limit of the maximum allowed torque in determining
the maximum output current.
S-0-0080, Torque/force
Torque/Force producing
Command Value command current
Active Peak
P-0-4045, MIN
P-0-0109, Torque/Force
Peak Limit
The current limit and the torque/force limit both affect the torque-
producing command current limit.
The active value is always the smaller value of
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-39
Limiting Velocity
The following parameters limit the velocity of the drive:
• S-0-0113, Maximum Motor Speed (nmax)
• S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value
The parameter S-0-0091, Bipolar Velocity Limit Value is designed to
allow variable limits of the maximum velocity to values smaller than the
maximum allowable velocity during operation.
The parameter S-0-0113, Maximum Motor Speed (nmax) designates
the maximum possible motor velocity. It is contained in the motor
encoder data storage of MHD-, MKD and MKE motors and does not
need to be entered, but with other types of motors this value must be
taken from the motor parameter specifications.
7-40 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The travel range is exceeded when either a travel zone limit switch is
activated or one of the two axis limit values is exceeded by the homed
position feedback value that is, the value referring to the machine zero
The drive's response to exceeding the travel range is selectable. The
following possibilities exist:
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-41
Bit 0 : Negation
0: E2/3 not inverted,
24V => travel range exceeded
1: E2/3 inverted,
0V => travel range is exceeded
Bit 1 : Activation
0: Travel range switch is not active
1: Travel range switch is active
Bit 2 : Response
0: Exceeded travel range is handled as error
1: Exceeded travel range is handled as warning
Fig. 7-44: Setting the drive reaction to exceeding the travel range (bit 2)
For re-installation
• Clear the error with the command S-0-0099, C500 Reset class 1
diagnostic or press the S1 button.
• Reactivate the drive with the 0-1 edge of the drive enable signal.
If the error condition is still present, that is, if the limit switch is still
activated or if the axis limits are still exceeded, only command values that
go back into the allowable range will be accepted. Monitoring the
command values is dependent on the active operating mode.
The following applies:
Operating Mode: Command Value Check:
Torque control Polarity of S-0-0080, Torque/Force
All operating modes with drive- Polarity of the internal velocity
internal velocity control command value
All operating modes with drive- Polarity of the velocity created by the
internal position control given position command values
Fig. 7-45: Monitoring the command values in error conditions
If command values are given that would lead out of the allowable travel
range, the travel range error will be generated again.
7-42 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
connector X12
2 3
on DSS 2.1
8 7
2 3
8 7
positive limit E1
switch connection E2 X12
negative limit E3 E2
switch connection E4 E4
E5 E5
E6 +U
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-43
Bit 0 : Negation
0: E2/3 not inverted,
24V => travel range exceeded
1: E2/3 inverted,
0V => travel range is exceeded
Bit 1 : Activation
0: Travel range switch is not active
1: Travel range switch is active
Bit 2 : Response
0: Exceeded travel range is handled as error
1: Exceeded travel range is handled as warning
If the monitor in bit 1 of P-0-0090 is turned on, the +24V DSS 2.1 +UL
input monitor is simultaneously activated, if it was not already activated
by using other X12 connector ports.
I.e.: if the +UL voltage falls below +18V, the error F271 Error power
supply travel limit switch is generated.
is executed only if
• the encoder system of the active operating mode has been homed,
i.e. the position encoder values are in relation to the machine’s zero
point. The S-0-0403, Position feedback value status is therefore 1
• the monitor for the axis limit values in S-0-0055, Position Polarity
Parameter, bit 4 was activated.
It is recognized that the axis limit values have been exceeded if the
position feedback value of the active operating mode exceeds the travel
range set by the axis limit values.
Bit 3 of the parameter S-0-0147, Homing Parameter determines
whether the position feedback value of the motor encoder or of the
external encoder is monitored. If drive-internal interpolation is used as
the active operating mode, the drive checks to see if the target position is
outside of the axis limit values. If it is, the drive will not move and the
warning E253, Target Position outside of Travel Zone is generated,
and bit 13 in parameter S-0-0012, Class 2 Diagnostics is also set.
7-44 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The diagnostic message for the case that the axis limit values have been
exceeded depends on the type of reaction:
How handled: SS display: Diagnostic message:
As an error F629 F629 Positive position limit value
F630 F630 Negative position limit value
As a warning E829 E829 Positive position limit value
E830 E830 Negative position limit value
Fig. 7-49: Diagnostic message when axis limits have been exceeded
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-45
X2 2
DSS 1.1
0V M
X 10 TX
2 3 Bb
8 7
2 3
8 7
X 11 RX
11 2)
X 12
+U L
0VL 3)
Fig. 7-51: Drive interlock control output and status output on the drive controller
When the drive interlock is activated, the control drive's H1 status display
shows the message "AS".
The diagnostic message reads: A011 Drive Interlock open
7-46 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-47
Error Diagnostic
Class Messages Drive Response
Fatal F8xx The error response parameter settings in P-0-0117, Activation of NC
Response During an Error and P-0-0119, Best Possible Deceleration will
be ignored, since a driver response is impossible. Torque/force is instantly
cut off.
Travel range F6xx Independently from the settings in parameters P-0-0117, NC Reaction
on Error and P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration, the velocity
command value is immediately set to zero. This response corresponds
to the setting
P-0-0117 = 0 (no NC Reaction)
P-0-0119 = 0 (Velocity Command Value Reset). This setting provides
the fastest stop of the axis if the drive range is exceeded.
Interface F4xx A response from the control is impossible, since the communication to
the control became inoperative. The drive proceeds instantly with
P-0-0119, Best possible Deceleration.
Non-fatal F2xx The drive conducts the decel procedure set in P-0-0117, NC reaction
F3xx on error and P-0-0119, Best possible deceleration. If NC reaction is
set as an error response, then the drive continues to operate for 30
seconds after detecting an error, as if no error had been detected. The
NC has this time to bring the axis to a controlled standstill. The drive
then conducts the response set in P-0-0119.
Fig. 7-51: Error Response of the Drive
7-48 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The proceeding for the motor brake (if mounted) and the enable for the
power stage during velocity command value deceleration to zero is
displayed in the following picture.
1 Control of the
motor brake
t / ms
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-49
If the setting in P-0-0126 is too low, then the error reaction may finish
before the axis has stopped. The holding brake will then be activated at a
velocity > 0, which, in the long run, leads to damage of the brake.
1 Control of the
motor brake
t / ms
Fig. 7-54: Time sequence of the velocity command value reset, in case of setting
the maximum brake time too low
Disable Torque
If "Best Possible Deceleration" is set to 1, then the drive is set to torque
The response "disable torque"
disable in case of an error. The brake will be activated instantly.
is not recommended when a
motor has a brake
7-50 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Velocity profile
1 Control of the
motor brake
t / ms
V Rounding by command
value filter (P-0-1222)
Delay by
slope(s) (P-0-1201)
Rounding by command
value filter (P-0-1222)
Maximum braking
Delay without time
slope and filter P-0-0126 >= t
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-51
Note: You must ensure that the P-0-0126, Max. braking time is
greater than the time needed by the drive to decelerate from
its max. velocity to v = 0.
[Re v / s] × 2 × π[rad / Re v]
60 = 105
[ ]
. s
100 rad / s 2
For the max. braking time in the previous example, we would propose
The time sequence of the control for the motor brake (if mounted) and
the enable for the power stage is the same as for the velocity command
(See also "Velocity Command Value Reset".)
Return motion
If a 3 has been set for "Best possible Deceleration" as a return motion,
then the drive generates a position command profile to complete the
desired travel distance in the case of an error. In other words, in the case
of an error a specific process (travel) block is activated.
This travel block is defined by the parameters
Once the drive has covered the distance, i.e., has reached the desired
target position, then the motor holding brake is activated (if mounted) and
the drive is switched torque free at the end of the motor brake delay time.
The distance to move is considered as completed, i.e., the motor holding
brake is activated, if
7-52 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-53
Units with extrinsic power supplies are signalled through connector X1,
pin 2. If power off on error has been set, then bit 2 of compact units
should be set to 1. The error message of the drive causes a mains
separation meaning that the energy generated during braking cannot be
fed back into the mains. Without a braking resistor (bleeder), the drives
then coast to a standstill.
Using bit 1 of P-0-0118 it is possible to set when the error message from
the drive to the power supply unit can be removed for the first time. If this
bit is 1, then immediately after the basic initialization of the drive, the
error reaction is removed and powering up thus becomes possible
already in communications phase 0. If bit 1 = 0, then the drive must be in
communications phase 4 and error free before the error message to the
power supply unit can be removed for the first time.
7-54 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Reaction to undervoltage
Bits 3 , 4 and 5 of parameter P-0-0118 offer the options on how to handle
the undervoltage. Undervoltage happens when the drive is enabled (with
torque) and signal for the DC bus voltage goes down.
With bit 3 = 1, undervoltage can be treated as a "fatal warning". This
makes sense if the energy in the DC bus must be retained for that period
of time which a control needs to start the synchronized deceleration of
several drives. The drive, in this case, does not signal a class 1
diagnostics error, and the reaction parametrized in P-0-0119, best
possible standstill is not executed. Shutting the motor off brings about
a slower drop in the DC bus voltage. This means that asynchronous
motors can still retain a magnetic field once the control begins to bring
the drives to a synchronized standstill. Braking takes place in generator
If the undervoltage is treated as an error (bit 3, 5 = 0), then bit 4 can be
used to set whether the error automatically clears itself once the control
switches off the drive enable. This makes sense if the error also occurs
during the course of a normal shutdown caused by the fact that the
control does not clear the enable quickly enough.
With bit 5 = 1, you can suppress any reaction to the state of
undervoltage. In this case, only a warning is generated.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-55
To re-activate the drive, the E-Stop input must become inactive, and
another 0-1 edge must be applied to the external drive enable.
If bit 2 has been set to treat it as an error, then the reaction selected in bit
1 is performed. The error diagnosis F434 Emergency-Stop (or F634
Emergency-Stop), E-stop activated appears, and bit 15 is set in
parameter S-0-0011, class 1 diagnostics . Bit 13 is set in the drive
status word of the drive telegram, i.e., drive interlock, error with class 1
diagnostics is set. The error can be cleared via command S-0-0099,
Reset class 1 diagnostics, or key S1 on the drive controller if the E-
stop input is no longer activated.
This function basically works as if an error had occurred in the drive. The
drive reaction is immediate and without delay, independent of parameter
P-0-0117, NC reaction on error.
If bit 1 = 0, the drive shuts down according to P-0-0119, Best possible
Deceleration. The diagnosis upon activating the E-stop input then reads
F434 Emergency-Stop.
If bit 1 is set to 1 , then the drive is braked at maximum torque, if an E-
Stop of the drive is triggered, until the speed = 0, regardless of the error
reaction set in parameter P-0-0119. This corresponds to the best
possible standstill "Velocity command value to zero". The diagnosis with
the activation of the E-Stop input then reads F434 Emergency-Stop.
7-56 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Bit 2 : Interpretation
0: as non-fatal error
1: fatal warning
Connector 12
2 3
5 6
on DDS
8 7
2 3
5 6
8 7
E1 X12
E2 E1
E3 E2
E4 E4
E5 E6
E- Stop Signal E6
connection +UL
EK5007f1.fh5 Fig. 7-
61: Connection of E-Stop-Signal to X12
If the emergency stop input was activated but the 24 V supply failed, then
the error F273 Error power supply E-Stop is generated.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-57
position control
KB= S-0-0348
S-0-0032, Bit 3 acceleration feed forward
5: pos. com.val.diff.
velocity control
current control
d: velocity command value
7-58 Basic Drive Functions
vist vist
motor ext. encoder
sampling time: 250 usec
S-0-0032 Primary mode of operation S-0-0080 Torque/force command S-0-0189 Following error
S-0-0036 Velocity command value S-0-0084 Torque/force feedback value S-0-0348 Acceleration feedforward prop. gain
S-0-0037 Additive velocity command value S-0-0091 Bipolar velocity limit value P-0-0004 Velocity loop smoothing time constant
S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value S-0-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain P-0-0121 Velocity mixfactor feedback 1 & 2
S-0-0047 Position command value S-0-0101 Velocity loop integral action time P-0-0180 Rejection frequency velocity loop
S-0-0051 Position feedback value 1 (motor) S-0-0106 Current loop proportional gain 1 P-0-0181 Rejection bandwith velocity loop
S-0-0053 Position feedback value 2 (ext.) S-0-0107 Current loop integral action time 1 P-0-4046 Active permanent current
P-0-0421/424 d: velocity command value
P-0-0420/423 ID no. and disignation of signal for analog output
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-59
Load Default
With the command Basic Load, you can activate the default control
parameters for motor types with motor feedback data memory such as
With these parameters, the relevant control parameters for the
appropriate motor type used can be set. The parameters are pre-defined
by the manufacturer for the moment of inertia relationship of Jown = Jload.
Most applications can work with these values.
Default values can be set for the following parameters:
The feature Load Default Settings can be activated in two different ways:
The user can save the current drive parameters before resetting the error
to start the load default process.
Error F208 UL The motor type has changed can be reset in two
different ways:
1) Run the command S-0-0099, Reset Class 1 Diagnostics or
2) press the S1 key.
In either case, the command Basic Load is activated.
If the default settings cannot be activated, then the relevant command
error messages appear.
(See also "Error Conditions of the Load Default Settings Procedure)"
7-60 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
If an error occurs during this procedure, then the default values for the
indicated invalid parameters can be set. This serves safety purposes and
helps in diagnosing additional errors.
The parameters for the current controller are set via the parameters
• S-0-0106, Current loop proportional gain
• S-0-0107, Current Loop Integral Action Time
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-61
These can be set either by running once the load default feature or by
following the procedure hereafter.
7-62 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The value found using this process is called the "critical velocity loop
proportional gain".
The following table shows many of the most frequently used application
types and the corresponding control loop settings.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-63
Determing resonance frequency ⇒ Connect oscilloscope to analog output channels. Assign velocity
feedback value to analog output 1 (in P-0-0420, Analog output 1,
signal selection "S-0-0040" and in P-0-0422, Analog output 1
scaling enter the scaling, e.g., 100 Rpm / 10 Volts.
- or -
⇒ Use the oscilloscope function of the drive to display velocity feedback
⇒ Excite the drive mechanics, e.g., tap lightly with a rubber hammer.
⇒ Record the time of the velocity oscillations with an oscilloscope or
oscilloscope function and analyze the clearly salient frequencies. If the
oscilloscope function is used, then the resonance frequency can be
directly read out of the frequency readout.
Determining the initial state of ⇒ Set the drive enable signal and optimize the velocity loop with inactive
the loop rejection filter (see "Setting the Velocity Controller").
7-64 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Optimize rejection filter or ⇒ with the pre-optimized values of P-0-0180, Rejection frequency
velocity loop velocity loop and P-0-0181, Rejection bandwidth velocity loop,
optimize the velocity controller again (see above).
The step responses defined above must have a similar appearance
with higher values for S-0-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain and
/ or smaller values for S-0-0101 Velocity loop integral action time.
Optimizing the Notch Filter or ⇒ With the pre-optimized values of P-0-0180, Rejection frequency
the Velocity Controller velocity loop and P-0-0181, Rejection bandwidth velocity loop,
optimize again the velocity controller (as above).
The transient response defined above must have a similar aspect at
higher values for S-0-0100 Velocity loop proportional gain and/or
smaller values for S-0-0101 Velocity loop integral action time.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-65
-40 0,01
Fig. 7-66: Frequency response of low pass filters with 1 pole and with 2 poles
7-66 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
controller loop
Peak value detector
Maximum Model The error F228, Excessive
Deviation Control Deviation is generated
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-67
For accurate monitoring, always the actual feedback value from the
position control is used. This means that for position control with the
motor encoder, position feedback value-1 is used; and for position
control with the external encoder, the position feedback value-2 is used.
7-68 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
JMotor + J Actuated
Acceleration Feedforward = × 1000
Acceleration Feedforward [mA/(rad\s²)]
JMotor: Inertia momentum of the motor [kg m²]
JLoad: Inertia momentum of the load [kg m²]
Kt: Torque constant of the motor [Nm/A]
Fig.7-68: Value for the Acceleration Feedforward
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-69
0 100
Velocity mixfactor feedback 1 & 2
7-70 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-71
7-72 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Fig. 7-72: Structure of the position feedback type parameters S-0-0115 / S-0-
For measurement systems with their own data memory (Type 1), this
setting is done automatically.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-73
7-74 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Override * Homing
Starting point Home point
Fig. 7-73: Position command profile with homing velocity and homing
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-75
The following illustrates the sequence for "Drive goes to reference point"
V S-0-00057,
Position window
Actual Actual
Motor Ext. S-0-0147 feedback feedback
encoder: encoder: Bit 3: value 1: value 2:
absolute not 1 unchanged reference
absolute distance 2
not absolute 0 reference unchanged
absolute distance 1
not not 0 reference reference
absolute absolute distance 1 distance 1
not not 1 reference reference
absolute absolute distance 2 distance 2
Fig. 7-75: Position feedback values after the drive-controlled homing command
7-76 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
To set the correct machine zero point, you can now conduct the following
⇒ Run the axis to the desired machine zero point and set the feedback
position value displayed there with opposite sign in S-0-0052,
Reference distance 1 or S-0-0054, Reference distance 2.
⇒ Run the axis to position feedback value = 0, measure the distance
between the current position and the desired machine zero point.
Enter the distance in S-0-0052, Reference distance 1 or S-0-0054,
Reference distance 2.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-77
The reference point can be shifted relatively to the reference mark (see
"Consideration of the reference offset").
Parameter S-0-0041, Homing velocity and S-0-0042, Homing
acceleration can now be set to their final values.
Starting Reference marker Home point
Fig. 7-76: Command value profile for positive reference offset and positive
homing direction
If the reference direction is negative, then the drive can reverse the
direction (with types 2 and 3) after passing the reference marker.
Reference Offset
Reference Reference point Starting point
Fig. 7-77: Command profile for positive reference offset and negative homing
7-78 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Reference offset
Reference point Reference mark Starting point
Fig. 7-78: Command profile with negative reference offset and negative homing
If the referencing direction is positive, then the drive can reverse the
travel direction (with types 2 and 3) after passing the reference marker.
Reference distance
Starting point Reference marker Home point
Fig. 7-79: Command profile with negative reference offset and positive homing
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-79
If home switch evaluation is activated, the drive searches at first for the
positive edge of the home switch. If the home switch is not actuated at the
beginning of the command, the drive moves in the preset homing direction.
The homing direction must be set so that the positive edge can be found.
value profile
Home switch
value profile
Home switch
Command Starting point t
value profile
Home switch
Fig. 7-83: Command profile with start position on the home switch
7-80 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Homing direction
The distance between the home switch edge and the reference mark is
monitored for this reason.
If the distance between the home switch edge and the reference mark
becomes smaller than a certain value, the command error C602
Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous will be generated.
Distance of the
reference marks
Home switch in critical area
Homing direction
Fig. 7-85: Critical and optimal distance between home switch and reference mark
The optimal distance between the home switch edge and the reference
marker is:
0.5 • Distance between reference markers
To monitor the distance between the home switch and the reference
mark, the optimal distance is entered in P-0-0153, Optimal Distance
Home Switch - Reference Mark.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-81
For every homing with home switch evaluation, the difference between
actual distance and optimal distance is monitored. The difference is
saved in parameter S-0-0298, Reference Cam Shifting. The home
switch edge can be shifted mechanically for this value.
To avoid a mechanical shifting of the home switch edge, you can set this
procedure in the software with the parameter S-0-0299, Home Switch
Offset. The value in parameter S-0-0298, Reference Cam Shifting is
transferred to parameter S-0-0299, Home Switch Offset.
Optimal distance=
0,5 * Distance of reference marks
Distance of
reference marks
7-82 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
will be generated. In this case, you have to enter the value S-0-0298,
Reference Cam Shifting into S-0-0299, Home Switch Offset.
• Check: You should see a 0 displayed in S-0-0298, Reference Cam
Shifting when homing is restarted.
Plug 12
8 7
on DDS 2 3
8 7
E2 E1
E3 E3
E4 E4
E5 E6
Note: The home switch should be set up far enough that the
"actuated" range covers more than the permissible motion
range. Otherwise, the travel range may be overrun at
command start if the start position is in an unfavorable
position. Damage to the system is possible !
Fig. 7-89: Configuration of the home switch in reference to the travel range
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-83
1001 1001
1000 1000
LS 403C
LS 406C
LS 323C 20 20 1000 1001
LS 623C
LS 106C
ULS 300C
LS 103C
LS 405C 10 10 1000 1001
ULS 300C
LID 311C
LID351C 20 10 2000 2001
Fig. 7-90: Distance-coded measuring system specified with greater and smaller
7-84 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
⇒ Move the axis to the desired machine zero point and enter the position
feedback value displayed there with the opposite qualifying sign in
S-0-0177, Absolute offset 1 or S-0-0178, Absolute offset 2.
⇒ Run the axis to position feedback value = 0 and measure the distance
between the current position and the desired machine zero point.
Enter the distance in S-0-0177, Absolute offset 1 or S-0-0178,
Absolute offset 2.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-85
S Re f max = S − 0 − 0165 +
S-0-0165: Value in the parameter S-0-0165, Distance coded reference offset 1
v : value in S-0-0041, Homing velocity
a : value in S-0-0042, Homing acceleration
sRe f max : maximum travel distance for homing with distance coded reference
Fig. 7-91: Travel distance for homing with distance coded reference markers
If the drive is closer to the travel limit in homing direction than the
necessary travel distance SRefmax, it can leave the allowed travel range
and do mechanical damage to the machine. To avoid this,
• make sure that the distance of the axis to the travel limit at start of the
command S-0-0148, C6 Drive controlled homing is greater than the
max. necessary travel distance SRefmax, or
• evaluate the home switch.
Homing direction
Fig. 7-92: Mounting the home switch with distance coded reference markers
7-86 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-87
8 7 8 7
2 3 2 3
8 7 8 7
X12 X12
E1 E1
E2 E2
E3 E3
E4 E4
E5 E5
E6 E6
+U +U
High V oltage. High V oltage.
Danger of electrical shock. Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical connec tions Do not touch electrical connec tions
for for
5 minutes after switching power 5 minutes after switching power
Read and follow "Safety Read and follow "Safety
Instructions for Electrical Drives" Instructions for Electrical Drives"
manual, manual,
1) 2)
X1 X2
7-88 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
X1 X2
1) 1)
ϕ1 ϕ2
Motor 1 Motor 2
1) ϕ 1 = ϕ 2 = 90°
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-89
Drive contollers
Axis X1 Axis X2
8 7 8 7
2 3
E1 2 3
8 7 8 7
E2 E2
E3 E3
E4 E4
E5 E5
+24V ±10%
Motor 1 Motor 2
X1 X2
Fig. 7-95:Connecting the home switch to the drive controllers of gantry axis
• Set the homing procedure parameters
S-0-0041 homing velocity
S-0-0042 homing acceleration
S-0-0147 homing parameter
S-0-0108 feedrate override
7-90 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Home switch
function check
no Check the home switch
S-0-0400, for correct function and
Home switch= 0 wiring
Home switch= 0
Function check
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-91
R X1
Motor 1
Motor 2
R X2
Fig. 7-97: Position offset of reference marks in the direct measuring system of
gantry axes X1/X2
1.Trigger command P-0-0014 Determine marker position in both axis
(see control manual).
2.Move both axis towards the reference marks by forwarding the same
position command values through the NC control.
On reaching the relevant reference mark of the linear scale, each of the
two drives stores the actual position feedback value 2 in the relevant
corresponding marker position (S-0-0173 Marker position A). Once the
reference marks have been acquired, the drive acknowledges the
command "Determine marker position". When both gantry axes have
acknowledged the command, the NC control must brake the drives to a
3.Determining the reference mark offset (∆S):
∆S = Markerposition axis X1 - Marker position axis X2
(S-0-0173, Marker position A) (S-0-0173 Marker position A)
• Compute and enter reference offset 2 of each axis.
For the axis whose reference mark occurs first, it applies:
Vref 2
S - 0 - 0151, Reference offset 2 ≥ + ∆S
2 × a ref
7-92 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Vref 2
S-0- 0151, Reference offset 2 ≥
2 × a ref
A reversal of direction of travel of one of the two
drives may lead to accidents. This will happen when
the values entered in Reference Offset 2 are lower
than the computed ones.
vref distance
Reference pulse 1 t
Axis X2
vref distance
Reference pulse 2 t
t = time
vref = homing velocity
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Basic Drive Functions 7-93
7-94 Basic Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-1
8-2 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-3
Output of the position command difference with a value of 150rpm/10V
on channel 1.
P-0-0420, Analog output 1, signal selection = S-0-0000
P-0-0421, Analog output 1, expanded signal selection = 0x00000005
P-0-0422, Analog output 1, scaling per 10V full scale = 0.1500
8-4 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Bit 28..31:
Bit output : 0x2
Byte output : 0x1
Bit 0..15:
word address
The parameters P-0-0422, Analog output 1, scaling per 10V full scale
and P-0-0425, Analog output 2, scaling per 10V full scale either select
the bit to be output or it can be determined from which (least signifiant)
bit on the byte to be generated will start. When selecting the bit number,
only values between 0 and 15 make sense. If greater values are entered,
then only bits 0..3 are used.
When outputting bits, -10 volt (bit = 0) or +10 volt ( bit = 1) is output.
With byte outputs, the MSB of the byte to be output is interpreted as sign
bit. Voltages ranging from -10 to +10 volts are output.
plug in X3
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-5
E2- Analog input 2
- Dcmpl2
8-6 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A +
P-0-0210, Analog input 1
D -
P-0-0217, Analog input 1, Offset
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-7
• DEA 4.1
• DEA 5.1
• DEA 6.1
• DEA 8.1
• DEA 9.1
• DEA 10.1
There may not be two interface cards of the same kind in a drive
controller. Each drive controller can have a maximum of 96 inputs (3•32)
and 72 outputs (3•24).
8-8 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The binary in- and outputs are reflected in the parameters "Parallel input"
The parameters "parallel
and "Parallel output".
input" and "parallel output"
can be configured cyclically. Two parameters are available for each DEA. The following assignment
By reading the parameter "parallel input", you can obtain an image of the
existing binary inputs of a DEA. By writing the parameter "parallel output",
the binary outputs are updated.
The assignment of individual binary inputs and outputs to the bit numbers
of the corresponding parameters for DEAs 4, 5 and 6 are defined as
Pin No. Input: Bit No. in the Parameter: Pin No. Output:
1 0 (LSB) 16
2 1 17
3 2 18
4 3 19
5 4 20
6 5 21
7 6 22
8 7 23
9 8 24
10 9 25
11 10 26
12 11 27
13 12 28
14 13 29
15 14 30
-- 15 (MSB) 31
Fig. 8-7: Digital Input/Output: Bit Output Assignment - DEA 4, 5, 6-Module
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-9
The parameter "parallel output" is copied to the DEA port every 250 µs.
Likewise, the DEA port is copied to the "parallel input" every 250 µs.
8-10 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Bits 0..15:
ID number of the assigned
Bits 16..19:
DEA selection
4: DEA 4.1 8: DEA 8.1
5: DEA 5.1 9: DEA 9.1
6: DEA 6.1 10: DEA 10.1
16 or
DEA module
Bit 0
If the data length of the current value for the assigned ID number is
greater than 16 bits, then the upper bits of the current value will be
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-11
Input P-0-0124
Is the
param. "Parallel output" yes Error
assigned to the DEA data not correct
available in the cyclical
MDT data?
Everything in order,
do assignment
Fig. 8-11: Checks when inputting parameter P-0-0124, assigning ID number ->
DEA- output
Bit 15
15 or
DEA module
Bit 0
8-12 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
If data length of the current value for the assigned ID number exceeds 16
bits, then the upper bits of the operating data in DEA 4, 5 and 6 are cut
off (truncated).
If the parameter P-0-0125, Assignment DEA-Input -> IDN is written,
then the following will be checked:
Input P-0-0124
no No error,
Is the selected DEA
cancel assignment
Everything in order,
do assignment
Fig. 8-13: Checks during input of the Parameter P-0-0125, Assignment DEA-
Input -> IDN
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-13
8-14 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-15
Note: If a 16-bit data width is selected, then the signal data will be
stored as sign-extended 32-bit values.
8-16 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-17
In general:
8-18 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Trigger threshold
Trigger signal
Trigger status
(Bit 0)
P-0-0033 Number of
Samples after Trigger
Trigger delay
Recording length
Bit 2: Oscilloscope
function active
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-19
Since there is a delay between the recognition of the trigger event and
enabling the trigger, the delay is measured by the drive controller and
stored in the parameter P-0-0035, Delay from Trigger to Start. A time-
correct display of the signal can be guaranteed by using this parameter
for the visualization of the probe values.
threshold Trigger signal
Trigger status
(Bit 0)
P-0-0033: Number of
Samples after Trigger
Trigger delay
Trigger control
(Bit 0)
P-0-0035 Delay
from Trigger to Start
Recording length
8-20 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The total probe value memory for the current measurement will not
always be written, dependent on the memory size setting, the time
resolution, the number of samples after trigger and the time when the
trigger event occurs.
That means that the memory can contain samples which are not valid for
the measurement.
The parameter P-0-0150, Number of valid Samples indicates the
number of valid samples for the current recording.
This feature shows whether the selected reference signal lies within the
range between the on- and off-switch position.
Reference value
Switch on position
PLS bit x
Fig 8-1: General Function Diagram for the Programmable Limit Switch
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-21
• Reference signal < Xoff
Reference value
Xon Xoff
• Reference signal < Xoff
Reference value
Xoff Xon
8-22 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The following graphic shows the relation between the PLS bit and the
switch hysteresis for the on- or off-switch level. A DSF was used to
measure the size of the switch hysteresis.
X Reference
Xoff degrees
Xon 0..176
PLS bit
Fig 8-4: Illustration of the Switch Hysteresis for the On- or Off-Switch Level
Reference value
Actual reference
On or off switch threshold
Fig 8-5: Diagram for the Programmable Limit Switch Lead Time
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-23
P-0-0131: Feature:
0 The programmable limitswitch is not activated.
1 The programmable limit switch is activated; the
reference signal is S-0-0051, Position Feedback
Value 1.
