Miller Motivational Interviewing As Psychotherapy
Miller Motivational Interviewing As Psychotherapy
Miller Motivational Interviewing As Psychotherapy
How is motivational interviewing (MI) related to psychotherapy more generally? In its original formulation MI was intended to address the specific
problem of ambivalence about change. It was not designed as a comprehensive psychotherapy or model of change. Subsequent clinical experience,
however, suggests ways in which the spirit and method of MI may be useful throughout processes of change. Implications for a volitional psychotherapy
are considered, with additional discussion of clinical applications of decisional balance.
decisional balance, motivational interviewing, person-centered, psychotherapy, volition
s my title implies, I am going to address the interrelationship of common one in health care practice, but it is only a small sector of all the
could thus think of using MI as a specific tool and then stepping back into There is also clear consciousness that we are working with
client-centered therapy as a broader approach. autonomous people, human beings who deserve respect and who can
and will make their own choices. That undercuts a whole range of rescue
One could, but that is not in fact what has typically happened.
and override fantasies that we may entertain, and lifts an enormous
Clinicians have come to MI from many different psychotherapeutic
burden from the clinician’s shoulders. Here the perspective shares much
perspectives, and blend it with their other clinical skills. My own training
with existential psychotherapy and with self-determination theory (Deci &
was in cognitive-behavior therapy along with, thank goodness, a solid
Ryan, 1985). It places emphasis on and attends to volition, the person’s
Rogerian base. Psychodynamic practitioners find MI compatible, as do
autonomous will to move in one direction or another. It is this
those coming from humanistic-existential, solution-focused, gestalt,
acknowledgment of autonomy that renders psychotherapy a
family systems, and many other perspectives. All of these therapeutic
companionship, a partnership, a collaboration.
orientations are represented within MINT. Then there is the fact that
most MI practitioners these days are not psychotherapists at all, but Beyond this sense of autonomous entities, I think there is also a
practice medicine, social work, nursing, dentistry, health promotion, trust in the wisdom of the person, that people do have within them the
education—a plethora of helping professions. inherent will to be well and grow, and that it is our task to find and
connect with that wisdom within. You may or may not go so far as the
There is also a somewhat uncomfortable fit of MI with classic client-
human potential movement’s view of people as being inherently good
centered counseling. Rogers specifically disavowed trying to steer the
and healthy. I personally believe that we all have potential for both light
client’s self-exploration in a particular direction. His student Charles
and darkness within us. The commonality, I guess, is knowing or
Truax (1966), however, with the encouragement of Israel Goldiamond,
believing that the light is in there, and can be found and nurtured in each
maintained that this is precisely what Rogers was doing: differentially
reinforcing certain kinds of client speech. He had five psychotherapists,
naïve to the study hypotheses, rate therapist-client-therapist sequences The tools of cognitive-behavior therapy come into play as means for
from 20 of Rogers’ own sessions, and found that empathy and self-determination. Carl Thoresen and Michael Mahoney (1974;
acceptance were quite likely to follow certain types of client responses, Mahoney & Thoresen, 1974) saw this potential very early in the
but were unrelated to others. He also found that the types of client development of behavior therapy. There are things people can learn
responses that were reinforced in this way were substantially more likely about how we work that can be useful tools of self-control. Thoresen
to increase over the course of the session. In other words, Rogers reconceptualized the approach from behavior modification—something
appeared to be differentially reinforcing client statements that favored that an expert does to a passive client—toward teaching tools that
change and positive self-regard. This is definitely not how Rogers people can learn for self-direction. That has, more or less, become a
understood his work. From a true person-centered perspective, MI might dominant perspective now in cognitive-behavior therapy, which focuses
be seen as a genetic anomaly, an unfortunate mutation that departs from heavily on skill training for self-management. In MI, it is found in a shared
the nondirective heart of client-centered practice. So while the person- avoidance of an expert fix-it role.
centered approach is in its own right a comprehensive system of
There is also, in MINT, a broadly shared value on testing our
psychotherapy, it may not be the mother ship to which we return after
assumptions against and responding to research. This empirical
journeys of motivational interviewing.
approach is a means by which behavioral approaches established
Perhaps there is no single mother ship to which we all return. I think credibility as evidence-based methods. Rogers also valued an empirical
that is true. MI seems to be compatible with quite a few different approach, and in fact it was his group who pioneered use of the scientific
perspectives and types of practice. A physician may adopt a guiding method in understanding psychotherapeutic process and outcome. Just
style to help a patient move toward health behavior change, then step as we pose reflections to clients as hypotheses, so we also pose our
back into the normal mix of directing and following. I originally thought of own beliefs about therapy as hypotheses to be tested by the scientific
MI as a kind of preparation for treatment, something that could be added method. We do not rely ultimately on armchair argumentation to decide
at the front end of many different therapeutic endeavors, and research issues of best practice, but subject our hypotheses to verification that
now supports that symbiotic understanding of MI. others can share.
