01-Abucay2014 Transmittal Letter
01-Abucay2014 Transmittal Letter
01-Abucay2014 Transmittal Letter
Regional Office No. III
Audit Group LGS - B – Province of Bataan
City of Balanga, Bataan
16 March 2015
We are pleased to transmit the Annual Audit Report on the audit of the
Municipality of Abucay, Province of Bataan for the Calendar Year 2014 in compliance
with Section 43 of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines (PD 1445).
The audit was conducted to (a) ascertain the level of assurance that may be placed
on management’s assertions on the financial statements; (b) recommend agency
improvement opportunities; and (c) determine the extent of implementation of prior
year’s audit recommendations.
The attached report consists of the Independent Auditor’s Report, the Audited
Financial Statements, the Observations with the corresponding Recommendations, and
the Status of Implementation of Prior Years’ Unimplemented Audit Recommendations
which were discussed with officials and staff concerned.
2. The accuracy and valuation of property, plant and equipment (PPE) accounts with a
reported net book balance of P134,963,557.01 remained doubtful due to the absence
of personnel who will maintain and monitor the movements of PPE items in
subsidiary ledgers and property cards and non-creation of inventory team to conduct
annual physical inventory of all PPE items in violation of Sections 114, 120 and 124
of the Manual on NGAS Volume I thus the account balances are unreliable.
(Observation No. 3)
3. Because the management overlooked its being IRA dependent and had not anticipated
the decrease of the share for CY 2012, the 45% Personal Services limitation was
exceeded in the amount of P940,356.47 in violation of Section 325(a) of the Local
Government Code thus, the municipality deprived its constituents with the needed
basic services as mandated. (Observation No. 4)
4. Due to the late creation of a technical working group and the GAD focal point which
will facilitate the development of GAD information for gender analysis and review of
sex disaggregated data, and the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming,
respectively, as required under Executive Order No. 273 mandating all government
agencies to incorporate GAD concerns in their planning, programming and budgeting
processes, gender issues and major final outputs were not properly identified resulting
in programs, projects and activities being implemented which are unfocussed to
management’s annual thrust and ultimately gender mainstreaming not accomplished.
Thus, potentials of women as well as men were not tapped depriving the community
of the local development that could have been derived thereto. (Observation No. 6)
We recommended that the technical working group and GAD focal point a) catalyze,
coordinate, provide directions and monitor the programs/projects on gender and
development concerns within the agency and its clientele b) develop or gather GAD
information such as gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data to serve as inputs for
planning, budgeting, programming and policy formulation and c) formulate a plan or
program specifically addressing gender gaps/issues working toward the targeted
outputs. We also recommended that management require the employees to undertake
orientations and capacity development on GAD including GAD-related laws and
5. Due to the failure of the Local Development Council to provide list of projects in the
Annual Investment Program authorized by the Sanggunian, the lump sum
appropriation of P600,000.00 was utilized for the rehabilitation of local roads and
bridges without specifying the project location and cost for each project in violation
of Section 22(c ) of RA 7160 thus, resulting in unauthorized contracts covering each
specific project. (Observation No. 7)
We recommended that the Local Development Council submit the list of specific
projects with the corresponding amounts that were contemplated under the lump sum
appropriations for approval of the Sanggunian. We also recommended that the
Sanggunian a) stop approving lump sum appropriations and (b) ratify the contracts
already charged against the lump sum appropriation.
We request a status report, thru accomplishing the attached Agency Action Plan
and Status Implementation form, on the actions taken on the audit recommendations
within sixty days from receipt of this report, pursuant to Section 88 of the General
Provisions of the General Appropriations Act of 2014.
Supervising Auditor
cc: The Director, DILG, Regional Office No. III, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
The Director, BLGF, Regional Office No. III, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
The Director, DBM, Regional Office No. III, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office No. III
Audit Group LGS - B – Province of Bataan
City of Balanga, Bataan
16 March 2015
We are pleased to transmit the Annual Audit Report on the audit of the
Municipality of Abucay, Province of Bataan for the Calendar Year 2014 in compliance
with Section 43 of the Government Auditing Code of the Philippines (PD 1445).
