Drdo 1
Drdo 1
Drdo 1
Cover story 04
DRDO Successful tested Akash Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile
Innovation 05 Events 06
BrahMos Flight tested from IAF’s Su-30 MKI Fighter Aircraft
Hrd activities 11
Personnel news 20
Social activities 22
Visits 23
DRDO in press 25
Tot 06
DFRL inks Licensing Agreement for Technology Transfer
Down the Memory 28
Jai Hind !
DMSRDE, Kanpur A workshop was organised to focus Vigilance Awareness were displayed
on vigilance and its role in security inside and outside the range premises.
efence Materials and Stores and procurement and cyber security. Dr BK Das, OS and Director, ITR,
Research and Development Dr N Eswara Prasad, OS and Director, administered the integrity pledge to
Establishment (DMSRDE), DMSRDE, inaugurated the workshop. the employees and encouraged them
Kanpur, organised the Vigilance Dr Ashok Ranjan, Sc ‘G’ and Shri Amit to upkeep honesty and eradicate
Awareness Week during 30 October Kumar, Head, Vigilance Cell, were corruption in all activities. Shri MV
2017 to 4 November 2017. Employees present on the occasion. Bhaskarachary, Associate Director,
were administrated the integrity pledge. and Shri Niladri Roy, Sc ‘F’, Vigilance
The pamphlets on anti corruption ITR, Chandipur Officer, also spoke about vigilance
measures and preventive measures awareness.
were distributed and displayed at the igilance Awareness Week Various competitions like de-
prime locations of DMSRDE. Various was observed in Integrated bate, essay writing, poster and quiz
competitions were conducted during Test Range (ITR), were conducted during the week. The
the week to create awareness amongst Chandipur, from 31 October 2017 to event was organised by Shri CR Ojha,
the employees of DMSRDE. 4 November 2017. Banners promoting Sc ‘F’, and his team.
efence Research Laboratory
(DRL), Tezpur, celebrated its
Raising Day on 24 November
2017. Prof. Dhruba K Bhattacharya,
Dean, Academic Affairs, Tezpur
University, graced the function as the
Chief Guest. Dr PS Raju, Director,
DRL, highlighted the achievements
of the laboratory during the past year.
DRDO Laboratory-level Awards and
‘SN Dube Publication Award’ for the
best paper were distributed to the
meritorious employees. The employees,
who completed 25 years of service, were mentioned successful implementation PXE, Chandipur
honoured with mementoes. Sports of e-procurement, GEM and ABES in
activities were organized and prizes the centre. roof and Experimental
were distributed to the winners. A Establishments (PXE),
Dr G Athithan, in his address,
community lunch was organized. The Chandipur, celebrated its
stressed that focused work is extremely
day ended with a colourful cultural 123rd Raising Day with grandeur on
important to meet the defence needs. He
programme. 7 November 2017. Dr S Christopher,
delivered a presentation on ‘Geometry
Chairman, DRDO, and Secretary,
and Imagination’ and mentioned that
Department of Defence R&D, was the
we have to think in multi dimensions to
Chief Guest at the inaugural function.
overcome the technical challenges.
A ‘Weapon Museum’ was inaugurated
The Chief Guest released MTRDC by Dr S Christopher to commemorate
Newsletter, Spandan, and presented and preserve the heritage of PXE. The
laboratory-level DRDO Awards to the weapon museum is the brainchild of
meritorious employees. Dr KD Nayak, Shri R Appavuraj, OS and Director,
former DS and DG (MED and CoS), PXE.
DRDO, gave the awards to employee’s A Coffee Table Book, showcasing old
meritorious wards. Director, MTRDC, heritage and technological advancement
gave away the sports awards. in armament proof and trail activities,
MTRDC, Bengaluru
icrowave Tube Research
and Development Centre
(MTRDC), Bengaluru,
celebrated its 34th Raising Day on 6
November 2017. Dr G Athithan, DS
and DG (MED, CoS and CS) DRDO,
was the Chief Guest at the function.
