This document summarizes a pilot cancer insurance product covering the risk of cancer recurrence, metastasis, or second malignancy. Key details include:
- The policy term is 1 year, renewable annually, with a pilot period of 5 years to test the product.
- It covers individuals ages 5 months to 65 years who have already been diagnosed with Stage 1 or 2 cancer.
- Waiting periods and exclusions apply to treatments under Sections 2 and 3. A 10% co-payment applies for claims over age 60.
This document summarizes a pilot cancer insurance product covering the risk of cancer recurrence, metastasis, or second malignancy. Key details include:
- The policy term is 1 year, renewable annually, with a pilot period of 5 years to test the product.
- It covers individuals ages 5 months to 65 years who have already been diagnosed with Stage 1 or 2 cancer.
- Waiting periods and exclusions apply to treatments under Sections 2 and 3. A 10% co-payment applies for claims over age 60.
This document summarizes a pilot cancer insurance product covering the risk of cancer recurrence, metastasis, or second malignancy. Key details include:
- The policy term is 1 year, renewable annually, with a pilot period of 5 years to test the product.
- It covers individuals ages 5 months to 65 years who have already been diagnosed with Stage 1 or 2 cancer.
- Waiting periods and exclusions apply to treatments under Sections 2 and 3. A 10% co-payment applies for claims over age 60.
This document summarizes a pilot cancer insurance product covering the risk of cancer recurrence, metastasis, or second malignancy. Key details include:
- The policy term is 1 year, renewable annually, with a pilot period of 5 years to test the product.
- It covers individuals ages 5 months to 65 years who have already been diagnosed with Stage 1 or 2 cancer.
- Waiting periods and exclusions apply to treatments under Sections 2 and 3. A 10% co-payment applies for claims over age 60.
Expenses incurred on Lasik Laser or other procedures Refractive Error Correction
Star Cancer Care Gold ( Pilot Product ) Expenses relating to hospitalization will be considered in proportion to the eligible room and its complications, all treatment for disorders of eye requiring intra-vitreal Premium (before Claim under Section 1) Rs. (Excluding Tax) Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP18046V011718 category injections 18. Charges incurred on diagnostics that are not consistent with the treatment for which Age Band Sum Insured Sum Insured Period offered : From 24/10/2017 To 23/10/2022 v Co-payment: 10% co-pay shall be applicable on each and every claim under Section 2 (years) Rs.3,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- and 3 if you are aged above 60 years during first inception of this policy. Such co-payment the insured is admitted in the hospital / nursing home. Admission primarily for For the first time in Indian Insurance History an insurance plan (on pilot basis) for Cancer diagnostic purpose with no positive existence of sickness / disease / ailment / injury shall be applicable for renewal also. 5mnths- affected lives covering risk of recurrence/ Spreading of Cancer (metastasis) / Second 17,400 27,300 If your age is upto 60 years during first inception of this policy then co-payment condition and no further treatment is indicated. 29 cancer (Second Malignancy) unrelated to first cancer shall not be applicable 19. Expenses on vitamins and tonics unless forming part of treatment for injury or 30-39 17,800 27,900 v What is meant by a Pilot Product ? disease as certified by the attending Physician of the hospital where the insured v Waiting Periods: A pilot product is one which is launched on a test basis for period of 5 years. However underwent treatment. 40-49 18,900 29,200 period of insurance shall be one year and renewable thereon. Based on the Section 1: 20. Naturopathy, Unconventional, Untested, Unproven, Experimental therapies. 50-59 21,000 32,000 performance, the product may be converted to a regular product or may be modified or · 30 months waiting period : 21. Stem cell Therapy, Chondrocyte Implantation, Procedures using Platelet Rich withdrawn. Don't worry if the product is withdrawn, the insured person shall be offered a Treatment must have commenced only after waiting period for an admissible claim 60-65 plasma and Intra articular injection therapy. suitable alternate product . under this section 23,200 35,100 22. Immuno therapy and Biologicals, except when administered as an in-patient, when 66-69* v Who can avail this insurance ? Section 2 and Section 3: clinically indicated and hospitalization warranted. Persons between the age of 5 months and 65 years, who have already been diagnosed *Applicable for renewals only · 30 days waiting period ( Not applicable for accidents) 23. Expenses incurred for treatment of diseases/illness/accidental injuries by systems of with Cancer (Stage 1 or Stage 2) can avail this insurance. · 24 months waiting period for specified illness/diseases/treatments medicines other than Allopathy v What is the Policy Term ? : The policy term is 1 year Premium for Section 2 and Section 3 (Post · 48 months waiting period for pre existing diseases. 