Natural Oils and Fats
Natural Oils and Fats
Natural Oils and Fats
Introduction 3 Macadamia Nut Oil 17
Apricot Kernel Oil 8 Mango Kernel Butter 18
Avocado Oil 9 Passion Flower Oil 19
Castor Oil 10 Rice Bran Oil 20
Cocoa Butter 11 Safflower Oil 21
Evening Primrose Oil 12 Sesame Oil 22
Gold of Pleasure Oil 13 Shea Butter 23
Grape Seed Oil 14 Shorea Butter 24
Hazelnut Oil 15 Sweet Almond Oil 25
Jojoba Oil 16 Wheat Germ 26
Since the early days of mankind, vegetable oils and fats have been
used to treat the skin to retain its natural beauty and to cure skin
disorders. Depending on the locally available plant resources and the
experience gathered over ages, each tribe or region got used to its
own specific and preferred oils and fats.
Western civilization has successfully exploited a structures were discovered. Due to the increasing
number of these oils which became readily available demand for natural, non-animal derived products as
as reasonably priced food oils and applied these, well as the vastly improved knowledge of the mode
amongst others, in cosmetic formulations. As a of action of the individual components of products of
result useful minor oils, which were well known in natural origin, the interest for vegetable oils is
ancient times were phased out in the last decades resurgent.
by economical, larger volume oils or synthetic
products. This compilation of well known exotic oils and fats is
intended as a brief guide for technical and marketing
As science started to explore more systematically people in the cosmetic industry to assist them in the
all available seeds and their oils, many very proper choice of one of the main ingredients of their
interesting oils were discovered and brought back formulations.
into prominence. Also hitherto completely unknown
oils with very unusual properties and chemical
Vegetable oils offering a lot of ‘depth’ to their bond from the tail. The different ‘omega types’, e.g.
approach as cosmetic ingredients. What about the 3 or 6, are metabolised within their own pathway,
beautiful names such as gold of pleasure, the nice but enzymes are shared over the two pathways,
tropical countries many butters come from, the possibly enabling manipulating with supplementation
taste of the avocado fruit, or e.g. the beautiful to push certain pathways in a more anti-inflammatory
flowers of passionflower or sesame! A lot of direction. A short ‘omega countdown’ follows here.
opportunities here!
Confidence Oleic acid is the most well-known omega-9 fatty
Even in food, the general public has recognised the acid, and is found in many vegetable oils, like olive
importance of fatty seeds and fats in our food, as and hazelnut oil. Some oils occur both as a linoleic-
reflected in diets relying on food sources that has and oleic-rich ‘version’, such as safflower and
been part of our diet since thousands of years. An sunflower oil, differing in oxidative stability, but also
example is the respected avocado oil, obtained from e.g. skin feel.
a delicious fruit, eaten as guacamole. An intimate
relationship is seen between vegetable oils and our Omega-7
own body - fatty acids are part of the human skin Examples of omega-7 fatty acids are the
surface lipids! Vegetable oils (we should also read monounsaturated palmitoleic acid (C16:1n7) and
‘butters’) show we can use nature’s benefits just as cis-vaccenic acid (C18:1n7). Palmitoleic acid occurs
nature has intended it. in relatively high quantities (approx. 20%) in
macadamia nut oil, an oil which easily has a
Basic efficacy monounsaturated fatty acid content (80%) higher
Oils can do a lot more than just moisturise, and their than e.g. olive oil.
biological efficacy is not just based on the
unsaponifiable fraction or trace components, but Macadamia nut oil has been the subject of several
also on their triglyceride fraction, as we will see. studies investigating the health benefits, as shown
on cholesterol profile in humans (Griel et al 2008).
Omega oils Palmitoleic acid has shown to improve insulin
When talking about oils, the term ‘omega’ often resistance in mice, partly owing to supressing
appears, even among the general public. Chemically proinflammatory gene expressions (Yang et al
speaking it indicates the position of the first double 2011).
