Rules of Newscasting

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1. Every participant in this competition must be a junior high and senior high school student
2. Every participant should already be re-registered before the competition starts.
3. Every participant should be present punctually (at least 30 minutes before the
competition starts). We don’t compromise with all of the lateness. The name of the
participant will only be announced 2 times and if the participant absent, he/she will be
4. The maximum duration of each participant performance is 3 minutes (include opening
and closing sentence). Disobeyment of the duration will decrease the point. The
participant should not make a mistake when they performed because the duration will
keep running, we don’t compromise to start all over again.
5. The contents and materials used in this competition originated from the participant.
6. Every participant should make their own opening and closing sentence.
7. The competition divided by 2 round (Preliminary Round and Final Round).
8. 5 best participants from Preliminary Round will come in Final Round
9. All participants should respect and appreciate every judgement from the adjudicators

Physical Appearance
1. Every participant has to wear formal apparel, must using blezer. All participants must not
wear jeans or t-shirt in this competition.
2. Every participant has to wear pantofel shoes or high heels.
3. A minimal use of cosmetics is allowed for participants.
 Materials of the Competition
 News about G-Fest 2018 competition
 Rules
1. Every Participant will read 1 their own news in the preliminary round.
2. The maximum duration of each participant performance is 3 minutes, (include opening
and closing sentence).

 Materials of the Competition
 News about G-Fest 2018 competition
 Rules
1. Every Participant will report 1 their own news in the final round. It will be live
2. The maximum duration of each participant performance is 3 minutes, (include opening
and closing sentence).

 Perfomance
 Self Presentation
 Confidence
 Expression and eye contact
 Material
 Material Control
 Intonation
 Articulation
 Tempo
 Timing
 Ability in English
 Vocabulary
 Grammar
 Pronounciation
 Fluency
 Appearance
 Neatness
 Clothes
 Make up
 Range Score : 0-100

1. Uang Pendaftaran Lomba : Rp. 50.000

2. Target Peserta Lomba

a. Tingkat SMP : 50 orang
b. Tingkat SMA : 50 orang
(100 orang x Rp. 50.000 = Rp. 5.000.000)

3. Pengeluaran
a. Juri 3 orang: @ Rp.300.000 = Rp. 900.000
b. Konsumsi Juri: Rp. 150.000
c. Rewards: Rp 1.000.000
- 1st : Rp 500.000 + Trophy
- 2nd : Rp 300.000 + Trophy
- 3rd : Rp. 200.000 + Trophy
d. Sertifikat dan Trophy = Rp.70.000 x 3 = Rp. 210.000
e. Jumlah Pengeluaran = Rp. 2.260.000
Contestant’s Mastery of the Grammatical Fluency Pronunciation Performance Total
Number topics (under Point (fluency) 25% (pronounced) (performance)
the control of (grammar) 25% 10%
Topics) 15% 25%
Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba News Casting
Pelaksanaan Lomba : Senin, Maret 2018
Tempat : Centre Point
Peserta : Junior dan Senior High School
Topik : Menyiarkan acara G-Fest layaknya seorang presenter dan reporter

Persyaratan Peserta :

1. Siswa aktif yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari sekolah, kartu pelajar atau
fotocopy raport.
2. Membayar uang pendaftaran sebesar Rp 50,000
3. Peserta diwajibkan mengisi formulir pendaftaran
4. Membawa pas foto ukuran 3 x 4 (dapat menyusul)
5. Pendaftaran paling lambat tanggal Maret 2018 (saat teknikal meeting)
6. Peserta wajib registrasi atau daftar ulang sebelum perlombaan dimulai
7. Peserta sudah berada di arena perlombaan paling lambat 30 menit sebelum
perlombaan dimulai
8. Sistem penilaian mutlak di tangan juri
Ketentuan Lomba :
1. Teknikal meeting akan dilaksanakan pada Kamis, Maret 2018 pukul 15.00 WIB di
sekolah Global Prima
2. Peserta wajib memakai pakaian formal. Untuk pria memakai jas + dasi dan untuk
wanita memakai blazer + rok
3. Teks berita dihapal (optional) dengan durasi maksimal 5 menit.
4. Peserta wajib melakukan registrasi ulang paling lambat 30 menit sebelum perlombaan
dimulai, jika peserta tidak datang dalam kurun waktu yang ditentukan maka peserta
dianggap gugur
5. Membawa kwitansi pendaftaran dan teks berita rangkap 3 saat registrasi ulang
6. Teks dibuat dengan menggunakan jenis tulisan Times new roman, ukuran 12 dan
spasi 1,5
7. Pembagian nomor peserta dilakukan saat registrasi ulang
8. Pengumuman pemenang akan dilaksanakan di hari ( Maret 2018) dan
pengambilan hadiah pada hari Maret 2018.

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