24. All types of Cosmetic, Aesthetic treatment of any description, all treatment for erectile claim under Section 1) Rs. (Excluding Tax) v Is there any Pre-acceptance Medical Check Up? dysfunctions, Change of Sex. v What are the important exclusions? (Applicable for Section 2 and Section 3) There is no requirement of pre acceptance Medical Check Up. 25. Plastic surgery (other than as necessitated due to an accident or as a part of any Age Band Sum Insured Sum Insured 1. Treatment for Cancer and Cancer related ailments. (years) Rs.1,50,000/- Rs.2,50,000/- It is enough to submit previous medical records including details of latest treatment along illness), with the proposal form 2. Circumcision, Preputioplasty, Frenuloplasty, Preputial Dilatation and Removal of 26. Cost of spectacles and contact lens, hearing aids, walkers and crutches, wheel 5mnths- SMEGMA 12,250 18,700 v Sum Insured Options: Rs.3,00,000/- and Rs.5,00,000/- chairs, Nutritional Supplements, CPAP, BIPAP, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal 29 3. Inoculation or Vaccination (except for post–bite treatment and for medical treatment You are advised to select an appropriate Sum Insured as once opted you may not be Dialysis [CAPD], infusion pump and such other similar aids, Cochlear implants and 30-39 12,650 19,300 for therapeutic reasons) allowed to change. procedure related hospitalization expenses 4. Congenital External Condition / Defects / Anomalies 40-49 13,750 20,600 v Coverage: 27. Hospital registration charges, admission charges, record charges, telephone 5. Dental treatment or surgery unless necessitated due to accidental injuries and charges and such other charges 50-59 15,850 23,400 requiring hospitalization. (Dental implants are not payable) Section Sum Insured (Rs.) Sum Insured (Rs.) 28. Other excluded expenses as detailed in the website “” 6. Convalescence, general debility, run-down condition or rest cure, Nutritional 60-65 Section 1– Lumpsum Exclusions applicable for all sections 18,050 26,500 deficiency states. benefit- when there is a 1. Injury/disease directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war, 66-69* 1,50,000/- 2,50,000/- 7. Psychiatric, mental and behavioral disorders. recurrence / metastasis invasion, act of foreign enemy, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not) *Applicable for renewals only and / or a second cancer 8. Intentional self injury 2. Injury or disease directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear 9. Use of intoxicating substances, substance abuse, drugs / alcohol, smoking and weapons/materials Renewal premium is subject to change with prior approval from Regulator *Section 2Indemnity 1,50,000/- tobacco chewing v Other conditions about renewal: Cover – Surgical and 1,00,000/- v Renewal : Interventional Therapy 10. Venereal Disease and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, The policy will be renewed except on grounds of misrepresentation / Non-disclosure of The policy will be renewedtill closure date of this pilot product. 11. All expenses arising out of any condition directly or indirectly caused due to or material fact as declared in the proposal form and at the time of claim, fraud committed / *Section 3 Indemnity Beyond closure date , if the product is found to be viable, it will be converted and associated with Human T-cell Lympho Trophic Virus type III (HTLV- III) or moral hazard or non-cooperation of the insured. Cover - Non Surgical and 50,000/- 1,00,000/- continued as a regular product. Non Interventional Therapy Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV) or HIV/AIDS. v Grace Period : If the product is found to be unviable, it will be withdrawn from closure date of pilot product. 12. Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy, childbirth, family planning, A grace period of 30 days from the date of expiry of the policy is available for renewal. If Total 3,00,000/- 5,00,000/- miscarriage, abortion and complications of any of these (other than ectopic However don’t worry, the Insured Person shall be offered a suitable alternate product by giving a three months’ advance notice prior to renewal due date . In such instance if renewal is made within this 30 days period, the continuity benefits with reference waiting pregnancy). periods will be available. *Applicable only for accidents & diseases other than Cancer and its customer opts for the alternate product due credit shall be given for period of cover under related ailments 13. Treatment for Sub-Fertility, Assisted Conception and or other related complications Any Disease / illness contracted or injury sustained during the grace period will be pilot product . of the same. deemed as Pre- existing and will be subject to waiting period from the date of payment of v Expenses covered under Section 2 and Section 3: Special feature on renewal where there is an admissible claim under Section I: 14. Expenses incurred on weight control services including surgical procedures such as renewal premium. a) Room Rent (Single Standard A/c), Boarding, Nursing expenses Bariatric Surgery and /or medical treatment of obesity. Where a claim is paid / payable under Section 1 the coverage under Section 1 will cease. However the policy will continue until the date of expiry with coverage under Section 2 and Please note that the actual period of cover will start only from the date of payment of b) Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical practitioner, Consultants, Specialist Fees 15. Treatment of Sleep apnea, treatment for genetic and endocrine disorders. premium. Section 3. Thereafter the policy will be renewed with Section 2 and Section 3 only. c) Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, Medicines and drugs etc. 16. Expenses incurred on High Intensity Focused Ultra Sound, Uterine Fibroid v Modification of the terms of the policy: The Company reserves the right to modify the Your premium in such scenario shall be lesser than before. You may refer to premium d) Emergency Ambulance charges for transporting the Insured person to the hospital Embolisation, Balloon Sinoplasty, Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Therapy policy terms and conditions or modify the premium of the policy with the prior approval of table shown below: up to a sum of Rs.1500/- per hospitalization and Rs.2000/- per policy period. and related therapies, Chelation therapy, Deep Brain Stimulation, Hyperbaric the Competent Authority. In such an event the insured will be intimated