Molly Sweeney
Molly Sweeney
Molly Sweeney
press his mouth against my ear and whisper with fierce urgency,
"I promise you, my darling, you aren't missing a lot; not a lot at
all. Trust me."
Of course I trusted him; completely. But late at night, listening
to mother and himself fighting their weary war downstairs and
then hearing him grope his way unsteadily to bed, I'd wonder
what he meant. And it was only when I was about the same age
as he was then, it was only then that I thought --- I thought
perhaps I was beginning to understand what he meant. But that
was many, many years later. And by then mother and he were
long dead and the old echoing house was gone. And I had been
married to Frank for over two years. And by then, too, I had had
the operation on the first eye.
MR. RICE : The day he brought her to my house --- the first time
I saw them together --- my immediate
thought was: What an unlikely couple!
I had met him once before about a week earlier, by himself. He
had called to ask would I see her,just to give an opinion, if only to
confirm that nothing could be done for her. I suggested he phone
the hospital and make an appointment in the usual way. But of
course he didn't. And within two hours he was back at my door
again with an enormous folder of material that had to do with her
case and that he had compiled over the years and he'd be happy
to go through it with me there and then because not only were
the documents
She had been blind since she was ten months old. She wasn't
totally sightless: she could distinguish between light and dark;
she could see the direction from which light came; she could
detect the shadow of Frank's hand moving in front of her face.
But for all practical purposes he had no useful sight. Other
ophthalmologists she had been to over the years had all agreed
that surgery would not help. She had a full life and never felt at
all deprived. She was now forty-one, married just over two years,
and working as a massage therapist in a local health club. Frank
and she had met there and had married within a month. They
were fortunate they had her earnings to live on because he was
out of work at the moment.
She offered this information matter-of-factly. And as she
talked, he kept interrupting. "She knows when I pass my hand in
front of her face. So there is some vision, isn't there? So there is
hope, isn't there, isn't there? Perhaps, I said. "And if there is a
chance, any chance, that she might be able to see, we must take
it, musn't we? How can we not take it? She has nothing to lose,
has she? What has she tp lose? --- Nothing! Nothing! And she
would wait without a trace of impatience until he had finished and
then she would go on. Yes, I liked her at once.
His "essential" folder. Across it he had written, typically,
Researched and Compiled by Frank C. Sweeney. The "C" stood for
Constantine, I discovered. And it did have some interest, the
folder. Photographs of her
MOLLY: I didn't like Mr. Rice when I first met him. But I got to like
him. I suppose because I trusted him. Frank never warmed to
him. He was put off by his manner and the way he spoke. But I
thought that for all his assurance there was something . . .
unassured about him.
He was said to have been one of the most brilliant
ophthalmologists ever in the country. Worked in the top eye
hospitals all over the world --- America, Japan, Germany. Married
a Swiss girl. They had two daughters. Then she left him ---
according to the gossip; went off with a colleague of his from New
York. The daughters lived with her parents in Geneva. For years
after that there are gaps in his story. Nobody seems to know what
became of him. They say that he had a breakdown; that he
worked as a laborer in Bolivia; that he ran a pub in Glasgow.
Anyhow he turned up here in Ballybeg and got a job in the
hospital and took a rented bungalow at the outskirts of the town.
He looked after himself in a sort of way. Walked a bit. Did a
lot of fly-fishing during the season --- Frank said he was beautiful
to watch. People thought him a bit prickly, a bit uppity, but that
was probably because he didn't mix much. I'm sure a brilliant
man like that never thought he'd end in a Regional Hospital in the
north-west of Donegal. When I wondered what he looked like I
imagined a face with an expression of some bewilderment.
Maybe I liked him because of all the doctors who examined me
over the years he was the only one who never quizzed me about
what it felt like to be blind --- I suppose because he knew
everything about it. The others kept asking me what the idea of
color meant to me, or the idea of space, or the notion of distance.
You live in a world of touch, a tactile world, they'd say. You
depend almost entirely on tactile perceptions, on knowing things
by feeling their shape. Tell us: How do you think your world
compares with the world the rest of us know, the world you would
share with us if you had visual perception as well?
He never asked me questions like that. He did ask me once,
did the idea, the possibility, of seeing excite me or frighten me. It
certainly excited Frank, I said. But why should it be frightening? A
stupid question, I know, he said. Very stupid.
Why indeed should it be frightening? And how could I answer
all those other questions? I knew only my own world.