An important advantage in skin care is the superb Many health advantages are connected to GLA. Oral
penetration of macadamia nut oil, and the velvety consumption of GLA improved dry skin (Kawamura
feel, making it a highly desired ingredient in personal et al 2011), and evening primrose oil improved skin
care formulations. moisture, TEWL, elasticity, firmness, fatigue
resistance and roughness in healthy adults (Muggli
An additional advantage of the oil is the oxidative 2005). Topically applied GLA reduced itching (Chen,
stability. Although it is already quite stable, stability Chiu and Wu 2006), and GLA (as borage oil) has
can even be improved easily by adding antioxidants, also been studied in a test as a possible
as in-house studies have shown, contributing to the transcutaneous delivery system for the delivery of
confidence in the freshness of the final product. agents against breast cancer (Karia et al 2004).
Shea butter is an example of a product where the biological actions are ascribed to its
unsaponifiable fraction, typically present at 4 to 8% in the refined butter. Moreover, shea butter is
a perfect ingredient as it can be approached from different angles, while raising the local living
standards in the country of origin.
Apricot Kernel Oil is a light yellow oil with a relatively dry non greasy
feel, being lower in saturated fatty acids than other triglyceride
vegetable oils. The oil is obtained by pressing of the kernels.
Origin similar to almonds, but cost less and have many uses
It was probably the Chinese who first cultivated in confectionary items. The Italian “Amaretti di
apricots before 2,000 B.C. Presumably the fruit was Saronno” owes its flavour and texture to apricot
spread westward by silk traders, which resulted in its kernels. Apricot kernels are also used in traditional
reaching Persia by the 1st century B.C. and Greece Chinese medicine.
and Rome soon afterwards. The Greeks wrongly
supposed the fruit to have originated in Armenia and Properties
called it Armenian apple, hence its botanical name. Apricot Kernel Oil is a useful emollient as it has a
The Romans, impressed by its early ripening, named good “slip” and good occlusive properties. These
it “praecocium” (precocious) and from this comes properties enable the oil to act as a moisturising
apricot. Nowadays the apricot is grown extensively in agent by preventing excessive loss of moisture
all regions with a warmer temperate climate. Outside through the epidermis. The oil is characterized by a
the Mediterranean large plantations are also found in somewhat dry feel.
California, South Africa, Australia and China. Apricots
are mainly cultivated for their delicate fruits which can
be eaten fresh, dried and canned. Apricot kernels are
(Persea gratissima)
(Ricinus communis)
Castor Oil is a very light viscous oil with a slight but characteristic
odour. It is the only triglyceride oil with up to 90% ricinoleic
acid which gives it its unique property of being soluble in alcohol.
Furthermore, it is an extremely stable oil with a unique
solubilisation power.
Origin Properties
Castor is an annual or perennial plant indigenous to Castor Oil is being “rediscovered” by the cosmetic
Eastern Africa but now widely grown in tropical and industry. It can be described as a substance
sub-tropical countries with low rainfall. It is a bushy with a triglyceride structure so uniform that it
plant with soft spiny fruits somewhat like chestnuts outperforms most oil and fat derivatives now used
which contain gray and black mottled seeds. in cosmetics. Its viscosity is higher, it is light in
Castor Oil intended for cosmetic applications color and resists oxidation very well.
is obtained by pressing followed by parification Castor Oil has a favorable toxicology profile with
treatments. respect to topical use. Castor is a mild moisturiser
and is non-comedogenic, with excellent film
forming and pigment-wetting properties. It is used
in lip balms, massage oils, creams and a wide
range of stick products. The high solubilisation
power of Castor Oil gives it a unique position
among the vegetable oils.
