Must Read, Understand, Analyze, Evaluate, Then React
Must Read, Understand, Analyze, Evaluate, Then React
Must Read, Understand, Analyze, Evaluate, Then React
Florin T. Hilbay
4 October 2017
What I consider a threat to our democratic values and a danger to the marketplace of
ideas is the prevalence of fake information provided by public officials, whether
deliberately, or out of sheer incompetence.
1) They are paid with public funds. It is an outrage that they receive taxpayers’ money
so they can lie.
2) Their official status provides imprimatur to false information, whether posted in
private or official social media accounts.
3) Their public employment provides them access to government facilities, creating a
semblance of credibility where otherwise there would be none.
4) Their access to government facilities means that the false information they provide
gets widely distributed.
I propose that Congress enact a statute creating the Institute for the Integrity of
Information, a sort of Ombudsman for public information provided by government, or an
information police for government officials. What are the main features of the Institute
for the Integrity of Information?
The Institute for the Integrity of Information should be able to act either motu proprio or
upon referral by citizens of a claim of fact made by a government office or official.
I urge Your Honors to focus on a metaphor: that we should recognize false news or
information as a calamity that wreaks havoc upon a sensitive ecosystem: the
information environment or the marketplace of ideas.
In the same way that government has spent resources informing and warning citizens
about impending or ongoing calamities through PAG-ASA, Phivolcs, etc. the
government should likewise invest in informing and warning citizens about government
dishonesty which distorts the information environment, polarizes political conversation,
and manipulates citizens.
There is a need to create the Institute for the Integrity of Information because the
integrity of public information is essential to opinion-formation and public discourse. If
citizens think and act on the basis of wrong assertions of fact by public officials, then our
marketplace of ideas will receive and produce wrong signals, the consequence of which
is an impairment of the value of truth.
We live in an age of impunity, and I fear that apart from the thousands of killings on our
streets, a tragedy that has received global attention, we have also become witnesses to
another form of impunity—the death of truth.
Your Honors, so far as I know, there is no special public institution such as the Institute
for the Integrity of Information anywhere in the world.
I hope the Senate considers this proposal not only as an urgent and practical response
to government dishonesty but also as an opportunity to create a model legislation for all
democracies around the world grappling with attacks on truth.