GeodeticLeveling Manual NOS NGS 3

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Geodetic Leveling
National Geodetic Survey
Rockville, Md.
August 1981
Reprinted June


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Ocean Survey

Geodetic Leveling
M. Christine Schomaker, Lt., NOAA
Ralph Moore Berry

National Geodetic Survey

Rockville, Md.
August 1981

Supersedes Coast and Geodetic Survey Special

Publication 239, Manual of Geodetic Leveling, 1948.


Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

John V. Byrne, Administrator

National Ocean Survey

H. R. Lippold, Jr., Director

For sale by the National Geodetic InFormation Center. Rockville. MD 20852

Price $9.00


ABSTRACT: This manual furnishes instructions and background

information suitable for establishing and maintaining vertical con-
trol. It presents general specifications and detailed instructions for
(1) reconnaissance and bench mark setting, (2) geodetic leveling, (3)
water and valley crossings, and (4) data processing in the field. These
instructions should be used by field surveyors engaged in collecting
elevation data for inclusion in the National Geodetic Vertical Network.

Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endorsement by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Use for publicity or advertising purposes of information
from this publication concerning proprietary products or the tests of such products is not authorized.

Geodetic Leveling
M. Christine Schomaker, Lt., NOAA
Ralph Moore Berry

National Geodetic Survey

Rockville, Md.
August 1981
Reprinted June 20001
Supersedes Coast and Geodetic Survey Special
Publication 239, Manual of Geodetic Leveling, 1948.


Malcolm Baldrlge, Secretary

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

John V. Byrne, Administrator

National Ocean Survey

H. R. Uppold, Jr., Director


ABSTRACT: This manual furnishes instructions and background

information suitable for establishing and maintaining vertical con-
trol. It presents general specifications and detailed instructions for
(1) reconnaissance and bench mark setting, (2) geodetic leveling, (3)
water and valley crossings, and (4) data processing in the field. These
instructions should be used by field surveyors engaged in collecting
elevation data for inclusion in the National Geodetic Vertical Network.

Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endorsement by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Use for publicity or advertising purposes of information
from this publication concerning proprietary products or the tests of such products is not authorized.
The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) of the National Ocean Survey, a compo-
nent of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), estab-
lishes and maintains the National Geodetic Vertical Network. Specifications and
instructions presented in this manual should be used by any agency collecting
geodetic leveling data for inclusion in the national network. Revised material will
be issued by NGS when procedures and instructions change.
Owners of this manual wishing to receive updated information must complete
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for updated material, based on postage and actual handling time, at the time revi-
sions are sent. There will be no charge for printing unless the revision is extensive.
Comments and suggestions should be directed to: Chief, Vertical Network Di-
vision, National Geodetic Survey, C14, National Ocean Survey, NOAA, Rock-
ville, MD 20852.

National Geodetic Survey

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ABSTRACT ................ ii
PREF ACE ................ iii
Chapter 1. VERTICAL CONTROL NETWORKS ...............................................................................
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... I-I
1.2 Development of Geodetic Leveling ............................................................................... I-I
1.3 Height Systems .......................................................................... 1-3
1.4 National Geodetic Vertical Control Network ............................................................... 1-4
Chapter 2. RECONNAISSANCE AND BENCH MARK SETIING .................................................. 2-1
2.1 Introduction ..................... 2-1
2.2 Organizing a Mark setting Unit .................................................................................... 2-1
2.2.1 Personnel ......................................................................... 2-1
2.2.2 Equipment ............................................. 2-2
2.2. 3 Safety. ............................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.4 Reports.................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Routing a Line for Leveling _.~ ................................ 2-4
2.3.1 Preliminary Data ............. 2-4
2.3.2 Liaison................................................................................................................... 2-9
2.3.3 Routing Speci fications ... .... 2-19
2.3.4 Connections ......................................................... 2-20
2.3.5 Records ................................................................................................................. 2-23
2.4 Vertical Control Points .................................................................................................. 2-25
2.4.1 Control Point Recovery ........................................................................................ 2-25
2.4.2 Bench Mark Setting. ..... 2-26
2.4.3 Assigning Geographic Positions ........................................................................... 2-28
2.4.4 Descriptions ............................................................................................... 2-34
2.5 Relocating Vertical Control Points .............. 2-44
2.6 References ............................................................................................. 2-47
Chapter 3. GEODETIC LEVELING .....................................................................................................
3.1 Introduction.. ............... 3-1
3.1.1 General Procedures .............................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.2 Sources of Error ...................................................................................................
3.1.3 Tolerances ............. 3-6
3.2 Organizing a Leveling Unit ...........................................................................................
3.2.1 Personnel ...... ............ 3-6
3.2.2 Equipment ............................................................................................................
3.2. 3 Safety ................................ 3-9
3.2.4 Reports.................................................................................................................. 3-9
3.3 Leveling Instruments ... ... 3-11
3.3.1 Classification '" ..... 3-11
3.3.2 Telescope System.................................................................................................. 3-13
3.3.3 Compensator System ... .......... 3-14
3.3.4 Optical Micrometer .. ........... 3-22
3.3.5 Use and Maintenance .......... 3-23
3.3.6 Sighting Distance ...... 3-27
3.3.7 Collimation Check ...... 3-29
3.3.8 Compensation Check ... ......
3.4 Leveling Rods ................................................................................................................
3.4.1 Description............................................................................................................
3.4.2 Cali bra tion ............................................................................................................
3.4.3 Use and Maintenance ................ 3-44
3.5 Turning Points ..... 3-46
3.5.1 Selection and Use. ......... 3-46
3.5.2 Pacing Balanced Setups ....... 3-47
3.6 Atmospheric Conditions.................................................................................................
3.6.1 Air Temperature, Sun, and Wind .......................................................................
3.6.2 Leveling in Extreme Conditions ...... 3-50

3.7 Observing Routine... ................................................ 3-51

3.7.1 General Instructions ................... 3-51
3.7.2 Micrometer Leveling ................................................. 3-53
3.7.3 Three-wire Leveling ............. 3-57
3.7.4 Precautions to Take at Control Points ................................................................ 3-59
3.7.5 Leveling to Awkward Control Points .................................................................. 3-62
3.7.6 Tide and Water-level Stations ................................................. 3-64
3.7.7 Releveling and Closing Sections .......................................................................... 3-65
3.8 Field Records ................................................................................................................. 3-66
3.8.1 Recording Observations. ............................ 3-66
3.8.2 Computer Recording Equipment ........................................................................ 3-68
3.8.3 Field Abstract ................................................................................... 3-69
3.8.4 Submitting Records to the Project Office ........................................................... 3-72
3.9 References ............................................. 3-72

Chapter 4. RIVER OR VALLEY CROSSING ...................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4-1
4. 2 Preparations ................ 4-3
4.2.1 Reconnaissance and Mark setting ........................................................................ 4-4
4.2.2 Personnel ................................... 4-4
4.2.3 Eq ui pment ............................................................................................................ 4-5
4.2.4 Environmental Conditions ... ...... 4-5
4.3 Instructions for Zeiss River Crossing Equipment ......................................................... 4-5
4.3.1 Description of Equipment ................................................................................... 4-5
4.3.2 Setups ... ...... ... 4-7
4.3.3 Observing Routine ... ...... 4-10
4.3.4 Final Computations ... 4-16
4.4 Instructions for Ordinary Leveling Instruments ........................................................... 4-17
4.4.1 Equipment and Setups ......................................... 4-17
4.4.2 Observing Routine for Two Targets (Three-wire Leveling) ................................ 4-18
4.5 Reference........................................................................................................................ 4-22

Chapter 5. DATA PROCESSING... .............. 5-1

5.1 Introduction .............. 5-1
5.2 Organizing a Project Office ........................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.1 Personnel... ... ......... 5-1
5.2.2 Equipment for Data Processing ........................................................................... 5-1
5.2.3 Organizing the Data ......... 5-2
5.2.4 Submitting Data to the National Geodetic Survey............................................ 5-3
5.3 Processing Descriptions .................................. 5-7
5.3.1 Creating the Description File .............................................................................. 5-7
5.3.2 Checking Individual Descriptions ,.......... 5-7
5.3.3 Checking the Entire File ...................................................................................... 5-10
5.4 Processing Leveling Data ....... 5-13
5.4.1 Checking Observation Records ........................................................................... 5-13
5.4.2 Checking the Field Abstract ............................................................................... 5-15
5.4.3 Preliminary Analysis ........................ 5-20
5.4.4 Statistics ............................................................................................................... 5-23
5.5 Verification and Adjustment . ............. 5-23
5.5.1 Quality Control Review ..... 5-23
5.5.2 Computing Corrections ... ... ... ..... 5-24
5.5. 3 Adjustment ................. 5-26
5.6 References ................................................................................... 5-27


APPENDIX B. INDEX OF GEODETIC CONTROL DIAGRAMS ............................................................ B-1

APPENDIX C. STANDARD GEODETIC LEVELING FORMS ................................................................ C-l

INDEX ................................................................................................................................................................. 1-1


Chapter 1
Figure I-I. Orthometric height, H, on a surface not parallel to the reference surface ............................. 1-3
Figure 1-2. Observed difference in orthometric height, l1H, depends on the leveling route ..................... 1-3
Figure 1-3. Basic net A of the National Geodetic Vertical Network ........................................................ 1-6
Chapter 2
Figure 2-1. Mark setting monthly report ............................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-2. Scale relationships of preliminary data ...... 2-5
Figure 2-3. Example of line assignments in project instructions ................................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-4. State Index Map of Control Leveling ...................................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-5. Geodetic Control Diagram ............. 2-7
Figure 2-6. Index to Topographic Maps, project lines plotted ................................................................... 2-8
Figure 2-7a. Index plot for 30' quadrant of Vertical Control Data ............................................................. 2-10
Figure 2-7b. Vertical Control Data sheet ......................... 2-11
Figure 2-7c. Alphanumeric indexes for 30' quadrant of Vertical Control Data ......................................... 2-12
Figure 2-7d. Line order index for 30' quadrant ............................................................................................ 2-13
Figure 2-8a. L-isting of synoptic file ......................... 2-14
Figure 2-8b. Listing of synoptic file ................................. 2-15
Figure 2-9a. Form letter distributed to property owners .............................................................................. 2-17
Figure 2-9b. Form letter distributed to property owners .............................................................................. 2-18
Figure 2-10. Network junctions ............................................................................................... 2-19
Figure 2-11. Locations for monuments of the best possible quality............................................................. 2-20
Figure 2-12. Connections to parallel surveys ....... 2-22
Figure 2-13. Connections to intersected surveys .... 2-23
Figure 2-14. Connections to an area survey.. ............. 2-23
Figure 2-15. Map prepared on a working plot ..............................................................................................
Figure 2-16. Example of bench mark designations assigned by mark setter ...............................................
Figure 2-17. Foundation types of massive bridges. ................................................. 2-27
Figure 2-18. Driving point for a rod mark ........................................................
Figure 2-19. Stainless steel cap for a rod mark ............................................................................................ 2-28
Figure 2-20. Tools for scaling geographic positions ...............................................................................
Figure 2-21. 2-30
Scaling latitude: D 59 USLS is 4200 I' 33" N ........................................................................
Figure 2-22. Scaling longitude: D 59 USLS is 83013' 32" W.....................................................................
Figure 2-23. 2-32
Smooth plot ...................................
Figure 2-24. 2-33
Complete description ... ....................
Figure 2-25a. 2-35
Recovery note............................................................................................................................
Figure 2-25b. 2-36
Recovery note ,.............................................................
Figure 2-26. 2-37
Survey disks of the former U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.................................................
Figure 2-27. 2-42
Survey disks of the National Ocean Survey and National Geodetic Survey.........................
Figure 2-28. 2-43
Report on the condition of a survey point ................................................................................
Figure 2-29. 2-45
Report of a relocated bench mark ............................................................................................
Chapter 3
Figure 3-1. Setup of leveling, l1h =H - F and S =s B+S F............................................................................
Figure 3-2. 3-1
Section of leveling, l1H =l1h, +l1h2+'" +l1hn and S=s. +S2+'" +sn...................................
Figure 3-3. 3-2
Effect of collimation error, a ..................................................
Figure 3-4. 3-2
Consistent collimation error cancels in a balanced setup since SB=sF ...................................
Figure 3-5. 3-2
Inconsistent collimation error does not cancel in a balanced setup since aB*-aF>
even if SB= SF ...................
Figure 3-6. 3-3
Shimmer .....................................
Figure 3-7. 3-3
Refraction error, T, does not cancel on sloping terrain since TB*-Tp.even if SB=SF ...............
Figure 3-8. 3-3
Curvature error, c, where the line of sight is not parallel to an equipotential surface,
cancels if SB= SF .................................................................
Figure 3-9. Effect, a, of tidal deflection, to,on a section of length and direction,S .................................. 3-4
Figure 3-10. Effect of rod plumbing error, p, on a height observation, H....................................................
Figure 3-11. Systematic effect of plumbing error (and scale errors) is small on flat terrain,
since HI :::::::F2 and FI ~H2
Figure 3-12. ... 3-5
Effect of plumbing error (and scale errors) accumulates on sloping terrain,
since Bl"FF2and F."FB2 ........................................................................................................
Figure 3-13. Controlling traffic 3-5
Figure 3-14. ....... 3-10
Leveling unit weekly report
.......... 3-11

Figure 3-15. Leveling unit monthly report ...... 3-12

Figure 3-16. Fischer level ........................................ 3-13
Figure 3-17. J enoptik N i004 ................... 3-13
Figure 3-18. Zeiss Ni2, with micrometer attachment .................................................................................. 3-14
Figure 3-19. Zeiss Ni 1 ......................... 3-14
Figure 3-20. MOM NiA31 .. ......... 3-14
Figure 3-21. J enoptik NI 002 ....................................................................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-22. External-focusing telescope ...................................................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-23. Internal-focusing telescope ............................................ 3-16
Figure 3-24. Ni2 compensator system, telescope axis horizontal................................................................. 3-17
Figure 3-25. Ni2 compensator system, telescope axis tilted ......................................................................... 3-18
Figure 3-26. Deflection of the line of collimation by the compensator ........................................................ 3-18
Figure 3-27. Condition for dynamic stability of the Ni2 .............................................................................. 3-19
Figure 3-28. Ni 1 compensator system, telescope axis horizontal................................................................. 3-19
Figure 3-29. Nil compensator system, telescope axis tilted ......................................................................... 3-20
Figure 3-30. Diagram of the NI 002 ........................................................... 3-21
Figure 3-31. Lines of sight provided by the NI 002 ..................................................................................... 3-22
Figure 3-32. Snell's law applied to a plane-parallel plate micrometer ......................................................... 3-23
Figure 3-33. Plane-parallel plate unrotated ................................................................ 3-23
Figure 3-34. Plane-parallel plate rotated to intercept a graduation :. 3-24
Figure 3-35. Plane-parallel plate micrometer scale ...... 3-25
Figure 3-36. Carrying the instrument-tripod assembly ..... 3-25
Figure 3-37. Centering the bubble in a circular level................................................................................... 3-25
Figure 3-38. Wedge reticle, graduation not centered. ........ 3-26
Figure 3-39ajb. Wedge reticle, graduation centered ... ...... 3-27
Figure 3-40. Relationship of stadia interval to sighting distance ................................................................. 3-28
Figure 3-41. Stadia factor determination, micrometer procedure, half-centimeter rods ............................. 3-30
Figure 3-42. Stadia factor determination, three-wire procedure, centimeter rods....................................... 3-30
Figure 3-43. Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method .......................................... 3-32
Figure 3-44. Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method, micrometer procedure, half-centimeter rods,
reversi ble compensator ...................... 3-33
Figure 3-45. Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method, micrometer procedure, centimeter rods,
nonreversi ble com pensa tor.................................................................................................... 3-34
Figure 3-46. Collimation check, Kukkamaki method, three-wire procedure,
half-centimeter rods .................... 3-35
Figure 3-47. Collimation check, 10-40 method ....... 3-36
Figure 3-48. Collimation check, 10-40 method, micrometer procedure, half-centimeter rods,
IeYersible CQmpensator .......................................................................................................... 3-37
Figure 3-49. Collimation check, 10-40 method, micrometer procedure, centimeter rods,
nonreversi ble compensator.................................................................................................... 3-37
Figure 3-50. Collimation check, 10-40 method, three-wire procedure, centimeter rods.............................. 3-38
Figure 3-51. Compensation check for the Nil and half-centimeter rods ..................................................... 3-39
Figure 3-52. Compensation check, micrometer leveling, half-centimeter rods ............................................ 3-40
Figure 3-53. Compensation check, micrometer leveling, centimeter rods ................................................... 3-40
Figure 3-54. Inverted scale for a leveling rod ............................................................................................... 3-41
Figure 3-55. Double scale with half-centimeter line graduations ................................................................ 3-42
Figure 3-56. Leveling rods with block graduations ...................................................................................... 3-42
Figure 3-57. Brace poles for a leveling rod ................................................................................................... 3-43
Figure 3-58. Rod calibration data ................................................................................................................. 3-43
Figure 3-59. Carrying the leveling rod ... ....... 3-44
Figure 3-60. Turning-point guide ............................................................................ 3-44
Figure 3-61. Setup of leveling rod .. ,.. ... 3-45
Figure 3-62. Tracings for checking the adjustment of the circular level..................................................... 3-46
Figure 3-63. Turning pin (a) and hammer (b) .......... 3-47
Figure 3-64. Turning pin dimensions............................................................................................................. 3-47
Figure 3-65. Turning plate ..................... 3-48
Figure 3-66. Hand level ................................................................................................................................. 3-49
Figure 3-67. Pacing a balanced setup on a slope .......................................................................................... 3-49
Figure 3-68. Thermometer, mounted on tripod .......................................... 3-49
Figure 3-69. Aspirated thermistors for measuring air-temperature differences .......................................... 3-50
Figure 3-70. Micrometer leveling, backup form for a computer-recording system .................................... 3-54


Figure 3-71. Micrometer leveling, half -centimeter rods. ............. 3-55

Figure 3-72. Micrometer leveling, centimeter rods ............................ 3-55
Figure 3-73. Three-wire leveling, half -centimeter rods ...................................................... 3-58
Figure 3-74. Three-wire leveling, centimeter rods ........................................... 3-58
Figure 3-75. Leveling routes through a cluster of control points at a triangulation station (a)
and a tide station (b) ............................................................................................................. 3-60
Figure 3-76. Control points on horizontal surfaces (a) and vertical surfaces (b)......................................... 3-61
Figure 3-77. When using spacers the height, e, of each spacer cancels when the elevation difference,
t1h, is computed: t1h =(B +e) - (F + e)=B - F.................................................................... 3-62
Figure 3-78. Leveling to awkward control points .., 3-62
Figure 3-79. Leveling directly to a control point .......................................................................................... 3-63
Figure 3-80. Short scale ..... 3-64
Figure 3-81. Centering the index line of a short scale on a control point .................................................... 3-64
Figure 3-82. Leveling to an upside-down scale. ................................................................................... 3-65
Figure 3-83. Leveling line identification ....................................................................................................... 3-70
Figure 3-84. Sketch of single-run leveling.. .......................... 3-71
Figure 3-85. Abstract of single-run leveling.. ................................. 3-71
Figure 3-86. Sketch of double-run leveling .................... 3-71
Figure 3-87. Abstract of double-run leveling. ............................. 3-71

Chapter 4
Figure 4-1. Curvature, c, refraction, r, and the effect, Cxs, of collimation error, a,
are magnified by a long sighting distance ............................................................................ 4-1
Figure 4-2. Intercepting two targets to reduce pointing error ................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-3. The effects of curvature, c, cancel if a pair of reciprocal setups are observed
and the results, t1hA and t1hB, are meaned ........................................................................... 4-3
Figure 4-4. The effects of refraction, r, cancel when the results of a set of simultaneous, reciprocal
observations are meaned; however, the collimation error of one instrument, a"
is only partly offset by the collimation error of the other instrument, a2 ........................... 4-3
Figure 4-5. Simultaneous reciprocal observations with four leveling instruments,
the two instruments on each side having reciprocal collimation errors ............................... 4-4
Figure 4-6. Rotary wedge, unrotated (a) and rotated (b) ........................................................................... 4-6
Figure 4-7. Rotary wedge scal e ..................... 4-7
Figure 4-8. Target column........................................................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-9. Targets mounted on target column .......................... 4-8
Figure 4-10. Using the auxiliary scale ..................................................... 4-8
Figure 4-11. Setups for Zeiss River Crossing Equipment, top view (a) and side view (b).
t1h = 1h [(t1hSeries A + t1hLeveling B) - (t1hSeries B+ t1hLeveling A)] ................................................. 4-9
Figure 4-12. Instruments mounted on base plate ......................................................................................... 4-10
Figure 4-13. Leveling from the nearby target station to the nearby bench mark,
forward (a) and backward (b) ............................................................................................... 4-12
Figure 4-14. Annotated recording form for the series of observations from the nearby bench mark
to the opposite target station ................................ 4-13
Figure 4-15. Series from the nearby bench mark to the opposite target station .......................................... 4-14
Figure 4-16. Reciprocal collimation, before (a) and after (b) ...................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-17. Backsight, wedge settings on rod graduations ......................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-18. Foresight, wedge settings on targets ........................................................................................ 4-16
Figure 4-19. Computation of river crossing with Zeiss River Crossing Equipment .................................... 4-18
Figure 4-20. Setups for simultaneous reciprocal observations with ordinary leveling instruments,
top view (a) and side view (b). t1H = lh(t1hSet1+ t1hSet2)..................................................... 4-19
Figure 4-21. Fischer level, with micrometer tilting screw............................................................................ 4-20
Figure 4-22. One side of a set of simultaneous reciprocal observations, three-wire leveling ....................... 4-21
Figure 4-23. Cover sheet for a running with ordinary equipment ................................................................ 4-22
Chapter 5
Figure 5-1. Sample label for project records ................... 5-3
Figure 5-2. Sample memorandum releasing data .......... 5-4
Figure 5-3a. Sample form (NOAA 61-29) accompanying transmitted data ............................................... 5-5
Figure 5-3b. Sample form (NOAA 61-29) accompanying transmitted data ............................................... 5-6
Figure 5-4. Flow chart of project data processing ........................... 5-8
Figure 5-5. Flow chart of data files for a line of leveling ........................................................................... 5-9


Figure 5-6. Sample check-off list for station-description editing ............................................................... 5-10
Figure 5-7. Example of a proofread station ..description............................................................................ 5-10
Figure 5-8. Example of description of file status sheet .............................................................................. 5-11
Figure 5-9. Examples of apparent position errors ......................... 5-12
Figure 5-10. Example of observation file status sheet .................................................................................. 5-14
Figure 5-11. Example of abstract status sheet ............. 5-16
Figure 5-12. Sample of computer-produced field abstract .......................................................................... 5-18
Figure 5-13. Samples of incorr~ct survey-point serial numbers.
Mismatched survey-point serial numbers are underlined .................................................... 5-19
Figure 5-14. Example of comparisons between new-minus-old observed elevations ................................... 5-21
Figure 5-15. Sample plot of new-minus-old values for observed elevations ................................................ 5-22
Figure 5-16. Sample sketch for checking a loop ........................................................................................... 5-22
Figure 5-17. Combining loops ................................................................................................................ 5-23
Figure 5-18. Sample corrections applied in phase I of office abstract ........................................................ 5-25
Figure 5-19. Sample profile of a leveling line ............................................................................................... 5-27

Chapter 1
Table I-I. Classification of vertical control networks ............................................................................... 1-5

Chapter 2
Table 2-1. Preliminary data for reconnaissance and mark setting ............................................................ 2-4
Table 2-2. Location codes for tide and water-level stations ...................................................................... 2-16
Table 2-3. Spacing control points along slopes .......................................................................................... 2-20
Table 2-4. Req uirements for connections................................................................................................... 2-21
Table 2-5. Standard entries for descriptions ............ 2-34
Table 2-6. Examples of bench mark designations ................ 2-39
Table 2-7. Agency classification codes....................................................................................................... 2-40
Table 2-8. Control classification codes....................................................................................................... 2-41
Table 2-9. Monument classification codes ... ..... 2-41
Table 2-10. Bench mark classification codes ...... 2-42

Chapter 3
Table 3-1. Tolerances for geodetic leveling. ... ... ..... 3-7
Table 3-2. Features of some geodetic leveling instruments ...................................................................... 3-15
Table 3-3. Refraction and curvature errors in a single sight ..................................................................... 3-31
Table 3-4. Checklist for leveling ................................................................................................................ 3-52
Table 3-5. Summary of the micrometer leveling procedure ..................................................................... 3-56
Table 3-6. Summary of the three-wire leveling procedure ....................................................................... 3-59
Table 3-7. Example of rejection procedure for first-order, class II leveling ............................................. 3-67
Table 3-8. U.S. Navy time zone designations ............................................................................................ 3-67

Chapter 4
Table 4-1. Summary of the crossing routine for Zeiss River Crossing Equipment ................................. 4-11
Table 4-2. Data set for a complete crossing with Zeiss River Crossing Equipment ................................ 4-17
Table 4-3. Summary of the. crossing routine for ordinary leveling instruments ....................................... 4-21

Appendix B
Table B-1. Codes for NGS Geodetic Control Diagrams............................................................................ B-1

Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction extensive irrigation system in the Euphrates Valley,
Since ancient times, the ability to locate widely sep- and by the Romans who constructed extensive networks
arated points on the Earth's surface has been of vital of aqueducts, both in Rome and such regions as Sp~in
interest to public commerce and defense. Accurate and the Middle East. In these cases, however, levelIng
positioning has become increasingly important to con- depended on crude instruments that had provision for
struction, boundary definition, navigation, and the sighting along a water surface or that operated by some
prediction and monitoring of changes in the topogra- mechanical application of a plumb line.
phy. To provide accurate positions over the entire globe, The development of geodetic leveling as it is conducted
a detailed knowledge about the size and shape of the today depended on the invention of three important items:
Earth is critical. The pursuit of this knowledge is the the telescope', the reticle, and the level.
science of geodesy. The invention of the telescope in 1608 is attributed
Traditionally, points on the surface of the Earth have to Lippershey, a Dutch spectacle maker. It was first
been located by assigning geographic positions and eleva- used for scientific purposes by Galileo Galilei in 1609
tions. Geographic position (latitude and longitude) is for magnifying the image of a distant object, but it was
determined by surveying techniques such as trian- not very useful as a pointing device until the introduc-
gulation, trilateration, and traverse, which determine tion of the reticle.
The invention of the reticle, which provides "cross
horizontal distances and directions between points. Ele-
vations are obtained by techniques that determine verti- hairs" at the common focus of the objective lens and
the ocular lens, was not possible until the invention of
cal differences between points. These include differential
leveling, trigonometric leveling, and observing changes the "positive" ocular lens by Johann Kepler in 1611 and
the actual placement of a measuring device at the com-
in atmospheric pressure. Modern satellite and inertial
mon focus by the English astronomer William Gascoigne
systems determine geometric distances, in three dimen-
sions, that can be converted to both geographic positions in 1639. In 1669, while working on a project to mea-
sure the length of a degree of latitude for the Royal
and elevations above an ellipsoid.
Academy of France, Jean Picard first placed a reticle
Because of the differences in surveying techniques,
in a surveying instrument.
separate networks of horizontal and vertical control have
The invention of the level-a tube of glass with fluid
evolved. However, all geodetic networks have in com-
sealed inside in such a way that a bubble is formed-is
mon the fact that measurements are made with in-
credited to Melchisedech Thevenot, who published in-
struments oriented to the Earth's gravity field.
. formation on instrumental details and manufacturing
An interconnected system of points, each of which is
methods in 1666. Nearly a hundred years later, after
assigned an elevation referred to a common surface, is
procedures were perfected to manufacture level vials
called a vertical control network. Since geodetic level-
ing has in the past provided, and continues to provide, with uniform curvature, the telescope, reticle, and level
were assembled in a spirit-level instrument similar to
the most accurate means for measuring precise eleva-
the one still used today in construction work. It is be-
tion differences, a vertical network typically consists
lieved that such instruments were devised independently
of lines of control points, reflecting the progression of
by Antoine de Chezy, a road and bridge engineer in
leveling from point to point.
France, and by Jesse Ramsden, a mathematical in-
Vertical control networks provide elevations for many
strument maker in England.
purposes: from localized construction projects to studies
Further developments in leveling are evident in early
of widespread motions of the Earth's crust. To estab-
texts, such as Love's classical Geodaesia published in
lish a sufficiently accurate national network, survey
1760, which recommends, under the heading "How to
techniques must be of geodetic quality: they must em-
ploy accurate equipment, maintain a high degree of know whether water may be made to run from a Spring
head to any appointed place," that: "It is better to get
precision when extended over large areas, and adequately
a water-level, such as you may buy at the Instrument-
define the gravity field.
Makers." Later texts, such as the Complete Manual of
Leveling by Simms, published in England in 1836, treat
1.2 Development of Geodetic Leveling
subjects such as corrections for curvature and refrac-
Leveling was successfully employed by the ancient tion, and the calculation of earthwork from cross sec-
Egyptians who attempted to connect the Nile River with tions observed with a spirit-level instrument. References
the Red Sea, by the Babylonians who constructed an are made to both the "Y" level and the dumpy level,

1-2 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

instrumental designs which are familiar to twentieth- to Hagerstown, Md., provided a connection to mean
century engineers. The "Y" level is believed to have sea level. In 1899 the transcontinental line reached
been invented in 1740 by Jonathan Simmons of Lon- within a few miles of Cheyenne, Wyo., and it was com-
don, and the dumpy level in 1845 by William Gavatt in pleted to the tide gage at Seattle, Wash., in 1905. Other
England. lines were leveled, in cooperation with the Corps of Engi-
The first leveling in Europe that is considered of geo- neers, along portions of the Mississippi River and its
detic quality was conducted in France under the direc- major tributaries.
tion of M. Bourdaloue between 1857 and 1860. His re- In 1875 the U.S. Lake Survey, requiring accurate ele-
sults were published in 1864. The complex observing vations above mean sea level for the water levels in the
procedure was designed to produce results with a high Great Lakes and for bench marks in the adjacent harbor
degree of accuracy by eliminating systematic errors areas, extended geodetic leveling into the Great Lakes
and detecting and eliminating blunders. This work is area. A line of control points was leveled in New York
said to have required that every two measurements agree along the Erie Canal, various wagon roads, and the New
to within 2 VK millimeters, where K was the length of York and Oswego Midland Railroad. The line extended
the leveling line in kilometers. from bench mark GRISTMILL, at the town of Green-
The French work inspired the Swiss to engage in a bush, to bench mark A at the harbor in Oswego. During
similar effort. In 1864, a Swiss recommendation for the same year, lines were leveled between Lake Ontario
the execution of a precise leveling network over a large and Lake Erie, and a single line of leveling connected
part of Europe was adopted by the International Geo- Lake Erie with Lake Huron. Thus, connections were
detic Conference. The methods of observation and the made across the land between the Hudson River, Lake
use of a mean sea-level datum were prescribed in the Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan.
resolution. For the observations, a precise spirit-level An important procedure introduced in 1875 was water-
instrument was designed by Kern of Aarau, Switzer- level transfer in which the mean surface of each lake,
land. These instruments were widely used in Europe averaged from data obtained at water-level gages
and later several were used by the U.S. Corps of during a 3- to 4-month period, was assumed to define
Engineers. an equipotential surface. An elevation relative to mean
Although some leveling was undoubtedly conducted sea level, determined by leveling to a gage on a lake,
locally in the United States (primarily to tidal bench was thus transferable to other gages on the lake. By
marks) prior to the Revolutionary War and by the U.S. this step-by-step process an elevation relative to mean
Coast Survey upon its establishment in 1807, the first sea level at Greenbush, N.Y., was assigned to the gage
recorded effort was a geodetic leveling project by the at Escanaba, Mich. For the first time, reasonably ac-
U.S. Coast Survey in 1856-57. To support detailed stud- curate elevations were available for all of the Great
ies of the tides and currents in New York Bay and the Lakes, except Lake Superior, based on the results of geo-
Hudson River, a series of tide gages was established detic leveling and water-level transfers.
along the Hudson River which connected with a line of In 1877 the principle of "double-simultaneous" level-
leveling established by G. B. Vose. Vose states in the ing was introduced along the Mississippi River by the
1857 Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey: Corps of Engineers. Two pairs of rods were used with
"As you directed, a double series of levelings were one leveling instrument. The line of leveling was car-
made throughout the whole route and every doubtful ried forward at each instrument setup with two inde-
step was retraced... It appears that the probable error pendent observations of the backsight and foresight rods,
for the entire distance from New York to Greenbush on separate turning points. Thus, two separate levelings of
does not exceed two-tenths of a foot." A bench mark in the route were made, although only one observer and
this line provided the sea-level datum to which subse- one leveling instrument were required. This provided
quent levelings by the U.S. Lake Survey were referred continuous and effective checks against blunders as the
in determining elevations of the water surfaces in the work progressed. In 1882-83, J. B. Johnson of the Corps
Great Lakes. of Engineers introduced the observing procedure known
In 1871 the Coast Survey formulated plans for a trans- as three-wire leveling.
continental arc of triangulation along the 39th Parallel. It In 1896 Congress authorized the U.S. Geological Sur-
quickly became apparent that accurate elevations would vey to determine elevations in support of topographic
be required to reduce the triangulation data along the mapping "above a base level located in each area under
route. After Congress authorized the survey in 1876, survey." Leveling was conducted in many States under
new leveling instruments were designed and fabricat- this authorization. The first, and very important, line
ed by the Coast Survey. These were used on the first started at a tide gage at Morehead City, N.C., contin-
transcontinental leveling in 1875. The first bench mark ued inland across the State through Raleigh, Greens-
was set in the courthouse at Hagerstown, Md. boro, and Asheville; ran across Tennessee through Knox-
The line of "geodesic" leveling proceeded west with ville and Cleveland; extended southward into Georgia
interruptions, reaching St. Louis, Mo., in 1882. A line through Rome, Atlanta, and Macon, and ended on a
leveled in 1881 from a tide gage at Sandy Hook, N. J., tide gage at Brunswick, Ga.
Chapter I-Vertical Control Networks 1-3
Important contributions to the growing network of heights are measured. The orthometric height of a point is
geodetic leveling were also made by railroad compa- the distance from the projection of the point on the refer-
nies, which relied on leveling to support the construc- ence surface to the point itself, along a line perpendicular
tion and maintenance of their extensive track systems. to every equipotential surface in between.
Principal contributors were the Pennsylvania Railroad If an equipotential surface were consistently parallel to
and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. In addition, al- the reference surface, the orthometric height of every
most all of the early leveling by the Federal Govern- point on the surface would be the same. However, be-
ment was performed along railroad routes because they cause of the Earth's rotation and anomalies in the gravity
provided almost the only available cleared routes without field itself, the equipotential surfaces defined by the
excessively steep grades. gravity field are not parallel. The orthometric heights
In 1898 an ad hoc committee of the Coast and Geo- of points on a common equipotentialsurface vary, in-
detic Survey (C&GS) was appointed to investigate the creasing most noticeably as a person moves towards the
instruments, observational procedures, and results of equator (fig. 1-1). For example, a level surface 1000 m
geodetic leveling. After extensive analysis, the committee above mean sea level at the Equator would be only
recommended a new design for the leveling instrument 995 m above mean sea level at the poles.
that had been used since 1877 and the adoption of the
three-wire leveling procedures used by the Corps of
Engineers. In 1899 three prototypes, modifications of
the 1877 Instruments, were produced in the C&GS shops
and tested in the field.
The new spirit-level instrument was first used in 1900.
It became known as the Fischer level, named for E. G.
Fischer, chief of the C&GS Instrument Division, who
was responsible for its design and manufacture. The
instrument was designed to be very rigid and to change
little in adjustment during temperature variations. Its
freedom from mechanical failures and its high degree
of accuracy soon became apparent. Figure 1-1.-0rthometric height, H, on a surface not
The Fischer level was the standard leveling instru- parallel to the reference surface.
ment of the Coast and Geodetic Survey until. the mid-
1960's when it was replaced by instruments equipped
with optical micrometers. As a result, even though no elevation difference is
Since 1900 further improvements in accuracy have measured when leveling between two points on an equipo-
been possible. These resulted from the introduction tential surface, the orthometric heights of the points
of Invar scales for leveling rods in 1917, instruments are different if the points are at different latitudes. The
with optical micrometers in 1910, and compensator elevation computed for the second point, by adding the
instruments in 1950. These features are still important observed elevation difference to the elevation of the
today. first point, is not the orthometric elevation of the
second point.
Furthermore, if the leveling follows a different route
1.3 Height Systems between the same two points, along a series of different
Before a network of geodetic leveling may be con- equipotential surfaces, yet another elevation will be
sidered a network of vertical control, the observed ele- computed for the second point (fig. 1-2).
vation differences must be placed within a common frame To obtain orthometric elevations that are consistent
of reference. The first step is taken when the differences with respect to a single reference surface, this effect
are measured after leveling an instrument and a pair of
rods; all measurements are then relative to the direc-
tion of gravity. The second step is to minimize discrep-
ancies in the results obtained by leveling along differ-
ent routes between the same two points. For this process,
termed adjustment, an appropriate height system must
be selected to account for the nonspherical and irregu-
lar nature of the gravity field. The third step is to de-
fine the surface datum to which heights may be referred.
Orthometric height. The gravity field can be repre-
sented as a series of surfaces of equal potential, termed
"level" or equipotential surfaces, one of which is spec- Figure 1-2.-Observed difterence in orthometric height,
ified as the reference surface from which orthometric t::Jl, depends on the leveling route.
1-4 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

must be removed. One way is to correct the elevation dif- different ways that mayor may not refer to mean sea
ference for each section of leveling, subtracting the error level. As described in the following paragraphs, the
predicted by using a model of the Earth's normal gravity datum of the National Geodetic Vertical Network has
field. (See end of sec. 5.5.2.) The elevations obtained in always been defined by a mean sea level. It has changed
this manner are termed normal orthometric heights. with each adjustment as additional tide gages have
Geopotential number. A more accurate way to account been connected.
for the effect of the gravity field is to compute geopo-
tential numbers rather than orthometric heights. The
geopotential number of a point is a measure of the dif- 1.4 National Geodetic Vertical Network
ference in potential from the reference surface to the
equipotential surface passing through the point. It is By 1900 geodetic leveling by the Coast and Geodet-
numerically equivalent to the work required to raise a ic Survey and other agencies had become so extensive
mass of 1 kg against gravity, g, through the orthometric that a general adjustment of the results became neces-
height, N, to the point: sary to obtain consistent and accurate elevations for
H all control points. Data from 21,095 km of leveling were
Geopotential number = f gdh. obtained by the Coast and Geodetic Survey from the
U.S. Geological Survey, the Corps of Engineers (U.S.
The difference in height, dh, measured during each Lake Survey, Mississippi River Commission, Missouri
setup of leveling, may be converted to a difference in River Commission, Deep Waterways Commission, and
potential by multiplying it by the mean value of gravity others), and the Pennsylvania Railroad.
for the setup. To compute accurate geopotential numbers, The adjustment of this, the first national network,
gravity must be determined with sufficient accuracy produced elevations for about 4,200 control points that
and density throijghout the vertical network. Only since .
were referred to mean sea level as determined at the
the development of the modern gravimeter has this following tide gages: Boston, Mass., New York, N. Y,
become practical. Sandy Hook, N.J., Washington, D.C., and Biloxi, Miss. A
Although geopotential numbers are useful for the connection to sea level on the Pacific coast had not yet
adjustment of vertical networks, for many purposes been obtained.
orthometric heights above a physically defined refer- Because of an expanded leveling program, more than
ence surface are ,>till necessary. A geopotential number 10,000 km of new leveling were completed by 1903,
may be converted to an orthometric height by dividing including the releveling of some previously unsatisfactory
it by the mean value of gravity along the plumb line lines. A second adjustment was made, including approxi-
between the point and the reference surface. Since such a mately 6,900 control points in a network of 31,789 km.
value cannot be directly measured (because the refer- In 1907 another 6,500 km of new work had been
ence surface lies within the Earth beneath the point), a completed, including the transcontinental leveling
model must be used to derive the value as a function of through Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Washing-
the geographic position, measured value of gravity at ton to connect with the tide gage at Seattle, Wash. To
the point, and other variables. utilize the new data the adjustment of 1907 was made.
Datums. Traditionally, mean sea level has .been se- At that time, the network included a total of 38,359 km
lected as the reference surface for computing heights. of leveling and about 9,100 control points. As a matter
because a water surface conforms to the gravity field of expediency, the elevations of most points in the eastern
by approximating an equipotential surface. A point on United States were not changed.
mean sea level is determined at a tide gage, where the New connections to mean sea level on the Gulf coast
fluctuati(jns of water level are observed for many years and the Pacific coast, totaling 9100 km, became avail-
to assess tidal effects adequately. If the elevation at able in 1912, including a line across the southern Unit-
such a gage is connected to a leveling network,and zero is ed States from Louisiana to San Diego, Calif., and a
fixed as the height of mean sea level, the reference sur- north-south line. For the fourth general adjustment of
face thus defined is called a sea-level datum. the network, mean sea level was fixed at five tide gages
However, a variety of physical factors-changes in on the Atlantic coast, two on the Gulf coast, and two on
volume, currents, temperature and salinity gradients, the Pacific coast. Orthometric corrections. were applied to
atmospheric pressure, wind, and sea-floor topography- leveling data in the western States. The 1912 network
affect the mean water level determined at each tide included 46,462 km of leveling and 11,100 control points.
gage. As a result, the points assigned to be on mean sea General Adjustment of 1929. After the previous period
level at different tide gages do not necessarily lie on of comparatively short intervals between adjustments,
the same equipotential surface. 17 years elapsed before the network was adjusted again.
To avoid the implication that an elevation difference of In the meantime, it had become more extensive and
zero will be obtained when leveling between two widely complex, and included many more sea-level connections.
separated tide gages, the reference surface is simply The General Adjustment of 1929 incorporated 75,159
referred to as the datum. It can be defined in many km of leveling in the United States and, for the first
Chapter 1- Vertical Control Networks 1-5
time, 31,565 km of leveling in Canada. The U.S. and crust were perfectly stable, this procedure could have
Canadian networks were connected by 24 ties between continued indefinitely. However, instrumental and
Calais, Me.jBrunswick, New Brunswick; and Blaine, procedural improvements make possible a higher de-
Wash.jColebrook, British Columbia. A fixed elevation of gree of accuracy in modern leveling, and, increasingly,
zero was assigned to the points on mean sea level de- the national network has come to play an important
termined at the following 26 tide stations: role in monitoring crustal movements.
In many regions, withdrawal of underground fluids
Father Point, Quebec St. Augustine, Fla. has led to land subsidence at the surface, which has
Halifax, Nova Scotia Cedar Keys, Aa. resulted in significant economic losses. In tectonically
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia Pensacola, Fla.
Portland, Me. Biloxi, Miss.
active areas earthquakes cause sudden changes in ele-
Boston, Mass. Galveston, Tex. vation. Elevations are not fixed in time, and, therefore,
Perth Amboy, N.J.' San Diego, Calif. elevation differences observed at widely different times
Atlantic City, N.J. San Pedro, Calif. cannot be expected to agree exactly. Leveling results
Baltimore, Md. San Francisco, Calif. must be adjusted by epoch and then compared to as-
Annapolis, Md. Fort Stevens, Ore.
Old Point Comfort, Va. Seattle, Wash.
sess topographic change.
Norfolk, Va. Anacortes, Wash. These considerations have led to the establishment
Brunswick, Ga. Vancouver, British Columbia of local programs in which regions of known crustal
Fernandina, Fla. Prince Rupert, British Columbia motion have been releveled periodically to assess the
rate and extent of subsidence or uplift. To relate these
'There was no tide station at Perth Amboy, but the elevation of a bench surveys adequately and to determine where additional
mark at Perth Amboy was established by leveling from the tide station at
Sandy Hook. work is necessary, the national network itself must be
resurveyed at regular intervals.
The 1929 adjustment provided the basis for the def- At present, a minimum network of 100,000 km has
inition of elevations throughout the national network been targeted for releveling. This network, known as
as it existed in 1929, and the resulting datum is still basic net A (fig. 1-3), is designed to satisfy the stan-
used today. The elevations were referred to the "Sea dards established by the Federal Geodetic Control Com-
Level Datum of 1929" until 1973, when the more ap- mittee for first-order vertical networks (table 1-1).
propriate name "National Geodetic Vertical Datum of Vertical control surveys (projects) are conducted
1929" (NGVD29) was adopted for the same reference continually by field part.ies of the National Geodetic
surface. Survey (NGS) to maintain and update the national
The modern network. Since 1929, more than 625,000 network. The procedures by which such projects are
km of leveling throughout the United States have been accomplished-reconnaissance and bench mark setting,
added to the national network. New results have been geodetic leveling, river crossing, and data proces-
adjusted to fit into the network of 1929. If both old and sing-are the subjects of the remaining chapters of
new levelings were of similar accuracy and if the Earth's this manual.