Dr Sudhir Kamath, OS and Director,
MTRDC, in his welcome address,
presented the project activities and
achievements of the centre in the past
year. He emphasized on the products,
which have undergone ToT, critical
products under development and the
patents awarded to the centre. He also
VRDE, Ahmednagar
ehicles Research and
Development Establishment
(VRDE), Ahmednagar,
celebrated its 47th Annual Day with
great enthusiasm on 3 December 2017.
Various events like sapling plantation
by VRDE employees were organised to
celebrate the day.
The occasion was graced by
Shri PK Mehta, DS and DG (ACE),
who was the Chief Guest, and VRDE, presented an overview of the national importance. VRDE’s Hindi
Dr SB Kolte, former Director achievements of the establishment Patrika ‘Gatisheel’ was released on the
General, Institute of Management during the past year and laid down the occasion.
Studies, Career Development areas for future work. Laboratory-level DRDO Awards
and Research, Ahmednagar, Shri PK Mehta and Dr Kolte lauded and Cash Awards were distributed to
who was the Guest of Honour. VRDE’s efforts and accomplishments meritorious employees of VRDE.
Maj Gen Ajay Gupta, Director, in various programmes/projects of
50 years ago by INS Kistna with modern Shri S Kedarnath Shenoy, OS and The programme promotes synergistic
ocean survey equipment along with a few Director, NPOL, inaugurated the relationship between NPOL and Indian
transects. The main aim of the mission function in the presence of senior Navy for furthering maritime research
is to learn the long-term oceanographic scientists of NPOL, CO and the officers endeavours.
variability of the Indian Ocean and its and men onboard ship. He stressed The ship left Port Blair immediately
applications to national security. on the significance of present and after the function, and retraced the
A special function was organized future expeditions in the current oceanographic track across the Bay of
on-board INS Sagardhwani at Port scenario due to increasing need for Bengal along 10o N latitude, which was
Blair on 16 November 2017 to mark maritime surveillance activities in the covered by INS Kistna in its 6th mission
the symbolic commencement of ocean and geostrategic importance of in 1964.
the second phase of IIOE by NPOL. the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
efence Scientific Information
and Documentation Centre
(DESIDOC), Delhi, celebrated
National Library Week during 13-
17 November 2017 for promoting its
services and enhancing its visibility
among the users. An awareness camp
and display of latest collection of
Defence Science Library (DSL) was
organised during 13-15 November 2017.
Books on core technological
areas of DRDO, military technology,
management, latest reference collection
and Hindi were displayed. One-to-one
interactive sessions were conducted
with users to inform them about huge
library collection and other general and visited the exhibition and recommended Shri S Kedarnath Shenoy, OS
specialised services provided by the 158 books on various defence related and Director, NPOL, inaugurated
centre. topics. the function and released a brochure
highlighting the facilities and services
A reference desk for answering
queries of users, promoting membership NPOL, Kochi provided by TIRC.
of DSL, and for suggestions from the Dr KP Vijayakumar, former
users for further improvement in DSL aval Physical and Oceanographic Head and Honorary Director, Centre
services was the main attraction of the Laboratory (NPOL), Kochi, for Information Literacy Studies,
week. celebrated National Library University of Kerala, delivered a talk
Week during 14-20 November 2017 on “Scholarly Communication: A State-
The second phase of National with a series of events organized of-the-Art”. As part of the celebration,
Library Week was celebrated in by Technical Information Resource book exhibition-cum-sale and user
Knowledge Centre at DRDO HQ where Centre (TIRC) to promote the use of awareness programme on “IEEE Xplore:
an exhibition of latest books on defence information resources and services. Delivering Research Better than Ever”
technologies was organised during Smt KA Rahamath, Sc ‘E’ and Head, by Shri Dhanukumar Pattanashetti,
16-17 November 2017. Dr Hina A TIRC, delivered the welcome address IEEE Client Service and University
Gokhale, OS and DG (HR), inaugurated and Smt Lasitha Ranjit, Sc ‘F’ and Partnership Program Manager, was also
the exhibition. Directors, senior Chairperson, Library Committee, organized.
scientists and other staff at DRDO HQ offered the felicitation.
hrd activities
entre for Artificial Intelligence
and Robotics (CAIR), Bengaluru,
conducted a CEP on ‘Advances
in Geo-spatial Technologies’ during
21-23 November 2017. The course
was inaugurated by Smt Manimozhi
Theodore, Director, CAIR.
