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Flavor Analysis of Nucleon,, and Hyperon Electromagnetic Form Factors

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Few-Body Systems manuscript No.

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Martin Rohrmoser · Ki-Seok Choi · Willibald Plessas

Flavor analysis of nucleon, ∆, and hyperon

electromagnetic form factors
arXiv:1701.07337v1 [hep-ph] 25 Jan 2017

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract By the analysis of the world data base of elastic electron scattering on the proton and
the neutron (for the latter, in fact, on 2 H and 3 He) important experimental insights have recently
been gained into the flavor compositions of nucleon electromagnetic form factors. We report on testing
the Graz Goldstone-boson-exchange relativistic constituent-quark model in comparison to the flavor
contents in low-energy nucleons, as revealed from electron-scattering phenomenology. It is found that
a satisfactory agreement is achieved between theory and experiment for momentum transfers up to
Q2 ∼ 4 GeV2 , relying on three-quark configurations only. Analogous studies have been extended to
the ∆ and the hyperon electromagnetic form factors. For them we here show only some sample results
in comparison to data from lattice quantum chromodynamics.
Keywords Electromagnetic baryon form factors · Relativistic constituent-quark model · Covariant
point-form approach

Evidently, electromagnetic (e.m.) form factors provide stringent tests on any model for hadrons.
The Goldstone-boson-exchange (GBE) relativistic constituent-quark model (RCQM) for baryons con-
structed by the Graz group [1] had been tested with respect to covariant predictions for the elastic
e.m. N form factors long ago [2; 3]. An unprecedented overall agreement with experimental data up
to momentum transfers of Q2 ∼ 4 GeV2 had then been achieved in a calculation along point-form
relativistic quantum mechanics. After the appearance of phenomenological flavor analyses of elastic
e.m. N form factors [4; 5; 6] it appeared more than interesting to check the performance of the GBE
RCQM also in these respects. Recently we have performed such studies. Below we show pertinent
results of selective quantities for the N and from extensions of this kind of investigations to the ∆ and
to the hyperons with various u, d, and s quark contents.
The theory and the calculations are exactly the same as explained for the point-form approach in
our previous papers [2; 3; 7; 8]. The predictions for the elastic e.m. form factors fulfill Poincaré invari-
ance as well as time-reversal invariance and current conservation [7; 8]. Accurate three-quark baryon
wave functions were obtained solving a relativistically invariant mass operator along the stochastic
variational method exploiting all possible symmetries in configuration, spin, and flavor spaces. For the
rest frames they are depicted in Ref. [9] for singlet, octet and decuplet baryon states. In the calculation
of the e.m. form factors the necessary Lorentz boosts can be executed rigorously when evaluating the
matrix elements of the e.m. current operator in the framework of the point form.

Martin Rohrmoser
SUBATECH, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, F-444307 Nantes, Cedex 3, France
Ki-Seok Choi
Department of Physics, Soongsil University, Seoul 156-743, Republic of Korea
Willibald Plessas
Institute of Physics, University of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Austria
E-mail: plessas@uni-graz.at

u 2
2/3 GE (Q )
-1/3 GE (Q )
2 2/3 GuM (Q2)
GE (Q )
2 -1/3 GdM (Q2)
Boinepalli: 2/3 GE (Q )
2 GpM (Q2)
Boinepalli: 2/3 GuM (Q2)
GpE (Q2)
d 2
Boinepalli: -1/3 GE (Q )
Boinepalli: GE (Q )
2 2 Boinepalli: -1/3 GdM (Q2)
Andivahis Boinepalli: GpM (Q2)
GpM (Q2)
Bartel Andivahis
Hoehler 1.5 Bartel
0.5 Walker
1 Sill
u 2 Walker
CJRW: 2/3 GE (Q )
CJRW: -1/3 GE (Q )
2 Qattan
0.5 CJRW: 2/3 GuM (Q2)
CJRW: -1/3 GdM (Q2)

