2005 - Road Design Standards - Rural Roads - Final PDF
2005 - Road Design Standards - Rural Roads - Final PDF
2005 - Road Design Standards - Rural Roads - Final PDF
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AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic
AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials
AIV - Aggregate Impact Value
ASTM - American Society for Testing & Materials
BC - Bituminous Carpeting
BS - British Standard
CVD - Cumulative number of commercial vehicle per day
CBR - California Bearing Ratio
ESA - Equivalent Standard Axle
FM - Fineness Modulus
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GI - Group Index
GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight in Tones
HBB - Herring-Bone-Bond
IRC - Indian Road Congress
ISG Improved Sub-Grade
LAA - Los Angles Abrasion
LGED - Local Government Engineering Department
LGI Local Government Institution
LL - Liquid Limit
MDD - Maximum Dry Density
Modified Modified Proctor
OMC - Optimum Moisture Content
PI - Plasticity Index
RHD - Roads & Highways Department
RR - Rural Road
S - Cumulative Standard Axle
SB - Sub-base
SG Sub-Grade
TRRL - Transport & Road Research Laboratory
UK - United Kingdom
WBM - Water Bound Macadam
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Bangladesh has characteristics of high population density, high productivity of land, intensive
cultivation, small-scale farming and marketing of its petty production and diversified
employment of rural under-employed in farms and non-farm activities. All these together
generate intensive trading of goods and services in the rural areas and a high level of demand
for movement of goods and people, which results the level of traffic in the rural areas of
Bangladesh comparatively high.
The Roads and Highways Department (RHD) and the Local Government Engineering
Department (LGED) share responsibilities for the entire road network of the country. While the
former is to manage the National, Regional and Zila Road, the latter is to focus on the Upazila
Road, Union Road and Village Road.
Establishing road communication network in the rural areas has become the dire necessity of
the time with the ardent objective of stimulating trade and commerce in the rural areas – an
inalienable area of the national economy. This paramount responsibility has been bestowed
upon LGED, which is one of the largest works organisation in Bangladesh and has a well
disciplined organization. As a matter of fact, all implementation responsibilities related to rural
infrastructure development are vested with the functionaries of LGED at the Upazila and the
District levels. It is thus a demand that the technical people at the field levels become
proficient and well competent for producing economically viable quality output. With this end in
view, Road Design standards’ 05 has been prepared in line with geometric design of roads
and bridges and pavement design configuration defined in the National Road Design
Standards, 04 which will serve as a ease handbook on road pavement and will augment the
efficiency of LGED's fully committed field level technical staff.
Reflecting strong initiatives of Government for pursuing rural prosperity, the total volume of
investment program on rural infrastructure has been continuously increasing. In addition, the
better and reliable quality of development rural infrastructures is requested to meet the social
demand for efficient use of public investment, LGED has been playing a key role in this
respect with high performance and flexibility on each project component.
National Road Classification is shown in Table 1. Higher Road System and Rural Road are
two broad classifications for which agencies responsible are RHD and LGED/LGI respectively.
LGED and LGI both belong to the Local Government Division under the Ministry of Local
Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives (LGRD&C). LGED's one of the mandate is
to provide technical support to the LGIs. LGED takes the responsibility to construct/re-
construct, rehabilitate and maintain roads in conjunction with LGIs under the purview of Local
Government Division.
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** Higher Road System - National Highway, Regional Highway and Zila Road.
Rural Road
Rural road comprises of Upazila roads, Union roads and Village roads in the rural areas of
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Pavement cross-sections of Upazila Roads (Type 4, 5 & 6) with projected traffic of 600,
300 and 200 commercial vehicles (axle load 8.2 ton) and Union Roads (Type 7 & 8) with
projected traffic of 100 and 50 commercial vehicles (axle load 8.2 ton).
Road Geometry of Upazila and Union Roads as per National Road Design Standard, 04.
Road Pavement Design criteria of Upazila and Union Roads as per National Road Design
Standard, 04.
Bridge Geometry of Upazila and Union Roads as per National Road Design Standard, 04.
Bridge Approach Planning of Upazila and Union Roads as per National Road Design
Standard, 04.
Relevant information on for Gradients and Super Elevation of roads and extra width of
pavement required at horizontal curves.
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Table-2 : Passenger Car Unit (PCU) conversion factors for non-urban roads
A traffic criterion for each design type is shown in Table-3. Approved geometric design for
each type of road is summarized in Table-4.
Note : For Types 5, 6, 7and 8 the criterion should be daily commercial vehicles. For Type 4
the criterion should be peak hour pcu(s). Figures in parenthesis are estimates for low-volume
Note : Design types above Type-8 shall be used for Village Roads
* In case of land acquisition problem and resource constraint, crest of 7.3 metre/24 feet may
be allowed in special cases.
The traffic criteria listed in Table 3 is the effective maximum numbers of vehicles that the
approved design types in Table 4 can accommodate. Projected traffic volume should be
adopted for either commercial vehicles or pcu(s) to a design life for 10 years. These should
be measured against the figures in Table 2 to determine the appropriate design type.
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The introduction of 5 design types allows flexibility in design, and provides for a more gradual
change through geometric road widths, to meet the demand of the increasing traffic over the
Design type 8 provides for the same carriageway width for traffic volume up to 50 commercial
vehicles per day, but with a widened verge where as Design Type 7 provides widened
carriage way of 12'-0" width for traffic volume 50-100 commercial vehicles per day. This allows
for a greater margin of safety for both pedestrians and vehicles.
Design type 6 has the same geometry as the present Upazila Road. It is the minimum
requirement when traffic reaches up to 200 commercial vehicles per day.
Design types - 6, 7, and 8, a widened paved carriageway up to 5.5m width with required
super-elevation should be provided at all turning points depending on radius of horizontal
curves to prevent hazards of accidents. For immediate action, all the existing curve points on
narrower roads with carriageway up to 3.7m should be widened to 5.5m with proper super-
elevation allowing the both direction vehicles at these points to move with greater safety.
Similarly proper widened road intersections shall be provided at all crossing points. At the
same time initiative has to be taken for straightening zigzag road alignments, otherwise those
alignments will not be qualified for any further investment.
Design type 5 has same carriageway as design type 6, but with a hard shoulder (0.9m) and
reduced verge. Besides, at the turning points full 5.5m carriageway with proper super
elevation should be paved to pass both way traffic.
Design type 4 is to be used when traffic is 300 - 600 commercial vehicle per day equivalent to
pcu 290-530. Type 4 is approved on safety grounds, but 3 feet verge instead of 7 feet on
either side could be adopted where there are land and/or resource constraints.
1. Gradients
Gradient is the longitudinal slope of a road. The following gradients for Upazila Roads and
Union Roads tentatively approved (Table-5):
Table-5 : Gradients
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A transition curve has a progressively increasing (or decreasing) radius used in joining a
tangent with a simple circular curve, or in joining two circular curves of different radii.
The length of a transition curve depends on the radius and the design speed of the vehicle.
The sharper the radius the longer the transition length.
The length of Transition Curve shall be taken either of the following two equations, preferably
longer one:
V3 QV 2
(i) L = ; or (ii) L =
28R 28 R
Since the road width is also widened at the circular curve, both widening and super-elevation
are provided at a uniformly increasing rate in the transition length.
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For Bangladesh conditions (as regards loaded cart traffic), a super-elevation of 1 in 15 (6.7
percent) has to be the limit. The greater the super-elevation, more the inconvenience to the
slow-moving traffic with danger of side slip be further eased.
There are in general two methods of applying super-elevation: (a) Outer edge super-elevated
and inner edge depressed, (b) Grade at inner edge retained and outer edge super-elevated.
Super-elevation where provided shall not be less than camber of the road recommended for
the particular road type to facilitate drainage.
Super elevation should never be less than the camber appropriate to the type of surface
On all horizontal curves some extra width of the carriageway is to be provided. In Table-7
extra widths to be provided are shown. These extra widths are for one lane (3.70m) and two
lane (5.50m) pavements.
The widening will start at the beginning or tangent point of the transition curve and
progressively increases at the uniform rate till the maximum designed widening is reached at a
point in the transition curve, where the full designed super-elevation is reached. Thereafter
the same widening will be continued till a similar point in the further transition is reached,
where the designed super-elevation starts reducing.
