Key For Schools Workbook With Key
Key For Schools Workbook With Key
Key For Schools Workbook With Key
Review 1 (Units 1-3) Review 2 (Units 4-6) Review 3 (Units 7- 10) Review 4 (Units 11- 14)
page 15 page 25 page 38 page 51
Contents 1 3
Exam Overview
Paper 1 Reading and Writing (1 hour 10 minutes)
- Task type
Three-option multiple-
What does it test?
lf you can understand
short texts
What do you do?
Match descriptions with
short texts
2 Your knowledge of 5 Read and choose one
choice sentences vocabulary option
3 Three-option mu ltiple lf you can understand 10 Read and choose one
choice and matc hi ng functiona l language option
4 Right/Wrong/ Doesn't say lf you can understand the 7 Read and choose one
or three-option multiple main ideas and specific option
choice information in a text
5 Multiple-choice cloze Your knowledge of 8 Choose the correct
grammar options to complete
short text
4 1 Exam Overview
Paper 2 Listening (about 30 minutes)
Part Task type What does it test? Marks What do you do?
Three-option multiple lf you can understand 5 Listen and choose one of
choice short conversations three pictures
2 Candidates talk to each lf you can use functional 3-4 Ask and answer
other language such as asking mms questions based on
questions prompts
Exam Overview 1 5
Family and friends
Reading Part 4
e Luke doesn't like parties and going out
with friends. 2
f Do you have many friends at school?
Listening Part 2
3 Q who / visit / you / the / evenings /
1 O 1 Listen to Mara talking about her new in/ do?
friends. What is each person like?
Far questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next A Sam / 1/ visit / sometimes
to each person.
1 Isabel
A funny
2 Max B clever
3 Jay e boring
4 Suzie D interesting
5 Ka ti e E qui et
F lucky
G amazing
H kind
1 Find twelve family words in the puzzle. 1 Read the text and choose the correct word
A, B or C.
D H u s B A N D V B
D A u G H T E R u R
N A M N y L o N o
T o F A T H E R T
E p T w N A u F H
e A H p A s N G E
E s E Q F A o e y R
T R E o N L H A
N N E p H E w E E L
s s T E R A u N T
b lt's a kind of car. Yo u pay the driver.
e lt has wheels. lt carries lots of people. L
d lt has two wheels and an engin e.
e lt carries peop le ac ross water.
f lt travels on the road. lt has two wheels.
2 "''''ª'
Complete the sentences with a verb.
The first letter is given each time.
a Jacques lives in Paris. He r
a motorbike.
b Liz lives in London. She e
the underground train to school. Coach Trip
e Wen lives in Singapore. He e
arou nd on his bike. To: Paris
d Tam lives in Thai land. He s Day of journey: o
in his uncle's boat.
e Caitlin lives in Sydney. She's learn ing
how to f a plane.
Coach leaves at:
Student ticket: •e f
f Eleni lives in At hens. She Journey lasts: o hours
t to school by bus.
Leaves from:
coach station
2 What's for lunch?
• e
Mum Can you get me sorne milk, please?
Tom 9 ... . . .............. ... .
Mum Please, Tom. The shop's only five
minutes away. lt won't take you long.
& ................... .... .
3 What does the man want?
Mum The supermarket on Albert Street is
9 . ... ... . . . ......... .
your school.
& ....................... .
Mum Yes, here you are. And can you get me
sorne sugar, too? And sorne pasta and
4 Which man is Louise's neighbour? a loaf of bread.
Review 1 Units 1-3
1 Complete sentences a-j with one word. 3 Match the things on Andrew's list with the
a We're learning about mountains and rivers places. There are four places you don't need.
in ......................... lessons.
b My sister ......................... her bike to school o).@Uii GI travel agent •Jll@il.lfü4'1
every day. oiif§fl@i C1 hairdresser CI clothes shop
c My brother is very .......................... He makes
everybody laugh. oijih§.l@i GI supermarket CI post office
d 1sometimes have a ......................... of cereal in ojh.J@iii a shoe shop sports centre
the morning.
e You buy medicine in a ......................... .
f In Britain, they divide the school year into
three ......................... . TJ-IINGs TO DO TODAY...
buy stamps to send postcards
g Don't ......................... to bring your homework
to school tomorrow. 2 ask:. about holiday to Scotland
Review 1 15
Somewhere to live
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Read the descriptions. Write the names of 1 Find nine irregular past simple forms in the
the rooms. puzzle. Write the verbs they belong to.
a This is the room that usual ly has a sofa and
a television .......................... s o L D F s
b This room may have a toilet, a shower and T L M o o w
a bath . ........................ .
e People may eat around a table in th is o w A G u A
room, but they don't cook their food in it. o E D A N M
o o
li@1i@ ;g.i.@@ ' ' ' ' ' " '
ººº ºoºoo o 11;;11.m11 ''"""·'
~~~~º~---! i a The post office is ......................... the library.
b The shoe shop is ......................... the bank and
the bookshop.
e The police station is ......................... the book shop.
d The bus stop is ......................... the shoe shop.
e The river is ......................... t he museum.
a Grammar
a Library
1 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets
in the correct past simple form .
3 Read the instructions. Where do they take b What / her parents / buy?
you on the map?
a Ta ke the second right. Go past the bank. e How / Maddy / feel / at first?
lt's at t he end of the street. lt's on the right
next to th e shoe shop. d What / she / miss7
b Take th e first on the left. Go over the
roundabout. lt's at the end of the street. e What sport / she / discover7
b g
c e m
d e w
e m n k y
f b
g n
h e h e k n
p n g n
j e r e d
k w h
p r r Grammar
2 Read the descriptions and find the animals. 1 Complete the dialogues with this / that or
They are all in exercise 1. these / those.
a 1can live in (he deserL 1have one or two A
humps. Wha( am 17 Ana Is O ............ ........... ..your brmher7
b 1live on a farm. People ea( my eggs. Sue Where?
