Brochure Manganese
Brochure Manganese
Brochure Manganese
leading independent
commodity analysts in
metals, mining and minerals
We are a leading independent research firm. For nearly 40 years we have served
most major corporations active in the metals, mining and energy sectors.
We offer
Independence – Our perspective is based upon offering detailed material flow
analysis from mines to consumers, including all the interlinked beneficiation
and transport stages.
Asian knowledge – Due to our long history in the region we offer an insight
comprehensive and
accurate data
into the ASEAN countries and China - the engine of economic growth and
collection from metal demand. This is in contrast to the usual Northern Hemisphere view.
many sources
Maturity – Since 1971 we have developed a huge history of people,
companies, projects and acquisitions.
AME Direct
AME Direct is a secure and powerful delivery system. You can repidly search and
new insight
download just the analysis you need as opposed to pages of information.
1 2 3 Years 4 5 6
In the longer term, we believe the fundamentals are still strong. Global steel
consumers, particularly those in the developing world, need steel for construction
of factories, power plants, schools, apartment blocks and hospitals. Despite the
likelihood of a bleak 2009, we remain optimistic that 2010 will mark the beginning
of demand recovery from China that will drive robust growth in manganese ore and
its products in the long term
The manganese market delivered a “Lazarus-like” rise during 2009, driven by the
Chinese steel industry.
However, price rises will be tempered by the fact that producers are only operating
at 65% capacity utilisation on average.
Last year saw high manganese ore prices, mimicking the strong price performance
for steel and steel raw materials such as iron ore and metallurgical coal, and
likewise suffered a sharp reversal at the end of the year.
Given manganese is an essential ingredient in the steel making process, and 97%
of manganese production is consumed in the steel industry, global demand for
manganese ore will depend directly on the needs of the steel industry. AME has
followed for four decades the events surrounding manganese and steel, and
supports our indepth analysis of DRI/HBI, pellets, iron ore and metallurgical coal.
With over three decades of experience in market analysis, AME appreciates the old
adage “the devil is in the detail” is a fundamental truth. To this end, we concentrate
our investigation on end-users, particularly the construction, transport, equipment
and consumer durable sectors.
We provide, usually quarterly, strategic supply/demand and price analysis to
generate our long-term view. We offer:
An innate understanding of raw material flow i.e. supply, which supports our
project-by-project costing analysis.
Comprehensive coverage of the entire global supply chain.
Detailed end-use analysis, (transport, construction, consumer-durable sectors)
as part of a coherent macro-economic demand view.
Explanations of market dynamics and the implications for operations,
companies and the industry.
Support from our experienced team of industry analysts.
Full electronic access through AME Direct as well as the printed reports.
Manganese Price
HC Ferromanganese
MC Ferromanganese
1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109Years
121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253
We are frequently commissioned to provide:
Project audits and reviews involving both technical and market reports.
Close Industry Connections – Our analysts offer practical intelligence and advice
due to years of experience in the mining industry. Consequently, our integrity and
credibility is unrivalled when it comes to evaluations of mines, beneficiation projects
and end-user plants.
Thermal Coal
Metallurgical Coal
Copper Mining
Please contact our Sales & Marketing staff for further assistance regarding our analysis.
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