Hardened Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate Based Concrete

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International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental

and Infrastructure Engineering Research and

Development (IJCSEIERD)
ISSN (P): 2249-6866; ISSN (E): 2249-7978
Vol. 7, Issue 6, Dec 2017, 21-28
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd




M-Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Integral University Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

Disposing of waste plastic materials has always been point of concern. As PET bottles are of non-
biodegradable character, their decomposition is main concern regarding environmental perception. Recycling or
reusing is only solution to their decomposition problem. This study deals with the experimental programme on
mechanical properties of recycled polyethylene terephthalate based concrete. A Portland fly ash cement based concrete
with a 0.43 water/cement ratio is used to cast cured and tested a cylindrical and cubic specimens for 7 days and 28 days
strength. PET waste shredded to flakes and added with 0% to 5% with the increment of 1%, with 0% as reference
concrete. Comparing with reference concrete observed an increase in compressive and tensile strength. The optimum
dosage was 2% for compressive strength and 1% in split tensile strength.

KEYWORDS: PET Waste, Plastic Flakes, Compressive Strength & Tensile Strength

Original Article
Received: Jul 03, 2017; Accepted: Jul 24, 2017; Published: Nov 22, 2017; Paper Id.: IJCSEIERDDEC20172


From past two decades, considerable efforts have been made towards an effective recycling of post-
consumer plastics in different industrial sectors. The main cause behind, using of plastic waste is due to
environmental reasons, because of their non-biodegradable characteristics and in consideration of the severe
environmental problems created by the disposal of such materials in landfills, or their floating in the ocean. On the
other hand, in recent years, it has been shown that in manufacturing of low-cost aggregate recycled plastic can be
used. It enhances the mechanical properties of concrete. The Plastic fibre reinforced concrete with fly ash and
admixture sets earlier. Concrete is brittle in nature, so to overcome such a phenomena, reinforcement came as a
solution enhancing mechanical property of properties can be further enhanced by addition of fibres, as secondary
reinforcement. The utilization of waste polymers has also been studied at construction of flexible pavements.
In studies, authors coated the stone aggregates with molten waste plastics. They concluded that the coating of
aggregates with plastics decreased the porosity, moisture absorption and improved soundness. They found that the
use of waste plastics for flexible pavement was among the best methods for easy disposal of waste plastics.
The bond between the fibre and aggregate, results in increase of compressive strength. The fibres provide
anchorage between cement and fine and coarse aggregate which results increase in ductility. Moreover, Fibres act
as stress distributers in concrete mix thus preventing deformation and crack formation. The possibility of using
polyethylene terephthalate as polymer additives in Bituminous Mix has also been studied. The binders have been
prepared by mixing the PET in amounts of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% by the weight of optimum bitumen at
150oC. Results of these have showed better resistance against permanent deformations and rutting when compared
to conventional binders and also that the addition of PET to bitumen increases the softening point, and as the PET

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22 Aneesa Mushtaq, Juned Ahmad & Saman Khan

content increases the softening point temperature increases. This phenomenon indicates that the resistance of the binder to
the effect of heat is enhanced and it will reduce its softening tendency in hot weather. A plastic enhances the properties of
concrete as well soil as the inclusion of fiber in soil increase its cohesion value while there is no significant effects on angle
of friction due to addition of fibre. So, the addition of plastic fibres is advantageous to strengthen the mechanical
properties. Moreover, PET fibres incorporate in strength development of concrete to some extent and decrease the
workability as it prevents the movement of aggregate. Admixtures and PET shredded flakes can be used in various
proportions to improve bonding of fibres and the strength as well. The experimental study aims to study the behavior of
admixture based plastic concrete for different fiber volume fractions of PET flakes.


Ordinary Portland cement of 43 grade confirming to IS: 8112-1989 of specific gravity 3.1.

Fine Aggregate

Aggregates with specific gravity of 2.60 and fineness modulus of 2.73 are used. And the grading zone of fine
aggregate is zone ΙΙ, as per Indian Standard specifications IS: 383-1970.

Coarse Aggregate

Coarse aggregate of size less than 20 mm in fractions 10 mm - 40% and 20 mm - 60% with specific gravity 2.70
and fineness modulus 6.865 was used confirming to IS: 383-1970.


SikaVisco Crete 20-HE

Fibre Water

Locally available tap water is used.


The concrete mix is designed, as per IS: 10262-2009 IS: 456-2000 for normal concrete. We have used M25 grade
with water cement ratio of 0.43. On the basis of preliminary testing of normal cubes having ratio of a suitable concrete
mix, was established and water cement ratio of 0.43. Cubes of 150×150 mm and cylinders of 150×300 mm were casted and
they were cured in a water tank. The various grading of coarse and fine aggregate is given in Table 1 and 2, respectively.
While, the mix proportions are given in Table 3. PET flakes

Table 1: Grading of Coarse Aggregate

IS Sieve Wt Retained Cumulative Wt. Cumulative % Cumulative
Size (gm) Retained (gm) Wt. Retained % Passing
40mm 0 0 0 100
20mm 300 300 6 94
10mm 3724 4024 80.5 19.5
4.75mm 976 5000 100 0
2.36mm - - 100 0
600 µ - - 100 0
300 µ - - 100 0

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.9858 NAAS Rating: 4.15

Hardened Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate based Concrete 23

