MetroNID TE v6 4 2 CLI Command Guide PDF

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The document provides documentation on CLI commands for the MetroNID TE network interface device.

The document provides documentation on the CLI commands for the MetroNID TE v6.4.2 network interface device.

The document describes various commands related to configuring and managing Ethernet ports, traffic flow, system management, OAM, utilities and more for the MetroNID TE device.

MetroNID® TE v6.4.

Command Guide

Revision 1
Publication Information
MetroNID® TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide, revision 1
Publication Date: December 1, 2014

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide


1 MetroNID TE Command Overview.................................................. 1

1.1 Ethernet Port Commands ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 User Traffic/Flow Through Commands ...................................................................................................... 1
1.3 System Management Commands .............................................................................................................. 2
1.4 OAM Commands ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Utilities ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Miscellaneous Commands .......................................................................................................................... 4

2 Syntax Meta-Characters and Variables ........................................... 5

3 CLI Commands................................................................................ 7
3.1 ACL Add List ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 ACL Delete Interface ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 ACL Delete List ............................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 ACL Edit Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 8
3.5 ACL Edit List ................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.6 ACL Show Interface................................................................................................................................... 10
3.7 ACL Show List............................................................................................................................................ 10
3.8 Alarm Edit ................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.9 Alarm Reporting ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.10 Alarm Show Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.11 Alarm Show Reporting.............................................................................................................................. 13
3.12 Alarm Show Status ................................................................................................................................... 13
3.13 Application Edit File Transfers .................................................................................................................. 14
3.14 Application Edit Web ................................................................................................................................ 14
3.15 Application Show ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.16 Bandwidth Regulator Add Regulator ........................................................................................................ 15
3.17 Bandwidth Regulator Clear Regulator Statistics ....................................................................................... 16
3.18 Bandwidth Regulator Delete Regulator.................................................................................................... 16
3.19 Bandwidth Regulator Edit Regulator ........................................................................................................ 17
3.20 Bandwidth Regulator Show Regulator Configuration .............................................................................. 17
3.21 Bandwidth Regulator Show Regulator Statistics ...................................................................................... 18
3.22 Beacon Add L3 .......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.23 Beacon Delete L3 ...................................................................................................................................... 21

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.24 Beacon Edit L3 .......................................................................................................................................... 21

3.25 Beacon Send L3 ........................................................................................................................................ 23
3.26 Beacon Send L3 One-Shot ........................................................................................................................ 23
3.27 Beacon Show L3 Configuration................................................................................................................. 24
3.28 Board Show CPU ....................................................................................................................................... 24
3.29 Board Show Info ....................................................................................................................................... 24
3.30 Board Show Start Time ............................................................................................................................. 25
3.31 Board Show Status.................................................................................................................................... 25
3.32 Board Show Uptime.................................................................................................................................. 25
3.33 Board Show Uptime Seconds ................................................................................................................... 25
3.34 Bridge Clear Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 26
3.35 Bridge Edit ................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.36 Bridge Show Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.37 Bridge Show Statistics .............................................................................................................................. 27
3.38 Bridge Show Status ................................................................................................................................... 27
3.39 Cable Test Perform ................................................................................................................................... 28
3.40 Cable Test Show ....................................................................................................................................... 28
3.41 Certificate Delete...................................................................................................................................... 28
3.42 Certificate Import ..................................................................................................................................... 29
3.43 Certificate Show ....................................................................................................................................... 29
3.44 CFM Add DMM ......................................................................................................................................... 30
3.45 CFM Add Domain...................................................................................................................................... 32
3.46 CFM Add MA ............................................................................................................................................ 33
3.47 CFM Add MEG .......................................................................................................................................... 34
3.48 CFM Add MEP ........................................................................................................................................... 35
3.49 CFM Add Packet Loss ................................................................................................................................ 36
3.50 CFM Add SLM ........................................................................................................................................... 37
3.51 CFM Clear MEP Statistics .......................................................................................................................... 37
3.52 CFM Clear Packet Loss Result ................................................................................................................... 38
3.53 CFM Clear SLM Result............................................................................................................................... 38
3.54 CFM Clear Statistics .................................................................................................................................. 38
3.55 CFM Clear VSP Result ............................................................................................................................... 39
3.56 CFM Delete DMM ..................................................................................................................................... 39
3.57 CFM Delete Domain ................................................................................................................................. 40
3.58 CFM Delete MA ........................................................................................................................................ 40
3.59 CFM Delete MEG ...................................................................................................................................... 41
3.60 CFM Delete MEP ....................................................................................................................................... 41
3.61 CFM Delete Packet Loss............................................................................................................................ 42
3.62 CFM Delete SLM ....................................................................................................................................... 42
3.63 CFM Edit Defaults ..................................................................................................................................... 43

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.64 CFM Edit DMM ......................................................................................................................................... 44

3.65 CFM Edit Domain ...................................................................................................................................... 45
3.66 CFM Edit MA ............................................................................................................................................. 46
3.67 CFM Edit MEG........................................................................................................................................... 47
3.68 CFM Edit MEP ........................................................................................................................................... 48
3.69 CFM Edit Packet Loss ................................................................................................................................ 49
3.70 CFM Edit SLM............................................................................................................................................ 50
3.71 CFM Edit VSP ............................................................................................................................................ 50
3.72 CFM LBM .................................................................................................................................................. 51
3.73 CFM LTM................................................................................................................................................... 52
3.74 CFM Show Defaults .................................................................................................................................. 53
3.75 CFM Show DMM Configuration ................................................................................................................ 53
3.76 CFM Show DMM Result ............................................................................................................................ 54
3.77 CFM Show Domain Configuration ............................................................................................................ 54
3.78 CFM Show Latest Error ............................................................................................................................. 55
3.79 CFM Show LTR .......................................................................................................................................... 55
3.80 CFM Show MA Configuration ................................................................................................................... 55
3.81 CFM Show MEG Configuration ................................................................................................................. 56
3.82 CFM Show MEP Configuration ................................................................................................................. 56
3.83 CFM Show MEP Database ........................................................................................................................ 57
3.84 CFM Show MEP Statistics ......................................................................................................................... 57
3.85 CFM Show MEP Status.............................................................................................................................. 58
3.86 CFM Show Packet Loss Configuration ...................................................................................................... 58
3.87 CFM Show Packet Loss Result .................................................................................................................. 59
3.88 CFM Show SLM Configuration .................................................................................................................. 59
3.89 CFM Show SLM Result .............................................................................................................................. 60
3.90 CFM Show Stack ....................................................................................................................................... 60
3.91 CFM Show Statistics ................................................................................................................................. 60
3.92 CFM Show VSP Configuration ................................................................................................................... 61
3.93 CFM Show VSP Result ............................................................................................................................... 61
3.94 CFM Stop LBM .......................................................................................................................................... 61
3.95 Configuration Cancel ................................................................................................................................ 62
3.96 Configuration Changes ............................................................................................................................. 62
3.97 Configuration Export/Import/Reset/Rollback/Cancel .............................................................................. 63
3.98 Configuration Generate-Script ................................................................................................................. 64
3.99 Configuration Import ................................................................................................................................ 65
3.100 Configuration Reset .................................................................................................................................. 65
3.101 Configuration Rollback ............................................................................................................................. 65
3.102 Console Disable ........................................................................................................................................ 66
3.103 Console Enable ......................................................................................................................................... 66

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.104 Console Show ........................................................................................................................................... 66

3.105 COS Profile Add/Edit DSCP ....................................................................................................................... 67
3.106 COS Profile Add/Edit PCP ......................................................................................................................... 68
3.107 COS Profile Add/Edit Precedence ............................................................................................................. 69
3.108 COS Profile Delete .................................................................................................................................... 70
3.109 COS Profile Show Configuration ............................................................................................................... 70
3.110 CPU Edit OAM Options ............................................................................................................................. 71
3.111 CPU Show OAM Options........................................................................................................................... 71
3.112 Date .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
3.113 DNS Disable .............................................................................................................................................. 73
3.114 DNS Edit .................................................................................................................................................... 74
3.115 DNS Show ................................................................................................................................................. 74
3.116 Dry-Contact-Input Edit ............................................................................................................................. 75
3.117 Dry-Contact-Input Show Configuration .................................................................................................... 75
3.118 Dry-Contact-Input Show Status ................................................................................................................ 75
3.119 Exit/Quit ................................................................................................................................................... 76
3.120 Fault Propagation Edit .............................................................................................................................. 76
3.121 Fault Propagation Enable/Disable ............................................................................................................ 77
3.122 Fault Propagation Show ........................................................................................................................... 77
3.123 Filter Delete IPv4 ...................................................................................................................................... 77
3.124 Filter Delete L2 ......................................................................................................................................... 78
3.125 Filter Add/Edit IPv4................................................................................................................................... 78
3.126 Filter Add/Edit L2 ...................................................................................................................................... 80
3.127 Filter Show ................................................................................................................................................ 82
3.128 Firmware Activate .................................................................................................................................... 82
3.129 Firmware Clear Download ........................................................................................................................ 83
3.130 Firmware Download ................................................................................................................................. 83
3.131 Firmware Rollback .................................................................................................................................... 84
3.132 Firmware Upgrade.................................................................................................................................... 84
3.133 Firmware Version ..................................................................................................................................... 85
3.134 GPS Edit .................................................................................................................................................... 85
3.135 GPS Show Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 85
3.136 GPS Show Status ....................................................................................................................................... 85
3.137 Help .......................................................................................................................................................... 86
3.138 History Edit File......................................................................................................................................... 86
3.139 History Edit Local ...................................................................................................................................... 87
3.140 History Edit Scheduling ............................................................................................................................. 89
3.141 History Show File ...................................................................................................................................... 90
3.142 History Show Local ................................................................................................................................... 90
3.143 History Show Scheduling .......................................................................................................................... 90

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3.144 Interface Add/Edit .................................................................................................................................... 91

3.145 Interface Advertisement Edit ................................................................................................................... 93
3.146 Interface Advertisement Show ................................................................................................................. 93
3.147 Interface Beacon Edit ............................................................................................................................... 94
3.148 Interface Beacon Show ............................................................................................................................. 95
3.149 Interface Delete ........................................................................................................................................ 95
3.150 Interface Discovery Edit............................................................................................................................ 96
3.151 Interface Discovery Show ......................................................................................................................... 97
3.152 Interface Refresh ...................................................................................................................................... 97
3.153 Interface Show.......................................................................................................................................... 98
3.154 Inventory Edit ........................................................................................................................................... 98
3.155 Inventory Show......................................................................................................................................... 99
3.156 Keepalive .................................................................................................................................................. 99
3.157 L2PT Add/Edit ......................................................................................................................................... 100
3.158 L2PT Clear ............................................................................................................................................... 102
3.159 L2PT Delete............................................................................................................................................. 102
3.160 L2PT Edit Global ...................................................................................................................................... 103
3.161 L2PT Show Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 103
3.162 L2PT Show Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 103
3.163 LACP Clear Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 104
3.164 LACP Edit ................................................................................................................................................ 104
3.165 LACP Show Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 105
3.166 LACP Show Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 105
3.167 LACP Show Status ................................................................................................................................... 106
3.168 Loopback Edit ......................................................................................................................................... 108
3.169 Loopback Show....................................................................................................................................... 109
3.170 MAC Learning Show Results ................................................................................................................... 109
3.171 MAC Learning Start................................................................................................................................. 110
3.172 MAC Learning Stop ................................................................................................................................. 110
3.173 Media-Selection Select ........................................................................................................................... 111
3.174 Media-Selection Show ............................................................................................................................ 112
3.175 Mode Edit ............................................................................................................................................... 112
3.176 Mode Show ............................................................................................................................................ 113
3.177 Monitor Edit ........................................................................................................................................... 113
3.178 Monitor Show Configuration .................................................................................................................. 113
3.179 MOTD Edit .............................................................................................................................................. 114
3.180 MOTD Show............................................................................................................................................ 114
3.181 MTR Edit ................................................................................................................................................. 114
3.182 MTR Enable/Disable ............................................................................................................................... 115
3.183 MTR Show............................................................................................................................................... 115

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.184 NTP Add .................................................................................................................................................. 115

3.185 NTP Delete .............................................................................................................................................. 116
3.186 NTP Disable............................................................................................................................................. 116
3.187 NTP Disable Server ................................................................................................................................. 116
3.188 NTP Edit .................................................................................................................................................. 117
3.189 NTP Enable ............................................................................................................................................. 118
3.190 NTP Enable Server .................................................................................................................................. 119
3.191 NTP Show ............................................................................................................................................... 119
3.192 OAM Add/Edit ........................................................................................................................................ 120
3.193 OAM Clear Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 121
3.194 OAM Delete ............................................................................................................................................ 121
3.195 OAM Show Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 121
3.196 OAM Show Events .................................................................................................................................. 122
3.197 OAM Show Statistics............................................................................................................................... 122
3.198 OAM Show Status ................................................................................................................................... 122
3.199 PAA Add/Edit L2 ..................................................................................................................................... 123
3.200 PAA Add/Edit UDP .................................................................................................................................. 126
3.201 PAA Delete.............................................................................................................................................. 129
3.202 PAA Show Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 130
3.203 PAA Show Counters ................................................................................................................................ 130
3.204 PAA Show Result .................................................................................................................................... 131
3.205 PAA Show Status .................................................................................................................................... 131
3.206 Permission-Group Add ........................................................................................................................... 132
3.207 Permission-Group Delete ....................................................................................................................... 132
3.208 Permission-Group Edit............................................................................................................................ 133
3.209 Permission-Group Show ......................................................................................................................... 133
3.210 Ping ......................................................................................................................................................... 133
3.211 Policy Clear Statistics .............................................................................................................................. 134
3.212 Policy Edit ............................................................................................................................................... 134
3.213 Policy Show Configuration...................................................................................................................... 136
3.214 Policy Show Statistics ............................................................................................................................. 136
3.215 Port Clear Statistics................................................................................................................................. 137
3.216 Port Edit .................................................................................................................................................. 137
3.217 Port Show Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 139
3.218 Port Show Statistics ................................................................................................................................ 139
3.219 Port Show Status .................................................................................................................................... 140
3.220 PTP Edit................................................................................................................................................... 140
3.221 PTP Reset ................................................................................................................................................ 141
3.222 PTP Show ................................................................................................................................................ 141
3.223 RADIUS Edit ............................................................................................................................................ 142

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.224 RADIUS Show .......................................................................................................................................... 143

3.225 Rate Edit ................................................................................................................................................. 143
3.226 Rate Show ............................................................................................................................................... 143
3.227 Reboot .................................................................................................................................................... 143
3.228 Regulator-Set Add/Edit DSCP ................................................................................................................. 144
3.229 Regulator-Set Add/Edit PCP ................................................................................................................... 145
3.230 Regulator-Set Add/Edit Precedence ....................................................................................................... 146
3.231 Regulator-Set Delete .............................................................................................................................. 146
3.232 Regulator-Set Show Configuration ......................................................................................................... 147
3.233 RFC-2544 Generator Edit ........................................................................................................................ 147
3.234 RFC-2544 Generator Show Configuration .............................................................................................. 150
3.235 RFC-2544 Generator Show Results ......................................................................................................... 150
3.236 RFC-2544 Generator Start ...................................................................................................................... 150
3.237 RFC-2544 Generator Stop ....................................................................................................................... 151
3.238 RFC-2544 Monitor Clear Statistics .......................................................................................................... 151
3.239 RFC-2544 Monitor Edit ........................................................................................................................... 151
3.240 RFC-2544 Monitor Show Configuration.................................................................................................. 153
3.241 RFC-2544 Monitor Show Results ............................................................................................................ 153
3.242 RFC-2544 Test Suite Add ........................................................................................................................ 154
3.243 RFC-2544 Test Suite Delete .................................................................................................................... 157
3.244 RFC-2544 Test Suite Edit......................................................................................................................... 157
3.245 RFC-2544 Test Suite Show Configuration ............................................................................................... 160
3.246 RFC-2544 Test Suite Show Reports......................................................................................................... 161
3.247 RFC-2544 Test Suite Start ....................................................................................................................... 161
3.248 RFC-2544 Test Suite Stop ....................................................................................................................... 162
3.249 RFC-2544 Test Suite Upload ................................................................................................................... 162
3.250 Route Add/Edit ....................................................................................................................................... 163
3.251 Route Delete........................................................................................................................................... 163
3.252 Route Show Configuration/Active .......................................................................................................... 164
3.253 SA Add Metric ......................................................................................................................................... 164
3.254 SA Add Service ........................................................................................................................................ 166
3.255 SA Clear Service Counters....................................................................................................................... 166
3.256 SA Delete Metric..................................................................................................................................... 167
3.257 SA Delete Service .................................................................................................................................... 167
3.258 SA Edit Metric ......................................................................................................................................... 168
3.259 SA Edit Service ........................................................................................................................................ 169
3.260 SA Show Metric Configuration ............................................................................................................... 170
3.261 SA Show Metric Counters ....................................................................................................................... 170
3.262 SA Show Service Configuration............................................................................................................... 171
3.263 SA Show Service Counters ...................................................................................................................... 171

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.264 SAT Protocol Clear Statistics ................................................................................................................... 172

3.265 SAT Protocol Edit .................................................................................................................................... 172
3.266 SAT Protocol Show Configuration .......................................................................................................... 172
3.267 SAT Protocol Show Sessions ................................................................................................................... 173
3.268 SAT Protocol Show Statistics .................................................................................................................. 173
3.269 SAT Reporting Edit .................................................................................................................................. 174
3.270 SAT Reporting Show Configuration ........................................................................................................ 174
3.271 Session Edit............................................................................................................................................. 175
3.272 Session Show Configuration ................................................................................................................... 175
3.273 Session Show Status ............................................................................................................................... 176
3.274 Session Terminate .................................................................................................................................. 176
3.275 Session Writelock ................................................................................................................................... 176
3.276 Session Writeunlock ............................................................................................................................... 176
3.277 SFP Dump ............................................................................................................................................... 177
3.278 SFP Show ................................................................................................................................................ 177
3.279 SNMP Edit ............................................................................................................................................... 178
3.280 SNMP Show ............................................................................................................................................ 179
3.281 SNMP Trap Edit Auto .............................................................................................................................. 179
3.282 SNMP Trap Edit V1 ................................................................................................................................. 180
3.283 SNMP Trap Edit V2c ................................................................................................................................ 180
3.284 SNMP Trap Show .................................................................................................................................... 181
3.285 Statistics Clear ........................................................................................................................................ 181
3.286 SyncE Edit ............................................................................................................................................... 182
3.287 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................................... 183
3.288 Syslog Edit............................................................................................................................................... 183
3.289 Syslog Show Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 184
3.290 Syslog Show Log ..................................................................................................................................... 184
3.291 Syslog Show Log Continuous .................................................................................................................. 184
3.292 System Show Status ............................................................................................................................... 184
3.293 TACACS+ Edit .......................................................................................................................................... 185
3.294 TACACS+ Show ....................................................................................................................................... 186
3.295 TCP Connect ........................................................................................................................................... 186
3.296 Traceroute .............................................................................................................................................. 187
3.297 Traffic Edit Mode .................................................................................................................................... 187
3.298 Traffic Shaping Clear Port Statistics ........................................................................................................ 188
3.299 Traffic Shaping Edit Map ........................................................................................................................ 188
3.300 Traffic Shaping Edit Port ......................................................................................................................... 190
3.301 Traffic Shaping Edit Queue ..................................................................................................................... 190
3.302 Traffic Shaping Edit Shaper..................................................................................................................... 192
3.303 Traffic Shaping Show Blue Statistics ....................................................................................................... 193

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3.304 Traffic Shaping Show Map ...................................................................................................................... 193

3.305 Traffic Shaping Show Port Configuration ............................................................................................... 193
3.306 Traffic Shaping Show Port Statistics ....................................................................................................... 194
3.307 Traffic Shaping Show Shaper Configuration ........................................................................................... 194
3.308 Traffic Shaping Show Shaper Statistics ................................................................................................... 194
3.309 Traffic Show ............................................................................................................................................ 195
3.310 TWAMP Clear Statistics .......................................................................................................................... 195
3.311 TWAMP Edit ........................................................................................................................................... 195
3.312 TWAMP Show Configuration .................................................................................................................. 196
3.313 TWAMP Show Statistics.......................................................................................................................... 196
3.314 User Add/Edit ......................................................................................................................................... 196
3.315 User Delete ............................................................................................................................................. 197
3.316 User Permissions Edit ............................................................................................................................. 197
3.317 User Permissions Show .......................................................................................................................... 197
3.318 User Show............................................................................................................................................... 198
3.319 VCAgent Edit Collection .......................................................................................................................... 198
3.320 VCAgent Edit Configuration .................................................................................................................... 198
3.321 VCAgent Show Configuration ................................................................................................................. 198
3.322 VCAgent Show Descriptors ..................................................................................................................... 199
3.323 Version.................................................................................................................................................... 199
3.324 VID-Set Add ............................................................................................................................................ 199
3.325 VID-Set Delete ........................................................................................................................................ 200
3.326 VID-Set Edit............................................................................................................................................. 200
3.327 VID-Set Show Set .................................................................................................................................... 200
3.328 VID-Set Show VID ................................................................................................................................... 201
3.329 Y.1564 Add Test ...................................................................................................................................... 202
3.330 Y.1564 Delete Report ............................................................................................................................. 203
3.331 Y.1564 Delete Test.................................................................................................................................. 203
3.332 Y.1564 Edit Report .................................................................................................................................. 204
3.333 Y.1564 Edit Service ................................................................................................................................. 204
3.334 Y.1564 Edit Test ...................................................................................................................................... 208
3.335 Y.1564 Generate Report ......................................................................................................................... 209
3.336 Y.1564 Show Activation .......................................................................................................................... 209
3.337 Y.1564 Show Service Configuration ........................................................................................................ 209
3.338 Y.1564 Show Test Configuration ............................................................................................................ 210
3.339 Y.1564 Start Activation ........................................................................................................................... 210
3.340 Y.1564 Stop Activation ........................................................................................................................... 211
3.341 Y.1564 Upload Report ............................................................................................................................ 211

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

About This Guide

The MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide walks you through the command line
interface of Accedian’s MetroNODE™ product and shows you how to configure and use it
effectively through the provided procedures and examples. Its target audience is network
designers and network administrators.
The technologies and standards implemented by Accedian Network’s equipment and
procedures enable wireless operators, service providers and cable MSO personnel to
provide their customers with service assurance and service creation solutions.

This Command Guide describes all possible CLI commands with their parameters for the
MetroNID TE release 6.4.2 firmware. It applies to the following products and models from
Accedian Networks:
• MetroNID TE (AMN-1000-TE)
• MetroNID TE-R (AMN-1000-TE-R)
• MetroNID TE-S (AMN-1000-TE-S)
• MetroNID TE-RS (AMN-1000-TE-RS)

Style Conventions
Commands are displayed in a monospace font.
Keywords are displayed in bold type.

Note: Tips or suggestions related to how to carry out a task are

typically presented in italics and indented from the main text.

Deploying teleco equipment such as the MetroNID TE requires the understanding of
various networking standards, technical specifications and technologies. This document
provides basic information about such standards and technologies.

Revision 1 xiv
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

1 MetroNID TE Command Overview

Below is a list of all MetroNID TE CLI commands, grouped according to their primary

1.1 Ethernet Port Commands

Command Name Description

cable-test Perform time domain reflectometry diagnostics.

fault-propagation Manage the link fault propagation between ports.

media-selection Select which physical ports will be used to carry


port Manage the link and physical level port settings.

sfp Display the SFP information, including digital


1.2 User Traffic/Flow Through Commands

Command Name Description

bandwidth-regulator Manage bandwidth regulator database.

cos-profile Manage service mapping CoS profiles.

filter Manage the filter database.

l2pt Manage L2 protocol tunneling rules.

policy Manage policy entries applied on ports.

regulator-set Manage service mapping regulator sets.

traffic Policy list VLAN mode configuration.

traffic-shaping Manage the traffic shaper database.

vid-set Manage VID sets.

Revision 1 1
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

1.3 System Management Commands

Command Name Description

acl Manage Access Control Lists.

beacon Manage Plug & Go beacon instances.

bridge Manage the bridge created with the interface


console Manage the serial (RS-232) console port.

date Print or set the system date and time.

dns Manage the DNS settings.

history Manage the history buckets statistics.

interface Manage the interfaces used to access the

management plane.

inventory Manage the inventory when using auto

configuration with beacons.

mode Define general system settings.

motd Manage the MOTD of the unit.

mtr Manage management traffic regulation settings.

ntp Manage the network time client function.

permission-group Manage the user privilege profiles.

ptp Manage the network time client function.

radius Manage the RADIUS authentication.

route Manage the IP routes and gateways.

session Manage the session settings or active sessions.

snmp Manage the SNMP agent settings.

snmp-trap Manage the SNMP trap handler configuration.

syslog Manage the remote syslog settings.

tacacs-plus Manage the TACACS+ authentication.

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

Command Name Description

user Manage user account settings and privilege


vcagent Manage the Vision Collect bucket statistics.

1.4 OAM Commands

Command Name Description

alarm Manage the alarm settings.

cfm Manage the SOAM CFM feature.

loopback Manage the loopback settings associated with an

OAM instance.

oam Manage the OAM instances (802.3ah).

paa Manage the Performance Assurance Agent


sa Manage the Service Availability instances.

twamp Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol


1.5 Utilities
Command Name Description

application Manage SSL certificates for specific applications.

certificate Manage SSL certificates.

configuration Export, import or factory reset the device


firmware Install a new firmware or display current

firmware version.

mac-learning Debug received MAC and VLAN tuples.

ping Send pings to a specified host over IPv4.

ping6 Send pings to a specified host over IPv6.

Revision 1 3
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

Command Name Description

reboot Restart the device, equivalent to a power up


rfc2544 Run out-of-service packet generator and RFC-

2544 tests.

sat-protocol Configure Service Activation Testing protocol.

sat-reporting Configure Service Activation Testing reporting.

statistics Clear all statistics (port, policies, regulators,


tcp-connect Test that a TCP service is responding.

traceroute Display the hops used to reach a given host over


traceroute6 Display the hops used to reach a given host over


y1564 Run Y.1564 Service Activation Methodiology


1.6 Miscellaneous Commands

Command Name Description

board Manage assembly and environmental


exit Terminate the current CLI session.

help <command-name> Display this help or for a specific given command.

quit Terminate the current CLI session.

syntax Display the general command syntax.

version Display CLI version.

Revision 1 4
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

2 Syntax Meta-Characters and Variables

Character Name Description

{} Matches one in the set.

[] Optionally matches one in the set.

* Repeat 0 or more times.

+ Repeat 1 or more times.

- Matches one in the range.

| Separates options in a set.

\ Escape a meta-character.

_ Single space character.

<> Syntax variable, as described in the table below.

Variable Name Description

<command> <command-name> <command-modifier>*

[[<target>] <attribute-specifier>*]

<attribute-specifier> <attribute-name> <attribute-value-list>

<attribute-value_list> <attribute-value> [, <attribute-value-


<command-name> <key-word>

<attribute-name> <key-word>

<attribute-value> {<key-word> | <number> | <string>}

<key-word> {a-z} [{a-z} | {0-9} | {\-}]*

<string> {<characters> | <quoted-string>}

<quoted-string> {"} <characters> [[ _ | <characters>]*

<characters>] {"}

<characters> {a-z | A-Z} [{a-z | A-Z |0-9 | : | ! | $ |

% | ^ | & | \-}]*

Revision 1 5
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

Variable Name Description

<number> <decimal> | <hexadecimal>

<decimal> {0-9}+

<hexadecimal> 0{x | X}{0-9 | a-f | A-F } [0-9 | a-f | A-F]*

<ip-addr> <0-255>.<0-255>.<0-255>.<0-255>

<mac-addr> <0-FF>:<0-FF>:<0-FF>:<0-FF>:<0-FF>:<0-FF>

<port> <0-65535>

<ipv6-addr> <0-FFFF>[:<0-FFFF>]+[:<0-FFFF> | :]

<ipv6-prefixLen> <0-128>

<url> <dns-name>[:<port>]/[<path>]<file-name>

<path> {<string>/}+

<file-name> <string>

<dns-name> <string>[.<string>]+

<port-name> <string>

<connector-name> <string>

Revision 1 6
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide

3 CLI Commands

This section describes all CLI commands; commands are listed by name in alphanumerical order.

3.1 ACL Add List

acl add list - Add an ACL definition

Use this command to add a new ACL definition to the ACL service. Newly-
created ACL definitions do not contain any rules and are disabled by default.
You may edit the definition using the "acl edit list" command to add rules to
it. To enable a definition, you must assign it to an interface.

acl add list <acl-name>

<acl-name> - <string>

3.2 ACL Delete Interface

acl delete interface - Delete an interface definition

Delete an existing interface definition from the ACL service.

acl delete interface <interface-name>

<interface-name> - <string>

3.3 ACL Delete List

acl delete list - Delete an ACL list

Delete an existing ACL list from the ACL service. The ACL list state must be
set to "Unassigned" before deleting the list.

acl delete list <acl-name>

<acl-name> - <string>

Revision 1 7
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide ACL Edit Interface

3.4 ACL Edit Interface

acl edit interface - Edit an interface definition

Edit an existing interface definition from the ACL service. Any changes
made to the interface definition will be automatically executed and saved
if valid.

ACL and Bridge

Assigning an ACL to a sub-interface that belongs to a bridge is not supported.
The ACL must be assigned to the bridge itself.

ACL and LAG (MetroNODE and MetroNID GT only):

When ACL protection is needed on a LAG, the ACL should be assigned to the LAG
interface, but not to its members (e.g. assign the ACL to LAG-1-1 interface,
but not to SFP-1-1 and SFP-2-1 sub-interfaces).

acl edit interface <interface-name> {
{acl_name <acl-name>} |
{acl_types <acl-types>} |
{state {enable|disable}}

<acl-name> - <string>
<acl-types> - {cli|web|snmp} [,{cli|web|snmp}]*
acl_name - The ACL name
acl_types - The ACL types
state - The interface state

Revision 1 8
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide ACL Edit List

3.5 ACL Edit List

acl edit list - Edit an ACL definition

Edit an existing ACL definition from the ACL service. Any changes made to the
ACL definition will be automatically executed and saved if valid.

acl edit list <acl-name> {
{name <new-acl-name>} |
{index {<1-20>|<rule_name>} {
{type {ipsrc|macsrc}} |
{value <rule-value>} |
{action {drop|accept}} |
{rule_name <rule-name>} |
{priority <1-255>} |
{state {enable|disable}}

<acl-name> - <string>
<new-acl-name> - <string>
<rule-value> - {<ip-addr>|<mac-addr>|<subnet-addr/subnet-addr-prefix>}
<rule-name> - <string>
name - The new ACL name
index - The rule index or the rule name to edit a specific rule
type - The rule type
value - The rule value that match the type format
action - The rule action if the type and value match
rule_name - The rule name
priority - The rule priority that determine the order of execution
of the rules
state - The rule state

Revision 1 9
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide ACL Show Interface

3.6 ACL Show Interface

acl show interface - Show an interface definition

Show all interface definitions if no interface name is specified. If an
interface name is specified, only that interface will be displayed. Statistics
based on the assigned ACL definition can also be displayed if specified.

acl show interface [<interface-name> [stats]]

<interface-name> - <string>
stats - Display rules statistics based on the assigned ACL definition.

3.7 ACL Show List

acl show list - Show an ACL definition

Show all ACL definitions if no ACL name is specified. If an ACL name is
specified, only that interface will be displayed.

acl show list [<acl-name>]

<acl-name> - <string>

Revision 1 10
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Alarm Edit

3.8 Alarm Edit

alarm edit - Edit alarm configuration.

Alarm edit allows you to change the configuration of an alarm.

alarm edit <alarm-number> {{disable | enable} |
{service-affecting {yes | no}} |
{severity {minor | major | critical | informational}} |
{state {enable | disable}} |
{description <description-text>}}+

<alarm-number> - <decimal>.<decimal>.<decimal>
<description-text> - <string>
description - The alarm description.
disable - Disable the alarm. If the alarm is triggered, nothing
happens (see the note below).
enable - Enable the alarm. If the alarm is triggered, it will be
reported as defined (see the note below).
service-affecting - Tag the alarm as service-affecting or not.
severity - The severity level of the alarm when it is raised.
state - Enable or disable the alarm. If the alarm is triggered
when enabled, it will be reported as defined. Otherwise,
nothing will happen.