The audit was conducted to (a) ascertain the level of assurance that may be placed
on management’s assertions on the financial statements; (b) recommend agency
improvement opportunities; and (c) determine the extent of implementation of prior
year’s audit recommendations.
The attached report consists of the Independent Auditor’s Report, the Audited
Financial Statements, the Observations with the corresponding Recommendations, and
the Status of Implementation of Prior Years’ Unimplemented Audit Recommendations
which were discussed with officials and staff concerned.
2. The accuracy and valuation of property, plant and equipment (PPE) accounts with a
reported net book balance of P134,963,557.01 remained doubtful due to the absence
of personnel who will maintain and monitor the movements of PPE items in
subsidiary ledgers and property cards and non-creation of inventory team to conduct
annual physical inventory of all PPE items in violation of Sections 114, 120 and 124
of the Manual on NGAS Volume I thus the account balances are unreliable.
(Observation No. 3)
3. Because the management overlooked its being IRA dependent and had not anticipated
the decrease of the share for CY 2012, the 45% Personal Services limitation was
exceeded in the amount of P940,356.47 in violation of Section 325(a) of the Local
Government Code thus, the municipality deprived its constituents with the needed
basic services as mandated. (Observation No. 4)
4. Due to the late creation of a technical working group and the GAD focal point which
will facilitate the development of GAD information for gender analysis and review of
sex disaggregated data, and the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming,
respectively, as required under Executive Order No. 273 mandating all government
agencies to incorporate GAD concerns in their planning, programming and budgeting
processes, gender issues and major final outputs were not properly identified resulting
in programs, projects and activities being implemented which are unfocussed to
management’s annual thrust and ultimately gender mainstreaming not accomplished.
Thus, potentials of women as well as men were not tapped depriving the community
of the local development that could have been derived thereto. (Observation No. 6)
We recommended that the technical working group and GAD focal point a) catalyze,
coordinate, provide directions and monitor the programs/projects on gender and
development concerns within the agency and its clientele b) develop or gather GAD
information such as gender statistics and sex-disaggregated data to serve as inputs for
planning, budgeting, programming and policy formulation and c) formulate a plan or
program specifically addressing gender gaps/issues working toward the targeted
outputs. We also recommended that management require the employees to undertake
orientations and capacity development on GAD including GAD-related laws and
5. Due to the failure of the Local Development Council to provide list of projects in the
Annual Investment Program authorized by the Sanggunian, the lump sum
appropriation of P600,000.00 was utilized for the rehabilitation of local roads and
bridges without specifying the project location and cost for each project in violation
of Section 22(c ) of RA 7160 thus, resulting in unauthorized contracts covering each
specific project. (Observation No. 7)
We recommended that the Local Development Council submit the list of specific
projects with the corresponding amounts that were contemplated under the lump sum
appropriations for approval of the Sanggunian. We also recommended that the
Sanggunian a) stop approving lump sum appropriations and (b) ratify the contracts
already charged against the lump sum appropriation.
We requested from management a status report on the actions taken on the audit
recommendations within sixty days from receipt of this report, pursuant to Section 88 of
the General Provisions of the General Appropriations Act of 2014.
Supervising Auditor
cc: The Director, DILG, Regional Office No. III, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
The Director, BLGF, Regional Office No. III, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
The Director, DBM, Regional Office No. III, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Republic of the Philippines
Regional Office No. III
Audit Group LGS – B – Province of Bataan
City of Balanga, Bataan
17 February 2015
The audit was conducted to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions and
compliance of the agency to prescribed rules and regulations. It was also made to
ascertain the accuracy of financial records and reports, as well as the fairness of the
presentation of the financial statements.
The results of our audit are embodied in our attached report consisting of four
parts: Part I - Audited Financial Statements; Part II – Observations and
Recommendations; Part III - Status of Implementation of Prior Years’ Unimplemented
Audit Recommendations; and Part IV – Appendices. Our findings and recommendations
were discussed with concerned management officials and staff in an exit conference on
February 13, 2015.
Our audit was conducted in accordance with the Philippine Public Sector
Standards on Auditing and we believe that it provides reasonable basis for the results of