Table I-I.-Classification of vertical control networks

First order First order Second order Second order

class I class II class I class II Third order

Principle use Basic net A Area control Local control

Line spacing,
National net 100-300 km 50-100 km 20-50 km 10-25 km As needed
(60-190 mi) (30-60 mi) (10-30 mi) (5-15 mi)
Metropolitan net 2-8 km 2-8 km 0.5-1 km As needed As needed
(1-5 mi) (1-5 mi) (0.3-0.6 mi)
Maximum length of leveling line
betweenjunctions ; 300 km 100km 50km 50 km (30 mi) 25 km (15 mi)
(190 mi) (60 mi) (30 mi) double run, double run,
25 km (15 mi) 10 km (5 mi)
single run. single run.
Control point spacing Average 1.6 km (1.0 mi), Maximum 3 km (2 mi).
maximum 3 km (2 mi).
1-6 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling
Chapter 2
2. I Introduction attention so that data can be organized and distributed
to the appropriate units. Efforts of a specialized unit,
Before leveling proceeds in a network of vertical con-
such as a drilling-rig team, should be smoothly merged
trol, lines of control points must be defined. This is best
with those of the unit responsible for the line.
accomplished by making a reconnaissance and setting
The foreman supports the units by providing liaison,
the necessary bench marks a month or more before level-
training, and supplies. He or she should establish
ing begins. Detailed instructions for reconnaissance
initial contacts with local agencies, and informs the
and mark setting are presented in this chapter.
mark setting units if follow-up contacts are necessary.
The task is normally performed by personnel organiZed
Throughout the project, the foreman should provide
into mark setting units. Leveling routes are planned in
technical guidance and training, and, in addition, in-
detail to satisfy network requirements. Maps with written
ventory supplies regularly and place orders to meet fu-
instructions (referred to as "logs") are prepared to il-
ture needs.
lustrate the routes for the leveling units. Monuments
The foreman should ensure that the specifications
are recovered, established, and described to mark
and guidelines stated in this manual and in NOAA Man-
permanently the lines of vertical control.
ual NOS NGS I, Geodetic bench marks (Floyd 1978),
Sometimes a single monument must be removed and
hereinafter referred to as the mark setting manual, are
set elsewhere by a mark maintenance engineer or local
strictly followed. A monthly inspection should be made of
surveyor before it is destroyed by highway construction or
each unit. Equipment should be examined to ensure
other activity. The chapter concludes with instruc-
that it is properly maintained. Mark setting techniques
tions for relocating such control points.
should be checked to ensure that safe and correct pro-
cedures are followed by the units. After receiving de-
2.2 Organizing a Mark Setting Unit scriptions and logs from a unit, the foreman should rou-
tinely inspect the line, looking for poorly set marks,
At the start of a project, the mark setting personnel plotting mistakes, and description mistakes. The unit
should be organized into units and each unit should be should be made aware of any deficiencies and should
assigned a line to reconnoiter and prepare for leveling. correct them immediately. Whenever there is substan-
Since a typical project encompasses a large area, each tial confusion or doubt about a route or mark setting
unit must be capable of working self-sufficiently, often procedure, the project director should be consulted.
several hundred kilometers from the project office. The foreman should prepare a report of activities for
This section presents guidelines for organizing and main- the project director each month.
taining such units. Often, if a project is small or the number of available
personnel is limited, the foreman may be required to
2.2.1 Personnel serve as chief of a mark setting unit or leveling unit.
When this occurs, the project director should assume
A foreman should be assigned to supervise the mark most of the responsibilities of the foreman.
setting units and to manage their activities, particularly Mark setter. As head of a mark setting unit, this in-
when many units are operating. Two persons are nor- dividual is normally responsible for the correct recon-
mally required on each mark setting unit, a mark setter naissance and mark setting of an entire line. In addi-
and an assistant. tion, he or she must properly maintain and protect a
Mark setting foreman. The mark setting foreman c0- large and varied selection of mechanical equipment.
ordinates, supports, and monitors the mark setting units. The mark setter who is in charge of a drilling rig has
The foreman's skills should include technical compe- additional maintenance responsibilities. Training and
tence in both mark setting and leveling, as well as pro- experience in reconnaissance and mark setting as well
ficiency in organizing unit activities and maintaining as strong mechanical ability are necessary qualifications.
good relations with local agencies and the public. The Leveling experience is highly desirable.
foreman should set an example which ensures correct, The mark setter should follow the instructions stat-
safe, and efficient mark setting. ed in this manual and in the mark setting manual. The
The foreman is responsible for coordinating the mark project instructions and preliminary data provided by
setting effort on all the lines in a project. From a study the project director or foreman should be studied and
of the preliminary data, he or she should specify routes understood. The mark setter should not hesitate to seek
for each line and determine areas requiring special guidance when questions arise.

2-2 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

The mark setter should establish an organized work Right-of-way zones are often used as routes for utility
routine with the assistant, incorporating safety pre- pipelines and cables. Select sites for marks with this in
cautions into every procedure. Equipment failures should mind. Before using an auger or driving a rod, check
be reported promptly to the foreman or project direc- the site with a pipe and cable locator. Similarly, be
tor. The mark setter should submit monthly reports to alert to the presence of wires above the work location,
the project office. especially when maneuvering a drilling rig or erecting
Assistant mark setter. The assistant mark setter is lengths of steel rod.
often a new employee or a member of a leveling unit Mark setting equipment may present a hazard if used
who is receiving training. The assistant helps the mark improperly. Learn the correct techniques for handling
setter in all phases of the work, in addition to being and operating all equipment. Use the right tools for the
assigned certain routine responsibilities, such as truck job and keep them clean. To prevent back injury, lift
maintenance and checking control point descriptions. heavy tools and supplies from a squatting position; use
the leg muscles, not the back. Get help if an object is
2.2.2 ~uipmBent too heavy to lift safely. Above all, stay alert. Do not
allow a steady routine to make you complacent.
Each unit should be assigned a truck, tools, and other Two items of equipment deserve special mention: the
equipment (as itemized in appendix A). When the equip- gasoline-powered rock drill and the drilling rig. When
ment is issued, the mark setter should conduct an in- driving rods or drilling with these tools, prevent eye
ventory and repeat it at least once every year thereaf- injury by wearing goggles or shatter-proof glasses. Pre-
ter. All equipment should be secured in an organized vent hearing loss by wearing ear plugs or mufflers. Wear
fashion in the assigned vehicle. hard hats and steel-toed boots.
The mark setter is responsible for maintaining the Mark setters operating a drilling rig must be thor-
truck and tools in good condition. In addition, he or she oughly trained in the proper routines for starting and
should study and use the equipment manuals. Equip- stopping the drill, leveling and stabilizing the truck,
ment losses, damage, or defects should be reported imme- and assembling and disassembling the augers. These
diately to the foreman or project director. Replacements instructions are outlined in the maintenance manual
and repairs should be noted on the monthly report. accompanying the rig. Test the emergency stopping sys-
Drilling rigs and gasoline-powered portable drills tem each day. While drilling, do not wear gloves near
require especially rigorous maintenance if they are to the turning augers.
function properly. They should be assigned only to re-
sponsible individuals who have demonstrated compe-
tence in operating such equipment. 2.2.4 Reports
The project director or foreman should visit each mark
2.2.3 Safety setting unit at least once each month. At all other times
Mark setting presents numerous situations where the mark setters should maintain regular communica-
personal injury may occur. For this reason, a mark set- tion, either in person or by telephone, with the project
ting unit should always include two persons. All mark director. In addition, the mark setter should submit the
setters and assistants should be trained in basic first reports described in the following paragraphs.
aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They should Monthly report. Mail or submit in person, a report
know the location and telephone number of an emer- to the project office at the end of work each month.
gency treatment center in the work area, so prompt as- (See fig. 2-1.) If work involved more than one State or
sistance can be obtained if an accident occurs. project, prepare a separate report for each activity.
Accidents usually result from hazards created by the The report is normally forwarded to the headquarters
environment or the equipment. Anticipate potentially of the National Geodetic Survey, where it provides
hazardous situations and be prepared to handle them. statistical information about the progress of mark
The mark setting environment is normally the right- setting in the national network. Include the following
of-way of a highway or railroad. Obtain permission to information:
work in these zones and find out from local officials 1. Number of points recovered in good condition.
what safety procedures are required. When working 2. Number of points recovered in poor condition.
alongside a highway, stay well off the road, wear orange
3. Number of points recovered destroyed.
vests, and turn on the truck's warning light. If neces-
4. Number of points not recovered.
sary, and only after consulting with local authorities,
use traffic cones, warning signs, or flagmen to divert 5. Number of bench marks set; types of bench marks
traffic while setting a mark. When working along a rail- set.
road, do not wear orange vests or use flashing lights 6. Notes about condition of equipment and main-
because these may cause a train to stop unnecessarily. tenance needed or performed.
Cross the tracks only at designated crossings; otherwise 7. Inventory of existing supplies.
keep clear of them. 8. Notes on project activities.
Cbapter 2-Reconnaissan('p Rnd Bencb Mark Setting 2-3


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2-4 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Maintain the report each day, recording the number Table 2-1.-Preliminary data for reconnaissance
and mark setting
of points searched for or set and a general statement
about the day's activities. As appropriate, include re-
marks about weather, equipment malfunction, equip-
ment repair, geological conditions, and suggestions. Be
sure to list names, telephone numbers, and addresses Project instructions:

of officials and individuals who were contacted. Maps for planning and organization:
At the end of the month, summarize progress along NGS State index map for control leveling
NGS Geodetic Control Diagrams
the assigned lines by totaling the distance of line re-
USGS State index to topographic maps
connoitered and prepared for leveling, the number of State and county highway maps
7~5 position plots prepared (a 15' plot counts as four), Geological and soil maps, as available
and the number of descriptions written. Do not count Descriptions of control points:
plots or descriptions that are not yet finished. Also, NGS vertical control data, including a separate listing of archival
inventory specialized mark setting supplies, so their cross-reference numbers if necessary.
usage can be assessed and future stocks can be procured. NGS horizontal control data
NGS unpublished descriptions for points recently leveled or reset.
List any supplies needed. NOS tide and water-level station reports.
Truck report. Keep careful records of all expenses Descriptions of specially requested points.
incurred for fuel, oil, repair, and maintenance of mark
Maps for logs and position plots:
setting vehicles. At the end of the month, submit a re- USGS topographic maps
port to the project office summarizing these expenses City and county street maps, as necessary.
and include the receipts.
Miscellaneous reports. Be familiar with current
organizational procedures for submitting per diem Refer to the project instructions to obtain the following
vouchers, accident reports, personnel reports, and ex-
1. A rough sketch of the proposed leveling routes.
pense receipts.
2. Line numbers and titles.
3. Accession numbers ("L-numbers") of previous
2.3 Routing a Line for Leveling survey lines that coincide or connect with the pro-
posed routes.
The reconnaissance and mark setting effort begins 4. Specific control points to be leveled.
with the detailed planning of the leveling routes. The 5. Survey-point serial numbers to be assigned to the
foreman (or project director) should organize and con- points in each line.
solidate the preliminary data for a project into packages A table similar to that in figure 2-3 is normally in-
corresponding to each line or group of lines. A general cluded in the project instructions.
reconnaissance of the area should be made and liaison Maps for planning and organization. Several types
should be established with local agencies. The mark of maps, covering large parts or all of the project area,
setting units then proceed to route each line according are useful for planning and monitoring progress. along
to the specifications given in this section, recovering each line. These maps are most useful if the project
and establishing control points and preparing instruc- lines have been highlighted and labeled in advance.
tions for the leveling units. The Index Map of Control Leveling (fig. 2-4) for the
State in which the project is located is available from
NGS. It provides an overview of the project area,
2.3.1 Preliminary Data showing existing first- and second-order lines of leveling.
For each line or group of lines in a project, a mark On the index map are plotted and labeled the 30' quad-
setting unit should possess the data listed in table 2-1. rants into which vertical control data are grouped.
Figure 2-2 shows the areas covered by some of these Geodetic Control Diagrams (fig. 2-5) are also avail-
items. Most of the items are forwarded to the project able from NGS. They are plots of existing geodetic con-
trol at a scale of 1:250,000 on the 1 by 20 quadrangle

director along with project instructions. Some items

series of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Control
must be obtained in the field. Instructions pertaining
for Alaska is plotted at a scale of 1:500,000 on section-
to their use are described in the following paragraphs. al aeronautical charts. Diagrams are designated by name,
Project instructions. Project instructions are the start- number, and two-letter area code. They show the loca-
ing point for any survey. They include information and tions of both vertical and horizontal control points and
instructions specific to the project which supplement the boundaries of 30' quadrants, 15' topographic maps,
the standard operating procedures given in this manu- and counties. The diagrams are particularly useful when
al. Before beginning work, read the instructions thor- planning connections between leveling lines and other
oughly and consult them whenever in doubt about the types of control networks. An index of control diagrams
project requirements. for the United States is given in appendix B.
Cbapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bencb Mark Setting 2-5






Figure 2-2.-Scale relationships of preliminary data.



*W2* 3


*W2* 1 80 L24406-12,-19,-25 1-200

*W2* 2 60 L24406-10 , -11 201-300
*W2* 3 80 L24406-],-2 301-500
*W2* 4 100 L24406-19,-20,-4 501-700
*W2* 5 30 L24406-21,-22 701-800
*W2* 6 10 L24406-6 801-900
Figure 2-3.-Example of line assignments in project instructions.
2-6 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

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Figure 2-4.-State Index Map of Control Leveling.

Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bencb Mark Setting 2-7




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2-8 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

The Index to Topographic Maps for the State in Other sources that may be useful for certain projects
which the project is located is available from USGS. include aeronautical charts, storm evacuation maps,
Although the index does not show all geographical fea- and nautical charts. These are available from the Na-
tures, the project lines may be plotted approximately tional Ocean Survey (NOS).
(fig. 2-6). It is extremely useful as an index and check- Descriptions of control points. To recover existing
off list for logs and smooth plots. vertical and other control points, published descriptions
State and county highway maps are usually available should be consulted. Because they serve different pur-
from district offices of a State highway or State trans- poses, descriptions for vertical control, horizontal control,
portation department. Since topographic maps do not and tide or water-level stations are prepared, stored,
always show the latest highway construction and route and published separately.
numbers, current State highway maps should be the Vertical Control Data, available from NGS, are pub-
final source for this information. lished in sets. Each set f'quad" or "litho list") includes
Consult geological and soil maps when selecting sites data for all the vertical control points in a 30' quad-
for bench marks. Basic information about the location rant. The quadrant is identified by hemisphere, latitude,
and type of expansive soils throughout the United States longitude, and quarter. After the hemisphere symbol,
is provided in the mark setting manual. Additional infor- "N" or "S", a I. by I. area is identified by the degrees of
mation, especially for locating bedrock and fault zones, latitude bounding it on the south (on the north in the
can be obtained from geological maps published by the southern hemisphere) and by the degrees of longitude
USGS or State agencies, such as departments of mines bounding it on the east. The quadrants are numbered
and natural resources. Information concerning soil types clockwise within the 1. by I. area, beginning with the
and depths is often available from local offices of the northeast: "I" signifies the northeast quarter, "2" the
U.S. Soil Conservation Service. southeast, "3" the southwest, and "4" the northwest.




go. 89.

Figure 2-6.-Index to Topographic Maps, project lines plotted.

Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-9

For example, "N34090l" signifies a 30' quadrant which compaction meters, deep-well casings, and monuments of
is the northeast quarter of the I. by I. area bounded by USGS, State highway departments, counties, and cit-
34. N on the south and 090. W on the east. ies. If the necessary descriptions are not provided with
Each quadrant includes a plot showing the lines of project instructions, the descriptions should be obtained
control points described within the quad (fig. 2-7a). The from the appropriate agency.
line numbers given in the plot are unique only within the Maps for position plots and logs. Positions of all points
quadrant; they do not necessarily correspond to those recovered or established must be plotted on the stan-
of adjacent quadrants. Arrows indicate the order in which dard 7~5 series of topographic maps available from
control points are described along each line. The plot is USGS. If 7~5maps are not available, the 15' series should
followed by two indexes that give the designations of be used. Because plots are difficult to see on ortho-
points in alphanumeric order (fig. 2-7b) and line order photographic maps, maps of this type should not be used.
(fig. 2-7c). Descriptions and other data (fig. 2-7d) are
The U.S. Geological Survey may be revising or com-
then given in line order.
piling new 7~5 maps for the project area. Check with
Each control point is assigned a unique number (the
USGS and request State progress maps, available from
archival cross-reference number) when it is initially
included in the NGS data base. If the published descrip- the USGS regional topographic division. Up-to-date
tions do not include these numbers, obtain special list- 7~5 "bluelines," which are preliminary compilations
ings of the synoptic file ("archive lists") from the NGS of topographic maps, can then be ordered.
Vertical Network Division. Identified by two-letter area In major metropolitan areas, logs should be prepared
codes, these listings are available for each Geodetic on up-to-date city or county street maps, available from
Control Diagram. (See fig. 2-8a,b.) the Chamber of Commerce, the city government, or
Data for horizontal control points are also available local gasoline stations. However, plots must still be made
in 30' quadrants from NGS. Descriptions are usually on 7~5 maps to ensure consistent and accurate scaling
arranged chronologically within each quadrant. An of positions.
alphanumeric index of designations is included. After
finding the designation of the desired point on a Geo-
2.3.2 Liaison
detic Control Diagram, look it up in the appropriate
index to find the page number of the description. While routing the leveling line, a mark setting unit
Further information about horizontal control data is must communicate frequently with the owners, man-
available in NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS agers, and users of both public and private property.
5, National Geodetic Survey data: availability, expla- Th~ purpose of these contacts is to obtain permission
nation, and application (Dracup 1979). and make detailed arrangements for both mark setters
For up-to-date information on points that have re- and leveling units to work in the areas necessary for
cently been recovered, established, or relocated, obtain completion of the project. In addition, a systematic liai-
descriptions from the NGS Vertical Network Division. It son effort may bring to light unusual environmental
is possible that these data may not yet be included in conditions or ongoing projects of other agencies which
the published descriptions. File the recent descriptions affect the choice of leveling routes. Maintaining good
with the appropriate 30' quadrant, and remember to public relations is vital to the project.
use them. A reset mark may be mistaken for the original The project director lays the groundwork for future
one if the mark setter is unaware of the complete histo- cooperation and coordination by notifying the appro-
ry of the control point. priate State highway or transportation department in
Descriptions for tide and water-level stations are advance of the project. The project director should send a
available from the NOS Tides and Water Levels Divi- letter requesting permission to operate in the right-of-
sion. Each station is identified by a unique seven-digit way zones of the necessary State highways, plus a
number. The first three digits identify the State or body of courtesy copy of the project instructions. If routes in-
water. A list of these codes is shown in table 2-2. clude railroad right-of-way zones, follow a similar pro-
Station listings are published in NOAA Tide Tables: cedure. The project instructions may list other agen-
High and Low Water Levels (National Ocean Survey, cies or individuals to contact.
annual publication). Request the most recent station Immediately after arrival in the project area, the mark
reports for all tide and water-level stations in a project setting foreman should visit officials of the agencies
area. Station reports include the name, address, and with which liaison is necessary. To set bench marks of
telephone number of the station observer, bench mark the best possible quality, visit agencies and individuals
descriptions, and a sketch of the station showing bench who may provide maps or other specific information
mark locations. about the geology along the proposed routes. Determine if
Leveling to specific control points may be specially surveys exist that should be connected to the national
requested either in the project instructions or by local network and inform the appropriate mark setting units.
agencies. The points may include junction points, in- In addition, make arrangments to obtain sufficient sup-
ternational boundary monuments, airport monuments, plies during the project.
2-10 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling


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It t t It tt t t t t It t It It It It
* * * *
RECOVERY BY--MSHD YR--1966 COP--UNK CONDITION--GOOD ..........................
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Figure 2-7b.- Vertical Control Data sheet.

2-12 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

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Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-23

Use a broad, light-colored pen to connect the points

Old point destroyed,
in leveling order on the topographic map. Note the dis-
SECOND ORDER n_ mark set. tances and the most efficient routes between them. Label
a spur intended to tie a previous survey with the acces-
- ---0-- sion number of the survey. Whenever points are grouped
--q - in clusters that may cause confusion, attach a large-
Not recoveredl- scale sketch. Tide and water-level stations nearly al-
ways require such a sketch; attach the station reports if
possible. In an urban area, a large-scale city map
may provide better information than a topographic
map; however, a city map should not be used to scale
After each map is completed, scale the positions of
the points and assign survey-point serial numbers, taking
care to match them with the correct designations.
(See sec. 2.4.4, "Survey-point serial number.") Label
the lower right-hand corner with the line number and
FIRST ORDER a number corresponding to the location of the map
in the line. Fold the map, printed side out, to a con-
venient size.
Submitting records to the project office. Keep all
mark setting records up to date as work proceeds along
a line. Use the Index to Topographic Maps as a check-
off list of the maps completed (fig. 2-6).
Figure 2-13.-Connections to intersected surveys. Collect and bind, in line order, descriptions of all
points to be leveled, and label the binder with the line
number. Bind descriptions of points not to be leveled as
2.3.5 Records
While routing a line, the mark setter must prepare
numerous plots, descriptions, and logs, all critical to
the future recovery and leveling of the control points.
Plots and descriptions identify and provide permanent
instructions for reaching the individual points; these are
discussed in sections 2.4.3 and 2.4.4. Logs provide specif-
ic instructions to the leveling unit for leveling the line.
Logs. The logs must include clear and concise instruc- /
tions that enable a unit to level efficiently to the con- /
trol points along the route. Sometimes simple handwrit-
ten lists are sufficient, which briefly describe the loca-
tions of the points by providing driving instructions and I
measurements from the most obvious reference objects. I
Working position plots should be supplied with such
logs. More convenient as logs are the working plots them- - J-I I -
selves, on which the plotted points and routes between
them are briefly described (fig. 2-15). Prepare logs on
working plots as explained here.
As each control point is recovered or established along I
the route, plot the control point on the appropriate to- I AREA SURVEY
pographic map. Provide a brief description by giving I
measurements to a witness post and other landmarks,
the height of the point relative to the ground, any spe-
cial leveling procedures required (such as for a verti-
cally mounted disk or one requiring the use of spacers)
I --- -- _--
and any special permission or contacts needed. If the I
monument site is cleared and marked with flagging, only /
a few of the most useful reference objects and distances
supplied in the description need be noted on the log. Figure 2-14.-Connections to an area survey.



41 E 194 19568 1966G 1ST 57.239 L15801 34-41-56N 90-14-12101 979.685 N34090100 MS
42 R 194 1956D 1966G 1ST 56.688 L15801 34-41-06N 90-14-13101 979.684 N34090100 HS
43 S 194 1956D 1966G 1ST 56.547 L15801 34-40-16N 90-14-10101 979.684 N34090 100 HS
44 T 194 1956D 1966G 1ST 56. 160 L15801 34-39-26N 90-14-08101 979.683 N34090100 MS
45 U 194 1956D 1966G 1ST 55.362 L15801 34-38-40N 90-14-02101 979.683 N34090100 HS

46 186 UNK D 1966X 1ST 56.668 00726 34-38-25N 90-13-51101 979.683 N34090100 HS
47 T 116 UNK D 1966G 1ST 58.793 L15801 34-38-10N 90-13-38101 979.682 N34090100 HS
48 T 117 UNK D 1966G 1ST 57.354 L15801 34-38-03N 90-13-35101 979.682 N34090100 HS
49 F 194 19568 1966G 1ST 56.599 L15801 34-38-04N 90-13-32101 979.682 N34090100 HS
~50 PTS 30 1908D 1966G 1ST 56.854 L15801 34-38-01N 90-13-34101 979.682 N34090100 HS
51 V 194 19568 1966G 1ST 58.238 L15801 34-37-47N 90-13-22101 979.682 N34090100 HS ..
52 101194 1956D 1966G 1ST 55.995 L15801 34-36-50N 90-13-11101 979.682 N34090100 HS
~53 M 194 1956D 1966G 1ST 56.987 L15801 34-35-59N 90-13-03101 979.682 N34090100 HS I
54 T8M A STA 146 1953D 1966G 1ST 57.262 L15801 34-35-56N 90-13-00101 979.682 N34090100 MS
55 T8M 8 STA 146 1953D 1966G 1ST 57.319 L15801 34-35-56N 90-13-01101 979.682 N34090 100 HS "
56 183 UNK C 1956N 1ST 55.768 00726 34-35-39N 90-12-59101 979.682 N34090100 HS
57 2 195 1956D 1966G 1ST 56.316 L15801 34-35-00N 90-12-51101 979.682 N34090100 HS i.
58 Y 195 1956D 1966G 1ST 56.819 L15801 34-34-43N 90-12-49101 979.682 N34090100 HS .
1966G 1ST 61.029 L ,.5801 34-34-08N 90-12-30101 979.681 N34090100 MS 1:1
59 P-14-13 1940D
60 H 194 19548 1966G 1ST 60.886 L15801 34-34-09N 90-12-30101 979.681 N34090100 HS Ii
90-12-10101 979.681 N34090100 MS
61 X 195 1956D 1966G 1ST 56.696 L15801 34-33-28N
62 101 195 1956D 1966G 1ST 55.713 L15801 34-32-34N 90-11-49101 979.681 N34090100 MS
63 PTS 32 UNK D 1966X 1ST 55.306 00726 34-32-09N 90-11-42101 979.680 N34090100 MS r
1966G 1ST 57.061 L15801 34-31-58N 90-11-41101 979.680 N34090100 MS 1"1
64 V 195 1956D III"
65 U 195 1956D 1966G 1ST 54.124 L15801 34-31-04N 90-11-41101 979.680 N34090100 MS
~66 1966G 1ST 34-30-17N 90-11-42101 979.679 N34090100 MS ..
T 195 1956D 56.793 L15801 !II':"
67 S 195 19560 1966G 1ST 56.381 L15801 34-30-11N 90-11-51101 979.679 N34090100 MS
68 PTS 33 1908D 1967G 1ST 56.891 L15801 34-30-10N 90-11-39101 979.679 N34090100 HS
69 CONCRETE MON 2 UNK D 1956N 1ST 57.619 00726 34-30-07N 90-11-47101 979.679 N34090100 MS a5.
70 H 245 19748 1ST 54.296 L23280 34-30-30N 90-25-53101 979.677 N34090100 MS IIQ

71 C 245 1974D 1ST 54.362 L23280 34-31-33N 90-25-30101 979.679 N34090100 MS

72 D 245 1974C 1ST 55.091 L23280 34-32-22N 90-25-13101 979.680 N34090100 MS
73 F 245 1974C 1ST 56.735 L23280 34-33-13N 90-24-54101 979.681 N34090100 MS
74 G 245 1974D 1ST 55.160 L23280 34-34-13N 90-24-32101 979.683 N34090100 MS
75 J 245 19748 1ST 56.363 L23280 34-34-59N 90-24-15101 979.683 N34090100 HS

76 CLAYTON RM 1956C 1974G 1ST 58.021 L23280 34-35-56N 90-23-53101 979.684 N34090100 MS
77 CLAYTON 1967C 1974G 1ST 57.727 L23280 34-35-51N 90-23-55101 979.684 H N34090133 0002 MS
78 CLAYTON RM 2 1956C 1974G 1ST 57.790 L23280 34-35-56N 90-23-55101 979.684 N34090 1 00 HS
79 CLAYTON A2 1956C 1974G 1ST 57.555 L23280 34-36-18N 90-23-46101 979.685 N34090100 MS
80 K 245 1974C 1ST 57.281 LZ3280 34-37-10N 90-23-27101 979.686 N34090100 HS

Figure 2-7d.-Line order index for 30' quadrant.

2-14 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling


A 10 BG0922 0300864
A 10 AZ MK BG0921 0300864
A 10 BM BG0524 0300864
A 10 RM 1 BG0923 0300864
A 10 RM 2 BG0924 0300864
A 11 BG2640 0300874
A 113 BG0222 0300871
A 115 BG0097 0300871
A 124 BGI001 0300864
A 125 BGI035 0300864
A 136 BGI036 0300864
A 137 BG2035 0300863
A 138 BG 1115 0300864
A 139 BG1636 0300861
A 140 BG1458 0300861
A 141 BG1434 0300861
A 156 BG0907 0300864
A 158 BGOO02 0300871
A 16 RM 1 A VITRO BGI021 0300864
A 16 RM 1 B VITRO BGI022 0300864
A 16 RM 2 A VITRO BGI019 0300864
A 16 RM 2 B VITRO BGI020 0300864
A 16 VITRO BGI018 0300864
A 161 BG1817 0300872
A 162 BG0042 0300871
A 163 BG1706 0300872
A 163 RESET 1964 BG1707 0300872
A 165 BG0257 0300871
A 168 BG0498 0300864
A 169 BG2615 0300864
A 178 BG2255 0300802
A 179 BG2073 0300863
A 180 BG2081 0300863
A 181 BG1466 0300861
A 182 BG0207 0300862
A 182 RESET 1962 BG2275 0300862
A 25 BG 1711 0300872
A 26 BG1772 0300872
A 27 BG2156 0300862
A 28 BG0800 0300864
A 29 BG 112 0 0300864
A 297 BG1974 0300863
A 299 BG1921 0300863
A 302 BGO 13 7 0300871
A 303 BG0125 0300871
A 380 BG3435 030087123
A 395 BG3462 030086341
A 409 BG2644 0300874
A 436 BG2495 0300874
A 437 BG2528 0300874
A 84 BG0025 0300871
A 85 BG0387 0300864

Figure 2-8a.- Listing of synoptic file.

Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-15


BGOOOI I 8 0300871
BGOO02 A 158 0300871
BGOO03 B 158 0300871
BGOO04 J 8 0300871
BGOO05 C 158 0300871
BGOO06 K 8 0300871
BGOO07 D 158 0300871
BGOO08 E 158 0300871
BGOO09 l 8 0300871
BGOOI0 F 158 0300871
BGOO 11 G 158 0300871
BGOO12 M 8 0300871
BGOO13 H 158 0300871
BGOO14 N 8 0300871
BGOO15 K 158 0300871
BGOO16 J 158 0300871
BGOO17 o 8 0300871
BGOO18 l 158 0300871
BGOO19 P 8 0300871
BG0020 M 158 0300871
BG0021 N 158 0300871
BG0022 Q 8 0300871
BG0023 P 158 0300871
BG0024 Q 158 0300871
BG0025 A 84 0300871
BG0026 B 84 RESET 1939 0300871
BG0027 B 84 0300871
BG0028 C 84 RESET 1939 0300871
BG0029 C 84 0300871
BG0030 D 84 0300871
BG0031 D 84 RESET 1939 0300871
BG0032 E 84 RESET 1939 0300871
BG0033 E 84 0300871
BG0034 F 84 0300871
BG0035 G 84 0300871
BG0036 H 84 0300871
BG0037 J 84 0300871
BG0038 K 84 0300871
BG0039 l 84 0300871
BG0040 R 158 0300871
BG0041 S 158 0300871
BG0042 A 162 0300871
BG0043 B 162 0300871
BG0044 T 8 0300871
BG0045 C 162 0300871
BG0046 U 8 0300871
BG0047 D 162 0300871
BG0048 QUINTETTE AZ MK 0300871
BG0049 QUINTETTE 2 AZ MK 0300871
BG0050 QUINTETTE RM 1 0300871
BG0051 QUINTETTE RM A 0300871
BG0052 QUINTETTE RM 2 0300871
BG0053 E 162 0300871

Figure 2-8b.-Listing of synoptic file.

2-16 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Table 2-2.-Location codes for tide and water-level stations

States Codes States Codes

Alabama (AL) 873 Montana (MT) 931

Alaska (AK) 945 Nebraska (NE) 924
Arizona (AZ) 938 Nevada (NV) 936
Arkansas (AR) 881 New Hampshire (NH) 842
California (CA) 941 New Jersey (NJ) 853
Colorado (CO) 934 New Mexico (NM) 937
Connecticut (CT) 846 New York (NY) 851
Delaware (DE) 855 North Carolina (NC) 865
District of Columbia (DC) 859 North Dakota (NO) 922
Florida (FL) 872 Ohio (OH) 892
Georgia (GA) 867 Oklahoma (OK) 927
Hawaii (HI) 161 Oregon (OR) 943
Idaho (10) 932 Pennsylvania (PA) 854
Illinois (I L) 896 Rhode Island (RI) 845
Indiana (IN) 895 South Carolina (SC) 866
Iowa (IA) 912 South Dakota (SO) 923
Kansas (KS) 925 Tennessee (TN) 882
Kentucky (KY) 883 Texas (TX) 877
Louisiana (LA) 876 Utah (UT) 935
Maine (ME) 841 Vermont (VT) 843
Maryland (MD) 857 Virginia (V A) 863
Massachusetts (MA) 844 Washington (W A) 944
Michigan (MI) 901 West Virginia (WV) 864
Minnesota (MN) 911 Wisconsin (WI) 902
Mississippi (MS) 874 Wyoming (WY) 933
Missouri (MO) 884 United States 83x

Channels Codes Lakes Codes

St. Lawrence River 831-lxxx Lake Champlain 843-lxxx

Niagara River 906-3xxx Lake Ontario 905-2xxx
Detroit River 904-4xxx Lake Erie 906-3xxx
S1. Clair River 901-4xxx Lake S1. Clair 903-4xxx
Saginaw River 901-xxxx Lake Huron 907-5xxx
Grand River 908-xxxx Lake Michigan 908-7xxx
Chicago River 896-1111 Lake Winebago 902-02xx
Fox River 902-Olxx Lake Superior 909-9xxx
Milwaukee River 902-03xx Rainy Lake 911-OIxx
S1. Marys River 907-6xxx Lake of the Woods 911-09xx
Rainy River 911-05xx

A mark setting unit should also contact officials of pipelines or cables and obtain the assistance of a
the local highway districts, county and city transpor- representative from the local servicing office if a rod
tation departments, Indian reservations, and other public must be driven near a pipe or cable.
and private agencies as required when traversing their Although most vertical control points are located on
property. Ask district officials about current and pro- public land, occasional points may require that a pri-
posed highway widening projects. Enlist their assistance vate property owner or manager be approached as well.
to avoid the effects of such projects when routing the Sometimes, in addition to the owner's permission, spe-
line. Learn the construction details of culverts and brid- cial information must be obtained, such as the age and
ges, and the locations of bedrock. Often, local officials construction details of a building or the presence of
can point out or specify existing monuments that will active irrigation wells adjacent to a proposed monument
be destroyed, assist in recovery work, and recommend site. When ownership cannot be readily determined,
suitable locations for new bench marks. consult the county Recorder of Deeds. Never search
Since highway right-of-way zones are often occupied for or establish a control point without first obtaining
by gas, water, or sewer pipelines, and electric or tele- the property owner's permission.
phone cables, determine the location of such utilities When requesting permission from property owners
before installing a monument. Look for signs marking to use their property, give them a fact sheet that de-
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bencb Mark Setting 2-17

scribes the purpose of the survey. The fact sheet should behave in a respectful and tactful manner and obey the
also explain how the monument will be constructed and homeowners' wishes concerning the use of their property.
the importance of the monument to the vertical control Maintain a record of each contact made, including
network. An example is shown in figure 2-9. Always the designations of the relevant control points and the


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Rockville. Md. 20852


The National Geodetic Survey (NGS), an office of the NationalOcean

survey, NOAA, DepartIqent of Commerce, will be conducting a Geodetic
Survey in your area in the near future. In preparation for this
work, NGS field units are now installing survey points, known as bench
marks, at intervals of approximately one mile along major highways and
other thoroughfares. These bench marks will be tied to the national
network of thousands of similar points throughout the United States
which form the framework for a precise network of vertical control stations
(points of precisely known elevations). This survey work is undertaken at
the request of Federal, state, and local agencies for use in such projects
as mapping, resource management, flood control, crustal motion studies
(geodynamics), space exploration and large-scale engineering projects.

At selected locations throughout the country, special high quality bench

marks are being established as part of a seven,year program to redefine
the entire national geodetic vertical control network. These
marks often take the form of brass disks cemented into bedrock outcrops
or large buildings. Where this kind of mark is not feasible, a special
truck-mounted drill is used to install a sleeved rod bench mark (as
described in Figure 1.) Due to the stringent accuracy requirements
placed on the elevations of these bench marks, particular care is taken
when they are established. The mark must be well constructed, unlikely
to be disturbed, and accessible to the general public.

Because of the above considerations, selection of an acceptable site is

crucial. Thus, it is often necessary to rely on the public spirit of land
owners for permission to establish survey stations on private property.
It is the policy of the National Geodetic Survey to install bench marks
only upon the informed consent of the property owners. An NGS bench mark
can provide a valuable public service, and enhance property values by
serving as a reference for any surveying done in the immediate area.

Once it is installed the elevation is precisely determined by a National

Geodetic Survey vertical control party. This elevation is then published
along with the description of the physical location of the bench mark
and its position (latitude and longitude). The bench mark then takes
its place in the national network as a basic reference point for a
variety of surveying, mapping, planning, engineering and scientific


Figure 2-9a.-Form letter distributed to property owners.

1-18 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling


In 1978 the National Geodetic Survey expected soil movement and by anchoring
(NGS) introduced a new, improved bench the rod in the soil below.
mark into the National Vertical Control Top and side views of the bench mark are
Network. The reference point for the eleva- depicted below. Additional information
tion is the top of a stainless steel rod. The about this mark can be obtained by writing
rod is located inside a protective aluminum to the Director, National Geodetic Survey,
casement that bears the NGS logo and the National Ocean Survey, NOAA, Rockville,
stamped bench mark designation. Users can Md. 20852.
obtain access to the rod by lifting a hinged
access cover. SIDE VIEW
The bench mark is designed to prevent
near-surface soil movements,. e.g., frost POINT OF
heave, shrinkage, swelling, from disturbing REFERENCE
the mark. This is accomplished by encasing
the rod in a lubricated sleeve to the depth of \




1.5 to 15m. IN DEPTH



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Ocean Survey

Figure 1-9b.-Form letter distributed to property owners.

name, address, and telephone number of the individual private owners and public managers as a courtesy. Re-
contacted. Upon completion of the project, this record quests for survey results and elevation data should be
is used to send published descriptions of the points to referred to the National Geodetic Information Center.
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-t9

2.3.3 Routing Specifications Routes. The mark setter must weigh many factors
when routing the line. Paramount among these are the
The actual routes to be followed by the lines of a permanence, stability, and accessibility of the control
geodetic leveling project depend primarily on the pur-
points. Choose a route which permits the greatest pro-
pose of the project, as do the types and spacing of con-
portion of control points to meet these standards. Since
trol points along each route. Given in this section are
the lines of the national network are, for the most part,
routing specifications appropriate to lines of the Na-
already in place, routing typically involves recovering
tional Geodetic Vertical Network.
or relocating an existing line.
Junctions. Lines in a network begin and end at clus-
In the past, lines of leveling usually followed railroad
ters of control points called junctions. In a large net-
right-of-way zones, which often provided the only ne-
work, considerable time (sometimes several years) may
gotiable path through undeveloped areas. Today, these
elapse between the completion of one line and the start
zones are not always accessible or convenient to the
of another; therefore, the monuments at junctions must be
person who will be using local vertical control. The im-
permanent and stable. The most desirable locations for
provements in mark setting and leveling efficiency made
junctions are areas without significant subsidence or
possible by the use of vehicles depend on greater accessi-
uplift relative to a majority of the area covered by the
bility. Therefore, whenever a railroad does not have a
network. Though cities often serve as the logical inter-
continuous access road available to both public and pri-
sections for lines routed along highways, cities may not
vate surveyors within five leveling setups (at the most
be the best locations for junctions. Locate a junction in
0.5 km or 0.3 mi), relocate the line to the edge of a
the most stable zone possible, even if it is necessary to
highway right-of-way zone which parallels the railroad.
detour as much as 10 km (6 mi) from the logical inter-
Special connections should be made to the existing line.
section of the lines. (See the examples in fig. 2-10.)
(See sec. 2.3.4, "Previous surveys.")
To establish the junction, recover or set three con-
In the vicinity of an interstate highway or other con-
trol points of the best possible quality. Locate them at
trolled access roads, whenever possible, route the line
intervals of at least 0.5 km (0.3 mi). This limits the
so it is accessible from parallel roads outside the right-
possibility that they might all be affected by the same
of-way fence. Avoid routing the line along the proposed
local disturbance. At an international boundary, locate
route of a new highway, but if this is unavoidable, route
the points along the border, if possible, so they are ac-
the line as close as possible to the edges of the proposed
cessible to surveyors from either country. All three points
right-of-way zones.
must be leveled in every line beginning or ending at the
Leveling experience is helpful when selecting a route
across rough terrain or through congested urban areas.
At the end of the field season or project, if the leveling
Unlike a control point for triangulation, a control point
along a line must stop at some location short of the ending
for leveling must be readily accessible by land from the
junction, the location should be chosen carefully and
points that exist before and after it in the line. Avoid
monmented with three control points of the best possible
quality, as described in the previous paragraph. These are rou~ing the line through short, extreme changes in ele-
vation, such as down gullies or up and over embank-
not strictly considered to be junction points, but they
ments. When a monument must be set in such an in-
should be releveled for a tie when the line is resumed.
convenient location to ensure permanence and stability,
note the most efficient leveling route on the log.
If an obstacle is encountered that cannot be crossed
by ordinary leveling-such as a river, bay, mudflat,
At line
int.r.ecUon marsh, or deep ravine-a "river crossing" technique
may be required. This procedure may also be required if a
bridge cannot be leveled across, either because it is sub-
ject to intense vibration or because traffic cannot be
stopped for the length of time necessary. See sec. 4.2.1
for selecting and preparing river crossing sites.
At tMdrock
Spurs. Portions of line that branch to control points
within 10 km
not in the main line are called spurs. Spurs end on points
not otherwise connected to the network, unless they are
routed to make connections with previous surveys. Avoid
creating spurs of less than 1.0 km (0.6 mi). Control
points located closer than 1.0 km should be leveled as
part of the line.
If routing a new line along an existing line that includes
spurs, the spurs may be excluded unless they provide
access to control points of unusually high quality or they
Figure 2-tO.-Network junctions. are specified for inclusion by the project instructions.
2-20 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Control points. The spacing between control points

o a..t-quellty
in the national network should average 1.6 km (1.0 mi). L8V8lift9
In dense networks, designed to measure such phenomena
as movement near faults or local subsidence, spacing
should average 1.0 km (0.6 mi) or less.
The distance between any pair of control points may
normally range between 1.0 and 3.0 km (0.6 and 1.9
mi). In municipalities, housing or commercial zones,
and other areas of intensive development, shorten the
spacing to 1.0 km. In rural areas, with gentle terrain
and only infrequent periods of windy or stormy weath-
er, spacing may be increased.
If a portion of the line must follow a steep grade,
space the control points to limit the number of leveling
setups required to 40 or less. If the steep grade extends
over several kilometers or the entire line, adopt an av-
erage spacing which corresponds to the slope. Estimate
the slope (elevation difference divided by distance) from a
topographic map and consult table 2-3 for a suitable
Control points should be marked with monuments of
the best expected quality. However, new monuments
of the best quality may be the most expensive and time-
consuming to set. Furthermore, existing monuments of
lower expected quality historically have often performed
well and should not be removed from the line unless
Figure 2-11.-Locations for monuments
they are in unsatisfactory condition. Consequently, best-
of the best possible quality.
quality monuments need not be installed at every con-
trol point. Unless project instructions specify otherwise,
recover or set a monument of the best possible quality 4. At the base of a spur connecting a primary tide
at the following locations (fig. 2-11): station (set one).
5. At a primary tide station (set one).
1. At network junctions, including international
6. At least every 16 km (10 mi) along the line (set one).
boundaries (set three monuments).
2. At one or both ends of a portion of line not to be
2.3.4 Connections
leveled to both junctions during one field season
(set three). To provide a common frame of reference in which
3. At the base of a spur or spurs connecting a previ- elevations may be computed, two or more ties should
ous survey that intersects the line (set one). be established between the line or lines of every level-

Table 2-3.-Spacing control points along slopes

This table is based on a change in elevation of 2 m (6 ft) during each setup,
the normal maximum when following the specifications for geodetic leveling given in chapter 3.

Slope Maximum leveling sighting distance Maximum distance between control points Recommended average spacing
(percent) m(ft) km(mi) km(mi)

I Maximum tolerance 3.0 (1.9) 1.6 (1.0)

2 50 (164) 3.0 (1.9) 1.6 (1.0)
3 33 (108) 2.7 (1.7) 1.1 (0.7)
4 25 (82) 2.0 (1.2) 0.8 (0.5)
5 20 (66) 1.6 (1.0) 0.6 (0.4)
6 16 (52) 1.3 (0.8) 0.5 (0.3)
8 12 (39) 1.0 (0.6) 0.4 (0.25)
10 10 (33) 0.8 (0.5) 0.3 (0.2)
15 6 (20) 0.5 (0.3) 0.2 (0.1)
30 3 (10) 0.3. (0.2) 0.1 (0.05)
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-21

ing project and the National Geodetic Vertical Network. ing or setting a monument of the best possible quality
A tie consists of two or more control points that, after at or near the point where the spur joins the main line
they have been leveled and checked, connect a line to (fig. 2-13). All three points must be leveled to estab-
a previous survey. lish a tie. If either or both of the surveys are of less than
When routing the lines of a project, connecting points first-order precision, recover at least two control points
must be recovered to permit ties to be made that span for the connection.
the area of the project. To the extent that they serve the Often "area surveys" are encountered, where two or
purpose of the project, connections should also be routed more lines of a previous survey are intersected. In this
to other types of control networks. Given next are specifi- case, make connections by recovering at least one con-
cations for connections to be made when routing lines trol point from the previous survey at each intersection
of the national network. The requirements are summa- (fig. 2-14). At least three such points, spanning the
rized in table 2-4. area of the survey, must be leveled to establish a tie.
Previous surveys. When lines of a previous survey A local survey of good quality that has not previously
are releveled or intersected as part of a project, the ties been included in the national network may be connected
established permit the previous survey to be readjust- by following these procedures. Consult the appropriate
ed and brought up-to-date with the current work. local officials to obtain descriptions of monuments that
If all or part of an existing line is to be releveled, might serve as connecting points.
route it by recovering the control points as they are Do not extend a spur more than 8 km (5 mi) to make a
described in the vertical control data. If the existing connection to a previous survey, unless special project
route is no longer accessible (as is the case with many instructions apply.
lines following railroads) and the line must be relocat- Tide and water-level stations. Connections between
ed, recover the points of the best quality and include the national network and primary tide stations are es-
them in the new, paralIel route. If possible, include such sential to compare and relate elevations to the sea-level
points at the following intervals along the line: 5 km surface at various points along the coasts of the United
(3 mi) if the distance separating the new and old routes States. Similiarly, connections to water-level stations
is less than 0.5 km (0.3 mi), 10 km (6 mi) if the separa- permit elevations to be obtained for the mean lake level at
tion is between 0.5 and 2.0 km (0.3 and 1.2 mi), and various points along the shores of the Great Lakes. Proj-
20 km (12 mi) if the separation is greater than 2.0 km ect instructions should provide a list of tide and water-
(1.2 mi). (See fig. 2-12.) level stations to be connected.
Make a connection whenever the route intersects a Numerous secondary and tertiary tide and water-level
line of a previous survey. If both current and previous stations may be located near a line routed along a shore.
surveys are of first-order precision, recover at least Unless project instructions specify otherwise, connect
three control points that were leveled during the previ- these only if they are no more than 4 km (2.5 mi) from
ous survey. Connect them with a spur (or spurs), recover- the line.

