Drug Abuse Notes

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-Causes and effects of drugs
-Overcoming addiction
-Helping people in addiction

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) is a State
Corporation in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government. NACADA was
established by the NACADA Act of 2012 (CAP 121B) of the Laws of Kenya. Broadly, NACADA was
established to coordinate a multi-sectoral effort aimed at preventing, controlling and mitigating alcohol
and drug abuse in Kenya.

Situation of Alcohol and Substance Abuse in Kenya

Findings from a National Survey on Alcohol and Drug Abuse conducted by NACADA in 2012 shows that

13.3% of Kenyans are currently using alcohol,

1% tobacco,

1.0% bhang and

0.1% heroin.

Overall, bhang is the most easily available illicit drug in the country at 49% follow Alcohol is the most
commonly abused substance in the country and poses the greatest harm to Kenyans as evidenced by the
numerous calamities associated with excessive consumption and adulteration of illicit brews;

30 % of Kenyans aged 15-65 have ever consumed alcohol in their life; 13.3% of Kenyans currently
consume alcohol that means that at least 4 million people.  Followed by cocaine while heroin is the least
available illicit drug in the country.

Situation of ADSA in Kenya Continued…

Traditional liquor is still more likely to have been consumed by rural children than urban children. More
children in rural areas are likely to have ever consumed chang’aa than those in urban areas.

The current use of all intoxicating substances is higher among men than women; for instance, the
current usage of tobacco is largely limited to males except in North Eastern Province. Comparatively, the
survey showed that 17% of men smoke tobacco while only 2.1% of women use tobacco products.

Since the last survey in 2007, it is noted there has been a decline in the use of cigarettes, tobacco.
Worrying, though is that the median age of first use of all drugs has gone as low as 10 years.

Why drug abuse is on the rise among teens?


A survey in 17 counties by NACADA showed a high use of drugs and alcohol by school going teenagers
with alcohol the most abused and prescription drugs the most accessible.

From experience they start mainly in high school when they are teenagers. At this age they listen more
to their peers than parents. An IPSOS survey released showed that almost half of these teenagers were
introduced to alcohol by friends and relatives.

Peer pressure; They are now influenced by their friends.

Pressure from academics; The education system seems to be taking a toll on our children and they can
end up using drugs and alcohol as a means of escape.

Parents are not supervising their children. Parents especially in urban areas are busy working. In
addition, the lack of community ownership in these urban areas leaves children with a gap to explore
the use of drugs and alcohol.

Why drug abuse is on the rise among teens?

Easy accessibility to drugs; Drugs like bhang are very accessible to the young people especially with the
new laws controlling alcohol consumption.  The use of prescription medications like codeine and
diazepam commonly occur.

Lack of role models in society; Nowadays role models for teenagers and young adults exalt the use of
alcohol and drugs which in turn make it look “cool”.

Inadequate information and education; about the dangers of taking drugs and negative consequences of

Social media; Teenagers with mobile phones have easy access to new forms of media that exalts the use
of alcohol and drugs.

Shame guilt; As a result of their past and the things they have gone through.

What is addiction?

Addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse dependency
consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors.

Addictions can include, but are not limited to, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, exercise abuse, masturbation,
pornography and gambling. Classic hallmarks of addiction include: impaired control over
substances/behavior, preoccupation with substance/behavior, continued use despite consequences,
and denial

Types of addiction:

1.Drug addiction; addiction to drugs and alcohol

2.process addiction; exercise, masturbation, pornography, gambling etc…

How does addiction start?


People try drugs or other potentially addictive behavior because they are seeking some sort of reward or
benefit. Those who take drugs, for instance, do so because of the physical effects they hope to

Drugs have a marked effect on the body and mind. If there were no effect, people would be unlikely to
repeat the experience.

No one sets out just to become addicted.