Pavement designs are based on the forecast number of Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA’s)
that will use the road over its lifetime. An ESA is 8.2 tonnes. Data from motorised vehicles in
Bangladesh is used to assess what are typical axle loads for various types of vehicles. These,
along with an assessment of the traffic mix on the road, are used to determine total ESA’s
over the design period. Increase in axle weight limit in Bangladesh had already taken account
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of in the calculation. The approved designs therefore show a logical progression of increasing
pavement thickness with traffic volume.
The illogical progression with road class is expected to overcome by the adoption of the
approved design types. As traffic volume increases, the overall pavement thickness
increases. In the case of the progression from Type 8 to Type-7, the thickness remains the
same, but because the carriageway width increases, there is less concentration of wheels on
the same part of the road, and hence the same pavement thickness can accommodate a
higher traffic level.
The approved design types have pavement thickness based on the principles embodied in the
UK’s Transport Research Laboratory Report Road Note 31.
Materials for pavements, structures and embankment protection works should always meet
the requirements of Bangladesh’s environmental laws and rules.
Typical applications
Because road design will henceforth be based on traffic volume, as opposed to road
classification, then in theory a road could take any of the design types 3 to 8. In practice,
traffic and traffic growth considerations mean that the typical applications of the designs will be
as listed in Table-8.
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The specified terminology and basic parameters for road pavement materials as
mentioned in National Road Design Standards, 04 are shown in Tables-11 and
The layer of soil immediately below the road pavement is referred to as the sub-grade and
this is normally more carefully selected soil which is given additional compaction to increase
its strength. In all cases the depth of sub-grade compaction should be 300mm. Because in
Bangladesh it is often difficult to achieve satisfactory CBR values on naturally occurring sub-
grades; improved sub-grades usually consisting of fine sand are normally used. The
thickness of improved sub-grade is to be determined by the CBR of the natural sub-grade
according to Table 13 subjected to fulfillment of condition as per Article 13.b.
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Granular Materials
Table- 12
Pavement Minimum CBR Maximum Maximum Required Typical
Layer % (Lab. Test Field DCP Aggregate Compaction Materials
after 4 days Test mm/ Crushing Likely to meet
soaking) blow Value % specification.
98% Vibrating Graded stone or
Hammer / Heavy graded stone with
Base Type I 80% 3.5 mm/ blow 30% Compaction some brick or
(Modified brick if it can meet
Proctor*) specification
98% Vibrating
Hammer / Heavy Brick if it can meet
Base Type Ia 80% 3.5 mm/ blow 30%
Compaction specification
Graded materials
consisting of brick
or brick sand
98% Vibrating
mixtures. Re-
Hammer / Heavy
Sub base 30% 9.0 mm/ blow 32% cycled pavement
materials such as
brick, broken
concrete, old
surfacing etc.
98% Vibrating
Usually locally
Improved Sub- Hammer / Heavy
8% 22 mm/ blow --- occurring fine
grade Compaction
(compacted min. 98% Standard Natural soil of low
4% 30 mm/ blow ---
300mm Compaction plasticity
Earthwork in 95% Standard Natural soil of low/
3% 45 mm/ blow ---
Embankment Compaction medium plasticity
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Road Network
With a view to developing an efficient road network in the country, it is essential to prepare a
Road Master Plan. The Plan should address the long term objectives for the Bangladesh road
network, and comprise a physical plan of the network required to meet the country’s economic
and social needs. Following are the criteria for road investment as considered in the Rural
Road Master Plan:
Road Widening
The criteria for road widening should be traffic. Road widening should not necessitate re-
Road Types 5, and 6 all have 7.3m (24 feet) crest widths. Widening of Feeder Roads to Type
5 and widening of a Type 6 to a Type 5 do not involve any increase in the size of the
embankment. All other widening requires embankment widening
Road Strengthening
Where road deflection survey indicates adequate CBR of the sub-base/base of the existing
pavement, in that case strengthening may be adopted, where removal of the surfacing would
be necessary and a new base layer with bituminous surfacing may be provided.
In order to ensure “Road Safety” the Local Government Engineering Department has
undertaken various programmes to create public awareness apart from the technical aspects
under its different projects. The following measures are to be taken into consideration to
ensure Road Safety for Roads under development. In addition the following items are to apply
for roads already completed by bringing them under the purview of Maintenance.
(According to ROAD SAFETY MEASURES – Vide letter of the Chief Engineers dated 7th
February 2005)
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The following technical matters should be considered on a priority basis at the planning
and implementation stage to ensure road safety.
(a) Straighten sharp curves as much as possible in order to convert it into an easy
(b) The level & grade should match at the point where LGED roads are meet national
& regional roads and if necessary, divider/roundabout should be provided in order
to bifurcate the circulation of traffic. Provisions for super elevation in compliance
with the curvature
(e) The roads should be kept free from all unauthorized obstructions. In this regard, all
markets, shops, billboards, utility lines such as telephone lines, street lights,
electricity poles, gas connection lines etc. must be relocated.
(f) Upon an occurrence of an accident on LGED roads, the attached “Road accident
form” should be completed and forwarded to the “Road safety unit”. Following an
analysis of the information obtained measures should be taken to avert accidents.
(g) Undesirable hump on the road, if exists, should be removed. In case of speed
needs to be regulated, then the hump should be replaced by rumble strips
(h) Grass can be grown (in particular on bridge approaches) and tree plantation
programmes should be taken up following the construction/ maintenance of a road.
However care should be taken that in no way the sight distance is obstructed.
Plantation of trees is to be avoided on the inner side of the curve.
(i) Measures should be taken to prevent water stagnation of on the road surface.
(j) Pedestrian crossings/ boundary walls etc. can be constructed subject to availability
of funds in order to ensure safety of the students at schools, colleges, madrasa,
adjacent to the road.
(k) Railing/ rail posts of each bridge should be painted. In addition each alternate rails
post should be provided with retro reflecting markings.
(l) The opposite direction of the bend (curve) of a bridge, bridge approach and market
area should be provided with guide posts and each alternate guide post should be
provided with retro reflecting markings
(m) Kilometer posts be put up on each road in accordance with the approved design,
drawing and specification.
(n) It is compulsory that the following signs & markings are provided:
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o Regulatory “STOP” sign or “Give Way” signs with retro reflecting markings
should be erected at the Intersection of each road
o Regulatory speed limit signs with retro reflecting markings should be erected
at major intersections, built-up area, markets, schools, colleges, madrasa,
religious institutions, broken down bridges, narrow bridges and dangerous
o Warnings and guide signs should be erected at intersections, large bridges,
(>30 meters), narrow bridges, built-up areas and permanent hazard
o If possible, rumble strips (a series of rough textured surface patches) should
be installed at intersections, narrow bridges, built-up areas, and railway
o Sticker of retro reflecting material should be attached to the rear of non-
motorized vehicles like rickshaws, rickshaw vans and bicycles.
The local people should be motivated about road safety while using the road. The Upazilla
road safety community formed by the people’s representatives, in particular the UP
chairman, UP members, teachers of school, Girl Guides, and Boy Scouts, owners of
transport and members of committees should launch road safety campaigns and
community road patrolling (once in three months) to ensure proper use of roads already
completed and to be completed.
The road safety campaigns will consist mainly of rallies on road safety, meetings,
seminars and documentary film shows etc.
The community road patrolling activities will take measures to remove any unauthorized
new erection on the road, bill boards and the like that hampers the circulation of traffic.
The cost will be borne out of the funds for maintenance. Further, the following is a
compulsory to-do list.
(a) Black spots, indicating accident-prone spots on the road or where maximum number
of accidents has already occurred up to the present should be identified.
(b) Strict vigilance should be in force not to let anyone stack hay on the road. The local
people should be motivated to avoid the habit of drying wood chips, hay, paddy
sheaves, cow dung etc. on the road by explaining the harmful aspects of these
(c) Strict vigilance should be in force in order that no one can cut the earth from the
embankment and shoulders of the road and nothing is done to cause harm to the
embankment and shoulders.
(d) Grass grown on the side of the road is very beneficial to prevent the earth from
eroding and the people should be motivated that at no cost should this grass be
mown for other alternative uses. At the same time proper care should be taken in
respect of the trees and other plantations along the road – in particular, from the
domestic animals grazing in the field.
