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Change Request Management


Created by Deepak Singh| Page 1 8/4/2014

1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
1.1. DOCUMENT OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. PRE-REQUISITES ................................................................................................................................ 4
2. WHY CHARM ..............................................................................................................................3
2.1. CONTROL AND MANAGE CHANGES.............................................................................................. 3
2.2. MAINTAIN THE TRANSPARENCY.................................................................................................... 3
2.3. TRACKING AND AUDIT ABILITY ON CHANGES ............................................................................... 4
2.4. EFFICIENT USE OF RESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 4
2.5. REDUCE RISK OF CORRECTION & PROJECT FAILURE...................................................................... 4
2.6. MINIMIZE BUSINESS DISRUPTION ................................................................................................. 4
3. CONSIDERATIONS IN CHARM IMPLEMENTATION.........................................................................4
3.1. ENFORCES STANDARDIZED CHANGE PROCESS (ITIL BASED) ....................................................................... 4
3.2. MANAGE, TRACK AND CATEGORISED CHANGE REQUEST ............................................................ 4
3.3. DOCUMENTATION OF IMPLEMENTED CHANGES.......................................................................... 4
3.4. TRANSPORT SCHEDULING & TRACKING ........................................................................................ 5
3.5. PROJECT COST CONSIDERATIONS.......................................................................................................... 5
4. CHARM PROJECT – WHAT DOES IT TAKE ? ...................................................................................5
4.1. BUILDING THE PROJECT TEAM .............................................................................................................. 5
4.2. PROJECT TASKS AND TIME LINES .......................................................................................................... 5
4.3. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................. 6
4.4. IMPLEMENTATION COSTS .................................................................................................................... 7
4.5. MAINTENANCE COSTS ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.6. SAVINGS AND COST REDUCTION ........................................................................................................... 8
5. CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS ........................................................................................................8
5.1. EXPERIENCED PROJECT TEAM .............................................................................................................. 8
5.2. INVOLVING ALL EFFECTED PEOPLE ......................................................................................................... 8
5.3. COMMUNICATION AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 9
5.4. TOP MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT ...................................................................................................... 9
5.5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXPERTISE ...................................................................................................... 9
6. LIMITATIONS OF CHARM ............................................................................................................9
6.1. CHARM IS PROJECT SPECIFIC ................................................................................................................. 9
6.2. NOT APPLICABLE WITHOUT FOLLOWING PLANED PROCESS ........................................................................ 9
7. GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................9

Created by Deepak Singh| Page 2 8/4/2014


1. Introduction
1.1. Document Objectives
The process of decision making involved in selecting the Change Request management solution
can get complex with the multitude of variables effecting the decision as well as the options
available. This document is intended to assist in analyzing, optimizing and implementing
different issues involved in moving the change requests In the landscape from DEV->QAS->PRD.
The objective is to maintain the process transparent and removing the complexities of TR
movement and approval process.

1.2. Scope
This document discusses and addresses the main drivers in deciding the complexity of Change
Request Management. An attempt is made to highlight various considerations for and against
Change management. It also highlights the benefits of ChaRM the solution manager
functionality on the one hand and the costs involved in implementing it and the limitations of

1.3. Limitations
Every organization operates in a unique environment and hence the considerations would also
be different. It is not possible to set a standard cost benefit equation that would be applicable to
all situations. However, the issues discussed in the document could help as a guideline to
develop one.

ChaRM in the context of SAP R/3 and its supportive integrated systems as BI,XI,DMS is only
addressed in this document. Technical implementation and solutions related Solution Manager
ChaRM are not covered in the document.

1.4. Pre-requisites
Basic understanding of SAP R/3 and its related other SAP systems, it’s functioning, components
and Change Request Management flow is essential to understand the issues discussed in
document. The technical implementation need to be done up to level.

2. Why ChaRM
2.1. Control and Manage Changes:
By ChaRM we can easily manage the changes in all environments as Development, Quality and
Production systems of each and every landscape. With the help of ChaRM we can make 100%
transparency of all the changes and by this it can be controlled and manages in every phase.
There is fully controlled and managed process.

2.2. Maintain Transparency:

With the help of ChaRM functionality the transparency and documentation of the change
process from approval of a change request to the transport of the changes in follow on systems.

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2.3. Tracking and Audit Ability of Changes:
Using the ChaRM functionality there is ability to track each and every change request in all
environment by the single click, we can easily trace the current status and history of all the
changes made are in process.
In that way during the external and internal audit of the process and systems one can easily find
and produce the change documents and its related process with 100% transparency.

