Calving Period Affects Cow and Calf Performance in Semi-Arid Areas in Zimbabwe
Calving Period Affects Cow and Calf Performance in Semi-Arid Areas in Zimbabwe
Calving Period Affects Cow and Calf Performance in Semi-Arid Areas in Zimbabwe
e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372. Volume 3, Issue 3 (May. - Jun. 2013), PP 61-65
Abstract; One hundred and twenty cow records of communal reared beef cattle were used to evaluate cow and
calf performance. The animals were group according to calving period and there were three calving periods
namely January to April, M ay to August and the September to December period. The result showed that there
was significant difference (P<0.05) on performance for calving down on different months. High postpartum
weight loses were observed on dry season calvers and mid rain season calvers as well. The time taken to
recover and recommencement of oestrus was significantly different as shown by the conception rate values.
High calf and cow mortality was observed in May to August calving and January to April calving. Results
demonstrate that poor resource farmers in region that experience April to November dry season should
embrace the September to December calving period in order to succeed. If all other seasons are to be used more
investment in feed supplement and drugs is needed.
Key Words; Calving season, pre-partum weight, postpartum weight, conception rate
I. Introduction
Livestock have multiple roles in the smallholder and communal farming system in the semi and arid
regions in Zimbabwe (Rukuni et al., 2006). Semi arid areas experience long dry period from April to November
in Zimbabwe. Rangeland degradation has been reported to be very high in these areas which are accompanied
by perennial feed deficit both in quality and quantity (Abuser and Ahmed, 2010; Fynn, 2010) between April and
November because of seasonality of rainfall. Animals in these areas rely on areas such as arable lands, wetland,
drainage area and crop residues but the quality of the forage will at least meet maintenance requirements
(Ngongoni et al 2006; 2007, 2009). Rangeland forage quality in these areas is dynamic and exhibits a narrow
period of high quality (Ngongoni et al 2009; Fynn, 2012) between December and April, when temperature and
precipitation conditions are optimal for growth of native tropical forages. As quantity of precipitation decreases
and temperature decreases in winter, forage quality declines rapidly and generally stays low through the dry
season, creating a long period when nutritional quality may limit maximal beef production. Moreover, the
communal farmers practice all year round breeding where bulls move in with cows throughout the year
(Ngongoni et al 2006; Marius et al., 2010) and that increase the amount of stress exerted on lactating cows.
Understanding the relative performance of cattle born during different seasons of the year is important to meet
specific goals and optimize economic returns (Reisenauer et al., 2001). The main objective of a cow–calf
production system is to yield a high calf crop each year, which is the primary factor impacting profitability. A
high calf crop is dependent upon optimal reproduction, which is one of the most important factors affecting the
financial viability of a cow–calf enterprise (Hess et al., 2005). In this situation, a cow has to calve once a year;
hence, the recommencement of oestrus within a relatively short time-frame following parturition is recognized
as a major milestone to achieving optimal reproductive performance (Hess et al., 2005). This is often limited by
a prolonged postpartum anoestrous interval (Ciccioli et al., 2003), which is most evident in primiparous cows
compared with mature cows.
Generally, if a cow is severely underfed throughout her last trimester of gestation, that may negatively,
affect its reproductive performance (Washburn et al 2002). Supplies for gestation characterise nutrients essential
to sustain both growth and maintenance of foetus, placenta, uterus and mammary gland. Bovine foetal growth is
not linear by gestational age, but exponential (Stalker et al 2006; Raduz et al 2010) with more than 60% of total
foetal weight being accrued during the final two months of gestation. This foetal growth pattern places the
maximum nutritional load on the late pregnant cow. Consequently, the final two months of gestation requires
particular care in terms of higher condition of vital nutrients. The calving percentage is higher in commercial
farming areas than in communal farming areas i.e. 70% to 40 % respectively (Ngongoni et al., 2006).
The effects of season of calving on calving interval, conception rate, calf growth and cow performance
were evaluated in this study using data from animals that where managed using the communal system method
in a semi arid region. The aim of the study was to evaluate cow efficiency in relation to calving season and to
establish the effects of each calving season on livestock performance. 61 | Page
Calving Period Affects Cow And Calf Performance In Semi-Arid Areas In Zimbabwe.
III. Results
The results from the study are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 below. From the study the animals that calved
down in May to August period lost weight significantly (P<0.05). The May to August group lost 35±14kg
compared to 18±9kg and 16±11kg for January to April and September to December calving season respectively
(mean± SD). Those cows, which calved in January to April calving period, continued to lose weight up to the
ninth month after calving. This also happened for those that calved in the May to August calving period, they
continued to lose weight until the sixth month and they then started to gain weight. The cows that calved down
in September to December period lost weight during calving but managed to recover one month after calving
and the weight lost was lowest. Their condition was significantly different (P < 0.05) for the entire period.
