Hydra Stroke Bumper Sub

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Bumper Sub
APPLICATIONS The Hydra-Stroke* bumper sub is a key drillstem component for
■■ Isolating drillstring assemblies from deepwater drilling operations, where drillstring oscillation can be a
effects of wave motion on floating and problem. This tool provides 6 ft [1.83 m] of reliable telescopic move-
semisubmersible rigs ment without placing any limitations on drillstring torque capacity,
■■ Providing drillstring travel in plug and tensile strength, or hydraulic capability.
abandonment operations when low-level
jarring or bumping is necessary
■■ Providing travel necessary to deploy knives Sub designed for reliability
for casing cutting operations The Hydra-Stroke bumper sub is fully balanced to the annulus and
the mud pumps, making it completely reliable at any depth and in
BENEFITS any drilling environment. The fully balanced feature eliminates the
■■ Enables jarring for recovery of tools at any pump-open effect caused by internal pressure. The tool is rated for
depth offshore high temperature and pressure. Wellbore fluid cannot enter the drive
■■ Operates dependably in HPHT section, improving reliability.
well conditions

■■ Delivery of up to 6 ft of stroke to com- Hydra-Stroke Bumper Sub Specifications, Full Balance
pensate for drillstring oscillation in Overall Internal Tool Joint Tensile Yield,
offshore operations Diameter, in [cm] Diameter, in [cm] Connection lbf [N]
■■ Temperature rating of 500 degF 5.25 [13.34] 2.25 [5.72] 3 1⁄2 API IF 600,000 [2,668,933.2]
[260.0 degC] 6.75 [16.51] 2.75 [6.99] 4 1⁄2 API IF 964,207 [4,289,006.79]
■■ Seal pressure rating of 20,000-psi [137.9- 8 [20.32] 3 [7.62] 6 5⁄8 Reg 1,571,980 [6,992,516]
MPa] differential pressure
■■ Circulation pressure rating of 10,000 psi
Torsional Yield, Total Stroke, in Closed Length, Closed Length,
[68.9 MPa] ft.lbf [N.m] [cm] ft [m] ft.in
■■ Closed drive prevents ingress of 28,000 [37,962.9] 72 [182.88] 35.25 [10.744] 1,500
wellbore fluid into drive section, 58,300 [79,044.19] 72 [182.88] 32.67 [9.96] 3,200
improving reliability 114,000 [154,563.25] 72 [182.88] 36.16 [11.02] 3,340
■■ Full balance to eliminate pump-open effect Ordering instructions, please specify:
caused by internal pressure • Hole size
• Drillstring component OD where tool will be used
• Connection size, type, right- or left-hand threads
• Hole temperature
• Tool diameter
Nonstandard tolerances are available upon request.

Hydra-Stroke bumper sub.

*­ Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2016 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 17-BDT-231587 slb.com/HydraStroke

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