Wha( am 17 Ana Over (here. In (he comer of (he room.
c l'm big and grey. 1have a long uunk. Sue No. O ......................... is my bro(her
Wha( am 17 S(anding righ( nex( w you!
d 1can climb uees. 1have hands and fee(
and a tail. Wha( am I? B
Jane Hi Max. Are 8 .........................
yo ur new
Max No, (his is my brmher and (his is my
Jane Where are your friends?
Max There (hey are ... nex( w (ha( uee.
O ........ . . .............are my new fr iends!
1 Choose the correct words to complete the
conversation. A kangaroo is an interesting animal O who
Jodie Hi Harry. Wha( did you ge( for O you / e
lives in Australia. lt has (WO legs which it
your / yours bir(hday7 uses for jumping. lt has shor( arms e what are
Harry Well ... My parents bough( f) me ! very strong. 1( also has a pouch. The pouch is
my / mine a dog. like a pocket O who (he kangaroos keep (heir
Jodie Really7 didn'( know E) you I your I
babies in. Kangaroos are big and very strong.
yours liked dogs. My uncle 8 which lives in Australia sent me a
Harry l've always liked dogs. video of one. lt was jumping really fast across
Jodie Wha('s O it / its / they name7 (he land. 1( was amazing to see.
Harry l've called i( Clive.
Jodie That's nice. My brother and 8
me J
my / I have go( a dog. O Us / Our /
Ours parents gave it to 8
us / we /
our last summer.
Harry Wha('s 8 you / your / yours called7
Jodie Ours is called Osear.
Harry We'll have to (ake Ci) they ! them !
their for a walk toge(her one day.
Jodie Great! 1'11 phone Ben and tell him to
bring flD he J him / his too.
1O5 Listen to Ben asking about an aquarium. 1 Complete the emails. Write one word in
Choose the correct answers A, B or C.
each space.
Subjecc: ( TV programme
Hi Ben
There's a programme on TV tomorrow night
O . . ......... . . ... .....1s about elephants 1n Afnca.
lt's on 8 . ... ... ............ ... . nine o'clock. You should
watch & ........... . ......... ..!
Bye 1
Thanks O ......... ........ ... ....the information1 Did
you see the programme 9 ........... ... ......... tigers
When can you buy the last ticket at the in Asia7 lt O ....... . . . ..... . . . .amazing. There
aquarium7 was a man 8 ...................... . knew every animal
A 5:00 B 5:30 C 6:30 and every pare of the rainforest. l'd lave
2 How much is a student ticket? e ... .. . . .. . . . . . . go there one day.
A E8 B f 10 C f 15
See you soon1
3 The dolphin talk takes place
A once. B twice. e three times.
4 What can you buy to eat?
A pizza B burgers C sandwiches
5 The aquarium is opposite the
Wri ting Part g
A museum. B park. C university.
1 Read the email from your friend, Lucy.
1 Write the letters in the correct order to find 1 Read sorne descriptions of sports. What is
the verbs. the word for each one?
a liml•'Fi'I 1 You use a racket anda ball and play on
computer games a court.
b ......., .. t
B dangerous sports.
1 had a good weekend, but Saturday was
O .......... ... .......... . (interesting) than Sunday. On
Saturday, 1 played in a football match w1th my
local club. l'm not usually the 8 ········ ·················
(good) player in che team, bue 1 scored cwo
goals and we won che match. Afterwards we
went for a pizza and 1 ordered che e ·· ·· ···:· ···· ·
(expensive) pizza on the menu. In che evenmg,
1 watched a tennis match on TV. My brother.
wanted to watch basketball, bue 1 think ten nis
is O ........... ............. (exciting) than basketball. My
Mum gave us sorne chocolate and 1 gave my
brother the 9 . . ... .... ......... . . .(big) piece. He lec me
watch my match after that. On Sunday morn1ng
1 did my maths homework. lt was 8 ··· ··· ···· ······ · ······
(hard) chan usual. 1 asked my Dad, but he
couldn't do it either!
a My parents buy / bought a new car 1 1 . . ... ... . .... . .. .. .... .. . surfing far the first time last
yesterday. week.
A did B went C played
b Bowling is the worse / worst sport 1know.
2 l'm not really interested ......................... sport,
e James sings more loudly / most loudly than
but my brother wanted to go.
A on B at C in
d That's the woman who / which works in
the ZOO. 3 We stayed in a hotel ......................... the beach.
A far B next C opposite
e 1didn't enjoy / enjoyed the match because
we lost. 4 The coach, ......................... worked far a local
surf club, was amazing
f My sister's keen in / on dancing.
A which B who C that
g Where did you go / went last weekend?
5 lt was the ......................... day of my life.
h The snake, which / who comes from India, A good B better C best
is red and yellow.
What's the taller / tallest building you can
think of?
My brother plays the violín very good / well.
Review 2 25
In the countryside
Vocabulary Reading Part 1
1 Read the sentences and write the weather 1 Wh ich notice (A-H) says this (1-5)?
adjectives. For questions 1-5, choose the correct
a You'// need your umbrella today. /t's going letter, A-H.
to be very r A .
b lf it's a warm and s day
tomorrow, let's go to the beach! Fruit and vegetables FAlllNG
e The sky is so e , l'm sure it's
sold here. ROCKS!
Monday to Friday Palhalong
going to rain soon. afternoons.
beach closed.
d lt was so w on the boat that 1
lost my hat!
e lt was a very s night last e D .,~~~
night, with al/ that thunder and lightning!
~ oanuar dueto -
- heavv rain. -
..11 Stavawav ..11
Grammar ,. lrllD the rlVer. ,.
