B. Inggris Presentasi Ok

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1. Aris iskandar (E51151027)

2. Edji sudjiatomo (E51551029)
3. Ridwan Tambunan (E51551034)
4. M. Rido Imanudin (E51173001)




Diesel engines are also called compression-ignition engines because in the

combustion process uses heat from compression pressure to produce combustion wh
en fuel is injected into the combustion chamber.

So that on diesel engine does not require spark plug or ignition equipment such as
gasoline engine.

Mesin diesel disebut juga mesin pemicu kompresi karena dalam proses
pembakarannya menggunakan panas dari tekanan kompresi untuk menghasilkan
pembakaran pada saat bahan bakar/fuel di injeksikan kedalam ruang bakar.

Sehingga pada mesin diesel tidak memerlukan busi atau peralatan pengapian seperti
mesin berbahan bakar bensin.

If on a diesel engine overheating then the machine will jam. Engine cooling
system (cooling system) is a circuit to overcome the overheating of the engine in
order to work optimally. For this reason a cooling system is required to release
unused heat by the engine, so that the engine can work according to the required
operating temperature.

Jika pada suatu mesin diesel mengalami overheating maka mesin akan macet
.System pendingin engine (cooling system) adalah suatu rangkaian untuk mengatasi
terjadinya overheating pada engine agar dapat bekerja secara optimal. Untuk
itulah diperlukan cooling system untuk melepaskan panas yang tidak terpakai oleh
engine sehingga engine dapat bekerja sesuai dengan suhu operasi yang diperlukan.

I will present the English duty on how the engine cooling system work

When the engine is cold.

The pressure on the cooling system out the pump by water pump flows into the
water jacket to the pipe line by pass.because the temperature is still cold cause the
thermostrat valve closed.

When the engine is hot

After a hot engine temperature of about eighty-five degress celcius {85ºc), the
thermostrat begins to open so that the cooling water flows from the radiator to the
lower channel to the water pump,water jacket,and back to the radiator to be cooled
by the existing radiator fan on the machine.

I will explain how to repair on this engine. in case of problem in the cooling

One for example I take the problem cause water cooling system alwalys reduced.

The are several things that cause water cooling system is alwalys reduced,
including :

1. Radiator cap.
Usualy the radiator cap pressure is weak, because of damage to the rubber
radiator cap, so that the water cooling system will run out faster, because the
water cooling system will quikly flow into the reservoir tank.
How to repair that is by replace the radiator cap in accordance with engine
engine spesification.
2. a leak in the hose cooling system, because hose cooling system is broken or
the fastening bolt are less tight.
How to repair it is to replace the hose cooling system and tighten the bolt.
3. Seal water pump damage, because of the age of the old engine.
how to repair it is replace the new seal water pump.
4. The radiator core is leaking, because there are object or material that hit.
How to repair it is by patching the leaked are part by of welding.
If all component have been all refaired,
Then the problem on the cooling system will be resolt.

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