2 The programmable limit switch is activated; the
reference signal is S-0-0053, Position Feedback
Value 2.
Fig 8-2: Programmable Limit Switch: Activation and Setting the ReferenceSignal
If one or more switch bits are not given a delay, then "0" should be set for
these elements in P-0-0134, Position switch lead times.
8-24 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Note: The sampling of the probe inputs occurs every 1 µs. The
measurement signal actual feedback value 1 or 2 is
generated every 250 µs. Between these samplings, linear
interpolation is done with a precision of 1 µs.
You can read the absolute values of these signals at the time of a
positive or negative edge as well as their difference by parameters.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-25
Note: Only the first positive and the first negative signal edge of the
input will be evaluated after the 0→1 (rising) edge of the
probe enable. For each new measurement, the probe enable
must be reset to 0 and then to 1. When the probe enable is
cancelled, the corresponding probe-value latched parameters
are also cancelled.
Probe Enable
Fig. 8-7: Evaluation of probe signal edges, when positive and negative signal
edge evaluation are set in the probe control parameter
8-26 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-27
The selection can be made with the parameters P-0-0200, Signal select
probe 1 and P-0-0201, Signal select probe 2, and with bit 4 of the
S-0-0169, Probe control parameter.
In P-0-0200 and P-0201, you can indicate individually for the probe inputs
whether a position feedback value or an internal time will be measured.
Value of P-0-0200: Signal:
0 actual position value 1/2
1 time
2 master axis position
3 actual position values 1 or 2 with
active monitoring window
4 master axis position with active
monitoring window
Fig. 8-9: Test probe function signal determination for test probe 1
2 3
8 7
on DDS 2 3
8 7
E1 X12
Probe1 E2 E1
connection E3 E3
E4 E4
Probe2 E5 E6
connection E6 OV
8-28 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
32V = Max.
18V = Min.
If the external voltage is not in this range, then the error message:
F272 Error power supply probe input will be generated.
The drive control device offers the option to output the Master-drive
position in SSI format. The Master-drive position is transmitted by the
control with the parameter P-0-0053, Master Drive Position.
The DSA slide-in module is needed for that function.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-29
T Tp >tm-T/2
Cycle +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2
Data 1 1 G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17 G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 PFB 0 1 1 G23 G22
Cycle Tp
tv tm
Serial data
8-30 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-31
All active commands in the drive are cancelled when switching the
communications phases back. If this command was activated, followed
by a progression into communications phase 4 (operating mode), then
there is no need to cancel the command, as the cancelling is only
possible in communications phases 2 or 3, and any phase regression will
also inevitably cancel all commands.
act. pos. val. 2
Fig. 8-15: Generating the actual position value in measuring wheel mode
8-32 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
When clearing the command, the drive sets actual position value 1 to 2
and switches back to position control with the motor encoder.
The command measuring wheel mode may only be started if
• there is material in the feed rollers and under the measuring wheel,
• the feed rollers are close and
• the measuring wheel encoder is being pressed against the material.
Diagnostic Messages
Possible command error diagnoses:
D801 Measuring wheel operation not possible
Cause :
• a measuring wheel encoder has not been parameterized in parameter
• Function of ext. encoder evaluation of an external encoder not
active (P-0-0075 = 0).
• Position control with feedback position value 1 not active.
Eliminate the known causes.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-33
Diagnostic Messages
display Diagnosis Cause / Solution
F2/53 incremental Number of lines to be generated in a 250µsec
encoder interval is too high
emulator or => the incremental encoder can generate
frequency too up to 253 lines/250µsec interval. Decrease
P-0-0502 input.
Reduce travel speed
F2/54 incremetnal => the output of all lines in the interval is
encoder monitored and was faulty here so that a
emulator position offset occurred
error replace DAE
8-34 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Number of Lines
The number of encoder lines generally equals between 16 and 262144 -
taking the maximum output frequency into consideration, see below -
which can be freely selected as needed.
Exception: When emulating actual position value 1, gained from a non-
absolute resolver, the number of lines must be divisible by the number of
resolver pole pairs.
1. 023 MHz ∗ 60
I max =
Imax: maximum number of lines
nmax: required maximum speed
Fig. 8-2: Computing maximum number of lines
Position detection n Position detection n+1 Position detection n+2 Position detection n+3
Comp. time n-1 Comp.time n Comp.time n+1 Comp.time n+2 Comp.time n+3
Pulse output n-2 IPulse output n-1 Pulse output n Pulse output n+1 Pulse output n+2
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Extended Drive Functions 8-35
1 Strich 1 Inkrement
250µs 250µs
Maximum Gap The largest pulse break occurs if 1001 increments are generated per
cycle. This equals an output frequency of 1.001 MHz.
Speed n = 3003 min-1, number of lines 20000
The required increment duration equals T = 0.2497µs. The duration
which can be output equals T = 4 * 50ns = 0.2µs.
After T = 1001 increments * 0.2µs = 200.2µs output is completed. A
pulse duration of 49.8µs thus remains.
8-36 Extended Drive Functions DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
pulse break
Count of a
counter of
the pulse pulse break maximum
counter of a position
control error
pulse break
pulse break
pulse break
Fig. 8-5: Error during cyclical position detection caused by pulse breaks
Maximum output frequency If a pulse break exceeding one increment is to be prevented under all
without pulse breaks circumstances, then a specific maximum frequency may not be
This maximum frequency equals f = 76 kHz.
A maximum speed, fixed by the application, equals the resulting
maximum number of lines that can be input:
76 kHz * 60
Imax =
Imax: maximum number of lines without pulse breaks
nmax: application-dependent maximum speed
Fig. 8-6: Maximum number of lines without pulse breaks
Speed n = 1000 min-1, frequency f = 76 kHz
I = 4560 number of lines
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Glossary 9-1
9 Glossary
Data status
Every parameter has at its disposal a data status. It can be read by the
control via the required data channel. The information on the validity of
the parameter or the command acknowledgment of the command are
contained therein.
E-Stop (Emergency Stop) is the determination for a hardware input at the
drive controller. It is used to trigger the emergency stop function in the
External encoder
An external measuring system is optional. It is generally mounted directly
to the load. The actual feedback value of the encoder can be seen in S-
0-0053, Actual feedback value 2. By activating the position control
operating mode with encoder 2, the position control loop is closed with
the help of the actual feedback value of the external encoder.
Ident Number
Every parameter is designated unambiguously by its ident number (IDN).
It consists of these 3 components: S-Sercos/P-Product specific,
parameter set (0..7) and a number (1..4096).
Modulo format
Both actual feedback and command values can be processed in modulo
or absolute format. If modulo processing has been set, then the position
data move within the range of 0..S-0-0103, modulo value. With this
function, it is possible to realize an endlessly turning axis.
Motor encoder
The motor encoder is the measuring system that is used during
commutation. A measuring system is absolutely necessary. The actual
feedback value of the encoder can be seen in S-0-0051, Actual position
value 1. By activating the position control operating mode with encoder 1,
the position control loop is closed with the help of the actual position of
the motor encoder.
Operating data
The operating data is data block element 7 of a parameter. The value of
the parameter is stored there.
9-2 Glossary DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Operating mode
Operating mode is set in parameters S-0-0032..35. It determines in what
way a command value is processed in the drive and eventually initiates
an axis movement. The operating mode does not define how the
command value reaches the drive.
Parameterization mode
The drive is in parameterization mode if communication phases 1..3 have
been set. The drive cannot be activated (drive enable signal applied).
Operating mode must first be switched into. Some parameters can only
be written into during parameterization mode.
Programming module
The programming module contains the software and parameter memory.
It is mounted in slot U5. When exchanging the controller, a simple
insertion of the programming module out of the old into the new unit
means that the features of the replaced unit have been transferred to the
new one.
Reference Switch
If during the command S-0-0148, C600 Drive controlled homing
several reference marks can be reached within the travel range, it’s the
reference switch which must specify one singular mark. The reference
switch is connected to the respective input at the drive and activated by
bit 5 in S-0-0147, Homing Parameter. This input is mirrored in the
parameter S-0-0400, Home switch.
The combination of unit and number of decimal places of a parameter
are defined as scaling. It can be set for position, velocity and acceleration
Digital interface for communication between control and drives in
numerically controlled machines. One or multiple ring structures are
implemented. The physical connection of the participants generally
implements a fiber optic cable.
Service Channel
The non-cyclic reading and writing of parameters via the SERCOS-
Interface is done in the service channel
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 10-1
10-2 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 10-3
10-4 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 10-5
10-6 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P Power off
Power off on error 7-52
P-0-4045, Active (Duration)
Continuous Current 7-34 Preferred Scaling - Parameter
Scaling 7-2
Parameter Storage in Motor
Feedback 3-3 Preparations for Setting the
Position Control Loop 7-65
Parameters Stored in DSM
Programming Module 3-3 Preparations for Setting the
Velocity Controller 7-61
Parameters Stored in the Digital
Drive 3-2 Probe
Peak current Connection to the DSS 2.1 8-
Saving in the motor feedback
5-2 Main Function 8-25
Plastic fiber LWL 4-7 Probing Cycle Procedure
Command 8-26
Signal Edge Selection 8-26
Actual Value Polarity 7-6
Signal Selection 8-27
Command Value Polarity 7-6
Probe Inputs
Position Command Value
Interpolator Associated Parameters 8-24
Associated Parameters 6-5 Processing Command Values in
Modulo Format, Shortest
Block diagram 6-5 Path - Direction Selection
Position Command Value 7-10
Monitoring 6-6, 6-7 Programmable Limit Switch
Position Control Lead Time 8-22
Associated Diagnostic Programming Module
Messages 6-5 Parameter Storage 3-3
Block diagram 6-5 Proportional Gain
Setting the Position Controller Determining the Critical
7-65 Proportional Gain 7-61
Position Controller
Associated Parameters 6-6
Block diagram 6-6
Rated current
Critical Position Controller
Gain 7-66 Saving in the motor feedback
Setting the Acceleration Feed
Forward 7-67 Read access 3-17
position feedback values Real-Time Control Bit 4-4
after switching on 7-31 Real-Time Status Bit 4-4
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 10-7
10-8 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Drive With Electric
Gear Function
Supplement A
Parameter Description
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function About this Documentation
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents I
1 General Information 1
Using This Manual ........................................................................................................................... 1
Definitions......................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Standard Parameters 3
S-0-0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc).................................................................................................... 3
S-0-0002, SERCOS Cycle time (Tscyc)........................................................................................... 3
S-0-0003, Minimum AT transmit starting time (T1min) .................................................................... 4
S-0-0004, Transmit/receive transition time (TATMT)....................................................................... 4
S-0-0005, Minimum feedback acquisition time(T4min).................................................................... 4
S-0-0006, AT Transmission starting time (T1)................................................................................. 5
S-0-0007, Feedback acquisition starting time (T4) .......................................................................... 6
S-0-0008, Command valid time (T3)................................................................................................ 6
S-0-0009, Beginning address in master data telegram.................................................................... 7
S-0-0010, Length of master data telegram ...................................................................................... 7
S-0-0011, Class 1 diagnostics ......................................................................................................... 8
S-0-0012, Class 2 diagnostics ......................................................................................................... 9
S-0-0013, Class 3 diagnostics ....................................................................................................... 10
S-0-0014, Interface status.............................................................................................................. 11
S-0-0015, Telegram type parameter .............................................................................................. 12
S-0-0016, Custom amplifier telegram configuration list ................................................................. 13
S-0-0017, IDN-list of all operation data .......................................................................................... 13
S-0-0018, IDN-list of operation data for CP2 ................................................................................. 14
S-0-0019, IDN-list of operation data for CP3 ................................................................................. 14
S-0-0021, IDN-list of invalid op. data for comm. Ph. 2................................................................... 15
S-0-0022, IDN-list of invalid op. data for comm. Ph. 3................................................................... 15
S-0-0024, Config. list of the master data telegram ........................................................................ 16
S-0-0025, IDN-list of all procedure commands .............................................................................. 16
S-0-0026, Configuration list signal status word.............................................................................. 17
S-0-0028, MST error counter ......................................................................................................... 17
S-0-0029, MDT error counter ......................................................................................................... 18
S-0-0030, Manufacturer version..................................................................................................... 18
S-0-0032, Primary mode of operation ............................................................................................ 19
S-0-0033, Secondary operation mode 1 ........................................................................................ 20
S-0-0034, Secondary operation mode 2 ........................................................................................ 21
S-0-0035, Secondary operation mode 3 ........................................................................................ 22
S-0-0036, Velocity command value ............................................................................................... 23
S-0-0037, Additive velocity command value .................................................................................. 23
S-0-0040, Velocity feedback value................................................................................................. 24
II Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents III
IV Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents V
VI Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents VII
VIII Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents IX
4 Index 4-1
X Contents DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 1
1 General Information
Using This Manual
All standard and product specific parameters are listed in this chapter in
a numerically ascending order.
This chapter supplements the feature description and represents a
complete description of all parameters used in the DIAX04 software.
The description of the individual parameters is divided into two
1) General description
This section contains the feature or meaning of the parameter and tips
for setting parameters.
2) Description of attributes
The characteristic values or features listed here help to classify the
parameter. They are necessary for a complete description of the
parameter. However, they are not required to get a general idea of the
meaning of the parameter.
The following abbreviations are used:
Data length:
2-byte - the data length for the operating data is 2 bytes.
4-byte - the data length for the operating data is 4 bytes.
1-byte variable - this is a piece of operating data of variable length (list).
The length of a data unit is 1 byte.
2-byte variable - this is a piece of operating data of variable length (list).
The length of a data unit is 2 bytes.
4-byte variable - this is a piece of operating data of variable length (list).
The length of a data unit is 4 bytes.
BIN - the display format for the operating data should be binary.
HEX - the display format for the operating data should be hexadecimal.
DEC_OV - The display format for the operating data should be decimal
without a sign.
DEC_MV - The display format for the operating data should be decimal
with a sign.
ASCII - the operating data is an ASCII string.
IDN - the operating data is an ID number (IDN).
No - the operating data cannot be edited.
P2 - The operating data can only be edited in communications phase 2.
P23 - The operating data can only be edited in communications phases 2
and 3.
P234 - The operating data can be edited in any communications phase.
P3 - The operating data can only be edited in communications phase 3.
P4 - The operating data can only be edited in communications phase 4.
2 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
fixed - the operating data is programmed in the drive (fixed value).
no - The operating data is not buffered in the drive; the value is
undefined after the drive controller is switched on.
Param. EE - The operating data is buffered in E²prom of the
programming module (DSM).
Ampl. EE - The operating data is buffered in E²prom of the drive
Feedb. EE - The operating data is buffered in the E²prom of the motor
feedback data memory (only in MHD- and MKD motors).
Validity check:
no - the operating data is not checked for validity.
Phase2 - the operating data is checked in the "Communications phase 3
transition check" command.
Phase3 - the operating data is checked in the "Communications phase 4
transition check" command.
Combination check:
no - the operating data is not checked (bitwise) for a valid combination
with other parameter values when it is written to.
yes - The operating data is checked (bitwise) for a valid combination with
other parameter values when it is written to.
Cyc. transmittable:
no - The operating data cannot be configured as cyclical data in the
master data telegram or in the drive telegram.
AT - The operating data can be configured as cyclical data in the drive
MDT - The operating data can be configured as cyclical data in the
master data telegram.
Default Value:
The default value indicates the value of the parameter loaded into fixed
memory with the current version of firmware installed on the drive
following the PL program load command and prior to user edits or
loading saved parameter files.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 3
2 Standard Parameters
S-0-0001, NC Cycle time (TNcyc)
The NC cycle time indicates the time intervals between new command
values being made available by the NC. The NC cycle time must be
transmitted in communications phase 2 from the master to the slave;
from communications phase 3 on it must be considered in the slave. The
NC cycle time must be an integral multiple of S-0-0002, SERCOS Cycle
time (Tscyc).
TNcyc = TScyc • j, where j = 1,2,3...
S-0-0001 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE NC-Zykluszeit (TNcyc)
EN NC Cycle time (TNcyc)
FR Durée de cycle de la commande numérique (TNcyc)
ES Tiempo de ciclo NC (TNcyc)
IT Tempo Ciclo NC (TNcyc)
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 500 / 65000
Default value: 2000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0002 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE SERCOS-Zykluszeit (TScyc)
EN SERCOS Cycle time (Tscyc)
FR Durée de cycle de transmission SERCOS (TScyc)
ES Tiempo de ciclo SERCOS (TScyc)
IT Tempo Ciclo SERCOS (TScyc)
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 500 / 65000
Default value: 2000 Cyc. transmittable: no
4 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0003 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Sende-Reaktionszeit AT (T1min)
EN Minimum AT transmit starting time (T1min)
FR Temps de réaction à l'émission AT (T1min)
ES Tiempo de reaccion de emision AT (T1min)
IT Tempo di Partenza Trasmissione mini. AT (T1min)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: us Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 400 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0004 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Umschaltzeit Senden-Empfangen (TATMT)
EN Transmit/receive transition time (TATMT)
FR Temps de transition entre transmission et réception (TATMT)
ES Tiempo de conmutacion emision-recepcion (TATMT)
IT Tempo di Transizione Trasmis./Ricez. (TATMT)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: us Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 5
value is indicated by the drive in such a manner that the current feedback
values can be transmitted to the NC in the next drive telegram.
The master reads this value in communications phase 2 to set the
acquisition starting time of the feedback values T4 S-0-0007, Feedback
acquisition starting time (T4) for all drives.
See also the functional description: "Configuration of the Telegram Send
and Receive Times"
S-0-0005 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mindestzeit Istwerterfassung(T4min)
EN Minimum feedback acquisition time(T4min)
FR Temps mini. d'acquisition des données retour (T4min)
ES Tiempo minimo registro de valor real(T4min)
IT Tempo di Acquisizione Feedback Minimo (T4min)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: us Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0006 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Sendezeitpunkt Antriebs-Telegramm (T1)
EN AT Transmission starting time (T1)
FR Temps de départ de transmission de l'AT (T1)
ES Punto temporal de emision telegrama de accionamiento (T1)
IT Tempo di Partenza Trasmissione AT (T1)
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 12 / 65000
Default value: 400 Cyc. transmittable: no
6 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0007 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messzeitpunkt Istwerte (T4)
EN Feedback acquisition starting time (T4)
FR Temps de départ d'acquisition des données retour (T4)
ES Punto temporal de medicion valores reales (T4)
IT Tempo di Part. Acquisizione Feedback (T4)
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 11 / 65000
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0008 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zeitpunkt für Sollwert gültig (T3)
EN Command valid time (T3)
FR Temps pour consigne valide (T3)
ES Punto temporal para valor nominal valido (T3)
IT Tempo di Comando Valido (T3)
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 7
S-0-0009 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Anfangsadresse im Master-Daten-Telegramm
EN Beginning address in master data telegram
FR Adresse de départ dans le MDT
ES Direccion inicial en telegrama de datos maestro
IT Indirizzo iniziale del Telegramma Dati Master
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 65531
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0010 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Länge Master-Daten-Telegramm
EN Length of master data telegram
FR Longueur du MDT
ES Longitud telegrama de datos maestro
IT Lunghezza del Telegramma Dati Master
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 4 / 65534
Default value: 4 Cyc. transmittable: no
8 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Parameter structure:
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0011 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zustandsklasse 1
EN Class 1 diagnostics
FR Diagnostic de classe 1 (C1D)
ES Diagnosticos clase 1
IT Diagnostica Classe 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 9
Parameter structure:
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0012 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zustandsklasse 2
EN Class 2 diagnostics
FR Diagnostic de classe 2 (C2D)
ES Diagnosticos clase 2
IT Diagnostica Classe 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
10 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Parameter structure:
S-0-0013, Class 3 diagnostics
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0013 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zustandsklasse 3
EN Class 3 diagnostics
FR Diagnostic de classe 3 (C3D)
ES Diagnosticos clase 3
IT Diagnostica Classe 3
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 11
Parameter structure:
S-0-0014 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Schnittstellen-Status
EN Interface status
FR Etat d'interface
ES Estado de interfaces
IT Stato Interfaccia
12 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Parameter structure:
Bit 0 - 2: Priority-telegram-selection,
resp. configured telegram
Bit 3 0 : Position-feedback 1
(Motor feedback)
1 : Position-feedback-2
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
0-2: MDT: AT:
0 PT 0 No cyclical data No cyclical data
1 PT 1 DF1: S-0-0080 Torque command No cyclical data
2 PT 2 DF1: S-0-0036, Velocity command value DF1: S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value
3 PT 3 DF1: S-0-0036, Velocity command value DF1: S-0-0051/S-0-0053 Position feedback
value 1
4 PT 4 DF1: S-0-0047, Position command value DF1: S-0-0051/S-0-0053 Position feedback
value 1
5 PT 5 DF1: S-0-0047, Position command value DF1: S-0-0051/S-0-0053 Position feedback
DF2: S-0-0036, Velocity command value value 1
DF2: S-0-0040 Velocity feedback value
6 PT 6 DF1: S-0-0036, Velocity command value No cyclical data
7 Configurable telegram
Fig. 2-6: Supported bits
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 13
S-0-0015 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Telegrammarten-Parameter
EN Telegram type parameter
FR Paramètre de type de télégramme
ES Parametros de tipo de telegrama
IT Parametri Tipo Telegramma
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase2
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 15
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0016 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Konfig.-Liste Antriebs-Telegramm
EN Custom amplifier telegram configuration list
FR Liste de configuration d'AT
ES Telegrama de accionamiento lista de conf.
IT Configurazione personalizzata Telegramma
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: Phase2
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0017 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste aller Betriebsdaten
EN IDN-list of all operation data
FR Liste des IDN de toutes les données d'exploitation
ES Lista IDN de todos los tipos de servicio
14 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0018 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste Betriebsdaten Kommunikationsphase 2
EN IDN-list of operation data for CP2
FR Liste IDN des données d'exploitation relatives à CP2
ES Lista IDN datos de servicio fase de comunicación 2
IT IDN Lista di tutti i Dati per fase di comm. 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: constant
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0019 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste Betriebsdaten Kommunikationsphase 3
EN IDN-list of operation data for CP3
FR Liste IDN des données d'exploitation relatives à CP3
ES Lista IDN datos de servicio fase de comunicación 3
IT IDN Lista di tutti i Dati per fase di comm. 3
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: constant
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 15
S-0-0021 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste ungültige Betriebsdaten Phase 2
EN IDN-list of invalid op. data for comm. Ph. 2
FR Liste des IDN-données d'exploitation invalides phase 2
ES Lista IDN de datos de servicio no validos fase 2
IT IDN Lista dei Dati oper. invalidi per Comm. in Fase 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0022 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste ungültige Betriebsdaten Phase 3
EN IDN-list of invalid op. data for comm. Ph. 3
FR IDN-Liste données d'exploitation invalides phase 3
ES Lista IDN de datos de servicio no validos fase 3
IT IDN Lista dei Dati oper. invalidi per Comm. in Fase 3
16 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0024 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Konfig.-Liste Master-Daten-Telegramm
EN Config. list of the master data telegram
FR Liste de configuration du MDT
ES Configuracion lista de telegramas de datos maestros
IT Lista Config. del Telegramma Dati Master
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: Phase2
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0025 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste aller Kommandos
EN IDN-list of all procedure commands
FR Liste des IDN de toutes les commandes
ES Lista IDN de todos los comandos
IT IDN Lista di tutti i Comandi
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: constant
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -/-
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 17
S-0-0026 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Konfigurations-Liste Signal-Statuswort
EN Configuration list signal status word
FR Liste de configuration pour mot d'état de signal
ES Lista de configuración estado de señal
IT Lista di Configurazione della Parole di Stato Segnali
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: Phase 3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0028 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Fehlerzähler MST
EN MST error counter
FR Compteur de MST erronés
ES Contador de errores MST
IT Contatore errori MST
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_0V Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
18 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0029 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Fehlerzähler MDT
EN MDT error counter
FR Compteur de MDT erronés
ES Contador de errores MDT
IT Contatore errori MDT
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
Release stand
V- official Version
T - Test version
Version number
Derivate (function)
Product label
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 19
S-0-0030 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Hersteller-Version
EN Manufacturer version
FR Version du fabriquant
ES Version de fabricante
IT Versione Costruttore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: ASCII Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
See also the functional description: "Setting the Operating Mode Parameters"
20 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0032 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Hauptbetriebsart
EN Primary mode of operation
FR Mode de fonctionnement primaire
ES Tipo de servicio principal
IT Modo operativo primario
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0010b Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 21
S-0-0033 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nebenbetriebsart 1
EN Secondary operation mode 1
FR Mode de fonctionnement secondaire 1
ES Tipo de servicio secundario 1
IT Modo operativo secondario 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0010b Cyc. transmittable: no
22 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0034 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nebenbetriebsart 2
EN Secondary operation mode 2
FR Mode de fonctionnement secondaire 2
ES Tipo de servicio secundario 2
IT Modo operativo secondario 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0010b Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 23
S-0-0035 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nebenbetriebsart 3
EN Secondary operation mode 3
FR Mode de fonctionnement secondaire 3
ES Tipo de servicio secundario 3
IT Modo operativo secondario 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0010b Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0036 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Sollwert
EN Velocity command value
FR Valeur de commande de vitesse
ES Valor nominal de velocidad
IT Valore di Velocità comandato
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0044 / S-0-0044
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0037 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Sollwert additiv
EN Additive velocity command value
FR Valeur de commande de vitesse supplémentaire
ES Valor nominal adicional de velocidad
IT Comando di Velocità addizzionale
24 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0040 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Istwert
EN Velocity feedback value
FR Valeur de retour de vitesse
ES Valor real de velocidad
IT Feedback di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
S-0-0041 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzfahr-Geschwindigkeit
EN Homing velocity
FR Vitesse de prise d'origine
ES Velocidad de puesta a cero
IT Velocità per Azzeramento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0044
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 25
S-0-0042 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzfahr-Beschleunigung
EN Homing acceleration
FR Accélération de prise d'origine
ES Aceleracion de puesta a cero
IT Accellerazione per Azzeramento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0160 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0160
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
Parameter structure:
Note: The bits 1 and 2 are copies of bit 0. Only changes of bit 0
have an effect. Different settings of the single bits are not
26 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0043 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Polaritäten-Parameter
EN Velocity polarity parameter
FR Paramètre de polarité de vitesse
ES Parametros de polaridad de velocidad
IT Parametro Direzione Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/7
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0044 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungsart für Geschwindigkeitsdaten
EN Velocity data scaling type
FR Type de calibrage pour données de vitesse
ES Tipo de escala de datos de velocidad
IT Tipo di Scala per Dati di Velocità
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 27
S-0-0045 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Faktor für Geschwindigkeitsdaten
EN Velocity data scaling factor
FR Facteur de calibrage pour données de vitesse
ES Factor de escala para datos de velocidad
IT Fattore di Scala per Dati Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 65535
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0046 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Exponent für Geschwindigkeitsdaten
EN Velocity data scaling exponent
FR Exposant de calibrage pour données de vitesse
ES Exponente de escala para datos de velocidad
IT Esponente per Dati Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -32 / 32
Default value: -4 Cyc. transmittable: no
28 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0047 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Sollwert
EN Position command value
FR Valeur de commande de position
ES Valor nominal de posicion
IT Valore di Posizione Comandato
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0048 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lagesollwert additiv
EN Position command value additional
FR Valeur de commande de position supplémentaire
ES Valor nominal de posicion adicional
IT Valore di Posizione Comandato Addizionale
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -2147483648 / 2147483647
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 29
If the positive position limit value is exceeded, the drive sets error bit 13
in S-0-0011, Class 1 diagnostic.
See also the functional description: "Axis Limit Values"
S-0-0049 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Grenzwert positiv
EN Positive position limit value
FR Limite de position positive
ES Valor limite de posicion positivo
IT Limite positivo di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 1000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0050 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Grenzwert negativ
EN Negative position limit value
FR Limite de position négative
ES Valor limite de posicion negativo
IT Limite negativo di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: -1000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
30 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0051 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Istwert 1 (Motorgeber)
EN Position feedback value 1 (motor feedback)
FR Valeur de retour de position 1 (du moteur)
ES Valor real de posicion 1
IT Feedback di Posizione Valore 1 (al Motore)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 31
S-0-0052 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzmaß Lage-Istwert 1
EN Reference distance 1
FR Distance de référence 1
ES Medida de referencia valor de posicion 1
IT Distanza di Riferimento 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0053 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Istwert 2 (ext. Geber)
EN Position feedback value 2 (ext. feedback)
FR Valeur de retour de position 2 (externe)
ES Valor real de posicion 2
IT Feedback di Posizione Valore 2 (esterno)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
32 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0054 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzmaß Lage-Istwert 2
EN Reference distance 2
FR Distance de référence 2
ES Medida de referencia valor de posicion 2
IT Distanza di Riferimento 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Note: The polarity of the position must be determined during the first
setup of an axis before establishing a zero reference for the
measurement systems, because changing the polarity results
in different position values.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 33
Parameter structure:
Note: - Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
- If bit 0 is changed by the control system, bits 1 - 3 will also
be set to the value of bit 0 by the drive!
S-0-0055 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Polaritäten-Parameter
EN Position polarity parameter
FR Paramètre de polarité de position
ES Parametros de polaridad de posicion
IT Parametro Direzione Posizionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 15
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
34 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0057 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Positionierfenster
EN Position window
FR Fenêtre de positionnement
ES Ventana de posicionamiento
IT Finestra di Posizionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0076
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
Bit 5: reserved
Bit 6: Data reference
0: to the motor shaft
1: to the load
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 35
Note: Only the bits mentioned here are supported by the firmware.
1) See also S-0-0045, Scaling factor for velocity data.
2) See also the example S-0-0077, Scaling of position
S-0-0076 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungsart für Lagedaten
EN Position data scaling type
FR Type de calibrage pour données de position
ES Tipo de escala para datos de posicion
IT Tipo di Scala per Dati Posizionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0100 0010b Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0077 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Faktor transl. Lagedaten
EN Linear position data scaling factor
FR Facteur de calibrage pour données de posit. lin.
