25mm X 137 FAPDS-T
25mm X 137 FAPDS-T
25mm X 137 FAPDS-T
11 12:13 Seite 1
The “Frangible” concept was developed to defeat both The short time of flight and devastating effects of the fran-
“hard” and “soft” targets, without recourse to the use of gible core against a wide range of targets, makes FAPDS-T
conventional high explosives and fuzes the essential choice for terrestrial low level air defence
Based on the well proven Rheinmetall subcalibre techno- FAPDS-T ammunition can also be deployed together with
logy, employing an in-situ plastic moulded sabot with inte- APFSDS-T (long rod) ammunition to provide IFVs with a
gral driving band, the FAPDS-T ammunition benefits from potent self defence capability against both air-to-ground
an extremely short time of flight to tactical ranges, thereby and ground-to-ground attack
significantly increasing hit probability
Ballistically matched subcalibre training ammunition is
On impact, the frangible tungsten alloy core penetrates the available to ensure realistic troop training
outer skin of the target and then progressively breaks up as
it passes through the remaining structure. Thereby releasing
a highly energetic fragment cloud, which causes damage
deep inside the target and ensures a high kill probability
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Fax +41 44 3 16 24 79 · information@rwmschweiz.ch · www.rheinmetall-defence.com