2.4. Efficient Use of Resources

Resources, such as mainly manpower, no one can have to wait for status change, approval and
movement of requests. As with the help of ChaRM physical documentation and approval
process is not needed and one can access and perform their tasks independently after triggering
the status change.By this we can save the time and reduce the business cost.

2.5. Reduce Risk of correction and project failure:

With the help of ChaRM

2.6. Minimize Business Interruption:

SAP provided features ChaRM in solution manager to comply with audits and legal requirements.
If there is reducing the physical involvement then obviously wait time reduce and the approval
procedure which is taking undefined waiting time.

3. Considerations in ChaRM Implementation:

3.1. Enforce standardized Change Process (ITIL Based):
As ITIL describes processes, procedures, tasks and checklists that are not organization-specific, used
by an organization for establishing integration with the organization's strategy, delivering value and
maintaining a minimum level of competency. It allows the organization to establish a baseline from
which it can plan, implement and measure. It is used to demonstrate compliance and to measure
improvement. ChaRM utilization enforces standardized change process.

3.2. Manage Track and categorized Change Request:

In the ChaRM we can easily manage the change requests track as what is the current status, the
request has been taken how much time in which phase as it is in DEV, QAS or in PRD and even it
is in development, approval, testing or any other like rejected or not accepted etc.

As per categorization we can categorize the requests as it is normal correction, urgent

correction etc.

3.3. Documentation of Implemented Changes:

As we know the ChaRM functionality is mainly process oriented and it gives transparent process.
In ChaRM each and every phase is being well documented. For each phase there is document
change document is being created. All the phases consist of various documents by which one
can do the impact analysis. Maintain the history of change audit log and so many things.

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3.4. Transport Scheduling & Tracking:
The change tracking function tracks changes in an SAP Solution Manager or IMG project. You
can track transport requests from the system in which they are created, to the systems into
which they are imported. All transport requests that of a project can be tracked across all the
systems in the project landscape. You can go to the transport logs, the import queue, the
transport request or task list, the SAP Solution Manager project, the satellite IMG project, or
the CTS project.

3.5. Project Cost Considerations:

Another important consideration in evaluating an archiving project is the cost involved in
implementing it. Even though a cost benefit analysis is not always the deciding factor in an
Archiving project, it certainly plays an important role in the decision making process.

Each and every organization has unique dynamics, external and internal, and it is not pragmatic
to apply a common yardstick to all situations. Various components affecting the cost of an
Archiving project is explained in Point 5.

4. ChaRM Project – What does it take?

4.1. Building the project Team:
During ChaRM implementation, it is not sufficient just a technical or functional person can do all
activity as technical implementation, business scenario, impact analysis, change management,
customization and testing and other related activity to make fully operational the ChaRM

The exact composition of the groups will vary according to the size and the internal organization
of the enterprise. The following groups are possible participants in archiving projects.

 R/3 System administration / BASIS

 Change Approval.
 Development and customization.
 Testing and validating the changes
 Persons responsible for the application.

4.2. Project Tasks and Time Lines

While it is neither possible nor pragmatic to prescribe a schedule to fit all projects, it may often
be useful to know the tasks and time involved in a ChaRM implementation. The following table
lists the tasks involved and the time required in a typical project. It is assumed that the
organization has only the main SAP modules implemented and the business complexity is

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Project Phase Duration Key Tasks Milestones

Program set up 3 days  Assemble project team Outline concept
 Identify project objectives created
 Create Outline concept
Business blue print 3 days  Requirement analysis Business
 Validate System Component and SP Blueprint sign
Level off
 Implementation plan
Realization 2 Weeks  Request Ids & roles on satellite User
systems / Build USER IDs & roles acceptance of
created on all satellite system
 Verify TMS settings for ChaRm
 RFC Connection creation / RFC TEST
 Activation of cross system Object
Locking - CSOL
 User training.
Go Live 2 Weeks  Determine type of project for ChaRM Project Close
(implementation / Maintenance)
 Create project
 Activate project for ChaRm
 Activate project for task lists
 Id's created in SolMan & satellite
 Establish Business Partners
 Approvals (Change Control process)
 Test creation of Change Request
 Test :Import transports between dev -
QA / QA to prod

4.3. Resource requirements

Resource requirements on a ChaRM implementation project will generally depend on the
modules that have been in use in the system. It will also depend on the complexity of each
business change request and technical environment. Customization of Data retrieval or
enhancement requirements would also affect the resource and effort required in a ChaRM

It is analyzed that that the organization has not only the core SAP modules implemented but
also solution manager is integrated with multi landscape and different geographical location the
business complexity is average.