ES Factor de escala datos de posicion lineales
IT Fattore di Scala per Posizionamenti lineare
36 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0078 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Exponent transl. Lagedaten
EN Linear position data scaling exponent
FR Exposant de calibrage pour données de posit. lin.
ES Exponente de escala datos de posicion lineales
IT Esponente per Dati Posizionamento lineare
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -32768 / 32768
Default value: -7 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 37
where bit 6 of S-0-0076, Position data scaling type selects whether the
LSb valence refers to one motor revolution or one load revolution.
If you work with preferred rotary scaling, the value in S-0-0079,
Rotational position resolution is fixed at 3 600 000. Thus, the LSB bit of
all rotary position data is fixed at 0.0001 degrees of angle.
See also the functional description: "Display Format of Position Data"
S-0-0079 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Rotations-Lageauflösung
EN Rotational position resolution
FR Résolution de position rotationnelle
ES Resolucion de posicion de rotacion
IT Risoluzione per Posizionamenti circolari
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 4294967295
Default value: 3600000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0080 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehmoment/Kraft-Sollwert
EN Torque/force command
FR Valeur de commande de couple/force
ES Valor nominal de par de giro/fuerza
IT Comando Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0086 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0109/110 / S-0-0109/110
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
38 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The shown values depend from the torque/force scaling. At present, only
the percentage-based scaling is supported.
The data value corresponds to the measured feedback current; 100%
are equal to the motor current at standstill, S-0-0111.
The value can be converted to a torque or force value by multiplying the
command current by the torque/force constant P-0-0051.
See also the functional description: "Torque/Force Controller"
S-0-0084 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehmoment/Kraft-Istwert
EN Torque/force feedback value
FR Valeur de retour de couple/force
ES Par de giro/valor de retroalimentacion de fuerza
IT Valore di Feedback Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0086 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 39
S-0-0085 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehmoment/Kraft-Polaritäten-Parameter
EN Torque/force polarity parameter
FR Paramètre de polarité de couple/force
ES Par de giro/fuerza parametro de polaridad
IT Polarità Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/7
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0086 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungsart für Drehmoment-/Kraftdaten
EN Torque/force data scaling type
FR Type de calibrage pour données de couple/force
ES Par de giro/fuerza tipo de escala de datos
IT Tipo di Scala per Dati Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
40 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0088 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE TMTSY Erholzeit Empfangen-Empfangen
EN Receive to receive recovery time (TMTSG)
FR Temps de récupération entre deux réceptions (TMTSY)
ES TMTSY Tiempo de recuperacion recepcion-recepcion
IT Tempo di Recupero Ricettore a Ricettore (TMTSG)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: us Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0089 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE T2 Sendezeitpunkt MDT
EN MDT Transmit starting time (T2)
FR Temps du départ de transmission du MDT (T2)
ES T2 Punto temporal de emision MDT
IT MDT Tempo Partenza Trasmissione (T2)
Function: Parameter Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase2
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65000
Default value: 1500 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0090 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE TMTSG Kopierzeit Sollwerte
EN Command value transmit time (TMTSG)
FR TMTSG Temps de recopie de consigne
ES TMTSG Tiempo de copia valores nominales
IT Tempo di Trasmissione Valore comandato (TMTSG)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 41
S-0-0091 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Grenzwert bipolar
EN Bipolar velocity limit value
FR Limite de vitesse bipolaire
ES Valor limite de velocidad bipolar
IT Valore di Velocità Limite
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0113
Default value: 1000000 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0092 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehmoment/Kraft-Grenzwert bipolar
EN Bipolar torque/force limit value
FR Limite de couple/force bipolaire
ES Valor limite par de giro/fuerza bipolar
IT Valore di Coppia/Forza Limite
42 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0093 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Faktor für Drehmoment-/Kraftdaten
EN Torque/force data scaling factor
FR Facteur de calibrage pour données de couple/force
ES Factor de escala para datos par de giro/fuerza
IT Fattore di Scala per Dati Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1/1
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0094 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Exponent für Drehmoment-/Kraftdaten
EN Torque/force data scaling exponent
FR Exposant de calibrage pour données de couple/force
ES Exponente de escala para datos de par de giro/fuerza
IT Esponente per Dati Coppia/Forza
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 43
S-0-0095 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Diagnose
EN Diagnostic message
FR Message de diagnostic
ES Diagnostico
IT Messaggio di Diagnosi
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: ASCII Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
44 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0096 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Slavekennung (SLKN)
EN Slave arrangement (SLKN)
FR Reconnaissance d'esclave (SLKN)
ES Disposicion de esclavo (SLKN)
IT Preparazione Slave (SLKN)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0097 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Maske Zustandsklasse 2
EN Mask class 2 diagnostic
FR Diagnostic de classe 2, masque
ES Mascara diagnostico clase 2
IT Maschera Diagnosi Classe 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 45
S-0-0098 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Maske Zustandsklasse 3
EN Mask class 3 diagnostic
FR Diagnostic de classe 3, masque
ES Mascara diagnostico clase 3
IT Maschera Diagnosi Classe 3
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0099 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C500 Reset Zustandsklasse 1
EN C500 Reset class 1 diagnostic
FR C500 Remise à zéro pour diagnostic de classe 1
ES C500 Reset diagnostico clase 1
IT C500 Cancellare Errori Classe 1
Function: Command Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
46 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 47
1 Standard Parameters
S-0-0100 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeitsregler-Proportionalverstärkung
EN Velocity loop proportional gain
FR Gain proportionnel de la boucle de vitesse
ES Amplificacion proporcional de regulador de velocidad
IT Guadagno proporzionale Anello di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: As/rad Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 6553.5
Default value: 10 Cyc. transmittable: no
TN = Integral t
action time with:
TN : Velocity controller action time [ms]
TN = KP / KI KP : Velocity controller proportional ampl.
KI : Integral ampl. [A/rad]
icom : Current command value
dω : Velocity controller deviation
48 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The value of the time axis for which the integral component is equal to
the proportional component is described as integral action time. This
represents the time that a pure I-controller would need until the controller
output variable is equal to the output variable of a P-controller at time t=0.
The integral gain component is disabled with an input value of 0.
See also the functional description: "Setting the Velocity Controller"
S-0-0101 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeitsregler-Nachstellzeit
EN Velocity loop integral action time
FR Temps d'action intégral de la boucle de vitesse
ES Tiempo de reajuste de regulador de velocidad
IT Tempo Integrazione Anello di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 6553.5
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0103 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Modulowert
EN Modulo value
FR Valeur modulo
ES Valor de modulo
IT Valore Modulo
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0076
Default value: 3600000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 49
are loaded after the initial connection (display UL) or with the command
"Basic load“.
See also the functional description: "Setting the position controller"
S-0-0104 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lageregler Kv-Faktor
EN Position loop Kv-factor
FR Gain proportionnel de la boucle de position, Kv
ES Regulador de posicion factor Kv
IT Fattore Kv Anello di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: 1000/min Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 655.35
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0106 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stromregler-Proportionalverstärkung 1
EN Current loop proportional gain 1
FR Gain proportionnel de la boucle de courant 1
ES Amplificacion proporcional 1 regulador de corriente
IT Guadagno proporzionale 1 Regolatore di Corrente
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: V/A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 655.35
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
50 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0107 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stromregler-Nachstellzeit 1
EN Current loop integral action time 1
FR Temps d'action intégral de la boucle de courant 1
ES Tiempo de reajuste de regulador de corriente 1
IT Tempo Integrazione 1 Anello di Corrente
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 6553.5
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0108 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Feedrate-Override
EN Feedrate override
FR Atténuateur d'avance
ES Override de alimentacion
IT Riduzione Velocità Avanzamento
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 51
S-0-0109 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Spitzenstrom Motor
EN Motor peak current
FR Courant crête du moteur
ES Corriente punta de motor
IT Corrente di Picco Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0.001 / 500.000
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0110 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Spitzenstrom Verstärker
EN Amplifier peak current
FR Courant crête du variateur
ES Corriente punta amplificador
IT Corrente di Picco Azionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
52 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0111 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stillstandsstrom Motor
EN Motor current at standstill
FR Courant du moteur à l'arrêt
ES Corriente de parada motor
IT Corrente Motore con Asse fermo
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0.001 / 500.000
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0112 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nennstrom Verstärker
EN Amplifier nominal current
FR Courant nominal variateur
ES Corriente nominal amplificador
IT Corrente nominale Azionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0.001 / 500.000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 53
S-0-0113 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Maximalgeschwindigkeit des Motors
EN Maximum motor speed (nmax)
FR Vitesse maximale du moteur
ES Velocidad maxima del motor
IT Velocità massima Motore (nmax)
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214738.3647
Default value: 1000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
For absolute measurement systems with data memory, bit 6 is set
54 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0115 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lagegeberart-Parameter 2
EN Position feedback 2 type parameter
FR Paramètre type codeur 2
ES Tipo de encoder de posicion parametro 2
IT Tipo di Feedback di Posizione 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0116 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Auflösung Motorgeber
EN Resolution of motor feedback
FR Résolution du codeur moteur
ES Resolucion encoder de motor
IT Risoluzione Feedback Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Cycles/rev Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 256 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 55
S-0-0117 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Auflösung externer Geber
EN Resolution of external feedback
FR Résolution du codeur externe
ES Resolucion encoder externo
IT Risoluzione Feedback esterno
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Cycles/rev Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 256 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0121 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lastgetriebe-Eingangsumdrehungen
EN Input revolutions of load gear
FR Nombre de tours d'entrée d'engrenages de charge
ES Giros de entrada de engranaje de carga
IT N di Giri in Ingresso al Riduttore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 4294967295
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
56 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0122 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lastgetriebe-Ausgangsumdrehungen
EN Output revolutions of load gear
FR Nombre de tours de sortie d'engrenages de charge
ES Giros de salida de engranaje de carga
IT N di Giri in Uscita del Riduttore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 4294967295
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0123 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Vorschubkonstante
EN Feed constant
FR Constante d'avance
ES Constante de avance
IT Costante di Avanzamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 5 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 57
S-0-0124 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stillstandsfenster
EN Standstill window
FR Fenêtre d'arrêt
ES Ventana de parada
IT Finestra di monitorizzazione Asse fermo
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0044
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0125 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Schwelle nx
EN Velocity threshold nx
FR Seuil de vitesse nx
ES Umbral de velocidad nx
IT Finestra di Controllo Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Prog.-Modul
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0044
Default value: 10000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
58 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0127 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C100 Umschaltvorbereitung auf Komm.-Phase 3
EN C100 Communication phase 3 transition check
FR C100 Préparation transition phase de comm. 3
ES C100 Comprobacion de conmutacion a fase 3
IT C100 Check Transizione Fase di Comunicazione 3
Function: Command Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0128 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C200 Umschaltvorbereitung auf Komm.-Phase 4
EN C200 Communication phase 4 transition check
FR C200 Préparation transition phase de comm. 4
ES C200 comprobacion de conmutacion a fase 4
IT C200 Check Transizione Fase di Comunicazione 4
Function: Command Editability: P3
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 59
S-0-0130 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messwert 1 positiv
EN Probe value 1 positive edge
FR Mesure sonde 1 front montant
ES Valor de medicion 1 positivo
IT Misura Valore con Probe 1 positivo
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
S-0-0131 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messwert 1 negativ
EN Probe value 1 negative edge
FR Mesure sonde 1 front descendant
ES Valor de medicion 1 negativo
IT Misura Valore con Probe 1 negativo
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
60 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0132 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messwert 2 positiv
EN Probe value 2 positive edge
FR Mesure sonde 2 front montant
ES Valor de medicion 2 positivo
IT Misura Valore con Probe 2 positivo
Function: Parameter Editability: -
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0201 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0201 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
S-0-0133 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messwert 2 negativ
EN Probe value 2 negative edge
FR Mesure sonde 2 front descendant
ES Valor de medicion 2 negativo
IT Misura Valore con Probe 2 negativo
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0201 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0201 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 61
S-0-0134 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Master-Steuerwort
EN Master control word
FR Mot de contrôle maître
ES Palabra de mando maestro
IT Word di Controllo Master
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0135 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Antriebs-Status
EN Drive status word
FR Etat entraînement
ES Estado de accionamiento
IT Stato Azionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0138 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Beschleunigung bipolar
EN Bipolar acceleration limit value
FR Accélération bipolaire
ES Aceleracion bipolar
IT Valore di Accellerazione Limite
62 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0139 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE D700 Kommando Parkende Achse
EN D700 Command Parking axis
FR D700 Commande stationnement axe
ES D700 Comando eje de estacionamiento
IT D700 Comando Stazionamento Asse
Function: Command Editability: P2
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 63
S-0-0140 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Regelgerätetyp
EN Controller type
FR Type de variateur
ES Tipo de regulador
IT Tipo Azionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: Verst. EE
Format: ASCII Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
See also the functional description: "Automatic Setting of the Motor Type
for Motors with Feedback Memory"
S-0-0141 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motortyp
EN Motor type
FR Type de moteur
ES Tipo de motor
IT Tipo Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: ASCII Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: Default_Motor Cyc. transmittable: no
64 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0142 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Anwendungsart
EN Application type
FR Type d'application
ES Tipo de aplicacion
IT Tipo applicazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: ASCII Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: Default Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0143 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Sercos Interface Version
EN System interface version
FR Version d'interface SERCOS
ES Version de Interface Sercos
IT Versione del Interfaccia Sercos
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: ASCII Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 65
S-0-0144 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signal-Statuswort
EN Signal status word
FR Mot d'état de signal
ES Estado señal
IT Stato Segnali
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
66 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
In addition, bit 5 activates the monitoring of the external 24V.
S-0-0147 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzfahr-Parameter
EN Homing parameter
FR Paramètre d'origine
ES Parametro de puesta a cero
IT Parametri Azzeramento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0010 0000b Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0148 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C600 Kommando Antriebsgeführtes Referenzieren
EN C600 Drive controlled homing procedure command
FR C600 Commande prise origine pilotée par entraînement
ES C600 Comando puesta a cero por accionamiento
IT C600 Asse controllato durante la Procedura di Azzer.
Function: Command Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 67
S-0-0150 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzmaß Offset 1
EN Reference offset 1
FR Décalage d'origine 1
ES Medicion de referencia offset 1
IT Azzeramento Offset 1 (Feedback Motore)
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0151 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzmaß Offset 2
EN Reference offset 2
FR Décalage d'origine 2
ES Medicion de referencia offset 2
IT Azzeramento Offset 2 (Feedback esterno)
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
68 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0157 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Fenster
EN Velocity window
FR Fenêtre de vitesse
ES Ventana de velocidad
IT Finestra Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Prog.-Modul
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0044
Default value: 1000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0159 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Überwachungsfenster
EN Monitoring window
FR Fenêtre de contrôle
ES Ventana de control
IT Finestra di Monitoraggio
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0076
Default value: 1000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 69
Parameter structure:
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0160 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungsart für Beschleunigungsdaten
EN Acceleration data scaling type
FR Type de calibrage pour données d'accélération
ES Tipo de escala para datos de aceleracion
IT Tipo di Scala per Dati Accellerazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0100 0010b Cyc. transmittable: no
70 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0161 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Faktor für Beschleunigungsdaten
EN Acceleration data scaling factor
FR Facteur de calibrage pour données d'accélération
ES Factor de escala para datos de aceleracion
IT Fattore di Scala per Dati Accellerazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 65535
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0162 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wichtungs-Exponent für Beschleunigungsdaten
EN Acceleration data scaling exponent
FR Exposant de calibrage pour données d'accélération
ES Exponente de escala para datos de aceleracion
IT Esponente per Dati Accellerazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -32768 / 32768
Default value: -3 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 71
S-0-0165 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Abstandskodiertes Referenzmaß 1
EN Distance coded reference offset 1
FR Marques de référence de distance codée 1
ES Marcas de referencia de distancia codificada 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Periods Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 4294967295
Default value: 1001 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0166 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Abstandskodiertes Referenzmaß 2
EN Distance coded reference offset 2
FR Marques de référence de distance codée 2
ES Marcas de referencia de distancia codificada 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Periods Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 4294967295
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
72 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Parameter structure:
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0169 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster-Steuerparameter
EN Probe control parameter
FR Paramètre de commande de la sonde
ES Parametros de mando de control de muestra
IT Parametro di Controllo Probe
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 73
Parameter structure:
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0170 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kommando Messtasterzyklus
EN Probing cycle procedure command
FR Commande cycle mesure de sonde
ES Comando ciclo de teclas de medicion
IT Comando per Procedura di Probe
Function: Parameter Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0173 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Markerposition A
EN Marker position A
FR Position du marqueur A
ES Posición de marcador A
IT Posizione Marca A
74 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0177 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Absolutmaß-Offset 1
EN Absolute distance 1
FR Décalage absolu 1
ES Distancia absoluta 1
IT Offset 1 per Dimensionamenti assoluti (Feedback Motore)
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 75
Then, when you jog the axis to the machine’s zero point, input the value
of S-0-0053 indicated there into S-0-0178 with inverted sign (+ ↔ -). After
another homing, the value in S-0-0053 displays the position in reference
to the machine’s zero point.
See also the functional description: "Drive-Controlled Homing"
S-0-0178 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Absolutmaß-Offset 2
EN Absolute distance 2
FR Décalage absolu 2
ES Distancia absoluta 2
IT Offset 2 per Dimensionamenti assoluti (Feedback esterno)
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Parameter structure:
Main operating mode with subordinated position control
|synch. position command value + Xadditive(S-0-0048) - Xfeed
(S-0-0051 or S-0-0053) | < S-0-0228, Position synchronization window
76 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
S-0-0182 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Hersteller-Zustandsklasse 3
EN Manufacturer class 3 diagnostics
FR Diagnostic de classe 3 spéc. au fabriquant
ES Diagnostico fabricante clase 3
IT Diagnostica Classe 3 definita dal Costruttore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
S-0-0183 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Synchronlauffenster Geschwindigkeit
EN Velocity synchronization window
FR Fenêtre de vitesse de synchronisation
ES Velocidad ventana de sincronizacion
IT Finestra di Sincronizzazione di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 2147483647
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 77
S-0-0185 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Länge des konfigurierbaren Datensatzes im AT
EN Length of the configurable data record in the AT
FR Longueur du registre de données configurables dans l'AT
ES Longitud del bloque de datos configurable en el AT
IT Lunghezza del Registro Dati in AT
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0186 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Länge des konfig. Datensatzes im MDT
EN Length of the configurable data record in the MDT
FR Longueur du registre de données configurables dans le MDT
ES Longitud del bloque de datos configurable en el MDT
IT Lunghezza del Registro Dati in MDT
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
78 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0187 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Liste der konfigurierbaren Daten im AT
EN List of configurable data in the AT
FR Liste des IDN de données configurables dans l'AT
ES Lista de los datos configurables en el AT
IT Lista dei Dati configurabili in AT
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 79
S-0-0188 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Liste der konfigurierbaren Daten im MDT
EN List of configurable data in the MDT
FR Liste des IDN de données configurables dans le MDT
ES Lista de los datos configurables en el MDT
IT Lista dei Dati configurabili in MDT
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0189 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Schleppabstand
EN Following error
FR Ecart de poursuite
ES Error de seguimiento
IT Errore di Inseguimento
80 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0191 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE D600 Kommando Referenzbezug löschen
EN D600 Cancel reference point procedure command
FR D600 Commande Annullation de l'origine
ES D600 Comando Borrar referencia
IT D600 Comando Anullazione Azzeramento
Function: Command Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 81
S-0-0192 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE IDN-Liste der zu sichernden Betriebsdaten
EN IDN-list of backup operation data
FR Liste des IDN des données d'exploitation de sauvegarde
ES Lista IDN de los datos de servicio de seguridad
IT IDN-Lista dei Operativi salvati
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0193 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Positionier-Ruck
EN Positioning Jerk
FR Jerk de positionnement
ES Posicionamiento agitacion
IT Jerk per Posizionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0160 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 4000000.000
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
82 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0201 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motor-Warntemperatur
EN Motor warning temperature
FR Température de préalerte du moteur
ES Temperatura de aviso de motor
IT Preallarme Temperatura Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: C Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 45.0 / S-0-0204
Default value: 1400 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0204 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motor-Abschalttemperatur
EN Motor shutdown temperature
FR Température d'arrêt du moteur
ES Temperatura de desconexion de motor
IT Spegnimento per Sovratemp. Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: C Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0201 / 155.0
Default value: 1500 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 83
S-0-0228 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Synchronlauffenster Lage
EN Position synchronization window
FR Fenêtre de position de synchronisation
ES Posicion ventana de sincronizacion
IT Finestra di Sincronizzazione di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: -
Input min/max: 0 / 2147483647
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0236 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Leitantrieb 1 Umdrehungen
EN Master drive 1 revs.
FR Rotations entraînement guide 1
ES Rotacion accionamiento conductor 1
IT Rotazione Master 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: -
Input min/max: 1 / 4294967295
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
84 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0237 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Folgeantrieb 1 Umdrehungen
EN Slave drive 1 revs.
FR Rotations entraînement suiveur 1
ES Rotacion accionamiento esclavo 1
IT Rotazione Slave 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: -
Input min/max: 1 / 4294967295
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0256, Multiplication 1
The parameter S-0-0256, Multiplication 1 determines, with which factor
the signals of the motor feedback are multiplied in the drive.
The internal resolution for the motor encoder in the drive is calculated
as follows:
S-0-0116 Resolution of motor feedback • S-0-0256 Multiplication 1
The multiplication 1 depends at first from the parameters S-0-0278,
Maximum travel range and S-0-0116, Resolution of motor feedback.
If there is an external encoder, the S-0-0257, Multiplication 2 is taken
into account as well.
See also the functional description: "Setting the drive-internal position
data format"
S-0-0256 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Vervielfachung 1
EN Multiplication 1
FR Multiplication 1
ES Multiplicación 1
IT Multiplicazione 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 85
S-0-0257, Multiplication 2
The parameter S-0-0257, Multiplication 2 determines, with which factor
the signals of the external feedback are multiplied in the drive.
The internal resolution for the external encoder in the drive is calculated
as follows:
S-0-0117 Resolution of external feedback • S-0-0257 Multiplication 2
The multiplication 2 depends on the parameters S-0-0278, Maximum
travel range and S-0-0117, Resolution of external feedback.
See also the functional description: "Setting the drive-internal position
data format"
S-0-0257 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Vervielfachung 2
EN Multiplication 2
FR Multiplication 2
ES Multiplicación 2
IT Multiplicazione 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0258 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zielposition
EN Target position
FR Position à atteindre
ES Posicion objeto
IT Posizione da raggiungere
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
86 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0259 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Positionier-Geschwindigkeit
EN Positioning Velocity
FR Vitesse de positionnement
ES Velocidad de posicionamiento
IT Velocità di Posizionameneto
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0044
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0260 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Positionier-Beschleunigung
EN Positioning Acceleration
FR Accélération de positionnement
ES Aceleracion de posicionamiento
IT Accellerazione per Posizionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0160 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0160/278
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 87
S-0-0262 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C700 Kommando Urladen
EN C700 Command basic load
FR C700 Commande chargement initial
ES C700 Comando carga base
IT C700 Comando Caricamento Base
Function: Command Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0265 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Sprach-Umschaltung
EN Language selection
FR Sélection de langue
ES Cambio de idioma
IT Selezione di Lingua
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
88 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0267, Password
With this parameter, a customer password can be activated. This is used
to lock the editability of all important parameters specific for the axis. The
parameters which are locked by activating the customer password, can
be seen in the parameter S-0-0192, IDN-List of backup operation data.
Moreover, the parameter can unlock service capabilities.
S-0-0267 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Passwort
EN Password
FR Mot de passe
ES Contraseña
IT Parola Chiave
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 1Byte Memory: no
Format: ASCII Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
After the control voltage supply has been switched on, the drive will
initialize bit 0 to 0. To activate temporary storage mode, bit 0 must be
forced to 1 after switching on.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 89
S-0-0269 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Speicherungsmode
EN Parameter buffer mode
FR Mode d'enregistrement
ES Modo de buffer
IT Buffer Modo Parametri
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/1
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
Parameter structure:
For absolute measurement systems with data memory, bit 6 is set
When MHD-, MKD and MKE motors are used, bits 0, 1, and 3 are set
and write-protected by the drive.
Note: Only the bits indicated here are supported by the software.
90 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0277 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lagegeberart-Parameter 1
EN Position feedback 1 type parameter
FR Paramètre type codeur 1
ES Parametro de tipo de encoder de posicion 1
IT Tipo Parametri Feedback Posizione 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0278 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Maximaler Verfahrbereich
EN Maximum travel range
FR Champs de déplacement maxi.
ES Campo máximo de desplazamiento
IT Campo di Movimento mass.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 91
S-0-0282 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Verfahrweg
EN Travel distance
FR Distance à parcourir
ES Recorrido de desplazamiento
IT Distanza movimento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0292 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Liste der unterstützten Betriebsarten
EN List of all operation modes
FR Liste de tous les mode d'opération
ES Lista de todos los modos de operación
IT Lista di tutti i Modi operativi
92 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0298 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Verschiebung des Referenznockens um..
EN Reference cam shift by..
FR Décalage de la came d'origine de..
ES Desplazamiento de la leva de origen a..
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 93
In this case, this parameter shows the distance, by which the zero switch
must be shifted, to get the optimal distance.
You can either
• input the value in the parameter S-0-0299, Home switch offset to
shift the active zero switch (virtually) referred to the real one, or
• shift the zero switch mechanically by the value displayed in S-0-0298.
If the distance between zero switch and reference marker is good, then
S-0-0298, Reference cam shift by.. displays a 0.
See also the functional description: "Drive-Controlled Homing"
S-0-0299 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzschalter-Offset
EN Home switch offset
FR Décalage contact origine
ES Offset de interruptor de referencia
IT Offset FC di Zero
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0301 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zuweisung Echtzeitsteuerbit 1
EN Allocation of real-time control Bit 1
FR Allocation bit contrôle temps réel 1
ES Asignacion bit de mando tiempo real 1
IT Allocazione del Real Time Control Bit 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
94 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0303 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zuweisung Echtzeitsteuerbit 2
EN Allocation of real-time control Bit 2
FR Allocation bit contrôle temps réel 2
ES Asignacion bit de mando tiempo real 2
IT Allocazione del Real Time Control Bit 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
See also the functional description: "Real-Time Control and Status Bits"
S-0-0305 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zuweisung Echtzeitstatusbit 1
EN Allocation of real-time status Bit 1
FR Allocation bit état temps réel 1
ES Asignacion bit de mando tiempo real 1
IT Allocazione del Real Time Status Bit 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 95
See also the functional description: "Real-Time Control and Status Bits"
S-0-0307 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zuweisung Echtzeitstatusbit 2
EN Allocation of real-time status Bit 2
FR Allocation bit état temps réel 2
ES Asignacion bit de estado tiempo real 2
IT Allocazione del Real Time Status Bit 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0328 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Konfig.-Liste Signal-Statuswort, Bitnummer
EN Config. list signal status word, bit number
FR Liste de config. pour statut des signaux, numéro du bit
ES Lista de config. Estado de señal, número de bit
IT Lista di Config. per Stato Segnali, Numero di Bit
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -/-
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
96 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0346 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Übernahme relative Sollwerte
EN Setup flag for relative command values
FR Drapeau pour changer la distance relative de la broche
ES Indicador de ajuste para valores nominales relativos
IT Indicatore per cambiare la Distanza Mandrino
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/1
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0347 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Regelabweichung
EN Speed deviation
FR Ecart de vitesse
ES Desviación de velocidad
IT E.I. di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 97
Writing a value greater than 0 to the parameter activates the acceleration
feed forward.
S-0-0348 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Proportionalverst. Beschleunigungsvorsteuerung
EN Acceleration feedforward prop. gain
FR Anticipation d'accélération, gain prop.
ES Ajuste proporcional mando adelante de aceleracion
IT Guadagno proporzionale Accellerazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: mA/(rad/s²) Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 6553.5
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
98 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0349 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Ruck-Grenzwert bipolar
EN Jerk limit bipolar
FR Limite de Jerk bipolaire
ES Límite sacudida bipolar
IT Limite di Jerk bipol.
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0160 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 4000000.000
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
S-0-0382 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zwischenkreisleistung
EN Intermediate power
FR Puissance circuit interméd.
ES Potencia de circuito intermedio
IT Potenza sul Bus DC
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: KW Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 99
S-0-0383 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motor-Temperatur
EN Motor temperature
FR Température moteur
ES Temperatura de motor
IT Temperatura Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0390 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Diagnose Nummer
EN Diagnostic message number
FR Numéro message diagnostique
ES Numero de diagnostico
IT Numero Messaggio Diagnosi
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
100 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
If this value is exceeded for longer than 20ms, then the error F236,
Excessive position feedback difference will be generated.
The monitoring can be turned off by writing 0 to this parameter.
See also the functional description: "Actual Feedback Value Monitoring"
S-0-0391 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Überwachungsfenster externer Geber
EN Monitoring window ext. feedback
FR Fenêtre de surveillance du capteur ext.
ES Ventana de control de encoder absoluto
IT Finestra di Controllo del Encoder esterno
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: Memory: Param. EE
Format: Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0393 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Sollwertmodus im Moduloformat
EN Command value mode for modulo format
FR Mode consigne pour modulo
ES Modo de valor nominal en formato de módulo
IT Modo per Valori comandati modulo
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/2
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 101
S-0-0400 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzpunktschalter
EN Home switch
FR Contact d'origine
ES Interruptor de punto de referencia
IT FC di Zero
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0401, Probe 1
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe 1 (external
signal). This makes it possible to assign Probe 1 to a real-time status bit,
for example.
The signal Probe 1 is only polled by the drive and considered valid if the
S-0-0170, Probing cycle procedure command is active and S-0-0405,
Probe 1 enable is present.
Parameter structure:
Bit 0: Probe
0: not activated
1: activated
102 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-0-0401 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 1
EN Probe 1
FR Sonde 1
ES Teclas de medicion 1
IT Probe 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-0-0402, Probe 2
This parameter is used to assign an ID number to Probe 2 (external
signal). This makes it possible to assign Probe 2 to a real-time status bit,
for example.
