Financial Proposal and Agreement
Financial Proposal and Agreement
Financial Proposal and Agreement
Studio Dhaka Architects, an architectural, structural and electro-mechanical consultancy under the
company act, 2004 and having Registered Office at 44 Rabindra Sharani, Sector 07, Uttara model Town,
Engr. Abdul Latif, Managing Director, Basic Builders Ltd, House- 01, Road 23/A, Gulshan-1, Dhaka,
Whereas, Studio Dhaka Architects is firm of Architects and Engineer licensed in Bangladesh and its
Principal Architect and is authorized by RAJUK is appointed to design and supervise any project awarded
to Studio Dhaka Architects by Basic Builders Ltd.
In consideration of the consultancy fee to be paid by Engr. Abdul Latif, Managing Director of Basic
Builders Ltd as here in below provided and upon Studio Dhaka Architects agreeing to perform the
activities assigned to him under this agreement for the successful completion as Restaurant Design
Consultant, Studio Dhaka Architects shall provide the following deliverables, categorized in stages to be
fulfilled by Studio Dhaka architects.
Every stage will be submitted by Studio Dhaka Architects by maintaining project schedule. Further work
will be charged by Studio Dhaka Architects if it is required by owner.
Owner shall pay to Studio Dhaka Architects prior to the start of any Studio Dhaka Architects services as
“INITIAL PAYMENT” of BDT………………………………..(……………………………………………………………..) net. It shall
be credited to Studio Dhaka Architects account as final payment.
Account Info:
Brunch: Gulshan
Stage 03- Design Development and Finalization 30% of the Total Consultancy Fee
Stage 05- Co-ordination & Supervision 20% of the Total Consultancy Fee
The payment will be cleared after finishing every stage. Next stage will commence after clearing the due
Work beyond these stages will be charged separately by separate agreement between Basic Builders
Ltd and Studio Dhaka Architects.
All payments due Studio Dhaka Architects shall be made on the dates indicated in the Billing Schedule.
Studio Dhaka Architects reserves its right to suspend all services and shall not be responsible for any
damages associated with such suspension, if any portion of a payment is not paid within the time frame
a) Any deliverables not specifically mentioned above but which may be required at a later stage to
be provided by Studio Dhaka Architects after successful completion of the said project may be
provided by Studio Dhaka Architects, as an Additional service, within a time frame agreed upon
by both parties.
b) If the deliverables provided by Studio Dhaka Architects require changes or modifications, not
attributed to the errors or omissions of Studio Dhaka Architects, then Studio Dhaka Architects
may make changes or modifications as an Additional Services,
c) Provided owner is in compliance with the payment provisions, after completion of each stage of
service, Studio Dhaka Architects shall electronically transfer the documents connected with the
same along with two hard copies of the said deliverables to Basic Builders Ltd.
d) Provided owner is in compliance with the payment provisions, Studio Dhaka Architects agrees
that deliverables developed and provided by Studio Dhaka Architects under this agreement shal
become the property of Basic Builders Ltd and Studio Dhaka Architects shall not have any claim
of ownership or any other right over the same.
e) If, due to errors or omission of Studio Dhaka Architects there are correction required in the
deliverables Studio Dhaka Architects shall rectify at their cost promptly upon notification by
owner and deliver the same to owner within a timeframe agreed upon by both parties.
This agreement shall be valid for the period of 6 months from the date hereof and may be extended only
at the options of Basic Builders Ltd, by written agreement.
Formal design and presentations and Reviews will occur after every stage with permission of Basic
Builders Ltd.
This agreement contains the entire contract of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and
supersedes all agreements and understanding between the parties, oral or written, concerning the
subject matter hereof. In the event any provision hereof is deemed illegal or unenforceable, such
provision shall be deleted to the extent of such illegality or unenforceability, but such deletion shall not
invalidate the remainder of this agreement, which shall continue in full force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have set their hands under this Agreement on the
………………………………………………. First here in above written in the presence of