2nd Grade Alliteration and Rhyme

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Grade 2

Music + Reading

Key Words/Vocabulary:

Steady beat, rest, rhythm,

tempo, rhyme, allitera-
tion, sound, poetry, po-

Content Standard(s) Arts Standard(s):

M2GM.2a. Perform a steady beat and simple rhythmic patterns using
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: body percussion as well as a variety of instruments with appropriate
2RL.4 Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular technique.
beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply b. Perform simple body percussion and instrumental parts (e.g., ostina-
rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song. to) while other students play or sing contrasting parts.
M2GM.5a. Create sound effects to accompany songs, poems and sto-
ESOL Standard:
WPS2—Use English to communicate infor-
c. Arrange rhythmic patterns creating simple forms and instru-
mation, ideas, and concepts about reading
and writing. mentation.
Lesson Procedure: Hook: Play alliteration and rhyme video https://
a. a. Hook (something to get the students' attention)
b. b. Instructional steps www.opened.com/video/espark-learning-rhythm-
c. c. Formative checks (progress checks throughout the and-meaning-2-rl-4/427070
d. d. Summative assessment (description)
e. e. Closing (how you will end the lesson)

b: Instructional Steps:
1. After the video, follow up with more examples of alliteration. Show students how to play the alliteration
game from Reading A to Z (there are 2 versions for differentiation).
2. Read Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner to emphasize rhythm and rhyme. Have students listen for
and identify the rhyming words from the story. Explain to students that they have to hear the rhyme be-
cause sound spellings are not always the same (use examples from book). Write all of the rhyming
pairs from the story on the board.
3. Reread Snowmen at Night again asking children to notice the rhythm and how the rhyming words fall at
the end of the lines. Practice keeping a steady beat. Students will keep a steady beat while teacher
reads the story.
4. Students will fold a paper in half and draw a line down the middle. One side will say “Alliteration” at the
top and the other will say “Rhyme.”
5. For the Alliteration side, have students choose a card from the alliteration game and use the words from
the card to write and illustrate an alliterative sentence stressing that the only words with different sounds
should be prepositions (eg. Sally swims swiftly in the sea.). On the Rhyme side, have students choose 2
rhyming words to write a 2 line rhyme (students can use rhyming words from the story if necessary). To
assist students in writing their rhymes, encourage them to keep a steady beat and write the rhymes with
4 beats per line. A partner or teacher can keep a steady beat while the student adjusts their rhyme to fit
the model of 4 beats per line. Discuss how a rest can count as a beat.
6. Students with common themes in their rhymes will form groups to create poems. Students will order their poems,
create a title, and read their poem rhythmically to a steady beat.
7. Read ABC Poem of the Week (Scholastic) alliteration poems. Practice reading repeatedly with students repeating the allitera-
tive lines. Practice identifying the alliteration and rhyme. Students will choose their own poems to illustrate and identify rhyme
and alliteration. Then students will choose a beat and read their poems rhythmically to the beat on Seesaw.

8. Use information that students have already learned about bats or bees to create an alliterative poem together as a class fol-
lowing the 1-2,1 pattern with an alliterative refrain from the poems in the book. Lastly, have students follow the pattern to write
an alliterative poem and perform it for the class or on Seesaw.

C. Formative Checks

Monitor students progress during alliteration game, independent work time with poems, identifying rhymes and alliteration
during read alouds.
d: Summative Assessment:
Performance of written rhymes and alliteration

e: Closing: Ideas to present/display student learning:

Share original poems. Have audience discuss Display poems group and individual poems. Put
and reflect on rhythm, beats, and tempo. videos of poetry reading on Seesaw.

Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner
Alliteration games from Reading A to Z
ABC Poem of the Week (Scholastic)
Various books of poems or books with alliteration and rhyme
Chart paper and markers for group poems

3 2 1

Identifies alliteration and Consistently and inde- Progressing toward identify- Limited progress toward iden-
rhymes pendently identifies allitera- ing alliteration and rhymes in tifying alliteration and rhymes
tion and rhymes in texts read texts read aloud or inde- in texts read aloud or inde-
aloud or independently. pendently. pendently.

Writes alliterative sentences Consistently and inde- Progressing toward writing Limited progress toward
and rhymes pendently writes alliteration alliteration and rhymes. writing alliteration and
and rhymes. rhymes.

Rhythmically reads to a steady Consistently and inde- Progressing toward reading Limited progress toward
beat pendently reads alliteration alliteration and rhymes in reading alliteration and
and rhymes in texts read texts read aloud or inde- rhymes in texts read aloud or
aloud or independently. pendently. independently.

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