Speakers from DRDO, Indian
Institute of Science, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Indian Statistical
Institute and Google India delivered
lectures on topics like Evolution
of Geospatial Technology, Spatio-
temporal Data Mining, Generation
of Cross-country Going Maps, Open
Source GIS, Engineering a Military GIS,
Image processing Methods for Spatial
Analysis, etc. Various features of GIS can be used for developing custom GIS Twenty-five participants from 11
Software developed by CAIR and how it work flows were demonstrated. DRDO labs attended the course.
Bharat Dynamics Ltd shared their Technology Planning, Innovativeness Management, Technology Planning-
rich experiences on various topics like Factor in Technology Development–a Linking Technology Roadmaps and
Strategic Management of Technology– case of 3M Corporation, Transformation Product Roadmaps, etc.
SMOT, Technology Gap Analysis in Planning and Organisational Change
out the progress made towards A panel discussion was also organised Centre of Excellence in hypersonic areas
development of high temperature wherein inclusion of hypersonic subject were also recommended.
materials for hypersonic applications. in the curriculum and development of
cross pattern of five beams in azimuth Achievements & Innovations were established as part of Arudhra
and elevation is used for dedicated development and has spin-off for all
Arudhra is the first indigenous
tracking of detected targets with good future similar class of radar projects:
rotating active phased array
accuracy. The system is able to survive
multifunction 4D radar capable of Active Array Architecture
intense ECM environment and possible
automatic detection and tracking of Time synchronization of multiple
electromagnetic interference. Arudhra
aerial targets ranging from fighter receivers
is fully programmable from the local
aircraft to slow moving targets. 2D Digital Beam-forming
Operator Work Station and from remote
The system is able to detect low
Operator Work Station Unit. Digital Beam Forming (DBF)-based
RCS targets at far ranges with the
active array calibration
Development Approach volumetric surveillance. The radar
operates either in staring or rotation Multi-Beam processing
LRDE took up the development Critical real-time software and
mode. In rotation mode, the antenna
of MPR based on the OR issued by
rotates at the programmable rate with firmware
IAF. Major sub-systems like Antenna,
volumetric surveillance. In staring Independently rotating IFF radar
Pedestal Assembly, Cooling System,
mode of operation, the antenna stares Mechanical Packaging (engineering,
Power System, Digital Beam Forming,
in specified azimuth with surveillance cooling mechanism, etc.)
Radar Controller and Processing Unit,
coverage of ±60o in azimuth and 30o
IFF Antenna and IFF Pedestal were
in elevation. The radar is based on Current Status and Way
realized through extensive involvement
solid-state active aperture array Forward
of Indian Industry aligned with the
‘Make in India’ initiative of Govt of with Digital Beam Forming and has MPR is the first indigenous rotating
India. LRDE, with in-house capabilities, electronic scanning capability in both Active Phase Array Multifunction 4D
carried out system engineering software azimuth and elevation. The coverage is radar capable of employing state-of-
development, system integration, testing attained using wide transmit beam and the-art DBF technology with multi
and evaluation. Participation of the user multiple receive beams in both azimuth beam processing for the first time in
through the Project Management Team and elevation. India. Radar has undergone extensive
(AF-PMT) resulted in bridging the gap user evaluation at various locations and
between the designer and the user from Technologies Established has been accepted by IAF for induction
inception to user’s acceptance. The following technologies and is ready for production.