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(e) The people should be motivated to give up the use of the iron rim for the tractor, and
wooden frame for the cartwheel drawn by cows or buffaloes – instead they should be
encouraged to use rubber wheels.
(f) Care should be taken to remove stranded vehicles (bus, truck & other vehicles) as far
as possible from the road
(g) People should be encouraged not to overload the bus and additionally, they should
also be informed about the hazards of trucks loaded beyond their carrying capacity to
dissuade them from such practices.
(h) Care should be taken to dissuade people from digging irrigation canals on the
shoulder or slope
(i) Roads should be inspected following the occurrence of storms or floods or any other
natural calamity. Measures should then be taken for the immediate removal of trees
lying on the road after a storm or flood.
Note: For Road Traffic Signs LGED document ‘Rural Road & Culvert Maintenance
Guideline, June 2004, Appendix-1 shall be followed.
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1. Equivalent Axle Loading : 8.2 Ton
2. Traffic : 201 - 300 CV/Day
3. Growth rate : 5%
4. Design life : 10 Years.
5. Embankment fill : Min. 95% STD Compaction
DCP Max 45mm per blow
to ensure Min. 3% SOAKED CBR
(Ref. Article 1.1)
6. Sub-Grade, Min 300mm Thick : Min 98% STD Compaction
DCP Max 30mm per blow
to ensure Min 4% SOAKED CBR
(Ref. Article 1.2)
7. Improved Sub-Grade : Min 98% (Modified) Compaction
Sand FM 0.80 min, PI Value<6 DCP max 22mm per blow
to ensure Min 8% SOAKED CBR
(Ref. Article 1.3)
8. Aggregate-Sand Sub-Base Course (Sand : Min 98% (Modified) Compaction
: Max. 50% of mix) Brick or Stone DCP Max 9mm per blow
Aggregates, 38mm down graded to ensure Min 30% SOAKED CBR
according to the prescribed grading (Ref. Article 5.0)
envelop, ACV <32%; Sand FM 0.80 min,
PI Value<6)
9. Base-Course, Water Bound Macadam : Min 98% (Modified) Compaction
with Brick or Stone Aggregate, 38mm DCP Max 3.5mm per blow
down graded according to the to ensure Min 80% SOAKED CBR
prescribed grading envelop, ACV <30%; (Ref. Article 6.0)
Sand FM 0.80 min, PI Value<6)
10. Bituminous carpeting : 40mm BC (Ref. Article 10.0) plus
7mm Seal coat (Ref. Article 11.0)
11. Single Lane Carriageway width : 3.7m.
12 Hard Shoulder 0.90m Wide Pavement Simile
with 12 mm Seal Coat
(Ref. Article 12.0)
13. Earthen Shoulder : 95% STD Compaction
DCP Max 45mm per blow
to ensure Min 3% SOAKED CBR
(Ref. Article 1.1)
14. Crest width : 7.30m.
15. Side Slope : 1: 1.5 for clayey soil Road
: 1 : 2 for Clayey Sand Road
1 : 3 for Sand or silty Sand Road
Note: In absence of ACV testing equipment, LAA test of coarse aggregates shall be carried
out provided LAA value of coarse aggregates should be less than 40 percent.
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Note: In absence of ACV testing equipment, LAA test of coarse aggregates shall be carried
out provided LAA value of coarse aggregates should be less than 40 percent.
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Note: In absence of ACV testing equipment, LAA test of coarse aggregates shall be carried
out provided LAA value of coarse aggregates should be less than 40 percent.
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Table 14 lists recommended RCC Box Culvert carriageway widths. Guard Post
shall be provided if carriageway width of Box Culvert is less than crest width of
the road. Cut-off Wall of RCC Box Culvert shall be provided at upstream and
downstream away from Box by at least two-third of Box height.
Table 15 lists typical gap requirements for cross drainage by type of road. All
roads should be provided with appropriate gaps, irrespective of road building
agency, according to the design type and geographical location.
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The Contractor shall keep a Site Order Book on site at all times. Instructions on the work
and all site visits shall be recorded in the Site Order book.
a. Description
This work shall consist of the construction of embankment and fill by furnishing, placing,
compacting and shaping suitable material of acceptable quality obtained from approved
sources in accordance with these specifications and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions
and cross sections shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer.
The location of borrow pit shall be approved by the Engineer and must be at a distance of
3.Om or 1.5 times the height of the embankment, whichever is higher from the toe to the
designed embankment. The depth of excavation in borrow pits shall not exceed 0.8m
under normal conditions.
b. Materials
All fill materials shall be free from roots, sods or other deleterious materials.
Materials for embankments shall be stockpiled outside the working areas. Materials shall
be tested and approved by the Engineer.
The selected fill material so stockpiled shall satisfy the following criteria:
- The dry density after compaction in embankment layers more than 300mm below
sub-grade level shall not be less than 95% (STD) of the maximum dry density.
- The dry density after compaction in embankment within 300mm below the top of
the sub grade level (or such greater depth if shown in the plans and drawings)
shall not be less than 98% (STD) maximum dry density
- The moisture content at the time of compaction shall be the optimum moisture
content (Standard Compaction) ± 5%.
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In case if the embankment material is sand, side slopes and shoulders shall be covered by
cohesive soil of PI value in between 8-20%.
1.1.1 Construction Methods
a. Preparation of Foundation for Embankment
Prior to placing materials for any embankment upon any area, all clearing and grubbing
operations shall have been completed.
The original ground surface shall be prepared with scarifying, watering, aerating and
compacting. The dry density after compaction shall not be less than 95% of MDD (STD).
Embankments in swamps or water shall be constructed as indicated on the Drawings and
as described in these Specifications. The Contractor shall, when ordered by the
Engineer, excavate or displace swampy ground and backfill with suitable material. Such
backfill shall be river or beach sand unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Existing Sub-grade within 300mm depth of the existing road level, (or as specified) not
having the required percentage of compaction, shall be excavated out.
Provided the excavated material is in accordance with article 1.1.1b then it shall be
reworked and reused in widening or raising the embankment to the specified percentage
of compaction and in accordance with paragraph 1.1.1d.
Where the item "embankment fill from roadway excavation" is used and paid for,
there shall be no separate payment for sub grade preparation under section 1.2.
d. Compaction of Embankment
Embankment shall be constructed in layer not more than 150mm compacted
layers. When necessary, each layer, before being compacted, shall be mixed
with dry material or otherwise processed to bring the moisture content to within
the limits established in Article 1.1b above. The material shall be so worked as to
have uniform moisture content through the entire layer.
Each layer of material shall' be compacted uniformly by use of adequate and appropriate
mechanical compaction equipment. The compaction shall be carried out in a longitudinal
direction along the embankment and shall generally begin at the outer edges and
progress toward the centre except in the super elevated area in such a manner that each
section receives equal compactive effort.
Compaction equipment shall be operated over the full width of each layer as far as
Samples to determine the compaction, CBR & other parameters shall be taken regularly
per finished layer as specified or as directed by the Engineer.
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The Engineer shall test the compacted layer before the Contractor can commence a new
layer. If the test results show that the density is less than the required density the
Contractor shall carry out further compaction to obtain at least the required density.
e. Additional Filling
To ensure that, the embankment is properly compacted up to the edges of each layer,
overfilling and compaction of minimum 300mm horizontally on both sides of the
embankment is required, which later on has to be cut and removed. No extra payment
will be made for this procedure.
b. Materials
All sub-grade material shall be suitable material in accordance with the requirements of
Article 1.1b.
Any sub-grade material in cut or existing old embankment which is found to be unsuitable
shall be removed and replaced as directed by the Engineer.
1.2.1 Construction Methods
The sub-grade shall be prepared after box cutting for pavement construction. Half width
working may be allowed only with the prior written approval of the Engineer.
The sub-grade shall be prepared in lengths of not less than 100 meters and not more
then 500 meters at a time.
When existing sub-grade compaction is found less than 98 percent STD, sub-grade
material shall be excavated to a depth of 150mm and stockpiled and a further 150mm
should be scarified and compacted to 98% STD. The excavated top layer material shall
then be spread and compacted as specified. But if natural compaction of sub grade is
98% STD, two to three passes of 3-5 ton vibratory roller over natural sub-grade are
specified to compact loose lump there upon and achieve rolled surface.
