Sub Contractor HSE Manual
Sub Contractor HSE Manual
Sub Contractor HSE Manual
March 2014
PROJECT ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES ......................................................................... 24
Policy .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Mandatory Project Environment, Health and Safety Rules ................................................................ 24
SAFETY POLICY MEMORANDUM............................................................................................................. 24
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .............................................................................................................. 25
PROJECT EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES ..................................................................................... 25
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 25
Medical Emergency Response ............................................................................................................ 25
Fire and Hazardous Material Response Plan..................................................................................... 26
Large Scale Catastrophic Events ........................................................................................................ 27
SPECIFIC ITEMS ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Fire / Hazardous Materials Evacuation Muster Points ...................................................................... 27
Major Catastrophes Evacuation Muster Points.................................................................................. 27
Bomb Threat Evacuation Muster Points ............................................................................................. 27
In all cases: ......................................................................................................................................... 27
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................ 28
FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................. 28
NOVO Construction Project EHS Documentation Submission Requirements ................................... 28
General Safety
Project Environment, Health & Safety Plan
This Project Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Plan provides an administrative structure within
which contractors present on the project site shall provide both for the health and safety of their
employees and other individuals affected by their activities and for the protection of property and the
environment. The Project EHS Plan does not relieve contractors of any of their traditional or specific
legal responsibilities with respect to occupational health and safety or the protection of property and
the environment. Instead, the Project EHS Plan provides for consistency among the various
contractors’ individual programs; monitoring of contractors’ conformance with their individual
programs, the Project EHS Program, and the NOVO Construction Environment, Health and Safety
Contractor Requirements; initiation of corrective actions when nonconformances are identified; and
administration and reporting to reveal the effectiveness of the Project EHS Program.
The Project EHS Plan is designed to provide consistent environment, health and safety efforts during
construction. The Project EHS Plan does not relieve a contractor of his/her contract responsibilities
for Environment, Health and Safety, or for complying with any applicable governmental regulations.
Contractors shall be responsible for the health and safety of all persons and property affected by the
contractors’ performance of the work, including work performed by their contractors. This
requirement shall apply continuously during the entire contract period and shall not be limited just too
normal working hours. Contractors shall be responsible for implementation of a written EHS
Program (Contractors’ Safety Program) to prevent their employees from working under conditions
which are unsanitary or dangerous to their health and safety. Contractors’ conformance with the
requirement to initiate and maintain such a program is mandatory under the provisions of their
construction contract.
Contractors shall also be responsible for the administration of the Contractors’ Safety Programs and
the Project EHS Plan for their contractors. Documentation required by this program includes, but is
not limited to, that summarized in Appendix A. Appendix A presents a Form Submittal Matrix that
identifies the specific Form and the required timing for submittal to NOVO Construction.
Program Requirements
Contractors’ Safety and Health Programs shall meet the minimum applicable requirements of the
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended and/or the California Department of
Industrial Relations – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA). In addition, to
meet the minimum requirements of the Project EHS Plan, the following additional requirements shall
be a mandatory part of each contractor’s EHS Program:
Deliver one copy of the Contractor’s EHS Program to NOVO Construction for review.
The contractors shall designate competent person(s) for each area listed that is
applicable to their work. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) defines a competent person as:
“One who through training and experience is capable of identifying
existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working
conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees
and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to
eliminate them.”
Conduct contractor/subcontract prequalification measures
Deliver the contractor/subcontractor orientation program which will be presented during
craftworker initiation.
Monthly Safety Metrics submittals requirements.
Incident/accident submittal requirements.
The contractors’ competent persons shall be the competent persons for each lower tier contractor
unless that lower tier contractor identifies an alternate competent person.
Participate in the weekly construction coordination meetings.
Cooperate with NOVO Construction, state, federal, and local agencies concerning safety,
health, environmental and property damage matters.
Participate in the implementation of fire control measures as may be appropriate for the
protection of individuals and property.
Provide and document training and education to the contractor’s employees in the
recognition, avoidance, and prevention of unsafe working conditions and unsafe work
practices, and in the implementation of emergency procedures.
Maintain accurate environment, health and safety records and statistics, and submit to
NOVO Construction by the first of each month.
Provide a system for ensuring that reports required by the Project EHS Plan are submitted
to NOVO Construction in a timely manner.
Provide a system for immediately reporting all injuries, accidents, illnesses, fires,
hazardous material spills, and unsafe conditions and procedures to the contractor’s safety
representative and NOVO Construction.