But let’s take this a little further. Is there something that we pick up
while learning MI that we carry back with us into our more general A timely and illustrative question pertains to the role of decisional
practice? Is there a broader therapeutic perspective that can guide both balance in MI. In practice, it boils down to the question of how much time
the use of MI and our clinical work more generally? I think so, and what I and emphasis should be devoted to intentionally evoking and exploring
am expounding here is, I think, the product of this MINT community, the client’s arguments against change. There are at least two rival
something that is emerging collectively from our conversations. hypotheses here. One is that optimal practice is to thoroughly explore
First, the skill of accurate empathy transports well. Skillful empathic both the pro-change and the counter-change sides of ambivalence,
within the humanistic trust that in doing so the client will move toward
reflection blends nicely with and complements many other therapeutic
positive change. Within our original conception of MI, however, it would
methods. The more general perspective here is that people are worth
listening to; that it is important to see the world through the eyes of the be contraindicated to evoke and explore the client’s counter-change
arguments, and one should differentially evoke and explore change talk
client, to understand and get inside that person’s world. This is not only a
as a way of helping the person get unstuck from ambivalence.
pragmatic issue of making sure you get it right. There is great value for
clients, too, in becoming clear about what they are experiencing. Both What research data do we have to bear on this issue thus far? First,
the clinician and the client are very focused then, and prize—place the idea of counterbalancing pros and cons has been around for quite a
importance on the client’s own experience. That is close to the heart of while, and this relative balance is related to the transtheoretical stages of
Rogers. change. As people move through the stages, the pros of change grow
stronger and the cons of change diminish. Or to reverse the equation: as
pros increase and cons decrease, people move toward behavior change. implementation intention assignment that specifically directed attention
Thus the ratio of pros to cons is one index of readiness for change. toward change.
So what else is needed? Gollwitzer’s version of the theory of If do-it-yourself decisional balance is a little iffy, how about doing it
reasoned action includes decisional balance as a motivational with the help of a professional? A randomized trial done by Collins and
component, and decision as a volitional component. These, you will note, Carey (2005) tested two forms of decisional balance: one done in an MI
correspond roughly with Phase 1 and Phase 2 of motivational style, the other done in writing, each compared with a control group
interviewing. doing no decisional balance. There were no significant differences on
any of four drinking outcome measures, and in examining the graphs, the
Reason ahead, then, to implications for treatment. This is a leap
decisional balance groups are going in the wrong direction, compared
from correlation to experimental control. An intervention that strengthens
with the control.
the pros of change and weakens the cons of change should promote
actual behavior change. Conversely, any intervention that strengthens And that, to my knowledge, is the extent of the evidence. I know of
the cons of change or weakens the pros of change should have the no positive clinical trials showing that a decisional balance procedure
opposite effect. That is why, from the beginning in MI, we have actually promotes behavior change. Indeed, it is not clear to me why one
maintained that it is countertherapeutic to argue for change, precisely would expect that it should. There is no clear theoretical rationale for why
because it elicits sustain talk from clients and thereby strengthens thoroughly exploring both sides of ambivalence should work. Intentionally
counterchange motivation. eliciting counter-change arguments seems contrary to what we know
from research on motivational interviewing, on the transtheoretical model
Is it fair to make the leap from correlational-predictive findings to
of change, and on the theories of reasoned action. Clients are already
experimental intervention? I do think it is clear at this point that change
ambivalent, and counterbalanced pros and cons are related to
talk as well as sustain talk and resistance are highly subject to influence
contemplation and inaction, not to behavior change. Equally exploring
by counselor style. MI increases change talk and decreases resistance.
both sides would logically reinforce ambivalence, which is where they
The research on pros and cons as motivational markers also fits were to begin with. It is moving away from the cons that is associated
well with current findings in MI research. Both change talk and sustain with change, with getting unstuck from ambivalence. In Terri Moyers’
talk predict behavioral outcomes, in opposite directions. The ratio of work, it is change talk that predicts successful outcomes in three different
client change talk to sustain talk is a reasonably good predictor of kinds of psychotherapy, and sustain talk predicts lack of change.
behavior change, and from Terri Moyers’ research with Project MATCH
Before moving on, though, I do want to highlight one use of the
sessions, this may be true not only in MI, but in cognitive-behavioral and
decisional balance that does seem to me to be appropriate, and that is
12-step approaches as well (Moyers et al., 2007). In other words, there is
precisely when you don’t intend to tip the balance in one particular
a good bit of evidence that we’re onto something in listening to client
direction. Clients bring into psychotherapy quite a range of life choices,
language, and it’s not just epiphenomenal. It matters what clients say,
and often they want help in making them. Should they have children,
and it matters what counselors say. I think that’s good news for
enter into or stay in a marriage, change jobs or majors, enter the ministry
psychotherapists. If it didn’t matter what we say, why are we doing talk
or Peace Corps, or have a face lift? Unless you’re Dr. Phil or Dr. Laura,
you probably prefer to maintain equipoise on such issues, and rightly so.
