1) Applicant’s Full Name in English (as per UG Degree Certificate) (one block Should be
kept blank after each name)
1) Incomplete forms and without attested Xerox copies of Final Year Passing
Certificate, UG Degree Passing Certificate/ UG Degree Marks Statement, will not be
2) The acknowledgement of this form should be preserved carefully and produced at the
time of collection of the PG Degree / PG Diploma Certificate on the day of the
convocation, or as and when the same is collected.
3) Any complaint, regarding non-receipt of PG Degree / PG Diploma Certificate or
correction in Name, College, Class, Subject, Year of Passing, etc., will be entertained
within a period of three months from the date of the concerned convocation. No
complaints will be entertained after the Specified period.
4) Two identical visa type photographs (size 35mm X 45 mm). Of which one duly
attested by Dean / Principal of concerned college and should be pasted on the form at
the space provided for it and other photograph should be enclosed with application
mentioning the course, name and Permanent Registration Number on the reverse side.
No photograph other than the stipulated size i.e. 35mm X 45mm (Visa type) will be
5) Please check the details of convocation programme on University web site
<>, which will be notified one month in advance from the date
of Convocation Ceremony.
In-charge Faculty
Convocation Application in respect of _________________________________________
PRN _______________Course _________________________has been duly received and found
correct in all respects. Degree will be issued in person to the student on production of this receipt
and photo identity, to the blood relatives (Father / Mother / Sister / Brother) of the student on
production of their photo identity and the authority letter issued by the concerned student on the
day of convocation or any working day after one month from the date of convocation.
In-charge Faculty