(Theobroma cacao)
Crude Cocoa Butter has a distinct chocolate flavor and aroma. Properties
Cocoa Butter is one of the most stable fats known, containing Cocoa Butter has been used in high quality cosmetics for
natural antioxidants that prevent rancidity and give it a long centuries. More and more, the constituents of cocoa, such
storage life, making it a good and confident choice for non- as polyphenols, are linked to favourable health effects, in
food products. The smooth texture and emollient property of particular related to their anti-inflammatory properties and
Cocoa Butter make it a popular ingredient in cosmetics and the antioxidant properties which may help to reduce oxidation
skin care products, such as creams, soaps and lotions. of LDL-cholesterol and fight reactive oxygen species. In other
words, they can form a factor against atherosclerosis, heart
Origin diseases and a large variety of illnesses related to reactive
The cacao tree is a small, tropical, evergreen tree which oxygen species. In addition, cocoa has also been linked to a
grows to approximately between 4 to 8 meter in height. The favourable effect on the immune system.
tree is native to Central and South America and the West
Indies. Today the cacao tree is cultivated in West Africa, Java, Benefits
Ceylon, Costa Rica, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Cocoa Butter contains natural antioxidants that give it a
other tropical places. long shelf life. Cocoa Butter is mainly used as a thickening
The cacao tree is a member of the Sterculiaceae plant family. agent and is a common ingredient in lipsticks, soaps and
The seeds of the cacao tree were considered to be very emollient creams. It is used as a superb moisturiser in many
valuable and in ancient times, the seeds were used as an early formulations. It is also a folk remedy for burns, cough, dry
form of money; the Mayan people of Mexico traded cacao lips, fever, malaria, rheumatism, snakebite and wounds.
seeds extensively throughout their empire. Cocoa was named
Theobroma and means ‘food of the gods’.
Evening Primrose Oil is obtained from the tiny seeds of the Oenothera biennis, in
which the oil is present in a ca. 20% concentration. Recently Evening Primrose
Oil has received a great deal of attention, because it contains the rare essential
fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid, which is found in only a few other plant species.
Origin Properties
Gold of Pleasure Oil is the oil obtained from The oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. It
Camelina sativa. Other names include false flax contains high levels (ca. 34%) of alpha-linolenic
or Camelina, German sesame or Siberian oilseed. acid (C18:3n3). Omega-6 fatty involve linoleic
The old name for the plant in Dutch refers to the acid, present in ca. 18%. Furthermore, it contains
yolk-yellow colour of the flowers. It is a flowering omega-9 fatty acids. It contains oleic acid (ca.
plant from the Brassicaceae family. It is native to 14%), and, which is quite rare, eicosenoic acid
southeast Europe and southwest Asia, and has (ca. 15%). Omega-3 fatty acids are known for
been introduced to other parts of the world, such their anti-inflammatory effects and the inhibitory
as Northern America. It often occurs as a weed effects on platelet aggregation. The (longer, more
accompanying flax, hence the name ‘false flax’. The unsaturated) metabolites of linolenic acid have
main growth area was from East Europe to Central important functions in the human body, such as
Asia. in the brain and retina. Gold of Pleasure is a nice
example of an oil containing omega 3, 6, and 9
The plants are 50 to 100 cm high, with 5 to 8 fatty acids in significant quantities.
cm long arrow-shaped leaves. The fruit is a 7
to 10 mm long pear-like pod, containing 8 to 10 Omega-6 fatty acids play an important role in the
yellow or brownish yellow small seeds. The use of skin. An essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) would
Gold of Pleasure has a very long history. There is result in a scaly skin with a high water loss. It has
archeological evidence that it has been grown in even been shown that the supplementation of
Europe over at least 3000 years. The earliest find certain oils improve the barrier function of elderly
sites include places in Switzerland and Greece. people. Gold of Pleasure Oil has been an edible oil
During the Bronze Age and Iron Age it was an in Europe, up until the 1950’s after which rape took
important crop in Greece. Archeological studies over the role.
suggest that gold of pleasure was part of the ritual
of sacrifice, ca. 2000 years ago. Unfortunately, this change has not been hindered
by the knowledge we now have about the
beneficial role of e.g. omega-3 fatty acids and the
importance of an optimal balance between the
fatty acids. Gold of Pleasure Oil is also appreciated
for its potential health benefits in food, as shown in
oral intake studies.
