The Trumpet Call: Our Vision
The Trumpet Call: Our Vision
The Trumpet Call: Our Vision
Pastor’s Corner
In last week’s Trumpet Call I talked about a few new technology improvements to the church,
including new televisions recently purchased. I’d like to share a little more about technology
changes coming to our church. Very soon, workmen will be installing cameras throughout the
inside and outside of both buildings. This is part of our overall plan to increase security in a
variety of different ways to keep our congregation and our building safe. Cameras can make
a big difference! We’ve all seen news footage of how cameras have helped to capture
criminals, and I know firsthand that cameras in churches have also helped capture
perpetrators. My wife, Karen, was formerly a children’s ministry director in a church in a town
in Lancaster County about the size of East Stroudsburg. After several break-ins, the church trustees made the
decision to purchase and install cameras. When the next break-in occurred, the culprits were easily identified
from camera footage and arrested by the local police.
Admittedly, this is one of those “wish we didn’t have to” expenditures so that precious funds could go to other
building or ministry projects. However, we were blessed to receive a large insurance settlement from our
recent roofing projects, and the Trustees decided to use the excess to make this project happen. We have
many doors in both buildings, and try as we might without a night custodian, we don’t always get all the doors
locked and the lights turned out as we ought, and the cameras will be a valuable add-on to our already existing
security system. We will use the utmost discretion in both the placement of the cameras and in the use of the
camera footage afterward. Obviously, cameras will not be placed in our near restrooms. Unless there is a
reason to keep the footage as evidence of criminal or illicit activity, it will all be taped over on a continuous
basis. We will seek to use “best practices” in all instances of camera usage.
On another quick note about technology, three years after we signed up for RightNow Media, we have a
number of people in the church who use the 10,000+ Christian videos available free of charge. Anyone with a
high speed internet connection can access these videos with a couple of mouse clicks, and they are used
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often in our discipleship hour teaching and other venues. This service has been a huge benefit to our congregation.
The question is: are you signed up and logged in to RightNow Media? Do you have friends outside the church
you’d like to introduce to this service? Mike Corey, our director of technology would love to get more people signed
up. Please give him a call at the office or email him (, and he’ll be glad to get you on RightNow
Many Blessings, Pastor Jim
Over the course of 8 sessions, pastors Deron Spoo and Kyle Idleman will visit the most salient themes about God in the Bible.
With the goal of providing a sketch of each idea, each session will break down the concept into two smaller sections to unpack
the meat behind the theme. At the center of the series stands God, and each theme will focus on who He is in relationship to His
created order.
In this Book of the Bible series, Kyle Idleman dives into the book of Galatians, one that contains some of the clearest
explanations of the gospel in the New Testament. Through biblical study and engaging lessons, Kyle shows that true freedom is
found in surrender, not self-dependence. Because our gospel is not one based on our works, but faith in the finished work of
Jesus Christ.
Biblical Worldview
Wednesdays 7- 8:30pm starting Feb. 7th Leader ~ Justin Searle
(Commitment is needed. Time is negotionable, based upon the group’s decision.)
This class is an introduction to the principles and practices of interpreting the Bible using a historical-grammatical-
rhetorical method of interpretation: (Grasp the text in their town, Measure the width of the river to cross, Cross the
principlizing bridge, Consult the biblical map, and Grasp the text in our town). We will be studying the ways in which
we can apply scripture to our lives while maintaining a proper view of the original message and author’s intent. You
will only need a Bible and a notebook for this study.