ChaRM Project Plan PDF
ChaRM Project Plan PDF
ChaRM Project Plan PDF
1. Introduction
1.1. Document Objectives
The process of decision making involved in selecting the Change Request management solution
can get complex with the multitude of variables effecting the decision as well as the options
available. This document is intended to assist in analyzing, optimizing and implementing
different issues involved in moving the change requests In the landscape from DEV->QAS->PRD.
The objective is to maintain the process transparent and removing the complexities of TR
movement and approval process.
1.2. Scope
This document discusses and addresses the main drivers in deciding the complexity of Change
Request Management. An attempt is made to highlight various considerations for and against
Change management. It also highlights the benefits of ChaRM the solution manager
functionality on the one hand and the costs involved in implementing it and the limitations of
1.3. Limitations
Every organization operates in a unique environment and hence the considerations would also
be different. It is not possible to set a standard cost benefit equation that would be applicable to
all situations. However, the issues discussed in the document could help as a guideline to
develop one.
ChaRM in the context of SAP R/3 and its supportive integrated systems as BI,XI,DMS is only
addressed in this document. Technical implementation and solutions related Solution Manager
ChaRM are not covered in the document.
1.4. Pre-requisites
Basic understanding of SAP R/3 and its related other SAP systems, it’s functioning, components
and Change Request Management flow is essential to understand the issues discussed in
document. The technical implementation need to be done up to level.
2. Why ChaRM
2.1. Control and Manage Changes:
By ChaRM we can easily manage the changes in all environments as Development, Quality and
Production systems of each and every landscape. With the help of ChaRM we can make 100%
transparency of all the changes and by this it can be controlled and manages in every phase.
There is fully controlled and managed process.
Each and every organization has unique dynamics, external and internal, and it is not pragmatic
to apply a common yardstick to all situations. Various components affecting the cost of an
Archiving project is explained in Point 5.
The exact composition of the groups will vary according to the size and the internal organization
of the enterprise. The following groups are possible participants in archiving projects.
It is analyzed that that the organization has not only the core SAP modules implemented but
also solution manager is integrated with multi landscape and different geographical location the
business complexity is average.
ChaRM team has to have the right combination of SAP application, technical and ChaRM
knowledge in addition to the business functional knowledge. Understanding of the multitude of
issues involved becomes critical in understanding dependencies of data, retention times, archive
triggers and deciding implementation plan.
6. Limitations of ChaRM:
6.1. ChaRM is project specific:
After technical implementation, the data remain linked to the corresponding component. Data
cannot be transferred or processed by other components. One business that involves several
application components cannot be archived as one over all process.
7. Glossary
SAP ChaRM is called as change request management which is a tool of solution manager and
useful for the managing and maintaining the flow of change requests.