Sullair 900RH Parts Manual
Sullair 900RH Parts Manual
Sullair 900RH Parts Manual
02250197-982 R02
The information in this manual is current as of its
SAFETY WARNING WARRANTY NOTICE publication date and applies to compressors with
serial number:
Users are required to read the Failure to follow the instructions 201509010000
entire User Manual before han- and procedures in this manual, and all subsequent serial numbers.
dling or using the product. or misuse of this equipment, will
void its warranty. Publication date: 10/14/2015
Copyright © 2013 – 2015 Sullair, LLC. All rights reserved.
Instruction includes training on the function and installation of Sullair service parts, troubleshooting common
faults and malfunctions, and actual equipment operation. These seminars are recommended for maintenance,
contractor maintenance, and service personnel.
1-888-SULLAIR or
219-879-5451 (ext. 5623)
- Or Write -
Sullair, LLC
3700 E. Michigan Blvd.
Michigan City, IN 46360
Attn: Service Training Department.
Table of Contents
1.1 Procedure for ordering parts ............................................. 1 1.20 Air controls manifold, dual pressure................................48
1.2 Recommended spare parts list ......................................... 2 1.21 Control system manifold exploded view..........................50
1.3 Engine and compressor assembly.................................... 4 1.22 Control system components and parts............................52
1.4 Inlet valve parts 6 inch ...................................................... 8 1.23 Discharge system, non-aftercooled.................................56
1.5 Inlet valve parts 8 inch .................................................... 10 1.24 Discharge system, aftercooled-filtered............................58
1.6 Engine assembly and mounting...................................... 12 1.25 Discharge system, aftercooled........................................64
1.7 Air inlet system................................................................ 14 1.26 Discharge system, aftercooled 1050 std .........................68
1.8 Air inlet system 1050 standard........................................ 16 1.27 Discharge system, aftercooled & filtered 1050 std..........72
1.9 Exhaust system............................................................... 18 1.28 Receiver sub assembly ...................................................76
1.10 Exhaust system with spark arrestor (not CE).................. 20 1.29 Discharge air filters .........................................................80
1.11 Cooler assembly, standard ............................................. 22 1.30 Discharge air filters 1050 ................................................82
1.12 Cooler assembly, aftercooled ......................................... 24 1.31 Receiver oil fill sub assembly ..........................................84
1.13 Cooling system, non-aftercooled .................................... 26 1.32 Fuel system.....................................................................86
1.14 Cooling system, aftercooled............................................ 30 1.33 Moisture trap assembly, aftercooled ...............................90
1.15 Cooling system, non-aftercooled 1050 standard ............ 34 1.34 Moisture trap assembly, aftercooled/filtered,
1.16 Cooling system, aftercooled 1050 standard.................... 38 AC 900 CE, AC 1050 ...........................................92
1.17 Drain line routing............................................................. 42 1.35 Control lines ....................................................................94
1.18 Compressor oil filter sub-assembly with thermostat ....... 44 1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle,
electric brakes standard .......................................96
1.19 Air controls manifold, single pressure ............................. 46
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. i
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual Table of Contents
1.37 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, 1.51 Decal locations, tandem................................................146
hydraulic brakes ................................................. 102 1.52 Decal locations, tandem 825 without running gear .......150
1.38 Frame, running gear and parts, wagon......................... 106 1.53 Decal locations, 4-wheel ...............................................154
1.39 Frame and parts, without running gear ......................... 110 1.54 Decal locations, 4-wheel 825 without running gear.......158
1.40 Canopy and parts.......................................................... 112 1.55 Decal locations, without running gear ...........................162
1.41 Canopy and parts assembly, front panels..................... 118 1.56 Identification tail/clear light, Canadian option................166
1.42 Canopy panel assembly, curbside ................................ 120 2.1 Canopy and parts European (CE) .................................168
1.43 Canopy assembly, street side....................................... 122 2.2 Canopy and parts assembly, front panels (CE) ............174
1.44 Canopy panel assembly, back ...................................... 124 2.3 Canopy assembly, curbside (CE)..................................176
1.45 Canopy panel assembly, roof ....................................... 126 2.4 Canopy panel assembly, street side (CE) .....................178
1.46 Shutters, cold weather—optional .................................. 128 2.5 Canopy panel assembly, back (CE) ..............................180
1.47 Electrical parts (Tier 3).................................................. 130 2.6 Cooling system, aftercooled (CE) .................................182
1.48 Instrument panels and parts, dual pressure.................. 136 2.7 Discharge system, aftercooled 900 standard and
1.49 Instrument panels and parts, single pressure ............... 140 900H (CE) ..........................................................186
1.50 Decal group................................................................... 144 2.8 Exhaust system with spark arrestor and silencer (CE) .190
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. ii
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
When ordering parts, always indicate the serial number of the compressor. You
can get the serial number from the Bill of Lading for the compressor or from the
Serial Number Plate located on the compressor (see Figure 1-1: Serial number
plate location).