Hold and document a system of weekly “toolbox” safety meetings for all contractor
Establish a system to prevent the use of unsafe or defective equipment, tools, materials,
or machinery, which includes procedures for tagging and/or locking out and rendering
inoperable such unsafe items.
Provide a system for ensuring that only employees who are qualified by training or
experience are allowed to operate equipment, tools, and machinery.
Designate a qualified representative to be responsible for rigging and heavy lifting. A
JHA shall be required prior to all lifts. All lifts over 10 tons, multiple crane lifts, and lifts
over 75 percent of the crane’s rated capacity, will be considered critical lifts with the
appropriate planning and approvals. ALL CRANES TO HAVE LOAD/MOMENTUM
The following items shall be included in the report:
Make and model number of the crane or hoist.
Lift radius, boom angle, and boom length, if applicable.
Lifting capacity of the crane or hoist for the particular configuration.
Size and capacity of all rigging.
Weight of object being lifted and associated rigging.
Diagram of lift layout.
Such reports shall be submitted to NOVO Construction for review seventy-two (72) hours
prior to the lift.
Establish a documented program for protecting employees from occupational health
hazards resulting from airborne dusts, mists, vapor, or fumes; noise; and radiation
(ionizing and nonionizing), with emphasis on materials such as lead, asbestos, cadmium,
arsenic, or silica. A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (refer to Subsection 1.6.1) shall be
performed to determine the appropriate steps to control the hazard. The contractor shall
use engineering controls wherever possible to eliminate the hazard. If engineering
controls are not effective, administrative controls or personal protective equipment (PPE)
shall be used.
Provide a written program for employees who require, because of the hazards of the work
being performed, the use of PPE.
Establish a system that provides for monthly, documented inspections of all equipment in
accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
Provide written disciplinary procedures equal to or greater than those discussed in
Subsection 1.3.2 of this Project EHS Plan. This procedure must include enforcement
responsibilities of all supervisory personnel.
Provide appropriate first aid/medical coverage for their employees and submit monthly
Injury/Incident Logs to NOVO Construction.
If steel erection activities are being performed as described in CFR 1926.750, develop a
site-specific steel erection program that meets OSHA Subpart R 1926.750-761
requirements in addition to specific steel erection requirements set forth in this manual
(Subsection 1.6.14).
Develop, document, and implement evacuation/emergency plans for medical
emergencies, fire, and hazardous material spills. Contractors’ programs shall be in
compliance with NOVO Construction and the owner requirements.
Develop and implement a Drug Testing Program and background verification as required
by the contract documents.
Conduct weekly work area environment, health and safety inspections with written
reports shall be made available for audit at any time. Included in the reports shall be
deficiencies detected and corrective action taken.
Occupational Safety and Health Notice of Violation (NOV)
The contractor will be informed of identified violations of safety and health standards by means of an
Occupational Safety and Health Notice of Violation (Figure 8 or equivalent). NOV’s will be
delivered by the most expeditious method to the contractor’s onsite construction office/representative.
The contractor shall take corrective action within the abatement period shown on the violation notice
or propose an alternate solution within the abatement period given. If corrective action is not taken
within the abatement period, work shall stop in the affected location and/or the affected equipment
shall not be used until the cited violation is corrected.
After corrective action has been completed, the contractor shall state in writing the corrective action
taken, date and sign the original notice, and return it to NOVO Construction.
There are four types of violations:
Serious – Any condition or practice which is causing or likely to cause death or serious
physical harm to any person.
Non-serious – Any condition or practice which is not likely to cause death or serious
physical harm to any person.
Stop Work/Imminent Danger – The existence of any condition or practice which would
reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm before such condition or
practice can be corrected. This is a “stop work” situation. All persons shall be
withdrawn from the affected area, and no one allowed in such area except those people
deemed necessary to correct the condition or practice.
Stop Work/Noncompliance – A violation (serious or non-serious) described in a notice
has not been totally corrected within the noted abatement time, and the abatement time
should not be extended. This is a “stop work” situation. All persons shall be withdrawn
from the affected area, and no one allowed in such area except those people deemed
necessary to correct the condition or practice.
Imminent Danger Notification
If NOVO Construction or owner representative considers a violation to be imminently dangerous to
life, limb, or property, the contractor’s representative at that location will be directed to immediately
cease work in that area. The imminent danger condition shall be corrected to the satisfaction of
NOVO Construction and/or the federal, state, and local requirements before work is allowed to
Repeated Violations
In addition to the above notification procedures, NOVO Construction will notify the contractor’s
corporate office if a particular violation is repeated or if the contractor’s field supervision is not
cooperative. Such notification to the contractor’s corporate office may be either by telephone or in
writing; however, telephone notifications will be followed up with written notification.