Table 2-4.-Requirements for connections

Minimum number of
Connection Spacing connecting points

Previous surveys:
Parallel, 0.5 km (0.3 mi) or less away Every 5 km (3 mi) 1
Parallel, 0.5 to 2.0 km (0.3 to 1.2 mi) away Every 10 km (6 mi) 1
Parallel, more than 2.0 km (I.2 mi) away Every 20 km (12 mi) I
Intersected, first-order line At every intersection 3
Intersected, second-order line At every intersection 2
I ntersected, area survey At two intersections that span the area 3
Tide arid water-level stations:
Primary At every station 5
Secondary At stations less than 4 km (2.5 mi) away 3
Tertiary At stations less than 4 km (2.5 mi) away 3
Active airports At airports not leveled
before and less than 4 km (2.5 mi) away
Gravity stations At every station
Horizontal control and three-dimensional stations At stations not leveled
before and less than 4 km (2.5 mi) away
2-22 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

@ Connecting point


}<O.S km



>2.0 km

Figure 2-12.-Connections to parallel surveys.

Each primary or secondary station should have a clus- are important for monitoring crustal motion and for
ter of at least five control points, a staff or electric-tape continual development of a unified, precise, global
gage for measuring the height of the surface of the water positioning system.
relative to the points, and a water-level recorder that Relative measurements of gravity are made at many
operat~ continuously. Obtain descriptions from the most control points of the vertical network, so special con-
recent station report. Contact the station observer to nections to gravity stations are usually not necessary.
make arrangements for the leveling unit to level to the However, connect stations where repeated measurements
staff or gage. If no monument of quality A (sec. 2.4.4) is of absolute gravity are made, when they are listed in
present at a primary station, set one. Connect the points to project instructions.
the main line with one spur, recovering or setting an- Instructions should also list any three-dimensional
other mark of quality A at the point where the spur ("satellite") and horizontal stations that are to be con-
joins the line. nected. Otherwise, connect these stations only if they
Airports. Connections to control points at airports have not previously been leveled, are within 4 km (2.5 mi)
provide ele'?tltions for aeronautical charting. If such of the line, and are readily accessible to the leveling
points have already been leveled as part of the national unit. Consult the appropriate Geodetic Control Diagrams
network, they need not be releveled. Connect an active to determine if such stations are near the line.
airport not previously leveled only if it is within 4 km At these types of stations, more than one monument
(2.5 mi) of the main line, unless the connection is spe- may have been established. Consult the horizontal control
cifically requested in project instructions. Recover or data or other descriptions that have been provided and,
establish only one control point, near the terminal build- if practicable, include all the monuments in the line.
ing, if possible, or at the entrance to the airport. To For example, horizontal control stations normally in-
locate an existing control point or to establish a new clude a station mark, two or more nearby reference
one, check with a responsible official at the airport. marks, and an azimuth mark a few tenths of a kilome-
Other control. Leveling connections to control points ter away. If a spur is necessary, route it over all the
for gravity, three-dimensional, and horizontal networks monuments; avoid creating a "spur-on-a-spur."
Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-23

Use a broad, light-colored pen to connect the points

Old point destroyed,
in leveling order on the topographic map. Note the dis-
SECOND ORDER n_ mark set. tances and the most efficient routes between them. Label
a spur intended to tie a previous survey with the acces-

--~ - -
0-- sion number of the survey. Whenever points are grouped
in clusters that may cause confusion, attach a large-
'DestrOYed scale sketch. Tide and water-level stations nearly al-
Not recovered
ways require such a sketch; attach the station reports if
possible. In an urban area, a large-scale city map
may provide better information than a topographic
map; however, a city map should not be used to scale
After each map is completed, scale the positions of
the points and assign survey-point serial numbers, taking
care to match them with the correct designations.
(See sec. 2.4.4, "Survey-point serial number.") Label
the lower right-hand corner with the line number and
FIRST ORDER a number corresponding to the location of the map
in the line. Fold the map, printed side out, to a con-
venient size.
Submitting records to the project office. Keep all
mark setting records up to date as work proceeds along
a line. Use the Index to Topographic Maps as a check-
off list of the maps completed (fig. 2-6).
Figure 2-13.-Connections to intersected surveys. Collect and bind, in line order, descriptions of all
points to be leveled, and label the binder with the line
number. Bind descriptions of points not to be leveled as
2.3.5 Records
While routing a line, the mark setter must prepare
numerous plots, descriptions, a'nd logs, all critical to
the future recovery and leveling of the control points.
Plots and descriptions identify and provide permanent
instructions for reaching the individual points; these are
discussed in sections 2.4.3 and 2.4.4. Logs provide specif-
-- -
ic instructions to the leveling unit for leveling the line.
Logs. The logs must include clear and concise instruc- /
tions that enable a unit to level efficiently to the con- /
trol points along the route. Sometimes simple handwrit-
ten lists are sufficient, which briefly describe the loca-
tions of the points by providing driving instructions and
measurements from the most obvious reference objects. I
Working position plots should be supplied with
logs. More convenient as logs are the working plots them-
selves, on which the plotted points and routes between
-1------........ -
them are briefly described (fig. 2-15). Prepare logs on
working plots as explained here.
As each control point is recovered or established along I
the route, plot the control point on the appropriate to- I AREA SURVEY
pographic map. Provide a brief description by giving I
measurements to a witness post and other landmarks,
the height of the point relative to the ground, any spe-
cial leveling procedures required (such as for a verti-
cally mounted disk or one requiring the use of spacers)
I-- - -- - --
and any special permission or contacts needed. If the I
monument site is cleared and marked with flagging, only I
a few of the most useful reference objects and distances
supplied in the description need be noted on the log. Figure 2-14.-Connections to an area survey.
2-24 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Figure 2-15.-Map prepared on a working plot.

Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bencb Mark Setting 2-25

each 30' quadrant of vertical control data is complet- If the point is to be leveled, clear away brush or
ed. Label these binders with the quadrant numbers. SuI>- obstructions, install footholds for the rodman, and do
mit the binders to the project office together with logs whatever else may be necessary to make it accessible
and smooth plots covering the same area. to the leveling unit. A disk recessed in concrete may
not have sufficient clearance to permit a standard lev-
2.4 Vertical Control Points eling rod to be set on the highest point. Note in the log
that spacers will be required to level to such a point.
More than 500,000 points define the lines of the To assist the unit in finding the point, tie a single
National Geodetic Vertical Network. To mark these piece of brightly colored flagging at eye level around a
points, monuments of many types have been set. Most nearby witness post, utility pole, tree, fence, or guard-
of these are bench marks-monuments designed to pro- rail. Chalk may be used to draw attention to a mark set
vide permanent and stable points within the vertical in stone or concrete, but only with the property owner's
frame of reference. The remaining points are marked permission.
by monuments originally designed to provide other types Before leaving the site, plot and identify the exact
of control. location of the control point and prepare a description.
When routing a line of a leveling project, after exist- The type of description prepared depends on the type of
ing control points are recovered, bench marks must be control which will be provided by the point. For example,
set to complete the routing requirements described in a point that is to provide both vertical and horizontal con-
the previous pages. Properly recovered and set control trol must have two descriptions, one for each part of the
points are the most important product of the mark set- data base. Vertical control descriptions are discussed in
ting unit. They must be permanent, stable, accessible, sec. 2.4.4. Horizontal control descriptions are discussed in
and properly described. the Federal Geodetic Control Committee publication,
Input Formats and Specifications of the National Geo-
2.4.1 Control Point Recovery detic Survey Data Base (Pfeifer 1980: vol. I), the Na-
An efficient recovery effort depends on adequate prep- tional Geodetic Survey Operations Manual (Greenawalt
aration and organization, as well as skill and experi- and Floyd 1980), and C&GS Special Publication 247,
ence at interpreting previous d~scriptions and prepar- Manual of geodetic triangulation (Gossett 1959).
ing new ones. In addition to recovering or setting con- When recovering a relocated point ("reset"), confirm
trol points for the lines assigned by project instructions, that the original monument has been destroyed. Search
NGS mark setting units are sometimes expected to re- for both monuments if both descriptions are available.
cover and prepare descriptions for all points listed in Since the two are likely to be close together, take care
the NGS data base and located in the area covered by that they are not confused. Prepare a separate descrip-
the 7~5 maps that include the lines. tion for each monument.
Preparation. First, collect and organize the data for If a control point apparently cannot be recovered,
existing control points along the line to be routed. Deter- recheck the description, especially the starting location,
mine the topographic maps to be used and, if possible, plot distances, turns, landmarks, and supplemental notes.
the positions of the points to be recovered. As reminders, Compare distances to those given for points located
note on the maps the locations of line junctions and con- immediately before and after it in the line. To find a
nections to be made with previous surveys, tide and water- likely site, compare elevations from map contours to
level stations, active airports, and other control. Make the published elevation for the point. Look for remnants
arrangements to meet with appropriate officials to obtain of flagging, signal cloth, wood, witness posts, or con-
permission and assistance. While recovering the points, crete. Pinpoint the likely location of the mark by measur-
keep track of their spacing, condition, and quality, noting ing from the reference objects, then clear away any brush
where new bench marks should be set. and dig. A metal detector may be helpful. Never report
Recovering a control point. Follow the instructions a monument destroyed unless enough of the metal sur-
given in the description for reaching each control point. face is recovered for positive identification. If no iden-
Often a witness post and sometimes the monument can tifiable part of a monument can be found, report in the
be seen from the vehicle after driving to the described station description that the monument was not recov-
location. However, this type of sighting is not an ade- ered and note the amount of time spent searching.
quate recovery. Destroyed bench marks. If a destroyed or severely
Before reporting a point recovered as described, be damaged NGS bench mark is recovered, NGS employees
sure that the monument found is in fact the one pre- or other agents designated by the agency may remove
viously described. Observe the stamping on the mark what remains of the monument from the site. Report
and check that it agrees exactly with that given in the that it is destroyed in the description and return marks
description. Check the measurements and directions bearing a stamped designation to the project office for
from nearby reference objects. If necessary, install a disposal. Report destroyed or damaged monuments of
new witness post and make measurements to additional other agencies, but do not remove such monuments unless
reference objects. the agency specifically requests it.
2-26 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Occasionally a monument that is scheduled to be de- Designations for bench marks. Only NGS employees
stroyed (e.g., during highway widening), or one that is and agents may set brass disks and aluminum flanges
unlikely to prove reliable in the future because of low- precast with the NGS logo. Such marks must be stamped
quality construction (quality D) or poor condition, is with designations supplied by the agency in project in-
recovered. Set a new bench mark of better quality in structions or via computer. Each designation includes
the immediate vicinity and route a spur from the new a letter of the alphabet and a number, up to four digits.
mark to the old. After the spur has been leveled and It should be unique among all the designations in the
checked, destroy the old monument if the responsible State where the control point is located.
agency so requests, and prepare a new description ac- Designations are normally assigned to an individual
cordingly. If an unreliable monument is not destroyed, mark setter in a quantity sufficient for the line to be
be sure to note in the original recovery description that routed. Several series are normally assigned; each in-
it is not recommended for future geodetic leveling. cludes one number and 24 letters of the alphabet. ("I"
The cap-and-bolt is an example of a type of monu- and "0" are omitted because they may be confused
ment likely to prove unreliable because of its con- with "I" and "0".) For example: A 20() leveling
struction. The monument includes two control points, line, with the space between control points averaging
a bolt set in concrete 1 to 2 m beneath the ground sur- 1.6 km and the recovery rate expected to average 50
face and a cap on a pipe extending to the surface from percent, requires approximately 63 designations or three
the bolt. In the past, both points were leveled from a series, such as A 123 through Z 123, A 124 through Z
temporary bench mark set nearby and three elevations 124, and A 125 through Z 125.
were published (cap, bolt, and reset cap). This practice To avoid duplicate designations, keep a record of all
was very costly and has been discontinued. Because the designations that have been used (fig. 2-16). If a mark
monument is of quality D, replace it as described in the is set that bears a stamping duplicating that of another
preceding paragraph. Since standard leveling rods are mark in the same State, stamp it with the letter "X"
too wide to fit into the pipe, instruct the leveling unit to following the number if it has not been leveled. For
level only to the cap. example, "C 124" becomes "C 124 X." Be sure to cor-
rect the plots, the description, and the log. If the dupli-
2.4.2 Bench Mark Setting cation is discovered after the mark has been leveled,
Only bench marks of the best possible quality (A or do not stamp the mark but notify the project office.
B) should be set to complete routing requirements for a (See sec. 5.3.3, "Synoptic file comparison.")
line. The mark setting manual provides instructions for Site selection. Set bench marks in bedrpck whenever
selecting sites and constructing such monuments. In- possible. In a region where expansive soil or local sub-
formation presented here is intended to supplement and sidence is prevalent, extend a spur as much as 4 km
update the manual. (2.5 mO to set a high-quality bedrock mark.



STATE C ~L\ FOR N (1\ MARK SETTER JD/1 N 3 N\ \ T \-\

Number A B C 0 E F G H J K L MN P Q RS
Y 'i 'I.. 1)( X )( )(X I\{ iV IV \l X X Y 1">( )(- 1)(
'Z v ~15(
"d-.3 "-
1~Ll- X )(

I ':J C::-

Figure 2- t 6.- Example of bench mark designations assigned by mark setter.

Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-27

Do not set disk

Do not set disk on deck
on wingWall)

No piles

;":"::"::::...4~~~: ::.. ..~.

:...a :~::::: :....
:::::::: ...~:.....:..::..:..: ..:~..........
.... .. .. .. ..: "..
: ~:
.. .... .."
::: :.a
.. ...
:.."'.. <I.a ..-A.".: ,,&: ~; ::..:..4 "'.
.. .:: :: : : : : : 4 :.::
:: : : ~
... ..: :.:.. <I.~ a.


Figure 2-17.-Foundation types of massive bridges.

When selecting sites for monuments, remember the soil. An end-bearing pile transfers the load to a resis-
length (3 m or 10 ft) and width (7.6 cm or 3 in) of the tant subsurface formation or bedrock. Piles are usually
standard leveling rod. Avoid setting marks that are awk- placed in groups and topped with a pile cap. Abutments
ward to level, such as those sketched in figure 3-78 and piers rest on the pile caps. A pile cap cannot be
(chapter 3). When setting a disk in bedrock, chip away visualIy distinguished from a spread foundation. Check
the surrou'1ding rock and level the disk so the highest with the local highway engineer to learn the types and
point corresponds to the center of the disk. Hold a car- depths of the foundations of bridges you might usc.
penter's level vertically, as though it were a miniature To be suitable for a monument of quality A, the
leveling rod, to test this. If a disk must be set vertically foundation of the bridge should rest directly on bed-
in a structure, place it about 1.0 m (3 ft) above ground rock or should be made up of end-bearing piles. Where
and make sure the long line at the center is horizontal. soil is nonexpansive and maximum frost depth is less
Massive bridges. A massive bridge across a wide river than 0.5 m (1.6 ft), the foundation may be made up of
or valley or an overpass of an interstate highway may friction piles. The disk must be set on an abutment,
provide a high-quality site for a disk. Such a bridge pier, or pile cap.
normally has five structural members. The deck is the Rod marks. Since the publication of the mark set-
surface on which vehicles are driven. It is made up of ting manual, various driving points (fig. 2-18) have
several sections, separated by expansion joints, and is been devised. When driving a string of stainless steel
designed to yield to various forces. The abutments provide rods that have been screwed together, the wings of the
support to the ends of the deck. The piers provide sup- driving point prevent the rods from unscrewing as a
port between the ends of the deck. Abutments and piers result of vibration and rotation induced by the hammer-
are in turn supported by foundations. At the ends of a ing of the rock drill. Use these points when setting class
bridge may be wingwalIs, which are retaining walls built A or B rod marks as described in the manual.
to hold back earthen materials. A rod string must be driven deeply enough to resist
Three types of foundations are commonly used (fig. movement caused by hammering or pulIing the rod at
2-17). A spread foundation is essentially a slab that the surface. Initial experience in driving rods with a
provides support by transferring the load over a large gasoline-powered rock drill indicates that, to ensurc
area of the soil. A friction pile transfers the load to the sufficient stability, a driving rate slower than 30 cm/min
soil through friction at the interface of the pile and the (l ft/min) must be attained at or below the minimum
2-28 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

2.4.3 Assigning Geographic Positions

The geographic positions of a small number of points
in the national network of vertical control have been
r.., precisely determined by horizontal surveys. However,
a position, even if approximate, should be assigned to
I I every point for the following reasons: to permit auto-
I matic plotting and filing of vertical control data in the
I Threaded stud appropriate 30' quadrants, to permit interpolation of
I gravity values for correcting the leveling data, and to
I assist recovery without relying solely on a description
I I Rod end of the route to the point.
Working plot. To obtain approximate positions for
I I control points, maintain a working plot ("rough plot").
L..J This is a 7:5 topographic map (or 15' map if the larger
scale is not available) on which latitude and longitude
lines have been penciled. On the map, plot and verify
7 Driving point the location of each point as it is recovered or set. If

/, precise positions are available for some of the points,
such as triangulation stations, these should be plotted
in advance to assist in recovery. Plot points found de-
stroyed, but do not plot those not recovered unless project
instructions request estimated positions for them.
The accuracy of the plot depends on the mark set-
Figure 2-18.-Driving point for a rod mark. ter's good judgment and experience. Use all the infor-
mation available on the map to estimate the location of
each point in relation to the surrounding topography.
depth required for the site. (See table 3 in the mark Consider the following elements: distance along the
setting manual.) If driving through clay, do not drive route from the last point; distance from one or more
more than 10 m (30 ft) when trying to attain this rate; landmarks along the route, such as overpasses, road or
highway intersections, prominent buildings, towers,
after the rod has been in place for a few days, the clay
powerline crossings, railroad crossings, bridges, marked
should "set up" around it, anchoring the mark in place.
If possible, return to such a mark to check that it has
become anchored.
Two changes have been made to the instructions for
a class B rod mark. First, instead of using a plastic clean-
out fitting, protect and identify the control point with a
casement exactly like the one used for a class A rod Stamp
mark. (The 4-inch fitting used in the past is too narrow designation~
to permit a standard leveling rod to be placed with cer-
tainty on the highest point of every such mark.) Sec-
and date rAl4:
ond, instead of crimping a brass disk to the top of the I
rod, round off the top end with a file or crimp a stain- I
less steel cap onto the rod, as for a class A rod mark. Crimp f I
Before crimping on a stainless steel cap for either a into rod~
class A or B rod mark, stamp the designation around
the top of the cap, just below the edge of the rounded
portion (fig. 2-19). This permits backup identification
in the event that the. flange of the casement is later
mutilated or destroyed.
To crimp the cap, use a small hydraulic pump with a
cutting attachment. After slipping the cap over the end of
the rod, crimp it into the rod about halfway down from
the top. Be sure that the cap cannot be raised, lowered,
or twisted after crimping. Construct the casement so a
leveling rod may be set and rotated on the control point
without restriction. Figure 2-19.-Stainless steel cap for a rod mark.
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-29

boundaries, gullies, and hills; and distance of the point 4. The scale is now slightly tilted. Maintaining the
from the centerline of a highway or a rail of a railroad. same angle of tilt, move it sideways until it intersects
When working across country, use the contour inter- the point, as shown in figure 2-21. Ensure that the lower
vals to aid in locating points. After leveling, elevation and upper ends rest over the lower and upper latitude
differences and leveling distances should be used to lines, as before.
check such plots. (See sec. 5.3.3, "Positions.") 5. At the coqtrol point, read from the scale the min-
Use only the most recent editions of topographic maps. utes and seconds to the nearest second. Add this to the
If the map does not show a new highway, obtain local reading of the lower latitude line to obtain the latitude
maps that show both the highway and section divisions of the point.
(e.g., maps of the U. S. Forest Service, U. S. Bureau
6. Proceed similarly to obtain the longitude. From
of Land Management, and route plans of State high-
the bottom of the map, read the degrees, minutes, and
way departments). Then, transfer the highway route to
seconds of the nearest longitude line to the right of the
the topographic map by comparing section divisions.
point. If the seconds read "00," use the scale marked
Use "bluelines" if they are available from the USGS
from 0'00" to 2'30". If the seconds read "30," use the
(see sec. 2.3.1, "Maps for position plots..."), since they
scale marked from 0'30" to 3'00".
often show control points labeled with designations as
well as new highways. 7. Place the scale, oriented horizontally, near the con-
With waterproof black ink, indicate each control point trol point. Adjust the right end (0'00" or 0'30") until it
with a dot, neatly surrounded by a 3-mm (I/8-in) cir- rests over the nearest longitude line to the right of the
cle. Label it with the designation. Indicate points that point. Adjust the left end (2'30" or 3') until it rests
are not to be leveled with red ink. Indicate points that over the nearest longitude line to the left of the point.
are destroyed with the note "DEST" and those that are 8. Again, the scale is slightly tilted. Maintaining the
not recovered with the note "NR." Well-maintained same angle of tilt, move it up or down until it intersects
working plots may be used subsequently as logs for the the point, as shown in figure 2-22. Ensure that the right
line. (See sec. 2.3.5, "Records.") and left ends rest over the right and left longitude lines, as
Scaling positions. The position of each control point before.
without a previously published position must be scaled 9. At the control point, read from the scale the min-
from the working plot and recorded in the description. utes and seconds to the nearest second. Add this to the
To ensure accuracy and consistency, scale positions only reading of the right longitude line to obtain the longi-
from 7:5 or 15' USGS topographic maps. The position tude of the point.
of a single point may be scaled while preparing the de-
scription, or the positions for all the points may be scaled When scaling positions, pay particular attention to
after work on the area is completed. In the latter case, the direction in which the scale is read. In the northern
ensure that the positions are matched correctly with hemisphere, latitude always increases as you read up
the descriptions. (north) from the bottom edge of the map. In the west-
The scales illustrated in figure 2-20 are used to obtain ern hemisphere, longitude always increases as you move
both latitude and longitude. The following instruc- left (west) from the right edge of the map. Also, watch
tions apply to a 7:5 map. The same procedure should be for consistent errors of 30" caused by reading the wrong
used for a 15' map; however, use the single scale marked scale, errors caused by aligning one end of the scale
in increments of 2" from 0'00" to 5'00". with a latitude line and the other with a longitude line,
I. Place the map on a flat surface. If latitude and and errors caused by reading the wrong latitude or lon-
longitude lines have not been previously drawn, draw gitude line.
them on the map using a straight edge and a sharp pencil. To prevent such blunders, positions should be scaled
Draw latitude lines across the map at intervals of 2'30". by two persons independently before they are submit-
Draw longitude lines at the same interval. The inter- ted to the project office. A recommended routine is for
vals are marked on the edges and, with small crosslines, on one member of the mark setting unit to plot, scale, and
the face of the map. (On a 15' map draw the lines at record the position while at the site of the control point.
intervals of 5'.) Then, the other member rescales and checks all the
2. From the edge of the map, read the degrees, min- positions at the time survey-point serial numbers are
utes, and seconds of the nearest latitude line below the assigned and logs are completed.
point. If the seconds read "00," use the scale marked Smooth plot. The smooth plot is a clean version of
from 0'00" to 2'30". If the seconds read "30," use the the working plot, prepared on a copy of the same map
scale marked from 0'30" to 3'00". (fig. 2-23). It is the permanent record illustrating the
3. Place the scale, oriented vertically, near the con- precise locations of the control points recovered. Label
trol point. Adjust the lower end (0'00" or 0'30") until each point to be leveled with the survey-point serial
it rests over the nearest latitude line below the poirit. number. Label the lower, right-hand corner with the
Adjust the upper end (2'30" or 3'00") until it rests over line number and a sequence number corresponding to
the nearest latitude line above the point. the location of the map in the line.
2-30 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

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.. N
.... -
I\) :: ..

:; IX) ..
, .... 0\ ::1i
* .,
~.. N 0
1 .
N ::>
:!: =
~;;; '"
:$! ~~:
N " it
Q ., OJ;---=

II! ~~~I\)
, ~w
0\ .N
'" --=
~M ~:i! o~
+ +

Figure 2-20.- Tools for scaling geographic positions.

( Chapter 2-Reeonnaissanee and Deneh Mark Settinc




<; :

,I.. _. _~


. ----

83" 15' "4 ? '160 12' O.
Maooed. edited. and oubfished by th~eolRgical Survey
in coooe(ation with State of Michiga~ncies
Conllol b, USGS. USC&GS. u. S. SUf'~' I
,nd W.ayneCount, H'lh...~., Commlss'on ~ "!. 'e..
Fi/:ure 2-21.-Scalin~ latitude: 059 USLS is ~2°01'JJ"N.

NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3. Geodetic Leveling


'"S1 -21-


+ ~I
..~ I
'!. I

190 000
~EET 33



Fi1:ure 2-n.-Scaling lon~ilude: 0 S9 USLS is 83° 13' J2"\\,.

Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-33

ii \J ";;i
I I,"



Figure 2-23.-Smooth plot.

2-34 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

2.4.4 Descriptions may be completed after leaving the site: the survey-point
serial number and the position. These may be respec-
To be useful, control points must not only be permanent
tively assigned and scaled while compiling logs for a
and stable, but recoverable. Descriptions of points in
completely routed segment of line.
the National Geodetic Vertical Network are the index for
Descriptions are original records that are referred to
referring geodetic leveling data to actual points on the
repeatedly during the course of a project and are filed
Earth's surface. Each description must independently
for further use afterwards. Protect them while in the
provide, in a concise and consistent manner, all the
field by attaching them to a clipboard with a waterproof
information necessary to locate, positively identify,
cover. Write neatly, printing if necessary, in waterproof
and level to a control point.
black ink. Do not use abbreviations or codes except those
The degree of care with which a mark setter prepares
specifically permitted in the input formats and speci-
descriptions is immediately evident to the other surveyors
fications manual.
who use them. Do not repeat approximations, assump-
Specific items of information required for the com-
tions, and mistakes which may be present in previous
plete description of a vertical control point are explained
descriptions. A description should contain only clear
here in the order in which they appear on the descrip-
and accurate statements of facts that have been veri-
tion form. If the point is already included in the na-
fied by the mark setter.
tional network and only slight changes must be made
The National Geodetic Survey uses a form for cod-
to the previous description, a recovery note may be pre-
ing much of this information, thus reducing the repeti-
pared on the same form. It must provide information
tive writing required when preparing numerous descrip-
that verifies the identity and construction of the mon-
tions of similar points. It serves as a reminder, prompt- ument; instructions to reach the point are not neces-
ing the mark setter for detailed information about the sary unless the previous description is inadequate or
location and the construction of the monument. It is incorrect. If the point is not recovered, do not enter
designed to satisfy the requirements for vertical descrip- information that cannot be verified. Table 2-5 sum-
tive data presented in Input Formats and Specifications marizes the standard entries for different types of
of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base (Pfeifer descriptions.
and Morrison 1980: volume II, ch. 7), hereinafter re- To begin, in the upper right-hand corner write the
ferred to as the input formats and specifications manual. project line number and the name of the topographic
Prepare a description on NOAA Form 76-186, "Bench map on which the point is plotted. (See examples in
Mark Description," for each point searched for or set. figs. 2-24 and 2-25.)
Complete it at the site. Never write a description from Survey-point serial number. The survey-point seri-
notes or from memory; a vital piece of information may al number (SPSN) is an identifier used to match level-
be missed or be remembered incorrectly. Only two items ing data with the correct control points. Assign a unique

Table 2-5-Standard entries for descriptions

Survey Point Description Archival Other

Type of Serial number? recovery cross-reference condition Condition'
Action description (*10*) code' number? (*22*) (*25*)

Set new bench mark Complete Yes D No Appropriate code not required
Recovered, no change or slight change Recovery' Yes R Yes Not required G or P
in description
Recovered, major change in description Complete Yes R Yes Appropriate code GorP
Recovered, first connection to the Complete Yes R No Appropriate code G
National Geodetic Vertical plus X
Control Network
Staff, gage mark, or other temporary Temporary' Yes None No Not required Not required
control point
Recovered, not leveled by this survey Recovery' No R Yes Appropriate code GorP
or complete
Recovered destroyed Recovery' No R Yes Not required X
Not recovered Recovery' No R Yes Not required N

Refer to Input Formats and Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. II).
A recovery note requires the following entries: *10*, *13*, *15* (if any), *23*, *24*, *25*, *26*. *27*, *28*, and *30*.
A temporary description requires the following entries: *10*, *13 *.
NOAA FORM 16_18'

*****************~************************ ~RN
~!Q~SPSN-i.h~3.,-,DRC CODE-iQ, APPROXLAT-,!ll ~ll. ~MAPPROX LON-i-OJ31 j~IW ~n~QUAD-i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,~,A\~Ult~g~LINE-i_ _ __,
Zl!f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, ~H~STATE CODE/rxmrY-i11J.Lo~.iAl.rt e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (PARISH in Louisiana - State CENSUSDIVISION in Alaska)

;~;;NPARES~~I~ -0; ~~~j~ ~=~~()ii:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~!§~~~I~R ~-ij..J L

8 J5._Mfl i: ~ 1L~,
~?Q~CODEJ1.0NlMENr BY AGENCY-t!..,L,JJ!i-~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, ~~!~YEAR-;J..9 j D, OJIEF OF PARTY-j~~~ ~~~~0'rnER CONTROL-j_ ___
~~~~CODE/SETIING CLASSIFICATION~j' ~L,= _ ~-~-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~~~ATION-iE DISK TYPE-i__'
================ ====
~~?~STAMPING-j~_~ ~ j _ J _'1.1.P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' A)(f-S 0UALITV OVERRIDE-i_,


********************************** **********************************
:~Q~,1-!..1 K1"11 ~ 1 ~h'J~ }our .tt Lf:_ .H-llr ~klA-'t. _ ft.~M_ TJlf_ ~t~c'lIA~~_
AJ...lIJJ.G._IH'L t..A-rlllJ J,tC---,
~~Q~,iJJt..J l.LH_ :tAJ_ DJ..D1~ iLT.- M: b_ ?~l v¥.f_ i.oltJ;) _J...E_~L~Ct-_ ~.J.s r _ tr.J.._T /J.f £N~J~~_ fI:rJ1I
:~Q~,.ATDMJ.t._ .f~wfE_ JL~~J; _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _
- - -- - - - - - - -- ,
,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.\ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - _.- - - - -- - -- - - --- - - -- - - --- - - -- --
~~Q~,~2.1_ffi.EjEJ.I.JJ. YJ._.t=rJ.- Elrt r _tJf_ Tlte~ !...e~IEf~ LN.f£_ Qr _1>1}( 1 ~_1I-J J}lI.lII)f.}f~ _ _ _ - - - - - - - --'
~~Q~'!f2J.i_1!\f--i.e-1U-(j ~~L ET)-.f~->r ~ ~./)JJjl:J.E./4jT _ IJr_ T iI-£:...:r.u.Al-CJ"Lill/..r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'
,_ Jfo...E:f_W_ {3 f -~_S.JJlJ3'lL .D1=_ TJ+~_
~E.w-E:l.Ll ~.£_ JJF_tH-_1ii.P~_I.JIA.t.E_ JCJJA-b;- - - - - --'
~~Q~,iJJL 14¥_-r_eJlJ_l ')..f).Jl.FTl.5.!JJ.L"tI:l_ /Jr_ r.ilL !JJJJE:tJf~A-It".J'..AZ~g. - ~~_A_c.~Il'-r - - - - - - --'
~~Q:,~JV~ j)~' 1_ J1E:JtR_12..o_ FrJ E~lr _ ~;:_ A._ JIIj)~b.E 111_F.£.M.E~ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'
-------------- ---------------------- - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.;..- - - - - - - - - - --'
:~Q~,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'
-------------- ---------------------- - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --'
Setting Code,~lJs~ as in *26*) ROD/PIPE DRIVEN TO THE DEPTH-OF, -OF #1,1t/M
~1i~ (Uni ts~ .£ b-,1/f/M, IN A SLEEVE EXTENDING TO THE DEPffi '_
(leave preceding entry blank if no sleeve), ENCASED IN A PIPE,E'F-FWSH Wnl-lTHE GROUND/P-PROJECTING/R-RECESSED,_ _,IN/CM
~1~:(Units,_ ), ,FT/MuA-ABOVE/B-BELOW/L-ABOlTI' LEVEL WITH (Units and FT/Mblank if '1'), ,
~1~~(Units,M) ,_ j)J,1.Pr/M,_ J.4{, (Point of Co~ass) FRGIA WITNESS POST - else specify object,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
,_ _ _ _,~Ii/Km,__ _,of Bench Mark,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (start entry with article (a,an,the) if <lPplicable)


Figure 2-24.-Complete description.

Une 3

~!Q~SPSN-Ti.o? l,DRC CODE-T~ APPROX LAT-TY~Q!J~ §!:!..APPROX LON-Tl)!} l:!-~ ~w ~n~QlJAD-T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J~T~@~Q.b~g~LINE-T_ _ __,
~!~~DESIGNATION-TJ_l~3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~H~STATE CODE/muNI'Y-i_ _,L,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (PARISH in Louisiana - State CENSUSDIVISION in Alaska)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' DISTANCE AND
~E~NEAREST CITY OR TOWN-T_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~!~~NEAREST CITY OR TOWN-T__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
~~Q~CODE/MJNlt.IENTBY AGFlC'h_,L,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~~!~YEAR-T__ _ _, amF OF PARTY-T__ _, ~~~~OTHER
_ _ _,
~~~~CODE/RECOVERY BY AGENCY-uLoNfT.$_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~~1~YEAR-d ~! A, CHIEF OF PARI'Y-T!:.I!~ ~~~~CONDITION OF MARK--([;
~~§~CODE/SETTINGCLASSIFICATION-T)._,L,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' ~~Z~Nl1MENTATION-T~ DISK TYPE-T..ol, z
~~~~STMlPING-Tj,.l~!J_l ~ "",__ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _, ~UALI'T" OVERRIDE-i_, o
~~Q~,O~lT _ fnOR._j£EE~~hlr.£_TO;_WJJ1J.t15_1>.o~r,- _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, .::I
~~Q~ !.
'- - - '""- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'
~~~' ~
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --'
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --'
- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -'
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -'
--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -'
~~~ ~

~~Q~,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'
~~Q~,-- - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'
~~~, ~

~~Q~,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'
~~~~ ~
;~i;(Units,i Setting Code,J._,same as in R26R) ROD/PIPE DRIVENTO THE DErn-I-OF,_ J Y._.Ff~ IN A SLEEVE EXTENDING TO THE DEPTH OF,__ _ _,Ff/M
(leave preceding entry blank if no sleeve), ENCASED IN A PIPE,fF-FLUSH WIlli THE GROOND/P-PROJECTING/R-RECESSED,_4:.,IN/e+-
~1~~(Units,_,), ,FT/M,_,A-ABOVE/B-BELOW/L-AOOUT LEVEL WIlli (Units and FT/Mblank if 'L'), ,
~~~~(Units,S,),_ _ _~,FTk _E, (Point of Co~ass) FRCM A WITNESS POST - else specify object,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
,_ _ _ _,Mi/Km,__ _,of BenchMark,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (start entry with article. (a,an,the) if applicable)



Figure 2-25a.-Recovery note.


D-self-standing original description OO-UNSPECIFIED B-BOLT

R-self-standing recovery description Shallow Settings (less than 10ft): C-CAP-AND-BOLT
its territories and possessions. I3-SHALLOW-SET PIPE I-METAL ROD
Consult the User's Guide to the 14-SHALLOW-SET METAL R~D N-NAIL
Input Formats and SjieCITiutions (without base plate) O-CHISELED CIRCLE
of the National Geodetic Survey Unsleeved Deep Settings: P-PIPE CAP
Data Base for points elsewhere. 20-UNSPECIFIED DEEP Q-CHISELED SQUARE
2-U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Rocks and Boulders: Z-SEE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT
3-U. S. Department of Defense (DOD) 30-UNSPECIFIED ROCK
4-other federal or interstate agency 31-ROCK OUTCROP, rock ledge, *27*DISK TYPE (blank if not survey disk):
5-state agency rock cut, or bedrock
6-county, city, or regional agency 32-BOULDER OO-unspecified SURVEY DISK
7-commercial organization or private firm Structures: Ol-BENCH MARK DISK
9-foreign government agency 41-PAVEMENTS, such 88 streets, sidewalks, 03-TRIANGULATION .STATIONDISK
aprons, curbs, etc. 04-TRAVERSE STATION DISK
headwalls and wi~gwalls of culverts and 06-SURVEY DISK (not listed)
A-astronomic station small bridges 07-REFERENCE MARK DISK
F-fault monitoring site 43-PlLES AND POLES (e.g., spike in utility pole) 08-AZIMUTH MARK DISK
M-magnetic station 45-MAT FOUNDATIONS (bearing surface same size as II-MAGNETIC STATIONDISK
N-no vertical control (not presently structure), such a8 landings', platforms,
or anticipated to be connected to steps, floors, tower foundations, bases of *27*QUALITY O\~RRI,)E (for KGS use on1v)
the National Vertical Control semaphores, etc.
Network) 50-UNSPECIFIED MASSIVE STRUCTURES *4rt*/*41*/*42*/*43*T1NITSCOT)!!:
O-other (see descriptive text) 51-MASSIVE RETAINING WALLS, including headwalls
T-tidal bench mark and retaining walls of very large. bridges E-f.ng1ish M-metric units
X-no vertical control (not 52-ABUTMENTS AND PIERS OF VERY LARGE BRIDGES,
connected to the National including overpasses and underpasses *43*POINTS 01' COMPASS: N,!TNE,'TE,INE,
Vertical Control Network at 53-TUNNELS E,ESE,SE,SSE,S,SSW.SW.WSW.W.I~.NI~.~.
time of recovery, but expected 54-MASSIVE CONCRETE, MASONRY, OR STEEL STRUCTURES
to be after this 8urvey) WITH DEEP FOUNDATION~
Sleeved Deep Settin~
P-POOR or disturbed, mutilated 63-GALVANIZEn STEEL ROD IN SLEEVE

Figure 2-25b.-Recovery note.

2-38 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

serial number to every point that is to be leveled in the synoptic file provided by NGS. Copy the number on
line. A series of numbers for each line is normally line * 11 * of the description form. If a point has not
assigned in the project instructions. Assign the number previously been connected to the network, leave the space
"DODO" to a point that is not to be leveled, such as one blank; a cross-reference number is automatically as-
that is destroyed, unsuitable, or not recovered. signed after the project is completed.
To prevent duplications, serial numbers may be as- Designation. To identify the control point, a desig-
signed to all the points on a completed map at the same nation is normally stamped on the mark by the agency
time that positions are scaled. They may be assigned in which sets it. The designation is a unique name by which
a sequence corresponding to the order in which the points the point can be conveniently recognized and referenced.
should be leveled. However, they need not always ap- In general, the designation given in the description should
pear in sequence. If points are added to the line after be identical to that stamped on the mark. It should not,
most serial numbers have been assigned, do not change however, include redundant or nonspecific information
the original numbers merely to correct the sequence. that may appear in the stamping.
Junction code. Write "JUNCTION" at the top of When the point is recovered, assign the designation
the description form whenever the control point is one given in the published description (or listing of the synop-
of the following: tic file). If necessary, correct mistakes such as misspell-
1. One of the three points at network junctions ings or transposition of numbers, and record the previ-
(including international boundaries). ous, incorrect designation as an alias. Use the follow-
2. A point at the base of a spur connecting a primary ing guidelines to standardize the designations. (Exam-
tide station. ples appear in table 2-6.)
A junction point leveled repeatedly within the same Do not include information that is normally precast
project must be described for each line in which it is on a mark, such as warnings or type of control.
leveled. If it is newly set, prepare a complete descrip- Do not include a stamped elevation unless it is the
tion for the first line leveled; prepare a recovery note only means of distinguishing the point.
for each subsequent line. For convenience, assign the Do not include a stamped date, unless the point has
same survey-point serial number to the point whenever been relocated or the date is the only means of distin-
it is described. guishing between otherwise duplicate designations.
Description/recovery code (DRC). Enter a single letter Limit the designation to 25 characters or less, including
on line * 10* to indicate whether the control point was imbedded blanks. Abbreviate the designation if necessary
searched for, "R," or is newly set, "D." The code "R" to conform to this limit. Separate groups of alphabetic
indicates a recovery note or a complete description, writ- and numeric characters with one blank. Do not retain
ten for a point that existed prior to the arrival of the any punctuation that is stamped, except the following:
mark setter. The code "D" indicates a complete descrip- A plus ( +); a minus ( -), only if it indicates a negative
tion, written at the time the mark is set. elevation; a period (.), only if it is embedded in a group
Position. Scale the latitude and longitude of the plotted
of numerals; an equal sign (=); or a slash (j). Do not
position of the control point from the topographic map. separate such symbols from the adjacent characters with
Record each to the nearest second, latitude followed blanks. Note: If a minus ( -) is included, it can only be
by the direction, "N" or "S", from the equator and the first character of the designation.
longitude followed by the direction, "w" or "E", from If the mark is stamped with two designations, total-
the Greenwich meridian. The position is used by NGS ing 24 characters or less, concatenate the designations
to compute automatically the 3D' quadrant and the with an equal sign. If the characters total 25 or more,
number of the quadrant line in which data for the point enter one of the designations as an alias.
are filed. If the mark belongs to an agency other than the NGS
If a point is not recovered, enter on line * 11 * the (or its predecessor, the Coast and Geodetic Survey),
number of the quadrant and on line * 12* the number of include at the end of the designation the acronym for
the quadrant line in which the previous description was the agency's name that is precast on the mark. If no
published. Do not enter a position. name is precast, include the same acronym that is en-
Archival cross-reference number. The archival cross- tered for the agency that set the mark. (See "Setting
reference number (XRN or ACRN) is a unique identi- information," this section.)
fier that is assigned to each control point in the nation- If the mark provides control for a tide or water-level
al network. It permits the comparison of data collected station, but was set primarily to provide control for the
during different epochs for the same point. It consists national network, include the station number as an alias.
of two parts, a two-letter area code, indicating the Geo- If the mark was set solely to provide control at the sta-
detic Control Diagram in which the point is positioned, tion, include the seven-digit number in the designation.
and a four-digit number that is unique within the area. Enter the first three digits, a space, and the last four
An index of two-letter area codes appears in appendix B. digits. Add the word "TIDAL" if the station is a tide
Obtain the cross-reference number from either the station. Then, enter the designation stamped on the mark,
published description or from a special listing of the observing the guidelines given in this section. Newer
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-39

Table 2-6.-Examples of bench mark designations

Stamping Symbol for agency name Designation to appear

as it appears on mark as it appears on mark on description

C 124 1980 NGS C 124
2903 USGS 2903 USGS
H 325 1945 230.695 IT USCGS H 325
140B ELEV 95.3 IT MORC 140 B MORC
TTl7B 1965 USGS TI 17 B USGS
TI-17B 1965 USGS TI 17 B USGS
595 +00 1952 AHD 595 +00 AHD
MI. 14.2 None M114.2
4419 USGS 4419 USGS
5301.29 IT USGS 5301.29 USGS
CHII74,297+ooA USGS CH 1174=297+00 A USGS
STA. NO.3, MI. 182.5 None STA NO 3=MI182.5
No stamping None Previous designation

Tide station 872 8912:

TIDAL 1 1937 USCGS 872 8912 TIDAL 1
H 14, TIDAL 3 1963 USCGS H 14=872 8912 TIDAL 3
8912 A 1977 NOS 872 8912 A TIDAL
A 307 1974 NGS A 307 Alias 872 8912 TIDAL
No stamping USCGS 872 8912 TIDAL Previous designation
Staff, rod held at 6 ft stop TBM 872 8912 STAFF 6 IT

Water-level station 906 3000:

21934 USCGS 9063000 2
BM 31934 USCGS 906 3000 BM 3
POOL 1934 USCGS 906 3000 POOL
M 104 1973 NGS M 104 Alias 906-3000
3000 B 1977 NOS 906 3000 B
No stamping USCGS 906 3000 Previous designation
Electric tape-gage reading mark TBM 906 3000 ETG READ MK

Other control:
BOULDER NO 21935 USCGS (Reference disk) BOULDER RM 2
BOULDER NO 2 1935 USCGS (Azimuth disk) BOULDER AZ MK 2
Relocated points:
Z 201 RESET 1980 NGS Z 201 RESET \980
3000 USGS RESET 1976 NGS 3000 USGS RESET 1976
CHICO 1948 1971 NGS CHICO \948197\
CHICO 1948 NO.3 197\ NGS (Reference disk) CHICO RM 3 1948 \97\
CHICO \948 \97\ NGS (Azimuth diskl CHICO AZ MK 1948 \97\
CHICO \948 NO.2 197\ NGS (Azimuth disk) CHICO AZ MK 2 \948 \97\

tide and water-level marks are stamped with the last reading mark of an electric tape gage is not a permanent
four digits of the station number and a letter; in this monument, enter the letters "TBM" at the beginning of the
case, enter the three-digit state code followed by a space, designation, to indicate a temporary bench mark. Desig-
the stamping, and the word "TIDAL." nate a staff by the station number, the word "STAFF,"
If a point at a tide or water-level station has no stamp- and the height of the stop on which the leveling rod is to be
ing, append the designation given in the previous de- held. Designate the reading mark of an electric tape gage
scription to the station number. Because a staff or the by the station number and the words "ETG READ MK."
2-40 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

