Wales Tales November 2013

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Wales Tales

A Monthly Publication of the Church of Saint David of Wales Denton, Texas

November 2013
Proclaiming and Practicing the Historic Faith Traditional Anglican Worship, e-mail to

From Our Rector

Canon H.W. Herrmann, SSC, VI Rector

Dear Parish Family and Friends: Much can be said about teamwork. Football teams dont make it to the Super Bowl unless they work well together. Baseball teams dont make it to the World Series unless they work well together. And hockey teams dont win the Stanley Cup unless, (you know what is coming), they play as a team. Jesus had a team He drafted as well who went on to work as a team as they spread the Good News of salvation to the world. The team of our parish is also being put together by the same one who compiled the Good News Team. I have waited for seven years for Sunday, October 20 to arrive. The reality of another full-time priest, a Curate for our parish, has been realized with Father Clint Wilson, taking his place on our team after God called him to minister among us. I cannot tell you how excited I am to have Father Clint on our team as we spread Gods kingdom in Denton. But excitement will not by itself make us grow in Gods love but our faith in Jesus Christ and Gods grace, will allow us to grow into Gods plan for this parish. Your elected vestry is also an important part of this team God is forming and together a common vision will enable us to fulfill His plan for our parish family. A member of the parish shared with me how our members are getting more involved, joining organizations, attending Bible Study and finding new ways to serve God and our parish. I agree, that the transforming power of Jesus Christ is increasing and by so doing, drawing new members almost weekly into our parish. Our Deacon said to me, I have never seen the Holy Spirit at work in a parish like He is here at Saint Davids. God is blessing us right before our eyes and He has allowed us to be part of it! Amazing. On a Sunday, I invited those who were available to help Father Clint and Theresa unload their moving truck they rented in Wisconsin and eleven saints of our parish came and rolled up their sleeves while another sent food for the workers. The Holy Spirit is very present and can be felt and sensed by others. A new member, who visited for the first time this past Sunday said, when I walked into Saint Davids and was warmly received, I knew this would be my new parish home. Our work is far from over, in fact, it is only beginning and with God, all things are possible. Father Clint and I are working on some things that will bring new clarity in various aspects of our common life together. If you want to be part of how God is transforming His people in this place, see one of us, as many hands makes serving God incredibly enjoyable and rewarding as He showers us with His mercy, grace and love. For those whom we havent seen lately, we will be coming to you and inviting you to join us in this new parish life and health. See you in church.

The Curates Commentary

Father Clint Wilson, Curate

Dear Saint David's Community: These first few weeks at Saint Davids have truly been a blessing. Theresa and I both felt so warmly received on my first Sunday on the job, and we are so thankful God has placed us in a community of such amazing hospitality and deep relationships. I want to briefly update you on our recent activity: our move from Nashotah House, our lives in Denton, and my ministry to you. Our move: We were able to return to Nashotah House Theological Seminary this past week to pack up our belongings and move them down to Denton. More importantly, we also were able to attend the Academic Convocation in which Pam Youngblood was honored with the conferral of an honorary Doctorate of Music for her many years of service to the Church. As we were surrounded by friends new and old, it was natural to reflect on Gods provision for us as we shut the door on one season of life in order to move more fully into anotherhere in Denton! Our lives in Denton: We were able to move into our house in record time due to the wonderful help of a dozen or so Saint David parishioners--supreme thanks to everyone who helped out with our move! Our dog, Denver, loved the yard and has high aspirations for squirrel chasing and front porch lounging. Some minor updates/repairs are currently underway, but we hope to be fully moved in by this weekend. Our vision is for our home to be a space of hospitality and a place of belonging for many as we seek to connect with you as well as others who are not yet a part of our community. Please know that we will have an Open House in the near future and you are invited! My ministry to you: My hope is to deepen my relationship(s) with each of you in the coming months. I am continuing to familiarize myself with the ministries and people of Saint Davids (please forgive me if I have to ask for your name again!), but I hope you feel the freedom to stop by my office anytime to connect. I have a Keurig coffee/tea maker, so your liquid refreshment needs will not go overlooked! Moreover, you can reach me at or on my cell at 940-535-4447. I hope you find our presence here to be a blessing to the church and the city of Denton. I would especially love to connect with you and hear your story as well. Please take any opportunity you have to connect with me so we can set up a time to meet in the coming months (I will have a church email address and phone number soon). It is a privilege and honor to be entrusted with ministering to this community and we are excited about how "God's will may be done on earth as it in heaven" here in Denton.