three months in Oxygen Therapy, Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy, VAX-D, advance e) Pre hospitalization: Relavant medical expenses incurred up to 30 days prior to the Low level laser therapy, Photodynamic therapy and such other therapies similar to v Enhancement of Sum insured: Sum insured once opted cannot be enhanced even in date of admission those mentioned herein under exclusion no.16. the subsequent renewal. f) Post hospitalization: Relevant Medical expenses incurred up to 60 days after discharge from the hospital are payable. v Is this Portable? Yes, this policy is portable. If the insured is desirous of porting this policy, application in the appropriate form should be made to the Company at least 45 days before but not earlier than 60 days from the date when the renewal is due. For · Faster and hassle – free claim settlement. details contact “” or call 1800-425-2255 / 1800-102-4477 · Cashless hospitalization in more than 8000 networked hospitals. v Cancellation: v Prohibition of rebates: The Company may cancel this policy on grounds of misrepresentation, fraud, moral hazard, non-disclosure of material fact as declared in the proposal form and/or claim (Section 41 of the Insurance Act) No person shall allow or offer to allow either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in The information provided in this brochure is only indicative. For more details on the risk factors, terms and conditions, please read the policy wordings before concluding sale Star Cancer Care Gold form at the time of claim and non co-operation of the insured by sending the Insured 30 respect of any kind of risk relation to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or days notice by registered letter at the Insured person's last known address. No refund of premium will be made except where the cancellation is on the grounds of non- part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept rebate, except such Or Visit our website (Pilot Product) cooperation of the insured, in which case the refund of premium will be on pro-rata rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the basis. The insured may at any time cancel this policy and in such event the Company insurer. shall allow refund after retaining premium at Company's short Period rate only (table Any person making default in complying with the provision of this section shall be liable for given below) provided no claim has occurred up to the date of cancellation a penalty which may extend to ten lakh rupees. PERIOD ON RISK RATE OF PREMIUM TO BE RETAINED v The Company Up to one month 25% of the annual premium Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., commenced its operations in 2006 with the business interests in Health Insurance, Travel and Personal Accident. As an exclusive Exceeding one month up to 3 months 40% of the annual premium Health Insurance Company and the first of its kind in India, the Company is committed to Exceeding 3 months up to 6 months 60% of the annual premium setting international benchmarks in service and personal caring. Exceeding 6 months up to 9 months 80% of the annual premium “IRDAI OR ITS OFFICIALS DO NOT INVOLVE IN ACTIVITIES LIKE SALE OF ANY KIND OF INSURANCE OR FINANCIAL PRODUCTS NOR INVEST PREMIUMS. IRDAI DOES NOT Exceeding 9 months Full annual premium ANNOUNCE ANY BONUS. THOSE RECEIVING SUCH PHONE CALLS ARE v Free Look Period: A free look period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the policy by REQUESTED TO LODGE A POLICE COMPLAINT ALONG WITH DETAILS OF the insured is available to the insured to review the terms and conditions of the policy. In PHONE CALL AND NUMBER” case the insured is not satisfied with the terms and conditions, the insured may seek cancellation of the policy and in such an event the Company may allow refund of premium paid after adjusting stamp duty charges and proportionate risk premium for the Buy this insurance online at period concerned provided no claim has been made until such cancellation. Call Toll-free: 1800-425-2255 / 1800-102-4477, sms STAR to 56677 Fax Toll Free No: 1800-425-5522 « Email : Free look Period is not applicable at the time of renewal of the policy CIN : U66010TN2005PLC056649 « IRDAI Regn. No: 129 v Automatic Expiry: The insurance under this policy with respect to each relevant Insured Person policy shall expire immediately on the earlier of the following events: ü Upon the death of the Insured Person. ü Upon exhaustion of the sum insured under the policy. v Tax Benefits: Payment of premium by any mode other than cash for this insurance is eligible for relief under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961. v Claims Procedure Star Cancer Care Gold For Section 1: a) Certificate from the Treating Doctor confirming the recurrence/metastasis / second malignancy of Cancer (Pilot Product) b) Clinical, radiological, histological, pathological, histopathological and laboratory Unique Identification No.: SHAHLIP18046V011718 reports in support. For Section 2 and Section 3: · Call the 24 hour help-line for assistance-1800 425 2255/ 1800 102 4477. Inform the ID/Policy number for easy reference · In case of planned hospitalization, inform 24 hours prior to admission in the hospital
BRO / SCCG / V.1 / 2017 - 18
· In case of emergency hospitalization, information to be given within 24 hours of hospitalization · Cashless facility can be availed in all network hospitals wherever possible · In non-network hospitals payment, must be made up-front and then Health reimbursement will be effected on submission of documents if claim is found Personal & Caring Insurance Health admissible v Star Advantages Star Cancer Care Gold The Health Insurance Specialist Personal & Caring Insurance The Health Insurance Specialist · No Third Party Administrator, direct in-house claims settlement. (Pilot Product)