Origin Properties
Although the grapevine has been around for Grape Seed Oil is a relatively quick-penetrating oil
thousands of years, commercial oil extraction from with a dry skin feel. It has an extraordinary high
the pips is a fairly new process, probably because content of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid (EFA)
unrefined Grape Seed Oil is considered unpalatable which is readily taken up by the skin and reduces
and adequate refining processes were not available the Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) and
until this century. Virtually all Grape Seed Oil is thereby restores the elasticity of the skin.
produced in France and Italy, and most of it is used
as a fine cooking salad oil. Unlike other oils which work by occlusion
only, Grape Seed Oil functions curatively by
incorporation of the EFA into the stratum corneum,
which might give a much longer lasting effect than
occlusive oils.
(Corylus avellana)
Origin Properties
Hazelnuts probably originate from Asia Minor, but Thanks to its fatty acid composition, it is a very
have spread all over the world in regions with a stable oil, which can be used as an emollient in
temperate climate. Hazelnuts have been used as a a wide range of skin care products. Due to its
source of oil since the Bronze Age, but most of the fatty acid composition it has excellent occlusive
nuts are still used for desserts and confectionery properties, enabling it to act as a moisturing agent
products. by preventing excessive loss of moisture through the
epidermis. Hazelnut Oil has a ‘rich’ skin feel and has
good lubricity properties, making it a nice ingredient
for massage products.
(Simmondsia chinensis)
Origin Properties
The macadamia tree is indigeneous to an area The major fatty acids of Macadamia Nut Oil are oleic
around Brisbane in Queensland, Eastern Australia. acid (about 59%), and palmitoleic acid (about 20%).
However, it was introduced to Hawaii and other sub- One of the ideas behind the use of Macadamia Nut
tropical countries in the late 19th century and now Oil in skin care cosmetics is to replenish components
Hawaii and Australia are the world largest producers which decrease with ageing. It is one of the most pe-
of macadamia nut. The macadamia nut is called “the netrating oils known, and therefore sometimes called
king of the nuts” and is being considered “the crème a “vanishing oil” because of its rapid absorption by the
de la crème” of nuts. The oil is produced by cold skin. Thus it is a valuable component in a broad range
pressing of the nuts and is refined after pressing. of skin care cosmetics. It has a remarkable, rich,
The old name Macadamia ternifolia is still often velvety skin feel. The relatively high level of palmitoleic
used, the species used are actually Macadamia acid fits well into the awareness of the possible heal-
integrifolia or Macadamia tetraphylla. thy influence of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Origin Properties
The passionflower is a climbing plant, native in Passionflower Oil is a relatively quick penetrating
tropical Brasil and is now grown in tropical areas. oil with a dry skin feel. It has an extraordinary high
It has very remarkable crowned flowers. Jesuit content of linoleic acid (up to 75%). Linoleic acid
missionaries considered the flowers to symbolise is an essential fatty acid required for the synthesis
the crucifixion of Christ, because of the similarities of stratum corneum membrane lipids. It helps
between the floral structure and the wounds and providing a permeability barrier and has a large
nails. The fruits are purple fleshy berries of the size effect on the transepidermal water loss (TEWL).
of hen’s eggs and are highly appreciated in exotic It plays an important role in the maintenance of
desserts. The soft, yellow-orange coloured pulp is epidermal integrity, and the elasticity of the skin.
often used in fruit juices. The moisturisation effect of Passionflower Oil
might occur via other routes than occlusion alone,
and might therefore generate a more long-lasting
moisturising effect.
Refined Rice Bran Oil is a yellow oil, obtained from the hulls of rice. It
is characterised by a high content of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty
acids and a high percentage (ca. 2.5%) of unsaponifiables, which are
very valuable for many cosmetic applications. The presence of these
unsaponifiables makes it also a very stable oil.