When necessary, each layer, before being compacted, shall be allowed to dry or be
watered to bring the moisture content with ± 5% of optimum to make possible its
compaction to the required density. The material shall be so worked as to have uniform
moisture content through the entire layer.
The sub grade material shall be compacted uniformly by use of adequate and
appropriate mechanical compaction equipment. The compaction shall be done in a
longitudinal direction along the embankment and shall generally begin at the outer edges
and progress toward the centre in such a manner that each section receives equal comp
active effort.
Samples to determine the compaction, CBR & other properties shall be taken regularly
per finished layer as specified or as directed by the Engineer.
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However if sub-grade does not conform compaction to attain 4 percent soaked CBR,
corrective procedure imparted in Article 13.b shall be followed.
b. Materials
Material shall be of natural sand, free from vegetable matter, soft particles and excess
clay. F. M. of Sand shall not be less than 0.8.
(a) Plasticity: The fraction passing the 425 micron sieve shall, have a Plasticity
Index not greater than 6.
(b) CBR: The material shall have a soaked CBR value not less than 8% when
compacted to 98% of maximum dry density (Modified).
b. Spreading
Improved sub-grade materials shall be spread in layers, with a compacted thickness up
to 150mm subject to approval by the Engineer, and the layers shall be as nearly equal in
thickness as possible.
Prior to spreading the improved sub-grade materials, full width of shoulder shall
be constructed to the elevation of the top of Design Pavement.
Each layer shall be compacted to at least 98% (modified) of the - maximum dry density. If
the density measurement falls below the specified density level then further compaction
shall be required, irrespective of the field compaction trial results.
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In order to ensure required bearing capacity at the finished improved sub-grade level
CBR tests shall be made. The CBR shall be such that the Laboratory Value obtained at
the specified compaction and after 4 days soaking, shall exceed 8 percent. In areas
where these requirements are not met, correction shall be made by such measures, as
the Engineer deems necessary.
Improved sub-grade material that does not contain sufficient moisture to be compacted in
accordance with the requirements of this section shall be reworked and watered as
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall carry out this work at his own expense.
Improved sub-grade material containing excess moisture shall be reworked and dried
prior to or during compaction. Drying of wet material shall be performed by methods
approved by the Engineer, at the expense of the Contractor.
The finished improved sub-grade at any point shall not vary more than 20mm above or
below the planned grade or adjusted grade. The thickness of the finished improved sub-
grade shall be on average not less than the required thickness and not thinner than
20mm less than the required thickness at any point and the average of five thickness
measurements in any 100 meters of road shall be not thinner than 15mm less than the
required thickness. Improved sub-grade that does not conform to the above
requirements shall be reworked, watered and thoroughly recompacted to conform.
Where the CBR value of Sub-Grade obtained more than 8% improved sub-grade may be
discarded with the approval of proper authority.
a. Description
This item will consist of leveling, dressing, cambering and compacting the existing
improved sub-grade surface exposed after removal of the brick flat soling, HBB and the
edging to receive new base course. Where necessary additional improved sub-grade
materials shall be added to make the finished compacted improved sub-grade as per
b. Materials
Before picking up the brick pavement the contractor must provide base materials ready at
the site so that this shall be placed and compacted immediately after preparation of the
improved sub-grade.
The improved sub-grade shall be leveled, graded and cambered according to the design
and compacted to 98% of MDD (Modified) using an appropriate roller. Where necessary
additional improved sub-grade materials shall be added to make the finished compacted
thickness as per drawing.
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Section 3 of these Specifications covers all requirements for road pavements that will be
incorporated in the works.
The designated area shall be cleared of all vegetation and topsoil prior to commencing of
work and the arrival of any materials.
Bricks of different frog marks, different materials and size fractions shall be kept in
separate stockpiles divided as necessary to prevent contamination.
The site of the stockpile shall be cleared of all vegetation and debris, graded and drained
and where the Engineer deems it necessary, the areas shall be surfaced with a 1 00mm
layer of approved stone or with brick flat soling.
Each stockpile shall be built with a maximum height of 1.25m or as specified by the
Engineer-in-Charge with sufficient space left in between two stacks for easy inspection.
The bottom 50mm layer of aggregate or any contaminated aggregate shall not be used in
the work.
2.2.1 Pavement Simile Hard Shoulder
a. Description
b. Materials
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c. Construction Methods
a. Description
This item consists of providing single layer brick flat soling on the sub-grade soil for Hard
shoulder as directed by the Engineer.
b. Materials
The materials shall consist of First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks, which meet the
requirements of Article 3.0b of these Specifications.
c. Construction Methods
The bricks shall be laid flat in one layer or as specified on the Sand Cushion of 125mm
over consolidated and prepared surface. Bricks shall be laid in a regular and uniform
manner. Interstices of bricks shall be filled with sand of min. FM 0.5 and water shall be
applied by sprinkling. No bricks shall be laid on a foundation or any surface until the
same has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. The gaps between two
adjacent bricks should not exceed 10mm. The pattern and placing of the bricks shall be
as indicated in the drawings.
a. Description
This work shall consist of a base composed of bricks, laid on edge in a herringbone
pattern, placed on a prepared single layer brick flat soling in accordance with these
Specifications and to the lines, grades levels, dimensions and cross sections shown in
the Drawings and as required by the Engineer.
b. Materials
The materials shall consist of First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks, which meet the
requirements of Article 3.0b of these Specifications.
c. Construction Methods
Laying the Bricks
A sand cushion of 25mm thickness (minimum) with sand of F.M. not less than 0.5 will be
placed over the brick flat soling. The brick then shall be laid on edge with 125mm across
the surface in a single layer in a herringbone pattern to the lines, grades, levels,
dimensions and cross section shown on the Drawings and as required by the Engineer.
The edge of the layer shall be made with cut bricks to produce a line, which is compatible
with brick edging. The joints shall be filled with sand of FM 0.5 brushed in and the
completed layer shall be sprinkled liberally with water.
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a. Description
This work consists of the provision of specified wide strips of shoulders adjacent to the
pavement on either side. The shoulders shall be constructed in accordance with the
lines, levels, dimensions and cross sections shown on the Drawings and as directed by
the Engineer.
b. Materials
The material used shall meet the same requirements as that shown in Sections 1.1b.
c. Construction Methods
Pre-work measurement should be taken just before commencing the work. The material
shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness to achieve 150mm of compacted thickness
and sprinkled with water. After approval by the Engineer, compaction shall be carried out
by approved mechanical plant. The material shall be compacted to a density of 95%
(STD) of the maximum dry density and DCP maximum 45mm per blow to ensure
minimum 3% soaked CBR. Samples to determine the compaction shall be taken
regularly with a minimum one sample for each 100 linear meters per layer of each
finished shoulder or as decided by the Engineer. Such density tests will be carried out.
The Engineer shall approve the compacted layer before the Contractor can commence a
new layer. If the test results show that the density is less than the required density the
Contractor shall carry out further compaction to obtain at least the required density.
The crushing strength of bricks shall be tested and the average crushing strength of
Bricks shall not be less than 17 N/mm2, but not less than 14 N/mm2 in individual case.
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c. Construction Methods
Bricks shall be laid on end edging with their longest side vertical and 75mm/125mm side
as shown in the Drawing across the road including necessary excavation filling and
ramming to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The completed work shall be true to line and
level and grade as indicated on the Drawings. Interstices between brick edging and
adjacent paving or brushing in sand until voids are filled shall fill soling; the edging shall
be sprinkled then with water. End Edging shall be done before commencing Base
This item consists of providing single layer brick flat soling on the sub-grade or improved
sub-grade as directed by the Engineer.
b. Materials
The materials shall consist of First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks, which meet the
requirements of Article 3.0b of these Specifications.
c. Construction Methods
The bricks shall be laid flat in one layer or as specified on the Sand Cushioning of
125mm over consolidated and prepared surface. Bricks shall be laid in a regular and
uniform manner. Interstices of bricks shall be filled with sand of FM 0.5 and water shall
be applied by sprinkling. No bricks shall be laid on a foundation or any surface until the
same has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. The gaps between two
adjacent bricks should not exceed 10mm. The pattern and placing of the bricks shall be
as indicated in the drawings.
