Customer Service - Personality Test Done

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To what extend do you agree / disagree for the following statement.

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree

1 My goals in life are clear - to be in F&B line.

2 If customer are rude to me I can stay calm

3 I can work even when things are disorganised

4 I can work even in either a stable outlet or problematic


5 It is better to get job done before the date line

6 I like to be a leader instead of follower

7 I put extra time and effort into everything I do

8 It is important for me to develop my career in F&B

9 I can accept any unplanned work from my superior

10 I'm an ambitious person

Most of the time Often Sometimes Rarely Almost Never

11 Opinionated customers make me feel uncomfortable

12 When I am stressful, I remind myself to focus on myself

rather than the customer

13 Talking to customer from different culture,ethnics and

backgrounds make me feel nervous , self -conscious
or unsure of myself

14 When I am stressed, I cannot cooled down myself

15 I tend to be speechless when I am alone with a customer

I feel nervous

16 When needed , I refuse to accept any support from others

17 I lose my temper easily

Somewhat Mostly Completely
Completely true Mostly true
true / false false false

18 I feel hurt when customer comment negatively about me

19 I cannot be friendly with the customer

that I don’t like

20 I am not confident with my skills/ capabilities

21 Even when I know I may have missed some importants points

I will finish the task just to be done with it

22 I get angry when customer didn’t like the way I serve them

23 When customers point out my mistakes, I feel like they are

degrading me

24 When I have disagreements with customers, I raise my voice

25 I cannot push myself to complete difficult task

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

26 I say or do insensitive things that upset my customers

27 I find myself ignore at customers when I am feeling stress

28 If customers are having conversation nearby while I am

engrossed in a task, its break my concentration

29 It annoys me when customers do not catch on things

I explain

30 When customer shout at me , I automatically will react

the same things

31 Customers consider me to be quite argumentative when

things do not go my way

32 I am not able to work well with distraction (e:g fatigue, customer's

complaint ,background noise, personal issue)

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