The document announces an upcoming seminar on recent trends in renewable energy application and research to be held on February 16-17, 2018 in Ahmedabad, India. It calls for papers on related topics to be presented at the seminar and provides submission guidelines. It invites participation from experts in government organizations, educational institutions, industries, and students. It outlines registration fees and sponsorship opportunities at various levels to support seminar activities. Important dates and contact information are also provided.
The document announces an upcoming seminar on recent trends in renewable energy application and research to be held on February 16-17, 2018 in Ahmedabad, India. It calls for papers on related topics to be presented at the seminar and provides submission guidelines. It invites participation from experts in government organizations, educational institutions, industries, and students. It outlines registration fees and sponsorship opportunities at various levels to support seminar activities. Important dates and contact information are also provided.
The document announces an upcoming seminar on recent trends in renewable energy application and research to be held on February 16-17, 2018 in Ahmedabad, India. It calls for papers on related topics to be presented at the seminar and provides submission guidelines. It invites participation from experts in government organizations, educational institutions, industries, and students. It outlines registration fees and sponsorship opportunities at various levels to support seminar activities. Important dates and contact information are also provided.
The document announces an upcoming seminar on recent trends in renewable energy application and research to be held on February 16-17, 2018 in Ahmedabad, India. It calls for papers on related topics to be presented at the seminar and provides submission guidelines. It invites participation from experts in government organizations, educational institutions, industries, and students. It outlines registration fees and sponsorship opportunities at various levels to support seminar activities. Important dates and contact information are also provided.
Organizing Committee Technical papers on the above themes and related topics
are invited for presenta on in the different sessions of the Chairman: Mr Sandeep B Vasava, FIE, Chairman, GSC seminar. The authors should send two copies of extended
abstract in IEEE template (not exceeding two A-4 size pages Organizing Secretary: Mr. H. U. Kalyani, FEI, Hon. typed in 12pt., ‘Times New Roman’ font with double “98 Years of Relentless Journey towards Engineering th Secretary, GSC spacing) of their original works latest by 25 January 2018. Advancement for Nation Building” Alterna vely, papers can also be mailed on Members: ALL INDIA SEMINAR
Mr. S. J. Desai, FIE, Imm. Past Chairman, GSC on PARTICIPATION: Mr. Bharat S. Patel, Council Member, IEI Recent Trends in Experts from Govt Organiza ons/Undertakings, Renewable Energy Application & Research Prof R K Yadav, FIE, Commi ee Member, GSC Educa onal/Research Ins tu ons, Industries, Consultants February 16-17, 2018 Mr S K Pandya, MIE, Commi ee Member, GSC and students are invited to par cipate in the delibera ons of the Seminar. This will enable them to have a complete Technical Committee brainstorming on the en re subject. Organised by:
Registration Fees: IEI Members/ Rs. Nil Research Rs. 300/- Prof R K Yadav, FIE, Commi ee Member, GSC The Institution of Engineers (India) Mr S K Pandya, MIE, Commi ee Member, GSC Gujarat State Centre Students Chapter Scholars Prof. Kintu Patel, VGEC, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad members Prof Y. B. Bhavsar, VGEC, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad Non IEI Members Rs. 700/- Students Rs. 200/- Contact Sponsorship: Pla num Sponsorship of Rs. 1,00,000/- will be eligible with The Hon. Secretary, The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) 20 free delegates. Diamond, Gold & Silver sponsorship of Rs. Gujarat State Centre, "Bhaikaka Bhavan", Opp Law Garden, 75,000/-, 50,000/- & 25,000/- respec vely shall be eligible Ahmedabad - 380006 for 15, 10 & 5 free delegates. Besides, some addi onal Phone: +91 79-26400811 Fax: +91 79-26561825 benefits are also available. Details for various categories of Under the aegis of sponsorship would be available on request. Industry, Govt./ Email: Electrical Engineering Division, IEI Semi-Govt Organiza ons are requested to sponsor various ac vi es of the seminar.
IMPORTANT DATE th Last date for receipt of Full Length Paper: 5 February, 2018
PAYMENTS: In association with All payments are to be made through crossed Demand Dra Students Chapter (Electrical Engineering) / At par Cheque, drawn in favour of “The Ins tu on of Vishwakarma Govt. Engineering College, Engineers (India), Gujarat State Centre”. Online Payments Chandkheda, Ahmedabad are accepted on also.
Accommodation: There are several hotels available for accommoda on. Participants are requested to book on their own.