The genuine Sullair service parts listed meet or exceed the demands of this
compressor. Use of replacement parts other than those approved by Sullair will
void the Sullair warranties specific to this product and may lead to hazardous
conditions over which Sullair has no control. Such conditions include, but are Figure 1-1: Serial number plate location
not limited to, bodily injury and compressor failure.
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 1
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 2
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Part Number Qty Description Notes
02250160-017 1 Auxiliary fuel quick coupling female 3/8”
02250160-020 1 Auxiliary fuel quick coupling male 1/2”
02250160-023 1 Auxiliary fuel quick coupling male 3/8”
02250181-752 4 Frame drain hole plug
02250141-442 3 Sensor, pressure 225 psig 1-5VDC
02250161-276 1 Sensor, ambient temperature
02250161-277 1 Sensor, discharge temperature
02250163-524 1 Sender, fuel level
250030-757 1 Lubricant, AWF fluid 5 gal. bucket
250030-758 1 Lubricant, AWF fluid 55 gal. drum
02250175-907 1 Oil filter
02250175-908 1 Fuel filter (primary)
02250171-376 1 Fuel filter (secondary)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 3
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 4
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 5
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 6
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Compressor unit
Unit part number Model
02250155-888 600, 600H, & 600HH
02250165-357 750, 750H, & 750HH
02250165-359 825
02250161-769 900 & 900H
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 7
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250054-762 R08
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 8
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 9
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250045-625 R07
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 10
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 11
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-748 R06
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 12
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Type Engine part number
EPA 02250192-816
LRC 02250192-818
CE 02250192-819
LRC (350HP) 02250192-820
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 13
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-752 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 14
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 15
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250179-554 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 16
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 17
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-753 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 18
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 19
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250175-508 R02
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 20
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 21
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250165-334 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 22
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 23
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-757 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 24
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Aftercooler Part number Description
CE 02250172-402 COOLER,AFTER 750B (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 25
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 26
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 27
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 28
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 29
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 30
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 31
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 32
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 33
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 34
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 35
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 36
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 37
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 38
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 39
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 40
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 41
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-756 R04
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 42
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 43
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250163-526 R00
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 44
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 45
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-843 R06
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 46
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 47
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250144-497 R06
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 48
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 49
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250159-190 R02
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 50