If the mark was set to provide control for a horizon- append the postal code for the state whenever the city
tal network or other types of networks, assign the des- or town is named. Also, append the code when neces-
ignation as it appears in the published description, again sary to avoid confusion. For example, "KANSAS CITY
observing the guidelines given here. Designate a refer- KS" as opposed to "KANSAS CITY MO."
ence mark with the horizontal station name, the letters The distance from the nearest city or town, which is
"RM," and the number stamped on the mark. Desig- to be entered on line *18*, is not a straight-line mea-
nate an azimuth mark with the horizontal station name, surement. Instead, it is the total of the distances given
the letters "AZ MK," and the number, if any, stamped in the instructions to reach the point, by following the
on the mark. most direct highway routes. Enter it to the nearest tenth
The mark for a vertical control point that has been of a kilometer, followed by the mileage in parentheses
relocated is normally stamped with the original desig- and the direction traveled. Abbreviate kilometer, "KM,"
nation, the word "RESET," and the year of relocation. and mile, "M!." Use the eight-point compass, spelling
Include all of this information in the designation. Other out the four cardinal directions and abbreviating the
types of relocated control points may be stamped dif- four intercardinal points. For example, "3.4 KM (2.1
ferently~ For example, to reestablish a horizontal con- MI) EAST," "10.2 KM (6.3 MI) NW," and "1.0 KM
trol point, a new surface mark may have been reset di- (0.6 MI) SE."
rectly over an underground mark. The reset mark is If the control point is located within city or town corpo-
usually stamped with two dates, the year the point was rate limits, enter the word "IN" before the name of the
established and the year it was reestablished. The geo- city or town and do not give a distance and direction.
graphic position has not changed, but the elevation has. Setting information. Whenever the control point re-
Indicate this in the designation by including both dates. If quires a complete description, enter information about
the designation exceeds 25 characters in length, include the agency which set the monument and its purpose.
only the most recent dates. This includes a code indicating the agency classifica-
A horizontal control point that has been entirely re- tion, the agency's name, the date (year) the mark was
located and designated with the number "2" should set, and the initials of the project director of the party
not be confused with a reestablished point. Do not des- which set it. Agency codes are listed on the back of the
ignate such a point with a date unless it, too, has been description form and in table 2-7. Acronyms for agen-
reestablished. cy names, as standardized for the use of the National
Alias. If the control point is known by more than one Geodetic Survey, are given in annex C of the input for-
designation, enter the designation that is stamped on mats and specifications manual. If the date the mark
the mark on line * 13 * and enter all other designations was set and the initials are not available from a previ-
as aliases. If the point has been designated incorrectly ous description, enter the date stamped on the mark
in a previously published description (or in the listing and leave the initials blank. If the date is not known,
of the synoptic file), the incorrect designation should enter "UNK" in its place.
be shown as an alias in the corrected description. When the point serves another geodetic or geophysi-
General location. For control points in the United cal purpose enter the appropriate code on line *22*.
States enter a two-letter postal code indicating the State, The purpose should be evident from the project instruc-
commonwealth, province, or territory on line *14*. Unit- tions for newly established points and from the previ-
ed States postal codes are given in table 2-2. Then enter ous description or type of disk for recovered points. Spe-
the county, parish, census division, or independent city
in which the point is located. Indicate a city with the
phrase "C OF.". For example, "C OF ST LOUIS" for Table 2-7.-Agency classification codes designated
St. Louis, Missouri. by NGS for preparing NOAA Form 76-186
For control points in other countries, enter the ap-
propriate two-letter code and then the primary political Agency Code'
division, such as a State, province, or district. The codes
are published in annex A of the input formats and specifi- National Geodetic Survey................................................... I/NGS
cations manual. National Ocean Survey....................................................... 8/NOS
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (prior to 1970) .............. I/CGS
If the point is part of a local network, such as a net-
U.S. Geological Survey....................................................... 2/USGS
work for monitoring subsidence, an area title may be U.S. Department of Defense .............................................. 3/000
entered on line * 16* to indicate this. The entry is optional Other Federal or interstate agency..................................... 4
and can be automatically added to all appropriate points State agency ................... 5
after completion of the survey. County, city, or public regional agency.............................. 6
Commercial organization or private firm ........................... 7
On line * 17* enter the nearest city or town. It must
Foreign government agency................................................ 9
have a post office, railroad station, or well-defined high- Unknown .................... o
way crossroads from which to begin distance mea-
surements and it must appear on the official State high-
'Refer to Input Formats and Specifications of the National Geodetic
way map. If it is in a different State from the point, Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. II).
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-41

cific horizontal, astronomic, or gravity data must be Table 2-9.-Monument classifICation codes designated
available in the NGS data base if the point is to be by NGS for preparing NOAA Form 76-186
coded as providing such control. Control classifications
appear on the back of the form and in table 2-8. Code Setting classification Quality'
If a recovered point has not been previously connected
to the national network, but it is connected by the cur- 00 Unspecified D
rent survey, enter "X" in addition to any other codes.
Shallow settings (less than 3 m or 10 ft):
If a point is described that has not been connected to 10 Unspecified shallow D
the network in the past and is not connected by the II Metal rod with base plate C
current survey, enter "N". (A description is only re- 12 Concrete post C
quired for such a point if it is marked by a disk or flange 13 Shallow pipe D
belonging to NGS). 14 Shallow metal rod without base plate D
Recovery information. In each recovery description, Unsleeved deep settings:
enter information about the agency which searched for 20 Unspecified deep C
21 Copper-clad steel rod B
the point. This includes a code indicating the type of
22 Galvanized steel pipe B
agency, a standard abbreviation for the agency's name, 23 Galvanized steel rod B
the year the point is searched for, and the initials of the 24 Stainless steel rod B
project director of the party conducting the search. Use 25 Aluminum alloy rod B
the same codes and abbreviations that appear in tables Rocks and boulders:
2-6 and 2-7 to denote the setting agency. 30 Unspecified rock B
Enter a code for the condition of the monument on 31 Rock outcrops, such as a rock ledge,
line *25*. If the monument appears to be undisturbed rock cut, or bedrock A
32 Boulder C
and is suitable for leveling, in good or fair condition,
enter "G." If it has been disturbed, or if it cannot be Light structures:
positively identified because of mutilation, enter "P". 40 Unspecified light structure D
If the monument is found destroyed enter "X". (See 41 Pa vements, such as streets, sidewalks, aprons, curbs,
and so forth D
sec. 2.4.1, "Destroyed bench marks.") If it is not re- 42 Retaining walls and bulkheads, including head walls and
covered, enter "N", even if it is presumed to have been wingwalls of culverts and small bridges C
destroyed. Explain any condition other than good in the 43 Piles and poles, such as a spike in utility pole D
descriptive text. 44 Footings, foundation walls, and abutments of small
or medium size structures C
Construction details. Describe the construction of
45 Mat foundations, such as landings, platforms, steps,
the monument by entering the two-digit code that de- floors, tower foundations, semaphore bases, and other
notes the setting classification. Table 2-9 summarizes bearing surfaces of the same size as the structure C
setting classifications. If the monument is a mark in-
Massive structures:
stalled in a preexisting structure (codes 40 through 55), 50 Unspecified massive structure B
describe the setting specifically with a short phrase on 51 Massive retaining walls, including headwalls and
line *26*. For example, "51/ VERTICAL IN OVER- wingwalls of very large bridges B
PASS HEADWALL," "42/CULVERT," and "44/ 52 Abutments and piers of very large bridges B
54 Massive concrete, masonry, or steel structures
with deep foundations A
55 Large concrete, masonry, or steel structures
Table 2-S.-Control classification codes designated with foundations on bedrock A
by NGS for preparing NOAA Form 76-186
Sleeved deep settings:
60 Unspecified rod or pipe in sleeve B
Other control Code' 61 Copper-clad steel rod in sleeve B
62 Galvanized steel pipe in sleeve A
Fault monitoring F 63 Galvanized steel rod in sleeve A
Tide or water-level T 64 Stainless steel rod in sleeve A
Horizontal ... H 65 Aluminum alloy rod in sleeve , A
Astronomic ... A
Gravity... ...... ..,... G ,
Refer to Input FormalS and Specifications of the National Geodetic
Magnetic M Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. II).
Other (explain in text) 0
Not previously connected to the National Geodetic If the monument is a concrete post (code 12), describe
Vertical Network:
the height of the post with respect to the ground sur-
Connected by thecurrentsurvey X
Not connected by the current survey N face in metric units on line *40*. Similarly, if the monu-
ment is a rod or pipe which has been driven into the
, ground (codes 11, 13, 14, 20-25, or 60-65), give the
Refer to Input FormalS and Specifications of the National Geodetic
Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. II). depth, the sleeve depth (if any), and the height of the
2-42 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

casement with respect to the ground surface in metric

units on line *41 *.
Describe the type of device marking the control point
by entering the appropriate one-letter code on line *27*.
If the mark is a survey disk, enter a two-digit code to
indicate the type. A list of marks and corresponding
codes is given on the back of the form and in table 2-10.
Figures 2-26 and 2-27 show the bench mark disks used
by the former Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Na-
tional Geodetic Survey.
Quality classification. In addition to the variety of
monuments set by NGS, monuments of even greater
diversity, set by other Federal, State, and local agencies,
have been and continue to be included in the national
network. See appendix D of the mark setting manual.
To assist the user of vertical control data in selecting
the most reliable control points for the purpose of the
intended survey, monuments have been classified ac-
cording to their expected ability to remain stable in
relation to the local topography. One of four quality
codes is automatically assigned to each control point
on the basis of the construction details provided in the
description. The codes are defined as follows:
I. Quality A describes a monument of the most reli-
able construction, likely to be affected only by
movement of the geological feature in which it is
installed. D 02 D 01 D 01

Figure 2-26.-Survey disks of the former

Table 2-10.-Bench mark classification codes designated U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
by NGS for preparing NOAA Form 76-186
2. Quality B describes a monument of construction
Type of mark Code' likely to prove reliable.
3. Quality C describes a monument that may be af-
Survey disk:
Unspecified ...................................... DOO fected by surface movement, such as frost heave
Bench mark (vertical control) ......................................... DOl or the shrinking and swelling of certain clays.
Tide or water-level bench mark ...................................... D02 4. Quality D describes a monument not likely to prove
Triangulation station (horizontal control) ....................... D03 reliable, or a monument of unknown construction.
Traverse station ............................................................... D04
Topographic station ......................................................... D05 Of course, generalizations have been necessary to im-
Reference mark. ... ... ........................ D07
Azimuth mark ............................ D08
plement this system. However, the experienced mark
Gravity station ................................................................. D09 setter may greatly improve the value of the quality es-
Gravity reference mark.................................................... D 10 timate by assigning the code in the field. A monument
Magnetic station .............................................................. DII of low expected quality in one location might require a
Other type (explain in text) ............................................ D06
Flange-encased rod .................................................................. F higher classification in another. For example, an un-
Metal rod ... ..... I sleeved stainless steel rod (quality B) is subject to move-
Pipe cap ... ..................... P ment due to soil shrinkage or expansion in regions where
Cap-and-bolt .. ... C
the soil readily absorbs and retains water_ In regions
Bolt........................................................................................... B
Rivet......................................................................................... R with low humidity, rare frost, and nonexpansive soil,
Nail.......................................................................................... N the same monument may be upgraded to quality A.
Spike........................................................................................ S Similarly, a monument of high expected quality might,
Chiseled cross .......................................................................... X
when construction details are examined, require a lower
Chiseled circle ......................................................................... o
Chiseled square... ................ Q classification. For example, a disk set in the wingwall
Chiseled triangle .......... T of a very large bridge (quality B) is less likely to prove
Drill hoie ... .................. H reliable if the wall is cracked and undercut by erosion
Stone monument ................. V
(quality C).
Other (explain in text) ............................................................ Z
More details on placement and construction of monu-
, ments are presented in section 2.4.2 and in the mark set-
Refer to Input Formats and Specifications of the National Geodetic
Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. 11). ting manual. Using table 2-9 as a guideline, apply your
Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-43

judgment in specific cases to assign a more realistic that the sign 'JONES FARM' no longer exists"; and
estimate of quality when it is appropriate. Enter the "The 1952 description is adequate. The point is 0.5 meter
quality code after the setting classification. (1.6 ft) south of a witness post."
Stamping. A control point marked with a disk flange- When a point is found destroyed or cannot be recov-
encased rod, pipe cap, or cap-and-bolt is normally ered, describe the situation. Here are three examples:
stamped with the designation and year it was set. Some- "The concrete post was found broken off at the base
times an elevation may be stamped as well. A precast and the disk was removed at this time." "After a
inscription is not considered part of the stamping. 30-minute search by two persons, the point was not
The stamping serves as final verification of the identity recovered. Reference objects given in the 1948 descrip-
of the control point. Enter it exactly as it appears on the tion were not found." "The bridge mentioned in the
mark. If no stamping appears, make note of it in the 1952 description has been rebuilt and the mark appears to
descriptive text. have been destroyed."
From the precast inscription (if any), determine the If a point is particularly difficult to recover, the pre-
originating agency for the mark. In the space following vious instructions are probably not adequate even though
the stamping, enter the acronym for the agency as it they may be correct. In such cases, and whenever major
appears on the mark. corrections are necessary, prepare a complete new de-
Text. The text ("body") of the description must provide scription, including in the text a new set of instructions
thorough and accurate instructions for reaching the con- to reach the point.
trol point. It should also describe features affecting Present instructions in a consistent, clear, and con-
the utility of the point for vertical control, clarifying cise format. Start from a major highway intersection
information coded elsewhere in the description when or a prominent, permanent landmark in the nearest city or
necessary. town. Mention landmarks and reference objects in the
The fact that a control point is recovered by follow- order in which they will be used. Lead the surveyor first
ing instructions from the previous description does not, in to the general vicinity of the monument and then to the
itself, imply that the instructions are correct in every exact point. For convenience, treat these two portions of
detail or that they will apply in the future. Verify all the description separately, as shown in figure 2-24.
items in the previous instructions and assess their fu- The instructions to reach the general vicinity should
ture usefulness. If no changes are necessary, the recovery follow the most direct driving route (not necessarily
note need not include a text entry. If brief corrections the leveling route). Identify highways by Federal, State,
or additions are necessary, enter them. Here are two or county number. To ensure that the measured distances
examples: "The 1935 description is adequate except between landmarks and turns are accurate, calibrate
your vehicle's odometer. Enter distances to the nearest
tenth of a kilometer, followed in parentheses by miles
to the nearest half-tenth. Enter compass directions to
the nearest cardinal or intercardinal point: north, north-
east, east, southeast, and so forth. When describing a
turn or the location of a landmark, enter a compass
direction, followed by "right" or "left" in parentheses.
Since vehicle odometers differ, if driving distances
D 02 D 01 D 01
are long, give distances to intermediate landmarks that
c~n serve as check points. In addition to noting turns,
mention a prominent landmark visible from the high-
way as near to the control point as possible, at least
within the final kilometer. Within city or town corpo-
rate limits, include the address (if any) of the property
on which the point is situated.
For a control point located about halfway along the
D D7
D 08 D 07
line between two cities or towns, include driving instruc-
tions from each town, prefacing the second set of in-
structions with the word "also."
Once in the general vicinity, direct the surveyor to
the point by listing measured distances and directions
from nearby reference objects in an order convenient
to the recovery of the mark. Begin with the most con-
D 03
spicuous object or the longest distance. A good prac-
D 06 D 06
tice is to enter first the distance and direction from the
Figure 2-27.-Survey disks of the National Ocean centerline of the highway, so the surveyor can search
Survey and National Geodetic Survey. on the appropriate side.
2-44 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Select and describe reference objects carefully. for meter, "mm" for millimeter, "cm" for centimeter,
Consider the available objects when selecting the site Hkm" for kilometer, "ft" for foot, and "mi" for. mile.
for a new mark. (See page 6 in the mark setting manu- Unless undue confusion would result, avoid entering
al.) Keep in mind that a monument may have become quarter-quadrant compass directions, such as east-
obscured by brush or may be buried under dirt and southeast or north-northwest. Use the accepted term-
gravel. The lines of position for at least two of the objects inology found in a dictionary or engineering textbook;
should intersect at nearly a right angle. Select objects avoid the use of jargon.
that are well defined, permitting such precise mea-
surements that extensive digging or clearing of brush
2.5 Relocating Vertical Control Points
is not required to recover the point. Avoid objects to
which the distance must be estimated. A total of three Each vertical control point represents a large in-
objects, plus a witness post, are sufficient for most control vestment of resources. Since it is intended to provide a
points. When describing reference objects, indicate continuous record of elevation change, as well as con-
whether sizes are standard, approximate, or measured trol for many local surveyors, its preservation is vital
by observing the following conventions: A standard size is to the maintenance of the national network. Although
given in standard units, with a hyphen between the monuments are constructed in locations where they are
numeral and the unit; for example, "I-inch pipe" or unlikely to be disturbed, many are destroyed or dam-
"2- by 4-inch timber." An approximate size is given in aged by highway widening and maintenance, bridge re-
metric units, prefaced by the word "about"; for exam- building, railroad maintenance, and building demoli-
ple, "a walnut tree about 15 cm in diameter" or "a tion and construction. Such deterioration of the network
timber about 15 by 25 cm." A measured 'size is given in must be minimized.
metric units; for example, "a post 10 cm in diameter." Although regional mark maintenance engineers moni-
Measure distances horizontally (not along the slope) tor the condition of the network, the areas they cover
to the n~arest hundredth of a meter. After the metric include many States. To preserve specific points, the
distance, enter the distance to the nearest tenth of a cooperation of local engineers and surveyors is impor-
foot in parentheses. If an object is more than 30.5 m tant. When recovering a mark, prepare a brief report of
(100 ft) from the point or is not definitive (such as the its condition (fig. 2-28). If a monument is about to be de-
centerline of a highway), measure to the nearest tenth stroyed, notify NGS at once. Before it is destroyed, a ver-
of a meter (integral foot). Precede estimated distances tical control point should be relocated as described here.
with the word "about." First, a new monument is constructed in the vicinity.
Measure from the center of objects such as trees and Then the elevation difference is measured by leveling
telephone poles and perpendiculary to objects such as from the old to the new control point. Finally, the old
fences and walls. Otherwise state the point from which monument is destroyed. Data are normally recorded
the measurement was made. For example: H6.31 m on NOAA Form 76-60, "Report on relocation of bench
(20.7 ft) north of the northeast corner of a semaphore mark." (See fig. 2-29.)
base. " Setting a new monument. After NGS is given the
Be sure to describe the height of the mark relative to designation and location of the monument about to be
the ground or highway surface. A standard entry for destroyed, the agency will send to the reporter a brass
this is available on line *42* of the description form. A disk, which is prestamped with the designation and year
similar standard entry for the measurement from a wit- of relocation. For example, the disk for M 346 is stamped
ness post is available on line *43*. "M 346 RESET 1980."
Enter additional notes as necessary to describe the Select a site for the new control point, if possible
monument or to explain unusual leveling procedures within one leveling setup from the monument to be re-
placed. Construct a monument of the best possible quality
that may be required. Do not confuse culverts with brid-
ges, piers with abutments, and retaining walls with foun- in which the disk may be set. (See the instructions in
2.4.2 and in the mark setting manual.) Recommended
dations. Clarify information that may be somewhat mis-
settings for this purpose are a class B rod mark (with
leading as presented in codes elsewhere in the descrip-
the disk crimped to the top), bedrock, or a large and
tion. For example, note the following: a mark which stable structure. If a witness post is near the old mon-
might be expected to bear a stamping but does not; a ument, relocate it to the site of the new one.
mark stamped with a designation duplicating that of Prepare a complete description of the new point, ei-
another; a mark mounted vertically; the precise loca- ther on the report form or on a standard description
tion of the control point on a large structure or an un- form (NOAA Form 76-186). On the report form, be
usual monument; the presence of ferrous material in or sure to include instructions to reach the point from the
adjacent to a monument; and the name of the owner on nearest city or town, construction details, and a position.
whose property the monument is set. Include your ini- If the position cannot be plotted and scaled as explained
tials at the end of the text. in section 2.4.3, note the 30' quadrant of Vertical Control
Throughout the text the following standard abbrevia- Data and the number of the quadrant line in which the
tions may be entered for units of measurement: Hm" original point was described.
Chapter 2- Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-45

~ u.s. 60VERlllENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974-665-07411047 Region 6

Form Approved
U 150 1941
Name or Designation: Year Esrablished:

State: PA County: Huntingdon Organization Established by: C&GS

Distance and direction from nearest town: about 4. 6 miles north along PA RR from station at
Description published in: (Line. booA:, or quadran". number) Quad 400781
Mark searched for or recovered by: Name - Roger C. Poe
Organization - Michael Baker. Jr., Inc.

Date of report June 17, 1975 Address- P. O. Box 280, Beaver, PA 15009
Condition of marks: List letters and numbers found stamped in (not cast in) each marl<..

Mark stamped: Condition:

U 150 1941 Good

Marks accessible? Yes ~ No D Propeny owner contacted? 0 Yes ~ No

Plea.s~ report on. the thoroughness of the s.earch in case a mark was not recovered, suggested changes in description, need for
repaumg or moving the mark, or orher perunent facts:

If additional fanns ara neaded. Indicate number required.

Post set
Witness Post set _feet
_ _ __


Figure 2-28.-Report on the condition of a survey point.'

Leveling to the new control point. Leveling should 5. Do not move the instrument. Plumb the rod on tht~
satisfy standards for second-order, class II accuracy highest point of the new bench mark. Record the des-
or better. If the dist,ance between the old and new points is ignation of the point on the next line.
greater than 140 m (460 ft), or if more than one setup is 6. Again, observe the rod intercept. Record the reading
necessary, comply with the specifications for geodetic on the same line as for step 5. This completes the fore-
leveling given in chapter 3 of this manual. In most cases, sight, FS.
however, leveling may be conducted as follows, with an
engineer's level and a single rod. Be sure to record the 7. Compute the elevation of the new point, which is
type of instrument and the units of the rod scale (me- the height of the instrument from the previous line minus
ters or feet). (See the example in fig. 2-29.) the foresight. This completes the forward run.
8. Reset and relevel the instrument. Level backward,
1. Set up the instrument halfway between the old
from the new point to the old, in the same manner as in
and new points, but no more than 70 m (230 ft) away
steps 2 to 7. The elevation computed for the old point
from either point.
as the result of the backward leveling may differ from
2. Plumb the leveling rod on the highest point of the the published elevation by no more than :!:0.003 m
old bench mark. Record the designation of the point. (:!: 0.010 ft).
On the same line enter the published elevation. 9. To compute the elevation difference from the old
3. Observe the intercept of the middle reticle line point to the new, subtract the mean of the two eleva-
against the rod scale. Record the reading to the third tions for the old point from the elevation for the new
decimal place. This completes the backsight, BS. point.
4. Compute the height of instrument, HI, which is Destroying the old control point. Do not destroy the
the sum of the backsight and the elevation of the point. old point until the leveling data have been checked.
Record it on the same line. Remove the old disk and any other parts of the monu-
2-46 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling


k 133
(See ins/ructions on reverse side)
FR.OM T71~ tSouTHE/VV mC/F/e: COMPAAlY R4N_Ro,IfJl) sr4 Tld/V /11/ COL.(JM8flSJ
NtliC-TH ALONG 05T,4rE. H-/6f/wAY II Fd.e. 4.(, KM (Z.'l M/), 11.6 METE'.eS
(38 F~£T) EAST tJF mE eEAlTZ5euA/£ ()F WE #/<;/111/.415 19.5 MEr£ {~~ ,cEEj
W£ST OF /f !<.OW dP,; ,,4A/O O.3~ M~TE;e (/./ RJdT) E/IST t:JF A 11/#/7£
f/I/(J(JDe.N wlrA/E5S POS T. A STAA.!.])/'iRZ> :I>ISK. 'sET /N 77>P dF /1- &A/c..eETE PtJST
?~O.leCT1A.lG- 0.30 A1 tTf:/C. (/." PtJo 7") ,4Z5ol/~ G.eou/t/2>. vc-sr-e.()t'£L> 7;rI/S 'D/1 7l!:.

N:3Zlo"ilZ LI/t/£ /0/ ST AMPING K /33 fCJ3.,.


/A/sT1e.uMeA./T: AI? Z 5"0/32
1f?(J/): Pr//L4-DEL..P/!I,4) ..c(J07 uNITS DATE OF LEVELING 23 M4e{!// 19'17
(Feet or.u...o...-J'

CCEAIt:', C'Ac~tWA,.e,#f
I< 133 3.791 4f"ilZ .7~'1 +f73.96E,
t<. 133 \
I(£SfT /Q?'1 $"./71 <II'? 2.740 ~-.I'J! -?-/77. ;76 f
3.7i<J 1/79' . '76~ - ~_OIP;>.O()9 IfUC:C TED

I< 133 .3. go / 1-/ FZ.7£'J 1173.Cj~E \

I< 133 '\
RtSfTJ'1'h O:2~O 4/8P. 'iZo oJ '7'7 4-/7'7. .57 () 4/7'7.67tJ
.3. is'S -1/77. 9~( - ~_o06 #M~=:: 4-/7 F. '765"
£l-'C. V#TlOIV -
Q/~Fc/f'£/l/Cc = /.3 IJS ~T


STAMPING ON NEW MARK k' /33 -fJE3c71977

F,fOM rilE \SOUTHERN PAC/FIt! ('tlM-PAAlY,f'AILtftJ/ll> ST,4TltJ,AJ -1--/ Cot u/Z-'f8(/SJ
N(J~Tf/ ~L.ON6- ST4TE !-/161/wAY 1/ FoR 4.~ I(M (C'. 9 MI). .30./ METERS
(99 FEEr) E,467 or TJ/E CENT5€L/A/£ OF 71/£ l//61/I1/A~ /2.19 M £TE~.s
(40.0 FeeT) StJ&Tf! cJF MIL.EPOST <6.13) /N L.,IA/E W/T}/ .4 tfF
V'TIL-ITY ?OL£5) /fAIl) CJ.3tJ METE.e (/.0 FtJtJT) ;VEST tJF mE #/64J1/.4Y
f(1&/fT-t>F-WA-V r=£NcE. A STAN.l:>/}R...lJ -:DISK ..5£T /If! 77JP OF A coAlc,eETc
~ST ?~c>veCT/If/(T tJ.30 MET~ (/.O RdT) A8oYf, G"tJC/J{/l:>.

IV/1ME PHoA/e.
, 'Strike out unit NOT used.
AGENCY A/.4-M£ A-A/D A- Z>.!J£'t=s S

Figure 2-29.-Report of a relocated bench mark.

Chapter 2-Reconnaissance and Bench Mark Setting 2-47

ment that bear a stamping (such as a logo flange or tional Geodetic Information Center, NOAA/NOS,
stainless steel cap on a rod) and return them to NGS. Rockville, Md. 20852, 45 pp.
Prepare a recovery note on the report form or a stan- Floyd, R. P., 1978: Geodetic bench marks. NOAA
dard description form (NOAA Form 76-186), identi- Manual NOS NGS I, National Geodetic Information
fying and explaining the disposition of the old monument. Center, NOAA/NOS, Rockville, Md. 20852, 55 pp.
Submitting relocation records. To include reloca- Gossett, F. R., 1959: Manual of geodetic triangulation,
tion data in the national network, the following records Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publication 247.
must be forwarded to NGS: National Geodetic Information Center, NOAA/
NOS, Rockville. Md. 20852, 352 pp.
I. Complete description of the new control point.
Greenawalt, C. B. and Floyd, R. P., 1980: National Geo-
2. Recovery note for the old control point.
detic Survey Operations Manual (unpublished manu-
3. Field records for at least two runs of leveling, one
script). NGS Operations Division, NOAA/NOS,
forward and one backward. including the computed ele-
Rockville, Md. 20852.
vation difference from the old to the new point.
National Ocean Survey, published annually: NOAA
4. Name, address, and telephone number of the in-
Tide Tables: High and Low Water Levels. NOAA,
dividual who performed the relocation.
National Ocean Survey, Rockville, Md. 20852.
Pfeifer, L. and Morrison, N. L., 1980: Input Formats
2.6 References and Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey
Data Base. vol. II: Vertical control data. Federal Geo-
Dracup, J. F., 1976, rev. 1979: National Geodetic Survey detic Control Committee. National Geodetic In-
data: availability, explanation, and application. formation Center, NOAA/NOS, Rockville, Md.
NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NGS 5, Na- 20852, 136 pp.
Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction parallel at all times to the reference surface. Second,

the values observed on the scales must accurately indicate
In a widespread network of vertical control, geodetic heights above the points on which the rods rest, and
leveling is the technique that provides the most reliable third, the points in turn must be stable with respect to
elevation differences between control points. It is a form the topography.
of precise leveling where the observing team limits the These conditions cannot be perfectly satisfied in the
magnitude of error by using calibrated instruments in "real world"; however, they may be approximated
combination with a rigorous, symmetrical observing pro- by limiting the known sources of error. Leveling is
cedure. In the following pages leveling procedures are classified by the degree with which error magnitudes
described, the principal sources of error are discussed, are limited. (See sec. 3.1.3, "Tolerances for geodetic
and error tolerances are presented to provide a found- leveling. ")
ation for the instructions that comprise the rest of the
3.1.2 Sources of Error
3.1.1 General Procedures Error may be characterized as random or systemat-
ic. Random error in leveling results represent the ef-
Along each line of a vertical control network, level- fect of unpredictable variations in the instruments, the
ing is conducted in increments called sections. Each environment, and the procedure of leveling. Random
section is an unbroken series of setups, made between error cannot be completely eliminated, although it can
two permanent control points. A setup consists of a point be kept small. Therefore, it represents the "noise level,"
supporting a backsight rod, a point supporting a fore- the limit on the precision with which leveling may mea-
sight rod, and a leveling instrument positioned between sure elevation differences.
them (fig. 3-1). Two heights are measured by sighting Systematic error represents the effect of consistent
through the instrument toward a scale on each rod and inaccuracies in the instruments or "in the leveling pro-
recording the values intercepted by a line on the reti-
cedure. It also results from consistent, though not al-
cle. The height difference, backsight minus foresight, ways predictable, environmental effects. Although
corresponds to the elevation difference between the two systematic error may be small in a single measurement, it
points. The foresight point of one setup becomes the
accumulates when measurements made under similar
backsight point of the next; thus, the sum of the eleva-
circumstances are totaled. Thus, it can result in a sig-
tion differences of the series of setups is the elevation nificant discrepancy in the elevation differences mea-
difference for the section (fig. 3-2). sured between two control points by different leveling
Three conditions must be satisfied for this technique systems and/or routes. For leveling to provide accurate
to provide reliable elevation differences between points.
elevation differences, systematic error must be elimi-
First, the lines of sight from the instrument to the rods
nated, either by procedure or by applying corrections
must be level; in other words, the lines of sight must be
to the data.
The sources of error in leveling can be classified into
three groups: those affecting the line of sight, those
affecting the heights observed, and blunders. The line
of sight cannot be exactly level because of the effects
of imperfections in the instrument and variations in
the human eye, refraction, curvature, and tidal accel-
erations. The heights observed are not exact because of
imperfections in the rod scales and the turning points;
furthermore, a perfectly stable relationship cannot be
maintained between the equipment and the topography
because of environmental effects on the equipment.
Blunders may occur while attempting to limit any of
s these errors.
Leveling instrument. The instrument used for geo-
Figure 3-1.-Setup of Ieve6ng,t:JJ=B - F and s=s B+Sr detic leveling should consistently provide a horizontal

3-2 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Figure 3-2.-Section of leveling, liH=lih.+lihl+ ... +D.h. and S=S.+Sl+...+S..

line of sight. The extent to which it achieves this de- eliminated by later applying corrections computed from
termines its suitability for various orders and classes the imbalance and a precisely determined value for the
of leveling. collimation error.
To be horizontal, the line of sight should be perpen- Collimation error should not change as the instru-
dicular to the direction of gravity, at the vertical axis ment is refocused or rotated about its vertical axis. A
of the instrument. If the line of sight is not horizontal, consistent difference between the collimation errors of
the angle by which it deviates from being horizontal the backsight and foresight causes a systematic accum-
causes an error in every observation (fig. 3-3). This ulation of error (fig. 3-5). The precautions described
angle is referred to as collimation error. here will limit this effect, but, because it is unpredict-
Collimation error can be limited by using a well- able, it cannot be eliminated. Additional precautions
designed, properly maintained instrument. The angle should be taken to ensure that a consistent difference
should be measured and adjusted to specifications. The does not exist.
effect of collimation error on each observation can be
reduced by limiting the sighting distance. Furthermore, if
the sighting distances in each setup are balanced, the
errors resulting from collimation error become equal.
They cancel when the foresight is subtracted from
the backsight to compute the elevation difference
(fig. 3-4).
Although it is impractical to balance every setup ex-
actly, the total contribution of collimation error can be
limited very effectively while leveling by keeping the
imbalance small and random in sign. Any systematic
contribution that accumulates with distance may be
Figure 3-4.-Consistent collimation error cancels in a
balanced setup since SB= Sr

In a compensator-type leveling instrument such a

difference can occur if the compensator is not suspended
properly in each direction. To prevent gross error the
spherical level on the instrument should be properly
adjusted, and compensation checks should be performed
routinely. To eliminate smaller systematic effects, the
compensator should be repositioned during each setup.
s In a spirit-level type of leveling instrument, the error
caused by imprecision in centering can become systemat-
Direction ic if the bubble is consistently affected by a heat source in
of gravity
one direction. Shading the instrument should reduce
Figure 3-3.-Effect of collimation error, a. this effect.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-3

However, conditions are often not the same along both

lines of sight. Air close to the ground changes in densi-
ty more rapidly than air situated I m or more above
ground. This can be visualized by imagining air layers,
of equal density, conforming to the topography. On a
slope, even if setups are exactly balanced, the condi-
tions along the foresight differ from those along the
backsight (fig. 3-7). Because the sight uphill passes
through a greater change in air density, it is refracted
more. Refraction error, then, accumulates with change in
Figure 3-5.-Inconsistent collimation error does not
cancel in a balanced setup since cxB=I=cxF'
even if SB=SI'"

Pointing. Another effect on the line of sight results

from the human inability to repeat a pointing exactly.
Both imperfections in the instrument and atmospheric
refraction may contribute to this effect, combining with
the imperfection of the human eye, to create pointing
The magnitude of pointing error is reduced by the
use of a precise instrument with a micrometer and wedge
reticle that has been adjusted to remove parallax. Limit-
ing the sighting distance and instrument movement can
also reduce the magnitude of the error.
Refraction. Variations in atmospheric density cause
the line of sight to refract or bend in the direction of
increasing air density. These variations seem to be
primarily a function of air temperature. Figure 3-7.-Refraction error, r, does not cancel on
Refraction is most noticeable when the line of sight sloping terrain since r B =1=
r even if S B = S
F' I'"
passes through air of fluctuating density, as when "heat
waves" are observed. The graduations on the scales ap-
pear to move up and down rapidly. This phenomenon, Leveling results may be corrected at least partially
called shimmer (fig. 3-6), makes it difficult to inter- for refraction if atmospheric conditions are determined
cept the scales precisely, thus increasing the magnitude of and recorded with the observations. Of the many mathe-
pointing error. It can be reduced by shortening the sight- matical models that attempt to predict refraction
ing distances or, in some cases, r:iising the height of the error, the most successful require that air-temper-
line of sight. ature differences be precisely measured during every
Whether or not shimmer is observed, the line of sight setup.
may be refracted. Since the error caused by refraction Two types of refraction error cannot be corrected.
increases proportionately with the square of the sight- Therefore, the situations which cause them should be
ing distance, refraction error may be reduced by limit- avoided when leveling. If the line of sight passes very
ing the sighting distance. As long as atmospheric close to the ground or to an intervening object, changes in
conditions are similar along both the foresight and air density cause the line of sight to be refracted in an
backsight, the error may be nearly eliminated by bal- unpredictable way. Similarly, when the air near the
ancing setups. ground is cooler than the air above it, the relatively
stable air layers may move slowly across the line of
sight, causing long-period shimmer. The graduations
on the scales appear to move up and down, but so slow-
ly that an entire setup may be observed and checked
before the movement is noticed. The observations may
be significantly and unpredictably affected by the un-
noticed shimmer. This effect usually occurs at night
when the air is calm.
Curvature. Both the leveling instrument and the rods
are oriented to the direction of gravity, to measure ele-
vation differences with respect to the same reference
Figure 3-6.-Shimmer. surface. When the instrument is level and is rotated so
3-4 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

that the line of sight intercepts each scale, the line of L lng 'out.

sight should sweep out a horizontal plane. It would be

parallel to the equipotential surface if the gravity field, at
each setup, also defined a plane. This is not the case,
however, since the gravity field defines a curved sur-
face. Thus, a small amount of curvature error is intro- N
duced into each observation (fig. 3-8).
Curvature error is proportional to the square of the
sighting distance. Assuming the equipotential surface
is evenly curved, curvature error can be reduced by Figure 3-9.-Effect, II, of tidal deflection, E,
making the backsight and foresight distances in each on a section of length and direction, S.
setup nearly equal. If setups are thus balanced, within
a tolerance, correction for curvature need not normal-
ly be made while leveling. Leveling rods. To observe accurate heights above the
points on which the leveling rods rest, precise relation-
ships must be maintained between the rods and the equi-


l SF

line 01 sight
.UTI.c. }cF
potential surface, and between the rods and the scales
mounted on or within them.
The first relationship is ensured by plumbing, or
aligning the rods with the direction of gravity, a task
which is analogous to leveling the instrument. If they
are not so aligned, an error is introduced into each
observation. Although the error may be small, it
accumulates systematically with change of elevation,
especially on steep slopes where observations are made
alternately low and high on the scale. (See figs. 3-10,
Dlractlon of gr..lty 3-11, 3-12.) It can be limited only by plumbing the
scales properly.
Figure 3-8.-Curvature error, c, where the line of sight
is not parallel to an equipotential surface,
cancels if sB=sr

Because the surfaces defined by the gravity field are

not evenly curved, minute differences in curvature error
in every setup accumulate systematically in leveling Bcosp B
conducted over large changes of elevation, particularly in
a northerly or southerly direction. Even so, the magni-
tude of this error is so small that it may be neglected if
the backsight and foresight distances are nearly equal.
Tidal accelerations. Because leveling instruments and !
DJr.chon of gravity
rods are oriented to the direction of gravity, after cur-
vature has been taken into account, the elevation dif- Figure 3-10.-Effect of rod plumbing error, p,
ference of each section is computed along a route that on a height observation, B.
approximately parallels an equipotential surface. How-
ever, the Sun and Moon create tidal accelerations that
The second relationship depends upon the accuracy
periodically distort this surface, generally more toward
with which the scales are manufactured and mounted
the equator than the poles (fig. 3-9).
The distortion is termed a deflection and is described in or on the rods. If the graduations are not accurately
by two component vectors. The vertical component af- marked above the scale zero or if the scale changes in
fects only the magnitude of gravity along the route, length during leveling, error may accumulate in the
resulting in a negligible effect on the elevation differ- observations. To limit the error, leveling rods should
ence. The horizontal component, however, acts at 90. be well-designed, routinely calibrated, and properly
to the equipotential surface, resulting in a small error, handled and maintained.
especially if the section is oriented in a line with the The index error, which is the difference in height
Sun, Moon, and the north or south pole. The error ac- from the scale zero to the base plate of the rod, repre-
cumulates significantly in leveling lines oriented sents a constant portion of the error in the scale values.
north-south, particularly in the middle latitudes. To Index error can be eliminated by making an even number
remove it, a correction must be applied. of setups for every section, thus using the same rod on
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-5
ly. This requires two rods and an efficient instrument
and leveling unit.
Instrument movement can be reduced by proper use
and maintenance of the tripod. Systematic error resulting
from consistent movement of the instrument can be elim-
inated by using one of two observing procedures. In one
procedure, known as micrometer leveling, two elevation
Figure 3-11.-Systematic effect of plumbmg error differences are measured in two directions during each
(and scale errors) is small on flat terrain, setup. If the instrument settles significantly during ei-
since B.=:::.F2 and F.=:::.B2. ther or both measurements, the observations will not
lie within a limit imposed on the difference between
the results. Averaging the results practically eliminates
every bench mark during the leveling. (It can also be
any remaining systematic error.
eliminated if only' one rod is used if accurate calibra-
In the other procedure, three-wire leveling, the first
tion corrections are applied.) reading of the setup is made on the backsight of odd-
In much the same way as an error in plumbing, error numbered setups, and on the foresight of even-numbered
in the scale values causes systematic error to accumu- setups. Consistent settlement of the leveling instrument
late with change of elevation. For the most accurate will cause the results of odd setups to be too large and
results, observed scale values should be corrected to the results of even setups to be too small by a similar
standardize them with respect to the National Standard amount. Thus, over a section with an even number of
of Length. To do this the rods must be accurately cali- setups, the errors nearly cancel.
brated. Since the scales are subject to thermal expan- Rod movement is minimized by placing the turning
sion, the coefficient of thermal expansion must also be points so they provide sufficient stability. Systematic
measured, and scale temperatures should be recorded error caused by consistent movement during each setup
during the leveling. can be limited somewhat by the procedures described
Turning points. The leveling rods must be set on previously. If the rods are allowed to rest on the points
clearly defined, stable points. Rather than using natural for 20 seconds before making an observation, any re-
objects, which mayor may not prove to be adequate, maining movement should be negligible.
portable, standardized turning points should be used. When proceeding from one setup to the next, the for-
They should provide definite points on which to rest ward turning point must not move. This can only be
the rods. Both the base plate of a rod and the top of assured by the rodman's diligence and by comparing
a turning point should be cleaned before placing the repeated levelings of the section. Averaging the results
rod on the point. of two runnings, made in opposite directions, nearly
To prevent error when leveling to and from control eliminates any systematic accumulation of error resulting
points, they too should provide definite points. Since from consistent movement.
this is not always possible, special procedures may be Blunders. Errors that result from failure to follow
necessary for leveling to awkward points. the specified procedures are termed blunders. In leveling,
Stability. During each setup, the leveling instrument no unit is so experienced that the work performed by
and the rods may change elevation because of settle- the group can be automatically considered free of blun-
ment or rebound caused by the type of ground cover. ders. Only conscientious attention to detail, combined
To minimize error from such movement, the backsight with scrupulous checks and cross-checks, can ensure
and foresight should be observed nearly simultaneous- accuracy.
Rod 1

Figure 3-12.-Effect of plumbing error (and scale errors) accumulates

on sloping terrain, since B. =1=
F2 and F. =1=
3-6 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Random blunders are usually large and occur at sin- on the validity of the limits imposed. If leveling results
gle setups. They include (I) mistakes in reading or re- exceed the limits more than 5 percent of the time, ei-
cording scale values, (2) observing the rods in the wrong ther the first set of tolerances is not being satisfied or
order, (3) improper placement or leveling of the instru- the second set has been made too restrictive (forcing
ment, (4) gross movement of the instrument or turning observations that may not be accurate to appear pre-
points during the setups, (5) improper placement or cise). If leveling results exceed the limits less than 5
plumbing of the rods, and (6) gross movement of the percent of the time, the second set of tolerances may
forward point between setups. The first four of these not be restrictive enough.
blunders may be detected and eliminated with confi- Tolerances, revised periodically by the Federal Geo-
dence by using double-scale rods, computer-recording detic Control Committee, are published in Classifica-
equipment, and the micrometer-leveling procedure given tion. Standards of Accuracy. and General Specifica-
in section 3.7.2. In this system, observations are made tions of Geodetic Control Surveys (Federal Geodetic
in such a way that checks for internal consistency can Control Committee 1974) and Specifications to Sup-
be computed. The last two blunders, if unreported by port Classification, Standards of Accuracy. and Gen-
the responsible rodman, may be detected only by com- eral Specifications -of Geodetic Control Surveys (Fed-
paring repeated levelings of the section. eral Geodetic Control Committee 1980).
Systematic blunders are more difficult to detect. They
are primarily caused by failure to follow the procedures 3.2 Organizing a Leveling Unit
necessary for precise leveling, particularly maintenance
of the instrument and the rods. If the collimation check During a leveling project one or more units operate
and the compensation check are not performed correctly, under the supervision of a project director who supports
the use of an improperly adjusted instrument may in- and monitors the activities. Like mark setting units,
troduce error, undetectable in each setup, but accumu- each leveling unit must be capable of working self-
lating over the line. Similarly, if the spherical levels on sufficiently several hundred kilometers from the proj-
the rods are not properly adjusted, error may accumu- ect office. Guidelines are presented here for organizing
late. If a rod is dropped, or otherwise damaged, previ- and maintaining such units.
ous calibration values may no longer apply and the data
cannot be corrected with confidence.
3.2.1 Personnel
A leveling unit normally requires five persons: the
observer, the recorder, two rodmen, and a pacer. Cer-
3.1.3 Tolerances for Geodetic Leveling
tain equipment or conditions may require that additional
To produce reliable elevations, the results of geodetic personnel be assigned. An experienced unit, equipped
leveling must satisfy the appropriate standard of accura- with a compensator-type leveling instrument and
cy for the order and class of a survey. This standard is special vehicles, can operate efficiently with four
attained in three ways while leveling: first, by operating a persons.
well-organized and well-trained leveling unit; second, The leveling unit is exactly what the name implies, a
by selecting sufficiently precise equipment and calibrat- unit, and each person in the group, whatever the position,
ing it properly; and third, by adopting observing and must be constantly on the alert to ensure that all duties
recording routines that limit accumulation of error. Spe- are performed promptly and carefully. Complete and
cific instructions for satisfying these requirements are continuous attention to the details of the work is
presented in the remaining sections of this chapter. Toler- required of all members of a unit if it is to operate
ances, suitable for attaining each standard of accura- smoothly and efficiently. Any member of the unit who
cy, are presented in table 3-1. is slow, careless, or indifferent can ruin the work of
Two types of tolerances must be applied. The first the whole unit.
type is a set of practical limits on the dimensional Unit chief The unit chief, who usually serves as the
factors within the leveling system that are known to observer, is responsible for managing the unit in the
increase the magnitude of error in the results. The field. The quality and quantity of leveling produced
second type is a set of limits on the precision of the depends on the experience and good judgment of the
results obtained from two or more levelings between chief. Practical proficiency in each of the leveling duties
the same two points. The tolerances should reflect the is a prerequisite for the job. This individual should set
probable magnitude of random error that cannot be an example which ensures correct, safe, and efficient
corrected or eliminated. Then, blunders and most leveling.
systematic error can be detected and removed from the The chief should ensure that the specifications and
leveling data. guidelines contained in this chapter are strictly followed
The second set of tolerances is defined with the ex- by all unit members. New employees, in particular,
pectation that the tolerances will be exceeded 5 percent of should be thoroughly instructed in their duties. The
the time (95 percent test level). This permits a check chief should ensure that project instructions are read
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-7

