20.402.L2-1.Beam Optics
20.402.L2-1.Beam Optics
20.402.L2-1.Beam Optics
L2‐1. Beam Optics
(Chs. 1&3 in Saleh & Teich)
- Ray optics
A ray is an idealized narrow beam of light.
A light ray is a line or curve that is perpendicular to the light's wave-fronts
(or called surfaces of constant scalar S(r)).
‘Paraxial rays’ are defined as those rays whose angle with the
optical axis is small enough that sin tan .
Simply we can represent a paraxial ray with a vector,
r dr
r , where r and r = are the position and direction(slope) of the ray.
- Ray matrices
In paraxial approximation, when all angles are
sufficiently small so that ≈ sin , the relation
between the input ray and the output ray is
linear and can generally be written in the form
rin , rin
rout A B rin rout , rout
r C D r
out in
1 rin
N di
A set of parallel transparent plates M i 1 ni
0 1 in
Note: does not consider interference
rm A B r0 A B rm 1
r C D r C D r
m 0 m 1
r Arm
Combining two equations, rm 1 Arm Brm rm m 1 and rm 1 Crm Drm ,
we can get a recurrence relation as following: B
rm 2 2brm 1 F 2 rm where b and F 2 AD BC det M
Stable trajectory
with cos-1(b/F) = 6/11 period of 11
1 0 1 d 1 d
M 1 det M 1
f 1 0 1 1f 1 df
For being a stable waveguide, b / F b 1 1 0 d 4 f
d 2f d f
1 0 1 d 1 0 1 d 1 2Rd1 B
M 2 det M 1
R2 1 0 1 R21 1 0 1 C 1 2d
4d 2
R1 R2
- Skew rays
For three-dimensional trajectory along the optical axis,
m m
xm A B x0 ym A B y0
rm A B r0
r C D r x C D x , y C D y
m 0 m 0 m 0
and rm ro F m exp im x m xo eix F m exp im
y m yo e F exp im
i y m
1 2U
U 2 2 0
U r, t a (r ) exp j r exp j 2 vt
c t
- Helmholtz equation: the time-independent form of the wave equation (separation of variables)
2 v
2U k 2U 0 , where k
c c
- (paraxial) Helmholtz equation: Assumes that light fields vary slowly w.r.t. z-axis
One way of constructing a paraxial wave is to start with a plane wave A exp jkz , regarding it
as a “carrier” wave, and modify or “modulate” its complex envelope A, making it a slowly
varying function of position, A(r), so that the complex amplitude of the modulated wave becomes
U r A r exp jkz
T2 A j 2k 0 , where T2 2 x 2 2 y 2
Note that exp ik x 2 y 2 z 2
x2 y 2
exp ik z ... when x 2 y 2 z 2
Ao x2 y 2
Ar exp ik , q z z izo
q z 2q z
Here, q and zo are called as the q-parameter of the beam and the Rayleigh range.
In order to separate the amplitude and phase of the complex envelop,
we can write the function 1/q(z) as following:
1 1
q z R z W 2 z
- Gaussian beam parameters
Wo x2 y 2 x2 y 2
E r aE
ˆ o exp 2 exp ikz ik i z
W z W z 2R z
Envelop term Phase term
zo 2 The parameters are functions
W ( z ) Wo 1 z R( z ) z 1
z of zo and !!!
zo In addition, zo can obtained
from the smallest radius (the
zo ( z ) tan 1 z z waist radius) Wo !!!
Wo x2 y 2 x2 y2
E r aEo
ˆ exp 2 exp ikz ik i z
W z W
z 2 R
The beam width (beam radius) W ( z ) Wo 1 z
Wo is known as the waist radius.
- Beam divergence
Wo z W
For z>>zo, W ( z) o z thus o o
zo zo Wo 2
Ex) A Gaussian beam laser with a beam spot size of 1 mm and a wavelength of 1.064 um
(Nd.YAG laser) has a beam divergence angle of 0.02o and W(10 m)~3.5 mm.