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 51
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250160-092 R13
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 52
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 53
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 54
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Manifold part number Model
02250162-843 SINGLE PRESSURE
02250144-497 DUAL PRESSURE
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 55
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250165-250 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 56
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Receiver tank
Receiver tank part number Model number
02250163-586 600, 750, 825, 900, & 1050
02250165-389 600HH-750HH
02250165-390 600CE, 750CE, 825CE, 900CE, 1050CE, & 600HHCE-750HHCE
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 57
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 58
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 59
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 60
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 61
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Receiver tank
Receiver tank part number Model
02250163-586 600, 750, 825, & 900
02250165-389 600HH-750HH
02250165-390 600CE, 750CE, 825CE, 900CE, 600HHCE-750HHCE
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 62
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 63
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 64
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 65
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 66
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Moisture trap
Moisture trap part number Model
02250192-432 NON CE MACHINES
02250192-494 CE MACHINES
Receiver tank
Receiver tank part number Model number
02250163-586 600, 750, 825, & 900
02250165-389 600HH-750HH
02250165-390 600CE, 750CE, 825CE, 900CE, 600HHCE-750HHCE
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 67
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 68
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 69
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 70
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Receiver tank
Receiver tank part number Model
02250163-586 NON-CE MACHINES
02250165-390 CE MACHINES
Moisture trap
Moisture trap part number Model
02250163-585 NON-CE MACHINES
02250183-824 CE MACHINES
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 71
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 72
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 73
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 74
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 75
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-760 R14
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 76
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 77
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Receiver tank
Receiver tank part number Model number
02250064-526 600, 750, 825, 900, & 1050
250030-800 600HH & 750HH
02250051-225 600CE, 750CE, 825CE, 750CE, 900CE, & 1050CE
Relief valve
Relief valve part number Model number
250006-448 600, 750, 825, 900, & 1050
02250182-011 600HH & 750HH
02250175-929 600CE, 750CE, 825CE, 900CE, & 1050CE
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 78
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 79
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-758 R03
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 80
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 81
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250180-288 R00
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 82
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 83
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250085-191 R02
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 84
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 85
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 86
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 87
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 88
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 89
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250192-418 R02
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 90
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Water separator
Part number Application
02250183-814 CE
410144 NON-CE (STD)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 91
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-759 R08
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 92
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
Water separator
Part number Application
02250183-814 CE
410144 NON-CE (STD)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 93
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250165-659 R04
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 94
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 95
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, electric brakes standard
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 96
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, electric brakes standard
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 97
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, electric brakes standard