Journey Toward the Diaconate

By Lee Stafki

As most of you know, I have begun my journey as an Aspirant to the Holy Order to the Diaconate. Once every quarter, I will be providing a short status to my parish family during this journey. I want to thank you all for your encouragement and prayers provided to me and my family so far. I ask that you continue to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for us during this entire journey. So what does the process look like and where am I in the process now? The Diocesan process is one of both confirmation of a calling to the Holy Orders and also a formation of the person being called. The process may last anywhere from 3 to 6 years and is broken down into 4 main phases; Aspirant, Postulant, Candidate and Ordination. I am currently in between the first and second phases as I will explain below. In the first phase, I am called an Aspirant, because I am aspiring to the Holy Order. It consists of receiving a call, the parish, Vestry, Rector and Bishop confirming that call and ends with me accepting a nomination for the second phase of the process called Postulancy. After the Bishops nomination for Postulancy, I may begin my formation process by taking a prescribed set of courses and training at the Stanton Center in Dallas. As I have alluded to, the second phase begins with Call Of Ministry Interview and Bishops approval to become a Postulant. During this phase, I will complete the majority of my formation training. It is the longest of the phases. Toward the end of this phase, I will interview again with the COM and also with the Bishops Standing Committee. Based on

the recommendations of these committees, The Bishop then grants Candidacy. At this point, I will finish my formation process, go through several more interviews, take the ordination exams, and God willing, be Ordained as a Deacon in the end. I have essentially completed the first phase and am waiting for my interview by the Diocesan Committee on Ministry (COM), which should take place in January, and Bishops approval to bec ome a Postulant. I also began my formation classes at the Stanton Center in August. Again, my family and I greatly appreciate the support and prayers of my parish during this process. Blessings.

A Season of Prayer and Fasting

By Deacon Carol Hobson and Lee Stafki

During the month of October, Saint Davids conducted a special Liturgy on each Wednesday evening for the Persecuted Church and for those who are being tortured and Martyred for their Christian faith everyday around the world. The Church has always been under persecution somewhere in the world. There have been martyrs throughout the ages. When we think of Christian martyrs we may think first of those believers who were martyred under one of the Roman emperors. In modern times, however, there have been many martyrs from the civil rights unrest in the 1960s in our own country to Christians in South Africa, Rwanda, Uganda, Indonesia, and now throughout the Middle East. Most recently were those killed in the mall in Kenya because they could not answer a particular question about Islam. Christian Churches are burned and bombed, ministers and missionaries are jailed, and believers are tortured and even killed simply for their beliefs in Christianity. In Egypt and Africa, entire families are being murdered simply because they refuse to deny their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and convert to Islam. It is easy to detach ourselves from this situation because these things happen on the other side of the world but these people are our brothers and sisters in Christ and we are all one Body in Christ. During our Liturgies this month, we collected Alms that will be sent to Egypt in support of the Church. If you did not have a chance to attend this month but wanted to help, there is still time. Donations in any amount can be provided to Canon Herrmann, Deacon Carol and Holly marked specifically for the Persecuted Church. In addition, they desperately need our prayers! Consider adding these faithful people to your daily prayer list.

Around the Parish

Inquirers Classwill begin this month after the Rector returns from Tennessee, where his daughter is giving birth
to her second child. A notice will be sent out for an organizational meeting soon. Stay tuned.

Saint Davids Music Serieson Friday, November 8 the Saint Davids Music Series will present Robert Gomez,
Bethan, and Dark Rooms. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the music begins at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 at the door. More information coming soon.

Diocesan Conventionwill be held on Saturday, November 9 at the Episcopal School in Dallas. Our delegates will
be Vern Bassett, Jolayne LaCour, Jan Rousey and Eddie Touraine and our clergy: the Rector and Deacon Carol Hobson; both of whom will vote and Father Clint Wilson and Father Jeff Kraemer, who will be observing. Please pray for them as they will report back on Sunday, November 10 with the results of any action taken.