The signal Probe 2 is only polled by the drive and considered valid if the
S-0-0170, Probing cycle procedure command is active and S-0-0406,
Probe 2 enable is present.
Parameter structure:
Bit 0 : Probe
0: not activated
1: activated
S-0-0402 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 2
EN Probe 2
FR Sonde 2
ES Teclas de medicion 2
IT Probe 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 103
The bit position feedback value status corresponds to the output signal
"In reference".
In drives with Sercos interface, the position feedback value status can be
assigned to a real-time status bit and thus be continuously
communicated to the NC in the drive status word (see S-0-0305,
Allocation of real-time status bit 1).
S-0-0403 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Status Lageistwerte
EN Position feedback value status
FR Etat de la valeur de retour de position
ES Estado valores reales de posicion
IT Stato del Feedback di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
104 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Parameter structure:
Bit 0: Probe 1
0: not enabled
1: enabled
S-0-0405 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 1 Freigabe
EN Probe 1 enable
FR Validation de la sonde 1
ES Desbloqueo de teclas de medicion 1
IT Probe 1 abilitato
Function: Parameter Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
Bit 0: Probe 2
0: not enabled
1: enabled
S-0-0406 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 2 Freigabe
EN Probe 2 enable
FR Validation de la sonde 2
ES Desbloqueo de teclas de medicion 2
IT Probe 2 abilitato
Function: Parameter Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 105
Parameter structure:
S-0-0409 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 1 positiv gelatcht
EN Probe 1 positive latched
FR Sonde 1 déclenchée sur front montant
ES Teclas de medicion 1 bloqueado positivo
IT Probe 1 positivo rilevato
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
106 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The drive simultaneously stores the value of the selected signal in S-0-
0131, Probe value 1 negative edge.
The drive clears the bit if the NC clears the S-0-0170, Probing cycle
procedure command or if S-0-0405, Probe 1 enable has been set from
1 to 0.
The parameter "probe 1 negative latched" can be assigned to a real-time
status bit and thus be continuously communicated to the NC in the drive
status word (see S-0-0305, Allocation of real-time status bit 1).
Parameter structure:
S-0-0410 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 1 negativ gelatcht
EN Probe 1 negative latched
FR Sonde 1 déclenchée sur front descendant
ES Teclas de medicion 1 bloqueado negativo
IT Probe 1 negativo rilevato
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 107
S-0-0411 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 2 positiv gelatcht
EN Probe 2 positive latched
FR Sonde 2 déclenchée sur front montant
ES Teclas de medicion 2 bloqueado positivo
IT Probe 2 positivo rilevato
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
Parameter structure:
S-0-0412 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messtaster 2 negativ gelatcht
EN Probe 2 negative latched
FR Sonde 2 déclenchée sur front descendant
ES Teclas de medicion 2 bloqueado negativo
IT Probe 2 negativo rilevato
108 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
S-7-0109 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Spitzenstrom Motor
EN Motor peak current
FR Courant crête du moteur
ES Corriente punta de motor
IT Corrente di Picco Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0.001 / 500.000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-7-0111 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stillstandstrom Motor
EN Motor current at standstill
FR Courant du moteur à l'arrêt
ES Corriente de parada motor
IT Corrente Motore con Asse fermo
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0.001 / 500.000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Parameter Description 109
S-7-0113 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Maximalgeschwindigkeit des Motors
EN Maximum motor speed (nmax)
FR Vitesse maximale du moteur
ES Velocidad maxima del motor
IT Velocità massima Motore (nmax)
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214738.3647
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
S-7-0116 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Auflösung Motorgeber
EN Resolution of motor feedback
FR Résolution du codeur moteur
ES Resolucion encoder de motor
IT Risoluzione Feedback Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: Cycles/Rev Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
110 Supplement A: Parameter Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
MKD 071B-061-KP1-BN
MKE 096B-047-GG0-KN
S-7-0141 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motortyp
EN Motor type
FR Type de moteur
ES Tipo de motor
IT Tipo Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: ASCII Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: - Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 111
3 Product-specific parameters
P-0-0004, Velocity loop smoothing time constant
The time constant that can be activated in this parameter affects the
output of the velocity loop controller. It can be used to suppress
quantization effects and limit the bandwidth of the velocity loop
controller.The limit frequency is derived from smoothing time constant T
resulting from the relationship
fg =
2 ⋅π ⋅ Τ
Inputting the minimum input value turns the filter off.
See also the functional description: "Setting the Velocity Controller"
P-0-0004 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehzahlregler-Glättungszeitkonstante
EN Velocity loop smoothing time constant
FR Constante de temps de filtrage boucle de vitesse
ES Constante de tiempo de suavizado n.d.r.
IT Costante di Tempo per Smorzamento nell'Anello di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 250 / 65500
Default value: 250 Cyc. transmittable: no
See also the functional description: "Activation and Polarity of the E-Stop
112 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0008 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aktivierung E-Stop-Funktion
EN Activation E-Stop function
FR Activation fonction Arrêt d'Urgence
ES Activacion funcion parada de emergencia
IT Attivazione della Funzione E-Stop
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0009 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Fehler-Nummer
EN Error message number
FR Numéro erreur
ES Error numero
IT Numero Messaggio Errore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 113
P-0-0010 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Exzessiver Lagesollwert
EN Excessive position command value
FR Consigne de position excessive
ES Valor nominal de posicion excesivo
IT Posizione comandata eccessiva
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
114 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0011 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Letzter gültiger Lagesollwert
EN Last valid position command value
FR Dernière consigne de position valable
ES Valor nominal de posicion ultimo valido
IT Ultima Posizione comandata valida
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0012 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C300 Kommando Absolutmaß setzen
EN C300 Command 'Set absolute measurement'
FR C300 Commande du chargement de valeur absolue
ES C300 Poner medicion absoluta de comando
IT C300 Comando Azzeramento Encoder assoluto
Function: Command Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 115
P-0-0014 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE D500 Kommando Markerposition ermitteln
EN D500 Command determine marker position
FR D500 Commande évaluation position marqueur
ES D500 Comando calcular posicion de marcador
IT D500 Comando prendere posizione marca
Function: Command Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/3
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0015 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Speicheradresse
EN Memory address
FR Adresse mémoire
ES Direccion de memoria
IT Indirizzo Memoria
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: 0x8000 Cyc. transmittable: no
116 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0016 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Inhalt der Speicheradresse
EN Content of memory address
FR Contenu de l'adresse mémoire
ES Contenido de la direccion de memoria
IT Contesto degli Indirizzi di Memoria
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0018 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Polpaarzahl/Polpaarweite
EN Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance
FR Nombre de paires de pôles/distance polaire
ES Numero de par de polo/espacio de par de polo
IT Numero di Coppie Poli
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: pairs of poles/mm Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 117
P-0-0019 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lageanfangswert
EN Position start value
FR Position à la mise sous tension
ES Valor inicial de posicion
IT Valore di Posizione di Partenza
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -2147483648 / 2147483647
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0021 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messwertliste 1
EN List of scope data 1
FR Liste des valeurs mesurées 1
ES Lista de valor de medicion 1
IT Lista Misure 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: P-0-0023 Validity check: no
Unit: P-0-0023 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: P-0-0023 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0022 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Messwertliste 2
EN List of scope data 2
FR Liste des valeurs mesurées 2
ES Lista de valor de medicion 2
IT Lista Misure 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: P-0-0024 Validity check: no
Unit: P-0-0024 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: P-0-0024 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
118 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0023 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signalauswahl 1 Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Signal select scope channel 1
FR Fonction oscilloscope, sélection signal 1
ES Seleccion de señal 1 funcion de osciloscopio
IT Segnale Selezionato Canale 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 119
P-0-0024 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signalauswahl 2 Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Signal select scope channel 2
FR Fonction oscilloscope, sélection signal 2
ES Seleccion de señal 2 funcion de osciloscopio
IT Segnale Selezionato Canale 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
120 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0025 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerquelle Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Trigger source
FR Source de déclenchement pour fonction oscilloscope
ES Origen de trigger osciloscopio
IT Sorgente Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1/2
Default value: 2 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 121
P-0-0026 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggersignalauswahl Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Trigger signal selection
FR Fonction oscilloscope, sélection signal de déclenc.
ES Seleccion de señal de trigger funcion osciloscopio
IT Segnale di Trigger selezionato
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0x5
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0027 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerschwelle für Lagedaten
EN Triggerlevel for position data
FR Seuil de déclenchement données de position
ES Umbral de trigger para datos de posicion
IT Livello di Trigger per Dati di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
122 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0028 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerschwelle für Geschwindigkeitsdaten
EN Triggerlevel for velocity data
FR Seuil de déclenchement données de vitesse
ES Umbral de trigger para datos de velocidad
IT Livello di Trigger per Dati di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0044 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0044 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0044 / S-0-0044
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0029 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerschwelle für Drehmoment-/Kraftdaten
EN Triggerlevel for torque/force data
FR Seuil de déclenchement données de couple/force
ES Umbral de trigger para datos de par/fuerza
IT Livello di Trigger per Dati Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0086 / S-0-0086
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 123
P-0-0030 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerflanke
EN Trigger edge
FR Front de déclenchement
ES Lado de trigger
IT Fronte di Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1/4
Default value: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0031, Timebase
Timebase defines the time intervals within which the probe values of the
selected signals are defined. Possible time intervals range from 250 µs to
100 ms.
Note that in general:
Recording duration = Time resolution • Size of memory [µs]
See also the functional description: "Oscilloscope Feature"
P-0-0031 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zeitauflösung
EN Timebase
FR Base de temps
ES Resolucion de tiempo
IT Base dei Tempi
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: us Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 250 / 100000
Default value: 250 Cyc. transmittable: no
124 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0032 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Speichertiefe
EN Size of memory
FR Taille mémoire
ES Tamaño de memoria
IT Dimensione Memoria
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 2 / 512
Default value: 512 Cyc. transmittable: no
threshold Trigger signal
Trigger status
(bit 0)
P-0-0033: Number of
measurements after
Trigger delay the trigger action
Recording duration
P-0-0033 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Anzahl der Messwerte nach Triggerereignis
EN Number of samples after trigger
FR Nombre de mesures après déclenchement
ES Numero de muestras despues de trigger
IT Numero di Campionamenti dopo Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 512
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 125
P-0-0034 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lagesollwert additiv Istwert
EN Position command additional actual value
FR Consigne de position additive, valeur actuelle
ES Valor nominal de posicion valor real
IT Comando di Posizione Addizzionale
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -214748.3648 / 214748.3647
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
Trigger status
(bit 0)
Number of measurements
Trigger delay after the trigger action
(Bit 0)
Trigger control mixing
Recording duration
126 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0035 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggersteuerversatz
EN Delay from trigger to start
FR Délai de déclenchement
ES Retardo de mando de trigger
IT Ritardo del Trigger dopo Start
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0036 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggersteuerwort
EN Trigger control word
FR Mot de commande déclenchement
ES Palabra de mando de trigger
IT Controllo Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 127
P-0-0037 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerstatuswort
EN Trigger status word
FR Mot d'état déclenchement
ES Palabra de estado de trigger
IT Stato Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0049 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zielposition Mustergetriebe
EN Target position pattern ctrl profile
FR Position à atteindre registre échantillon
ES Posicion objeto perfil ctrl de muestra
IT Riduttore Modello, Posizione da raggiungere
128 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0051 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehmoment-/Kraft-Konstante
EN Torque/force constant
FR Constante de couple/force
ES Constante de par/fuerza
IT Costante di Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: Nm/A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 65535
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 129
P-0-0052 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lage-Istwert 3
EN Position feedback value 3
FR Position réelle 3
ES Valor real de posicion 3
IT Feedback di Posizione Valore 3
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0053 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Leitachsposition
EN Master drive position
FR Position axe maître
ES Posicion eje conductor
IT Posizione Master
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: Inkr Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
130 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0059 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE SSI-Emulator-Auflösung
EN SSI-Emulator resolution
FR Résolution émulation codeur SSI
ES Resolucion de emulador SSI
IT Risoluzione Emulatore SSI
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 360 / 4096
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0060 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Filterzeitkonstante Lagesollwert additiv
EN Filter time constant additional pos. command
FR Cste de temps de filtrage consigne de pos. addit.
ES Constante tiempo de filtro valor nominal posicion adicional
IT Costante di Tempo su Comandi add. di Avanzamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 655.35
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 131
P-0-0061 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Winkelverschiebung Tabellenanfang
EN Angle offset begin of profile
FR Début de table de décalage angulaire
ES Desplazamiento de fase inicio de tabla
IT Offset del Angolo per Inizio Profili
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 359.9999
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0062 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 2A
EN Pattern ctrl profile 2A
FR Table registre échantillon 2A
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 2A
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella Profilo 2A
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0063 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 2A, Grenzwinkel 1
EN Pattern ctrl profile 2A, switch angle 1
FR Table registre échantillon 2A angle limite 1
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 2A-Angulo limite 1
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella 2A, Angolo Int. 1
132 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0064 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 2B
EN Pattern ctrl profile 2B
FR Table registre échantillon 2B
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 2B
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella Profilo 2B
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0065 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 2B, Grenzwinkel 1
EN Pattern ctrl profile 2B, switch angle 1
FR Table registre échantillon 2B angle limite 1
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 2B-Angulo limite 1
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella 2B, Angolo Int. 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: -
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 133
P-0-0066 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 3A
EN Pattern ctrl profile 3A
FR Table registre échantillon 3A
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 3A
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella Profilo 3A
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0067 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 3A, Grenzwinkel 1
EN Pattern ctrl profile 3A, switch angle 1
FR Table registre échantillon 3A angle limite 1
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 3A-Angulo limite 1
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella 3A, Angolo Int. 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: -
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
134 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0068 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 3A, Grenzwinkel 2
EN Pattern ctrl profile 3A, switch angle 2
FR Table registre échantillon 3A angle limite 2
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 3A-Angulo limite 2
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella 2A, Angolo Int. 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: -
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0069 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 3B
EN Pattern ctrl profile 3B
FR Table registre échantillon 3B
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 3B
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella Profilo 3B
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0070 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 3B, Grenzwinkel 1
EN Pattern ctrl profile 3B, switch angle 1
FR Table registre échantillon 3B angle limite 1
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 3B-Angulo limite 1
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella 3B, Angolo Int. 1
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 135
P-0-0071 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Mustergetr. Tabelle 3B, Grenzwinkel 2
EN Pattern ctrl profile 3B, switch angle 2
FR Table registre échantillon 3B angle limite 2
ES Perfil ctrl muestra 3B-Angulo limite 2
IT Riduttore Modello, Tabella 3B, Angolo Int. 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: -
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0072 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kurvenscheibe Tabelle 1
EN Cam shaft profile 1
FR Table arbre à came 1
ES Perfil eje de leva tabla 1
IT Tabella Profilo Camma
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 6 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -199.999999 / 199.999999
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
136 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Modules DLF, DZF, DRF and DEF 1 must not be operated
simultaneously in a controller. => Danger of Damage!
It is not possible to combine DLF and DZF.
Module DEF 2 can be used to operate an incremental encoder along with
See also the functional description: "Determining the Feedback Interface
of the Motor Feedback"
P-0-0074 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motorgeberinterface
EN Interface feedback 1
FR Interface codeur moteur
ES Interface encoder de motor
IT Interfaccia Feedback 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / --
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 137
Modules DLF, DZF, DRF and DEF 1 must not be operated
simultaneously in a controller. => Danger of Damage!
It is not possible to combine DLF and DZF.
Module DEF 2 can be used to operate an incremental encoder along with
P-0-0075 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Externes Geberinterface
EN Interface feedback 2, external
FR Interface 2, codeur externe
ES Interface 2, encoder externo
IT Interfaccia Feedback 2, esterno
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/9
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
138 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Parameter structure:
P-0-0079 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Info Zielposition
EN Info destination position
FR Info position à atteindre
ES Info posicion objeto
IT Informazioni Posizione Destinazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
P-0-0081 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Ausgang 1
EN Parallel I/O output 1
FR Sortie parallèle 1
ES Salida paralela 1
IT Uscita parallela 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 139
P-0-0082 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Eingang 1
EN Parallel I/O input 1
FR Entrée parallèle 1
ES Entrada paralela 1
IT Ingressi paralleli 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0083 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Feinabgleich Getriebeübersetzung
EN Gear ratio fine adjust
FR Ajustement fin rapport de réduction
ES Ajuste fino reduccion de engranaje
IT Regolazione fino Riduttore
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -327.68 / 327.67
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
n Lead drive
ϕLead drive, = ϕLead drive * * dynamic angle displacement
active Position control KV
140 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Xcomm, displaced
Xfeed, displaced
Fig. 3-19: Offset Position Command Value and Feedback Value when P-0-0085
= 100%.
P-0-0085 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Dynamische Winkelverschiebung
EN Dynamical phase offset
FR Décalage angulaire dynamique
ES Desplazamiento angular dinamico
IT Offset di Fase dinamico
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 600
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0087 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lageistwert 3 Offset
EN Offset position feedback value 3
FR Décalage de position réelle 3
ES Offset valor real de posicion 3
IT Offset Feedback Posizione Valore 3
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 141
Bit 0: Pre-selection
0: Profile 1 (P-0-0072)
1: Profile 2 (P-0-0092)
The drive will make a preselection if the master drive position goes
beyond the P-0-0094, cam shaft switch angle.
See also the functional description: "Electronic Cam Shaft"
P-0-0088 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Steuerwort Kurvenscheibe
EN Cam shaft control
FR Mot de contrôle arbre à came
ES Control de eje de leva
IT Controllo Camma
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xFFFF
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
142 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0089 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Statuswort Kurvenscheibe
EN Cam shaft status
FR Statut arbre à came
ES Palabra de status eje de leva
IT Stato Camma
Function: Parameter Editability: -
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xFFFF
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
Bit 0 : Negation
0: E2/3 not inverted,
24 V => travel range exceeded
1: E2/3 inverted,
0 V => travel range is exceeded
Bit 1 : Activation
0: Travel range switch is not active
1: Travel range switch is active
Bit 2 : Response
0: Exceeded travel range is handled as error
1: Exceeded travel range is handled as warning
P-0-0090 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Fahrbereichsgrenzschalter-Parameter
EN Travel limit parameter
FR Paramètres de butées hardware
ES Parametros limite de desplazamiento
IT Parametro Limite Percorso
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/0
Default value: 3 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 143
P-0-0092 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kurvenscheibe Tabelle 2
EN Cam shaft profile 2
FR Table arbre à came 2
ES Eje de leva tabla 2
IT Tabella Profilo Camma 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 6 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -199.999999 / 199.999999
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0093 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kurvenscheibe Hub
EN Cam shaft distance
FR Distance arbre à came
ES Eje de leva carrera
IT Distanza Camma
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -2147483648 / 2147483647
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: MDT
144 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
When the control drive is first initialized, the cam profile set in P-0-0088
will be activated. Parameter P-0-0089 also will be set.
See also the functional description: "Electronic Cam Shaft"
P-0-0094 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Umschaltwinkel Kurvenscheibe
EN Cam shaft switch angle
FR Angle commutation arbre à came
ES Angulo de conmutacion eje de leva
IT Angolo di Commutazione Camma
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0096 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Verfahrweg im Fehlerfall
EN Distance to move in error situation
FR Déplacement en cas de défaut
ES Recorrido de desplazamiento en caso de error
IT Distanza Movimento in Caso di Errore
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 145
P-0-0097 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Absolutgeber-Überwachungsfenster
EN Absolute encoder monitoring window
FR Fenêtre de surveillance du codeur absolu
ES Ventana de control de encoder absoluto
IT Finestra di Controllo del Encoder assoluto
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0076
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
146 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0098 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Max. Modellabweichung
EN Max. model deviation
FR Ecart maxi. au modèle
ES max. desviacion de modelo
IT Deviazione mass. da Modello
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0076
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0099 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lagesollwert-Glättungsfilter-Zeitkonstante
EN Position command smoothing time constant
FR Constante de temps de filtrage consigne de pos.
ES Posicion comando constante temporal
IT Costante di Tempo per Smorzamento Comandi Posiz.
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 147
1 Product-specific parameters
P-0-0108 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Polarität Leitantrieb
EN Master drive polarity
FR Polarité entraînement maître
ES Polaridad accionamiento conductor
IT Polarità Master
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/1
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0109 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Spitzendrehmoment-/Kraft-Begrenzung
EN Torque/force peak limit
FR Limitation couple/force crête
ES Limite par/fuerza punta
IT Limitazione Picco Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0086 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0086 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0086
Default value: 4000 Cyc. transmittable: no
148 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0110 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Ausgang 2
EN Parallel I/O output 2
FR Sortie parallèle 2
ES Salida paralela 2
IT Uscite parallele 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
P-0-0111 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Eingang 2
EN Parallel I/O input 2
FR Entrée parallèle 2
ES Entrada paralela 2
IT Ingressi paralleli 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0112 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Ausgang 3
EN Parallel I/O output 3
FR Sortie parallèle 3
ES Salida paralela 3
IT Uscite parallele 3
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 149
P-0-0113 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Eingang 3
EN Parallel I/O input 3
FR Entrée parallèle 3
ES Entrada paralela 3
IT Ingressi paralleli 3
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
Bit 0: Activation
0: instant control drive reaction to
non-fatal errors with
"best possible standstill"
1: reaction to non-fatal errors delayed
30 sec
150 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0117 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aktivierung NC-Reaktion im Fehlerfall
EN NC reaction on error
FR Activation réaction CN en cas de défaut
ES Activacion reaccion NC en caso de error
IT Reazione in Presenza Errore NC
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/1
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
With bit 1 it is possible to set when the error message can be removed
by the drive from power supply unit for the first time. If this bit is a 1, then
the error message is immediataly removed after the basic initialization of
the drive making a powering up possible already in communications
phase 0.If the bit is 1= 0, then the drive must be in communications
phase 4 without an error before the error message to the power supply
unit can be removed for the first time.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 151
Parameter structure:
P-0-0118 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Leistungsabschaltung im Fehlerfall
EN Power off on error
FR Mise hors tension en cas de défaut
ES Desconexion de potencia en caso de error
IT Spegnimento Potenza in Caso di Errore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: -- Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 31
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
152 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0119 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Bestmögliche Stillsetzung
EN Best possible deceleration
FR Arrêt au plus vite
ES La mejor parada posible
IT Decellerazione massima
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/3
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 153
See also the functional description: "Setting the Velocity Mix Factor"
P-0-0121 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Mischfaktor Geber 1 & Geber 2
EN Velocity mixfactor Feedback 1 & 2
FR Facteur de mixage vitesse codeur 1 & codeur 2
ES Factor mixto de velocidad encoder 1 & 2
IT Fattore di Correzione Feedback 1 & 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: % Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 100.0
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0123 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Absolutgeber-Puffer
EN Absolute encoder buffer
FR Tampon codeur absolu
ES Buffer de encoder absoluto
IT Buffer Encoder assoluto
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
154 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0124 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zuweisung Identnummer -> DEA-Ausgang
EN Assignment IDN -> DEA-output
FR Assignation IDN -> sortie DEA
ES Asignacion numero ident -> salida DEA
IT Assegnazione IDN -> DEA Uscite
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 155
Parameter structure:
P-0-0125 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zuweisung DEA-Eingang -> Identnummer
EN Assignment DEA-input -> IDN
FR Assignation entrée DEA -> IDN
ES Asignacion entrada DEA -> Numero de ident
IT Assegnazione Ingressi DEA -> IDN
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
156 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
• A drive error is recognized that still allows a reaction from the drive (all
non-fatal errors)
• In the case of separately supplied devices (HDS), a drive connected
to the same supply module reports an error to that module, so that the
intermediate voltage is switched off.
See also the functional description: "Velocity Command Value Reset"
P-0-0126 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Maximale Bremszeit
EN Maximum braking time
FR Temps de freinage max.
ES Tiempo max. de frenado
IT Tempo massimo di Frenata
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 500 / 100000
Default value: 10000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0127 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Überlastwarnung
EN Overload warning
FR Alerte surcharge
ES Aviso de sobrecarga
IT Preallarme Sovracarico
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 00000 / 100
Default value: 80 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 157
P-0-0131 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nockenschaltwerk-Signalauswahl
EN Signal select position switch
FR Boîte à cames, Sélection de signal
ES Señal seleccionar interruptor de posicion
IT Selezione Segnale Interr. di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/2
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0132 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nockenschaltwerk-Einschaltschwelle
EN Switch on threshold position switch
FR Boîte à cames, seuil d'enclenchement
ES Conectar en umbral interruptor de posicion
IT Attivazione Interr. Mantenimento Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -214748.3648 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
158 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0133 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nockenschaltwerk-Ausschaltschwelle
EN Switch off threshold position switch
FR Boîte à cames, seuil de déclenchement
ES Desconectar en umbral interruptor de posicion
IT Disattivazione Interr. Mantenimento Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -214748.3648 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
The velocity must remain constant in the range between the theoretical
and actual on-switch or off-switch threshold.
See also the functional description: "Programmable Limit Switch"
P-0-0134 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nockenschaltwerk-Vorhaltezeiten
EN Position switch lead times
FR Boîte à cames, temps d'anticipation
ES Interruptor de posicion tiempo avanzado
IT Interr. di Posiz. Tempo principale
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 32767
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 159
P-0-0135 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Nockenschaltwerk-Statuswort
EN Status position switch
FR Boîte à cames, message d'état
ES Interruptor de posicion - palabra de estado
IT Stato Interr. di Posizione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0139 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analogausgang 1
EN Analog output 1
FR Sortie analogique 1
ES Salida analogica 1
IT Uscita analogica 1
160 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0140 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analogausgang 2
EN Analog output 2
FR Sortie analogique 2
ES Salida analogica 2
IT Uscita analogica 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: V Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -10000 / 10000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
P-0-0141 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Thermische Regelgeräte-Auslastung
EN Thermal drive load
FR Charge thermique variateur
ES Descarga termica de reguladores
IT Carico termico Azionamento
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 161
P-0-0142 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aufsynchronisier-Beschleunigung
EN Synchronization acceleration
FR Accélération de synchronisation
ES Aceleracion de sincronizacion
IT Accellerazione di Sincronizzazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0160 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0160 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 2147483647
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0143 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aufsynchronisier-Geschwindigkeit
EN Synchronization velocity
FR Vitesse de synchronisation
ES Velocidad de sincronizacion
IT Velocità di Sincronizzazione
162 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0144 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Umschaltwinkel Kurvenscheibe Hub
EN Cam shaft distance switch angle
FR Angle de commutation course profil de came
ES Angulo de conmutacion distancia eje de leva
IT Distanza Angolo di Commutazione Camma
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 214748.3647
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Parameter structure:
31 30 29 282726 252423 2221 2019 1817 1615 1413 1211 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 163
P-0-0145 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggerschwelle erw.Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Expanded trigger level
FR Seuil de déclenchement fonction oscill. élargie
ES Umbral de trigger funcion ampliada de osciloscopio
IT Superamento Soglia Fronte di Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
Parameter structure:
31 30 29 28 27 2625 2423 2221 2019 1817 16 15 14 13 1211 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The 16-bit value of the trigger edge is monitored, and the trigger signal
will have been previous ANDed via the mask for trigger signals.
P-0-0146 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Triggersignaladresse erw. Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Expanded trigger address
FR Adresse déclenchement fonction ocill. élargie
ES Direccion de trigger funcion de osciloscopio ampliada
IT Superamento Indirizzo del Segnale di Trigger
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
164 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0147 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signaladresse K1 erw. Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Expanded signal K1 address
FR Adresse signal K1 fonction oscill. élargie
ES Direccion de señal K1 funcion de osciloscopio ampliada
IT Indirizzo Segnale K1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0148 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signaladresse K2 erw. Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Expanded signal K2 address
FR Adresse signal K2 fonction oscill. élargie
ES Direccion de señal K2 funcion de osciloscopio ampliada
IT Indirizzo Segnale K2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 165
P-0-0149 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signalauswahlliste für Oszilloskopfunktion
EN List of selectable signals for oscilloscope function
FR Liste sélection signaux pour fonction oscilloscope
ES Lista de seleccion de señal para funcion de osciloscopio
IT Lista dei Segnali validi per Funzione Oscilloscopio
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0150 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Anzahl gültiger Messwerte für Oszilloskopfunktion
EN Number of valid samples for oscilloscope function
FR Nombre de mesures valides pour fonction oscilloscope
ES Numero de valores de medicion validos para funcion oscilosco
IT Numero dei Campionamenti validi per Funz. Oscill.
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
166 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0151 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aufsynchronisierfenster bei Modulo-Format
EN Synchronization init window for modulo format
FR Fenêtre de sync. pour format modulo
ES Ventana de sincronizacion en formato de modulo
IT Inizializzazione Sincronizzazione per Formato Modulo
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: S-0-0076 Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 2147483647
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 167
P-0-0153 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Optimaler Abstand Referenzschalter-Referenzmarke
EN Optimal distance home switch - reference mark
FR Distance optimale entre contact d'origine et marque de réf.