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
2 2 2
Q [GeV /c ] Q2 [GeV2/c2]

n 2
GE (Q )
n 2
GM (Q )

d 2 -1
2/3 GE (Q ) Herberg Ostrick
2/3 GM (Q2)
u 2 d
-1/3 GE (Q ) Becker Passchier Boinepalli: Gao
-1/3 GM (Q2)
GM (Q2)
n 2
GE (Q ) Glazier Rohe n
Xu 2003
GM (Q2)
Boinepalli: Meyerhoff Zhu n
Bartel Xu 2000
-0.5 d 2
2/3 GE (Q ) Bermuth Madey Boinepalli: Anklin 94 Lung
d 2 -1.5
2/3 GM (Q2)
Boinepalli: Eden CJRW: 2/3 GE(Q ) d
Anklin 98 Bruins
u 2 u 2
CJRW: 2/3 GM (Q2)
-1/3 GE (Q ) Schiavilla CJRW: -1/3 GE(Q ) d
Boinepalli: Kubon
Boinepalli: Lung
-1/3 GM (Q2)
CJRW: -1/3 GM (Q2)
n 2 Markowitz
GE (Q ) Bruins
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Q2 [GeV2/c2] Q2 [GeV2/c2]

Fig. 1 Covariant predictions of the GBE RCQM for electric and magnetic Sachs form factors of p and n
(solid/red lines) in comparison to available data from e− −scattering. The various flavor components (broken
lines as specified in the inserts) are compared to the phenomenological data by Cates et al. [4] (CJRW) and to
a lattice QCD calculation by Boinepalli et al. [10].

In Fig. 1 we first show the e.m. form factors of both the proton (p) and neutron (n) together
with their u- and d-flavor components GuE , GdE , GuM , and GdM . It is seen that not only the global
predictions by the GBE RCQM agree remarkably well with experimental data but also the individual
flavor contributions are quite congruent with the phenomenological analysis by Cates et al. [4]. For
the particular value of Q2 =0.227±0.002 GeV2 there is also a result available from lattice quantum
chromodynamics (QCD) [10], which we quote too in Fig. 1.
Sometimes the N flavor components are represented also by flavor contributions to the Dirac and
Pauli form factors F1 (Q2 ) and F2 (Q2 ), respectively. For the sake of comparison with other studies
in the literature we add in Fig. 2 the u- and d-flavor components F1u , F1d , F2u , and F2d again in
comparison to the phenomenological data by Cates et al. It is seen that the GBE RCQM relying on
{QQQ} configurations only can well produce the magnitudes and shapes of all of these form-factor
components. The slight deviations from the phenomenological data at Q2 ≥ 3 GeV2 in our opinion do
not allow to draw conclusions of diquark clustering or higher quark Fock components in the low-energy
N , as is sometimes advocated in the literature.
Of course, the GBE RCQM could be fine-tuned to produce an even better description of the N e.m.
form factors as well as electric radii and magnetic moments (cf. Refs. [2; 3; 11]). We emphasize here
again that beyond the definition of the GBE RCQM no further parameters, such as, e.g., anomalous
magnetic moments of constituent quarks or similar, have been introduced in the calculation of the e.m.
N structures. All results presented before in Refs. [2; 3] and discussed here are pure predictions by the
Next we take a look at the ∆’s. There is not yet any phenomenological insight into the momentum
dependences of the e.m. form factors. Experimental data exist only for the ∆+ and ∆++ magnetic
moments. The GBE RCQM predictions for ∆ and hyperon electric radii and magnetic moments were

x2 F1u,d x2 (F2 /κ)u,d

0.5 down
0 0
Q2 Q2
x= 2
x= 2
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 2 u- and d-flavor contributions to the Dirac and Pauli N form factors F1 (Q2 ) and F2 (Q2 ), respectively,
as produced by the GBE RCQM (solid and dashed lines as specified in the inserts). In case of F2u,d we have
plotted the ratio by the corresponding contributions κu,d to the p and n anomalous magnetic moments. The
comparison is made to the phenomenological data by Cates et al. [4] (stars and diamonds).

1.4 + 2.8
2/3 GuE ∆ (Q )= 2/3 GE (Q )
2 u∆ 2
2.6 u ∆+ 2 u∆ 2
d∆ 2+
d∆ 2 2/3 GM (Q )= 2/3 GM (Q )
1.2 -1/3 GE (Q )=-1/3 GE (Q ) 2.4 d ∆+
-1/3 GM (Q2)=-1/3 GM (Q2)
+ d∆
G∆E (Q ) ∆+
2.2 GM (Q2)
Boinepalli: 2/3 GE (Q2),
1 2 Boinepalli: 2/3 GM
1.8 mπ=306(7)MeV
+ Boinepalli: -1/3 GdE ∆ (Q2),
0.8 2 1.6
G∆E (Q )
mπ=306(7)MeV Boinepalli: -1/3 GM (Q2),
+ 1.4 +
Boinepalli: G∆E (Q ),
2 mπ=306(7)MeV
1.2 (Q ) +
Boinepalli: GM (Q2),

