Cefr Lesson Plan

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Subject : English

Year/ Class : 2M

Duration : 60 mins

Time : 7.45am-8.45am

Lesson : 1 (Listening and Reading )

Main skill(s): L/S/R/W/LA : Listening

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends

Topic : Unit 11 Let’s Hear ! , Unit 12 My Best Friend Claire, Unit 13

Zure is Sick , Unit 14 The mermaid’s Tail

Language/ Grammar focus : Sounds

Row k : ɪә/ (ear), /eә/ (air), /ʊә/ (ure), /ɜ:/ (er)
Learning Objective : Pupils are able to pronounce the sounds and words correctly.

Complementary Learning : Pupils are able to listen and write the words by listening to the
Objective relevant sounds.
Content Standard/ : Listening 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Complementary CS /Reading
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using
knowledge of sounds of letters

Learning Standard/ : Listening 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited
Complementary LS range of high frequency target language phonemes
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial
and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
3.1.4 Segment phonemes
Learning Outline : Pre-lesson
1.Sing phonics song with gestures

Lesson delivery
1.Listen and pronounce the sounds and words to their partner
2.Trace and write

Post lesson
1.Colour and write

Language Skills:

L1.1.1 R3.1.1 R3.1.2 R3.1.3 R3.1.4

Materials/ References : LINUS Module Book 2 Relevant pages Page 80-97 , video,
Cross Circular Element : Language

Differentiation Strategies : Use any appropriate strategies in the KSSR Teacher’s

Guidebook English Language Year 1 by BPK Page 85-90 ( for the
actions )

Use any appropriate strategies in the KSSR Teacher’s

Guidebook English Language Year 2
Teacher’s Notes/ Remarks : Teachers may choose any suitable materials for their pupils
from the suggested pages
Teacher’s Reflection : ___/ 25 pupils achieved the objectives


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