Disadvantaged in some ways; of course it was. But at theat stage
I never thought of it as deprived. And Mr. Rice knew that.
And how could I have told those other doctors how much
pleasure my world offered me? From my work,
from the radio, from walking, from music, from cycling. But
especially from swimming. I used to think --- and I know this
sounds silly --- but I really did believe I got more pleasure, more
delight, from swimming than sighted people can ever get. Just
offering yourself to the experience --- every pore open and eager
for that world of pure sensation, of sensation alone --- sensation
that could not have been enhanced by sight --- experience that
existed only by touch and feel; and moving swiftly and
rhythmically through that enfolding world; and the sense of such
assurance, such liberation, such concordance with it . . . Oh I
can't tell you the joy of swimming gave me. I used to think that
the other people in the pool with me, the sighted people, that in
some way their pleasure was actually diminished because they
could see, because seeing in some way qualified the sensation;
and that if they only knew how full, how total my pleasure was, I
used to tell myself that they must, they really must envy me.
Silly I suppose. Of course it was. I tried to explain how I felt to
Mr. Rice.
"I know what you mean," he said.
And I think he did know.
Yes, maybe he was a bit pompous. And he could be sarcastic at
times. And Frank said he didn't look at all bewildered; ever. But
although I never saw my father's face, I imagine it never revealed
any bewilderment either.
morning in his house --- I'll never forget it --- the front room in
the rented bungalow --- no fire --- the remains of last night's
supper on a tray in the fireplace --- teapot, crusts, cracked mug
--- well of course, goddamit, of course the head exploded! Just
Molly was going to see! I knew it! For all his perhapses!
Absolutely no doubt about it! A new world --- a new life! A new
life for both of us!
Molly, "Do you not smell the whiskey off his breath? The man's
reeking of whiskey!"
Ridiculous . . .
MR. RICE: Tests revealed that she had thick cataracts on both
eyes. But that wasn't the main problem. She also had retinitis
pigmentosa; as the name suggests, a discoloration of the retina.
She seemed to have no useful retinal function. It wasn't at all
surprising that other doctors had been put off.
There were scars of old disease, too. But what was encouraging
--- to put it at its very best --- was that there was no current, no
active disease process. So that if I were to decide to operate and
if the operation were even partially successful, her vision,
however impaired, ought to be stable for the rest of her life.
So in theory perhaps . . .
ONE 19
God's sake? Molly was on the verge of a new life. I had to be with
her now. Anyhow, as I told Dick, those rambling days were over.
All the same it was nice to be remembered. And to be
remembered on that night --- I thought that was a good omen.
MR. RICE: I'm ashamed to say that within a week I crossed the
frontier into the fantasy life again. The moment I decided I was
going to operate on Molly I had an impulse --- a dizzying,
exuberant, overmastering, intoxicating instinct to phone Roger
Bloomstein in New York and Hans Girder in Berlin and Hiroshi
Matoba in Kyoto --- even old Murnahan in Dublin --- and tell them
what I was about to do. Yes, yes, especially old Murnahan in
dublin; and say to him, "Paddy Rice here, Professor. Of course
you remember him! You called him a rogue star once --- oh, yes,
that caused a titter. Well, he works in a rundown hospital in
Donegal now. And I suspect, I think, I believe for no good reason
at all that Paddy Rice is on the trembling verge, Professor. He has
a patient who has been blind for forty years. And do you know
what? He is going to give her vision --- the twenty-first recorded
case in over a thousand years! And for the first time in her life ---
how does Saint Mark put it in the gospel --- for the first time in
her life she will "see men walking as if like trees." Delirium . . .
hubris . . . the rogue star's token insurrection . . . a final,
ridiculous flourish. For God's sake, a routine cataract operation?
Mary certainly was; so that was a delicate situation. And old Mr.
O'Neill from across the street; first time outside his house since
his wife, Louise, died three months before; and Frank just took
him by the arm and said he would fall into a decline if he didn't
pull himself together. Anyhow, after two or three beers, what
does Mr. O'Neill do? Up on top of the table and begins reciting "A
bunch of the boys were whooping it up in the Malamute saloon"
--- or whatever the right name is! Yes Little timid Mr. O'Neill, the
mourning widower! And he acted it out so seriously. And of course
we all began to snigger. And the more we sniggered, the more
melodramatic he became. So that by the time he got to "The
woman that kissed him and pinched his poke was the lady that's
known as Lou" --- he always called Louise, his dead wife, Lou ---
well of course by that time we were falling about. Oh, he was
furious. Sulked in the corner for ages. God!