The addiction process

The process of addiction can be divided into stages:

 Experimental use
 Social use
 Instrumental use
 Habitual use
 Compulsive use

Experimental use: If you don’t try ,you don’t get hooked” The motives for experimental use include:
Curiosity, Risk taking, Peer Pressure, The thrill, adventure

Social use: This is drinking or drugging that take place within social settings. Also referred to as
occasional use. The individual remains functional/in control, This level of use is rarely identified as risky
by people . Warnings and cautions are typically ignored. I can stop when I want

Instrumental use: Here the individual learns to use substances purposefully to manipulate emotions and
behavior. He discovers that alcohol and drugs can affect both feelings and actions. They Use it by
themselves .Relationships deteriorates, Starts to experience loss of control

Habitual use: Here, the symptoms of dependency start to appear. The individual uses substances to
relieve their discomfort of non-use which is: They feel irritable, restless or mildly depressed . They
develop withdrawal symptoms; difficulty in concentration, sitting still, sleeping soundly. The abuser’s
lifestyle becomes progressively centered on using the drug as a means of coping .

Compulsive use: The individual is now preoccupied with drug use to the extent that getting high (or
planning for it) is literally all he thinks about and does. Occupational dysfunction (work, school suffers).
Social dysfunction (relationships suffer). The only relationship the addict has is with his or her drug of
choice. Unpredictability and loss of control

There are different ways of classifying drugs;

By their availability/commercial/legal status : Licit(legal) vs. illicit (illegal)drugs

By their typical effects/uses/actions; Depressants; stimulants, Anticonvulsants; antidepressants

Others: by their origin; by chemical structure

By their potential for abuse



I. Addiction Drugs
II. Alcohol
III. Cocaine
IV. Inhalants and solvents
V. Tobacco
VI. Prescription drugs
VII. Marijuana/Bhangi
VIII. Heroin


Alcohol is a beverage that when taken alters the way one behaves, speaks and reasons because of its
intoxicating effects.

Alcohol drinks include; wine, beer, spirits and illicit brews like chang’aa

Street names include: Keroro, gauge, maji booze, pint, gede.

Excuses given to consume alcohol include: Gain courage, Relax, Forget problems, Relive stress, Be like
others, To be socially accepted, Fit in the group, Religious justification


Sleeplessness, Inactivity, Loss of sight , Talking a lot or, Remaining unusually quiet, Vomiting and
headaches, Staggering, Unclear speech, Poor health, Lack of concentration, Failure to make quick
decisions, death


Heroin is a powder obtained from the dried milk of the opium poppy plant. Pure heroin is white, but
with impurities it is a brown powder commonly known as brown sugar.

Common street names include: Unga, stuff, maponaji, daba, kete, horse.

Heroin is abused by ; Smoking in a cigarette or bhang, injecting, sniffing or inhaling.

Common excuses for abuse;

Relieve stress,

it cures pneumonia,

makes one fearless,

to escape from reality or pressures of life,


to fit in with peers, to experiment or satisfy curiosity,

idleness and ignorance of the harm it can cause



Cannabis gives the marijuana, Hashish and Hash oil

Cannabis is also known as marijuana, grass, pot, dope, Mary Jane, hooch, weed, hash, joints, brew,
reefers, cones, smoke, mull, buddha, ganga, hydro, yarndi, heads and green.

Excuses given for using bhang:To fit in a group,To reduce stress, To relax, To feel high, To enhance
reading, To satisfy curiosity, To experiment, It makes one clever, It makes one work harder, It is not
addictive, Effects of Cannabis ,Dry mouth, Reddening of eyes, Extreme hunger leading to increase
appetite, Sleepiness/Idleness, Increased feelings of thirst, Increased hart rate, Damage to the heart,
brain, lungs, kidney, liver and other body organs, Death, Loss of interest in academic work, Stealing
money to satisfy urge, Loss of interest in personal appearance.


Cocaine is a white crystalline powder extracted from the leaves of coca, a plant that grows in South

Cocaine is abused by ; inhalation, sniffing, injecting, smoking, ingesting by mouth.