Congratulations Dr. Pamela J. Youngbloodon Friday, October 25, our very own organist/choir director, Pam
Youngblood, received an Honorary Doctorate of Music from Nashotah House Seminary in Wisconsin. Present to see her receive this recognition and to hear her play her flute were: Esther and John Andrews, Linda and Eddie Touraine, Harry Phillips, her son Mark, Father Clint and Theresa Wilson and our Rector, Canon Herrmann. Look for pictures on our website soon. We are very proud of you Pam for this tremendous accomplishment and for serving God and our parish for almost four decades. Congratulations.

Other Office Closuresthe parish office will closed on Wednesday November 13, Thursday November 14, and
Friday November 15 as Holly will be out for day surgery and recovery. The phones and email will be monitored. For

all office related matters please contact Holly prior to Tuesday, November 12. Holly will return on Monday, November 18. Prayers for health and healing are requested. Canon Herrmann will send out email updates as available.

Thanksgiving Masson Tuesday, November 26 at 6:30 p.m. we will celebrate our Thanksgiving mass followed by
a short reception in the parish hall. We are asking that everyone bring at least two items of food to donate to the Denton Community Food Center. Please join us and bring your family and friends. The parish office will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgivingdo you have an extra place setting at your table on this day in which we offer thanks? If so, ask a
single member of our parish to join you for your meal and you will be blessed.

Angel Tree MinistryThe Men of Saint Davids are sponsoring the Angel Tree this year and we as a parish will be
working to give several children who have either one or both parents incarcerated a special Christmas. We ask the parish to give so that we may get them some items of need and to provide a blessing from our parish to the children. All checks should be made payable to Saint Davids with a notation in the memo section of Angel Tree. Your generosity is requested.

Christian Education
Adult Bible Studyeach Thursday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. in the library. We will not meet on Thursday, November

Sunday School Harvest Food Driveour Sunday School is collecting canned and non-perishable donations for
Our Daily Bread. Please leave your donations in the marked tub in the parish hall.

Christmas Pageantwe would like to invite all of the children and teens to join us as our Sunday School of Saint
David of Wales prepares for Christmas. Rehearsals will begin Sunday, November 9 during Sunday School and continue each week thereafter. Our Christmas Pageant dress rehearsal/party will be at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, December 22. The Christmas Pageant will take place during the 5:00 p.m. liturgy on Christmas Eve. Come and join us as we await, then celebrate, the joyous birth of Jesus!

New Sunday School Curriculumwe are excited to announce that we will be using a new curriculum called "Living
the Good News". It is a lectionary-based, high-quality Christian education curriculum with graded levels appropriate for our children and teens.

College Students Bible Studyweekly Bible study continues Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Join us! For questions, please contact Father Clint at

Organizations and Ministries

Cursilloour weekly Cursillo group reunions at Saint Davids continue meeting on Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. in the parlor and Wednesdays at noon at a local luncheon location (contact Dave Mays for location of the week). Upcoming Cursillos are: Cursillo# #309 (English) #310 (English) #311 (Spanish) #312 (English) #313 (English) #314 (Spanish) Dates November 7-10, 2013 March 13-16, 2014 May 15-18, 2014 August 14-17, 2014 October 16-19, 2014 November 6-9, 2014 Place Camp Crucis Star Brand Ranch Camp All Saints Camp All Saints Camp Crucis Camp Crucis

For the latest information on Cursillo or any of the related youth programs: Mustard Seeds, New Beginning, Happening, and Living Stones check out the Renewal Center website at You can also contact Dave Mays at 940.323.8158, email to; Betsy Kensinger at 940.566.2713, email to; or Jolayne LaCour, at 940.390.2595, email to

The Golden Nookthe Nook has lots of new wall and stand up crosses, new ceramic dcor, candles and new door signs and plaques. New merchandise is arriving weekly. Shop the Nook first! Junior Daughters of the Kingwill meet on Sunday, November 17 at 12:15 p.m. in the parish library for training. Men of Saint Davids (MOSD)the MOSD will meet on Saturday, November 16 at 8:00 a.m. for Morning Prayer, breakfast and short meeting. All men of the parish are welcome and invited to meet with us.
The MOSD will have a booth at the Annual Denton Holiday Lighting Festival on Friday, December 6, at 5:00 p.m. on the square in downtown Denton. There will be hot chocolate, bottled water and coffee. The will be handing out brochures about our parish and schedules for our Advent & Christmas liturgies. Please take a little time to visit the festival and say hi to the MOSD, your support id appreciated.