Repeated nonconformance with the Project EHS Plan and repeated failure to comply with correction
directives may result in removal of contractor supervisor/management from the project site or
termination of the contract.
If the safety and health hazard noted on the Occupational Safety and Health Notice of Violation is not
abated within the time period specified and no alternate solution has been proposed by the contractor,
NOVO Construction may initiate steps to correct the violation and back charge such expenses to the
Notice to Employee of Safety and Health Violation
Contractor employees who knowingly violate the project’s environment, health and safety rules will
be issued a Safety and Health Personal Notice of Violation (PNOV). If any one employee receives
three Personal Violation Notices, disciplinary action, which shall include discharge from the project,
will result. Employees knowingly or willfully violating project EHS rules shall be subject to
discharge without prior warning.
Employers will receive a copy of all PNOV’s issued to their employees.
PNOV’s may be issued to contractor supervisors for not enforcing the Project EHS Program rules
with the employees under their supervision.
Employees discharged for violation of Project EHS Plan rules shall not be eligible for rehire for the
duration of the project.
Accident/Incident Reporting
Immediately following any injury or incident, all injuries, occupational illnesses, and accidents shall
be investigated by the senior contractor representative and reported to a NOVO Construction Project
representative. The contractor representative shall complete an Accident Investigation Report. The
contractor representative shall submit the completed report to NOVO Construction along with any
supportive information such as photographs, witness statements, etc., within 2 working days after the
incident occurs. Reports shall be dated and signed by the senior contractor representative.
If a serious injury (see definition below), fatality, property damage, accident, or any damaging fire
occurs, NOVO Construction shall be immediately notified regardless of the day or hour per Section 2,
Emergency Procedures. This reporting requirement is in addition to the requirements outlined in the
above paragraph. A serious injury is defined as any injury that requires medical treatment beyond
first aid (as defined by OSHA in the publication “Recordkeeping Guidelines for Occupational Injuries
and Illnesses”), any trip to the hospital or doctor’s office, or any single incident where two or more
employees are injured.
Reporting Accidents and Injuries
All accidents and injuries are to be reported to the NOVO Construction on the same day they happen.
Fire Protection
Each contractor shall be responsible for fire protection throughout all phases of construction as
required by the National Fire Protection Code and OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926 Subpart F.
Only work procedures which minimize fire hazards to the greatest extent practical shall be used.
Fuels, solvents, and other volatile or flammable materials shall be stored in an area designated by
NOVO Construction. Good housekeeping is essential to fire prevention and shall be practiced by all
site contractors.
Permanent storage of flammable or combustible materials shall be in designated areas. Temporary
storage inside buildings is allowed only if the materials are necessary for construction, and all
materials are removed from inside at the end of the day.
Fire extinguishers shall be maintained and inspected on a monthly basis.
Reporting Fires
All fires, regardless of size, shall be reported immediately to NOVO Construction.
In the event of a fire that cannot be locally controlled by fire extinguishers, the contractor shall follow
the project emergency procedures.
Specific Requirements
First Aid
The Contractors and Subcontractors shall have appropriate and adequate first aid supplies on-
site and the first aid supplies shall be accessible for immediate use. Written procedures shall
be developed to ensure that first aid supplies are replaced promptly if used, and are missing
or depleted.
Sufficient Contractor and subcontractor’s personnel shall be available at the work site(s) to
render first aid. The first aid personnel shall be appropriately trained and have valid CPR
and first aid certifications. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, American Red Cross, or an equivalent
training program that can be verified).
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
Contractors shall conduct a JHA on all major work operations, work operations that are particularly
hazardous by nature, and those operations requiring special planning. The following list of general
activities can be used as a guide to help determine when a JHA is required. But not limited to:
1. Excavation and trenching operations.
2. Crane lifts.
3. Lockout / Tagout of electrical and/or mechanical equipment.
4. High voltage electrical work.
5. Inactivating or interruption of life safety systems, critical processes or systems.
6. Demolition in safety sensitive areas or locations (e.g., clean rooms, laboratories, etc.).
7. Demolition of process piping or potentially contaminated materials.
8. Exposure to areas with asbestos, lead or mold hazards.
9. Foundation construction.
10. Concrete work.
11. Structural steel erection.
12. Roofing and decking work.
13. Transmission line construction.
14. Tank, vault, basin, and vessel construction.
15. Mechanical equipment installation.
16. Electrical equipment installation.
17. Insulation work.
18. Painting, coating, and lining operations.
19. Heavy rigging and lifting operations.
20. Chemical cleaning activities.
21. Pressure testing.
22. Startup and commissioning activities.
23. Hazardous waste remediation.
24. Work in roadways.
25. Confined space work.
Before the start of a work operation that requires a JHA, the appropriate people shall be assembled.
