Study Tours SMP 1 Tayu

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Arranged to fulfill the task of English subjects

Disusun Oleh :

1. Mayla Fasa Fadilla (VIII B)

2. Ulviyatin Badriatul Ula (VIII C)
3. Adhella Fanish Widyasari (VIII F)
4. Alfina Dewi Maulida (VIII G)


LESSON YEAR 2017/2018


TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTODUCTION ....................................................................... 1
A. Background of Visit ................................................................................ 1
B. Objectives ............................................................................................... 1
C. Tour Benefits .......................................................................................... 1
D. Scope of Visit .......................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II TRAVEL REPORT ................................................................. 3
A. Travel Schedule ...................................................................................... 3
B. Tourist Attraction .................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................. 6
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 6
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 6


A. Background of Visit
Study tours is a tourism activity conducted with the aim to increase
knowledge and add experience. In addition to running an annual program, we
travel to learn, understand and learn directly some tourist attractions that contain
elements of history that can support our learning process at school.
In addition to the historical elements that can be learned in some attractions,
we also can learn some other sciences that can increase our knowledge.
Experience and knowledge during study tour to Jakarta-Bandung expected to be
useful in everyday life. In this paper report discusses several attractions.

B. Purpose
The purpose we want to achieve in making this travel report and in the
implementation of study tour are as follow :
1. Meet or run the Annual Program.
2. Complete the tasks assigned by the school.
3. To Know Some attractions that contain some elements - elements that
strongly support the learning process in school.
4. To know more and know some places of learning in the form of tourist
5. As an inspiration and improve student creativity.
6. Increase students’ insights.
7. To relax or refresh before taking the class increase test.
8. Can apply knowledge and knowledge that has been obtained so that it can be
useful in everyday life.
9. Fostering fraternity among fellow students.

C. Tour Benefits
The benefits or functions of this tour visit are as follows:
1. Increase and increase knowledge/ insight on Religious values, History,
Technology, Science and Recreation.
2. Improve student appreciation and creation.
3. Increasing the love of the homeland and culture of the nation.
4. Provide opportunities for students to gain immediate new experiences
5. Build intimacy between students and teacher

D. Scope of Visit
In our Visit there are some objects found in Jakarta-Bandung city and we
visited some object that is :
1. Istiqlal Mosque
2. National Monument (Monas)
3. Museum Pancasila Sakti Lubang Buaya
4. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)
5. Museum of Science and Technology
6. Hotel Salis (Bandung)
7. Geological Museum
8. Trans Studio Bandung
9. Cibaduyut


A. Travel Schedule
 The First day : Pati, 18 December 2017
12.30 – 13.30 : Preparation for departure from SMP Negeri 1 Tayu – Pati
13.30 – 17.30 : Journey to Kendal
17.30 – 05.00 : Continue journey to Jakarta
(Sholat Maghrib – Isya’dijamak ta’khir )

 The Second day: Jakarta, 19 December 2017

05.00 – 07.30 : Transit at mosque istiqlal for shubuh pray together,
shower and clean
07.30 – 09.00 : Journey to TMII for breakfast at north Kalimantan Pavilion
09.00 – 10.00 : Journey to east Jakarta
10.00 – 11.00 : Visit to science an technology museum
11.00 – 13.00 : Visit in the Museum Pancasila Sakti Lubang Buaya
13.00 – 14.00 : Journey to Monas
14.00 – 15.00 : Visit to Monas
15.00 – 20.30 : Journey to Bandung (Hotel Salis)
20.30 – 00.00 : Break in Hotel Salis

 The Third day

06.00 – 07.30 : Breakfast at Hotel Salis
07.30 – 08.30 : Journey to Museum Geology
08.30 – 10.00 : Tourist visit at Museum Geology
10.00 – 12.00 : Journey to Trans Studio Bandung
12.0 – 15.30 : Lunch together Continued to enjoy various rides in
Trans Studio Bandung (Sholat Dhuhur – Ashar di Jama’)
15.30 – 16.30 : Journey to Jl. Cibaduyut
16.30 – 18.00 : Shopping in store by typical west java
18.00 – 19.00 : Journey to Cipacing
19.00 – 20.00 : Dinner together at the restaurant Simpang Raya – Cipacing
( Shalat Maghrib – Isya’dijama’ )
 20.00 – 07.00 : Return trip to the starch