Origin Properties
Rice Bran Oil is obtained by solvent extraction. The fatty acid profile of Rice Bran Oil is
The oil is still mainly produced in the Far East, in characterised by almost equal amounts of oleic
particular in Japan, and is there highly appreciated and linoleic acid, the latter being an extremely
as a superior cooking oil with an excellent stability important component for maintaining the moisture
and more recently also as a valuable ingredient for and elasticity of the skin. Rice Bran Oil is of special
cosmetic applications. importance for the cosmetic industry due to its
high content of very valuable unsaponifiables. It is
a very rich source of tocopherols, tocotrienols and
phytosterols. Of particular interest in Rice Bran Oil
is the compound γ-Oryzanol. γ-Oryzanol is a mixture
containing several phytosterols linked to ferulic acid.
It exerts various important activities on the skin, e.g.
it enhances the peripheral blood flow and it filters UV
light. The interest in Rice Bran Oil is partly based on
the recognised beneficial properties of γ-oryzanol.
(Carthamus tinctorius)
Origin Properties
Safflower is a thistle like plant with attractive orange- Safflower Oil is relatively quick-penetrating oil with a
red flowers, which favours semi arid conditions. dry skin feel. Because of its low oxidative stability,
Safflower is the worlds oldest crop grown for it would require a proper stabilisation to ensure an
thousands of years. It has been grown for a very acceptable shelf life. It has an extraordinary high
long time in parts of Africa and Asia, involving content of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid (EFA)
India, the Middle East, and Ethiopia. It provided a which is readily taken up by the skin and reduces
source of red and yellow dyes used as colorant for the Trans Epidermal Water Loss (TEWL) and thereby
fabrics and for food. Remains of safflower were restores the elasticity of the skin. Unlike other oils
even found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Although which work by occlusion only, the EFA in Safflower
safflower is still grown as a source of natural dyes, Oil is anticipated to be incorporated in the skin
once the exceptional quality of the Safflower Oil was barrier, which would result in a longer lasting effect
recognised in the course of this century, the interest than occlusive oils.
for this crop gradually shifted to the production of
oil. Currently it is cultivated as a commercial seed
crop in many semi arid parts of the world, like India,
Mexico, California and Australia.
Refined Sesame Oil is the refined oil obtained from the seeds of
sesame. It is characterised by a high content of natural sesame oil-
specific antioxidants such as sesamin and sesamolin, resulting in a
high stability of the oil.
(Sesamum indicum)
Shea Butter is a somewhat soft butter, obtained from the kernels of the
shea tree. Refined Shea Butter is a highly appreciated butter in the field
of cosmetics.
(Shorea robusta)
The almond tree is believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean countries,
but is now particularly cultivatedin warm, sunny climates of Spain, Italy, California and
China. The almonds flower in January with a profusion of frothy white blossom, which
makes it a very attractive tree in that time of the year. The almonds are wrapped
in a tough green husk, which at harvest splits open to reveal the nut inside. Sweet
almonds are used as dessert nut and as almond paste or butter in confectionery
Refined Sweet Almond Oil is widely used as an emollient and carrier in the cosmetic
and pharmaceutical industry. It can be used in a wide range of clear products, such
as massage oils and bath oils. It has good occlusive properties, enabling it to act as a
moisturising agent by preventing excessive loss of moisture through the epidermis.
Origin Properties
Because of the very low oil amount present, most Since many years Wheat Germ Oil has gained
of the oil is solvent extracted. In a few rare cases its place in the cosmetic industry, because of its
Wheat Germ Oil is produced by cold pressing only. excellent efficacy in many skin care products.
Because of the huge grain processing facilities The oil is a well known carrier of vitamin E.
in the Mid West of the United States, most of the The tocopherol content of crude Wheat Germ Oil
wheat germ is produced in the U.S.A. exceeds 2,000 ppm, but even the refined oil still
easily contains over 1,000 ppm tocopherol.
Apart from vitamin E, Wheat Germ Oil also contains
high amounts of phytosterols. Furthermore it
contains many essential fatty acids - over 50%
linoleic acid (omega-6) and about 6% of alpha-
linolenic acid (omega-3).
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