Who else? Billy Highes was there; an old bachelor friend of
Frank. Years ago Frank and he borrowed money from the bank
and bought forty beehives; but I gather that didn't work out. And
Dorothy and Joyce; they're physiotherapists in the hospital. And
Tom McLaughlin, another of Frank's bachelor friends. He's a great
fiddler, Tom. And that was it. And of course Rita, rita Cairns, my
oldest, my closest friend. She managed the health club I was
working in. Rita probably knows me better than anybody. There
was a lot of joking that there were thirteen of us if you counted
the baby. And Billy Hughes, who was already well
cry. I'm the only one that's allowed to give a performance and
then cry."
and out of sleep. Then the phone rang; an anxious sound at two
in the morning. By the time I had pulled myself together and got
to it, it had stopped. Wrong number probably. I had another drink
and sat beside the dead fire and relived for the hundredth time
that other phone call. The small hours of the morning, too. In
Cario. That high summer of my thirty-second year.
It was Roger Bloomstein. Brilliant Roger. Trecherous Icarus. To
tell me that Maria and he were at the airport and about to step on
a plane for New York. They were deeply in love. They would be in
touch in a few days. He was very sorry to have to tell me this. He
hoped that in time I would see the situation from their point of
view and come to understand it. And he hung up.
The mind was instantly paralyzed. All I could think was: He's
confusing seeing with understanding. Come on, Bloomingstein.
What's the matter with you? Seeing isn't understanding.
You know that! Don't talk rubbish, man!
And then . . . and, then . . . oh, Jesus, Maria . . .
FRANK: Just as I was about to step into bed that night --- that
same Tuesday night that Dick Winterman phoned --- the night of
the operation --- I was on the point of stepping into bed when
suddenly, suddenly I remembered: Ethiopia is Abyssinia!
Abyssinia is Ethiopia! They're the same place! Ethiopia is the new
ONE 27
for the old Abyssinia! For God's sake only last year the National
Geographic magazine had a brilliant article on it with all these
stunning photographs. For God's sake I could write a book about
Ethiopia! Absolutely the most interesting country in the world! Let
me give you one fascinating fact about the name, the name
Abyssinia. The name Abyssinia is derived from the word "habesh",
; and the word "habesh" means mixed --- on account of the
varied nature of its peoples. But interestingly, interestingly the
people themselves always called themselves Ethiopians, never
Abyssinians, because they considered the word Abyssinia and
Abyssinians as derogatory --- they didn't want to be thought of as
mixed! So now the place is officially what the people themselves
always called it --- Ethiopia. Fascinating!
But of course I had to say no to Dick. As I said. Those rambling
days were over. Molly was about to inherit a new world; and I had
a sense --- stupid, I know --- I had a sense that maybe I was,
Pity to miss Abyssinia all the same --- the one place in the
whole world I've always dreamed of visiting; a phantom desire, a
fantasy in the head. Pity to miss that.
You shouldn't have dangled it in front of me, Dick Waterman.
Bloody, bloody heartbreaking.
and I'd hear his name mentioned. She never said anything bad
about him; but whern his name came up, you got the feeling he
was a bit . . . different.
Anyhow that Friday he came into the club and Rita introduced
us and we chatted. And for the whole ten minutes of my coffee
break he gave me a talk about a feasibility study he was doing on
the blueback salmon, known in Oregon as sockeye and in Alaska
as redfish, and of his plan to introduce it to Irish salmon farmers
because it has the lowest wastage rate in all canning factories
where it is used.
When he left I said to Rita that I'd never met a more
enthusiastic man in my life. And Rita said in her laconic way,
"Sweetie, who wants their enthusiasm focused on bluebacks for
God's sake?"
Anyhow, ten minutes after he left, the phone rang. Could we
meet that evening? Saturday? Sunday? What about a walk, a
meal, a concert? Just a chat?
I asked him to call me the following Friday.
I thought a lot about him that week. I suppose he was the first
man I really knew --- apart from my father. And I liked his
energy. I liked his enthusiasm. I liked his passion. Maybe what I
really liked about him was that he was everything my father
FRANK: I spent a week in the library --- the week after I first met
her --- one full week immersing myself in
FRANK: She had the time of her life. Knew she would. We danced
every dance. Sang every song at the top of our voices. Ate an
enormous supper. Even won a spot prize: a tin of shortbread and
a bottle of Albanian wine. The samba, actually. I wasn't bad at the
samba once.
