Sue's Sweets
Sue's Sweets
Sue's Sweets
net | West Plains, Missouri People & Events West Plains Daily Quill | Saturday, December 16, 2017 3A
By Kathie Ledgerwood-Cox
Quill Contributor
orating the 50th anniversary of the Viet- in West Plains. Anyone wishing to learn
nam War.
Chapter member Carol Bussen carried
more about DAR and projects such as
the group’s participation in the Veteran’s AL-ANON WHILE
a patriotic sign in the parade to recog- Day parade is welcome to attend. Al-Anon meetings are SUPPLY
nize the Ozark Spring Chapter. Follow- For more information about Ozark LASTS
held Mondays through
ing the parade, chapter members assist- Spring Chapter NSDAR and its programs, Thursdays in Howell
ed with serving the luncheon meal at the visit on LOCAL OWNED AND OPERATED
West Plains Civic Center. the web, or contact Chapter Regent Sue The group meets at 7 Holiday Merchandise
DAR members say honoring current Evans at 417-962-0166 or Chapter Vice-
military personnel and those who served Regent Pattye Lester at 256-2426.
p.m. Mondays at the 25% Off Thru Dec. 26th
Presbyterian Church,
205 E. Second St. in Mtn. Parkway Shopping Center • West Plains, MO
DEAR ANNIE By Annie Lane View, call 417-247-0566;
7 p.m. Tuesdays at the
down - some below
holiday party
or at dealer cost!
513928c Cocktails - Appetizers today!
Dinner - Dessert
1 mile north of Junction 14, on right in big blue building 513547j