Using "disable" or "enable" as stand-alone arguments, i.e. not preceeded by
"state", is deprecated. This syntax remains valid for backward compatibility,
but the best practice is to always use "state enable" and "state disable".

Revision 1 11
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Alarm Reporting

3.9 Alarm Reporting

alarm reporting - Enable alarm status reporting

Enable alarm status reporting via different ways.

alarm reporting {{led {disable | enable}} |
{snmp {disable | enable}} |
{syslog {disable | enable}} |
{802.3ah {disable | enable}} |
{threshold-on <1-5000>} |
{threshold-off <1-15000>}}

led - Enable the LEDs on the front panel of the unit to report
the alarms.
snmp - Enable the reporting of alarms via SNMP traps.
syslog - Enable the reporting of alarms via entries in the syslog.
802.3ah - Enable reporting of alarms via 802.3ah OAMPDUs.
threshold-on - The delay (in milliseconds) after an event is detected and
before the alarm notification occurs.
threshold-off - The delay (in milliseconds) after the event status goes back
to normal and before the alarm notification clears.

3.10 Alarm Show Configuration

alarm show configuration - Show alarm configuration

Display the alarm reporting behavior.

alarm show configuration [<alarm-id>] [more]

<alarm_id> - <decimal>.<decimal>.<decimal>

Revision 1 12
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Alarm Show Reporting

3.11 Alarm Show Reporting

alarm show reporting - Show alarm reporting configuration

Display the alarm reporting parameters.

alarm show reporting

3.12 Alarm Show Status

alarm show status - Show alarms current status

Display alarm status based on specified parameters. If an alarm number is
specified, the detailed status for this alarm is displayed. If no alarm number
is specified, the status of all applicable alarms is displayed in a table
format. By default, only the alarms that are enabled and active are displayed.
If the option "all" is specified, the status will be displayed for all
possible alarms.

alarm show status [<alarm_number> | active | all | more]

<alarm_number> - <decimal>.<decimal>.<decimal>

Revision 1 13
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Application Edit File Transfers

3.13 Application Edit File Transfers

application edit filetransfers - Allows changing SSL certificates for file
transfer applications.

application edit allows selecting and managing validation on how certificates
are used when sending or receiving files through a secure channel (https or
ftps). For example, firmware upgrades and configuration import/export using
the CLI.

application edit filetransfers {
{name <name>} |
{validate {enable | disable}} |
{client {enable | disable}}}+

name - The common name of the certificate to be associated with the
specified application.
validate - For client type applications, perform peer certificate
validation. This includes, expiration dates, hostname and CA
client - For client type applications, enable or disable the use of
the selected client certificate.

3.14 Application Edit Web

application edit web - Allows changing SSL certificates for the Web

application edit allows selecting and managing validation on how
certificates are used by the web GUI application.

application edit web {{name <name>}}

name - The common name of the certificate to be associated with the
specified application.

Revision 1 14
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Application Show

3.15 Application Show

application show - Show SSL certificates applications.

Shows a summary of the SSL certificates applications. All applications making
possible use of certificates are listed here.

application show

3.16 Bandwidth Regulator Add Regulator

bandwidth-regulator add regulator - Add a bandwidth regulator configuration

With bandwidth-regulator add, you can create a new bandwidth regulator

Up to 16 traffic regulators can be defined on TE/TE-S models.

Up to 60 traffic regulators can be defined on TE-R/TE-RS models.

Supported rate values:

- 0 to 8 Mbps (steps of 125 kbps)
- 9 to 135 Mbps (steps of 1 Mbps)
- 150 to 1 Gbps (steps of 25 Mbps)

The burst size must be greater than the port Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU).

bandwidth-regulator add regulator <regulator-name> {
{cir <0 to max-port-speed>} |
{cbs <2-500>} |
{eir <0 to max-port-speed>} |
{ebs <2-500>} |
{color-mode {aware | blind}} |
{coupling-flag {true | false}} }+

<regulator-name> - <string>
cir - Committed Information Rate in kbps.
cbs - Committed Burst Size in kBytes.
eir - Excess Information Rate in kbps.
ebs - Excess Burst Size in kBytes.
color-mode - Determine whether the regulator is color-aware or
coupling-flag - Determine whether the coupling flag will be used or not
for this regulator.

Revision 1 15
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Bandwidth Regulator Clear Regulator Statistics

3.17 Bandwidth Regulator Clear Regulator Statistics

bandwidth-regulator clear regulator statistics - Clear bandwidth regulator

Clear the bandwidth regulator statistics. If <regulator-name> is not
specified, all bandwidth regulators statistics will be cleared.

bandwidth-regulator clear regulator statistics [<regulator-name>]

<regulator-name> - <string>

3.18 Bandwidth Regulator Delete Regulator

bandwidth-regulator delete regulator - Delete the specified bandwidth

bandwidth-regulator delete will delete the specified bandwidth regulator

bandwidth-regulator delete regulator <regulator-name>

<regulator-name> - <string>

Revision 1 16
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Bandwidth Regulator Edit Regulator

3.19 Bandwidth Regulator Edit Regulator

bandwidth-regulator edit regulator - Change a bandwidth regulator

With bandwidth-regulator edit, you can change the parameters of an existing
bandwidth regulator instance.

Supported rate values:

- 0 to 8 Mbps (steps of 125 kbps)
- 9 to 135 Mbps (steps of 1 Mbps)
- 150 to 1 Gbps (steps of 25 Mbps)

The burst size must be greater than the port Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU).

bandwidth-regulator edit regulator <regulator-name> {
{name <regulator-name>} |
{cir <0 to max-port-speed>} |
{cbs <2-500>} |
{eir <0 to max-port-speed>} |
{ebs <2-500>} }+

<regulator-name> - <string>
cir - Committed Information Rate in kbps.
cbs - Committed Burst Size in kBytes.
eir - Excess Information Rate in kbps.
ebs - Excess Burst Size in kBytes.

3.20 Bandwidth Regulator Show Regulator Configuration

bandwidth-regulator show regulator configuration - Show bandwidth regulator
Without arguments or with the modifier summary, this command displays the
bandwidth-regulator configuration summary in a table format. When specifying
a bandwidth-regulator name, this command displays the detailed configuration
for that bandwidth-regulator.

bandwidth-regulator show regulator configuration [<regulator-name>]

<regulator-name> - <string>

Revision 1 17
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Bandwidth Regulator Show Regulator Statistics

3.21 Bandwidth Regulator Show Regulator Statistics

bandwidth-regulator show regulator statistics - Show bandwidth regulator

Display the bandwidth regulator statistics.

bandwidth-regulator show regulator statistics <regulator-name> {
{ type {clearable | persistent | historic}} |
{ buckets <0-16>} |
{ period <period-id>}}+
<regulator-name> - <string>
<period-id> - <decimal>
type - Type of statistics to display:
Clearable : Current statistics since last clear command.
Persistent: Current statistics since system start.
Historic: History buckets statistics. If the number of
buckets is not specified, the last 4 buckets
will be displayed, starting from the specified
period. If no period is specified, the last 4
buckets will be displayed.
buckets - Number of bandwidth regulator buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the bandwidth regulator history
buckets. Zero for the most recent period available.

Revision 1 18
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Beacon Add L3

3.22 Beacon Add L3

beacon add l3 - Add a new beacon layer-3 instance and specify its

Configure a beacon layer-3 instance for management purpose. A beacon may be
configured to discover remote devices by sending a special frame on the
network using the IP settings provided.

beacon add l3 name {<beacon-name>}
{domain-id {<domain>}} |
{state {enable|disable}} |
{rate {<transmission rate>}} |
{dst-ip {<ip-addr>}} |
{use-interface {enable|disable}} |
{interface {<interface name>}} |
{use-relay-ip {enable|disable}} |
{relay-ip {<ip-addr>}} |
{relay-dst-subnet {<ip-addr>}} |
{ip-config-mode {local|auto|dhcp|auto-static}} |
{subnet {<ip-addr>}} |
{netmask {<ip-addr>}} |
{gateway {<ip-addr>}} |
{ip-exclusion {<ip-addr1, ip-addr2, ...>}} |
{dhcp-hostname-option <none,custom,serial-number,current>} |
{dhcp-client-id-option <none,custom,serial-number>} |
{dhcp-hostname <hostname>} |
{dhcp-client-id <client-id>} |
{id-mismatch {enable|disable} |
{adv-ip {<ip-addr>}} }}+

name - The name to assign to the beacon instance.
domain - The name of the discovery domain ID.
state - Enable or disable beacon frame transmission.
rate - Transmission rate of beacon frames, in seconds
<3, 60, 600, 3600>.
dst-ip - When neither of the use-interface and use-relay-ip
options are used, the beacon frames are sent to
this address.
use-interface - Enable usage of IP settings defined by the system
interface specified by the interface argument.
interface - The name of a system interface. The interface must
exist on this system. The IP settings of this
interface will be used to compute the directed
broadcast IP address to use to send the beacon
use-relay-ip - Enable sending of frame directly to the DHCP Relay
IP address specified in the relay-ip argument.

Revision 1 19
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Beacon Add L3

relay-ip - The DHCP Relay Agent IP address. The beacon frames

are sent to this DHCP Relay IP address in order
to reach remote subnets The DHCP Relay must be
configured to relay the beacon layer-3 frames which
are based on DHCPOFFER frames.
relay-dst-subnet - When used with a DHCP Relay Agent, this is the
destination subnet i.e. the subnet to reach on the
other side of the DHCP Relay.
ip-config-mode - The IP configuration mode to be uses by the remote
subnet - IP subnet used in Auto and Auto-Static IP
configuration modes.
netmask - IP netmask used in Auto and Auto-Static IP
configuration modes.
gateway - IP gateway used in Auto and Auto-Static IP
configuration modes.
ip-exclusion - This is a comma-separated list of IP addresses that
the remote unit must exclude when computing an IP
address in Auto and Auto-Static IP configuration
modes. Up to 100 IP addresses can be specified.
IP address ranges can be expressed with dash (-)
separated IP addresses.
dhcp-hostname-option - Tell the remote NID what option to use as a hostname
in its DNS configuration. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
dhcp-client-id-option - Tell the remote NID what option to use as a client
ID in its DNS configuration. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
dhcp-hostname - The hostname to use when the hostname <custom>
option is chosen. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
dhcp-client-id - The client ID to use when the client ID <custom>
option is chosen. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
id-mismatch - When enabled, forces the remote system to accept
beacon even if domain IDs do not match.
adv-ip - IP address of a inventory collecting unit

Revision 1 20
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Beacon Delete L3

3.23 Beacon Delete L3

beacon delete l3 - Delete a beacon layer-3 instance.

Delete an existing beacon layer-3 instance.

beacon delete l3 <beacon-name>

<beacon-name> - The name of the beacon instance to delete.

3.24 Beacon Edit L3

beacon edit l3 - Edit the attributes of an existing beacon layer-3 instance.

Configure a beacon layer-3 instance for management purpose. A beacon may be
configured to discover remote devices by sending a special frame on the
network using the IP settings provided.

beacon edit l3 <beacon-name>
{name {<beacon-name>}} |
{domain-id {<domain>}} |
{state {enable|disable}} |
{rate {<transmission rate>}} |
{dst-ip {<ip-addr>}} |
{use-interface {enable|disable}} |
{interface {<interface name>}} |
{use-relay-ip {enable|disable}} |
{relay-ip {<ip-addr>}} |
{relay-dst-subnet {<ip-addr>}} |
{ip-config-mode {local|auto|dhcp|auto-static}} |
{subnet {<ip-addr>}} |
{netmask {<ip-addr>}} |
{gateway {<ip-addr>}} |
{ip-exclusion {<ip-addr1, ip-addr2, ...>}} |
{dhcp-hostname-option <none,custom,serial-number,current>} |
{dhcp-client-id-option <none,custom,serial-number>} |
{dhcp-hostname <hostname>} |
{dhcp-client-id <client-id>} |
{id-mismatch {enable|disable} |
{adv-ip {<ip-addr>}} }}+

Revision 1 21
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Beacon Edit L3

<beacon-name> - The name of the beacon instance to edit.
name - The name to assign to the beacon instance.
domain - The name of the discovery domain ID.
state - Enable or disable beacon frame transmission.
rate - Transmission rate of beacon frames, in seconds
<3, 60, 600, 3600>.
dst-ip - When neither of the use-interface and use-relay-ip
options are used, the beacon frames are sent to
this address.
use-interface - Enable usage of IP settings defined by the system
interface specified by the interface argument.
interface - The name of a system interface. The interface must
exist on this system. The IP settings of this
interface will be used to compute the directed
broadcast IP address to use to send the beacon
use-relay-ip - Enable sending of frame directly to the DHCP Relay
IP address specified in the relay-ip argument.
relay-ip - The DHCP Relay Agent IP address. The beacon frames
are sent to this DHCP Relay IP address in order
to reach remote subnets The DHCP Relay must be
configured to relay the beacon layer-3 frames which
are based on DHCPOFFER frames.
relay-dst-subnet - When used with a DHCP Relay Agent, this is the
destination subnet i.e. the subnet to reach on the
other side of the DHCP Relay.
ip-config-mode - The IP configuration mode to be uses by the remote
subnet - IP subnet used in Auto and Auto-Static IP
configuration modes.
netmask - IP netmask used in Auto and Auto-Static IP
configuration modes.
gateway - IP gateway used in Auto and Auto-Static IP
configuration modes.
ip-exclusion - This is a comma-separated list of IP addresses that
the remote unit must exclude when computing an IP
address in Auto and Auto-Static IP configuration
modes. Up to 100 IP addresses can be specified.
IP address ranges can be expressed with dash (-)
separated IP addresses.
dhcp-hostname-option - Tell the remote NID what option to use as a hostname
in its DNS configuration. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
dhcp-client-id-option - Tell the remote NID what option to use as a client
ID in its DNS configuration. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
dhcp-hostname - The hostname to use when the hostname <custom>
option is chosen. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.

Revision 1 22
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Beacon Send L3

dhcp-client-id - The client ID to use when the client ID <custom>

option is chosen. Used only in DHCP IP
configuration mode.
id-mismatch - When enabled, forces the remote system to accept
beacon even if domain IDs do not match.
adv-ip - IP address of a inventory collecting unit

3.25 Beacon Send L3

beacon send l3 one-shot - Send a one-shot beacon layer-3 frame.

Immediately sends one beacon layer-3 frame based on the configuration
of the chosen beacon instance.

beacon send l3 one-shot <beacon-name>

<beacon-name> - The name of the beacon instance configuration to
use for sending the one frame. The beacon-name must
refer to an existing instance and the instance must
be enabled.

3.26 Beacon Send L3 One-Shot

beacon send l3 one-shot - Send a one-shot beacon layer-3 frame.

Immediately sends one beacon layer-3 frame based on the configuration
of the chosen beacon instance.

beacon send l3 one-shot <beacon-name>

<beacon-name> - The name of the beacon instance configuration to
use for sending the one frame. The beacon-name must
refer to an existing instance and the instance must
be enabled.

Revision 1 23
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Beacon Show L3 Configuration

3.27 Beacon Show L3 Configuration

beacon show l3 configuration - Show configuration of beacon layer-3

Specifying a beacon name provides detailed configuration about this beacon,
otherwise the command provides a summary of configurations for all beacons.

beacon show l3 configuration [<beacon-name>]

<beacon-name> - The name of the beacon instance to show.

3.28 Board Show CPU

board show CPU - Display CPU usage over a period of time.

Display the CPU usage over a period of time. Available periods are:
- Last second
- Last completed 15 seconds period average
- Last completed 30 seconds period average
- Last completed 60 seconds period average
- Last completed 5 minutes period average

board show cpu

3.29 Board Show Info

board show info - Display unit product information

Displays unit board information: MAC base address, unit identifier, firmware
version, assembly, and serial number. Also displays sub-assembly information,
if any.

board show info

Revision 1 24
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Board Show Start Time

3.30 Board Show Start Time

board show start-time - Display the system start time.

Display the system start time in the following format:

Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 UTC 1970

board show start-time

3.31 Board Show Status

board show status - Show board status

Display information about power supplies and the temperature sensor.

board show status

3.32 Board Show Uptime

board show uptime - Display the system uptime.

Display the system uptime in the following format: up xx days, HH:MM

board show uptime

3.33 Board Show Uptime Seconds

board show uptime-seconds - Display the system uptime in seconds.

Display the system uptime in the following format: up xx seconds

board show uptime-seconds

Revision 1 25
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Bridge Clear Statistics

3.34 Bridge Clear Statistics

bridge clear statistics - Clear bridge statistics

For a specific bridge name, this command clears all statistics.

bridge clear statistics [<bridge-name>]

<bridge-name> - <string>

3.35 Bridge Edit

bridge edit - Change configuration for a given bridge

With bridge edit, you can change the parameters of an existing bridge

bridge edit <bridge-name> {
{aging-time <decimal>} |
{forward-delay <decimal>} |
{hello-time <decimal>} |
{path-cost <sub-intf> <decimal>} |
{port-priority <sub-intf> <decimal>} |
{priority <decimal>} |
{protocol {stp | rstp}} |
{mac-addr {bridge-ga | provider-bridge-ga}} |
{message-max-age <decimal>} }+

<bridge-name> - <string>
aging-time - Bridge aging time can vary from 30 to 600 seconds.
forward-delay - Forward time can vary from 4 to 30 seconds.
hello-time - Hello time can vary from 1 to 2 seconds.
path-cost - Path cost of the port can vary from 1 to 200 Million.
port-priority - Port priority, value must be between 16 and 240.
in steps of 16
priority - Bridge priority, value must be between 4096 and 61440,
in steps of 4096.
protocol - Configure STP or RSTP.
mac-addr - Destination MAC address used to transmit BPDU. Can be the
Bridge Group Address or the Provider Bridge Group address.
message-max-age - Maximum message age can vary from 6 to 40 seconds.

Revision 1 26
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Bridge Show Configuration

3.36 Bridge Show Configuration

bridge show configuration - Show bridge configuration

Without arguments, this command displays a configuration summary for all
bridges in a table format. With a specific bridge name argument, this command
displays the detailed configuration information for that specific bridge.

bridge show configuration [<bridge-name>]

<bridge-name> - <string>

3.37 Bridge Show Statistics

bridge show statistics - Show bridge statistics

For a specific bridge name, this command displays all statistics.

bridge show statistics [<bridge-name>]

<bridge-name> - <string>

3.38 Bridge Show Status

bridge show status - Show bridge status

Without arguments, this command displays a status summary for all bridges in
a table format. With a specific bridge name argument, this command displays
the detailed status information for that specific bridge.

bridge show status [<bridge-name>]

<bridge-name> - <string>

Revision 1 27
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Cable Test Perform

3.39 Cable Test Perform

cable-test perform - Perform cable diagnostics

Perform time domain reflectometry diagnostics for a copper port.

cable-test perform [<connector-name> | <port-name>]

3.40 Cable Test Show

cable-test show - Show cable diagnostics information

Show cable diagnostics information

cable-test show [<connector-name> | <port-name>]

3.41 Certificate Delete

certificate delete - Allows removing SSL certificates from the unit.

certificate delete allows you to remove a SLL certificate present in the unit.

certificate delete {name}

name - The common name of the certificate to be removed.

Revision 1 28
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Certificate Import

3.42 Certificate Import

certificate import - Allows importing SSL certificates into the unit.

certificate import allows you to download and activate a SSL certificate
from a remote server through ftp, ftps, http, https, or tftp protocol.

certificate import {
{type {pkcs7 | pkcs12 | PEM | DER}} |
{url <url>} |

type - The type of the certificate being imported. Possible values are:
pkcs12: Used to import client certificates including the private
key and the CA chain of certificates.
pkcs7: Used to import multiple CA certificates.
x509-PEM: Used to import either:
- A client or server certificate and its private key.
- A single or multiple CA certificate.
x509-DER: Used to import single CA certificates.
url - URL to reach the server and directory e.g.
passcode - The passcode to decipher the certificate. Leave blank if the
certificate is not encrypted. A separate query prompt will be
displayed to allow the passcode to be specified. It cannot be
specified directly on the command line.

3.43 Certificate Show

certificate show - Show SSL certificates.

Shows a summary of the SSL certificates present in the unit if no name is
specified. If a common name is specified, the certificate contents are

certificate show {[name]}

name - The common name of the certificate to be displayed.

Revision 1 29
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add DMM

3.44 CFM Add DMM

cfm add dmm - Create a delay measurement.

Create delay measurement for a MEP.

Note: One-way delay measurements require time synchronization using NTP/PTP

on units at each probe end.

cfm add dmm {
{mep-idx <mep-index>} |
{index <decimal>} |
{rmep-id <1-8191>} |
{priority <0-7> } |
{enable {yes | no}} |
{name <string>} |
{interval <decimal>} |
{reference-period <decimal> } |
{ow-delay {enable | disable}} |
{ow-max-delay <decimal>} |
{ow-delay-threshold <decimal>} |
{ow-ad-threshold <decimal>} |
{ow-dv {enable | disable}} |
{ow-max-dv <decimal>} |
{ow-dv-threshold <decimal>} |
{ow-adv-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-delay {enable | disable}} |
{tw-max-delay <decimal>} |
{tw-delay-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-ad-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-dv {enable | disable}} |
{tw-max-dv <decimal>} |
{tw-dv-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-adv-threshold <decimal>}}+

<mep-index> = <decimal>

mep-idx - Specifies the local MEP index from which DMM should
be initiated.
index - A free DMM index. If the index is omitted, a free
index is allocated automatically.
rmep-id - Specifies the remote MEPID to which DMM should be sent.
priority - Specifies DMM VLAN priority. This parameter applies
only to VLAN based MEPs.
name - A name assigned to reference this instance.
enable - Enable or disable generating DMM frames.
interval - Interval in milliseconds at which DMM should be sent.
reference-period - Reference period in minutes.
ow-delay - Enable or disable one-way delay results.

Revision 1 30
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add DMM

ow-max-delay - Maximum one-way delay.

ow-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay samples allowed
greater than ow-max-delay.
ow-ad-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay.
ow-dv - Enable or disable one-way delay variation results.
ow-max-dv - Maximum one-way delay variation allowed.
ow-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay variation samples
allowed greater than ow-max-dv.
ow-adv-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay variation.
tw-delay - Enable or disable two-way delay results.
tw-max-delay - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive two-way delay samples allowed
greater than tw-max-delay.
tw-ad-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-dv - Enable or disable two-way delay variation results.
tw-max-dv - Maximum two-way delay variation allowed.
tw-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive tw-way delay variation samples
allowed greater than tw-max-dv.
tw-adv-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay variation.

Revision 1 31
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add Domain

3.45 CFM Add Domain

cfm add domain - Create a maintenance domain.

Create a maintenance domain. A Maintenance Domain defines a level and a name
for a network or part of a network for which faults in connectivity are to be
managed. A Maintenance Domain is required to create a MA with CCM MAID that
includes the Maintenance Domain name.

cfm add domain {
{name <string> } |
{index <decimal>} |
{format {string | dns-name}} |
{level <0-7>} |
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit>} |
{sndr-id-perm {none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage>}}+

name - Unique name assigned to this Maintenance Domain.
index - A free domain index. If the index is omitted, a free index
is allocated automatically.
format - The Maintenance Domain name format.
level - Maintenance Level given to this Maintenance Domain.
mhf-creation - Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 32
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add MA

3.46 CFM Add MA

cfm add ma - Create a Maintenance Association.

Create a Maintenance Association. A Maintenance Association defines a set of
MEPs, each configured with the same MAID and MD Level, established to verify
the integrity of a single service instance. An MA can also be thought of as
a full mesh of Maintenance Entities among a set of MEPs configured.

cfm add ma {
{name <string> } |
{index <decimal>} |
{md-idx <decimal> } |
{ccm-interval <decimal> } |
{vlan-type {c-vlan | s-vlan | none}} |
{vid-list {<0-4095> [, <0-4095>]+}} |
{mepid-list {<1-8191> [, <1-8191>]+}} |
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit | defer>} |
{sndr-id-perm {none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage | defer}}}+

name - MEG name. The name should include the ICC and UMC in a single
string, as specified in Y.1731.
index - A free maintenance association index. If the index is omitted,
a free index is allocated automatically.
md-idx - Parent maintenance domain index.
ccm-interval - Interval in milliseconds at which the CCMs are sent.
vlan-type - Specify the VLAN type associated with this maintenance
association. If the value "none" is specified, the association
is not attached to any VLAN and the contents of the VLAN ID
list are ignored.
vid-list - A comma-separated list of VLAN ID values. If the VLAN ID list
is left empty, the association is not attached to a VLAN and
the VLAN type is set to "none" implicitly. If a vid-list is
provided without specifying the vlan-type, it is set to c-vlan
mepid-list - A comma-separated list of MEPID values.
mhf-creation - Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
- defer : Use the Maintenance Domain parameter to determine
MHFs creation.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 33
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add MEG

3.47 CFM Add MEG

cfm add meg - Create Y.1731 MEG.

Create Y.1731 MEG.

cfm add meg {
{name <string> } |
{name-format <icc-based | string> } |
{index <decimal>} |
{level <0-7> } |
{ccm-interval <decimal> } |
{vlan-type {c-vlan | s-vlan | none}} |
{vid-list {<0-4095> [, <0-4095>]+}} |
{mepid-list {<1-8191> [, <1-8191>]+}} |
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit | defer>} |
{sndr-id-perm {none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage | defer}}}+

name - MEG name. The name should include the ICC and UMC in a single
string, as specified in Y.1731.
name-format - MEG name format. The valid values are:
- icc-based : ITU Carrier Code format (Y.1731).
- string : RFC-2579 Display String.
index - A free maintenance association index. If the index is omitted
a free index is allocated automatically.
level - Maintenance Level given to this MEG.
ccm-interval - Interval in milliseconds at which the CCMs are sent.
vlan-type - Specify the VLAN type associated with this MEG. If the value
"none" is specified, the MEG is not attached to a VLAN and the
contents of the VLAN ID list are ignored.
vid-list - A comma-separated list of VLAN ID values. If the VLAN ID list
is left empty, the MEG is not attached to a VLAN and the VLAN
type is set to none implicitly.
mepid-list - A comma-separated list of MEPID values.
mhf-creation - Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
- defer : Use the Maintenance Domain parameter to determine
MHFs creation.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 34
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add MEP

3.48 CFM Add MEP

cfm add mep - Create a Maintenance association End Point

Create Maintenance association End Point.

cfm add mep {{ma-idx <decimal>} |
{meg-idx <decimal> }} {
{index <decimal>} | {mep-id <1-8191> } |
{name <string>} |
{direction <up | down> } |
{port <port-name> } |
{pvid <0-4095> } |
{active <yes | no> } |
{cci-enable <yes | no> } |
{ccm-seq-number <enable | disable> } |
{csf-enable <yes | no> } |
{priority <0-7> } |
{lowest-alarm-pri <lowest-alarm-pri-choice>} |
{fng-alarm-time <decimal> } |
{fng-reset-time <decimal> } |
{fault-propagation <enable | disable> } |
{fp-port <port-name> } }+

lowest-alarm-pri-choice = {all | macRemErrXconAis | remErrXconAis |

errXconAis | xconAis | ais | none>}

meg-idx - MEG index. Identifies the MEG that MEP belongs to. Only
one of meg-idx or ma-idx should be specified.
index - A free MEP index. If the index is omitted, a free index
is allocated automatically. This should not be confused
with the MEPID specified using mep-id.
ma-idx - Maintenance Association index. Identifies the Maintenance
Association to which this MEP belongs. Either a meg-idx
or a ma-idx should be specified.
mep-id - MEP identifier <1-8191>.
name - A name assigned to reference this instance.
direction - Direction, up or down.
port - Indicates the port used by this MEP.
pvid - Primary VLAN ID <0-4095>.
active - Indicates the administrative state of the MEP. "yes"
indicates that the MEP is to function normally, and
"no" that it is to cease functioning.
cci-enable - Indicates if the MEP will generate CCM messages.
ccm-seq-number - Enable or disable CCM sequence number. When enabled, a
MEP transmits CCMs with a sequence number that increments
by one for each CCM. When disabled, a MEP transmits CCMs
with a sequence number set to zero.
csf-enable - Enable or disable CSF. When enabled, a MEP transmits

Revision 1 35
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add Packet Loss

ETH-CSF when a link failure is detected.

priority - CCM and LTM priority.
lowest-alarm-pri - The lowest priority defect alarm that specifies the lowest
priority defect that is allowed to generate a Fault Alarm.
Possible values are: all, macRemErrXconAis, remErrXconAis,
errXconAis, xconAis, ais, or none.
fng-alarm-time - Time that defects must be present before an alarm is
raised (in ms).
fng-reset-time - Time that defects must be absent before resetting an
alarm (in ms).
fault-propagation - Enable or disable EVC fault propagation.
fp-port - Fault propagation port. Indicates toward which port, EVC
faults should be propagated.

3.49 CFM Add Packet Loss

cfm add pkt-loss - Create packet loss measurement.

Create packet loss measurement for a MEP. Packet loss measurements are based
on Remote MEP CCM sequence number. Remote MEP should have CCM sequence number
generation enabled to perform packet loss measurements.

cfm add pkt-loss {
{mep-idx <mep-index>} |
{index <decimal>} |
{rmep-id <1-8191>} |
{enable {yes | no}} |
{reference-period <decimal> } |
{threshold <decimal>} |
{threshold-ratio <decimal>} }+

<mep-index> = <decimal>

mep-idx - Specifies the local MEP index from which packet loss should
be performed.
index - A free packet loss index. If the index is omitted, a free
index is allocated automatically.
rmep-id - Remote MEP Maintenance association End Point Identifier.
enable - Indicates if the configured packet loss measurements are
reference-period - Packet loss reference period in minutes.
threshold - Maximum number allowed of packets lost before raising an
alarm during the reference period.
threshold-ratio - Maximum % of packets lost before issuing an alarm during
the reference period.

Revision 1 36
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Add SLM

3.50 CFM Add SLM

cfm add slm - Creates an SLM instance

Creates an SLM instance.

cfm add slm mep-idx <decimal> rmep-id <decimal> {{index <decimal>}
{name <string>}
{priority <decimal>}
{reporting-period <decimal>}
{interval <decimal>}
{state <enable| disable>}
{near-end-threshold <decimal>}
{far-end-threshold <decimal>}

index -
The SLM instance index.
name -
A unique name to identify an SLM instance.
mep-idx -
The local MEP index.
rmep-id -
The remote MEP ID.
priority -
The priority of the SLM frames.
interval -
The SLM frames transmission rate.
state -
The state of the instance (disabled by default).
reporting-period -
A reporting period over which periodic counters are
evaluated in addition to the monotonic counters.
near-end-threshold - The near-end frame loss threshold. (1 = 0.000001%)
far-end-threshold - The far-end frame loss threshold. (1 = 0.000001%)

3.51 CFM Clear MEP Statistics

cfm clear mep statistics - Clear MEP statistics

Clear individual MEP statistics.

cfm clear mep statistics <mep-index>|<name>

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<mep-index> - Identifies a MEP.
<name> - Identifies a MEP by name.

Revision 1 37
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Clear Packet Loss Result

3.52 CFM Clear Packet Loss Result

cfm clear pkt-loss result - Clear packet loss results

Clear continuous packet loss measurement results. Periodic and historical
measurement results are not affected.

cfm clear pkt-loss result [<pl-index> | <name>]

<pl-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<pl-index> - Specifies the packet loss instance.
<name> - Specifies the packet loss instance by name.

3.53 CFM Clear SLM Result

cfm clear slm result - Clear SLM results

Clear slm results.

cfm clear slm result <identifier>

<identifier> = <string | decimal>

<identifier> - A unique name to identify an instance of SLM or the SLM index.

3.54 CFM Clear Statistics

cfm clear statistics - Clear CFM statistics

Clear global CFM statistics. This does not affect individual MEP statistics.

cfm clear statistics

Revision 1 38
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Clear VSP Result

3.55 CFM Clear VSP Result

cfm clear vsp results - Clear VSP results

Clear VSP results.

cfm clear vsp result [<identifier>]

<identifier> = <decimal>

<identifier> - An optional unique index identifying the instance.