4.2 Herringbone Bond Brick Pavement
a. Description
This work shall consist of a base composed of bricks, laid on edge in a herringbone
pattern, placed on a prepared single layer brick flat soling in accordance with these
Specifications and to the lines, grades levels, dimensions and cross sections shown in
the Drawings and as required by the Engineer.
b. Materials
The materials shall consist of First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks that meet the
requirements of Article 3.0b of these Specifications.
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b. Surface Tolerance
In those areas in which pavement is to be placed, any deviation in excess of five
millimeters from the specified surface within 3 meter shall be corrected by removal,
reshaping and relaying.
5.1 Description
This work shall consist of providing, laying and compacting sub-base on the finished
approved sub-grade or improved sub-grade, to the lines, levels, dimensions and cross
section shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
5.2.1 Materials
5.2.2 The aggregate shall be crushed First Class or Picked Jhama Bricks or stones. The
crushed bricks or stones shall comply with the following requirements:-
The Engineer may change the above grading when the laboratory results of the above
proportion do not meet the quality requirements of the specification.
5.2.3 The resultant mixture Coarse Aggregate-Sand shall meet grading envelope as in Table
5.1 and also the following requirements:
a) Plasticity: The fraction passing the 425 micron sieve shall have a liquid limit not
greater than 25 and a plasticity index not greater than 6
b) CBR: The materials shall have a soaked CBR value not less than 30% when
compacted to 98%(Modified) of maximum dry density.
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Sub-base materials shall be at or near the optimum moisture content (OMC) at the time of
mixing. The coarse aggregate and sand shall be mixed thoroughly preferably over
temporary stack yards made of steel plain sheets to obtain a homogeneous mix complying
with the grading requirements of this section before placing it on the sub-grade or improved
sub-grade. The mixing may be done by mechanical means or a combination of manual
labour and machinery.
The mixed materials shall be spread uniformly upon the prepared and approved sub-grade
or improved sub-grade. Total thickness required shall be in accordance with the drawings.
The relationship between the loose thickness and compacted thickness shall be determined
from field trials and used in controlling the loose thickness at the time of spreading the mix.
After spreading has been completed and the surface shaped according to the cross
sectional requirements, rolling shall commence. A power roller weighing 8 to 10 tons or
equivalent vibratory roller should do rolling. Rolling shall begin at the outer edge towards
the centre of the road with the rear wheel overlapping the shoulder. When the aggregates
become firm, the roller will be shifted to the opposite side of the road and the operation will
be repeated. After both edges rolled modestly firm, the roller will be gradually moved
towards the centre by overlapping 150mm of the rolled width until the mix has attained the
required density. During initial stage of rolling sub-base materials shall be sprinkled with
water to bring it to the correct moisture content, if found less.
Material shall conform to the grading envelope shown in the Table 5.1 and compacted to
have a soaked CBR value not less than 30% for a layer of maximum 100mm (compacted)
The rolled surface shall be checked for correctness of levels and cross-falls and any
irregularities therein shall be corrected by loosening the affected areas, adding or removing
the necessary quantities of aggregate and re-rolling until the entire surface conforms to the
correct levels and cross levels and cross-falls.
The dry density after compaction shall not be less than 98% of the maximum dry density
(Modified). Samples to determine the compaction, CBR & other properties shall be taken
regularly per finished layer as specified or as directed by the Engineer.
The prepared sub-base layer shall be protected against damage until covered by the base
course. Moisture content at the time of compaction shall be the optimum moisture content
The finished surface shall be within a tolerance of ± 10mm or of the elevation shown in the
drawings and it shall no where vary more than 10mm from the straight edge 3m long
applied to the surface parallel to the centre line of the pavement and no more than 12mm
from a template conforming to the cross-section.
The depth over each 100m shall be measured in at least 3 places by digging holes. The
average depth should be as per drawings but the minimum depth shall not be less than
95% of the specified depth.
a. Description
This work shall consist of providing, laying, watering and compacting water bound
macadam base course on the prepared and accepted sub-base to the lines, levels,
dimensions, and cross profiles shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer in
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b. Materials
The base course material shall consist of crushed first class brick and/or picked Jhama
brick aggregates well-graded and of desired strength, mechanically "Keyed" or locked by
rolling and cemented or bounded together by the application of water.
The aggregate shall be crushed Picked Jhama or mixed with First class bricks. The
crushed bricks shall comply with the following requirements:
Material shall conform to the grading envelope shown in the Table 6.1 and compacted to
have a soaked CBR value not less than 80% for a layer of maximum 100mm
(compacted) thickness
The material shall be well graded with the envelope having no excess or deficiency in
any size. The Engineer may change the above grading when the laboratory results of the
above proportion do not meet the quality requirements of the specification.
Prior to laying of base course the sub-base layer shall be shaped true to cross fall or
super elevation and shall be rolled as necessary till the surface is smooth, firm and tight.
The prepared sub-base layer shall be protected against damage until covered by the
base course.
Mixing of various course aggregates should be carried out preferably over temporary
stack yards made of steel plain sheets to obtain a homogeneous mix complying with the
grading requirements of this section before placing it on the sub-base. Base materials
shall be at or near the optimum moisture content (OMC) at the time of mixing.
Different kinds of materials shall not be mixed together except that sand or naturally
occurring granular materials finer than 5mm size can be mixed with any of these
materials to meet the grading requirements. The mixing may be done by mechanical
means or a combination of manual labour and machinery.
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During initial stage of rolling base materials shall be sprinkled with water to bring it to the
correct moisture content, if found less.
The materials shall be spread in layers and the compacted thickness of each layer shall
not exceed 100mm.
A powered roller weighing 8 to 10 tons or equivalent vibratory roller should do rolling.
Rolling shall begin at the outer edge with the rear wheel overlapping the shoulder. When
the broken aggregates become firm, the roller will be shifted to the opposite side of the
road and the operation will be repeated. After both edges rolled modestly firm, the roller
will be gradually moved towards the centre by overlapping 150mm of the rolled width until
the entire base course is thoroughly compacted.
The base course shall be compacted to have a soaked CBR as specified in Article 6.0b.
Samples to determine the compaction, CBR & other properties shall be taken regularly
per finished layer as specified or as directed by the Engineer.
The finished surface of the base course shall at no place be more than ±l0mm from the
designed level and the mean of five measurements of thickness taken in any 200 meters
long section shall be equal to or more than the required base course thickness.
Engineer in-charge may allow spreading of sand of F.M. 0.8 as chocking materials to
attain desired CBR in every compacted layer.
This work shall cover the general requirements that are applicable to all types of
bituminous bound surfacing irrespective of gradation of mineral aggregate, grade and
amount of bituminous materials used. Deviations from these general requirements are
indicated in the specific requirements as set forth in the respective sections for each type.
The work shall consist of one or more courses of pre-mixed bituminous mixtures
constructed on a prepared and accepted base course or other road bed in accordance
with these Specifications and the specific requirements of the type under Contract, and in
conformity with the required lines, levels, grades, dimensions and typical cross sections.
b. Composition of Mixtures
The bituminous mix shall be composed basically of coarse mineral aggregate, fine
mineral aggregate, filler and bituminous binder. The several mineral constituents shall be
sized, uniformly graded and combined in such proportions that the resulting blend meets
the grading requirements for the specific type as required. To such composite blended
aggregate shall be added bitumen within the percentage limits set in the specifications for
the specific type. Grading of coarse aggregate shall conform Article 10.2.
7.2 Construction
7.2.1 Weather Limitation
Bituminous mixtures shall be placed only when the surface is dry, when the weather is
not rainy and when the prepared roadbed is in a satisfactory condition. However, the
Engineer may permit, in case of sudden rain, the placing of mixture then in transit if laid
at specified temperature and if the roadbed is free from pools of water.
