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10A Saturday, July 8, 2017 | West Plains Daily Quill Outdoors West Plains, Missouri | westplainsdailyquill.


Silver Dollar City attractions named top picks for summer travel
The arrival of summer one of the 17 Best Afford- stunt dogs, champion clog-
spotlights a great American able Destinations in the gers and cartoon characters
tradition: family summer USA by U.S. News & World through July 16.
travel. And as families look Report. And for true thrill Then the park’s night
for ways to pack adventure seekers, Silver Dollar City’s ride event Moonlight Mad-
into their limited time off – world-famous wood coaster ness, July 15 to 30, brings
and please all ages – parks Outlaw Run was recently ride-in-the-dark fun on the
and attractions that offer a recognized by MSN Travel park’s 40-plus rides and at-
broad range of rides and ac- as one of the Most Terrify- tractions, including Outlaw
tivities, such as Silver Dol- ing Roller Coasters in the Run, named Best New Ride
lar City theme park in World for the Ultimate of 2013 worldwide and fea-
Branson, rise to the top for Thrill. tured in Guinness World
weekend get-aways as well Another Silver Dollar City Records 2015.
as full vacation trips. Attraction, White Water wa- Also presented are eve-
Cited for a combination ter park garnered its own ning street dances and per-
of “scream-worthy” thrill superlatives, named to the formances by international
rides as well as family at- Travel Channel’s Top U.S. touring group Rockapella.
tractions and rides for Water Parks, with the new Another affiliated attrac-
smaller kids, Silver Dollar half-million dollar Coconut tion, the Showboat Bran-
City was recently named to Cove kids’ play area fea- son Belle, presents the new
the list of Best Amusement tured in’s New noon show Country On The
Parks for Families from Tri- Water Park Additions for Lake, a “Party on the Lake”
pAdvisor’s family travel site 2017. concert cruise featuring
Family Vacation Critic, and Now through July, Silver hits from classic rock to to-
in Top-Rated TripAdvisor Dollar City features the day’s country favorites, plus
Attractions in 50 States. family-focused festival Star- the popular evening show
Carried by outlets from Spangled Summer, featur- Celebrate and Princess and
MSN Travel and AOL to the ing the Harlem Globetrot- Pirate Cruises for kids.
Today Show’s website and ters, with nine new Information on Silver
Facebook, the national rec- Guinness World Records for Dollar City, White Water
ognition gives families more trick shots, in the final year and the Showboat Branson
reasons to vacation in of The Globetrotter Experi- Belle is at 800-831-
Branson, profiled along ence show. 4FUN(386) or www.silver-
with Silver Dollar City as The festival also presents

MDC, partners provide mentored

dove hunts for first-time hunters
Interested in dove hunt-
ing but have not yet given
it a try? The Missouri De-
partment of Conservation
(MDC) -- in partnership
with the National Wild Tur-
key Federation, Conserva-
tion Federation of Missouri,
Quail Forever, Missouri
Prairie Foundation, and
private landowners -- will
provide mentored dove
hunts for first-time hunt-
ers starting in September.
The hunts will take place
on 10 fields primarily lo-
cated on private land in or
near the communities of
Cabool, Chillicothe, Harts-
ville, Joplin, Lynchburg,
Mokane, Mtn. Grove, Par-
is, St. Genevieve and Wash-
According to event orga- New to dove hunting or hunting in general? Up-
nizers, there will be three coming mentored dove hunts for first-time hunters


hunts offered on each field, can help with the skills needed for success.
including one or two on
opening day of dove season who may have previously ty in addition to informa-

(Sept. 1) and then one or hunted doves. tion about dove biology and
two other days. Those Field assignments will be management, the impor-
dates are yet to be deter- determined on a first- tance of hunters and hunt-
mined. come-first-served basis. ing, and the opportunity to
Each field will be limited First-time hunters can at- practice shooting a shot-
to two first-time hunters tend multiple hunts as reg- gun.
and their mentors per acre istration space permits. Register for the men-
to maximize safety and pro- Each participating new tored dove hunts at tinyurl.
vide a quality experience. hunter will be assigned a com/nuv6gos. For more in-
Priority will be given to any- mentor and are encouraged formation on the hunts,
one 11 and older who is to attend a pre-hunt work- contact John Burk at 573-
hunting for the first time. shop or a hunter-education 676-5994 or jburk@nwtf.
Second priority will be giv- course prior to participat- net, or Elsa Gallagher at
en to new migratory bird ing in a hunt. Workshops 660-277-3647 or EGalla-
hunters and youths 11-15 provide basic hunter safe-

Ozark angler hooks state-record quillback Lease or Buy!

The Missouri Depart- fied scale at Shepherd of most suckers, leading to
ment of Conservation the Hills Hatchery. a carp-like appearance.
(MDC) reports that Tim- “I can’t believe it! This It can be distinguished
othy Keene of Ozark be- is an event I would have from carp by the lack of CAR SERVICE CENTER! REAL ESTATE ONLY.
came the most recent re- never dreamed of,” he barbels around the
cord-breaking angler in said. mouth. LOCATED ON CORNER OF HWY. 62 E AND
Missouri when he hooked The quillback fish is a Keene is unsure if he
a quillback on Bull part of the sucker family. is going to mount the fish MALLARD POINT ROAD. THIS PROPERTY
Shoals Lake in Taney It is deeper-bodied than or not.
County using a rod and FEATURES A BUILDING WITH OVER 4,900
The new “pole and line”
record quillback caught
by Keene on June 26
weighed 5 pounds, 13
ounces. It broke the pre-
vious state-record of 2
pounds, 12 ounces. Office, bathroom and shop areas have approx.
Keene and a fishing bud-
dy were using red and 1,200 sq. ft. of heated space. There is paved
purple-colored spoons
trying to catch walleye parking area for approximately 50 cars with
when he hooked the
state-record quillback. additional property to expand.
“The quillback put up
a pretty good fight. I

Only 45 Minutes From West Plains! $449,000

fought it for at least four
minutes until I got it in
the boat,” Keene said.
Keene said once he got
it in the boat he didn’t re- COURTESY PHOTO

ally know what type of

fish it was, but his fish-
Congratulations to Timothy Keene on break-
ing the pole-and-line state record by catching a
Mary Ann Caster,
ing buddy did.
“I’m pretty new at fish-
5-pound, 13-ounce quillback on Bull Shoals Lake.
ing so I don’t know all the
fish species, but my fish- Cell: 870-404-4758
ing buddy knew we had
a really nice size quill-
back,” he said. “After
some quick research, we
were confident we had a
new state-record fish.” 1357 Hwy. 62 SW
Keene says he still
can’t believe he has a Mountain Home, AR 72653
Missouri state record,

which was confirmed by

MDC staff using a certi-

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