Flyer - PCS-COMM Configuration & Debugging Tool

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NR Electric Co., Ltd.

Configuration & Debugging

The PCS series communication device is the new generation of communication device. And in the same time, user can view
communication device produced by NR Electric on the research the configurations of all the IEDs through this tool.
of integrated automation system and site operation experience
over years. The PCS-COMM configuration and debugging tool • Offline configuration function: The access and transfer rules
works as the associated auxiliary software. It is designed and of the PCS series communication device can be configured
developed on the basis of object-oriented technology, network- to meet the site requirements
based database technology, cross-platform visual technology
and the latest industrial standards, which can fully support • Visual configuration of device: This graphical and symbolical
IEC60870-5-103, IEC61850 and other international standards tool is designed to facilitate the configuration of the PCS
and to meet the configuration and debugging demands of series communication device, most of the operations can be
communication device in traditional substation, digitalized accomplished several clicks on the mouse.
substation and power plant.
• Online debugging function: This tool integrates the download
and debugging functions. The configured scheme can be
Functions downloaded to the corresponding PCS series communication
device, and the device status can be viewed and debugged
• Configuration and management of IED in station: This tool online through the tool.
can configure all the IEDs connected to the PCS series

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