Such permission shall in no way waive the requirements for quality and smoothness of
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Tanks or kettles for storage of bituminous binder shall be capable of heating the
binder under effective control at all times to a temperature within the range
specified. Bitumen shall not be heated in open pans or drums. Suitable means
shall be provided for maintaining the specified temperature of the bituminous binder
at all times. Generally Tar boilers fixed with thermometer are used to heat the
b. Thermometric Equipment
c. Equipment for hauling bituminous mixtures shall have tight, clean and smooth metal
sides that have been sprayed with soapy water, thinned fuel oil, paraffin oil or lime
solution to prevent the mixture from adhering to the beds. The amount of sprayed
fluid shall however be kept to the practical minimum. Any equipment causing
excessive segregation of material by its suspension or other contributing factors, or
that shows oil leaks in detrimental amount or that causes undue delays, shall upon
direction of Engineer be removed from the site until such conditions are corrected.
d. The equipment for spreading and finishing shall be capable of spreading and
finishing the mixture true to the lines, grades, levels dimensions and cross sections.
e. The Contractor shall provide suitable means for keeping all small tools clean and
free from accumulation of bituminous material. He shall provide and have ready for
use at all times enough tarpaulin or covers, as may be directed by the Engineer, for
use during any emergency like rain, chilling wind, or unavoidable delay, for the
purpose of covering or protecting any material that may have been dumped and not
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The mineral aggregates for the mixture shall be dried and heated at a temperature
between 1500C-1700C before mixing. The aggregates shall be heated to the temperature
specified in the relevant section.
d. Preparation of Mixture
The heated mineral aggregate prepared above, shall be combined in the amount of each
fraction of aggregate required to meet the mix formula for the particular mixture. The
bituminous material shall be measured or gauged and introduced into the mix in the
amount determined by the Engineer. Only sufficient heat shall be applied during mixing
to maintain the temperature of the mix without increasing the temperature. The proper
amount of bituminous material shall be distributed over the mineral aggregate and the
whole materials shall be thoroughly mixed for a period of at least 60 seconds, or longer if
necessary to produce a homogeneous mixture in which all particles of the mineral
aggregate are coated uniformly. Mixing should not be carried out on fire, but on separate
tray lay away from fire (if mixing manually).
(i) Immediately after the mixture has been spread and struck off, the surface
shall be checked and any inequalities adjusted. The mixture shall then
be thoroughly and uniformly compacted by rolling. Each course shall be
rolled as soon after being placed, as the material will support the roller
without undue displacement or cracking.
(ii) All rollers shall be self propelled, capable for being reversed without
backlash. Each roller shall be in good condition and worked by a
competent and experienced operator. Generally Tandem roller is
suitable for B.C work; in addition Pneumatic Tyre roller is also needed.
(iii) Rolling shall start longitudinally at the sides and proceed toward the
centre of the pavement except that on super-elevated curves rolling shall
begin at the low side and progress toward the high side. Successive trips
of the roller and alternative trips shall not terminate at the same point.
Rolling shall start at a temperature of at least 1300C and shall be discontinued if
temperature falls below 900C.
The speed of the rollers shall not exceed four kilometers per hour for steel wheeled
rollers and 6 kilometers per hour for pneumatic tyred rollers and shall at all times be slow
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h. Joints
Both longitudinal and transverse joints in successive courses shall be staggered so as
not to be one above the other. Longitudinal joints shall be arranged so that the
longitudinal joint in the top course shall be at the location of the line dividing the traffic
lanes. Lateral joints shall be staggered a minimum of 250 millimeters and shall be
The edges of the pavement shall be straight and true to the required lines. Any excess
material shall be cut off after final rolling and disposed off by the Contractor at the end of
a day's work.
Just prior to recommencing operations, the sides of all longitudinal and transverse joints
shall be painted with hot bitumen to ensure a satisfactory bond between the old and new
8.1 Materials
a. Bituminous Materials
Bituminous prime coat material shall be cut back bitumen, conforming to the
requirements of ASTM/ AASHTO.
Cut back bitumen may be prepared by cutting back 60/70 (preferable) or 80/100
penetration grade straight run bitumen with kerosene/diesel in the ratio of 100 parts by
volume of bitumen to 40-60 parts by volume of kerosene depending on the porosity of the
surface and will be decided by field trials or as directed by the Engineer. The correct
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amount is the quantity that is completely absorbed within 24 hours. The spraying
temperature of the cutback bitumen shall be 1000C to 1200C.
b. Blotting Material
Blotting material shall be clean, dry, free-flowing sand not containing any cohesive
materials or organic matter. Not more than 10 percent of the sand shall be finer than the
75-micron sieve.
8.2 Construction Methods
a. Weather Limitations
Prime coat work shall not be carried out when the weather conditions are, in the opinion
of the Engineer, likely to adversely affect the stability of wet prime coat material. Such
conditions may include but shall not necessarily be limited to rain, low temperatures or
b. Cleaning Surface
Immediately before applying the prime coat material, all loose stones, dirt and other
objectionable materials shall be removed from the surface with a broom or blower as
appropriate. When so directed by the Engineer, a light application of water shall be
made just before the application of the prime coat.
The surfaces of structures and trees adjacent to the areas being treated shall be
protected in such a manner as to prevent their being splattered or marred. No
bituminous material shall be discharged into a borrow pit, gutter or kerb.
d. Maintenance and Opening to Traffic
After application of the prime coat there shall be a curing period of 48 hours or more,
when traffic shall not be permitted to move on the coated surface. In case of any
damage caused by traffic, the surface shall be rectified at the cost of the Contractor. The
period of curing shall be extended if necessary till the bituminous material has penetrated
and dried and, in the opinion of the Engineer, will not be picked up by traffic. At the end
of the curing period, minor areas where prime coat material is still not dry shall be treated
by sprinkling, blotting sand as necessary to avoid picking up of prime coat material before
allowing traffic to use the coated areas. For existing roads, the work shall be done over
half width at a time, the other half being used to carry the traffic.
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b. Cleaning Surfaces
Immediately before applying the tack coat all loose stone dirt and other objectionable
materials shall be removed from the surface with a broom or blower as appropriate.
The surfaces of structures and trees adjacent to the areas being treated shall be
protected in such a manner as to prevent their being splattered or marred. No
bituminous material shall be discharged into a borrow pit, gutter or kerb.
a. Description
This work shall consist of a bituminous carpet of a bituminous macadam type of material
constructed on a prepared and primed granular base course in accordance with these
Specifications and to the lines, levels, grades, dimensions and cross-sections shown on
the Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The bituminous carpeting shall consist of
a compacted single layer of surfacing of thickness as shown on the drawings.
10.1 Materials
a. Bituminous Material
Bituminous material shall be 60/70 or 80/100 (Preferably 60/70) penetration grade
straight run bitumen complying with the requirement of ASTM / AASHTO.
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b. Coarse Aggregate
The coarse aggregate shall be the material component consist of clean crushed rock or
crushed gravel or blended combinations of both, free from decomposed stone, organic
matter, shale, clay and any other substances which, in the opinion of the Engineer, may
be deleterious to the mixture. Coarse aggregate shall satisfy the following physical
characteristics when tested:
- Aggregate Crushing Value not greater than 30%
- Bulk specific gravity not less than 2.50
- Flakiness index not greater than 35% except where specially approved by the
The course aggregate shall have weight loss not more than 12% when subjected to 5
alternations of the sodium sulphate soundness test, AASHTO: T. 104.
Not less than 75% by weight of the particles of course aggregate shall have at least two
fractured faces.
c. Fine Aggregate
The portion of the aggregate passing a 4.75mm sieve shall be known as fine aggregate
and shall consist of natural sand, stone screenings, or a combination of both. Fine
aggregate shall be composed of clean, hard durable particles, rough surfaced and
angular, free from vegetable matter, soft particles, clay balls or other objectionable
The resultant density of the compacted bituminous mixture shall be between 2250 and
2400 kg/m3. The bitumen content and stability of mixture shall be as per specification or
as decided by the Engineer.
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The bitumen and the aggregates shall be separately heated (mechanical heating
preferable) to a temperature between 140C to 155C and 150C to 170C for bitumen
and aggregate respectively before mixing. The temperature of bitumen aggregate
mixture should be within 140C to 160C. Bitumen, or bitumen aggregate mixture, which
has been overheated at any time, shall be rejected. The percentage of bitumen in the
mix shall be between 5.2% and 5.8% by weight of total mix for 25mm BC and between
4.9% and 5.5% by weight of total mix for 40mm BC.
The final combined grading shall be within the limits of the specification and the actual
bitumen content shall be determined on the basis of laboratory tests by the Engineer and
the final grading of the combined aggregates and the bitumen content shall be approved
by the Engineer.
The laying temperature of the mixture shall not be less than l3OC.