1 Complete t he sentences wit h too or enough.
a Have you got ......................... mo ney for your E F
train fare7
b lt was ......................... hot to sit on the beach Please keep gate shut.
e We've got ......................... food for the picnic.
We don't need to buy any more.
d There are ......................... many cows in that
fie ld! /'m not walking across it.
Animals crossing.
e We didn't have ......................... tents for the Nature walk campsite
camping trip. Meet here Barbecues not
Saturday 10 a.m. allowed, sorry!
You cannot walk here. B
1 lf you are not careful, animals may escape.
2 There are problems because of the weather.
3 You must not cook outside here.
4 You can eat here on Saturdays.
5 You can get something here without paying.
26 _ _ ,_ Unit 7 • IIl the counttyside
- - -
Vocabulary Wri ting Part 7
1 Read the definitions to find the words. 1 Complete the text. Write one word for
Then complete the puzzle. each space.
1 People live in houses here.
2 Farmers grow food here.
3 People stay in tems in chis place.
The Sun and the Moon
4 Trains travel on this.
5 You can walk along ic in the coumryside.
6 lc's land, bue there's water ali around.
At nine o'clock yesterday evening, Charlie e what / Mark and Luke /do?
O ...........................
(walk) home from his
d who / travel / taxi?
friend's house when he saw a bright white
light in the dark sky. He 8 ... . . . ... . . ......... . . e what / Max / ride?
(stop) and stared because it looked un usual.
At first he 8 ... . .......... . ... . . . . (think) it 4 Look at the verbs in bold. Rewrite the
was a firework. Then he O ................... ........ incorrect sentences.
(decide) it was an aeroplane. But the light a At six o'clock yesterday evening, Lucy was
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (move) very quickly and listening to music.
b When 1was getting home last night, my
it was long and thin. lt couldn't be a plane.
brother was using my computer.
Charlie O ..... ...................... (not believe) in e What were you doing at eleven o'clock
aliens or things from outer space, but he had last night?
no idea what the light was. When he got d My sister wasn't being at school yesterday
because she felt unwell.
home, his parents 8 . . ......... . . ..........
e 1wasn't doing anything when the teacher
TV. After a while the news carne on. Charlie shouted at me.
O ...........................
(listen to) the story. The f Did you sleep when the storm began7
bright white light was a meteor: a piece of
rock from space.
the text .
1 Who says what in a shop? Write C for
customer or SA for shop assistant.
a You're welcome.
b Would you like to try that jacket on7
e Excuse me. H ow much are th ese? a who/ Chris/ meet?
d Do you h ave a bigger size7 b what/ they / do/ at ten th irty7
e Can 1 h elp you? e when / eat/ pizza?
f Where are the changing rooms? d h ow/ Ch ris/ go/ party?
g You can pay at the desk. e wh at time/ get / taxi/ h ome?
h 1'11 find out for you.
2 Write answers to the questions in exercise 1.
a ······································ ····························································
b ................................................................................................. .
e ................................................................................................. .
d ..................................................................................................
T p D w N A p K K
Toby 1 don't know yet. We 8 ..............................
(probably/ decide) later. What about you?
B R p e A D E Ka te 1 ............................................ (not/ go)
G E E B o o T s R T anywhere next summer, but
e ............................ .... ..... ...... (stay) with my
H L s R o K H T A cousins in Australia next week.
T T s p E L e o A T Toby Are you ready for your trip?
Kate Well, 1 & ... ....................................... . (go)
s o D s H R T N s
into town this afternoon. 1 need to
buy a few things.
Toby .
18 ............................ ..... ...... ... (come)
with you. l've got to get my mum a
birthday present.
1 Kate Great! 1 8 .... ...... .. .. ...... . ..... ............ .. ... (see)
you in ten minutes at the bus stop.
A B -
Tourist Reading Pa 2
l n formation
You can buy presents here. e 5 They arrived in Spain and .........................
postcards to their friends.
1 lt's cheaper than usual to go on this holiday.
A made B sent C visited
2 You can come here day or night.
3 This holiday is now full.
4 You can come here next week.
5 You can eat here in the afternoon.
Vocabulary Listening Part 3
1 Write the words in the correct order to 1 O 9 Listen to Marta talking to Bruce about
make sentences. being on a cruise. Choose the correct answer
a famas(ic / Anna/ wearing/ is/ uousers/ A, B or C.
Writing Part 7
C) ......... .. . ........ .. .
. . . . Bundi is beau(iful. We're
going (O S(ay here e .. .... .... ... .... . .. a few . . . . . . .
more days.
star) in a film?
straight to the music shop and bought
Jake No. But 1 was in the school play.
their CD. Jack has bought all their music
Director 8 ...................................... ... (you I see)
now and he O watched/has watched
my other films?
every interview. He sings the band's songs Jake Yes. 1 O .......................................... (see)
all the time and drives his family mad. But them all of course!
Jack 8 didn't go/hasn't been to any of Director Well, that's good. How long
their concerts yet. They live in California 8 .......................................... (you/ be)
and they O didn't play/ haven't played in here today?
Jack's town befare. However, since Jack was Jake 1 O ......................................... (be) here
of money and hopes to see them soon. Director And 8 ................... ...................... (learn)
1 Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? Far 1 O 10 You will hear sorne information
questions 1-5, choose the correct letter A-H. about a film course. Listen and complete
questions 1-5.
¡ Wanted:
drummer far
new band.
Scl)ool l)all
Meet far tour at:
E) ..........................................
talk by actor
Call John
(346 538) •
Hartil) JoQes
Day ends at: •·····················································
Reading Part 3
School play
LEAIZ.N THE VIOLIN 1 Complete the five conversations.
WITH MIZ. YOUNC.. sorry no Choose A, B or C.
Aill IN THE OFFIGE tickets left. 1 H as the film finished7
A lt hasn't started yet.
B lt's already begun.