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 98
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, electric brakes standard
Key Part number Qty Description Notes
3 02250044-090 1 DRAWBAR, A-FRAME 750-1050
4 02250054-443 2 AXLE,ELEC BK 77" TRCK X 62"S.C
5 02250058-263 4 NUT, SHACKLE (DEXTER 6-7)
6 02250058-267 4 BOLT, SHACKLE (DEXTER 7-17)
7 02250095-866 2 CHAIN, ASSY 3/8 X 48" W/HOOK
9 02250120-356 2 CABLE, BRK 54" LG 600H-1900
10 02250152-265 4 TIRE, WHEEL ASSY 16.00*6
11 02250160-044 1 SUPPORT, ENCL COMPASS & MANF BLK
12 02250161-785 1 FRAME ASSEMBLY, 4-WHEEL 750B
13 02250164-422 1 JACK,ASSY RECTR 750-1600
14 02250167-737 1 GROMMET,RUB 2.00GD X .18GW
16 02250168-796 1 FENDER, TANDEM LH GALV
17 02250168-797 2 SUPPORT, FENDER SIDE GALV
18 02250168-798 4 SUPPORT, FENDER SIDE GALV
19 02250168-800 1 FENDER, TANDEM RH 750 GALV
20 02250181-752 4 PLUG, 2-1/2 X 1-3/16 SS/NITRIL
21 02250186-711 2 EQUALIZER, RUNNING GEAR
24 02250201-360 1 COUPLING,CHAIN SAFETY
25 02250207-027 1 ROD,THREADED 5/16-24 X 9.0
26 040116 4 BOLT, KEEPER (DEXTER 07-007-00)
27 040117 4 NUT, KEEPER (DEXTER 06-011-00)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 99
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, electric brakes standard
Key Part number Qty Description Notes
28 041795 1 LEVER, HANDBRAKE
29 046260 3 PIN, YOKE
30 046261 1 EQUALIZER, 5 X 1-1/2 X 1/4
31 046262 2 YOKE, 5/16-24 THRD
33 250002-221 1 EYE, 3" LUNETTE
34 250028-681 2 SPACER, BRAKE LEVER 250P
35 250031-400 1 BRACKET, LUNETTE EYE 750
36 408300-001 13 CLAMP, HOSE 9/16"ID
37 825305-283 31 NUT, HEX FLGD PLTD 5/16-18
38 825505-166 2 NUT, HEX LOCKING PLTD 5/16-18
39 825508-262 4 NUT, HEX LOCKING PLTD 1/2-13
40 825510-329 8 NUT, HEX LOCKING PLTD 5/8-11
41 825906-100 4 NUT, HEX METRIC M6 X 1.0
42 829106-250 2 CAPSCREW,HEX GR5 3/8-16 X 2 1/2"
43 829108-150 4 CAPSCREW,HEX GR5 1/2-13 X 1 1/2"
44 829110-200 6 CAPSCREW,HEX GR5 5/8-11 X 2"
45 829110-475 2 CAPSCREW,HX GR5 5/8-11 X 4 3/4
46 829306-025 4 SCREW,SOCKET ISO 4762 M6X25MM
47 829705-050 10 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16 X 1/2"
48 829705-075 24 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16 X 3/4"
49 829705-100 20 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16 X 1"
50 837010-150 2 WASHER, BEVEL 5/8"
51 837808-125 20 WASHER, SPRLOCK REG PLTD 1/2"
52 838205-071 36 WASHER,PL-B REG PLTD 5/16
53 838206-071 2 WASHER, PL-B REG PLTD 3/8"
54 838208-112 20 WASHER, PL-B REG PLTD 1/2"
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 100
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.36 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, electric brakes standard
Key Part number Qty Description Notes
55 838210-112 5 WASHER, PL-B REG PLTD 5/8"
56 838806-160 4 WASHER, SPRLOCK METRIC M6
57 868205-195 2 HEX, JAM RH 5/16-24 PLT
58 875608-125 20 CAPSCREW, HEX 1/2-13 X 1 1/4
Drawing notes
A1 INCLUDED WITH 02250189-645
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 101
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.37 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, hydraulic brakes
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 102
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.37 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, hydraulic brakes
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 103
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.37 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, hydraulic brakes
Key Part number Qty Description Notes
3 02250044-090 1 DRAWBAR, A-FRAME 750-1050
4 02250058-263 3 NUT, SHACKLE (DEXTER 6-7)
5 02250058-267 3 BOLT, SHACKLE (DEXTER 7-17)
6 02250095-866 2 CHAIN, ASSY 3/8 X 48" W/HOOK
8 02250111-261 2 AXLE, HYD BRAKE 77 TR X 62 SC
9 02250152-265 4 TIRE, WHEEL ASSY 16.00*6
10 02250153-412 3 HOSE,HYD BRAKE 1/8" X 25"
11 02250160-044 1 SUPPORT, ENCL COMPASS & MANF BLK
12 02250161-785 1 FRAME ASSEMBLY, 4-WHEEL 750B
13 02250164-422 1 JACK, SCREW 750-1050
14 02250167-737 1 GROMMET,RUB 2.00GD X .18GW
16 02250168-181 2 CABLE, BRK HYD 600-1050 T3
17 02250168-796 1 FENDER, TANDEM LH 750 GALV
18 02250168-797 2 SUPPORT,FENDER SIDE 750 GALV
19 02250168-798 4 SUPPORT,FENDER SIDE 750 GALV
20 02250168-800 1 FENDER, TANDEM RH 750 GALV
21 02250181-752 4 PLUG, 2-1/2 X 1-3/16 SS/NITRIL
22 02250186-711 2 EQUALIZER, RUNNING GEAR
23 02250201-360 1 COUPLING,CHAIN SAFETY
24 02250207-027 1 ROD,THREADED 5/16-24 X 9.0
25 040116 5 BOLT, KEEPER (DEXTER 07-007-00)
26 040117 5 NUT, KEEPER (DEXTER 06-011-00)
27 041795 1 LEVER, HANDBRAKE
28 043357 1 CLAMP, SPEED TUBE 1/4"
29 045567 1 ADAPTER, WEATHERHEAD 7827
30 046260 3 PIN, YOKE
31 046261 1 EQUALIZER, 5 X 1-1/2 X 1/4
32 046262 2 YOKE, 5/16-24 THRD
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 104
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
1.37 Frame, running gear and parts, tandem axle, hydraulic brakes
Key Part number Qty Description Notes
34 242258 2 UNION, INVRT 45 FLR 1/4" TUBE
35 249021 2 LINE, BRAKE 1/4 X 60" LG
36 250009-593 3 TEE, BRAKE LINE 1/4 INVERT FLR
37 250009-595 4 BUSHING,RED 3/16 X 1/4 INVERT SEAT
39 250028-681 2 SPACER, BRAKE LEVER 250P
40 405032 2 LINE, BRAKE 3/16 X 20" LG
41 405033 2 LINE, BRAKE 3/16 X 51" LG
42 408300-001 8 CLAMP, HOSE O.D. .562
43 408300-004 1 CLAMP, HOSE 7/8"I.D.
