Website - Management Plan
Website - Management Plan
Website - Management Plan
Content Management
The teacher will…
-ensure that students know what they are to be doing as soon as they enter the
-maximize engaged time by keeping expectations consistent throughout the year
and clearly communicating with students
-be superbly organized and have a place for everything in the classroom
-establish expectations for transition points throughout the day
•going to lunch
•getting books out
•passing papers in
-assign weekly classroom chores for students to participate and practice
•straighten desks
•clean board
•plant caretaker
-arrange desks in clusters of four to facilitate partner teaching and group work
The students will...
-be familiar with and respect the classroom procedures established by the
-ask questions when they are confused about expectations
-stay on task
Conduct Management
The teacher will…
-establish basic expectations at the beginning of the year:
Rule 1. Follow Directions Quickly
Rule 2. Raise your Hand for Permission to Speak
Rule 3. Raise your Hand for Permission to Leave your Seat
-give students the opportunity to add rules to the list and be open to suggestions
-review rules with students at least twice a day
-use the “scoreboard” system to manage behavior of the entire class
•Record tallies on the board that are either positive and negative, never
allowing the difference to surpass 3
•the difference between the two will result in either positive or negative
• more or less minutes at recess
•more or less homework
-emphasize why the rules are in place: to best facilitate learning rather than
manage behavior
-confront and discuss with a student in private if a rule is a continual problem for
The students will...
-be familiar with the expectations
-understand and accept the consequences of their behavior
-suggest appropriate new rules for the classroom