G H e lt's been two hours.
1 Sorne people can buy these more cheaply. 4 H ave you ever been to the circus?
2 Speak to this person if you can play an A No, but l'd like to.
instrument. B lt was a great night out.
3 You can go here twice a week. C They perfarmed three times.
4 Go here if you want to listen to this person. 5 H ow much were the tickets?
5 You must be ready to travel in the A 1 bought two.
afternoon. B They were ten pounds each.
C They're far students.
g awful fun exciring interesring H ow's your summer? H ave you been
h grass cree flower srar on holiday O .............. .... ..... ? We're in ltaly
. .
rucksack ricker luggage suircase O ............ ....... .... rhe moment. We're
. .
j eans shirt shorrs rrousers 8 . .... ..... ....... .... on a campsite. Luckily
. . . .
11 . 1
A ............ ............ weather's fantast1c. . . .
v . 1' m s1tt1ng in
2 Tick the correct sentences. Rewrite the
incorrect sentences. the sun ar the moment because l've j ust had
a Ler's go home. lr's enough cold to be on 8 ............ ............ lunch. lralian faod is delicious!
b 1 haven't finished this exercise already. the mountains. We swam and then we had
c l'm good ar art, but l'm not going to study 8 ......................... picnic. While we G ........................ .
it at university. earing, we saw E) ......................... amazing wildlife.
d They swam in the lake when it started to Tomorrow we're going to go sailing. l've
Gi) .... ....... ............ been sailing befare so 1 can't
. .
38 1 Review 3
Differ ent
- languages
Vocabulary Writing P 7
1 Find seven communication verbs in 1 Complete these emails. Write one word for
the puzzle. each space.
A R G E '"bje studem
S S C T S i LLicy,
H A H A P We have a stLident visiting LIS this week. lt's
O Y A L E really exciting! She's O ......................... ltaly and
Unit 11 "" Different languages
- Differ ent languages
Vocabulary Writing P 7
1 Find seven communication verbs in 1 Complete these emails. Write one word far
the puzzle. each space.
c You don't need to ... ...................... ! 1 can hear
1 [
To: Jen From:
Subjecr: Re: lralian swdem
d 1 had to ......................... my teacher for help
with the homework. Hi Jen,
e Sorne people teach their pet parrots
We had a student staying with us last summer.
to ......................... !
She 8 . ............... ......... Brazilian and her name was
To: ] From: [ M a x
::== �== ========::
e do /you /wanr /be /rich /one day? (
Subjecr: Languages
1 Read the information about a friend's visit. 1 O 11 You will hear a man talking about
Complete Rebecca's notes. rooms far foreign students. Listen and
complete each question.
To: Mai ) (
From: Rebecca
Age of scudents: 74- 8 ......................................... .
Subjen: ( Welcome' Scudents arrive in: . ......... ...........................................
Hello Mail
Email us by: . ..... ........... ..... ............ ...... .... .....
. . . . .
Mai's visit
Date: O .................................
Meet at: 8 .................................
Transport from airporc: 8 ................................ .
Call Mai on: O ................................ .
Time of phone call: 9 .................................
1 Match the beginnings and endings to make
six sentences.
a sore (hroaL
1 feel hum.
My head (errible.
1 don'( feel well.
l've go( sick.
a (emperawre.
a ................................................................................................. .
b ................................................................................................. .
e ··································································································
d ................................................................................................. .
e ..................................................................................................
f ..................................................................................................
Please see
Visiting times: the doctor's
2 o.m.-5 o.m. receptionist
Vocabulary every doy when you
1 Complete the advice for a healthy lifestyle.
More than one verb may be possible.
a Don't ......................... to bed too late. '**'"'·'•
You can buy something to eat here. F
b Don't ......................... too many sugary drinks.
e .
Don't ... ..................... TV all day.
1 You cannot see a doctor here today.
2 lt's necessary to drink when you have this.
d Don't ......................... computer games for
3 You cannot park here.
4 You can only come here in the afternoon.
e Do ......................... plenty of sleep. 5 Somebody can check your teeth next week.
f Do ......................... lots of water.
1 Look at the pronouns in bold. They are all 1 Read the article about health in other
incorrect. Write them correctly. countries. Choose the best word (A, B or C)
for each space.
2 ........................ . 3 .........................
4 ························· 5 6 ....................... ..
44 Unit 12 .,. How do you feel?
The moder n world
Vocabulary Writing P 7
1 Complete each sentence with two of the 1 Complete the letter. Write one word for
verbs given. each space.
d 1 oft:en ......................... calls on my mobile, bue O ......................... computers and l'm good
1 also like to ......................... to my friends on 8 ......................... using them. l'm planning
social networking sites. e························· study computing ac
•M• Mi ;;.p;n university when l'm older.
b You look at chis when you're using your
e lt's small and you use it to move words,
etc. around.
d You find it on the internet. lt gives you
e You use it far typing.
Unit 13 ... The modem world 1 45
Grammar Vocabulary
1 Tick the correct first conditional sentences. 1 Add the missing vowels to write the words
Rewrite the incorrect sentences. of measurement.
a lf 1 will have enough money, 1'11 buy a a cm =
e n t m t r
new phone.
b =
t r
e n t g r d
d 1 don't finish my homework tonight if
it's too hard. e kg =
k g r m
f g =
g r m
e lf you listen to your teacher carefully,
you'll understand. g mi =
m t r
h m =
m t r
b she J buy J computer game J it J not J too 1 O 13 You will hear four short conversations.
expens1ve Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1 H ow tall is Joey?
e you/ look/ on the internet/ find/ lots of
o e e
i nformation
• •
46 1 Unit 13 .,. The modern world
Reading Pa 4
1 Read the article about a science competition 1 Who can cake pare in che competition?
and then answer the questions. A any science student
B any American student
e any young person
2 lf you want to cake pare you muse write no
Scientist Award more than
A 3,000 words.