ES Distancia optima marca de puesta a cero
IT Distanza ottimale Camma di Zero
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: S-0-0076 Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: S-0-0076 / S-0-0076
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
168 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0154 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aufsynchronisier-Richtung
EN Synchronization direction
FR Sens de synchronisation
ES Sincronizacion direccion
IT Direzione di Sincronismo
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/2
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0155 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Aufsynchronisier-Modus
EN Synchronization mode
FR Mode de synchronisation
ES Sincronizacion modo
IT Modo di Sincronizzazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 169
P-0-0156 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Leitachsgetriebe Eingangsumdrehungen
EN Master drive gear input revolutions
FR Entrée réducteur master, nombre de tours
ES Giros de entrada de engranaje master
IT No. di Giri in Ingresso al Riduttore Master
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 65535
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0157 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Leitachsgetriebe Ausgangsumdrehungen
EN Master drive gear output revolutions
FR Sortie réducteur master, nombre de tours
ES Giros de salida de engranaje master
IT No. di Giri in Uscita del Riduttore Master
170 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0158 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Änderungsgeschwindigkeit Winkelverschiebung
EN Phase offset velocity
FR Vitesse modification décalage angulaire
ES Velocidad de modificación desplazamiento angular
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Rpm Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 23 / 655.35
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 171
P-0-0159 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Vorschubweg Folgeantrieb
EN Slave drive feed travel
FR Déplacement entraînement suiveur
ES Recorrido de avance accionamiento esclavo
IT Distanza Avanzamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 214748.3647
Default value: 100000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0170 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Ausgang 4
EN Parallel I/O output 4
FR Sortie parallèle 4
ES Salida paralela 4
IT Uscita parallela 4
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffffffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
P-0-0171 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Eingang 4
EN Parallel I/O input 4
FR Entrée parallele 4
ES Entrada paralela 4
IT Ingressi paralleli 4
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffffffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
172 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0172 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Ausgang 5
EN Parallel I/O output 5
FR Sortie parallèle 5
ES Salida paralela 5
IT Uscita parallela 5
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffffffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
P-0-0173 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Eingang 5
EN Parallel I/O input 5
FR Entrée parallèle 5
ES Entrada paralela 5
IT Ingressi paralleli 5
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffffffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 173
P-0-0174 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Ausgang 6
EN Parallel I/O output 6
FR Sortie parallèle 6
ES Salida paralela 6
IT Uscita parallela 6
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffffffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: MDT
P-0-0175 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Paralleler Eingang 6
EN Parallel I/O input 6
FR Entrée parallèle 6
ES Entrada paralela 6
IT Ingressi paralleli 6
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 0xffffffff
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0180 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Sperrfrequenz Geschwindigkeitsregler
EN Rejection frequency velocity loop
FR Fréquence á supprimer, boucle de vitesse
ES Frecuencia a eliminar Regulador de velocidad
IT Frequenza da sopprimere, Anello di Velocità
174 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0181 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Bandbreite Sperrfilter Geschwindigkeitsregler
EN Rejection bandwidth velocity loop
FR Gamme de bande à supprimer, boucle de vitesse
ES Ancho de banda a eliminar regulador de velocidad
IT Larghezza Banda da sopprimere, Anello di Velocità
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Hz Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 3900
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 175
• If the ext. encoder is used as a control encoder, then it can be used to
close the control loop. All modes are possible with ext. enc. The
position value is set in S-0-0053, Position Feedback Value 2 (Ext.
• Bei Verwendung des externen Gebers als Leitachsgeber wird die
Position im fest definiertem Format (2^20 Inkr./Umd) gebildet. Die
Position erscheint im Parameter P-0.0052 Lageistwert 3
• If the ext. enc. is used as a motor enc., then the control loop and
commutation are generated via this encoder. Only S-0-0053, Position
Feedback Value 2 (Ext. Feedback) is supported.
• Bei Verwendung des externen Gebers als Messradgeber kann dieser
zeitweilig ohne starre Kopplung mit dem Motorgeber sein. Bei
Aktivierung des Messradbetriebs wird der S-0-0053, Lageistwert 2
gesetzt und für die Lageregelung benutzt. (siehe auch:
Funktionsbeschreibung: Messradbetrieb).
P-0-0185 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Funktion des ext. Gebers
EN Function of ext. encoder
FR Fonction du codeur externe
ES Función del encoder externo
IT Funzione del Encoder esterno
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0190 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Betriebsstunden Steuerteil
EN Operating hours control section
FR Heures de fonctionnement contrôle
ES Horas de servicio sesión de control
IT Ore d'Operazione Sezione Controllo
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: h Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
176 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0191 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Betriebsstunden Leistungsteil
EN Operating hours power section
FR Heures de fonctionnnement puissance
ES Horas de servicio parte de potencia
IT Ore d'Operazione Sezione Potenza
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: h Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0192 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Fehlerspeicher Diagnosenummer
EN Error recorder, diagnosis number
FR Enregistrement d'erreurs, numéros de diagnostique
ES Memoria de errores número de diagnóstico
IT Memoria dei Guasti, Numeri Diagnosi
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: Verst. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 177
P-0-0193 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Fehlerspeicher Betriebstunden Steuerteil
EN Error recorder, operating hours control section
FR Enregistrement d'erreurs, heures de fonctionnement cont.
ES Memoria de errores horas de servicio parte de control
IT Memoria dei Guasti, Ore d'Operazione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte variabel Memory: Verst. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
178 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0200 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signal-Auswahl Messtaster 1
EN Signal select probe 1
FR Sélection signal pour sonde 1
ES Seleccion de señal muestra 1
IT Selezione Segnale Probe 1
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/4
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0201 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signal-Auswahl Messtaster 2
EN Signal select probe 2
FR Sélection signal pour sonde 2
ES Seleccion de señal muestra 2
IT Selezione Segnale Probe 2
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/2
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 179
P-0-0202 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Differenz Messwerte 1
EN Difference probe values 1
FR Différence mesure 1
ES Diferencia valores de medicion 1
IT Differenza Valore Misurato 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0203 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Differenz Messwerte 2
EN Difference probe values 2
FR Différence mesure 2
ES Diferencia valores de medicion 2
IT Differenza Valore Misurato 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: AT
P-0-0204 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Startposition Messtasterfunktion aktiv
EN Start position for active probe
FR Position de départ pour sonde active
ES Posición inicial para sonda activa
IT Posizione Inizio per Funzione Probe
180 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0205 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Endposition Messtasterfunktion aktiv
EN End position for active probe
FR Position finale pour sonde active
ES Posición final para sonda activa
IT Posizione Fine per Funzione Probe
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: S-0-0076/P-0-0200 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 1000000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0210 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 1
EN Analog input 1
FR Entrée analogique 1
ES Entrada analogica 1
IT Ingresso analogico 1
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 181
P-0-0211 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 2
EN Analog input 2
FR Entrée analogique 2
ES Entrada analogica 2
IT Ingresso analogico 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: V Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0212 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingänge, IDN-Liste der zuweisbaren Parameter
EN Analog inputs, IDN list of assignable parameters
FR Entrées analogiques, liste des param.s pouvant être assignés
ES Entradas analógicas, lista IDN de parámetros asignables
IT Ingressi analogichi, Lista dei Parametri assignabili
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
182 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0213 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 1, Zuweisung
EN Analog input 1, assignment
FR Entrée analogique 1, Assignation
ES Entrada analógica 1, asignación
IT Ingresso analogico 1, Assignazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0214 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 1, Bewertung pro 10V
EN Analog input 1, scaling per 10V full scale
FR Entrée analogique 1, Calibrage pour 10V
ES Entrada analógica 1, calibrado
IT Ingresso analogico 1, Scala per 10V
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 183
P-0-0215 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 2, Zuweisung
EN Analog input 2, assignment
FR Entrée analogique 2, Assignation
ES Entrada analógica 2, asignación
IT Ingresso analogico 1, Assignazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: --- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: --- Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
184 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0216 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 2, Bewertung pro 10V
EN Analog input 2, scaling per 10V full scale
FR Entrée analogique 2, Calibrage pour 10V
ES Entrada analógica 2, calibrado
IT Ingresso analogico 1, Scala per 10V
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: --- Memory: Param. EE
Format: --- Validity check: no
Unit: --- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: --- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 2147483647
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0217 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 1, Offset
EN Analog input 1, offset
FR Entrée analogique 1, offset
ES Entrada analogica 1, offset
IT Ingresso analogico 1, Offset
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: V Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -10000 / 10000
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0218 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Eingang 2, Offset
EN Analog input 2, offset
FR Entrée analogique 2, offset
ES Entrada analogica 2, offset
IT Ingresso analogico 2, Offset
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: V Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -10000 / 10000
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 185
P-0-0220 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE D800 Kommando Messradbetrieb
EN D800 Command Measuring wheel operation mode
FR D800 Commande Fonctionnement Roue de mesure
ES D800 Comando Servicio de rueda de medición
IT D800 Comando Ruota di Misura
Function: Command Editability: P4
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0221, Actual position filter time const. for measuring wheel mode
When the command Measuring wheel operation is active, the position
loop is closed with the sum of the position feedback value 1 and the
filtered difference between the values of position feedback 2 and position
feedback 1. Filtering is done with a low pass of 1st order. The time
constant of this filter is determined by this parameter.
The aim of damping the differential position feedback is to smoothen
negative effects from a bad coupling between the encoder 2 and the
motor shaft (only material).
The final position is determined by the position feedback value 2 only.
P-0-0221 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Lageistwert-Glättungszeitkonstante im Messradbetrieb
186 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0420 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgang 1, Signalauswahl
EN Analog output 1 signal selection
FR Sortie analogique 1, sélection de signal
ES Salida analógica 1, selección de señal
IT Uscita analogica 1, Scelta del Segnale
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 187
The outputs are scaling dependent and always relate to the motor shaft
given position and relocity data
2) Byte output
It is possible herewith to output memory cells of the data memory as
analog voltage. It can only be practically applied if the data storage
stuctures is familiar. As this is, however, different from version to version,
the the function can only be used by the respective developer. The
function is activated by setting bit 28 in P-0-0421, Analog output 1,
expanded signal selection. The adress of the memory cell is defined in
the low word of the expanded signal selection.
Bit 0..15:
16 Bit adress
Bit 28 :
byte output
188 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
3) Bit output
Individual bits of the data memory can be shown as analog voltage
herewith.If the respective bit is set, then 10V voltage is output at the
analog output. A reset bit outputs -10V. The function is activated by
setting bit 29 and inputting the desired memory address in P-0-0421,
Analog output 1, expanded signal selection.
Bit 0..15:
16 Bit adress
Bit 29 :
bit output
P-0-0421 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgang 1, erweiterte Signalauswahl
EN Analog output 1, expanded signal selection
FR Sortie analogique 1, sélection de signal élargie
ES Salida analógica 1, selección de señal ampliada
IT Uscita analogica 1, Superamento Scelta
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0422 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgang 1, Bewertung [1/10V]
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 189
P-0-0423 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgang 2, Signalauswahl
EN Analog output 2, signal selection
FR Sortie analogique 2, sélection de signal
ES Salida analógica 2, selección de señal
IT Uscita analogica 2, Scelta del Segnale
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
190 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Internal signal numbers are assigned which are not in the drive in the
form of ID numbers. These signals have permanent units making an
evaluation via P-0-0425, Analog output 2, scalling per 10V full scale
possible. The evaluation factor 1.0 equals the permanent unit. The
following permanently defined signals are possible:
The outputs are scaling dependent and always relate to the motor shaft
given position and relocity data
2) Byte output
It is possible herewith to output memory cells of the data memory as
analog voltage. It can only be practically applied if the data storage
stuctures is familiar. As this is, however, different from version to version,
the the function can only be used by the respective developer. The
function is activated by setting bit 28 in P-0-0424, Analog output 2,
expanded signal selection. The adress of the memory cell is defined in
the low word of the expanded signal selection.
Bit 0..15:
16 Bit adress
Bit 28 :
byte output
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 191
3) Bit output
Individual bits of the data memory can be shown as analog voltage
herewith.If the respective bit is set, then 10V voltage is output at the
analog output. A reset bit outputs -10V. The function is activated by
setting bit 29 and inputting the desired memory address in P-0-0424,
Analog output 2, expanded signal selection.
Bit 0..15:
16 Bit adress
Bit 29 :
bit output
P-0-0424 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgang 2, erweiterte Signalauswahl
EN Analog output 2, expanded signal selection
FR Sortie analogique 2, sélection de signal élargie
ES Salida analógica 2, selección de señal ampliada
IT Uscita analogica 2, Superamento Scelta
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
192 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0425 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgang 2, Bewertung [1/10V]
EN Analog output 2, scaling per 10V full scale
FR Sortie analogique 2, calibrage [1/10V]
ES Salida analógica 2, calibrado [1/10V]
IT Uscita analogica 2, Scala per 10V fondo scala
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: Memory: Param. EE
Format: P-0-0420/P-0-0421 Validity check: no
Unit: P-0-0420/P-0-0421 Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: P-0-0420/P-0-0421 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0426 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Analog-Ausgabe, IDN-Liste der zuweisbaren Parameter
EN Analog outputs, IDN list of assignable parameters
FR Sorties analog., liste des paramètres pouvant être assignés
ES Salida analógica, lista IDN de los números ID asignables
IT Uscite analogiche, Lista IDN dei Parametri assignabili
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte variabel Memory: no
Format: IDN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -/-
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0502 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geber-Emulation Auflösung
EN Encoder emulation, resolution
FR Emulation codeur, résolution
ES Emulacion de encoder, resolucion
IT Emulazione Encoder, Risoluzione
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 193
P-0-0503 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Referenzimpuls-Offset
EN Marker pulse offset
FR Décalage du top 0 pour emul. codeur incr.
ES Desviacion impulso de referencia
IT Offset Impulso di Zero
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Deg Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 359.9999
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0505 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Signalauswahl Inkrementalgeber-Emulator
EN Signal selection incremental encoder
FR Sélection de signal pour emul. codeur incr.
ES Selección de señal emulador de encoder incremental
IT Emulazione Encoder incr., Selezione Segnale
194 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0508 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kommutierungs-Offset
EN Commutation offset
FR Offset de commutation
ES Offset de conmutacion
IT Offset di Commutazione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0509 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Passfedernut-Winkel
EN Slot angle
FR Angle de clavette
ES Angulo de chavetero
IT Angolo di Inserzione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 195
P-0-0510 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Rotorträgheitsmoment
EN Moment of inertia of the rotor
FR Couple d'inertie du rotor
ES Par de inercia de rotor
IT Coppia di Inerzia del Rotore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: kgm² Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 5 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 10000000
Default value: 10000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0511 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Haltebremsenstrom
EN Brake current
FR Courant frein
ES Corriente de frenado de parada
IT Corrente Freno
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 500000
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
196 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
the length of the peak current characteristics line for the peak current
limit of the amplifier.
No value can be entered since it is permanently programmed within the
P-0-0518 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Verstärker-Nennstrom 2
EN Amplifier nominal current 2
FR Courant nominal variateur 2
ES Amplificador corriente nominal 2
IT Corrente Nominale Azionamento 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 500000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0519 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Verstärker-Spitzenstrom 2
EN Amplifier peak current 2
FR Courant crête variateur 2
ES Amplificador corriente punta 2
IT Corrente di Picco Azionamento 2
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 500000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 197
P-0-0523 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kommutierungseinstellung Messwert
EN Commutation, probe value
FR Mesure reglage de commutation
ES Ajuste de conmutacion, valor de medicion
IT Commutazione, Valore di Probe
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: S-0-0076 Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: S-0-0076 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -2147483648 / 2147483647
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
If these criteria are met, the drive will automatically set the appropriate
commutator offset for synchronous motors.
See also the functional description: "Determining the commutation offset"
P-0-0524 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kommutierungseinstellung Kommando
EN Commutation command
FR Commande reglage de commutation
ES Comando ajuste de conmutacion
IT Commutazione - Comando
Function: Command Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
198 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0525 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Haltebremsentyp
EN Type of motor brake
FR Type de frein
ES Tipo de freno de motor
IT Tipo di Freno
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0/1
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0526 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Haltebremsen-Verzugszeit
EN Brake control delay
FR Délai frein
ES Retardo de control de freno
IT Ritardo Freno
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 100000
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0530 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Schlupfanhebung
EN Slip increase
FR Accroissement de glissement par température
ES Aumento de deslizamiento
IT Incremento Slip
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 199
P-0-0531 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kippstromgrenze
EN Stall current limit
FR Limite du courant bascule
ES Limite de corriente de volcado
IT Limite di Corrente di Inversione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A/Vmin Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 4294967295
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0532 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Vormagnetisierungsfaktor
EN Premagnetization factor
FR Facteur de pré-magnétisation
ES Factor de magnetizacion previa
IT Fattore di Premagnetizzazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 25 / 100
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
200 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0533 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Feldregler Prop.verst.
EN Flux loop prop. gain
FR Gain prop. de l'asservissement de flux
ES Regulador de campo amplificacion proporcional
IT Guadagno prop. Anello di Flusso
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A/V Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 100 / 65535
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0534 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Feldregler Nachstellzeit
EN Flux loop integral action time
FR Part intégrale de l'asservissement de flux
ES Regulador de campo tiempo de reajuste
IT Tempo Integrazione Anello di Flusso
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 201
P-0-0535 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motorleerlaufspannung
EN Motor voltage at no load
FR Tension moteur á vide
ES Tension de marcha en vacio de motor
IT No Carico Tensione Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: %Uzwk Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 500 / 1000
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0536 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motormaximalspannung
EN Motor voltage max.
FR Tension max. moteur
ES Tension maxima de motor
IT Tensione Motore massima
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: %Uzwk Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 500 / 1000
Default value: 1000 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-0537, S1-Kink-speed
Starting with the S1 kink speed, core losses result in.a drop in power.
This motor-specific velocity determined by Indramat is only useful for the
"S1 operating mode". From this velocity on, the field quickly weakens so
as to keep the motor temperature low.
See also the functional description: "Asynchronous Motors"
P-0-0537 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE S1-Eckdrehzahl
EN S1-Kink-speed
FR Vitesse coin S1
ES S1-N.d.r. angular
IT S1 Velocità di Curvatura
202 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-0538 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motorfunktionsparameter 1
EN Motor function parameter 1
FR Paramètre de fonctions 1 moteur
ES Parametros de funcion 1 de motor
IT Parametro Funzioni 1 Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: BIN Validity check: Phase3
Unit: --- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: yes
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-1201 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Steigung Rampe 1
EN Ramp 1 pitch
FR Montée Rampe 1
ES Rampa de velocidad 1
IT Velocità Rampa 1
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 203
P-0-1222 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Geschwindigkeits-Sollwert-Filter
EN Velocity command filter
FR Filtrage de consigne vitesse
ES Constante temporal de alisado de valor nominal
IT Filtro su Velocità comandata
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: ms Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 999
Default value: 0 Cyc. transmittable: no
204 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-4000 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Strommess-Nullabgleich Phase U
EN Current-zero-trim phase U
FR Reglage courant nul phase U
ES Compensacion cero de medicion de corriente fase U
IT Regolazione Corrente 0 Fase U
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 10000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4001 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Strommess-Nullabgleich Phase V
EN Current-zero-trim phase V
FR Reglage courant nul phase V
ES Compensacion cero de medicion de corriente fase V
IT Regolazione Corrente 0 Fase V
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_MV Validity check: no
Unit: % Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 10000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4002 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Strommess-Verst.abgleich Phase U
EN Current-amplify-trim phase U
FR Reglage amplification courant phase U
ES Compensacion de amplif. de medicion de corriente fase U
IT Regolaz. Aplif. Corrente Fase U
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 205
P-0-4003 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Strommess-Verst.abgleich Phase V
EN Current-amplify-trim phase V
FR Reglage amplification courant phase V
ES Compensacion de amplif. de medicion de corriente fase V
IT Regolaz. Amplif. Corrente Fase V
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4004 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Magnetisierungsstrom
EN Magnetizing current
FR Courant de magnétisation
ES Corriente de magnetizacion
IT Corrente di Magnetizzazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 4 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / S-0-0110
Default value: 7500 Cyc. transmittable: no
206 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-4011 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Schaltfrequenz
EN Switching frequency
FR Fréquence de coupure
ES Frecuencia de conexion
IT Frequenza di Commutazione
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: kHz Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: yes
Input min/max: 4/8
Default value: 4 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4012 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Schlupffaktor
EN Slip factor
FR Facteur de glissement
ES Factor de deslizamiento
IT Fattore di Slip
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: Hz/100A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 50000
Default value: 100 Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 207
P-0-4014 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motorart
EN Motor type
FR Type de moteur
ES Tipo de motor
IT Tipo Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: -- Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1/7
Default value: 1 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4015 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Zwischenkreisspannung
EN Intermediate voltage
FR Tension du circuit intermédiaire
ES Tension de circuito intermedio
IT Tensione sul Bus DC
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: V Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 1000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
Note: Do not change the baud rate in the list of all parameters in
DriveTop. Doing so would lock out all further communications
in DriveTop versions < 3.
208 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-4021 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Baud-Rate RS-232/485
EN Baud rate RS-232/485
FR Baud-Rate RS-232/485
ES Frecuencia de baudios RS-232/485
IT Baud Rate RS-232/485
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: -- / --
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4022 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Antriebsadresse
EN Drive address
FR Adresse entraînement
ES Direccion de accionamiento
IT Indirizzo Azionamento
Function: Parameter Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Param. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 256
Default value: 256 Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4023 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C400 Umschaltung auf Komm.-Phase 2
EN C400 Communication phase 2 transition
FR C400 Passage en phase 2
ES C400 Conmutacion a fase 2
IT C400 Comando Selezione Modo Parametri
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 209
P-0-4035, Trim-current
In this parameter, the current value is stored with which the current
measurement of the drive control is precisely adjusted in the factory.
This eliminates systematical errors in the current measurement. The
value has no meaning to the user and cannot be changed.
P-0-4035 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Abgleichstrom
EN Trim-current
FR Courant pour le calibrage
ES Corriente para calibrado
IT Regolazione Corrente
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Verst. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: Phase3
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 500000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4036 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Angeschlossener Motortyp
EN Contacted motor type
FR Type du moteur raccordé
ES Tipo de motor conectado
IT Tipo di Motore Collegato
Function: Parameter Editability: P234
Data length: 1Byte variabel Memory: Param. EE
Format: ASCII Validity check: Phase3
210 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-0-4045 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wirksamer Dauerstrom
EN Active permanent current
FR Courant permanent actuel
ES Corriente continua activa
IT Corrente continuativa attiva
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-0-4046 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Wirksamer Spitzenstrom
EN Active peak current
FR Courant crête actuel
ES Corriente punta activa
IT Corrente di Picco Attiva
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: no
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 211
P-0-4094 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE C800 Kommando Basisparameter laden
EN C800 Command Base-parameter load
FR C800 Commande chargement des paramètres de base
ES C800 Comando cargar parametro base
IT C800 Comando Caricare Parametri di Base
Function: Command Editability: P23
Data length: 2Byte Memory: no
Format: BIN Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: -- Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-0018 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Polpaarzahl/Polpaarweite
EN Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance
FR Nombre de paires de pôles/distance polaire
ES Numero de par de polo/espacio de par de polo
IT Numero di Coppie Poli
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: -
Unit: pairs of poles/mm Extrem value check: -
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
212 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-7-0051 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehmoment-/Kraft-Konstante
EN Torque/force constant
FR Constante de couple/force
ES Constante de par/fuerza
IT Costante di Coppia/Forza
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: Nm/A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-0508 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Kommutierungs-Offset
EN Commutation offset
FR Offset de commutation
ES Offset de conmutacion
IT Offset di Commutazione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-0509 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Passfedernut-Winkel
EN Slot angle
FR Angle de clavette
ES Angulo de chavetero
IT Angolo di Inserzione
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 213
P-7-0510 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Rotorträgheitsmoment
EN Moment of inertia of the rotor
FR Couple d'inertie du rotor
ES Par de inercia de rotor
IT Coppia di Inerzia del Rotore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: kgm² Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 5 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 1 / 10000000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-0511 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Haltebremsenstrom
EN Brake current
FR Courant frein
ES Corriente de frenado de parada
IT Corrente Freno
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: A Extrem value check: yes
Decimal places: 3 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 500000
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
214 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-7-0512 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Defaultwert für Lageregler Kv-Faktor
EN Default value for Kv-factor of position control
FR Valeur défaut pour gain asservissement de pos. Kv
ES Regulador de posicion factor Kv, default
IT Fattore Kv Anello di Posizione, Default
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: 1000/min Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-0513 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Feedback-Typ
EN Feedback type
FR Type de feedback
ES Tipo de retroalimentacion
IT Tipo di Feedback
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-0514 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Absolutgeber-Offset
EN Absolute encoder offset
FR Offset du codeur absolu
ES Offset de encoder absoluto
IT Offset Encoder assoluto
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 215
P-7-4028 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Impulsdrahtgeber-Offset
EN Impulse wire feedback - offset
FR Offset codeur impulsionnel câblé
ES Offset de encoder de cable de impulso
IT Offset Impulso di Zero
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-4029 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Impulsdrahtgeber-Zählerstand
EN Impulse wire feedback - PIC counter value
FR Valeur du compteur codeur impulsionnel câblé
ES Nivel de contador encoder de cable de impulso
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 4Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: HEX Validity check: no
Unit: -- Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: --- / ---
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
216 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-7-4037 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehzahlregler-Prop.verst. Default
EN Velocity loop prop. gain, default
FR Gain prop. de l'asservissement de vitesse, défaut
ES Amplificacion prop. de regulador de velocidad, default
IT Guadagno prop. Anello di Velocità, Default
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: mAs/rad Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-4038 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehzahlregler-Nachstellzeit Default
EN Velocity loop integral action time, default
FR Part intégrale de l'asservissement de vitesse, défaut
ES Tiempo de reajuste de regulador de velocidad, default
IT Tempo Integrazione Anello di Velocità, Default
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: ms Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement A: Product-specific parameters 217
P-7-4039 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stromregler-Prop.verst. Default
EN Current loop prop. gain, default
FR Gain prop. de l'asservissement de courant, défaut
ES Regulador de corriente amplificacion proporcional, default
IT Guadagno prop. Anello di Corrente, Default
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: V/A Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-4042 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Drehzahlregler-Glättungszeitkonst. Default
EN Speed control smoothing time, default
FR Temps de filtrage vitesse, défaut
ES Constante temporal de alisamiento, default
IT Tempo di Smorzamento Velocità, Default
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: us Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 0 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 250 / 65500
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
218 Supplement A: Product-specific parameters DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
P-7-4047 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Motor-Induktivität
EN Motor inductance
FR Inductance moteur
ES Inductividad de motor
IT Induttanza Motore
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: mH Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 2 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
P-7-4049 - Attributes
Para. Name: DE Stromregler-Nachstellzeit Default
EN Current loop integral action time, default
FR Part intégrale de l'asservissement de courant, défaut
ES Tiempo de reajuste de regulador de corriente, default
IT Tempo Integrazione Anello di Corrente, Default
Function: Parameter Editability: no
Data length: 2Byte Memory: Feedb. EE
Format: DEC_OV Validity check: no
Unit: ms Extrem value check: no
Decimal places: 1 Combination check: no
Input min/max: 0 / 65535
Default value: --- Cyc. transmittable: no
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 4-1
Absolute distance 1 74
Baud rate RS-232/485 207
Absolute distance 2 74
Beginning address in master data
Absolute encoder buffer 153 telegram 7
Absolute encoder monitoring window Best possible deceleration 152
Bipolar acceleration limit value 61
Absolute encoder offset 214
Bipolar torque/force limit value 41
Acceleration data scaling exponent 70
Bipolar velocity limit value 41
Acceleration data scaling factor 70
Brake control delay 198
Acceleration data scaling type 69
Brake current 195, 213
Acceleration feedforward prop. gain 97
Activation E-Stop function 111
Active peak current 210 C
Active permanent current 210 C100 Communication phase 3
Actual position filter time const. for transition check 57
measuring wheel mode 185 C200 Communication phase 4
Additive velocity command value 23 transition check 58
4-2 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Current loop integral action time 1 49 Flux loop integral action time 200
Current loop integral action time, Flux loop prop. gain 200
default 218 Following error 79
Current loop prop. gain, default 217 Function of ext. encoder 174
Current loop proportional gain 1 49
Current-amplify-trim phase U 204
Current-amplify-trim phase V 205
Current-zero-trim phase U 203 Gear ratio fine adjust 139
Current-zero-trim phase V 204
Custom amplifier telegram H
configuration list 13
Home switch 101
Home switch offset 92
Homing acceleration 25
D500 Command determine marker Homing parameter 65
position 115
Homing velocity 24
D600 Cancel reference point procedure
command 80
D700 Command Parking axis 62 I
D800 Command Measuring wheel
operation mode 185 IDN-list of all operation data 13
E Interface status 11
Intermediate power 98
Encoder emulation, resolution 192
Intermediate voltage 207
End position for active probe 180
Error message number 112
Error recorder, diagnosis number 176 J
Error recorder, operating hours control Jerk limit bipolar 98
section 177
Excessive position command value 113
Expanded signal K1 address 164 L
Expanded signal K2 address 164 Language selection 87
Expanded trigger address 163 Last valid position command value 113
Expanded trigger level 162 Length of master data telegram 7
Length of the configurable data record
in the AT 77
F Length of the configurable data record
Feed constant 56 in the MDT 77
Feedback acquisition starting time (T4) Linear position data scaling exponent
6 36
Feedback type 214 Linear position data scaling factor 35
Feedrate override 50 List of all operation modes 91
Filter time constant additional pos. List of configurable data in the AT 78
command 130 List of configurable data in the MDT 78
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 4-3
M Offset position feedback value 3 140
Magnetizing current 205 Operating hours control section 175
Manufacturer class 3 diagnostics 75 Operating hours power section 176
Manufacturer version 18 Optimal distance home switch -
Marker position A 73 reference mark 166
Motor voltage at no load 200 Pattern ctrl profile 3B, switch angle 2
Motor voltage max. 201
Phase offset velocity 170
Motor warning temperature 81
Position command additional actual
MST error counter 17 value 125
Multiplication 1 84 Position command smoothing time
Multiplication 2 85 constant 146
Position command value 28
Position command value additional 28
Position data scaling type 34
NC Cycle time (TNcyc) 3 Position feedback 1 type parameter 89
NC reaction on error 149 Position feedback 2 type parameter 53
Negative position limit value 29 Position feedback value 1 (motor
Number of pole pairs/pole pair distance feedback) 30
116, 211
4-4 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Position feedback value 2 (ext. Setup flag for relative command values
feedback) 31 96
Position feedback value 3 128 Signal select position switch 157
Position feedback value status 103 Signal select probe 1 177
Position loop Kv-factor 48 Signal select probe 2 178
Position polarity parameter 32 Signal select scope channel 1 118
Position start value 116 Signal select scope channel 2 119
Position switch lead times 158 Signal selection incremental encoder
Position synchronization window 82 193
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 4-5
Velocity command filter 203
Velocity command value 23
Velocity data scaling exponent 27
Velocity data scaling factor 27
Velocity data scaling type 26
Velocity feedback value 24
Velocity loop integral action time 47
Velocity loop integral action time,
default 216
Velocity loop prop. gain, default 216
Velocity loop proportional gain 47
Velocity loop smoothing time constant
Velocity mixfactor Feedback 1 & 2 153
Velocity polarity parameter 25
Velocity synchronization window 76
Velocity threshold nx 57
Velocity window 68
4-6 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Drive With
Electric Gear Function
Supplement B
Diagnostic Message Description
About this documentation DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents I
1 Diagnostic Message Descriptions 1
1.1 Overview of the diagnostic message descriptions .................................................................................. 1
Diagnostic Message Types .............................................................................................................. 1
Construction of a diagnostic message ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Error diagnostic messages ..................................................................................................................... 3
F207 Switching to uninitialized operation mode ............................................................................... 3
F208 UL The motor type has changed............................................................................................. 4
F209 PL Load parameter default values .......................................................................................... 4
F218 Amplifier overtemp. shutdown................................................................................................. 5
F219 Motor overtemp. shutdown ..................................................................................................... 5
F221 Error Motor temp. surveillance defective ................................................................................ 6
F226 Undervoltage in power section................................................................................................ 7
F228 Excessive deviation................................................................................................................. 7
F229 Motor encoder failure: quadrant error ..................................................................................... 8
F233 External power supply error .................................................................................................... 9
F236 Excessive position feedback difference.................................................................................. 9
F237 Excessive position command difference............................................................................... 10
F242 External encoder failure: signal too small ............................................................................. 11
F245 External encoder failure: quadrant error ............................................................................... 12
F248 Low battery voltage ............................................................................................................... 12
F249 Master drive encoder failure: signal too small....................................................................... 14
F252 Master drive encoder failure: quadrant error......................................................................... 14
F253 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too high................................................................. 15
F254 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault ................................................................................. 15
F255 External power supply DAE 02 error..................................................................................... 15
F267 Erroneous internal hardware synchronization....................................................................... 16
F268 Brake fault............................................................................................................................. 16
F270 Error power supply home switch ........................................................................................... 17
F271 Error power supply travel limit switch.................................................................................... 18
F272 Error power supply probe input ............................................................................................. 18
F273 Error power supply E-Stop .................................................................................................... 19
F276 Absolute encoder out of allowed window .............................................................................. 19
F280 Short circuit to earth.............................................................................................................. 20
F316 Softstart fault power supply unit ............................................................................................ 21
F318 Heatsink overtemp. fault power supply unit .......................................................................... 21
F320 Bleeder overload ................................................................................................................... 22
F360 Overcurrent power supply unit .............................................................................................. 22
F369 +24V/+-15V/+5V fault power supply unit............................................................................... 23
F380 Short to ground power supply unit ........................................................................................ 23
II Contents DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents III
IV Contents DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function Contents V
2 Index 2-1
VI Contents DIAX04Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 1
Diagnostic message
For the example in the graphic, "F2" and "28" are shown alternately on
the H1-Display.