Table 1: Pre and post partum weight changes of cows calving down in three different periods of the year.
Item Jan-April calving May-Aug calving Sep-Dec calving
Pre-partum weight 308a 299a 264b
Post partum weight1 290a 264b 248c
Post partum weight2 281a 247b 263b
Post partum weight3 269a 247b 274a
Post partum weight4 254b 247b 280a
Post partum weight5 253b 247b 288a
Post partum weight6 242c 257b 289a
Post partum weight7 242c 271b 280a
Post partum weight8 228b 279a 271a
Post partum weight9 215c 302a 273b
Post partum weight10 218c 307a 261b
Post partum weight11 239b 299a 254b
Post partum weight12 260b 295a 246b
Different abc superscript in the same row means significant different at (P< 0.05)
IV. Discussion 62 | Page
Calving Period Affects Cow And Calf Performance In Semi-Arid Areas In Zimbabwe.
It was observed that the highest postpartum weight loss was on cows that calved down in May –August period
followed by January to April season and finally those that calved down in September to December period. This
could be related to nutrition and water stress challenges. During winter communal livestock travel long
distances to water sources’ and nutrition quality is at its lowest. According to Abuser and Ahmed (2010) during
long dry season there is low crude protein content, high crude fibre and low concentration of vitamin A leading
undernourished livestock. Crude protein was observed to start declining in February hence animals that calved
down in January to April period experience close to eleven months of undernourishment. The animals that
calved down in May to August also experience close to six month of low quality forages. It was observed that
animal that calved down in January up to August continue to lose weight until the onset of good rains in
November. Therefore, the period taken to recover after calving is long hence low conception rate were also
observed in this study. Some of the cows failed to recover as shown by the number of animal that died after
calving down. Cows that calved down in dry season continue to lose weight and may die before the onset of
rainfall. This could be due to nutritional stress and lactating stress experienced by lactating cows.
Calf growth from birth to weaning depends on dam’s milk supply. The amount of milk produced
depends on nutrition and other environmental factors. Dam milk supply is affected by the nutritional conditions
and the demand of the calf. If the cow calves during the winter May – August period the nutritional condition
will fail to support the high milk demands of the calves. Most of the nitrogen in the 2% CP is highly Acid
Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen (ADIN) which is not available to the animal. According to Funston (2006), when
the crude protein content of forages drops below 7%, forage intake declines. However, intake of other forages
may decline when forage crude protein drops below 10%. Part of the variation can be attributed to differences in
nutrient requirements of the cattle, with the remainder of the variation attributed to inherent differences among
forages that present different proportions of nutrients to rumen microbes. Intake response to a single nutrient
such as crude protein should not be expected to be similar among all forages (Mathis, 2000). Milk yield was
observed to decline by more than 50% in smallholder dairy during the dry season. The quality of the milk is
affected by the quality of the diet, subsequently; the calf will fail to get adequate milk supply and also fail to
meet the growth requirements. This lead to stunted growth in calve the consequences could be more pronounced
in the event of death of the dam. Stalker et al., (2006) reported increased weight of calves born to cows with
greater nutrient plane pre- and postpartum, hence differences in diet quality during gestation is a possible
explanation for decreased percentage of calves weaned in the cows. When the dam died the calf normally fails
to survive too. The calves which were born in Jan – April period had higher calf birth mass compared to the Sep
–Dec and May –August period. Maternal nutrition directly influences milk quantity and quality available to
offspring (Swanson et al., 2008). In cows, low dietary protein in the first third of gestation followed by
increased protein in the second third of gestation enhanced placental development (Perry et al., 1999; Vonnahme
et al., 2007). However, there were 10% dystocia cases observed. Twenty four percent of the calves born during
this period died. The causes of death were recorded as scouring. If the cows calve after the rains have started,
the flush of grass brings the increase of milk and increase in parasites lick ticks as well as other pathogens. The
calf will get more than its requirements and may end up scouring and this may expose it to more opportunistic
diseases because of flies, resulting in high mortality rate. During the second month when the milk demand from
the calves increased the cows failed to increase the milk yield thus leading inadequate supply to the calves.
When the calves were older and able to consume more, the cows failed to produce it because the native pasture
was already deteriorating. During the Jan –April period there are more ticks than the other drier months. The
Sep – Dec calving period had lower calf and cow mortality rate compared to other calving periods. Calves that
were born in Sep-Oct months were better than those calved in Nov-Dec when rains had already started.