The people needed to complete a JHA shall be dependent on the complexity of the work operation
being evaluated. As applicable, persons shall be included who have knowledge in the following
areas; but, as a minimum, at least one management and one craft employee shall be involved in the
Hazards associated with the work operation.
Knowledge on the equipment and tools needed to safely perform the work.
Procedures to perform the work.
Applicable OSHA standards.
MedImmune EHS Program requirements.
Chemicals and processes involved.
The form is divided into three areas: Sequence of the Job; Potential Hazards; and Recommended
Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment. The following shall be considered when completing each
Sequence of the Job – The job shall be broken down into manageable steps with enough
detail to adequately cover the task being evaluated. For example, steel erection can be
broken down into several tasks such as steel delivery, offloading, staging, anchor bolt
installation, column erection, beam installation, fill-in steel, bolt up, stairs and handrail,
grating, etc. These major sections can be broken down into manageable subsections; for
example, offloading can be further broken down into the following categories--
positioning the truck, setting up the crane, selecting the appropriate rigging, rigging the
steel, swinging the load, unhooking the rigging, etc.
Potential Hazards – For each task identified in the Sequence of the Job section of the
JHA form, the hazards associated with the task shall be identified. Typically, each task
will have more than one potential hazard listed; for example, hazards created while
“positioning the truck” from the example described above would include the load shifting
and crushing employees; the truck backing over workers; situating the truck under an
overhead powerline, causing a potential electrical hazard; the truck hitting and damaging
other equipment and structures, etc.
Recommended Action or Procedure – For each hazard identified in the Potential
Hazard section of the JHA form, a way to eliminate the hazard shall be described in this
section. Emphasis should be placed on time, material, equipment, training, and
procedures. For example, the hazard listed in the above example, “the truck backing over
workers,” could be eliminated by the following: ensuring that all trucks are equipped
with a backup alarm, assigning someone to act as a signal person (that person will need to
be trained), requiring the signal person to wear an orange reflectorized vest, etc.
Upon completion of the JHA, but before the start of the work operation, the contractor shall submit
the JHA to NOVO Construction for review.
Upon approval by NOVO Construction, the contractor shall use the form to ensure that the elements
listed are in place before the start of the work operation. The contractor shall also use the form as a
training tool to ensure that each employee involved in the work operation is adequately trained on
each element of the JHA. Each employee involved with the operation shall initial the JHA as
acknowledgement that they have reviewed and understand the information provided on the JHA.
If a situation arises during the work operation that has not been addressed by the JHA, or if a situation
occurs that requires an existing element of the JHA to be modified, the contractor shall modify the
JHA as appropriate to address the issue. The contractor shall ensure that affected employees are
trained on any changes or additions made to the JHA.
Contractors shall, at all times, maintain the premises free from accumulations of waste material, trash,
and debris caused by their work.
Pre-job planning shall include consideration of housekeeping plans and will also include methods and
necessary equipment or tools. The contractors shall instruct their supervisors to maintain good
Each work area shall be cleaned and swept daily, if applicable, by the contractor or as often as necessary
to remove fire and safety hazards discovered through regularly scheduled inspections. All tools,
scaffolding, and materials shall be removed from the work area at the completion of the work. All scrap,
waste material, and rubbish shall be removed from the work area daily.
Refusal to maintain or negligence in maintaining good housekeeping can result in the following:
Back charges to the contractor for removal of trash, rubbish, and waste materials from the
work area and also for clearing aisles; walkways; and work areas of tools, material, and
Reports to NOVO Construction Executive Management of inadequate contractor
Suspension of the work until a proper level of housekeeping is achieved, as deemed necessary
by NOVO Construction.
All recommendations for improved housekeeping from a NOVO Construction or owner representative
shall be acted upon immediately by the contractor in violation.
Subcontractors shall maintain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for any and all hazardous
Material they bring onsite or for which they are responsible. The SDS shall be obtained before the
material arrives onsite.