The control system can read out the diagnostic number in hexadecimal
form with the S-0-0390, Diagnostic message number parameter.
In addition, the drive allocates to the control system the diagnostic
number and diagnostic text as a string F228 Excessive deviation with
the S-0-0095, Diagnostic message parameter.
The H1-Display serves as an optical display of the diagnostic message
on the drive.
High V oltage.
Danger of electrical shock.
Do not touch electrical connec tions
5 minutes after switching power
Read and follow "Safety
Instructions for Electrical Drives"
2 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Diagnostic Message If more than one diagnostic message is waiting, then the message with
Output Priority the highest priority will be displayed.
The following graphic classifies operation status in order of importance.
R Command error
T Command active
Ready to operate ?
yes no
Operation lock
Ready to Communicationphase
Drive ready
Drive stop
Drive is
operating mode Da0001f1.fh5
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 3
F207 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/07
Diag. mess.: DE F207 Umschaltung auf nicht initialisierte Betriebsart
EN F207 Switching to uninitialized operation mode
FR F207 Changement à un mode d'opération non initialisé
ES F207 Conmutación a modo de servicio no inicializado
IT F207 Selezione di un Modo Operativo non inizializzato
Mess. no.: F207 (hex)
Error no: 207
Class: non-fatal
4 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Command C700 Basic Load or press the S1 button.
F208 - Attributes
H1 Display : UL
Diag. mess.: DE F208 UL Der Motortyp hat sich geändert.
EN F208 UL The motor type has changed.
FR F208 UL Le type de moteur a changé.
ES F208 UL El tipo de motor ha cambiado.
IT F208 UL Cambiato Tipo di Motore
Mess. no.: F208 (hex)
Error no: 208
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 5
F209 - Attributes
H1 Display : PL
Diag. mess.: DE F209 PL Defaultwerte der Parameter laden
EN F209 PL Load parameter default values
FR F209 PL Charger les valeurs init. des paramètres
ES F209 PL Cargar valores init.
IT F209 PL Caricare le Valori init. dei Parametri
Mess. no.: F209 (hex)
Error no: 209
Class: nicht Fatal
F218 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/18
Diag. mess.: DE F218 Verstärker-Übertemp.-Abschaltung
EN F218 Amplifier overtemp. shutdown
FR F218 Surchauffe ampli
ES F218 Desconexión por exceso de temperatura de amplificador
IT F218 Spegnimento per Sovratemp. Dissapatore
Mess. no.: F218 (hex)
Error no: 218
Class: non-fatal
6 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
For motors of series: 2AD, 1MB, LAF, LAR, and MBW, the current motor
temperature can be called up with parameter S-0-0383, Motor
1. The motor became overloaded. The effective torque demand on
the motor was above its permissible continuous torque level for
too long.
2. Short circuit or ground in the connection to
motor temperature monitoring.
3. Instability in the velocity control loop.
For 1. Check the layout of the motor. For motors which have been in
operation for longer periods of time, check to see if the operating
conditions have changed (in regards to cleanliness, friction,
moved components, etc.).
For 2. Check the wiring to the motor temperature monitor X6/1 and
X6/2 for grounds and short circuits.
For 3. Check the velocity control loop parameters (see
the functional description).
See also the functional description: "Temperature Monitoring"
F219 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/19
Diag. mess.: DE F219 Motor-Übertemp.-Abschaltung
EN F219 Motor overtemp. shutdown
FR F219 Surchauffe moteur
ES F219 Desconexión por exceso de temperatura de motor
IT F219 Spegnimento per Sovratemp. Motore
Mess. no.: F219 (hex)
Error no: 219
Class: non-fatal
F221 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/21
Diag. mess.: DE F221 Fehler Motor-Temp.überwachung defekt
EN F221 Error Motor temp. surveillance defective
FR F221 Erreur dans la surveillance température moteur
ES F221 Error control de temperatura de motor defectuos
IT F221 Errore nel Controllo della Temperatura Motore
Mess. no.: F221 (hex)
Error no: 221
Class: Nicht fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 7
F226 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/26
Diag. mess.: DE F226 Unterspannung im Leistungsteil
EN F226 Undervoltage in power section
FR F226 Sous-tension puissance
ES F226 Tensión baja en parte de potencia
IT F226 Errore Alimentazione bassa nello Stadio di Potenza
Mess. no.: F226 (hex)
Error no: 226
Class: non-fatal
8 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Ref. 1. Check the S-0-0092, Bipolar torque/force limit value
parameter and set it to the maximum permissible value of the
application. Reduce the specified acceleration value from the
controller (see controller Manual).
Ref. 2. Check the mechanical system and eliminate jamming of the axis.
Ref. 3. Check the drive parameters.
Ref. 4. Set the parameter values of S-0-0159, Monitoring window.
Ref. 5. Check AC servo drive with error message different than "28".
See also the functional description "Position Control Loop Monitoring"
F228 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/28
Diag. mess.: DE F228 Exzessive Regelabweichung
EN F228 Excessive deviation
FR F228 Déviation de posit. excessive
ES F228 Desviación de regulación excesiva
IT F228 Deviazione eccessiva
Mess. no.: F228 (hex)
Error no: 228
Class: non-fatal
F229 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/29
Diag. mess.: DE F229 Motorgeberfehler: Quadrantenfehler
EN F229 Motor encoder failure: quadrant error
FR F229 Erreur codeur moteur: erreur de quadrant
ES F229 Error de encoder de motor: error de cuadrante
IT F229 Errore Encoder Motore: Errore Quadrante
Mess. no.: F229 (hex)
Error no: 229
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 9
F233 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/33
Diag. mess.: DE F233 Fehler Spannungsversorgung extern
EN F233 External power supply error
FR F233 Erreur dans l'alimentation externe
ES F233 Error de suministro de potencia externa
IT F233 Errore Alimentatore esterno
Mess. no.: F233 (hex)
Error no: 233
Class: non-fatal
10 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F236 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/36
Diag. mess.: DE F236 Exzessive Lageistwertdifferenz
EN F236 Excessive position feedback difference
FR F236 Différence excessive en position réelle
ES F236 Diferencia excesiva de valor real de posición
IT F236 Eccessiva diff. nel Feedback di Posizione
Mess. no.: F236 (hex)
Error no: 236
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 11
F237 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/37
Diag. mess.: DE F237 Exzessive Lagesollwertdifferenz
EN F237 Excessive position command difference
FR F237 Différence excessive en position consigne
ES F237 Diferencia excesiva de valor nominal de posición
IT F237 Eccessiva diff. nella Posizione comandata
Mess. no.: F237 (hex)
Error no: 237
Class: non-fatal
12 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Ucos = -6.5V
Usin = 6.5V
F242 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/42
Diag. mess.: DE F242 Fehler des ext. Gebers: Signalamplitude fehlerhaft
EN F242 External encoder failure: signal too small
FR F242 Erreur codeur externe: signal trop faible
ES F242 Error del encoder ext.: señal demasiado pequeña
IT F242 Errore Encoder esterno: Ampiezza troppo bassa
Mess. no.: F242 (hex)
Error no: 242
Class: non-fatal
F245 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/45
Diag. mess.: DE F245 Fehler des ext. Gebers: Quadrantenfehler
EN F245 External encoder failure: quadrant error
FR F245 Erreur codeur externe: erreur de quadrant
ES F245 Error del encoder ext.: error de cuadrante
IT F245 Errore Encoder esterno: Errore di Quadrante
Mess. no.: F245 (hex)
Error no: 245
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 13
Source of danger: A malfunction in the control of motors
and moving elements
Possible damages: Mechanical injuries
Precautionary measures: Turn off the power supply.
Make sure it will not be turned back on.
Exchange the battery while the
control voltage is turned on.
If the control voltage is turned off while the battery is taken out, the
absolute reference point will be lost.
The reference point must then be reestablished.
F248 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/48
Diag. mess.: DE F248 Batterie-Unterspannung
EN F248 Low battery voltage
FR F248 Sous-tension batterie
ES F248 Batería baja
IT F248 Tensione Batteria bassa
Mess. no.: F248 (hex)
Error no: 248
Class: non-fatal
14 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F249 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/49
Diag. mess.: DE F249 Fehler des Leitachsgebers: Signalamplitude fehlerhaft
EN F249 Master drive encoder failure: signal too small
FR F249 Erreur codeur guide: signal trop faible
ES F249 Error de encoder de eje cond.: señal demasiado pequeña
IT F249 Errore Encoder Master: Ampiezza troppo bassa
Mess. no.: F249 (hex)
Error no: 249
Class: non-fatal
F252 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/52
Diag. mess.: DE F252 Fehler des Leitachsgebers: Quadrantenfehler
EN F252 Master drive encoder failure: quadrant error
FR F252 Erreur codeur guide: erreur de quadrant
ES F252 Error de encoder de eje cond.: error de cuadrante
IT F252 Errore Encoder Master: Errore di Quadrante
Mess. no.: F252 (hex)
Error no: 252
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 15
F253 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/53
Diag. mess.: DE F253 Inkrementalgeberemulator: Frequenz zu hoch
EN F253 Incr. encoder emulator: pulse frequency too high
FR F253 Erreur émulation de codeur incr.: fréquence trop haute
ES F253 Emulador encoder incr.: frecuencia demasiado alta
IT F253 Encoder incrementale: Frequenza troppo alta
Mess. no.: F253 (hex)
Error no: 253
Class: non-fatal
F254 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/54
Diag. mess.: DE F254 Inkrementalgeberemulator: Hardware-Fehler
EN F254 Incr. encoder emulator: hardware fault
FR F254 Erreur émulation de codeur incr.: hardware cassé
ES F254 Emulador encoder incr.: hardware defectuoso
IT F254 Encoder incrementale: Guasto nel Hardware
Mess. no.: F254 (hex)
Error no: 254
Class: non-fatal
16 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Remedial action:
1. Provide power to the interface from a regulated power supply
2. Use different power supply units or motor brake and interface; in
particular if long motor cables are used.
See also the functional description: "Incremental encoder emulation"
F255 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/55
Diag. mess.: DE F255 Fehler externe Spannungsversorgung DAE 02
EN F255 External power supply DAE 02 error
FR F255 Erreur alimentation externe DAE 02
ES F255 Error Suministro de potencia externa DAE 02
IT F255 Guasto nell'Alimentazione esterna DAE 02
Mess. no.: F255 (hex)
Error no: 255
Class: non-fatal
F267 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/67
Diag. mess.: DE F267 Hardware-Synchronisation fehlerhaft
EN F267 Erroneous internal hardware synchronization
FR F267 Faute de synchronisation du matériel interne
ES F267 Sincronización de hardware interno defectuosa
IT F267 Sincronizz. Hardware interna errata
Mess. no.: F267 (hex)
Error no: 267
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 17
For 1. Check the power supply.
For 2. Check the motor cable.
For 3. Exchange the motor.
For 4. Exchange the drive controller.
See also the functional description: "Setting the Motor Brake Current"
F268 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/68
Diag. mess.: DE F268 Fehler Bremse
EN F268 Brake fault
FR F268 Erreur du frein
ES F268 Fallo freno
IT F268 Errore Freno
Mess. no.: F268 (hex)
Error no: 268
Class: non-fatal
18 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F270 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/70
Diag. mess.: DE F270 Fehler Spannungsversorgung Referenzschalter
EN F270 Error power supply home switch
FR F270 Erreur de l'alimentation du contact d'origine
ES F270 Error suministro de potencia de contacto cero
IT F270 Guasto nell'Alimentazione del interruttore di Zero
Mess. no.: F270 (hex)
Error no: 270
Class: non-fatal
F271 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/71
Diag. mess.: DE F271 Fehler Spannungsversorgung Fahrbereichsgrenzschalter
EN F271 Error power supply travel limit switch
FR F271 Erreur de l'alimentation des fins de course
ES F271 Error suministro de potencia de fin de carrera
IT F271 Guasto nell'Alimentazione Finecorsa
Mess. no.: F271 (hex)
Error no: 271
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 19
F272 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/72
Diag. mess.: DE F272 Fehler Spannungsversorgung Messtaster
EN F272 Error power supply probe input
FR F272 Erreur de l'alimentation de la sonde
ES F272 Error suministro de potencia de la sonda
IT F272 Guasto nell'Alimentazione del Probe
Mess. no.: F272 (hex)
Error no: 272
Class: non-fatal
F273 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/73
Diag. mess.: DE F273 Fehler Spannungsversorgung E-Stop
EN F273 Error power supply E-Stop
FR F273 Erreur de l'alimentation pour l'arrêt d'urgence
ES F273 Error suministro de potencia para parada de emergencia
IT F273 Guasto nell'Alimentazione dello Stop Emergenza
Mess. no.: F273 (hex)
Error no: 273
Class: non-fatal
20 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
For 1. Clear the error and set the reference point.
For 2. The axis was moved while turned off and is located
outside of its permissible position.
Check to see if a new travel command would cause damage.
Then clear errors.
For 3. Danger of Accident through Unwanted Axis Motion
Check reference point. If the reference point is incorrect, there is
a problem with the feedback. The feedback should be
exchanged (with MHD-, MKD- or MKE absolute motor encoders,
exchange the whole motor).
F276 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/76
Diag. mess.: DE F276 Absolutgeber außerhalb des Überwachungsfensters
EN F276 Absolute encoder out of allowed window
FR F276 Codeur absolu hors du fenêtre de surveillance
ES F276 Encoder absoluto fuera de la ventana de control
IT F276 Encoder Assoluto fuori Finestra
Mess. no.: F276 (hex)
Error no: 276
Class: non-fatal
F280 - Attributes
H1 Display : F2/80
Diag. mess.: DE F280 Erdschluss
EN F280 Short circuit to earth
FR F280 Court circuit à la terre
ES F280 Cortocircuito a tierra
IT F280 Corto a Terra
Mess. no.: F280 (hex)
Error no: 280
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 21
1. Release connection to drive controllers and turn power back
on. If unit is defective, replace it.
2. Number of additional capacitor must be reduced or a
separate loading device must be used.
3. DC bus choke and lines must be checked, possibly replaced.
F316 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/16
Diag. mess.: DE F316 Softstartfehler Versorgungsmodul
EN F316 Softstart fault power supply unit
FR F316 Erreur su soft-start dans l'alimentation
ES F316 Error inicio de soft módulo de alimentación
IT F316 Guasto nel Softstart del Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F316 (hex)
Error no: 316
Class: Not fatal
Check load and ambient temperature. Temperature pre-warning contact
of the unit must be checked.
F318 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/18
Diag. mess.: DE F318 Kühlkörper-Übertemp. Versorgungsmodul
EN F318 Heatsink overtemp. fault power supply unit
FR F318 Surchauffe module d'alimentation
ES F318 Sobretemperatura
IT F318 Sovratemp. nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F318 (hex)
Error no: 318
Class: Not fatal
22 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
On 1: Reduce drive speed. Delay power off in the case of OFF or and
emergency stop.
On 3: Replace unit.
F320 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/20
Diag. mess.: DE F320 Bleeder-Überlast
EN F320 Bleeder overload
FR F320 Surcharge bleeder
ES F320 Sobrecarga Bleeder
IT F320 Sovracarico Bleeder
Mess. no.: F320 (hex)
Error no: 320
Class: Not fatal
Disconnect power supply lines on the drive controller one at a time.
Replace a unit if it is defective.
F360 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/60
Diag. mess.: DE F360 Überstrom Versorgungsmodul
EN F360 Overcurrent power supply unit
FR F360 Courant excessif dans l'alim. puissance
ES F360 Corriente excesiva en módulo de alimentación
IT F360 Sovracorrente nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F360 (hex)
Error no: 360
Class: Not fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 23
On 1: Release bus connections to drive controller one after the other.
On 2: Release control voltage taps and check for short-circuits.
On 3: Replace unit.
F369 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/69
Diag. mess.: DE F369 +24V/+-15V/+5V Fehler Versorgungsmodul
EN F369 +24V/+-15V/+5V fault power supply unit
FR F369 Erreur +24V/+-15V/+5V dans l'alim. puissance
ES F369 Error +24V/+-15V/+5V en alimentación de potencia
IT F369 Guasto +24V/+-15V/+5V nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F369 (hex)
Error no: 369
Class: Not fatal
Release connections to motor and power supply unit one at a time.
Replace defective drive components.
F380 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/80
Diag. mess.: DE F380 Erdschluss Versorgungsmodul
EN F380 Short to ground power supply unit
FR F380 Court circuit à terre de l'alim. puissance
ES F380 Cortocircuito a tierra de la alimentación de potencia
IT F380 Corto verso Terra del Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F380 (hex)
Error no: 380
Class: Not fatal
24 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Check mains fuses and replace, if necessary.
F381 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/81
Diag. mess.: DE F381 Netzausfall
EN F381 Mains failure
FR F381 Alimentation de puissance manque
ES F381 Fallo en la red
IT F381 Guasto Alimentazione Potenza
Mess. no.: F381 (hex)
Error no: 381
Class: Not fatal
Check mains fuses and replace, if necessary.
F382 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/82
Diag. mess.: DE F382 Netz-Phasen-Fehler
EN F382 Mains phase loss fault
FR F382 Perte de phase à l'entrée puissance
ES F382 Fallo en fase de red
IT F382 Guasto di Fase dell'Alimentazione Potenza
Mess. no.: F382 (hex)
Error no: 382
Class: Not fatal
Check mains voltage, use matching transformer, if necessary.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 25
F383 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/83
Diag. mess.: DE F383 Netzspannungsfehler
EN F383 Line voltage fault
FR F383 Tension à l'entrée de puissance fausse
ES F383 Tensión incorrecta en entrada de tensión
IT F383 Tensione falsa dell'Alimentazione Potenza
Mess. no.: F383 (hex)
Error no: 383
Class: Not fatal
Check connection voltage. Terminals X5/U and X8/1, X5/V and X8/2,
X5/W and X8/3 may not conduct voltage to each other.
F384 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/84
Diag. mess.: DE F384 Anschlussfehler am Versorgungsmodul
EN F384 Connection error at power supply unit
FR F384 Alimentation de puissance faussement branchée
ES F384 Error de conexión en módulo de alimentación
IT F384 Connezione falsa al Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F384 (hex)
Error no: 384
Class: Not fatal
F385 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/85
Diag. mess.: DE F385 Netzfrequenzfehler
EN F385 Line frequency fault
FR F385 Fréquence de l'alim. puissance fausse
ES F385 Error en frecuencia de red
IT F385 Frequenza de l'Alimentazione Potenza falsa
Mess. no.: F385 (hex)
Error no: 385
Class: Not fatal
26 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Replace unit.
F394 - Attributes
H1 Display : F3/94
Diag. mess.: DE F394 Checksummenfehler Versorgungsmodul
EN F394 Checksum error power supply unit
FR F394 Checksum faux dans l'alim. puissance
ES F394 Error suma de verificación en alimentación de potencia
IT F394 Checksum falsa nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: F394 (hex)
Error no: 394
Class: Not fatal
F401 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/01
Diag. mess.: DE F401 Abschaltung zweifacher MST-Ausfall
EN F401 Double MST error shutdown
FR F401 MST manqué 2 fois
ES F401 Desconexión por error doble MST
IT F401 Spegnimento per doppia mancanza MST
Mess. no.: F401 (hex)
Error no: 401
Class: Interface
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 27
1. Fault in the fiber optics transmission line.
2. Excessive damping of the light signals.
3. Malfunction in the SERCOS interface (general).
Ref. 1. Check all fiber optics connections in the SERCOS loop.
Ref. 2. Measure the damping in the fiber optics cable.
The maximum damping between TX and RX may not be less
than 12.5 dB.
Ref. 3. Replace the SERCOS interface module in the drive.
See also the functional description: "SERCOS Interface Error"
F402 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/02
Diag. mess.: DE F402 Abschaltung zweifacher MDT-Ausfall
EN F402 Double MDT error shutdown
FR F402 MDT manqué 2 fois
ES F402 Desconexión por error doble MDT
IT F402 Spegnimento per doppia mancanza MDT
Mess. no.: F402 (hex)
Error no: 402
Class: Interface
F403 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/03
Diag. mess.: DE F403 Abschaltung ungültige Komm.-Phase
EN F403 Invalid communication phase shutdown
FR F403 Phase de communication fausse
ES F403 Desconexión por fase de comunicación no válida
IT F403 Spegnimento per Fase di Comunicazione invalide
Mess. no.: F403 (hex)
Error no: 403
Class: Interface
28 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Consult the control system manufacturer.
See also the functional description: "SERCOS Interface Error"
F404 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/04
Diag. mess.: DE F404 Fehler bei Phasenhochschaltung
EN F404 Error during phase progression
FR F404 Erreur pendant progression de phase comm.
ES F404 Error durante progresión de fase
IT F404 Errore durante la Progressione delle Fasi
Mess. no.: F404 (hex)
Error no: 404
Class: Interface
F405 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/05
Diag. mess.: DE F405 Fehler bei Phasenrückschaltung
EN F405 Error during phase regression
FR F405 Erreur pendant regression de phase comm.
ES F405 Error en regresión de fase
IT F405 Errore durante la Regressione delle Fasi
Mess. no.: F405 (hex)
Error no: 405
Class: Interface
F406 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/06
Diag. mess.: DE F406 Phasenumschaltung ohne Bereitmeldung
EN F406 Phase switching without ready signal
FR F406 Changement de phase sans signal prêt
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 29
F434 Emergency-Stop
Pressing the emergency stop switch has caused the drive to perform the
emergency stop function that was selected in the P-0-0119, Best
possible deceleration parameter. Setting bit 15 of S-0-0011, Class 1
diagnostics causes an error message to be issued to the controller.
The emergency stop switch has been pressed.
Eliminate the malfunction that has caused the emergency switch to be
actuated, and clear the error.
See also the functional description: "Emergency stop feature"
F434 - Attributes
H1 Display : F4/34
Diag. mess.: DE F434 E-Stop aktiviert
EN F434 Emergency-Stop
FR F434 Arrêt d'urgence
ES F434 Parada de emergencia activada
IT F434 Stop per Emergenza
Mess. no.: F434 (hex)
Error no: 434
Class: Interface
30 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
• Clear the error.
• If the power supply was turned off, turn it back on.
• Move the axis into the permissible working range.
Note: Only such command values will be accepted which lead back
into the allowed working range. With other command values, the
drive will stop again. - The parameter S-0-0057, Position
window defines a hysteresis for the travel limits.
F629 - Attributes
H1 Display : F6/29
Diag. mess.: DE F629 Lagegrenzwert positiv überschritten
EN F629 Positive travel limit exceeded
FR F629 Limite de position positive dépassée
ES F629 Valor límite de posición positiva excedido
IT F629 Limite positiva massimo superato
Mess. no.: F629 (hex)
Error no: 629
Class: Nr. 1
Note: Only such command values will be accepted which lead back
into the allowed working range. With other command values, the
drive will stop again. - The parameter S-0-0057, Position
window defines a hysteresis for the travel limits.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 31
F630 - Attributes
H1 Display : F6/30
Diag. mess.: DE F630 Lagegrenzwert negativ überschritten
EN F630 Negative travel limit exceeded
FR F630 Limite de position négative dépassée
ES F630 Valor límite de posición negativa excedido
IT F630 Limite negativa massimo superato
Mess. no.: F630 (hex)
Error no: 630
Class: Travel range
F634 Emergency-Stop
Pressing the emergency stop switch has caused the drive to stop the
drive by setting the velocity command value to zero. An error is reported
in the S-0-0011, Class 1 diagnostics parameter.
The emergency stop switch has been pressed.
Eliminate the malfunction that has caused the emergency switch to be
actuated, and clear the error.
See also the functional description: "Emergency stop feature"
F634 - Attributes
H1 Display : F6/34
Diag. mess.: DE F634 E-Stop aktiviert
EN F634 Emergency-Stop
FR F634 Arrêt d'urgence
ES F634 Parada de emergencia activada
IT F634 Stop per Emergenza
Mess. no.: F634 (hex)
Error no: 634
Class: Travel range
Note: The drive will not accept command values which lead out of the
permissible travel range. Entering these command values in the
drive controller will result in this error.
See also the functional description: "Travel Zone Limit Switch Monitoring"
32 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F643 - Attributes
H1 Display : F6/43
Diag. mess.: DE F643 Fahrbereichsendschalter positiv betätigt
EN F643 Positive travel limit switch detected
FR F643 Fin de course positive
ES F643 Interruptor de fin de desplazamiento positivo activado
IT F643 Rilevati Finecorsa positivo
Mess. no.: F643 (hex)
Error no: 643
Class: Nr. 1
Note: The drive will not accept command values which lead out of the
permissible travel range. Entering these command values in the
drive controller will result in this error.
See also the functional description: "Travel Zone Limit Switch Monitoring"
F644 - Attributes
H1 Display : F6/44
Diag. mess.: DE F644 Fahrbereichsendschalter negativ betätigt
EN F644 Negative travel limit switch detected
FR F644 Fin de course négative
ES F644 Interruptor de fin de desplazamiento negativo activado
IT F644 Rilevati Fine Corsa negativo
Mess. no.: F644 (hex)
Error no: 644
Class: Travel range
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 33
Ucos = -6,5V
Usin = 6,5V
• Check the measurement system cable.
• Lay the feedback cable well away from the motor power cable. The
cover must be placed over the drive controller (see drive controller
project specifications.)
• Check the measurement system and exchange, if necessary.
