Sue's Sweets

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net | West Plains, Missouri People & Events West Plains Daily Quill | Saturday, December 16, 2017 3A
By Kathie Ledgerwood-Cox
Quill Contributor

It may have seemed

that the library had “went
to the birds” last week
when 10 ladies and a
gentleman attended the
library’s first Coffee Club
activity – painting and
decorating miniature
birdhouses at the Christ- brary. There will be no site: texascountylibrary.
mas Crafting Party. The meeting in December., click on e-
creativity and conversa- The next meeting will be books, or come by the li-
tion made for a very en- Jan. 8, 2018, to plan the brary for assistance. Tex-
joyable day in the library. annual Princess Tea for as County Library cards
Future Coffee Club ac- Jan. 20. Meetings are in- are required.
tivities are in the works formal. New members are To view the catalog and
for the New Year, compli- invited to join this active download, go to our web-
ments of Texas County group in supporting and site: texascountylibrary.
Library and Summers- participating in the con-, click on “e-
ville Friends of the Li- tinuing growth of the books,” or come by the li-
OZARK SPRING CHAPTER members of the National Society of the Daughters Summersville Branch Li- brary for assistance. Tex-
brary and will be an-
of the American Revolution honored three locals during the Veteran’s Day nounced in this column. brary. as County Library cards
celebrations. From left: Chapter Regent Sue Evans, Carol Bussen, U.S. Navy The library’s Charlie Newspapers must be are required.
veteran Dale Brake, Gold Star Mother Irene Corp, WWII veteran Joe Spears, Brown Tree is up and read in-library only, but Summersville Library
Chaplain Jessica Joice-Frazier and Special Events Coordinator Lois Frazier. decorated. That means we now have four – Hous- is a branch of Texas
it’s time for Christmas ton Herald, Shannon County Library and lo-

Ozark Spring DAR honors three locals

reading, books-on-CD County Current Wave, cated at 480 First St., on
and Christmas movies, Summersville Beacon the south side of the
and Summersville Li- and West Plains Daily square, next door to Open
brary can fill just about Quill. Door in Summersville.
The Ozark Spring Chapter Daughters their country in the military back to the
any need for those. Check Yes, we are still collect- Business hours are 11
of the American Revolution (DAR) hon- Revolutionary War is a major part of ful-
out our online catalog or ing Best Choice barcodes. a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays
ored three area citizens during the recent filling their mission to promote patrio-
stop in to see what’s Drop them off at any Tex- through Fridays and 9
Veteran’s Day parade held in West Plains. tism. Organization members expressed
available! as County Library a.m. to 1 p.m Saturdays.
Gold Star mother Irene Corp, whose they were pleased to honor the three in-
All Texas County Li- Branch. Visit texascountyli-
son was killed in action during the Viet- dividuals who represent many who gave
brary branches will be Texas County Library or con-
nam War, was driven in a patriotically of themselves to protect and defend the
closed Dec. 25 to observe now has e-Books and au- tact the library: 417-932-
decorated car by chapter regent Sue Ev- U.S.
Christmas and will re- dio books available to 5261 or toll-free
ans. Chaplain Jessica Joice-Frazier drove Women who are 18 years of age and
open Dec. 26 for regular download for Texas 888-609-4491, or e-mail
Air Force veteran Joe Spears who repre- older and can prove bloodline lineage
business hours. County Library patrons. us: svlib@texascountyli-
sented those of the “greatest generation” back to a Revolutionary War Patriot are
The Summersville To view the catalog and, or fax:
who fought in WWII. Navy veteran Dale eligible to join DAR. Non-DAR members
Friends of the Library download, go to our web- 417-932-5262.
Brake was driven in the parade by spe- are welcome to attend chapter meetings,
group meets at 5 p.m on
cial events coordinator Lois Frazier. held at 2 p.m. on the first Saturday of
the second Monday of
Brake directed aircraft on the USS Kitty each month in the Parish Hall of All
each month at the li-
Hawk and represented those commem- Saints Episcopal Church, 107 Curry St.