Table 1 contd.,
150 µ - - 100 0
Pan - - 100 0

Table 2:Grading of Fine Aggregate

IS Sieve Wt. Retained Cumulative wt. Cumulative % Cumulative
Size (gm) Retained (gm) Wt. Retained % Passing
10mm 0 0 0 100
4.75mm 31 31 3.1 96.9
2.36mm 62 93 9.3 90.7
1.18mm 136 229 22.9 77.1
600 µ 293 522 52.2 47.8
300 µ 353 875 87.5 12.5
150 µ 107 982 98.2 1.8
Pan 18 1000 100 0

Table 3: Mix Proportion of Concrete

Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Super Plasticizer
Cement(kg/m3) W/C ratio
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
400.98 665.134 1196.48 0.43 1.6039


PET fibre by weight of cement was added to the concrete mix of M 25 grade. PET fibre by percentage of
0%,1%,2%,3%,4%,5% were added to the concrete mix. 30 specimen of cube (150 mm×150 mm×150 mm) and 30
specimen of cylinder (150 mm×300 mm) were casted. For each set of percentages, 3 specimens were casted. After a curing
period of 7 days and 28 days, specimen was tested for compressive strength test and split tensile strength test.


7 Days

The graph represents the 7 days compressive strength of concrete cube, with 0-5% of PET Fibre to weight of
cement, 0% considered as standard concrete with strength 23.54 MPa. Fibre addition strengthens the compressive strength
by 7.6% at 1% PET fibre, 13.64% at 2% fibre content and subsided 0.46% at 3%, 6.03% at 4% and 12.28% at 5% fibre
content. The optimum dosage for maximum fibre content was 2% giving compressive strength of 26.75 with 13.64%
increase from standard specimen. The minimum compressive strength was 20.65 with 12.28% decrease from control

Table 4: Cubes Compressive Strength, 7 Days

%Age Fibre Compressive Strength (MPa) 7days
0 23.54
1 25.33
2 26.75
3 23.43
4 22.12
5 20.65

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Compressive Strength at 7 Days

Compressive Strength 28days

Table 5: Compressive Strength at 28 Days

%age Fibre Compressive Strength (MPa) 28 Days
0 36.77
1 40.65
2 42.58
3 35.33
4 33.52
5 30.87

Cubes Compressive Strength, 28 Days

The graph represents the 28 days compressive strength of concrete cube with 0-5% of PET Fibre to weight of
cement, 0% considered as standard concrete with strength 36.77 MPa. Fibre addition strengthens the compressive strength
by 10.55% at 1% PET fibre, 15.8% at 2% fibre content and decreases 3.91% at 3%, 8.84% at 4% and 16.04% at 5% fibre
content. The optimum dosage for maximum fibre content was 2% giving compressive strength of 42.58 with 15.8%
increase from standard specimen. The minimum compressive strength was 30.87 with 16.04% decrease from control

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.9858 NAAS Rating: 4.15

Hardened Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate based Concrete 25

Split Tensile Strength 7 Days

Split Tensile Strengths of 7 Days

The graph represents the 7 days tensile strength of concrete with 0-5% of Fibre to weight of cement. With the
addition of PET fibre the tensile strength of concrete upgraded by 29.29% at 1% fibre content, 17.68% at 2 % fibre
content, 11.62% at 3% fibre content and decreased by 10.61% at 4% fibre content, 31.31% at 5% fibre content.
The optimum dosage for maximum fibre content was 1% giving tensile strength of 2.56 with 29.29% increase from control
specimen. The minimum tensile strength was 1.36 with 31.31% decrease from control specimen.

Table 6: Tensile Strength at 7 Days

%Age Fibre Split Tensile Strength (MPa) 7 Days
0 1.98
1 2.56
2 2.33
3 2.21
4 1.77
5 1.36

Split Tensile Strength 28 Days

Split Tensile Strengths of 28 Days

The graph represents the 28days tensile strength of concrete with 0-5% of Fibre to weight of cement. With the
addition of PET fibre, the tensile strength of concrete upgraded by 50.19% at 1% fibre content, 29.43% at 2 % fibre
content, 4.9% at 3% fibre content and decreased by 16.6% at 4% fibre content, 36.23% at 5% fibre content. The optimum
dosage for maximum fibre content was 1% giving tensile strength of 3.98 with 50.19% increase from control specimen.

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26 Aneesa Mushtaq, Juned Ahmad & Saman Khan

The minimum tensile strength was 1.69 with 36.23% decrease from control specimen.

Table 7: Tensile Strength at 28 Days

%age Fibre Split Tensile Strength (MPa) 28 Days
0 2.65
1 3.98
2 3.43
3 2.78
4 2.21
5 1.69


• For compressive strength the optimum was 2% by the weight of cement with compressive strength 26.75 and
42.58 of 7 and 28 days respectively.

• For tensile strength the optimum dosage was 1% by the weight of cement with strength 2.56 and 3.98 of 7 and 28
days respectively.

• The workability is reduced as the flaky PET fibres offers resistance to aggregate movements thus it is profound to
add super plasticizer in PET reinforced concrete as it enhance workability. As the fibre addition is responsible for
stiff matrices while the admixture addition makes it lean.

• Standard concrete failure is brittle while the PET Fibred specimen failure pattern is ductile. Concluded that PET
flakes imparts post crack response to concrete and prevents sudden failures.

• From environmental point of view the dumping issue of PET bottles could be solved as these are non-
biodegradable in nature.

• PET bottles can be used in local construction or under developed regions in modifying compression and tension
properties of concrete at cheaper cost and energy as it is easily available and chopped manually. Also its light
weight results in light weight concrete.

• The shredded plastic flakes help in reduction of crack formation because of their holding capacity and ductile


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.9858 NAAS Rating: 4.15

Hardened Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate based Concrete 27

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