If a subcontractor’s work with a hazardous material could affect the health and safety of other
subcontractors’ employees, the subcontractor shall coordinate the work with the other subcontractors
to ensure the health and safety of the subcontractors’ employees.
Subcontractors shall be responsible for the safe storage, use, and disposal of all hazardous material
they bring onsite, or for which they are responsible.
Subcontractors shall conspicuously label with their company name all containers of hazardous
material for which they are responsible.
Fall Protection
The contractors shall strictly adhere to the OSHA Fall Protection Standard 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M. No
person or work operation is exempt from the standard on this project. This includes structural steel
erection operations, structural steel connectors, and scaffold erectors. Fall protection is required
100 percent of the time, whether employees are climbing, traveling, or working when exposed to a
fall hazard six (6) foot or greater:
Fall Protection Plan – Before starting work operations that require fall protection, the
contractor shall submit a fall protection plan to NOVO Construction. The fall protection
plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
o Name of qualified person in charge of the operation.
o Description of work operation.
o List of fall exposures.
o Description of fall protection methods used to eliminate the fall exposures.
o Training and enforcement methods used to ensure employee compliance with the
Note: Refer to the Sample Fall Protection Plan in Appendix E to the 29 CFR 1926
Subpart M, Fall Protection Standards.
Body Harnesses, Lanyards, and Lifelines – Body harnesses, lanyards, and lifelines
shall be used in accordance with OSHA Standard 1926.502 (d), with the following
o Full body harnesses shall be used in lieu of safety belts on this project.
o Only lanyards with shock absorbers and locking type snap hooks shall be used.
o At least two lanyards shall be used to provide 100 percent fall protection when
employees are moving around obstructions, connection points, or other similar items.
Guardrail Systems – Guardrail systems and their use shall comply with OSHA Standard
1926.502 (b), with the following exception:
o Manila, plastic, or synthetic rope shall not be used as guardrails on this project
because of the requirements set forth in OSHA Standard 1926.502(B)(4).
Training – The contractor shall provide a training program for each employee who might
be exposed to fall hazards:
o The training program shall be taught by a competent person and shall meet the
requirements specified in 29 CFR 1926.503.
Scaffold tags shall be provided by the contractor and shall conform to the following color codes and
All scaffolds shall be marked with one of the following tags (Figure 16 or equivalent):
Green Tag – This scaffold was built to meet OSHA scaffold regulations; it is safe to use.
Yellow Tag – This scaffold does not meet OSHA scaffold regulations; safety harnesses
shall be worn.
Red Tag – Warning – This scaffold is not complete; DO NOT USE.
A competent person designated by the contractor who constructed the scaffold shall inspect the
scaffold for compliance with project and OSHA requirements (1926.451), and shall sign his/her name
to the tag before allowing anyone to access the scaffold.
All scaffolds that cannot be equipped with standard top rail, midrail, and toeboard because of
interferences with structures or equipment shall be marked with a yellow tag stating “Body Harness
Must Be Used.”
Scaffolds that are being constructed, torn down, or that are incomplete shall be marked with a red tag.
The foreman who constructs the scaffold or has the scaffold constructed is responsible for ensuring
that the scaffold is built to project and OSHA standards.
Contractor personnel shall periodically monitor all scaffolds. The auditing shall ensure that all
scaffolds are properly tagged and in compliance with project and OSHA standards.
If a foreman wishes to use another contractor’s or crew’s scaffold, the foreman shall obtain
permission to use the scaffold and shall inspect and tag the scaffold before use.
Any employee working from a scaffold that does not have a scaffold tag, or any supervisor assigning
employees to work on an untagged scaffold, shall be subject to disciplinary action.
o Restricted entry for rescue purposes.
The intent of the confined space entry procedure is to ensure that personnel who perform work in a
confined space are in compliance with project safety and governmental regulations. If there is a
conflict between project safety rules, contractor’s Safety Program rules, and governmental
regulations, the most restrictive shall apply.
It is the policy of NOVO Construction that all onsite personnel shall comply with this confined space
entry procedure. All confined spaces shall be authorized for entry by means of a permit. No personnel
shall enter a confined space prior to compliance with all permit criteria.
Confined Space Entry Permits shall be made available through the contractor representative.
Contractors shall fill out the permit in full, post a copy of the form in a conspicuous location at the
entrance to the confined space, and retain a copy for their records.
If there is more than one entrance to the confined space, all entrances shall be posted with a copy of
the permit.