 The fourth day : Pati, 21 December 2017
07.00 : Is expected to arrive in the beloved city by bringing fond
memories together CV. Mahkota Rama tours Jepara

B. Tourist Attraction
Our experience in Jakarta – Bandung.
On the first day, before leaving for Jakarta – Bandung, we gathered in the
school yard at 12.30 pm. Then we put the goods on the thank. After that we
entered the bus. We went to Jakarta at 13.30. On the bus is very crowded there is
a joke, tell a story, sing a song, dance, and others. at 17.00 we arrived at the
Kendal restaurant. We had dinner and the Maghrib and Isya’ prayers at the
mosque at 05.30 pm we left the restaurant an continue the journey to Jakarta.
On the second day, 05.00 we arrived at the Mosque Istiqlal Jakarta. In
mosque Istiqlal we perform Shubuh prayer and clean there. At 07.30 we continue
the journey to TMII for breakfast at east Kalimantan Bridge. We went to
PPIPTEK at 11.00. We at PPIPTEK can observer some objects in the place. After
leaving PPIPTEK we went to the museum Pancasila magic about one hour. After
exiting out of the museum Pancasila Sakti we continue the journey to Monas,
when arrived at Monas we surround and observe Monas. After observing and
circling the Monas we continue the journey to Bandung. At 20.30 we arrived at
he Hotel Salis Bandung. After arriving at the hotel we immediately pray, bathe,
eat, then sleep.

On the third day, at 06.00 we do breakfast and prepare to got to geology
museum. At 08.30 we arrived at the geology museum. We were at the Geology
Museum for an hour and thirty minutes, there we toured the Geological Museum
area. After visiting geology museum we went to trans Studio Bandung at 12.00,
in trans studio Bandung we enjoy rids and lunch in trans Studio Bandung. After
that we went to Cibaduyut we shop for souvenirs for thirty minutes. After that
proceed to shop by buy.And after buying by us to the restaurant for dinner and
prayer. After dinner and pray we continue or journey back to the town of strach.
On the four day, at 07.00 we arrived at the beloved city Pati with CV.
Mahkota Tama Tours Jepara.


A. Conclusion
With the creation of this paper we can get the benefits that will be our
training in college later. So in making the paper is a training for us all. As well
as in makingthis paper makes us more skilled and responsible to complete the
tasks we have received. And from some of the objects we have visited we can
conclude that these objects have potential and benefits in participating in the
development of the nation today in the future, especially in the field of tourism,
education, and culture.
Each of the objects we visited has their own characteristics. So that each
object has benefits and wider usability. We as students are very happy, because
every place that the author visited has its own advantages and privileges. We can
recreate with pleasure, arid recreation is very important in adding insight and
knowledge to us by playing. In soil water is a lot of various attractions that we
can visit as a means of playing and learning.

B. Suggestion
1. For schools :
a) Schools should be able to provide relief costs for underprivileged students
or cost difficulties to attend the Study Tour so that no students cant not
participate in the Study Tour due to cost constraints.
b) Schools are expected to give longer time for students to work on writing.
c) Schools should give longer time for students to enjoy the attractions.
2. For companion teachers :
a) It is hoped that more discipline of the students so that the students
canbring themselves to be more sociable.
b) Pay more attention to the health of the students, especially
thecircumstances of less healthy students during the trip.
c) Expected to be a parent and friend for students during the Study Tour soit
can be more familiar.
d) It is expected to be more alert to handle unexpected events that
aredisruptive to the Study Tour program.

3. For students :
a) Students are expected not only to utilize the Study Tour as a recreational
facility but also as a learning tool to add insight.
b) Students are expected to be orderly and disciplined to make the Study
Tourtrip run smoothly.
c) Students are expected to maintain attitudes during the Study Tour, as
wellas pay attention to all orders or regulations of the tour bureaus, tutors
andtour guides for personal safety.
d) Students are expected to participate in maintaining the cleanliness
andsustainability of the visited tourist objects.
e) Students are advised not to travel alone in the tourist objects or on timefree
to anticipate things that are not desirable.


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