Dancing. I knew. I explained the whole thing to her. She had to
agree. For God's sake she didn't have to say a word --- she just
MOLLY: It was almost at the end of the night --- we were doing
an old-time waltz --- and suddenly he said
hands of the best team in the whole world to deliver her miracle,
because she was in the hands of the best team in the whole world
--- I was fearful, I suddenly knew that that courageous woman
had everything, everything to lose.
FRANK: There was some mix-up about what time the bandages
were to be removed. At least I was confused. For some reason I
got it into my head that they were to be taken off at eight in the
morning, October 8, the day after the operation. A Wednesday, I
remember, because I was doing a crash course in speed reading
and I had to switch from the morning to the afternoon class for
that day.
So; eight o'clock sharp; there I was sitting in the hspital, all
dickied up --- the good suit, the shoes
polished, the clean shirt, the new tie, and with my bunch of
flowers, waiting to be summoned to Molly's ward.
The call finally did come --- at a quarter to twelve. Ward 10.
Room 17. And of course by then I knew the operation was a
Knocked. Went in. Rice was there. And a staff nurse, a tiny little
woman. And an Indian man --- the anaesthetist, I think. The
moment I entered he rushed out without saying a word.
And Molly. Sitting very straight in a white chair beside her bed.
Her hair pulled away back from her face and piled up just here.
Wearing a lime green dressing gown that Rita Cairns had lent her
and the blue slippers I got her for her last birthday.
There was a small bruise mark below her right eye.
I thought: How young she looks, and so beautiful, so very
"There she is," said Rice. "How does she look?"
"She looks well."
"Well? She looks wonderful! And why not? Everything went
brilliantly! A complete success! A dream!"
He was so excited, there was no trace of the posh accent. And
he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet. And he took my
hand and shook it as if he were congratulating me. And the tiny
staff nurse laughed and said "Brilliant! Brilliant!" and in her
excitement knocked the chart off the end of the bed and then
laughed even more.
I went back to the hospital again that night after my class. She
was in buoyant form. I never saw her so animated.
"I can see, Frank!" she kept saying. "Do you hear me? --- I can
see!" Mr. Rice was a genius! Wasn't it all wonderful? The nurses
were angels! Wasn't I thrilled? She loved my red tie --- it was red,
wasn't it? And everybody was so kind. Dorothy and joyce brought
those chocolates during their lunch break. And old Mr. O'Neill sent
that Get Well card --- there --- look --- on the window sill. And
didn't the flowers look so beautiful in that pink vase? She would
have the operation on the left eye just as soon as Mr. Rice would
agree. And then, Frank, and then and then and then and then ---
oh, God, what then! I was so happy, so happy for her. Couldn't
have been happier for God's sake. But just as on that first
morning in Rice's bungalow when the only thing my mind could
focus on was the smell of fresh whiskey off his breath, now all I
could think of was some --- some --- some absurd scrap of
information a Norwegian fisherman told me about the eyes of
whales. Whales for God's sake! Stupid information. Useless, off-
beat information. Stupid, useless, quirky mind . . . Molly was still
in full flight when a nurse came in and said that visiting time was
long over and that Mrs. Sweeney needed all her strength to face
tomorrow. "How do I look?" "Great," I said. "Really, Frank?"
"Honestly. Wonderful."
"Black eye and all?"
"You wouldn't notice it," I said.
She caught my hand.
"Do you think . . . ?"
"Do I think what?"
"Do you think I look pretty, Frank?"
"You look beautiful," I said. "Just beautiful."
"Thank you."
I kissed her on the forehead and, as I said good night to her,
she gazed intently at my face as if she were trying to read it. Her
eyes were bright; unnaturally bright; burnished. And her
expression was open and joyous. But as I said good night I had a
feeling she wasn't as joyous as she looked.
MR. RICE: When I look back over my working life I suppose I
must have done thousands of operations. Sorry --- performed.
Bloomstein always corrected me on that: "Come on, you bloody
bogman! We're not mechanics. We're artists. We perform." (He
shrugs his shoulders in dismissal.)