Table 3-1.- Tolerances for geodetic leveling

First order First order Second order Second order

class I class II class I class II Third order

Lines of sight
Maximum sighting distance 50.0 m 60.0 m' 60.0 m 70.0 m 90.0 m
Maximum imbalance,
per setup :t 2.0 m :t 5.0 m :t5.0 m :t 10.0 m :t 10.0 m
per sect ion :t4.0 m :t 10.0 m :t1O.0 m :t 10.0 m :t 10.0 m

Leveling instrument
Maximum collimation error,
single line of sight 11( :t 10'.'0 (C .,,:; :to.05 mm/m)

Maximum collimation error,

mean of two lines of sight :t4'.'0 (C"':; :to.02 mm/m) ).
Maximum angular difference
in two lines of sight :t40~'0 (Q"':; :to.20 mm/m) ).
Setting precision :t 0'.'25 :t 0 . 25 :t 0'.'50 :t0~'50
Minimum reading :to. I mm :to. I mm :to.5 mm :to.5 mm
Micrometer Micrometer
required required
Leveling rod
Plumbing accuracy :t10.'0 :t10.'0 :t 10.'0 :t10.'0
Maximum scale unit 1.0 cm 1.0 cm 1.0 cm 1.0 cm
Calibration accuracy :to.05 mm :to.05 mm :to.05 mm :to.05 mm

Agreement of observed elevation differences before correction, observed backward and forward during

One-setup section :to.40mm :t I .00 mm

Two runnings of a section
less than O. 10 km in length :to.95mm :t I . 26 mm :t I . 90 mm :t 2. 53 mm :t 3 . 79 mm
Two runnings of a section of one-
way length K: TX VK mm, T= :t3.00 :t4.00 :t6.00 :t8.00 :t 12.00

Three or more runnings of a section: Each accepted running must differ from the mean of all accepted runnings by no more than t X VK mm,
t given below. For a section less than 0.10 km in length, let K=O.IO.
Number of levelings:
3 2.10 2.81 4.21 5.63 8.44
4 2.33 3.10 4.66 6.23 9.34
5 2.48 3.31 4.96 6.64 9.95
6 2.59 3.46 5.19 6.94 10.4
7 2.68 3.58 5.36 7.18 10.7
8 2.75 3.67 5.51 7.37 11.0
One leveling of a loop of one-way
length K, beginning and ending
at the same point:
TXVKmm,T= :t4.00 :t5.00 :t6.00 :t 8.00 :t 12.00

and understood by unit personnel, resolving any tech- The chief can improve the unit's efficiency by planning
nical questions before work begins. When substantial each day's activity in advance. By reviewing the logs in
confusion or doubt about a field procedure exists, the advance of the surveying date, sections which require
chief should seek immediate guidance from the project unusual survey procedures can be pinpointed and the
director. project director notified if any additional personnel or
In addition to technical concerns, the chief is responsi- equipment are needed. It is helpful each morning to
ble for the safety of personnel, and for the security and explain the day's goals to the unit. Whenever possible,
maintenance of all equipment assigned to the unit. Any duties should be rotated to provide opportunities for
deficiencies in these areas must be reported immedi- unit members to develop and upgrade their skills. When
ately to the project office. The chief submits weekly weather conditions or other factors prevent leveling,
and monthly status reports, and is also charged with the chief should assign unit members other duties such
the safekeeping of the leveling data until they are proper- as maintaining equipment or augmenting their skills
ly transmitted to the project office. and knowledge.
3-8 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Observer. The unit chief or another individual who Pacer. The pacer, an optional position which is usu-
serves as the observer should have a thorough under- ally rotated with the position of the rodman, marks out
standing of the leveling instrument, as well as the ex- precisely balanced setups and sets the turning points
perience to operate it correctly and efficiently. The ahead of the unit. He or she should be able to select a
observer is responsible for maintaining the instrument satisfactory leveling route, based on the information
and the tripod, and should follow the precautions outlined provided in the logs. The pacer also sets up warning
in subchapters 3.3, "Leveling instruments," and 3.6, signs and returns for the leveling truck after sections
"Atmospheric conditions." He or she should be con- have been walked. In motorized leveling, this position
stantly alert, to ensure that the route for the line is is not necessary if the vehicles are equipped with accu-
followed correctly, to plan ahead to avoid problematical rate odometers.
setups, and to monitor the activities of the rodmen. The Other personnel. A spirit-level instrument must be
observer should check the recorder's work periodically shaded during leveling, thus creating the need for a
and check and initial all records at the conclusion of person to hold an umbrella. In three-wire leveling, this
each day's work. person assists the recorder by making the back check.
Recorder. The recorder enters observation data on (See sec. 3.7.4). He or she may also be needed to shield
recording forms or into a portable computer. He or she the instrument in extremely windy conditions.
should write legibly and be able to follow exactly the If a traffic lane must be closed, two flagmen are re-
recording procedures outlined in subchapters 3.7, quired to divert traffic. These are usually the pacer
"Observing routine," and 3.8, "Field records." A clear and a sixth person who is temporarily assigned to the
understanding of the mathematical computations and unit.
checks is important, whether recording on a form or a
computer, and the ability to compute these checks rapidly
is essential when using recording forms. When using a 3.2.2 Equipment
computer-recording system, the recorder should be
familiar with the various recording programs and skilled Survey equipment, itemized in appendix 8, should
in operating and maintaining the equipment. be readily available and routinely maintained by the
The recorder should be an alert and conscientious personnel in the unit. An inventory should be conduct-
driver, since the truck that transports the rodmen and ed when the equipment is issued to the unit chief and at
observer from setup to setup can be used as a recording least once a year thereafter. All equipment should be
station. In addition, the recorder should support the stored securely, in an organized fashion, in the leveling
observer by checking constantly for blunders or over- truck or other assigned vehicles.
sights, which would lower the quality of the leveling,. Items of survey equipment have been classified and
and by serving as acting observer in the absence of the coded according to type. The codes must be recorded
unit chief. together with the serial numbers of equipment used to
Rodman. Although the position is often filled by an collect data that are to be included in the national net-
individual with little surveying experience, the rodman's work. The codes are listed in Input Formats and Speci-
duties are critical to precise leveJing. With a computer- fication of the National Geodetic Survey Data Base
recording system, observing and recording blunders (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. II, annex F).
may Qe discovered and corrected before leaving each In general, the individual who uses a piece of equip-
setup; however, no check can be made as to whether ment should be responsible for its maintenance. Any
or not a turning point or leveling rod has moved between defective or damaged equipment should be reported
setups unless the entire section is releveled. The turning immediately to the project director. When the unit is
point and the leveling rod are the responsibility of the working at a substantial distance from the project office,
rodman. a spare leveling instrument should be available, espe-
He or she should be unquestionably reliable and con- cially if the instrument's collimation error cannot be
scientious, able to pace precisely, adept at handling adjusted in the field.
the rod, and meticulous in setting turning points, fol- When equipment requires maintenance that cannot
lowing the precautions described in subchapters 3.4, be performed by the leveling unit, the equipment should
"Leveling rods," and 3.5, "Turning points." The rod- be returned to the project office. If the equipment .can-
man is charged with the responsibility of maintaining not be delivered in person, it should be packaged prop-
the equipment properly and r«porting deficiences erly to prevent damage in shipment. Instruments and
promptly. When a mistake is made (e.g., pulling a turning computer-recording equipment are particularly vulnera-
pin too soon or accidently bumping a turning plate), ble to such damage.
the rodman should report it immediately. For motor- Motorized leveling. The term "motorized leveling"
ized leveling, the rodman must be able to operate skill- refers to using vehicles to transport all members of the
fully a specially equipped motorcycle or small vehicle, leveling unit from one setup to the next. When personnel
and perform minor maintenance. proceed between setups, they must usuaIly wait for the
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-9

backsight rodman, who has twice the distance to trav- the presence of approaching trains and be ready to
el. Traditionally, the leveling truck, driven by the re- warn other unit members. Each person should also
corder, transports the rOOmen half this distance to re- have an escape route planned, especially when working
duce the cycling time of each setup. When the rodmen on terrain where a train is not visible until the last
are equipped with vehicles, the cycling time can be fur- instant.
ther reduced, especially if each vehicle is provided with a All personnel in the unit should be trained in basic
mechanism for setting the turning point and raising first aid and cardiopuln;lOnary resuscitation. At each
and lowering the rod without leaving the vehicle. work area they must be aware of the location and tele-
A specialized observing vehicle driven by the recorder phone number of the nearest emergency medical-
may allow the observer to set up and level the in- treatment center, so prompt assistance can be obtained if
strument more efficiently, perhaps at a height suf- an accident occurs. Any personal injury must be reported
ficient to reduce the effect of refraction. A built-in to the project director immediately. More detailed guide-
intercom can prevent mis.understandings between the lines for safety are given in the National Geodetic Survey
observer and the recorder. In addition, both the instru- Operations Manual (Greenawalt and Floyd 1980).
ment and personnel are protected from the weather, Controlling traffic. When a traffic lane must be closed,
permitting leveling to continue under a wider variety as when leveling across a bridge with no sidewalks or
of conditions. leveling through a tunnel, permission to control the traffic
In the traditional, partially motorized routine, the must be obtained from local authorities. A suitable con-
backsight rodman proceeds to the leveling truck and figuration for controlling traffic is shown in figure 3-13.
rides to the instrument position of the next setup. From Six personnel are necessary: two flagmen and a four-
there the rodman proceeds to the foresight position, at person leveling unit. The flagmen must be equipped
which the pacer should already have placed a turning with portable radios to coordinate their efforts. The
point. When only four persons are available, the rOOmen recorder should drive the truck as for routine leveling.
must pace to and set their own points. When added protection is necessary, two extra vehicles,
Vehicles, equipped with precise odometers, may im- each driven by an additional person, should precede
prove the rOOmen's efficiency. In the absence of a pacer, and follow the unit.
however, the rodmen must still set their own turning After setting up warning signs, the unit proceeds down
points. the right lane, as shown in figure 3-13. The forward
flagman moves about one setup ahead of the unit, stop-
ping traffic in the left lane (example I). The rear flag-
3.2.3 Safety
man stops traffic behind the unit. After notification by
Because lines of leveling typically follow highway radio that traffic in the left lane is stopped, the rear
and railroad right-of-ways, personnel must be alert at flagman begins directing traffic around the unit. When
all times to the hazards of working close to traffic. the setup is complete, the unit waits until the rear flagman
When operating along a road, each member of the has stopped traffic in the right lane (example 2). After
unit must wear a highly visible, orange vest. Work should notification of this, the forward flagman allows traffic
be conducted as far from the road itself as possible, to proceed in the left lane, and advances one setup ahead
avoiding setups which unnecessarily expose personnel of the next setup. The unit advances at the same time to
to the traffic. For added protection, warning signs should establish the next setup (example 3).
be placed within 1.6 km of the unit, in each direction.
Any other safety requirements should be identified at
the time liaison with the State highway district office 3.2.4 Reports
is established.
Any vehicles used to transport the rodmen and the The project director ,should visit each unit at least
once each month to inspect technical and safety proce-
observer during a section of leveling should be driven
dures, and to provide personnel with updated informa-
on the right shoulder of the road, oriented with the. flow
tion on project accomplishments. At all other times the
of traffic. Vehicles should never be backed against traffic.
unit chief should maintain regular communication with
A warning light should be flashing and the vehicle's
hazard lights should be turned on. If the road shoulder the project director. This can be accomplished in person
is too narrow or if the highway is too heavily traveled when the unit is operating near the project office and
to accommodate the leveling truck or other vehicles, by telephone when the unit is at a distant location. In
the section should be walked. If there is insufficient addition, the reports described in the following para-
room for the unit to pass safely on foot, the procedures graphs are required of the level unit.
cited under "Controlling traffic" (next subheading) Weekly leveling report. The weekly status report is
should be used. submitted in person or mailed to the field office at the
When working along a railroad, do not wear orange end of work each week. Any certified or registered-mail
vests or use flashing lights, since these may cause a receipts for leveling data sent to the project office dur-
train to stop unnecessarily. Each person should be alert to ing the week should accompany the report. The report
3-10 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

With two vehicles:

With one vehicle:


-- ~_
" -
8 - -- --
- - - oC::£]----
-8 0 7t
Flagman moves

-- e
/8 ,-
Flagman moves o
Figure 3-13.-Controlling traffic.

includes notes on progress, weather, activities, equip- The formula may be used to calculate double-run prog-
ment condition and maintenance, suggestions, and re- ress each day when an entire line is double run. Total
quests for supplies. Figure 3-14 shows a properly exe- the distance for the day, subtract all reruns, and divide
cuted NOAA Form 76-159. what remains by two.
When completing the form, enter distance in kilo- Report the number of setups of leveling completed
meters to one decimal place. Of primary interest is each day. Do not count setups from the collimation check
progress-the amount of the assigned line which has and setups from incomplete sections. Also report the
been completed. Report progress in two categories: dou- number of section runnings completed.
ble run and single run. Double-run progress is the total The time at which the first setup began and the time
one-way distance of all sections that have been leveled when the last setup ended should correspond with the
in both the forward and backward directions. Single- beginning and ending times recorded in the leveling
run progress is the total one-way distance of all sec- data. Any delays of 15 minutes or more during the work-
tions that have ~een leveled in only one direction. day should be noted and explained in the remarks.
When a section is releveled in the same direction as an Note the number of collimation and compensation
earlier leveling, total the distance as rerun. For example, checks made. Also note the number of persons working
if a double-run section fails to close, count the distance with the unit for the day. Columns for weather condi-
for the third leveling of the section as the first rerun. If tions and remarks should be completed. Note such items
still more levelings are required to obtain closure, count as: cloud cover, wind speed, temperature, unusual cli-
the distances in the column for additional reruns. matic conditions, change of lines, change of observer,
The total distance represents the amount of work change of unit personnel, plumbing of rods, other ad-
performed by the unit each day. It is the total of all the justment and maintenance activities, equipment break-
leveling distances, including both directions of double- downs, accidents, training activities, and any inci-
run sections and all reruns. Check the statistic totals
dents which have a bearing on the quality of the l~vel-
each day by this formula: ing or condition of personnel and equipment.
(2 X double-run progress) + single-run progress Monthly leveling report. The monthly leveling report is
+ rerun = total. submitted, either by mail or in person, to the project
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-11

office at the end of work on the last day of each month. 3.3 Leveling Instruments
The report contains the same information as that given
in the weekly report. Unlike the weekly report, howev- The instrument used for geodetic leveling must be
er, the monthly report is forwarded to the headquar- precisely manufactured to ensure both sensitivity and
ters of the National Geodetic Survey, where it serves ruggedness. This subchapter describes the mechanisms
as a source of statistical information and suggestions that are important in an optical instrument that is suitable
concerning the progress of leveling in the national for geodetic leveling. Specifications are included for
network. proper maintenance and use of the instrument.
Figure 3-15 shows a properly executed monthly
releveling report. At the end of each work day, the unit 3.3.1 Classification
chief should fill out the line on the report correspond-
Optical leveling instruments are classified in two ways.
ing to that day's activities. Then it is a simple matter to
The first is by the mechanism with which they provide
complete the totals at the end of the month.
a horizontal line of sight. Spirit-level instruments de-
Vehicle report. Careful records should be kept of all pend on a sensitive tubular level attached to the tele-
expenses incurred for the repair and maintenance of scope. A fine-pitch tilting screw is turned manually to
the leveling truck and other vehicles. A report summa- center the bubble in the vial of the spirit level. Com-
rizing these expenses should be submitted, together with pensator instruments depend on a: pendulous reflecting
all pertinent receipts, to the project office at the end of component, the compensator, within the optical system of
each month. the telescope. Responding to the attraction of gravity
Miscellaneous reports. The unit chief should be automatically renders the line of sight horizontal.
. familiar with current organizational procedures for sub- Since the line of sight provided by either type of in-
mitting per diem vouchers, accident reports, personnel strument cannot be exactly horizontal, the resulting
reports, and expense receipts. collimation error must be regularly measured and ad-


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Total I. ,.I' :L( fJ :1.'1-8J{t>.!

'-7 /G km/Stofl.Doys
= /.tJ~
Figure 3-14.-Leveling unit weekly report.
3-12 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling




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27 7.t&. 7-b Cfb S OS!:2..1635 ~~4- I Hor
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30 MOYIi !bII1I ,,~;,~-t.,c"6'£, ""iI. TO
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31 W IE £" K - Ii: N l> JI ~t
Total 10.05 12./.8 rfU IS87 1/3 88" km!S..ff-o.ys - /.'9 ,oft .sE£ R£~$C
NOAA FORM 76-104 13-821
u. S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OffICE: 1982-564{)08/1148

Figure 3-1S.-Leveling unit monthly report.

Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-13

justed within tolerance. Once the instrument is properly

adjusted and the collimation error is known, the preci-
sion of the observations made depends in part on the
consistency with which the spirit level or the compen-
sator maintains the given line of sight. In a spirit-level
instrument, this consistency is primarily determined
by the degree of precision with which the bubble may
be centered in the level vial. A coincidence prism or
similar device enhances the precision of centering. How-
ever, since the bubble tends to "run" toward a point
source of heat, the instrument must be shaded to en-
sure centering precision while leveling.
Compensator instruments maintain the consistency
Figure 3-16.-Fischer level.
of the line of sight in various ways, some of which are
described in this subchapter. In general, the automatic
compensator mechanisms provide a setting precision
extensively used by the National Geodetic Survey in-
superior to that attainable by centering a bubble. Thus,
clude: Breithaupt NABON, Jenoptik Ni004, Zeiss Ni2,
compensator instruments permit both greater produc-
Zeiss Nil, MOM NiA31, and Jenoptik NI 002 (figs.
tivity and improved leveling precision.
3-17 through 3-21). Some features of these instruments
The second way in which leveling instruments are
are given in table 3-2.
classified is according to whether or not they are equipped
with micrometers. Without a micrometer, observation
values may be estimated to, at best, 0.5 mm. The mi-
crometer permits observations to be made with better
precision. It permits values to be read directly to the
equivalent of 0.05 mm or better.
For productive geodetic leveling, optical instruments
should have the following features:
I. A telescope equipped with a large objective lens
(50 to 70 mm diameter of the free aperture) to ensure
brightness and good image definition.
2. A magnification power of 30 to 50 diameters.
3. A reticle etched between glass plates to ensure a
Figure 3-17.-Jenoptik Ni004.
consistent, dust-free image. It should include one ver-
tical line, three horizontal lines (a middle line and two
stadia lines) and, for use with scales with line graduations,
a wedge; (See sec. 3.3.5, "Making an observation.") 3.3.2 Telescopic System
4. Resistance to the effects of temperature change
In a simple telescope, such as that used in older spirit-
and vibration.
level instruments, the straight line between the optical
5. Units of the micrometer compatible with the
center of the objective lens and the center of the reticle
graduations on the leveling rods. (See sec. 3.3.4, "Optical
is called the line of collimation. A ray of light, passing
micrometer. ")
through the optical center of a simple lens, continues
Only instruments that are equipped with microme- to travel in its original direction as it proceeds beyond
ters and that meet the appropriate standard of setting the lens. Thus, when the telescope is horizontal, the
precision with respect to collimation error (table 3-1) image of the center of the reticle, projected along the
can provide results considered to be of first-order ac- line of collimation to the center of the objective, de-
curacy. Although instruments with micrometers are pre- fines a horizontal line of sight.
ferred, instruments without micrometers can be used The ocular, or eyepiece, is a magnifying lens which
in combination with the three-wire leveling procedure permits the observer's eye to focus on the reticle lines and
to provide results considered to be of second-order to see simultaneously on the reticle a magnified image of
accuracy. the scale of the leveling rod. The ocular and the observer's
Several different kinds of leveling instruments have eye function jointly as a single lens. The ocular must be
been satisfactorily used for geodetic leveling in the Unit- set at a fixed distance from the reticle, to enable the
ed States. The Fischer level (fig. 3-16), designed by observer to see, without eyestrain or parallax, a sharper
the Coast and Geodetic Survey, was the sole instrument view of the reticle lines and the scale image. This setting
used by that organization from 1900 to the early 1960's. must be adjusted to the eye of the individual observer.
Since then, commercial instruments that have been (See sec. 3.3.5, "Parallax adjustments. ")
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-13

justed within tolerance. Once the instrument is properly

adjusted and the collimation error is known, the preci-
sion of the observations made depends in part on the
consistency with which the spirit level or the compen-
sator maintains the given line of sight. In a spirit-level
instrument, this consistency is primarily determined
by the degree of precision with which the bubble may
be centered in the level vial. A coincidence prism or
similar device enhances the precision of centering. How-
ever, since the bubble tends to "run" toward a point
source of heat, the instrument must be shaded to en-
sure centering precision while leveling.
Compensator instruments maintain the consistency
Figure 3-16.-Fischer level.
of the line of sight in various ways, some of which are
described in this subchapter. In general, the automatic
compensator mechanisms provide a setting precision
extensively used by the National Geodetic Survey in-
superior to that attainable by centering a bubble. Thus,
clude: Breithaupt NABON, Jenoptik Ni004, Zeiss Ni2,
compensator instruments permit both greater produc-
Zeiss Nil, MOM NiA31, and Jenoptik NI 002 (figs.
tivity and improved leveling precision.
3-17 through 3-21). Some features of these instruments
The second way in which leveling instruments are
are given in table 3-2.
classified is according to whether or not they are equipped
with micrometers. Without a micrometer, observation
values may be estimated to, at best, 0.5 mm. The mi-
crometer permits observations to be made with better
precision. It permits values to be read directly to the
equivalent of 0.05 mm or better.
For productive geodetic leveling, optical instruments
should have the following features:
I. A telescope equipped with a large objective lens
(50 to 70 mm diameter of the free aperture) to ensure
brightness and good image definition.
2. A magnification power of 30 to 50 diameters.
3. A reticle etched between glass plates to ensure a
Figure 3-17.-Jenoptik Ni004.
consistent, dust-free image. It should include one ver-
tical line, three horizontal lines (a middle line and two
stadia lines) and, for use with scales with line graduations,
a wedge. (See sec. 3.3.5, "Making an observation.") 3.3.2 Telescopic System
4. Resistance to the effects of temperature change
In a simple telescope, such as that used in older spirit-
and vibration.
level instruments, the straight line between the optical
5. Units of the micrometer compatible with the
center of the objective lens and the center of the reticle
graduations on the leveling rods. (See sec. 3.3.4, "Optical
is called the line of collimation. A ray of light, passing
through the optical center of a simple lens, continues
Only instruments that are equipped with microme- to travel in its original direction as it proceeds beyond
ters and that meet the appropriate standard of setting the lens. Thus, when the telescope is horizontal, the
precision with respect to collimation error (table 3-1) image of the center of the reticle, projected along the
can provide results considered to be of first-order ac- line of collimation to the center of the objective, de-
curacy. Although instruments with micrometers are pre- fines a horizontal line of sight.
ferred, instruments without micrometers can be used The ocular, or eyepiece, is a magnifying lens which
in combination with the three-wire leveling procedure permits the observer's eye to focus on the reticle lines and
to provide results considered to be of second-order to see simultaneously on the reticle a magnified image of
accuracy. . the scale of the leveling rod. The ocular and the observer's
Several different kinds of leveling instruments have eye function jointly as a single lens. The ocular must be
been satisfactorily used for geodetic leveling in the Unit- set at a fixed distance from the reticle, to enable the
ed States. The Fischer level (fig. 3-16), designed by observer to see, without eyestrain or parallax, a sharper
the Coast and Geodetic Survey, was the sole instrument view of the reticle lines and the scale image. This setting
used by that organization from 1900 to the early 1960's. must be adjusted to the eye of the individual observer.
Since then, commercial instruments that have been (See sec. 3.3.5, "Parallax adjustments.")
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-15

horizontal. The angle by which it deviates from the hori-

zontal is the collimation error. The consistency with
which the movable element repeats a given collimation
error when the instrument is releveled, without otherwise
being disturbed (e.g., in a laboratory), is termed the
setting precision. It can be limited to less than i::0~'25 in
a precise instrument. It compares with the centering
error of about :t0~'5 for the tubular level of a precise
spirit-level instrument.
Zeiss Ni2. The first commercial compensator in-
strument was the model Ni2, produced in 1950 by Carl
Zeiss in the Federal Republic of Germany. It has a rel-
atively simple compensator system which contains three
elements. Two are - prisms rigidly attached to the tele-
Figure 3-21.-Jenoptik NI 002. scope body. The third is an inverted pendulum, suspended
by two pairs of fine Invar tapes on which the element
can swing into a stable position with respect to the gravity
General description. The compensator consists of one vector. A reflecting prism is attached at the lowest part of
or more reflecting elements, usually prisms, set in the the element. The telescope system, into which the com-
line of collimation of the telescope. One of the reflec- pensator is inserted, is of the internal-focusing type. A
tors is suspended within the instrument by fine flexible micrometer attachment is available for the Ni2.
links (usually Invar bands). The orientation of this mov- The basic configuration of the compensator system,
able element is changed within the telescope system by with the telescope axis horizontal, is shown in figure
the action of gravity, whenever the alignment of the 3-24. The fixed reflector prism and the movable prism
instrument body is changed with respect to the local serve, in effect, as plane mirrors. By simple reflection,
gravity vector. The lengths and geometrical arrange-
the prisms cause large deflections in the line of colli-
ment of the suspension links, the position of the center
mation along its path from the objective to the reticle.
of gravity of the suspension links, and the position of
Because of the "floating" action of the movable prism,
the center of gravity of the movable element are care-
fully designed to tilt the reflecting surface. The tilt as- th~ deflection varies in magnitude as the vertical axis
sures that the path followed by a ray of light, entering of the instrument changes slightly from setup to setup.
at the center of the objective, is deflected to intersect The fixed roof prism picks up the reflected line of col-
the center of the reticle. limation from the movable prism and redirects it to the
Since the housing of the instrument is made only ap- reticle, where the image of the rod scale is formed. The
proximately at each horizontal setup (within a range roof prism not only deflects the line of collimation, but,
depending on the sensitivity of the circular level), the by double lateral reflection, also reverses the image of
movable element within the compensator must assume the rod, left to right and vice versa.
an attitude such that the segment of the line of colli- The focusing system in front of the compensator gener-
mation immediately behind the objective is consistently ates an inverted image of the rod scale, but the prism

Table 3-2.-Features of some geodetic leveling instruments

Stadia Stadia Setting

Instrument Micrometer Image factor constant precision

Compensator instruments
Jenoptik NI 002
{reversible} Integral Erect 100 +0.4 m :t 0~'05
MOM NiA31 Integral Erect 100 +0.37 m :t0~'1
Zeiss Ni 1 Integral Erect 100 0.0 :t O~'I
Zeiss Ni2 Optional Erect 100/333 0.0 :t 0~'2
--- Wild NA2 Optional Erect 100/333 0.0 :t 0~'3

Spirit-level instruments
Wild N3 Integral Inverted 100/333 -0.2 m :t 0~'2
Jenoptik Ni004 Integral Inverted 100 0.0 :t 0~'23
Breithaupt NABON Optional Inverted 100 0.0 :t 0~'2
USC&GS Fischer None Inverted 300/333 +0.6 m :t 0~'5
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-15

horizontal. The angle by which it deviates from the hori-

zontal is the collimation error. The consistency with
which the movable element repeats a given collimation
error when the instrument is releveled, without otherwise
being disturbed (e.g., in a laboratory), is termed the
setting precision. It can be limited to less than ::t0~'25 in
a precise instrument. It compares with the centering
error of about ::t0~'5 for the tubular level of a precise
spirit-level instrument.
Zeiss Ni2. The first commercial compensator in-
strument was the model Ni2, produced in 1950 by Carl
Zeiss in the Federal Republic of Germany. It has a rel-
atively simple compensator system which contains three
elements. Two are - prisms rigidly attached to the tele-
Figure 3-21.-Jenoptik NI 002. scope body. The third is an inverted pendulum, suspended
by two pairs of fine Invar tapes on which the element
can swing into a stable position with respect to the gravity
General description. The compensator consists of one vector. A reflecting prism is attached at the lowest part of
or more reflecting elements, usually prisms, set in the the element. The telescope system, into which the com-
line of collimation of the telescope. One of the reflec- pensator is inserted, is of the internal-focusing type. A
tors is suspended within the instrument by fine flexible micrometer attachment is available for the Ni2.
links (usually Invar bands). The orientation of this mov- The basic configuration of the compensator system,
able element is changed within the telescope system by with the telescope axis horizontal, is shown in figure
the action of gravity, whenever the alignment of the 3-24. The fixed reflector prism and the movable prism
instrument body is changed with respect to the local serve, in effect, as plane mirrors. By simple reflection,
gravity vector. The lengths and geometrical arrange-
the prisms cause large deflections in the line of colli-
ment of the suspension links, the position of the center
mation along its path from the objective to the reticle.
of gravity of the suspension links, and the position of
Because of the "floating" action of the movable prism,
the center of gravity of the movable element are care-
the;: deflection varies in magnitude as the vertical axis
fully designed to tilt the reflecting surface. The tilt as-
sures that the path followed by a ray of light, entering of the instrument changes slightly from setup to setup.
at the center of the objective, is deflected to intersect The fixed roof prism picks up the reflected line of col-
the center of the reticle. limation from the movable prism and redirects it to the
Since the housing of the instrument is made only ap- reticle, where the image of the rod scale is formed. The
proximately at each horizontal setup (within a range roof prism not only deflects the line of collimation, but,
depending on the sensitivity of the circular level), the by double lateral reflection, also reverses the image of
movable element within the compensator must assume the rod, left to right and vice versa.
an attitude such that the segment of the line of colli- The focusing system in front of the compensator gener-
mation immediately behind the objective is consistently ates an inverted image of the rod scale, but the prism

Table 3-2.-Features of some geodetic leveling instruments

Stadia Stadia Setting

Instrument Micrometer Image factor constant precision

Compensator instruments
Jenoptik NI 002
(reversible) Integral Erect 100 +0.4 m :!:0~'05
MOM NiA31 Integral Erect 100 +0.37 m :!:O~'I
Zeiss Ni I Integral Erect 100 0.0 :!:O~'I
Zeiss Ni2 Optional Erect 100/333 0.0 :!:0~'2
Wild NA2 Optional Erect 100/333 0.0 :!:0~'3
Spirit-level instruments
WildN3 Integral Inverted 100/333 -0.2 m :!:0~'2
Jenoptik Ni004 Integral Inverted 100 0.0 :!:0~'23
Breithaupt NABON Optional Inverted 100 0.0 :!:0~'2
USC&GS Fischer None Inverted 300/333 +0.6 m :!:0~'5
3-16 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

DI u
C o
u. o
~ o
u a:
u. ...J

--- -- Line of Sight -- ---


~- - - -- Dj ~ Do.------------------------------

..L + 1 1
Figure 3-22.-External-focusing telescope.

system erects the image from top to bottom and reverses it the movable prism, and again by 45' to coincide with
left to right. Thus, the observer sees an erect, direct the telescope axis. Thus, the image directed by the
image. objective along the line of collimation is viewed at the
With the telescope axis horizontal, the line of colli- ocular as if no deflection had occurred.
mation is horizontal before reflection by the fixed re- When the instrument is roughly leveled (fig. 3-25),
flector prism. The line which connects pivot points A the telescope axis is tilted within 4' from a horizontal
and B in the body of the instrument and the line which 'position and the line of the pivots, AB, is tilted by the
connects pivot points C and D by which the compensa- same amount, a. Because of the flexible suspension
tor is suspended are also horizontal. Points C and Dare ribbons, the supports C and D shift to a new position.
placed symmetrically with respect to A and B, by vir- The lengths, AC. BD, and CD, remain unchanged and the
tue of their suspension on either side of the movable suspension ribbons bend slightly at A, B, C. and D,
prism. This requires four suspension ribbons in all, of as if the supports were frictionless pivots. (Actually, the
nearly equal length. The line of collimation is deflect- ribbons assume complex curved alignments, but if the
ed 45' by reflection from the first fixed prism, by 90' in axis is tilted only slightly, this causes no significant
the opposite direction from the horizontal surface of error.)

'Cij ...J o
~W o
CJ > a:
u. w Z ...
...J en 0 ...J
0 :J W w
..., >
i= 0 W
w 0 co ...J
a: u. 0

ilIlMiwl_ Lme of Sight -- ---

I Motion

h Fixed - ~ --- Variable ~


Figure 3-23.- Internal-focusing telescope.

Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-17

Horizontal Position

------- :::I
Do ..J
w w>
~ GI
w a:
~ a: 0 a: ..J
t- Teles~e
~ --x
., ~ o:;)

IIIIIIIIII r~g~:I::~~~~m~~~y
--- Line of collimation
Figure 3-24.-Ni2 compensator system, telescope axis horizontal.

Because of the shift of the support, CD, the lower the gravity vector, acting downward from G, passes
reflecting surface of the movable prism is tilted in the through the point of intersection, I, of the extensions of
same direction as the line of pivots, AB, but through a the suspension links AC and RD.
larger angle, {J,by the relationship: When the axis is tilted at a small angle, motion occurs
at all four pivots. Since they are essentially the equivalent
{J=nXa. of frictionless pins, the system swings past the stable
position, swings back, and then continues to oscillate
The factor, n, is a function of the dimensions of AB about the stable position until the motion is damped.
and CD, the perpendicular distance from AB to CD To damp it quickly, a loose-fitting, air piston-and-
when AB is untilted, and the height of the center of cylinder damper is attached between the dynamic el-
gravity of the suspended system above the axis CD. The ement and the instrument frame. Without mechanical
magnitude of 'the factor in a particular instrument de- contact between the piston and the cylinder, the device
pends on the location of the compensator in the telescope. utilizes the resistance of the air pressure generated by
In essence, the compensator must deflect a ray of the compression stroke to damp the oscillation in less
light, entering a telescope whose axis is tilted by a small than a second. Such a damper is vital to the productive
angle from horizontal, through the angle necessary to use of a compensator instrument.
redirect the ray to the center of the reticle, as shown When stability is attained, the line of collimation is
schematically in figure 3-26. In the Ni2 compensator horizontal. Any small residual tilt resulting from im-
the ray is deflected three times, but the net effect is perfections in the instrument is adjusted by rotating a
that of a single deflection of the correct magnitude. wedge-shaped optical element at the front of the
The position assumed by the movable element for objective. (See sec. 4.3.1, "Rotary-wedge attachment.")
any tilt within its functioning range depends on the This discussion of the basic configuration of the com-
dimensions of the suspension system and the position pensator system has been developed around the Ni2
of the center of gravity. Figure 3-27 shows the condi- instrument because the details of application are rela-
tion that must be met for stability of the movable ele- tively straightforward. Application to other compensator
ment during a setup. A. B. C. and D are the pivot points instruments would follow the same general theory, but
shown with the same notation as in figure 3-24. G is the might vary considerably in detail.
center of gravity at a height, h, above the line of pivots, Zeiss Nil. The Ni 1 instrument, like the Ni2, is pro-
CD. Stability (no oscillation) occurs automatically when duced by Carl Zeiss in the Federal Republic of Ger-
3-18 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

_ _JJ9~0!lliIL:
_ _ _ :!QrJ~QOJ!ll__

Figure 3-25.-Ni2 compensator system, telescope axis tilted.

many. Designed some years after the Ni2, it is larger, element. This "X-suspension" responds to tilting and
more precise, and intended specifically to produce level- to the gravity vector in a manner similar to that of the
ing results of better accuracy. It is equipped with a Ni2 (a "V-suspension"). However, the axis of the mov-
high-powered telescope and a built-in, plane-parallel able element tilts in the direction opposite to the tilt of
plate micrometer. The compensator (fig. 3-28) of the the telescope axis.
Ni 1 is generally similar to that of the Ni2. The mov- Second, the three deflections of the line of collima-
able element is an inverted pendulum suspended on four tion are accomplished by only two prisms. The roof prism
Invar ribbons. The line of collimation is deflected three reflects once; the movable prism reflects twice, internally.
times by reflection from prisms. Figure 3-29 shows the Third, the movable element is not symmetrical about
schematic arrangement of the compensator system when the support system. The roof prism is mounted fairly
the telescope axis is tilted. high above the base pivots and to the rear of the sup-
The compensator varies from that of the Ni2 in the port system, near the ocular. The resulting eccentrici-
following particulars. First, the Invar suspension rib- ty is balanced by the placement of a large damping
bons cross at a point above the base of the movable system at a position on the objective side of the sup-

~ 0
~ ~
o ~
,w w
o ~

f= -~

Telescope -A
1'!!!Y ~
" e,I.~-

~- -9.~ ~

Figure 3-26.-Deflection of the line of collimation by the compensator.

Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-19


Diagram Showing
h= height of center of
CONDITION gravity of compensator
dynamic assembly (prism,
FOR STABILITY counterweight, etc.)
above line of pivots C-D

Figure 3-27.-Condition for dynamic stability of the Ni2.

Horizontal Position




Figure 3-28.-Nil compensator system, telescope axis horizontal.

3-20 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling


--- --B-ffi{B-

Figure 3-29.-Nil compenstor system, telescope axis tilted.

ports. This does not affect the response of the movable mirror backward or forward. The reticle, 4, is engraved at
element to gravity. The condition for stability still re- the front of the objective lens. Therefore, the focusing
quires that the gravity vector from the center of gravi- distance is the total distance from the objective to the
ty of the movable element pass through the point of mirror and back to the objective.
intersection of the supporting ribbons, as projected on The line of collimation, then, consists of two super-
a vertical plane. A major attribute of the Nil is that imposed segments, both of which are horizontal if the
the mass of the element is greater than that in the Ni2, compensator mirror is aligned with the direction of gravi-
which reduces its natural vibration frequency. This makes ty. The important task of providing a horizontal line of
the system more stable in the presence of external sight is accomplished by the simple arrangement of di-
vibrations. recting rays from the objective to a suspended mirror,
Fourth, the Ni I has a larger objective aperture and a then reflecting them back to the reticle on the front
higher-powered telescope than the Ni2. These features surface of the objective. The only adjustment required
provide a sharper and more distinct view of the rod is to distribute small counterweights so the compensa-
scale, a factor that improves the precision possible when tor mirror hangs precisely in line with the direction of
intercepting the graduations. gravity.
Jenoptik NI 002. A major innovation in compensa- The compensator mirror is manufactured to be a pre-
tor instruments is the Jenoptik NI 002, manufactured cise optical plane; both "front" and "back" surfaces
in Jena, German Democratic Republic. Although its are precisely flat and parallel within the fine tolerances of
optical system is complex, the compensator operates optical technology. The use of the double mirror as a
on it simple principle by adapting a vertically suspend- reversible compensator is made possible by the provi-
ed, plane mirror. sion of the rotary motion, h, with which, by the simple
Figure 3-30 shows that the optical system defining shift of a knob, the mirror and its suspension system
the line of collimation has been reduced to only a few can be rotated 180.. After rotation, the line of collima-
components. The objective lens, 2, transmits rays of tion is reflected from the reverse side of the mirror.
light to the opticalIy flat, compensator mirror, 3, which is Since the line of collimation is tilted from horizontal
supported in an essentially vertical position by links, by an angle, a.. in one position, it is tilted by a nearly
15, in an "X-suspension" array, similar to that of the equal and opposite angle, az, after the mirror is rotated
Zeiss Ni I. The instrument is focused by moving the 180. (t1g. 3-31). If the rod scale is observed twice, once
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-21

x Real image
Image ray path;
Line of sight

Image ray path;

Micrometer scale,
Index line
Image ray path;
--Spherical level
compensated line
of collimation

Figure 3-30.-Diagram of the NI 002.

I. Rotatable optical wedge for adjusting mean line of collimation.

2. Telescope objective.
3. Compensator mirror for telescope image.
4. Reticle engraved at front surface of objective lens.
5. Transparent plate with micrometer index line.
6. Compensator mirror for micrometer index-line image.
7. Transparent plate with micrometer scale, attached to objective lens assembly.
8. Real image of combined images of micrometer index line, 5, and micrometer scale, 7, projected on face of prism c via optical train a.
9. Circular level, for roughly leveling the instrument.
10. Real image of bubble in circular level, projected on face of prism c via optical train b.
II. Ocular assembly.
12. Compensator support.
13. Compensator support base.
14. Compensator suspension block, attached to mirror, 3.
15. Flexible bands for compensator suspension block.
16. Air piston assembly for damping oscillation of compensator.
a. Optical train, transmitting image of micrometer scale, 7, and index line, 5; image formed on face of beam-splitting prism c, at 8.
b. Optical train, transmitting image of circular level bubble, 9; image formed on face of beam-~Iitting prism c, at 10.
c. Beam-splitting prism, collecting images from the objective, at 4, and from optical trains a and b, at 8 and 10,
to be transmitted to image plane e, via optical train d.
d. Optical train, transmitting combined images from 4,8, and 10, to image plane e.
e. Image plane for optical train d, with images of rod and reticle lines from telescope combined with images of micrometer scale and
index line (from optical train a) and image of circular level (from optical train b).
f. Pendulous motion of compensator system.
g. Sliding motion of compensator system, to focus telescope image on reticle at 4.
h. Reversing motion of compensator system; provides 180' rotation about vertical axis, interchanging mirror surfaces "." and ":" on 3;
also reverses micrometer mirror 6.
i. Vertical sliding motion of objective assembly, carrying micrometer scale 7, to set line of sight on integral rod graduation,
thus serving as a mechanical/optical micrometer.
j. Location for plug to prevent vertical sliding of objective assembly during shipment.
3-22 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

in position one (.) and once in position two (:), the mean vat ions when he invented the plane-parallel plate mi-
of the readings is essentially free from the effect of the crometer. This optical device eliminates the need to
collimation errors. Any small residual tilt in the mean estimate the intercept of the middle line of the reticle
line of collimation ("quasi-absolute horizon") may be as it appears against the image of a rod scale. The mi-
adjusted within I~'Oof horizontal by rotation of a wedge- crometer permits the image of the scale to be shifted
shaped optical element (item I in fig. 3-30). vertically until an integral graduation is precisely in-
Note that the difference between the readings is pro- tercepted by the middle line. The amount of vertical
portional to the angular difference, al-a2, between the shift may then be measured.
collimation errors. This angle is normally kept within The function of the parallel-plate micrometer depends
20:'0 by adjusting the counterweights on the compen- on Snell's law. A ray of light, incident on a plane air-
sator assembly. glass surface at an angle, J, is refracted toward the
During a setup of micrometer leveling with an imbal- perpendicular to the plane surface (fig. 3-32). After
ance, tY (backsight distance minus foresight distance), traversing a finite thickness of glass, t, and on passing
the angular difference causes a difference between the through a glass-air surface parallel to the first, it is
elevation difference observed in compensator position refracted through an equal and opposite angle. It thus
one, tlhu and that observed in compensator position emerges parallel to the original ray, but offset from it
two, tlh H: by a small distance, d. The distance may be computed
from the index of refraction, n, for glass relative to air,
tlhL -tlhH=QXtY.
as follows:
This must be considered when checking observations
for blunders. Since the angular difference fluctuates d=t[(n-l)/n]tan J
somewhat as the air temperature changes, its maximum
On a leveling instrument, the plane-parallel glass
magnitude should be used to compute the tolerance for
plate is normally mounted at the front of the objective.
the reading check. (See sec. 3.7.2, "Instructions: reading
The plate may be partially rotated about an axis per-
check. ")
pendicular to the vertical axis of the instrument, by
The precision of the NI 002 depends primarily on
means of a knob. With the plate unrotated, the line of
the relationship between the objective, the compensa-
sight usually intercepts the rod scale at some point be-
tor mirror, and the reticle. The remainder of the optical
tween two graduations, as shown in figure 3-33. Rotating
system, which merely serves to transmit the scale image
the plate at an angle to the incident ray produces an
from the compensator to the ocular, is essentially de-
apparent vertical shift of the field of view.
scribed in the explanatory key to figure 3-30.
To measure the interval between the intercept of the
line of sight and the first graduation below it, the plate
3.3.4 Optical Micrometer
is rotated until a graduation is shifted into coincidence
Around 1910, Heinrich Wild made possible a signif- with the middle line of the reticle (fig. 3-34). Since the
icant improvement in the precision of leveling obser- interval depends on the tangent of the angle of rotation

}Cxs Qxs

Figure 3-31.-Unes of sight provided by the NIOO2.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-23

Optical micrometers are available for use with rods

graduated in any of a variety of units. One micrometer
unit is normally equivalent to one-tenth of a rod unit.
Readings are made to the nearest one-hundredth of a rod
unit (equivalent to 0.05 mm with half-centimeter rods),
as indicated by subdivisions, or can be readily estimated.
Always USea micrometer compatible with the units of the
GLASS rod scale; otherwise confusion and blunders will result.

