Agat New Generation of Active Radar Homing Heads
Agat New Generation of Active Radar Homing Heads
Agat New Generation of Active Radar Homing Heads
Iosif Akopyan, Director General and General Designer of the Moscow Agat Research Institute JSC, Academician of the Russian Academy of Rocket
and Artillery Sciences, Dr. Sc. (Technology), Professor
uring the recent years, t h e c o n d i t i o n o f a considerable Upgraded 9B-1103M active radar homing head
(diameter 350 mm)
aircraft, cruise and tactical increase in performance characteristics
ballistic missiles built of air defense missile systems and
around the stealth technology missile systems of interceptor
have extensively been fighters. This compels the developers
employed as air attack of air defense missiles to continuously
assets. At the same time, use is upgrade their products without
widely made of various massive lowering their effectiveness in new
intensive interference noises conditions.
affecting air defense weapons. Taking into account the experience of
The results of air attack assets combat employment of air attack
employment in modern local assets, specialists of the Moscow
conflicts convincingly show that the Agat Research Institute develop
effective fight is possible only on new generations of radar homing
Upgraded 9B-1103M active radar homing head heads for air-to-air and surface-to-
(diameter 200 mm) air missiles.
In the 1990s, the institute
developed an active radar homing
head, the 9B-1103M upgraded
version, with minimum dimensions
and weight, which outperforms the developed, including the units
preceding generations of active incorporated in various radar
radar homing heads. It mounts a homing heads. This principle has
miniature digital processor featuring manifested itself to the full extent
a large storage memory and rapid during the development of the
action capability; fiber optic gyroscopes upgraded 9B-1103M active radar
are installed instead of the homing head. A high degree of
mechanical ones. This minimizes unification allows its use in air
the time of position line generation defense and air-to-air missiles
and missile launch readiness. ranging from 200 to 400mm in cal-
The institute pays much attention iber.
to the unification of items being The development of new small-size