And of those thousands I wonder how many I'll remember. I'll
remember Dubai. An Arab gentleman whose left eye had been
almost pecked out by one of his peregrines and who sent his
private jet to New York for Hans Girder and myself. The eye was
saved, really because Girder was a magician. And we spent a
week in a palace of marble and gold and played poker with the
crew of the jet and lost every penny of the ransom we had just
MOLLY: Mr. Rice said he couldn't have been more pleased with my
progress. He called me his Miracle Molly. I liked him a lot more as
the weeks passed.
And as usual Rita was wonderful. She let me off work early
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And I'd dress up in this
new coat I'd bought --- a mad splurge to keep the spirits up ---
brilliant scarlet with a matching beret --- Rita said I could be seen
from miles away, like a distress signal --- anyhow in all my new
style I'd walk to the hospital on those three afternoons --- without
my cane! --- and sometimes that was scary, I can tell you. And
Mr. Rice would examine me and say, "Splendid, Molly! Splendid!"
And then he'd pass me on to a psychotherapist, Mrs. O'Connor, a
beautiful looking young woman according to Frank, and I'd do all
sorts of tests with her. And then she's pass me on to George, her
husband, for more tests --- he was a behavioral psychologist, if
you don't mind, a real genius apparently --- the pair of them were
writing a book on me. And then I'd go back to Mr. Rice again and
he'd say "Splendid!" again. And then I'd walk home --- still no
cane! and have Frank's tea waiting for him when he'd get back
from the library.
I can't tell you how kind Frank was to me, how patient he was.
As soon as tea was over, he'd sit at the top of the table and he'd
put me at the bottom and he'd begin my lesson.
He'd put something in front of me --- maybe a bowl of fruit ---
and he'd say,
"What have I got in my hand?"
"A piece of fruit."
"What sort of fruit?"
"An orange, Frank. I know the color, don't I?"
"Very clever. Now, what's this?"
"It's a pear."
"You're guessing."
"Let me touch it."
"Not allowed. You already have your tactical engrams. We've
got to build up a repertory of visual engrams to connect with
And I'd say, "For God's sake stop showing off your posh new
words, Frank. It's a banana."
"Sorry. Try again."
"It's a peach. Right?"
"Splendid!" he'd say in Mr. Rice's accent. "It certainly is a
peach. Now what's this?"
And he'd move on to knives and forks, or shoes and slippers, or
all the bits and pieces on the mantlepiece for maybe another hour
or more. Every night. Seven nights a week.
Oh, yes, Frank couldn't have been kinder to me.
Rita, too. Even kinder. Even more patient.
And all my customers at the health club, the ones who had
massages regularly, they sent me a huge bouquet of pink-and-
white tulips. And the club I used to swim with, they sent me a
beautiful gardening book. God knows what they thought --- that
I'd now be able to pick it up and read it? But everyone was great,
just great.
Oh, yes, I lived in a very exciting world for those first weeks
after the operation. Not at all like that silly world I wanted to visit
and devour --- none of that nonsense.
No, the world that I now saw --- half-saw, peered at really --- it
was a world of wonder and surprise and delight. Oh, yes;
wonderful, surprising, delightful. And joy --- such joy, small
unexpected joys that came in such profusion and passed so
quickly that there was never enough time to savor them.
But it was a very foreign world, too. And disquieting; even
alarming. Every dolor dazzled.
especially about my mother and what it must have been like for
her living in that huge, echoing house.
MR. RICE: I operated on the second eye, the left eye, six weeks
after the first operation. I had hoped it might have been a
healthier eye. But when the cararact was removed, we found a
retina much the same as in the right: traces of pigmentosa,
scarred macula, areas atrophied. However, with both eyes
functioning to some degree, her visual field was larger and she
fixated better. She could now see from a medical point of view.
From a psychological point of view she was still blind. In other
words she now had to learn to see.
FRANK: As we got closer to the end of that year, it was quiet clear
that Molly was changing --- had changed. And one of the most
fascinating insights into the state of her mind at that time was
given to me by Jean O'Connor, the psychotherapist; very
interesting woman; brilliant actually; married to George, a
behavioral psychologist, a second-rater if you ask me; and what a
bore -- what a bore! Do you know what that man did? Lectured
me one day for over an hour on cheese making if you don't mind!
Anyhow --- anyhow --- the two of them --- the O'Connors --- they
were doing this book on Molly; a sort of documentation of her
"case history" from early sight to lifelong blindness to sight
restored to . . . whatever. And the way Jean explained Molly's
condition to me was this.