3.56 CFM Delete DMM

cfm delete dmm - Delete a delay measurement.

Delete a delay measurement instance.

cfm delete dmm <dmm-index> | <name>

<dmm-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<dmm-index> - Identifies the DMM instance to delete.
<name> - Identifies the DMM instance to delete by name.

Revision 1 39
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Delete Domain

3.57 CFM Delete Domain

cfm delete domain - Delete a Maintenance Domain.

Delete a Maintenance Domain. When a Maintenance Domain is deleted, all the
objects (MAs, MEPs, DMMs, and Packet Loss instances) inside that Maintenance
Domain are deleted. Pseudo Maintenance Domains "Y.1731 level 0" to
"Y.1731 level 7" cannot be deleted.

cfm delete domain <md-index>

<md-index> = <decimal>

<md-index> - Identifies the Maintenance Domain to delete.

3.58 CFM Delete MA

cfm delete ma - Delete a Maintenance Association.

Delete a Maintenance Association (MA). When an MA is deleted, all the objects
(MEP, DMM, and Packet Loss instances) inside that MA are deleted.

cfm delete ma <ma-index>

<ma-index> = <decimal>

<ma-index> - Identifies the Maintenance Association to delete.

Revision 1 40
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Delete MEG

3.59 CFM Delete MEG

cfm delete meg - Delete a MEG.

Delete a MEG. When a MEG is deleted, all the objects (MEP, DMM, and Packet
Loss instances) inside that MEG are deleted.

cfm delete meg <meg-index>

<meg-index> = <decimal>

<meg-index> - Identifies the MEG to delete.

3.60 CFM Delete MEP

cfm delete mep - Delete a Maintenance association End Point

Delete a Maintenance association End Point. When a MEP is deleted, all the
objects (DMM and Packet Loss instances) inside that MEP are deleted.

cfm delete mep <mep-index>|<name>

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<mep-index> - Identifies the MEP to delete.
<name> - Identifies the MEP to delete by name.

Revision 1 41
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Delete Packet Loss

3.61 CFM Delete Packet Loss

cfm delete pkt-loss - Delete a Packet Loss measurement instance.

Delete a Packet Loss measurement instance.

cfm delete pkt-loss <pl-index>|<name>

<pl-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<pl-index> - Identifies the packet loss instance to delete.
<name> - Identifies the packet loss instance to delete by name.

3.62 CFM Delete SLM

cfm delete slm - Delete an SLM instance

Delete an SLM instance.

cfm delete slm <identifier>

<identifier> = <string | decimal>

<identifier> - A unique identifier for the SLM instance or SLM index.

Revision 1 42
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit Defaults

3.63 CFM Edit Defaults

cfm edit defaults - Modify CFM defaults parameters.

The MHF default parameters control the MHF creation for VIDs that are not
attached to an MA. For each port, a VID is attached to an MA at a specific MD
level, if at this level a MEP exist on that port or if an Up MEP exist on
another port.

For a given VID, the default MHF MD level plus the set of Maintenance
Associations that include that VID define the VID's active MD levels. The MD
level at which MHFs could be created on a port for a given VID is the VID's
lowest active MD level that is higher than any MEP configured on that port.
If at this level the VID is attached to an MA, the MA parameters control the
MHF creation. Otherwise, the MHF default parameters control the MHF creation.

cfm edit defaults {
{level <0-7>} |
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit>} |
{sndr-id-perm <none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage>}}+

level - Indicates the default active MD level used by the MHF creation
algorithm when no other lower active MD level apply.
mhf-creation - Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 43
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit DMM

3.64 CFM Edit DMM

cfm edit dmm - Modify delay measurement

Modify a delay measurement instance.

Note: One-way delay measurements require time synchronization using NTP/PTP

on units at each probe end.

cfm edit dmm <dmm-index>|<name> {
{enable {yes | no}} |
{interval <decimal>} |
{name <string> } |
{reference-period <decimal> } |
{ow-delay {enable | disable}} |
{ow-max-delay <decimal>} |
{ow-delay-threshold <decimal>} |
{ow-ad-threshold <decimal>} |
{ow-dv {enable | disable}} |
{ow-max-dv <decimal>} |
{ow-dv-threshold <decimal>} |
{ow-adv-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-delay {enable | disable}} |
{tw-max-delay <decimal>} |
{tw-delay-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-ad-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-dv {enable | disable}} |
{tw-max-dv <decimal>} |
{tw-dv-threshold <decimal>} |
{tw-adv-threshold <decimal>}}+

<dmm-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<dmm-index> - Specifies the DMM instance to modify.
<name> - Specifies the DMM instance to modify by name.
enable - Enable or disable generating DMM frames.
interval - Interval in milliseconds at which DMMs should be sent.
name - A name assigned to reference this instance.
reference-period - Reference period in minutes.
ow-delay - Enable or disable one-way delay results.
ow-max-delay - Maximum one-way delay.
ow-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay samples allowed
greater than ow-max-delay.
ow-ad-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay.
ow-dv - Enable or disable one-way delay variation results.
ow-max-dv - Maximum one-way delay variation allowed.
ow-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay variation samples

Revision 1 44
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit Domain

allowed greater than ow-max-dv.

ow-adv-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay variation.
tw-delay - Enable or disable two-way delay results.
tw-max-delay - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive two-way delay samples allowed
greater than tw-max-delay.
tw-ad-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-dv - Enable or disable two-way delay variation results.
tw-max-dv - Maximum two-way delay variation allowed.
tw-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive tw-way delay variation samples
allowed greater than tw-max-dv.
tw-adv-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay variation.

3.65 CFM Edit Domain

cfm edit domain - Modify a maintenance domain.

Edit a maintenance domain. Once created, only the sender ID permissions can
be modified.

cfm edit domain <md-index>
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit>} |
{sndr-id-perm {none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage>}}+

<md-index> = <decimal>

<md-index> - Maintenance domain index.
mhf-creation - Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 45
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit MA

3.66 CFM Edit MA

cfm edit ma - Modify Maintenance Association attributes

Modify Maintenance Association attributes.

cfm edit ma <ma-index> {
{ccm-interval <decimal> } |
{mepid-list {<1-8191> [, <1-8191>]+}} |
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit | defer>} |
{sndr-id-perm <none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage | defer>}}+

<ma-index> = <decimal>

ma-index -
Maintenance Association index. Identifies the MA to modify.
ccm-interval -
Interval in milliseconds at which the CCMs are sent.
mepid-list -
A comma-separated list of MEPID values.
mhf-creation -
Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
- defer : Use the Maintenance Domain parameter to determine
MHFs creation.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 46
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit MEG

3.67 CFM Edit MEG

cfm edit meg - Modify MEG attributes.

Modify Y.1731 MEG attributes.

cfm edit meg <meg-index> {
{ccm-interval <decimal>} |
{mepid-list {<1-8191> [, <1-8191>]+}} |
{mhf-creation <none | default | explicit | defer>} |
{sndr-id-perm <none | chassis | manage | chassis-manage | defer>}}+

<meg-index> = <decimal>

meg-index -
MEG index. Identifies the MEG to modify.
ccm-interval -
Interval in milliseconds at which the CCMs are sent.
mepid-list -
A comma-separated list of MEPID values.
mhf-creation -
Indicates if the management entity can create MHFs for VIDs on
which no Up MEP is configured. The valid values are:
- none : No MHFs can be created.
- default : Create MHFs if there is no lower active MD level or
if there is a MEP at the next active MD level on
the port.
- explicit: Create MHFs only if there is a MEP at the next
active MD level on the port.
- defer : Use the Maintenance Domain parameter to determine
MHFs creation.
sndr-id-perm - Sender ID permission. Indicates what, if anything, is to be
included in the Sender ID TLV transmitted in CCMs, LBMs, LTMs,
and LTRs.

Revision 1 47
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit MEP

3.68 CFM Edit MEP

cfm edit mep - Modify a Maintenance association End Point

Modify a Maintenance association End Point.

cfm edit mep <mep-index> | <name> {
{pvid <0-4095> } |
{active <yes | no> } |
{cci-enable <yes | no> } |
{csf-enable <yes | no> } |
{ccm-seq-number <enable | disable> } |
{name <string> } |
{priority <0-7> } |
{lowest-alarm-pri <lowest-alarm-pri-choice>} |
{fng-alarm-time <decimal> } |
{fng-reset-time <decimal> } |
{fault-propagation <enable | disable> } |
{fp-port <port-name> } }+

lowest-alarm-pri-choice = {all | macRemErrXconAis | remErrXconAis |

errXconAis | xconAis | ais | none>}

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

mep-index - MEP index. Identifies the MEP to modify.
pvid - Primary VLAN ID <0-4095>.
active - Indicates the administrative state of the MEP. "true"
indicates that the MEP is to function normally and "false"
that it is to cease functioning.
cci-enable - Indicates if the MEP will generate CCM messages.
ccm-seq-number - Enable or disable CCM sequence number. When enabled, a MEP
transmits CCMs with a sequence number that increments by
one for each CCM. When disabled, a MEP transmits CCMs with
a sequence number set to zero.
name - A name assigned to reference this instance.
csf-enable - Enable or disable CSF. When enabled, a MEP transmits
ETH-CSF when a link failure is detected.
priority - CCM, LTM, and CSF priority.
lowest-alarm-pri - The lowest priority defect alarm that specifies the lowest
priority defect that is allowed to generate a Fault Alarm.
Possible values are: all, macRemErrXconAis, remErrXconAis,
errXconAis, xconAis, ais, or none.
fng-alarm-time - Time that defects must be present before an alarm is
raised (in ms).
fng-reset-time - Time that defects must be absent before resetting an
alarm (in ms).
fault-propagation - Enable or disable EVC fault propagation.
fp-port - Fault propagation port. Indicates toward which port EVC
faults should be propagated.

Revision 1 48
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit Packet Loss

3.69 CFM Edit Packet Loss

cfm edit pkt-loss - Modify packet loss measurement

Modify a packet loss measurement instance. Packet loss measurements are based
on Remote MEP CCM sequence number. Remote MEP should have CCM sequence number
generation enabled to perform packet loss measurements.

cfm edit pkt-loss <pl-index>|<name> {
{enable {yes | no} } |
{reference-period <decimal> } |
{name <string> } |
{threshold <decimal>} |
{threshold-ratio <decimal>} }+

<pl-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<pl-index> - Specifies the packet loss instance to modify.
<name> - Specifies the packet loss instance by name.
enable - Indicates if the configured packet loss measurements are
reference-period - Packet loss reference period in minutes.
name - A name assigned to reference this instance.
threshold - Maximum number allowed of packets lost before raising an
alarm during the reference period.
threshold-ratio - Maximum % of packets lost before issuing an alarm during
the reference period.

Revision 1 49
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Edit SLM

3.70 CFM Edit SLM

cfm edit slm - Edit an SLM instance

Edit an SLM instance.

cfm edit slm <identifier>
{{name <string>} |
{reference-period <decimal>} |
{state <enable | disable>} |
{near-end-threshold <decimal>} |
{far-end-threshold <decimal>} |
{interval <decimal>}}+

<identifier> = <string | decimal >

<identifier> -
A unique identifier for the SLM instance or SLM index.
name -
A unique name to identify an SLM instance.
state -
The state of the instance (Disabled by default).
reference-period -
A reference period over which periodic counters are
evaluated in addition to the monotonic counters.
near-end- threshold - The near-end frame loss threshold. (1 = 0.000001%)
far-end- threshold - The far-end frame loss threshold. (1 = 0.000001%)
interval - The SLM frames transmission rate.

3.71 CFM Edit VSP

cfm edit vsp - Edit the VSP configuration

Edit the VSP configuration.

cfm edit vsp {{meg-level <decimal | all>} |
{state <enable | disable>}}+

state - The state of the instance (disabled by default).
meg-level - The MEG level used.

Revision 1 50
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM LBM

3.72 CFM LBM

cfm lbm - Initiate a CFM loopback request

Initiate a CFM loopback request from a MEP. The MEP is specified by MEP index
or by MEP name. The target address is identified by MAC address or by remote
MEPID. When identifying the target by remote MEPID, the remote MEP MAC address
should be resolved into the remote MEP database. Otherwise, an invalid state
error will be returned.

If the parameters "rmep-id" and "dst-mac-addr" are omitted, a single multicast

LBM is sent without Data TLV. The command waits five seconds for responses and
displays the address of each responder. Otherwise, the loopback is initiated
and the command completes immediately. In the latter case, if the parameter
"data" or "data-length" is provided, the LBM includes a Data TLV. By default,
there is no Data TLV. In both cases, the loopback request status is available

"cfm show mep status <mep-index>"

An active loopback request can be stopped using:

"cfm stop lbm"

cfm lbm {mep-idx <mep-index> | mep-name <name>}
{ {{rmep-id <1-8191>} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>}} |
{nbr-msg <decimal>} |
{interval <100-5000>} |
{vlan-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan-de {enable | disable}} |
{data <string>} |
{data-length <1-1488>}}+

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

mep-index - Specifies the local MEP index from which the loopback request
should be initiated.
mep-name - Specifies the local MEP instance by name from which the
loopback request should be initiated.
rmep-id - Specifies a remote MEP for loopback target.
dst-mac-addr - Specifies a MAC address for loopback target.
nbr-msg - Specifies the amount of loopback messages (LBM) to send.
Default value is 1 message.
interval - Specifies the interval between LBMs in milliseconds.
Default value is 1000.
vlan-priority - Specifies the VLAN priority of LBMs.

Revision 1 51
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM LTM

vlan-de - Specifies the VLAN drop eligible indicator value of LBMs.

data - Specifies a data pattern for LBM Data TLV. By default, the
Data TLV is filled with incremental values.
data-length - Specifies the data length of the LBM Data TLV. By default,
the length of the data parameter value is used.

3.73 CFM LTM

cfm ltm - Initiate a CFM link trace request

Initiate a CFM link trace request from a MEP. The MEP is specified by MEP
index or by MEP name. The target address is identified by MAC address or by
remote MEPID. When identifying the target by remote MEPID, the remote MEP MAC
address should be resolved into the remote MEP database. Otherwise, an invalid
state error will be returned.

In verbose mode, the command waits a few seconds to display replies before
completing. In non verbose mode, the command completes immediately and returns
a link trace transaction identifier. In both cases, the link trace transaction
identifier allows displaying results from recent link traces using the
"cfm show ltr" command.

cfm ltm {{mep-idx <mep-index> | mep-name <name>}
{{rmep-id <1-8191>} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>}} |
{ttl <1-255>} |
{fdb-only <yes | no> } |
{verbose <yes | no>} }+

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

mep-idx - Specifies the local MEP index from which the link trace
request should be initiated.
mep-name - Specifies the local MEP instance by name from which the link
trace request should be initiated.
rmep-id - Specifies a remote MEP for target for the link trace.
dst-mac-addr - Specifies a MAC address for target for the link trace.
ttl - Specifies the link trace time to live.
fdb-only - Specifies whether or not the LTM should set the flag
"UseFDBonly" (IEEE 802.1ag) or the flag "HWonly" (Y.1731).
verbose - Allows verbose mode. Default is non verbose.

Revision 1 52
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show Defaults

3.74 CFM Show Defaults

cfm show defaults - Show CFM defaults parameters

The MHF default parameters control the MHF creation for VIDs that are not
attached to a Maintenance Association. For each port, a VID is attached to an
MA at a specific MD level, if at this level a MEP exist on that port or if an
Up MEP exist on another port.

For a given VID, the default MHF MD level plus the set of Maintenance
Associations that include that VID define the VID's active MD levels. The MD
level at which MHFs could be created on a port for a given VID is the VID's
lowest active MD level that is higher than any MEP configured on that port.
If at this level the VID is attached to an MA, the MA parameters control the
MHF creation. Otherwise, the MHF default parameters control the MHF creation.

cfm show defaults

3.75 CFM Show DMM Configuration

cfm show dmm configuration - Show delay measurement configuration

Display a summary of the configured DMM instances. When an instance identifier
is specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

cfm show dmm configuration [<dmm-index> | <name>]

<dmm-index> - <decimal> Identifies a delay measurement instance.
<name> - <string> Identifies a delay measurement instance by name.

Revision 1 53
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show DMM Result

3.76 CFM Show DMM Result

cfm show dmm result - Show DMM results

Display delay measurements results.

cfm show dmm result [ [<dmm-index> | <name>] {
{ type {historic}} |
{ buckets <0-16>} |
{ period <period-id>}}+ ]

<dmm-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>
<period-id> = <decimal>
<dmm-index> - Specifies the delay measurement instance.
<name> - Specifies the delay measurement instance by name.
type - Type of statistics to display:
Historic: history buckets statistics.
If the number of buckets is not specified, the last 4
buckets will be displayed, starting from the specified
period. If no period is specified, the last available 4
buckets will be displayed.
buckets - Number of DMM buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the DMM history buckets.
Zero for the most recent period available.

3.77 CFM Show Domain Configuration

cfm show domain configuration - Show domain configuration

Display a summary of the configured Maintenance Domain instances. When a
domain index is specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

cfm show domain configuration [<md-index>]

<md-index> = <decimal>

<md-index> - Identifies a Maintenance Domain.

Revision 1 54
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show Latest Error

3.78 CFM Show Latest Error

cfm show latest error - Show latest CFM PDU error

Display data about latest CFM PDU discarded. A CFM PDU can be discarded if it
is malformed or if no maintenance point is associated to it.

cfm show latest error

3.79 CFM Show LTR

cfm show ltr - Show link trace responses

Show link trace responses associated with a recent link trace request.

cfm show ltr {mep-idx <mep-index> | mep-name <name>} [ltm-id <decimal>]

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

mep-idx - Identifies a MEP by MEP index.
mep-name - Identifies a MEP by name.
ltm-id - Link trace transaction identifier. If omitted, the latest
transaction from that MEP is retrieved.

3.80 CFM Show MA Configuration

cfm show ma configuration - Show Maintenance Association configuration

Display a summary of the configured Maintenance Association instances. If an
instance index is specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

cfm show ma configuration [<ma-index>]

<ma-index> = <decimal>

<ma-index> - Identifies a Maintenance Association.

Revision 1 55
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show MEG Configuration

3.81 CFM Show MEG Configuration

cfm show meg configuration - Show MEG configuration

Display a summary of the configured MEG instances. If an instance index is
specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

cfm show meg configuration [<meg-index>]

<meg-index> = <decimal>

<meg-index> - Identifies a MEG.

3.82 CFM Show MEP Configuration

cfm show mep configuration - Show MEP configuration

Display a summary of the configured MEP instances. If an instance identifier
is specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

cfm show mep configuration [<mep-index> | <name>]

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<mep-index> - Identifies a MEP.
<name> - Identifies a MEP instance by name.

Revision 1 56
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show MEP Database

3.83 CFM Show MEP Database

cfm show mep database - Show MEP database

Display a MEP database summary. If an remote MEPID is specified, a detailed
report is displayed.

cfm show mep database <mep-index> | <name> [rmep-id <1-8191>]

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<mep-index> - Identifies a MEP.
<name> - Identifies a MEP instance by name.
rmep-id - Identifies a remote MEPID.

3.84 CFM Show MEP Statistics

cfm show mep statistics - Show MEP statistics

Display a summary of MEP statistics. If an instance identifier is specified,
a detailed statistics report is displayed.

cfm show mep statistics [<mep-index> | <name>]

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<mep-index> - Identifies a MEP.
<name> - Identifies a MEP instance by name.

Revision 1 57
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show MEP Status

3.85 CFM Show MEP Status

cfm show mep status - Show MEP status

Display a summary of MEP status. If an instance identifier is specified, a
detailed status report is displayed.

cfm show mep status [<mep-index> | <name>]

<mep-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<mep-index> - Identifies a MEP.
<name> - Identifies a MEP instance by name.

3.86 CFM Show Packet Loss Configuration

cfm show pkt-loss configuration - Show packet loss measurement configuration

Display a summary of the configured packet loss instances. If an instance
identifier is specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

cfm show pkt-loss configuration [<pl-index> | <name>]

<pl-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>

<pl-index> - Identifies a packet loss instance.
<name> - Identifies a packet loss instance by name.

Revision 1 58
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show Packet Loss Result

3.87 CFM Show Packet Loss Result

cfm show pkt-loss result - Show Packet Loss results

Display Lacket Loss measurement results.

cfm show pkt-loss result [ [<pl-index> | <name>] {
{ type {historic}} |
{ buckets <0-16>} |
{ period <period-id>}}+ ]

<pl-index> = <decimal>
<name> = <string>
<period-id> = <decimal>
<pl-index> - Specifies the packet loss instance.
<name> - Specifies the packet loss instance by name.
type - Type of statistics to display:
Historic: history buckets statistics.
If the number of buckets is not specified, the last 4
buckets will be displayed, starting from the specified
period. If no period is specified, the last available 4
buckets will be displayed.
buckets - Number of PL buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the PL history buckets.
Zero for the most recent period available.

3.88 CFM Show SLM Configuration

cfm show slm configuration - Display SLM configuration

Display SLM configuration. If an instance identifier is specified, a detailed
configuration report is displayed for the specified instance. Otherwise, a
configuration summary for all instances is displayed.

cfm show slm configuration [<identifier>]

<identifier> = <string | decimal>

<identifier> - An optional instance name or index to display.

Revision 1 59
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show SLM Result

3.89 CFM Show SLM Result

cfm show slm result - Display SLM results

Display SLM counters. If an instance name or index is specified, detailed
counters are displayed for the specified instance. Otherwise, a summary of all
available counters for all instances are displayed.

cfm show slm result [<identifier> [type {continuous | periodic|
historic} {bucket | period} <decimal>]]

<identifier> = <string | decimal>

<identifier> - An optional instance name or index to display.
type - Type of statistics to display.
Historic: history buckets statistics.
If the number of buckets is not specified, the last 4
buckets will be displayed, starting from the specified
period. If no period is specified, the last available 4
buckets will be displayed.
buckets - Number of SLM buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the SLM history buckets.
Zero for the most recent period available.

3.90 CFM Show Stack

cfm show stack - Show CFM stack

Display the CFM stack summary information.

cfm show stack

3.91 CFM Show Statistics

cfm show statistics - Show CFM statistics

Display global CFM statistics.

cfm show statistics

Revision 1 60
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CFM Show VSP Configuration

3.92 CFM Show VSP Configuration

cfm show vsp configuration - Display VSP configuration

Display VSP configuration.

cfm show vsp configuration

3.93 CFM Show VSP Result

cfm show vsp results - Display VSP results

Display VSP results.

cfm show vsp result

3.94 CFM Stop LBM

cfm stop lbm - Stop CFM loopback requests

Stops all active CFM loopback request.

cfm stop lbm

Revision 1 61
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Configuration Cancel

3.95 Configuration Cancel

configuration cancel - Revert the rollback or factory default request

The configuration cancel command also allows you to cancel
the latest request to rollback or factory default the current

configuration cancel

3.96 Configuration Changes

configuration changes - Display amount of configuration changes

The configuration changes command allows you to see the
number of configuration changes that took place since the
system is up.

configuration changes

Revision 1 62
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Configuration Export/Import/Reset/Rollback/Cancel

3.97 Configuration Export/Import/Reset/Rollback/Cancel

configuration export - Export unit configuration
configuration import - Import unit configuration
configuration reset - Perform a factory configuration reset
configuration rollback - Rollback to configuration at boot time
configuration cancel - Revert last request to rollback or factory default
the configuration.

The configuration command allows you to export the existing unit configuration
to a file or to import a previously exported configuration file. When
importing a configuration file, it must be a configuration file that was
previously exported from the same unit type.

This command also allows exporting/importing from the screen. Typing

"configuration export" without any parameter will dump the configuration file
to the stdout. In this same manner, importing a configuration file from stdin
can be performed. This is useful when a TFTP, FTP, or HTTP server is not
available for hosting.

The configuration command also allows you to reset your current configuration
to the factory default settings.

The configuration rollback command also allows you to reset your current
configuration to the same state as the last time it was booted.

The configuration cancel command also allows you to cancel the latest request
to rollback or factory default the current configuration.

configuration {import | export}
[{ ftp | ftps | http |
https | sftp | tftp }://[<user-name>:<password>@]<url>]
configuration reset
configuration rollback
configuration cancel

configuration import
configuration import
configuration export ftps://
configuration export s

<user-name> - <string>
<password> - <string>

Revision 1 63
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Configuration Generate-Script

3.98 Configuration Generate-Script

configuration generate-script - Generate unit configuration in CLI format.

The configuration command allows you to export the existing unit configuration
in a CLI-importable format either on screen or to an external server.

configuration generate-script
{module <cli-cmd-names> }
{export-to-server [{ ftp | ftps | http |
https | sftp | tftp }

<cli-cmd-names> = <cli-cmd-name>[,<cli-cmd-name>]+

cli-cmd-name - A CLI command whose configuration should be generated.
It is possible to specify many commands.
Alternatively, if no command is specified, all
configuration will be generated.
<user-name> - <string>
<password> - <string>

configuration generate-script module port,interface,soam export-to-server

Revision 1 64
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Configuration Import

3.99 Configuration Import

configuration import - Import system configuration

The configuration import command allows to import a configuration file that
was previously exported from a unit of the same type.

configuration import
{http | tftp | ftp | sftp}://[<user-name>:<password>@]<url>

configuration import
configuration import

<user-name> - <string>
<password> - <string>

3.100 Configuration Reset

configuration reset - Reset configuration to factory defaults

The configuration reset command also allows you to reset your current
configuration to the factory default settings.

configuration reset

3.101 Configuration Rollback

configuration rollback- Reset Configuration to previous state

The configuration rollback command also allows you to reset your
current configuration to the same state as the last time it was

configuration rollback

Revision 1 65
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Console Disable

3.102 Console Disable

console disable - Disable CLI on the serial console

Disable CLI on the serial console.

console disable

3.103 Console Enable

console enable - Enable CLI on the serial console

Enable CLI on the serial console.

console enable

3.104 Console Show

console show - Show serial console configuration

Show serial console configuration.

console show

Revision 1 66
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide COS Profile Add/Edit DSCP

3.105 COS Profile Add/Edit DSCP

cos-profile add dscp - Add a DSCP CoS profile configuration
cos-profile edit dscp - Change a DSCP profile configuration

With these commands, you can create a new DSCP CoS profile or change the
parameters of an existing DSCP CoS profile.

cos-profile {add|edit} dscp <cos-profile-name> {
{name <cos-profile-name>} |
{encode-dei {enable | disable} } |
{input-list {<0-63> [,|- <0-63>]}+ } |
{pre-marking {green | yellow} } |
{green-out <0-7> } |
{yellow-out <0-7> } |
{default-pre-marking {green | yellow} } |
{default-green-out <0-7> } |
{default-yellow-out <0-7> }}+

<cos-profile-name> - <string>
name - New name when editing an exiting profile.
encode-dei - Set DEI bit to 1 if the outgoing frame color is yellow.
input-list - A comma-separated list of DSCP or DSCP range (x-y)
pre-marking - Pre-marking color to be applied to frames if the input
DSCP is in input-list.
green-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
green and the input DSCP is in input-list.
yellow-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
yellow and the input DSCP is in input-list.
default-pre-marking - Pre-marking color to be used for all frames if the
input DSCP is not in input-list.
default-green-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
green and the input DSCP is NOT in input-list.
default-yellow-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
yellow and the input DSCP is NOT in input-list.

Note: If input-list is omitted, the default-* parameters interpret the

input-list as a 0-63 range.

Revision 1 67
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide COS Profile Add/Edit PCP

3.106 COS Profile Add/Edit PCP

cos-profile add pcp - Add a PCP CoS profile configuration
cos-profile edit pcp - Change an PCP profile configuration

With these commands, you can create a new PCP CoS profile or change the
parameters of an existing PCP CoS profile.

cos-profile {add|edit} pcp <cos-profile-name> {
{name <cos-profile-name>} |
{decode-dei {enable | disable} } |
{encode-dei {enable | disable} } |
{input-list {<0-7> [,|- <0-7>]}+ } |
{pre-marking {green | yellow} } |
{green-out <0-7> } |
{yellow-out <0-7> } |
{default-pre-marking {green | yellow} } |
{default-green-out <0-7> } |
{default-yellow-out <0-7> }}+

<cos-profile-name> - <string>
name - New name when editing an existing profile.
decode-dei - Use incoming DEI as a pre-marking color (0=green,
encode-dei - Set DEI bit to 1 if the outgoing frame color is yellow.
input-list - A comma-separated list of IP precedence or IP
precedence range (x-y) values.
pre-marking - Pre-marking color to be applied to frames if the input
PCP is in input-list.
green-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
green and the input PCP is in input-list.
yellow-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
yellow and theinput PCP is in input-list.
default-pre-marking - Pre-marking color to be used for all frames if the
input PCP is not in input-list.
default-green-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
green and the input PCP is NOT in input-list.
default-yellow-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
yellow and the input PCP is NOT in input-list.

Note: If input-list is omitted, the default-* parameters interpret the

input-list as a 0-7 range.

Revision 1 68
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide COS Profile Add/Edit Precedence

3.107 COS Profile Add/Edit Precedence

cos-profile add precedence - Add an IP precedence CoS profile configuration
cos-profile edit precedence - Change an IP precedence profile configuration

With these commands, you can create a new IP precedence CoS profile or change
the parameters of an existing IP precedence CoS profile.

cos-profile {add|edit} precedence <cos-profile-name> {
{name <cos-profile-name>} |
{encode-dei {enable | disable} } |
{input-list {<0-7> [,|- <0-7>]}+ } |
{pre-marking {green | yellow} } |
{green-out <0-7> } |
{yellow-out <0-7> } |
{default-pre-marking {green | yellow} } |
{default-green-out <0-7> } |
{default-yellow-out <0-7> }}+

<cos-profile-name> - <string>
name - New name when editing an existing profile.
encode-dei - Set DEI bit to 1 if the outgoing frame color is yellow.
input-list - A comma-separated list of IP precedence or IP
precedence range (x-y) values.
pre-marking - Pre-marking color to be applied to frames if the
input IP precedence is in input-list.
green-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
green and the input IP precedence is in input-list.
yellow-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
yellow and the input IP precedence is in input-list.
default-pre-marking - Pre-marking color to be used for all frames if the
input IP precedence is not in input-list.
default-green-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing frame color is
green and the input IP precedence is NOT in input-list.
default-yellow-out - PCP value to be used if the outgoing packet color is
yellow and the input IP precedence is NOT in

Note: If input-list is omitted, the default-* parameters interpret the

input-list as a 0-7 range.

Revision 1 69
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide COS Profile Delete

3.108 COS Profile Delete

cos-profile delete - Delete the specified CoS profile

Delete the specified CoS profile.

cos-profile delete <cos-profile-name>

<cos-profile-name> - <string>

3.109 COS Profile Show Configuration

cos-profile show configuration - Show CoS profile configuration

Displays CoS profile configuration. Specifying a profile name will display a
detailed configuration for this profile. Otherwise, a configuration summary
for all CoS profiles will be displayed.

cos-profile show configuration [<cos-profile-name>]

<cos-profile-name> - <string>

Revision 1 70
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide CPU Edit OAM Options

3.110 CPU Edit OAM Options

cpu edit oam-options - Edit CPU OAM options

The CPU OAM options modify the criterion used to submit various frames
to the CPU for processing. These options are configurable per port.

cpu edit oam-options <port-name>
{mgmt-mode {auto|mac-oui|policy}}

<port-name> = <string>

<port-name> - A system port name to which these options apply.
mgmt-mode - This parameter modifies the method used to select multicast and
broadcast frames required by system management interfaces, such
ARP and NDP, that are submitted to the CPU.
- auto : The system determines automatically the best
policies to apply based on system interface
configuration and hardware filtering resources.
- mac-oui: Only frames with a source MAC address containing
a NID's MAC OUI are submitted to the CPU.
- policy : No broadcast nor multicast frames are selected by
default for this port. The user is responsible to
configure policies with the action “mgmt-oam”,
“mgmt-oam-drop” or “mgmt-oam-fwd” required by system
network interfaces configured on the specified port.

Note: Using mgmt-mode auto or mac-oui does not preclude configuring policies
with one of the mgmt-oam actions listed above.