Before entering the confined space, all persons shall be given a briefing as to the precautions that
must be taken.
When the work in the confined space is completed, the person authorizing entry into the confined
space shall verify that all persons have exited the confined space and that it is safe to remove the
permit. The authorizing person shall then sign, date, and write in the time the permit was removed.
Contractors shall retain all issued permits for their records. Copies of the permits shall be made
available to NOVO Construction for auditing purposes.
The following barrier tape identification system shall be used:
General--Red tape (may have black in it). “Do not cross--Imminent Danger.”
Electrical--Yellow tape (may have black in it). Open wiring, switchgear, etc. “Do not
Radiation--Yellow and magenta (purple) tape. Possible radiation hazard, X-ray, etc. “Do
not cross.”
The contractor erecting the barrier tape shall hang a tag on the tape that indicates the hazard, duration
of hazard, name of contractor, and name and contact information (cell phone, pager number, etc.) of
the person erecting the tape.
The barriers shall be erected far enough back from the hazard to allow for adequate warning and
protection. The barrier shall be constructed so that it will stand against adverse weather conditions
and construction traffic. If the hazard is of a magnitude that requires additional protection, it shall be
the contractor’s responsibility to provide such protection as well as the barrier tape. It will be the
responsibility of the contractor erecting the barrier tape to maintain it as long as the hazard is present.
Steel Erection
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that steel erection activities are being performed in
accordance with OSHA Standard Subpart R 1926.750-761 requirements. All contractors associated
with steel erection activities, as defined by OSHA, shall develop plans to meet the OSHA
requirements as well as the specific steel erection requirements set forth in this manual.
Fall Protection Requirements
Fall protection requirements as outlined in this plan shall be followed. No employee or work
operation is exempt from the 6 foot 100 percent fall protection requirement. This includes
connectors, bolt up operations, decking operations, etc. The exemptions set forth in the OSHA
standard that allow certain workers and work operations to not utilize fall protection when exposed to
falls greater than 6 feet ARE NOT recognized or allowed on this project.
Steel Erection Program Requirements
The requirements listed below are considered minimum requirements and must be followed for all
steel erection activities:
A site-specific steel erection plan and a JHA must be provided to NOVO Construction
before steel erection activities begin. This plan must be prepared by a qualified person as
defined by OSHA and address at least all of the following:
Fall protection procedures for the erection process.
Training of workers involved with the steel erection process.
Erection sequence.
Crane selection and placement.
Crane inspection program.
Rigging inspection program.
Site preparation requirements (e.g., adequate access roads, means and
methods for pedestrian and vehicular control, site drainage, soil compaction
and stability).
Overhead protection/routing of lifts.
Critical lift procedures.
Procedures for steel erection activities (e.g., bracing/guying, connections,
decking, roofing, siding, grating, etc.).
Falling object protection procedures.
Perimeter fall protection planning and turnover.
Contractors shall complete the Steel Erection Checklist and submit it to
NOVO Construction before any steel erection activities begin. The checklist
shall be discussed in a specific steel erection meeting that will be coordinated
by NOVO Construction. All contractors involved in the steel erection
process shall be at the steel erection planning meeting and shall comply with
the requirements of this section.
Steel erection activities may not start until NOVO Construction formally
notifies the steel erector in writing that steel erection activities may
commence. Notification will be in the form of a letter with an attached
verification that anchor bolt repairs and concrete curing requirements have
been met
Areas where a danger exists from the work area above shall be barricaded off
by the contractor/subcontractor doing the work above. That
contractor/subcontractor is also to maintain the fencing until work is
completed. YELLOW WARNING tape or ORANGE FENCING will be
used to mark the area where overhead hazards exist. Any unauthorized
persons entering an area that has been barricaded with YELLOW
WARNING tape is subject to disciplinary action.
Perimeter Guardrail Fall Protection Systems
The contractor and/or NOVO Construction shall arrange for perimeter fall protection, such as cable
guardrails, when the steel erection contractor leaves the jobsite. In order to assume control of the
perimeter guardrail system from the steel erection contractor, the NOVO Construction Project
Superintendent and the steel erection contractor shall complete an inspection of the perimeter
guardrails. Any deficiencies noted with the perimeter guardrails during the inspection shall be
documented. The deficiencies shall be corrected by the responsible party. After the deficiencies are
corrected, NOVO Construction shall approve the corrective actions taken. If a contractor damages the
guardrail system, that contractor must make repairs immediately.