All of us live on a swing, she said. And the swing normally moves
smoothly and evenly across a narrow range of the usual
emotions. Then we have a crisis in our life; so that instead of
moving evenly from, say, feeling sort of happy to feeling sort of
miserable, we now swing from elation to despair, from
unimaginable delight to utter wretchedness. The word she used
was "delivered" to show how passive we are in this terrifying
game: We are delievered into one emotional state --- snatched
away from it --- delivered into the opposite emotional state. And
we can't help ourselves. We can't escape. Until eventually we can
endure no more abuse --- become incapable of experiencing
anything, feeling anything at all.
That's how Jean O'Connor explained Molly's behavior to me.
Very interesting woman. Brilliant actually. And beautiful, too. Oh,
yes, all the gifts. And what she said helped me to understand
Molly's extraordinary behavior --- difficult behavior --- yes,
goddamit, very difficult behavior over those weeks leading up to
For example --- for example. One day, out of the blue, a Friday
evening in December, five o'clock, I'm about to do to the Hikers
Club, and she says, "I feel like a swim, Frank. Let's go for a swim
At this stage I'm beginning to recognize the symptoms: the
defiant smile, the excessive enthusiasm, some reckless,
dangerous proposal. "Fine. Fine," I say. Even though it's pitch
dark and raining. So we'll go to the swimming pool? Oh, no. She
wants to swim in the sea. And not only swim in the sea on a wet
Friday night in
December, but she wants to go out to the rocks at the far end of
Tramore and she wants to climb up on top of Napoleon Rock as
we call it locally --- it's the highest rock there, a cliff really --- and
I'm to tell her if the tide is in or out and how close are the small
rocks in the sea below and how deep the water is because she's
going to dive --- to dive for God's sake --- the eighty feet from
the top of Napoleon down into the Atlantic ocean.
"And why not, Frank? Why not for God's sake?"
Oh, yes, an enormous change. Something extraordinary about
all that.
Then there was the night I watched her through the bedroom
door. She was sitting at her dressing table, in front of the mirror,
trying her hair in different ways. When she would have it in a
certain way, she's lean close to the mirror and peer into it and
turn her head from side to side. But you knew she couldn't read
her reflection, could scarcely even see it. Then she would try the
hair in a different style and she'd lean into the mirror again until
her face was almost touching it and again she'd turn first to one
side and then the other. And you knew that all she saw was a
Then after about half a dozen attempts she stood up and came
to the door --- it was then I could see she was crying --- and she
switched off the light. Then she went back to the dressing table
and sat down again; in the dark; for maybe an hour; sat there
and gazed listlessly at the black mirror.
Yes, she did dive into the Atlantic from the top of Napoleon
Rock; first time in her life. Difficult times. Oh, I can't tell you.
Difficult times for all of us.
MR. RICE: The dangerous period for Molly came --- as it does for
all patients --- when the first delight and excitement at having
vision have died away. The old world with its routines, all the
consolations of work and the familiar, is gone forever. A sighted
world --- a partially sighted world, for that is the best it will ever
be --- is available. But to compose it, to put it together, demands
effort and concentration and patience that are almost
So the question she had to ask herself was: How much do I
want this world? And am I prepared to make that enormous effort
to get it?
MOLLY: Tests --- tests --- tests --- tests --- tests! Between Mr.
Rice and Jean O'Connor and George O'Connor and indeed Frank
himself I must have spent months and months being analyzed
and answering questions and identifying drawings and making
sketches. And, God, those damned tests with photographs and
lights and objects --- those endless tricks and illusions and
distortions --- the Zöllner illusion , the Ames distorting room, the
Staircase illusion, the Müller-Lyer illusion. And they never told you
if you had passed or failed so you always assumed you failed.
Such peace --- such peace when they were all finished.
FRANK: It was the clever Jean O'Conner who spotted the distress
signals first. She said to me: "We should
she behaved as if she could see -- reach for her purse, avoid a
chair that was in her way, lift a book and hand it to you. She was
indeed receiving visual signals and she was indeed responding to
them. But because of a malfunction in part of the cerebral cortex
none of this perception reached her consciousness. She was
totally unconscious of seeing anything at all.
In other words she had vision --- but a vision that was utterly
useless to her.
Blindsight . . . curious word . . .
I remember in Cleveland once Bloomstein and Maria and I were
in a restaurant and when Maria left the table Bloomstein said to
"Beautiful lady. You do know that?"