The mixed materials shall be laid to a uniform thickness. The thickness and proper
camber shall be maintained by the use of steel angle screeds of the correct size. The
sides of the angle shall be at least 25% greater than the compacted thickness specified
and as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
c. Rolling
After laying, the materials shall immediately be compacted using a power driven road
roller. The initial pass of the roller on the bituminous premix shall be at temperatures
specified above and shall be carried out with these steel angles in position. Subsequent
passes of the roller may be made with these steel angles removed.
When the temperature of the bituminous premix falls below 900C no further compaction
should be allowed.
The premix carpeting shall be fully compacted maintaining the proper grade and camber
and after completion of compaction blinding of sand of F.M. 0.8 at the rate of 0.012 cubic
meter per square meter of surface for blotting purpose shall be carried out. The
compacted thickness as shown in the drawing and as provided in the Bill of Quantities
shall be uniformly maintained all along the road surface.
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Rollers and other mechanical plants shall not be allowed to stand on newly laid material
that may be deformed thereby. Sections of newly finished work shall be protected from
traffic of any kind until the mixture has cooled to ambient air temperature.
The finished surface shall be within a tolerance of ± 5mm or of the elevation shown on
the drawings and it shall not vary at any place more than 5mm from the straight edge 3m
long applied to the surface both longitudinally and transverse.
d. Open to Traffic
When the initial rolling is completed, commercial traffic could be allowed in the surfaced
area. The speed of traffic shall be temporarily reduced to avoid the damage to the
surface. Maximum speed limit of 30-40 km/hour shall, therefore, be enforced during the
first month after construction (by speed breaker as an example or any other method
approved by the Engineer.)
a. Bituminous Material
Bituminous material shall be of 60/70(Preferable) or 80/100 penetration grade straight
run bitumen complying with the requirements of ASTM AASHTO.
b. Aggregate
The aggregates shall consist of 6.33mm down graded stone or gravel free from any
organic matter, clay and any other objectionable matter.
Where required to achieve the specified grading the aggregate shall be mixed with
natural sand. Sand shall be non-plastic, clean and free from any deleterious substances.
The minimum F.M. of sand for the sealing premix shall be between 2.00 to 2.80 and that
of sand to be spread over the seal coat, as blotting material shall be within 0.80 to 1.00.
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Material that has been over-heated at any time shall be rejected. No mixing of pre-
heated bitumen and aggregate should be done on fire, but on separate tray lay away
from fire (if mixing manually). 0.01 M3 of aggregate will be mixed with 1 liter of bitumen
and mix shall be laid on 1 (one) square meter of road surface.
The aggregate mixed with bitumen shall be laid over the bituminous carpeting or over the
primed granular base to a uniform thickness which shall be at least 25% greater than the
compacted thickness and immediately compacted fully with a power driven road roller (8-
10 Ton) to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Temperature of bitumen and aggregate mix
at the time of starting of rolling should not be less than 130C.
12.1 Description
The work shall consist of a premix bituminous seal coat applied to a prepared and primed
granular base course or over bituminous surfacing in accordance with these
Specifications or as directed by the Engineer. The thickness of the premix bituminous
seal coat shall be 12mm.
12.2 Materials
12.2.2 Aggregate
The course aggregates shall consist of 10mm down graded stone chips free from any
organic matter, clay and any other objectionable matter.
Where required to achieve the specified grading the aggregate shall be mixed with
natural sand. Sand shall be non-plastic, clean and free from any deleterious substances.
The F.M of sand for the sealing premix shall be between 2.00 and 2.80. The F.M of sand
to be spread over the seal coat, as blotting material shall be between 0.80 and 1.00
The mix of the aggregates and sand combined shall comply with the following grading
given in Table 12.1
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Table 12.1
Prior to heating the aggregate and sand shall be mixed together to give a stockpile of
mixed aggregate of the required grading in sufficient quantity for at least one day's
surfacing work.
Material that has been over-heated at any time shall be rejected. No mixing of pre-
heated bitumen and aggregate should be done on fire, but on separate tray lay away
from fire (if mixing manually). 0.016M3 of pea gravel will be mixed with 1.40 liter of
bitumen and shall be laid on 1 (one) square meter of road surface.
The mixture shall be laid to a uniform thickness, which shall be at least 25% greater than
the compacted thickness and immediately compacted fully with a power driven road roller
( 8-10 Ton) to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
a. Turfing or seedling with 'Durba' or 'Hikar' grass seed is a must at side slopes after
b. The approving authority in consultation with Design Unit shall determine thickness of
improved sub-grade of the road segment where designed soaked CBR value (4%) of
sub-grade can not be achieved with soil at site, even mixing any portion of sand with soil
at site. In that case for increase of ISG thickness as per Table 12 approval from
approving authority is a pre-requisite before preparation of scheme or commencing
execution as applicable.
c. The approving authority in consultation with Design Unit shall determine thickness of sub-
base of the road segment where designed soaked CBR value (8%) of improved sub-
grade can not be achieved with locally available sand due to its F. M. is less than 0.8, but
more than 0.5. In that case an increase in the sub-base thickness is to be designed
depending on ISG CBR value before preparation of scheme or commencing execution as
applicable. It is obvious that an increase in sub-base thickness will eventually result a
proportionate decrease in thickness of improved sub-grade (ISG).
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d. Compaction of any item of work in the road construction shall conform designated CBR
e. Initially applied bituminous carpeting (BC) shall have another overlay of 40mm thick BC
with 7mm seal coat within 7 to 8 years after completion of construction for achieving
durability of pavement for 10 years.
g. Earthen shoulder needs all-weather surfacing with bricks or concrete for road segment
across market places and built up areas.
h. Run-off drainage along built-up areas may need special structural provision.
i. Drainage structure along hillock or hill-cut may be designed as per site condition.
j. Notwithstanding the test frequency specified in this document for any item of construction
work, the test frequency specified in the Schedule of Rates of LGED (Current Version)
shall prevail.
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Brick on end edging (125mm) has been provided to safeguard the pavement.
Brick on end edging (125mm) has been provided to safeguard the pavement.
This Option has same pavement configuration as Design Type 5 with special
provision of 900 mm HBB hard Shoulders on both sides. It is specially designed
for Upazila roads where it deems necessary to protect pavement, specially at
bridge approach.
53 of 115
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Brick on end edging (125mm) has been provided to safeguard the pavement.
The Pavement other than bituminous carpeting is same as Upazila Road Type 5.
Only the whole top of pavement is carpeted with 40mm bituminous carpeting
and 12mm seal coat. Extended earthen shoulder is made of soil having PI value
ranging from 8 to 20 compacted to minimum 95% STD.
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Brick on end edging (125mm) has been provided to safeguard the pavement.
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This is a standard single lane option of Union Road Pavement with Drainage
Chute through Hill-cut having hills on inward side of horizontal curve. Drainage
Chute may be revised or omitted as needed.
This is a standard single lane option of Union Road Pavement with Drainage
Chute through Hill-cut having hills on outward side of horizontal curve. Drainage
Chute may be revised or omitted as needed.
This is a standard single lane option of Union Road Pavement with Drainage
Chute through Hills having run-off drainage chute on both sides. Drainage Chute
may be revised or omitted as needed.
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It has sub-grade having 4% Soaked CBR and 150 mm sand (F.M. 0.80)
cushioning compacted to 100 percent STD to achieve 10% soaked CBR.
It has 75mm CC Base and 150mm RCC pavement.
75 of 115
Brick work top finished
600 (min)
150mm thick R.C.C Pavement.
5% slope 2.5% slope Brick Guide Wall
Hikar grass turfing
m )
Brick Work
2 375 GL 250mm
Compacted Soil (CBR Min 4% at 98% SECTION X-X
Compaction of STD Proctor)
150 mm thick improved sub-grade with Sand (FM.
0.8)(CBR 8% at 98%Compaction of STD Proctor).
12mm Expansion joint
75 mm thick C.C Base (1:4:6) X X
76 of 115
Earthen shoulder with close turf 7000
Brick Guide wall 150 mm thick R.C.C Pavement (1:2:4) A
Expansion Joint @ 7.00 m c/c
1. All dimension are in millimeter unless otherwise
mentioned .
250 1550
2. 28 days cylinder crushing strength of concrete
f'c=20.68 N/mm (3000 psi)
3. Yield strength of M.S. bar fy= 276 N/mm
4. Provide one layer Polythene sheet on the top of
improved sub-grade before casting 75mm thick CC.