3.111 CPU Show OAM Options

cpu show oam-options - Shows CPU OAM options

Shows the configuration of CPU OAM options. The CPU OAM options modify the
criterion used to submit various frames to the CPU for processing. These
options are configurable per port.

cpu show oam-options [<port-name>]

<port-name> = <string>

<port-name> - A system port name.

Revision 1 71
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Date

3.112 Date
date - Print or set the system date and time


Same as the Unix date command. Display the current time in the given FORMAT
or set the system date.

date {option}... {MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]} { '+format' }

-d - Print the specified date.
-R - Output RFC-2822 compliant date string.
-s - Set the current date to the specified date.
-u - Print or set Coordinated Universal Time.

format - Choose the output of date.

%% a literal %
%a locale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)
%A locale's full weekday name, variable length (Sunday..Saturday)
%b locale's abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)
%B locale's full month name, variable length (January..December)
%c locale's date and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989)
%C century (year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer) [00-99]
%d day of month (01..31)
%D date (mm/dd/yy)
%e day of month, blank padded ( 1..31)
%F same as %Y-%m-%d
%g the 2-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
%G the 4-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
%h same as %b
%H hour (00..23)
%I hour (01..12)
%j day of year (001..366)
%k hour ( 0..23)
%l hour ( 1..12)
%m month (01..12)
%M minute (00..59)
%n a newline
%N nanoseconds (000000000..999999999)
%p locale's upper case AM or PM indicator (blank in many locales)
%P locale's lower case am or pm indicator (blank in many locales)
%r time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M)
%R time, 24-hour (hh:mm)
%s seconds since `00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC' (a GNU extension)
%S second (00..60); the 60 is necessary to accommodate a leap second
%t a horizontal tab

Revision 1 72
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide DNS Disable

%T time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)

%u day of week (1..7); 1 represents Monday
%U week number of year with Sunday as first day of week (00..53)
%V week number of year with Monday as first day of week (01..53)
%w day of week (0..6); 0 represents Sunday
%W week number of year with Monday as first day of week (00..53)
%x locale's date representation (mm/dd/yy)
%X locale's time representation (%H:%M:%S)
%y last two digits of year (00..99)
%Y year (1970...)
%z RFC-2822 style numeric timezone (-0500) (a nonstandard extension)
%Z time zone (e.g., EDT), or nothing if no time zone is determinable

set the date to December 1st 2006,15:48PM : date -s 120115482006
show the current day only : date '+%d'

3.113 DNS Disable

dns disable - Disable the DNS service

dns disable allows you to stop using the server for the DNS service.

dns disable

Revision 1 73
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide DNS Edit

3.114 DNS Edit

dns edit - Change the DNS configuration

dns edit allows you to choose the server and the interface to use for the DNS

dns edit [ {dhcp {enable <interface-name> | disable}} |
{domain <string>} |
{hostname <string>} |
{dhcp-hostname <string>} |
{dhcp-hostname-option <custom|serial-number|current>}
{dhcp-client-id <string>} |
{server1 <ip-addr>} |
{server2 <ip-addr>} ]+

<interface-name> - <string>
dhcp - Enable/disable use of DNS settings obtained via DHCP.
<interface-name> specifies the interface to use for
obtaining DHCP information.
domain - The domain name associated with the DNS.
hostname - The name of the unit.
dhcp-client-id - The DHCP client identifier (option 61). An empty
string forces MAC address as client ID.
dhcp-hostname - The DHCP client custom host name (option 12) to use
when selecting custom dhcp-hostname-option.
dhcp-hostname-option - The DHCP hostname option to set on the DHCP client.
server1 - The first DNS address used if no DHCP server set.
server2 - The second DNS address used if no DHCP server set.

3.115 DNS Show

dns show - Show the DNS configuration

Show the DNS configuration

The "Domain", "DNS server 1" and "DNS server 2" fields are only used if
"Use DHCP result" is set to Disabled.

dns show

Revision 1 74
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Dry-Contact-Input Edit

3.116 Dry-Contact-Input Edit

dry-contact-input edit - Change dry-contact configuration

With dry-contact-input edit, you can change the parameters of one of the
available dry-contact input.

dry-contact-input edit <id> {
{state {enable|disable}} |
{normal-state {close|open}} |
{sampling-period <100-1000>} }+

<id> - <decimal>
state - Enable/disable the use of the dry-contact input. When
enabled, the alarm point for this input are created and
the input is monitored according to the following monitoring
normal-state - Selects the normal state of the input. An alarm is raised,
when the input state is different from the normal state for
more than 3 consecutives samples. The input sampling rate
is determined by the value of the input sampling period.
sampling-period - Determines the time, in milliseconds, between two
consecutive readings of the input state. The values must be
specified within the range of 100 and 1000 milliseconds in
steps of 100 milliseconds.

3.117 Dry-Contact-Input Show Configuration

dry-contact-input show configuration - Show dry-contact configuration

Display all configuration parameters of the available dry-contact input.

dry-contact-input show configuration

3.118 Dry-Contact-Input Show Status

dry-contact-input show status - Show dry-contact status

Display status of the available dry-contact input.

dry-contact-input show status

Revision 1 75
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Exit/Quit

3.119 Exit/Quit
exit - Logout of the CLI
quit - Logout of the CLI

Logout of the CLI.


3.120 Fault Propagation Edit

fault-propagation edit - Modify port fault propagation options

When fault propagation is enabled for a port, its link status (up or down)
depends on the opposite port status or EVC status. Fault propagation could
be based on link status only, or link status and EVC status.

In link status only operation mode, a link down on the opposite port is
propagated to the specified port. Link status fault propagation is allowed
in both direction. It can be enabled on a port and its opposite port.

In EVC status operation mode, the status of PAA probe(s) and/or CFM MEP(s)
are propagated to the specified port. At least one PAA probe or CFM MEP
should be free of connectivity error to enable the specified port. If there
is no PAA probe and no CFM MEP configured in EVC fault propagation mode for
the specified port, that port will stay down. When enabled for a port, fault
propagation should be disabled on opposite port.

fault-propagation edit <port-name> {
{state <enable | disable> }
{mode <evc | link> }
{fp-port <fp-port-name> }}+

<port-name> - Port to which these options apply.
state - Enable or disable fault propagation for the specified port.
mode - Fault propagation operation mode.
fp-port - Port from witch the fault is to be propagated.

Revision 1 76
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Fault Propagation Enable/Disable

3.121 Fault Propagation Enable/Disable

fault-propagation enable - Enable fault propagation for a port
fault-propagation disable - Disable fault propagation for a port

When fault propagation is enabled for a port, a link down on the opposite port
will be propagated to that port.

These commands are deprecated and have been kept for backward compatibility
purpose. The command "fault-propagation edit" should be used instead.

fault-propagation {enable | disable} {<port-name>}

3.122 Fault Propagation Show

fault-propagation show - Show fault propagation configuration

Show fault propagation configuration.

fault-propagation show [<port-name>]

3.123 Filter Delete IPv4

filter delete ipv4 - Delete the specified IPv4 filter

filter delete ipv4 will delete the specified IPv4 filter.

filter delete ipv4 <filter-name>

<filter-name> - <string>

Revision 1 77
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Filter Delete L2

3.124 Filter Delete L2

filter delete l2 - Delete the specified Layer 2 filter

filter delete l2 will delete the specified Layer 2 filter.

filter delete l2 <filter-name>

<filter-name> - <string>

3.125 Filter Add/Edit IPv4

filter add ipv4 - Add an IPv4 filter configuration
filter edit ipv4 - Change an IPv4 filter configuration

With these commands, you can create a new filter or change the parameters of
an existing filter instance.

filter {add|edit} ipv4 <filter-name> {
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr> {disable | enable} } |
{dst-ipv4-mask <ip-addr>} |
{src-ipv4-addr <ip-addr> {disable | enable} } |
{src-ipv4-mask <ip-addr>} |
{protocol <0-255> {disable | enable}} |
{header-length <0-15> {disable | enable}} |
{ttl <0-255> {disable | enable}} |
{ip-cos-mode {dscp-mode | precedence-mode}} |
{dscp <0-63> {disable | enable}} |
{dscp-last <0-63> {disable | enable}} |
{dscp-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{precedence <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{precedence-last <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{precedence-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{ecn <0-3> {disable | enable}} |
{icmp-type <0-255> {disable | enable}} |
{icmp-code <0-255> {disable | enable}} |
{destination-port <0-65535> {disable | enable}} |
{source-port <0-65535> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-id-last <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-id-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |

Revision 1 78
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Filter Add/Edit IPv4

{vlan2-id-last <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |

{vlan2-id-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7> {disable | enable} } |
{vlan1-priority-last <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-priority-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-priority-last <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-priority-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan1-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan | both | disable}} |
{vlan2-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan | both | disable}} }+

<filter-name> - <string>
disable | enable - To enable or disable the field in the check.
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
dst-ipv4-mask - Wildcard mask to be applied to the IPv4 destination
address. Valid mask are prefix from 0 to 32 bits
(ex. -
src-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 source address.
src-ipv4-mask - Wildcard mask to be applied to the IPv4 destination
address. Valid mask are prefix from 0 to 32 bits
(ex. -
protocol - Layer 4 protocol value (0 - 255).
header-length - IPv4 header length in 32bit units (5 - 15).
ttl - IPv4 time to live value (0 - 255).
icmp-type - ICMP type (0 - 255).
icmp-code - ICMP code (0 - 255).
destination-port - Destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
source-port - Source port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
ip-qos-mode - Choose between DSCP (RFC2474) or precedence (RFC791).
intrepretation for the IP TOS field.
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
dscp-last - The last DSCP value, used in range operation.
dscp-oper - Diff-Serv CodePoint operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
precedence - The Precedence value (0 - 7).
precedence-last - The last Precedence value, used in range operation.
precedence-oper - Precedence field operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
ecn - Explicit Congestion Notification value (0 - 3).
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-id-last - First VLAN ID last value, used in range operation.
vlan1-id-oper - First VLAN ID operator. Valid operator type are: gt
(greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan2-id-last - Second VLAN ID last value, used in range operation.
vlan2-id-oper - Second VLAN ID operator. Valid operator type are: gt

Revision 1 79
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Filter Add/Edit L2

(greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range

(inclusive range).
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority can vary between 0 and 7.
vlan1-priority-last - First VLAN priority last value, used in range operation.
vlan1-priority-oper - First VLAN priority operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority can vary between 0 and 7.
vlan2-priority-last - Second VLAN priority last value, used in range
vlan2-priority-oper - Second VLAN priority operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan1-ethertype - First VLAN Ethertype, The Ethernet type identifies the
following VLAN if we expect a C-VLAN an S-VLAN or if
we accept both.
vlan2-ethertype - Second VLAN Ethertype, The Ethernet type identifies the
following VLAN if we expect a C-VLAN an S-VLAN or if
we accept both.

3.126 Filter Add/Edit L2

filter add l2 - Add a Layer 2 filter configuration
filter edit l2 - Change a Layer 2 filter configuration

With these commands, you can create a new filter or change the parameters of
an existing filter instance.

filter {add|edit} l2 <filter-name> {
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr> {disable | enable} } |
{dst-mac-mask <mac-addr>} |
{src-mac-addr <mac-addr> {disable | enable} } |
{src-mac-mask <mac-addr>} |
{ethertype <0-65535> {disable | enable} } |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-id-last <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-id-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-id-last <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-id-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-priority-last <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan1-priority-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-priority-last <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{vlan2-priority-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}}
{vlan1-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan | both | disable}} |

Revision 1 80
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Filter Add/Edit L2

{vlan2-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan | both | disable}} |

{ip-cos-mode {dscp-mode | precedence-mode}} |
{dscp <0-63> {disable | enable}} |
{dscp-last <0-63> {disable | enable}} |
{dscp-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} |
{precedence <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{precedence-last <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{precedence-oper {lt | gt | eq | range}} }+

<filter-name> - <string>
disable | enable - To enable or disable the field in the check.
dst-mac-addr - Ethernet MAC destination address.
dst-mac-mask - Wildcard mask to be applied to the MAC destination
address. Valid mask is a prefix of 16, 24, 25, 45, 48,
or multicast bits (ex. FF:FF:00:00:00:00,
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, 01:00:00:00:00:00).
src-mac-addr - Ethernet MAC source address.
src-mac-mask - Wildcard mask to be applied to the MAC source address.
Valid mask is a prefix of 16, 24, 25, 45, 48, or
multicast bits (ex. FF:FF:00:00:00:00,
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, 01:00:00:00:00:00).
ethertype - The Encapsulated Ethernet type identifies the 16-bit
sub-protocol label field or the original IEEE 802.3
length field.
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-id-last - First VLAN ID last value, used in range operation.
vlan1-id-oper - First VLAN ID operator. Valid operator type are: gt
(greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan2-id-last - Second VLAN ID last value, used in range operation.
vlan2-id-oper - Second VLAN ID operator. Valid operator type are: gt
(greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority can vary between 0 and 7.
vlan1-priority-last - First VLAN priority last value, used in range operation.
vlan1-priority-oper - First VLAN priority operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority can vary between 0 and 7.
vlan2-priority-last - Second VLAN priority last value, used in range
vlan2-priority-oper - Second VLAN priority operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
vlan1-ethertype - First VLAN Ethertype, The Ethernet type identifies the
following VLAN if we expect a C-VLAN an S-VLAN or if
we accept both.
vlan2-ethertype - Second VLAN Ethertype, The Ethernet type identifies the

Revision 1 81
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Filter Show

following VLAN if we expect a C-VLAN an S-VLAN or if

we accept both.
ip-qos-mode - Choose between DSCP (RFC2474) or precedence (RFC791)
intrepretation for the IP TOS field.
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
dscp-last - The last DSCP value, used in range operation.
dscp-oper - Diff-Serv CodePoint operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).
precedence - The Precedence value (0 - 7).
precedence-last - The last Precedence value, used in range operation.
precedence-oper - Precedence field operator. Valid operator type are:
gt (greater than), lt (less than), eq (equal) or range
(inclusive range).

3.127 Filter Show

filter show - Show filter configuration

This command displays a filter configuration. Specifying a filter name
provides detailed configuration about this filter. Otherwise, the command
displays summary configuration for all filters.

filter show {l2 | ipv4} [<filter-name>]

<filter-name> - <string>

3.128 Firmware Activate

firmware activate - Activate the downloaded firmware file

Use this command to activate the firmware file that was previously
downloaded to the flash. Once it is activated, the unit will reboot.

firmware activate

Revision 1 82
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Firmware Clear Download

3.129 Firmware Clear Download

firmware clear-download - Clear the downloaded firmware file

Use this command to delete the previously-downloaded firmware file from the
flash memory.

firmware clear-download

3.130 Firmware Download

firmware download - Download a firmware file to the unit

Use this command to download a different firmware file to the unit for
activation at a later date. The unit's rollback firmware version (if any)
is overwritten.

firmware download
{ftp | ftps | http | https | sftp | tftp}://[<user-name>:<password>@]<url>

firmware download
firmware download
firmware download ftps://
firmware download s

<user-name> - <string>
<password> - <string>

Revision 1 83
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Firmware Rollback

3.131 Firmware Rollback

firmware rollback - Roll back the unit's firmware to an alternate version

Use this command to revert the unit's firmware and configuration values
back to the previous version.

- Firmware prior to version 4.0 cannot be rolled back.
- The firmware on a unit that has been factory reset cannot be rolled back
(the rollback version is unavailable).
- If a firmware file has been downloaded as part of a two-step firmware
upgrade, the rollback version is no longer available.

firmware rollback

3.132 Firmware Upgrade

firmware upgrade - Perform a firmware upgrade

Use this command to upgrade the unit to a different firmware version.

firmware upgrade
{ftp | ftps | http | https | sftp | tftp}://[<user-name>:<password>@]<url>

firmware upgrade
firmware upgrade
firmware upgrade ftps://
firmware upgrade s

<user-name> - <string>
<password> - <string>

Revision 1 84
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Firmware Version

3.133 Firmware Version

firmware version - Display the unit's firmware inventory

Use this command to display the unit's current firmware version,
as well as the rollback version or downloaded version (if any).

firmware version

3.134 GPS Edit

gps edit - Edit GPS settings

Configure the GPS receiver settings.

gps {edit} { { state { enable | disable } } |

state - Enable or disable GPS synchronization.

3.135 GPS Show Configuration

gps show configuration - Show GPS configuration

Display the state of the GPS, whether it is enabled or not.

gps show configuration

3.136 GPS Show Status

gps show status - Show the status of the GPS

Show the status of the GPS.

gps show status

Revision 1 85
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Help

3.137 Help
help - Help will help you with commands you are not familiar with.

help <command>

<command> - <string>

3.138 History Edit File

history edit file - Change the report file generation parameters

history edit file allows to change parameters used to generate and upload the
report files to a remote server.

history edit file {
{period-mode {new | fixed | all}} |
{local-periods <1-672>} |
{include-disabled {enabled | disabled }} |
{include-previous {enabled | disabled }} |
{url <url>} }+

period-mode - Selects the mode in which the periods are retrieved to
generate a report file.
new: only the periods since the last report.
fixed: fixed number of periods.
all: all available periods.
local-periods - Specifies the number of local periods to process in fixed
include-disabled - Specifies if the report should include the
statistics for disabled objects.
include-previous - Specifies if the report should include the periods
included in a previous aborted file transfer. This is
only used if period-mode is "new".
url - URL to reach the server and directory e.g.
scp-password - Password used for SCP and SFTP transfers.

Revision 1 86
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide History Edit Local

3.139 History Edit Local

history edit local - Change the local history parameters

With history local edit, you can change the parameters of the history buckets

history edit local {
{paa-state {disable | enable}} |
{paa-filing {disable | enable}} |
{paa-period <1-60>} |
{policy-state {disable | enable}} |
{policy-filing {disable | enable}} |
{policy-period <1-60>} |
{regulator-state {disable | enable}} |
{regulator-filing {disable | enable}} |
{regulator-period <1-60>}
{soamdmm-state {disable | enable}} |
{soamdmm-filing {disable | enable}} |
{soamdmm-period <1-60>}
{soampl-state {disable | enable}} |
{soampl-filing {disable | enable}} |
{soampl-period <1-60>} |
{soamsa-state {disable | enable}} |
{soamsa-filing {disable | enable}} |
{soamsa-period <1-60>} |
{soamsametric-state {disable | enable}} |
{soamsametric-filing {disable | enable}} |
{soamsametric-period <1-60>} |
{soamslm-state {disable | enable}} |
{soamslm-filing {disable | enable}} |
{soamslm-period <1-60>} |
{port-state {disable | enable}} |
{port-filing {disable | enable}} |
{port-period <1-60>}}+

paa-state - Enable or disable PAA history.
paa-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the PAA history buckets.
paa-period - Reference period for the PAA history buckets.
policy-state - Enable or disable policy history.
policy-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the policy history
policy-period - Reference period for the policy history buckets.
regulator-state - Enable or disable regulator history.
regulator-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the regulator history
regulator-period - Reference period for the regulator history buckets.
soamdmm-state - Enable or disable SOAM DMM history.

Revision 1 87
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide History Edit Local

soamdmm-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the SOAM DMM history

soamdmm-period - Reference period for the SOAM DMM history buckets.
soampl-state - Enable or disable SOAM PL history.
soampl-filing - Enable the filesystem storage of the SOAM PL history
soampl-period - Reference period for the SOAM PL history buckets.
soamsa-state - Enable or disable SOAM Service Availability history.
soamsa-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the SOAM Service
Availability history buckets.
soamsa-period - Reference period for the SOAM Service Availability
service history buckets.
soamsametric-state - Enable or disable SOAM Service Availability metrics
soamsametric-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the SOAM Service
Availability metrics history buckets.
soamsametric-period - Reference period for the SOAM Service Availability
metric history buckets.
soamslm-state - Enable or disable SOAM SLM history.
soamslm-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the SOAM SLM history
soamslm-period - Reference period for the SOAM SLM history buckets.
port-state - Enable or disable port history.
port-filing - Enable filesystem storage of the port history
port-period - Reference period for the port history buckets.

Revision 1 88
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide History Edit Scheduling

3.140 History Edit Scheduling

history edit scheduling - Modify scheduling parameters

With the history edit scheduling command, you can modify how reporting
history bucket data is scheduled.

history edit scheduling {
{local-state {disable | enable}} |
{local-hours {<hour-value>}+} |
{local-minutes {<minutes-value>}+} |
{local-offset <0-(local-period - 1)>} |
{local-random-offset <0-900>} |
{local-period <5|10|15|20|30|60>}|
{local-mode <hourly|periodic>}}+

local-state - Enables or disables the scheduling mechanism on the
local device.
local-hours - Sets the hour(s) at which the local statistics are
reported {00H00|01H00|02H00 ...}.
local-minutes - When in hourly mode, sets the minute(s) at which the
local statistics are reported with 15-minute.
granularity {00H00|00H15|00H30|00h45}.
local-offset - Sets the offset to add to the local-minutes.
Adding an offset spreads out the load on the file
servers by distributing the upload moments over time.
local-random-offset - Randomly generates an extra offset between 0 and the
specified value that is added to the local offset.
Expressed in seconds.
local-period - When in periodic mode, the period at which the local
statistics are retrieved. Similar to local-minutes,
but statistics are reported every local-period
minutes for the selected local-hours.
When in hourly mode, this parameter is ignored and
the value of local-period is 15 minutes.
local-mode - Sets either periodic or hourly mode. In periodic
mode, the minutes that trigger statistics reporting
are set using local-period; whereas in hourly mode,
the minutes that trigger statistics reporting are set
using local-minutes.

Revision 1 89
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide History Show File

3.141 History Show File

history show file - Show the report file generation parameters

history show file displays the report file generation configuration

history show file

3.142 History Show Local

history show local - Show the local history parameters

history show local displays the local history configuration parameters.

history show local

3.143 History Show Scheduling

history show scheduling - Show the scheduling parameters

history show scheduling displays the scheduling configuration parameters.

history show scheduling

Revision 1 90
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Add/Edit

3.144 Interface Add/Edit

interface add - Add a new interface
interface edit - Edit an existing interface attributes

Configure an IP interface for management purpose. Interfaces can be set to
to acquire their IP configuration from a DHCP server or can be manually
configured with a static IP. The subnet can be defined using the Address
Prefix Length along with the IP (e.g. or by entering the
network mask using the netmask keyword.

- IPv4 aliases: Interfaces can be configured for dual-homing by
specifying an alias name instead of an interface name. Currently only
an alias ID of 0 (zero) can be defined. When specifying an alias, only
the address, netmask and gateway parameters can be configured. An aliased
interface is always set up as a static IP address (no DHCP) and is on a
distinct interface.

interface {add|edit} <interface-name>|<alias-name>
{ {name <interface-name>|<alias-name>} |
{dhcp {enable|disable}} |
{dhcp-rt-info {enable|disable}} |
{dhcp-static {enable|disable}} |
{address {<ip-addr>|<ip-addr-prefix>}} |
{netmask {<ip-addr>}} |
{gateway {<ip-addr>}} |
{vlan1-id <vlan-id>} |
{vlan2-id <vlan-id>} |
{vlan1-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{vlan2-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7>} |
{type {standard|vlan|bridge|vlan-in-vlan|bridge-vlan}} |
{name <interface-name> } |
{port <port-name> } |
{sub-intf <sub-intf-name-list> } |
{ip-override {enable|disable} } |
{force {enable|disable} } |
{state {enable|disable} } |
{stp {enable|disable} } |
{bridge-intf <interface-name>} +

<interface-name> - <string>
<alias-name> - <string>:0
<ip-addr-prefix> - <ip-addr>/{1-32}
<vlan-id> - <decimal>
<port-name-list> - <string> [, <string>]*

Revision 1 91
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Add/Edit

name - Interface or alias name

dhcp - Enable or disable DHCP
dhcp-rt-info - Use routing information learned via DHCP
dhcp-static - Note: This option can only be used when DHCP is enabled.
Use static IP until an address is resolved by DHCP.
Invalid on Auto interface.
address - Static interface IP address
netmask - Interface network mask for static IP address
gateway - A default gateway address provides a shortcut to creating
a default gateway through the route configuration.
Only one default gateway can be set per unit.
type - Interface type
vlan1-id - VLAN ID for VLAN interface type (1 - 4094)
vlan2-id - VLAN ID used when VLAN-in-VLAN type is chosen (1 - 4094)
vlan1-ethertype - Ethertype used in the VLAN tag (C-VLAN or S-VLAN)
vlan2-ethertype - Ethertype used in the VLAN-in-VLAN (.1q in .1q) tag
vlan1-priority - Set VLAN priority
vlan2-priority - Set VLAN priority in the VLAN-in-VLAN (.1q in .1q) tag
port - Interface port
sub-intf - Sub-interface list for bridge interface
ip-override - Used on a bridge interface, to clear IP address of all
sub-interfaces to
force - Used to force a change to the interface that the user is
currently logged into.
state - Enable or disable the interface.
stp - Enable or disable Spanning-Tree Protocol
bridge-intf - The bridge interface to be associated with the Bridge VLAN.
This is only available on interfaces of type bridge-vlan.

Revision 1 92
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Advertisement Edit

3.145 Interface Advertisement Edit

interface advertisement edit - Edit an existing advertisement instance

Configure an advertisement instance on the interface for management purpose.
An advertisement instance may be configured to send interface information
to another system for inventory purposes. The advertisement instance is
coupled with the interface of the same name, so any change to the interface
name or port will affect the advertisement instance.

interface {edit} <advertisement-name> { {state {enable|disable}} |
{ip-state {enable|disable}} |
{ip-address <IPv4 address>} |
{rate <transmission rate>} |
{format {ACP} |
{use-beacon-rate {enable|disable} }}+

<advertisement-name> - <string>
state - Enable or disable layer-2 advertisement frame transmission
ip-state - Enable or disable layer-3 advertisement frame transmission
rate - Transmission rate of advertisement frames, in seconds
<3, 60, 600, 3600>
format - Only ACP is supported for now.
use-beacon-rate - When enabled, makes the advertisement transmission rate the
same as the beacon reception rate.
ip-address - The destination IP address to be used in layer-3
advertisement frames.

3.146 Interface Advertisement Show

interface advertisement show - Show advertisement configuration

Specifying an interface or alias name provides detailed configuration about
this advertisement, otherwise the command provides summary configuration for
all advertisements in a table format.

interface advertisement show [<interface-name>|<alias-name>]

<interface-name> - <string>
<alias-name> - <string>:0

Revision 1 93
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Beacon Edit

3.147 Interface Beacon Edit

interface beacon edit - Edit an existing beacon attributes

Configure a beacon instance on the interface for management purpose. A beacon
may be configured to discover remote devices by sending a special frame on the
network, through the interface it is tied to. The beacon is coupled with the
interface of the same name, so any change to the interface name or port will
affect the beacon instance.

interface beacon {edit} <interface-name> { {state {enable|disable}} |
{rate <transmission rate>} |
{domain-id <domain>} |
{subnet {<ip-addr>}} |
{netmask {<ip-addr>}} |
{gateway {<ip-addr>}} |
{dhcp-hostname-option <none,custom,serial-number,current>} |
{dhcp-client-id-option <none,custom,serial-number>} |
{dhcp-hostname <hostname>} |
{dhcp-client-id <client-id>} |
{ip-config-mode {local|auto|dhcp|auto-static}} |
{id-mismatch {enable|disable} }}+

<interface-name> - <string>
<domain> - <string>
state - Enable or disable beacon frame transmission
rate - Transmission rate of beacon frames, in seconds
<3, 60, 600, 3600>
subnet - IP subnet used in auto IP config mode
netmask - IP netmask used in auto IP config mode
gateway - IP gateway used in auto IP config mode
ip-config-mode - Tell which IP configuration mode to use on the
remote device.
id-mismatch - When enabled, tells the remote system to authorize
beacon even if domain IDs do not match.
dhcp-hostname-option - Tell the remote NID what option to use as a hostname
in its DNS configuration.
dhcp-client-id-option - Tell the remote NID what option to use as a client
ID in its DNS configuration.
dhcp-hostname - The hostname to use when the hostname <custom> option
is chosen.
dhcp-client-id - The client ID to use when the client ID <custom>
option is chosen.
ip-exclusion - In Auto and Auto IP Static configuration modes, a
comma-separated list of IP addresses to exclude on
the remote NIDs can be specified. Up to 100 IP
addresses can be specified. IP address ranges can
be expressed with dash (-) separated IP addresses.

Revision 1 94
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Beacon Show

3.148 Interface Beacon Show

interface beacon show - Show beacon configuration

Specifying an interface or alias name provides detailed configuration about
this beacon, otherwise the command provides summary configuration for
all beacons in a table format.

interface beacon show [<interface-name>|<alias-name>]

<interface-name> - <string>
<alias-name> - <string>:0

3.149 Interface Delete

interface delete - Delete an existing interface

Delete an existing interface or alias. When deleting the interface, if an
alias had been previously configured, it will also be deleted.

interface delete <interface-name>|<alias-name>

<interface-name> - <string>
<alias-name> - <string>:0

Revision 1 95
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Discovery Edit

3.150 Interface Discovery Edit

interface discovery edit - Edit the discovery instance attributes

Configure the attributes related to beacon discovery on the auto interface.
The discovery instance may be configured to listen for beacons on selected
ports and automatically configure an interface upon reception of a valid

interface {edit} { {state {enable|disable}} |
{media-selection {enable|disable}} |
{id-matching {enable|disable}} |
{domain-id <domain_id>} |
{forward-on-bridge {enable|disable}} |
{discovery-ports <port_list>} |
{level [All,<0-7>]} |
{forward-match-ports {port_list|null}} |
{forward-mismatch-ports {port_list|null}}}+

state - Enable or disable discovery on the auto interface
media-selection - Enable or disable auto media selection for beacon
discovery. Note that when the Discovery state is
disabled, auto media-selection is also disabled.
id-matching - When enabled, validate beacon by matching the domain
ID from the beacon with the locally-configured ID.
domain-id - The local domain ID, used to match the beacon domain
discovery-ports - Ports on which to listen for beacon frames. At least
one port must be selected. Multiple ports in the list
must be separated by commas.
level - Specifies level [All, [0-7]] given to ACP frames.
forward-on-bridge - When enabled, forward all beacons and information
frames on the bridge, if the auto interface is part
of a bridge
forward-match-ports - Forward all beacons and information frames on these
selected ports when domain IDs match. Multiple ports
in the list must be separated by commas. The list
can be cleared by using the value "null" for this
parameter. This is overridden by the
forward-on-bridge attribute, if enabled.
forward-mismatch-ports - Forward all beacons and information frames on these
selected ports when domain IDs do not match. Multiple
ports in the list must be separated by commas. The
list can be cleared by using the value "null" for
this parameter.This is overridden by the
forward-on-bridge attribute, if enabled.

Revision 1 96
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Discovery Show

3.151 Interface Discovery Show

interface discovery show - Show the discovery instance attributes

Show the attributes related to beacon discovery on the auto interface.

interface discovery {show}


Domain - The local domain ID, used to match the beacon

domain ID.
State - State of discovery on the auto interface.
Auto media-selection - State of auto media selection for beacon
ID matching - State of beacon validation by matching the
domain ID with the locally configured one.
Level - The level [All, [0-7]] given to ACP frames.
Last effective beaconer MAC - The source MAC address of the last effective
beacon received that changed the configuration
of the Auto interface.
Discovery ports - Ports on which we listen for beacon frames.
Forward on bridge - Forwarding state of all beacons and information
frames on the bridge, if the auto interface is
part of a bridge.
Forward on match - Forwarding state of all beacons and information
frames on these selected ports when domain IDs
Forward on mismatch - Forwarding state of all beacons and information
frames on these selected ports when domain IDs
do not match.

3.152 Interface Refresh

interface refresh - Send gratuitous ARP on all interfaces

Convert IP address into physical address for all interfaces.

interface refresh

Revision 1 97
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Interface Show

3.153 Interface Show

interface show - Show IP interface configuration

This command displays a summary of the configuration for all interfaces in a
table format. Specifying an interface or alias name will display the detailed
configuration for this interface.

interface show [<interface-name>|<alias-name>]

<interface-name> - <string>
<alias-name> - <string>:0

3.154 Inventory Edit

inventory edit - Change inventory related settings

Change inventory related settings

inventory edit {{state <enable | disable>}
{adv-filter <enable | disable> } }+


state - Enable or disable inventory gathering.

adv-filter - Enable of disable advertisement frame filtering. Use this
option to filter the advertisement frames based on the beacon
configuration state of the interfaces. The advertisement
frames will be taken into account only if they are received on
a port that has an interface configured with the beacon state
set to "enable".