orating the 50th anniversary of the Viet- in West Plains. Anyone wishing to learn
nam War.
Chapter member Carol Bussen carried
more about DAR and projects such as
the group’s participation in the Veteran’s AL-ANON WHILE
a patriotic sign in the parade to recog- Day parade is welcome to attend. Al-Anon meetings are SUPPLY
nize the Ozark Spring Chapter. Follow- For more information about Ozark LASTS
held Mondays through
ing the parade, chapter members assist- Spring Chapter NSDAR and its programs, Thursdays in Howell
ed with serving the luncheon meal at the visit on LOCAL OWNED AND OPERATED
West Plains Civic Center. the web, or contact Chapter Regent Sue The group meets at 7 Holiday Merchandise
DAR members say honoring current Evans at 417-962-0166 or Chapter Vice-
military personnel and those who served Regent Pattye Lester at 256-2426.
p.m. Mondays at the 25% Off Thru Dec. 26th
Presbyterian Church,

205 E. Second St. in Mtn. Parkway Shopping Center • West Plains, MO
DEAR ANNIE By Annie Lane View, call 417-247-0566;
7 p.m. Tuesdays at the

Thief in the family? Don’t jump to conclusions All Saints Episcopal

Church, 107 S. Curry in Light Up the Holidays…
Dear Annie: My wife and I have always But whatever happens, assure your wife
West Plains, 257-8832; With a gift certificate from
6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at
enjoyed hosting events for our family over it’s not her fault. Try to help her find oth- Sacred Heart Catholic
the years. This past July, for a second time, er ways to honor her mother’s memory. Church, 1050 W. Busi-
we hosted a cousins reunion, which Dear Annie: Though your response to ness 60-63, Willow
brought approximately 40 guests to our “Personality Problems” – who is frustrated Springs, 417-469-5706;
home. Our home is not huge, so everyone her husband doesn’t seem to care as much and 11 a.m. Thursdays
had access to all parts of it. The children about the grandkids – provided some good 417-255-1407
at St. Mary’s Catholic 906 Porter Wagoner Blvd.
ran and played throughout our home, and pointers, I feel that you missed something Church, 1551 Bill Virdon West Plains, MO
the adults were happy to socialize inside important. Blvd., West Plains, 255- Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:00 • Extra Hours By Appointment
and outside. Reread her letter and note how focused 9724. 485148VR
The reason I am writing is that approx- – one might say obsessed – the writer is
imately a month after this event, my wife about her grandchildren. Note that she
was going to wear her mother’s wedding
ring (a gold band with five large diamonds)
seems very self-satisfied, probably because
she is getting everything she wants, with Beer
to a social event, but she discovered it
missing from her jewelry box. She had al-
the exception of having her husband want
all those things, too. Wine
ways kept this ring in a special place in While she’s observing that he never
her jewelry box, and it was her mother’s
most prized possession.
misses the grandkids when they are away
traveling, he is probably observing that all
Needless to say, it makes us sick to think
that someone would have taken this ring,
she talks about while they’re away is how
she wishes she were home so she could Unique Gifts
but we have no idea what else could have see the kids, pressuring him to end the BEVERAGE SHOP & CAFÉ
happened to it. We have asked our chil- trip earlier than he wants to.
dren and grandchildren whether they saw
anyone looking through her jewelry box,
And is it possible that the reason he has
few hobbies or friends is that she does not
Try our Tasty & Healthy
but they said they saw no one. Nothing
else in the jewelry box was disturbed. It is
approve of the things he wants to do or
the people he wants to befriend?
Lunch Menu!
coming up on the holidays, and we usu- What I saw when I read the letter were Call ahead and
ally send out a Christmas newsletter about two people with very different ideas about use our drive-thru
the year’s events. My wife feels guilty be- what retirement should be like for them.
cause in her mind, this ring was entrust-
ed to her for safekeeping and she failed
I also perceived how controlling one of
those people seems to be. Her husband
(417) 257-9151
her mother. We are at a loss as to what to might be more willing to be a good grand-
do. Should we mention the ring in this let- father if he also had the opportunity to
ter or just let it go? – Feeling Betrayed satisfy his own needs in retirement. – In
Dear Feeling Betrayed: Jump to con- Similar Shoes
clusions and you’ll land in a mess. There Dear Similar Shoes: One thing I love
are many explanations for why the ring about writing this column is that readers
has gone missing that don’t involve fam-
ily betrayal. Maybe it was lost or stolen be-
are happy to chime in with their own ex-
periences to help fill a story out. Every let- Wanda knows wine!
fore the reunion; maybe one of the chil- ter tells one side of a story, but I know
dren decided to use it to propose to a crush. there are many other sides out there. You
I see no harm in including a brief note make a great point. Perhaps “Personality 307 Kentucky, Bradford Square
about it in your family newsletter. The larg- Problems” should look inward. Thanks for
er your search party the better your odds. writing. West Plains


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