Newtons Rings

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Physics 1 – Newton’s Rings

Newton's rings


 To measure the wavelength of sodium light using the method of Newton's rings.
 To gain familiarity with using a Vernier microscope.


In this experiment the physical property of

interference of light will be used to determine
the wavelength, λ , of a light source. The
interference fringe system here is a pattern of
concentric circles, the diameter of which you
will measure with a travelling microscope Reflecting Light source
(which has a Vernier scale). If a clean convex slide, A
lens is placed on a clean glass slide (optically
flat) and viewed in monochromatic light, a
series of rings may be seen around the point Lens, L
of contact between the lens and the slide.
These rings are known as Newton's rings and Glass
they arise from the interference of light slide, B
reflected from the glass surfaces at the air line, C
film between the lens and the slide. The
experimental set-up is shown in figure 1. Figure 1: Apparatus

Part 1: Tutorial Question (10 mins)

The lens-makers equation for a thin lens is

given as:

1  1 1 
= ( n −1) −  . [1]
f  R1 R2 

1.1 Assuming that the refractive index of the lens is 1.5 and the focal length of the
lens is 100 cm, calculate the radius of curvature of each of the sides of a
biconvex lens.

Part 2: Taking data to measure the wavelength of the sodium light (20 mins)

Physics 1 – Newton’s Rings

In this part of the experiment you will measure the diameter of six rings using the
Vernier scale on the travelling microscope, and then use this data to determine the
wavelength in Part 3.

 Clean the lens and the glass slides with lens tissue and setup the apparatus as
shown in Figure 1.

The light from the sodium lamp is partially reflected downwards by a glass slide A .
The beams reflected from the lens, L , and the glass slide B go through the slide A
to the microscope.

2.1 Explain why there will be an interference pattern produced and why there is a dark
spot at the centre?

 Look for the interference rings with the naked eye – it is easiest to spot these from
a height and changing your viewing angle. You may need to manoeuvre the
reflecting slide until you can clearly view the rings.

 Focus the microscope on the fringes and align the cross-hair tangential to the
central dark spot.

2.1.1 Measure the diameters of at least six dark rings by setting the cross-hair on
one side of a series of rings, reading the positions and then moving the
microscope to the other side of the corresponding rings.

 You could start measuring the position of the 12th ring, proceeding to the 10th, 8th,
etc. and then moving across to the other side of the central ring until you have
measured the 12th ring again.
 Use the magnifying glass provided to read the Vernier scale precisely. To remind
yourself how to use the Vernier scale refer back to the Air Wedge experiment.

Part 3: Analysis (20 mins)

The radius rm , of the m th ring is given by

rm 2
= mλ [2]

where R is the radius of curvature of the lens.

(The derivation of this equation is provided, for interest, in the appendix.)

3.1 Draw a graph of rm 2 against the ring number (a.k.a. order number of the fringe)

3.2 Find an expression for the gradient of this graph.

Physics 1 – Newton’s Rings

3.3 Hence calculate the value of λ , using the value of R stated and the gradient of
the graph.

3.4 Compare your result with the accepted value for sodium light of 589nm.

Part 4: Deriving equation for destructive interference (Optional)

4.1 Work through the derivation shown in the appendix to ensure you can also
deduce equation 2.

Further work

The following questions are related to the topic covered by this experimental tutorial.

L65 and L66

Physics 1 – Newton’s Rings


Let R be the radius of curvature of the lower surface of the lens. Let rm be the
radius of the m th dark ring, to be measured with the microscope.

Let the corresponding thickness of the air gap at Q

the point P be t . (See figure 5.) t
The path difference between the beams
reflected at Q and P is approximately 2t
(for vertical viewing, at small radius r ). Figure 5: Measuring thickness, t.

From geometry (refer to figure 6),

rm 2 = t ( 2 R − t ) [3]

If t is small, we can neglect terms the size of t 2 . This gives,

r 2
t= m [4]

Hence the path difference is 2R-t

2t = m [5] rm rm
Now the phase of the wave reflected at P is changed by
180  on reflection. If there is also a path difference of
Figure 6: Determining rm.
mλ due to the air gap, the two beams will enter the
microscope 180  out of phase and hence cancel
(destructive interference). This is the condition that will
hold at a dark ring. Therefore,

rm 2
= mλ

Note that the condition for constructive interference –

bright fringe – gives

rm 2 λ
= ( 2m + 1) [6]
R 2

Physics 1 – Newton’s Rings

Demonstrators' Answers, Hints, Marking Scheme and Equipment List

Marking Scheme

Section Mark
1.1 1
2.1 1
2.2 1
3.1 2
3.2 1
3.3 1
3.4 1
Discretionary mark 2

1.1 100 cm, R1=-R2 for a bi-convex lens, where –ve sign indicates opposite

2.1 There is an interference pattern produced because of a path difference between

coherent light. The light beam reflected from the glass plate will experience a
phase shift of π radians (180 degrees) but the one reflected from the inner
lens surfaces won’t. The path length due to the thin wedge causes an
additional difference in phase, meaning that there will be destructive
interference at a path difference of integer number of wavelengths. This also
explains why there is a dark spot in the centre of the rings produced.

3.2 The gradient of the graph is = Rλ .

3.3 The wavelength obtained should be close to 589nm.

Radius of
Reading Reading Diameter Radius Radius2 R2 curvature Waveleng
1(m) 2 (m) D (m) R (m) (m) of convex th λ (m)
lens (m)
0 0.03435 0.03469 0.00034 0.00017 2.89E-08 0.3 5.92E-07
2 0.03399 0.03515 0.00116 0.00058 3.364E-07
4 0.03371 0.0354 0.00169 0.00085 7.14E-07
6 0.03351 0.03557 0.00206 0.00103 1.061E-06
8 0.03334 0.03571 0.00237 0.00119 1.404E-06
10 0.0332 0.03589 0.00269 0.00135 1.809E-06
12 0.03307 0.036 0.00293 0.00147 2.146E-06
14 0.03295 0.0361 0.00315 0.00158 2.481E-06

Physics 1 – Newton’s Rings

Order V Radius
y = 0.0000001776x + 0.0000000042
Radius (m)


0 5 10 15
Fringe order m

Equipment List

Travelling microscope with magnifying arm detached.

Magnifying torch
Biconvex lens of known focal length – e.g. 100cm. Must be specified to student.
Glass slide
Sodium light
Optical track
2 x saddles with lens and mirror holders
Lamp on stand
Screen with triangular hole

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