The Order of Saint Luke A father took his young son fishing one day & it was not long before the son had a few questions for Dad.
Son: "Dad, how do fish breath under water?" The father replied: "I don't know, son." A few minutes later... Son: "Dad, how come your boat floats? The father replied: "Hummmm, I don't know son." A very few minutes later... Son: "Dad, how come the sky is blue?" The father replied: "Well, I just don't know son." One minute later... Son: "Dad, do you mind me asking all these questions?" Father: "Well of course not son. How else are you ever going to learn anything?"

A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22
The answers to last months word search are in bold and underlined below. Can you find 20 books of the Bible in this paragraph? Someone showed me this story and remarked that there are twenty books of the Bible hidden here. He challenged me to find them. Sure enough theyre all here. Still this things a lulu, kept me looking so hard for the longest time. Some of you will get bogged down with facts, others are hit by them like they were some kind of revelation or something. You may get in a jam, especially since the names are not capitalized and often leap the spaces between words. This makes it a real job to find them but itll provide a most fascinating few minutes for you. Yes, there are some really easy ones to spot, but dont get the big head cause truthfully youll soon figure that it would take most federal judges and preachers numbers of hours to find them all. I will admit that it usually takes a minister to find one of them and that is not uncommon for there are to be loud lamentations when it is pointed out. One lady says that when she is confronted with puzzles like this she brews a cup of tea to help you concentrate better, but then this gals a real pro! Verbs, nouns, and all that stuff are her thing. See how well you can compete. Relax! There really are twenty names of Bible books in this story. If you fail to find them theres a penalty. Youll have to go fly a kite, sit on a bana na, hum the Battle Hymn of the Republic, or hose a dog (a mean one). Get to it! I will give you the answers next month so hang onto your puzzles! I give you fair warning, one answer is very,very tricky. Have fun!

Saint of the Month

Consecration of Samuel Seabury November 14

An important date for members of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America is the consecration of the first Bishop of the Anglican Communion in the United States. During the colonial era, there had been no Anglican bishops in the New World; and persons seeking to be ordained as clergy had had to travel to England for the purpose. After the achievement of American independence, it was important for the Church in the United States to have its own bishops, and an assembly of Connecticut clergy chose Samuel Seabury to go to England and there seek to be consecrated as a bishop. However, the English bishops were forbidden by law to consecrate anyone who would not take an oath of allegiance to the British Crown. He accordingly turned to the Episcopal Church of Scotland. When the Roman Catholic king James II was deposed in 1688, some of the Anglican clergy (including some who had been imprisoned by James for defying him on religious issues) said that, having sworn allegiance to James as King, they could not during his lifetime swear allegiance to the new monarchs William and Mary. Those who took this position were known as non-Jurors (non-swearers), and they included almost all the bishops and clergy of the Episcopal Church in Scotland. Accordingly, the monarchs and Parliament declared that thenceforth the official church in Scotland should be the Presbyterian Church. The Episcopal Church of Scotland thereafter had no recognition by the government, and for some time operated under serious legal disabilities. However, since it had no connection with the government, it was free to consecrate Seabury without government permission, and it did. This is why you see a Cross of St. Andrew on the Episcopal Church fag. In Aberdeen, 14 November 1784, Samuel Seabury was consecrated to the Episcopate by the Bishop and the Bishop Coadjutor of Aberdeen and the Bishop of Ross and Caithness. He thus became part of the unbroken chain of bishops that links the Church today with the Church of the Apostles (Apostolic Succession). In return, he promised them that he would do his best to persuade the American Church to use as its Prayer of Consecration (blessing of the bread and wine at the Mass) the Scottish prayer, taken largely unchanged from the 1549 Prayer Book, rather than the much shorter one in use in England. The aforesaid prayer, adopted by the American Church with a few modifications, has been widely regarded as one of the greatest treasures of the Church in this country.

