Study o The Radio-Protective Effect of Cuttlefish Ink On Hemopoietic Injury
Study o The Radio-Protective Effect of Cuttlefish Ink On Hemopoietic Injury
Study o The Radio-Protective Effect of Cuttlefish Ink On Hemopoietic Injury
Original Article
Min Lei PhD, Jingfeng Wang PhD, Yuming Wang PhD, Long Pang, Yi Wang, Wei Xu
PhD and Changhu Xue PhD
Irradiation leads to immunosuppression, hemopoiesis injury as well as sub-health of human being. The
protective and therapeutic effects of cuttlefish ink on hemopoiesis in 60Co γ radiated model mice were
investigated. One hundred and twenty female ICR mice aged 6 weeks (20-24g) were randomly divided into five
groups: the control group, the model group, and the low, medium, high dosage groups. The mice in different
groups were orally administered normal solution (N.S.) or cuttlefish ink of different dosage daily for 40 days.
Hemopoiesis impaired model was induced by 60Co γ irradiating with lethal dose of 8.0 Gy. The number of bone
marrow nucleated cells (BMNC), colony-forming unit in spleen (CFU-S), colony-forming unit of granulocyte
and monocyte (CFU-GM), peripheral blood pictures and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in serum have
been measured. Compared with model group, the decrease of BMNC, CFU-S, CFU-GM, peripheral leukocytes
and SOD activity in serum in 60Co γ irradiated mice of cuttlefish ink feeding groups were resisted
significantly (p<0.05 or p<0.01). Moreover, the restoration of those indices was promoted significantly (p<0.05
or p<0.01). The cuttlefish ink showed no significant effect on peripheral erythrocytes, thrombocytes and
hemoglobin. The results showed that cuttlefish ink had significant effects on granulopoiesis. The mechanism
underlining these effects may be that the increase of antioxidant level in mice, the improvement of bone marrow
haematopoietic microenvironment and the inducement of cellular factors promoted the proliferation and
differentiation of CFU-S and CFU-GM and thus enhance the defensive system of organism.
Key wWords: cuttlefish ink, irradiation injury, hemopoiesis, immune, superoxide dismutase.
Table 1. The effect of cuttlefish ink on the spleen and thymus index, the number of BMNC, CFUS and CFUGM in
model mice after 60Co γ irradiation (n=8, x s )
Corresponding Author: Professor Changhu Xue, College of mice was observed on Days 0, 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 21,
Food Science and Technology, Ocean University of China, 5 25 and 30 after irradiation, respectively.
Yushan Road, Qingdao, Shandong, PR China, 266003
Tel: +86 532 8203 2468, Fax: +86 532 8203 2468
The ratios of spleen/body weight and thymus/body
Materials and methods
The spleen and thymus of every mouse were taken out
Cuttlefish ink product
and weighed immediately after sacrifice. The ratios of
Fresh cuttlefish ink was hydrolyzed with 0.5% pawpaw
spleen/body weight and thymus/body weight were
proteinase for 6 hours, then boiled for 10 minutes to
calculated at milligram per gram (mg/g).
denature the enzyme and washed with distilled water. The
cuttlefish ink powder was obtained by vacuum drying at
Bone marrow nucleated cells (BMNC) counting
60°C, stored at 4°C and suspended in distilled water for
Bone marrow cells were drawn from femoral bones with
3% acetic acid. Single-cell suspension was counted with
Animals and design of the experiment
Healthy female ICR mice (weighing 222g, SPF,
Spleen Colony Forming Unit (CFU-S) Assay12
purchased from the Centre of Laboratory Animal of
Bone marrow cells from each donor were injected into tail
Qingdao) were divided into 5 groups randomly: control
veins of irradiated (8Gy) recipients (1105 cells per
(neither irradiation nor cuttlefish ink), model (irradiation,
mouse). After 9 days, recipient spleens were removed and
no cuttlefish ink), low dosage (irradiation plus cuttlefish
fixed in Bouin’s, and numbers of macroscopic colonies
ink of 100mg/kg bw), medium dosage (irradiation plus
were counted.
cuttlefish ink of 300mg/kg bw) and high dosage group
(irradiation plus cuttlefish ink of 900mg/kg bw), 24 mice
Lung conditioned culture medium of mice 13
in each group. Mice in control and model groups were
Two lung leaves of adult ICR mice were cut into pieces
administered N.S. as placebo. On Day 10, all mice except
under the asepsis condition and cultured in 2ml RPMI-
those in control group were placed in ventilated
1640 with 10% horse serum in incubator (2711, QUEUE
containers and were exposed to concentric revolving 60Co
Systerms, USA) at 37°C, 5% CO 2 and saturated humidity
treatment machine (FCC-7000, XINHUA iatrical
for 7 days. Then the supernatant was separated and stored
instrument factory, China) at a rate of 50.8 cGy/min. The
at -20°C.