Demolition-Related Hazardous Materials Protection
At NOVO Construction, employee health and safety is a primary concern on every project. In
support of that goal, NOVO Construction strives to limit employee exposure to hazardous materials
(lead, asbestos, heavy metals, etc.) encountered during demolition activities that disturb previously
installed building materials.
To accomplish this task, NOVO Construction will coordinate with the owner to evaluate, sample, test,
remove or abate the hazardous materials that may pose a hazard as a result of exposure and/or contact
involving demolition activities. NOVO Construction will request, in writing, certification by a
qualified party that the work areas affected by demolition are free of demolition-related hazardous
materials to a degree that removes NOVO Construction and its subcontractors, where practical, from
application of the relevant governmental employee protection regulations. Upon the receipt of
certification, NOVO Construction will verify the adequacy of the report. In recognition that some
demolition-related hazardous materials may be overlooked by either of the parties, and to minimize
and mitigate unexpected releases or exposures to those materials, employees may require awareness
training to recognize and avoid demolition-related hazardous materials that may be present on the job.
If contractors are hired and are potentially exposed to the materials, specific programs are to be
developed by the contractor which ensures that material identification and handling are executed in
accordance with this procedure and with applicable governmental regulations.
Worksite-Specific Procedure
This procedure is supplemental to any NOVO Construction procedure already in place. The worksite
specific procedures will be updated as necessary to reflect changes in workplace conditions that may
affect the Demolition-Related Hazardous Materials Protection Program.
Pre-task Activities
Before any work or task commences, the contractor’s supervisor responsible for the
work, NOVO Construction representative(s) responsible for the work, NOVO
Construction consultant (if applicable), Project representative, and a worker shall perform
a walkthrough of the planned demolition area to assess and identify any potential for the
Presence of demolition-related hazardous materials. Variations to this list of individuals
are allowed, depending on the nature of the work and the timing of the inspection.
A safety meeting shall be held to inform employees of the efforts made to identify and
remove potential demolition-related hazardous materials. The likely sources of those
materials, the means to avoid the hazards, and the means to report a potential hazard will
be reviewed. A copy of the safety meeting shall be forwarded to the NOVO
Any discovery of, or potential for, suspect demolition-related hazardous materials must
be forwarded to the NOVO Construction so that identification and abatement can be
NOVO Construction will provide a report, upon receipt from the owner any
documentation certifying that the areas impacted by the planned demolition are free of
demolition-related hazardous materials and will pose no hazards as a result of demolition
Before any work or task commences, the contractor’s supervisor responsible for the
work, the NOVO Construction representative(s) responsible for the work, and a worker
shall perform a second walk-through of the planned demolition area to assess and identify
any remaining potential for the presence of demolition-related hazardous materials
following the abatement activity.
All employees working in an area where demolition activities are taking place shall
receive demolition-related hazardous materials awareness training that covers recognition
and avoidance of such hazards. The training will be documented, with a copy forwarded
to NOVO Construction.
Emergency Response
Upon discovery or accidental release of suspected demolition-related hazardous materials
from previously installed building materials, all work shall cease and the employees shall
leave the area. The employees will notify their supervisor. The supervisor will see that a
NOVO Construction representative is notified.
The supervisor shall barricade the suspect area on all sides plus 25 feet to restrict access
and eliminate further spread of the possible contamination.
Work will not resume until NOVO Construction has documented assurance that the area
is clear of any potential demolition-related hazardous materials.
Asphalt floor tile.
Back of electrical panel waffle board.
Base flashing.
Blown-in insulation.
Boiler insulation.
Breaching insulation.
Ceiling tiles and lay-in panels.
Cement pipes.
Cement siding.
Cement wallboard.
Construction mastics (floor tile, carpet, ceiling tile, etc.).
Cooling towers.
Decorative plaster.
Ductwork flexible fabric connections.
Electric wiring insulation.
Electrical cable.
Electrical cable marked with “Rockbestos.”
Electrical cloth.
Electrical panel partitions.
Elevator brake shoes.
Elevator equipment panels.
Expansion joints.
Fire blankets.
Fire curtains.
Fire doors.
Fireproofing materials.
Flooring backing.
Grout material.
Heating and electrical ducts.
High temperature gaskets.
HVAC duct insulation.
Interior fire doors.
Joint compound in older homes/buildings.
Joint compounds.
Laboratory gloves.
Laboratory hoods/table tops.
Lightweight concrete.
Packing materials (for wall/floor penetrations).