The picture changes, though, when we shift from decisional balance Who are we to be making these decisions for people, even if they ask us
as a predictor, to decisional balance as an intervention. In a classic to? When you want to avoid inadvertently biasing the choice, that’s a
decisional balance, the therapist seeks to elicit and explore equally the good time to thoroughly and equally explore both the pros and the cons.
pros and cons. No attempt is made to focus in particular on one side of
the ambivalence. To the contrary, both sides are given equal attention, TOWARD A VOLITIONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY
unconditional positive regard. The implicit hypothesis is that thoroughly
exploring both sides of the ambivalence will lead to its resolution. But let me return to my central focus here, and provide a transitional
summary. MI was never meant to be a comprehensive psychotherapy.
Here’s an interesting study that is not experimental, but certainly We developed it to address a specific situation in counseling: namely,
relevant (Matzger et al., 2005). They interviewed 659 problem drinkers when a person wants or needs to make a change, but hasn’t done so. In
who at 12 months after treatment reported drinking a lot less than at this sense MI is one tool to be applied when this challenge arises within
baseline. At 12 months they asked them for the reasons why they had psychotherapy or other consultation.
cut their drinking. Then they followed them over 3-5 years, to study
whether they stayed in remission. And they specifically studied whether Research on MI, however, may be shedding some light on more
reasons for change were related to sustained remission. Only two general psychotherapeutic processes, and thus teaching us something
reasons were associated with reduced chance of sobriety. One of these broader. It appears that the extent to which a therapist manifests the MI
was being warned to stop (which from an MI perspective should elicit spirit of collaboration, evocation, and autonomy support is linked to
resistance). The other was weighing the pros and cons. Looking at it successful behavior change, as is the practice of accurate empathy. This
from a relapse perspective, weighing the pros and cons was associated is a humanitarian therapeutic style that can be used in the delivery of a
with more than double the risk of relapse. So maybe weighing the pros wide range of interventions, and it is consistent with what Carl Rogers
and cons on your own is not such a good idea. What about doing it described as the necessary and sufficient conditions to facilitate change.
intentionally? It is fairly clear, from Truax through radical behaviorism all the way to MI
research, that therapists can and do influence what clients are likely to
In another investigation by Prestwich et al. (2003), 86 university say in psychotherapy. That might not be terribly interesting in itself,
staff and students volunteered for a study to help them increase their except that it also seems to matter what clients say. They talk
exercise. They were randomly assigned to a self-monitoring control themselves into or out of change.
group, a group instructed to do a decisional balance, a group told to state
their implementation intentions, and a combination of the latter two. Yet there is something larger here as well. It seems to be that
Decisional balance by itself had no beneficial effect, but there were motivational interviewing points to a broader perspective on human
significant increases in exercise when it was combined with the nature and the process of facilitating change, a perspective with
implications for the more general enterprise of psychotherapy. The means, at least in part, to help people develop clarity and commitment
nature of this perspective is emergent, but I think there are several clear regarding their own values, the broader goals and principles by which
component assumptions, and I want to address these as potential they mean to live their lives, and then to bring their actions, their daily
cornerstones of a volitional psychotherapy. choices, into the service of those ends. A word for that is “integrity,” to
live with consistency and adherence to one’s chosen values.
First, I would suggest that MI points to an underlying belief in the
profound human capacity and tendency to grow in positive directions. I am saying something different here from the classic humanistic
Think about it. MI is not about docere, about installing things that the movement of the 1960s, where a primary goal was often to live in the
person is lacking. There is no skill training, counterconditioning, analysis moment, in the present. There are certainly good reasons for
of transference, refutation of irrational beliefs, or installation of insight. mindfulness, for being consciously aware of and enjoying this very
We’re only talking about relatively brief consultation here. Rather MI moment’s experience. It is what we share with the animal world. Yet the
seeks to elicit that which is already there, already present in the person. Buddhist gurus of mindfulness also seek to live their lives in strict accord
That implies a trust in the person’s own wisdom, motivation, capacity for with central principles, to be in conscious consistency with certain core
change, and right to self-direction. It is the client who brings into the values. They live a directed and disciplined life.
consultation room the expert tools that are needed for change to happen.