Dr Biren Roy Trust Award
Dr RK Sharma, OS and Project
Director, Hypersonic Technology
Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV),
DRDL, Hyderabad, has been awarded
the prestigious Dr Biren Roy Trust
Award for his outstanding contribution
towards development of scramjet
engine integrated HSTDV and related
hypersonic technologies.
ation acquired
Shri P Annadurai,
Shri Ajay Katiyar has Sc ‘F’, Naval
been awarded PhD Physical & Oceano-
from IIT Madras, graphic Laboratory
ASL, Hyderabad Chennai, for the (NPOL), Kochi,
thesis entitled has been awarded
Shri Atul Ramesh
Bhagat, Sc ‘E’, PhD by Cochin
Study on the
Advanced Systems University of
Laboratory (ASL), Science and Technology (CUSAT) for
Field Induced Thermophysical
Hyderabad, has the thesis entitled ‘Studies on Rubber
Properties of Nanofluids.’
been conferred PhD Nanocomposites-based Encapsulants
from IIT Delhi, for
the thesis entitled
MTRDC, Bengaluru for Underwater Applications.’
n accordance with the ‘Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan’ initiated by
the Hon’ble Prime Minister, a
cleanliness drive was organised at
Defence Electronics Applications
Laboratory (DEAL), Dehradun.
Swachhta Shapath was administered
to the DEAL employees. A
cleanliness drive, spearheaded by
Dr RS Pundir, OS and Director, DEAL,
was organised to clean the surroundings
of DEAL campus.
NPOL, Kochi
aval Physical and Oceanographic
Laboratory (NPOL), Kochi,
organized the ‘Swachhta hi
Seva’ Pakhwada in accordance with
the sanitation campaign, ‘Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan’. The pakhwada was
organized in three phases, which
included cleanliness drive in the NPOL
technical complex, workplaces and
premises outside the technical area.
Shri S Kedarnath Shenoy, OS
and Director, NPOL, stressed the
importance of cleanliness and hygienic
environment for a safer and disease free
living and highlighted the relevance
of Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of clean
India. The campaign served as a
platform for sensitizing the individuals
for a clean and tidy environment.
ITR, Chandipur
ntegrated Test Range (ITR),
Chandipur, organised ‘Swachhta
hi Seva Pakhwada’, to contribute
to ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. Dr BK
Das, OS and Director, ITR inaugurated
a workshop on ‘Swacchta hi Seva’.
Dr Das emphasised the responsibility
of ITR fraternity towards mother Earth
by keeping the environment clean.
He urged all to take cleanliness as a
Awareness programmes like poster, city during the campaign by the ITRians non-biodegradable waste and a fully
drawing, slogan, essay and speech and members of ITR ladies club. ITR automated waste composting facility
competitions, a marathon walk and also initiated a drive to plant trees for converting the waste into compost
street play were organised. A special within ITR premises. Eco-friendly have been established by ITR to save the
drive was undertaken to clean Balasore vehicles, facilities for biodegradable and environment.
Members Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence being briefed about DLJ technologies
Readers’ Views
(Your feedback is important to us as it gives scope for improvement and serve the Organisation
in a better way)
for prime power, and light weight for the DRDO scientists in this area potential in the night for tanks and for
portable nickel cadmium batteries were of activities. The scientists in close navigation of vehicles. A representative
successfully developed, produced and collaboration with the industry and the sample of the equipment successfully
accepted by the Army for introduction customer were able to meet the needs of developed and which went into
into Services. the Corps. production are, Gunner’s IR (Infra
Two types of radars for the Army The activities were concentrated Red) scope sight and Commander’s
were also successfully completed. towards the development of light metal IR periscope for Vijayantha tank, IR
These are, a mobile surveillance bridges and power boats for bridging Sniper scope for Infantry, IR Telescope
radar and a field artillery radar. The operations, development of light weight for the Navy, and IR Search Light.
latter was configured out of the radar water supply pumps, prefabricated
In addition, binocular for Vijayantha
that was being manufactured under shelters for high altitude operations
tank and Universal Mortar Sight for 120
collaboration at Bharat Electronics and other engineering equipment.