44 825305-283 31 NUT, HEX FLGD PLTD 5/16-18
45 825508-262 4 NUT, HEX LOCKING PLTD 1/2-13
46 825510-329 8 NUT, HEX LOCKING PLTD 5/8-11
47 829106-250 2 CAPSCREW,HEX GR5 3/8-16 X 2 1/2"
48 829108-150 25 CAPSCREW,HEX GR5 1/2-13 X 1 1/2"
49 829110-200 6 CAPSCREW,HEX GR5 5/8-11 X 2"
50 829705-050 2 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16 X 1/2"
51 829705-075 24 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16 X 3/4"
52 829705-100 18 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16 X 1"
53 829705-150 1 SCREW, HX SER WASH 5/16X1 1/2"
54 829706-100 4 SCREW, HX SER WASH 3/8 X 1"
55 834504-075 1 SCREW, SELF DRILL 1/4 X 3/4"
56 834504-125 1 SCREW, SELF DRILL 1/4 X 1 1/4"
57 837010-150 2 WASHER, BEVEL 5/8"
58 837808-125 21 WASHER, SPRLOCK REG PLTD 1/2"
59 838205-071 36 WASHER,PL-B REG PLTD 5/16
60 838206-071 6 WASHER, PL-B REG PLTD 3/8"
61 838210-112 16 WASHER, PL-B REG PLTD 5/8"
62 843200-027 2 WRAP, TIE NYLON TY27M
63 868205-195 2 HEX, JAM RH 5/16-24 PLT
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 105
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250162-751 R07
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 106
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 107
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 108
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 109
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250163-621 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 110
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 111
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 112
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 113
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 114
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 115
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 116
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 117
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250180-987 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 118
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 119
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250180-982 R04
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 120
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 121
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250180-977 R03
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 122
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 123
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250180-992 R02
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 124
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 125
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250180-997 R03
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 126
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 127
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250195-990 R00
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 128
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 129
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 130
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 131
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 132
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 133
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 134
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 135
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 136
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 137
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 138
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 139
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 140
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 141
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 142
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 143
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 144
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 145
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 146
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 147
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 148
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 149
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 150
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 151
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 152
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 153
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250170-609 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 154
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 155
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 156
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 157
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 158
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 159
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 160
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 161
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250170-610 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 162
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 163
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 164
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 165
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250101-293 R05
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 166
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 1: Parts List
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 167
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 168
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 169
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 170
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 171
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 172
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 173
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250159-939 R03
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 174
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 175
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250170-564 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 176
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 177
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250170-569 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 178
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 179
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250164-056 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 180
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 181
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 182
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 183
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 184
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 185
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 186
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 187
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 188
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
Moisture trap
Moisture trap part number Model
02250163-585 NON CE MACHINES
02250183-824 CE MACHINES
Receiver tank
Receiver tank part number Model number
02250163-586 600, 750, 825, & 900
02250165-389 600HH-750HH
02250165-390 600CE, 750CE, 825CE, 900CE, 600HHCE-750HHCE
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 189
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250178-509 R01
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 190
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 191
600H, 750, 750H, 750HH, 825, 900, 900H, 1050 T3 CAT Parts List Manual 2: Parts List—European (CE)
02250197-982 R02
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions. 192
Subject to EAR, ECCN EAR99 and related export control restrictions.
Sullair, LLC
3700 East Michigan Boulevard
Michigan City, IN 46360 USA
1-800-SULLAIR (USA only)
1-219-879-5451 (non-USA)