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The present work is carried out to study the effect of Limonia acidissima.Linn (Rutaceae) on
blood glucose levels and antioxidant enzymes levels in Alloxan induced diabetic rats.
Alloxan (120 mg/kg, i.p) induced diabetic rats were treated with Limonia acidissima
methanolic extract at a dose levels of 200 and 400 mg/kg for 21 days. Glucose level was
measured in blood serum and antioxidant enzymes levels viz. Superoxide dismutase (SOD),
Catalase (CAT) and Lipid Per oxidation (LPO) were measured in pancreatic homogenate,
methanolic extract of fruit pulp of Limonia acidissima.Linn significantly (P<0.01) lowered
the Alloxan induced hyperglycemia. It also produced a significant (P<0.01) decrease in
peroxidation products viz. MDA in blood serum. The activity of antioxidant enzymes such
as SOD, CAT was found to be higher in the blood serum of diabetic animals treated with the
Limonia acidissima extract. This confirms the antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activities
of Limonia acidissima in Alloxan induced diabetic rats.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common endocrine disorder. It affects more than
100million persons world wide and its incidence is increasing steadily with changes in
lifestyles. Complications of diabetes are many and include diabetic nephropathy and
retinopathy [1]. Diabetes was discovered as early as 700-200B.C.Until the time insulin was
not invented, this disorder was managed principally by the traditional practices by using
medicinal plants. Many indigenous Indian medicinal plants have been reported by various
authors to have anti diabetic properties.Ethnobotanical interventions about medicinal plants
having beneficial effects on diabetes are reported in approximately 800 plants. [2]
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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are an important part of the defense mechanisms against
infection, but excessive generation of free oxygen radicals may damage tissue. The role of
ROS in tissue damage in various human diseases such as cancer, ageing, neurodegenerative
disease, diabetes and atherosclerosis has been recognized [3].
Limonia acidissima Linn, syn. Feronia limonia is a moderate sized deciduous tree grown
throughout India. The fruits are woody, rough and used as a substitute for bael in diarrhea
and dysentery. The bark and leaves of the plant are used for vitiated conditions of vata and
pita. The fruits are used for tumors, asthma, wounds, cardiac debility and hepatitis [4]. It
was found that this part of the fruit contains flavanoids, glycosides, saponins and tannins [5].
There are reports that some coumarins [6] and tyramine derivatives [7] were isolated from
the fruits of Limonia. The leaves were reported to possess hepatoprotective activity [8]. The
fruit shells were reported to have antifungal compounds namely psoralene, xanthotoxin, 2,
6-dimethoxybenzoquinone and osthenol [9]. The stem bark of plant yielded(-)-(2S)-5,3'-
dihydroxy-4'-methoxy-6",6"-dimethylchromeno-(7,8,2",3")- flavanone along with several
known compounds including an alkaloid, five coumarins, a flavanone, a lignan, three sterols
and a triterpene which were found to possess antimicrobial activity[10].
With regard to the above literature the present study of Anti-Diabetic and anti oxidant
activity was undertaken to prove the ethno pharmacological claim of the plant part.
Plant material
Fruits of Limonia acidissima (LA) were purchased from koyambedu market in Chennai
during the Month of August 2008 and separated into pulp and shell and authenticated by
Prof.P. Jayaraman, Botanist at Plant Anatomy Research Centre (PARC), Tambaram, and
Chennai.A Voucher specimen was deposited in the department of Pharmacognosy
(SRMCP/07/08), SRM College of Pharmacy for future reference. The fruit pulp was shade
dried, coarsely powdered using a cutter mill and stored in an air-tight, light resistant
container for further use.
Experimental Animals
Inbred adult male Wistar albino rats (150-200 g) and albino mice were obtained from the
animal house of SRM College of Pharmacy. The animals were maintained in a well-
ventilated room at a temperature of 25±1˚C with 12:12 hour light/dark cycle in
polypropylene cages. Standard pellet feed (Hindustan lever, Bangalore) and tap water were
provided ad libitum throughout the experimentation period. Animals were acclimatized to
laboratory conditions 10 days prior to initiation of experiments. The project proposal was
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approved by IAEC (Institutional Animal Ethical Committee) and the approval number being
Experimental Design
Diabetes was induced by 120 mg/kg of Alloxan administered to overnight fasted rats’ i.p. in
water for two days at the interval of 24hrs.Twenty four hours after last injection; blood
glucose levels were measured to confirm the induction of diabetes. Rats with blood glucose
level above 200 mg/dL alone were selected as diabetic induced rats and were included in the
MELA was administered to the diabetes induced rats (200 and 400 mg/kg I.P) according to
the toxicity studies. This dose was then converted to an equivalent dose in rats using the
dose conversion table .
The animals were divided into 5 groups of 6 animals each and the grouping was as: Normal
control, diabetic control, diabetic rats treated with 200 and 400 mg/kg of MELA and
diabetic rats treated with Standard drug Glipizide (0.5 mg/kg. p.o. daily) for 21 days.