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Resource Project Phase Skill required
Project Manager All Phases - Project Management.
– Customer (1) - Internal dynamics of the organization
- Key contacts for different divisions, groups etc
- SAP R/3 and related applications XI, BI&DMS
being used.
- Basic understanding of ChaRM flow.
Project Manager All Phases - Project Management
– Consulting (1) - Change Management
- SAP R/3 application
- SAP Solution Manager/ChaRM.

Business Business blue - Business Analytical skills

Scenario print. - Communication skills
Expert(1) Realization - SAP R/3 Functional Expertise (Including
Go Live configuration and customization)
- Change request and documentation.
- Project management.
Technical Realization - R/3 ABAP development experience
consultants(1) Go Live - Excellent verbal and written communication
- Team experience working with off-shore model
BASIS Realization - R/3 BASIS experience
consultants(1) Go Live - SOLMAN expert
- Knowledge of functional flow of ChaRM
- ChaRM knowledge preferred

Stake holders Business blue - Business specific knowledge

( to be available print - SAP User experience
through project Realization
on part time Go Live
basis )(1)

4.4. Implementation Costs

Costs Deciding factors

Hardware Costs - N/A

Software Costs – ChaRM of Solution - NIL

Manager ( It comes free with SAP standard S/W )
Software Costs – Storage system - N/A already Solution Manager has been
Installation costs - Service Charges
- Consulting fees
- Training costs

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Consulting costs - Project resource requirements
- Project timelines
- Number of modules in use
- Complexity of business environment
- Custom development for Data Retrieval

4.5. Maintenance Costs

Costs Influencing factors

 Server upgrade costs  N/A
 Network upgrade costs  N/A
 Personnel costs  Consulting resources
 Employee expense

4.6. Savings and Benefits:

Considering the importance of ChaRM in today’s business, ChaRM projects in most cases
considered as part of a enterprise Change Management Strategy. Corporate Information
management and retention policy also plays an important role in deciding to follow ChaRM.
The main benefit of implementing ChaRM.
1. Promote to paperless work as all the changes would be tracked via ChaRM then the
physical approval is not needed it shall go via ChaRM. By this we can save printing,
scanning and waiting time for physical presence of approver.
2. Promoting the transparent process.
3. Promoting to reduce risk of project failure.

5. Critical Success Factors

5.1. Experienced Project Team
Archiving of business data is a highly critical and complex process and one of the major factor in
ensuring it’s success is the experience of the project team in implementing Archiving projects.

ChaRM team has to have the right combination of SAP application, technical and ChaRM
knowledge in addition to the business functional knowledge. Understanding of the multitude of
issues involved becomes critical in understanding dependencies of data, retention times, archive
triggers and deciding implementation plan.

5.2. Involving all effected people

Another key to successful implementation of ChaRM projects is to turn the people effected into
people involved from the beginning of the project. It is important to take all the stakeholders
into confidence and involve them in different project phases. Stake holders could valuable
inputs in developing Business blueprint, designing and testing of the system.

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5.3. Communication and Change Management
ChaRM projects effects almost every department in an organization. With far reaching
implications, it is important to give due priority to change management and communication
Deciding of retention times for data, introduction of new user interfaces to access ChaRM are
some areas where the change management and communication skill of the project team would
be put to test.

5.4. Top Management commitment

The importance of commitment from top management for any successful project cannot be
over emphasized, and more so in a ChaRM project. Many times ChaRM effects the way middle
and senior management does reporting from the SAP system , which adds to the importance of
their commitment.

5.5. Project Management Expertise

Experience in managing complex information system projects is an important factor that will
contribute to the success of solution manager projects. The project manager should have
expertise in managing SAP projects and preferably solution manager projects.

6. Limitations of ChaRM:
6.1. ChaRM is project specific:
After technical implementation, the data remain linked to the corresponding component. Data
cannot be transferred or processed by other components. One business that involves several
application components cannot be archived as one over all process.

6.2. Not suitable without following planed document:

ChaRM is not suitable for deleting organizational units from the system. This operation could be
requested if a plant or a company division is sold and the corresponding data was no longer
required to be maintained. ChaRM cannot simply remove specific sub-areas from a system,
because the archiving objects rarely contain the exact data that needs to be removed.

7. Glossary
SAP ChaRM is called as change request management which is a tool of solution manager and
useful for the managing and maintaining the flow of change requests.

ITIL: Information technology Infrastructure Library is part of ITSM(Information Technology

Service Management) which describes standard process for managing the IT services.

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