Street names:

Crack, Coke, Bazooka, Marymamry, Blow

EFFECTS OF COCAINE : Talkativeness, Reduced appetite, Pupil dilation, Reduced sleep

Increased heart rate, Decreased blood pressure, Decreased body temperature, Restlessness,
Malnutrition, weight loss, Insomnia(lack of sleep), Heart failure, Itching skin, Convulsions, Miscarriages ,
Birth defects of babies born to abusers


Tobacco is a green plant that contains nicotine and other 400 poisonous substance. It is mainly used in
the manufacture of cigarettes, powdered snuff, cigars, pipes and tobacco gums. Most of the substances
in tobacco can cause cancer.

Street names include:

Fegi, Mozo, Mbaki, Chavis, Gife, Gasta, guff

Excuses given to consume tobacco; It stops nose bleeding, It has no serious side effects, It is easy to stop
using, It arouses quick thinking, Warms the body in cold weather, Makes one appear “cool” Peer
influence, To Identify with others


It Legal and socially acceptable

Effects of using Tobacco: Darkened lips and figures, Stained and decaying teeth, Falling of teeth,Weight
loss due to poor appetite, Cough and cold due to low immunity, Lung cancer, throat cancer,& mouth
cancer, Gum disease ,Stomach ulcers,Amputation of arms and legs, Heart attack, Bad breath, Stroke,
Death, Accidental fires, Stealing to support addiction


Miraa, this is a green herb grown mainly in Kenyans Eastern Province and is mainly taken through

Street names include: Veve, Gomba, Khat, Herbal, giza, Excuses given for the use of Miraa, Improve the
performance in education, Relive stress, To stay awake, To feel good and relaxed, To idly pass time, Fit in
to groups

EFFECTS OF KHAT: Gum infections, Rapid heart beat, Inflamed throat, Nerve damage, Risks of cancers of
the mouth, lungs, throat etc, Mouth sores and ulcers, Restlessness, Easily irritable( short temper) High
blood pressure, Constipation, Frequent headaches, Mental illness such as depression, Poor
concentration, Memory loss, Hallucinations, Drop out of school to trade miraa, Family break ups, Lack of

Prescription Drugs

These are drugs or medicines which can only be taken as directed by doctors or medical practitioners.
However if taken without doctor’s advice they can lead to harmful effects on the body.


There many are many types of steroids but the most abused ones are anabolic steroids also called
performance enhancing drugs. These substance related to male sex hormones.

Most young men who use steroids are motivated by the desire to build muscle.

Commonly abused prescription drugs are ; Steroids – There are many types of steroids but the most
abused ones are anabolic steroids. These are substances related to male sex hormones. Most young
men who use steroids are motivated by desire to build muscles

Physical, psychological effects of Steroids

In Men and Boys;

There is reduced sperm production

Shrinking of testicles



Painful urination


Physical, psychological effects of Steroids

In Women and Girls

Deepening of the voice

Excessive growth of body hair

Loss of scalp hair

Decreased breast size

Clitoral enlargement

Breast enlargement

Valiums or Sleep inducing drugs

Valium and other sleep inducing drugs fall in the category of drugs called depressants.

These generally decrease the activities of the Central Nervous System (CNS) making the abuser inactive.

Effects of valium and other sleeping pills.Dilated pupils, Clammy skin, Slurred speech, Unsteady
movement, Depression, Shallow breathing, Coma DEATH, Cough syrups and tablets

These are mild pain relievers and cough suppressants.

If taken in excess, they can lead to:

Anxiety, nausea,mood swings, confusion, constipation, convulsions, coma and DEATH.

CONTRACEPTIVES e.g. P2 commonly known as the morning after pill

These are drugs taken to prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. They should be taken with the
advice of a doctor.

Misuse can lead to irregular menstrual periods,

nausea,dizziness, bareness.,Diagnosis


Isolation –when you hide

Secrecy –when you keep it to yourself

Delusion - false

Who’s at risk of addiction?


What makes some people more susceptible to becoming dependent or addicted is perhaps a genetic
predisposition. This theory, with little evidence to support it, makes some sense especially since
addiction crosses social divides. However, this is still debatable.

There are also cultural and social factors that put people at greater risk. For instance, you’re less likely to
become alcohol-dependent growing up in a country where alcohol consumption is unacceptable than
where it’s a normal part of everyday life. Growing up in a family where there’s alcohol or drug abuse
increases the risk. This is also the case for people who suffer childhood trauma, abuse and neglect.