3.3.5 Use and Maintenance

During field use the leveling instrument is subject to
AIR continual physical stress, including shock, vibration, wind-
blown dust and dirt, moisture, and temperature change.
Even the most rugged instrument cannot withstand this
assault indefinitely. The observer should take every pos-
sible precaution to protect it from these conditions.
Tripod. To ensure a stable platform for the instru-
Figure 3-32.-Snell's law applied to a plane-parallel
ment, the tripod on which it is mounted must be strong
plate micrometer.
and rigid. It should be constructed of a material that is
affected very little by temperature change. To provide
of the plate, uniform rotation of the knob generates a
stability in various types of soil, the feet of the tripod
tangent function of the angle of rotation of the plate. A
should have tapered metal shoes with projections that
drum scale, attached to the knob, permits the values of
permit them to be pushed into the ground.
the function to be read, in units that measure the verti-
The legs should be of sufficient length to allow the
cal shift of the line of sight.
observer to stand erect. For a given observer this means
The rotating range of the micrometer plate is 10 mi-
that the length necessary depends upon the location of the
crometer units (fig. 3-35). To avoid exceeding the lim-
instrument eyepiece, which can vary considerably from
its imposed by the approximations involved in the equa-
instrument to instrument. The Jenoptik NI 002(fig.J-21)
tion, the range provides equal displacement on each
requires a shorter tripod than the MOM NiA31 (fig. 3-20)
side of the unrotated position of the plate. Rotating the
or the Zeiss Nil (fig. 3-19). For routine leveling, tripods
upper edge of the plate toward the eyepiece causes an
with adjustable legs are not recommended.
apparent lowering of the field of view, or raising of the
line of sight. Rotating the upper edge of the plate away
from the eyepiece causes an apparent raising of the field
of view, or lowering of the line of sight. For convenience,
the micrometer units are usually numbered from 0, with
the line of sight at its maximum upward displacement,
to 10, at its maximum downward displacement. Thus,
..... ..
when the plate is unrotated, the reading is 5 units. c...
'" u;: ....'"
As a result of this system of numbering, a microme- g .. "':1
ter reading is positive and must be added to the value '" ":I
of the intercepted graduation. Since the readings are j~
referred to its maximum upper displacement (not to Level Line of Reticle
the undisplaced line of sight) the readings are 5 microme- Coincident with Graduation
ter units too large. However, since they are too large by
a constant amount, the difference of elevation obtained
from the difference of the foresight and the backsight
is mathematically correct.
The maximum vertical range of shift of the line of
sight is set equal to the interval between two adjacent Figure 3-33.-Plane-parallel plate unrotated.
graduations on the rod scale, i.e., one rod unit. Because
of this, only one graduation may be intercepted for any
fixed position of the instrument and the rod. The observer should check the condition of the tri-
The foregoing details apply to the most commonly pod head each day. A loose head makes it very difficult
used micrometer system. Some instruments (e.g., the to maintain the instrument in a level position through-
Jenoptik NI 002) achieve the same effect by shifting out the backsight and foresight of each setup. The hinge
the objective lens itself vertically. The amount of shift assembly should cover the legs snugly. Hinge tension is
is measured directly against an attached linear scale. properly adjusted when each leg, raised to a horizontal
3-24 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Le~eling

Level Line of Reticle

Coincident with Graduation

Figure 3-34.-Plane-parallel plate rotated to intercept a graduation.

position, slowly drops of its own accord. the foot screws are aligned with the tripod legs. Then,
Bolts, located between each pair of legs, should be the bell-shaped bolt below the tripod. head is screwed
tightened as necessary to reduce any play between the up through the. two plates forming the bottom of the
platform and the legs. Many modern tripods are con- tribrach. It should be just tight enough to prevent the
structed with plastic bushings that may crack or shat- tribrach from shifting when transporting the instrument-
ter if the bolts are overtightened, so care should be ex- tripod assembly. If overtightened, the plate may even-
ercised when making this adjustment. The bushings may tually loosen enough to wobble. When this occurs, tighten
be replaced' by taking the hinge assembly apart. The the screws that hold the upper plate against the footscrew
tripod hinge assembly should not be stressed by lifting pedestals. These screws should never be so tight that
a leg too high or by forcibly jamming the legs simulta- the downward pressure causes wear on the pedestals.
neously into the ground. Shock from the latter activity On many leveling instruments the tribrach is an in-
may severely damage the leveling instrument. tegral part of the instrument, not removable in the field.
The tripod should be placed firmly on the ground Some instruments (e.g., the NI 002) may be detached
and each leg should be pushed in individually, to en- from the tribrach by loosening a setscrew on the tri-
brach. The function of this screw should not be con-
sure a stable setup. Setups on bituminous pavement
fused with that of the tangent screws immediately above
(such as asphalt) must be avoided, since significant tripod
it. Check periodically to ensure that the setscrew is tight.
settlement may occur. The same precaution applies to
Foot screws. Each of the three foot screws used for
frozen ground, where, if possible, the frozen layer should
leveling the instrument should be adjusted to the ten-
be broken through or shoveled away before setting up
sion that the observer finds is practical. First, turn each
the tripod.
foot screw until the small hole on the inside is aligned
Set the tripod to afford as high a line of sight as
with a similar hole on the outside. Then, insert an ad-
possible. When leveling along-a -road shoulder that slopes
justing pin and turn the entire screw assembly to loos-
down away from the road, if the instrument is used at
en or tighten the tension (the direction depends on the
the side (as is the NI 002), point one tripod leg away particular instrument). One-quarter to one-half turn
from the road and stand between the other two legs. in either direction is usually sufficient. The tension should
Tribrach. The tribrach, which supports the instrument, not be so great that it is difficult to feel when a stop has
is another factor in maintaining instrument stability. been reached. Do not force the foot screws past their
The tribrach should be mounted on the tripod head so upper or lower stops because this damages the threads.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-25

--: : 05 un

Figure 3-35.-Plane-parallel plate micrometer scale.

Carrying the instrument. After the instrument is To rough-level the instrument, first, turn it so the
mounted on the tripod, carry the entire assembly vertical- circular level and one foot screw form a line per-
ly, resting it against a shoulder and supporting it by pendicular to the line formed by the other two foot screws
gripping the tripod rungs with one or both hands (fig. (fig. 3-37). Turn the two foot screws simultaneously,
3-36). The tripod should not be balanced across the either toward or away from each other, to effect side-
shoulder, since this puts the instrument in a more vul- to-side movement of the bubble. Then, turn the first
nerable position and subjects it to greater stress from foot screw to move the bubble forward and backward,
shock or vibration. Use your body to cushion shocks to until it is centered.
the instrument. When it is carried on the side step of a
truck, rest the tripod feet not on the metal step, but on
the toe of a boot or a thick elastic cushion (such as a
section of tire) mounted expressly for this purpose.

-+- -

Figure 3-36.-Carrying the Instrument-tripod assembly.
Leveling the instrument. At every setup the instru-
ment must be roughly leveled. (See sec. 3.3.3, "Com-
pensator system.") A circular level (known also as a spot
or bull's eye) is attached to the body of the instrument Figure 3-37.-Centering the bubble in a circular level.
for this purpose. The bubble in the level is centered
to ensure that the compensator (or the bubble in the Many instruments are equipped with mirrors or other
tubular level of a spirit-level instrument) is freely optical mechanisms for observing the circular level.
suspended. These mechanisms may invert or rotate the qubble image.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-25

--: : 0 5 un

Figure 3-35.-Plane-parallel plate micrometer scale.

Carrying the instrument. After the instrument is To rough-level the instrument, first, turn it so the
mounted on the tripod, carry the entire assembly vertical- circular level and one foot screw form a line per-
ly, resting it against a shoulder and supporting it by pendicular to the line formed by the other two foot screws
gripping the tripod rungs with one or both hands (fig. (fig. 3-37). Turn the two foot screws simultaneously,
3-36). The tripod should not be balanced across the either toward or away from each other, to effect side-
shoulder, since this puts the instrument in a more vul- to-side movement of the bubble. Then, turn the first
nerable position and subjects it to greater stress from foot screw to move the bubble forward and backward,
shock or vibration. Use your body to cushion shocks to until it is centered.
the instrument. When it is carried on the side step of a
truck, rest the tripod feet not on the metal step, but on
the toe of a boot or a thick elastic cushion (such as a
section of tire) mounted expressly for this purpose.


Figure 3-36.-Carrying the Instrument-tripod assembly.
Leveling the instrument. At every setup the instru-
ment must be roughly leveled. (See sec. 3.3.3, "Com-
pensator system.") A circular level (known also as a spot
or bull's eye) is attached to the body of the instrument Figure 3-37.-Centering the bubble in a circular level.
for this purpose. The bubble in the level is centered
to ensure that the compensator (or the bubble in the Many instruments are equipped with mirrors or other
tubular level of a spirit-level instrument) is freely optical mechanisms for observing the circular level.
suspended. These mechanisms may invert or rotate the qubble image.
3-26 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

For example, the bubble on the NI 002 may be observed this is done by sighting along the top of the telescope.
either in a mirror or through the eyepiece. In the mir- Since the observer stands at -the side of the NI 002, in
ror image, side-to-side movement is the same as, and this case the system of prisms on the front of the in-
forward-backward movement i~ opposite to, what the strument is used to line it up with the rod. Once the
observer would expect when looking directly down on instrument is roughly pointed, the rod is observed through
the bubble. The relationship of the eyepiece image to the telescope and the tangent screw is turned to align
the direct view of the bubble is more complex, depend- the image of the rod scale with the reticle lines.
ing on the orientation of the eyepiece. If the eyepiece is The reticle normally includes a single vertical line
turned to the side of the instrument, side-to-side move- with three horizontal lines crossing it. The top and bottom
ment appears forward-backward, and vice versa. With stadia lines are used to measure sighting distance. The
practice, the observer can learn to level the instrument longer, middle line defines the horizontal line of sight.
efficiently while observing the bubble through the When leveling with scales having block graduations, a
eyepiece. straight line is sufficient. However, with scales having
Circular-level adjustment. At the start of work each line graduations, the reticle should include a pair of
day, and after any severe shock to the instrument, the divergent lines, the wedge, marked to one side in lieu of
observer should check that the circular level is prop- the middle line. The wedge (fig. 3-38) is a more sensi-
erly adjusted. A circle is inscribed on the vial glass to tive tool for precisely intercepting a graduation. There
are two ways to use it.
provide a reference for assessing the bubble's movement.
When the instrument is sufficiently level, the bubble
should remain precisely centered as the instrument is
slowly turned through a full circle about the vertical
axis. If this is not the case, the level should be adjusted
as follows:
1. Turn the instrument until the bubble displacement
from center is at a maximum.
2. Using the tribrach foot screws, bring the bubble
halfway back to center.
3. Using the three or four small screws supporting
the circular level, adjust the bubble until it is centered. II
Each screw is adjusted by slipping an adjusting pin
through the screw hole and turning it so as to maintain
downward pressure on the base washer. Do not adjust
by depressing one screw and retracting another. If the
limit of downward motion is reached on the screw being
turned, retract all the screws and start adjusting them
again. Do not force the level vial against its base.
4. Rotate the instrument slowly through a full circle.
If the center of the bubble does not stay within 0.2 mm
(0.01 in) of the center of the level vial, repeat the entire
adjustment procedure. Figure 3-38.-Wedge reticle, graduation not centered.
Parallax adjustment. Before observing with the in-
strument, the observer should check for parallax. In one method, set the wedge so the intersections of
Parallax results when the focused image of an object the upper and lower wedge-lines with the upper and
does not lie on the same focal plane as the focused image lower edges of the graduation appear in vertical align-
of the reticle lines. To test for this, point the instru- ment (fig. 3-39a). In the second method, set the wedge so
ment at the sky or at a distant light-colored surface. the interior edges of the wedge lines appear to just touch
Focus the ocular so the lines appear sharp and black, the corners of the end of the graduation (fig. 3-39b).
without straining the eye. Then, focus the objective on Always make the final setting by turning the micrometer
the scale of a leveling rod about 40 m (130 ft) away, knob in the same direction.
and move the eye up and down, slowly, across the ocular. In wind or on a vibrating surface, such as a bridge, it
If the lines appear to move over the rod graduations, may be difficult to intercept a graduation precisely. If the
parallax is present. To eliminate the parallax, refocus vibration of the instrument is short in period, set the
the objective until no parallax is evident. If the image wedge so it appears to vibrate an even amount above and
of the graduations is not distinct, focus the ocular by below the graduation. If the vibration is long in period or
the small amount necessary to make it appear distinct. includes more than one graduation interval, mean the
Making an observation. After setting up and level- readings from a series of pointings to make each obser-
ing the instrument, the observer should point it quickly vation. If satisfactory results cannot be obtained, return
at the appropriate leveling rod. With most instruments to the section under better observing conditions.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-27

in the truck, or (3) strapped onto an empty seat in the

truck. If the instrument is to be shipped to another lo-
cation, it should be packed in its case and placed inside
a well-padded carton, with an appropriate warning label
affixed on the outside of the package.
At least once every 18 months, the instrument should
be cleaned and adjusted on a collimator by a qualified
(a) Shipment of the NI 002. The National Geodetic Sur-
vey has found the objective assembly of the NI 002 to
be particularly vulnerable to vibration during shipment.
Damage to the stop at the base of the assembly can be
recognized by the inability of the user to read a full
scale on the micrometer when the instrument is leveled. If
the stop has been damaged, the instrument should not
be used until it is repaired.
To prevent damage to the stop, screw a small, hard-
rubber plug into the instrument to limit movement of
the assembly during shipment (fig. 3-21). The plug
should be screwed in whenever the NI 002 is transported
for long distances in a leveling truck or shipped via
commercial carrier.

3.3.6 Sighting Distance

The sighting distance between the instrument and a
leveling rod is normally computed by the stadia meth-
od. To use the method, a full or half stadia interval
(b) ~

must be computed from stadia readings made while
observing. To balance the sighting distances of awkward
setups quickly, before any observations are recorded,
the stadia interval may also be determined by counting
the number of rod units observed between the stadia
lines (full interval) or between the middle line and one
stadia line (half interval).
Derivation of the stadia method. By the stadia
method, short distances may be measured with a precision
Figures 3-39a. & 3-39b.-Wedge reticle,
of :to.2 m (:to.7 ft). The stadia method has been
graduation centered.
widely used for topographic surveys and is routinely
used in geodetic leveling to measure sighting distances
Instrument maintenance. Before putting the instru- and control the imbalance between backsights and
ment away each day gently wipe it with a clean soft foresights.
cloth to remove dust and moisture. If the instrument Figure 3-40 illustrates the relationships which exist
has been exposed to rain or mist, it should also be al- between the leveling rod, the objective, and the reticle
lowed to stand at room temperature overnight. If the when a stadia measurement is made with a leveled in-
instrument is dirty or greasy, or if it has been exposed strument. For the focused instrument, the distance, Dj'
to salt water, clean all nonglass surfaces with a cloth from the objective to the reticle, and the distance, Do'
dampened in denatured alcohol. Dust the objective and from the objective to the rod, are governed by the Law
ocular lightly with a lens brush. Then, if necessary, wipe of Conjugate Foci, where the focal length, j, of the
the lenses with lens paper that has been moistened with objective,j, is a constant:
a small amount of lens cleaning solution. Care must be
taken not to scratch the glass surface~.
The instrument, with the lens cap attached, should
be stored securely in a specially designed padded case. The sighting distance, s, is equal to Do plus the fixed
To protect the instrument from jolts and vibrations while distance, c, between the objective and the vertical axis
the truck is in transit, the instrument should either be of the instrument. By solving for Do and adding c:
(l) carried in a foam-lined box bolted to the truck bed,
(2) stored in its case and held on the lap of a passenger
3-28 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3. Geodetic Le\'eling

u -T
__- o.
--- _- ex:
-- -- --- '" I

-~-~ ~

I - c --1.
I ------.- -------
I ' I
Do ~

' j-Di---+ I
I '?
"' I ~- s ------------

Figure 3-40. - Relationship of stadia intenal' to sighting distance.

To a sufficient approximation, the line connecting In the past, the product of the stadia factor and the
points a and a' is a straight line through point 0; there- rod-unit conversion factor has been referred to as the
fore, triangles abo and a'b'o are similar. Thus, all cor- "stadia constant." Do not confuse such usage of the
responding dimensions are in the ration Do:Dj' includ- term with the definition given here.
ing the full stadia interval, I, and the distance, i, between This formula applies in three-wire leveling and when-
the upper and lower stadia lines in the reticle: ever the full interval between the stadia lines is com-
Do/Dj=l/i. puted. For example, if the instrument has a stadia fac-
. . tor of 100 and the rod units are centimeters,
B y su s 1 u
b t' t t mg e
th k nown ra t 10 for th e un k nown:
s=(j/i)X I+f+c. sm=lcmXO.Olm/cmX 100=1.
The ration, f:i, is unique for the instrument and is Thus a convenient relationship is derived: the number
called the stadia factor ("multiplication constant"). of rod units in the full stadia interval equals the sight-
The constant, f+c, is also unique for the instrument ing distance in meters.
and is called the stadia constant ("addition constant"). In However, if the rod units are in half-centimeters
most instruments with internal-focusing telescopes, th (hcm), the formula becomes
optical system is so designed that the stadia constant i
smXlhcmXO.005m/hcmX 100=1/2.
essentially zero for the sighting distances used in leveling
Table 3-2 shows stadia factors and constants for som In micrometer leveling, this result is employed to re-
typical instruments. duce the number of readings necessary. Instead of read-
Computing sight distance. From the full stadai in ing the intercepts of all three lines, only those of the
terval, I, the sighting distance, s, is computed by th wedge and one stadia line (usually the lower) are read.
formula just derived: The difference of the readings is half of the stadia in-
terval. As long as the rod units are half-centimeters;
s=(IXstadia factor)+stadia constant.
the difference of the readings is equal to the sighting
For practical use in the field, the stadia constant i distance. When using the micrometer-leveling proce-
usually neglected. However, it should not be neglecte dure with centimeter rods, the half stadia interval
when determining the stadia factor. During these must be multiplied by two to obtain the correct sighting
operations sighting distance must be determined as accu- distance.
rately as possible. However, during routine leveling the Determining the stadia factor. The stadia factor is
error resulting from neglecting the stadia constant is set by the instrument manufacturer for converting the
insignificant when compared to the overall error of the stadia-interval to sighting distance. In modern instru-
stadia method. ments used for geodetic leveling the stadia factor is
To obtain the sighting distance in meters, a conver- typically 100. The reticle is etched in glass to ensure
sion factor must be included in the formula. Since the that the factor does not change. The stadia factor need
stadia factor is a unitless quantity and the stadia interval not be determined in the field when using such an
is measured in rod units (ru), the conversion factor re- instrument.
quired is the number of meters per rod unit. Thus: Some older instruments may have a reticle consist-
ing of fine strands of spider web, sandwiched between
Sm = 1 X conversion factor m/ruX stadia factor. glass plates. The stadia factor for this type of instru-
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-29

ment should be determined in the field whenever it is Two elevation differences are observed in the same
put to use and whenever the reticle is changed. To de- direction, but with different setups, between the same
termine the stadia factor: two turning points. Each setup has an imbalance of sight-
ing distances. Since the elevation differences measured
1. Layout a course in a straight line along a level
between the same two points should be equal, any dif-
track, roadway, or sidewalk, marking the distances at
ference between them is the result of the effects of col-
0, 25, 35,45, 55, 65, and 75 m.
limation error, pointing error, refraction, and curvature.
2. Position the instrument to allow for its stadia con-
The collimation error, a , causes an error that is pro-
stant. For example, the Wild N3 has a stadia constant
portional to the imbalance, ~, in each setup:
of -0.2 m; therefore, it should be set forward of the
zero stake by 0.2 m. An instrument with a positive sta-
tan aX~=CX~.
dia constant should be set back from the zero stake by
the corresponding amount.
The pointing error is limited by a reading check. The
3. Level the instrument. Read the low scale of a lev-
sum, e, of refraction and curvature error is mathemat-
eling rod at each of the six distances. Read all three
ically predicted for the appropriate sighting distances
reticle lines, top to bottom, at each distance.
in each setup. Hence, if each observed elevation dif-
4. Record the readings and identifying information
ference, ~h, is corrected for these errors,
as shown in figures 3-41 and 3-42, using the recording
form appropriate to the type of leveling to be done. Com-
pute each half-stadia interval.
5. Total the half-stadia intervals (in rod units). Total Solving for the collimation factor,
the measured distances (in meters) and divide by the
total of the half-stadia intervals. The value obtained is
the stadia factor, expressed in meters per rod unit, for
the instmment-rod combination used. If the first setup is balanced and the second unbal-
6. The result of step 5 should be checked by comput- anced (as for "Kukkamaki's method," given later in this
ing a similar value for each distance. Divide each mea- subchapter, ~I=O and e,=O,
sured distance by the sum of the two half-stadia inter-
vals at that distance. The mean of these six values should
agree with the value computed in step 5.
7. To obtain the stadia factor of the instrument, in- If both setups are unbalanced by the same amount, and
dependent of rod units, the value expressed in meters they are leveled in opposite directions (as for the "10-40
per rod unit must be multiplied by a conversion factor. method," given later in this subchapter), the corrected
This factor is the number of rod units per meter. elevation differences are opposite in sign. Thus,
8. Submit data for the stadia factor measurement to the
project office, along with other leveling data for the day.

3.3.7 Collimation Check Since ~SI=~S2 and e,:;;:;;e2,the formula is simplified

to the following:
Under field conditions the collimation error of a
leveling instrument (sec. 3.1.2, "Leveling instrument") C= [(~h, +~h2)-2e]/2~s.
is measured by obtaining a set of observations called the
collimation check ("C-shot" or "peg test"). Collimation The elevation differences, the refraction and curva-
error is limited by adjustment of the instrument. Because ture errors, and the imbalances are measured in the
the adjustment can change easily under field conditions, same units; the resulting collimation factor is dimen-
thus changing the collimation error, make the collim- sionless. However, for convenience, it is usually expressed
ation check at least once a day with most instruments. in millimeters per meter:
In addition, make the check any time that an instrument
sustains a severe shock or seems to function abnormally. Cmm/m=tan aX 1000mm/m.
The collimation check has two purposes: to prove that For an instrument with a reversible compensator, a
the instrument is properly adjusted within the standard of separate collimation factor may be computed for each
accuracy required for the survey and to provide a col- position of the compensator. The collimation factor for
limation factor with which to correct data from unbal- the instrument is the mean,
anced setups.
Collimation factor. During the collimation check the
angular value of collimation error is not measured di-
rectly. Instead, the tangent of the angle, called the colli- If the collimation factor is not within the tolerance
mation factor (C-factor or C) is computed. A deriva- for the survey, the instrument must be adjusted. When
tion of the formula follows. the adjustment can be made in the field, the amount of
3-30 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

'~"OR"H-lff u.s. H...'III!:MT 011COMIIIIaCI




Figure 3-41.-Stadia factor determination, micrometer procedure, half-centimeter rods.

16_771"e,)"'" 7'_1" NATIONALOCE.ANIC;AND ATMOS"H«'UC 0'

.1.1.. SE'UALNo.1 ,I CODe:
.1.1,. Ii'IoIDI71Zlg 1211/71 1 1 1310\/1,-011311 21 I 1 I 1/1310151 EKAMPt..E I II
Ii' OI~1415101'l1t~ICI


: II I I 1 I I I 1I : 11 I I1 ~! I II I ! I I I II ! I! I I 1I
I i~''7 !
2.1,. I O!O 1 I II '! I I I I I! 1311 ! II II ! I I \I I I I.
:z 13!~ I 117~ . l2. I I I I !
~I I I 11 1 II ! ! II I I I I 7.'S.o5.33
.315 1 0:7 I I I I ~1 I I : 1 ! 1sI.z ! I II I ! I 1 I II! I.
125:'" 1-'13 I 1/10;5 ! ~.
! I I 1 I 11 1/117:0 . I ~=3.~ I
3'717 .
415' 1 1:0 1 I 1 I I I \I I ! 1~'7 ! I I I I! I II II ! I!
1 41Z Ih!S' I 11I.-3!'-; . 145_ I. !
! 1 11 1 1.31/15 I I II ! I liJ.S~ .
I ~:s
515 IZ+!~ I I I I ! I 1I ~I! IS!2 . II I I ! 1 I II I I I!
II~'J:I If 3 II hiS . .52- : 3.33 I! I I I .
! II I I ! I 141?!O I I 1.1 1..5 I I I.
(,.Z !
..5 ~!5 I I I I . I I I I I! 1~!7 I . I I I I I ! 1!
/0 {oj$' 1'117 I 1119!1' .iZ _ I . 1I I !
~!I I I ~I I ItJ'714 ! I I I I! I 19.+- 3.35 I I I 3.S4-;6.
I / .2 I!B
r IOO~
716 i 1 016 I I II ! I II II ! 11/!2 ! I I I! I I II 1 ! I. .~:.H4
I 1/1 9~-I- Iltiz
I~ . 2L IL '1 Ii!
- ! " " II
~~oo iW=3.3! ! If! I 22.1.=3.35
" ~""0""
Figure 3-42.-Stadia factor determinati~n, three-wire procedure, centimeter rods.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-31

error to be removed is computed from the following Table 3-3.-Refraction and curvature errors
formula. It is referred to the rod at the farthest sight- in a single sight
ing distance, sF" and computed in rod units:
Sighting distance, s Error in a rod reading, e
(m) (ft) (mm) (ft)
error F= SFX Cmm/mX conversion factor ru/mm'

The error is subtracted from the last reading made 0 to 28 0 to 92 0.0 0.000
on the far rod. Then the instrument is adjusted in such 28 48 92 157 0.1 0.000
48 61 157 200 0.2 0.001
a way that the corrected reading is observed. After 61 73 200 240 0.3 0.001
performing the adjustment, the entire procedure is re- 73 82 240 269 0.4 0.001
peated to compute and check the new collimation factor. 82 91 269 299 0.5 0.002
Note that the collimation-correction factor, C" , 91 99 299 325 0.6 0.002
commonly used to correct data from three-wire level- 99 106 ~5 348 0.7 0.002
106 113 348 371 0.8 0.003
ing, is not equal to the collimation factor defined here.
113 119 371 390 0.9 0.003
In the past, "C" has been defined as the product of the 119 125 390 410 1.0 0.003
stadia factor and the tangent of the collimation error. 125 131 410 430 1.1 0.004
The imbalance-expressed in rod units as a stadia in- 131 137 430 449 1.2 0.004
terval, not as a distance-could be multiplied directly 137 142 449 466 1.3 0.004
142 147 466 482 1.4 0.005
by "C" to obtain the correction for collimation error in
147 150 482 492 1.5 0.005
rod units. Modern instruments and rods make this prac- 160 525 1.8 0.006
tice unnecessary, since they usually provide a one-to- 170 558 2.1 0.007
one correspondence between stadia interval and distance. 180 591 2.3 0.008
General instructions. Two methods, sufficiently precise 190 623 2.6 0.009
200 656 2.8 0.009
to satisfy the purposes of the collimation check, are 689
210 3.0 0.010
presented here. The accuracy of the result with either 220 722 3.3 0.011
of these methods depends on the assumption that the 230 755 3.7 0.012
error observed is entirely a function of collimation error. 240 787 4.0 0.013
Other effects that alter the line of sight, such as refrac- 250 820 4.3 0.014
260 853 4.7 0.015
tion, must be controlled. To achieve this, perform the
270 886 5.0 0.016
following: 280 919 5.4 0.018
290 951 5.8 0.019
I. Make the collimation check on uniformly flat
300 984 6.2 0.020
ground. The slope should be no more than 2 percent.
2. Allow the instrument and leveling rods to accli-
matize for 5 minutes or more, if they have just been
1. On the flattest possible ground, layout a setup
removed from their cases.
with precisely 20 m between the turning points. Position
3. Make sure that the circular levels on the instru-
the instrument in line between them, precisely 10m
ment and the rods are properly adjusted. (See sees. 3.3.5,
from each turning point. (Use a tape to measure these
"Circular-level adjustment" and 3.4.3, "Checking the
distances.) (See fig. 3-43.)
circular leveL")
2. As indicated on the recording form (line *40*),
4. Correct for refraction and curvature at each sighting
enter the date, instrument code and serial number, rod
distance. To use the values for refraction and curva-
codes and serial numbers, time and time zone, type of
ture given in table 3-3, the collimation check should
temperature units, beginning air temperature, wind and
be made, if possible, when the air-temperature differ-
sun codes, and the initials of the observer, recorder,
ential is less than l'C (2"F) in magnitude and negative in
and rodmen. Check all serial numbers against the equip-
sign (sec. 3.6.1). However, make a check immediately
ment actually used. Label the recording form "Colli-
following an accident to determine if the instrument
mation Check." (See figs. 3-44 through 3-46 for
has been damaged, regardless of the atmospheric con-
ditions. Then, make another check as soon as the con-
3. FIRST SETUP: Level the instrument. Check that
ditions are suitable.
the circular levels on the instrument and the rods are
Kukkamaki's method. T. J. Kukkamaki of the Finnish properly adjusted. Observe and record a set of readings by
Geodetic Institute developed this method for making a either the micrometer or three-wire procedure. Use rod 1
collimation check. The following instructions apply to as the backsight, and be sure to change the compensa-
any combination of instrument and rods. If the instru- tor's positions between the low- and high-scale read-
ment does not have a reversible compensator, ignore ings. Check that the imbalance is no more than :t 0.4 m.
references to compensator's position. Record the data The reading check for the micrometer procedure
either on a standard recoiding form for leveling or into a should be :t 0.25 mm (:t 0.05 hem for half-centimeter
computer. rods).
3-32 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Rod 2 Rod 1


First setup

Rod2 Rod 1

-- T
----- -'-H
\~ 20.0 m

Second setup
Figure 3-43.-Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method.

4. SECOND SETUP: Position the instrument in line 5. Convert the elevation differences, 11hz and I1h..
with the turning points, 20 m from rod 1. Put the compen- from rod units to millimeters. Compute or obtain from
sator in position one. With rod 1 as the backsight, observe table 3-3 the values, e, for refraction and curvature
and record another set of readings; however, leave the error at the sighting distances of the second setup, 20
compensator in position one throughout the setup. Check and 40 m. Compute C, in millimeters per meter, by the
that the magnitude of the imbalance is between 19.6 and formula:
20.4 m. Enter the ending temperature. Remain in position
until the collimation factor has been checked.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-33

If the instrument has a reversible compensator, label II. THIRD SETUP (reversible compensator only):
the value "'C." and skip to step II. Put the compensator in position two and follow the same
6. Compare C with the tolerance (table 3-1). If the procedure as for the second setup (step 4). Compute C2
tolerance is exceeded, then adjust the instrument as by the same formula as CI.
follows. 13. Compute the mean collimation factor and record
7. ADJUSTMENT: Compute the error, in rod units, it:
resulting from collimation error in the reading made at
Check this against the tolerance for instruments with
error ru = 40 X Cmm/mmX conversion factor ru/mm.
reversible compensators (table 3-1).
14. Compute the Q-factor and record it:
For half-centimeter rods, the error is 8 X C. For cen-
timeter rods, it is 4 X C. Subtract this from the fore-
sight reading, obtained on rod 2 (high scale) during the
second setup. The result is the correct reading after Check this against the tolerance (table 3-1).
adjusting the instrument. 15. If the tolerances in step 13 is exceeded, the
8. Refer to the instrument manual for the mechanics collimation check should be repeated to verify the
of adjusting the instrument. Many compensator in- original observations. If the tolerances are still exceeded,
struments have a setscrew on the front of the telescope return the instrument to the repair shop or factory for
that is loosened, after which a wedge-shaped lens is adjustment.
rotated to correct the angle of the line of sight. 10-40 method. Another procedure for the collima-
9. Still in position for the second setup, point toward tion check is called the 10-40 method because each
rod 2 (high scale) and adjust the instrument until the setup is unbalanced, with one rod po£itioned 10 m away
line of sight intercepts the corrected reading. from the instrument and the other 40 m away. The fol-
10. Return to the first setup (step 3) and repeat the lowing instructions apply to any combination of in-
entire collimation check to compute and check the new strument and rods. Record the data either on a stan-
collimation factor. dard recording form for leveling, or into a computer.

FOlltM 76_1'1 u.s. DEPAITMI!NT Of! COMMl!RCI ~AG8:


Figure 3-44.-Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method, micrometer procedure,

half-centimeter rods, reversible compensator.
3-34 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling
.1.101.1 YR./MO. pOY I COOtE TRU"" KRIAL.aI.1 Coo£ I ROO'UIOL MO. I coo. I ROO'U'.L .0. I (!Ot.i../MATIOAI t'JlECK I II T'ME

~..O:''' .::
(J I( :A
.1'1' I. Ii'lol IIOI/Utl23111I I IS"IOIZI/III13111~1
'' KI
I TO 1'..""
..C OD I I I I 1
I 1114111'1712131/1"1
1 1/141"1"'114f

.. ON
1/15121 I
NO .1.1 k.rvi.t
I/I,..JII/I/I IZItiiI5l
UN 8ACI( t FOftIE t .~CK/P'Of'I!: t 8AC../P'Qlll:E E "IUIA'''($
1/41019! I 1.lID!O~I/Ir. I 1/10"'.1 1~lol'!2141 ~I 1 It:~Ii'1 .1 ,I 12I9!ZI4I ...lol2~.
ZI'''!o I I I ! 3Io17!O I I I! .1 131/17!-fI{;1 II I . I I .1 1113k:J:'1' I I I! I ! - 8.230
6s,. 0.0 ,.. d= .. :2 I
It'lfI'TW! I I -II I 1410101.1 121'119!91211-1 I It!olZ I 1.1 I9I'7I:l!4-lol H 121'1!01" 1"'014 Aha"
Izl511!ZI 1 I I ! 12147!0 II! 1.1 121'1711141I I I I I I I 1.1 1,lolJ!.4-lbl I I I I ! I I I I 1- - '."4-0
-6 .:I,D. ...Z I - "./90.too.
I I .11.1 ! I ! 1 I '"
! 1.1 I II! I I I I I I . I' I .l-lll-lD!41'1)1-ot.1 ! I I I ! he S'_11oeM
1.1 I! I : I .1' 11.11 I. '11'91n1/!9%1~ I'\.I!I! d.'1S'O",,../Jt,-!JJ,,,
. n-tt rw.-- + -O.:ZOO "'.. ~
I I 1'1 ! I I I I ! I I I ! I I 1 I ! 1.1 I I I ! I I I I I I ! I I .1 1 I I ! I I I I 1 \
I I I ! 1 I I I ! I I I J I I I I ! I. I I I I .I I I II I ! I I . I I I I! I I I I ~\
I I ! I - 1.15'''
I . I-fo
c.. - 0.05'7_/,..

I I ! I I! I I I ! I I If! 1.1 I I I ! 1 I I I I I ! I I 1.1 I I I I I I t I I 1 ~ I'll! I ~...'

I ! I ! I I I ! I I I : I I . 1 I : I II! 1'1 II( B
Po- : -- - 0.'"' J"""
1/ 051/Z! ID!oI31~ID! 1 Iq!<t. 13/12.DI,1 H 19~2" 1.114"'1~!~121 H 12I9!21411-!012

.:1. .
'1(1 ZID I I! 131/1o!/1 I I I ! .1 131210!2171I 1 1 I ! I I 1.1 l'I"llI!~1
0.1 i ~
I I 1 I ~I I I . I
- '-2S'0
Izl2.lfl2! I I 121D!oI2"'~~-
2"12!01 I I I !!O I I I !
I 14I0!0.
- '." 20.0 . 121'12./1'11 H
12I,lo!.f.ItJ1 I I II!
I 11f!2131 1.1 19I'7I+!9I21 ~I
I 11,1 19I01+!/I'1 I I 1 I! I 1 I
I21<J!2141 1".011
. I- '.235
- ".015
I I I I ! I 1
I 1I ! I I I I ! 1I
I! I !
I I I . I.
I I. I I. I I I I! I 1.1
I I I . I 1 1 I I I ! I I I. I I II!
I : I I
I I I I I I ! I I I I 1
! I 1 . he
+ -0.200

1 I I I! I I I I ! I 1 I II I I I ! 1.1 I I I .II I I I I ! I 11.1 I I I ! 1 I I I II! I I I! 1-0.%7'"

I 1 I ! I I I I ! I I I ! I I 1 I ! 1,1 1 I I ! I 1 I 1 I I ! I 1 I. I I II! I II I I I! I I I . 20.0
t. - - 0.014-
I I 1 I I I I I I ! I 1 I I 1 I I I ! 1.1 I 1 I . I I I 1 II! I I 1.1 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I 1 I
1 . I I I! I ! I I. I. I I. I I I 1 I! I. I . I ! I I I' I I.

Figure 3-45.-Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method, micrometer procedure,

centimeter rods, nonreversible compensator.
I. On the flattest possible ground, layout a setup The tolerance corresponds to :t 0.07 hcm for half-
with precisely 50 m between the turning points. Position centimeter rods. (If this reading check is not satisfied,
the instrument in line between them, precisely 10m, as begin again at step 1.) Remain in position until the col-
measured with a tape, from the turning point support- limation factor has been checked.
ing rod 1. (See fig. 3-47.) 5. Convert the elevation differences, I1h2 and t::.h..
2. As indicated on the recording form (line *40*) from rod units to millimeters. Compute or obtain from
enter the date, instrument code and serial number, rod table 3-3 the values, e, for refraction and curvature at
codes and serial numbers, time and time zone, type of 10 and 40 m. Compute the collimation factor, in mil-
temperature units, beginning temperature, wind and limeters per meter, by the following formula. Note that
sun codes, and the initials of the observer, recorder, the imbalances are both negative.
and rodmen. Check all serial numbers against the equip-
ment actually used. Label the form "Collimation Check."
(See figs. 3-48 through 3-50 for examples.)
3. FIRST SETUP: Level the instrument. Check that
6. Check the collimation factor against the tolerance
the circular levels on the instrument and the rods are
properly adjusted. Make a set of readings by the mi- (table 3-1). If the tolerance is exceeded, then adjust
crometer or three-wire procedure. Use rod I as the the instrument as described in steps 7 through 10 of
backsight. Check that the magnitude of the imbalance Kukkamaki's method.
is between 29.6 and 30.4 m. The reading check for the 7. If the tolerances in step 6 are exceeded, the col-
micrometer procedure should be :t 0.25 mm (:t 0.05 hcm limation check should be repeated to verify the original
for half-centimeter rods). Do not make the reading check observations. If the tolerances are still exceeded,
if using a reversible compensator. return the instrument to the repair shop or factory for
4. SECOND SETUP: Position the instrument in line adjustment.
between the turning points, precisely 10 m from rod 2.
Make a set of readings as in step 3, using rod 2 as the 3.3.8 Compensation Check
backsight. Check the imbalance as in step 3. If using
When a compensator instrument is roughly leveled,
an instrument with (l reversible compensator, check that
the compensator should be freely suspended, unaffected
by its suspension and damping mechanisms. The range
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-35

NOAA'OIllM7J_11t U. SoOE.....RT..ENT 0; CO.....ERCE PAGe:





.1.1, I. '101/10111"1213121 I I 131nlol ,.,1 Ij]/ ilT ltTOf{;f313Izbl/l:zJ I 1/10 (.3131+1 EX !,ft PLe TT
ND ., 00-
ill ~~kllKKM1i\kl 1'1£';#00 ill '0.
Is 11/lIJlol/lol4l+I<:1
12.101/1 1z.J01211 I
upp ER

./; II 111 I II I I. TT TII.
! I I I! I I II I ! I! I I 1;
II !of" I I/lSIi!.Ic: I I. l.sio /Is f!? I 1/61'!7Io I I I I 1 Is'.o
Isi.o 1 1,lo;c: I ,:'7 ~o I 1/1010 AS,=
"'" ! I I 1 1 1 I! 0.0...
I O;p 4;0
11 0:1:: 1/1110.013 II: I. ~14.'0 I I/lil'/!olo 1 I I I ! Izlo.o

130;1 IQI'1 124!0 ~_.O I 141010- ~SZ'

:, I /1'1151< e -11.. I If 14!110F.-F~ I 1010 0 ,-0.''''
14.10 ~-P.
I I 1-10113 IrJ.1 I I
. I II.
I I'll 010 I I II. f,U
j., -( "It -O.H AIj"t It.
I. I I I !
! I - 11310
.l)h,-Ah I I 11414!31Z. -If!,o..... I I.
.I "''''
- 0.2 "'... ~u-r... . .....i----"
I 1-I/.Slo I t I . I. /' 1 I 1 I. I 11111 I.
: .,.. z 0./ I""" ~',- AI, 11 I .vr . I! I I I .
! CI=I -10.0' '"...",/... /f II . I I I I .
rr. 4l1i,of, - ./
I XI I '''I! I -< I I I I I I I I I ! 11
i - o.n "".... 11 I I I . I. I II!
II II. I I I I I \I I I ! I I I I
I I I II .I II II. I. ! I I 11 I I I I I! I.
_..LL -LL
1 I ++++ -
i I ! ++++





.141, I. Xloi/iolflbltl31l1 I I 1~lol~11 01 1311121 i I/foTi,T3!3!2131/12.1 I I 1101"/313141 ~AI-IPLt: CoNTINIJE:1:> I I

Nit" 4t1iotlWlCili: ~8'"

ISl/ioi:;181/Ii';151~1 izJ'~21 1~j.;j(111 ~Ts
I I-
s. IU+LI
II 111 I I I I I ; TT T II.
2 /
II lis "5 ./ I 1/1511!flo I 11I ! '-9.0
.1 Is.o f -lITo.o
I Is 3.b
Iz 14-3.1. I 111413;'10 I I i I ! 110!l
i,l. 3.6 IToTo il2fo.o
I I r.!5lO 1-;10.0
- I 3.t1
I I I 1+10 013 II
I I . I.
X I! I IT.
II +-1030 ,-
. 1+ - O.lO
I I I I +10./0 I I f- I . I.
. P.- I ~.'1 TT iTT.
'1::1 1-10 OO!} -fTT1
I 1 . I I. n
! I. I TTTi
-- ! II I -I-I-j-j--

Figure 3-46.-Collimation check, Kukkamaki's method, three-wire procedure, half-centimeter rods.

3-36 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Rod 2
Rod 1

10XC (


~10.0m 40.0m

First setup

Rod 2
Rod 1


40.0m 10.0m~

Second setup
Figure 3-47.-Collimation check, 10-40 method.

of arc in which the compensator is expected to suspend level is properly adjusted the compensator should pro-
freely should be somewhat greater than the arc described vide a line of sight having a consistent collimation error,
by a 2-mm movement of the bubble in the circular level. within 1:'0 (0.00485 mm/m) of that measured during
(Table 3-3 contains the sensitivities of the circular levels the collimation check, no matter in which directi.)ft the
mounted on various instruments.) When the circular instrument is pointed.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-37
"' T...1fT
.T.). 1.1 y~. /tJKJ.pAd COOE~"T~U"'HT"~IALNoiMICOOEI NDO _ NO. I (!Ol.UMIiTIOAj CHErx. %1 TI"~
"~IALNO. I CooE I ''''AL
.1'J"'I8IOIlIoIZ"ZI"'I~1 14IS\'-1~IIIIHI311t..1 I IZI"I4ISI,I'1I31I"1 I 1'Z131+15I"1J1 EXAMPlE I II I
1% .01N . IN H -isl ~E~iR
/0- 4" MeTNO!:> 1R11I/131",1/12I"!.SIC1 121111 IzlzJoIoiol ICWIS'

8"CK t

1 1/1"!2 alol,.

I IA"kI.'

13I01/!31'71 .1 I 1+~"',1 ., 191'11317151

- J:

1zIs!3 II I .J::! - 0.1IO/,CMiW,-4M,

zI"1lD!BI I I. 2 ~I~~o I I I ! .1 lalol{,!ol4l I I I ! I I .1 191/1'.01,1 I I! I I J' - ~.~ IW .4~".4Sa
(,=1-21 . Ci. + O.OI2.I.cM/,.,
121~1,,12!I . . I 1~9!"II3I,,~I+III4!4-131 lall'91/i'!z)/1 1+1 IzIS'!O!1 f+!.3
121.,Z!CI.I2I,,!1Izlslt!2 I 1'71,'61.1 Izl4JlI~ I-I I 16!21+1 I.' 161.,1/.1131 1-1 I 101213 ,!o I
$ +I! --51.1. -~, .4 + 14..
- ".235 ~
I I I. I I ! 1.1 I ! I I I I I ! I I. I I. I I I I I I ! I ! Ix $' -,!A_
I .I I! I I I !.I I ! I I I I. I ,. I I. I I I I 1 . I ! 1 - 1.1'1,._ N.,+.41."
" " e.e,.-e_ "-O.z_ - - 0.'ktO_ z"e
I I II ! I I I I ! I I I ! I I I I I 1.1 I II!
I ,I I . I I I !.I I I
I I I I I I . I I I. I I I I
I. I ,. I . I
. I I I I I I. I II
I I I I!
- 59.(, m
_ .M,..d~
l. . + 0.415-;'"
I I I ,I I ! I I! I 1.1 I I I ! I I I I II! I I 1.1 II I .IIIII I. III !
I . I I ! 1 ! I .1 ! I I I. I ~ II. I I I I

I I I I ! I I I I ! I I I ! I I I I , 1.1 I , I ! I I I I I. I 1.1 I I! I , I I . I I !
I I I ! I 1 I I ! I I I . I I I I I 1.1 I I I ! I I I I I I . I I 1.1 I I I . I I I I I I . I I I !
T I I I ! 1 I I I ! I I. I I I I I 1.1 1 I I! I I I I I I . I I 1.1 I I I . I I I I I I . I I I ! I
. I I ! I ! I .1 I I : I I I I ! I I 1.1 I I I . I I I I I I ! I I I .I
T I I I ! I I I I ! I I I ! , I I I , 1.1 I 1 I ! I I I I I I . I I 1.1 I I. I I I I. I ! I
I II! I I 1'1 ! I I! I I I I ! '.1 I I I ! I I I I I I . I I I.' I I I . I I I I I I! I I I ! I
I ,I I !I I I .1 I! 'I . I I. I I. I I I I! I
I I I I I I , I ! I I! I I I I! 1.1 I II! I I I 1 1 I . I I 1.1 I I I . I II I I I. I I I !
I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! 1.1 I I I ~ I I I I I I . I I 1.1 I I I ! I I I I I I ! I I 1 . I
I I I ! I I 1 I ! I I I J 1 I I I . 1.1 I I I ! I I I I I. I I. I I. I I I ! I ! I

Figure 3-48.-Collimation check, 10-40 method, micrometer procedure, half-centimeter rods, reversible compensator.