Ltd for a different application namely, Some of the representative items mm Brandt Mortar were successfully
fire control. These were accepted by were, submersible pumps, pneumatic developed and technology transferred
the Army and orders were placed on assault and reconnaissance boats, air for production. Further, in anticipation
Bharat Electronics Ltd. Besides these, landing mats, class 30 assault track of user’s requirement, work in the area
new projects were initiated for the way, centrifugal pumps, flexible shaft of general purpose laser range finders
development of a portable battlefield pumping sets, gas welding trailers, two- was initiated. The production orders by
surveillance radar for the infantry, stroke petrol engines, and high altitude the Armed Forces for these equipment
secondary surveillance radar Mk 10 for shelters. exceeded Rs. 25 crores.
the Air Force, sound ranging system for
location of enemy guns, radar distance Food & Nutrition Materials
measuring unit, VHF/UHF direction The DRDO scientists aimed
finding equipment for the Indian Air In the area of materials developments
primarily at developing operational and relating to corrosion inhibitors,
Force, a portable electronic exchange non-operational food and rations for
from 40 lines to 120 lines in modules parachutes, synthetics, solar heaters,
the Armed Forces. The operational food
of 40 and a computer controlled nodal helmets and so on were taken up and
and rations required special attention
switch (Automatic Electronic Switch) successfully completed. Vapour Phase
because they have to be provided
for grid communication as part of the both in bulk and in packs tailored corrosion inhibitors for protection of
Plan AREN equipment for the Indian to meet specific types of military small arms, gauges and hand tools,
Army. operations, land-based and space- corrosion inhibition treatment for jute
borne, high altitude and extreme cold and Hessian used in packing metallic
These were taken up after extensive
conditions. These have to be partially items, corrosion inhibitor for water
discussions with the Services and on their
issuance of Qualitative Requirements. or wholly processed items requiring cooled engines, and cathodic protection
Besides these hardware activities, very little preparation before eating. of underground fuel storage tanks were
propagation studies in the VHF/UHF The primitive infrastructure relating some of the items and processes that
range of frequencies including the to presentation of food in India for were developed successfully.
effect of vegetation were undertaken hostile environments also required In the area of textiles, flame proofing
and based on this data, graphical to be upgraded before production for olive green cellular shirting, glass
representations were drawn for ease of can be entrusted to the industry. The
reinforced polyester for use in light
utilization by the Services. In the field food technologists of DRDO had the
weight bullet proof helmets, various
of devices, projects were undertaken in satisfaction of successfully developing
light weight 5-man composite pack types of parachutes, container and
the areas of semiconductor materials slings for para-dropping supplies
and devices, thermoelectric generators, rations with indigenous items of food,
cocoa-based soft bar with coconut and were the major contributions. A solar
microwave solid state sources and
banana flavours, light weight flexible room heater based on the principle
microwave ferrites. The orders placed
packs using paper/aluminium foil/ of thermal-siphoning was developed
by the Services for all the electrical and
electronic equipment successfully polythene laminates for accelerated for use in high altitude and extreme
completed by the DRDO was freeze dried food stuffs instead of tins. cold environments, so that a room of
in excess of Rs. 15 crores45. One of the It was not a surprise that DRDO food moderate size could be maintained
scientists of LRDE, Shri Hari Prasad scientists had the unique honour of at 20 °C. A series of meteorological
Jaiswal, was awarded Padma Shri by supplying processed items of Indian stations were set up along the border
the President of India for his leadership dietary to the first successful Indian including at Ladakh. This technique
and contributions to the development of Everest Expedition led by Lieutenant won international recognition.
communication system, AREN, for the Commander MS Kohli in 1964.
Infra Red Sensors &
Engineering Equipment Optical Instruments
The Corps of Engineers of the The main focus was on the Army’s
Indian Army was the main customer requirements for enhancing combat To be continued...
Former Prime Minister Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru being briefed about defence technologies