"I know," I said.
"Do you really?"
I said of course I did.
"That's not how you behave," he said. "You behave like a man
with blindsight."
FRANK: We were in the pub this night, Billy Hughes and myself,
just sitting and chatting about --- yes! I remember what we were
talking about! An idea Billy had of recycling old tea leaves and
turning them into a substitute for tobacco. We should have
followed that up. Anyhow --- anyhow, this man comes up to me in
the bar, says he's a journalist from a Dublin paper, asks would I
be interested in giving him the full story about Molly. He seemed
a decent man. I talked to him for maybe an hour at most. Of
course it was stupid. And I really didn't do it for the bloody
Jack from the next door spotted the piece and brought it in.
Miracle Cure False Dawn. Molly sulks in darkness. Husband
drowns sorrow in pub.
Of course she heard about it --- God knows how. And now I was
as bad as all the others: I had let her down, too.
him, "She should be at a blind school! You know she should! But
you know the real reason you won't send her? Not because you
haven't the money. Because you want to punish me."
I didn't tell Mr. Rice that story when he first asked me about my
childhood. Out of loyalty to father, maybe. Maybe out of loyalty to
mother, too.
Anyhow those memories came into my head the other day. I
can't have been more than six or seven at the time.
MR. RICE: In those last few months it was hard to recognize the
woman who had first come to my house. The confident way she
shook my hand. Her calm and her independence. The way she
held her head.
How self-sufficient she had been then --- her home, her job, her
friends, her swimmings; so naturally, so easily experiencing her
world with her hands alone.
And we had once asked so glibly: What has she to lose?
MOLLY: In those last few months I was seeing less and less. I was
living in the hospital then, mother's old hospital. And what was
strange was that there were times when I didn't know if the
things I did see were real or was I imagining them. I seemed to
be living on a borderline between fantasy and reality.
Yes, that was a strange state. Anxious at first; oh, very
anxious. Because it meant that I couldn't trust
anymore what sight I still had. It was no longer trustworthy.
But as time went on that anxiety receded; seemed to be a silly
anxiety. Not that I began trusting my eyes again. Just that trying
to discriminate, to distinguish between what might be real and
what might be imagined, being guided by what father used to call
"excellent testimony" --- that didn't seem to matter all that much,
seemed to matter less and less. And for some reason the less it
mattered, the more I though I could see.
MR. RICE: In those last few months --- she was living in the
psychiatric hospital at that point --- I knew I had lost contact with
her. She had moved away from us all. She wasn't in her old blind
world --- she was exiled from that. And the sighted world, which
she had never found hospitable, wasn't available to her anymore.
My sense was that she was trying to compose another life that
was neither sighted nor unsighted, somewhere she hoped was
beyond disappointment; somewhere, she hoped, without
FRANK: The last time I saw Rice was on the following Easter
Sunday; April 7; six months to the day after the first operation.
Fishing on a lake called Lough Anna away up in the hills. Billy
Hughes spotted him first.
"Isn't that your friend, Mr. Rice? Wave to him, man!"
The bastard couldn't resist it, I knew. But for some reason he
didn't anger me that day; didn't even annoy me. Maybe because
his fishing outfit was a couple of sizes too big for him and in those
baggy trousers he looked a bit like a circus clown. Maybe because
at that moment, after that fiasco with the badgers, standing on
that shore that would be gone in a few weeks time, none of the
three of us --- Billy, Rice, myself --- none of the three of us
seemed such big shots at that moment. Or maybe he didn't annoy
me that Easter Sunday afternoon because I knew I'd probably
never see him again. I was heading off to Ethiopia in the morning.
We left the van outside Billy's flat and he walked me part of the
way home.
When we got to the courthouse I said he'd come far enough:
we'd part here. I hoped he'd get work. I hoped he'd meet some
decent woman who'd marry him and beat some sense into him.
And I'd be back home soon, very soon, the moment I'd dorted out
the economy of Ethiopia. . . . The usual stuff.
Then we hugged quickly and he walked away and I looked after
him and watched his straight back and the quirky way he threw
out his left leg as he walked and I thought, my God, I thought
how much I'm going to miss that bloody man.
And when he disappeared round the corner of the courthouse, I
thought, too --- Abyssinia for Christ's sake
--- or whatever it's called --- Ethiopia --- Abyssinia --- whatever
it's called --- who cares what it's called --- who gives a damn ---
who in his right mind wants to go there for Christ's sake? Not you.