Who’s at risk of addiction? Contd.

Poverty, a lack of education and unemployment can also increase the risks. If your environment is
stressful and you feel unable to change it, you may turn to substances for relief. Significant life events
may contribute. If your inner world is in turmoil, you may turn to substances as medication to feel

People who don’t receive inadequate nurture as children or who are more emotionally sensitive may be
more susceptible. These factors won’t always lead to substance misuse or dependency or any other
addictive behavior, but they can increase vulnerability.

Is addiction a disease?

Drug addiction is a complex disease. It is a chronic, relapsing brain disease and involves a combination of
ecological, physiological and historical factors. It is not voluntary behavior and is often a fatal illness.

A Christian perspective on addiction

We believe that addiction starts with mankind’s fallen nature. Since the fall of man, human beings lived
with impure hearts. Addiction constitutes just one manifestation of our sinful nature and our rejection
of God’s grace and love.

Addiction as Idolatry

In Exodus 20:4-5, the Lord, while passing down His ten commandments, spoke about addiction in terms
of putting false idols above your love for Him. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of
anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to
them or worship them…” So what is addiction? Addiction develops when you worship something other
than the Lord. When you find yourself addicted to a substance or a behavior, you put that substance or
behavior before your love of God. You forfeit control, self-worth, and your relationship with the Lord all
for this behavior or substance. (Teen Challenge USA)

Can it be cured?YES!!!

The wheel of change

Pre-contemplation-doesn’t recognize the need to change

Contemplation –recognizes the problem and considering change
Preparation-when they are getting ready to change
Action-initiating change


Maintenance-adjusting to change practicing new skill and behavior to sustain the change
Relapse- when they return back to their old behavior

Keep out of drugs; learn to manage stress

Read your Bible and pray. God is present help in your time of need. The Bible bring life and help to us.

Make sure you are getting adequate sleep: Rest helps the body relax and recharge

Set priorities right-handle things and activities in an orderly manner

Focus on your strengths and use these to help others and do things for others. Volunteer at church for
instance. This helps keep stress in perspective

Plan your time well-helps do things in good time and prevents rushing things which maybe stressful

Do physical exercise

Do things you enjoy (Hobby) and hang around people who give you joy

Talk to a counselor, pastor or someone you can trust with your matters

ways you can help people in addiction

Realize you didn’t Cause it, Cant Control it or Cure it –Remove the blame,,It is easier to help people
when not motivated by guilt

Point the person to their need for help – loving confrontation – not to your need for help….

Tough love – do not allow manipulation e.g. don’t lie for the person-

Display a Christ like life of love and acceptance and keep from being offended.—keep a little account of
wrongs-but set boundaries

Identify options for intervention-

Pray, Pray, Pray!


Addiction treatment and rehabilitation in Kenya is largely a private sector and NGO affair dating back to
1978. Treatment and rehabilitation centers are few, operate in a policy vacuum and are expensive for
the majority of Kenyans. The development of the National Standards by NACADA and stakeholders,
training of professionals on treatment and counseling and developing the credentialing system for
addiction professionals are milestones in treatment and rehabilitation.

Treatment services : Christian rehabilitation; a discipleship based approach

Treatment and Management of Addiction

Treatment services and opportunities may include

detoxification, substitution or maintenance therapy and/or


psychosocial therapies and counseling.

Remember, No single treatment is appropriate for all individuals

Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his/her  drug use

Treatment must address medical, psychological, social, vocational, and  legal problems

Teen Challenge Kenya

Started by David Wilkerson 60 years ago.

1400 centers world wide in 195countries

Proven track record – 83% success rate—In TC we have 50% of our staff who are graduates

One year residential program for men and women over 18 years—USA Europe go for over an year

Focuses on discipling students; addressing beyond the addiction to compounding and contributing
factors to addiction, discovering gifts, WORLD VIEW CHANGE

Includes daily chapel, Personal studies for new believers, Groups studies for new believers , work
program, group therapy, individual and family counseling, passes and re-entry into community Psalm


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