Every week (from 0week to 3rdweek) on 1st, 7th, 14th, 21st day blood samples were
collected by retro-orbital puncture under light ether anesthesia, then the serum was separated
by centrifugation at 2000rpm for 15min in a cooling centrifuge and blood glucose levels
were measured. On 21st day, glucose level was finally measured and antioxidant enzymes
levels were measured in pancreatic homogenate collected by sacrificing the animals by
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Histopathological studies
A portion of the autopsied pancreas of Experimental animals were washed in normal saline
and fixed in 10 % formalin solution, dehydrated with 50% ethanol. Sections of the pancreas
were stained with hemotoxylin and eosin and evaluated for histopathological changes under
light microscope.
Statistical analysis
The data are expressed as mean ± SEM (n=6). Statistical significance was determined by
one way ANOVA followed by Dunnet’s test with p< 0.05 considered significant.
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Histopathological studies
Section from the non-diabetic rats showed normal acini and islets while the section from
diabetic control rats showed minute and reduced number of islets. Section from MELA
extract treated diabetic rats showed good number of regenerating tiny islets, which could be
comparable to that of non diabetic rats (Fig A,B,C,D).
Fig1: Photograph of Pancreatic islets with its acinar tissue (A) control rat (B)
diabetic control (C) diabetic rat after standard drug (Glipizide) therapy (D)
diabetic rats after MELA treatment
Type 1diabetes is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses, affecting 18 to 20
per 1,00,000 children a year in the United Kingdom. The American Diabetes Association
committee recommends the term type 1A diabetes for immune mediated diabetes with its
destruction of the islet β cells of the pancreas. Non immune mediated diabetes with serve
insulin deficiency is termed type 1B. At presents, the development of type 1 diabetes is a life
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sentence to a difficult therapeutic regimen that is only partially effective in preventing acute
and chronic complications.
The expression of diabetes relates auto antibodies in young children monitored from birth
indicate that these markers are a major risk factor for the future development of type 1
diabetes. No treatment has been shown to safely prevent type 1 diabetes in humans, although
islet transplantation and new immunosuppressive regiments can be cured [13].
In alloxan-induced diabetic rats, increased food consumption and decreased body weight
were observed. This indicates polyphagic condition and loss of weight due to excessive
breakdown of tissue proteins [14]. Decreased body weight in diabetic rats could be due to
dehydration and catabolism of fats and proteins. Increased catabolic reactions leading to
muscle wasting might also be the cause for the reduced weight gain by diabetic rats. [15]
It has been shown that Limonia acidissima extract both 200 and 400mg/kg markedly
improved the glucose tolerance in alloxan induced diabetes in rats as compared to control
(p<0.01). Extract showed dose dependent effect, 200 and 400 mg/kg dose shows reduction
in glucose level. More over Limonia acidissima extract showed significant reduction in
blood urea and creatinine in treated rats as compared to diabetic rats (p<0.01) but
significantly increased total protein level.
Possible sources of oxidative stress and damage to proteins in diabetes induced free radicals
generated by autoxidation reactions of sugars and sugar adducts to protein and by
autoxidation of unsaturated lipids in plasma and membrane proteins. The oxidative stress
may be amplified by continuing cycle of metabolic stress, tissue damage, and cell death,
leading to increased free radical production and compromised free radical inhibitory and
scavenger systems [16] Under conditions of severe oxidative stress, free radical generation
leads to protein modification. Proteins may be damaged directly by specific interaction of
oxidants or free radicals with particularly susceptible amino acids. They are also modified
indirectly, with reactive carbonyl compounds formed by the auto-oxidation of carbohydrates
and lipids, with eventual formation of advanced glycation/lipoxidation end products [17].
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amino acids, (iii) increased conversion of glycogenic amino acid to CO2 and H2O and (IV)
reduction in protein synthesis secondary to a decreased amount and availability of mRNA
[20]. Decreased protein content of blood serum in diabetic patients were reported [21]
indicating elevated lipid per oxidation and reduce SOD and CAT activity and decreased
antioxidant defensive system. Limonia acidissima extract significantly reduced the elevated
LPO and significantly improved SOD and CAT activity in the treated animals.
In histopathological study, the light microscopic photograph islets from control rat appeared
circular with the granulated beta cells appearing darker. Small and shrunken islets and
destruction of beta cells were observed in the diabetic rats. Well –formed islets and
increased cell number were observed in diabetic rats, after MELA therapy. The data
presented in electron micrograph of the beta cell of normal and treated rats showed evidence
for increased secretary granule synthesis and there by increased insulin secretion after the
administration of extract of Limonia acidissima suggesting possible regeneration /repair of
the islets of langerhans in Alloxan treated rats.
The present study indicated a significant dose dependant anti-diabetic effect for the
methanolic extract of Limonia acidissima (200 and 400 mg/kg) and supports its traditional
usage in the control of diabetes. It is also concluded that the extract have strong antioxidant
potential activity by in vivo studies.
Further studies are under progress in our laboratory for the detailed studies in isolation of
the compounds and pharmacological investigations of the constituents, which are
responsible for the pharmacological activity reported traditionally and its exact mechanism
of action.
Authors are grateful to Dr. R. Shivakumar, Pro-Vice-chancellor, SRM University and Dr. K.
S. Lakshmi, Dean, College SRM of Pharmacy, SRM University, Kattankulathur, for
providing necessary facilities to carry out this work.
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