Revision 1 98
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Inventory Show

3.155 Inventory Show

inventory show - Show the list of devices from which an advertisement has
been received

Shows an inventory of remote devices from which an advertisement has been
received. If a serial number is specified, detailed inventory information
will be displayed for the corresponding remote device.

inventory show <serial-number>

<serial-number> - <string>

3.156 Keepalive
keepalive - Allow to keep a CLI session alive.

The CLI session is kept alive using this simple command.


Revision 1 99
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide L2PT Add/Edit

3.157 L2PT Add/Edit

l2pt add - Create a L2PT rule
l2pt edit - Modify an existing L2PT rule

Create or modify a Layer-2 Protocol Tunneling rule. Configure the rule
operation mode and parameters.

l2pt{add|edit} <rule-name> {
{state {disable | enable}} |
{catchall {disable | enable}} |
{mode {drop | forward | tunnel | peer} } |
{protocol {stp | lacp | lamp | oam | auth | e-lmi | lldp | cdp | bpdu |
gmrp | gvrp | uld | pagp | pvst | vtp | dtp | stp-uf |
pb-ga | pb-gvrp | cisco-cfm | pause}} |
{inport <port-name> } |
{outport <port-name> } |
{unique-id [<1-64>]} |
{replacement-mac {cisco | accedian}} |
{evc-mapping {none | push | pop}} |
{vlan1-type {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{vlan2-type {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{vid-list <list>}
{vlan-filtering {disable | enable}} |
{rule-vid-from <vid>} |
{rule-vid-to <vid>} |
{rule-vid-pcp <pcp>} |
{rule-vid-cfi <cfi>} |
{rule-type {c-vlan | s-vlan}}
{cos-mapping <cos-mode>} |
{cos-map-pcp <pcp>} |
{cos-map-cfi <cfi>} |}+

<rule-name> - L2PT rule name.
state - Enable or disable the L2PT rule.
catchall - Enable or disable the catchall mode of a rule.
mode - Selects the operation mode of the L2PT rule:
drop: Frames matching the specific rule are dropped.
forward: Frames are sent unaltered from the incoming port
to the outgoing port. Optionally, EVC mapping can
be enabled on forwarding rules.
tunnel: Frames matching the specific rule get their
destination MAC address replaced by the MAC
specified in the rule parameters when ingressing
the specified inport. Frames matching the specific
rule get their original destination MAC address
put back when ingressing the specified outport.
Tunneling rules are bidirectional.

Revision 1 100
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide L2PT Add/Edit

peer: The frames are sent to software layers for further

protocol - The Layer-2 Control Protocol to be processed by this
specific rule.
inport - The rule's ingress port. For tunneling rules, this
specifies the port where the frames to be tunneled ingress.
outport - The rule's egress port. For tunneling rules, this specifies
the port where the frames to be de-tunneled ingress.
unique-id - The unique identifier used by the tunneling rules.
This is used to build a unique replacement MAC address.
replacement-mac - The multicast MAC address to use as a replacement when
protocol tunneling is performed.
The following replacement MAC can be used:
cisco: 01:00:0C:CD:CD:D0 is used.
accedian: 01:15:AD:CC:xx:yy is used where:
xx: the unique-id.
yy: the protocol id.
evc-mapping - Allows forwarding rules to perform EVC mapping:
none: Frames are forwarded unaltered.
push: A tag of vlan1-type is added.
pop: If the VLAN type and ID both match, the tag is
replace: The tag in the incoming frame is replaced.
vlan1-type - First VLAN ethertype. For tunneling rules, specifies the
ethertype of the first VLAN tag. For forwarding ethertype
rules with EVC mapping enabled, specifies the of the VLAN
pushed to or popped from the frame.
vlan2-type - Second VLAN ethertype. For tunneling rules, specifies the
ethertype of the second VLAN tag.
vid-list - Specifies which VLAN tags to insert in the tunneled or
forwarded frames. For tunnels, the format is a list of
comma-separated groups formatted as vlan1:vlan2. The second
tag (Q-in-Q) entry is optional.
For forwarding rules, the format is a single numerical
vlan-id. Double-tagging is not supported in this mode.
vlan-filtering - Enables per-VLAN filtering for this L2PT rule. Only the
frames with a VLAN ID matching the one specified in the
rule-vid and with an ethertype matching the one specified
in the rule-type field will be accepted.
rule-vid-from - Lower bound of the VLAN ID range used by the
vlan-filtering. Only the frames with VLAN IDs included
in the specified range will be accepted.
rule-vid-to - Higher bound of the VLAN ID range used by the
vlan-filtering. Only the frames with VLAN IDs included
in the specified range will be accepted.
rule-vid-pcp - Priority Code Point for the filtered VLAN ID.
<0-7> for a specific priority or "all" to accept any PCP.
rule-vid-pcp - Canonical Format Indicator for the filtered VLAN ID.
<0-1> for a specific format or "all" to accept any CFI.
rule-type - Ethertype used by the vlan-filtering. Only the frames with
a matching ethertype will be accepted.
cos-mapping - Selects the CoS mapping mode of the rule:
map: The specified CoS PCP/CFI fields are mapped in

Revision 1 101
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide L2PT Clear

the outgoing frame.

preserve: The CoS PCP/CFI fields from the incoming frame
are copied to the outgoing frame.
cos-map-pcp - Priority Code Point inserted in the outgoing frame in
mapped mode. Accepted values are in the <0-7> range.
cos-map-cfi - Canonical Format Indicator inserted in the outgoing frame
in mapped mode. Accepted values are in the <0-1> range.

3.158 L2PT Clear

l2pt clear - Clear a L2PT rule statistics

Allows to clear a L2PT rule statistics.

l2pt clear [<rule-name>]

<rule-name> - L2PT rule name.

3.159 L2PT Delete

l2pt delete - Delete a L2PT rule

Allows to delete a L2PT rule.

l2pt delete {<rule-name>}

<rule-name> - L2PT rule name.

Revision 1 102
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide L2PT Edit Global

3.160 L2PT Edit Global

l2pt edit-global - Modify L2PT global settings

Allows to control L2PT global parameters, affecting the feature's general

l2pt edit-global {
{state {disable | enable}} |
{management-state {disable | enable}} |
{port <port-name> state {disable | enable}} }

state - Enable or disable L2PT on all traffic ports or
on a specific port if used with the port parameter.
management-state - Enable or disable L2PT on all management ports.
<port-name> - Port to which this options apply.

3.161 L2PT Show Configuration

l2pt show configuration - Show the L2PT configuration

Specifying a L2PT rule provides detailed configuration about this L2PT rule,
otherwise the command provides summary configuration for all L2PT rules in a
table format.

l2pt show configuration [<rule-name>]

<rule-name> - L2PT rule name.

3.162 L2PT Show Statistics

l2pt show statistics - Show the L2PT statistics

The command provides summary statistics for all L2PT rules in a
table format.

l2pt show statistics

Revision 1 103
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide LACP Clear Statistics

3.163 LACP Clear Statistics

lacp clear statistics - Clear LACP statistics

Clear the LACP aggregation group statistics. If <agg-identifier> is not
specified, all aggregation group statistics will be cleared.

lacp clear statistics [<agg-identifier>]

<agg-identifier> - <string>

3.164 LACP Edit

lacp edit - Edit an LACP aggregation group configuration

Edit a LACP aggregation group configuration.

lacp edit <agg-identifier> {name <string>} |
{period <decimal>} |
{system-priority <decimal>} |
{timer-mode <custom|short|long>}}+

<agg-identifier> - Aggregator group instance name.
name - Internal aggregator group name.
period - Period between two LACP messages in milliseconds.
system-priority - Priority assigned to this system.
timer-mode - Time to wait before sending LACPDU (custom, short, long).

Revision 1 104
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide LACP Show Configuration

3.165 LACP Show Configuration

lacp show configuration - Show an LACP aggregation group configuration

Display an LACP aggregation group configuration.

lacp show configuration [<agg-identifier>]

<agg-identifier> - <string>
State - The state of the aggregator. The possible states are
Enabled and Disabled.
Timeout - The time to wait before sending LACPDU. The choices are
Long (802.3ad Long Timeout), Short (802.3ad Short Timeout)
and Custom (Accedian Custom timeout allowing for sub-50ms
protection switching).
System priority - The priority of the LACP system. The end of the LACP link
that has the highest priority determines which link is
active. The higher the number, the lower the priority.
Range: 1 to 65535.
Port name - The name of the port.
Port priority - The port in the LAG that should be active for the LACP
system. The priority can change dynamically depending on
the revertive mode configuration.
Port number - The number of the port.

3.166 LACP Show Statistics

lacp show statistics - Show an LACP aggregation group statistics

This command displays the statistics of link aggregation group (LAG), which
- aggregator-name : The name of the LAG
- Tx LACPDU : Number of LACPDU transmitted
- Rx LACPDU : Number of LACPDU received
- Rx bad LACPDU : Number of unrecognized or invalid LACPDU received

If an aggregator identifier is specified, the command will display detailed

statistics for the ports that belong to the LAG.

lacp show statistics [<agg-identifier>]

<agg-identifier> - <string>

Revision 1 105
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide LACP Show Status

3.167 LACP Show Status

lacp show status - Show an LACP aggregation group status

Display LACP aggregation group status which contains:

-Aggregator Name : The name of the LAG group

-System : The MAC address of the port set as working (actor) in the
LACP system.
-System priority : The priority of the LACP system. The end of the LACP link
that has the highest priority determines which link is
active. The higher the number, the lower the priority.
Range: 1 to 65535.
-Key : The IEEE aggregation key of the port.
-Port ID : The LACP port identifier.
-Port MAC address : The port MAC address.
-Port state : The state of the port. The port state is expressed as an
hexadecimal value, where individual bits within a single
octet represent different state elements. The actor and
partner can have one or more states numbered from 1 to 8.

Note: State variables for the port are encoded as individual bits within a
single octet as follows:

1) LACP_Activity is encoded in bit 0. This flag indicates the Activity control

value with regard to this link. Active LACP is encoded as 1; Passive LACP
is encoded as 0.
2) LACP_Timeout is encoded in bit 1. This flag indicates the Timeout control
value with regard to this link. Short Timeout is encoded as 1; Long Timeout
is encoded as 0.
3) Aggregation is encoded in bit 2. If TRUE (encoded as 1), this flag
indicates that the system considers this link to be Aggregateable, i.e.
a potential candidate for aggregation. If FALSE (encoded as 0), the link
is considered to be Individual, i.e. this link can be operated only as an
individual link.
4) Synchronization is encoded in bit 3. If TRUE (encoded as 1), the system
considers this link to be IN_SYNC, i.e. it has been allocated to the
correct Link Aggregation Group, the group has been associated with a
compatible Aggregator, and the identity of the Link Aggregation Group is
consistent with the System ID and operational Key information transmitted.
If FALSE (encoded as 0), then this link is currently OUT_OF_SYNC, i.e.
it is not in the right Aggregation.
5) Collecting is encoded in bit 4. TRUE (encoded as 1) means collection of
incoming frames on this link is definitely enabled, i.e. collection is
currently enabled and is not expected to be disabled in the absence of
administrative changes or changes in received protocol information. Its
value is otherwise FALSE (encoded as 0).
6) Distributing is encoded in bit 5. FALSE (encoded as 0) means distribution
of outgoing frames on this link is definitely disabled, i.e. distribution
is currently disabled and is not expected to be enabled in the absence of
administrative changes or changes in received protocol information. Its

Revision 1 106
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide LACP Show Status

value is otherwise TRUE (encoded as 1);

7) Defaulted is encoded in bit 6. If TRUE (encoded as 1), this flag indicates
that the Actor Receive machine is using Defaulted operational Partner
information, administratively configured for the Partner. If FALSE
(encoded as 0), the operational Partner information in use has been
received in an LACPDU;
8) Expired is encoded in bit 7. If TRUE (encoded as 1), this flag indicates
that the Actor Receive machine is in the EXPIRED state; if FALSE (encoded
as 0), this flag indicates that the Actor Receive machine is not in the
EXPIRED state.

Special note: The received values of Defaulted and Expired state are not used
by LACP. However, knowing their values can be useful when diagnosing protocol

lacp show status [<agg-identifier>]

<agg-identifier> - <string>

Revision 1 107
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Loopback Edit

3.168 Loopback Edit

loopback edit - Edit an OAM loopback configuration

loopback edit allows you to edit OAM loopback configurations

loopback edit <instance-name> {{timeout <decimal>} |
{ type {iometrix-l1 | exfo-l2 | exfo-l3 | anacise-l2 |
anacise-l3 | custom}} |
{ state {enable | disable}} |
{ filter {l2 | ipv4} <filter-name>} |
{ swap_mac {enable | disable}} |
{ swap-ip {enable | disable}} |
{ swap-port {enable | disable}} |
{ drop-opposite-traffic {enable | disable}} |
{ remote-lpbk-acterna {enable | disable}} |
{ remote-lpbk-perejil {enable | disable}} |
{ remote-lpbk-sunrise {enable | disable}} |
{ remote-lpbk-veex {enable | disable}} |
{ remote-lpbk-oam {enable | disable}} |
{ discovery-lpbk {enable | disable}} |
{ tagged-cmds {enable | disable} }} |
{ persistent {enable | disable} }} |
{ perejil-loopback-port {0..65535}}}+

<instance> - <string>
<filter-name> - <string>
type - Set loopback type to:
. iometrix-l1 : Loop back all frames that have a
destination MAC address of 00:30:79:FF:FF:FF.
. exfo-l2 : Loop back all frames that have a source MAC
OUI of 00:03:01.
. exfo-l3 : Loop back all UDP echo service packets.
. anacise-l2 : Loop back all frames that have a source
MAC OUI of 00:18:75.
. anacise-l3 : Loop back all UDP echo service packets.
. custom : Loop back all traffic that match a user
defined filter.
timeout - Set a timeout period for the loopback to stay active
state - Enable or disable the OAM loopback
filter - Specify an associated filter type and name
swap-mac - Enable or disable MAC address swapping
swap-ip - Enable or disable IP address swapping
swap-port - Enable or disable port swapping
drop-opposite-traffic - Enable or disable dropping of opposite traffic
remote-lpbk-acterna - Enable or disable remote loopback for JDSU/Acterna
remote-lpbk-perejil - Enable or disable remote loopback for Perejil
remote-lpbk-sunrise - Enable or disable remote loopback for Sunrise

Revision 1 108
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Loopback Show

remote-lpbk-veex - Enable or disable remote loopback for VeEX

remote-lpbk-oam - Enable or disable remote loopback for OAM 802.3ah
discovery-lpbk - Enable (accept) or disable (discard) JDSU/Acterna
discovery loopback commands
tagged-cmds - Enable (accept) or disable (discard) tagged loopback
persistent - Enable or disable loopback at startup time. This
option can only be set for manual loopbacks with no
perejil-loopback-port - Set the remote Perejil server UDP port.

NOTE: swap-* actions apply only to custom loopbacks (user defined filter).

3.169 Loopback Show

loopback show - Show an OAM loopback configuration

loopback show allows you to see the configuration of the OAM loopback.

loopback show [<instance-name>]

<instance-name> - <string>

3.170 MAC Learning Show Results

mac-learning show results - Show the MAC Learning debug tool results

This command displays the results of the MAC Learning debug tool.

mac-learning show results

Revision 1 109
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide MAC Learning Start

3.171 MAC Learning Start

mac-learning start - Start the MAC Learning debug tool on a port

This command starts the MAC Learning debug tool on a port.

mac-learning start port <port-identifier>

<port-identifier> - <string>

3.172 MAC Learning Stop

mac-learning stop - Stop the MAC Learning debug tool

This command stops the MAC Learning debug tool.

mac-learning stop

Revision 1 110
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Media-Selection Select

3.173 Media-Selection Select

media-selection select - Select the connectors that will carry traffic

Note : This option is only available on certain types of units.

Media-selection is used to select which media connectors will be used to carry
traffic. When changing the operation mode, all associations between connectors
and ports will be reflected in the port configuration and status table. The
media-selection options depends on the operation mode. The tables below show
the media-selection options and the connector-to-port mapping for the each
operation mode.

Note : The name of the ports in the tables below are as defined in a factory
default configuration.

1)Standard operation mode

In this operation mode, the media-selection is used to select the connectors
to be used for the Client and Network ports.

Option SFP-A SFP-B Management RJ45-A RJ45-B

------------ --------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------
SFP-A_SFP-B Client Network Management Monitor-1 Monitor-2
SFP-A_RJ45-B Client Monitor-2 Management Monitor-1 Network
RJ45-A_RJ45-B Monitor-1 Monitor-2 Management Client Network
RJ45-A_SFP-B Monitor-1 Network Management Client Monitor-2

2)3x1 operation mode

In this operation mode, the media-selection is used to select the connector
to be used for the Network port.

Option SFP-A SFP-B Management RJ45-A RJ45-B

------------ --------- --------- ---------- --------- --------
SFP-A Network Client-1 Management Client-2 Client-3
SFP-B Client-1 Network Management Client-2 Client-3
RJ45-A Client-2 Client-1 Management Network Client-3
RJ45-B Client-3 Client-1 Management Client-2 Network

media-selection select <connectivity>

<connectivity> - {media-selection-option}

Revision 1 111
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Media-Selection Show

3.174 Media-Selection Show

media-selection show - Show the selected media-selection configuration

Show the current setting for the media-connection.

Note : This option is only available on certain types of units.

media-selection show

3.175 Mode Edit

mode edit - Edit the system settings

Configure the system settings in the unit.

mode {edit} { { svlan-type <ethertype-value> } |
{ bwr-adjustment <enable | disable> } |
{ next-op-mode <standard | aggregator3x1 | aggregator2x1>} |
{ webs-port <port-value> } |
{ igmp-version <0-3> } }

svlan-type - Set the S-VLAN ethertype value system wide.
next-op-mode - You can select the next operation mode to apply to this
board after the next reboot.
<ethertype-value> - Ethertype value (0x88a8 or 0x9100)
igmp-version - Set interface IGMP version (0-3). 0 means do not force
any version, use kernel default.
bwr-adjustment - Enable or disable the bandwidth regulator rate adjustment
to preserve a specific bandwidth rate when a VLAN tag is
pushed onto an EVC.
webs-port - Set the web server port.
<port-value> - A UDP port. Using port 80 will configure the web server
to use unsecured http connections whereas other port
values will result in the webserver using secured https
connections (the standard https port is 443).

Revision 1 112
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Mode Show

3.176 Mode Show

mode show - Show the general system settings

Displays the general system settings currently configured in the unit.

mode show

3.177 Monitor Edit

monitor edit - Edit the traffic monitors

Modifies the configuration of the traffic monitors.

monitor edit <monitor-name> {
{name <monitor-name>} |
{state <enable | disable>} |
{destination <port>}}+

<monitor-name> - <string>
name - Modify the name of the monitor.
state - Enable or disable monitoring.
destination - Specify the destination of the monitored traffic. This can be
any of the traffic ports (PORT-1, PORT-2, PORT-3, PORT-4).

3.178 Monitor Show Configuration

monitor show configuration - Show traffic monitor configuration

Displays the configuration of the traffic monitors. If a monitor name is
specified, detailed monitor configuration is displayed. Otherwise, a
configuration summary is displayed in a table format.

monitor show configuration [<monitor-name>]

Revision 1 113
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide MOTD Edit

3.179 MOTD Edit

motd edit - Edit the MOTD

Edit the "Message of the Day" that is displayed when users log in the unit.

motd edit <new-message>

<new-message> - <string>

3.180 MOTD Show

motd show - Show the MOTD

Show the "Message of the Day" that is displayed when users log in the unit.

motd show

3.181 MTR Edit

mtr edit - Edit management traffic regulation parameters

Edit management traffic regulation parameters.

mtr edit { {state {enable | disable} } |
{rate <64-10000>} |
{latency <50-2000>} |
{burst <1522-4000>} }+

state - Enable or disable management traffic regulation.
rate - Specifies the average data rate in kilobits/second.
latency - Specifies the transmit queue size by indicating the maximum time, in
milliseconds. Packets must wait inside the transmit queue.
burst - Specifies the maximum burst size in bytes.

Revision 1 114
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide MTR Enable/Disable

3.182 MTR Enable/Disable

mtr enable - Enable management traffic regulation
mtr disable - Disable management traffic regulation

Enable or disable management traffic regulation.
This is equivalent to mtr edit state {enable | disable}.

mtr {enable | disable}

3.183 MTR Show

mtr show - Show management traffic regulation

Show management traffic regulation configuration.

mtr show

3.184 NTP Add

ntp add - Add a time server for the NTP service

Add an NTP (Network Time Protocol) to synchronize the clock with the remote

ntp add {<server-address>}

<server-address> - <ip-addr> | <dns-name>
The name or the IP address of the NTP server to add.

Revision 1 115
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide NTP Delete

3.185 NTP Delete

ntp delete - Remove a remote time server

Remove an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server from the list of servers.

ntp delete {<server-address>}

<server-address> - <ip-addr> | <dns-name>

3.186 NTP Disable

ntp disable - Stop using an NTP server

Stop using the NTP service

ntp disable

3.187 NTP Disable Server

ntp disable-server - Stop the NTP server

Stop the NTP server

ntp disable-server

Revision 1 116
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide NTP Edit

3.188 NTP Edit

ntp edit - Change time or NTP related settings

Change time or NTP related settings

ntp edit {{tai-offset <decimal>}
{sync-mode <normal | highres>}
{dscp <0-63>}
{dst <enable | disable>}
{vlan-priority <0-7>}
{time-interval <10-300>}
{nbr-messages <5-60>}
{utc-hour <(-12)-(+14)>}
{utc-min <0-59>}
{dst-hour <0-23>}
{dst-min <0-59>}
{dst-start-month <month>}
{dst-start-week <1-5>}
{dst-start-day <day>}
{dst-start-hour <0-23>}
{dst-start-min <0-59>}
{dst-end-month <month>}
{dst-end-week <1-5>}
{dst-end-day <day>}
{dst-end-hour <0-23>}
{dst-end-min <0-59>}}+

tai-offset - Offset in seconds to convert UTC time to TAI (Temps Atomique
sync-mode - Synchronization mode. In normal mode, the time is retrieved
from the NTP server and the local clock adjusted accordingly,
without further processing. In high resolution mode,
hardware-assisted synchronization is performed to achieve
better accuracy.
dscp - When using NTP, the priority can be set in the DiffServ Code
dst - For regions of the world implementing Daylight Saving Time,
(DST), this can be enabled. Be aware that syslog and other
services that timestamp events using the current date and
time will be affected during transitions of DST periods.
There will possibly be an hour gap or duplicate time stamps
because the clock was set back.
vlan-priority - When using NTP, the priority of the packets can be set in the
VLAN priority bits if the link is through a VLAN.
time-interval - The time interval between requests to the NTP server
(in seconds).

Revision 1 117
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide NTP Enable

nbr-messages - The number of messages sent to the NTP server during a

utc-hour - Hour offset from Coordinated Universal Time. North America
would have negative values while Eastern Europe would have
positive values.
utc-min - Minute offset from Coordinated Universal Time.
dst-hour - Daylight Saving Time hour offset.
dst-min - Daylight Saving Time minute offset.
dst-start-min - Period where Daylight Saving Time starts.
The events are described as: "the change will take place on
the nth (week) of (month) on a (day) at (hour) (min)".
To configure the last day of the month, use week=5.
dst-end-min - Period where daylight saving time ends.
The events are described as: "the change will take place on
the nth (week) of (month) on a (day) at (hour) (min)".
To configure the last day of the month, use week=5.

3.189 NTP Enable

ntp enable - Choose one or two NTP servers to use

Choose the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server you want to use for the clock
synchronization. You can enable up to two servers, but only one will be active
at a time. This command also starts the NTP service.

ntp enable { {<server-address>} |
{<server-address>} }

<server-address> - <ip-addr> | <dns-name>

Revision 1 118
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide NTP Enable Server

3.190 NTP Enable Server

ntp enable-server - Start the NTP server service

Start the NTP server service.

ntp enable-server

3.191 NTP Show

ntp show - Show the current NTP configuration and status

Show the current configuration and status for the NTP (Network Time Protocol)

ntp show

Revision 1 119
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide OAM Add/Edit

3.192 OAM Add/Edit

oam add - Add a new OAM instance
oam edit - Edit an existing OAM instance

Add a new OAM instance or edit attributes of an existing OAM instance.

oam {add|edit} <instance-name>
(not optional for add) {{port <port-name>} |
{name <oam-name>} |
{state {enable|disable}} |
{mode {active|passive}} |
{max-pdu-size <decimal>} |
{event-re-transmit <decimal>} |
{efe-threshold <decimal>} |
{efe-window <decimal>} |
{efpe-threshold <decimal>} |
{efpe-window <decimal>} |
{efsse-threshold <decimal>} |
{efsse-window <10-9000>} }+

<instance-name> - <string>
<oam-name> - <string>
name - New name assigned to the OAM instance
port - Port to bind this OAM instance
state - Administrative state
mode - OAM instance mode, active or passive
max-pdu-size - Max OAM PDU size
event-re-transmit - Number of Event re-transmits
efe-threshold - Errored Frame Event threshold
efe-window - Errored Frame Event window
efpe-threshold - Errored Frame Period Event threshold
efpe-window - Errored Frame Period Event window
efsse-threshold - Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event threshold
efsse-window - Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event window

Revision 1 120
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide OAM Clear Statistics

3.193 OAM Clear Statistics

oam clear statistics - Clear OAM instance statistics

Clear the statistics of an OAM instance. If <instance-name> is not specified,
all OAM instances statistics will be cleared.

oam clear statistics [<instance-name>]

<instance-name> - <string>

3.194 OAM Delete

oam delete - Remove an OAM instance

Remove the OAM instance.

oam delete {<instance-name>}

<instance-name> - <string>

3.195 OAM Show Configuration

oam show configuration - Show OAM instance configuration

Show the configuration of the OAM instance.

oam show configuration [<instance-name>]

<instance-name> - <string>

Revision 1 121
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide OAM Show Events

3.196 OAM Show Events

oam show events - Show OAM events

OAM show events is a summary of all the events exchanged on an OAM connection.
You can see all details of received and transmit events.

oam show events [<instance-name>]

<instance-name> - <string>

3.197 OAM Show Statistics

oam show statistics - Show OAM instance statistics

Show the statistics of the OAM instance.

oam show statistics [<instance-name>]

<instance-name> - <string>

3.198 OAM Show Status

oam show status - Show OAM status

OAM show status is a summary of the status of each OAM instance.

oam show status [<instance-name>]

<instance-name> - <string>

Revision 1 122
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Add/Edit L2

3.199 PAA Add/Edit L2

paa add l2 - Create a layer-2 PAA probe
paa edit l2 - Edit a layer-2 PAA probe configuration

Create or modify a PAA probe. Configure the probe operation mode, its
addressing parameters and various measurement parameters.

Note: One-way delay measurements require time synchronization using NTP/PTP

on units at each probe end.

paa {add|edit} l2 <probe-name> {
{state {disable | enable}} |
{mode { source | sink | bi-dir } } |
{local-index <decimal> } |
{peer-index <decimal> } |
{port <port-name> } |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr> } |
{vlan1-id [<0-4095>] [enable|disable] } |
{vlan1-priority <0-7> } |
{vlan2-id [<0-4095>] [enable|disable] } |
{vlan2-priority <0-7> } |
{vlan1-type {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{vlan2-type {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{pkt-size <66-1500> } |
{validate-vlan1-id {disable | enable} } |
{rx-vlan1-id [<0-4095>] } |
{couple-tx-rx-vlan1-id {disable | enable} } |
{validate-vlan1-priority {disable | enable} } |
{rx-vlan1-priority <0-7> } |
{couple-tx-rx-vlan1-priority {disable | enable} } |
{validate-vlan2-id {disable | enable} } |
{rx-vlan2-id [<0-4095>] } |
{couple-tx-rx-vlan2-id {disable | enable} } |
{validate-vlan2-priority {disable | enable} } |
{rx-vlan2-priority <0-7> } |
{couple-tx-rx-vlan2-priority {disable | enable} } |
{sampling-period <decimal> } |
{cc-threshold <decimal> } |
{pkt-loss-ref-period <decimal> } |
{pkt-loss-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-ref-period <decimal> } |
{ow-max-delay <decimal> } |
{ow-delay-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-ad-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-max-dv <decimal> } |
{ow-dv-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-adv-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-ref-period <decimal> } |

Revision 1 123
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Add/Edit L2

{tw-max-delay <decimal> } |
{tw-delay-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-ad-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-max-dv <decimal> } |
{tw-dv-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-adv-threshold <decimal> }
{fault-propagation <enable | disable> }
{fp-port <port-name> } }+

<probe-name> - Probe name.
state - Enable or disable the PAA probe.
mode - Indicates if a probe generates (source) or
collects (sink) measurement packets or does
both (bi-dir).
local-index - Specifies the local identifier for the probe.
If it is omitted or set to 0 when the instance
is added, the system will automatically
allocate a value to the local identifier.
The range is 0 to 100.
peer-index - Specifies the remote peer identifier for the
probe. If peer-index is omitted or set to 0 when
the instance is added, the remote peer
identifier will be discovered dynamically based
on the probe name during the PAA association
port - Outgoing port name.
dst-mac-addr - The peer MAC address. When set to
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, layer-2 peer address
discovery will be done automatically,
i.e. it will find the peer MAC address.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID. When enabled, layer-2 PAA frames
are encapsulated into the specified VLAN.
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID. When enabled, layer-2 PAA
frames are encapsulated into a second VLAN.
Applies only when vlan1-id is enabled.
vlan1-type - First VLAN type. When vlan1-id is enabled,
specifies the VLAN type of the first VLAN tag.
vlan2-type - Second VLAN type. When vlan2-id is enabled,
specifies the VLAN type of the second VLAN tag.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority bits. Applies only when
vlan1-id is enabled.
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority bits. Applies only when
vlan2-id is enabled.
validate-vlan1-id - Enable or disable VLAN 1 id validation.
couple-tx-rx-vlan1-id - Couple Tx and Rx VLAN 1 id values for
VLAN 1 id validation.
rx-vlan1-id - Expected VLAN 1 id value received by
the remote.
validate-vlan1-priority - Enable or disable VLAN 1 priority validation.
couple-tx-rx-vlan1-priority - Couple Tx and Rx Vlan 1 priority values for
VLAN 1 priority validation.

Revision 1 124
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Add/Edit L2

rx-vlan1-priority - Expected VLAN 1 priority value received

by the remote unit.
validate-vlan2-id - Enable or disable VLAN 2 id validation.
couple-tx-rx-vlan2-id - Couple Tx and Rx VLAN 2 id values for
VLAN 2 id validation.
rx-vlan2-id - Expected VLAN 2 id value received
by the remote unit.
validate-vlan2-priority - Enable or disable VLAN 2 priority validation.
couple-tx-rx-vlan2-priority - Couple Tx and Rx VLAN 2 priority values for
VLAN 2 priority validation.
rx-vlan2-priority - Expected VLAN 2 priority value received by
the remote unit.
pkt-size - Packet size. Does not include the Ethernet
header and FCS bytes.
sampling-period - Interval at which PAA measurement frames are
cc-threshold - Continuity check threshold. Number of
consecutive sampling periods without receiving
peer frames before declaring loss of
pkt-loss-ref-period - Packet loss reference period.
pkt-loss-threshold - Packet loss threshold in %.
ow-ref-period - One-way reference period.
ow-max-delay - Maximum one-way delay.
ow-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay samples
allowed greater than ow-max-delay.
ow-ad-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay.
ow-max-dv - Maximum one-way delay variation allowed.
ow-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay variation
samples allowed greater than ow-max-dv.
ow-adv-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay variation.
tw-ref-period - Two-way reference period.
tw-max-delay - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive two-way delay samples
allowed greater than tw-max-delay.
tw-ad-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-max-dv - Maximum two-way delay variation allowed.
tw-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive tw-way delay variation
samples allowed greater than tw-max-dv.
tw-adv-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay variation.
fault-propagation - Enable or disable EVC fault propagation.
fp-port - Fault propagation port. Indicates toward which
port, EVC faults should be propagated.