total dose of 8 Gy was given to the whole body. On Days
3, 10 and 30 after radiation, 8 mice in each group were
Granulocyte-monocyte colony forming units (CFU-GM)
sacrificed respectively and the number of bone marrow
nucleated cells (BMNC), hemopoietic colony forming
CFU-GM was quantified in semisolid culture: 1105 /ml
units in spleen (CFU-S), granulocyte-monocyte colony
bone marrow cells were cultured in RPMI-1640
forming units (CFU-GM), the ratios of spleen/body
containing 0.3% agar, 24% horse serum (Haoyang
weight and thymus/body weight were examined. Mean
Biology Scientific Production Inc, Tianjin), 10% lung
Homocysteine in an Aboriginal community 4
conditioned culture medium of mice and incubated at The hemopoietic function in mice was destroyed
37°C with 5% CO2 for 7 days. Usually, cluster containing obviously by 60Co γ irradiation (Table 1). Compared with
50 or more cells was counted as a colony the control, the numbers of BMNC, CFU-S, CFU-GM in
mice of model group declined by 84.2%, 52.2% and
Peripheral blood picture 53.3%, respectively. However, when the mice were given
Blood was collected from tail veins of mice on different different dosages of cuttlefish ink for 9 days pre-
days following irradiation and the fluctuation of irradiation, the numbers of BMNC, CFU-S, CFU-GM of
peripheral blood cells, including leukocytes, erythrocytes 10 10
Model control
thrombocytes and hemoglobin levels were measured with
Erythrocytes(x1012cells/ L)
Leukocyte(x109cells/ L)
Low dose 9
an automatic hematocyte counter (SYSMAX F-820, Mid dose
High dose
6 7
Japan). 6
The SOD activity in serum 2
One hour after the last administration, blood was 0 2
0 1 3 6 8 101316212530 (d) 0 1 3 6 8 101316212530 (d)
collected from the eyes and serum was separated. The
SOD activity in serum was determined with the SOD
reagent kit (catalogue No: 20020329, Nanjing Jiancheng
1200 180
Bioengineering Institute).
Thrombocyte(x109cells/ L)
1000 160
Statistical analyses
The results were expressed as the meansstandard 100
deviation. The statistical significance of the differences 200 60
was evaluated with software Quattro Pro 9 and p<0.05 0 40
was considered as significant. 0 1 3 6 8 101316212530 (d) 0 1 3 6 8 101316212530 (d)
10 10
Model control
/ L)
Low dose
8 Mid dose 8
High dose
6 7
2 4
0 2
0 1 3 6 8 1013 16 2125 30 (d) 0 1 3 6 8 101316212530 (d)
1200 180
1000 160
400 80
200 60
0 40
0 1 3 6 8 101316212530 (d) 0 1 3 6 8 1013 16 212530 (d)
Figure 1. The effects of cuttlefish ink on dynamic change of peripheral blood picture in mice induced by 60Co γ irradiation. Hb= hemoglobin.
239 Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2007;16 (Suppl 1):239-
B ink can promote the granulopoiesis in bone marrow.
400 C Leukocyte plays a key role in the defensive system of
D organism. Both heterophile granulocytes (neutrophile in
c man) and monocytes have a marked capacity for ingesting
b c
c c c small, discrete particles. The phagocytosis and digestion
a b
200 a a by the heterophile granulocytes is one of the means by
which the host destroys bacteria, and the issue of some
infections may depend upon the extent of phagocytosis.
Moreover, activated monocyte and macrophage can
synthesize and release various cytokines such as CSF, IL-
E F G H 1, IL-3, IL-6, tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α),
Figure 2. The effects of cuttlefish ink on the level of peroxidation in
interferon-α and interferon-β (INF-α, INF-β), regulating
mice induced by 60Co γ irradiation. SOD=superoxide dismutase, cell growth and acting as a key factor in the inducement
A=Model, B=Low dose, C= Medium dose, D=High dose, E= D3 and regulation of immune responses. Cuttlefish ink could
after irradiation, F= D10 after irradiation, G= D30 after irradiation, enhance non-specific immunity and specific immunity via
H=Control. a p <0.01, Compared with control; b p <0.05, c p <0.01,
promoting granulocytopoiesis and monopoiesis in bone
Compared with model.
Discussion The mechanism of hemopoietic injuries by irradiation
Hemopoiesis relates closely to the immunity of organism. may be the lipid peroxidation injury of stromal cells in
BMNC denotes the hemopoietic function of marrow. bone marrow microenvironment20. Our results showed
Relative stability of peripheral blood cell number depends that cuttlefish ink could effectively resist the decrease of
on the differentiation and proliferation of hemopoietic SOD activity in serum and promote its recovery. Melanin,
stem cells and progenitor cells. The interaction between as the main component of cuttlefish ink, has the ability of
hematopoietic cells and cell growth factors regulates the scavenging free radicals and antioxidation21 thereby
proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells. It protecting hemotopoitic system from irradiation injury.
has been approved that cuttlefish ink can induce many
kinds of cytokines such as IL-1 14 and colony stimulating Conclusion
factor (CSF) 15. CSF stimulates the proliferation and Cuttlefish ink can promote the proliferation and the
differentiation of hemopoietic stem cell and many kinds differentiation of granulocyte-monocyte progenitor cells,
of progenitor cells, increase the numbers of granulocyte, enhance non-specific immunity and specific immunity
monocyte in blood and macrophage in tissue 16-17. Recent significantly. The mechanism may be that cuttlefish ink
research showed that IL-1 can promote the proliferation, weakens the irradiation injury on hemopoietic
differentiation and maturity of granulocytes while inhibit microenvironment and hemopoietic cells via regulating
these processes of erythrocytes 18. Our results showed that immunological function, inducing GM-CSF and other
different dosages of cuttlefish ink could effectively resist cytokines and elevating SOD activity in mice. As a safe
the decrease of BMNC CFU-S, CFU-GM and peripheral natural product, cuttlefish ink has potential clinical
leukocytes (p<0.05 or p<0.01) in 60Co γ irradiated model application in health care and medicine.
mice. Moreover, the restoration of those indices
mentioned above was promoted significantly (p<0.05 or Acknowledgements
p<0.01). However, there is no significant effect on This study was supported by the National High-tech Research
and Development Project of China (2006AA09Z444) and the
peripheral erythrocytes, thrombocytes and hemoglobin. It
New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-04-0642).
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