How very easy it is to live just in the present, to focus on short-
Our relationship to the client and to the process of change is much like
term gain and pleasure, to fritter away time in ways that do not serve, or
that of a midwife. We don’t provide the baby.
that even undermine our own values and purpose. That is
Second, MI clearly implies a central role for volition, for choice and pathognomonic of substance dependence. Time managers and religious
decision (Miller & Atencio, 2008). It is not a deterministic view in which leaders alike have advocated writing a “mission statement” for one’s own
our behavior is merely the cross-product of heredity and environment. life, to remind us of our central goals and purpose. Toward the end of his
People regularly stand at forks in the road and make choices. life and distinguished career as a learning theorist, O. H. Mowrer was
Motivational interviewing is about facilitating healthy choices. We also developing what he called “integrity therapy,” a relational approach for
affirm and support the person’s autonomy, the right and ability of self- helping people to live in conscious accord with their values (Lander &
determination. Nahon, 2005; Mowrer, 1966). He was seeking an antidote to the hazards
of modern life, a way to live with purpose. A volitional approach to
Third, MI manifests an acceptance and understanding of
relationship, one that is broadly based on the same principles as MI,
ambivalence. Robert Frost’s (1969) classic poem The Road Not Taken
holds real promise in this regard. It can be used to help people align their
captures the heart of ambivalence, and recounts a choice of path: “Two
lives with values and purpose. That purpose might be a wholly unique
roads diverged in a yellow wood, and sorry I could not travel both and be
constellation of the individual’s conscious values, or a broader set of
one traveler, long I stood...” We understand the dialectic of pros and
precepts such as those of a particular religion to which the person
cons as being within the person, not a power struggle between counselor
and client.
And so I come full circle to Carl Rogers, and the concept of self-
Fourth, we attend closely to language in MI—both our own and
actualization. It is a very spiritual concept, really, although Rogers
our client’s. Language symbolizes the internal process of weighing and
himself remained profoundly ambivalent about religion. The core of it is
making choices. It is not an epiphenomenon, but rather our window into
that each person has an inherent nature, an intended end-state toward
the inner workings of volition, of human will.
which he or she naturally develops if given the proper conditions of
All four of those streams are present in the process of motivational support. The ancient Greek term for this concept is telos, the natural,
interviewing. Could they not also be manifest over a longer course of fully mature and perfected form of an organism. The telos of an acorn is
consultation? Of course they could. Now, to some extent, the very brevity the oak tree. The last words of Jesus, during his execution on the cross,
of MI is itself a reflection of these perspectives: that people are already are often translated as “It is finished,” but the Greek is a form of telos: it
capable of change, choose the course of their behavior, work out the is complete, it is perfect, I have accomplished what I was meant to do.” A
direction of their lives through choices about which they are ambivalent, volitional perspective on psychotherapy and more generally on
and can process these choices in language. If we are working with relationship would seek to help each person find and develop toward that
capable, choosing human beings, the process of consultation might be telos. It’s a far horizon of motivational interviewing, and one that I believe
relatively brief. is well worth pursuing.
But the process is not necessarily brief. There are many kinds of
relationships that endure across time, in which a professional (or for that
matter, a friend) serves as a companion across hundreds, thousands, or Collins, S. E., & Carey, K. B. (2005). Lack of effect for decisional balance as a brief
hundreds of thousands of choices that comprise a span of life and motivational intervention for at-risk college drinkers. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 1425-
determine its direction. The relationship might be psychotherapy, 1430.
mentoring, probation, primary health care, coaching, spiritual direction,
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1985). Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human
supervision, pastoral care, or an ongoing support group. These same
behavior. New York: Plenum Press.
principles can guide and inform a longer process of companionship that
transcends particular issues or life choices. Frost, R. (1969). The poetry of Robert Frost. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
What might such a relationship look like? If you’re not focused on a Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementation intentions: Simple effects of simple plans.
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motivational interviewing, what are you doing together, and what is your
Lander, N. R., & Nahon, D. (2005). The integrity model of existential psychotherapy in
particular role? Here I return to a theme that has been circulating through
working with the “difficult patient.” New York: Routledge.
the MINT world for some time, and that is values. If we are indeed
capable, choosing, self-determining people who work out the course of Mahoney, M. J., & Thoresen, C. E. (1974). Self-control: Power to the person. New York:
our lives through countless decisions small and large, what does it mean Brooks Cole.
to facilitate a life, and not just a particular behavior change? To me, it
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C. Kaufman, & R. F. Baumeister (Eds.). Are we free? Psychology and free will (pp.
275-295). New York: Oxford University Press.
Miller, W. R., & Moyers, T. B. (2006). Eight stages in learning motivational interviewing.
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Moyers, T. B., Martin, T., Tonigan, J.S., Christopher, P.J., Houck, J.M. and Amrhein, P.
(2007). Client language as a mediator of motivational interviewing efficacy: Where
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