Revision 1 125
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Add/Edit UDP

3.200 PAA Add/Edit UDP

paa add udp - Create a UDP PAA probe
paa edit udp - Edit a UDP PAA probe configuration

Create or modify a PAA probe. Configure the probe operation mode, its
addressing parameters and various measurement parameters.

Note: One-way delay measurements require time synchronization using NTP/PTP

on units at each probe end.

paa {add|edit} udp <probe-name> {
{state {disable | enable}} |
{mode { source | sink | bi-dir } } |
{local-index <decimal> } |
{peer-index <decimal> }
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr> } |
{udp-dest-port <decimal> } |
{udp-src-port <decimal> } |
{dscp <0-63> } |
{ecn <0-3> } |
{vlan1-priority <0-7> } |
{validate-vlan1-priority {disable | enable} } |
{rx-vlan1-priority <0-7> } |
{couple-tx-rx-vlan1-priority {disable | enable} } |
{validate-dscp {disable | enable} } |
{rx-dscp <0-7> } |
{couple-tx-rx-dscp {disable | enable} } |
{pkt-size <66-1472> } |
{sampling-period <decimal> } |
{cc-threshold <decimal> } |
{pkt-loss-ref-period <decimal> } |
{pkt-loss-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-ref-period <decimal> } |
{ow-join-period <decimal> } |
{ow-max-delay <decimal> } |
{ow-delay-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-ad-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-max-dv <decimal> } |
{ow-dv-threshold <decimal> } |
{ow-adv-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-ref-period <decimal> } |
{tw-max-delay <decimal> } |
{tw-delay-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-ad-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-max-dv <decimal> } |
{tw-dv-threshold <decimal> } |
{tw-adv-threshold <decimal> } |
{igmp-ref-period <decimal> } |

Revision 1 126
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Add/Edit UDP

{join-max-delay <decimal> } |
{join-delay-threshold <decimal> } |
{join-ad-threshold <decimal> } |
{leave-max-delay <decimal> } |
{leave-delay-threshold <decimal> } |
{leave-ad-threshold <decimal> } }+

<probe-name> - Probe name.
state - Enable or disable the PAA probe.
mode - Indicates if a probe generates (source) or
collects (sink) measurement packets or does
both (bi-dir).
local-index - Specifies the local identifier for the probe.
If it is omitted or set to 0 when the instance
is added, the system will automatically
allocate a value to the local identifier.
The range is 0 to 100.
peer-index - Specifies the remote peer identifier.
dst-ipv4-addr - The peer IPv4 destination address.
udp-dest-port - Specifies destination UDP port
(default 8793, valid ports > 1023).
udp-src-port - Specifies source UDP port
(default 8793, valid ports > 1023).
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value.
ecn - The Explicit Congestion Notification value.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority bits. This applies only if
the outgoing interface is encapsulated in a
validate-vlan1-priority - Enable or disable VLAN 1 priority validation.
couple-tx-rx-vlan1-priority - Couple Tx and Rx VLAN 1 priority values for
VLAN 1 priority validation.
rx-vlan1-priority - Expected VLAN 1 priority value received by
the remote unit.
validate-dscp - Enable or disable DSCP validation.
couple-tx-rx-dscp - Couple Tx and Rx DSCP values for DSCP
rx-dscp - Expected DSCP value received by the
remote unit.
pkt-size - Packet size. Does not include the headers
(UDP, IP, Ethernet) and the FCS bytes.
sampling-period - Interval at which PAA measurement packets are
cc-threshold - Continuity check threshold. Number of
consecutive sampling periods without receiving
peer packets before declaring loss of
pkt-loss-ref-period - Packet loss reference period.
pkt-loss-threshold - Packet loss threshold in %.
ow-ref-period - One-way reference period.
ow-max-delay - Maximum one-way delay.
ow-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay samples

Revision 1 127
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Add/Edit UDP

allowed greater than ow-max-delay.

ow-ad-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay.
ow-max-dv - Maximum one-way delay variation allowed.
ow-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive one-way delay variation
samples allowed greater than ow-max-dv.
ow-adv-threshold - Maximum one-way average delay variation.
tw-ref-period - Two-way reference period.
tw-max-delay - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-delay-threshold - Maximum consecutive two-way delay samples
allowed greater than tw-max-delay.
tw-ad-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay.
tw-max-dv - Maximum two-way delay variation allowed.
tw-dv-threshold - Maximum consecutive tw-way delay variation
samples allowed greater than tw-max-dv.
tw-adv-threshold - Maximum two-way average delay variation.
ow-join-period - Indicates that IGMP join and leave delay
measurements will be performed and the period
during which one-way and packet loss samples
will be collected. This value should represent
how long to collect measurements before issuing
an IGMP leave for each period.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
Values (in milliseconds):
- 0: Constant, no join and leave measurement
- Min: 10 * sampling period
- Max: One-way ref. period -
(5 * sampling period)
igmp-ref-period - Defines a reference period for IGMP
measurements. This period needs to be a
multiple of the one-way reference period.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
- One-way Join Period must be different than 0
Values (in milliseconds):
- 0 (default): No IGMP measurement
- Min: One-way reference period * 10
- Max: One-way reference period * 9000
join-max-delay - Defines the maximum join delay objective.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
Values (in milliseconds):
- Min: 100ms
- Max: One-way join period
join-delay-threshold - Defines the maximum consecutive join delay
samples allowed greater than the maximum
join delay.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast

Revision 1 128
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Delete

Values (in samples):

- Min: 1
- Max: (One-way join period / Sampling period)
join-ad-threshold - Define the maximum join average delay.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
Values (in milliseconds):
- Min: 100ms
- Max: One-way join period
leave-max-delay - Defines the maximum leave delay objective.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
Values (in milliseconds):
- Min: 100ms
- Max: (One-way ref. period - One-way join
leave-delay-threshold - Defines the maximum consecutive leave delay
samples allowed greater than the maximum leave
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
Values (in samples):
- Min: 1
- Max: (One-way ref. period - One-way join
period)/ Sampling period
leave-ad-threshold - Define the maximum leave average delay.
- UDP sink probe configured with a multicast
Values (in milliseconds):
- Min: 100ms
- Max: (One-way ref. period - One-way join

3.201 PAA Delete

paa delete - Remove a PAA probe

Remove a PAA probe.

paa delete {<probe-name>}

<probe-name> - <string>

Revision 1 129
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Show Configuration

3.202 PAA Show Configuration

paa show configuration - Show PAA configuration

Display a summary of the configured PAA instances. When an instance name is
specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

paa show configuration [<probe-name>]

<probe-name> - <string>

3.203 PAA Show Counters

paa show counters - Show PAA PDU counters

Display PAA PDU counters and errors.

paa show counters [<probe-name>]

<probe-name> - <string>

Revision 1 130
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PAA Show Result

3.204 PAA Show Result

paa show results - Show PAA results

Display PAA probe measurements and status.

paa show results [<probe-name>] {
{ type {historic}} |
{ buckets <0-16>} |
{ period <period-id>}}+

<probe-name> - <string>
<period-id> - <decimal>
type - Type of statistics to display:
Historic: History buckets statistics. If the number of
buckets is not specified, the last 4 buckets will
be displayed, starting from the specified period.
If no period is specified, the last 4 buckets
will be displayed.
buckets - Number of PAA buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the PAA history buckets.
Zero for the most recent period available.

3.205 PAA Show Status

paa show status - Show PAA status

Display PAA probe status.

paa show status [<probe-name>]

<probe-name> - <string>

Revision 1 131
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Permission-Group Add

3.206 Permission-Group Add

permission-group add - Add user permissions groups

Add a permission group.

permission-group {add} <group-name> {
RFC-2544|SAT-Protocol|SAT-reporting|Service Availability|
Service mapping|Sessions|Shaping|Traffic|Twamp|Users|Y.1564},+ }

<group-name> - <string>

3.207 Permission-Group Delete

permission-group delete - Delete an existing permission-group

Delete an existing permission-group

permission-group delete <group-name>

<group-name> - <string>

Revision 1 132
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Permission-Group Edit

3.208 Permission-Group Edit

permission-group edit - Edit user permissions groups

Configure a permission group.

permission-group {edit|delete} <group-name> {
RFC-2544|SAT-Protocol|SAT-reporting|Service Availability|
Service mapping|Sessions|Shaping|Traffic|Twamp|Users|Y.1564},+ }

<group-name> - <string>
add-permission - Permission added to the permission-group.
delete-permission - Permission deleted from the permission-group.

3.209 Permission-Group Show

permission-group show - Show permission-group configuration

Specifying a permission-group name provides detailed configuration about this
group. Otherwise, the command provides a summary configuration for all
permission-groups in a table format.

permission-group show [<group-name>]

<group-name> - <string>

3.210 Ping
ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts

ping [OPTION]... host

-c COUNT Send only COUNT pings
-s SIZE Send SIZE data bytes in packets (default=56)
-q Quiet mode, only displays output at start and when finished

Revision 1 133
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Policy Clear Statistics

3.211 Policy Clear Statistics

policy clear statistics - Clear policy statistics

Clear policy statistics. If <traffic-name> and <policy-id> are not specified,
all policies statistics for all traffic-names will be cleared. If,
<traffic-name> is specified, the policies statistics for this <traffic-name>
will be cleared.

policy clear statistics [<Traffic-name>] [<policy_id>]

<Traffic-name> - <string>
<policy-id> - <decimal>

3.212 Policy Edit

policy edit - Edit an existing policy

This command defines the traffic filter and the action associated with an
access policy.

policy edit { Traffic-A | Traffic-B} <policy-id> {
{ state {enable | disable}} |
{ out-port <port-name>} |
{ filter {l2 | ipv4 | vlan} <filter-name>} |
{ action {permit | drop | MGMT-OAM | MGMT-OAM-drop |
MGMT-OAM-fwd | none}} |
{ monitor {enable <port-name> | disable}} |
{ evc-encapsulation {none | push | pop | replace | pop-replace |
push-preserve | preserve-vlan-new-cfi-pcp}} |
{ evc-ethertype {c-vlan | s-vlan} |
{ evc-vlan-id <0-4095>} |
{ cos-mapping {preserve | direct | map}} |
{ map1-state {enable | disable}} |
{ map1-type {pcp-vlan | pcp-vlaninvlan | precedence | dscp}} |
{ map1-cos-profile <cos-profile-name>} |
{ map1-regulator-set {enable <regulator-set-name> | disable}} |
{ map2-state {enable | disable}} |
{ map2-type {pcp-vlan | pcp-vlaninvlan | precedence | dscp}} |
{ map2-cos-profile <cos-profile-name>} |
{ map2-regulator-set {enable <regulator-set-name> | disable}} |
{ green-cfi <0-1>} |
{ yellow-cfi <0-1>} |

Revision 1 134
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Policy Edit

{ green-pcp <0-7>} |
{ yellow-pcp <0-7>} |
{ pre-marking {green | yellow | red} |
{ regulator {enable <regulator-name> | disable}}

<policy-id> - <decimal>
<filter-name> - <string>
<regulator-name> - <string>
state - Enable or disable the policy.
out-port - Outgoing port for this policy.
filter - Specify an associated filter type and name.
action - Drop or Permit the traffic matching the filter.
monitor - Allow monitoring the traffic on a monitor port.
evc-encapsulation - Ethernet Virtual Connection encapsulation.
Possible values are:
- push: Add VLAN tag.
- pop: Remove outer VLAN tag.
- replace: Replace outer VLAN tag.
- pop-replace: Pop outer VLAN tag and replace inner VLAN
- push-preserve : Add VLAN tag using the VLAN ID of the
inner VLAN (if any).
- preserve-vlan-new-cfi-pcp : Preserve the VLAN ID and
remark the CFI and PCP values.
- none: No tags are added to the incoming frames.
evc-ethertype - Ethertype to use in the VLAN tag. Applies only if
evc-encapsulation is set to push, push-preserve, replace
or pop-replace.
evc-vlan-id - VLAN ID in the VLAN tag. Applies only if
evc-encapsulation is set to push, push-preserve, replace
or pop-replace.
cos-mapping - CoS mapping action. The action can be "preserve", "direct"
or "map".
map1-state - First choice mapping state.
map1-type - First choice mapping type. Which incoming traffic
attribute to use for traffic mapping.
map1-cos-profile - First choice mapping CoS profile. Use this profile to map
the incoming traffic based on the traffic attribute
selected in map1-type.
map1-regulator-set- First choice mapping regulator set. Regulator set to use
for traffic regulation based on the traffic attribute
selected in map1-type.
map2-* - Second choice mapping. Applies only if cos-mapping action
is set to map.
green-cfi - Direct or default CFI/DEI bit for outgoing green traffic.
The default behavior is active when the cos-mapping is set
to preserve or map and the incoming traffic is neither
handled by the first nor by the second mapping choices.
green-pcp - Direct or default PCP bits for outgoing green traffic.
yellow-cfi - Direct or default CFI/DEI bit for outgoing yellow traffic.

Revision 1 135
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Policy Show Configuration

yellow-pcp - Direct or default PCP bits for outgoing yellow traffic.

pre-marking - Direct or default pre-marking color.
regulator - Direct or default traffic regulator.

3.213 Policy Show Configuration

policy show configuration - Show policy configuration

Display policy configuration. If a policy-id is specified, detailed policy
configuration is displayed, otherwise a configuration summary is displayed
in a table format.

policy show configuration {Traffic-A | Traffic-B} [<policy-id>]

<policy-id> - <decimal>

3.214 Policy Show Statistics

policy show statistics - Show policy statistics

Display policy packet and byte counters.

policy show statistics {Traffic-A | Traffic-B} <policy-id> {
{ type {clearable | persistent | historic}} |
{ buckets <0-16>} |
{ period <period-id>}}+

<policy-id> - <decimal>
<period-id> - <decimal>
type - Type of statistics to display:
Clearable: Current statistics since last clear command.
Persistent: Current statistics since system start.
Historic: History buckets statistics. If the number of
buckets is not specified, the last 4 buckets will be
displayed, starting from the specified period. If no period
is specified, the last 4 buckets will be displayed.
buckets - Number of policy buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the policy history buckets.
Zero for the most recent period available.

Revision 1 136
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Port Clear Statistics

3.215 Port Clear Statistics

port clear statistics - Clear port statistics

Clear port statistics. If <port-name> is not specified, all ports statistics
will be cleared.

port clear statistics [<port-name>]

3.216 Port Edit

port edit - Edit port attributes

Edit port attributes. A port can be identified by its name or by the connector
name. The port speed and duplex mode are not relevant when auto-negotiation is
enabled. Forcing the port speed to 1G is not allowed because auto-negotiation
is mandatory for Gigabit Ethernet.

port edit <port-identifier> {{name <port-name>} |
{alias <port-alias>} |
{state {enable | disable}} |
{mtu <64-10240>} |
{lp-threshold <64-10240>} |
{llr {enable|disable}} |
{llr-period <decimal>} |
{auto-nego {enable|disable}} |
{speed {10M|100M|1G}} |
{duplex {half|full}} |
{mdi {auto|mdi|mdix}} |
{advertisement {<advertisement-value>}+} |
{pause-mode {local|transparent|disable}} |
{protection {enable|disable}} |
{protection-mode {link-status|lacp-status}} |
{working-connector <connector-name>} |
{revertive {enable|disable}} |
{revert-period <decimal>} |
{link-time-out <decimal>}
{lldp-state {enable|disable}}
{lldp-rate <decimal>}
{force-tx-on {enable|disable}} }+

<port-identifier> - <string>
<port-alias> - <string>
<advertisement-value> - {10M-HD|10M-FD|100M-HD|100M-FD|1G-HD|1G-FD|pause|
name - New name assigned to the port.

Revision 1 137
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Port Edit

alias - The "alias" name for the port, as specified by a

network manager.
state - Port administrative state.
mtu - Maximum transfer unit, which is platform dependent
and includes all headers.
Note: When the MTU is set to exceed a value of 2000,
it is important that the ports passing traffic through
the unit be configured with a matching speed. If the
speed does not match, FIFO errors could occur.
lp-threshold - Large packet threshold. Packets with a size above this
threshold will be classified as large packets in the
port statistics.
llr - Enables or disables link lost return.
llr-period - Period of time that the laser is turned on and off.
Entering a value of 0 puts the laser into a disabled
state waiting for the opposite side to send a light
pulse in order to re-establish the link. So, for this
reason, 0 should not be configured on both sides or
the link will never re-establish.
auto-nego - Enables or disables auto-negotiation.
speed - Specifies link speed.
duplex - Specifies duplex mode.
mdi - Specifies the media dependent interface mode.
advertisement - Specifies capabilities advertised during
pause-mode - Specifies whether pause frames are processed locally,
passed through transparently, or disabled. When both
pause-mode and auto-negotiation are enabled, the exact
behavior depends on the auto-negotiation results.
protection - Enables the protection for this port. Once enabled,
the protecting port is reserved by the protection
mechanism and can not be used for monitoring purposes
as long as the protection is enabled. Note that
protection is available on the Client and Network
ports in standard operation mode only.
protection-mode - Selects the operation mode that triggers the failover
working-connector - Selects the working connector for the specified port.
The connector choice allows the user to perform a
switchover operation. Note that this parameter is only
available on LAG ports with Protection Mode set to
link status or LACP status.
revertive - If enabled, the traffic is switched back to the main
connector after the revert period has expired. This is
available for link status protection mode only.
revert-period - Sets the time, in seconds, during which a continuous
signal must be detected on the main connector. The
timer is restarted if a signal loss is detected during
this period.
link-time-out - Sets the time, in seconds, to wait for the link to
come up after switching to the standby connector. If
the timer expires and the linkstays down, we switch
back to the protected connector.

Revision 1 138
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Port Show Configuration

lldp-state - LLDP frame transmission state.

lldp-rate - LLDP frame transmission rate in seconds [1-3600].
force-tx-on - If enabled, forces the transmitter on (no traffic is
transmitted), regardless of whether a valid link has
been established. Applies only to SFP fiber ports, in
1000BASE-X mode. Auto-negotiation must be disabled.

3.217 Port Show Configuration

port show configuration - Show port configuration

Without arguments or with the modifier summary, this command displays the port
configuration summary in a table format. When specifying a port name or a
connector name, this command displays detailed configuration for that port.

port show configuration [<port-name>]

3.218 Port Show Statistics

port show statistics - Show port statistics

Display port statistics.

port show statistics [<port-name>] {
{ type {clearable | persistent | historic}} |
{ buckets <0-16>} |
{ period <period-id>}}+

<port-name> - <string>
<period-id> - <decimal>
type - Type of statistics to display:
Clearable : Current statistics since last clear command.
Persistent: Current statistics since system start.
Historic: History buckets statistics. If the number of
buckets is not specified, the last 4 buckets
will be displayed, starting from the specified
period. If no period is specified, the last 4
buckets will be displayed.
buckets - Number of port buckets to display.
period - Reference period for the port history buckets.
Zero for the most recent period available.

Revision 1 139
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Port Show Status

3.219 Port Show Status

port show status - Show port status

Display port status.

port show status [<port-name>]

3.220 PTP Edit

ptp edit - Change PTP related settings

Change PTP related settings

ptp edit { {state <enable|disable>} |
{pma <master-address>} |
{sma <master-address>} |
{utc <enable|disable>} |
{announce <-3,-2,-1,0,1,2 or 3>} |
{sync <-4,-3,-2,-1,0 or 1>} |
{pdn <0-255>} |
{sdn <0-255>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{vlan-priority <0-7>} }

state - Enable or disable the PTP feature.
pma - Primary master address (time server for the PTP client).
sma - Secondary master address (time server for the PTP client).
<master-address> - <ip-addr> | <dns-name>
utc - Enable or disable the use of UTC offset from the master.
announce - Specifies the interval of Announce message from the
Possible values:
-3 (8 messages / second)
-2 (4 messages / second)
-1 (2 messages / second)
0 (1 message / second)
1 (1 message / 2 seconds) <- default value
2 (1 message / 4 seconds)
3 (1 message / 8 seconds)
sync - Specifies the interval of Sync message from the master.
Possible values:
-4 (16 messages / second)
-3 (8 messages / second)
-2 (4 messages / second)

Revision 1 140
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide PTP Reset

-1 (2 messages / second)
0 (1 message / second) <- default value
1 (1 message / 2 seconds)
pdn - Specifies the domain number of the primary PTP master.
Possible values: 0 to 255
Default value : 4
sdn - Specifies the domain number of the secondary PTP master.
Possible values: 0 to 255
Default value : 4
dscp - When using PTP, the priority of the packets can be set in
the DiffServ Code Point.
vlan-priority - When using PTP, the priority of the packets can be set in
the VLAN priority bits if the link is through a VLAN.

Note: Communication with the grandmaster clock is only supported via unicast
negotiation (defined in clause 16.1 of IEEE 1588-2008).
Multicast negotiation is not supported.

3.221 PTP Reset

ptp reset - Reset to default PTP settings

Resets to default PTP settings.

ptp reset

3.222 PTP Show

ptp show - Show the current PTP configuration and status

Show the current configuration and status for the PTP (Precision Time
Protocol) service.

ptp show

Revision 1 141
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RADIUS Edit

3.223 RADIUS Edit

radius edit - Allows you to edit the RADIUS configuration

radius edit allows you to change RADIUS parameters required to authenticate
authorize management access to the unit.

NOTE: The new parameters are only effective on the next login attempt.

radius edit {
{auth-method {pap}} |
{auth-server1-host {<ip-addr> | <dns-name>}} |
{auth-server1-port <decimal>} |
{auth-server1-secret <string>} |
{auth-server1-source <ip-addr>} |
{auth-server2-host {<ip-addr> | <dns-name>}} |
{auth-server2-port <decimal>} |
{auth-server2-secret <string>} |
{auth-server2-source <ip-addr>} |
{radius-timeout <decimal>} |
{radius-retries <decimal>} |
{realm <string>} |
{vendor-specific {enable | disable}} }+

auth-method - Authentication method to use.
auth-server1-host - RADIUS host server to authenticate to.
auth-server1-port - RADIUS server UDP port to connect to.
auth-server1-secret - Shared secret for server1.
auth-server1-source - Optional bind address for the primary RADIUS server.
auth-server2-host - Used only if first host server does not respond.
auth-server2-port - RADIUS server UDP port to connect to.
auth-server2-secret - Shared secret for server2.
auth-server2-source - Optional bind address for the secondary RADIUS server.
radius-timeout - Time to wait for the RADIUS server to respond before
retrying connection. After the number of retries has
been exhausted, a connection to the next configured
server will be attempted, in which the same timeout
and retry scheme will apply.
radius-retries - Number of times to retry the server before trying the
next configured server.
realm - Append this to user name. Mostly left blank.
vendor-specific - Enable or disable the Vendor-Specific attribute in

Revision 1 142
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RADIUS Show

3.224 RADIUS Show

radius show - Show the RADIUS configuration

Show the RADIUS configuration.

radius show

3.225 Rate Edit

rate edit - Edit the working rate globally used in the unit

Configure the working rate used by different modules in the unit.

rate {edit} { { generator <layer-1 | layer-2> } |
{ regulator <layer-1 | layer-2> } |
{ shaper <layer-1 | layer-2> } }

generator - Set the working rate for the RFC-2544 generator and testsuite,
and Y.1564 testing.
regulator - Set the working rate for all bandwidth regulator.
shaper - Set the working rate for the shaper.

3.226 Rate Show

rate show - Show the working rates

Display the working rate used by different modules in the unit.

rate show

3.227 Reboot
Reboots the unit

Revision 1 143
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Regulator-Set Add/Edit DSCP

3.228 Regulator-Set Add/Edit DSCP

regulator-set add dscp - Add new DSCP regulator set instance
regulator-set edit dscp - Change a DSCP regulator set configuration

With these commands, you can create a new regulator set or change the
parameters of an existing regulator set.

regulator-set {add|edit} dscp <regulator-set-name> {
{name <regulator-set-name>} |
{input-list {<0-63> [,|- <0-63>]}+ } |
{regulator {disable | enable} [<regulator-name>]} |
{default-regulator {enable | disable}
[<regulator-name>]} }+

<regulator-set-name>- <string>
<regulator-name> - <string>
input-list - A comma-separated list of DSCP values and DSCP range
(x-y) values.
regulator - Bandwidth regulator to be used for all packets that have
a DSCP in input-list.
default-regulator - Bandwidth regulator to be used for all packets that do
NOT have a DSCP in input-list.

Note: If input-list is omitted, the default-regulator parameter interprets the

input-list as a 0-63 range.

Revision 1 144
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Regulator-Set Add/Edit PCP

3.229 Regulator-Set Add/Edit PCP

regulator-set add pcp - Add new PCP regulator set instance
regulator-set edit pcp - Change a PCP regulator set configuration

With these commands, you can create a new regulator set or change the
parameters of an existing regulator set.

regulator-set {add|edit} pcp <regulator-set-name> {
{name <regulator-set-name>} |
{input-list {<0-7> [,|- <0-7>]}+ } |
{regulator {disable | enable} [<regulator-name>]} |
{default-regulator {enable | disable}
[<regulator-name>]} }+

<regulator-set-name>- <string>
<regulator-name> - <string>
input-list - A comma-separated list of PCP values and PCP range (x-y)
regulator - Bandwidth regulator to be used for all packets that have
a PCP in input-list.
default-regulator - Bandwidth regulator to be used for all packets that do
NOT have a PCP in input-list.

Note: If input-list is omitted, the default-regulator parameter interprets the

input-list as 0-7 range.

Revision 1 145
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Regulator-Set Add/Edit Precedence

3.230 Regulator-Set Add/Edit Precedence

regulator-set add precedence - Add new IP precedence regulator set instance
regulator-set edit precedence - Change an IP precedence set configuration

With these commands, you can create a new IP precedence regulator set or
change the parameters of an existing IP precedence regulator set.

regulator-set {add|edit} precedence <regulator-set-name> {
{name <regulator-set-name>} |
{input-list {<0-7> [,|- <0-7>]}+ } |
{regulator {enable | disable} [<regulator-name>]} |
{default-regulator {enable | disable}
[<regulator-name>]} }+

<regulator-set-name>- <string>
<regulator-name> - <string>
input-list - A comma-separated list of IP precedence values and IP
precedence range (x-y) values.
regulator - Bandwidth regulator to be used for all packets that have
an IP precedence in input-list.
default-regulator - Bandwidth regulator to be used for all packets that do
NOT have an IP precedence in input-list.

Note: If input-list is omitted, the default-regulator parameter interprets the

input-list as a 0-7 range.

3.231 Regulator-Set Delete

regulator-set delete - Delete the specified regulator set

Delete the specified regulator set.

regulator-set delete <regulator-set-name>

<regulator-set-name> - <string>

Revision 1 146
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Regulator-Set Show Configuration

3.232 Regulator-Set Show Configuration

regulator-set show configuration - Show regulator set configuration

Displays regulator set configuration. Specifying a regulator set name displays
the detailed configuration for this regulator set. Otherwise, the command
displays a configuration summary for all regulator sets.

regulator-set show configuration [<regulator-set-name>]

<regulator-set-name> - <string>

3.233 RFC-2544 Generator Edit

rfc2544 generator edit - Change RFC-2544 traffic generator configuration

rfc2544 generator edit controls the traffic generator output.

All units contain pre-programmed RFC-2544 loopbacks for "layer-2" and
"l2-accedian" frames. When testing with "l2-generic" frames or layer-3
packets, you need to configure a custom loopback in the peer unit. This
loopback must perform a swap action on the MAC addresses, IP addresses and
port numbers, as applicable. Refer to the "oam loopback" command for more
information on how to create a custom loopback.

Packet and Flow are sub-sections of the generator and have their own exclusive
set of parameters, as described below.

rfc2544 generator edit {{port <port-name>} |
{packet1 <packet-params>} |
{packet2 <packet-params>} |
{flow1 <flow-params>} |
{flow2 <flow-params>}} }+

<port> - Name of the port to which to send the flow(s).
<packet-params> - Generator packet header configuration (see below).
<flow-params> - Generator flow profile configuration (see below).

Packet Syntax
rfc2544 generator edit <packet-name>
{ {dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>} |
{packet-type {layer-2 | layer-3 | l2-accedian |

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l2-generic | ip-multicast | l3-generic}} |

{ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan1-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan1-ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095>} |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan2-ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{ecn <0-3>} |
{ttl <0-255>} |
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{src-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{destination-port <0-65535>} |
{source-port <0-65535>} |
{y1731-level <0-7>}}+

Packet Parameters
packet-name - packet[n] where "n" is included in <1-2> (not modifiable).
packet-type - Used to define specific fields in the test packet.
NOTE: ip-multicast packet-type is only used to generate
traffic frames, not to analyze received frames.
ethertype - The Ethernet type identifies the frame contents. For
example, this field can be 0x0800 for an IPv4 packet or
0x0806 for an ARP packet.
dst-mac-addr - This is the Ethernet MAC destination address.
vlan1-header - Enable or disable VLAN 1 parameters in the frames.
vlan1-ethertype* - First VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
vlan2-header - Enable or disable VLAN 2 parameters in the frames.
vlan2-ethertype* - Second VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for
802.1AD network.
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
ecn - The Explicit Congestion Notification value (0 - 3).
ttl - This is the IPv4 time to live value (0 - 255).
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
src-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 source address (valid only for IP multicast
destination and l3-generic).

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Generator Edit

destination-port - This is the destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).

source-port - This is the source port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
y1731-level - Y.1731 Maintenance Entity Group level (0-7).

* Ethertype values 0x9100 and 0x88A8 are considered an S-VLAN. The S-VLAN
Ethertype used here is the value configured in the global setting.

Flow Syntax
rfc2544 generator edit <flow-name> {
{description <description-text>} |
{traffic-type {constant {rate <0 to max-port-speed>}} |
burst {{packets <1 to max-packets>} |
{burst-gap <1 to 60000>}} |
{packet-size {fixed <64-10240>} |
random {{min-size <64-10240>} |
{max-size <64-10240>}}} |
{payload-pattern {fixed-data <hexadecimal>} |
incremental {bytes | words} |
random {2e11-random | 2e11inv-random |
2e15-random | 2e15inv-random |}}
{duration {continuous} |
{seconds <1-86400>} |
{bytes <64-4000000000>} |
{packets <1-4000000000>}}}+

flow-name - flow[n] where "n" is included in <1-2> (not modifiable).
description - <string> Description identifying the packet and its
traffic-type - Type of traffic to generate.
packet-size - Define the packet size, this includes the Ethernet header
and the FCS. The size can be a fixed value or a random
value, chosen between a minimum and a maximum value.
payload-pattern - Define the pattern to fill the remaining spaces in the
transmitted packet. The pattern can be a 32-bit value, an
incremental byte, an incremental word or a random pattern
from the list.
duration - Duration of the flow can be specified in seconds, in
bytes, in packets or can be continuous until user
type - Type of flow testing being done:
. Out-of-service: two-way loopback using the full link
. In-service: one-way test for sharing a traffic
regulator with client traffic. Note that when the flow
type is In-service, you must select a Regulator.
regulator-name - Regulator selected for in-service testing.

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Generator Show Configuration

3.234 RFC-2544 Generator Show Configuration

rfc2544 generator show configuration - Show RFC-2544 generator configuration

This command displays the RFC-2544 generator configuration. Specifying a
packet or flow name will display a detailed configuration for this packet or
flow descriptor. Otherwise, the command will display the generator summary

rfc2544 generator show configuration [<packet-name>] [<flow-name>]

<packet-name> - packet[n] where "n" is included in <1-2>.
<flow-name> - flow[n] where "n" is included in <1-2>.

3.235 RFC-2544 Generator Show Results

rfc2544 generator show results - Show RFC-2544 generator results

This command displays the RFC-2544 generator results. Specifying a flow name
will display detailed results for this flow. Otherwise, the command will
display a summary of the generator results.

rfc2544 generator show results [<flow-name>]

<flow-name> - flow[n] where "n" is included in <1-2>.