Are you good at science? Are you planning
B 4,000 words.
to study science at university? lf che answer e 5,000 words.
is 'yes' to both these questions, then one
3 Which of these is NOT a prize?
day you may want to enter a science
A money
competition and win a lot of money.
B courses
There are a number of different e holidays
competitions you can enter. The Young 4 What is true about Rosa?
Scientist Award is one of these. This A She's won a prize befare.
competition takes place every year in B She's studying in London.
Washington in che United States. People C She's left university.
from all around the world can take pare, 5 What is true about Lian?
bue they must be students studying science. A She's given up science.
B She's got a j ob.
To enter the competition, you can
C She's studying in the US.
write about any scientific topic. Last
year, entrants had to write at least three
thousand words. This year they've made Writing Pa g
it harder. You muse write between four
1 You went to a friend's house yesterday and
and five thousand words. The bese and you left your mobile phone there.
most interesting entry will win! There are
Write an email to your English friend, Mark.
a number of prizes which include day
courses at sorne of the top universities Say:
around the world. The two top prizes are •
where you think you left it
$2,000 and $5,000. •
what it looks like
when you can collect it.
Last year's top winner was Rosa Alvares.
Rosa is from Brazil, bue is in her first year Write 25-35 words.
at Leeds University. At eighteen years old,
she's che youngest person ever to win the
top prize. The second top prize winner was
another young woman: Lian Wang from
China. At che time Lian was finishing her
course at university. She now works as a
scientist in che US. Both winners wrote
about climate change.
48 Unit 14 � What are you reacting?
Reading Pan 1 Grammar
1 Which notice (A-H) says this (1 -5)? For 1 Choose the correct words to complete
questions 1-5, choose the correct letter A-H. the dialogue.
D Jasan 1 went to the library last week and
• • 1 didn't like O nothing / anything.
• • • •
e FILM COURSE. New Writil)� Mum All right. Why don't you visit a friend7
Club. Meet
There's 8 no one ! anyone around.
e START S IOTH e after scbool OI)
Fridays . Mum Well, you can help me with the
• • • •
dinner, if you like.
Jasan lt's all right. 1 think there's
E 8 everything / something on TV
Tnisweek 1 want to watch.
100s of comics on/y. Buy two
magazines... 2 Write the quiz questions. Use the past or
far sale.
getone present passive.
Phone 213078
free! a when/ television/ invent7
b when/ che first video games/ make?
Library -
great 1 n the 1970s.
Free internet prizes'
service c how many/ books/ write / every year?
Thousands of them.
1 You have just read a new magazine.
Cost of trip: O E ......................................................
Write a postcard to your English friend, Dan.
Take: . ..........................................................
what the magazine is a bout
why you like it
how much it costs.
l _
Review 4 Units 1 1-14
d You look hot. H ave you got ........................ . Robots are machines O .......................... .
temperature? can move around and do th ings that are
e 1 sometimes ......................... jogging in the usually done by people. They often h ave
morn1ng. easy jobs th at e ........................... wants, such
f The temperature is about thirty ........................ . as packing food in factories. Robots are
centigrade today. good for work like this e ...........................
g My teacher told ......................... to finish my they don't get bored, and are ch eaper th an
work quickly. people because they don't 8 ...................... .....
h Did Tessa enjoy ......................... at th e party last to take breaks.
Robots also do work th at is 8 ........................ .. .
You use a ......................... to move around a dangerous for people. Th ey can explore places
computer screen.
wh ere people can't go. In 2012, a robot called
My sister's not talking ......................... me th e Curiosity Rover was 8 ... .... . .... ............ ... to
because 1 borrowed h er phone.
Mars. lt collected information about rocks,
2 Complete the sentences with one of the weather and many other things.
words in the pairs of words given.
Sorn e robots look 8 . . ...... . ............ . ..... animals or
people and can move in the same ways. One
•·'"'' hear / here wear / where
called Asimo can walk, dance and run. lt can
right I write pair / pear
even turn O ..................... . ..... a ligh t switch.
8 A at B l íl c Oíl
Review 4 51
Unit 1 Grammar Unit 2
1 a 0 b wa[ch e doesn'[
Reading Vocabulary
d 0 e are no[ f 0
1 1 A 2 8 3A 4C 5 8 68 1 a maths b an e geography
2 1 Q When do you play
7C d science e h i story
Vocabulary 2 a classroom b wh i[eboard
A 1 usually play foo[ball aher
playgroundd homework
1 a serious b pleasanr
e l ucky school.
e [ime[able f bookshelf
d angry e boring 2 Q Wha[ do you do a[ g nmebook
2 a quie[ b i n teresting e happy weekends7
d good e fas[ f funny 3 1 n i ne o'c lock 2 [en o'clock
A 1 ofren go to [he ci nema 3 fifreen m i n u[es 4 q uaner to
Listening wi[h my friends. 5 an hour
1 1 E 2 H 3A 48 S O 3 Q Who do you visi[ in the 6 half pas[ [welve / [Welve [hiny
O Audioscript 1 Reading
A 1 some[imes visi[ Sam.
1 1 8 2 8 3 C 4A SA
Luke Hi, Mara. How are you?
How's [he new school7 Grammar
Mara l ['s big and noisy, bu[ good 1 D (H U S B A N D) V B 1 a swdyi ng b have e doing
fun [han ks, Luke.
Wha[ are your new friends � J ff �
(D A U G H T E R) U R
A M I N y L O N o
T O (F A T H E R) T 2
d are you doing e don'[ learn
f do you usually go to
l i ke7 Are [hey all as amaz i n g 1 are you doing 2 am wa[ching
a s me7 p T A F H 3 am doing 4 are you wa[ching
Mara Well, [here's my bes[ friend.