Pipe insulation (corrugated air-cell, block, etc.).
Power cable insulation.
Putty caulks and cements (such as in chemical-carrying cement pipes).
Roofing felt.
Roofing shingles.
Siding on old residential buildings.
Spackling compounds.
Spray on insulation barrier-claymastic.
Spray-applied insulation and fireproofing.
Taping compounds (thermal).
Textured paints/coatings.
Thermal paper products.
Transite duct bank.
Vinyl floor tile.
Vinyl sheet flooring.
Vinyl wall coverings.
Wall penetrations-claymastic.
Wall veiling texture in older buildings/homes.
Water diverter panels.
Identification List of Materials That May Contain Heavy Metals (Lead, etc.)
The following materials may contain heavy metals:
Lead-based paint and coatings (usually found on structures such as tanks, vessels, and equipment;
also may be found on pipes, structural steel, walls, ceilings, ductwork, noise control materials,
handrails, steps, etc.). Additionally, lead, as well as other potentially harmful heavy metals, may be
found in batteries, solder, pottery glaze, window glazing, water and sewer piping, gasoline, cable
coverings, stainless steel, high-pressure steel, cadmium coated bolts, fluorescent bulbs, mercury vapor
lamps, emergency lighting lamps, etc.
Lead-based paint was widely used in industrial environments to help the coating resist corrosion. In
1978, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) banned lead in paints for residential use.
Lead-based paint is more prevalent in the industrial community, especially in older facilities.
Ash/fly ash may contain lead, as well as other heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, etc.
Ash and fly ash are commonly found in incinerators and burners that use various products as fuel. If
ash is encountered or suspected to be encountered, testing of the ash shall be conducted to identify its
makeup and the concentrations of heavy metals.
Sludge may also contain heavy metals. If sludge is encountered or suspected to be encountered in the
demolition or construction process, testing of the sludge is necessary to identify concentrations of
heavy metals in the product.
Emergency Procedures B
Project Emergency Response Procedures Information
In order to facilitate a prompt and orderly response to site emergencies, contractors shall comply with
the emergency procedures outlined in this section.
In any emergency situation, the emergency response will take the form of an Incident Command
System (ICS). The NOVO Construction, Project Superintendent will assume the role of Incident
Commander. If this individual is unavailable, the next highest-ranking NOVO Construction
Representative would assume the role. In the absence of any NOVO Construction personnel, the
contractor shall implement the system. All personnel on the project shall obey the Incident
Commander’s every command no matter who assumes the role. Incident command will be
relinquished to any trained emergency responder arriving at the scene, including any NOVO
Construction Environment, Health and Safety staff or Emergency Services agency.
Contractor personnel shall assist only as directed by the Incident Commander. The Incident
Commander may ask for equipment to assist in the emergency. In this case, the contractor shall
provide any necessary equipment. Contractors will not be compensated for any downtime or lost
production for any emergency situation.
At no time shall the contractor address media concerning an onsite emergency. This shall be done
only by NOVO Construction or owner official(s).
Contractor, Security and other site personnel may be required to escort emergency vehicles to the
emergency scene.
Large Scale Catastrophic Events
A large scale catastrophic event can be generally considered to be an incident where a large portion of
the construction site is affected, or an incident that results in injuries to multiple people.
If a major incident occurs, the contractor shall use an in-house emergency notification system to alert
the construction site of the situation. Depending on the site-specific protocol, the notification system
may include portable air horns, emergency signal lights, emergency signal horns/ bells, or a
combination of any of these.
Specific Items
Fire / Hazardous Materials Evacuation Muster Points
Contractor Parking
Post people at exit to ensure people stay for head count
In all cases:
It will be each contractor’s responsibility to assemble and account for all his/her employees in the
established evacuation area. Any contractor who finds that an employee is missing shall notify the
NOVO Construction Project Superintendent. The Project Superintendent shall assemble a team to
search for the individual in the area that he/she was last seen, or in his/her work area. All other
personnel shall remain in the evacuation area until released by the NOVO Construction Project Staff.
Appendix A
The following table provides an overview of the management of construction project EHS
documentation. It can be used as a guide to help determine the Forms that are required to be
submitted to NOVO Construction, as well as, the Forms that shall be maintained and made available
to NOVO Construction upon request. It also provides the timing that each Form shall be turned over
to the NOVO Construction Project Superintendent.
Monthly / Daily / Maintained for Submission at
Requirements Immediate Review by Project Close-
Submittal NOVO out