Periodic Trends Cheat Sheet

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Periodic Trends Cheat Sheet

Atomic Radius = one half the distance between the nuclei of identical atoms bonded together.
 Atomic radius decreases across periods due to the increased positivity in the nucleus,
and thus increased Zef.
 Atomic radius generally increases down groups due to valence electrons filling orbitals
in higher principal energy levels (n) further from the nucleus.

Ionic Radii = radius of the most common ion of an element

 Cations are smaller than their corresponding neutral atoms due to protons > electrons
 Anions are larger than their corresponding neutral atoms due to protons < electrons

Ionization Energy= the energy required to remove one electron from an atom or ion in the
gaseous state.
 Ionization energy increases across periods due to the increased positivity in the nucleus,
and thus increased Zef holds the electrons more tightly
 Ionization energy generally decreases down groups due to electrons being further away
from the nucleus and therefore held less tightly (Coulomb’s Law), and increased shielding by
core electrons.
 The 1st ionization energy < 2nd ionization energy < 3rd ionization energy; each
successive electron is more difficult to remove due to protons holding remaining electrons
more tightly.

Electronegativity = a measure of the ability of an atom to attract electrons

 Electronegativity generally increases across periods due to the increase in valence
electrons. As a valence shell gets closer to being full, atoms are better able to attract
 Electronegativity generally decreases down groups due to valence electrons being
farther from the nucleus.

Metallic Character = Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity (recall that metallic bonds
form a “sea” of shared electrons in their valence shell
 Metallic character decreases across a period due to increased nuclear charge restricting
electron flow
 Metallic character increases down a group due to electrons existing in higher principal
energy levels (n)that are less restricted by nuclear charge due to increased distance from the

Electron Affinity = the energy change associated with the gaining of an electron by an atom.
Electron affinity values are often negative because an atom or ion generally releases energy when it
gains an electron (an exothermic reaction). The more negative the value, the greater affinity the
atom has for electrons.
 Most groups do not exhibit a trend in electron affinity, however alkali metals have
affinity values that become more positive down the group (adding an electron becomes less
Trend name Period trend Group Trend

Atomic Radius Decrease Increase

Ionization energy Increase Decrease

Electronegativity Increase Decrease

Metallic Character Decrease Increase
Increases Decreases
Electron Affinity
(more negative) (more positive)
 Electron affinity becomes more negative (more exothermic) moving across a period.
The halogens have the greatest (most negative) electron affinities.

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