W z W z
1 2ro2
P ro I r , z 2 rdr 1 exp 2
W z
~86% of the total power is contained within a circle of the beam radius W2(z)
- Depth of focus
The axial distance within which the beam width is no greater than a factor of √2
times its minimum value, so than the beam area is within a factor 2 of the minimum:
2 Wo2
2 zo
- Beam quality
The deviation of the profile of an optical beam from the Gaussian form, Wo and o
2Wm 2 m
M2 M 2 m o , when Wm Wo
2Wo 2 o
x2 y 2
E r aˆ exp ikz ik i z Curvature radius in the phase term
2R z
zo 2
R z z 1
z z = 0 : Planar wavefront and infinite R
z infinite : RGaussian≈Rspherical
(i) The phase of the incident wave at the plane of the lens:
(ii) The complex amplitude transmittance of a thin lens of focal length f :
(iii) Then, the phase of the emerging wave becomes:
In general, this kind of calculations can be simplified using the ABCD law (next page)
Aq1 B
q2 , q z izo
Cq1 D
A1q1 B1
A2 B2
A2 q2 B2
C1q1 D1
A2 A1 B2C1 q1 A2 B1 B2 D1 AT q1 BT
C2 q2 D2 C A1q1 B1 D 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 CT q1 DT
C A D C q C B D D
2 2
C1q1 D1
Using this relation, we can
AT BT A2 B2 A1 B1
MT M 2 M1 obtain the q-parameter of
CT DT C2 D2 C1 D1 the transmitted beam.
- Examples of the ABCD law: Gaussian beam though a thin lens (revisited)
Let the waist of the incident beam be at distance d1 in front of the lens and
the waist of the output beam at distance d2 behind the lens.
From q ( z ) z izo , q1 0 iz1o iz1o and q2 iz2 o
Aiz1o B ACz1o BD iz1o
Aq1 B
q2 iz2 o
Cq1 D Ciz1o D C 2 z12o D 2
ACz12o BD i z1o Az2 o C 2 z12o D 2 0
ACz12o BD 0 and z1o Az2 o C 2 z12o D 0
z2 o z1o where AD BC 1
D Continue to the next page…
- Beam focusing
z1o f 2
When z1o is much lager than the focal length of the lens,
By Taylor series,
D 1 f
W2 o W1o W1o
1 f z1o
W12o f
When using z1o , W2 o
D 4 f
When taking W1o , the focus diameter 2W2 o
2 D
The numerical aperture (NA) of an optical system is a dimensionless number that
characterizes the range of angles over which the system can accept or emit light.
D Here n is the refractive index of
N . A. n sin n tan n
2f media out of the lens.
2 n
2W2 o
N . A.
The larger the lens diameter, the larger the N.A. and the smaller the focus diameter
At a given wavelength , we cannot get 2Wo smaller than 2/,
since N.A. cannot be larger than the refractive index of environmental media.
In a laser with cylindrical symmetry, the transverse mode patterns are described by a
combination of a Gaussian beam profile with a Laguerre polynomial. The modes are denoted
TEMpl where p and l are integers labeling the radial and angular mode orders, respectively.
In many lasers, the symmetry of the optical resonator is restricted by polarizing elements such
as Brewster's angle windows. In these lasers, transverse modes with rectangular symmetry
are formed. These modes are designated TEMmn with m and n being the horizontal and vertical
orders of the pattern.
Cylindrical transverse mode patterns TEM(pl) Rectangular transverse mode patterns TEM(mn)
- Hermite-Gaussian beams
The Gaussian mode treated in the previous sections has a field variation that depends
only on the axial distance z and the radial distance r. if we do not impose the condition
∂/∂=0 (where is the azimuthal angle) and we consider spatially constant , the
solution of the paraxial wave equation has solutions in the form of
Wo x y
Elm x, y , z Eo Hl 2 H m 2
W z W z W
z Hermite polynomial
x2 y2
exp ik ikz i i m 1 z
2 q