3.236 RFC-2544 Generator Start

rfc2544 generator start - Start RFC-2544 generator

Start RFC-2544 generator.

rfc2544 generator start

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Generator Stop

3.237 RFC-2544 Generator Stop

rfc2544 generator stop - Stop RFC-2544 generator

Stop RFC-2544 generator.

rfc2544 generator stop

3.238 RFC-2544 Monitor Clear Statistics

rfc2544 monitor clear statistics - Clear RFC-2544 traffic monitor statistics

Clear RFC-2544 monitor statistics.

rfc2544 monitor clear statistics <monitor-name>

<monitor-name> - <string> Name of the monitor to clear. When no monitor name
is specified, the function will clear all RFC-2544 monitors.

3.239 RFC-2544 Monitor Edit

rfc2544 monitor edit - Change RFC-2544 traffic monitor configuration

rfc2544 monitor edit controls the traffic monitor behavior.

rfc2544 monitor edit <monitor-name> { {name <monitor-name>}
{description <monitor-desc>}
{port <port-name>} |
{packet <packet-params>} |
{mode {bypass | terminal} |
{state {enable | disable}}

name - <string> Unique name for this monitor.
description - <string> Description identifying the monitor and its
port - Name of the input port from which to monitor traffic.
packet - Monitor packet header configuration (see below).

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mode - Operational mode of the monitor.

Terminal: The RFC-2544 test will terminate at this NID.
Bypass : The RFC-2544 test measurements will be taken but
the traffic will follow the rules configured in
the policies for this specific traffic type.
state - Operational state of the monitor, enabled or disabled.

Packet Syntax
rfc2544 monitor edit <monitor-name> packet
{ {packet-type {layer-2 | layer-3 | l2-accedian |
l2-generic | l3-generic}} |
{ethertype <0-65535>} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>} |
{vlan1-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan1-ethertype {0x8100 | 0x88a8 | 0x9100}} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095>} |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan2-ethertype {0x8100 | 0x88a8 | 0x9100}} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{ecn <0-3>} |
{ttl <0-255>} |
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{destination-port <0-65535>} |
{src-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{source-port <0-65535>} |
{y1731-level <0-7>}}+

Packet Parameters
packet-type - Used to define specific fields in the test packet.
ethertype - The Ethernet type identifies the frame contents. For
example, this field can be 0x0800 for an IPv4 packet or
0x8902 for a L2 frame.
dst-mac-addr - This is the Ethernet MAC destination address.
vlan1-header - Enable or disable VLAN 1 parameters in the frames.
vlan1-ethertype* - First VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
vlan2-header - Enable or disable VLAN 2 parameters in the frames.
vlan2-ethertype* - Second VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.

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vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the

highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
ecn - The Explicit Congestion Notification value (0 - 3).
ttl - This is the IPv4 time to live value (0 - 255).
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
destination-port - This is the destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
src-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 source address.
source-port - This is the source port for UDP or (0 - 65535).
y1731-level - Y.1731 Maintenance Entity Group level (0-7).

* Ethertype values 0x9100 and 0x88A8 are considered an S-VLAN. The S-VLAN
Ethertype used here is the value configured in the global setting.

3.240 RFC-2544 Monitor Show Configuration

rfc2544 monitor show configuration - Show RFC-2544 monitor configuration

This command displays the RFC-2544 monitor configuration. Specifying a
monitor name provides detailed configuration about this monitor descriptor.
Otherwise, the command provides the monitor configuration summary.

rfc2544 monitor show configuration [<monitor-name>]

<monitor-name> - <string>

3.241 RFC-2544 Monitor Show Results

rfc2544 monitor show results - Show RFC-2544 monitor results

This command displays the RFC-2544 monitor results. Specifying a monitor name
provides detailed results from this monitor. Otherwise, the command provides
the monitor results summary.

rfc2544 monitor show results [<monitor-name>]

<monitor-name> - <string>

Revision 1 153
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Test Suite Add

3.242 RFC-2544 Test Suite Add

rfc2544 testsuite add - Create a RFC-2544 testsuite

rfc2544 testsuite add creates a new RFC-2544 testsuite instance.

rfc2544 testsuite add <testsuite-name>
{ {name <testsuite-name>}
{description <testsuite-desc>}
{port <port-name>} |
{jumbo <0-10240>} |
{binary-duration <decimal>} |
{strict-failure {enable | disable}} |
{verbose {enable | disable}} |
{peer <packet-params> } |
{back2back {{duration <decimal>} |
{repeat <decimal>} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |
{delay {{duration <decimal>} |
{frameloss <decimal>} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |
{throughput {{duration <decimal>} |
{frameloss <decimal>} |
{minimum <decimal>} |
{maximum <decimal>} |
{step <decimal>} |
{fine-stepping {enable | disable}} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |
{frameloss {{duration <decimal>} |
{step <decimal>} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |

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256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |

name - <string> Unique name for this testsuite.
description - <string> Description identifying the testsuite and its
port - Name of the port to which to send the flow(s).
jumbo - Size of the jumbo frames <0-10240>.
binary-duration - Duration of each trial during the binary search for the
maximum throughput. By default, this is set to 2 seconds.
Binary duration can vary from 1 to 10 seconds.
strict-failure - Failure on Duplicate or Out-Of-Order.
verbose - Display all attempts in report file.
peer - Peer packet header configuration (see packet syntax and
parameters below).
back2back - Back-to-back test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in milliseconds.
repeat : Number of bursts to perform for each packet
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable back2back test settings.
delay - Delay and delay variation test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in seconds.
frameloss: Acceptable difference between measured frame
loss (0.1%).
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable delay test settings.
throughput - Throughput test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in seconds.
step : Granularity of the min-max range.
fine-stepping: Enable fine stepping in case of low
bandwidth testing (below 12 Mbps).
minimum : Minimum rate in Mbps.
maximum : Maximum rate in Mbps.
frameloss: Acceptable difference between measured frame
loss (0.1%).
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable throughput test settings.
frameloss - Frameloss test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in seconds.
step : Granularity of the min-max range.
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable frameloss test settings.

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Packet Syntax
rfc2544 testsuite add <testsuite-name> peer
{ {packet-type {layer-2 | l2-accedian | l2-generic |
layer-3 | l3-generic}} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>} |
{ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan1-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan1-ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095>} |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan2-ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{ecn <0-3>} |
{ttl <0-255>} |
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{src-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{destination-port <0-65535>} |
{source-port <0-65535>} |
{y1731-level <0-7>}}+

Packet Parameters
packet-type - Used to define specific fields in the test packet.
dst-mac-addr - This is the Ethernet MAC destination address.
ethertype - The Ethernet type identifies the frame contents. For
example, this field can be 0x0800 for an IPv4 packet or
0x0806 for an ARP packet.
vlan1-header - Enable or disable VLAN 1 parameters in the frames.
vlan1-ethertype* - First VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
vlan2-header - Enable or disable VLAN 2 parameters in the frames.
vlan2-ethertype* - Second VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
ecn - The Explicit Congestion Notification value (0 - 3).
ttl - This is the IPv4 time to live value (0 - 255).
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
src-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 source address (valid only for l3-generic).

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destination-port - This is the destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).

source-port - This is the source port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
y1731-level - Y.1731 Maintenance Entity Group level (0-7).

* Ethertype values 0x9100 and 0x88A8 are considered an S-VLAN. The S-VLAN
Ethertype used here is the value configured in the global setting.

3.243 RFC-2544 Test Suite Delete

rfc2544 testsuite delete - Delete a RFC-2544 testsuite or report

This command deletes an existing RFC-2544 testsuite instance or an existing
RFC-2544 testsuite report.

rfc2544 testsuite delete { {<testsuite-name>} |
reports {<report-name>}}+

testsuite-name - <string> Unique name for this testsuite.
report-name - <string> Unique name for this report.

3.244 RFC-2544 Test Suite Edit

rfc2544 testsuite edit - Change a RFC-2544 testsuite

rfc2544 testsuite edit changes the configuration of an existing RFC-2544
testsuite instance.

rfc2544 testsuite edit <testsuite-name>
{ {name <testsuite-name>}
{description <testsuite-desc>}
{port <port-name>} |
{jumbo <0-10240>} |
{binary-duration <decimal>} |
{strict-failure {enable | disable}} |
{verbose {enable | disable}} |
{peer <packet-params> } |
{back2back {{duration <decimal>} |
{repeat <decimal>} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Test Suite Edit

{delay {{duration <decimal>} |
{frameloss <decimal>} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |
{throughput {{duration <decimal>} |
{frameloss <decimal>} |
{minimum <decimal>} |
{maximum <decimal>} |
{step <decimal>} |
{fine-stepping {enable | disable}} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |
{frameloss {{duration <decimal>} |
{step <decimal>} |
{sizes {64bytes | 128bytes |
256bytes | 512bytes |
1024bytes | 1280 bytes |
1514bytes | jumbo}}
{state {enable | disable}} |

name - <string> Unique name for this testsuite.
description - <string> Description identifying the testsuite and its
port - Name of the port to which to send the flow(s).
jumbo - Size of the jumbo frames <0-10240>.
binary-duration - Duration of each trial during the binary search for the
maximum throughput. By default, this is set to 2 seconds.
Binary duration can vary from 1 to 10 seconds.
strict-failure - Failure on Duplicate or Out-Of-Order.
verbose - Display all attempts in report file.
peer - Peer packet header configuration (see packet syntax and
parameters below).
back2back - Back-to-back test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in milliseconds.
repeat : Number of bursts to perform for each packet
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.

Revision 1 158
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Test Suite Edit

state : Enable or disable back2back test settings.

delay - Delay and delay variation test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in seconds.
frameloss: Acceptable difference between measured frame
loss (0.1%).
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable delay test settings.
throughput - Throughput test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in seconds.
step : Granularity of the min-max range.
fine-stepping: Enable fine stepping in case of low
bandwidth testing (below 12 Mbps).
minimum : Minimum rate in Mbps.
maximum : Maximum rate in Mbps.
frameloss: Acceptable difference between measured frame
loss (0.1%).
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable throughput test settings.
frameloss - Frameloss test settings.
duration : Duration of the test in seconds.
step : Granularity of the min-max range.
sizes : Frame sizes to use. Any combination is valid.
state : Enable or disable frameloss test settings.

Packet Syntax
rfc2544 testsuite edit <testsuite-name> peer
{ {packet-type {layer-2 | l2-accedian | l2-generic |
layer-3 | l3-generic}} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>} |
{ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan1-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan1-ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095>} |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-header {enable | disable}} |
{vlan2-ethertype <0-65535>} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{ecn <0-3>} |
{ttl <0-255>} |
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{src-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{destination-port <0-65535>} |
{source-port <0-65535>} |
{y1731-level <0-7>}}+

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Test Suite Show Configuration

Packet Parameters
packet-type - Used to define specific fields in the test packet.
dst-mac-addr - This is the Ethernet MAC destination address.
ethertype - The Ethernet type identifies the frame contents. For
example, this field can be 0x0800 for an IPv4 packet or
0x0806 for an ARP packet.
vlan1-header - Enable or disable VLAN 1 parameters in the frames.
vlan1-ethertype* - First VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
vlan2-header - Enable or disable VLAN 2 parameters in the frames.
vlan2-ethertype* - Second VLAN protocol ID set to 0x8100 for 802.1Q network,
0x9100 for 802.1Q tunneling network, or 0x88A8 for 802.1AD
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set to 0.
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority. The range is 0 to 7, with 7 being the
highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
ecn - The Explicit Congestion Notification value (0 - 3).
ttl - This is the IPv4 time to live value (0 - 255).
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
src-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 source address (valid only for l3-generic).
destination-port - This is the destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
source-port - This is the source port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
y1731-level - Y.1731 Maintenance Entity Group level (0-7).

* Ethertype values 0x9100 and 0x88A8 are considered an S-VLAN. The S-VLAN
Ethertype used here is the value configured in the global setting.

3.245 RFC-2544 Test Suite Show Configuration

rfc2544 testsuite show configuration - Show RFC-2544 testsuite configuration

This command displays the RFC-2544 testsuite configuration. Specifying a
testsuite name displays the detailed configuration for this testsuite.
Otherwise, the command provides a summary of the configured testsuites.

rfc2544 testsuite show configuration [<testsuite-name>]

<testsuite-name> - <string> Name of the specific testsuite for which to
display the configuration.

Revision 1 160
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Test Suite Show Reports

3.246 RFC-2544 Test Suite Show Reports

rfc2544 testsuite show reports - Show RFC-2544 testsuite reports

This command displays the RFC-2544 testsuite reports. Specifying a report name
displays the complete report on the screen. Otherwise, the command provides a
summary of the configured reports.

The displayed status for each report can be one of the following:
Failed : An error occurred during the testsuite execution.
Running : The testsuite is currently running.
Stopped : A user stopped the testsuite during its execution.
Completed : The Testsuite has completed.

rfc2544 testsuite show reports [<filename>]

<filename> - <string> Unique filename associated with the report.

3.247 RFC-2544 Test Suite Start

rfc2544 testsuite start - Starts a RFC-2544 testsuite and produces a report

This command starts the specified and creates a new report.

rfc2544 testsuite start filename <filename> suite <testsuite-name>
{ {description <report-desc>} |
{technician <report-tech>} |
{note <report-note>} }+

filename - <string> Unique filename for the report.
suite - <string> Name for the testsuite to run.
description - <string> Description for this report.
technician - <string> Name of the technician running this testsuite.
note - <string> Note associated to this testsuite. This note
will be included in the report.

Revision 1 161
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide RFC-2544 Test Suite Stop

3.248 RFC-2544 Test Suite Stop

rfc2544 testsuite stop - Stops a running RFC-2544 testsuite

This command stops the execution of a running RFC-2544 testsuite.

rfc2544 testsuite stop <filename>

filename - <string> Unique filename associated with the testsuite.

3.249 RFC-2544 Test Suite Upload

rfc2544 testsuite upload - Uploads a RFC-2544 report file

This command is used to upload an RFC-2544 report file to a remote location.

rfc2544 testsuite upload <filename> <url>

filename - <string> Unique filename associated with the testsuite.
url - URL to reach the server and directory, e.g.
The filename of the report will be automatically appended to
the specified URL.

Revision 1 162
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Route Add/Edit

3.250 Route Add/Edit

route add - Add a new route
route edit - Edit an existing route

The route add/edit command lets you add or modify the system routing table.

route {add|edit} <route-name> { {type {host | net}} |
{destination <ip-addr>} |
{netmask <ip-addr>} |
{gateway <ip-addr>} |
{interface <interface-name>} }+

<route-name> - <string> The name of the route. It can be a brief
description of the route, e.g. "Default".
<interface-name> - <string> The interface with which the route is associated.
This is only for specific situations when a target exists
on a different network for that interface. In most
situations, the interface is determined automatically.
type - Route type may either be Network for a range of addresses
or Host for a specific IP address.
destination - Network or host address of the route. Use to
denote the default route.
netmask - Mask assigned to the route. Only used for network routes.
gateway - Gateway address associated with this route or default
gateway address.
interface - The interface with which the route is associated. This is
only for specific situations when a target exists on a
different network for that interface. In most situations,
the interface is determined automatically.

3.251 Route Delete

route delete - Delete an existing route

The route delete command lets you delete configured routes in the system.

route delete <route-name>

<route-name> - <string>

Revision 1 163
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Route Show Configuration/Active

3.252 Route Show Configuration/Active

route show configuration - Display statically configured IPv4 routes
route show active - Display active IPv4 routes

The route show command lets you show active and configured routes in the

route show active
route show [configuration [<route-name>]]

<route-name> - <string>

3.253 SA Add Metric

sa add metric - Add a performance metric to an Service Availability instance

Add a performance metric to Service Availability instance.

sa add metric <sa-name> <metric-name> {
{paa-plr <paa-id>} |
{paa-ow-delay <paa-id>} |
{paa-ow-dv <paa-id>} |
{paa-tw-delay <paa-id>} |
{paa-tw-dv <paa-id>} |
{cfm-plr <pl-id>} |
{dmm-ow-delay <dmm-id>} |
{dmm-ow-dv <dmm-id>} |
{dmm-tw-delay <dmm-id>} |
{dmm-tw-dv <dmm-id>} |
{slm-near-end-plr <slm-id>} |
{slm-far-end-plr <slm-id>} |
{threshold <decimal>} }+

<dmm-id> = <decimal> | <string>

<paa-id> = <decimal> | <string>
<pl-id> = <decimal> | <string>
<slm-id> = <decimal> | <string>
<metric-name> = <string>
<sa-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - The name of a service availability instance.
<metric-name> - A unique name to identify a metric instance inside a
service availability instance.

Revision 1 164
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Add Metric

<paa-id> - The identifier of a PAA instance. Instance number or

instance name.
<pl-id> - CFM packet loss instance identifier. Instance number or
instance name.
<dmm-id> - CFM DMM instance identifier. Instance number or instance
<threshold> - The threshold used to determine if the metric performs
paa-plr - The performance metric is packet loss from a PAA
paa-ow-delay - The performance metric is one way delay from a PAA
paa-ow-dv - The performance metric is one way delay variation from a
PAA instance.
paa-tw-delay - The performance metric is two way delay from a PAA
paa-tw-dv - The performance metric is two way delay variation from a
PAA instance.
cfm-plr - The performance metric is a CFM packet loss instance.
dmm-ow-delay - The performance metric is one way delay from a DMM
dmm-ow-dv - The performance metric is one way delay variation from a
PAA instance.
dmm-tw-delay - The performance metric is two way delay from a DMM
dmm-tw-dv - The performance metric is two way delay variation from a
PAA instance.
slm-near-end-plr - The performance metric is near end SLM packet loss.
slm-far-end-plr - The performance metric is far end SLM packet loss.

Revision 1 165
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Add Service

3.254 SA Add Service

sa add service - Creates a Service Availability instance

Creates a Service Availability instance.

sa add service <sa-name> {
{window-size <decimal>} |
{reporting-period <decimal>} |
{hli-window-size <decimal>} |
{time-interval <decimal>}}+

<sa-name> - A unique name to identify a service availability instance.
window-size - The number of consecutive Time Intervals used to assess
Service Availability for this instance. Default value
is 10.
reporting-period - A reporting period over which periodic availability
counters are evaluated in addition to the monotonic
time-interval - The interval of time during which the metric is evaluated.
Default value is 1 second. Allowed values are 1, 5, 10, 20,
or 60 seconds.
hli-window-size - The number of consecutive Time Intervals used to assess
Consecutive High Loss Intervals for this instance.
Default value is 3.

3.255 SA Clear Service Counters

sa clear service counters - Clear service availability counters

Clear service availability counters.

sa clear service counters [name <sa-name>] [type {periodic|monotonic|all}]

<sa-name> = <string>

name - The name of a service availability instance. If omitted, clears
all instances of the selected counters.
type - The type of counter to clear:
periodic : Clear periodic counters. Default.
monotonic: Clear monotonic counters.
all : Clear all counters.

Revision 1 166
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Delete Metric

3.256 SA Delete Metric

sa delete metric - Remove a performance metric from a Service Availability

Remove a performance metric from a Service Availability instance.

sa delete metric <sa-name> <metric-name>

<sa-name> = <string>
<metric-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - The name of a service availability instance.
<metric-name> - The name of the metric to remove.

3.257 SA Delete Service

sa delete service - Delete a Service Availability instance

Delete a Service Availability instance.

sa delete service <sa-name>

<sa-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - A unique name identifying a service availability instance.

Revision 1 167
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Edit Metric

3.258 SA Edit Metric

sa edit metric - Modify a performance metric on a Service Availability

Modify a performance metric on a Service Availability instance.

sa edit metric <sa-name> <metric-name> {
name <metric-name> threshold {<plr-thld> | <delay-thld>}}

<sa-name> = <string>
<metric-name> = <string>
<delay-thrld> = <decimal>
<plr-thld> = <decimal>

<sa-name> - The name of a service availability instance.
<metric-name> - The name of metric instance inside the service availability
name - The new name to assign to the metric instance
threshold - A packet loss ratio threshold or a delay threshold depending
on metric type.

Revision 1 168
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Edit Service

3.259 SA Edit Service

sa edit service - Modify a Service Availability instance

Modify a Service Availability instance.

sa edit service <sa-name> {{name <string>} |
{window-size <decimal>} |
{time-interval <decimal>} |
{hli-window-size <decimal>} |
{reporting-period <decimal>}
{state <is | oos>} }+

<sa-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - The name of a service availability instance.
name - A new name to assign to the service instance.
window-size - The number of consecutive seconds over which to assess
availability. Default 10.
time-interval - The interval of time during which the metric is evaluated.
Default value is 1 second. Allowed values are 1, 5, 10, 20,
or 60 seconds.
hli-window-size - The number of consecutive time intervals used to assess
Consecutive High Loss Intervals for this instance.
Default value is 3.
reporting-period - A reporting period over which availability counters are
evaluated in addition to the monotonic counters.
Default is 15 minutes.
state - The instance state:
is : In service, availability must be assessed.
oos: Out of service, availability assessment is
suspended. This is the default state.

Revision 1 169
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Show Metric Configuration

3.260 SA Show Metric Configuration

sa show metric configuration - Display detailed performance metric

Display detailed performance metric configuration.

sa show metric configuration <sa-name> <metric-name>

<metric-name> = <string>
<sa-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - The name of a service availability instance.
<metric-name> - The name of the metric to display.

3.261 SA Show Metric Counters

sa show metric counters - Display metric counters for a service availability

Display metric counters for a service availability instance. When a metric
instance name is specified, detailed availability counters are displayed for
the specified instance. Otherwise, a summary of all metric counters for the
service instance are displayed.

sa show metric counters <sa-name> [<metric-name>] [type historic
{buckets | period } value]

<sa-name> = The name of a service availability instance.

<metric-name> - An optional metric instance name to display.
type historic - The type of history statistics to retrieve.
The options are buckets or periods.
value - the period index or the number of buckets to display.

Revision 1 170
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SA Show Service Configuration

3.262 SA Show Service Configuration

sa show service configuration - Display service availability configuration

Display service availability configuration. When an instance name specified,
a detailed configuration report is displayed for the specified instance.
Otherwise, a configuration summary for all instances is displayed.

sa show service configuration [<sa-name>]

<sa-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - Optional service instance name to display.

3.263 SA Show Service Counters

sa show service counters - Display service availability counters

Display service availability counters. When an instance name is specified,
detailed availability counters are displayed for the specified instance.
Otherwise, a summary of all availability counters for all instances are
displayed. Additionally, if the history feature is enabled, history
information may be displayed by specifying the type.

sa show service counters [<sa-name>] [type historic {buckets | period }

<sa-name> = <string>

<sa-name> - An optional instance name to display.
type historic - The type of history statistics to retrieve.
The options are buckets or periods.
value - the period index or the number of buckets to display.

Revision 1 171
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SAT Protocol Clear Statistics

3.264 SAT Protocol Clear Statistics

sat-protocol clear statistics - Clear SAT protocol statistics

This command is used to clear all the SAT protocol server statistics.

sat-protocol clear statistics

3.265 SAT Protocol Edit

sat-protocol edit - Change SAT protocol configuration

This command is used to modify the SAT protocol configuration parameters.

sat-protocol edit {
{state {enable | disable}} |
{sat-udp-port <1025-32767>} |
{ow-udp-port <1025-32767>}}+

state - Enable the SAT protocol on this unit.
sat-udp-port - This is the UDP port used for this protocol (1025-32767).
ow-udp-port - This is the One-way traffic UDP port (1025-32767).

3.266 SAT Protocol Show Configuration

sat-protocol show configuration - Show SAT protocol configuration

This command displays the protocol configuration.

sat-protocol show configuration

Revision 1 172
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SAT Protocol Show Sessions

3.267 SAT Protocol Show Sessions

sat-protocol show sessions - Show SAT protocol current server sessions

This command displays the protocol current server sessions.

sat-protocol show sessions

3.268 SAT Protocol Show Statistics

sat-protocol show statistics - Show SAT protocol server statistics

This command displays the SAT protocol server statistics.

sat-protocol show statistics

Revision 1 173
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SAT Reporting Edit

3.269 SAT Reporting Edit

sat-reporting edit - Change SAT reporting configuration

This command allows to change the parameters of the SAT reporting feature.

sat-reporting edit {
{rfc2544-reporting {disable | enable}} |
{rfc2544-txt-transfer {disable | enable}} |
{rfc2544-xml-transfer {disable | enable}} |
{y1564-reporting {disable | enable}} |
{y1564-txt-transfer {disable | enable}} |
{y1564-xml-transfer {disable | enable}} |
{url <url>} |
{scp-password <password>}}+

rfc2544-reporting - Enable transfer of RFC-2544 report.
rfc2544-txt-transfer - Send RFC-2544 text file to the server.
rfc2544-xml-transfer - Send RFC-2544 XML file to the server.

y1564-reporting - Enable transfer of Y.1564 report.

y1564-txt-transfer - Send Y.1564 text file to the server.
y1564-xml-transfer - Send Y.1564 XML file to the server.

url - URL to reach the server and directory e.g.

scp-password - Password used for SCP and SFTP transfers.

3.270 SAT Reporting Show Configuration

sat-reporting show configuration - Show SAT reporting configuration

The command displays the SAT reporting configuration.

sat-reporting show configuration

Revision 1 174
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Session Edit

3.271 Session Edit

session edit - Allows you to edit the session configuration

session edit allows you to change the maximum number of sessions allowed at
one time as well as the timeout values for idle sessions.

session edit {
{auth-order {local | radius | local-radius |
radius-local | strict-radius-local |
tacacs+ | local-tacacs+ |
tacacs+-local | strict-tacacs+-local}} |
{maxsessions <decimal>} |
{maxclisessions <decimal>} |
{maxwebsessions <decimal>} |
{timeoutcli <decimal>} |
{timeoutweb <decimal>} |
{telnet-server {enable | disable}} }+

auth-order - Authentication client to use in order of availability.
maxsessions - Maximum number of CLI sessions that are supported
at the same time.
maxclisessions - Maximum number of WEB sessions that are supported
at the same time.
maxwebsessions - Total number of CLI and WEB sessions that are supported
at the same time.
timeoutcli - Maximum number of seconds that a CLI session can remain
idle before it is automatically logged out.
timeoutweb - Maximum number of seconds that a WEB session can remain
idle before it is automatically logged out.
telnet-server - Enable or disable the telnet server on the unit.

3.272 Session Show Configuration

session show configuration - Show the session configuration parameters

session show configuration will show the maximum number of sessions allowed
at a time as well as the timeout values for idle sessions.

session show configuration

Revision 1 175
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Session Show Status

3.273 Session Show Status

session show status - Show logged users information

session show status will show the status and information about all logged in

session show status

3.274 Session Terminate

session terminate - Terminate the specified session

session terminate will terminate the specified GUI or CLI session. The session
identifier is listed in session show status.

session terminate {<session-id>}

<session-id> - <decimal>

3.275 Session Writelock

session writelock - Take hold of the writelock

session writelock ensures that no other sessions can make modifications to
the unit configuration at the same time.

session writelock

3.276 Session Writeunlock

session writeunlock - Return the writelock

session writeunlock returns the writelock so that another session can take
hold of it.

session writeunlock

Revision 1 176
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SFP Dump

3.277 SFP Dump

sfp dump - Dump SFP memory

sfp dump prints SFP memory contents.

sfp dump {<connector-name> | <port-name>}

3.278 SFP Show

sfp show - Show SFP information

sfp show prints SFP thresholds and status, as well as vendor information.

sfp show [<connector-name> | <port-name>]

Revision 1 177
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SNMP Edit

3.279 SNMP Edit

snmp edit - Edit SNMP agent configuration

snmp edit allows you to change the SNMP agent configuration.

snmp edit {
{state {disable | enable}} |
{use-host-name {enable | disable} |
{agent-port <1-65535>} |
{contact-info <string>} |
{ro-community <string>} |
{rw-community <string> } |
{system-location <string>} |
{system-name <string>} |
{authentication-trap {enable | disable}} |
{link-trap {enable | disable}}+

state - Enable or disable the SNMP agent.
use-host-name - Use the configured host name as system-name.
agent-port - Makes the agent listen on the specified UDP port on all
Note: Changing this value restarts the SNMP agent.
contact-info - The textual identification of the contact person for
this managed node, together with information on how to
contact this person (see RFC-1213 for more details).
ro-community - Community string used for Read-Only operations.
rw-community - Community string used for Read-Write operations.
system-location - The physical location of this node. For instance, it
can be the address of the building and the floor number
(see RFC-1213 for more details).
system-name - An administratively-assigned name for this managed
node. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified
domain name (see RFC-1213 for more details).
authentication-trap - Enable this option to have a trap generated when
authentication to the agent fails. Map to the generic
trap 4(
link-trap - Enable this option to have a trap generated when link
status changes.
Maps to generic traps 2( linkDown)
and 3( linkUp).

Revision 1 178
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SNMP Show

3.280 SNMP Show

snmp show - Show snmp configuration

snmp show displays the SNMP configuration

snmp show

3.281 SNMP Trap Edit Auto

snmp-trap edit auto - Edit automatic SNMP trap handler configuration

This command allows you to change the automatic SNMP trap handler

snmp-trap edit auto {
{host-state {enable | disable}} |
{host-community <string>} |
{host-port <1-65535>}
{trap-version {v1 | v2c}}

host-state - Enable/Disable the sending of SNMP traps to the configured
host-community - Community string used to send SNMP traps to configured
host-port - This command defines the UDP port to use when sending SNMP
traps (the well-known SNMP trap port 162 is used by
trap-version - Set the version (v1 or v2c) of the configured host SNMP
host-name-refresh - Refresh of the configured host name for SNMP traps.

Revision 1 179
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SNMP Trap Edit V1

3.282 SNMP Trap Edit V1

snmp-trap edit v1 - Edit SNMP v1 trap handler configuration

This command allows you to change the SNMP v1 trap handler configuration.

snmp-trap edit v1 <host-id> {
{host-state {enable | disable}} |
{host-community <string>} |
{host-name <string>} |
{host-port <1-65535>}}+

host-state - Enable/Disable the sending of traps to the configured host.
host-community - Community string used to send SNMP traps to configured host.
host-name - This command defines the host name or IP address of the
server to which the traps (and/or inform notifications) are
sent. The unit sends a Cold Start trap when it starts and
upon authentication failure.
host-port - This command defines the UDP port to use when sending traps
(the well-known SNMP trap port 162 is used by default).

3.283 SNMP Trap Edit V2c

snmp-trap edit v2c - Edit SNMP v2c trap handler configuration

This command allows you to change the SNMP v2c trap handler configuration.

snmp-trap edit v2c <host-id> {
{host-state {enable | disable}} |
{host-community <string>} |
{host-name <string>} |
{host-port <1-65535>}}+

host-state - Enable/Disable the sending of traps to the configured host.
host-community - Community string used to send SNMP traps to configured host.
host-name - This command defines the host name or IP address of the
server to which the traps (and/or inform notifications) are
sent. The unit sends a Cold Start trap when it starts and
upon authentication failure.
host-port - This command defines the UDP port to use when sending traps
(the well-known SNMP trap port 162 is used by default).

Revision 1 180
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SNMP Trap Show

3.284 SNMP Trap Show

snmp-trap show - Show SNMP trap handler configuration

snmp-trap show displays the SNMP trap handler configuration.

snmp-trap show

3.285 Statistics Clear

statistics clear - clear all statistics

After issuing this command, the following statistics will be cleared:
- All ports statistics
- All policies statistics
- All bandwidth regulators statistics
- All OAM instances statistics

statistics clear

Revision 1 181
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide SyncE Edit

3.286 SyncE Edit

synce edit - Edit SyncE settings

Configure the Synchronous Ethernet settings.

synce {edit} { { state { enable | disable } } |
{ prc <port> } |
{ src {<port> | none}} |
{ revertive { enable | disable } } |
{ force-clock { none | primary | secondary } }

state - Enable or disable the SyncE feature.
prc - Port from which the Primary Reference Clock is recovered.
src - Port from which the Secondary Reference Clock is
recovered. None if only the prc is desired.
revertive - Enable or disable the revertive clock source selection.
force-clock - Set the forced clock source selection, or none for
automatic clock source selection.

Revision 1 182
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Syntax

3.287 Syntax
syntax - Display CLI syntax

Display CLI syntax explanations.