A H P I A N G E 5 is no[ 6 don'[ know
s E Q F A O C Y R 7 is visi[i n g 8 are playing
She's cal led lsobel. She's
1 T R 1 E O N L H A 9 Do you wanr 1 0 is making
quie[, bu[ she isn't bori ng.
N (N E P H E W) E E L
1 real ly l i ke her. Vocabulary
(S 1 s T E R) (6 U N T)
Luke Wha[ abou[ [he O[hers? 1 a hel icop[er b [axi e coach
Mara There's Max. He's n ice to d motorbi ke e s h i p f bicycle
everyone and he always 2 a rides b ca[ches e cycles
helps ou[ when anyone's go[ d sails e fly f travels
a problem.
Luke He sounds grea[1 Who else?
1 1 Wednesday 2 9.30 3 25
Mara Then [here's Jay. Now he's
4 8 hours 5 ViC[oria
more l i ke youi He [el ls really
cool jokes. He really makes O Audioscript 2
me laugh.
Woman Hel io. Can 1 help you7
Luke Is he clever too?
Boy Yes, please. 1 need
Mara No[ as clever as Suzie. She sorne i nforma[ion
always ge[s top marks i n ali abou[ coaches to Paris.
her [eS[s. 1 don'[ unders[and
Woman Yes, of course. When are
how she does i[1
you uavell i ng7
Luke Those kinds of people are so
Reading Boy Tomorrow.
l ucky.
1 1 8 2A 3 8 4 8 SA 6A Woman Wednesday7
Mara 1 knowi And fi nally [here's
7C 8 8 Boy Tha['s right. l 'd l i ke
Ka[ie. 1 love lis[eni n g to her.
to leave early i n [he
l['s qui[e amazing wha[ she
morni ng.
knows - she's so i n teres[i ng.
Woman Well, [he firs[ coach to
Luke She sounds bri l l iant - when
Paris leaves a[ seven.
can 1 mee[ her7
Key 1 55
Boy Thar's a bir too early. Is Listening Reading
rhere one rhar leaves 4 l C 2 C 3 B 4A 1 1 H 2 0 3G 4C SB
around n i ne?
Woman There's one ar n i n e r h i rry.
O Audioscri pt 3 Review 1
1 Where are J ack and Ann?
Units 1-3
Boy OK and how m uch does
it cosr7 l'm a srudenr. Ann H i Jack. Whar are you
Woman Full-price is ESO, srudents doing here7 1 a geography b rides c funny
Jack d bowl e pharmacy f rerms
rravel far f2S. l'm sending rhis book to
g farger h cousin i marhs
Boy And how long does ir my grandmorher far her
j packer
rake? bi rrhday. Whar abour
you? 2 a any b is watching c lisren
Woman [r should arriYe at half
d is your reacher doing
past five, so that's eight Ann l'm gerring sramps. Do
e don't l i ke f a l i rrle
hours. you fan cy goi n g far a
g How often h lasr
Boy And which coach station i aren'r sleeping j How much
do 1 travel from7 J ack Yeah, O K. Bur 1 need to
3 1 i 2 b 3j 4f Se 6 1 7g
ger sorne money first.
Woman That's Victoria. 8 h
2 What's far lunch?
Boy How do you spel l that, 4 1 wheels 2 sh i p 3 engi ne
please7 Sam Have we gor c h i ps far
4 helicoprer S taxi
l unch, m u m7
Woman V-1-C-T-O-R-l-A.
Boy Great. Thank you.
Mum No, we haven't. We can'r
Unit 4
have chips every day.
Woman You're welcome. Vocabulary
Sam 1 hope we're nor havin g
Unit 3 soup. a l iving room b barhroom
Mum c d i n i ng room d kirchen
Well, yes, we are, but
Vocabulary e bedroom
we've gor chicken
1 a cheese b hamburger c sugar far larer. Writing
d cereal e burter 3 What does the man want? 1 1 carper 2 currains 3 shelf
Grammar Waitress Would you l i ke rhe 4 posrer S barh
Vocabulary Craig Thar man wirh blond 2 Go srraighr on. Go pasr rhe posr
hair7 office and rhe l i b rary. Take rhe
1 a eggs b bananas c jam d rea
e sreak Louise No, nor h i m, rhe one second left. Then rurn righr at
wirh dark hair. rhe end of rhe srreet. Go over rhe
2 1 fry 2 wash 3 of 4 cut S a
Craig Oh 1 see, rhe young bridge and rhere's rhe park.
6 rhe 7 add 8 and
man wearing rhe 3 a bookshop b hospiral
3 a4 b3 c 1 d2 es
T-shirt. He looks 4 a next to b berween
Reading friendly. c opposire d in fronr of
1 a W b C c C d W e W fW e beh i n d
gC h C i C j W kW I C
56 Key
Grammar Megan That's right. That's where my Ben That sounds good. Is
1 1 moved 2 bought 3 started friend Sam spends ali her there a pizza restaurant at
4 met 5 didn't l i ke 6 m issed time. She wants to be an the aquari um7
7 discovered 8 didn't want actress1 Woman l'm afraid it's closed at the
2 a Where did Maddy move to7 moment. But you can get
b What did her parents buy? Unit 5 sandwiches at the café.
e How did Maddy feel at fi rst7 Vocabulary Ben No hot food, l i ke burgers
d What did she m iss? or chips then7
1 a elephant b tiger e camel
e What sport did she discover? Woman l'm afraid not.
d cow e mon key f bear
Vocabulary g lion h chicken i penguin Ben OK. And the aquari um is
1 a comer b garage e hall j crocodile k whale 1 parrot opposite the park, is that
d roof e square 2 a camel b chicken c elephant right?
d monkey Woman No, it's the m useum
which is opposite the
1 1 A 2 B 3C 4B S B Grammar
park. We're opposite the
1 1 that 2 This 3 these 4 Those
Listening university.