Alexandrou: DW mπ=306(7)MeV
0.4 0.8
Alexandrou: QW Alexandrou: QW
Alexandrou: hybrid Alexandrou: hybrid
0.2 0.4
0 0
-0.2 -0.4

0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Q2 [GeV2/c2] Q2 [GeV2/c2]

Fig. 3 Covariant predictions of the GBE RCQM for electric and magnetic form factors of the ∆+ (solid/red
lines) together with their flavor components (broken lines as specified in the inserts) in comparison to available
lattice QCD results [12; 13].

presented in Ref. [11]. However, in the case of the ∆+ we can compare the e.m. form factors with regard
to their momentum dependences to lattice QCD results by Alexandrou et al. [12] and at the point
Q2 =0.230±0.001 GeV2 also to results by Boinepalli et al. [13]. We find a reasonable agreement of the
covariant predictions by the GBE RCQM with the lattice QCD results for the global form factors and
at the single point also for the flavor components in G∆ E ; there might be a discrepancy from Ref. [13]
for the flavor components in G∆ M . However, for these lattice QCD results the theoretical errors appear
to be relatively big (cf. the right panel in Fig. 3).
For an example of hyperon e.m. form factors we here address the Λ0 (octet) ground state, where also
an s quark is involved. Fig. 4 shows the results for the total form factors and their flavor components.
Like in the case of the n, the electric Λ0 form factor is almost zero but not quite. The main reason for
this behaviour is the small but relevant mixed-symmetry component in the spatial part of the octet
wave function. Regarding the flavor components, GuE is biggest, GdE ∼ GsE , and both of the latter
together almost cancel with the former producing the small values of GΛ E . The situation is completely
different with regard to the magnetic form factor GΛ M . Here, both G u d
M and GM are extremely small
and in addition they are of opposite signs. As a consequence they have a negligible contribution to the
total magnetic form factor, which is practically only furnished by the s quark yielding GΛ s
M ∼ GM , a

0.7 0.1
1/3 GuE Λ(Q2)
dΛ 2
-1/3 GE (Q )
0.6 0
-1/3 GsE Λ(Q2)
Λ 2
0.5 GE (Q )
Boinepalli: 1/3 GuE Λ(Q2), -0.1
mπ=306(7)MeV uΛ
1/3 GM (Q2)
0.4 2

E (Q )
dΛ 2
Boinepalli: -1/3 GE (Q ),

-1/3 GM (Q2)
0.3 mπ=306(7)MeV
-1/3 GM (Q2)

Boinepalli: -1/3 GsE Λ(Q2),
0.2 mπ=306(7)MeV -0.3
Boinepalli: 1/3 GM (Q2),

Boinepalli: GE (Q2),
0.1 mπ=306(7)MeV
mπ=306(7)MeV -0.4
GΛ Boinepalli: -1/3 GM (Q2),

M (Q )
GM (Q2),
-0.1 sΛ
-0.2 -0.6
Boinepalli: GM (Q2),

-0.3 mπ=306(7)MeV
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Q2 [GeV2/c2] Q2 [GeV2/c2]

Fig. 4 Covariant predictions of the GBE RCQM for electric and magnetic form factors of the Λ0 (solid/red
lines) together with their flavor components (broken lines as specified in the inserts) in comparison to available
lattice QCD results [10].

very remarkable result. Again, as in the cases of n and ∆+ the lattice QCD results by Boinepalli et
al. [10] for the magnetic form factor deviate to some extent from the GBE RCQM predictions.
All ∆ and hyperon e.m. form factors will be reported and discussed in a forthcoming paper. In
addition further details on the flavor decomposition of the N e.m. form factors will be given therein.
Here, we summarize only by stating that the N , ∆, and hyperon e.m. structures are remarkably well
predicted by the GBE RCQM up to momentum transfers of Q2 ∼ 4 GeV2 . We emphasize again that
this RCQM relies on pure {QQQ} configurations only, but implements rigorously Lorentz symmetry
together with all other symmetry requirements of the Poincaré group as well as time reversal invariance
and current conservation. Obviously, also the essential properties of low-energy QCD are grabbed well
through the employed Q-Q interaction, which is based on a realistic (linear) confinement and a hyperfine
potential that is deduced from spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry [1; 14].


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