Parish Register
Welcome to our New Members:
Greg Thacker who comes to us by letter of transfer from Saint Andrews in Farmers Branch. Trey Elmore is a student at UNT and comes to us by profession of faith. James Meine has joined us by letter of transfer from Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church in Houston. Roxanne Modge joins us by letter of transfer from Saint Andrews in Farmers Branch.

November Anniversaries & Birthdays

Our prayers and best wishes for those celebrating their wedding anniversary: 11/1 Joyce Jones-Duffey and Wayne Duffey; 11/4 Mona and Jim Carrico, Jolayne LaCour and Wayne Zimmerrmann; 11/15 Jennie and Don Walsh; 11/21 Ellen and Bob Ralph; 11/23 Linda and Eddie Touraine; 11/24 Stacy and Bret McDaniel; 11/25 Karen and Steve Hale, Lois and Don Johnson. Our prayers and best wishes for those celebrating their birthday: 11/1 Joyce Jones, Buck Powell; 11/2 Amy Hope, Wanda Sanders; 11/5 Ed Coe; 11/6 Carolyn Miller, JoAnn McMillen, Bob Fisher; 11/7 Emma Ricks, Maureen LeBeau; 11/8 Peggy Roach; 11/11 Norma Curry; 11/12 Betty Shultz, Alison Smith; 11/13 Lois Johnson, Courtney Han, Eamon Danzig; 11/14 Emma Ploeger, Megan Ploeger; 11/15 Mark Miller; 11/16 Laura Wallace; 11/17 Victoria Sunio; 11/21 Jaqueline Cooke, Milyna Stanphill; 11/22 Suzanne Webb, Ben Ivey, Scott Hays, Laura Jennings; 11/23 Ron Ponsonby; 11/24 Desirea Stroud, Larry Hayes; 11/25 Sandy Parker, Jane Boyle, Jennifer Travis; 11/26 Owen Cade, Collin Wallace; 11/27 Geri Chafin; 11/28 Brenda Swartz; 11/29 John Wehrung, John Wright, Daniel Howington.

Sunday Ministry Schedules

Sunday, November 10
Acolytes: Team II Altar Guild: Team I Hospitality: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. LEMs: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Ushers: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 24
Acolytes: Team IV Altar Guild: Team III Hospitality: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

Golden Nook: 8:00 a.m. Touraine 10:30 a.m. Odom

Mills Davidson Brown

Golden Nook: 8:00 a.m. Touraine 10:30 a.m. Holland

Stanphill Stanphill Stafki Fitzpatrick Blankson Caldwell Mays Odom

Stafki Sanders Sanders Garrett

Miller C. Stafki Baird Odom

LEMs: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

5:00 p.m.

Phillips Kensinger Hale Hodges

Ushers: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

5:00 p.m.

Vestry Greeters: 8:00 a.m. Stanphill 10:30 a.m. Hays

Vestry Greeters: 8:00 a.m. Rousey 10:30 a.m. Oliver

Sunday, November 17
Acolytes: Team III Altar Guild: Team II Hospitality: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. LEMs: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Ushers: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Golden Nook: 8:00 a.m. Touraine 10:30 a.m. Hale

Tuesday, November 26
LEMs: 6:30 p.m.

Ushers: 6:30 p.m.

Rousey Mays

Prentice Bassett Holland Mays Touraine Fitzpatrick Easley Barrera

Chafin Davis Parker Sager

Vestry Greeters: 8:00 a.m. Millard 10:30 a.m. Oliver

Financial Report from Treasurer, Tom Sanders:

These budgetary numbers were presented and received at the October meeting of the Vestry. Income Sept Actual $ 22, 231 Sept Budget $ 24, 775 YTD Actual $ 239, 773 YTD Budget $ 222, 978

Expense Sept Actual $ 34, 345 YTD Actual $ 232, 762

Sept Budget $ 26, 128 YTD Budget $ 235, 152

Church Humor and Inspiration

A police officer was sitting beside the road when he saw a car going by very slowly. All of the other cars were passing and blowing their horns. He followed the car for a short ways and clocked it doing 40 mph. Since the speed limit was 70 mph he pulled them over. As he was walking up to the car he noticed the car had 5 nuns in it and the youngest appeared to be driving and she looked to be in her 70's. He asked if there was anything wrong. NUN: No officer why? OFFICER: I noticed you were going slow and I thought that something might be wrong. NUN: Young man I know that I don't have much experience driving in the job I do but I was doing the speed limit, 40 mph. OFFICER: That was the route number not the speed limit. NUN: Oh I am very sorry I thought those signs were the speed limit signs. The officer looked in the car and noticed the other 4 nuns were shaking like leaves. The officer asked if they were ok. The driver said They will be. I just came off of route 119 a couple of miles back.