1 1 B 2 D 3 F 4 E S H Reading Ben Thank you very much.
1 1 A 2 B 3C 4B SA Woman You're welcome.
O Audioscript 4
Grammar Writing
Megan Hi Jakel Are you enjoyi ng the
1 1 your 2 me 3 you 4 its 5 1 1 1 which 2 at 3 it 4 for
6 Our 7 us 8 yours 9 them 5 about 6 was 7 who 8 to
Jake Hi Megan, Yes, 1 am, thanks.
10 his
l'm doing lots of sport.
Megan My cousin Ti na has j ust
2 1 which / that 20 Unit 6
3 which / that 4 which / that
joi ned the new sports centre Vocabulary
5 who
in town. Is that where you 1 a playi ng b pai nting c reading
go too? Listening d watc h i n g e l iste n i n g
Jake Actually, 1 prefer the park. 1 1 B 2 B 3 ( 4C se
2 a does b i n e pitch d going
They've got a really good e at f have g on h plays
O Audioscript 5
skateboarding place there.
Woman Hel io. Poseidon Writing
Megan My brother, Ben, l i kes the
Aq uari um. Can 1 help 1 1 ten n is 2 basebal l 3 skiing
park too, but he's spending
you7 4 swi m m i ng 5 hockey
a l l his time at the stad i u m at
the moment. Ben Hel io. l'm planning to visir Listening
the aquari um tomorrow. 1 1 white 2 medium 3 8.50
Jake 1 hear it's got a great café.
Can you tell me your
Megan Oh, he doesn't go there - 4 3 1 st 5 George
open ing times?
he's too busy at the footbal l
Woman Yes, of course. We open O Audioscript 6
at ten and close at half Woman Good afternoon. FastPace
Jake What about your other
past six, but we sell our Sports Eq ui pment. Can 1
last tickets at half past help you7
Megan James? Now he does spend five. There's no entry Boy Oh, helio. Yes please.
ali his time at the café. after that.
l'd l i ke to order a ten n is
Jake That's new too isn't it7 Ben And what does it cost7 sh irt.
Megan Yes, that's right - it's next to Woman lt's El 5 for adules and f8 Woman Yes, of course. We do two
the cinema. for people under sixteen. styles. The first is white
Jake What's it l i ke? Have you and yellow, the second is
Ben l'm sixteen, but l'm a
been7 student. only white.
Megan Not yet, but 1 might go after Woman That wi l l be f 1 0 then. Boy They prefer white shirts
swi mming one day. at our c l u b so 1 ' 1 1 have
Ben Do you have any special
Jake Do you go to the indoor or events tomorrow7 that one, please.
the outdoor pool? Woman And what size are you7
Woman Yes, there's a tal k on
Megan The outdoor one. lt's near dol p h i ns. There's one at We have small, medium
the m useum. ten o'clock, one at half or large.
Jake 1 know. lt's opposite the past eleven and then
theatre, isn't it7 again at two.
Key 57
Boy Large may be too big, so Review 2 O Audioscript 7
l'd better take a medium.
Woman Of course. Units 4-6 Tom Helio, E l lie. How was your trip
to the countryside? Did you
Boy How m uch is that7 1 a cupboard b crocodile c fridge
have a good ti me?
d opposite e net f whale
Woman The shirts are usually E l l ie Well . . . not real ly. We all said
g tennis h river i racket
f 1 0.SO but we have a we wou l d take somethi ng,
j wings
sale on at the moment but sorne people forgot,
so that's f8.SO. Is that all 2 a bought b worst
i ncluding me.
right7 c more loudly d who e enjoy
Tom Oh dear. What did you forget7
f on g go h which i tallest
Boy Yes, that's fine. How long Ellie 1 forgot to take my new
j well
wil[ it take to arrive? phone, and it would have
3 a Crocodiles are ani mals which
Woman lt usually takes three days been really useful. But most of
have big teeth.
for del ivery. Today's the the others forgot somet h i ng
b My neighbour is the woman
31 st March, so you can - W i l l brought the barbecue
who is buying a pet shop.
expect your shirt on 3rd and he said he had th ree tents,
c Jack is the one who lost his pet
Apri l. Can 1 take your but he only brought two.
address7 Tom Oh, what about Eric7 Did he
d Mr Brown is the man who
Boy Yes, it's 59 George Street. forget anyth ing?
became a wi l d l i fe presenter.
Woman Did you say George7 e There is the cat which ran away E l l ie Yes, he did. He carne with lots
Boy Yes G-E-0-R-G-E. last week. of bottles of water, but he
1 a A footba l l is bigger than a ten nis 1 a enough b too c enough Tom That m ust have been
bal l. d too e enough an noy1ng.
b0 Ellie Yes, i t was. And then there
c0 was Joe . . . he left the match es
1 1 E 2 D 3 H 4C S F
d0 beh i n d, so we couldn't cook
e He bought the cheapest pair of Vocabulary anything on the barbecue.
trainers in the shop. Tom This camping trip doesn't
f0 1 'V sound l i ke fun. What about
2 1 more i n teresting 2 best 'F 1 E L D Alice7
3 most expensive L
Ellie Well, s h e had a lovely warm
4 more exciting S biggest 3( L
tent to sleep i n, but she didn't
6 harder
'R A 1 L W A y
remember to bring a hat, so
Reading p E she was really cold when we
s sp went out!