NOAA FO"M 76-1t1



- 0.000
5' ..,/~ '''',
0.02.5' 1!Io,'
_ _ "'''' ..1__e
_ 0.'7S",,"
s.,.,.., As,+ASz.
<!.~ -0. WI.../,.,

Figure 3-49.-Collimation check, 10-40 method, micrometer procedure, centimeter rods, nonreversible compensator.
3-38 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

Systematic change in the collimation error, result- lines of sight. The error is revealed if the mean colli-
ing from consistent variation in the response of the com- mation factor exceeds the tolerance during the colli-
pensator to gravity, is limited by strictly following the mation check; therefore, a separate compensation check
micrometer leveling procedure. The instrument is lev- is not necessary.
eled while pointing in one direction, and then releveled Instructions. The form commonly used for this test
while pointing in the opposite direction. The releveling is NOAA Form 77-81, "Geodetic Leveling Compen-
is omitted if the compensator can be mechanically re- sation Check." The form is designed for use with the
positioned, as is the case with an instrument having a Ni 1 leveling instrument and half-centimeter rods. An
reversible compensator. example is given in figure 3-51. The following instruc-
However, a compensator may "hang" or "stick" in tions apply to any compensator instrument with a mi-
such a way that releveling or repositioning may not crometer, used with double-scale rods. If a computer
remove all of the compensation error that is introduced program is not used, prepare a standard recording form as
(fig. 3-5). With a nonreversible compensator, the illustrated in figures 3-52 and 3-53.
observer should lightly tap the side of the instrument 1. Make sure that the circular levels on the instru-
or tripod leg during each pointing to make sure that the ment and the rods are properly adjusted before begin-
image oscillates. This indicates that the compensator ning this test. (See sec. 3.3.5, "Circular-level adjust-
is freely suspended. In addition, a compensation check ment " and 3.4.3, "Checking the circular level.")
should be performed weekly. 2. Set up a leveling rod 40 m from the instrument.
With a reversible compensator, whenever the com- For convenience, use rod 2 from the last setup of the
pensator is repositioned the observer should check that collimation check.
the image oscillates. Compensation error in such an 3. Point the instrument at the rod. Bring the bubble
instrument results in a lack of symmetry in the two in the circular level to position Ha," where the left



.14 1 I. 8011101;11"1.2131.;11 1 I '-10181'- , 11311.;I 1 1/1/1.il1310113 I ;11 I 1111 ~310131 ex AI-{PLE I I
I. s 0"-
~1 I 10 - I/o M€TIfOD 1I 1 S 01'llololoI91.1lol~1
I/ItJ311 I
upp ER

r r r r r r
I I 111 1 1 I II ! I 1 I 1 I .
I 01.
! I I I I 1 I II I I 1 I ! I I 11
II 15 3!' I 1/15131&.13 I I I I ! 1510 115 o~ 1 1/15101513 I 1 I I 1 1.:Tlo~o

I 1 1I 1 I
Iif. '1 I I Iq!,!
I I I !
I 3 o.

I 8 o.
1 I II I 1 I
1/1'119 1 131919
I I I !

I~ I "5 7'.5 1 11I517!'/11 I I I I ! 1of!? I "0 I I/lfM!8lo I I I I ! I~o!o

I 5 .2'.5 Islo I I 19!'1 I 11/o. ~JO I l'flo!o
. I 131111 !/IO 1 1/198 I 1.31/11!313 I 11\'!'
- 3 I 1.33 - 7 <f.'1 !
1 ! I I I-lo!~13 ~III! I 1 - 1.0.1 ~1 I I I I ! I I I I I 1 I !
! x
10 .....Ie...
I I 1-1:11310..... A",+~"z
I 1 I I I
! I I I I ! I
I . I I I !
I I I 1
. - - 0.'10 1M.. .1Jr€
} I 1 I 1
I 1 I I 1-1/1'110 \I ! I I II 1I 1 I II 1 I 1
! +- - b 0./ .. t::.s,+ AS.. I 1 I I I . ! I ! I I I !
. (!\=I 1+1010\3 M""/"" I I I ! ! I I I I .I I I I .
! !
I I 1 II ! 1 1 1 II! I ! 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I ! I !
I I 1 I 1 I 1 ! 1! I I I I
! ! I I I ! 1 I I I I ! I I I I ! I I I I I
I 1 I I I ! I 1I I I ! I ! ! 1 1 I 11 I I I II ! I 1
. ! I ! I 1I 1
. I
I 1I
I 1 I I I
I I I ! f II I I ! 1 I I I !

Figure 3-S0.-Collimation check, 10-40 method, three-wire procedure, centimeter rods.

Chapter 3-Geocletic Leveling 3-39


2031' -
I "I

0 2 OCj5"o 0";0/10/Z9 IZ3'f{,'

If ta.« .r ... , < o~ .. co.,...ator i. i.. eoodadi.....t. BUBBLE POSITION



21,1,1 Zg 7 722 g if I 2.12 14131.14 ~s, 750 Is '1 I 3015

a 214-141' 700 2.3
C 7"" ztz
a 2.'~ 7 II ? 5 I 2Z ZVI 7hO ",111 .2 'lf4-

0 12 111 7"0 ~S', Z,
1-0 014'1 0 070
(a-e) +(a..) . IEMARIS(08Sa"V.It/R8CORD81U
Moan (a.c)em . laft tight. - O. 030 em
5em . HSlxStadi.~' 434-1J em
... -0.030
tan a -~... = - 0. OD(JO(J~'
em +3+0
Zlilil 2'7 ~37 18 Ij I 4s-1s 14151.13 2 7. .4- '7 Iii J I ool?
.114-141'1 .,
2. 2 .fa{, +70
b . 2'9 930 'Iil 44-(" d 12 ,f 4g4 18 'il 0"""
d z8S 4-,4- I$' '1/ 004-
..d +0 44-6 +0 .4 4-z
Moan (!HI) em . 4 '.
+02220 or 4330
SO..... l"fifT."""d' ",,,sf

bod ~IJ.2'l.ZO
- --s---
= +0.OOOOS/3

Figure 3-51.-Compensation check for the Nit and half-centimeter rods.

edge of the bubble is just under the black line of the suspended within the maximum left-right range of arc
left edge of the circle. permitted by the circular level.
4. Read the low scale of the rod. Estimate to one- 10. Tan fJ is observed and computed in the same way.
thousandth of a rod unit (the third decimal place) on Substitute bubble position "b" for "a" and bubble postion
this and all subsequent scale readings during the test. "d" for "c," and follow steps 3 through 9. Tan fJ is an
Record the reading in column C. Record the integer expression for the maximum change that may be intro-
portion in column A. duced into the collimation error when the compensator
5. Read a stadia intercept. Record it in column A and is suspended within the maximum forward-backward
compute the half stadia interval, HSI, in column B. range of arc permitted by the circular level.
6. Read the high scale of the rod twice (two pointings). 11. Both tan a and tan fJ must be less than :t 0.0097
Record the readings in column E. Compute the mean mm/m (:to.0000097). If this is not the case, the instru-
in column F. ment should be adjusted at the repair shop or factory.
7. Read the low scale again, record the reading in 12. Submit data from the compensation check to the proj-
column C, and compute the mean of the two low scale ect office along with the leveling data acquired that day.
readings in column D.
8. Bring the bubble in the spherical level to position 3.4 Leveling Rods
"ct where the right edge of the bubble is just under
the black line of the right edge of the circle. Repeat the Leveling rods must be carefully designed, precisely
rod readings in the same order (steps 4, 6, and 7), omitting manufactured, regularly calibrated, and properly used
stadia readings. if they are to provide accurate heights above turning
9. Convert rod units to millimeters. Compute the sight- points and control points. In the following pages level-
ing distance, S, in meters. Compute tan a in millime- ing rods are described, and the requirements for their
ters per meter by the formula use, calibration, and maint~ance are presented.

3.4.1 Description
tan a= [(a-c)L +(a-c)H]J2s.
Leveling rods have often been made of seasoned hard-
Tan a is the maximum change that may be introduced wood, with a scale printed or stamped directly on the
into the collimation error when the compensator is wood. Typically, such a rod is constructed of two or
3-40 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling



" 0.03(1
-0.00017 -A.

Figure 3-52.-Compensation check, micrometer leveling, half-centimeter rods.

NOAA "011I..76-191 u.s. Ot:P..ITIlIfNT OP COMMaRCI


-o.02'1tlM 4-~
II 10
-0. ~,o
4.3.4 "'''' s
(1.0".7 '"-/",

II 10
+ 2.2.0
+ #. "5"23"..t,..

Figure 3-53.-Compensation check, micrometer leveling, centimeter rods.

Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-51

Wind often causes vibrations in the leveling instru- Check the project instructions and the National Geo-
ment which makes observing difficult. At wind speeds in detic Survey Operations Manual (Greenawalt and Floyd
excess of 30 kmjhr (I9 mijhr), leveling may be impos- 1980) to determine the order and class of the survey,
sible. In windy conditions, use the leveling truck or an special requirements, and changes to standard proce-
umbrella as a shield. Each rodman must be particularly dures. Determine if the line is to be double run or single
attentive to maintain the rods plumb. If possible, find a run. Review the tolerances given in table 3-1.
less windy section of line on which to continue work When a line is to be double run, level each section
until conditions improve. once forward and once backward, under different en-
Observations are not reliable if made when long-period vironmental conditions if possible. A good practice is
shimmer is present. It occurs most frequently when the to level in one direction in the morning and return in
air is calm and the air near the ground is cooler than the afternoon, leveling in the other direction. Alternate
the air above it. It is unlikely to occur during daylight the starting direction each day. The two runnings of
hours between I Yz hours after sunrise and Yz hour before each section must close as described in section 3.7.6,
sunset, when the air near the ground is warmer than "Rejection procedure." This procedure minimizes
the air above it. For this reason, restrict leveling to blunders and the accumulation of most types of syste-
these daylight hours whenever possible. matic error.
Sometimes the unit must level when long-period When a line is to be single run, level each section
shimmer may be present, such as in calm air over fro- once. Alternate the direction of the runnings from one
zen ground or snow, over water, or at night. In these section to the next. An alternative procedure is to al-
circumstances, double run every section. ternate the direction of leveling from one day to the
next, maintaining an equal distance of forward and back-
ward runnings along the line. This procedure prevents
3.7 Observing Routine the accumulation of most types of systematic error for
more than one section or day. Single-run leveling must
This subchapter describes the routine to be followed form loops with other leveling, preferably during the
when leveling a line of the National Geodetic Vertical same field season, to enable the detection of blunders.
Control Network. First, general instructions are given. Double run all spurs. A spur is a portion of line that
Second, two procedures are described: micrometer level- branches off the main line of leveling, usually ending
ing and three-wire leveling. Third, precautions and spe- at one or more points not otherwise connected to the
cial instructions are given for control points. Finally, network. The second running provides the only check
instructions are provided for releveling and closing on the leveling. If a spur requires only one setup, change
sections. the height of the instrument by several centimeters
between the forward and backward runnings. If the pur-
pose of a spur is to tie a previous line of leveling, a
3.7.1 General Instructions
single running is sufficient, provided it closes with the
The leveling unit is normally assigned a line or portion previous work.
of a line within a vertical control project. The line should Make single-run ties at each connection with a pre-
be leveled by sections, each section beginning and ending vious or concurrent line of leveling. Connections are
on described, permanent control points. Each section normally noted in the logs. To tie to a first-order line,
is an unbroken series of setups, observed by a proce- level to three points in the line (two sections). To tie to
dure that meets specifications for the order and class a second-order line, level to two points in the line (one
of survey given in the project instructions. Micrometer section). To tie to an area survey, with several lines
leveling is preferred by the National Geodetic Survey crossing the new work, level to three points from the
for all first- and second-order surveys. Three-wire level- survey that span its area.
ing produces results of lesser precision; therefore, it is At each connection, check the new leveling for clo-
included here only as a second-order technique. The sure with the previous, unadjusted leveling, using tol-
following instructions apply to either procedure. erances for whichever survey has the lower order and
Leveling the line. Plan the leveling route by examin- class. Elevation differences for the previous survey may
ing the logs (instructions) prepared by the mark setters be obtained from an unadjusted abstract for the survey.
for the assigned liue. Chapter 2 contains detailed re- (See sec. 5.2.3, "Preliminary data."). If the sections
quirements for routing lines of control points. do not close after one running, relevel them until they
Establish the direction of leveling by giving the line close to verify the new work and contact the project
a title corresponding to the intended beginning and eJ1d- office immediately to find out if additional points must
ing points. Normally, a line begins and ends at junc- be leveled to complete the tie.
tions with previous or concurrent leveling. Sections lev- If the leveling of a line is interrupted for 2 weeks or
eled away from the beginning point and toward the ending more, establish a tie, as just described, before resuming
point are termed forward runnings. Sections leveled in work on the line. If the leveling is resumed within the
the opposite direction are termed backward runnings. same field season, a two-mark tie at least I km (0.6 mi)
3-52 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

in length is sufficient, regardless of the order and This reduces the effects of collimation error, refraction,
class of survey. The tie ensures that no significant move- and curvature.
ment of the control points has occurred since the level- Keep the total of the setup imbalances as small as
ing was interrupted. possible, at least within the prescribed tolerance. If the
Leveling the section. The entire leveling unit must accumulated imbalance becomes large during the lev-
exercise the greatest possible attention to detail while elings of the section, adjust the remaining setups to
leveling each section of the line. Each day check and diminish it gradually. Do not try to correct for it with a
maintain the instruments and equipment as described few extremely unbalanced setups.
in this chapter- A checklist appears in table 3-4. Complete the section as efficiently as possible, with
Explain specifically any deviation from the leveling no breaks during the series of setups. Only properly
routine. Record the following: (1) date, (2) time at described, permanent monuments may serve as begin-
which the leveling of each running began and ended, ning and ending points. If the section cannot be com-
(3) personnel, and (4) equipment involved. Describe pleted or if a blunder occurs, reject the data collected
any symptoms of potential equipment failure at the time so far. Enter on the recording form "999" for the next
they occur. setup number and write a note explaining the rejection.
Keep sighting distances within the prescribed toler- Except in the case of an incompleted section, do not
ance for the order and class of the survey. If shimmer reject any data in the field. If a blunder is found to
presents a challenge, shorten the sighting distance until have occurred after the fact, document it as clearly as
acceptable readings can be made. In addition, do not possible on the recording form or by letter to the proj-
allow the line of sight to pass closer than 0.5 m (1.6 ft) ect office.
to the ground or to any intervening object. These pre- After completing one section, advance without a break
cautions should reduce the error caused by refraction. to the first setup of the next section whenever possible.
Balance the sighting distances as closely as possible The recorder may complete the ending and beginning
on every setup, at least within the prescribed tolerance. running records from the new setup.

Table 3-4.-Checklist for leveling

Equipment Check Section reference

Leveling instrument
Tripod condition Daily 3.3.5
Tribrach condition Daily 3.3.5
Footscrew tension Daily 3.3.5
Circular-level adjustment Daily 3.3.5
Collimation check,
Nonreversible compensator Daily 3.3.7
Reversible compensator Weekly 3.3.7
Compensation check Weekly 3.3.8
Clean Weekly 3.3.5
Stadia-factor determination As necessary 3.3.6
Leveling rods
Condition (base plate, brace poles, housing) Daily 3.4.1
Circular-level adjustment
Check with instrument Daily 3.4.3
Check precisely Weekly 3.4.3
Clean Weekly 3.4.3
Calibrate Annually 3.4.3
Condition of turning points Daily 3.5.1
Temperature sensors
Battery condition Daily 3.6.2
Calibrate Weekly 3.6.2
Computer-recording equipment
Charge batteries Daily 3.8.2
Precondition data tapes or disks Daily 3.8.2
Clean recording head Weekly 3.8.2
"Cycle" batteries Monthly 3.8.2
Clean Monthly 3.8.2
Check programs At start of project 3.8.2
Check all of the above whenever equipment is changed.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-53

3.7.2 Micrometer Leveling To determine a suitable tolerance for the reading

check, the other tolerances for the leveling procedure
Micrometer leveling is the most precise procedure
currently available for geodetic leveling. Readings are must be considered. If the collimation error does not
change between the low- and high-scale observations,
made directly from the instrument's micrometer, which
provides more precise results than those provided by the tolerance may be derived from the standard devia-
tion of a single pointing, which, in turn, depends on the
estimation in the three-wire leveling procedure.
sighting distance and the optics of the instrument. With a
The primary feature of the procedure described here
sufficiently powerful computer-recording system, a for-
is the measurement of two elevation differences during
every setup. The first difference is measured from m~la might be used to compute the tolerance appro-
pnate to the actual sighting distances of each setup.
backsight to foresight, the second from foresight to
backsight. Since two runnings are completed in opposite U~ually, however, a single tolerance is derived, appro-
pnate to the maximum sighting distance permitted for
directions during every setup, each section is leveled
twice, simultaneously. When this procedure is used for ~he order and class of the survey. The tolerances given
a single leveling of a line, it is sometimes called double- In table 3-1 are of this type.
If the collimation error is different for the low- and
simultaneous leveling. It can be used for any order and
class of survey by varying the tolerances specified in high-scale observations, as is the case with a revers-
table 3-1. ible compensator, the setup imbalance affects the tol-
To provide two different lines of sight, an instrument erance for the reading check. For example, the differ..
with a reversible compensator is preferred. An instru- ence in the collimation errors for position one and position
two of the Jenoptik NI 002 affects AhL -AhH by an
ment without a reversible compensator can be used to
provide two lines of sight if, between the two sets of a~ount that depends on the setup imbalance and C,-Cz.
observations, it is disleveled, adjusted to a slightly dif- Smce the angular difference, C, - C, changes somewhat
ferent height, and releveled. unpredictably both in magnitude and sign, the toler-
To provide two different readings at each turning ance for the reading check must be derived from the
point, double-scale rods are used. Two rods are neces- maximum setup imbalance permitted for the order and
sary, not only to improve efficiency, but to permit nearly class of the survey and the maximum magnitude of
C, - Cz in addition to the standard deviation of each
simultaneous observation of the backsight and foresight.
The constants of the two rods must differ, to permit a
mathematical check ensuring that rods are observed in After satisfying the reading check, temperatures are
the correct order. The rod-constant difference, rod 2 recorded so a refraction correction can be computed
minus rod 1, is labeled "d" on the recording form. and applied to the data before adjustment. Then, the
During each setup, six readings are made. First, wedge two elevation differences are averaged to obtain the
and stadia intercepts are read, backsight then foresight, elevation difference for the setup:
from the low scale of each rod. From the two half stadia
intervals the sighting distances, s B and SF' and the im-
balance, sB-SF' are computed and checked. From the
wedge intercepts the elevation difference of the low As each setup is completed, the new difference is
scales, !:::J.hv
is also computed. added to the. sum of the previous differences. Thus, at
Second, after changing the line of sight, wedge in- the end of the section, the total elevation difference
tercepts are read, foresight then backsight, from the between the marks is obtained. For convenience when
high scales of each rod. From these two readings a value, setup data are recorded on paper, AhL and t:.hHId are
summed separately. The elevation difference is then
AhHId, is computed. To obtain the elevation difference
of the high scales, AhH, the rod-constant difference, d, computed at the end of the section.
must be added or subtracted, depending on which rod Though this leveling procedure is designed to prevent
is observed as the backsight. Then Ah Land Ah Hare blunder~ and the accumulation of systematic error, both
compared. may still ?ccur without warning. Note, for example,
Balancing the sighting distances should reduce the that there IS no check for movement of the turning points
effects of collimation error, moderate refraction, and between setups. As with any procedure, strict attention
curvature to immeasurable amounts during the set- ~ust be paid to the precautions and guidelines presented
up. However, error in the pointings may still cause a In the rest of this chapter.
slight difference between AhL and AhH' The difference, Instructions. The following instructions apply to a
properly adjusted leveling instrument with a micrometer
AhL -AhH, is compared to a tolerance to check for a
value greater than might be expected as a result of ran- used with a pair of calibrated, double-scale rods. If th~
dom pointing error. This comparison is called the reading in~trument does not have a reversible compensator, sub.
check: .
stitute the following procedure whenever instructed to
change the position of the compensator: Dislevel the
instrument using the footscrew closest to the foresight
rod, then relevel it using the other two footscrews.
3-54 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

If possible, record the observations in a computer 2. Establish a balanced setup with the backsight rod
and, if required, prepa!~ a backup recording form plumbed on the beginning control point of the section,
(NOAA Form 77-82, "Geodetic Leveling"). The in- the foresight rod plumbed on a turning point, and the
structions presented here include the procedure for using instrument set in line between them. Check for parallax.
NOAA Form 76-191, "Geodetic Leveling Microm- Using the instrument, check that the rods are plumb.
eter Observations." Use a separate recording form for 3. BEGINNING RUNNING RECORD: Immediate-
each running. (See figs. 3-70 through 3-72 for' sample ly before leveling begins, prepare the beginning run-
records.) ning record (line *41 *). Include the following items of
GEODETIC LEVELING information: The survey-point serial number of the
beginning control point, the stamping on the point (or
OF 8 designation if no stamping exists), the local time, the
air temperature, the wind code, the sun code, and the
number of the rod on the control point. CAUTION:
Check that the rod identified is, in fact, on the point
identified. The recorded stamping must correspond to
that on the mark leveled. Check and initial the survey-
point serial number entered on the form.
4. BACKSIGHT, LOW SCALE: Level the instrument
R while pointing at the backsight rod. In compensator
position one (odd-numbered setup) or two (even-
numbered setup), read the wedge intercept on the low
1'1 /98 1935" scale. Pause slightly between the three- or four-digit
rod-unit reading and the two-digit micrometer read-
S LbO /930 ing, so the recorder can enter the decimal correctly.
The recorder should call out any uncertain numbers
for the observer to verify. Record the entire reading in
column F, backsight. Record the rod-unit reading only
in column B.
5. Read the intercept of the lower stadia line, esti-
mating to tenths of rod units, on the low scale. Again,
pause during the reading to indicate the decimal. Re-
. 4 cord it in column B. Compute the half-stadia interval
- ROD # 1 -r::J:r by subtracting the stadia reading from the rod units of
the first 'reading. With half-centimeter rods this value
wronj S PSfJ on H ['ii -10 c.Hec.k.poiJth is the backsight distance, S With centimeter rods, multi-
e . "22/Z. ;J8J.31 ply the interval by 2 to compute the distance.
sl-roa.IJ /:'e. 'IZl/I." - J7{,02- 6. FORESIGHT, LOW SCALE: Point toward the
+- II .if fQTesight rod Make sure the rod has rested on the point
~o0403; - -{-/1 .41
- - . I1. t-.o.. for 20 seconds or more. Still in the same compensator
)( 5 position, read the low scale as before. Record the read-
77-8218_791 WHLCH SHOULD
- NOAA ings in column F, foresight, and column D. Compute
the foresight distance, sF' Check that the imbalance,
Figure 3-70.-Micrometer leveling, backup form SB-sF' is within tolerance for the survey. If it is not,
for a computer-recording system. relocate either the foresight rod or the instrument and
begin again at step 4. Compute the low-scale elevation
1. EQUIPMENT RECORD: At the start of each day, difference, Ahu by subtracting the foresight from the
or at any change of the observer, equipment, or colli- backsight.
mation factor, prepare the survey-equipment record 7. FORESIGHT, HIGH SCALE: Still pointing to-
(line *40*). Include the date, the instrument code and ward the foresight rod, change the compensator position
serial number, the rod codes and serial numbers, the (or dislevel and relevel the instrument). Read the high
local time zone and time, the type of temperature units, scale. Record the reading in column H, foresight.
the collimation factor at the last check, and the initials 8. BACKSIGHT, HIGH SCALE: Point toward the
of the observer, recorder, and rodmen. CAUTION: Each backsight rod, in the same compensator position, and
work day check all serial numbers against the actual read the high scale. Record the reading in column H,
equipment used. Also, check that the record of the col- backsight. Compute Ah HId by subtracting the foresight
limation factor is correct. from the backsight.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-55

NOAA f'ORM7'_191

Figure 3-71.-Micrometer leveling, half-centimeter rods.


First- Order C/4.55 ]I

Figure 3-72.-Micrometer leveling, centimeter rods.

3-56 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

9. READING CHECK: Compute iJ.hL-iJ.hH. To do 14. Repeat steps 4 through 13 at the next setup. Re-
this, if rod I is the backsight rod, add d to iJ.hHi:.d. If member that the backsight, low scale is observed first
rod 2 is the backsight rod, subtract d from iJ.hHi:.d. on every setup, but the rods, the compensator positions,
Then subtract iJ.hH from iJ.HL" Compare the resul t to and the sign of d alternate on every setup. (See table
the tolerance for the survey. CAUTION: Do not move 3-5 for a summary of the procedure.)
the backsight turning point until the reading check is 15. As the unit approaches the end of the section, if
complete. If the point is moved, even only slightly, the required, adjust the sighting distances to make an even
data collected so far must be rejected and the running number of setups for the section. The final setup should
of the section must be begun again at step 2. have rod 1 on the control point and rod 2 on the last
10. If the readings fail to check, begin the setup again turning point. An even number of setups is not required
at step 4. If they repeatedly fail to check, try one or if all graduations of both rods have been calibrated by
more of the following procedures: laser interferometry. (See sec. 3.4.2, "Calibration with
(I) Check for parallax and remove it if present. a laser interferometer.")
(2) Check the plumb of the rods and the leveling of 16. ENDING RUNNING RECORD: After complet-
the instrument, including the adjustment of the circular ing the last setup of the section, prepare the ending
level. running record (line *41*). Include the following items of
(3) Check that the reversible compensator is correctly information: the survey-point serial number of the end-
positioned. ing control point, the stamping on the point (or desig-
(4) Reposition the instrument to balance the setup nation if no stamping exists), the local time, the air
exactly. temperature, the wind code, and the sun code. Compute
(5) Shorten the sighting distances by repositioning and record in meters the elevation difference of the
the instrument and the foresight rod. section. Compute and record in kilometers the length
(6) Check that the rods are being observed in the of the section. Record the number of setups. If the lev-
correct order (backsight firs). eling is the second running of a section, check for clo-
(7) Check that the rod-constant difference, d, is en- sure (sec. 3.7.7). CAUTION: Make sure the stamping
tered with the correct magnitude and sign. entered for the ending point corresponds exactly to that
(8) Check that the starting rod for the section was on the mark on which the rod is resting.
identified correctly and that the current setup number
is correct.
(9) Make a collimation check (sec. 3.3.7). Table 3-5.-Summary of the micrometer
(10) Make a compensation check (sec. 3.3.8). leveling procedure
(II) Consider the possible presence of unusual envi-
ronmental conditions (sec. 3.6.3), such as long-period During each setup
shimmer. Return to the section when conditions improve. I. Balance setup.
II. After obtaining a reading check, record the air 2. Point instrument at backsight.
temperatures for the refraction correction if the appro- 3. Level instrument and plumb rods.
priate equipment is available (sec. 3.6.2). Similarly, 4. Read backsight, low scale: wedge and stadia.
record temperatures of the rod scales if the appropriate 5. Point to and read foresight, low scale: wedge and stadia.
6. Check sighting distances and imbalance against tolerances.
equipment is available. With a computer-recording
7. Change compensator position or dislevel-relevel.
system, check that the temperatures are reasonable. 8. Read foresight, high scale: wedge.
12. Check the accumulated imbalance for the section. 9. Point to and read backsight, high scale: wedge.
If it is more than the tolerance for one setup, alert the 10. Check low- and high-scale elevation differences against
pacer or rodmen to adjust the next setup or setups accord- tolerance.
ingly. When recording on paper, sum the backsight and II. Read temperatures.
foresight distances separately; then compare the overall 12. Check accumulated imbalance against tolerance.
3. Move to next setup.
imbalance. Also, sum the low-scale and high-scale ele-
vation differences separately; at the end of each even-
During the section
numbered setup the differences should agree closely
(though not necessarily within the tolerance for the Scale Compensator
reading check). Number setup observed position

13. NEXT SETUP: Leaving the compensator in the low

same position, advance to the next setup. Leave the high
foresight rod (and turning point) in place to become 2 low
the next backsight rod. Move the former backsight rod high
and turning point to the next foresight position. Set the 3 low
instrument on a line halfway between the two rods. CAU-
TION: Do not remove the former foresight rod from its
turning point. Keeping it centered on the point, pivot it
to face the instrument.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-57
3.7.3 Three-Wire Leveling Instructions. The following instructions apply to a
properly adjusted instrument without a micrometer (or
Until the advent of leveling instruments equipped
with micrometers, three-wire leveling was the most pre- with the micrometer locked in position), used with a
cise method for measuring elevation differences. Howev- pair of calibrated rods, each having one calibrated scale
er, without a micrometer, scale readings must be esti- and a check scale. A spirit-level instrument must be
mated and only one elevation difference can be mea- shaded with an umbrella.
sured efficiently during each setup. The method de- Record observations on NOAA Form 76-189, "Geo-
scribed here can provide differences with a precision detic Leveling Three-Wire Observations." (See figs.
sufficient for second- or lower-order surveys. 3-73 and 3-74 for sample records.) If observations are
The instrument need only provide a single, consistent recorded in a computer, maintain a backup recording
line of sight during each setup. Two nearly identical form as required by project instructions.
rods are used to permit nearly simultaneous observation
of the backsight and foresight. Only one calibrated scale
is necessary on each rod; however, a second uncalibrated 1. EQUIPMENT RECORD: At the start of each day
scale on the back of the rod should be read as a check or at any change of the observer, equipment, or colli-
for blunders. To estimate readings with the greatest mation factor, prepare the survey-equipment record
precision, the calibrated scale is graduated with blocks, (line *40*). Include the date, the instrument code and
preferably in a checkerboard pattern. (See sec. 3.4.1, serial number, the rod codes and serial numbers, the
"Scale. "). local time zone and time, whether temperature is
During each setup, eight readings are made. First, measured in Fahrenheit or centigrade units, the col-
the intercepts of the upper, middle, and lower reticle limation factor at the last check, and the initials of the
lines ("wires") are read from the calibrated scale of observer, recorder, and rodmen. CAUTION: Each work
rod 1. Then, the intercept of the middle line with the day check all serial numbers against the actual equip-
back scale is read. The four readings are estimated to ment used.
the nearest tenth of a rod unit. 2. Establish a balanced setup with the backsight rod
Two checks are made. To check the internal consis- plumbed on the beginning control point of the section,
tency of the three precise readings, the half stadia in- the foresight rod plumbed on a turning point, and the
tervals, Su and Sv are computed and their difference is instrument set in line between them. Check for parallax.
compared to a tolerance. To detect gross blunders of Using the instrument, check that the rods are plumb.
decimeters or meters, the reading of the middle reticle
line is compared to the back-scale reading. Since the 3. BEGINNING RUNNING RECORD: Immediate-
precise readings are made nearly simultaneously, a con- ly before the leveling begins, prepare the beginning run-
sistent error in the first or second digit might otherwise ning record (line *41 *). Include the following items of
go undetected. This is particularly likely when leveling information: The survey-point serial number of the
moves from flat to sloping terrain and the readings in- beginning control point, the stamping on the point (or
crease abruptly by a full meter. designation if no stamping exists), the local time, the
Second, four more intercepts are read and checked air temperature, the wind code, the sun code, and the
from rod 2. The sighting distances are computed by number of the rod on the control point. CAUTION:
summing the half stadia intervals for each rod. Then, Check that the backsight rod is, in fact, on the point
the imbalance is computed and checked against the identified. The recorded stamping must correspond to
that on the mark leveled. Check the survey-point seri-
Rod I is observed first during each setup. Thus, the
backsights and foresights are observed in alternate order al number entered for the point.
on alternate setups, to reduce systematic error. This is 4. ROD 1: Level the circular level on the instrument
especially important when using a compensator in- while pointing at rod I. With a spirit-level instrument,
strument, to prevent the accumulation of systematic use the tilting screw to center the bubble precisely in
error due to consistent variation in the collimation error. the tubular level. Read the intercepts of the three reti-
(See sec. 3.3.8, "Compensation check.") cle lines with the precise scale, top to bottom. Estimate
The elevation difference for each setup is the differ-
each reading to tenths of a rod unit.
ence between the mean of the three backsight readings
and the mean of the three foresight readings. It is not 5. When rod 1 is the backsight rod, record the read.
usually computed until the entire section is completed. ings in the backsight column, column B in the example.
With three-wire leveling certain blunders cannot be When rod 1 is the foresight rod, record the readings in
detected. For example, a mathematical check to detect the foresight column, column G. CAUTION: The re-
transposition of the foresight and backsight observations corder should watch to ensure that rod I is observed at
is not possible. Neither is a mathematical check to de- the beginning of the setup. Be sure the readings are
tect disturbance of the instrument between the backsight recorded in the correct column because there is no math-
and foresight observations. ematical check for this type of error.
3-58 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

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I . 1 - 2- 30171':;19 h">H
2 oo! M../,.. .:. 200 !..,~I ZJJooc~_ JK.mIKAr
I = + O!o s151~1"j ! I
~1/ I /J- 1 1 I! 2'j1s=Z.z-;::
III LLL .Lli I 1 I! Sed.!;? It...
! 1 I I I . I! I I I !
1 1 1 1I I ! I II I . I I I I !
-T -T II I I ! I 1 II 1. IT I I. I I l I.
I I I II . I
! I . 1 II! I
I :111; 1 I I I I II I I ! I 1I I
1_r--- ! I I II 11 II 1 I _
I. II! I I II I . I.
~1 I I I . " I. I I I!
........ ..,..
I 1 lilT ! II I I ! I I 1 I!

Figure 3-73.- Three-wire leveling, half-centimeter rods.

UOA" f'OtiU 1£_18'.1

.I.!, I. 8101/lzi0 +121/171 I I 1/101912111 131/1z1
I 1411.111'131/121
11 I I 14131.:;1 I 11

00 Z X 35'0 ReseT 19¥0

UPP ER ER ~atl6"
,"p "'II
LOWER SL jU+LI LOWER SL !U + LI 'I)f",,14"C~
r r- r -- r r r !E:!':>...
1I 1 I ! I 1 I I I ~11 1 II . ! 1 I 1 I! I 11 I I ! I! I I I · /('0
I¥> 3.i 3 7.<1
~I of ,HZ S.F.
I z 8.7. I 1/121v.zlo I I
II I 4!9 11/1:514.'* 1 I 1510fi 141210 IP..!' AS~d.2
14 ":0 li19 I 1/17.1 111'.4 1.1'..1' I 1/171c,
4 1 115141'110 1 1/17!)' 3S'4!6 I I/Izl81zl0 117!t
1170.0 145.0
Iz li~ I. I 1/1..1/1510 I 1 1513.0/815 /3"10 I 1/1315!917 I I 1414!S 19'.0 -1.1
1!53.o 11/!5 1 1/17.0 I Z "11
Wi' I I/IS'!1
Q4"'.z I 311 "!4 0 1 314.1 "''loS 12~ 4./17 I 131:>17
If. 57 I 4.'1
115 C,~1 I 1/15"lb~iI7 I 1 151/.3 If!~ /4- 5'!' I 11141.51'110 I I 1+17.1 11!" -0.3
L-l2 .
i 145'.0 18!9 ! 1/17.7 3~!9 I~!o ! I/lf!"
I 1"1. 1417'3 Z7 .51pI:> Z 3 o.Z 14 /0.017 I 1~3.7
I C. r.d 124.9
14- ,
1,5,!1 I 1 115\.,!o 17 1 I {s12!1 111'1 16.7 I 1111 ~!",17 I I 131.1'12 18.7. .,of
/,50.1 1'110 I 1117.9 10 Y!4 11'!3 1 1/1c'~s-
1,,10!Z , I,I'l
1 Y 97.0 I 1C,/3/Z!3/4 I 11'1014 I/;! 714- I 1710.2

15 ~)~z- ;)Z~.74
+3/".'1:01I/lolS"!~o d.! I I. I. --
o.Z II 1\ ! I 1 1\ I ! I ! I +O~
+; 70.4
.. I 05'... orcA" I I . I
--- I J )(131312!
~I I '-liMIt!
! I. )(1313I1.!
I I II ! I - 4 'l'I7I'lIZ 1:'"
.;- I o! c,..l,.. 100 1 r 100000 u/1t:Itr
1 .1 - -I I!O s16101"j, ! I 1 1 II . 1! ~s=O.1", II ! 1 II I I ! I S= 0.47 k.t. .
! I I I I I. " I . I I I .
I I II ! I 11I I ! I. I I I I
Figure 3-74.- Three-wire leveling, centimeter rods.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-59
6. READING CHECK: Compute and record in col- become the next backsight rod. Move the former back-
umn E (or K) the half stadia intervals. The upper in- sight rod and turning point to the next foresight position.
terval, sl/' is the difference between the upper and middle Set the instrument on a line halfway between the two
readings, and the lower interval, Sv is the differ- rods. CAUTION: Do not remove the former foresight
ence between the middle and lower readings. Check rod from its turning point. Keeping it centered on the
that SU-SL is no more than 0.3 rod unit. If it exceeds point, pivot it to face the instrument.
this tolerance, reobserve rod 1, beginning at step 4. 16. Repeat steps 4 through 15. Remember to read
7. If the tolerance is satisfied, compute the full sta- rod 1 first on every setup, regardless of whether it is in
dia interval, su+s u and record it in column F (or L). the backsight or the foresight position.
Compute the sighting distance and check that it is 17. As the unit approaches the end of the section, if
within the tolerance for the survey. For convenience, if required, adjust the sighting distances to make an even
recording on paper, convert the tolerance to a permis- number of setups for the section. The final setup should
sible stadia interval in rod units, and use this value have rod 1 on the control point and rod 2 on the last
to make the check. For example, if the rod units are turning point. An even number of setups is not required
centimeters, the stadia factor is 333, and the tolerance if all graduations of both rods have been calibrated by
for sighting distance is 60 m, then the tolerance for laser interferometry (sec. 3.4.2), which permits suffi-
the stadia ininterval is 18.0 em [(60 mX 100 cm/m) ciently accurate correction for index error.
-;.-333= 18.0 em]. 18. After the last setup, compute and record the ele-
8. Compute the mean of the three readings. The mean vation difference for the section. Total the backsight
may be computed quickly by examining the last digits readings and the foresight readings separately. Subtract
of Su and SL' If Su is three tenths larger than Su add 1.0 the foresight total from the backsight total, and divide
to the middle reading. If Su is two tenths larger, add by 3. Similarly, total and subtract the backsight and
0.7. If Su is one tenth larger, add 0.3. If Su equals Su the foresight means. The two elevation differences should
middle reading is the mean. Similarly, if Su is three agree within 1.0 mm (0.003 ft).
tenths smaller than S subtract 1.0 from the middle 19. Compute and record the length of the section.
reading. If Su is two tenths smaller, subtract 0.7. If Su is Total the backsight and foresight stadia intervals, multi-
one'tenth smaller, subtract 0.3. The mean always ends ply the result by the stadia factor, and convert it into
with the numeral "0", "3", or "7". meters. A summary of the three-wire procedure is given
9. BACK CHECK: Read the intercept of the middle ret- in table 3-6.
icle line with the back scale. Record the reading in col- 20. ENDING RUNNING RECORD: After complet-
umn D. The recorder or the person holding the umbrella ing the last setup of the section, prepare the ending
must convert the reading to the units of the precise scale, running record (line *41 *). This includes the survey-
then compare the result to the reading of the middle ret- point serial number of the ending control point, the
icle line made in step 4. If no blunders have been made, stamping on the point (or designation if no stamping
sum the three readings together with the sum from the pre- exists), the local time, the air temperature, the wind
vious setup. Also, sum the means computed so far. CAU- code, and the sun code. Compute and record in meters
TION: Do not move the backsight rod and turning point the elevation difference of the section. Compute and
until the data for the entire setup have been checked. record in kilometers the length of the section. Record
10. ROD 2: Point the instrument toward rod 2. Do the number of setups. If the leveling is the second run-
not relevel the circular level. With a spirit-level instru- ning of a section, check for closure. (See sec. 3.7.7,
ment, recenter the bubble in the tubular level. Make "Releveling and closing sections."). CAUTION: Make
three readings as before. sure the stamping entered for the ending point corre-
11. When rod 2 is the foresight rod, record the read- sponds exactly to that on the mark on which the rod
ings in the foresight column, column G. When rod 2 is
is resting.
the backsight rod, record the readings in the backsight
column, column B. CAUTION: Again, check that the
readings are recorded in the correct column. 3.7.4 Precautions to Take at Control Points
12. Perform the reading check and back check as in
steps 6 through 9. The beginning and ending control points of a section
13. Compute and check the imbalance (backsight dis- are critical in three ways. First, the marks must be
tance minus foresight distance.) If it exceeds the positively identified. Second, the control points must
tolerance for the survey, reobserve the setup, changing be clearly defined and properly used. Third, the stabil-
the position of the foresight rod or the instrument. ity of a mark that represents the end of a previous day's
14. Check the accumulated imbalance for the sec- or week's leveling must be proved.
tion. If it is more than the tolerance for one setup, alert Identify the mark. Because of the proliferation of
the pacer or rodmen so the next setup or setups can be survey marks of all types and the possibility that con.
adjusted accordingly. trol points may have been relocated without the knowl.
15. NEXT SETUP: Advance to the next setup. Leave edge of the leveling unit, each mark must be identified
the former foresight rod (and turning point) in place to carefully. At the start of a section, ide~tify only the
3-60 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling
Table 3-6.-Summary of three-wire leveling procedure RM2

During each setup

\. Balance setup.
2. Point instrument at rod 1. MARK AZ MK

3. Level instrument and plumb rods.

4. Read three reticle lines, top to bottom. (a)
5. Check half-stadia intervals and sighting distance.
6. Read back scale: middle reticle line.
7. Check mean of three readings against back-scale reading.
8. Point instrument at rod 2.
9. Read three reticle lines, top to bottom.
10. Check half-stadia intervals and sighting distance.
11. Read back scale: middle reticle line.
12. Check mean of three readings against back-scale reading.
13. Check imbalance and accumulated imbalance.
14. Move to next setup.

beginning mark;' identify the ending mark when the sec- (b)

tion is completed. When the rodman prepares the con-

trol point for the leveling rod, he or she should call out Figure 3-75.- Leveling routes through a cluster of
the stamping to the recorder. The recorder enters the control points at a triangulation station (a)
stamping, as it is called out, and the corresponding and a tide station (b).
survey-point serial number as it is given in the log.
Locations where marks may be easily misidentified Identify the control point. The leveling rod must rest
include triangulation stations and tide or water-level on a clearly defined point. On a horizontal surface, the
stations. At these locations, marks are set in clusters, control point is the highest point of the mark. On a
often only a few meters apart. To further complicate vertical surface, it is at the intersection of a pair of
matters, many marks may be stamped with similar desig- crossed lines (the exact center of a bench mark disk,
nations, perhaps bearing only one or two inconspicuous fig. 3-76). The one exception to these rules occurs if
symbols to distinguish them. Level through such clus- some other point is specifically defined in the descrip-
ters with care. Avoid unnecessary spurs. For example, tion of the control point. If any other point is used, de-
at a triangulation station, do not level separate spurs to scribe it clearly in the leveling records.
the reference marks. Instead, level from one reference
Center the base plate of the rod precisely on the con-
mark to the station, to the next reference mark, and
trol point. If the point is in a location that does not
then to the next control point in the line (fig. 3-75).
permit this, use the center of the back or front edge
If an apparent mistake or duplication is found in the
log, investigate and correct it, adding a thorough ex- before resorting to a corner of the base plate. If a mark
planation on the recording form for leveling. Some ex- is very flat, use a spacer placed exactly at the center.
amples follow: If a control point is not found where it Sometimes the concrete around a disk may prevent cen-
was plotted on a map, explain the situation and plot the tering or rotating the rod. Use a spacer in this situation
point correctly. If a survey-point serial number has not as well.
been assigned in the log, use "0000" and note the fact. If A spacer ("plug") is a calibrated cylinder of solid
a mark does not exactly match the description given in metal, often magnetized. (If observations are recorded
the log, check for a similar mark in the vicinity, and be on a magnetic tape or disk, keep the spaces away from
sure to record the stamping that appears on the mark the recording media.) The spacer is used to elevate the
actually leveled. rod above the control point in a restricted setting, thus
Sometimes the unit may find a control point that is permitting the rod to be centered and rotated. When a
not indicated in the log. In general, do not level to such spacer is used, either the same spacer or another one
a point unless it is already included in the national net- identical in height must be used on the turning point of
work. All control points in the national network should the same setup. Make a note on the recording form when-
have been accounted for by the reconnaissance team. ever a spacer is used.
If, in fact, the point represents an accidental omission To use a single spacer, place it under the backsight
by the mark setter or an amendment to the original rod of the setup. After reading the backsight, low scale,
leveling route, it should be leveled. Prepare a complete place the spacer under the foresight rod. After the fore-
description in the standard format (sec. 2.4.4) and sub- sight readings, return it to the backsight rod for the
mit it with the leveling data. final reading. The height of the spacer is included in
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling

Disk in bedrock
Class A rod mark

Concrete post

(a) Class B rod mark with disk

mounted vertica lIy

Reading mark of
(b) electric tape gage

Figure 3-76.-Control points on horizontal surfaces (a) and vertical surfaces (b).

the observed heights of both the backsight and the fore- to check point. Also, write the difference on the field
sight; therefore, the extra height is canceled when the abstract for future reference.
elevation difference is computed (fig. 3-77). When resuming work, observe a new difference be-
A pair of spacers, manufactured and calibrated to tween the control point and the check point, recording
agree in height within 0.05 mm (0.0015 ft), can be used the difference as before. It should not differ from the
simultaneously for a more efficient operation. first difference by more than 1.0 mm (0.0030 ft). If
Set a check point. The elevation of the control point this check indicates movement has occurred (or that
at the end of a line segment leveled during one day must the rod was incorrectly placed on the control point),
remain unchanged until leveling resumes the next day. the original section leveled to the questionable point
To ensure this, set a check point wherever a day's leveling should be releveled in the opposite direction and
is not connected to previous leveling. The check point closed.
should be a solid point, clearly defined, and not on the If leveling is single run, set check points as follows:
same structure as the control point. Locate it no more When leveling forward on the line, set one check point at
than one setup away. Examples of check points include the end of work each day; when leveling backward, set one
a marked point on a building foundatiof', a double- check point at the start of work and set another at the end
headed nail driven into a telephone pole, or a marked of work only if the previous day's leveling is not connected.
point on a rock outcrop. If leveling is double run, a check point need only be
From a balanced setup between the control point and set at the end of a completed segment of line. It is prac-
the check point, read the low scales of each rod. Write tical to level the last section of the day in only one di-
the readings in the "remarks" column of the recording rection, setting no check point. The next day, level the
form and compute the elevation difference, control point section in the opposite direction, thus checking the stabil-
3-62 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

location is to intercept it directly. Another way is to

use a short scale in lieu of the standard leveling rod.
Awkward locations for points on horizontal surfaces
include the following: the top of a post or pedestal (too
high to plumb the leveling rod properly and not large
enough to support a rodman); a point less than 3 m (the
length of a leveling rod) below an overhang or ceiling;
and the underside of an overhang or eave. The best way
to level to a point in the first location is to set the line of
sight tangent to the highest point of the mark. At the
second location, use a short rod. The third location re-
quires that a rod be read while placed upside down against
the point. Figure 3-78 illustrates each of these cases.