According to Martin et al., (2006) improved energy status of cows during early lactation increase progeny
weaning weight, hence, the calves will also be big enough to use the grass directly and this causes calves which
are born early in Sep –October to be heavier at weaning than those calved in Nov- Dec. These calves have a
high chance of survival through the summer despite high rate of disease prevalence. Although there are many
studies that have demonstrated a positive impact of maternal nutrition on the birth weight of calves (Kale, 1984;
Prasad and Tomer, 1995; Khan et al., 2004), its effects in influencing the early growth performance of the calves
is often without agreement.
The nutritional condition of the period of calving determines the time that will be taken by the cow to
recover from the calving shock and weight loss. Higher weight losses are experienced during the winter calving.
A cow should be able to rear a good calf and be able to conceive again within three months of calving down.
Cows normally take two months to recommence oestrus cycle after calving down, but it can be long if the cow
is in poor condition. If the cow is to conceive she must be in good condition and therefore should have had some
time on good quality grazing before the bulling season starts. Lactation is the biggest drain on the cow’s body
reserve and cows in lactation require double the amount protein compared to dry cows and very often, an energy
supply is needed as well. 63 | Page
Calving Period Affects Cow And Calf Performance In Semi-Arid Areas In Zimbabwe.
Hough (1990) stated that in breeds that are prone to calving difficulties the good nutritional conditions
during pregnancy means that these calving problems are aggravated in cow calving after a summer pregnancy.
Several studies have reported that inadequate prepartum nutrition decreases weight and condition of the dam and
birth weight of the calf, but it does not alter calving difficulty (Bellows and Short, 1978; Hough, 1990 Ngongoni
et al., 2006). Cows that calve down late in summer fail to conceive. This could be due to decline nutritive
quality of native grass especially in sour veld (Gambiza and Nyama 2000). These cows later conceive in next
breeding season after going through a year without a calf. During winter the conditions will be poor for the cows
to conceive especially those which calve down in March and April. These could be due to the fact that the cows
were having good nutrition conditions during the last stage of gestation. These cows will be suppose to conceive
in June and July but in most case there will be no sufficient water and quality feed to support reproduction and
cow maintenance requirements. The demand of calf will also aggravate the stress leading to death of the dam in
some case. In this study cow mortality was 16 % and this happen in July and October period. These cows’
calves were not weaned because they failed to attain weaning weight. In that case the cows succumbed to
lactation and nutrition stress leading to its death in October when feed shortage is more critical
Low quality forage available could have triggered the trend as maternal energy source could affect nutrient
supply of glucose and amino acids to the gravid uterus and these are important substrates for fetal growth
(Raduz et al., 2010). The cows’ body reserves are heavily depleted and this situation affects the performance of
the cows in the coming seasons. Dominant forage during this season may not meet cow nutrient requirements;
thus, supplementation is commonly recommended to ensure acceptable pregnancy rates (DelCurto et al., 2000).
The rangeland nutrition is at its worst in quality condition during dry season tropical and subtropical ecosystem
(Gambiza and Nyama 2000; Sibanda and Khombe 2006; Ngongoni et al., 2006, 2007). The calves’ demands are
not met by the dams. This situation leads to death of the calf and sometimes both the dam and the calf failed to
cope. Calves also may be affected by having less vigour and reduced passive immunity when pre-calving
nutrient availability is low (Ngongoni et al., 2006). Maternal nutritional restriction also can affect the ability of
the calf to absorb immunoglobulins (Raduz et al., 2010). If the dam survives it took long to commence its
oestrus cycle or it experiences silent oestrus. It was also observed that some lost condition to such an extent that
they only conceive in the second summer season. Limiting nutrients during gestation decrease body condition
score, and inadequate body condition at calving can severely affect production traits such as rebreeding and calf
growth (Hough 1990). The relationship between maternal nutrient intake during pregnancy and growth of the
foetus is imperative for determining pregnancy success, neonatal morbidity and mortality, as well as life-long
health and productivity of offspring (Stalker et al., 2006; Vonnahme, et al., 2007).
V. Conclusion
Calving in dry season and mid rain season increase the amount of money lost in purchasing feed
supplement and drugs respectively. Without supplement, both cows and calves may die in number thus increase
the money loses. The cows also experience long period of silent oestrus thus failing to give a calf every year. No
calf no profit for a beef farmer and that affects the living standards of the rural and communal beef farmers.
Farmers should embrace the September to December calving period if there are to realise profit of beef farming
in tropical condition with April to November dry season.
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