Venue: Ahmedabad ABOUT THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA) represen ng 56 & 38% respec vely of global renewable The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) or IEI is the largest investment in 2015. Solar power (photovoltaic & thermal) is · Control Techniques for RES mul disciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 the fastest growing renewable energy technology, with · Grid Interac ve Systems Used in Hybrid RES engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global 2015 investment increasing by 12% over the previous year. · Performance Analysis of RES pla orm to share professional interest. IEI has membership Wind-related investment grew at a more modest rate, · Decision Support Systems for RES strength of more than 0.8 million. Established in 1920, with registering 4% year-on-year growth. These investments are · Smart grids and Renewable Energy sources headquarters at Kolkata, IEI has served the engineering yielding large increases in renewable energy capacity 4. Reliability & Maintenance in RE sources fraternity for over nine decades. In this period of me it has worldwide. Installed renewable capacity approached 2 5. Some Important aspects related to RE been inextricably linked with the history of modern-day million MW in 2015, nearly double the level of 2006. · Safety and Security of RE sources engineering. Hydropower represents the largest share (61.3%) of · Policies, Strategies for RES In 1935, IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter and remains renewable energy capacity, well surpassing the por ons of · Public Awareness & Educa on for RE and Systems the only professional body in India to be accorded this wind (21.9%), solar (11.5%) & bioenergy (5.3%). The seminar is therefore very much essen al for · Future Challenges and Direc ons for RE sources honor. Today, its quest for professional excellence has given dissemina on of knowledge and bringing awareness among it a place of pride in almost every pres gious and relevant organiza on across the globe. IEI func ons among engineers. The seminar is going to be a ended by the DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM professional engineers, academicians and research workers. prac cing engineers, designers, experts & students. There Name: …………………………………………… It provides a vast array of technical, professional and will be an exhibi on for demonstra on of products from …………………………………………………… suppor ng services to the Government, Industries, industry and R&D ins tu ons. Organization/Institution:…………………........ Academia and the Engineering fraternity, opera ng from Program Structure …………………………………………….......… 121 Centers located across the country. The Ins tu on has 1. Overview of Developments in Renewable Energy - Designation:……………………………..........… established R&D Centers at various loca ons in the country Current Trends & Future Prospects …………………………………………............... and also provides grant-in-aid to its members to conduct · Solar PV / Nano / Storage Materials Address:……………………………………........ research and development on engineering subjects. · Wind Energy, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, IEI conducts Sec on A & B Examina ons in different ………………………………………………...... Tidal power, Geo Thermal, Bio energy Engineering disciplines, the successful comple on of which ………………………………………………...... · Energy Conserva on and Management is recognized as equivalent to Degree in appropriate field of · Computa on Methods for Energy Modeling ………………………………………………...... . Engineering of recognized Universi es of India by the · Small Hydro Power Mobile………………………Telephone:…....... Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of · Hydrogen and Fuel Cells ……………………Fax:……………………...... India. Every year as many as 90,000 candidates appear for · Leveraging Renewable Energy for Electricity Needs Email:………………………………………....... these exams. For details, please see: of the Growing World Popula on ………………………………………………...... The Gujarat State Centre has been one of the ac ve Centers · Computa onal Design and Realiza on of Registration category: of The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) which is engaged Func onal Renewable Energy Materials successfully transla ng the objec ves and ideals of IEI into Sponsored Delegate Member prac ce. 2. Renewable Energy in different sectors Non-member Student About Vishwakarma Government Engineering College · Renewable Energy(RE) in Agriculture Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, · RE Systems (RES) in Smart Ci es Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor · Power Devices & Driving Circuits for RES driving Silver sponsor Sponsor Chandkheda, Ahmedabad was established in August 1994, equipment / vehicles Co-sponsor with an objec ve of impar ng higher educa on in various fields of engineering and technology. This ins tute is · RE sources for Electrical Vehicles and Components * Tick the boxes as per your category / Strike out whichever recognized by AICTE, New Delhi & Ins tute of Engineers · Energy Savings for Vehicular Technology, Power is not applicable (India). The college is administrated by Directorate of Electronics, Electric Machinery & Control I/We enclose a Cheque /Demand Dra for Rs………………in Technical Educa on, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar and is · RE Research & Applica ons for Industries favor of “The Ins tu on of Engineers (India), Gujarat State affiliated with Gujarat Technological University. VGEC 3. Renewable Energy System Centre” Payable at Ahmedabad. & Drawn on (Bank shi ed to its own campus at Chandkheda in the year 2004. · Hybrid Renewable Energy system (RES) Par culars)………….………………………...........Cheque/Demand OBJECTIVE · New Trends and Technologies for RES Dra No.……………….. Dated…………… Solar & wind are drivers of the renewable energy market, · Energy Transforma on from RES to Grid