34 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F822 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/22
Diag. mess.: DE F822 Motorgeberfehler: Signalamplitude fehlerhaft
EN F822 Motor encoder failure: signal too small
FR F822 Erreur codeur moteur: signal trop faible
ES F822 Error de encoder de motor: señal demasiado pequeña
IT F822 Errore Encoder Motore: Ampiezza troppo bassa
Mess. no.: F822 (hex)
Error no: 822
Class: Fatal
F827 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/27
Diag. mess.: DE F827 Anlaufsperre bei gesetzter Reglerfreigabe
EN F827 Drive interlock while drive activated
FR F827 Démarrage bloqué pendant RF = 1
ES F827 Bloqueo de marcha cuando el accionamiento está activado
IT F827 Drive asservito durante Abilatazione
Mess. no.: F827 (hex)
Error no: 827
Class: Fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 35
F860 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/60
Diag. mess.: DE F860 Brückensicherung
EN F860 Overcurrent: short in power stage
FR F860 Courant excessif: Court circuit à l'étage puissance
ES F860 Seguro en puente
IT F860 Sovracorr.: Corto Circuito nello Stadio di Potenza
Mess. no.: F860 (hex)
Error no: 860
Class: Fatal
F861 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/61
Diag. mess.: DE F861 Erdschluss-Sicherung
EN F861 Overcurrent: short to ground
FR F861 Courant excessif: Court circuit à terre
ES F861 Seguro de conexión a tierra
IT F861 Sovracorr.: Corto Circuito verso Terra
Mess. no.: F861 (hex)
Error no: 861
Class: Fatal
F869 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/69
Diag. mess.: DE F869 +/- 15Volt-Fehler
EN F869 +/-15Volt DC error
FR F869 Erreur +/-15V
ES F869 +/-15Volt Error
IT F869 Guasto +/-15Volt
Mess. no.: F869 (hex)
Error no: 869
Class: Fatal
36 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F870 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/70
Diag. mess.: DE F870 +24Volt-Fehler
EN F870 +24Volt DC error
FR F870 Erreur +24V
ES F870 +24Volt Error
IT F870 Guasto +24Volt
Mess. no.: F870 (hex)
Error no: 870
Class: Fatal
F871 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/71
Diag. mess.: DE F871 +10Volt-Fehler
EN F871 +10Volt DC error
FR F871 Erreur +10V
ES F871 +10Volt Error
IT F871 Guasto +10Volt
Mess. no.: F871 (hex)
Error no: 871
Class: Fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 37
F878 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/78
Diag. mess.: DE F878 Fehler im Drehzahlregelkreis
EN F878 Velocity loop error
FR F878 Erreur dans la boucle de vitesse
ES F878 Error en el círculo de regulación de velocidad
IT F878 Errore nell'Anello di Velocità
Mess. no.: F878 (hex)
Error no: 878
Class: Fatal
38 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
F879 - Attributes
H1 Display : F8/79
Diag. mess.: DE F879 Geschwindigkeits-Grenzwert S-0-0091 überschritten
EN F879 Velocity limit S-0-0091 exceeded
FR F879 Limite de vitesse S-0-0091 dépassée
ES F879 Valor límite de velocidad S-0-0091 excedido
IT F879 Valore di Massimo di Velocità S-0-0091 superato
Mess. no.: F879 (hex)
Error no: 879
Class: Fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 39
E219 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/19
Diag. mess.: DE E219 Warnung Verstärker-Temp.überwachung defekt
EN E219 Warning Drive temp. surveillance defective
FR E219 Alerte erreur dans la surveillance température ampli
ES E219 Aviso control de temperatura de amplificador defectuos
IT E219 Preallarme Difetto nel Sovratemp. Azionamento
Mess. no.: E219 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
40 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
E221 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/21
Diag. mess.: DE E221 Warnung Motor-Temp.überwachung defekt
EN E221 Warning Motor temp. surveillance defective
FR E221 Alerte erreur dans la surveillance température moteur
ES E221 Aviso control de temperatura de motor defectuos
IT E221 Preallarme Difetto nel Sovratemp. Motore
Mess. no.: E221 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
E225 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/25
Diag. mess.: DE E225 Motor-Überlast
EN E225 Motor overload
FR E225 Surcharge Moteur
ES E225 Sobrecarga de motor
IT E225 Sovracarico Motore
Mess. no.: E225 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 41
E226 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/26
Diag. mess.: DE E226 Unterspannung im Leistungsteil
EN E226 Undervoltage in power section
FR E226 Sous-tension puissance
ES E226 Tensión baja en parte de potencia
IT E226 Errore Alimentazione bassa nello Stadio di Potenza
Mess. no.: E226 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
E247 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/47
Diag. mess.: DE E247 Interpolationsgeschwindigkeit = 0
EN E247 Interpolation velocity = 0
FR E247 Vitesse d'interpolation = 0
ES E247 Velocidad de interpolación = 0
IT E247 Velocità per Interpolazione = 0
Mess. no.: E247 (hex)
42 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
E248 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/48
Diag. mess.: DE E248 Interpolationsbeschleunigung = 0
EN E248 Interpolation acceleration = 0
FR E248 Accélération d'interpolation = 0
ES E248 Aceleración de interpolaciòn = 0
IT E248 Accelerazione per Interpolazione = 0
Mess. no.: E248 (hex)
E249 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/49
Diag. mess.: DE E249 Positioniergeschw. S-0-0259 > S-0-0091
EN E249 Positioning velocity S-0-0259 > S-0-0091
FR E249 Vitesse de positionnement S-0-0259 > S-0-0091
ES E249 Velocidad de posicionamiento S-0-0259 > S-0-0091
IT E249 Velocità Posiz. S-0-0259 > S-0-0091
Mess. no.: E249 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 43
E250 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/50
Diag. mess.: DE E250 Verstärker Übertemp.-Vorwarnung
EN E250 Drive overtemp. prewarning
FR E250 Préalerte surchauffe ampli
ES E250 Aviso exceso de temperatura de accionamiento
IT E250 Preallarme Sovratemp. Azionam.
Mess. no.: E250 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
E251 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/51
Diag. mess.: DE E251 Motor Übertemp.-Vorwarnung
EN E251 Motor overtemp. prewarning
FR E251 Préalerte surchauffe moteur
ES E251 Aviso exceso de temperatura de motor
IT E251 Preallarme Sovratemp. Motore
Mess. no.: E251 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
44 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
E253 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/53
Diag. mess.: DE E253 Zielposition außerhalb des Verfahrbereichs
EN E253 Target position out of travel zone
FR E253 Position à atteindre hors limites
ES E253 Posición objeto fuera del campo de desplazamiento
IT E253 Posizione inpostata fuori dai Limiti
Mess. no.: E253 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
E255 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/55
Diag. mess.: DE E255 Feedrate-Override S-0-0108 = 0
EN E255 Feedrate-override S-0-0108 = 0
FR E255 Atténuation d'avance S-0-0108 = 0
ES E255 Override de alimentación S-0-0108 = 0
IT E255 Riduzione Velocità Avanz. S-0-0108 = 0
Mess. no.: E255 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 45
E257 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/57
Diag. mess.: DE E257 Dauerstrombegrenzung aktiv
EN E257 Continuous current limit active
FR E257 Courant permanent limité
ES E257 Límite de corriente continua activo
IT E257 Limitazione Corr. continuativa attiva
Mess. no.: E257 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
46 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
E259 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/59
Diag. mess.: DE E259 Geschwindigkeitssollwertbegrenzung aktiv
EN E259 Command velocity limit active
FR E259 Vitesse de consigne limitée
ES E259 Límite de valor nominal de velocidad activo
IT E259 Limitazione Velocità comandata attiva
Mess. no.: E259 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
E261 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/61
Diag. mess.: DE E261 Dauerstrombegrenzung Vorwarnung
EN E261 Continuous current limit prewarning
FR E261 Préalerte limite de courant perm.
ES E261 Preaviso límite corriente continua
IT E261 Preallarme Limitazione Corrente contin.
Mess. no.: E261 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 47
E263 - Attributes
H1 Display : E2/63
Diag. mess.: DE E263 Geschwindigkeitssollwert > Grenzwert S-0-0091
EN E263 Velocity command value > limit S-0-0091
FR E263 Vitesse consigne > limite S-0-0091
ES E263 Velocidad nominal mayor que S-0-0091
IT E263 Velocità comandata > S-0-0091
Mess. no.: E263 (hex)
Class: non-fatal
Check the option module, and replace it if necessary.
E324 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/24
Diag. mess.: DE E324 Zusatzkomponentenfehler Versorgungsmodul
EN E324 Option module error power supply unit
FR E324 Malfonction d'un composant optional dans l'alimentation
ES E324 Error en componente opcional en módulo alimentación
IT E324 Guasto in Modulo opz. del Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E324 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
Reduce permitted delays. Use a drive controller with smaller peak
E325 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/25
Diag. mess.: DE E325 Rückspeise-Überlast Versorgungsmodul
EN E325 Recovery overload power supply unit
FR E325 Surcharge rétroalimentation dans l'alim. puissance
ES E325 Sobrecarga retroalimentaciòn
IT E325 Sovracarico Retroalimentazione nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E325 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
48 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Reduce the permissible acceleration. Use drive controller with smaller
peak current.
E326 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/26
Diag. mess.: DE E326 Einspeiseüberlast Versorgungsmodul
EN E326 Bus power overload
FR E326 Surcharge à l'entrée du module d'alimentation
ES E326 Potencia de bus sobrecargada
IT E326 Sovracarico a l'Entrata del Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E326 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
Reduce load, reduce control cabinet temperture, check cooling air ducts,
replace unit.
E350 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/50
Diag. mess.: DE E350 Kühlkörper-Übertemp.-Warnung Versorgungsmodul
EN E350 Heat sink overtemp. warning power supply unit
FR E350 Alerte Surchauffe du module d'alimentation
ES E350 Alarma sobretemp. refrig. del módulo de alimentación
IT E350 Allarme Sovratemp. nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E350 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 49
• permissible acceleration (delay) must be reduced
• reduce drive speed
• reduce peak current of the drive
E352 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/52
Diag. mess.: DE E352 Bleeder-Überlast-Warnung Versorgungsmodul
EN E352 Bleeder overload warning power supply unit
FR E352 Alerte Surcharge bleeder dans le module d'alim.
ES E352 Alarma sobrecarga de bleeder del módulo de alimentación
IT E352 Allarme Sovracarico Bleeder nel Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E352 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
On 1. replace power supply unit.
On 2. check and replace bus cable, if necessary
On 3. replace controller, if necessary
E353 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/53
Diag. mess.: DE E353 Diagnose des Versorgungsmoduls fehlerhaft
EN E353 Diagnostic message power supply erroneous
FR E353 Diagnostique fausse du module d'alimentation
ES E353 Diagnóstico del módulo de alimentación erróneo
IT E353 Diagnostica falsa del Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E353 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
50 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Check mains fuse in control cabinet and replace, if necessary.
E387 - Attributes
H1 Display : E3/87
Diag. mess.: DE E387 Ausfall Steuerspg.-Einspeisung Versorgungsmodul
EN E387 Control voltage supply fault power supply unit
FR E387 Manque d'alim. contrôle pour module d'alim.
ES E387 Fallo alimentación de control para módulo de alimentaci
IT E387 Guasto nell'Alim. di contr. per l'Alimentatore
Mess. no.: E387 (hex)
Class: Not fatal
E410 - Attributes
H1 Display : E4/10
Diag. mess.: DE E410 Slave nicht gescannt oder Adresse 0
EN E410 Slave not scanned or adress 0
FR E410 Esclave non reconnu ou adresse 0
ES E410 Esclavo no scaneado o dirección 0
IT E410 Drive non trovato o Indirizzo 0
Mess. no.: E410 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 51
E825 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/25
Diag. mess.: DE E825 Überspannung im Leistungsteil
EN E825 Overvoltage in power stage
FR E825 Tension excessive à l'étage puissance
ES E825 Sobretensión en la parte de potencia
IT E825 Sovratensione nello Stadio di Potenza
Mess. no.: E825 (hex)
Class: Fatal
E826 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/26
Diag. mess.: DE E826 Unterspannung im Leistungsteil
EN E826 Undervoltage in power section
FR E826 Sous-tension puissance
ES E826 Tensión baja en potencia
IT E826 Errore Alimentazione Bassa
Mess. no.: E826 (hex)
Class: Fatal
52 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Note: Only such command values will be accepted which lead back
into the allowed working range. With other command values, the
drive will stop again. - The parameter S-0-0057, Position
window defines a hysteresis for the travel limits.
E829 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/29
Diag. mess.: DE E829 Lagegrenzwert positiv überschritten
EN E829 Positive position limit exceeded
FR E829 Limite de position positive dépassée
ES E829 Valor límite de posición positiva excedido
IT E829 Limite di Posizione positiva superato
Mess. no.: E829 (hex)
Class: Fatal
Note: Only such command values will be accepted which lead back
into the allowed working range. With other command values, the
drive will stop again. - The parameter S-0-0057, Position
window defines a hysteresis for the travel limits.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 53
E830 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/30
Diag. mess.: DE E830 Lagegrenzwert negativ überschritten
EN E830 Negative position limit exceeded
FR E830 Limite de position négative dépassée
ES E830 Valor límite de posición negativa excedido
IT E830 Limite di Posizione negativa superato
Mess. no.: E830 (hex)
Class: Fatal
E834 Emergency-Stop
The emergency stop switch was pressed, thus causing the drive to
perform the emergency stop function that has been selected via the P-0-
0119, Best possible deceleration parameter. There is no error
message issued to the controller.
The emergency stop switch was pressed.
Eliminate the malfunction that led to the activation of the emergency stop
switch. The warning will then extinguish.
See also the functional description: "Emergency stop feature"
E834 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/34
Diag. mess.: DE E834 E-Stop aktiviert
EN E834 Emergency-Stop
FR E834 Arrêt d´urgence
ES E834 Parada de emergencia activada
IT E834 Stop per Emergenza
Mess. no.: E834 (hex)
54 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
E843 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/43
Diag. mess.: DE E843 Fahrbereichsendschalter positiv betätigt
EN E843 Positive limit switch activated
FR E843 Fin de course positive
ES E843 Interruptor de fin de desplazamiento positivo activado
IT E843 Finecorsa positivo attivato
Mess. no.: E843 (hex)
Class: Fatal
E844 - Attributes
H1 Display : E8/44
Diag. mess.: DE E844 Fahrbereichsendschalter negativ betätigt
EN E844 Negative limit switch activated
FR E844 Fin de course négative
ES E844 Interruptor de fin de desplazamiento negativo activado
IT E844 Finecorsa negativo attivato
Mess. no.: E844 (hex)
Class: Fatal
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 55
C100 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1
Diag. mess.: DE C100 Umschaltvorbereitung Phase 2 nach 3
EN C100 Communication phase 3 transition check
FR C100 Préparation commutation phase 2 vers 3
ES C100 Comprobación conmutación fase 2 a 3
IT C100 Fase di Comunicazione 3 test di Transizione
Mess. no.: C100 (hex)
C101 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/01
Diag. mess.: DE C101 Kommunikations-Parameter unvollständig (S-0-0021)
EN C101 Invalid communication parameter (S-0-0021)
FR C101 Paramètres de communication invalides (S-0-0021)
ES C101 Parámetro de comunicación incompleto (S-0-0021)
IT C101 Parametro di Comunicazione invalido (S-0-0021)
Mess. no.: C101 (hex)
Class: Command error
56 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
You must either set a priority telegram (Telegram type = 0..6) or else
provide S-0-0024, Config. list of the master data telegram with
parameters. These parameters are also contained in S-0-0188, List of
configurable data in the MDT.
See also the functional description: "Configuration of Telegram Contents"
C104 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/04
Diag. mess.: DE C104 Konfig. Identnummern für MDT nicht konfigurierbar
EN C104 Config. IDN for MDT not configurable
FR C104 config. IDN pour MDT non configurable
ES C104 Nº ident. de configuración para MDT no configurable
IT C104 IDN per MDT non configurabile
Mess. no.: C104 (hex)
Class: Command error
You must either set a priority telegram in S-0-0015, Telegram type
parameter (telegram type = 0..6 ) or else reduce the number of
configurable parameters in MDT.
See also the functional description: "Configuration of Telegram Contents"
C105 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/05
Diag. mess.: DE C105 Maximallänge für MDT überschritten
EN C105 Configurated length > max. length for MDT
FR C105 Longueur configurée > longueur. max. du MDT
ES C105 Superada la longitud máx. para MDT
IT C105 Lung. configurata > Lung. mass. per MDT
Mess. no.: C105 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 57
You must either set a priority telegram in parameter S-0-0015, Telegram
type parameter (telegram type = 0..6) or you must provide S-0-0016,
Custom amplifier telegram configuration list with parameters that are
contained in S-0-0187, List of configurable data in the AT.
See also the functional description: "Configuration of Telegram Contents"
C106 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/06
Diag. mess.: DE C106 Konfig. Identnummern für AT nicht konfigurierbar
EN C106 Config. IDN for AT not configurable
FR C106 config. IDN pour AT non configurable
ES C106 Nº ident. de config. para AT no configurable
IT C106 IDN per AT non configurabile
Mess. no.: C106 (hex)
Class: Command error
C107 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/07
Diag. mess.: DE C107 Maximallänge für AT überschritten
EN C107 Configurated length > max. length for AT
FR C107 long. configurée > long. max de l' AT
ES C107 Superada la longitud máxima para AT
IT C107 Lung. config. > Lung. mass. per AT
Mess. no.: C107 (hex)
Class: Command error
58 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Correct the appropriate parameter(s). These times are determined by the
manufacturer of the control system and are specified by the SERCOS
See also the functional description: "Configuration of the Telegram Send
and Receive Times"
C108 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/08
Diag. mess.: DE C108 Zeitschlitzparameter > Sercos-Zykluszeit
EN C108 Time slot parameter > Sercos cycle time
FR C108 Time Slot Parameter > Sercos Cycle Time
ES C108 Parámetro de ranura temporal > Tiempo ciclo Sercos
IT C108 Parametro Slot Time > Tempo Ciclo Sercos
Mess. no.: C108 (hex)
Class: Command error
C109 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/09
Diag. mess.: DE C109 Anfangsadresse MDT (S-0-0009) gerade
EN C109 Position of data record in MDT (S-0-0009) even
FR C109 Adresse début du MDT (S-0-0009) paire
ES C109 Dirección inicial MDT (S-0-0009) plano
IT C109 Posizione del Data Record in MDT S-0-0009 pari
Mess. no.: C109 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 59
C110 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/10
Diag. mess.: DE C110 Länge MDT (S-0-0010) ungerade
EN C110 Length of MDT (S-0-0010) odd
FR C110 Longueur du MDT (S-0-0010) impaire
ES C110 Longitud MDT (S-0-0010) irregular
IT C110 Lunghezza di MDT (S-0-0010) dispari
Mess. no.: C110 (hex)
Class: Command error
C111 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/11
Diag. mess.: DE C111 ID9 + Datensatzlänge - 1 > Länge MDT (S-0-0010)
EN C111 ID9 + Record length - 1 > length MDT (S-0-0010)
FR C111 ID9 + long. bloc données - 1 > Long. MDT (S-0-0010)
ES C111 ID9 + Longitud bloque datos - 1 > Long. MDT (S-0-0010)
IT C111 ID9 + Lung. Record - 1 > Lung. MDT (S-0-0010)
Mess. no.: C111 (hex)
Class: Command error
60 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C112 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/12
Diag. mess.: DE C112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) oder TScyc (S-0-0002) fehlerhaft
EN C112 TNcyc (S-0-0001) or TScyc (S-0-0002) error
FR C112 Erreur TNcyc (S-0-0001) ou TScyc (S-0-0002)
ES C112 Error en TNcyc (S-0-0001) o TScyc (S-0-0002)
IT C112 Errore in TNCyc S-0-0001 o in TSync S-0-0002
Mess. no.: C112 (hex)
Class: Command error
C113 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/13
Diag. mess.: DE C113 Verhält. TNcyc (S-0-0001) zu TScyc (S-0-0002) Fehler
EN C113 Relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) to TScyc (S-0-0002) error
FR C113 Erreur relation TNcyc (S-0-0001) p/r TScyc (S-0-0002)
ES C113 Error en relación TNcyc (S-0-0001) a TScyc (S-0-0002)
IT C113 Errore Rel. tra TNCyc S-0-0001 e TScyc S-0-0002
Mess. no.: C113 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 61
C114 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/14
Diag. mess.: DE C114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
EN C114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
FR C114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
ES C114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
IT C114 T4 > TScyc (S-0-0002) - T4min (S-0-0005)
Mess. no.: C114 (hex)
Class: Command error
C115 - Attributes
H1 Display : C1/15
Diag. mess.: DE C115 T2 zu klein
EN C115 T2 too small
FR C115 T2 trop petit
ES C115 T2 demasiado pequeño
IT C115 T2 troppo piccolo
Mess. no.: C115 (hex)
Class: Command error
C200 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2
Diag. mess.: DE C200 Umschaltvorbereitung Phase 3 nach 4
EN C200 Communication phase 4 transition check
FR C200 Préparation commutation phase 3 vers 4
ES C200 Comprobación comunicación fase 3 a 4
IT C200 Fase di Comunicazione 4 Test di Transizione
Mess. no.: C200 (hex)
62 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C201 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/01
Diag. mess.: DE C201 Parametersatz unvollständig (->S-0-0022)
EN C201 Invalid parameter(s) (->S-0-0022)
FR C201 Paramètre(s) invalide(s) (->S-0-0022)
ES C201 Bloque de parámetro inválido (->S-0-0022)
IT C201 Parametro invalido (->S-0-0022)
Mess. no.: C201 (hex)
Class: Command error
C202 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/02
Diag. mess.: DE C202 Parameter Grenzwertfehler (->S-0-0022)
EN C202 Parameter limit error (->S-0-0022)
FR C202 Erreur valeur limite paramètres (->S-0-0022)
ES C202 Error límite en parámetro (->S-0-0022)
IT C202 Errore Limite Parametro (->S-0-0022)
Mess. no.: C202 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 63
Write correct values to the parameters in S-0-0022, IDN List of Invalid
Op. Data for Comm. Ph. 3.
See also the functional description "S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase
4 Transition Check"
C203 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/03
Diag. mess.: DE C203 Parameter Umrechnungsfehler (->S-0-0022)
EN C203 Parameter calculation error (->S-0-0022)
FR C203 Erreur de calcul de paramètre (->S-0-0022)
ES C203 Error de cálculo en parámetro (->S-0-0022)
IT C203 Errore di Calcolo nel Parametro (->S-0-0022)
Mess. no.: C203 (hex)
Class: Command error
C204 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/04
Diag. mess.: DE C204 Motorart P-0-4014 fehlerhaft
EN C204 Motor type P-0-4014 incorrect
FR C204 Type de moteur P-0-4014 faux
ES C204 Tipo de motor P-0-4014 incorrecto
IT C204 Tipo di Motore P-0-4014 falso
Mess. no.: C204 (hex)
Class: Command error
64 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The ident number of the parameter that requires the external encoder is
entered in S-0-0022, IDN List of Invalid Op. Data for Comm. Ph. 3.
Remedial action:
Modify S-0-0147, Homing Parameter or the S-0-0032...35, Mode of
Operation parameters to utilization of the motor encoder instead of
external encoder.
Set P-0-0075, Interface Feedback 2, external to a value different than
zero to activate the external measuring system.
See also Function Description "S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase 4
Transition Check"
C210 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/10
Diag. mess.: DE C210 Externer Geber erforderlich (->S-0-0022)
EN C210 External feedback required (->S-0-0022)
FR C210 Feedback externe nécessaire (->S-0-0022)
ES C210 Requerida retroalimentación externa (->S-0-0022)
IT C210 Richiesto Feedback esterna (->S-0-0022)
Mess. no.: C210 (hex)
Class: Command error
C211 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/11
Diag. mess.: DE C211 Ungültige Feedbackdaten (->S-0-0022)
EN C211 Invalid feedback data (->S-0-0022)
FR C211 Donnée feedback incorrecte (->S-0-0022)
ES C211 Datos de retroalimentación inválidos (->S-0-0022)
IT C211 Dati di Feedback invalidi (->S-0-0022)
Mess. no.: C211 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 65
C212 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/12
Diag. mess.: DE C212 Ungültige Verstärkerdaten (->S-0-0022)
EN C212 Invalid amplifier data (->S-0-0022)
FR C212 Donnée variateur incorrecte (->S-0-0022)
ES C212 Datos de amplificador inválidos (->S-0-0022)
IT C212 Dati Azionamento invalidi (->S-0-0022)
Mess. no.: C212 (hex)
Class: Command error
Checking and correcting the relevant parameters, such as:
• S-0-0076, Position data scaling type
• S-0-0077, Linear position data scaling factor
• S-0-0078, Linear position data scaling exponent
• S-0-0079, Rotational position resolution
• S-0-0116, Resolution of motor feedback
• S-0-0121, Input revolutions of load gear
• S-0-0122, Output revolutions of load gear
• S-0-0123, Feed constant
• P-0-0074, Interface feedback 1
• S-0-0277, Position feedback 1 type parameter
See also the functional description "S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase
4 Transition Check"
66 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C213 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/13
Diag. mess.: DE C213 Wichtung der Lagedaten fehlerhaft
EN C213 Position data scaling error
FR C213 Erreur calibrage données de position
ES C213 Error de escala de datos de posición
IT C213 Errore Taratura Dati Posizione
Mess. no.: C213 (hex)
Class: Command error
C214 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/14
Diag. mess.: DE C214 Wichtung der Geschwindigkeitsdaten fehlerhaft
EN C214 Velocity data scaling error
FR C214 Erreur calibrage données de vitesse
ES C214 Error de escala de datos de velocidad
IT C214 Errore Taratura Dati di Velocità
Mess. no.: C214 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 67
C215 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/15
Diag. mess.: DE C215 Wichtung der Beschleunigungsdaten fehlerhaft
EN C215 Acceleration data scaling error
FR C215 Erreur calibrage données d'accélération
ES C215 Error de escala de datos de aceleración
IT C215 Errore Taratura Dati Accelerazione
Mess. no.: C215 (hex)
Class: Command error
68 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C216 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/16
Diag. mess.: DE C216 Wichtung der Drehmoment/Kraftdaten fehlerhaft
EN C216 Torque/force data scaling error
FR C216 Erreur calibrage données de couple/force
ES C216 Error de escala de datos de par/fuerza
IT C216 Errore Taratura Dati Coppia/Forza
Mess. no.: C216 (hex)
Class: Command error
C217 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/17
Diag. mess.: DE C217 Fehler beim Lesen der Motorgeberdaten
EN C217 Motor feedback data reading error
FR C217 Erreur lecture données feedback moteur
ES C217 Error en lectura de datos retroalimentación de motor
IT C217 Errore nella Lettura dei Dati di Feedback
Mess. no.: C217 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 69
1. Defective measurement system cable.
2. Defective measurement system.
For 1. Check the measurement system cable.
For 2. Exchange the measurement system.
See also the functional description "S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase
4 Transition Check"
C218 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/18
Diag. mess.: DE C218 Fehler beim Lesen der Daten des ext. Gebers
EN C218 External feedback data reading error
FR C218 Erreur lecture données feedback externe
ES C218 Error en lectura de datos de retroalimentación externa
IT C218 Errore nella Lettura dati Feedback esterno
Mess. no.: C218 (hex)
Class: Command error
For 1. Check the motor feedback cable.
For 2. Exchange the motor.
For 3. Exchange the measuring system interface (module).
See also the functional description "S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase
4 Transition Check"
70 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C220 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/20
Diag. mess.: DE C220 Fehler bei Motorgeber-Initialisierung
EN C220 Motor feedback initializing error
FR C220 Erreur initialisation feedback moteur
ES C220 Error al inicializar retroalim. de motor
IT C220 Errore nell' Inizializz. del Feedback Motore
Mess. no.: C220 (hex)
Class: Command error
For 1. Check the external feedback cable.
For 2. Exchange feedback.
For 3. Exchange the measuring system interface (module).
C221 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/21
Diag. mess.: DE C221 Fehler bei Ext.Geber-Initialisierung
EN C221 Ext. feedback initializing error
FR C221 Erreur initialisation feedback externe
ES C221 Error al inicializar retroalim. externa
IT C221 Errore nell' Inizializz. del Feedback esterno
Mess. no.: C221 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 71
C223 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/23
Diag. mess.: DE C223 Eingabewert max. Verfahrbereich zu groß
EN C223 Input value for max. range too high
FR C223 Entrée excessive pour champs de course
ES C223 Valor de entrada máx. campo desplazamiento excesivo
IT C223 Valore troppo alta per Campo mass.
Mess. no.: C223 (hex)
Class: Command error
C225 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/25
Diag. mess.: DE C225 Coprozessor nicht bereit zur Initialisierung
EN C225 Coprocessor not ready for initialization
FR C225 Coprocesseur pas prêt pour initialisation
ES C225 Coprocesador no listo para inicialización
IT C225 Coprocessore non pronto per Inizializzazione
Mess. no.: C225 (hex)
Class: Command error
72 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The coprocessor failed.
Exchange the drive controller.
See also the functional description "S-0-0128, C2 Communication Phase
4 Transition Check"
C226 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/26
Diag. mess.: DE C226 Kein Acknowledge von Coprozessor
EN C226 Coprocessor acknowledge failed
FR C226 Erreur acquittement coprocesseur
ES C226 No hay confirmación de coprocesador
IT C226 Riconosc. Coprocessore fallita
Mess. no.: C226 (hex)
Class: Command error
C227 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/27
Diag. mess.: DE C227 Modulo-Bereichs-Fehler
EN C227 Modulo range error
FR C227 Erreur plage module
ES C227 Error de campo de módulo
IT C227 Errore nel Range del Modulo
Mess. no.: C227 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 73
C228 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/28
Diag. mess.: DE C228 Regelgerätetyp S-0-0140 falsch
EN C228 Controller type S-0-0140 wrong
FR C228 Type de variateur S-0-0140 faux
ES C228 Tipo regulador S-0-0140 incorrecto
IT C228 Tipo di Azionamento S-0-0140 falso
Mess. no.: C228 (hex)
Class: Command error
C231 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/31
Diag. mess.: DE C231 Emulator lässt sich nicht laden
EN C231 Emulator not loadable
FR C231 Emulateur non chargeable
ES C231 No se puede cargar el emulador
IT C231 Emulatore non cargabile
Mess. no.: C231 (hex)
Class: Command error
74 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C232 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/32
Diag. mess.: DE C232 Motorgeberinterface nicht vorhanden
EN C232 Motor encoder interface not present
FR C232 Interface du codeur moteur manque
ES C232 Interface de encoder de motor no existe
IT C232 Manca l'Interfaccia del Encoder Motore
Mess. no.: C232 (hex)
Class: Command error
C233 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/33
Diag. mess.: DE C233 Externes Geberinterface nicht vorhanden
EN C233 External encoder interface not present
FR C233 Interface du codeur externe manque
ES C233 Interface de encoder externo no existe
IT C233 Manca l'Interfaccia del Encoder esterno
Mess. no.: C233 (hex)
Class: Command error
C234 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/34
Diag. mess.: DE C234 Geberkombination nicht möglich
EN C234 Encoder combination not possible
FR C234 Combinaison des capteurs impossible
ES C234 Combinación de transmisor imposible
IT C234 Combinazione Encoder non possibile
Mess. no.: C234 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 75
C235 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/35
Diag. mess.: DE C235 Lastseitiger Motorgeber nur bei Asynchronmotor
EN C235 Load-side motor encoder with inductance motor only
FR C235 Capteur moteur coté charge seulement pour moteur async.