Novembers Sunday Lectionary

Sunday, November 10 Proper 27 Job 19: 23-27 Psalm 17 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-3: 5 Luke 20: 27-38 Sunday, November 17 Proper 28 Malachi 3: 13-4:2 Psalm 98 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 Luke 21: 5-19 Sunday, November 24 Proper 29 Jeremiah 23: 1-6 Psalm 46 Colossians 1: 11-20 Luke 23: 35-43

November Saint Days

November 1 All Saints Day November 11 Saint Martin of Tours November 16 Saint Margaret of Scotland November 17 Saint Hugh of Lincoln November 19 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary November 23 Saint Clement of Rome November 30 Saint Andrew the Apostle

SU N MON T UES W ED T HUR 1 F RI S AT 2 9:00 All Souls Liturgy 11:00 DOK Quiet Day 6:00 WOSD Pub Night Rectors Day Off 8 6:00 Saint Davids Music Series

3 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Ed 10:30 Holy Eucharist 12:15 Jr DOK 5:00 Holy Eucharist 10 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Ed 10:30 Holy Eucharist 5:00 Holy Eucharist 17 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Ed 10:30 Holy Eucharist 12:15 Jr DOK 5:00 Holy Eucharist 24 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Ed 10:30 Holy Eucharist 5:00 Holy Eucharist

5 9:00 Cursillo Group

6 6:30 Evening Prayer

7 9:30 Morning Prayer 2:30 Bible Study

9 10:00 DOK Training 10:00 DOK Diocesan Convention

Curates Day Off 11 12 9:00 Cursillo Group 13 6:00 Evening Prayer and Healing Mass 14 9:30 Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist 2:30 Bible Study

Rectors Day Off 15 16

8:00 MOSD

Curates Day Off 18 6:30 Inquirers Class

Rectors Day Off 19 9:00 Cursillo Group 20 6:00 Evening Prayer and Healing Mass 21

9:30 Morning
Prayer and Holy Eucharist 2:30 Bible Study

22 Community School


Curates Day Off 25 26 9:00 Cursillo Group 6:30 Thanksgiving Mass 27 No Liturgies 28 Happy Thanksgiving!

Rectors Day Off 29 Parish Office Closed 30 9:00 Altar Guild

Curates Day Off

The Church of Saint David of Wales

623 Ector Street, Denton Texas 76201 (940) 387-2622 Sunday Schedule 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:15 a.m. Christian Education & Childrens Chapel 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II 5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II, Folk Mass A nursery is provided for children up to age 5. Please see an usher for directions. Wednesday Schedule 6:30 p.m. Evening Prayer & Healing Mass Rite II Thursday Schedule 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer & Holy Eucharist Rite I 2:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study

Canon H.W. Herrmann, SSC, Rector 940.566.5251 Mark Oliver, Senior Warden (2014) 940.387.8217 Edith Hays, Junior Warden (2014) 940.387.0732 Chelsey Stafki, Clerk of the Vestry (2015) 940.482.1901 John Andrews (2014) 940.566.1938 Charles Blankson (2015) 940.387.4904 Joe Millard (2016) 940.498.1469 Lynn Rousey (2015) 972.317.0405 Lynn Stanphill (2016) 214.549.8246 Tom Swartz (2016) 940.395.1165


The Reverend Canon H. W. Herrmann, SSC Rector Home phone: (940) 566-5251 The Reverend Father Clint Wilson Curate The Reverend Father Jeff Kraemer Assisting Priest Email: The Reverend Deacon Carol Hobson Email:

Pamela Youngblood, DMA, DMus Organist and Choir Director

Joyce Jones-Duffey Coordinator, Childrens Christian Education June Adams Assistant, Childrens Christian Education Roger and Wendy Bussell Sextons Cathy Harazda Nursery Supervisor Barbara Searcy and Catlyn Carr Nursery Holly Robinson Secretary to the Rector and Bookkeeper

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