Figure 3-77.- When using spacers the height, e, of each

spacer cancels when the elevation difference, 6.h, The following instructions explain how to level to awk-
is computed: 6.h=(B+e)-(F +e)=B-F. ward points.
Level directly to the point. Follow the micrometer
ity of the end mark, as well as satisfying the double- leveling procedure. (See fig. 3-79 for an example.)
run requirement. 1. During the setup, which includes the control point,
adjust the instrument height so that when the instrument
is leveled the line of sight is within one full turn of
3.7.5 Leveling to Awkward Control Points
the micrometer (one rod unit) of the control point.
In the National network many existing control points 2. To make the low-scale reading on the point, intercept
are located where they cannot be easily leveled. These it with the middle reticle line. Read the micrometer. Record
awkward points fall into two categories: (1) those mount- the observation as "000." plus the micrometer reading.
ed or etched on vertical surfaces, and (2) those mounted 3. To make the stadia reading, hold a short scale at
or etched on horizontal surfaces in positions requiring the point. Read a stadia intercept on the low scale.
unusual equipment or procedures. 4. To make the high-scale reading on the point, in-
Locations where a control point may be found on a tercept it with the middle reticle line again. Read the
vertical surface include foundations and footings of large micrometer. Record the reading in the remarks column,
buildings and head walls, and abutments of highway and add the appropriate rod constant to the reading.
overpasses. The best way to level to a point in such a Enter the sum as the high-scale reading.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Level directly to the Use a short Brace a short Level directly to the Use a short Use a
control point. scale. scale with a control pOint or use a rod. standard rod,
carpenter's short rod. or short rod,
level. upside-down.

Figure 3-78.-Leveling to awkward control points.

Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-63

SllIrr ;"4~(JLs$i j,/i.

J#u" fr> 9. tkJ 'f .So
1rUl",/'dn. ~ Z.S"O

Figure 3-79.-Leveling directly to a control point.

5. Note in the remarks column that the point was Read down from the point. If the rod or short scale
intercepted directly. cannot be plumbed in an upright position, it may be
Use a short scale. A short scale is shown in figure observed upside down. However, a special computation is
3-80. For micrometer leveling use a double scale with necessary. (See fig. 3-82 for an example.)
a constant identical to that of rod 1. 1. Align the index line of the scale or place the base plate
I. During the setup, which includes the control point, of the rod on the control point. Use a hand level to plumb
adjust the instrument height so that when the instrument the rod. If an upside-down, circular level is already
is leveled the line of sight is as close to the control point mounted on the rod, be certain it is properly adjusted.
as possible. 2. Follow the usual leveling routine, but on the upside-
2. Two people should hold the scale, one at the top down scale count graduations down. If a micrometer is
and the other at the bottom. Center the index line of used, read it as usual. Record each upside-down read-
the scale on the point as illustrated in figure 3-81. ing with a negative sign.
3. Plumb the scale by observing it through the instru- 3. If a micrometer is used, correct the upside-down
ment and aligning the scale with the vertical reticle readings. (With a computer this should be done auto-
line. When necessary, as in case 3 of figure 3-78, sup- matically.) The micrometer effectively counts up, but
port and plumb the scale with a carpenter's level. the negative sign implies that it counted down; there-
4. Observe. the scale exactly as though it were rod I in a fore, add twice the micrometer value to each reading.
routine setup. Make a note that the short scale was used. For example, if the reading is -313.61, add 2XO.61
Note that the short scale must not be used with the ( = 1.22) to the value. The corrected reading becomes
weighted end placed on the control point. In such a -312.39.
position the scale is upside down. If it is used on both 4. Compute the stadia distances and checks as usual.
the backsight and foresight of the setup including the 5. Compute the elevation differences and reading
control point, the resulting elevation difference will have checks as usual, remembering that the upside-down
the wrong sign. readings are negative. With the micrometer leveling pro-
Use a short rod. A short rod should be identical to cedure, the difference between the high-scale readings
rod I, except in length. The auxiliary scale included must be converted to !::.hHId as follows: If the upside-
with Zeiss River Crossing Equipment is suitable. Use down scale is the backsight, add twice the rod constant. If
it as explained in section 4.3.1, "Auxiliary scale." the scale is the foresight, subtract twice the rod constant.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-65

(8_77) FORM76_191

Figure 3-82.-Leveling to an upside-down scale.

2. Slowly lower the weighted tape until the voltme- When multiple runnings of a section disagree by more
ter moves. This indicates that contact has been made than the tolerance, one or more blunders may have
with the water surface. occurred. Blunders occur when prescribed procedures
3. Read the tape value at the reading mark. Record in are not followed. The section must be releveled to obtain a
the "remarks" column tIre value (usually in feet). the sample of data, excluding blunders, that more accurately
time, and the gage identification date (which should provides the elevation difference.
be stamped on an attached brass tag). Requirements for releveling and procedures for closing
4. Reel the tape back up to about 0.5 ft below the sections are discussed next.
reading mark, and secure it. Releveling. If any of the following situations occurs
during single-run leveling, relevel the section in the
3.7.7 Releveling and Closing Sections opposite direction and close the section. Releveling may
be required by the project office for other reasons as
Often in single-run leveling, and always in double-
well, after the data have been checked and analyzed.
run leveling, two or more runnings of a section are re-
quired. Just as two elevation differences observed on a 1. A procedural mistake is reported or suspected.
single setup must be checked for agreement, the eleva- 2. A tie check with previous leveling is not within
tion differences obtained from multiple runnings of a tolerance.
section must be checked for agreement. The check is 3. One or more readings are missing or unclear, ei-
analagous to closing a loop (sec. 5.4.3, "Checking loops") ther in the computer or on a recording form.
by summing the differences of a series of setups begin- 4. The stamping recorded for a control point is miss-
ning and ending on the same point and comparing the ing or apparently incorrect, either in the computer or
result to a tolerance. Thus, the check for agreement is on a recording form.
called "closing the section." 5. One or more observations that do not meet speci-
If all leveling errors were eliminated, section runnings fications have been accepted because reading checks
would agree exactly. However, since small amounts of ran- were computed improperly.
dom error are always present, tolerances have been set to Closing the section. After a section is double run,
ensure that runnings retained in the uncorrected leveling check that the elevation differences from the two run-
data disagree by no more than an amount consistent with nings agree within the tolerance for the order and class
the precision of the prescribed leveling procedure. of the survey.
3-66 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

First, compute the difference, the misclosure, between 4. Compare the differences from step 2 to the allow-
the two elevation differences. Because they are opposite able difference. If any runnings exceed it, reject only
in sign, the misclosure is the sum of the backward run- the running that exceeds the allowable difference by
ning plus the forward running. the largest amount.
Then, compute the tolerance by the formula TX yK, 5. Check the runnings to see if there are at least one
where T is the factor from table 3-1 for the order and forward and one backward running remaining. If this
class of the survey and K is the length of the section in is the case, and no running was rejected in step 4, the
kilometers. The length of the section is computed by section is closed. If a running was rejected in step 4,
totaling the distance leveled and dividing by the number compute a new mean with the remaining runnings and
of section runnings. For example, if the distance lev- return to step 2. If only runnings made in one direction
eled in each running is 1.60 km and the survey is first remain, relevel the section and begin again at step 1.
order, class I, the tolerance is 3.00X y1.60= :t3.79 rom. Notice that certain runnings, rejected when the
If the misclosure: is within the tolerance, additional number of runnings is three or four, may be accepted
runnings are not required. If it exceeds the tolerance, when the number increases. This is acceptable because
relevel and recheck the section to satisfy two criteria: the accuracy of the mean improves with a larger sam-
(1) All runnings likely to contain blunders (as. deter- ple of data; it becomes easier to recognize if a running
mined by the rejection procedure) are rejected, and (2) is different enough to be considered a blunder.
at least one forward running and one backward running
are accepted. A standard rejection procedure is used to 3.8 Field Records
reject statistically unreliable runnings.
When releveling to close the section, alternate the Original records of field observations are the prima-
direction of leveling on each running, to maintain an ry source of information for all future analysis and ad-
equal number of forward and backward runnings. If justment of a survey. As such field records must accu-
systematic error persists in the leveling, the mean of rately and completely present the results and conditions
the elevation differences may be biased in favor of the of leveling. The records may include both data record-
running direction that is in the majority. Equalizing ed on forms and printouts of data recorded in computer
the number of runnings in each direction prevents this memory. To be incorporated into the National Geodetic
bias. Vertical Control Network, they must provide data suffi-
Notify the project office if more than four runnings cient to meet the requirements of the Federal Geodetic
are required to close the section. To prevent excessive Control Committee, which are published in Input
releveling, check that the leveling rods are being placed Formats and Specifications of the National Geodetic
on the control points correctly and check that the points Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morrison 1980: vol. II,
themselves are stable. Record any unusual features of ch. 6). Whatever form is used, the records must be care-
the points in the leveling data. Check and adjust the fully preserved by the leveling unit until (hey are sub-
rods and the instrument, especially the circular levels. mitted to the project office. Their preparation and sub-
On subsequent runnings, try shortening the sighting mittal are the subjects of this subchapter.
distances, balancing setups more precisely, varying
3.8.1 Recording Observations
the routes, and changing the duties of the unit mem-
bers. Try to make subsequent runnings when the air- Leveling observations can be collected by using one
temperature difference is negative and less than I C of two methods. Observations may be either (I) written

(20 F). (See sec. 3.6.1, "Measuring air-temperature on a recording form, or (2) keyed into computer memo-
differences. ") ry and recorded on a magnetic tape or disk, supplemented
Rejection procedure. After three or more runnings with a backup form if required. The computer-recording
of a section, check for agreement and reject blunders method is preferred to reduce errors and to simplify
as follows. (See example in table 3-7.) checking and archiving the data. Nevertheless, both
I. Compute the mean of all the runnings (disregard methods require that the recorder prepare clear, cor-
the signs), including those that have been rejected before. rect, and complete records.
2. Compute the differences between the mean and When observations are written, the recording form
each running, the mean value minus each running value. serves both as a record and as a reminder of the checks
3. Compute the allowable difference from the mean. and computations to be made. When observations are
It is based on the order and class of the survey, the keyed, the backup recording form serves as a record to
number of runnings that were meaned, and the length verify information that cannot be checked by the com-
of the section. The formula is tX yK, where t is the puter. Use standard recording forms, as illustrated in
appropriate factor from table 3-1 for the order and class the figures in this manual.
of the survey, and K is the section length in kilometers. For Be sure to record correct identifying information. This
example, if the survey is first order, class I, four' runnings cannot be overemphasized. Mistakes in any of the fol-
were meaned, and the section length is 1.51 km, and the lowing entries will cause false elevation differences to
allowable difference is 2.33 X yI.5. = :t 2.85 mm. be computed when leveling data are processed.
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-67

Table 3-7.-Example of rejection procedure for first-order, class II leveling

Elevation Difference
Date Direction Distance difference from mean Explanation
(km) (m) (mm)

10/11 F 0.82 -2.43152 Two runnings of a section are made.

10/12 B 0.83 2.43752 Their difference is B+F=6.00 mm.
The tolerance is 3 X yO.82 = :!:2.72 mm.
Since the difference exceeds the tolerance,
the section is releveled.

10/11 F 0.82 -2.43152 +1.67 The mean of the three runnings and the differences
10/12 B 0.83 2.43752 R -4.33 from the mean are computed. The allowable
10/12 F 0.82 - 2.43052 +2.67 difference is 2.lOX yO.&2=:!: 1.90 mm. The second
Mean=2.43319 and third runnings are both outside the allowable.
Rejecting the worst leaves only two forward
runnings, so the section is releveled.

lO/lI F 0.82 -2.43152 +2.90 The mean and differences are computed for all four
10/12 B 0.83 2.43752 -3.10 runnings. The allowable is2.33X yO.82=:!: 2.11 rnm.
10/12 F 0.82 - 2.43052 R +3.90 All are outside the "allowable. Rejecting only the
10/13 B 0.82 2.43810 -3.68 worst, tiie third running, a new mean is computed.
Mean=2.43442 The allowable for three runnings is, as before
F 0.82 -2.43152 R +4.19 :!:1.90 mm. Rejecting the worst, (the first)
B 0.83 2.43752 -1.81 leaves only two backward runnings, so the section
B 0.82 2.438 I 0 -2.39 is releveled.

10/" F 0.82 -2.43152 +3.64 The mean and differences are

10/12 B 0.83 2.43752 -2.36 computed for the five runnings. The allowable
10/12 F 0.82 - 2.43052 R +4.64 is 2.48 X yO.82= :!:2.25mm. Rejecting the
10/13 B 0.82 2.43810 -2.94 worst, a new mean is computed.
10/13 F 0.83 -2.43812 -2.96

F 0.82 -2.43152 R +4.80 The allowable for four runnings is, as before,
B 0.83 2.43752 - 1.20 :!:2.1 I mm. The first running is rejected, and
B 0.82 2.438 10 - 1.78 then a new mean computed. The allowable
F 0.83 -2.43812 - 1.80 for three runnings, is as before, :!: 1.90 mm.
Mean = 2.4632 Since all differences are within the allowable,
B 0.83 2.43752 +0.39 and at least one forward running and one
B 0.82 2.43810 -0.19 backward running are accepted,
F 0.83 -2.43812 -0.21 the section is closed!
Mean = 2.43791

The recorded stamping, or designation of each con- Write observations and remarks neatly in ink. Never
trol point, and its corresponding survey-point serial recopy original records. If a mistake is made when com-
number determine the order in which the line is abstract- puting, draw a straight line through the error and write
ed. This order must correspond to the way the line was the correct value above it. (See fig. 3-71.) If a mistake
actually leveled. is made when recording a rod reading, reobserve the
The recorded date, time zone, and time must be ac-
curate because observations are stored and sorted Table 3-8.-U.S. Navy time zone designations
chronologically. Corrections for collimation error, re-
fraction, tidal accelerations, and scale error are applied Standard Daylight Time Time Zone U.S. Navy
accordingly. Time zones should be coded according to time time meridian description designa tim!
the alphabetical system of the U.S. Navy. (See table
3-8 for the codes applying to North America.) Atlantic AST Eastern EDT 60W Q(Quebec)
+ 4
Finally, recorded descriptions of the equipment Eastern EST Central COT 75W + 5 R (Romeo)
and the corresponding serial numbers determine Central CST Mountain MDT 90W + 6 S (Sierra)
which collimation and calibration corrections are to Mountain MST Pacific PDT 105W + 7 T (Tango)
Pacific PST Yukon YOT 120W + 8 U (Uniform)
be applied. The make and model of rods and instruments
Yukon YST AK/HI HDT 135W + 9 V (Victor)
should be specified by code if possible:. (See sec. 3.2.2, AK/HI HST Bering BOT 150W W(Whiskey)
"Equipment. ")
3-68 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

setup and record the new readings on a new line. Crossed- To obtain the greatest benefit from a computer, the
out or illegible readings in written data are like read- equipment selected should meet the general requirements
ings missing from a computer-recorded tape: the en- given in this section. To collect data reliably, the com-
tire section must be rejected. puter and its power supply must be maintained proper-
When computing, round results to the appropriate ly. To collect data accurately, the computer must be
number of decimal places. Elevation differences should programed and operated correctly.
usually be expressed in meters to five decimal places General requirements. Computer-recording equip-
(four decimal places in three-wire leveling). Distances ment for leveling should be manufactured for the field
should be expressed in meters to one decimal place or environment. The equipment must withstand frequent
in kilometers to two decimal places. Some calculators exposure to dust, water, and vibration. It should be
do not automatically round the result when displaying portable, weighing no more than 10 kg. It should be
fewer decimal places than were computed. If using such a capable of operating continuously from an internal power
calculator, look at one extra decimal place and then supply for at least 6 hours and from both 115 V AC
round the result. If the number to be rounded ends with and 12 V DC external power supplies. It should not
the numeral "5", round to the nearest even number. lose stored data if the power supply is interrupted or
For example, the collimation factor +0.0135 mm/m exhausted.
rounds to +0.014 mm/m, and the elevation difference Data may be recorded and stored on a tape or disk, or
-2.148145 m rounds to -2.14814 m. in the computer memory. If recorded in memory, data
Compute reading checks carefully. If they are com- must be easily retrieved for rapid transfer onto a tape
puted incorrectly and one or more setups are accepted or disk or by telephone into a central computer. The
which do not meet the tolerance, the section must be output format should be compatible with the computer
releveled. This type of blunder can occur anytime that facilities of the project office.
observations are written; it can also occur when pre- The computer should be programmable and should
liminary information is stored incorrectly in a computer. have an alphanumeric keyboard with a numeric clus-
The observer should check for such blunders as work ter. The keyboard permits the stampings on control points
progresses. to be entered in addition to survey-point serial numbers.
Use the "remarks" column (or computer comment It also permits direct entry of remarks and simplifies
lines) freely. Record any activity or event which may the coding of other information. The display should be
affect the quality of leveling, such as frequent failure easy to read and should have at least 32 characters. At
of reading checks, unusual atmospheric conditions, or least 20,000 bytes of memory should be available for
difficulties with the computer-recording equipment. storing both programs and data.
Give a complete description of the situation: time at Maintenance. One person in the leveling unit (usually
which the activity occurred, the setup number, what the recorder) should be responsible for maintaining the
happened, and the way it was handled. Be specific. {n- computer-recording equipment. Carefully follow the
elude the names of personnel involved and the serial instructions provided with the equipment. Protect it
numbers of the affected equipment. from exposure to dust, water, and vibration. The more
At the end of the day, the unit chief should check self-contained and rugged the equipment is, the bet-
and initial the recorder's work. Be sure to check that ter; however, it must still be kept elean and be handled
the designations and survey-point serial numbers are with care.
correct, as well as the other identifying information. If Sticky or dirty keys on a computer keyboard make
mistakes are found that may require editing of a data recording difficult. Protect the keyboard by taping a
tape or disk, do not attempt to correct them. Instead, thin sheet of plastic over it. When leveling data are
note and explain the correction required on a comment recorded on magnetic tapes or disks, the data are high-
record in the computer or on the appropriate backup ly vulnerable to alteration or erasure caused by dirty
form. recording apparatus. Therefore, learn the proper method
for cleaning the equipment, and clean it at least weekly.
Data may also be altered or erased if the equipment
3.8.2 Computer-Recording Equipment
is exposed to shock or excessive vibration during the
Portable computers have revolutionized record- recording process. As a result, do not transport the
ing procedures. Specially designed computer-record- equipment while data are being recorded. When data
ing equipment permits observations to be checked are stored in the computer memory, dropping the equip-
at the time they are made, nearly eliminating reading ment or striking it against objects may erase or render
and recording blunders from accepted data. The equip- inaccessible the results of an entire day's work. For the
ment also permits all field observations to be stored same reason, keep magnetic material away from the
in data packages that can be easily transferred to computer and data packages.
more powerful computers, simplifying the subsequent Battery care. For computer-recording equipment to
checks, correction, analysis, and adjustment of the operate reliably, the batteries must be properly charged
data. and maintained. The nickel-cadmium batteries used
Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-69

in most portable computers should be recharged at regu- More blunders can be eliminated if the system includes
lar intervals, either nightly or as instructed. They should prompts and checks for running records and survey-
be protected from overcharging by a voltage regulator. equipment records. In such a system the recorder must
They should also be "cycled," or discharged completely again select the appropriate program to use, but pro-
and recharged, at least once a month and after a period gramed control of the observing routine is extended to
of storage. They should be stored in a cool, dry place. include the entire section.
Built-in batteries, if properly .charged, should pro- The most sophisticated system should prompt for and
vide enough power for a day's work. However, to pre- check all the data collected by the leveling unit each
vent loss of time if they fail, keep two alternate power day. Prompts s.hould include the following: date, line
supplies available: a spare battery pack and a hookup number, survey-equipment record, daily equipment
to the battery of the leveling vehicle. Maintain the spare checks (such as the collimation check), weekly checks
pack in the same way as the built-in batteries. (such as the compensation test), running records, and
Data packages. For submittal to the project office, observations. Subroutines, such as the collimation check,
leveling data are normally stored on a tape or disk. Use should be accessed by the master program when required.
a separate tape or disk to record each day's data. If Constants, such as the collimation factor, should be
data are recorded directly onto a tape, precondition computed and retained in computer memory from day
the tape before work begins. Keep a supply of clean to day. Separate options should be available for each
tapes in the leveling vehicle, in case a tape is defective. order and class of survey. The results of multiple run-
If data are stored in computer memory, print out or nings of a section should be checked automatically.
record the data onto a tape or disk immediately after Precautions. When using computer programs, the
the day's leveling is completed. Instructions for sub- recorder must observe the following precautions.
mitting data packages appear in section 3.8.4. Learn to glance at each displayed rod reading immedi-
Programs. When recording observations into a com- ately after keying it and before entering it. Gross mis-
puter, use only the standard programs specified in the takes (such as misplaced decimal points and double-
project instructions. The recorder should become keyed numbers) may then be deleted and corrected be-
thoroughly familiar with the programs by studying ac- fore the entire setup is rejected.
companying documentation and instructions. Although Never write over or erase the data for a setup. Enter
knowledge of programing techniques is not essential, it a remark if necessary. If a section must be terminated,
is helpful when troubleshooting in the field. enter a rejection record. Learn how to avoid erasing
Recording programs should prompt the recorder for data accidentally. Learn how to reprogram the computer
the necessary data at the appropriate time in the if the program or data are lost because of a battery
observing routine. They should incorporate as many change or other power failure.
checks for blunders as possible. They should record Avoid using computer-recording equipment near a
observations twice on tapes or disks, to increase the source of high-energy radio-frequency emissions.
chance of retrieving at least one complete set of ob- Depending on their frequency, such sources as air-
servations if some data are destroyed or made inacces- navigation, television, and radio transmitters may in-
sible by imperfections in the system. For leveling data terfere with normal computer operation.
to be included in the National Geodetic Vertical Con-
trol Network, the programs should format the data as
3.8.3 Field Abstract
described in Input Formats and Specifications of the
National Geodetic Survey Data Base (Pfeifer and Morri- The field abstract is a complete summary of the ele-
son 1980: vol. II, ch. 6). vation differences measured between the control points in
Depending on the capabilities of the equipment, a a line. On the abstract, points are listed in the order in
system of programs can control the observing routine which they are connected by leveling. For every pair of
at one of three levels: the setup, the section, or the day. points, the elevation differences from one or more run-
The most basic system prompts the recorder for the nings are recorded. These are added to the elevation
observations, checks them for blunders, and records assigned to the beginning point, to obtain the field ele-
them at each setup. Using a backup form as a guide, vation for each point on the line.
the recorder must enter the running records for each If all observations are written on recording forms, a
section and the survey-equipment records for each day. field abstract must be prepared and submitted to the
Separate programs are used for each order and class of project office. If observations are recorded with a com-
survey, and to observe and compute the collimation and puter, the abstract, although not required, should still
compensation checks. Although this system nearly elimi- be prepared. Since observations must be submitted daily,
nates blunders at each setup, it allows blunders in sec- the abstract provides the leveling unit with the only
tion and equipment information to remain undetected record of which sections require additional leveling and
in the field. Therefore, a backup recording form, such which portions of the line have been completed. Multi-
as shown in figure 3-70, must be maintained to permit ple runnings, check points, and ties can be recorded
verification of the data. and checked on the abstract.
3-70 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

The abstract, by itself, is not an acceptable substi- 3. On the first sheet, skip the first line. Enter the
tute for the actual observations, no matter how they survey-point serial number and designation of the be-
are recorded. It must always be accompanied by the ginning point on the second line. Enter the beginning
original recording forms or printouts of the original distance, 0.00, in column D. In column H, enter the
observations recorded on a computer. adjusted elevation from the most recently published
Instructions. For leveling to be included in the na- description of the point. If the point is new to the na-
tional network, use NOAA Form 76-188, "Geodetic tional network, do not enter a beginning distance or
Leveling Line Identification" (fig. 3-83), and NOAA elevation until a point with a published elevation is lev-
Form 76-187, "Geodetic Leveling Field Abstract." A eled. The beginning point and elevation are normally
single-run portion of line (fig. 3-84) is abstracted in assigned by the project office, as described in sec-
figure 3-85. A double-run portion of line (fig. 3-86) is tion 5.4.2.
abstracted in figure 3-87. Prepare and compute the
4. Enter the results for each section on subsequent
abstract as follows:
records. The ending point of one section must correspond
I. Prepare a cover sheet for the abstract. Only the
to the beginning point of the next. Write the designa-
portions of the form that are circled in the example
tion of the beginning point for a forward running on
need be filled out by the leveling unit. When observers,
recorders, rods, or instruments change, add the initials line *30*. Write the survey-point serial number and
or serial numbers and dates of change to the form. Submit designation of the ending point on the line labeled "TO."
the abstract form to the project office when the level- As shown in columns C, D, E, and F, write the date,
ing line has been completed. direction, distance, and elevation difference for each
2. On the abstract, enter the accession number for running. Always write the results of the first forward
the line, if known. If the accession number is not avail- running on line *30*. If more than two runnings are
able, enter the line number, job code, and project title. made, write the designation of the ending point on the
Enter the line title, corresponding to the direction of next available line labeled "TO."
leveling. Be sure to circle the appropriate units of dis- 5. Check that sections with more than one running
tance and elevation difference. Include this informa- are closed. Indicate rejected runnings with the letter
tion on every sheet of the abstract. "R" in red ink.



b _ /2- J 17 ?
R 3"2. $1.00 /



231 - 908'2.s

u. S.Governmenl lnllngOlllce: 1916-765-005/1062, Region No.6

Figure 3-83.-Leveling line identification.

Chapter 3-Geodetic Leveling 3-71
"0A....0....7._187 ~,. .,
on,.'" ~...O<,'D ..."'.",
9001 £XA tI1 fL £ ...'","'",.

9000 ".," J SH££Ti.s-

""'lL H6Z LZ'f47'1 ilA/E 3Ml NGVD
TlTt.1t "'
FiRST oJ!.D£R ~S5~
I(A) tBJ 7, ,, oJ(;) (F) Q (;;)._
.n ,... ..".@w o,,,.£.u,",n:8FT
DIS;i~C£ . ._"
./t OfF.IE

~.. ,/l ,4,D'
..........0.. u. ..",..
; / 0.1 +- S:11.z3lJ
.- +s:.rfZ,o

.. ~[ If~,'" 0,1"
. L/.,Z!i"o
........- 2~.~ I~<~r. IfD,t., tHO '5:"',,-L. IS. ",~(,.z

~,. M IJ. 0." 11 .2.. t.,!-

..........- V. U., J /."0 zo3lL + I, ZD'1il

~.. ,x
, .b
Iff". 'f/fZ~
.X I,', O.[5'~~o
'M'C'_ " 6 / ~I b./SS":JO
'.~1 'l'f7. S745t
'. ,804<1'"
.JO....O.. .......d F ~4-tJ
_ IS(j1Jl
.. ,F8 (....t + D.,~1.1t .of +- O.IS5~'
.LU.-' .H - o.I$n.1 ..-
.)0.....0.. ..-
~.. .Y. ..'" 1Y~.13013
I.y. < .5Z ,11 D.~1"Z.
3703 O",,"n._ -0.'1''''
SZ I- ~.'1Jo1
~.. I... '.1. l tS 1fT 0570/
,): 11 ~.1 I./ZS"IO I lZJ8J
--....- ,8 u.zSb
~,. AI ,II.!. {".tl "oW'if' ."'~.~

,/I 4,M.
G .t&!.
,- 11.' 5'
+ I. JZ.3-ts
~ u.
.,,,n_..,,o "' '/.~
"..."ou "'_H' u .............
""'.~..." n..",.. ,...,UI..,." c'"'
"~ A""

Figure 3-84.-Sketch of single-run leveling. Figure 3-85.-Abstract of single-run leveling.

1001 ~0''1076_''1 .......0....1.
oe£A"'C .....0 ATMO~_E"'c
£XAMPL£ "D'''~I~'''''''(I
"Oll. $NEE~ )_~.m
HGZ L Z3 791 / OF IZ

1002 ."......".e~ , f,
..~. OlSf"Ne'!' . _18+FI ..
Of..IE.UIO'TO'@f"T 0.. ./I ./t O/".E.

'N'''_ " "
UM.h .. AI "'AU. .'.7. II.K, ,,- i'nts-7
.00. ....0..
,/ ...
H" . ",.
D.~ - Z.Zt~LI
+ 2.2.2 .21 +Z.ZZ.'/3
~.. ,1\ H,~ ", D."- ".lfS"17
......_ ,1\ H.Z. ".10 -I-3.IWI,7 -.'1'1
~II 0.14 3. I'NZ '3
. . .I'i'i.'f£
~'. ,n,""(1\ .'iI -.. 7.' o'
...,...""", I... ,I'll, 1.1"
;J.'f5JZZ. !H.s. 3..~Z'fS"
*8 +'. "ISII.'
!JOO'.I .. I,ll 1,11. '_S'I ..' 3.r,,'
JI ('/, , IF ~.10-o."HI
.>OJ.''''O'' II I.' - o. fJ 11Z
D.11 0.113 3
.LU.-' .. ./1 0.10 O.13'''S

,~3. ,(E:S,E,T.I f,' ~'.ff 12.11 Z. 'S31S
...,.,.,,- Zo,IIE<ET 11..7- , .I.ot. rZ.'iJf76 v Z.13'"
." _2.'IJ'S~
.. ~,7.,,,3./ I/,ot ".71 5'.3fl"
.....,,,- ,n '0'1.1, o 7~ -I. .'i1(., -.zl
~II D.b' -+1."'/7'" - .''In'i I
1M!. .. ,Z 3,>/ Z.IO -.f S".31zs-a-..i
.....FAO.. 3,'"
F tJ.rz -H. zz.'/</' .. ...UY"l'__!
D.n - 3.zz.o.l1 ,
LMa .. rr.SI'I." l.ft
-.5' ("I"':J.!!~

F _,10
.......AO.. oAS" -o,t1s0r D.l7S/3-
/I SI o.t751'
/.Ooo.t .u; .1, ,, UVllL j
/008 ",ut!..u 3.' -
,,,,,~,,,""De.. " '''''UI.O.t!O,UH'D''''OU..O..
~ ~ "'_aJ ...,e O.'OLiEn:.
~ "NO,......

Figure 3-86.-Sketch of double-run leveling. Figure 3-87.-Abstract of double-run leveling.

3-72 NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3, Geodetic Leveling

6. Compute the mean of the accepted elevation dif- Send other types of records, including backup material
ferences for each section. Write the mean in column H, (duplicates of transmitted data) by certified mail. Retain
on the same line as the first forward running. Assign to the receipts and send them with the weekly status re-
the mean the sign of the forward running. port. Arrange the work schedule to allow visits to the
7. If there are two runnings, compute the difference post office when the facility is open. If this is not prac-
in millimeters between the forward and backward run- tical, send records by first class mail. When records
nings. Enter the difference in column G, with the sign are needed immediately, as at the end of a project, make
of whichever number is smaller. If there are more than special arrangements to send them to the office by courier
two runnings, compute the difference between the means or express mail.
of the forward and backward runnings. Magnetic tapes and disks. Data recorded on magnetic
8. Draw a box in red ink around every spur of the tapes or disks are particularly vulnerable to alteration or
line, as shown in the example. For a spur-on-a-spur, loss. This may occur especially if they are stored for long
draw an additional, nested box. If any sections connect periods under field conditions or exposed to X-rays or
to form a loop, show the longer route as a spur and the strong magnetic fields while enroute to the project office.
shorter route as part of the main line. If data packages must be collected and stored in the
9. To the beginning distance, add the shortest dis- field for any length of time, keep them in a rigid, non-
tance for each of the sections leveled so far. Write the magnetic container. When they are sent through the
total in column E, on the dark line across from the des- mail, enclose them in an appropriate mailer. Magnetic
ignation of the point leveled to. When the end of a spur tapes may be sent in aluminum boxes and placed with the
is reached, be sure to return to the point at the base of accompanying backup forms inside preaddressed, padded
the spur to continue computing the distance along the envelopes. Magnetic disks should be similarly packaged.
main line.
10. Similarly, to the beginning elevation add the el-
evation differences of the sections leveled so far. Write 3.9 References
the total in column H, on the same line as the distance. Bodnar, Jr., A. N., 1977: User's Guide for the Estab-
When the end of a spur is reached, return to the point lishment of Tidal Bench Marks and Leveling Re-
at the base of the spur to continue computing the eleva- quirements for Tide Stations. National Ocean Sur-
tions of points on the main line. Total column G in the vey (C233), NOAA, Rockville, Md. 20852 (in press).
same manner. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1965: Manual of tide
11. Start subsequent sheets of the abstract on the observations. Publication 30-1, National Ocean Sur-
first line, beginning with the point from the last line of vey (C233), NOAA, Rockville, Md. 20852, 77 pp.
the previous sheet. Federal Geodetic Control Committee, 1974: Classifi-
cation, Standards of Accuracy, and General Speci-
3.8.4 Submitting Records to the Project Office fications of Geodetic Control Surveys, 14 pp. (Sold
The unit chief is responsible for field records until as a set with the following companion publication).
they have been submitted to the project office. Submit Federal Geodetic Control Committee, 1975, revised
records of observations daily. Submit completed abstract 1980: Specifications to Support Classification,
sheets weekly, together with the weekly status reports. Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications
Package each day's records separately. Thus, if a of Geodetic Control Surveys. Superintendent of Doc-
package is lost or damaged, only one day's work at most uments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash-
need be repeated. Label the package with the follow- ington, D.C. 20402, 50 pp.
ing information: accession number or line number, date, Greenawalt, B. and Floyd R. P., 1980: National Geo-
initials of the unit chief, and, if data are recorded on a detic Survey Operations Manual. NGS Operations
tape or disk, the serial number of the recording equip- Division, NOAA/NOS, Rockville, Md. 20852 (un-
ment. If many units are operating from the same proj- published manuscript).
ect office, each unit should use labels of a unique color, Pfeifer, L. and Morrison, N. L., 1980: Input Formats
so the data packages can be easily distinguished. and Specifications of the National Geodetic Survey
When working near the project office, submit records Data Base, vol. II: Vertical control data, Federal
in person at the end of work each day. When working at Geodetic Control Committee. National Geodetic
some distance from the office, transmit observations Information Center, NOAA/NOS, Rockville, Md.
recorded in a computer directly over a telephone line. 20852, 136 pp.
Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction Intercepting targets. To reduce pointing error when

the sighting distance exceeds the limits for the order
In geodetic leveling, when the sighting distance and and class of the survey, a series of repeated scale read-
setup imbalance cannot be confined to the maximum ings should be made for each required observation.
specified for the order and class of the survey, a special Pointing error may be further reduced by observing the
procedure must be followed. Because it is most com- crossing under favorable environmental conditions. Even
monly required when a line of leveling crosses a river, so, a scale with line graduations does not provide an
the procedure is termed a river crossing. However, the image which can be intercepted with sufficient precision
procedure may be required over any type of terrain. In at sighting distances greater than about 80 m (260 ft).
the following paragraphs, general procedures and re- Similarly, a scale with I-em block graduations does
quirements for a river crossing are explained. Detailed not provide a sufficiently precise image at distances
instructions for two river-<:rossing routines are presented over about 160 m (530 ft).
in the remainder of the chapter. A better image is provided by a target or directional
Leveling errors that are a function of sighting dis- light, attached to the rod or other vertical support. A
tance are greatly magnified when an unusually long target should provide an image similar in size to that of
sight is observed, as shown in figure 4-1. The gradua- a scale graduation viewed at about 50 m (165 ft) through
tions on a geodetic leveling rod either cannot be seen or the instrument. It should have a sharply defined shape
do not provide a sufficiently definite image, especially and be symmetrical about the horizontal axis. An isos-
when shimmer is present. As a result, pointing error is celes triangle is practical because the slopes of the sides
greatly increased. Since the sighting distances of such define the center of the target throughout a wide range
a setup usually cannot be balanced, the effects of col- of sighting distances.
limation error and curvature cannot be limited in the A precise method for making scale readings employs
usual manner. (See sec. 3.1.2, "Leveling instrument.") two targets. One target is placed above and the other
Furthermore, even if the setup can be balanced, refraction below the point where the horizontal line of sight is
may be large and unpredictable because of variations estimated to intercept the support. The line of sight is
in the atmospheric conditions along the lines of sight, then tilted by the amounts necessary to intercept each
particularly if the line of sight passes over water. target and to return to a horizontal position. The inter-

Refracted line of sight

Line of CX5

Horizontal surface c
level Surface

Figure 4-1.-Curvature, c, refraction, r, and tbe effect, Cxs, of collimation error, a,

are magnified by a long sigbting distance.

Chapter 4-River or Valley Crossing 4-3

The collimation errors of the instruments call and do

change somewhat when they are transported from one
side to the other (as a result of temperature changes,
l8Y.1 8U".;';--
vibration, and shocks during transport). increasing the
uncertainty of the results. However, when less than first-
order precision' is required, a procedure employing this
technique may be used. (See 4.4.)
Sklo. Multiple runnings. One complete running of a river
crossing, then, must include the equivalent of four set-
ups: two sets of simultaneous reciprocal observations,
with the instruments for one set providing lines of sight
reciprocally collimated to those provided by the in-
HorlZOqI.' IIn.
struments for the other set. To permit a check of the
0'.' ht
results, a second complete running must be made. Al-
-L.y.' surlac.
F though both runnings are computed as though they were
observed in the forward direction, they constitute a
-4H double-run .section because forward and backward level-
ings (the two reciprocal setups) are incorporated within
Ski. B each running. The results of the two runnings should
close within the tolerance for the order and class of the
survey, as described in subchapter 3.7.7.
Figure 4-3.- The effects of cunture, c, cancel if a pair
of reciprocal setups are observed and the results, i3.hA
and i3.hlPare meaned.
4.2 Preparations
In most vertical control projects, river crossings occur
infrequently. As a result, when' river crossing is nec-
Carefully determined values for collimation factors C, essary it requires special preparations. To ensure that
and C, might be used to correct the result, but at long it is conducted correctly and efficiently, the project
sighting distances the magnitude of the correction is director should first review the procedures outlined in
very large, as is the corresponding uncertainty.
Reciprocal collimation. To limit the effect of differ-
ent collimation errors more effectively, four instruments
with special attachments should be employed, two on
Side A
each side of the crossing. During one set of simultaneous

observations, each instrument pair should be repeatedly

placed in reciprocal collimation; that is, the collima-
tion error of one instrument should be adjusted to be
equal and opposite to that of the other. (The lines
of sight thus obtained are analogous to those provided
by the two compensator positions of the NI 002, sec- 'F
tion 3.3.3. In this way, the mean collimation error
of the instruments is minimized, and, as shown in
figure 4-5, Sklo.

This principle is applied in the observing procedure used

with Zeiss River Crossing Equipment. (See sec. 4.3.)
Another technique for reducing the effect of dif-
ferent collimation errors, requiring only two ordinary
instruments, is to interchange the instruments between
two sets of simultaneous observations, each set includ-
Figure 4-4.- The effects of refraction, r, cancel when
ing the setups illustrated in figure 4-4. The mean of
the results of a set of simultaneous, reciprocal obser-
the results of the sets is the elevation difference for
vations are meaned; however, the collimation error of
the section:
one instrument, "'I! is only partly offset by the colli-
mation error of the other instrument, "',.
Chapter 4-River or Valley Crossing 4-5

Recorders. Recorders should ensure that all steps in 4.3 Instructions for Zeiss River
the crossing routine are completed in the correct se- Crossing Equipment
quence. They must be thoroughly familiar with proce-
dures for recording and computing the data, either on Because the compensator instruments employed by the
paper or with a computer-recording system. Accuracy National Geodetic Survey have no mechanism for pre-
and efficiency are especially important, since many read- cisely tilting and measuring the tilt of the line of sight,
ings must be entered during a short period of time. Zeiss River Crossing Equipment is normally used to
Rodmen. At each side of the crossing a rodman is perform a river crossing. The equipment includes in-
responsible for one leveling rod. The rod is guyed in struments with rotary-wedge attachments that enable
place over the bench mark for the duration of the crossing, the observers to tilt the line of sight by a precisely mea-
the rodman ensures that it is plumb and secure at all sured amount.
times. If more than one setup is required between the The equipment has two other versatile features. Fi11!t,
target station and the control point, the rodman holds a so instruments need not be transported from one side of
second rod on a turning point. The rodman may be re- the crossing to the other, four instruments are employed.
sponsible for setting the target(s), and measuring and Each pair of instruments is placed in reciprocal colli-
reporting the target heights, as required. mation, enhancing accuracy by limiting the mean col-
limation error on each side to :t 0~'2.
4.2.3 Equipment Second, to permit more flexibility when selecting sites
for bench marks, target stations are used. The stations
Each side of a river crossing should have a leveling
are located close to the shoreline, where in methods
truck and a complete set of geodetic leveling equipment
using ordinary equipment the marks must be set. As a
(appendix A). Equipment appropriate to the crossing
result, the marks may be set farther away from the shore-
routine must be available. (See subchapter 4.3 or 4.4.)
line, improving their quality and potential for survival.
Even if Zeiss River Crossing Equipment is used, an
ordinary leveling instrument and rods should be used
4.3.1 Description of Equipment
to level between the bench mark and the target station.
In addition, two-way radios should be available to Two complete sets of Zeiss River Crossing Equipment
permit communication between the two stations. Sig- are necessary, one for each side of the crossing. Each
nal flags may be used if radios are not available. The set, labeled "A" or "B," includes the following:
observers raise the flags to indicate when foresight I. Two Zeiss Ni2 leveling instruments, marked "I"
observations are being made. and "2."
When instruments must be interchanged between 2. Two rotary-wedge attachments for the Ni2
stations, as for the method employing ordinary instru- instruments.
ments, a boat and operator may provide the most 3. One base plate for the Ni2 instruments.
efficient service. Other means of transport, which 4. Two targets.
may have to be obtained by contract, include a ferry 5. One target column.
or helicopter. 6; One tribrach.
7. One tripod, with adjustable legs, for the instrument
4.2.4 Environmental Conditions station.
Refraction effects are most unpredictable when a large 8. One tripod, for the target station.
vertical air-temperature difference exists, as is usual- 9. One auxiliary scale, 0.6 m in length, graduated
ly the case over water on a sunny, windless day. Shim- in units compatible with the ordinary leveling
mer can be extreme, making observations difficult. A equipment.
crossing should be conducted when refraction effects
Ni2 instrument. The Ni2 is illustrated in figure 3-18
are apt to be small and uniform-when the sky is overcast
and described in section 3.3.3. Before the river crossing
and the wind is moderate. Air-temperature differences
(sec. 3.6.1, "Measuring air-temperature differences") begIns, the collimation error of each instrument should
may be measured to assist in determining whether be~hecked. If one of the instruments is to be used for
conditions are favorable. lev~ing from the nearby target station to the nearby
Other environmental conditions may interfere with bench mark, a micrometer attachment may be required.
visibility, such as vessel traffic, large swells, wind waves, If so, the micrometer units should be compatible with
fog, or having to observe directly into the Sun. When- the units of the leveling rod used. (See sec. 3.3.4,
ever possible, plan the location and time of the crossing "Optical micrometer.")
to avoid these difficulties. Rotary-wedge attachment. Each rotary-wedge
The leveling unit(s) assigned to a crossing should check attachment slips over the objective end of an Ni2. The
each morning to see if conditions are suitable; if not, attachment includes a rotatable optical element, the
the units should resume routine leveling. To permit this, wedge, to which is attached a graduated scale. To be
the necessary equipment should be available in the level- sufficiently precise, the attachment must be of the best
ing trucks when a crossing is assigned. optical quality.
Chapter 4-River or Valley Crossing 4-19

second set. The results of each set are meaned to com- and stampings of the bench marks (designations if no
pute the elevation difference for the running. starn pings), running number, set number, local time
Two runnings are required for a complete crossing. zone and time, temperature units and temperature, wind
They can usually be completed in one day. (See table code, and sun code.
4-3 for a summary of the routine.) Conduct the following 2. BACKSIGHT: Level the instrument and point it
procedure simultaneously at each side of the crossing,
toward the nearby rod. Observe and record the inter-
recording the data on the standard forms for three-wire
leveling (fig. 4-22). cepts of the three reticle lines with the scale, as for
I. Prepare the beginning series record (line *42*). three-wire leveling. Compute the backsight intercept
Include the following: The survey-point serial numbers and distance.


Inst. 1, then 2.
Direction of leveling .. SIDE 8


Figure 4-20.-Setups for simultaneous reciprocal observations with ordinary leveling instruments,
top view (a) and side view (b). !!.H= 'h(!!.hSe'1+!!.hSe. 2)'

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