1 1 ( 2 B 3A 4 B se 6 B
7 e 8e 61 s L A N D Writing
Grammar 1 1 when 2 was 3 the 4 to 5a
6 of 7 at 8 if 9 is 1 O same
1 a easily b quickly c more
d loudly e best f hardest Grammar
Reading 1 1 was wal king 2 stopped
1 1 C 2 D 3 H 4A S B
3 thought 4 decided
1 1 B 2A 3A 4C SA
5 was movi ng 6 didn't bel ieve
7 were watching 8 l istened to
e was riding / t h i n king
58 Key
3 a Who was t h i n king about food7 b Who are you going to meet at Grammar
Max was thi n ki ng about food. the weekend? a Who is Chris meeting?
b Where was Henry going7 Henry c Are you going to study English b What are they doing at ten
was going home. next year7 thirty?
c What were Mark and Luke d Are you going on holiday in the c When are they eating pizza?
doing? Mark and Luke were sum mer?
d How is Chris going to the party7
talking in the street and e How are you goi ng to celebrare
e What time is he getting a taxi
laughing at a joke. your birthday?
d Who was navell i n g in a taxi? 3 1 Worki ng 2 driving 3 love
Lucy and Katie were navel l i ng
2 a Chris is meeting a friend.
4 Bei ng 5 Getting up 6 feel i n g
in a taxi. b They're going shopping for
7 farming 8 do
t h ings for their holiday.
e What was Max riding7 Max was
Reading c They're eati ng pizza at one
riding a motorbi ke.
1 1 G 2 B 3 E 4 D S F o'c lock.
4 a0
Listening d Ch ris is goi n g to the party by
b When 1 got home last n ight, my
brother was using my computer. 1 1 toilets 2 45 3 1 3.30 / 1 .30 p.m
4 25 5 Jordan e He's getting a taxi home at
twelve o' clock / midn ight.
d My sister wasn't at school O Audioscript 8
yesterday because she felt
Welcome to Sports Express everyone.
Before you start your sum mer jobs, l'd
l i ke to give you sorne i nformation. As
1 �D(A T A RR N N A
E R S)
1 E s u J
f Were you sleeping when the you know we have two floors. Here (S H O T S)
storm began 7 on the ground floor we have all our (B L O U S E) V
sports clothes. On the fírst floor you K K
Unit 8
T T P R (C T) AN AT)
can fi nd the sports equi pmem. The 1 B 1 D 1 E
staffroom and toi lets are on the first G � E (B O O S) R T
floor too. Now . . . breaks and l unch.
You have a fiftee n - m i n ute break in
H L S 1
(T E C H E R)
the morning, forty-five m i n utes for S O D (S H 1 R s
E M D H E F) F
s E) B l unch and another fifteen-min ute
H @_ R 1 T break in the afternoon. You m ust take
N W (A
S rn
e 1 T
E 1 T
1 R T V G
l unch between twelve and half past
one. The shop closes at 8 p.m. every
weekday and on Saturdays, and at
4 p.m. on Sundays. 1 th i n k you all have
1 1 D
2 B 3 F
d Pat's goi n g to work as a coach. b Mark has got new brown shoes.
e Gemma is going to study to be c Kate bought a lovely new bag
1 1 rucksack 2 ticket 3 sunglasses
a ver. yesterday.
4 passenger 5 delay
2 a What are you going to eat this d 1 am wearing a horrible old
eveni ng? Vocabulary T-shirt.
1 a SA b SA c e d e e SA e Mara is weari ng a short yel low
f C g SA h SA dress.
Key 59
Writing Unit 1 0 in each group. Each group will write
60 1 Key
Writing Vocabulary Ben Katie7 No, she says we go
1 1 from 2 Her 3 and 4 of 1 a Russian / Russian too early in the morni ng1 She
Key 61
c lf you look on c h e i nternec, Unit 14 Fiona Of course 1 won'c be lace.
you ' l l fi nd loes of i n formacion. And whac happens when we
Vocabulary gec chere?
d lf my friends call me, 1'11 go ouc
tonighc. Brian Well, we're having a tour of
e 1 won'c play foocball tomorrow if 'I N T R V E W che newspaper office firsc,
'A D V E R T 1 S E E N T then chere's a calk. Thac
1 fe el ci red.
p finishes at about cwelve.
Vocabulary L L
Fiona l t should be really
1 a cemimetre b l i cre c kilometre O G
i n teresci ngt And how m uch
d degrees cemigrade e kilogram
does ic cose? lc's f l O, isn'c ic7
f gram g m i l l i l itre h mene Grammar
Brian No, ic's a bic more expensive
Listening 1 1 are pri med - ic's f l S each.
2 were chey i nvemed
1 1 C 2 B 3 B 4A Fiona OK. And does chac include
3 was publ ished 4 was wricten
l unch chere as weJ [ 7
O Audioscript 1 3 5 were made 6 was built
Brian l'm afraid i c doesn't, so
7 are puc 8 are sold
1 How tall is Joey? we have to cake our own
A Hi Joey. You look caller. Have Reading sandwiches.
you grown a loc7 1 1 B 2 F 3A 4C S H Fiona Ali righc. Thanks for ali che
B Yeah, 1 c h i n k 1 have. 1 was one i nformacion Brian.
mene 56 lasc rime 1 measured
1 1 noching 2 everything
myself. Now l'm one mecre 72.
3 somec h i n g 4 anyc h i n g Review 4
A Righc. l'm only one metre 63.
B Well, you mighc get caller.
5 no one 6 somec h i n g
Units 1 1-14
2 a When was celevision i nvented7
1 a send b advercisement c feel
2 What does Mil lie want to buy? b When were che firsc video d a e go f degrees g me
A Are you geccing a new laptop games made? h herself i mouse j to
today, M i l lie7
How many books are wricten
2 a hear b Where c son d buy
B No way. 1 can'c afford chac. l'm every year7 e pai r f Wrice
goi n g to look ac che phones.
d Where are magazines sold7 3 1 C 2A 3 8 4C S B 6A
A Oh righc. l'm c h i n ki n g abouc
e Who was Google invented by7 7 B 8C
getcing a new keyboard for
my compucer. Reading
62 1 Key
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