1550 250
This is a shoulder development option of Upazila Roads and Union Roads crossing market
place or built-up areas. This treatment is provided beyond road pavement or hard shoulder.
It is made of brick bonded concrete (BBC) of 1.0 meter wide each side. Beyond BBC, it is
proposed brick flat soling extending up to drain at road boundary line.
This is a shoulder development option of Upazila Roads and Union Roads crossing market
place or built-up areas. This treatment is provided beyond road pavement or hard shoulder
where sufficient wide shoulders are available.
It is made of brick bonded concrete (BBC) of 2.0 meter wide each side having raised
kerbstone divider along edge of pavement to restrict parking on pavement. Raised kerbstone
shall have segmental construction with 150mm gap at depression to ease rain water drainage.
Beyond BBC, it is proposed brick kerbstone to provide 1.0m walkway and side drain at points
of depression.
This is a shoulder development option of Upazila Roads and Union Roads crossing market
place or built-up areas. This treatment is provided beyond road pavement or hard shoulder.
It is made of HBB of 1.0 meter wide each side. Beyond HBB, it is proposed brick kerbstone to
provide 1.0m walkway and side drain at depressions.
This is a shoulder development option of Upazila Roads and Union Roads crossing market
place or built-up areas. This treatment is provided beyond road pavement or hard shoulder.
It is made of brick bonded concrete of 1.0 meter wide each side. Beyond BBC, it is proposed
earthen shoulder maintaining slope for run-off drainage at random.
This is an option of shallow drain/chute for surface run off drainage along edge of roadway. It
has minimum operational involvement.
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Plate UPR-BC2-RJ-1
This is an Upazila Road Junction option with a link road eventually generating
Bus Stop and Rickshaw Stand. It needs widening of Upazila Road pavement
and construction of pavement on link road up to certain length. It will contribute
ease traffic flow at Junction and durability of pavement.
Plate UPR-BC2-RJ-2
Plate UPR-BC2-BS-1
This is an Upazila Road Bus stop option at mid block location. It needs widening
of Upazila Road pavement. It will contribute ease traffic flow at Bus stop and
durability of pavement life.
Plate UPR-BC2-MP-1
This is an Upazila Road Bus stop option through a market place. It needs
widening of Upazila Road pavement. It will contribute ease traffic flow through
market place and durability of pavement life.
Plate UPR-BC2-RJ-1
Plate UPR-BC2-RJ-2
Plate UPR-BC2-BS-1
Plate UPR-BC2-MP-1
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From the end of radius, 10m length of
link road has to be developed as per
Type of Crest Width of link road standard maintaining the
Link Width Pavement R (m) L (m) same road level as main road and then
Road CW (m) WP (m) to maintain 3% gradient if there is any
level difference between main road and
ZILA ROAD 9.80/7.30 3.70 12 28 link road.
Link Road
85 of 115
Pavement to be extended to the
end of radius
From the end of radius, 10m length of
link road has to be developed as per
link road standard maintaining the
Type of Crest Width of
same road level as main road and then
Link Width Pavement R (m) L (m) to maintain 3% gradient if there is any
Link Road
86 of 115
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87 of 115
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Drawing plates have been provided for road junction treatment and bus stop for
Union Roads.
Plate UNR-BC2-RJ-1
Plate UNR-BC2-RJ-2
Plate UNR-BC2-BS-1
Plate UNR-BC2-MP-1
88 of 115
Pavement to be extended to the
end of radius
89 of 115
90 of 115
From the end of radius, 10m length of
Type of Crest Width of link road has to be developed as per
Link Width Pavement R (m) L (m) link road standard maintaining the
same road level as main road and then
Road CW (m) WP (m)
to maintain 3% gradient if there is any
Link Road level difference between main road and
ZILA / UPAZILA ROAD 9.80/7.30 5.5/3.70 12 28 link road.
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Plate UPR-UNR-EM2-1
Plate UPR-UNR-EM1-1-1
Plate UPR-UNR-EM1-1-2
Plate UPR-UNR-EM1-2-1
Plate UPR-UNR-EM1-2-2
Plate UPR-UNR-EM1-3-1
Plate UPR-UNR-EM1-3-2
Plate UPR-UNR-EM2-1
Plate UPR-UNR-EM2-2
Plate UPR-UNR-EM2-3
Plate UPR-UNR-EM2-4
Plate UPR-UNR-EM3-1
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Sand filled Guny Bag
Compacted Sand Fill
One Layer 380 x 380 x 300 size brick block
(cement mortar 1:6)
Embankment Top
Geotextile Mat (Haor Area)
Detail 'C'
Hole for fixing plate
50 to the pile by nut & bolt
94 of 115
150x150 R.C.C. Pre_Cast Pile
Web Copy
20mm dia hole
4-12mm dia
4-12mm dia
95 of 115
6-12mm dia 4-12mm dia
25mm CL cover
1 OF 4-12mm dia
1 OF 4-12mm dia
25x25mm Chamfer
Web Copy
Hole for fixing plate
Embankment Top 50 to the pile by nut & bolt
Sand filled Guny Bag
Compacted Earth Fill
96 of 115
Existing Fill
Earth Side
900 900 900
1050x600 R.C.C. Pre_Cast Plate
4-12mm dia
97 of 115
6-12mm dia 4-12mm dia
25mm CL cover
1 OF 4-12mm dia
1 OF 4-12mm dia
25x25mm Chamfer
Web Copy
Geotextile Mat
Detail 'C'
98 of 115
Existing Fill
900 900 900
1050x600 R.C.C. Pre_Cast Plate
Web Copy
20mm dia hole
4-12mm dia
4-12mm dia
99 of 115
6-12mm dia 4-12mm dia
25mm CL cover
1 OF 4-12mm dia
1 OF 4-12mm dia
25x25mm Chamfer
Web Copy
2-Layers gunny bagged rip-raps
2-Layers gunny bagged rip-raps
(Cement:Sand Mortar = 1:8)
(Cement:Sand Mortar = 1:8) Geotextile mat (Grade TS-70)
75 Compacted Sand Filling
(F.M. 0.8)
Sand Filling Details - A
100 of 115
Brick toe wall
625 C.C. (1:3:6)
Web Copy
One LayerCC block (1:3:6) over geotextile
800 One Layer CC block (1:3:6) over geotextile
Geotextile mat (Grade TS-70)
Sand Filling
(F.M. 0.80) 125 75 Compacted Sand Filling (F.M. 0.80)
Compacted earth slope
Geotextile mat Details - A
(Grade TS-70) Brick toe wall
Brick toe wall
101 of 115
625 C.C. (1:3:6)
Web Copy
One Layer brick block
over one layer geotextile mat One Layer 380 x 380 x 300 size brick block
(cement mortar 1:6)
760 over one layer geotextile mat
Geotextile mat (Grade TS-70)
75 Compacted Sand Filling (F.M. 0.80)
Compacted earth slope
Sand Filling
125 Details - A
(F.M. 0.80)
102 of 115
Brick toe wall
625 C.C. (1:3:6)
Web Copy
Sand Filling 75 Compacted Sand Filling (F.M. 0.80)
(F.M. 0.80) 125
Compacted Earth Fill
Details - A
Geotextile mat Geotextile mat
(Grade TS-70) Brick toe wall
Brick toe wall
103 of 115
625 C.C. (1:3:6)
Web Copy
Embankment Top
Compacted Earth Fill
Suitable grass-turfing
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Earth filling work with specified soil in any type of embankment from the toe of
embankment including cutting, carrying, filling by throwing earth in layers not
more than 150mm in each layer in proper alignment, grade, camber and side
slope in all types of soil except rocky, gravelly and slushy including benching not
more than 30cm in vertical and 60cm in horizontal steps along the sides while
widening any embankment.
Plate UNR-EW1-1
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This option may be provided for landing of people or livestock from embankment
of road to lands where sufficient embankment slope is available. Riser of steps
may be reduced to half and tread enlarged to double for cows and buffaloes.
This option may be provided for landing of people or livestock from embankment
of road to lands or water bodies where sufficient embankment slope is not
available. Riser of steps may be reduced to half and tread enlarged to double for
cows and buffaloes.
This option may be provided for landing of people from embankment of road to
water bodies.
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This option is for long way catchments and also for protection to earthen
shoulder from rain cut.
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