You certainly don't. Then why don't you stay where you are for
Christ's sake? What are you looking for?
Oh, Jesus . . .
And looking down at her --- the face relaxed, that wayward hair
contained in a net --- I thought how I had failed her. Of course I
had failed her. But at least, at least for a short time she did see
men "walking as if like trees." And I think, perhaps, yes I think
she understood more than any of us what she did see.
They light an odd fire in the house, too, to keep it aired for Frank.
And Mary from that side. She hasn't told me yet but I'm afraid
Jack has cleared off. And Billy Hughes; out of loyalty to Frank;
every Sunday in life, God help me; God help him. And Rita. Of
course, Rita. We never talk about the row we had. That's all in the
past. I love her visits: she has all the gossip from the club. Next
time she's here I must ask her to sing "Oft in the Stilly Night" for
me. And no crying at the end!
And old Mr. O'Neill! Yes! Dan McGrew himself! And Louise ---
Lou --- his wife! Last Wednesday she appeared in a crazy green
cloche hat and deep purple gloves up to here (elbow) and eye
shadow halfway down her cheek and a shocking black woolen
dress that scarcely covered her bum! Honestly! He was looking
just wonderful; not a day over forty. And he stood in the middle
of the ward and did the whole thing for me --- "A bunch of the
boys were whooping it up in the Malamute saloon." And Lou
gazing at him in admiration and glancing at us as if to say, "Isn't
he just the greatest thing ever?" And he was --- he was! Oh, that
gave my heart a great lift.
And yesterday I got a letter, twenty-seven pages long. Frank
--- who else? It took the nurse an hour to read it to me. Ethiopia
is a paradise. The people are heroes. The climate is hell. The relief
workers are completely dedicated. Never in his life has he felt so
committed, so passionate, so fulfilled. And they have a special
bee out there,
the African bee, that produces twice as much honey as our bees
and is immune to all known bee diseases and even though it has
an aggressive nature he is convinced it would do particularly well
in Ireland. Maybe in Leitrim. And in his very limited spare time he
has taken up philosophy. It is fascinating stuff. There is a man
called Aristotle that he thinks highly of. I should read him, he
says. And he sent a money order for two pounds and he'll write
again soon.
Mother comes in occasionally; in her pale blue headscarf and
muddly wellingtons. Nobody pays much attention to her. She just
wanders through the wards. She spent so much time here herself,
I suppose she has an affection for the place. She doesn't talk
much --- she never did. But when she sits uneasily on the edge of
my bed, as if she were waiting to be summoned, her face always
frozen in that nervous half smile, I think I know her better than I
ever knew her and I begin to love her all over again.
Mr. Rice came to see me one night before he went away.
I was propped up in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, and he
sltood swaying at the side of the bed for maybe five minutes, just
gazing at me. I kept my eyes closed. Then he took both my hands
in his and said, "I'm sorry, Molly Sweeney. I'm so sorry."
And off he went.
I suppose it was mean of me to pretend I was asleep. But the
smell of whiskey was suffocating; and the
night nurse told me that on his way out the front door he almost
fell down the stone steps.
And sometimes father drops in on his way from court. And we
do imaginary tours of the walled garden and compete with each
other in the number of flowers and shrubs each of us can identify.
I asked him once why he had never sent me to a school for the
blind. And as soon as I asked him I knew I sounded as if I was
angry about it, as if I wanted to catch him out. But he wasn't at
all disturbed. The answer was simple, he said. Mother wasn't well;
and when she wasn't in hospital she needed my company at
home. But even though I couldn't see the expression on his face,
his voice was lying. The truth of the matter was he was always
mean with money; he wouldn't pay the blind school fees.
And once --- just once --- I thought maybe I heard the
youngish woman sobbing quietly at the far end of the corridor,
more lamenting than sobbing. But I wasn't sure. And when I
asked the nurse, she said I must have imagined it; there was
nobody like that on our floor. And of course my little old snuff
man must be dead years ago --- the man who wanted us to drive
to beautiful Fethard-on-Sea. He gave me a shilling, I remember;
a lot of money in those days.
I think I see nothing at all now. But I'm not absolutely sure of
that. Anyhow my borderline country is where I live now. I'm at
home there. Well . . . at ease there. It certainly doesn't worry me
anymore that