3.288 Syslog Edit

syslog edit - Change syslog settings

syslog edit controls the system logger. All messages are reported into the
system logger and they are kept or trashed depending on the system logger
level. The system logger also supports remote logging. You can send messages
to an external computer.

The different levels for the syslog are:

1) Emergency : system is unusable

2) Alert : action must be taken immediately
3) Critical : critical conditions
4) Error : error conditions
5) Warning : warning conditions
6) Notice : normal, but significant, condition
7) Info : informational message
8) Debug : debug-level message

The syslog level you choose enables all messages from the specified level and
all messages from lower levels.

When dev-facility is enabled, all messages are logged using the user-defined
facility instead of the default ones.

syslog edit {{dev-facility {enable | disable} <facility>}
{remote {disable | enable}} |
{host {<host-name>}} |
{priority {<level>}} }+

<host-name> - <ip-addr> | <FQHN>
<FQHN> - <string>
<level> - <Emergency|Alert|Critical|Error|Warning|Notice|Info|Debug>
dev-facility - Enable or disable device facility to log all messages

Revision 1 183
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Syslog Show Configuration

using a user-defined facility instead of the default ones.

host - The remote address to log messages to.
priority - The priority level, as listed above.
remote - Enable or disable the sending of messages to a remote syslog

3.289 Syslog Show Configuration

syslog show configuration - Show syslog configuration

syslog show prints the syslog configuration.

syslog show configuration

3.290 Syslog Show Log

syslog show log - Show the system log

syslog show log display the system log.

syslog show log

3.291 Syslog Show Log Continuous

syslog show log continuous - Show the system log without page breaks

syslog show log continuous displays the system log without page breaks.
Press CTRL-C to interrupt.

syslog show log continuous

3.292 System Show Status

system show status - Display system status

This command displays system status (operational readiness)

system show status

Revision 1 184
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide TACACS+ Edit

3.293 TACACS+ Edit

tacacs-plus edit - Used to edit TACACS+ configuration values

Use the tacacs-plus edit command to modify the TACACS+ parameters required
to authenticate, then authorize management access to the unit.

NOTE: The new parameters take effect upon the next login attempt.

tacacs-plus edit {
{auth-method {pap}} |
{auth-server1-host {<ip-addr> | <dns-name>}} |
{auth-server1-port <decimal>} |
{auth-server1-secret <string>} |
{auth-server1-source <ip-addr>} |
{auth-server2-host {<ip-addr> | <dns-name>}} |
{auth-server2-port <decimal>} |
{auth-server2-secret <string>} |
{auth-server2-source <ip-addr>} |
{timeout <decimal>} |
{retries <decimal>} }+

auth-method - Authentication method to use.
auth-server1-host - TACACS+ host server to authenticate to.
Enter '' or '::' to disable this server.
auth-server1-port - TACACS+ server TCP port to connect to.
auth-server1-secret - Shared secret for server1.
auth-server1-source - Optional bind address to access server1.
auth-server2-host - Only used if the first host server does not respond.
Enter '' or '::' to disable this server.
auth-server2-port - TACACS+ server TCP port to connect to.
auth-server2-secret - Shared secret for server2.
auth-server2-source - Optional bind address to access server2.
timeout - The time to wait for the TACACS+ server to respond
before retrying the connection, in seconds. After
the number of retries has been exhausted, a
connection to the next configured server will be
attempted, in which the same timeout and retry scheme
will apply.
retries - Number of times to retry the server before trying
with the next configured server.

Revision 1 185
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide TACACS+ Show

3.294 TACACS+ Show

tacacs-plus show - Show the TACACS+ configuration

Displays the current TACACS+ configuration.

tacacs-plus show

3.295 TCP Connect

tcp-connect - Test that a TCP service is responding

Test similar to a ping but at a higher level in the protocol stack. The test
attempts to connect to a TCP port to verify if a service is reachable.

tcp-connect host {host | net} |
{port <tcp-port>} |
{timeout <time-in-seconds>} }

host - The remote address or domain name to test.
port - TCP port (service) to test.
timeout - Time in seconds before giving up.

Revision 1 186
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traceroute

3.296 Traceroute
traceroute - Trace the route to HOST

traceroute tracks the route packets take through an IP network on their
way to a given host.

traceroute [-FIldnrv] [-f 1st_ttl] [-m max_ttl] [-p port#] [-q nqueries]
[-s src_addr] [-t tos] [-w wait] [-g gateway] [-i iface]
[-z pausemsecs] host [data size]

-F Set the don't fragment bit
-I Use ICMP ECHO instead of UDP datagrams
-l Display the ttl value of the returned packet
-d Set SO_DEBUG options to socket
-n Print hop addresses numerically rather than symbolically
-r Bypass the normal routing tables and send directly to a host
-v Verbose
-m Max time-to-live (max number of hops)
-p Base UDP port number used in probes (default 33434)
-q Number of probes per 'ttl' (default 3)
-s IP address to use as the source address
-t Type-of-service in probe packets (default 0)
-w Time in seconds to wait for a response (default 3 sec)
-g Loose source route gateway (8 max)

3.297 Traffic Edit Mode

traffic edit mode - Allows to edit the policy list VLAN mode configuration.

traffic edit allows you to configure options related to traffic policy lists.

traffic edit mode [policy_list] {
{vid-set {inner | outer}} }+

vid-set - When using traffic policies with VLAN sets, this option is used to
inspect the inner or the outer VLAN for each policy list. The
default is outer VLAN. When using the option as inner VLAN, the
outer VLAN will be ignored.

Revision 1 187
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Clear Port Statistics

3.298 Traffic Shaping Clear Port Statistics

traffic-shaping clear port statistics - Clear port shaping statistics

This command clears statistics for the traffic originating from the CPU,
looped back traffic and generator traffic, towards the Network port.

traffic-shaping clear port statistics [<port-name>]

<port-name> - <string>

3.299 Traffic Shaping Edit Map

traffic-shaping edit map - Modify PCP to shaper mapping

Modify the PCP to shaper mapping

Standard and Aggregator 2x1 Modes:

traffic-shaping {edit} map {
{decode-dei <disable | enable> } |
{dei-pcp-list {<0-15> [,|- <0-15>] } |
{pre-color <green | yellow> } |
{map-name <map name> } |
{new-name <new map name> } |
{shaper <shaper-name> }}+


decode-dei - Use DEI as pre-color

dei-pcp-list - A comma-separated list of PCP values or ranges (x-y) to be
mapped. 0-7 are PCP values for DEI=0 and 8-15 are PCP values
for DEI=1.
pre-color - Pre-marking color to be assigned to PCP vaklues specified in
dei-pcp-list. Only valid if decode-dei is not enabled.
map-name - Map name to edit
new-name - New map name
shaper - Traffic shaper that is mapped to the PCP values specified in

Aggregator 3x1 Mode:

traffic-shaping {edit} map {

Revision 1 188
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Edit Map

{decode-dei <disable | enable> } |

{dei-pcp-list {<0-15> [,|- <0-15>] } |
{pre-color <green | yellow> } |
{map-name <map name> } |
{new-name <new map name> } |
{queue-type <ef|af-1|af-2|af-3> }}+


decode-dei - Use DEI as pre-color

dei-pcp-list - A comma-separated list of PCP values or ranges (x-y) to be
mapped. 0-7 are PCP values for DEI=0 and 8-15 are PCP values
for DEI=1.
pre-color - Pre-marking color to be assigned to PCP values specified in
dei-pcp-list. Only valid if decode-dei is not enabled.
map-name - Map name to edit
new-name - New map name
queue-type - Shaper queue that is mapped to the PCP values specified in
dei-pcp-list. In Aggretion 3x1 mode, each Client port has its
own set of shaping queues, but the same PCP to shaper map is
used for all 3 Client ports. The generic queue-type ef, af-1,
af-2, and af-3 map the traffic to the Client ports queues as
ef : Real-time queue of Client X (client-X-rt)
af-1: Queue 1 of Client X (client-X-q1)
af-2: Queue 2 of Client X (client-X-q2)
af-2: Queue 3 of Client X (client-X-q3)
Where X = 1, 2, or 3

Revision 1 189
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Edit Port

3.300 Traffic Shaping Edit Port

traffic-shaping edit port - Modify port shaping configuration

Modify a port shaping configuration.

traffic-shaping {edit} port <port-name> {
{cir <0-1000000> } |
{cbs <0-10240> } |
{cpu-cir {disable | enable} } |
{realtime-cir {disable | enable} } }+


cir - Port global shaping rate of green frames, expressed as a

multiple of 125 Kbps.
cbs - Port global burst of green frames, expressed as a
multiple of 256 Bytes.
cpu-cir-state - Disable this option to bypass shaping for CPU traffic.
In other words, the CPU traffic will always be forwarded,
even if the global CIR is set to zero.
realtime-cir-state - Disable this option to bypass the traffic shaping for
real-time queue. In other words, the real-time queue
traffic will always be forwarded, even if the global
CIR is set to zero.

3.301 Traffic Shaping Edit Queue

traffic-shaping edit queue - Edit queue configuration

Modify queue configurations.

traffic-shaping edit queue <queue-name> {

{blue-freeze-time {0-655}} |
{blue-decrement {0-127}}
{blue-increment {0-127}}
{blue-max-level {16-2038}} |
{blue-min-level {16-2038}} |
{cbs {0-63}} |
{cir {0-1000}} |
{cir-max {0-1000}} |
{color {green | yellow}} |
{coupling-flag {enable | disable}} |
{ebs {0-63}} |

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Edit Queue

{eir {0-1000}} |
{eir-max {0-1000}} |
{green-max-level {16-2038}} |
{name <string>} |
{port <port-name>} |
{priority {0-7}} |
{shaping-mode {ingress | egress}} |
{shaping-state {enable | disable}} |
{yellow-max-level {16-2038}}}+

blue-freeze-time - Minimum interval time (ms) between two successive
updates of the marking probability.
blue-decrement - The marking probability is decremented by this
value if the queue is idle.
blue-increment - The marking probability is incremented by this
value if there is a buffer overflow.
blue-max-level - The maximum acceptable level before increasing the
marking probability.
blue-min-level - The minimum acceptable level before decreasing the
marking probability.
cbs - Committed Burst Size in 1 kB.
cir - Committed Information Rate in 1Kbps. Step of
cir-max - Maximum Committed Information Rate in 1Kbps. Step
of 125Kbps
color - Used whn shaping is disabled, to set the color of
the queue. When set to yellow and priority is set
to 0, this create a 'best effort queue'.
coupling-flag - When enabled, unused token from CIR bucket are
passed to EIR bucket.
ebs - Excess Burst Size in 1 kB.
eir - Excess Information Rate in 1Kbps. Step of 125Kbps
eir-max - Maximum Excess Information Rate in 1Kbps. Step of
green-max-level - Level for which tail drop begins for green
name - Modify queue name
port - Queue port assignation.
priority - Priority for scheduling (7-> highest, 0-> lowest)
shaping-mode - Buckets are debitted at pre or post action.
shaping-state - Enable/Disable shaping for this queue.
yellow-max-level - Level for which tail drop begins for yellow

Revision 1 191
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Edit Shaper

3.302 Traffic Shaping Edit Shaper

traffic-shaping edit shaper - Modify traffic shaper configuration

Modify a traffic shaper configuration.

traffic-shaping {edit} shaper <shaper-name> {
{state {disable | enable}} |
{name <string> } |
{cir <0 to max-port-speed> } |
{cbs <0-10240> } |
{eir <0 to max-port-speed> } |
{cbs <0-10240> } |
{queue-len <16-2036> } |
{queue-full-thrs <5-98> } |
{queue-empty-thrs <5-98> } |
{pm-freeze-time <1-655>} |
{pm-increment <1-127>} |
{pm-decrement <1-127>}}+


state - Enable or disable the shaper. When disabled, all traffic

assigned to this shaper will be dropped.
name - New shaper name.
cir - Shaping rate of green frames, expressed as a multiple of
125 kbps.
cbs - Shaping burst of green frames, expressed as a multiple of
256 Bytes.
eir - Shaping rate of yellow frames, expressed as a multiple of
125 kbps.
ebs - Shaping burst of yellow frames, expressed as a multiple of
256 Bytes.
queue-len - Maximum queue length in kBytes.
queue-full-thrs - Queue full threshold, expressed as a percentage of the
specified queue length. When crossing this threshold, the
queue is declared full by the queue management algorithm.
queue-empty-thrs - Queue empty threshold, expressed as a percentage of the
specified queue length. The queue is declared empty as
long as the current level does not cross this threshold.
pm-freeze-time - Determines the minimum interval time between two
successive updates of the marking probability.
pm-increment - The marking probability is incremented by this value if
the queue occupancy level is greater than the queue empty
pm-decrement - The marking probability is decremented by this value if
the queue occupancy level is less than queue empty

Revision 1 192
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Show Blue Statistics

3.303 Traffic Shaping Show Blue Statistics

traffic-shaping show blue statistics - Show BLUE statistics

This command displays the instantaneous statistics of the queue management
algorithm (BLUE).

traffic-shaping show blue statistics

3.304 Traffic Shaping Show Map

traffic-shaping show map - Show PCP to shaper mapping

Show the PCP to shaper mapping.

traffic-shaping show map

3.305 Traffic Shaping Show Port Configuration

traffic-shaping port configuration - Show port shaping configuration

Display a summary of port shaping configuration parameters. Traffic shaping is
only available on the network port.

traffic-shaping show port configuration [<port-name>]

<port-name> - <string>

Revision 1 193
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Shaping Show Port Statistics

3.306 Traffic Shaping Show Port Statistics

traffic-shaping show port statistics - Show port shaping statistics

This page shows statistics for the traffic originating from the CPU, looped
back traffic and generator traffic, towards the Network port.

traffic-shaping show port statistics [<port-name>]

<port-name> - <string>

3.307 Traffic Shaping Show Shaper Configuration

traffic-shaping shaper configuration - Show shaper configuration

Display a summary of the configured shaper instances. When an instance
identifier is specified, a detailed configuration report is displayed.

traffic-shaping show shaper configuration [<shaper-name>]

<shaper-name> - <string>

3.308 Traffic Shaping Show Shaper Statistics

traffic-shaping show shaper statistics - Show shaper statistics

Display the statistics of a specific shaper.

traffic-shaping show shaper statistics [<shaper-name>]

<shaper-name> - <string>

Revision 1 194
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Traffic Show

3.309 Traffic Show

traffic show - Shows policy list VLAN filtering parameters.

Displays which VLAN (inner or outer) is inspected by policy lists.

traffic show

3.310 TWAMP Clear Statistics

twamp clear statistics - Clear TWAMP flows statistics

Clear TWAMP flows statistics.

twamp clear statistics [<identifier>]

<identifier> = <decimal>

<identifier> - An optional unique index identifying the instance.

3.311 TWAMP Edit

twamp edit - Edit TWAMP configuration

Edit TWAMP configuration

twamp edit {
{udp-port <decimal>} |
{state <enable | disable>}}+

state - The state of the instance (disabled by default).
udp-port - The UDP port used (1025-32767).

Revision 1 195
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide TWAMP Show Configuration

3.312 TWAMP Show Configuration

twamp show configuration - Display TWAMP configuration

Display TWAMP configuration.

twamp show configuration

3.313 TWAMP Show Statistics

twamp show statistics - Display TWAMP flows statistics

Display TWAMP statistics.

twamp show statistics

3.314 User Add/Edit

user add - Add a new user.
user edit - Edit an existing user.

The user add command allows you to add users who can access the unit.

You can use user edit when you need to modify a user configuration.

If you use the <password> keyword in one of these commands, you will be
prompted to enter your password after the command. You will need to confirm
your password as well. If you do not use the password keyword with <user add>,
the password will be set the same as the user name.

user {add | edit} <user-name> {{first <string>} |
{last <string>} |
{email <string>} |
{phone <string>} |
{clearpass <string>} |

<user-name> - <string>
first - First name of the user.
last - Last name of the user.
email - The email address of the user.

Revision 1 196
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide User Delete

phone - The telephone number of the user.

password - Allows to set a password for the user.
clearpass - Enter password in cleartext without confirmation.

3.315 User Delete

user delete - Remove an existing user


user delete allows you to delete an existing user profile.

user delete {<user-name>}

<user-name> - <string>

3.316 User Permissions Edit

user permissions edit - Edit the user permissions

user permissions edit allows you to modify the permissions that are
associated with a specified user.

user permissions edit {<user-name>} {add-group | delete-group} {<group-name>}

<user-name> - <string>
<group-name> - <string>

3.317 User Permissions Show

user permissions show - Shows the user permissions

This command displays the permission of the group to which the specified user

user permissions show [<user-name>]

<user-name> - <string>

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MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide User Show

3.318 User Show

user show - Show user information

user show displays the contact information for a given user.

user show [<user-name>]

<user-name> - <string>

3.319 VCAgent Edit Collection

vcagent edit collection - Editing command used by EMS Vision Collect

Change vcagent related collection setting.

vcagent edit collection

3.320 VCAgent Edit Configuration

vcagent edit configuration - Editing command used by EMS Vision Collect

Change vcagent related configuration setting.

vcagent edit configuration

3.321 VCAgent Show Configuration

vcagent show configuration - Show Vision Collect Agent configuration

vcagent show configuration displays the agent configuration parameters.

vcagent show configuration

Revision 1 198
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide VCAgent Show Descriptors

3.322 VCAgent Show Descriptors

vcagent show descriptors - Dump Vision Collect Agent JSON descriptors

vcagent show desriptors displays the agent JSON descriptors.

vcagent show descriptors

3.323 Version
version - Display CLI version

Display CLI version.


3.324 VID-Set Add

vid-set add - Add a VID set

The vid-set command is used to add a new VID set.

vid-set add <vset-name> {
{policy-list <policy list>} |
{vlan-type {c-vlan | s-vlan}} |
{vid-list <vlist>}}+

<vset-name> - <string>
policy-list - Name of the policy list to which the VID set will be
vlan-type - VLAN type associated with the VID set.
vid-list - List of VIDs to include in this VID set. Specify a list of
VIDs in the following format: [- ], [- ]...
(e.g. 1,2,100-200 will include VIDs 1, 2, and 100 to 200).

Revision 1 199
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide VID-Set Delete

3.325 VID-Set Delete

vid-set delete - Delete a VID set

vid-set delete allows you to delete an existing VID set.

vid-set delete <vset-name>

<vset-name> - <string>

3.326 VID-Set Edit

vid-set edit - Change vid-set parameters

vid-set edit allows you to change the parameters in existing VID sets.

vid-set edit <vset-name> {
{name <vset-name>} |
{vid-list <vlist>}}+
<vset-name> - <string>
name - New name given to this VID set.
vid-list - List of VIDs to include in this VID set. Specify a list of
VIDs in the following format: [- ], [- ]...
(e.g. 1,2,100-200 will include VIDs 1, 2, and 100 to 200).

3.327 VID-Set Show Set

vid-set show set - Display VID set configuration

Specifying an interface provides detailed configuration about this VID set.
Otherwise, the command provides a summary configuration for all VID sets in a
table format.

vid-set show set [<interface-name>]

<interface-name> - <string>

Revision 1 200
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide VID-Set Show VID

3.328 VID-Set Show VID

vid-set show vid - Display VID configuration

Specifying an interface provides detailed configuration about this VID set.
Otherwise, the command provides a summary configuration for all VID sets in a
table format.

vid-set show vid [<interface-name>]

<interface-name> - <string>

Revision 1 201
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Add Test

3.329 Y.1564 Add Test

y1564 add test - Create an instance of Y.1564 test

With y1564 add test, you can create a new Y.1564 test and set its parameters.

y1564 add test <test-name> {
{description <string>} |
{configuration {enable | disable}} |
{step-duration {1-60} |
{performance {enable | disable}} |
{test-duration {1-1440} |
{parallel {enable | disable}} |
{port <port-name>} |
{delay-type {one-way-delay | two-way-delay}} |
{time-sync-mandatory {enable | disable}} |
{packet-type {layer-2 | layer-3 | l2-accedian | l2-generic}} |
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{destination-port <0-65535>} |
{source-port <0-65535>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>} |
{y1731-level <0-7>}}+

description - Short description of the Y.1564 test.
configuration - Enable Y.1564 configuration test.
step-duration - Duration of each step during the configuration test in
performance - Enable Y.1564 performance test.
test-duration - Duration of each step during the performance test in
parallel - Enable Y.1564 parallel service configuration test.
port - Name of the port to which to send the test traffic.
delay-type - Type of delay measurement.
time-sync-mandatory - Enable time synchronization verification.
packet-type - Used to define specific fields in the test packet.
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
destination-port - The destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
source-port - The source port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
dst-mac-addr - This is the Ethernet MAC destination address.
y1731-level - Y.1731 Maintenance Entity Group level (0-7).

Revision 1 202
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Delete Report

3.330 Y.1564 Delete Report

y1564 delete report - Delete an instance of Y.1564 test report

Delete an instance of Y.1564 test report.

y1564 delete report <report-name>

<report-name> = <string>

<report-name> - A unique name to identify an instance of Y.1564 test report.

3.331 Y.1564 Delete Test

y1564 delete test - Delete an instance of Y.1564 test

Delete an instance of Y.1564 test.

y1564 delete test <test-name>

<test-name> = <string>

<test-name> - A unique name to identify an instance of Y.1564 test.

Revision 1 203
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Edit Report

3.332 Y.1564 Edit Report

y1564 edit report - Change Y.1564 test activation information

After a Y.1564 test has completed, the report can be edited to modify or add
information such as: name, description, note, technician's name.

y1564 edit report filename <filename> {
{description <desc>} |
{note <note>} |
{technician <tech. name>}}+

<filename> - <string> Unique filename associated with the activation.

description - <string> Information about test being described.
note - <string> Additional Information about test being described.
technician - <string> Name of technician executing test.

3.333 Y.1564 Edit Service

y1564 edit test - Change Y.1564 service configuration

With y1564 edit service, you change the configuration of a service under a
specific test.

y1564 edit service <test-name> <service-id> {
{name <service-name>} |
{state {enable | disable}} |
{policing {enable | disable}} |
{step {enable | disable}} |
{availability {enable | disable}} |
{cir <0 to max-port-speed>} |
{cbs <0 to max>} |
{eir <0 to max-port-speed>} |
{ebs <0 to max>}|
{size-type {fixed}} |
{packet-size <64 to 10240>} |
{ftd <decimal>} |
{ftd-type {max|avg}} |
{fdv <decimal>} |
{fdv-type {max|avg}} |
{flr <exponent>} |
{m-factor <decimal>} |
{dst-ipv4-overwrite {enable|disable}} |

Revision 1 204
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Edit Service

{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{dscp-overwrite {enable|disable}} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{dst-mac-addr-overwrite {enable|disable}} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr> } |
{y1731-level-overwrite {enable|disable}} |
{y1731-level <0-7>} |
{vlan1-header {enable|disable}} |
{vlan1-ethertype {c-vlan|s-vlan}} |
{vlan1-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan1-id <0-4095>} |
{vlan1-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-header {enable|disable}} |
{vlan2-ethertype {c-vlan|s-vlan}} |
{vlan2-priority <0-7>} |
{vlan2-cfi <0-1>} |
{vlan2-id <0-4095>} |
{fe-vlan1-priority-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan1-dei-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan1-id-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan2-priority-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan2-dei-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan2-id-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-dscp-check {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan1-priority <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan1-dei <0-1> {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan1-id <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan2-priority <0-7> {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan2-dei <0-1> {disable | enable}} |
{fe-vlan2-id <0-4095> {disable | enable}} |
{fe-dscp <0-63> {disable | enable}}}+

<test-name> = A unique name used to identify a Y.1564 test in the system.

<service-id> = A unique id used to identify a service in this test.

name - The name of a service.
disable | enable - To enable or disable the field in the check.
state - Enable this service for this specific test.
policing - Enable policing testing.
step - Enable step testing.
availability - Enable Availability measurement.
cir - committed information rate in kbps.
cbs - committed burst size in kBytes.
eir - excess information rate in kbps.
ebs - excess burst size in kBytes.
size-type - Packet sizes is limited to fixed only, no support
for EMIX available in this product.
packet-size - For a fixed packet, specify the packet size.
Maximum packet size is 10240.
ftd - Maximum/average two-way Frame Transfer Delay (FTD)
allowed (in micro-seconds).

Revision 1 205
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Edit Service

ftd-type - Determines whether if the Frame Transfer Delay

(FTD) parameter is a maximum or average value.
fdv - Maximum/average two-way Frame Delay Variation (FDV)
allowed (in micro-seconds).
fdv-type - Determines whether if the Frame Delay Variation
(FDV) parameter is a maximum or average value.
flr - Maximum Frame Loss Ratio (FLR) allowed.
m-factor - The M factor is added to the Service Acceptance
Criteria in the policing test to take into account
the effect of the CBS and EBS on the total rate.
The policing test will pass if IR-T=<CIR+EIR+M
Where: IR-T: Total Information Rate
CIR: Committed Information Rate
EIR: Excess Information Rate
M: M factor (default value = 1 Mbps)
dst-ipv4-overwrite - Overwrite the test IPv4 address with the service
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
dscp-overwrite - Overwrite the test DSCP value with the service
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
mac-addr-overwrite - Enable/Disable the overwrite of the test
destination MAC address.
mac-addr - The destination MAC address to overwrite.
y1731-level-overwrite - Enable/Disable the overwrite of the Y.1731 MEG
y1731-level - Y.1731 MEG level value to overwrite.
vlan1-header - Enable the presence of the first VLAN header.
vlan1-ethertype* - First VLAN protocol ID set to c-vlan (0x8100) for
802.1Q network, s-vlan (0x9100) for 802.1Q tunneling
network, or s-vlan (0x88A8) for 802.1AD network.
vlan1-cfi - First VLAN CFI/DEI may be 0 or 1. It is usually set
to 0.
vlan1-id - First VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan1-priority - First VLAN priority can be between 0 and 7, 7 being
the highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
vlan2-header - Enable the presence of the second VLAN header.
vlan2-ethertype* - Second VLAN protocol ID set to c-vlan (0x8100) for
802.1Q network, s-vlan (0x9100) for 802.1Q tunneling
network, or s-vlan (0x88A8) for 802.1AD network.
vlan2-cfi - Second VLAN CFI/DEI may be 0 or 1. It is usually
set to 0.
vlan2-id - Second VLAN ID may be any value between 0 and 4095.
vlan2-priority - Second VLAN priority can be between 0 and 7, 7 being
the highest priority. Normal traffic has priority 0.
fe-no-vlan1-check - Enable this option if you want to validate that the
frames received at the far-end do not have a first
VLAN tag (i.e. untagged).
fe-vlan1-priority-check - Enable the far-end verification of the first VLAN
fe-vlan1-dei-check - Enable the far-end verification of the first VLAN DEI.
fe-vlan1-id-check - Enable the far-end verification of the first VLAN ID.
fe-no-vlan2-check - Enable this option if you want to validate that the

Revision 1 206
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Edit Service

frames received at the far-end do not have a second

VLAN tag (i.e. untagged).
fe-vlan2-priority-check - Enable the far-end verification of the second VLAN
fe-vlan2-dei-check - Enable the far-end verification of the second VLAN
fe-vlan2-id-check - Enable the far-end verification of the second VLAN
fe-dscp-check - Enable the far-end verification of the DSCP value.
fe-vlan1-priority - If enabled, this is the first VLAN priority value
expected at the far-end.
fe-vlan1-dei - If enabled, this is the first VLAN DEI value
expected at the far-end.
fe-vlan1-id - If enabled, this is the first VLAN ID value
expected at the far-end.
fe-vlan2-priority - If enabled, this is the second VLAN priority value
expected at the far-end.
fe-vlan2-dei - If enabled, this is the second VLAN DEI value
expected at the far-end.
fe-vlan2-id - If enabled, this is the second VLAN ID value
expected at the far-end.
fe-dscp - If enabled, this is the DSCP value expected at the
far-end DSCP.

* The value of s-vlan is defined by the global S-VLAN setting.

Revision 1 207
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Edit Test

3.334 Y.1564 Edit Test

y1564 edit test - Change an Y.1564 test configuration

With y1564 edit test, you can change the parameters of an existing test.

y1564 edit test <test-name> {
{name <test-name>} |
{description <string>} |
{configuration {enable | disable}} |
{step-duration {1-60} |
{performance {enable | disable}} |
{test-duration {1-1440} |
{parallel {enable | disable}} |
{port <port-name>} |
{delay-type {one-way-delay | two-way-delay}} |
{time-sync-mandatory {enable | disable}} |
{packet-type {layer-2 | layer-3 | l2-accedian | l2-generic}} |
{dst-ipv4-addr <ip-addr>} |
{destination-port <0-65535>} |
{source-port <0-65535>} |
{dscp <0-63>} |
{dst-mac-addr <mac-addr>} |
{y1731-level <0-7>}}+

name - The name of the the test.
description - Short description of the Y.1564 test.
configuration - Enable Y.1564 configuration test.
step-duration - Duration of each step during the configuration test in
performance - Enable Y.1564 performance test.
test-duration - Duration of each step during the performance test in
parallel - Enable Y.1564 parallel service configuration test.
port - Name of the port to which to send the test traffic.
delay-type - Type of delay measurement.
time-sync-mandatory - Enable time synchronization verification.
packet-type - Used to define specific fields in the test packet.
dst-ipv4-addr - The IPv4 destination address.
destination-port - The destination port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
source-port - The source port for UDP protocol (0 - 65535).
dscp - The Diff-Serv CodePoint value (0 - 63).
dst-mac-addr - This is the Ethernet MAC destination address.
y1731-level - Y.1731 Maintenance Entity Group level (0-7).

Revision 1 208
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Generate Report

3.335 Y.1564 Generate Report

y1564 generate report - Generate a Y.1564 report file

This command allows to generate a Y.1564 test report.

y1564 generate report <filename> [report-type {report-type-txt |

filename - <string> Unique filename associated with the report.
report-type - Report type (XML, TXT) to generate.

3.336 Y.1564 Show Activation

y1564 show activation - Show the Y.1564 test activation

This command displays the Y.1564 test activation. i.e. its name, status and
description. If a specific test name is specified, a full test activation will
be displayed (name, status, service name, and progression of each test step).

y1564 show activation <filename>

<filename> - <string> Unique filename associated with the activation.

3.337 Y.1564 Show Service Configuration

y1564 show service configuration - Show Y.1564 service configuration

The command displays the configuration for a specific service.

y1564 show service configuration <test-name> <service-id>

<test-name> - A unique name used to identify a Y.1564 in the system.
<service-id> - A unique id used to identify a service in this test.

Revision 1 209
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Show Test Configuration

3.338 Y.1564 Show Test Configuration

y1564 show test configuration - Show Y.1564 test configuration

This command displays the Y.1564 test configuration. Specifying a test name
provides detailed configuration about this test. Otherwise, the command
provides a summary of the configured test.

y1564 show test configuration <test-name>

<test-name> - <string> Name of the specific test to display the configuration.

3.339 Y.1564 Start Activation

y1564 start activation - Starts a Y.1564 test

This command starts the specified Y.1564 test and creates a new report.

y1564 start activation filename <filename> test <report-test>
{ {description <report-desc>} |
{technician <report-tech>} |
{note <report-note>} }+

filename - <string> Unique filename for the report.
test - <string> Name for the Y.1564 test to run.
description - <string> Description for this report.
technician - <string> Name of the technician running this test.
note - <string> Note associated to this test. This note will be
included in the report.

Revision 1 210
MetroNID TE v6.4.2 CLI Command Guide Y.1564 Stop Activation

3.340 Y.1564 Stop Activation

y1564 stop activation - Stop a Y.1564 test

This command stops the execution of the specified test.

y1564 stop activation filename <filename>

filename - <string> Unique filename where the report will be stored.

3.341 Y.1564 Upload Report

y1564 upload report - Upload a Y.1564 report file

This command allows to upload a Y.1564 test report to a remote location.

y1564 upload report <filename> <url> [report-type {report-type-txt |

filename - <string> Unique filename associated with the report.
url - URL to reach the server and directory, e.g.
The filename of the report will be automatically appended
to the specified URL.
report-type - Report type (XML, TXT) to upload to server.

Revision 1 211

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