ES C235 Encoder de motor lado de carga sólo con motor asíncrono
IT C235 Encoder Lato Carica solo con Motore asincrono
Mess. no.: C235 (hex)
Class: Command error
C236 - Attributes
H1 Display : C2/36
Diag. mess.: DE C236 Motorgeber erforderlich (P-0-0074)
EN C236 Motor feedback required (P-0-0074)
FR C236 Feedback moteur nécessaire (P-0-0074)
ES C236 Requerida retroalimentación motor (P-0-0074)
IT C236 Richiesto Feedback Motore (P-0-0074)
Mess. no.: C236 (hex)
Class: Command error
76 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C300 - Attributes
H1 Display : C3
Diag. mess.: DE C300 Absolutmaß setzen
EN C300 Set absolute measuring
FR C300 Calage origine absolue
ES C300 Ajustar medición absoluta
IT C300 Set Misura Assoluta
Mess. no.: C300 (hex)
C302 - Attributes
H1 Display : C3/02
Diag. mess.: DE C302 Kein absolutes Meßsystem vorhanden
EN C302 Absolute measuring system not installed
FR C302 Système de mesure absolue non disponible
ES C302 No existe sistema de medición absoluta
IT C302 Sistema di Misura assoluta non installato
Mess. no.: C302 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 77
C400 - Attributes
H1 Display : C4
Diag. mess.: DE C400 Umschalten auf Phase 2
EN C400 Command: switch to parameter mode
FR C400 Passage en phase 2
ES C400 Conmutación a fase 2
IT C400 Comando: commutazione in Modo Parametri
Mess. no.: C400 (hex)
C401 - Attributes
H1 Display : C4/01
Diag. mess.: DE C401 Antrieb aktiv, Umschalten nicht zulässig
EN C401 Drive active, switching not allowed
FR C401 Entraînement validé, passage impossible
ES C401 Accionamiento activo, conmutación no permitida
IT C401 Azionamento abilitato, Commut. non consentita
Mess. no.: C401 (hex)
Class: Command error
C402 - Attributes
H1 Display : C4/02
Diag. mess.: DE C402 Nur ohne Master zulässig
EN C402 Only allowed without master
FR C402 Autorisé seulement sans maître
ES C402 Sólo permitido sin master
IT C402 Permesso solo senza Master
Mess. no.: C402 (hex)
Class: Command error
78 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C500 - Attributes
H1 Display : C5
Diag. mess.: DE C500 Reset Zustandsklasse 1, Fehler rücksetzen
EN C500 Reset class 1 diagnostic, error reset
FR C500 RAZ classe d'état 1
ES C500 Reset diagnóstico clase 1, reset de error
IT C500 Cancellazione Errori Classe 1
Mess. no.: C500 (hex)
C501 - Attributes
H1 Display : C5/01
Diag. mess.: DE C501 Fehler nur im Parametriermodus 1 löschbar
EN C501 Error delet only in parameter mode
FR C501 Effacement erreur seulement en mode paramètre
ES C501 Borrar error solamente en modo de parámetro
IT C501 Cancell. permessa solo In Modo Parametri
Mess. no.: C501 (hex)
Class: Command error
C600 - Attributes
H1 Display : C6
Diag. mess.: DE C600 Kommando Antriebsgeführtes Referenzieren
EN C600 Drive controlled homing procedure command
FR C600 Commande d'origine sous contrôle entraînement
ES C600 Comando referenciado controlado por accionamiento
IT C600 Procedura di Azzeramento Asse
Mess. no.: C600 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 79
C601 - Attributes
H1 Display : C6/01
Diag. mess.: DE C601 Referenzieren nur mit Reglerfreigabe möglich
EN C601 Homing only possible with drive enable
FR C601 Prise d'origine seulement avec entraînement validé
ES C601 Referenciado no posible sin desbloque de accionamiento
IT C601 Azzeramento solo possibile con Azion. Abilit.
Mess. no.: C601 (hex)
Class: Command error
C602 - Attributes
H1 Display : C6/02
Diag. mess.: DE C602 Abstand Referenzschalter-Referenzmarke fehlerhaft
EN C602 Distance home switch - reference mark erroneous
FR C602 Erreur distance came origine top 0
ES C602 Error Distancia marca refer. de interr. puesta a cero
IT C602 Distanza errata tra camma di zero e Imp. Encod.
Mess. no.: C602 (hex)
Class: Command error
80 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
First activate command P-0-0012, C300 Command 'Set absolute
measurement', and then start command S-0-0148, C600 Drive
controlled homing procedure command. This procedure will define
the absolute reference point.
See also the functional description: "Possible Error Messages During
Drive-Controlled Homing"
C604 - Attributes
H1 Display : C6/04
Diag. mess.: DE C604 Referenzieren mit Absolutmaßgeber nicht möglich
EN C604 Homing of absolute encoder not possible
FR C604 Prise d'origine avec codeur absolu impossible
ES C604 Referenciado de encoder absoluto no posible
IT C604 Azzer. dell' Encoder Assoluto non permesso
Mess. no.: C604 (hex)
Class: Command error
C700 - Attributes
H1 Display : C7
Diag. mess.: DE C700 Urladen
EN C700 Basic load
FR C700 Chargement initial
ES C700 Carga básica
IT C700 Caricamento iniziale
Mess. no.: C700 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 81
C701 - Attributes
H1 Display : C7/01
Diag. mess.: DE C701 Urladen bei Reglerfreigabe nicht möglich
EN C701 Basic load not possible if drive is enabled
FR C701 Chargement initial impossible avec RF actif
ES C701 Carga básica no posible si ajustado en bloqueo regulad
IT C701 Caricamento iniziale non poss. se Azion. abilitato
Mess. no.: C701 (hex)
Class: Command error
C702 - Attributes
H1 Display : C7/02
Diag. mess.: DE C702 Keine Defaultparameter vorhanden
EN C702 Default parameters not available
FR C702 Paramètres par défaut non disponibles
ES C702 Parámetros por defecto no disponibles
IT C702 Parametri Standard non disponibili
Mess. no.: C702 (hex)
Class: Command error
C703 - Attributes
H1 Display : C7/03
Diag. mess.: DE C703 Default-Parameter ungültig
EN C703 Default parameters invalid
FR C703 Paramètres par défaut invalides
ES C703 Parámetro por defecto no válido
IT C703 Parametri Standard non validi
Mess. no.: C703 (hex)
Class: Command error
82 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
C704 - Attributes
H1 Display : C7/04
Diag. mess.: DE C704 Parameter nicht kopierbar
EN C704 Parameters not copyable
FR C704 Les paramètres ne peuvent pas être copiés.
ES C704 Parametros no se pueden copiar.
IT C704 Parametri non copiabili
Mess. no.: C704 (hex)
Class: Command error
C705 - Attributes
H1 Display : C7/05
Diag. mess.: DE C705 Verriegelt mit Passwort
EN C705 Locked with password
FR C705 Bloqué avec mot de passe
ES C705 Bloqueado con contraseña
IT C705 Bloccato con parola chiave
Mess. no.: C705 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 83
C800 - Attributes
H1 Display : C8
Diag. mess.: DE C800 Default-Parameter laden
EN C800 Default parameter load
FR C800 Chargement des paramètres par défaut
ES C800 Cargar parámetros por defecto
IT C800 Caricamento Parametri di Default
Mess. no.: C800 (hex)
C801 - Attributes
H1 Display : C8/01
Diag. mess.: DE C801 Parameter-Defaultwert fehlerhaft (-> S-0-0021)
EN C801 Parameter default value erroneous (-> S-0-0021)
FR C801 Valeur de défaut pour paramètre faux (voir S-0-0021)
ES C801 Valor por defecto para parámetro defectuoso
IT C801 Parametro di Default falso (-> S-0-0021)
Mess. no.: C801 (hex)
Class: Command error
C802 - Attributes
H1 Display : C8/02
Diag. mess.: DE C802 Verriegelt mit Passwort
EN C802 Locked with password
FR C802 Bloqué avec mot de passe
ES C802 Bloqueado con contraseña
IT C802 Bloccato con parola chiave
Mess. no.: C802 (hex)
Class: Command error
84 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
D300 - Attributes
H1 Display : d3
Diag. mess.: DE D300 Kommando Kommutierungseinstellung
EN D300 Command adjust commutation
FR D300 Commande Justage de commutation
ES D300 Conmutación comando
IT D300 Comando di commutazione
Mess. no.: D300 (hex)
D301 - Attributes
H1 Display : d3/01
Diag. mess.: DE D301 Antrieb für Komm.einstellung nicht bereit
EN D301 Drive not ready for commutation command
FR D301 Entraînement pas prêt pour justage de commutation
ES D301 Accionamiento no listo para comando conmutación
IT D301 Azionamento non Pronto per Com. di Commutazione
Mess. no.: D301 (hex)
Class: Command error
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 85
D500 - Attributes
H1 Display : d5
Diag. mess.: DE D500 Kommando Markerposition erfassen
EN D500 Command 'get mark position'
FR D500 Commande Obtenir la position du marqueur
ES D500 Comando 'Registrar posición de marcador'
IT D500 Comando prendere la Positione della Marca
Mess. no.: D500 (hex)
D501 - Attributes
H1 Display : d5/01
Diag. mess.: DE D501 Kein inkrementelles Meßsystem
EN D501 Incremental encoder required
FR D501 Un codeur incremental est nécessaire.
ES D501 Falta encoder incremental
IT D501 Encoder incrementale manca
Mess. no.: D501 (hex)
Class: Command error
The D600 Cancel reference point procedure command has been
See also the functional description: "Drive-Controlled Homing"
86 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
D600 - Attributes
H1 Display : d6
Diag. mess.: DE D600 Kommando Referenzbezug loeschen
EN D600 Cancel reference point procedure command
FR D600 Commande Annulation de l'origine
ES D600 Comando cancelar proceso de punto de referencia
IT D600 Comando Annullazione Azzeramento
Mess. no.: D600 (hex)
D700 - Attributes
H1 Display : PA
Diag. mess.: DE D700 Kommando Parkende Achse
EN D700 Parking axis command
FR D700 Commande Axe stationnée
ES D700 Comando eje estacionado
IT D700 Comando Stazionamento Asse
Mess. no.: D700 (hex)
D800 - Attributes
H1 Display : d8
Diag. mess.: DE D800 Kommando Messradbetrieb
EN D800 Command measuring wheel operation mode
FR D800 Commande Roue de mesure
ES D800 Comando Rueda de medición
IT D800 Comando Ruota di Misura
Mess. no.: D800 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 87
D801 - Attributes
H1 Display : d8/01
Diag. mess.: DE D801 Messradbetrieb nicht möglich
EN D801 Measuring wheel operation not possible
FR D801 Mode Roue de mesure impossible
ES D801 Modo rueda de medición imposible
IT D801 Modo Ruota di Misura non possibile
Mess. no.: D801 (hex)
Class: Command error
The drive enabling signal has been removed while the measuring wheel
operation mode command was active; or an error has lead to an
erroneous reaction.
D802 - Attributes
H1 Display : d8/02
Diag. mess.: DE D802 Abbruch der Betriebsart
EN D802 Operation mode cancelled
FR D802 Mode d'opération annullé
ES D802 Modo de operación cancelado
IT D802 Modo operativo cancellato
Mess. no.: D802 (hex)
Class: Command error
88 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A000 - Attributes
H1 Display : P0
Diag. mess.: DE A000 Kommunikationsphase 0
EN A000 Communication phase 0
FR A000 Phase de communication 0
ES A000 Fase de comunicación 0
IT A000 Fase di Comunicazione 0
Mess. no.: A000 (hex)
A001 - Attributes
H1 Display : P1
Diag. mess.: DE A001 Kommunikationsphase 1
EN A001 Communication phase 1
FR A001 Phase de communication 1
ES A001 Fase de comunicación 1
IT A001 Fase di Comunicazione 1
Mess. no.: A001 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 89
Note: The parameters are not checked to see if they are correct.
A002 - Attributes
H1 Display : P2
Diag. mess.: DE A002 Kommunikationsphase 2
EN A002 Communication phase 2
FR A002 Phase de communication 2
ES A002 Fase de comunicación 2
IT A002 Fase di Comunicazione 2
Mess. no.: A002 (hex)
Note: The parameters are not checked to see if they are correct.
90 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A003 - Attributes
H1 Display : P3
Diag. mess.: DE A003 Kommunikationsphase 3
EN A003 Communication phase 3
FR A003 Phase de communication 3
ES A003 Fase de comunicación 3
IT A003 Fase di Comunicazione 3
Mess. no.: A003 (hex)
A010 - Attributes
H1 Display : AH
Diag. mess.: DE A010 Antrieb HALT
EN A010 Drive HALT
FR A010 Arrêt de l'entraînement
ES A010 Accionamiento parada
IT A010 Stop Azionamento
Mess. no.: A010 (hex)
A011 - Attributes
H1 Display : A5
Diag. mess.: DE A011 Anlaufsperre aktiv
EN A011 Drive interlock open
FR A011 Démarrage bloqué
ES A011 Bloqueo de marcha
Mess. no.: A011 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 91
A012 - Attributes
H1 Display : Ab
Diag. mess.: DE A012 Steuer- und Leistungsteil betriebsbereit
EN A012 Control and power sections ready for operation
FR A012 Commande et puissance prêts à fonctionner
ES A012 Secciones de mando y potencia listos para el servicio
IT A012 Azionamento pronto
Mess. no.: A012 (hex)
A013 - Attributes
H1 Display : bb
Diag. mess.: DE A013 Bereit zur Leistungszuschaltung
EN A013 Ready for power on
FR A013 Prêt pour mise sous puissance
ES A013 Listo para conexión de potencia
IT A013 Sistema pronto per Inserzione Potenza
Mess. no.: A013 (hex)
A100 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A100 Antrieb in Momentenregelung
EN A100 Drive in TORQUE control
FR A100 Entraînement en asservissement de COUPLE
ES A100 Accionamiento en regulación de PAR
IT A100 Azionamento in Regolazione di COPPIA
Mess. no.: A100 (hex)
A101 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A101 Antrieb in Geschwindigkeitsregelung
EN A101 Drive in VELOCITY control
FR A101 Entraînement en asservissement de VITESSE
ES A101 Accionamiento en regulación de VELOCIDAD
IT A101 Azionamento in Regolazione di VELOCITA
Mess. no.: A101 (hex)
92 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A102 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A102 Lageregelung mit Geber 1
EN A102 Position mode with encoder 1
FR A102 Asservissement de position, codeur 1
ES A102 Regulación de posición, encoder 1
IT A102 Posizionamento con Encoder 1
Mess. no.: A102 (hex)
A103 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A103 Lageregelung mit Geber 2
EN A103 Position mode with encoder 2
FR A103 Asservissement de position, codeur 2
ES A103 Regulación de posición, encoder 2
IT A103 Posizionamento con Encoder 2
Mess. no.: A103 (hex)
A104 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A104 Lageregelung schleppabstandsfrei, Geber 1
EN A104 Position mode lagless, encoder 1
FR A104 Asserv. de pos., codeur 1, sans erreur poursuite
ES A104 Regulación de posición, encoder 1, sin retardo
IT A104 Posizionamento con Encoder 1, senza E.I.
Mess. no.: A104 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 93
A105 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A105 Lageregelung schleppabstandsfrei, Geber 2
EN A105 Position control lagless, feedback 2
FR A105 Asserv. de pos., codeur 2, sans erreur poursuite
ES A105 Regulación de posición, encoder 2, sin retardo
IT A105 Posizionamento con Encoder 2, senza E.I.
Mess. no.: A105 (hex)
A106 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A106 Antriebsinterne Interpolation, Geber 1
EN A106 Drive controlled interpolation, encoder 1
FR A106 Interpolation interne, codeur 1
ES A106 Interpolación contr. por accionamiento, encoder 1
IT A106 Azionamento contr. in Interpolazione, Encoder 1
Mess. no.: A106 (hex)
94 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A107 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A107 Antriebsinterne Interpolation, Geber 2
EN A107 Drive controlled interpolation, encoder 2
FR A107 Interpolation interne, codeur 2
ES A107 Interpolación contr. por accionamiento, encoder 2
IT A107 Azionamento contr. in Interpolazione, Encoder 2
Mess. no.: A107 (hex)
A108 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A108 Antriebsinterne Interpol. schleppfrei, Geber 1
EN A108 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, encoder 1
FR A108 Interpolation interne, codeur 1, sans erreur poursuite
ES A108 Interpol. por accion. int., enc. 1, sin retardo
IT A108 Azionamento contr. in Interp., Enc. 1, senza E.I.
Mess. no.: A108 (hex)
A109 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A109 Antriebsinterne Interpol. schleppfrei, Geber 2
EN A109 Drive controlled interpolation, lagless, encoder 2
FR A109 Interpolation interne, codeur 2, sans erreur poursuite
ES A109 Interpol. por accion. int., enc. 2, sin retardo
IT A109 Azionamento contr. in Interp., Enc. 2, senza E.I.
Mess. no.: A109 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 95
A110 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A110 Drehzahlsynchronisation, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A110 Velocity synchronization, virtual master drive
FR A110 Synchronisation de vitesse, axe guide virtuel
ES A110 Sincronización de velocidad, eje conductor virtual
IT A110 Sincronizzazione di Velocità, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A110 (hex)
A112 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A112 Winkelsynchronisation, Geber 1, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A112 Phase synchronization, encoder 1, virtual master drive
FR A112 Synchron. angulaire, codeur 1, axe guide virtuel
ES A112 Sincron. de fase, encoder 1, eje conductor virtual
IT A112 Sincron. di Fase, Encoder 1, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A112 (hex)
96 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A113 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A113 Winkelsynchronisation, Geber 2, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A113 Phase synchronization, encoder 2, virtual master drive
FR A113 Synchron. angulaire, codeur 2, axe guide virtuel
ES A113 Sincron. de fase, encoder 2, eje conductor virtual
IT A113 Sincron. di Fase, Encoder 2, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A113 (hex)
A116 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A116 Winkelsynch. schleppfrei, Geber 1, virt. Leitachse
EN A116 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 1, virtual master drive
FR A116 Synchr. ang., cod. 1, sans err. pste, axe guide virt.
ES A116 Sincr. fase., enc. 1, sin retardo, eje conduct. virt.
IT A116 Sincron. di Fase, Enc. 1, senza E.I., Master virt.
Mess. no.: A116 (hex)
A117 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A117 Winkelsynch. schleppfrei, Geber 2, virt. Leitachse
EN A117 Phase synchr. lagless, encoder 2, virtual master drive
FR A117 Synchr. ang., cod. 2, sans err. pste, axe guide virt.
ES A117 Sincr. fase., enc. 2, sin retardo, eje conduct. virt
IT A117 Sincron. di Fase, Enc. 2, senza E.I., Master virt.
Mess. no.: A117 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 97
A120 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A120 Mustergetriebe, Geber 1, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A120 Pattern control, encoder 1, virtual master drive
FR A120 Contrôle d'échantillon, cod. 1, axe guide virtuel
ES A120 Control de muestra, enc. 1, eje conductor virtual
IT A120 Percorso controllato, Encoder 1, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A120 (hex)
A121 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A121 Mustergetriebe, Geber 2, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A121 Pattern control, encoder 2, virtual master drive
FR A121 Contrôle d'échantillon, cod. 2, axe guide virtuel
ES A121 Control de muestra, enc. 2, eje conductor virtual
IT A121 Percorso controllato, Encoder 2, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A121 (hex)
98 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A124 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A124 Mustergetriebe schleppfrei, Geber 1, virt. Leitachse
EN A124 Pattern control lagless, enc. 1, virtual master drive
FR A124 Contr. d'éch., cod. 1, sans err. pste, axe guide virt.
ES A124 Control muestra, enc. 1, sin retardo, eje cond. virt.
IT A124 Perc. contr., Enc. 1, senza E.I., Master virt.
Mess. no.: A124 (hex)
A125 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A125 Mustergetriebe schleppfrei, Geber 2, virt. Leitachse
EN A125 Pattern control lagless, enc. 2, virtual master drive
FR A125 Contr. d'éch., cod. 2, sans err. pste, axe guide virt.
ES A125 Control muestra, enc. 2, sin retardo, eje cond. virt.
IT A125 Perc. contr., Enc. 2, senza E.I., Master virt.
Mess. no.: A125 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 99
A128 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A128 Kurvenscheibe, Geber 1, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A128 Cam shaft, encoder 1, virtual master drive
FR A128 Profil de came, codeur 1, axe guide virtuel
ES A128 Eje de leva, encoder 1, eje conductor virtual
IT A128 Camma, Encoder 1, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A128 (hex)
A129 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A129 Kurvenscheibe, Geber 2, virtuelle Leitachse
EN A129 Cam shaft, encoder 2, virtual master drive
FR A129 Profil de came, codeur 2, axe guide virtuel
ES A129 Eje de leva, encoder 2, eje conductor virtual
IT A129 Camma, Encoder 2, Master virtuale
Mess. no.: A129 (hex)
100 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Virtual master Encoder means, that the position of the master encoder
will be calculated by the control.
See also function description: "Electronic cam shaft"
A132 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A132 Kurvenscheibe schleppfrei, Geber 1, virt. Leitachse
EN A132 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 1, virt. master drive
FR A132 Profil de came, cod. 1, sans err. pste, axe guide virt.
ES A132 Eje de leva, enc. 1, sin retardo, eje cond. virt.
IT A132 Camma, Enc. 1, senza E.I., Master virt.
Mess. no.: A132 (hex)
A133 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A133 Kurvenscheibe schleppfrei, Geber 2, virt. Leitachse
EN A133 Cam shaft, lagless, encoder 2, virt. master drive
FR A133 Profil de came, cod. 2, sans err. pste, axe guide virt.
ES A133 Eje de leva, enc. 2, sin retardo, eje cond. virt.
IT A133 Camma, Enc. 2, senza E.I., Master virt.
Mess. no.: A133 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 101
A146 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A146 Relative antriebsinterne Interpolation, Geber 1
EN A146 Relative drive controlled interpolation, encoder 1
FR A146 Interpolation interne relative, codeur 1
ES A146 Interpol. relativa contr. por accion., enc. 1
IT A146 Azionam. contr. in Interp. relativa, Enc. 1
Mess. no.: A146 (hex)
A147 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A147 Relative antriebsinterne Interpolation, Geber 2
EN A147 Relative drive controlled interpolation, encoder 2
FR A147 Interpolation interne relative, codeur 2
ES A147 Interpol. relativa contr. por accion., enc. 2
IT A147 Azionam. contr. in Interp. relativa, Enc. 2
Mess. no.: A147 (hex)
102 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
A148 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A148 Relative antriebsint. Interpol. Geber 1, schleppfrei
EN A148 Relative drive contr. interpolation, enc. 1, lagless
FR A148 Interpol. interne relative, cod. 1, sans err. pste.
ES A148 Interpol. rel. por accion. int., enc. 1, sin retardo
IT A148 Azionam. contr. in Interp. relat., Enc. 1, senza E.I.
Mess. no.: A148 (hex)
A149 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A149 Relative antriebsint. Interpol. Geber 2, schleppfrei
EN A149 Relative drive contr. interpolation, enc. 2, lagless
FR A149 Interpol. interne relative, cod. 1, sans err. pste.
ES A149 Interpol. rel. por accion. int., enc. 2, sin retardo
IT A149 Azionam. contr. in Interp. relat., Enc. 2, senza E.I.
Mess. no.: A149 (hex)
A800 - Attributes
H1 Display : AF
Diag. mess.: DE A800 Unbekannte Betriebsart
EN A800 Unknown operation mode
FR A800 Mode d'opération inconnu
ES A800 Modo de operación desconocido
IT A800 Modo operativo non conosciuto
Mess. no.: A800 (hex)
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 103
104 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
The error in question is a system error. Please contact the appropriate
software development company.
Replace the drive.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description 105
"read for operation"
The drive is ready to be turned on.
"Drive is ready"
The control and power components of the drive are ready for operation.
"Drive enable"
The drive enable was issued and operated the activation of the drive.
This follows a command value input.
"Drive interlock"
The power output was locked. This signal serves the secured torque free
switching of the drive independent from existing operating states of the
drive packs.
"Drive Halt"
The drive will be stopped under the conditions of the acceleration
parameter and stays in control.
Phase 0
The drive is in phase 0 and is waiting on the phase transition from phase
0 to phase 1.
106 Supplement B: Diagnostic Message Description DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Phase 1
The transition from phase 1 to phase 2 was still not initiated from the
control system.
see the control handbook
Phase 2
Before the control system switches in the communications phase 3, the
controller checks inputted parameters for content of the input limits and
for completeness. If invalid parameter values were found, the phase
progression switch will stop the drive.
In the parameter "Identification Number List Invalid Operating Data
Communications Phase 2", the ID numbers S-0-0021 are recorded which
were recognized as invalid from the drive before the phase progression
switch in communications phase 3. The completion of this parameter is
required in order for switching into communications phase 3.
Phase 3
Before the control system switches in the communications phase 4, the
controller checks inputted parameters for content of the input limits and
for completeness. If invalid parameter values are recognized, the phase
progression switch will be stopped by the controller.
In the parameter "ID Number Lists of Invalid Operating Data
Communications Phase 3", ID number S-0-0022 records the parameters
which were recognized as invalid by the drive before the phase
progression switch in communications phase 4. The completion of this
parameter is required in order for switching into communications
phase 4.
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 2-1
2-2 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Index 2-3
M P0 105
P1 106
Mains failure 24
P2 106
Mains phase loss fault 24
P3 106
Master drive encoder failure
Parameter calculation error (-
quadrant error 14 >S-0-0022) 62
signal too small 14 Parameter default value
Measuring wheel operation not erroneous (-> S-0-0021)
possible 87 83
Modulo range error 72 Parameter limit error (->S-0-
Motor encoder failure 0022) 62
quadrant error 8 Parameters not copyable 82
signal too small 33 Parking axis command 86
Motor encoder interface not Pattern control lagless, enc. 1,
present 73 virtual master drive 98
Motor feedback data reading Pattern control lagless, enc. 2,
error 68 virtual master drive 98
Motor feedback initializing error Pattern control, encoder 1,
69 virtual master drive 97
Motor feedback required (P-0- Pattern control, encoder 2,
0074) 75 virtual master drive 97
Motor overload 40 Phase switching without ready
signal 28
Motor overtemp. prewarning 43
Phase synchr. lagless, encoder
Motor overtemp. shutdown 5 1, virtual master drive 96
Motor type P-0-4014 incorrect Phase synchr. lagless, encoder
63 2, virtual master drive 96
Phase synchronization, encoder
N 1, virtual master drive 95
Negative limit switch activated Phase synchronization, encoder
54 2, virtual master drive 95
2-4 Index DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Set absolute measuring 76
Short circuit to earth 20
Short to ground power supply
unit 23
Slave not scanned or adress 0
Softstart fault power supply unit
DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function Customer Service Locations
Austria Austria Belgium Denmark
Mannesmann Rexroth Ltd. Rexroth Mecman OY Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth - Sigma S.A.
INDRAMAT Division Riihimiehentie 3 Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
Broadway Lane, South Cerney SF-01720 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 4, 17, Loree du Golf
Cirencester, Glos GL7 5UH Place du Village F-69380 Dommartin
Telefon: +358 9/84 91 11
F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex
Telefon: +44 1285/86 30 00 Telefax: +358 9/84 63 87 Telefon: +33 4/78 43 56 58
Telefax: +44 1285/86 30 03 Telefon: +33 1/41 47 54 30 Telefax: +33 4/78 43 59 05
Telefax: +33 1/47 94 69 41
Rexroth - Sigma S.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Rexroth S.p.A. Divisione Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1a
270, Avenue de lardenne Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 P.O. Box 32
F-31100 Toulouse I-20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I-10145 Torino NL-5280 AA Boxtel
Telefon: +33 5/61 49 95 19 Telefon: +39 2/923 65-270 Telefon: +39 11/771 22 30 Telefon: +31 41 16/519 51
Telefax: +33 5/61 31 00 41 Telex: 331695 Telefax: +39 11/771 01 90 Telefax: +31 41 16/514 83
Telefax: +39 2/92 36 55 12
Switzerland Russia
Customer Service Locations DIAX04 Drive With Electric Gear Function
Outside of Europe
Argentina Argentina Australia Brazil
Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.I.C. Nakase Australian Industrial Machinery Mannesmann Rexroth Automação
Division INDRAMAT Asesoramiento Tecnico Services Pty. Ltd. Ltda.
Acassusso 48 41/7 Diaz Velez 2929 Unit ¾5 Horne ST Divisão INDRAMAT
1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) 1636 Olivos Campbellfield VIC 2061 Rua Georg Rexroth, 609
Argentina (Provincia de Buenos Aires) Australia Vila Padre Anchieta
Argentina BR-09.951-250 Diadema-SP
Telefon: +54 1/756 01 40 Telefon: +61 3/93 59 0228
Argentina Caixa Postal 377
+54 1/756 02 40 Telefax: +61 3/93 59 02886
BR-09.901-970 Diadema-SP
Telex: 262 66 rexro ar Telefon +54 1/790 52 30
Telefax: +54 1/756 01 36 Telefon: +55 11/745 90 65
+55 11/745 90 70
Telefax: +55 11/745 90 50
Basic Technologies Corporation Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd.
Burlington Division Shanghai Office Shanghai Parts & Service Centre 1430 China World Trade Centre
3426 Mainway Drive Room 206 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao 1, Jianguomenwai Avenue
Burlington, Ontario Shanghai Intern. Trade Centre Minhang District Beijing 100004
Canada L7M 1A8 2200 Yanan Xi Lu Shanghai 201 103 P.R. China
Shanghai 200335 P.R. China
Telefon: +1 905/335-55 11 Telefon: +86 10/50 50 380
P.R. China
Telefax: +1 905/335-41 84 Telefon: +86 21/622 00 058 Telefax: +86 10/50 50 379
Telefon: +86 21/627 55 333 Telefax: +86 21/622 00 068
Telefax: +86 21/627 55 666
Rexroth (China) Ltd. Rexroth (China) Ltd. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd. Rexroth Co., Ltd.
A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 19 Cheung Shun Street INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT Division
Sha He Kou District 1st Floor, Cheung Sha Wan, Plot. 96, Phase III I.R. Building
Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Honkong Peenya Industrial Area Nakamachidai 4-26-44
P.R. China Bangalore - 560058 Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 226
Telefon: +852 2741 13 51/-54 und
Telefon: +86 411/46 78 930 +852 741 14 30 Telefon: +91 80/839 21 01
Telefax: +86 411/46 78 932 Telex: 3346 17 GL REX HX +91 80/839 73 74 Telefon: +81 45/942-72 10
Telefax: +852 786 40 19 Telex: 845 5028 RexB Telefax: +81 45/942-03 41
+852 786 07 33 Telefax: +91 80/839 43 45